Managed Isolation and Quarantine Facilities (MIQFs) Infection Prevention and Control (IPC) Readiness Review Crowne Plaza

Page created by Andrew Anderson
Managed Isolation and Quarantine Facilities (MIQFs) Infection Prevention and Control (IPC) Readiness Review Crowne Plaza
                            SE L
Managed Isolation and Quarantine Facilities (MIQFs) Infection Prevention
and Control (IPC) Readiness Review

Crowne Plaza

                          EA IV
Date of audit: 1 September 2021

                      R AC
This audit was undertaken aligning to:
•   MIQF Operations Framework (OFW) Version 7.0 (released 9 August 2021)
•   MIQF IPC Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) Version 2.0 27 August 2021


MIQF IPC Readiness review                                                    Page 1 of 18
 Ministry of Health Auditor/Report Author: Jo Noble                       IPC Subject Matter Expert: Carol Jarvis

                            SE L
 Background Information about the Facility

 Facility type: (Managed Isolation/Quarantine/Dual use)    Managed Isolation

                          EA IV
 Cohorting schedule or Special MIQF: (type)                Cohorting 96 hrs – currently closed

 Capacity: Number of returnee rooms (total available)      352
 Number of rooms occupied:

 Number of returnees on the day of audit:

                      R AC
 Number of returnees in isolation:
 Pending arrivals: (number)
 Pending departures: (number)
 Pending transfers (e.g., to another facility): (number)
 MIQF Manager:                                             Hamish Reichardt
 MBIE Operations and Security Manager:                     Not present

 Charge Nurse Manager/Nurse Coordinator:                   Not present
 MBIE Health and Safety Advisor:                           Not present
 Others present:                                           Tim GM Crowne Plaza IHG

MIQF IPC Readiness review                                                                                           Page 2 of 18
Audit Findings and Recommendations

                             SE L
 Observation Area                                 Comments                                                       Recommendations for Improvement If

 Numbering aligns with the MIQF IPC SOP           State what evidence verifies why each standard/criterion       ‘Not Met’
 (V1.7) and/or OFW (V7.0).                        is not met.

                           EA IV
 1. Staff management and training

 1.1 All MIQF staff members have received         MIF Manager advised that all staff receive site induction.
 IPC training during their induction to the

 facility (OFW 3.5.1, 4.2.2).

 1.2 Induction content and site security plan     Induction and site security plan as not reviewed.              Signage to clearly delineate zones to be

                       R AC
 includes information about zoned areas (IPC                                                                     completed prior to in-fill. i.e. stairwells, back-
                                                  New zoning was being established to meet changed PPE
 SOP 3.1).                                                                                                       of-house areas, staff only areas, and staff lift

 1.3 MIQF maintains an IPC training register      Not reviewed.
 (OFW 3.5.1).
 1.4 IPC training information is recorded by      Not reviewed.
 DHB for health staff, and by MBIE for non-

 health staff (OFW 3.5.1).

 1.5 Daily staff health checks are completed at   It was advised that daily staff health checks are
 the beginning of each shift and information is   completed at the start of each shift in the Health office on
 recorded (OFW 4.3).                              level 6.
                                                  In Auckland, non-health staff are not allowed to
                                                  undertake staff health checks.

 1.6 There are local area procedures (LAP) for    Not reviewed.
 managing symptomatic staff and for
 notification of the Medical Officer of Health

MIQF IPC Readiness review                                                                                                                            Page 3 of 18
 Observation Area                                Comments                                                     Recommendations for Improvement If

                              SE L
 Numbering aligns with the MIQF IPC SOP          State what evidence verifies why each standard/criterion     ‘Not Met’
 (V1.7) and/or OFW (V7.0).                       is not met.

 (MOoH)/Public Health Unit (PHU) (OFW 4.3,

                            EA IV
 1.7 MIQF worker surveillance testing is         Not reviewed.

 completed to meet the requirements of the
 COVID-19 Public Health Response (Required
 Testing) Order 2020 (OFW 12.1).

 2. Hand hygiene

                        R AC
 2.1 Hand sanitiser is readily available in
 appropriate locations (OFW 3.4.1).

 2.2 Hand sanitiser is supplied through the
                                                 Hand sanitiser was observed at required locations but
                                                 still needed to be made available at the new Level 7 staff
                                                 entrance, and exercise pathway.

                                                 Not reviewed.
                                                                                                              Hand sanitiser to be made available in
                                                                                                              required locations.
 authorised Ministry supply chain or approved
 by IPC lead (IPC SOP 2).

 2.3 Handwashing facilities have liquid soap     Not reviewed.
 (no bar soap), disposable hand towels and a
 rubbish bin (IPC SOP 2).

 2.4 Signage regarding hand hygiene is visible   Limited signage relating to hand hygiene was observed        Place hand hygiene signage in lift lobbies,
 (OFW 3.4.1).                                    throughout the facility. No signage in guest lift lobbies,   smoking area, and exercise pathway.
                                                 smoking areas, new exercise pathway, staff lift lobbies.

MIQF IPC Readiness review                                                                                                                      Page 4 of 18
 Observation Area                                  Comments                                                   Recommendations for Improvement If

                             SE L
 Numbering aligns with the MIQF IPC SOP            State what evidence verifies why each standard/criterion   ‘Not Met’
 (V1.7) and/or OFW (V7.0).                         is not met.

 3. Physical distancing and zones

                           EA IV
 3.1 Signage is in place for zone changes          Zones are not clearly signed to indicate Returnee shared   Zoning signage to be placed throughout the
 (returnee shared areas and staff-only areas)      areas/RED and Staff only areas/Green.                      facility to identify zones.

 (IPC SOP 3.1).

 3.2 Dual-use facilities have separate zones for   N/A
 returnees in quarantine and isolation,
 including signage, barriers, and PPE stations

                       R AC
 (OFW 2.2).

 3.3 Signage is in place regarding 2 metre         Signage relating to 2 metre physical distancing was
 physical distancing for returnees and staff       observed throughout the facility.
 (OFW 3.4.2).
 3.4 Staff and returnees are observed to           Not observed.
 maintain physical distancing in shared and
 crowded spaces (IPC SOP 3).

 3.5 Staff (including urgent maintenance)          It was reported by the Hotel Manager that returnee room
 entering a returnee’s room comply with the        entry complies with the Framework requirements.
 Framework (OFW, OFW 3.5.4).

 3.6 Staff work areas comply with IPC              Staff work areas were observed during this review
 requirements (OFW 3.5.2).                         appeared to comply with IPC requirements but were
                                                   vacant at the time, so a real assessment of physical
                                                   distancing was unable to be done.

MIQF IPC Readiness review                                                                                                                    Page 5 of 18
 Observation Area                                   Comments                                                   Recommendations for Improvement If

                              SE L
 Numbering aligns with the MIQF IPC SOP             State what evidence verifies why each standard/criterion   ‘Not Met’
 (V1.7) and/or OFW (V7.0).                          is not met.

 3.7 Cleaning supplies are available in work        Not observed in work areas. The staff break room did not   Place Clinell wipes in staff break rooms for
 areas for high-touch surfaces (i.e., tables,       have cleaning supplies for individuals to use.             staff to clean surfaces following use.

                            EA IV
 work phones, radios) (OFW 3.5.2).

 3.8 Physical barriers (i.e., Perspex screens)      Several operational desks in the Red Zone used during      Recommend Perspex screens be used for
 are used in areas where distancing cannot be       arrivals and for exercise/smoking bookings did not have    front-facing staff activities in Red zone areas

 achieved (IPC SOP 3).                              Perspex screens where physical distancing was unable       such as Arrivals and Smoking area, to
                                                    to be maintained.                                          increase staff protection.

                        R AC
 3.9 Lift/s are dedicated for staff-only use or a   Designated staff only lifts (2).
 mitigation plan is in place for shared lift use
 (IPC 3).

 3.10 Returnee and shared lifts have (OFW           No shared lifts. Lifts were observed to have:              Hand hygiene signage to be put up to remind
 3.4.1, 3.4.2):                                                                                                guests when touching lift buttons.
                                                    •   ‘one bubble’ signage
 •   ‘one bubble’ signage                           •   hand sanitiser outside lift on each floor
 •   hand hygiene signage                           •   hand sanitiser in lift

 •   hand sanitiser outside lift on each floor          air cleaner unit in place on ‘max’ setting.
                         EL                         •
 •   hand sanitiser in lift
                                                    No hand hygiene signage observed
 •   air cleaner unit in place on ‘max’ setting.

 3.11 Returnee smoking areas have (OFW              Returnee smoking areas were observed to have:              Reiterated need for individual masks to be
 10.11, Stay in a MIQF SOP 14):                                                                                given to smokers if required. Communal
                                                    •   smoking rules signage                                  boxes to be removed or put out of reach by
 •   smoking rules signage                          •   booking process                                        guests.
 •   briefing process (Stay 14.03)                  •   hand sanitiser
 •   booking process                                •   active supervision                                     Smoking area LAP to include entry and exit
 •   hand sanitiser                                 •   2 metre spacing                                        management to ensure 2m distancing when
 •   active supervision                             •   ashtrays for individual smoking stations               moving into or out of the area.

MIQF IPC Readiness review                                                                                                                        Page 6 of 18
 Observation Area                                 Comments                                                      Recommendations for Improvement If

                             SE L
 Numbering aligns with the MIQF IPC SOP           State what evidence verifies why each standard/criterion      ‘Not Met’
 (V1.7) and/or OFW (V7.0).                        is not met.

 •   2 metre spacing                              •   process in place for replacement masks.
 •   ashtrays for individual smoking stations

                           EA IV
 •   process in place for replacement masks.

 3.12 Returnee exercise area has (OFW             Returnee exercise area did not have                           Place physical distancing signage in exercise
 10.10):                                                                                                        area and access pathway.
                                                  •   physical distancing signage

 •   physical distancing signage                  •   availability of hand sanitiser                            Hand sanitiser to be made available at
 •   availability of hand sanitiser               •   process for replacement masks                             bottom and top of stairwell and in exercise

                       R AC
 •   process for replacement masks
 •   active supervision                           The new access pathway to the exercise area in the car        Process for replacement of masks in
 •   booking process                              park off Level 15 uses two flights of internal stairs and a   exercise area to be implements.
 •   allowance for heavy exercise only as         short but narrow hallway. Airflow was unable to be
     approved (OFW 10.10.3)                       determined and there are concerns about heavy                 Recommend review of ventilation in the
 •   cleaning protocol for in-room exercise       breathing when going upstairs to the area in the narrow       access pathway to the exercise area and
                                                  stairwell and hallway.                                        consider placement of BGA air cleaning units
     equipment (OFW
                                                                                                                in hallway and keep disused laundry door
                                                                                                                open with extractor on to increase airflow.

 3.13 Testing rooms have (OFW           Testing rooms were observed to have:                          Suggest placing chairs facing the rear wall or
                                                                                                                directed towards the privacy screens.
 •   configuration to ensure 2 metre distancing   •   configuration to ensure 2 metre distancing and
     and entry/exit                                   entry/exit
 •   hand sanitiser available for staff and       •   hand sanitiser available for staff and returnees
     returnees                                    •   equipment and PPE stored appropriately
 •   adequate ventilation and/or portable air     •   furniture and surfaces that are easily cleanable.
     cleaning units
 •   equipment and PPE stored appropriately       Chairs for persons being swabbed were placed facing
 •   furniture and surfaces that are easily       outwards into general area, without any barriers to
     cleanable.                                   restrict sneezes/coughs etc.

MIQF IPC Readiness review                                                                                                                        Page 7 of 18
 Observation Area                                    Comments                                                     Recommendations for Improvement If

                              SE L
 Numbering aligns with the MIQF IPC SOP              State what evidence verifies why each standard/criterion     ‘Not Met’
 (V1.7) and/or OFW (V7.0).                           is not met.

 3.14 Air cleaning units are in place in corridors   Air cleaning units were observed in corridors and lifts to   Units to be secured as per advised.
 and lifts (IPC SOP 8.8, Appendix 11), and are:      be

                            EA IV
 •   operating on ‘max airflow’ setting              •   operating on ‘max airflow’ setting

 •   secured to the wall                             •   listed on the cleaning register.
 •   listed on the cleaning register.
                                                     Units were not yet secured to the wall.

 4. Personal protective equipment (PPE)

 (OFW 3.6.2).

                        R AC
 4.1 There are adequate supplies of PPE              PPE supplies were observed and appeared to be
                                                     Non-health staff supplies had been received and stored
                                                     separately. The MIF Manager advised that the process
                                                     for re-ordering was not yet known.
                                                                                                                  Process on how to re-order PPE supplies to
                                                                                                                  be communicated. It would seem logical that
                                                                                                                  this be a whole of facility process rather than
                                                                                                                  individual agencies.
 4.2 There are adequate bins available for PPE       Contactless bins were observed at PPE stations that had
 disposal (IPC SOP 4.6).                             been established throughout the facility.

 4.3 PPE stations are located at transition          Not all transition zones between returnee ‘red’ shared       Assess zones and place PPE stations in
 zones (IPC SOP 4).                                  areas and staff-only ‘green’ areas had PPE stations in       transition areas.

 4.4 PPE is safely stored off the floor (such as     PPE was observed to be stored as required. Stock
 on shelves) and rotated to use older stock first    rotation was unable to be determined.
 (OFW 3.6.2).

 4.5 PPE is observed to be worn as per               Unable to be observed during this review. The summary        Guidance to direct on required PPE for tasks
 guidance summary table (IPC SOP 4.1).               guidance table states “should” for N95 use in some           requiring N95 use in zones.
                                                     instances and this is causing uncertainty about use and

MIQF IPC Readiness review                                                                                                                           Page 8 of 18
 Observation Area                                Comments                                                     Recommendations for Improvement If

                             SE L
 Numbering aligns with the MIQF IPC SOP          State what evidence verifies why each standard/criterion     ‘Not Met’
 (V1.7) and/or OFW (V7.0).                       is not met.

                                                 implementation of safe practices and PPE breach

                           EA IV
 4.6 Staff who are required to wear P2/N95       Hotel Manager reported on recent N95 fitting and fit         All staff to be trained on N95 fit checking.

 masks have been trained to fit check (IPC       check training using Jet park video and practice. Hotel
 SOP 4.5).                                       duty managers are designated as N95 fit-checking
                                                 champions. There is still a need for non-hotel staff and

                                                 new staff to received fit-check training.

                       R AC
 4.7 Staff who are required to wear P2/N95       Not completed for all non-health staff who are required to   MBIE to implement fit-testing.
 masks have completed fit testing (IPC SOP       wear N95 (with the exception of maintenance staff).

 5. Returnee IPC requirements
 5.1 The MIQF has an arrival process that        No arrivals process was observed during this review. The     Recommend returnees who arrive wearing a
 includes 2 metre physical distancing, medical   process was advised by the MIF and Hotel managers            cloth mask be provided with a medical mask
 mask usage, and hand hygiene before and         with a walk-through of the pathway. Hand hygiene and         and instructed to wear over the top of the
 after touching surfaces (OFW 9.2).              physical distancing marking was in place. It was reported    cloth mask until in their rooms.

                                                 that a mask-change process was not currently in place
                                                 due to multiple changes in opinions about how this
                                                 should be managed. A process for managing arrivals
                                                 wearing cloth masks was discussed.

 5.2 Returnee daily health and wellbeing         Not reviewed.
 checks are completed as prescribed in the
 Framework including facilities using health
 check rooms (OFW 10.2, 10.2.2).

MIQF IPC Readiness review                                                                                                                        Page 9 of 18
 Observation Area                             Comments                                                    Recommendations for Improvement If

                            SE L
 Numbering aligns with the MIQF IPC SOP       State what evidence verifies why each standard/criterion    ‘Not Met’
 (V1.7) and/or OFW (V7.0).                    is not met.

 5.3 Returnee testing is managed as           The MIF manager reported that routine returnee testing is
 prescribed (OFW 11.3).                       completed as prescribed in the Framework in a

                          EA IV
                                              designated testing room.

 5.4 Symptomatic returnees are managed as     Not reviewed
 prescribed (OFW 10.3).

 5.5 Symptomatic returnees with a negative    Not reviewed
 COVID-19 PCR are managed as prescribed

                      R AC
 (OFW 10.3.1):
 •   daily health checks
 •   smoking/exercise arrangements
 •   escalation for prolonged symptoms (OFW
 •   bubble management followed (OFW

 5.6 Where continuous positive airway         Not reviewed
 pressure therapy (CPAP) is used at the
 facility, adhere to process as prescribed
 (OFW 3.4.7, IPC SOP Appendix 9), including
 (but not limited to):
 •   clinical risk assessment
 •   room placement and ventilation
 •   cleaning of machines (IPC SOP 8.7.1).

MIQF IPC Readiness review                                                                                                           Page 10 of 18
 Observation Area                                  Comments                                                   Recommendations for Improvement If

                              SE L
 Numbering aligns with the MIQF IPC SOP            State what evidence verifies why each standard/criterion   ‘Not Met’
 (V1.7) and/or OFW (V7.0).                         is not met.

 5.7 Where nebulisers are required to be used      Not reviewed
 by a returnee, adhere to Framework (OFW

                            EA IV

 5.8 All deliveries are taken to returnee’s door   The hotel manager reported that the new delivery’s
 by MIQF staff (OFW 10.8.1).                       window was in place in the full-height wall now

                                                   separating the hotel from the atrium. The Concierge
                                                   would continue to deliver items to the guest rooms.
                                                   Knock and drop. Frequency of deliveries to returnee

                        R AC
                                                   zones was discussed specifically to minimise staff
                                                   movement into returnee corridors. A hotel beverage
                                                   service including delivery to the room was in place.

 5.9 Bubbles are managed following the             The hotel manager reported rooms are allocated for
 Framework principles (OFW 10.1).                  bubbles.
 5.10 Bubble breaches are managed as               It was advised during this review that bubble breaches
 prescribed in the Framework (OFW 10.1.4).         are risk assessed as per the MIQ incident reporting

                         EL                        priority matrix.

 5.11 Close contacts of confirmed (or              Not reviewed
 probable) cases are managed according to
 the guidance in the Framework (OFW 10.4).

 5.12 Transfer of returnees during their stay in   The MIF Manager advised during this review the process
 a MIQF is managed as prescribed (OFW 10.7,        for any returnees requiring transfer to another MIQF
 IPC SOP 4.1).                                     which aligns with the framework.

 5.13 The MIQF has an implemented health           Not reviewed
 exit screening process managed by the health
MIQF IPC Readiness review                                                                                                               Page 11 of 18
 Observation Area                                 Comments                                                   Recommendations for Improvement If

                             SE L
 Numbering aligns with the MIQF IPC SOP           State what evidence verifies why each standard/criterion   ‘Not Met’
 (V1.7) and/or OFW (V7.0).                        is not met.

 leads that includes completion of the Final
 Health Check Form (OFW 13.6).

                           EA IV
 6. Blood and body fluid exposure (BBFE)

 6.1 Staff have access to the DHB Blood and       Not reviewed

 Body Fluid Exposure Policy (IPC SOP 6).

 6.2 Staff know how to manage a BBFE or spill     Not reviewed

                       R AC
 (IPC SOP 6, 8.11).

 7. Laundry

 7.1 Laundry providers (internal and external)    Hotel linen and returnee laundry is managed on-site        Placement of a PPE station was
 comply with Laundry Standards AS/NZS             following the principals of the ANZS 4146                  recommended for laundry staff collecting
 4146:2000 Laundry Practice (IPC SOP 7.1).                                                                   used linen and personal laundry.
                                                  The laundry was reviewed. There was a clear delineation
                                                  of clean and dirty

                        EL                        Management of pre-14-day departure, linen and laundry
                                                  included instruction on decreasing agitation during

 7.2 On-site laundry facility has been approved   n/a
 by the MIQF IPC lead (IPC SOP 7.2.1).

 7.3 Hotel communal/guest laundry rooms are       The hotel laundry is closed to returnee access.
 closed for use by returnees (IPC SOP 7.1).

MIQF IPC Readiness review                                                                                                                   Page 12 of 18
 Observation Area                                    Comments                                                   Recommendations for Improvement If

                              SE L
 Numbering aligns with the MIQF IPC SOP              State what evidence verifies why each standard/criterion   ‘Not Met’
 (V1.7) and/or OFW (V7.0).                           is not met.

 7.4 Dirty linen is segregated from clean linen      A dirty and clean linen pathway was observed.
 (IPC SOP 7.1).

                            EA IV
 7.5 Clean linen is covered and delivered to a       Clean linen was observed to be covered and/or bagged

 clean collection point that is not used for dirty   and placed in storage areas away from dirty linen.
 linen (IPC SOP 7.1).

 7.6 Returnees’ personal laundry is bagged at        Returnees place their laundry in a cloth bag laundry bag
 source and handled separately to MIQF linen         and placed outside of their room for collection.

                        R AC
 (OFW 3.6.4).

 8. Cleaning and food services

 8.1 There is an implemented cleaning plan           High touch surfaces were reported to be cleaned            Recommend review of High-touch surfaces
 including (OFW 3.6.3):                              frequently. A high-touch register was not sighted. High-   cleaning areas in returnee zones to minimise
                                                     touch surfaces are cleaned at a minimum of twice daily.    staff movements in returnee corridors.
 •   furniture and soft furnishings in returnees’                                                               Minimum of twice daily.
     rooms, and testing rooms                        Hotel manager advised returnees are provided with a

                                                     cleaning pack on request. These cleaning packs are
     a register for high-touch points in common
     areas, cleaned at least twice a day (IPC        disinfected with an approved IPC process following
     SOP 8.9, OFW                          departure.
 •   a cleaning pack provided to returnees

 8.2 Room cleaning follows a clean to dirty flow     Not reviewed

MIQF IPC Readiness review                                                                                                                      Page 13 of 18
 Observation Area                                 Comments                                                   Recommendations for Improvement If

                              SE L
 Numbering aligns with the MIQF IPC SOP           State what evidence verifies why each standard/criterion   ‘Not Met’
 (V1.7) and/or OFW (V7.0).                        is not met.

 8.3 Crockery, glassware and cutlery is           Not reviewed
 cleaned in a commercial dishwasher or

                            EA IV
 kitchen process (IPC SOP

 8.4 Clean linen and towels are not placed into   Not reviewed
 room until cleaning is completed (IPC SOP


 8.5 Cleaning for confirmed or probable           Not reviewed

                        R AC
 positive cases (IPC SOP 8.4), short stay
 returnees (IPC SOP 8.3.3) and room change
 (IPC SOP 8.3.2) meets the requirements of
 the SOP, particularly in terms of:
 •   ventilation
 •   PPE
 •   IPC approval for stand down.

 8.6 Cleaning chemicals are approved for use      All cleaning chemicals have been approved by the IPC
 by IPC lead (IPC SOP                   lead.

 8.7 If electrostatic cleaners are used, they     Not reviewed
 have been approved by the IPC lead (IPC
 SOP 8.5).

 8.8 Processes are in place for cleaning          Not reviewed
 shared medical equipment and phones (IPC
 SOP 8.6, 8.8.1).

MIQF IPC Readiness review                                                                                                              Page 14 of 18
 Observation Area                                Comments                                                   Recommendations for Improvement If

                              SE L
 Numbering aligns with the MIQF IPC SOP          State what evidence verifies why each standard/criterion   ‘Not Met’
 (V1.7) and/or OFW (V7.0).                       is not met.

 8.9 Meal deliveries follow a circular flow to   The hotel manager advised meals are delivered on each      Meal delivery to follow a racetrack flow to
 avoid opposing doors being opened together      side of the returnee corridors in continuous blocks of     avoid simultaneous door opening

                            EA IV
 (OFW 11.5.5).                                   rooms. This process could result in opposite rooms
                                                 opening doors simultaneously

                                                                                                            Recommend a paperless menu ordering
                                                                                                            process be implemented

                                                 On arrival returnees are required to complete a paper-
                                                 based menu which is collected by Hotel staff and
                                                 processed. This requires physical handling. The Hotel

                        R AC
                                                 manager reported the clipvoards are snaitsed after each

 8.10 Food trolleys are cleaned after use (IPC   Not reviewed
 SOP 8.12).
 9. Transport

 9.1 Transport to a MIQF meets IPC               Transport was not observed during this audit. The MIF

 requirements (OFW                     Manager advised that processes are in place that align
                                                 with the Framework.
 •   returnees/air crew must wear medical
     mask unless exempt
 •   2 metre distancing on entry and exit
 •   hand hygiene on entry and exit.

 9.2 Drivers comply with IPC requirements        Transport drivers were not observed during this audit.
 (i.e., PPE, physical distancing, entry/exit)    The MIF Manager advised that drivers’ processes comply
 (OFW                                  with IPC requirements.

MIQF IPC Readiness review                                                                                                                    Page 15 of 18
 Observation Area                               Comments                                                   Recommendations for Improvement If

                            SE L
 Numbering aligns with the MIQF IPC SOP         State what evidence verifies why each standard/criterion   ‘Not Met’
 (V1.7) and/or OFW (V7.0).                      is not met.

 9.3 Luggage and passenger unloading occurs     Luggage and returnees unloading was not observed
 as per Framework (OFW                during this Audit. The MIF Manager advised Secure flight

                          EA IV
                                                deliver returnee luggage, this process not reviewed
                                                during this review

 9.4 Vehicle cleaning is undertaken (IPC SOP    Vehicle cleaning not reviewed


 10. Waste management

                      R AC
 10.1 MIQF waste management local area
 procedure (LAP) aligns with local DHB policy
 (IPC SOP 10.1).

 10.2 PPE and waste from rooms goes into
                                                The LAP for waste management was not sighted.

                                                PPE waste was reported to be placed into the general
 general waste stream (IPC SOP 10.1).           waste bins

 10.3 Regular collection occurs, and bins and   Not reviewed
 skips are not over-filled (OFW 3.6.4).

 10.4 Bins are contactless and lined (OFW       Bins were observed to be lined and contactless.

 10.5 Rubbish bags are closed and tied at       It was reported open paper meal rubbish bags are placed    Plastic rubbish bags to be provided to
 source (IPC SOP 10.1).                         outside the returnee room for collection.                  returnees with instruction in the Welcome
                                                                                                           letter on correct process to place all rubbish

MIQF IPC Readiness review                                                                                                                   Page 16 of 18
 Observation Area                                 Comments                                                   Recommendations for Improvement If

                            SE L
 Numbering aligns with the MIQF IPC SOP           State what evidence verifies why each standard/criterion   ‘Not Met’
 (V1.7) and/or OFW (V7.0).                        is not met.

                                                                                                             inside the plastic bag, tie, and place outside
                                                                                                             room door.

                          EA IV
 10.6 Medical masks, gloves and an apron are      Not observed.

 worn by staff collecting waste bags (OFW

 10.7 Shared bins in hallways must have           No shared bins are in this facility’s hallways.
 signage and co-located hand sanitiser for

                      R AC
 returnee use (IPC SOP 10.1).

 10.8 Waste trolleys are cleaned after use (IPC   Hotel manager reported that waste trolleys are cleaned
 SOP 10.1.1).                                     after use, staff wearing required PPE.

 11. Maintenance
 11.1 MIQF staff undertake essential room         Essential room maintenance is undertaken in alignment
 maintenance following SOP (IPC SOP 11).          with the IPC SOP including PPE, and the returnee is not

                                                  present in the room.
 12. Changes to hotel configuration

 12.1 Any changes are discussed with the IPC      Not reviewed.
 lead (IPC SOP 12).

 12.2 The IPC lead determines zones and PPE       Not reviewed
 requirements for temporary zone changes or
 facility closures (IPC SOP 12).

MIQF IPC Readiness review                                                                                                                     Page 17 of 18
 Observation Area                                  Comments                                                   Recommendations for Improvement If

                             SE L
 Numbering aligns with the MIQF IPC SOP            State what evidence verifies why each standard/criterion   ‘Not Met’
 (V1.7) and/or OFW (V7.0).                         is not met.

 13. Emergency evacuations

                           EA IV
 13.1 The MIQF has a documented evacuation         The evacuation plan was advised but not sighted during
 plan (OFW 6.7).                                   this review.

                                                   The evacuation assembly points include a public area
                                                   which will require crowd control

 13.2 Medical masks are available for              Not reviewed

                       R AC
 returnees and PPE is available for staff during
 evacuation (IPC SOP 13).

 13.3 The assembly point has signage and           The assembly point did not have space for 2 metre
 indications for 2 metre physical distancing       distancing and bubble allocation if at full capacity.
 (OFW 6.7, Stay in a MIQF SOP 23).
 14. Medical emergencies

 14.1 Staff have access to and can articulate      Not reviewed
 DHB cardiac arrest CPR policy and
 procedures (IPC SOP 14).

 14.2 Health staff can articulate PPE              Not reviewed.
 requirements for CPR (IPC SOP 14).

MIQF IPC Readiness review                                                                                                               Page 18 of 18
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