Hyde 'N' Seek Pinnochios Day Care of Children - Care Inspectorate

Page created by Ross Coleman
Hyde 'N' Seek Pinnochios Day Care of Children - Care Inspectorate
Hyde 'N' Seek Pinnochios
Day Care of Children

100A Crowhill Road
G64 1RP

Telephone: 0141 571 9545

Type of inspection:

Completed on:
12 July 2018

Service provided by:          Service provider number:
Hyde N Seek (Pinochios) Ltd   SP2016012733

Service no:
Inspection report

    About the service
    Hyde n Seek Pinocchios Ltd provides the service from Bishopbriggs. The accommodation is stand alone
    portacabins within Huntershill Village. They are registered to provide a care service to a maximum of 43 children
    not yet attending primary school. This breaks down to the following age ranges:

    6 children - under 2 years
    23 children - aged 2 years and under 3 years
    14 children - aged 3 years to not yet attending primary school.

    The service had recently applied for a variation to increase the number of children under two years being cared

    Two inspectors inspected this service on 5, 9 and 12 July 2018.

    The aims and objectives of the service include:

    "To provide a safe, warm, happy, loving environment; to treat all children as individuals; to promote quality care,
    based on a policy of equality."

    A full copy of this can be accessed from the service.

    We check services are meeting the principles of Getting it Right for Every Child (GIRFEC), Scotland's national
    approach to improving outcomes and wellbeing for children by offering the right help at the right time from the
    right people. It supports them and their parent(s) to work with services that can help them. There are eight
    wellbeing indicators at the heart of GIRFEC: safe, healthy, achieving, nurtured, active, respected, responsible, and
    included, also known as the SHANARRI wellbeing indicators.

    What people told us
    We observed that staff were kind and caring in their interactions with the children. Some of the older children
    had developed close friendships.

    We sent out 15 questionnaires and three were completed and returned to us before our inspection. All of the
    parents confirmed that they were happy with the quality of care their child receives in the service. Parents

    - "Staff are very helpful and friendly. (My child) always happy and excited to attend nursery. Always kept updated
    with what she has done daily. Staff have always supported me with (my child)"

    - "My child is very happy. I would recommend the nursery to everyone its great and staff are lovely."

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Self assessment
The service had not been asked to complete a self assessment in advance of the inspection. We looked at their
own improvement plan and quality assurance paperwork. These demonstrated their priorities for development
and how they were monitoring of the quality of the provision within the service.

From this inspection we graded this service as:
Quality of care and support                               3 - Adequate
Quality of environment                                    3 - Adequate
Quality of staffing                                       3 - Adequate
Quality of management and leadership                      3 - Adequate

Quality of care and support

Findings from the inspection
Through observations and discussions we found that staff knew the children and their families well, discussing
children's particular likes, dislikes and routines. To support this knowledge helpful all about me forms and care
plans were completed for each child and regularly reviewed with parents. Keyworkers were using e-learning
journals to record information about children. We found the journals contained limited observations reflecting on
children's individual learning with clearly identified next steps. This meant there was not clear information to
share how children's learning was progressing and the specific areas staff were taking forward with individual
children. This meant it was difficult to track children's learning (see recommendation 1).

Staff had an understanding in relation to taking forward any issues linked to child protection. Staff spoke
positively about the different scenarios the manager had brought to a recent team meeting to encourage them
to think and discuss how they would take these forward. The manager agreed that formal child protection
training should be taken forward as a matter of priority to consolidate and develop a full understanding of staff's
roles and responsibilities. (See recommendation 1, under Quality of Staffing).

The medication policy reflected best practice guidance. Parents had completed consent forms for their child, with
dosage forms appropriately completed by staff. The manager should ensure the consent forms for 'as and when
required' medication details clearly state the signs and symptoms when staff should administer this. This will
result in children's medication being accurately administered.

On the first day of inspection we advised the manager and provider drinking water should be freely available for
all of the children throughout the day. On the second day we found the provider had purchased water bottles for
children over two years. Thought should now be given how the youngest children will access dinking water
outwith snack and meals. This should be in place all the time, especially in the warmer weather.

Thought should be given to increase children's independence when having snack and meals. Resources should
be purchased to support this development, for example smaller jugs for milk and water, and child size utensils
for the older children to serve themselves lunch. The manager was very positive about taking this development

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    Number of requirements: 0

    Number of recommendations: 1

    1. The manager and staff should ensure that purposeful individual observations and clearly identified next steps
    are recorded for each child. Staff should ensure that spontaneous observations are carried out, where
    appropriate, and this learning should be taken forward by the keyworker. This will give clear information on
    children's individual learning and support each child's keyworker in identify individual next steps in learning for
    each child in their group.

    This ensures care and support is consistent with the Health and Social Care Standards which state that "My
    personal plan (sometimes referred to as a care plan) is right for me because it sets out how my needs will be
    met, as well as my wishes and choices." (HSCS 1.15)

    Grade: 3 - adequate

    Quality of environment

    Findings from the inspection
    Children aged two to three years had recently been moved into the older children's room to create a playroom
    for children two to five years. We observed the playroom had not yet been reviewed and resources updated to
    reflect the differing needs of the younger children and to create challenge for the older children. For all of the
    children more natural and sensory resources should be in place. This meant there were not opportunities for
    children to become engrossed in their play and to explore, discover and experiment with a range of different
    materials. The manager and provider confirmed they were aware of the need to develop the outdoor area and
    had some plans already in place to take this forward (see recommendation 1)

    Throughout the visits we observed children over two years had limited access to the outdoor play area. Children
    spent periods of time in groups throughout the day. This meant children did not have the opportunity to be
    actively involved in their own learning with the ability to explore, investigate, problem solve and spend time
    being engrossed in their play (see recommendation 2).

    We discussed with the provider and manager areas that were in need of improvement in relation to infection
    control, this included bare wood that was exposed in the kitchen and children's toilets. The provider advised a
    new kitchen had been purchased and plans were in place to replace the children's toilets. This will improve the
    environment available to children.

    We found risk assessments had not been updated to reflect how the premises were being used. The manager
    agreed to ensure these are dynamic and updated to reflect any changes. We discussed staff and children should
    be involved in this process, where appropriate. This will encourage children to become risk aware.

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The provider had recently changed some of the fire doors to included glass to create more light in areas. We
advised that advice should be sought from the local fire safety officer in relation to these changes, the manager
and provider agreed to take this forward.

Number of requirements: 0

Number of recommendations: 2

1. All staff should be involved, using best practice guidance and knowledge gained from accessing training, to
ensure appropriate resources, both indoors and outdoors, are in place for children of all ages. This will create
dynamic, fun, stimulating and enabling environment for all of the children. The manager and provider should
continue with their plans to further develop the outside play area.

This ensures the quality of the environment is consistent with the Health and Social Care Standards which state

- "As a child, I have fun as I develop my skills in understanding, thinking, investigation and problem solving,
including through imaginative play and storytelling" (HSCS 1.30); and
- "As a child, my social and physical skills, confidence, self-esteem and creativity are developed through a
balance of organised and freely chosen extended play, including using open ended and natural materials." (HSCS
- "I experience high quality care and support because people have the necessary information and resources.
(HSCS 4.27)

2. The pace and the balance of the day should be reviewed in order to meet children's individual needs and
promote positive learning outcomes. Thought should be given to how children can choose when to access the
outdoor play area. Staff should access best practice guidance and training in order to promote positive learning
outcomes for children, both inside and outside, to ensure they provide an enabling environment. Children should
be given the time and space to develop their ideas, flourish and be creative.

This ensures the quality of the environment is consistent with the Health and Social Care Standards which state

- "As a child, I have fun as I develop my skills in understanding, thinking, investigation and problem solving,
including through imaginative play and storytelling" (HSCS 1.30);
- "As a child, my social and physical skills, confidence, self-esteem and creativity are developed through a
balance of organised and freely chosen extended play, including using open ended and natural materials." (HSCS
1.31); and
- "As a child, I play outdoors every day and regularly explore a natural environment."
(HSCS 1.32).

Grade: 3 - adequate

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    Quality of staffing

    Findings from the inspection
    We looked at how well the manager had taken forward safer recruitment processes since the service's last
    inspection. An audit of two staff files was carried out. We observed the files were well organised with a helpful
    checklist to summarise the information contained. We found the application form should be reviewed and
    updated to reflect best practice and current legislation. The manager should record the outcome of the
    membership of the protecting vulnerable groups (PVG) record. The manager agreed to take these areas forward.
    We found that one member of staff was not registered with the Scottish Social Services Council (SSSC) within the
    required time of 6 months from start of employment. (See requirement 1)

    Newer staff shared the helpful induction process they were taken through with the manager, this meant they
    were aware of expectations and their roles and responsibilities. Trainee staff confirmed they felt supported by
    staff and the manager to take forward their qualification.

    The manager met with staff regularly to reflect on their practice, helpful notes were recorded of these meetings.
    An annual appraisal was carried out to support staff in their professional development. Staff confirmed they
    found these processes very helpful.

    Staff had limited opportunities to attend training, outwith first aid and food hygiene. We were able to observe
    this lack of training was impacting on the outcomes for children. For example, staff had limited knowledge on
    the benefits of outdoor play and encouraging children to explore their natural environment (see quality of
    environment for additional information). Training was needed on national documents such as Pre Birth to Three,
    Curriculum for Excellence and Building the Ambition in order for staff to provide positive outcomes for all children
    (see recommendation 1).

    Staff confirmed full team meetings were held. Staff advised this was an opportunity to discuss the service, as
    well as look at practical issues. Staff had recently made a commitment to each read a best practice document
    and then present this to the rest of their colleagues at future team meetings. We agreed this development
    should have a positive impact on the outcomes for children.

    Number of requirements: 1

    1. In order to ensure that children are safe and protected the provider must ensure by 1 October 2018 staff are
    registered with the appropriate body.

    This ensures care and support is consistent with the Health and Social Care Standards, which state:

    "I have confidence in people because they are trained, competent and skilled, are able to reflect on their practice
    and follow their professional and organisational codes." (HSCS 3.14)
    "I have confidence that people who support and care for me have been appropriately and safely recruited" (HSCS
    4.24). It also complies with:

    Regulation 9(c) 7(2)(d), (Fitness of employees) of The Social Care and Social Work Improvement Scotland
    (Requirements for Care Services) Regulations 2011. (SSI 2011/210)

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Number of recommendations: 1

1. The service provider and manager should access appropriate training course to support and develop staffs'
knowledge in improving outcomes for children. Training on child protection; outdoor play; pre birth to three; and
curriculum for excellence should be looked at as a matter of urgency.

This ensures the quality of staffing is consistent with the Health and Social Care Standards which state that:

- "I am protected from harm, neglect, abuse, bullying and exploitation by people who have a clear understanding
of their responsibilities." (HSCS 3.20)
- "I am confident that people are encouraged to be innovative in the way they support and care for me." (HSCS
- "I have confidence in people because they are trained, competent and skilled, are able to reflect on their
practice and follow their professional and organisational codes." (HSCS 3.14)

Grade: 3 - adequate

Quality of management and leadership

Findings from the inspection
The provider and manager were keen to provide positive outcomes for children. They were committed to the
development of the service. The service provider was in the process of employing a cook to free up more time for
the manager to take forward her management duties. Management roles and responsibilities were not clear
between the provider and manager. We found they were motivated and were observed to be professional and
respectful in their interactions with each other. Due to staff changes the manager did not have any senior staff
to support her in her role. This impacted on the time the manager had to carry out improvement work with staff
to support positive outcome for children (see recommendation 1).

On the first day of inspection, due to leave and sickness the manager was included in the staffing ratios
throughout the day, this meant minimum staffing ratios were in place, with no additional staff to cover breaks
for staff. At this time there were no additional staff that could be called on to help support the running of the
service (see recommendation 2).

When possible the manager had taken forward the improvement agenda. This included using the requirements
and recommendations from the last report to create an improvement plan. To fully include staff in the process of
self evaluation a helpful template had been developed, for example developing staff knowledge/training and
encouraging parental participation for staff to feed into. The manager acknowledged this was at the early stages
and had not yet impacted positively on outcomes for children. While monitoring of the playrooms had been
carried out we agreed that staff engagement and use of the playrooms should be prioritised in the coming
months in order to impact on outcomes for children. (See recommendation 3)

A range of helpful policies and procedures had been developing, including a complaints policy. This meant
parents and staff had clear information on the running of the service. The manager agreed to develop a policy on
social media to ensure clear guidelines were in place for all.

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    Number of requirements: 0

    Number of recommendations: 3

    1. The management roles and responsibilities between the provider and manager should be clearly defined. Time
    should be made available for the manager to carry out her duties, this includes monitoring of staff and the
    playrooms, sourcing training opportunities and supporting staff to ensure positive learning outcomes are in place
    for all children.

    This ensures the quality of management and leadership is consistent with the Health and Social Care Standards
    which state that "I use a service and organisation that are well led and managed" (HSCS 4.23).

    2. The provider should look at ways to ensure staff ratios continue to be met when unexpected staffing issues
    take place. This will result in staff having time and the opportunity to be actively involved in the care and support
    of children and not to be task focused.

    This ensures the quality of management and leadership is consistent with the Health and Social Care Standards
    which state that "My needs are met by the right number of people" (HSCS 3.15).

    3. Once time has been freed up for the manager to take forward her role she should continue to improve the
    quality assurance processes through:

    (i) Building staff confidence in using "How Good is Our Early Learning & Childcare?" guidance as a tool for self-
    (ii) Carrying out observations of staff practice;
    (ii) Ensuring all staff are involved in the systematic evaluation and discussion of the effectiveness of their work
    and the work of the service.

    This is to ensure that management and leadership is consistent with the Health and Social Care Standards which
    state that "I benefit from a culture of continuous improvement, with the organisation having robust and
    transparent quality assurance processes" (HSCS 4.19).

    Grade: 3 - adequate

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What the service has done to meet any requirements we made at
or since the last inspection

Previous requirements

Requirement 1

The provider must ensure that personal plans are completed in line with legislative timescales and guidelines.
They must be completed with parents or representatives and with children if appropriate, covering their safety,
welfare and health needs.

This is in order to comply with: The Social Care and Social Work Improvement Scotland (Requirements for Care
Services) Regulations 2011 (SSI 2011/210), regulation 5.

Timescale for meeting this requirement: 10 November 2017.

This requirement was made on 10 November 2017.

Action taken on previous requirement
The manager had introduced systems to record information shared and to include six monthly reviews with

Met - within timescales

Requirement 2

The provider must ensure that children have access to a wide variety of resources and experiences which take
into account their individual learning and development needs.

This is in order to comply with: The Social Care and Social Work Improvement Scotland (Requirements for Care
Services) Regulations 2011 (SSI 2011/210), regulation 4(1)(a).

Timescale for meeting this requirement: 30 November 2017.

This requirement was made on 10 November 2017.

Action taken on previous requirement
Some progress had been made, however additional resources should be sourced to improve outcomes for
children. See quality of environment, recommendation 1 for additional information.

Not met

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    What the service has done to meet any recommendations we
    made at or since the last inspection

    Previous recommendations

    Recommendation 1

    The provider should review routines for staff to ensure children's needs are met effectively throughout the day. In
    order to achieve this, the service should consider:

    - decreasing the amount of time children are seated
    - when some children are sleeping, those who are awake do not have their choice of play limited
    - introducing a more flexible routine for children to make further choices about their own play and care needs
    - increasing the amount of choice children have to play indoors and outdoors.

    This will ensure children are achieving and feel respected in the service.
    National Care Standard 5: Early Education and Childcare up to the age of 16 - Quality of Experience.

    This recommendation was made on 10 November 2017.

    Action taken on previous recommendation
    We were able to observe some of the areas identified had been taken forward. For further information refer to
    quality of environment, recommendation 2.

    Recommendation 2

    The provider should ensure that the assessment of learning and developmental experiences are linked to
    national and local guidelines and tracked by staff to plan all children's future learning.

    National Care Standard 5: Early Education and Childcare up to the age of 16 - Quality of Experience.

    This recommendation was made on 10 November 2017.

    Action taken on previous recommendation
    We found training should be accessed for staff to be able to take this forward. For further information refer to
    quality of care and support, recommendation 1.

    Recommendation 3

    The provider should consider the variety of resources used within the nursery to promote children's learning and
    development. Increased access should be given to creative, imaginative, explorative, sensory and natural
    experiences and those that support schemas for children.

    National Care Standard 5: Early Education and Childcare up to the age of 16 - Quality of Experience.

    This recommendation was made on 10 November 2017.

    Action taken on previous recommendation
    This recommendation has still to be fully taken forward, refer to quality of environment, recommendation 1 for
    further information.

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Recommendation 4

The provider should update the administration of medication form to ensure that it is meeting best practice

National Care Standard 3: Early Education and Childcare up to the age of 16 - Health and Wellbeing.

This recommendation was made on 10 November 2017.

Action taken on previous recommendation
The medication policy now reflected best practice, this recommendaiotn was met.

Recommendation 5

Consideration should be given to staff accessing the Steps into Leadership learning resource by the SSSC to
improve and develop their existing skills and improve the quality of information being recorded with personal
plans, observations and planning for learning records.

National Care Standard 5: Early Education and Childcare up to the age of 16 - Quality of Experience.

This recommendation was made on 10 November 2017.

Action taken on previous recommendation
This recommendation had not yet been taken forward, refer to quality of staffing, recommendation 1 for further

Recommendation 6

The provider should facilitate and encourage all staff to reflect on their practice in relation to national guidance,
in particular:

- Getting it Right for Every Child, specifically the wellbeing indicators (2010)
- Building the Ambition (2015)
- How Good Is Our Early learning and Childcare (2016)

All of which can be accessed from www.hub.careinspectorate.com
These documents can be used as the starting point for evaluating practice and identifying areas for
improvement. This will help the service to provide richer play experiences for children.

National Care Standard 13: Early Education and Childcare up to the age of 16 - Improving the Service.

This recommendation was made on 10 November 2017.

Action taken on previous recommendation
This recommendation has not yet been taken forward, refer to quality of staffing, recommendation 1 for further

Recommendation 7

The provider must ensure that the manager has the time, opportunity and resources needed to effectively
manage this service.

National Care Standard 14: Early Education and Childcare up to the age of 16 - Well managed service.

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    This recommendation was made on 10 November 2017.

    Action taken on previous recommendation
    This recommendation has not yet been taken forward, refer to quality of management and leadership,
    recommendation 1 for further information.


    There have been no complaints upheld since the last inspection. Details of any older upheld complaints are
    published at www.careinspectorate.com.


    No enforcement action has been taken against this care service since the last inspection.

    Inspection and grading history

     Date            Type                   Gradings
     21 Sep 2017     Unannounced            Care and support                           3 - Adequate
                                            Environment                                4 - Good
                                            Staffing                                   3 - Adequate
                                            Management and leadership                  4 - Good

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To find out more

This inspection report is published by the Care Inspectorate. You can download this report and others from our

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grades and help services to improve. We also investigate complaints about care services and can take action
when things aren't good enough.

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Tha am foillseachadh seo ri fhaighinn ann an cruthannan is cànain eile ma nithear iarrtas.

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