Socialist Standard March 2020 - World Socialist Movement

Socialist Standard March 2020 - World Socialist Movement
Socialist Standard March 2020   1
Socialist Standard March 2020 - World Socialist Movement
                                                                                                                                                     Towards a Disunited Kingdom?
                                                                                                                                                     The turmoil of the Brexit process has         of the 2008 financial crisis, many workers        It must be noted that the electoral
                                                                                                                                                     exacerbated the fissures within the UK,       turned away from the mainstream                successes of the SNP and Sinn Féin do not
                                                                                                                                                     which threaten to tear it apart. The          capitalist parties. In Scotland, this helped   always reflect support for their respective
                                                                                                                                                     Scottish National Party leader, Nicola        the SNP to secure a majority in the 2011       aims of an independent Scotland and a
                                                                                                                                                     Sturgeon, seized on the fact that the         elections for the Scottish Parliament and a    united Ireland, but more often a deep
                                                                                                                                                     majority of Scottish voters opted to          landslide in the 2015 General Election.        dissatisfaction with the political status
                                                                                                                                                     remain in the EU, and is demanding a             The Irish border has been in contention     quo. Nevertheless, these parties will use
                                                                                                                                                     second independence referendum. The           since 1921. However, with the repression       their increased leverage to push for their
                                                                                                                                                     border between the North of Ireland and       of the Civil Rights movement in the            aims.
                                                                                                                                                     the Irish Republic which appeared to be       North of Ireland in the late 1960s, Irish         Do the working class have any
                                                                                                                                                     invisible since the Good Friday agreement     republicanism experienced an upsurge           interest in whether or not the United
                                                                                                                                                     became a stumbling block in the Brexit        of support. In the 1980s Sinn Féin was         Kingdom remains intact? Or should
                                                                                                                                                     negotiations. Sinn Fein wasted no time in     able to capitalise on the outrage that         they, as the Left urges them to, support
                                                                                                                                                     pressing for a border poll which they hope    the British government’s response to the       an independent Scotland and a united
                                                                                                                                                     will lead to the reunification of Ireland.    hunger strikes elicited in Catholic working-   Ireland? We say no on both accounts
                                                                                                                                                        The spectre of Scottish independence       class areas. It also managed to gain a         as, wherever the boundaries are drawn,
                                                                                                                                                     is nothing new. Scottish workers were         foothold by providing welfare services to      workers will still be subject to the vagaries
                                                                                                                                                     badly affected by the economic downturns      Catholic workers. With the peace process       of the global market system and will
                                                                                                                                                     of the 1970s and 1980s which hit the          and the IRA laying down its weapons,           continue to experience problems such as
                                                                                                                                                     traditional industries (shipbuilding, coal,   Sinn Féin was able to reinvent itself as a     unemployment and low wages. Workers
                                                                                                                                                     steel) particularly hard. Many workers        workers’ party.                                will need to organise for a socialist society
                                                                                                                                                     were also dissatisfied with Labour               In last December’s general election,        which will abolish borders rather than
                                                                                                                                                     governments. North Sea oil seemed             the SNP increased its seats in Scotland,       rearrange them.
                                                                                                                                                     to promise higher living standards. In        whereas the pro-Brexit Conservative
                                                                                                                                                     these circumstances the SNP was able          Party prevailed in England and Wales.
                                                                                                                                                     to position itself as the workers’ party.     In Northern Ireland, for the first time,
                                                                                                                                                     With the establishment of the Scottish        Nationalists won more seats than
                                                                                                                                                     Parliament in 1999, the then Labour           Unionists. Sinn Féin has made a significant
                                                                                                                                                     government thought they had seen off the      breakthrough in last month’s general
                                                                                                                                                     nationalist threat. However, in the wake      election in the Irish Republic.

Introducing the Socialist Party
The Socialist Party advocates a society        why actions to prevent the depredation of     unattractive -- meaning: state ownership
where production is freed from the             the natural world can have limited effect     and control. As the Socialist Standard
artificial constraints of profit and           and run counter to the nature of capitalism   pointed out before both courses were
organised for the benefit of all on the        itself.                                       followed, the results would more properly
basis of material abundance. It does not          Gradualist reformers like the Labour       be called state capitalism.
have policies to ameliorate aspects of the     Party believed that capitalism could be          The Socialist Party and the World
existing social system. It is opposed to all                                                 Socialist Movement affirm that capitalism
war.                                                                                         is incapable of meaningful change in
   The Socialist Standard is the combative                                                   the interests of the majority; that the
monthly journal of the Socialist Party,                                                      basis of exploitation is the wages/money
published without interruption since                                                         system. The Socialist Standard is proud
1904. In the 1930s the Socialist Standard                                                    to have kept alive the original idea of
explained why capitalism would not                                                           what socialism is -- a classless, stateless,
collapse of its own accord, in response to                                                   wageless, moneyless society or, defined
widespread claims to the contrary, and                                                       positively, a democracy in which free and
continues to hold this view in face of the                                                   equal men and women co-operate to
notion’s recent popularity. Beveridge’s                                                      produce the things they need to live and
welfare measures of the 1940s were             transformed through a series of social        enjoy life, to which they have free access
viewed as a reorganisation of poverty and      measures, but have merely become              in accordance with the principle ‘from
a necessary ‘expense’ of production, and       routine managers of the system. The           each according to their abilities, to each
Keynesian policies designed to overcome        Bolsheviks had to be content with             according to their needs’
slumps an illusion. Today, the journal         developing Russian capitalism under a         All original material is available under the Creative
exposes as false the view that banks           one-party dictatorship. Both failures have    Commons Attribution-NoDerivs 2.0 UK: England & Wales
create money out of thin air, and explains     given socialism a quite different -- and      (CC BY-ND 2.0 UK) licence.

2                                                                                                       Socialist Standard March 2020                Socialist Standard March 2020                                                                                                            3
Socialist Standard March 2020 - World Socialist Movement
Stories from the city                             rounded triumphal arches. Empires didn’t            What’s always gone on in the
PEOPLE ASK a lot of questions about
socialism in practice, some we can answer,
                                                  come more bad-ass and macho than
                                                  Rome, which is why the growing empires
                                                                                                   background and is also hot today is the
                                                                                                   ‘vernacular’ style, which is designing           Islands of socialism?                             Reply:
                                                                                                   buildings in local materials and in the          Dear Socialist Party,
some we can’t. But nobody ever asks what          of the Renaissance revived its styles and                                                                                                           Thanks for your supportive remarks.
                                                                                                   local or regional style, so that they fit        I’m a big fan of yours. I used to be a liberal,                                                   When we talk about socialism we
the architecture would look like.                 it finally arrived in Britain with Inigo Jones                                                                                                      It’s nice to feel appreciated. You make
                                                                                                   harmoniously into their surroundings             but you guys have opened my eyes and                                                           mean a worldwide sustainable society
   It’s not a pressing social issue, after all,   in the 17th century. Instead of piety, it                                                                                                           some interesting points and we agree
                                                                                                   instead of clashing horribly with them. In       I would like to thank you for that. I have                                                     of common ownership, with no leaders,
like food or disease prevention. In fact it’s     was all about muscular statements of                                                                                                                that the story of Nestor Makhno and
                                                                                                   theory anyway.                                   realized that the only solution to our                                                         so by our global definition socialism has
rarely discussed at all, except to complain       state power. You often see it on banks                                                                                                              the Makhnovists deserves to be better
                                                                                                      When you start thinking about the             problems and the way to a better life for                                                      never existed before. Temporary or small-
about some new local monstrosity.                 or theatres or museums, as well as                                                                                                                  known, especially as it is a good example
                                                                                                   socialist architecture of the future, you        all is through socialism. But, having read                                                     scale experiments have certainly occurred
When you think about it though, there’s           government buildings. Not surprisingly,                                                                                                             of something which leftists often tend to
                                                                                                   realise that all bets are off. First you would   the replies under your tweets, I’m aware                                                       at different times in history, but we tend
something a little strange about this.            the Georgians and the Victorians, who                                                                                                               gloss over.
                                                                                                   have to ask how people wanted to live.           there is still a long road ahead.                                                              to question their usefulness in convincing
People who live in rural areas often have a       had a high opinion of themselves as rulers                                                                                                             Leninists usually excuse the top-down,
                                                                                                   Would they stay in settled communities              However, there’s also something else                                                        anyone of the viability of socialism. If
great familiarity with their landscape and        of an emerging globally dominant power,                                                                                                             authoritarian structure of the Bolshevik
                                                                                                   as now, or move around constantly,               that I’d like to address: what do you guys                                                     anything, the very fact that they didn’t
its features, right down to individual tree       couldn’t get enough of the neo-classical                                                                                                            regime, as well as its murderous excesses,
                                                                                                   exploring the entire world and ‘working          think of the Free Territory of Ukraine that                                                    last long can be trumpeted as proof that
and plant species. They know the language         style, and neither could Mussolini later                                                                                                            by saying that ‘there was a war on’. But
                                                                                                   their passage’, in the sense of helping out      existed from 1918 to 1921? Was that a                                                          socialism is not viable. Of course it’s not
and vocabulary of their environment, and          on. But changing political priorities                                                                                                               that war didn’t stop the Makhnovists,
                                                                                                   with odd jobs wherever they happen to            real example of socialism working? They                                                        proof of any such thing, but neither is it
this knowledge undoubtedly adds to their          could change tastes. When the Houses                                                                                                                who were under attack from both the
                                                                                                   be? Would the current global urbanisation        had no top down control (only a defensive                                                      proof that socialism could work long-term.
appreciation of it.                                                                                                                                                                                   White Army and the Bolshevik Red Army,       Besides, not everyone finds such obscure
                                                                                                   trend continue, or go into reverse, with         military, which was needed considering
   The majority of the world lives in                                                                                                                                                                 from, as you say, trying to set up an        historical debates either attractive or
                                                                                                   cities becoming depopulated? There are           they were under threat from all sides);
cities, and the built environment has its                                                                                                                                                             egalitarian social system, although given    relatable. Perhaps what such attempts do
                                                                                                   pros and cons to this question. Would            they had collective property; lived in
own language and vocabulary, that of                                                                                                                                                                  the constraints they were operating under,   show, however, is that the human desire
                                                                                                   there be a need for public buildings,            communes; used no money in most parts,
architecture, but most of us don’t know                                                                                                                                                               whether we could call this ‘socialism        for social equality, real democracy, free
                                                                                                   perhaps to house representative decision-        and the parts that did use money were
much about it. We know ‘door’, ‘wall’                                                                                                                                                                 working’ is somewhat debatable.              access and so on is very real and very
                                                                                                   making bodies, or is this an obsolete            planning on abolishing it soon, and not to
and ‘roof’ but not ‘quoin’, ‘corbel’ or                                                                                                                                                                  What it does show is that the Leninist    strong, and the fact that people have
                                                                                                   democratic methodology when everything           forget, they had working co-ops and direct
‘voussoir’. We rush past buildings every                                                                                                                                                              justification is meaningless, and that       acted on that desire in the past is a very
                                                                                                   can be done directly and online? What            democracy. They were quite successful
day without really noticing them. We                                                                                                                                                                  the main reason Bolsheviks employed          good reason to think they will act on it
                                                                                                   weight would be given to aesthetic               and would have achieved more had the
might acknowledge that some grand                                                                                                                                                                     authoritarian repression was because that    again in the future, next time we hope
                                                                                                   statements, if it meant more expenditure         Bolsheviks not invaded them.
buildings are beautiful, but we can’t                                                                                                                                                                 is the nature and mentality of Leninism.     with happier results. –Editors.
                                                                                                   of work and resources? Perhaps socialist            There have been other attempts to
really understand or appreciate what’s            of Parliament burnt down in 1834, a                                                                                                                 This vanguardist mentality is one of the
                                                                                                   architecture would be plain and functional       anarchism as well.
interesting about them because we don’t           discussion ensued about what to replace                                                                                                             things that makes Leninism quite different
                                                                                                   as people found pleasure in things other            So would you say this was a real and
have the words.                                   it with. Neo-classical was the obvious                                                                                                              from the socialism/communism that
                                                                                                   than the built environment, or perhaps           good example of socialism working? If
   Architecture is applied art on a giant         choice, however the Americans had just                                                                                                              Marx and Engels understood, and that we
                                                                                                   it would surpass the exuberance of the           yes, why don’t you mention this in your
scale, and it’s immersive, because you            finished rebuilding the White House in                                                                                                              understand.
                                                                                                   Victorians, or even the Gothic period,           tweets against all the ignorant people
live in it. Some of the art is good, some         the neo-classical style after the British                                                                                                              Ultimately the anarchist endeavour was
                                                                                                   with no effort spared in reflecting the          who ask ‘when has socialism ever worked’.
terrible. It’s also a living historical record    had burnt it down in 1812. Relations were                                                                                                           defeated by armed force, and the same
                                                                                                   magnificence of a new and free social era.       Of course you would mention that in the
of the past, its moods and crazes and             still somewhat frosty, so to avoid any                                                                                                              can be said of other famous attempts to
                                                                                                   Even the design of the simple domestic           future, socialism would have to be enacted
fads. It has a function, obviously, but it        connotation of republicanism the architect                                                                                                          establish such libertarian communities
                                                                                                   dwelling is open to question. The practice       on a larger scale, but this is as close as it
likes to make statements too, sometimes           Charles Barry was tasked with producing a                                                                                                           within capitalism, such as the 1871 Paris
                                                                                                   of having separate rooms for specific            gets out of all real life attempts so far, in
grandiose political or aspirational               Gothic design, which in turn kick-started a                                                                                                         Commune. Such ‘islands’ will always be
                                                                                                   purposes only really started with the            my opinion.
statements, that tell us how ruling class         Victorian Gothic revival.                                                                                                                           swamped by capitalism as long it remains
                                                                                                   Victorians. Would people still want to live      Greetings from the Netherlands,
ideas have changed over the centuries.               The Victorians, incidentally, were                                                                                                               globally dominant.
                                                                                                   private and secluded lives in their little       Tamer Gözübüyük
If you know how, you can read these               exuberant mash-up artists who would
messages as plainly as words on a page.           throw caution to the winds and chuck             walled space, or would sharing of lives
Learning even the rudiments of this               in any feature from any style they liked         and living space become the new normal?
                                                                                                   There might be a revival of something like                                                                                                       Nestor Makhno
language can be a revelation. Your own            without the least concern for artistic or
city reveals itself in a whole new light.         historical integrity. The more you learn to      the ancient Roman model, where people
   It’s not hard to pick up some basics. Just     read their architecture, the more you start      use public baths and eat out, and only go
four category words virtually encompass           to understand their mindset. They were           home to sleep. Perhaps even the concept
the past thousand years of building in            world conquerors in matters military and         of ‘home’, in the sense of a permanent
Britain. They are Gothic, Neo-classical,          scientific. Rules were for other people.         personal abode, could become obsolete.
Vernacular and Modern.                               ‘Modern’ architecture is a catch-all             All of these questions will certainly
   Gothic started with the Normans and            for anything post-World War 1, when              shape the architecture of the future. And
became de rigueur for churches and                looking forward started to seem better           let’s not forget emerging technologies like
cathedrals, and often for colleges and legal      than looking back, so that revivals went         translucent wood for windows, hydro-
institutions. It was all about the power          out of the window and modern capitalism          ceramics for zero-energy air conditioning,
of God, so it features a lot of pointed           was anyway more interested in making             light-generating sulphur concrete and
arches, lofty verticals and spires reaching       money than making grandiose and costly           self-repairing concrete, high-insulation
heavenward like arms in supplication. The         statements. Trends did exist though,             bricks, nano-alloys, phase-changing
point was for commoners to gaze upward            like the short-lived Futurism of the             materials, gels, carbon-fibre, aluminium
with their jaws on the floor, mutter a            1920s, which swiftly looked dated, and           foam mouldings, clear solar panels and
reverential What the Fuck? and vow never,         the Brutalism of the 1960s, a distinctly         much more. In the end, nobody can really
ever, to argue with the beings who could          Orwellian statement that said unattractive       answer the question we started with,
create such soaring marvels.                      things about encasing populations                what socialist architecture would look like.
   Neo-classical is anything that looks like      in hideous concrete boxes and gave               Maybe the best response we can give is:
it’s from Ancient Rome, such as pillars           architects a notoriety they’ve never really      what would you like?
with a triangular ‘pediment’ on top, or           recovered from.                                  PJS

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Socialist Standard March 2020 - World Socialist Movement
The Art of Cynicism
                                                                                                                                                THOSE WHO might be unaware of it can            dispute is the quality of musicianship            despite being of equal aesthetic quality,
                                                                                                                                                be confidently assured that we live in a        that produces the aesthetic catharsis so          drifts into historical obscurity. Of course
                                                                                                                                                ‘Golden Age of Rock Music’. The music of        essential to great rock music (or any art         without the artist, recording technology,
                                                                                                                                                bands like: Disturbed, Ghost, Godsmack,         form). Another possible avenue for a              capital investment, the internet etc. we
                                                                                                                                                Rammstein, Epica, Kamelot, Nightwish            cynical critique is the appearance of the         wouldn’t have any art to discuss but
                                                                                                                                                and Band Maid represent the evidence            band. They wear doll-like house maid              although the motivation, inspiration and
                                                                                                                                                for this. The last two bands have released      uniforms which emphasize the extreme              integrity of those concerned in its creation
                                                                                                                                                new singles that have rekindled the old         feminine quality of many young Japanese           is intriguing it is not the most decisive
                                                                                                                                                debate between the cynical and the              women. Again whether this is purely               factor in the political and historical fate of
                                                                                                                                                hopeful. Some see Nightwish’s Noise and         a commercial decision to attract male             any work of art.
                                                                                                                                                Band Maid’s The Dragon Cries as merely          audiences or whether it represents an                In America the music of Jimi Hendrix,
                                                                                                                                                profiting from the environmentalist             intriguing antithesis to the macho posing         Marvin Gaye, The Doors and Creedence
                                                                                                                                                zeitgeist whereas others hope that these        and costumes of the traditional purveyors         Clearwater Revival all fed the anti-Vietnam
                                                                                                                                                tunes represent the political integrity of      of heavy rock music is debatable. If we           War zeitgeist that helped to end the
                                                                                                                                                the respective bands and will help create       like a band we feel the need to defend it         conflict. The music of James Brown, Gil
                                                                                                                                                political change. Obviously these videos        against criticism, whether justifiable or         Scott Heron, War, the Temptations and
                                                                                                                                                and the music that they promote are             not, but is it necessary or important to do       Harold Melvin all strengthened the Civil
                                                                                                                                                extremely costly and can only be made           so?                                               Rights movement in the US. Not that this
                                                                                                                                                within the capitalist context because they         Art, as with all concepts, is full of          represented the cause of any political
                                                                                                                                                represent a commodity that will, for the        dialectical contradictions; it can serve the      improvement but it would be foolish
                                                                                                                                                investors, sell at a profit. However this       powerful or it can subvert their power.           to deny that it helped create a cultural
                                                                                                                                                fact, beloved of the cynics who choose          It can also, if it’s any good, contradict         background for change. Perhaps the
                                                                                                                                                to believe that nothing will ever change,       the intentions of the artist through the          reason that we see such a flourishing of
                                                                                                                                                does not exclude the possibility that the       interpretation of its audience. Born in           rock music is because of another surge of
                                                                                                                                                nature of that commodity might itself           the USA by Bruce Springsteen became,              political discontent? Another irony is that
                                                                                                                                                become subversive of the system which           famously, an anthem for patriots despite          many of these bands no longer come from
                                                                                                                                                helped create it. Change, for good or ill, is   the composer’s opposite intentions. In            rock’s birthplace (the USA) and oppose its

    Same difference
                       COOKING THE BOOKS         economically interdependent and have          annual world leaders’ junket in Davos a
                                                                                                                                                inevitable and we can ask what role music
                                                                                                                                                and the arts play within our culture’s
                                                                                                                                                restless history.
                                                                                                                                                                                                his effort to communicate with a global
                                                                                                                                                                                                audience Bob Marley, according to some,
                                                                                                                                                                                                sold his soul to Island Records. Art seems
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  economic and cultural imperialism. The
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  German band Rammstein have said that
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  they will never use English in their lyrics
    So, the UK left the EU at 11 pm on           become more so over the nearly half-          week later, he was forced to backpedal              Nightwish have a long track record           quickly to become independent once it             for this reason. Ironically seventy years on
    Friday 31 January. Well, not exactly. The    century of UK membership. The UK can’t        and explain:                                     of using their music to communicate a           leaves its creators hands. We use the word        from the end of the Second World War
    UK left the EU’s political institutions      become ‘independent’ of that, whatever           ‘“Britain will not diverge from European      political perspective. It is only recently      zeitgeist to emphasise this phenomenon            we see a young band from Germany’s old
    (Parliament, Commission, Council,            ultra-nationalists might want, at least not   rules “just for the sake of it” after Brexit,    that this Finnish band, courtesy of                         in an attempt to understand           axis ally Japan having to make the decision
    Court of Justice, etc) but remains in        without a severe disruption which would       Sajid Javid said yesterday, as he softened       the internet, has started                                        why some art becomes             of whether to confront (like Rammstein)
    its economic arrangements (customs           affect both the UK and the EU. So both        the government’s rhetoric on future              reaching a global mass                                                 iconic whilst other art,   the contemporary icon of capitalism and
    union, single market, free movement,         have an interest in avoiding this.            EU trade talks. In a move to reassure            audience. They have                                                                                                              its destructive
    trade deals, etc) until at least the end        Given that previous options of staying     business, the chancellor said that while         become commercially                                                                                                              values or try to
    of this year. No wonder nobody noticed       in the single market and/or customs           ministers were determined that Britain           powerful enough to                                                                                                                subvert it – that
    the difference.                              union are now ruled out, the only one left    would not become a “rule taker” from             only create the music                                                                                                             is if they do
       Some ultra-nationalists wanted us to      to avoid this is some sort of agreement       Brussels, it did not mean the UK would           that they want to                                                                                                                 indeed possess
    celebrate ‘independence day’, though         for the UK to ‘align’ in some way its         necessarily diverge from European                make rather than bow                                                                                                              the political
    Boris’s idea to have Big Ben bong fell       regulations on technical standards, food      standards. “We will be a sovereign and           to the commercial                                                                                                                 integrity one
    flat. But what is ‘independence’? As far     standards, workers’ rights, state aids        independent country,” he told a lunch for        pressures incarnated                                                                                                              might wish
    as states are concerned, it’s the same       and the like, with those of the EU. At        British executives at the annual meeting         by studio execs,                                                                                                                  them to have. It
    as ‘sovereignty’. A political territory is   the moment, both sides are at the pre-        of the World Economic Forum in Davos.            producers and owners                                                                                                              has always been
    independent if the rulers there have         negotiation stage of rhetoric and laying      “But we’ll always protect the interests of       of record companies.                                                                                                              challenging to
    the final, supreme, say in matters           down ‘red lines’. Even so, some ministers     British businesses throughout this process       The Japanese Band                                                                                                                  believe that
    concerning it.                               have made fools of themselves, the then       and we’ll maintain high standards — not          Maid, although very                                                                                                                those with
       ‘Independence’ and ‘sovereignty’          Chancellor of the Exchequer, Savijd Javid,    because we are told to, but because we           popular with the rock                                                                                                              extraordinary
    are political concepts, but politics is      for instance.                                 want to.”’(Times, 24 January)                    cognoscenti online have                                                                                                            talent might
    one thing and economics another.                On 18 January the BBC reported that he        One way of interpreting this is that he       not reached a similar                                                                                                              have no moral
    A state can make what ‘sovereign’            ‘has warned manufacturers that “there         his saying that the UK will align with EU        stage of commercial                                                                                                               integrity or
    decisions it likes but whether they are      will not be alignment” with the EU after      rules but it will do so as an ‘independent       ‘independence’. Their                                                                                                   political good will and
    effective is another matter. No state        Brexit and insists firms must “adjust” to     nation’ making its own decision – to do          single The Dragon Cries is their first                                                                                  would sell themselves to
    can be independent economically as           new regulations’ (         what it would have done had it remained          overtly political song but because it                                                                                  the highest bidder but,
    all are dependent directly or indirectly     uk-politics-51157933). Faced with the         in the EU. If this is indeed the final result,   was produced in the USA and is sung                                                                                    to misquote the lyrics of
    on the world market, which places            resulting howl of protest from the CBI        it will confirm that Brexit has been a fuss      in English some suspect it of cynically                                                                                another great rock band,
    limits on the effective exercise of their    and other representatives of capitalist       about nothing, just about how a decision         exploiting the environmental and                                                                                        ‘we’ve all been fooled
    sovereignty. The UK has an additional        industry at this expression of unconcern      is made not about what it is.                    political concerns of its intended                                                                                     before’.
    problem. It and the EU countries are         for their interests, when he went to the                                                       youthful listeners. What is beyond                                                                                      WEZ

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Socialist Standard March 2020 - World Socialist Movement
Contact details                   website: email:
UK BRANCHES & CONTACTS                           LU2 7LP.                                           Gabalfa, Cardiff, CF14 3LG. 02920-615826.
                                                 Redruth. Contact: Harry Sowden, 5 Clarence
LONDON                                           Villas, Redruth, Cornwall, TR15 1PB. 01209
North London branch. Meets 3rd Thurs. 8pm at     219293.                                            INTERNATIONAL CONTACTS
Torriano Meeting House, 99 Torriano Ave, NW5     East Anglia. Contact: David Porter, Eastholme,
2RX. Contact: Chris Dufton 020 7609 0983         Bush Drive, Eccleson-on-Sea, NR12 0SF. 01692       LATIN AMERICA                               582533. Richard Headicar, 42 Woodcote, Firs        Contact: J.M. Morel, Calle 7 edif 45 apto 102,
South London branch. Meets last Saturday in      Rd, Hethersett, NR9 3JD. 01603 814343.             Multis nuevo La loteria, La Vega, Rep. Domini-

                                                                                                                                                          Africa’s food potential
month, 2.30pm. Head Office, 52 Clapham High      Essex. Contact: Pat Deutz, 11 The Links,           cana.
St, SW4 7UN. Contact: 020 7622 3811.             Billericay, CM12 0EX.
West London branch. Meets 1st Tues. 8pm.         Cambridge. Contact: Andrew Westley,                AFRICA
Chiswick Town Hall, Heathfield Terrace (corner 07890343044.               Kenya. Contact: Patrick Ndege, PO Box 13627-
Sutton Court Rd), W4.                                                                               00100, GPO, Nairobi                          IRELAND                                            Zambia. Contact: Kephas Mulenga, PO Box
                                                 Cork. Contact: Kevin Cronin, 5 Curragh Woods,      280168, Kitwe.
MIDLANDS                                         Frankfield, Cork. 021 4896427.
West Midlands regional branch. Meets                                   ASIA
last Sun. 3pm (check before attending).          NORTHERN IRELAND                                   Japan. Contact: Michael. japan.wsm@gmail.
Contact: Stephen Shapton. 01543 821180.          Belfast Contact: Nigel McCullough.                 com
Email:                02890 930002                                                                                         THE PERCEPTION of many in                                                                               know it is possible to restore
                                                                                                    AUSTRALIA                                          the developed countries is that                                                                         exhausted soils and damaged
NORTH                                            SCOTLAND                                           Contact: Trevor Clarke,       Africa is always associated with                                                                        ecosystems. In many parts of
North East Regional branch.                      Edinburgh branch. Meets 1st Thurs. 7-9pm.          au                                                 poverty, disease, famine and war.
Contact: P. Kilgallon, c/o Head Office, 52       The Quaker Hall, Victoria Terrace (above Vic-                                                                                                                                                                 Africa, the potential for restoration
Clapham High Street, SW4 7UN.                    toria Street), Edinburgh. Contact: J. Moir. 0131   EUROPE                                             It is as if the Four Horsemen of the                                                                    is enormous. Increasing climate
Lancaster branch. Meets 2nd Sun (Jan 3rd Sun),   440 0995.                   Denmark. Contact: Graham Taylor, Kjaerslund        Apocalypse have made the continent                                                                      change resilience requires greater
3pm, Friends Meeting House, Meeting House        Branch website:                                    9, Floor 2 (middle), DK-8260 Viby J.               their personal domain.                                                                                  irrigation and more efficient water
Lane. Ring to confirm: P. Shannon, 07510 412              Germany. Contact: Norbert.                            Yet Africa has considerable riches.
261,          Glasgow branch. Meets 3rd Weds. at 7pm in                                                                                                                                    management. Over 90 percent of
Manchester branch. Contact: Paul Bennett, 6      Community Central Halls, 304 Maryhill Road,        Norway. Contact: Robert Stafford.                     Africa has long been known for                                                                       agriculture depends on rainfall,
Burleigh Mews, Hardy Lane, M21 7LB. 0161         Glasgow. Contact: Peter Hendrie, 75 Lairhills                               its resource abundance in both                                                                          with no artificial irrigation aid.
860 7189.                                        Road, East Kilbride, Glasgow G75 0LH.              Italy. Contact: Gian Maria Freddi,                 agriculture and mineral resources.                                                                      Many small farmers lack access to
Bolton. Contact: H. McLaughlin. 01204 844589.    01355 903105.                                      Via Poiano n. 137, 37142 Verona.                   The ore deposits are so abundant
Cumbria. Contact: Brendan Cummings, 19                Spain. Contact: Alberto Gordillo, Avenida del                                                                                                              mechanisation. Equipment such
Queen St, Millom, Cumbria LA18 4BG.              Dundee. Contact: Ian Ratcliffe, 12 Finlow Ter-     Parque. 2/2/3 Puerta A, 13200 Manzanares.          that some of it has yet to be                                                                           as cold storage and packaging can
Doncaster. Contact: Fredi Edwards, fredi.        race, Dundee, DD4 9NA. 01382 698297.                                                                  discovered. To date, though, Africa                                                                     end the waste of food rotting and                            Ayrshire. Contact: Paul Edwards 01563 541138.      COMPANION PARTIES OVERSEAS                         has struggled to translate these                                                                        ease the transport to the cities
Liverpool. Contact: D. Whitehead,                                                                                   resources into shared wealth and
liverpool                         Lothian Socialist Discussion @Autonomous           Socialist Party of Canada/Parti Socialiste                                                                                                                 and other regions. The technology
                                                 Centre Edinburgh, ACE, 17 West Montgomery          du Canada. Box 31024, Victoria B.C. V8N 6J3        sustained economic development.                                                                         and the techniques are there. All
SOUTH/SOUTHEAST/SOUTHWEST                        Place, Edinburgh EH7 5HA. Meets 4th Weds.          Canada.                              South Africa’s potential mineral                 in collusion with the foreign corporations,   it requires to harness them is a change in
Kent and Sussex regional branch. Meets 2nd       7-9pm. Contact: F. Anderson 07724 082753.                                                             wealth is estimated to be around $2.5tn,                                                       the basis of society so that food can be
Sun. 2pm at The Muggleton Inn, High Street,                                                         World Socialist Party (India) 257 Baghajatin ‘E’                                                    siphon off the proceeds from the
Maidstone ME14 1HJ. Contact: spgb.ksrb@          WALES                                              Block (East), Kolkata - 700086, 033- 2425-0208.
                                                                                                                                                       while the mineral reserves of the Congo          continent’s wealth – lining their own         produced to directly feed people.                              South Wales Branch (Swansea)                                            are thought to be worth $24tn. In natural        pockets, to the detriment of ordinary            We can end and we must end global
South West regional branch. Meets 3rd Sat.       Meets 2nd Mon, 7.30pm (except January,                                                                resources, Africa is still largely unexplored.   Africans.                                     poverty. We have the solutions for
2pm at the Railway Tavern, 131 South Western     April, July and October), Unitarian Church, High   World Socialist Party (New Zealand)                There is so much natural wealth on the                                                         addressing malnutrition. Food produced
Road, Salisbury SP2 7RR. Contact: Ray Carr,      Street, SA1 1NZ. Contact: Geoffrey Williams, 19    P.O. Box 1929, Auckland, NI, New Zealand.                                                              On a continent with an abundance of
Flat 1, 99 Princess Rd, Poole, BH12 1BQ. 01202   Baptist Well Street, Waun Wen, Swansea SA1
                                                                                                                                                       continent that a great deal of it is as yet      arable land, Africa imports billions of       in Africa could make a big contribution to
257556 or 07929627689.                           6FB. 01792 643624.                                 World Socialist Party of the United States.        untapped.                                        pounds worth of basic foodstuffs and still    this. Millions of African farmers need no
Brighton. Contact: Anton Pruden,                 South Wales Branch (Cardiff)                       P.O. Box 440247, Boston, MA 02144 USA.                However, most of the continent’s              many parts there are not food secure.         longer be poor or endure precarious lives.                                  Meets 2nd Saturday 12 noon (January, April,                                   existing natural resources are owned and                                                       Africa has the land, water and people
Canterbury. Contact: Rob Cox, 4 Stanhope         July and October) Cafe Nero, Capitol Shopping                                                                                                          There is absolutely no reason for Africa to
Road, Deal, Kent, CT14 6AB.                      Centre, Queens Street, Cardiff.                                                                       exploited by foreign, private corporations.      be food insecure. Farming in Africa could     needed to be an efficient agricultural
Luton. Contact: Nick White, 59 Heywood Drive,    Contact: Richard Botterill, 21 Pen-Y-Bryn Rd,                                                         There is a common view that believes the         theoretically become a major breadbasket      producer.
                                                                                                                                                       wealthier countries are helping and aiding       for the world. Africa has 65 percent of          Under capitalism and without a change
                                                                                                                                                       the undeveloped and developing nations           the world’s remaining arable land. Its vast   in the economic structure there is good
                                                                                                                                                       in Africa, but such an outlook ignores the       savannahs are estimated at 400 million        reason to fear the projected rise in Africa’s
                                                                                                                                                       imbalance of trade and the relationship          hectares. only 10 percent of which is         population. Nevertheless, such a rise
                                                                                                                                                       that exists with the extractive industries       cultivated. The Guinea Savannah, an area      should not necessarily be treated as a
                                                                                                                                                       that dominate the African economy.               across many countries, has the potential      curse. The share of Africa’s working-age
                                                                                                                                                          More wealth leaves Africa every year          to turn Africa into a bulk food producer.     population is rising faster than any other
                                                                                                                                                       than enters it. It was calculated that              Africa could feed itself and could help    region and it will have a larger potential
                                                                                                                                                       African countries received $162bn in             feed the world, too. The world is not         workforce than either China or India. It is
                                                                                                                                                       2015, mainly in loans, aid and personal          winning the war against global hunger.        not a matter of an extra mouth to feed but
                                                                                                                                                       remittances. But in the same year, $203bn        Climate change is already worsening           an extra pair of helping hands and another
                                                                                                                                                       was taken from the continent through             the situation, especially in sub-Saharan      brain to think.
                                                                                                                                                       multinationals using subsidiaries to             Africa. The challenge is not a technical         The time is ripe for Africa to make
                                                                                                                                                       transfer profits into tax havens. Trade          issue but rather a question of which type     better use of its natural resources but
                                                                                                                                                       mis-pricing, that is, transfer pricing, and      of society we need for production to take     capitalism’s drive for capital accumulation
                                                                                                                                                       trade mis-invoicing, over-reporting of           place. At the moment the techniques           and profits at the expense of people’s
                                                                                                                                                       costs and under-reporting production             used to cultivate the soil still lag behind   consumption precludes long-lasting,
                                                                                                                                                       output are the most common ways                  what has been adopted in other parts          sustained prosperity in Africa and will not
                                                                                                                                                       companies seek to maximise profits               of the world. Improved grain varieties        permit it to bear fruit. Looking at Africa
                                                                                                                                                       artificially through maximising expenses         exist which produce harvests that are         from a socialist perspective, we see the
                                                                                                                                                       in high-tax jurisdictions and maximising         larger and drought and disease resistant.     situation is far from hopeless. Africa is
                                                                                                                                                       income in low-tax jurisdictions. This            The structure of agriculture itself can be    one of the most important places for the
                                                                                                                                                       enables corporations to minimise tax             changed. Smart farming with the use of        future and its people among the most
                                                                                                                                                       payments and transfer the funds abroad.          mobile phones and GPS can give farmers        useful and needed in the world. The
                                                                                                                                                       This is compounded by overly generous            information and advice. New techniques        potential is enormous.
                                                                                                                                                       tax concessions provided by governments,         in agriculture such as agro-ecology           ALJO
                                                                                                                                                       often under duress. Local political elites,      are proven to be more productive. We

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What about Ireland?
      inn Féin, recycled from being the political wing of one of      the Change: Building Economic Democracy One Worker Co-op            produced. The first enterprise to adopt some cheaper                think that a single market will be a prelude to a single political
      the physical-force Irish republican groups into a left-wing     at a Time’.                                                         production method reaps extra profits, but this encourages,         entity, especially as in the case of Ireland the Good Friday
      reformist party, did surprisingly well in the elections in        Those who voted SF are unlikely to have voted for this,           in fact obliges those that can, to follow suit and the price of     Agreement provides for a referendum on uniting with the
Ireland last month. They got the most first-preference votes          but merely so that something should be done about growing           the product falls, with the innovator’s profits falling back to     Republic to be held if it is judged that a majority might favour
(24.5 percent) and ended up with 37 of the 160 seats in the           inequality and poverty. However, it does illustrate the illusions   normal. If an enterprise were to distribute all the profits it      this. But this does not necessarily follow, as the co-existence
Dáil. The result was in effect a tie between them and each            of SF’s policy makers. They criticise traditional private           made to its owners for them to spend on their consumption,          in Ireland for years of the political border with the economic
of the two other rather absurdly named traditional Irish              enterprises for concentrating on short-term profits, but if         then its cost of production would not fall and its products         unity of the single market and customs union showed. Even if
political parties, Fine Gael (‘Tribe of the Gaels’), the party of     worker co-ops are to compete against them with any chance of        would become uncompetitive; eventually it would go under            a majority were to favour political unity, holding a referendum
the outgoing Prime Minister, Leo Varadkar, and Fianna Fáil            surviving they, too, would have to pursue the same economic         and its owners would lose their money. Very few private             would risk igniting ‘the Border’ as a burning – and completely
(‘Soldiers of Destiny’), founded by Republican hard-liner De          objective of profit. They would have to make profits as they        enterprises are that short-termist.                                 irrelevant and dangerously divisive -- issue again, with a
Valera, which got 35 and 37 seats respectively.                       would be operating within the context of a capitalist economy,        The point is that the same pressure to give priority to profit-   significant minority likely to be fiercely opposed to it, even to
   When the original Sinn Féin was founded in 1905 it was an          which is based on competitive profit-seeking.                       making and re-investing most of it applies whatever the legal       the extent of taking up arms. It would be better from all points
Irish nationalist party (‘We Ourselves’) catering for small-                                                                              form and internal structure of the enterprise. A worker co-op       of view to let sleeping dogs lie.
scale Irish capitalists eager to break away from the rest of the      The capitalist economy                                              would have to operate on the same basis. Internally it might           But even if it did happen without re-igniting political
UK so as to be able to erect tariffs to protect them from the         The capitalist economy – which SF would leave unchanged             be more democratic and less hierarchical but the decisions          violence, it wouldn’t make much difference to the life of
competition of bigger British capitalists. Its first leader, Arthur   while launching ‘one worker co-op at a time’ – is based on          that have to be taken, whoever takes them, will have to be          ordinary people. Capitalism would remain, and they would
Griffith, proclaimed that, if an Irish capitalist firm was being      separate enterprises competing to meet paying demand in             the same. And of course a worker co-op can also go under,           remain excluded from ownership and control of the means of
undercut by an English competitor, ‘it is the first duty of the       their sphere of activity. The weapon used in this struggle          with the workers losing not only their jobs but their savings       life and so obliged to work for a wage or salary for those who
Irish nation to accord protection to that Irish manufacturer’         is to produce more cheaply than your rivals but, to do this,        too. Some succeed but those that do end up behaving like any        own and control them. The pillar boxes in the North might be
and that ‘under the Sinn Féin policy... no possibility would          you must re-invest the major part of the profits you make           other business enterprise, even employing non-members as            painted green – or maybe the settlement would allow them to
be left... for a syndicate of unscrupulous English capitalists        in machinery and other ways that reduce the cost per unit           wage-workers.                                                       remain red – but that would be all.
to crush out the home manufacturer and the home trader’                                                                                     In any event, given the nature of Irish politics, SF will never   ADAM BUICK
(Arthur Griffith, The Sinn Féin Policy, 1907).                                                                                            govern on its own but only as part of a coalition. Its openly
   This was the policy that the De Valera Fianna Fáil                                                                                     pro-capitalist partners may well indulge it by allowing it to
government that came to power in 1932 began to implement,                                                                                 fund setting up a worker co-op or two but that will be as far
involving a tariff war between Britain and Ireland.                                                                                       as it goes. And if the experience of those set up by Tony Benn                Mary Lou McDonald, President of Sinn Féin
   Now it’s a different story. In a 2019 policy document,                                                                                 in Britain when he was minister of industry in the 1970s is
Ownership Matters, Sinn Féin states that it wants ‘an economy                                                                             anything to go by, their chances of succeeding wouldn’t be that
that works for workers’ (mind you, don’t they all, given that                                                                             high; all those he patronised eventually folded.
workers make up the vast majority of electors?). After citing
figures for wealth inequality and poverty in Ireland, SF went                                                                             Up the Border?
on:                                                                                                                                       Sinn Féin still stands for a 32-county Irish Republic – as did,
   ‘Sinn Féin believes that this wealth inequality is a result                                                                            at one time, the more fiercely named Fianna Fáil party – but
of our economy being detrimentally ‘short-termist’ in its                                                                                 this has come into prominence, not as a result of SF’s election
outlook – with private firms, through financial intermediaries,                                                                           successes north and south of the Border but as a fall-out from
weighing near-term profit outcomes too heavily at the expense                                                                             Brexit. Which is rather ironic in itself since Sinn Féin, as an
of longer-term sustainability. This has become the hegemonic                                                                              isolationist nationalist party, opposed Ireland joining the EU
strategy for private enterprise. The reality is that ownership                                                                            and urged a No vote in all the referendums to amend and
shapes purpose. If we allow our economy to be owned and                                                                                   extend the EU’s powers.
controlled by a small group of elites whose objective is that                                                                                People in Northern Ireland voted 56 to 44 percent in
of profit, then that will be the purpose of our economy. If,                                                                              favour of Remaining in the EU and the EU insisted – and Boris
however, we agree as a society that our preference is to                                                                                  Johnson acquiesced – that the political border on the island
establish an economy based upon productivity, sustainability                                                                              should not become an economic border again. It never was
and equality then ownership of our economy must be                                                                                        until De Valera and Fianna Fáil came to power in the ‘Free
equitably spread across society’ (                                                                             State’ as it then was and pursued a policy of independent
Workers_Co-operatives.pdf).                                                                                                               capitalist development before they eventually gave up and
   Then came the punch line: ‘This new economy can be                                                                                     signed the Anglo-Irish Free Trade Agreement in 1965. In 1973
achieved through alternative models of business ownership.                                                                                Ireland and Britain joined the European Economic Community
Sinn Féin believes that the Worker Co-operative Model offers                                                                              (as the EU was then called and still essentially is) together.
an exciting and innovative alternative.’ Not to be achieved in                                                                               So, the north and south of Ireland will continue to have
one go, but, in the words of a slogan the document coins, ‘Own                                                                            frictionless trade. As with the EU itself, there are those who

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Dr Hannah Fry                                                                Noam Chomsky

                                                                                                                                       applications came from men, and thus decided that being male   computing techniques.
                                                                                                                                       was a desirable quality in an applicant (        The capacity of such algorithms, Church points out, brings
                                                                                                                                                                                                      into play the possibility for them to handle resource allocation,
                                                                                                                                       Resource allocation                                            to actively supply human wants in a real-time fashion:
                                                                                                                                       Deep reinforcement learning, though, is a powerful tool.          ‘Over the last few decades, researchers have developed
                                                                                                                                       AlphaGo defeated a human grandmaster at the immensely          a range of pretty effective mathematical solutions that can
                                                                                                                                       complex Japanese boardgame ‘Go’ after teaching itself          allocate resources across a variety of industries and scenarios
                                                                                                                                       the game (this is radically different from when human          so they can attempt to keep up with the daily demands our
                                                                                                                                       programmers helped Deep Blue to defeat Gary Kasparov at        lives place on them. But when an allocation made at one

                                                                                                                                       chess).                                                        time affects subsequent allocations, the problem becomes
       he apparent brains behind the Johnson ministry,             potential to profoundly benefit broader society too’ (Guardian,       ‘Systems employing this approach have already been used      dynamic, and the passing of time must be considered as part
       Dominic Cummings, has been ruffling feathers with a         5 January).                                                         to optimise system performance in areas including resource     of the equation. This throws a mathematical spanner in the
       blog post calling for ‘data scientists, project managers,      She points out there are limits to using maths to model          management, device payment optimisation and data centre        works, requiring these solutions to now take into account the
policy experts, assorted weirdos’ (          society, and that an understanding of humans must go                cooling’ (Gemma Church, The maths problems that could bring    changing and uncertain nature of the real world’.
Tellingly, the posts are advertised via his blog, rather than      alongside any such scientific modelling.                            the world to a halt,                        Amazon is already using the data it collects to train
the usual civil service recruitment routes, and applicants are        As Noam Chomsky has pointed out:                                   Such systems are beginning to solve problems that have       algorithms to anticipate what it needs to stock and ship.
asked to apply to a Gmail address. Cummings has form for              ‘A vision of a future social order is in turn based on a         hitherto been considered computationally intractable:          Amazon has to solve optimisation problems, trying to
trying to use personal accounts to circumvent freedom of           concept of human nature. If in fact man is an indefinitely          involving too many permutations and requiring too much         maximise use of its warehouses, while minimising its delivery
information rules. This is all part of his ‘disruptive’ persona,   malleable, completely plastic being, with no innate structures      processing time to be realistically solved using traditional   routes and matching that with courier availability and flights,
looking to shake up the stuffy old civil service, and get things   of mind and no intrinsic needs of a cultural or social character,                                                                  trains, etc. The trick with such immensely complex problems
done:                                                              then he is a fit subject for the “shaping of behavior” by the                                                                      is not to solve them absolutely, but to approximate as closely
  ‘We need some true wild cards, artists, people who never         state authority, the corporate manager, the technocrat,                                                                            as possible in a computationally realistic amount of time. It
went to university and fought their way out of an appalling        or the central committee. Those with some confidence in                                                                            is this non-absolute characteristic that enables algorithms to
hell hole, weirdos from William Gibson novels like that girl       the human species will hope this is not so and will try to                                                                         steadily improve. The solution to the millions of variables in a
hired by Bigend as a brand “diviner” who feels sick at the         determine the intrinsic human characteristics that provide the                                                                     delivery system is to look for good enough, not the perfect.
sight of Tommy Hilfiger or that Chinese-Cuban free runner          framework for intellectual development, the growth of moral                                                                           The algorithms that YouTube and Amazon use to
from a crime family hired by the KGB. If you want to figure out    consciousness, cultural achievement, and participation in a                                                                        recommend content to customers are changing and evolving
what characters around Putin might do, or how international        free community’ (Language and Freedom).                                                                                            in an ecosystem that drives them to improve and ultimately
criminal gangs might exploit holes in our border security, you        Fry herself had addressed these questions in the Royal                                                                          provide us with the goods and services we want. Effectively,
don’t want more Oxbridge English graduates who chat about          Institution Christmas Lectures (which should be available via                                                                      producing a profit-driven, private planned economy.
Lacan at dinner parties with TV producers and spread fake          YouTube by the time this article comes to print). In one of                                                                           Algorithms are unhuman, as per Searle’s Chinese room
news about fake news’.                                             them she addressed the:                                                                                                            (see: they can learn
  It is a bit strange to complain of liberal arts graduates via       ‘decade in which we learned the lessons of charging ahead                                                                       to follow a set of rules and respond to inputs, but they lack
citing a work of fiction, and tellingly, Cummings remembers        without first carefully thinking about the ethics of forcing                                                                       intentionality and the inherent structures of feeling and
the name of Hubertus Bigend, the uber-capitalist anti-hero of      equations on to human systems. There were the stories                                                                              humanness that people possess. Humans are essential to
Gibson’s Blue Ant series, but not Cayce Pollard (‘that girl’).     about racist algorithms in the criminal justice system, and                                                                        working with algorithmic artificial intelligence to make
  He also wants data scientists to look at models of system        sexist algorithms designed to filter job applications. YouTube                                                                     it serve our needs, rather than that of the special form of
change and dynamic modelling of viral information.                 was accused of unwittingly radicalising some of its viewers.                                                                       Artificial Intelligence that is the capitalist firm. The computing
Seemingly, Cummings wants to bring systems analysis and            Indeed, some would argue that the world is still reeling from                                                                      resources are there to enable us to better model and predict
mathematical thinking into the heart of government. He’d           the consequences of mathematical equations gone awry, both                                                                         chaotic systems, but they need a political determination on the
have to be prepared to pay well, since those skilled with such     during the time leading up to the 2008 financial crash and                                                                         part of us all to avoid them being used to service the needs of
talents can find good work in automated trading and business       Facebook failing to consider the consequences of its newsfeed                                                                      the ruling minority. We don’t need Cummings’ technocratic
analysis in the City.                                              algorithms’.                                                                                                                       weirdos to change and shape our world, but we can use their
                                                                      She also explained, however, how algorithms are being                                                                           ideas to improve our lives: but only if we are running society
Maths not everything                                               taught to learn, through deep reinforcement learning, being                                                                        on our own behalf.
The mathematics populariser Dr Hannah Fry took issue with          ‘rewarded’ for successfully finding the correct result in their                                                                       In the words of D.H. Lawrence:
Cummings’ call:                                                    task, and ‘punished’ for failing. She demonstrated this via a                                                                         For God’s sake, let us be men
   ‘There is some truth to this – there are a host of government   pile of matchboxes that had been ‘taught’ to play noughts and                                                                         not monkeys minding machines
questions that could benefit from a more mathematical take.        crosses.                                                                                                                              or sitting with our tails curled
In everything from bin collection timetables to Brexit policy,        The problem, as with the racist and sexist algorithms, is that                                                                     while the machine amuses us, the radio or film or
I’d love to see more decisions made on the basis of evidence       if the original data used to teach the algorithm is skewed: Fry,                                                                      gramophone.
over instinct. The big-data revolution has transformed             in her Guardian article, linked to an example of how Amazon’s                                                                         Monkeys with a bland grin on our faces.
the private sector, and I wholeheartedly believe it has the        recruitment algorithm had learned that most successful               John Searle                                                      PIK SMEET

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Socialist Standard March 2020 - World Socialist Movement
A Bad Criticism of Marx’s Labour
                  Theory of Value                                                                                                                      Capital and Labour by Henry Stacy Marks

    n an article on 12 January for the website Dissident Voice      that gives them exchange value. Marx is not a materialist after
    entitled ‘Marx’s Labor Theory of Value: Bad Science and         all, at least not when it comes to exchange value’
    Bad for Ecological Socialism’, David Pena launches a               For Marx’s theory to be ‘scientific’, claims Pena, it needs
stinging attack on the Marxian theory of value and outlines         to identify ‘an empirically detectable and measurable
an alternative theory which he evidently considers more             property that gives value to commodities, and a theory that
appropriate to an age of heightened environmental concern           is consistent with fundamental propositions of other relevant
(                                              sciences, such as physics and chemistry’. But since abstract
   Pena is not exactly breaking new ground, though. The             labour is not something physical and therefore not empirically
intellectual origins of some of his ideas can be traced back to     detectable and measurable, it follows that Marx’s theory
writers such as Sergei Podolinsky, in the 1880s, a pioneer in       cannot be materialist or scientific.
the field of ‘energetics’, who tried to reconcile Marx’s labour        Oddly enough, until recently there was no empirical
theory of value with the laws of thermodynamics.                    evidence for the existence of black holes in outer space. Were
   Classical economists like Adam Smith and David Ricardo           the astrophysicists inferring the existence of such phenomena
maintained that a commodity’s value depended on how much            being ‘unscientific’ in doing so? The value of scientific theory
labour went into making it. This argument was taken up and          lives in its predictive power and this is the basis on which
refined by Marx. It is important to understand that Marx’s          Marx’s theory must be judged.
theory does not equate ‘value’ with the actual amount of
labour it took to produce a good – ‘concrete labour’. If that       Naïve empiricism
were case there would never be any incentive to introduce           It is precisely the kind of naïve empiricism Pena espouses
labour-displacing technology since this would mean less value       which focusses only on the outer appearance of phenomena
being produced. Rather the metric of value is ‘abstract labour’     that Marx criticised in his analysis of capital. Capital is not a
– the socially necessary labour time it takes to produce a good,    thing but a social relationship. As he explained in Wage Labour
from start to finish, under average industry-wide conditions.       and Capital (1847):
   ‘Socially necessary labour time’ is not something you can           ‘A Negro is a Negro. Only under certain conditions does he
measure with a stop watch – like concrete labour. Moreover,         become a slave. A cotton-spinning machine is a machine for          the labour of nature in its production should be paid for           Value as a social relationship
it can only express itself through market exchange. As Marx         spinning cotton. Only under certain conditions does it become       before it is carried off and made use of? When the miner            Pena does not see this because he does not grasp that value is
explained: ‘Social labour-time exists in these commodities          capital. Torn away from these conditions, it is as little capital   has dug his way down to the ore, does Plutus hinder its             essentially a social relationship based on economic exchange.
in a latent state, so to speak, and becomes evident only            as gold is itself money, or sugar is the price of sugar.’           appropriation? Nature is not, as so many would have us to           His physical reductionist approach to the whole subject also
in the course of their exchange. Universal social labour is            Pena is committing the same error as those who conflate          suppose, frugal and grudging. Her rude products, and her            informs his absurd claim that Marx’s labour theory is ‘bad for
consequently not a ready-made prerequisite but an emerging          these things. This can be extended to include also natural          various capacities and powers, are all freely offered to man.       ecological socialism’. Since the theory posits only labour as
result’.(A Contribution to the Critique of Political Economy,       resources as in Schumacher’s comment that ‘Natural capital          She neither demands nor receives a return for her favours.          the source of value it overlooks and devalues, he supposes,
Lawrence & Wishart, Ch. 1, p. 45). Meaning the value of a           is the world’s stock of natural resources’ (Small is Beautiful,     Her services are of inestimable utility; but being granted freely   the contribution of Mother Nature to our material wellbeing.
product can change even after it has been produced as a result      1973). Inadvertently or otherwise this ‘has the effect of           and unconditionally, they are wholly destitute of value, and          But this is to totally miss the point. Marx’s labour theory
of ongoing technological and other changes.                         ‘naturalising’ capitalism, rendering its categories timeless and    are consequently without the power of communicating that            of value is an explanation of the modus operandi of a system
                                                                    ahistorical.                                                        quality to any thing.’(The Principles of Political Economy, 1864)   socialists want to get rid of, not perpetuate. We want to
Pena’s criticism                                                       Pena describes ‘value’ in much the same vein:                      Nature, along with human labour, is of course the source          bring about a society in which the exchange values no longer
Pena begins by identifying what he believes is a basic flaw in         ‘value in its original and grounding manifestation, the dual     of all use values but, as McCulloch points out, makes no            exist and use values are the sole consideration. It is the
Marx’s theory:                                                      form of matter and energy, pre-exists human and all other life      contribution whatsoever to the production of exchange values.       very existence of economic exchange that gets in the way
    ‘“Abstract human labor,” according to Marx, is the “value       forms. The worker is an arranger and discoverer of values, but      The latter is a product of human society and even then, only        of our fully appreciating, and acting upon, the latter and is
forming substance” that is “materialized” in commodities.           not a creator. Nature is the source of all values, not only use     a very particular and recent form of human society called           incompatible with ‘ecological socialism’.
... But how can an immaterial element (an abstraction)              values, as Marx erroneously believed.’                              capitalism in which alone the law of value applies.                   Ironically, Pena himself calls for the retention of exchange
become materialized and take up residence in a physical                So instead of commodities having in common the fact that           It makes intuitive sense that abstract labour should be the       value and even argues ‘If we cannot understand and measure
commodity (like the word becoming flesh)? What a confusion          they are products of human labour, their commensurability           basis of value under capitalism since this system sprang from       value… we cannot have socialism’. But you cannot divorce
of categories!’                                                     hinges on the fact that they all require energy to produce. As      alienation of the great majority from the means of producing        ‘exchange value’ from the system of generalised commodity
    This is making rather heavy weather over what is, after         Pena puts it: ‘Rationally expended energy is the “common            wealth. The economic compulsion this imposes on them to sell        production called capitalism. And you cannot divorce
all, just a metaphor. That Marx saw value as something              element” of all commodities. The amount of expenditure              their working abilities – or ‘labour power’ – to the capitalists    capitalism from the relentless accumulation of capital it
immaterial is quite true (even if he used a ‘material’ metaphor     represented by the finished commodity is its objective              in return for a wage with which they can buy their own means        entails.
like ‘substance’). As he put it ‘the value of commodities is the    exchange value.’                                                    of subsistence is precisely what makes for the generalisation         When Marx and Engels talked in the Communist Manifesto of
very opposite of the coarse materiality of their substance,            Pena thus wants to make ‘energy’ the fundamental metric of       of commodity production and, hence, for the ‘value’ to come         the need to ‘increase the total of productive forces as rapidly
not an atom of matter enters into its composition’ (Capital         exchange value because it is physical and can be empirically        into play.                                                          as possible’ all they meant by this was that these needed
Vol 1, Ch.1). Value here is a construct in the same way as the      measured (unlike the ‘metaphysical’ concept of abstract               The worker under capitalism does not approach the                 to be developed to the point where human needs could be
statement, ‘the national average for children per family unit       labour). However, exchange value presupposes and springs            capitalist offering a particular bundle of energy (measured in      adequately met as a precondition of socialism itself. This was
is 1.8’, is a construct. As far as we know there is no actual       from commodity production and cannot really be understood           joules) in exchange for a wage. Rather, they offer a particular     emphatically not a recipe for infinite growth, as Pena seems to
‘material’ family unit consisting of 1.8 children.                  outside of this context – which, unfortunately, is precisely        skill which the capitalist specifically requires. The application   think, or some Promethean desire for ‘production for its own
    For Pena, however, this smacks of a contradiction. How          what Pena wants to do.                                              of her labour power in the process of labouring is what creates     sake’.
can something as immaterial and abstract as value become               We see this in his claim that value, ‘pre-exists human and       a greater value than the value of the wages she receives and is       Unfortunately, by arguing for the retention of a system of
‘congealed’ in (and thus, according to him, be transformed          all other life forms’ and has its source in nature. The perfect     the source of that capitalist’s great wealth.                       economic exchange (and exchange values couched in units of
into) a material substance? Labour is a process not a               riposte to this is the rather colourful observation made by           True, labour in any society (including societies without          energy), Pena himself is unwittingly helping to promote the
substance. Consequently:                                            the nineteenth-century Ricardian economist John Ramsay              commodities or markets) involves the expenditure of energy          very thing that increasingly imperils our global ecosystem
    ‘Despite all the talk about Marx’s materialism, his theory is   McCulloch, as follows:                                              but so too does leisure, love-making and tending to one’s           about which he is (quite rightly) concerned.
obviously based on an immaterialist metaphysics, which holds           ‘When a fish is caught, or a tree is felled, do the nereids      allotment. But none of these latter activities necessarily entail   ROBIN COX
that all commodities share a common non-material property           or wood-nymphs make their appearance, and stipulate that            commodity exchange and the production of exchange values.

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