March 2022 - National Right to Life

Page created by Donald Tucker
March 2022 - National Right to Life
March 2022
March 2022 - National Right to Life
Kansas Senator Roger Marshall Introduces
“Ultrasound Informed Consent Act”
  WASHINGTON — Senator                                               making       the    life-or-death   these states have passed the
Roger Marshall (R-Kansas)                                            decision of abortion for her        revised NRLC model “Right to
has introduced legislation that                                      unborn child. This legislation      Know and See” that requires an
would require abortionists to                                        would give women the vital          ultrasound to be performed and
make an ultrasound available                                         information they need before        displayed for the mother to see.
to a woman seeking an                                                making        a    life-changing    Twenty-two (22) states have
abortion. Senator Marshall is a                                      decision.”                          passed an earlier NRLC model,
medical doctor specializing in                                         The “Ultrasound Informed          “Opportunity to View,” which
obstetrics.                                                          Consent Act” is designed to         requires that any ultrasound
  “We thank Senator Marshall                                         give women the option of            performed must allow the
for    his   dedication    and                                       observing an ultrasound of their    mother the opportunity to see
commitment to protecting                                             unborn child before having          her baby.
both women and their unborn                                          an abortion. The language of          Ultrasound legislation is in
children,” said Carol Tobias,                                        the bill is based on legislation    effect in 26 of the 28 states
president of National Right to                                       developed by National Right to      with two states (North Carolina
Life (NRL). “As a physician,                                         Life. Currently, 28 states have     and Montana) not in effect
Senator Marshall understands                                         some requirements providing
that mothers need as much                                            ultrasounds to pregnant mothers          See “Marshall,” page 21
information as possible before            Sen. Roger Marshall        prior to an abortion. Six of

Massive Spending Bill Preserves Prolife Protections,
including the Hyde Amendment
By Jennifer Popik, J.D., Director of Federal Legislation
  Late Thursday, March 9th,           On Friday President Biden      September, takes time to            life-saving policy.
the Senate passed a massive         signed a continuing resolution   make its way from Congress            While      campaigning      for
omnibus spending bill which         to fund the federal government   to the White House. Biden is        president, Biden reversed his
contains long-standing pro-                                                                              long-standing support for the
life protections, including                                                                              Hyde Amendment, which
the Hyde Amendment. This                                                                                 prevents tax-payer funding of
victory comes in the face of                                                                             abortion. In addition, Speaker
pro-abortion Democrats’ year-                                                                            Nancy       Pelosi     (D-Calif.)
long campaign to remove long-                                                                            announced in August 2021 that
established pro-life protections                                                                         she intended not to include long-
from spending packages.                                                                                  standing pro-life protections in
  The        $1.5        trillion                                                                        the 2022 appropriations bills.
appropriations package now                                                                                 House Appropriations Chair
heads to President Joe Biden’s                                                                           Rosa DeLauro, (D-Conn.),
desk, where he’s expected to                                                                             the first chair since 1977 to
sign it this week. The 12-bill      in the short term, averting      likely to sign the $1.5 trillion    remove Hyde in the original
omnibus is the result of months     a    government    shutdown.     appropriations bill next week.      bill, expressed frustration over
of negotiating, as well as a        The    Senate-passed   larger      This marks an impressive win
last-minute effort to add aid to    appropriations bill, which       for pro-life Republicans who                 See “Hyde,” page 27
Ukraine.                            funds the government through     worked hard to preserve this
March 2022 - National Right to Life
What do you know? President Biden says he
“won’t stand” for ban on abortion after 15 weeks
  It was short and not at all sweet–-a tweet in which pro-abortion
President Joe Biden said, “My administration will not stand for
the continued erosion of women’s constitutional rights.” He was
referring to the latest pro-life breakthrough: Florida’s bill banning
abortion after 15 weeks. (Later in the day, Gov. DeSanctis said he
would sign the legislation.)
  Not to be outdone, pro-abortion Vice President Kamala Harris
tweeted, “This bill is extreme by any standard. The right of women
to make decisions about their own bodies is non-negotiable.”
  The tweets followed “a roundtable discussion with Florida
reproductive rights advocates and elected leaders to discuss
Florida’s House Bill 5.”
  According to a readout of White House Meeting with Florida
Reproductive Rights Advocates
    During the meeting, Florida leaders shared their
    efforts opposing HB 5 and the steps they are taking
    to support women’s access to reproductive health
    care. Senior Administration Officials emphasized the
    Administration’s support of Floridians’ reproductive
    rights and thanked the leaders for their efforts. They
    also discussed the larger trend of state laws restricting
    access to critical reproductive health care in states
    across the country.                                                                   Pro-abortion President Joe Biden
                                            See “Biden,” page 29                               Photo: Gage Skidmore

Biden and his fellow pro-abortion Democrats have
lost massive ground among electorate
  Very early in his March 1 State of the Union Address--his second        The latter figure is very telling. During the campaign and into his
paragraph in fact--President Biden said, “Tonight, we meet as           first year as President, people separated how they felt about his job
Democrats Republicans and Independents. But most importantly            performance with how they felt about Biden as an individual. The
as Americans.”                                                          two lines are now crossing.
  If a raft of surveys is indicative, Americans—particularly              The public’s preference for which party they prefer to be in
Independents and Republican but even a growing number of                power—long a huge advantage for Democrats—has flipped.
Democrats—are growing more and more united in their disapproval         “46% of voters said they would back a Republican candidate for
of our 46th President.                                                  Congress if the election were today, compared with 41% who
  After a very brief reprieve, the downward spiral of Mr. Biden         favored a Democrat, with Republicans gaining support among
continues to pick up speed. Take the latest Wall Street Journal poll    Black and Hispanic voters since the last Journal poll,” the Wall
released last Friday.                                                   Street Journal’s Michael Bender reported.
  According to Guy Benson, when it comes to job approval,                 Very telling is the migration of minority voters into the
the President is underwater by 15 points—42% approval, 57%              Republican column. “The survey also found Republicans making
disapproval—“virtually unchanged from last November, when               gains among minority groups,” Bender wrote. “By 9 percentage
pro-Republican swings flipped the governorship in bluer Virginia        points, Hispanic voters in the new poll said they would back a
– and came surprisingly close to doing the same in bluer New            Republican candidate for Congress over a Democrat. The two
Jersey. His personal favorability has also eroded over the ensuing
months, dropping from (-11) to (-15).”                                                                         See “Democrats” page 32
March 2022 - National Right to Life
From the President
                                                 Carol Tobias
Let’s Make America Shine!
                       I was invited by Ibero-      During my panel discussion, I was asked         or dangers for her individual situation is
                     American        Congress     what I considered the biggest local (US) and      essential. In addition the visit presents the
                     for Life and Family          global challenges for the pro-life movement.      opportunity to conduct an ultrasound and/
                     (CIVF) to join them          I narrowed it down to two items.                  or the critical ability to date the pregnancy.
                     for some special events        The biggest battle we have is to make           The numbers of complications, failures and
                     in    Guatemala       last   sure Democrats in Congress do not have            incomplete abortions rise the farther along
                     week.     The president      the votes to enact a radical unlimited-           the woman is past the official 10-week
                     of    Guatemala,      Dr.    abortion-on-demand-for-all-nine-months-           cutoff.
                     Alejandro Giammattei,        of-pregnancy law as a national law--over-           As I watched President Giamattei unveil
was hosting a celebration that declared           riding the many pro-life laws in effect in        a monument declaring Guatemala “Pro-
Guatemala to be the “Pro-Life Capital of          the states. In addition, we must make sure        Life Capitol of Ibero-America,” I thought
Ibero-America.”                                   pro-abortionists do not add a sufficient          of my beloved country. For 400 years,
  In conjunction with this celebration, CIVF      number of justices to the Supreme Court           people around the world have looked to
was hosting its “6th Annual Assembly              to lock in that law for many, many years          America as a beacon of hope; the land
of the Ibero-American Congress for Life           to come. The “easy” solution is to elect          of freedom and liberty and opportunity.
and Family,” along with the “Continental          pro-life candidates, especially US Senate         Ronald Reagan called America a shining
Summit of Government Officials.” I was            candidates, in November.                          city on a hill.
asked to participate on a panel titled,             I explained why my biggest global                 But that light has dimmed. In 50 years,
“Defending Life: new global challenges”           concern is the abortion pill. Women are           we’ve killed more than 63 million unborn
for the Annual Assembly. I, of course,            basically being assured that killing their        children, and we’ve given billions of dollars
accepted the invitation with pleasure!            baby is about as easy as taking an aspirin.       to organizations that promote and perform
  The title of “Pro-Life Capital of Ibero-        The abortion pill is dangerous for baby and       abortions in developing countries.
America,” given to Guatemala, is well-
deserved. President Giamattei and the
congressional leadership are strongly
pro-life. The country’s law does not allow
abortion unless the mother’s life is in danger.
And Guatemala is the latest country to sign
on to the Geneva Consensus Declaration,
a critical effort coordinated by President
Trump’s administration.
  Initially signed by the US and 31
other countries, the Geneva Consensus
Declaration firmly states that there is no
international right to abortion and that every
country has the sovereign right to make
their own laws to protect innocent human
life. Guatemala became the 35th country to
sign the document.
  Guatemala would have been the 36th                      Guatemala President Dr. Alejandro Giammattei with NRLC President Carol Tobias
signatory but, unfortunately yet not              mother, and is becoming increasingly easier         Just maybe, this year, the US Supreme
surprisingly, one of Joe Biden’s first acts       to obtain.                                        Court will overturn Roe v Wade so we
as president was to withdraw the US as a            I addressed the way many of our state           can protect babies, at least in some states
signatory to the Declaration.                     affiliates are confronting the increased use of   (unless, as stated above, Democrats in
  The Assembly hosted by CIVF was                 mifepristone/misoprostol through legislation.     Congress pass a national pro-abortion
extremely encouraging. As you would               Various efforts include a requirement that        law). And we’ll work hard to elect another
expect, with a name like “Ibero-America,”         the abortionist inform women about the            president who won't fund abortion.
most attendees spoke Spanish and many             Abortion Pill Reversal process. Genuine             I want America, again, to be a light to the
were bilingual. They welcomed English-            informed consent should include making            world, promoting the sanctity and dignity of
only speakers from the US to the Assembly         sure a woman knows that, if she begins the        human life. But we have a lot of work to do.
in an effort to unite our goals and efforts on    two-drug chemical abortion technique but            We need to elect pro-life candidates in this
behalf of life.                                   changes her mind after taking the first drug      year’s elections. We need to educate more
  There were pastors who wanted to help           (mifepristone) but before taking the second       people about the humanity of the unborn
equip other pastors to promote life in their      dose of pills (misoprostol), she may be able      child and why we need to protect and defend
congregations. There were those who, like me,     to seek help to save her baby.                    our weakest and most vulnerable brothers
represented organizations that work to affect       Other provisions would prevent sending          and sisters. We need to help women who
public policy. Others work with pregnancy         abortion pills directly into a woman’s home       think their only or best option is killing their
centers and adoption promotion and post-          via mail. Requiring that the woman meet           child, and we need to provide support for
abortive women. The people in attendance          in-person with the abortion pill-prescribing      women who are dealing with post-abortion
represented a variety of interests and talents    doctor so that she can be given a physical        after-effects.
that make up the pro-life movement.               exam to determine possible complications            Let’s help America to shine!
March 2022 - National Right to Life
4      March 2022                             National Right to Life News                                  

Catherine Davis will be our Prayer Breakfast speaker at
the 2022 National Right to Life Convention
Roster of speaker for NRLC 2022 beginning to take shape
By Dave Andrusko

  We are excited to announce        issues that are impacting the     Institute›s Center on Human         to organizations across the
that we now have confirmation.      Black community.                  Exceptionalism and is Host of       country about the value of true
Catherine Davis will be               One of our most popular         their “Humanize” Podcast.           inspiration, lasting leadership
speaking    at    #NRLC2022         speakers will anchor the            For those of who are              principles,     the     dynamics
opening Prayer Breakfast,           General Session right after the   passionate about motivational       of teamwork, and fulfilling
June 24. Miss Davis is the          Prayer Breakfast. Wesley J.       speakers and football, Friday       potential.
founder and president of The        Smith, J.D. will be speaking      night NRLC 2022 welcomes              Closing out NRLC 2022 jam-
Restoration Project. She often      on “Preventing Technocracy        Super Bowl Champion &               packed two-day convention
                                                                                                          is Jim Daly. Many of you
                                                                                                          are familiar with Jim who
                                                                                                          is the president of Focus on
                                                                                                          the Family. The daily radio
                                                                                                          program which he hosts has a
                                                                                                          massive audience of more than
                                                                                                          5.6 million listeners a week and
                                                                                                          has been honored as Program
                                                                                                          of the Year by the National
                                                                                                          Religious Broadcasters. He will
                                                                                                          be joined by the winner of the
                                                                                                          National Right to Life Oratory
                                                                                                          Contest who will deliver his or
                                                                                                          her winning speech.
                                                                                                            When you attend the annual
                                                                                                          gathering of the pro-life family
                                                                                                          you will have your choice of
                                                                                                          nearly 50 workshops in addition
                                                                                                          to five general sessions, a
                                                                                                          Prayer Breakfast, in addition to
                                                                                                          the closing Banquet.
                                                                                                            Registration       information
                                                                                                          can be accessed at https://
                                                                                                            It may seem early but
                                                                                                          NRLC2022 is just a little over
                                                                                                          three months away. So do
                                                                                                          yourself, and National Right to
partners with the National Black    Crucial to Sanctity of Life.”     Author Matt Birk. A graduate        Life, a favor and register early.
Prolife Coalition, the Network      You are familiar with him         of Harvard University, Matt           This      two-day       pro-life
of Politically Active Christians,   as an author and repeat           was the recipient of the 2011       educational event of the year
and the Frederick Douglas           speaker at National Right to      Walter Payton NFL Man of the        will take place June 24-25
Foundation in an ongoing effort     Life Conventions. Wesley is       Year award for his excellence       at the Atlanta Airport Marriott
to educate Americans about the      now Chair, of the Discovery       on and off the field. Matt speaks   Hotel. I hope to see you there.
March 2022 - National Right to Life                         National Right to Life News                                                    March 2022         5
“But yet again, our colleagues wish to demonstrate that
the radical left fringe runs today’s Democratic Party”
By Dave Andrusko
  If you haven’t had the                   performance         of          further than codifying              to women’s health
opportunity to read “Senate                abortions to licensed           Roe v. Wade into                    care,     defend      the
Rejects Cloture on the                     physicians;                     federal law by barring              constitutional      right
Democrats’        Abortion      on    •    Bans on elective                states from enacting                affirmed by Roe, and
Demand Without Limits Bill”                abortion after 20               restrictions on abortion            protect the freedom of
on page six, please take a                 weeks      when     an          both later and earlier              all people to build their
few minutes out of your busy               unborn      child    is         in pregnancy.                       own future.
schedule to read NRLC’s                    capable of feeling
explanation. It is spot on and             pain;                         In explaining his vote in favor,     Pro-life Senate Republican
one of the very few places            •    Requirements        to       Sen. Tim Kaine pretended that       Leader Mitch McConnell, as
you’ll see the draconian nature            provide        women                                             he so often does, hammered the
of the laughably (or cynically)            with       information                                           Democrats for their extremism
misnamed “Women’s Health                   on alternatives to                                               and hypocrisy:
Protection Act” laid out in                abortion;                                                             With a cascade of
detail.                               •    Bans on the use of                                                  major crises testing
  To be clear the 46 votes for             abortion as a method                                                our country, Senate
and 48 votes against meant                 of sex selection, and                                               Democrats            are
supporters fell 14 votes short of          abortions done based                                                prioritizing a show
the 60 votes needed to overcome            on a diagnosis of a                                                 vote on mandating nine
a filibuster. Had the Senate               disability, including                                               months of abortion on
taken up the Women’s Health                Down Syndrome.                                                      demand across America.
Protection Act, it would have                                                                                    Senate      Democrats
“fallen short of the 50 votes          What     was     pro-abortion                                           want to go on the
needed for passage after Sen.        Majority     Leader      Charles                                          record supporting the
Joe Manchin, D-W.Va., joined         Schumer’s take, just prior to                                             radical and massively
Republicans in opposition,”          the vote?                                                                 unpopular proposition
according to NBC News’s Sahil            “We are here to throw                                                 that we should have
Kapur and Ali Vitali.                    cold water on the flames                                              functionally          no
  NRLC’s         explanation    of       of anti-women bigotry                                                 restrictions on abortion
the protective laws that the             and affirm five sacred         the WHPA would not affect the          whatsoever. …
measure (WHPA) would nullify             words: Abortion is a           Hyde Amendment—which he                  But yet again, our
included                                 fundamental right.”            supports—but merely uphold             colleagues wish to
  Nearly all Federal limits on                                          the “core holding of Roe v. Wade       demonstrate that the
taxpayer funding of abortion;          Five “sacred words” from         — that “women should be able           radical left fringe runs
  • Conscience             pro-      “anti-woman” bigots? Always        to make their own decisions            today’s      Democratic
        tection laws allowing        the gracious loser.                regarding           reproductive       Party.
        medical professionals          Predictably, we were told in     health without unreasonable              As the world prays for
        to      opt-out      of      a gazillion stories and on the     government interference.”              Ukraine and debates
        providing abortions;         floor of the House and Senate        White House Press Secretary          consequences         for
  • Requirements             to      that “all” the WHPA would do       Jen Psaki issued a statement           Putin… as American
        provide         women        would be “to codify Roe.” This     which ended with this:                 families contend with
        seeking abortion with        is fundamentally dishonest—            As dangerous new laws              violent crime, open
        specific information         not to mention inaccurate—but          proliferate in states              borders, and runaway
        on their unborn child;       what we’ve come to expect              across the country,                inflation… Washington
  • Laws             providing       from pro-abortionists the last         the       Biden-Harris             Democrats           want
        reflection      periods      fifty years.                           Administration       will          to spend their time
        (waiting periods);             Politico’s Alice Miranda             continue to explore the            arguing for unlimited
  • Laws              requiring      Ollstein was a conspicuous             measures and tools at              abortion on demand.
        parental        consent      exception:                             our disposal to stand up             I want to thank the
        or notification for              The      bill,    which            for women’s equality.              Majority Leader for
        minors seeking an                progressive lawmakers              This is a moment for               making it so clear
        abortion;                        have pushed since                  us to recommit to                  where      his   party’s
  • Laws limiting the                    2013, would have gone              strengthening access               priorities lie.
March 2022 - National Right to Life
6      March 2022                              National Right to Life News                                   

Voters Must Hold Democrats Accountable for Vote
on Abortion-Without-Limits Bill
By Karen Cross, National Right to Life Political Director
   On February 28, 2022, Senate      incumbents also signaled their     legislationthe centerpiece of        Republican      incumbent      in
Democrats voted in favor of          supportfor the radical proposal.   her entire campaign.                 2022, is facing a challenge
one of the most extreme pro-           In the key swing state of          In Ohio, which also has an         from several pro-abortion
abortion bills to ever come          Pennsylvania, which has an         open Senate seat in 2022,            Democrats. The two leading
before the U.S. Senate. The          open Senate seat up for grabs      Congressman          Tim   Ryan,     candidates for the Democratic
so-called “Women’s Health            in 2022, Democrat Senate           the leading candidate for            nomination are State Treasurer
Protection Act,” which could         hopefuls made no mystery of        the Democratic nomination,           Sarah       Godlewski         and
be more accurately called            where they stand. Lieutenant       voted for the House version          Lieutenant Governor Mandela
the “No-Limits-on-Abortion-          Governor John Fetterman has        of     the     bill.    Similarly,   Barnes.      Godlewski,      who
until-Birth Act,”would have          repeatedly tweeted his support     Congresswoman Val Demings,           received an early endorsement
enshrined abortion in federal        for the bill. Congressman          the      leading       Democratic    from EMILY’s List, urged
law and policies, and it would                                                                               urgent passage of the bill. She
overridden nearly all existing                                                                               even called on the Senate to
state laws.                                                                                                  eliminate the filibuster in order
   The motion to advance the                                                                                 to do so. Barnes tweeted his
bill failed (by a vote of 46-48),                                                                            support for the bill, claiming
but it shined a light on how                                                                                 “the stakes have never been
out of touch Senate Democrat                                                                                 higher” and that abortion
are with the American public                                                                                 without limits is one of the
on the issue of abortion. It                                                                                 reasons “we need Democrats in
also opens a door for pro-life                                                                               Congress.”
Senate candidates in 2022 to                                                                                   A January 2021 Marist
illustrate to voters the clear                                                                               poll found 86 percent of
contrast between their position                                                                              Republicans, 67 percent of
in favor of protections for                                                                                  Independents, and even 45
the unborn and that of their                                                                                 percent of Democrats support
opponents who have now in                                                                                    commonsense         limits     on
no uncertain terms endorsed                                                                                  abortion. Conversely, only
abortion on demand, for any                                                                                  11 percent of Republicans,
reason, until birth.                                                                                         30 percent of Independents,
   Several Senate Democrats                                                                                  and 51 percent of Democrats
in     competitive     reelection    Conor Lamb voted to advance        candidate hoping to take on          support abortion without any
fights later this year are now       the House version of the bill.     pro-life Senator Marco Rubio         restrictions.
on the record in support of          State Representative Malcolm       in Florida’s Senate race, also         The vote on the so-called
this extreme pro-abortion bill.      Kenyatta introduced a state-       voted in favor of the bill.          Women’s Health Protection Act
Senators Michael Bennet (D-          level version of the bill in         In North Carolina, the all-        has exposed the stranglehold
CO), Catherine Cortez Masto          the Pennsylvania House. It         but-assured         Democratic       that the abortion industry has
(D-NV), Maggie Hassan (D-            would establish a fundamental      nominee Cheri Beasley has            over the Democratic Party.
NH), and Mark Kelly (D-AZ)           “right to abortion” and            called for passage of the bill       “This legislation shows just how
voted in favor of the legislation.   override existing state pro-life   in public statementson her           rigid and uncompromising the
Senator Raphael Warnock (D-          protections including parental     website and on social media.         Democratic Party has become
GA) was out of town for the          involvement for minor girls,       She lamented that the Senate         on abortion,” said National
vote but had signed on as a          informed consent, a waiting        was unable to advance the bill,      Right to Life President Carol
cosponsor.                           period, a ban on sex-selective     tweeting “Enough is enough”          Tobias following the vote.
   Democrat incumbents are not       abortions, limits on taxpayer      and encouraged supporters              In 2022, voters should not
the only ones taking a stand for     funding of abortion, and           to donate to her campaign.           overlook the pro-abortion
abortion on demand without           more. Dr. Val Arkoosh, who         In Wisconsin, pro-life Senator       extremism advocated by Senate
limits. Democrat candidates          is endorsed by pro-abortion        Ron Johnson, who many                Democrats and their party’s
running for open seats and           fundraising giant EMILY’s          political observers believe to       Senate hopefuls. Instead, they
those challenging Republican         List, has made the radical         be the Senate’s most vulnerable      should hold them accountable.
March 2022 - National Right to Life                         National Right to Life News                                                     March 2022           7
Abortions Drop in Texas After Heartbeat Law
Advocates claim women just got abortions elsewhere
By Randall K. O’Bannon, Ph.D. NRL Director of Education & Research
  Whenever pro-life legislation      half that many, 2,164, a steep      the basis for the New York         But it does appear to show that
passes and goes into effect,         drop off of almost 60%.             Times claim that a lot of Texas    numbers of aborted minded
abortion advocates are anxious         Some of the drop may have         women simply traveled out of       women were not deterred by
to prove two things: 1) that the     been due to an August rush          state for their abortions comes    the law and simply traveled out
legislation doesn’t work; 2)         to obtain abortions before the      from a March 2022 TxPEP            of state to get their abortions.
that women have found a way          law took effect, but the 2,164      analysis titled “Out-of-State
around the law.                      was still close to half of the
  Both claims were made in a         4,313 those clinics reported for
recent piece in the New York         September of 2020.
Times, “Most Women Denied              Any way you look at things,
Abortions by Texas Law Got           the number of abortions
Them Another Way” (3/6/22).          performed by clinics in Texas
Citing a few recent studies and      took a nosedive once the law
analyses by abortion advocates,      became operative.
the Times claimed that while the
number of abortions performed        Going Elsewhere?
by Texas abortion clinics did go       Abortion advocates claim that
down with the implementation         Texas women simply got their
of their heartbeat bill on           abortions elsewhere.
September 1, 2021, the number          Researchers       from      the
of women traveling out of state      Guttmacher Institute fired the
for abortions or managing their      first salvo in November of 2021.
own abortions at home with           Guttmacher claimed that their
pills bought over the internet       survey of 120 clinics showed
nearly made up for those “lost”      clinics in neighboring states
abortions.                           “overloaded” and that data from
  There is reason to believe         11 other different states and the
that some Texas women did, at        District of Columbia showed
least initially, look elsewhere      increases in the numbers of
for their abortions – to some        abortions provided to Texas         Travel for Abortion Following      Ordering pills for home
degree because of everything         residents (“New Evidence:           Implementation      of     Texas   abortions
the abortion industry did to         Texas Residents Have Obtained       Senate Bill 8.” (http://sites.       Another part of the claim
prepare for such an eventuality.     abortions in at Least 12 States    that the law was ineffective
But the bottom line still appears    That Do Not Border Texas”           TxPEP-out-of-state-SB8.pdf)        was that women simply turned
to be that the law has been           In that analysis, TxPEP          to the internet and ordered
responsible for saving many          article/2021/11/new-evidence-       claimed that “SB8 has forced       abortion pills online. This way
lives.                               texas-residents-have-obtained-      nearly 1,400 Texans out of state   they could have the abortion
                                     abortions-least-12-states-do-       for abortion care each month.”     drugs mailed and delivered to
Abortions drop significantly         not-border).                        They calculated that number on     their homes so that they could
  Official stats are still months      Though        considered     as   the basis of surveys that TxPEP    self-induce these dangerous
away, but a survey of Texas          percentage increases, these         did of 34 (out of 44) open         abortions there.
clinics found a big drop off in      sometimes appeared large (e.g.,     clinics in Arkansas, Colorado,       To the degree that this did
the number of abortions once         one clinic in a neighboring state   Kansas, Louisiana, Mississippi,    happen, it was very much an
SB8, the Texas “Heartbeat Bill”      said Texas residents obtaining      New Mexico and Arizona –           orchestrated outcome.
went into effect on September1,      abortions at gestations of          neighboring states bordering         Rebecca         Gomperts       is
2021.                                12 weeks or more sent from          Texas or a few hundred miles       the Dutch abortion activist
  The         Texas         Policy   13% to more than 25% in             away from its nearest border.      responsible        for      stunts
Evaluation Project (TxPEP),          the two months after the law          From September to December       promoting chemical abortion
a multidisciplinary abortion         went into effect), the authors      of 2019, TxPEP said that the       like the abortion ship, drone,
advocacy group set up by the         admitted that there survey did      clinics it contacted reported      train, bus, etc., and for abortion
University of Texas at Austin        not include all U.S. clinics and    514 abortions to women listing     hotlines in European and South
in 2011, surveyed 19 out of the      was not representative. They        Texas as their residence. For      American countries. Since
state’s 24 abortion “providers”      also noted that the number of       the same period in 2021, those     2005, Gomperts has run a
checking on abortions before         Texas residents they found          same clinics reported 5,574        website --
and after the law went into          aborting at any particular clinic   abortions to Texas residents,      -- where women could order
effect.     In August 2021,          was typically fewer than five       about ten times as many.           abortion pills from all over the
those clinics reported 5,377         (sometimes merely increasing          This does not account for the    world.
abortions. In the following          from zero to one).                  full drop, and there are still                See “Drop,” page 8
month, they found less than            A lot of the publicity and        some questions about this data,
March 2022 - National Right to Life
8      March 2022                              National Right to Life News                                    

Abortions Drop in Texas After Heartbeat Law
From page 7
  In 2018, distressed by            of the abortion drop in Texas       place to take advantage of the       as early as the 5th or 6th week
state laws limiting women’s         after the Heartbeat law took        situation. *                         of pregnancy (when the unborn
“access” to abortion in the U.S.,   effect is accounted for.              The scale and impact of            child is three to four weeks
she began a program called Aid        But this ignores a few critical   this campaign should not be          old), fewer women will find
Access selling abortion pills       admissions on the part of the       underestimated.         TxPEPE       the idea of traveling out of
online to American women.           abortion industry.                  specifically mentioned in its        state for an abortion desirable.
When the Texas law went into          Up front, Aiken and Gomperts      analysis that “about half of         The same applies as more local
effect, Gomperts made clear         admit that “we cannot determine     participants reported receiving      abortion clinics close for lack
she never had any intention of      whether all requests resulted in    financial    assistance      that    of business or simply grow
complying with its prohibitions.    abortions.” Women may have          covered some of their travel         tired of sending their clients to
  “I don’t care about six           ordered the pills and not taken     and abortion costs.”         The     clinics in other states, and as
weeks,” Gomperts told CBS           them. They may have thought         reason a lot of these women          many of those states pass their
News. “It’s another law that        they were pregnant and turned       got abortions in neighboring         own protective legislation and
is not based on any scientific      out not to be. They may have        states was because the industry      see their own clinics close.
evidence,      human      rights,   changed their minds after taking    specifically helped facilitate         With September of 2021 only
common sense,” she said. “I         mifepristone and looked into        that outcome.                        about six months in the rear view
will provide [prescriptions for     abortion pill reversal. The pills     In other words, the jump           mirror, it will be some months
abortion pills] until 10 weeks      may have failed, prompting them     in out of state abortions, and       yet before the babies that were
of pregnancy like I’ve always       to head to the ER for treatment     even the sudden surge in online      scheduled to be aborted that
done” (CBS News, 9/23/21).          of a failed “miscarriage” or they   orders for abortion pills, to the    month will be born. So it will be
  Given that commitment             may have joined those women         degree that there was one, was       some time yet before we begin
and Gomperts having laid the        traveling out of state for a        somewhat artificial, It was more     to have a full, clear record of the
groundwork (and done the            surgical procedure.                 the product of the successful        law’s impact.
publicity) in the years before,       They may not have been            implementation of a short term         But even with some women
the sudden increases in online      pregnant at all, but simply         sales strategy rather than any       going out of state and others
abortion pill orders from Texas     ordered the pills peremptorily,     organic trend.                       turning to online abortifacients,
that Gomperts and then the          as suggested by Gomperts and          The more accurate assessment       even the New York Times had to
New York Times reported were        others, to have on hand for         will not come until years from       grant that the net effect of this
hardly surprising.                  later if “needed” once the pills    now, when we can compare             legislation was that lives were
  Writing in a “research letter”    became harder to obtain.            birth and abortion rates from        saved.
published February 25, 2022           The promotion of abortion         the same basic time frame.               The data shows the
in JAMA Network Open,               pills     by    Gomperts       at                                            limitations of laws
Gomperts, TxPEP researcher          precisely the time the Biden        Ultimate impact yet                      restricting abortion.
Abigail Aiken, and others           administration’s Food and           to be seen                               Yet it also shows how
claimed that Aid Access saw         Drug Administration (FDA)             The number of abortions                restrictions          erect
a surge in online requests for      was authorizing telemedical         Texas      clinics    performed          significant obstacles,
abortion pills in September         abortions (though notably NOT       thankfully did drop drastically          which       will     cause
of 2021. It went from around        approving Aid Access onlne          with the implementation of its           some women to carry
10.8 requests per day in Texas      sales) may have also been a         Heartbeat law. That impact was           unwanted pregnancies
before the law was enacted to       factor. This probably played        probably somewhat blunted                to term.
137.7 request per day for the       a role in making some Texas         by deliberate efforts of the
first week of September.            women think, albeit incorrectly,    abortion industry to sell Texas        Thanks to those laws, those
  This died back down over          that online pills were a safe,      women abortion pills online          legislators, those hardworking
the next few weeks, but             legitimate legal alternative to     and send others out of state for     pro-lifers offering practical,
still remained at about 29.5        surgical abortions once many        surgical abortions.                  positive alternatives, hundreds,
requests per month for the          of the Texas clinic shut down or      However, there is reason to        thousands of those “unwanted
rest of the year from October       cut back services.                  think that these countervailing      pregnancies” --children even
1 to December 31, 2021                So exactly what trend there       trends will not be sustained.        pro-abortion studies tell us will
(           is, or how many abortions             As more women become               be overwhelmingly welcomed
journals/jamanetworkopen/           these orders represent, then, is    familiar with the actual safety      by their mothers upon birth --
fullarticle/2789428).               unknown.                            record of the abortion pill,         will begin to be born in Texas
                                      TxPEP surveyed only 34 of the     the high numbers of failures         in the next few months.
As usual, take abortion             44 clinics in neighboring states    and complications and deaths
industry claims with a              and argued that this probably       associated with its use, as states     * Such a practice was not new,
grain of salt                       meant that the numbers of out       get better at enforcing limits       as the abortion industry had
  If one adds the number of         of state abortions were higher.     on the mailing and use of these      already been doing something
Texas women Aid Access              Perhaps. But this also probably     dangerous pills, the less women      similar for years within Texas
reports as requesting abortion      means that TxPEP concentrated       will go that route.                  and simply extended it past the
pills online to those TxPEP         on the major industry players,        Also, as women get used to         borders (Jessica Ravitz, “ ‘I’m
reports as traveling out of state   the big clinics, the big chains,    the law, and become familiar         an abortion travel agent’ and
for abortions, as the New York      who likely had all the logistical   with the fact that their babies      other takes from Texas’ new
Times does, it looks like much      and travel arrangements in          do indeed have beating hearts        desert,” CNN 3/2/16).
March 2022 - National Right to Life                       National Right to Life News                                                 March 2022         9
The critical importance of giving
a voice to the voiceless
By Laura Echevarria, NRL Director of Communications and Press Secretary
  I often get asked by reporters    Lesson? The ability to          lose effectiveness. Put another   spokespersons are on the radio
and other callers why National     multi-task has its advantages.   way, when we lose sight of our    or television or when they are
Right to Life is not involved      However, when you divide         focus, we split our resources     speaking to a journalist in
in other issues that are outside   your focus and resources too     and abilities.                    any capacity, they are aware
of our scope. When I explain       much, you stumble and can          This is why whenever our        of a very specific goal—to
that our most fundamental right                                                                       give a voice to the voiceless.
is the right to life—and that                                                                         Every answer we give is
it is such a core belief that it                                                                      made with that fundamental
spans races, political parties,                                                                       goal in mind.
faith backgrounds and age                                                                               Whether we are speaking
differences, and allows us to be                                                                      about chemical abortions,
very focused—a majority, but                                                                          a drop in the number of
not all, understand.                                                                                  abortions, protective state laws,
  I learned a valuable lesson                                                                         Congressional action or a court
about      multi-tasking    this                                                                      decision, the goal is always the
last week. I was walking,                                                                             same—to give a voice to the
talking on my cell phone,                                                                             voiceless.
reading something on my                                                                                 It is all too easy to get
phone, and trying to step up                                                                          distracted. But we have leaders
and onto a platform when I                                                                            within the organization and
fell. I realized that splitting                                                                       within our state affiliates
my attention (and losing my                                                                           who are dedicated to keeping
depth perception because I                                                                            their eye on the goal--seeing
was wearing reading glasses)                                                                          that all life is protected from
caused me to miss a step and                                                                          fertilization to natural death.
10      March 2022                             National Right to Life News                                  

Texas Supreme Court unanimously rules against
abortion providers in federal challenge
to Texas Heartbeat Law
By Dave Andrusko

  In a unanimous decision, the         grant the state-agency          which decided that this was         law. But “The U.S. Supreme
Texas Supreme Court on March           executives named as             a state call best made by the       Court disagreed with all of those
11 dealt a crippling blow to           defendants in this              Texas Supreme Court.                arguments but one, allowing a
pro-abortionists seeking to            case any authority                “The unresolved questions         challenge against the medical
derail SB 8, the Heartbeat Law.        to enforce the Act’s            of state law must be certified      licensing officials to proceed,”
Opponents have now lost at             requirements, either            to the Texas Supreme Court          Klibanoff said. “That case then
both the U.S. Supreme Court            directly or indirectly.         and further briefing will           went back to the 5th U.S. Circuit
and the state’s highest court                                          await that court’s decision on      Court of Appeals, which sent it
level since the ban took effect       “This was the last, narrowly     certification,” wrote Judge         to the Texas Supreme Court to
on September 1. Estimates are       cracked window that abortion       Edith H. Jones. “This court         weigh in on.”
that at least 17,000 unborn lives                                                                             On February 24, the Texas
have been saved.                                                                                           Supreme Court heard argument
  Under SB 8, abortions may                                                                                from attorneys for the Office of
not be performed after the                                                                                 the Attorney General regarding
unborn child’s heartbeat is                                                                                whether any state governmental
detectable – generally around                                                                              entity is authorized to enforce
the sixth week of pregnancy.                                                                               SB 8.
  By a vote of 9-0, the court                                                                                 The state’s lawyers said SB 8
ruled that state medical                                                                                   clearly states that only private
licensing officials do not                                                                                 citizens can enforce the law
have authority—directly or                                                                                 through civil litigation.
indirectly—“to enforce the                                                                                    “Justices on the Texas
law, which bans abortions                                                                                  Supreme         Court     agreed,
after about six weeks of                                                                                   with Boyd writing that the
pregnancy,” Eleanor Klibanoff                                                                              law       includes     ‘emphatic,
reported.                                                                                                  unambiguous, and repeated
  The decision, written by                                                                                 provisions’ stating that civil
Justice Jeffrey Boyd, concluded                                                                            litigation is the ‘exclusive’
    Senate Bill 8 provides                                                                                 method for enforcing the act’s
    that its requirements                                                                                  requirements,’”         according
    may       be    enforced                                                                               to Madlin Mekelburg of the
    by a private civil                                                                                     Austin American-Statesman.
    action, that no state                                                                                     Earlier this month, Texas
    official may bring              providers had left to challenge    reasonably seeks the Texas          Attorney General Ken Paxton
    or participate as a             the law after the U.S. Supreme     Supreme Court’s final word          offered an encouraging update
    party in any such               Court decimated their case in      on the matter, with no limit        of the life-saving impact
    action, that such an            a December ruling,” Klibanoff      placed by the Supreme Court’s       of Texas’s Heartbeat Law
    action is the exclusive         reported.                          remand, this court may utilize      championed by NRLC affiliate
    means to enforce the              S.B.8 has been up and down       the ordinary appellate tools        Texas Right to Life. According
    requirements,        and        the legal ladder since taking      at our disposal to address the      to Paxton’s office, Texas SB8
    that these restrictions         effect September 1. U.S.           case—consistent with the            has      saved     approximately
    apply notwithstanding           District Judge Robert Pitman in    Court’s opinion.”                   17,000 newborn lives since it
    any other law. Based            Austin, the trial judge, briefly     Abortion     advocates     had    went into effect on September
    on these provisions,            blocked S.B.8 in October. His      originally argued that a whole      1, 2021. Abortions fell by 60
    we      conclude     that       order was put on hold by the       range of state officials were the   percent in Texas the first month
    Texas law does not              5th Circuit Court of Appeals       ones that actually enforced the     after SB8 took effect.                       National Right to Life News                                                    March 2022        11
Teens on Fire for LIFE!
By Bonnie Finnerty, Education Director, Pennsylvania Pro-Life Federation
  They say good things come        educational outreach and that      belief that life is sacred and      contest into their classroom
in threes. Three times recently    she was a still a senior in high   worth protecting. She was           assignments, other essays
I have been awe-struck by the      school!                            willing to endure unkind            are submitted by individual
passion and conviction of pro-       A few days later I received a    remarks from classmates. She        students.     We’ve     received
life teenagers.                    plea for help from a colleague.    just needed more “ammunition”       essays from public, private,
  First was the young woman        Her friend’s daughter, an eighth   to fight the good fight…facts       Catholic, Christian, vocational,
who knocked on my door             grader in public school, was       and figures, science and stories    and homeschool students. One
one Saturday, making sure          experiencing much push back        to show them that abortion is not   young lady, a public school
Pennsylvania           residents   from her peers about her pro-      empowering or compassionate         student, wrote and emailed
understood where political         life convictions. She planned      or justified. In a follow-up        her essay after going to an
candidates stood on life issues.   to write a paper about abortion    email, I “armed” her with           educational talk offered by a
I let her do her thing before                                                                             local pregnancy center. She
telling her that I too work                                                                               was so moved by what she
in the pro-life movement.                                                                                 learned, she entered our contest
Despite a windy, brisk                                                                                    that night.
afternoon, we ended up having                                                                               Some      students     emailed
a prolonged conversation                                                                                  their essays which I in turn
about abortion and how to                                                                                 acknowledged, thanking the
effectively share the truth. I                                                                            student for being a voice for
was practically moved to tears                                                                            life. Several students replied
by her dedication to knock on                                                                             and thanked us for sponsoring
doors, risking rejection and                                                                              the contest. One young lady
challenges as she moved from                                                                              wrote, “You don’t have to thank
house to house, neighborhood                                                                              me for submitting an essay…I
to neighborhood.                                                                                          thank you for giving me an
  While she occasionally found                                                                            opportunity to be able to share
an ally like me, sometimes she     and its devastating effects on     several good resources-books,       my opinion about abortion!
really had to work hard to open    women and society, but she         videos, articles, websites- that    The topic is very important to
eyes to the reality of abortion.   needed to talk through common      she can use as she grows in her     me and I want to help any way
She told me of an instance just    mantras she was hearing from       pro-life advocacy. I am in awe      I can, and this contest gave me
that day where she and her         her classmates, such as “My        of her courage and have no          the chance to get my voice out,
partner talked with a decidedly    body, my choice” and “It’s         doubt that she will be planting     so I’d write this essay any day
pro-choice woman for an            not a baby yet.” How can she       seeds in the hearts of many of      if it meant helping the women
hour. By the end, that woman       respond? Where can she find        her peers today and in the years    of our state!!”
expressed doubt in her original    good resources?                    to come.                              While I am supposed to be
position, pledging to do more        This young lady and I were         And then, even more teen          the educator, I think these
research!                          able to talk by phone for almost   voices for life inundated me!       amazing teens are teaching me
  As if trekking through           an hour. She was a mature          This week marked the deadline       and all of us “seasoned” pro-
unfamiliar neighborhoods on        middle schooler, impressing me     for our annual pro-life essay       lifers a valuable lesson: don’t
a cold winter weekend wasn’t       with her wisdom and fortitude.     contest for grades 7-12. I have     ever let our pro-life flame
enough, I then learned that        At a time in her life when         hundreds of essays sitting on       grow dim…stay strong and
this young woman actually          peer pressure is reportedly the    my desk, sorted into our two        bright, and when it’s darkest,
traveled over an hour and a half   greatest, she was not backing      judging categories. While           courageously spread the light
to do this boots-on-the-ground     down from her deeply held          some teachers incorporate the       of life.
12      March 2022                              National Right to Life News                                   

Maryland Bill Effectively Decriminalizes
Neglecting Newborns to Death
By Wesley J. Smith
  Remember when former                      (1)      Terminating            A person may bring a cause       morally by many in mainstream
Virginia    governor      Ralph           or     attempting   to          of action for damages if the       bioethics, and which currently
Northam blessed the right of a            terminate the person’s          person was subject to unlawful     is permitted in the Netherlands
mother and her doctor to “have            own pregnancy; or               arrest or criminal investigation   upon terminally ill babies
a conversation” and decide to               (2) Experiencing a
neglect a newborn survivor of             miscarriage, perinatal
abortion to death? Well, now, a           death related to a
Maryland bill would effectively           failure to act, or
decriminalize        Northam’s            stillbirth
immoral proposal without
regard to abortion.                   This means that a baby who
  First, it reiterates current      survived an abortion can be
law that deprives fetuses           allowed to die without care,
of all rights, meaning they         and no investigation could
could be the subjects of live       be pursued nor legal penalty
experimentation when that is        applied.
technologically feasible. From        But it also effectively
SB 669:                             decriminalizes death by neglect
   Nothing in this section          for the first 28 days of life
   shall be construed to            without regard to abortion.
   confer personhood or             If no investigation can be            for a violation of section as a    and those born with serious
   any rights on the fetus.         conducted, what else can it be        result of . . .                    disabilities. After all, once the
                                    called? For example, a baby              2)      Experiencing    a       law permits death by neglect,
                                    born with a disability could             miscarriage, stillbirth,        allowing lethal injections would
  Next, the bill would prevent      be allowed to die by refusing            or perinatal death              be seen as more “humane” than
investigations     and      legal   ordinary methods of care or                                              the extended suffering that
penalties for abortion at any       medical treatment. Heck, for            The pro-abortion left clearly    would otherwise be caused.
point in the pregnancy and          that matter, so could any baby        is slouching toward not only         Tell me again: Who are the
“perinatal” deaths caused           the mother does not want in the       authorizing late term abortions    radicals? Who are the ones who
by “failure to act” — which         first 28 days after birth.            for any reason, but also, post-    don’t care about babies after
extend from the 22nd week of          To further ensure that such         birth deaths of unwanted born      they are born?
gestation through to the first 28   deaths can take place without         babies.
days after birth (my emphasis):     consequence, the bill would             Based on the current advocacy      Editor’s note. Wesley’s great
     This section may not be        authorize      those      illegally   trajectory, such proposals will    columns appear at National
   construed to authorize           investigated for causing babies       eventually extend to permitting    Review Online and reposted
   any form of investigation        to die by neglect to bring civil      active infanticide, which is       with his permission.
   or penalty for a person:         lawsuits!                             already promoted as legitimate                       National Right to Life News                                                     March 2022         13
A sterling defense of Abortion Pill Reversal
By Dave Andrusko
  Christa Brown is a registered    Heartbeat International, which    2017, support the science of         chemical abortions account for
nurse      and    director    of   also manages the Abortion         reversal using progesterone,”        at least half of all the abortions
medical impact for Heartbeat       Pill Rescue Network (APRN),       Brown writes. “A 2018 study          performed in the US.
International,    the    world’s   submitted an appeal to Google     showed successful reversal             “Abortion apologists are
largest network of pregnancy-      but was unsuccessful              rates of 64 percent and 68           invested in protecting this
help organizations. In a recent      Brown methodically, point by    percent, respectively, with no       lucrative and simpler mode of
column for National Review,        point, rebuts Nadler’s attacks    apparent risk of birth defects.      abortion delivery, so they work
she penned a sterling defense      on APR which are not new. She     Amid the push to repress             to quash APR,” Brown writes.
of the effectiveness of Abortion   begins with an unrebuttable       APR on big-tech platforms,           “Acknowledging the safety
                                                                                                          and success of APR means
                                                                                                          admitting that some women
                                                                                                          regret their abortion. As an
                                                                                                          antidote to unwanted chemical
                                                                                                          abortions, APR is bad for
                                                                                                            By the way, it is not surprising
                                                                                                          but worth noting, that all the
                                                                                                          sources Nadler uses are pro-
                                                                                                            She ends with a question:
                                                                                                          what happened to “choice”?
                                                                                                                At least 3,000 women
                                                                                                              thus far began to
                                                                                                              undergo a chemical
                                                                                                              abortion,        regretted
                                                                                                              their decision, and
                                                                                                              made a different choice
                                                                                                              with the help of APR.
                                                                                                              Nadler has dismissed
Pill reversal against the attack   truth: over 3,000 babies are      chemical-abortion drug sales             these mothers and their
of pro-abortion Representative     alive today because of their      are still permitted online,              children, along with
Jerrold Nadler.                    mother’s courage and the APR      including via Facebook, despite          the intelligence and
  Nadler wrote a letter on         protocol.                         the numerous safety risks of             tenacity of women who
February 11 “asking for              She explains the simplicity     these drugs. While joining in            deserve the chance to
answers about Facebook’s           of the technique. In chemically   the effort to hide ads about APR,        reject abortion at any
policy allowing advertisements     abortions, two drugs are used—    Nadler advocates advertising a           point in the process.
for    abortion-pill    reversal   mifepristone and misoprostol.     risky abortion procedure that
(APR),” Brown wrote. “In           To counter the mifepristone,      can harm women.”                       Rather than a “flawed theory”
the letter, Nadler states he is    in lieu of taking the second        Dr. Randall K. O’Bannon,           (as Nadler charges), over 3,000
‘concerned’ that Facebook          drug (misoprostol), APR uses      NRLC director of education &         mothers      know    otherwise.
permits APR ads while not          progesterone, a drug that         research, has written many in-       “They know this because they
allowing ads for chemical          physicans have employed           depth critiques.                     have experienced a successful
abortion, claiming that APR is     to prevent miscarriage for          Brown talks about the              reversal of an unwanted
‘medical misinformation.’”         decades.                          investment        the     abortion   chemical abortion, and their
  Meanwhile Google banned            “Studies conducted in 1989      industry has in chemical             living children are a testament
all advertising of APR.            and 2012, along with two in       abortions. Best estimates are the    to its success.”
14      March 2022                             National Right to Life News                                 

Florida legislature sends Gov. DeSantis a bill that
would protect unborn babies after 15 weeks
By Dave Andrusko
  TALLAHASSEE, Fla.–Late           Court heard oral arguments in       is also being considered in        ruling upholding that law.”
Thursday evening, March 3,         that case. A decision is expected   Arizona and West Virginia.           Rep. Erin Grall, who
the Florida Senate joined their    in June.                              “A child in the womb is the      sponsored the House bill,
colleagues in the Florida House      A 15-week ban on abortions        most vulnerable person in the      agreed on both counts.
in support of a bill that would                                        world because they’re utterly        “Working        within     that
protect unborn babies after                                            helpless,” Senator Danny           infrastructure of 15 weeks gives
the 15th week, with narrow                                             Burgess, said before Thursday’s    Florida its best opportunity to
exceptions. HB 5 passed the                                            vote. “They have no voice, they    save a significant number of
House by a vote of 78-39 and                                           have no vote. They rely on         babies, very quickly, after the
the Senate by a 23-15.                                                 another person for everything,     court’s decision,” Grall said
  It is now on Gov. DeSantis’                                          and they still matter.”            last month. “The Supreme
desk. At a news conference,                                              According to Patricia Mazzei     Court’s weighing of the
Gov. DeSantis said he would                                            and Alexandra Glorioso of          Mississippi law was a factor in
sign the bill.                                                         The New York Times, “In            the decision to propose the 15-
  The law would take effect on                                         Florida, proponents of banning     week restriction.”
July 1. Florida currently allows                                       abortions after 15 weeks have        “I never dreamed I’d be
abortions up until 24 weeks.                                           argued that there is significant   standing here today, but
  The “Reducing Fetal and                                              fetal development by that point.   actually being able to save the
Infant Mortality Act” (House                                           They have also explicitly cited    life of babies,” GOP Sen. Kelli
Bill 5) is modeled after but is                                        the Mississippi case and said      Stargel told legislators. “God is
not identical to Mississippi’s                                         they want Florida to be in         so good.”
“Gestational Age Act.” On              Pro-life Florida Governor       position to reduce the number
December 1st, the Supreme                     Ron DeSantis             of abortions right away after a                         National Right to Life News                                                    March 2022        15
“I am Chloe Emmanuelle Kondrich and
I am NOT a ‘severe birth defect.’”
By Maria V. Gallagher, Legislative Director, Pennsylvania Pro-Life Federation
  Some disability rights activists     Chloe       Kondrich      has    inherent dignity and rights of     chromosome, the abortion rate
have taken to Twitter to condemn     crisscrossed     the    nation,    people with Down syndrome.         for babies with Down syndrome
the World Health Organization        advocating for people with         She has spoken at the United       remains extraordinarily high.
for categorizing Down syndrome       disabilities. She was also the     Nations and has even had her       Research indicates the vast
as among “the most common            inspiration for Pennsylvania’s     photo displayed on the big         majority of preborn babies with
severe birth defects.”               “Chloe’s Law,” which ensures       screen in Times Square—five        Down syndrome are aborted.
  The activists consider the         that parents who receive a         times!                               But grassroots efforts to
WHO tweet to be dehumanizing
and disrespectful to the many
individuals around the globe
who are not just surviving,
but thriving, with an extra
  Cable news host Rachel
Campos-Duffy, a mother of
nine children, one with Down
syndrome, tweeted, “Why
do we financially support
discredited, China-run #WHO.
Down syndrome is NOT a birth
defect. It’s a chromosomal
variation. My baby w/ Downs is
as human & valuable as any of
my other kids. These comments
lead to discrimination &
abortion. Celebrate, don’t
eliminate differences.”
  Campos-Duffy accompanied
her tweet with an adorable
photo of her smiling daughter,
Valentina, in the arms of the
girl’s captivated father, former
Congressman Sean Duffy.
  Meanwhile, Kurt Kondrich,
a former police officer whose
daughter has Down syndrome,
tweeted, “The World Health
Organization recently posted
that Down syndrome is a
‘severe birth defect’! My
amazing daughter Chloe who
has changed the world has a          prenatal diagnosis of Down           Activists such as Campos-        educate the public about the
response!”                           syndrome receive educational       Duffy and the Kondrich family      promise and possibility of people
  The tweet included a photo         resources and support.             are leading the way in trying to   with Down syndrome bring
of Kondrich’s accomplished             Chloe has met with a             end the prenatal discrimination    with them the hope of turning
daughter with a caption that         President, a Vice-President, and   against     individuals     with   the culture around. People with
read, “I am Chloe Emmanuelle         numerous      nationally-known     Down syndrome. Despite             Down syndrome should be
Kondrich and I am NOT a              musical artists and athletes       the incredible achievements        celebrated—not condemned and
‘severe birth defect.’”              in her efforts to promote the      of people with an extra            dismissed as a “birth defect.”
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