Mallet fractures: a prospective comparison of treatment outcomes

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Mallet fractures: a prospective comparison of treatment outcomes
                                                                                                               PUBLISHED: 31-03-2021

Mallet fractures: a prospective comparison of treatment
Jessica A Savage MBChB FRACS,1,2 Clara Miller MBChB MRCS,1,3 Shirley Collocott MHSc,1
Devlin Elliott MBChB,1 Karen Smith MBChB FRACS1

1 Auckland Regional Plastic Reconstructive and Hand                    Abstract
  Surgery Unit
                                                                       Background: The optimal management of mallet
  Otahuhu, Auckland
                                                                       fractures is controversial. Currently, published
                                                                       evidence does not clearly define the role of surgery in
2 Department of Plastic, Reconstructive and Hand Surgery               managing these fractures or identify when splinting
  The Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust                               alone is suitable.
  Leeds, England
  UNITED KINGDOM                                                       Methods: An observational, prospective cohort study
                                                                       was undertaken between 2012 and 2015 evaluating
3 Cardiff and Vale University Health Board
                                                                       patient experience, and radiological and functional
  Cardiff, Wales
                                                                       outcomes following mallet fractures managed with
                                                                       splinting alone or surgery combined with post-
OPEN ACCESS                                                            operative splinting. This study was registered with
Correspondence                                                         our local research facility and ethical approval was
                                                                       granted by the New Zealand Northern B Health and
Name: Jessica Savage
                                                                       Disability Ethics Committee Health and Disability
Address: Department of Plastic, Reconstructive
                                                                       Ethics Committee (HDEC) #13/NTB/202. All patients
and Hand Surgery
                                                                       provided formal written consent.
The Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust
Great George Street                                                    Results: A total of 109 adult patients with 113 mallet
Leeds LS1 3EX
                                                                       fractures were enrolled in the study and 85 patients
                                                                       with 89 fractures completed follow-up. Mean follow-
Email:                                         up was 190 days. Fractures initially associated with
Phone: +44 (0)113 392 2896                                             subluxation of the distal interphalangeal (DIP) joint
                                                                       treated with splinting alone were five times more
Citation: Savage JA, Miller C, Collocott S, Elliott D, Smith K.
Mallet fractures: a prospective comparison of treatment                likely to fail to meet a minimum standard of success
outcomes. Australas J Plast Surg. 2021;4(1):48–55.                     than those fixed with surgery. When the fracture
DOI                            fragment occupies between one and two thirds of
Manuscript received: 21 April 2020                                     the joint surface, even in the absence of initial DIP
Manuscript revised: 17 September 2020                                  joint subluxation, 13/35 (37%) joints subluxed during
Manuscript accepted: 11 October 2020                                   splint treatment.
Copyright © 2021. Authors retain their copyright in the                Conclusion: This study aids clinicians by highlighting
article. This is an open access article distributed under the
                                                                       where splinting is likely to fail and providing a means
Creative Commons Attribution Licence 4.0 which permits
unrestricted use, distribution and reproduction in any                 of identifying injuries in which surgery must be
medium, provided the original work is properly cited.                  considered.

Section: Hand
                                                                       Keywords: avulsion fractures, splints, finger phalanges,
                                                                       follow-up studies, surgery

Australasian Journal of Plastic Surgery                           48                                         2021 Volume 4 Number 1
Savage et al: Mallet fractures: a prospective comparison of treatment outcomes                                        AJOPS | ORIGINAL ARTICLE

                                                                                   to inadequate outcome assessment. As a result,
                                                                                   only four studies were included, all published
                                                                                   prior to 1993, and only one compared surgery and
                                                                                   There is no universal measure of a successful
                                                                                   outcome for mallet fracture treatment.4 The most
                                                                                   frequent outcomes reported are joint enlocation
                                                                                   or Crawford’s criteria.2,4,11,12 Using joint enlocation
Fig 1. Botero’s 2016 illustration of the Wehbé and Schneider
classification:4 Fracture fragment grade is comprised of a number
                                                                                   alone lacks patient focus and using Crawford’s
reflecting the type of injury (1=not subluxed, 2=Subluxed, 3=Epiphyseal            criteria lacks reproducibility, defining a poor
and physeal injury) and a letter reflecting the percentage of joint surface
involved (A 66%)
                                                                                   outcome as extensor lag >25 degrees and persistent
                                                                                   pain, without detailing how pain was assessed.
Introduction                                                                       We have combined these into a defined and
Mallet fractures are caused by avulsion of the                                     reproducible outcome measure.
extensor tendon from the distal phalanx and may                                    The purpose of this study is to provide a patient-
be associated with distal interphalangeal (DIP)                                    focused, multifaceted assessment of surgical and
joint subluxation. Treatment aims to improve                                       non-surgical treatment of acute mallet fractures.
the early clinical outcome and prevent long-term                                   We compare continuous external splinting,
arthritis, deformity and pain. Maintenance of                                      primary surgical intervention plus splinting and
range of motion (ROM), strength and function,                                      delayed surgery which follows a failed attempt
with absence of deformity or complication, is key                                  at splinting. We aim to answer the question: Is
to patient wellbeing.                                                              splinting or surgery the best treatment for acute
Mallet fractures range in severity from small,                                     mallet fractures?
minimally displaced avulsions with enlocated
joints to large, displaced fracture fragments with
                                                                                   Between June 2012 and June 2015, adult patients
associated joint subluxation.1,2 The Wehbé and
                                                                                   presenting with mallet fractures, in Auckland and
Schneider classification for bony mallet injuries
                                                                                   Counties Manukau District Health board regions
assigns a number to reflect joint subluxation and
                                                                                   of New Zealand, were identified by their treating
a letter to reflect the percentage of joint surface
                                                                                   clinician and referred to our research team. A
involved (Figure 1).3,4
                                                                                   written consent process was undertaken. Table 1
Various surgical techniques have been described
                                                                                   details inclusion and exclusion criteria. Weekly
in mallet fracture treatment. Frequently a trans-
                                                                                   review of discharge coding minimised missing
DIP joint Kirschner (K) wire is employed. Ishiguro
                                                                                   potential participants.
first described the closed extension block pinning
                                                                                   The research team prospectively populated a
technique, which adds a second blocking K-wire,
                                                                                   database using clinical records and radiographs,
a technique modified by other authors since.5,6
                                                                                   becoming involved in patient assessment only
Alternatively Kronlage, Teoh and Theivendran
                                                                                   after three months. At enrolment, the first author
have all illustrated open reduction and internal
                                                                                   reviewed the best available, splint-free lateral
fixation with screws or a plate.7,8,9
                                                                                   radiograph, and the injury was classified according
Currently, published evidence does not clearly
                                                                                   to Wehbé and Schneider classification.
define the role of surgery in managing mallet
                                                                                   The study was observational. Enrolment did not
fractures. Handoll and colleagues attempted a
                                                                                   alter the patient’s treatment. We measured patient
Cochrane review in 2004 to assess the efficacy of
                                                                                   experience and outcomes over time, following
different treatment methods. They concluded that
                                                                                   initiation of either surgery or splinting. We did not
many studies were methodologically flawed, due
                                                                                   analyse the clinical decision-making process.

Australasian Journal of Plastic Surgery                                       49                                       2021 Volume 4 Number 1
Savage et al: Mallet fractures: a prospective comparison of treatment outcomes                                     AJOPS | ORIGINAL ARTICLE

Table 1: Inclusion and exclusion criteria                                        motion was assessed using a dorsally placed hand-
    Inclusion criteria                Exclusion criteria
                                                                                 held goniometer. An illustrated protocol promoted
    Acute bony mallet injury of       Mallet thumb fractures
                                                                                 consistent measurements between researchers.
    a digit
                                                                                 Patients    completed      validated    patient-rated
Savage et al: Mallet fractures: a prospective comparison of treatment outcomes                                      AJOPS | ORIGINAL ARTICLE

Table 2: Demographics

                                                               Splinting             Surgery          Delayed           P value
                                                                                                      surgery           (if
Savage et al: Mallet fractures: a prospective comparison of treatment outcomes                                    AJOPS | ORIGINAL ARTICLE

analysis. Significantly more type IIB injuries                                   criteria for success than those in the surgery group
were treated surgically than with splinting alone                                (hazard ratio 5.04, CI 1.24–20.5; p value 0.03).
(28/40) (Table 2). The splinted group comprised 46
patients—eight type IA fractures, 27 type IB, two                                Secondary outcome analysis
type IIA and nine type IIB.                                                      Type IB (without subluxation, moderate fragment)
Of the 10 IIB fractures initially managed with                                   Of the 40 IB fractures, 35 were initially splinted
splinting, one was operated on at three weeks to                                 and five were operated on. No surgically managed
reduce the subluxation (moved to the delayed                                     fingers subluxed following treatment (0/5). Of those
surgery group), two presented late and another                                   IB fractures managed with splinting, 37 per cent
was deemed unfit for surgery, so subluxation was                                 (13/35) subluxed during treatment. Eight of these
accepted. Of the remaining six, five were reduced                                were re-allocated to the delayed surgery cohort.
and maintained enlocation with a customised                                      The remaining five either were not detected or the
splint. The sixth was pain free with DIP joint ROM                               decision was made to continue splinting.
0/65 so the result was accepted.
                                                                                 Type IIB (subluxed, moderate fragment)
Nine fractures (in nine patients) underwent delayed
surgery following a period of splinting alone. Of                                Of the 37 IIB fractures, 27 were operated on from
these eight were initially classified as IB fractures,                           the outset and 10 were initially managed with
but subluxed after commencing splinting, and one                                 splinting. Of those surgically managed, 20 were
was IIB (mentioned above) but a trial of splinting                               without subluxation on final radiograph (20/27),
failed to maintain reduction.                                                    six subluxed and one failed to complete the final
                                                                                 radiograph. Of the 10 splinted, one was operated
Overall success                                                                  on within the first week of splinting and this was
Overall treatment success was defined as achieving                               without subluxation at six months. Five of the nine
a minimum standard in three key outcomes (joint                                  that continued splinting were without subluxation
enlocation, pain score and extensor lag). Of the                                 on final radiograph. Kaplan-Meier estimates were
89 fractures, four fractures in three patients had                               used to account for the different follow-up dates
insufficient data for assessment of all criteria—two                             and revealed that the likelihood of a joint being
lacked radiographs at >70 days post injury and two                               without subluxation at six months with splinting
failed to complete pain score questionnaires.                                    versus surgery was 52 per cent versus 80 per cent
When all injury grades were combined, no                                         (p value 0.11, log rank test).
significant differences in success were seen
                                                                                 Predicting subluxation
between treatments—80 per cent success for
                                                                                 The size of the fracture fragment is correlated to
splinted versus 85.7 per cent for surgical patients
                                                                                 the risk of subluxation, with larger fragments
(hazard ratio 7.88, CI 2.14–29; p value 0.09 [adjusted
                                                                                 more likely to sublux. In those that did not sublux
for confounders]).
                                                                                 at any point, the fracture fragment occupied a
Primary outcome analysis                                                         mean of 42 per cent of the joint surface (SD=12.7)
Type IB (without subluxation, moderate fragment)                                 compared with a mean of 48 per cent in those that
                                                                                 did sublux during treatment (SD=9.1, p value=0.02).
No significant difference in final overall treatment
                                                                                 Fractures occupying over 46 per cent of the joint
success was seen between the splinting and surgery
                                                                                 surface have a significantly increased chance of
groups for IB fractures (hazard ratio 0.91, CI 0.10–
                                                                                 subluxation compared with those occupying less
8.28; p value 0.93).
                                                                                 than 46 per cent (67% versus 42%). Every one per
Type IIB (subluxed, moderate fragment)                                           cent increase in fracture fragment size increases
                                                                                 the risk of subluxation by five per cent (OR 1.054
Type IIB injuries treated with splinting alone were
                                                                                 (1.01, 1.10)). Despite enlocation at presentation,
five times more likely to fail to meet our minimum
                                                                                 when a grade 1B fracture fragment reaches 43 per

Australasian Journal of Plastic Surgery                                     52                                     2021 Volume 4 Number 1
Savage et al: Mallet fractures: a prospective comparison of treatment outcomes                                                AJOPS | ORIGINAL ARTICLE

cent of the joint surface, the fracture has a 50 per                             in both treatment groups achieved normal mean
cent chance of subluxation.                                                      Q-DASH subjective function scores.13

Pain score (PRWHE pain assessment)                                               Satisfaction

There was no significant difference in pain scores                               With all injury grades combined, significantly
between the splinting and surgery groups at late                                 lower PEM2 satisfaction scores were found in the
follow-up (median score 6, IQR 1–13 and 12, IQR                                  surgery group at six months (median 79%; IQR: 59.1,
4–18, respectively)                                                              89.4) compared with the splinting group (median
                                                                                 91%; IQR: 82.6, 98.5), with a median difference in
Range of motion
                                                                                 score of 11 per cent (1.18, 21.1, p value 0.029). A
Mean extension deficit was 9.53 degrees (SD=9.5) in                              higher PEM2 score means a more satisfied patient.
the splinted fractures and 10.9 degrees (SD 12.2) in                             When injury grades were analysed separately, no
surgically managed fractures. The difference was                                 significant differences were noted between the
not significant. An apparent difference of mean                                  treatment groups.
flexion deficit between the splinting group (13.4°,
SD=19.2) and the surgery group (26.1°, SD=12.9) did                              Complications
not reach statistical significance when adjusted for                             Surgery had a high rate of complications, especially
covariates in injury type, follow-up time and delay                              in the delayed surgery group. In fractures that
in treatment.                                                                    failed initial splinting. Infection was frequent,
                                                                                 occurring in 3/9 (33%) fractures. Failed fracture
Quick-DASH scores                                                                reduction occurred in 2/9 fractures (22%) (Table 3).
There was no significant difference in subjective
functional outcome between the splinting and                                     Discussion
surgery groups or in subgroup injury grade analyses                              Historically the treatment of mallet fractures has
when measured with Q-DASH. Quick-DASH scores                                     been conservative. A recent systematic review of
remained stable at early and late follow-up. At late                             44 studies included just five comparing surgical
follow-up, the splinting group Q-DASH mean score                                 interventions with splinting in acute mallet
was 6.8 (SD=8.96) and for the surgery group it was                               injuries, four of which were published prior to
13.6 (SD=13.5). These scores suggest that patients                               Handoll and colleagues 2004 Cochrane review10

Table 3: Complications

                                                                Splinting                      Surgery                    Delayed surgery
                                                                n=46                           n=34                       n=9
 Fingers affected by one or more complications                  19                             23                         8
 Major complications
 Infection*†                                                    0                              3 (9%)                     3 (33%)
 Failed fracture reduction                                      12 (26%)                       8 (24%)                    2 (22%)

 Need for unplanned surgery                                     0‡                             6 (18%)                    4 (44%)
 Minor complications (Clavien-Dindo grade I)
 Dorsal lump/callus                                             11                             12                         4
 Nail deformity                                                 0                              3                          4
 Irritation of skin from splint/ metalware                      2                              6                          3
 Wound-healing problem                                          n/a                            2                          1
 Metalware malposition*                                         n/a                            10                         1

† Infection defined as requiring admission or washout
‡ 9/55 (16%) of the patients initially in the splint cohort required unplanned delayed surgery (delayed surgery cohort)
* metalware displaced on final radiograph (deemed to be in joint line or loosened and backed-out of fragment)

Australasian Journal of Plastic Surgery                                     53                                                2021 Volume 4 Number 1
Savage et al: Mallet fractures: a prospective comparison of treatment outcomes                                     AJOPS | ORIGINAL ARTICLE

and in total included only 90 mallet fractures.10,12                             This study highlights the risk of subluxation in
Current management is based on 40-year-old                                       fractures initially presenting enlocated—37 per
research, with the tendency to avoid surgery. A                                  cent of the IB fractures in this study subluxed.
survey conducted in the United Kingdom in 2017                                   Once the fragment exceeded 46 per cent of the
reported that 88 per cent of bony mallet injuries                                joint surface, subluxation during treatment was
are being managed conservatively.14                                              significantly more likely (67% versus 42%). If not
This current study is unique. To the authors’                                    detected and corrected, that fracture will fail to
knowledge, it is the largest published prospective,                              meet our minimum standard of success. Surgery
comparative study of mallet fractures. In line with                              could be considered at an early stage. If splinting
the Handoll and colleagues recommendations,                                      is commenced, we advocate early detection of
defined and reproducible outcome assessments                                     subluxation as delayed surgery appears to be
have been used, complications reported and                                       associated with more complications. We subscribe
thorough statistical analysis conducted. One of the                              to Crawford’s recommendation to attain a lateral
strengths of this study is that it includes patients                             radiograph of the joint once in the splint, then
treated in hospitals and hand therapy practices in                               weekly for the first three weeks.11
our region. We did not alter treatment or question                               Although not statistically significant, surgery was
the rationale of initiating certain treatments. This                             associated with a high complication rate, especially
methodology highlights variation in practices                                    in the delayed surgery group. These findings were
and shows that rules which percolate surgical                                    not dissimilar to previous studies led by Wehbé,
communities do not dictate all practices. We                                     Kang and Yoon.4,15,16
observed 10 IIB fractures that commenced splinting                               We acknowledge limitations with our research. This
and six grade I fractures that were operated on                                  is a non-randomised observational study and the
from the outset.                                                                 surgical techniques used were heterogeneous—a
We acknowledge that we did not find a significant                                reflection of the number of surgeons involved.
difference in overall success between the splinting                              This limits recommendations for specific surgical
and surgery groups, which would align with                                       techniques. We achieved a median follow-up time
existing literature. However, the surgery group                                  of 190 days (six months) but it is the senior author’s
consisted of more complex and unstable fracture                                  opinion that further symptomatic improvement
patterns. Subgroup analysis showed that patients                                 would occur beyond six months.
with type IIB fractures managed with splinting                                   We believe that in certain fractures, with a large
alone have a five times greater risk of treatment                                fragment and early subluxation, surgery must
failure (hazard ratio 5.04, CI 1.24–20.5) compared                               be considered and offers a significantly greater
with surgery. There is a higher likelihood that their                            chance of treatment success than splinting alone.
joint will remain subluxed but the consequences of
this long term are unknown.                                                      Conclusion
As with any surgical intervention, the risks and                                 In the treatment of bony mallet fractures, we
potential benefits must be weighed up against                                    strive for DIP joint enlocation, maintained range of
the individual patient’s goals and comorbidities.                                motion and a pain-free outcome. Type IIB fractures
While surgery may be advantageous in certain                                     are significantly less likely to meet our minimum
subgroups for certain outcome measures it leads                                  standard of success with splinting alone and
to significantly lower satisfaction when all injury                              surgery is recommended. Type IB fractures can be
grades are analysed together. This may reflect                                   treated successfully by splinting alone; however,
worse fracture severity in the surgery group. No                                 this study highlights the significantly increased
difference in satisfaction (PEM2) score was seen                                 risk of subluxation as the fracture fragment size
analysing the injury grades separately.                                          increases.

Australasian Journal of Plastic Surgery                                     54                                      2021 Volume 4 Number 1
Savage et al: Mallet fractures: a prospective comparison of treatment outcomes                                              AJOPS | ORIGINAL ARTICLE

This is the largest recent comparison study                                      7   Kronlage SC, Faust D. Open reduction and screw fixation
                                                                                     of mallet fractures. J Hand Surg. 2004 Apr;29(2):135–38.
for the treatment of bony mallet fractures and
provides thorough, reproducible, patient-focused
                                                                                 8   Teoh LC, Lee JY. Mallet fractures: a novel approach to inter-
outcome measures. Our results provide guidance
                                                                                     nal fixation using a hook plate. J Hand Surg (Eur Vol). 2007
for surgeons who strive for joint enlocation,                                        Feb;32(1):24–30.
highlighting which fractures are likely to fail and                                  PMid:17134796
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This work was supported by the Sir William and                                   11 Crawford GP. The moulded polythene splint for mallet fin-
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invaluable assistance with this project.
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Australasian Journal of Plastic Surgery                                     55                                               2021 Volume 4 Number 1
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