ATRA and ATO for Acute Promyelocytic Leukaemia (APL) - A Guide for Patients

Page created by Pauline Perry
ATRA and ATO for Acute Promyelocytic Leukaemia (APL) - A Guide for Patients
ATRA and
ATO for Acute
Leukaemia (APL)

A Guide for

    In this booklet, we describe the use of all-trans retinoic
    acid (ATRA), also known as tretinoin, and arsenic trioxide
    (ATO) for the treatment of acute promyelocytic leukaemia
    This booklet was originally put
    together by Saloua Najjam, PhD
    and peer reviewed by Dr Steve
    Knapper, University of Wales,
    Cardiff. It has then been updated
    by our Patient Information Writer,
    Isabelle Leach. We are also
    grateful to leukaemia patients
    Bruce Bain and John Pointon for
    their valuable contributions.

     If you would like any information on the sources
     used for this booklet, please email
     for a list of references.

                                                           Version 2
                                                   Printed: 05/2020
2                Review date: 05/2022
In this booklet
Introduction                                              2
In this booklet                                           3
About Leukaemia Care                                      4
What is ATRA and ATO therapy?                             6
Who receives ATRA and ATO therapy?                        8
How is ATRA and ATO therapy administered?                10
What are the side effects of ATRA and ATO therapy?       12
What happens if ATRA and ATO therapy doesn’t
work?								                                            14
Glossary                                                 15
Useful contacts and further support                      19

                           Helpline freephone 08088 010 444   3
About Leukaemia Care

    Leukaemia Care is a national charity dedicated to ensuring
    that people affected by blood cancer have access to the
    right information, advice and support.

    Our services                       has been affected by a blood
                                       cancer. A full list of titles – both
    Helpline                           disease specific and general
    Our helpline is available 8:30am   information titles – can be
    – 5:00pm Monday - Friday and       found on our website at www.
    7:00pm – 10:00pm on Thursdays
    and Fridays. If you need someone   and-information/help-and-
    to talk to, call 08088 010 444.    resources/information-booklets/

    Alternatively, you can send        Support Groups
    a message via WhatsApp on          Our nationwide support groups
    07500068065 on weekdays            are a chance to meet and talk
    9:00am – 5:00pm.                   to other people who are going
    Nurse service                      through a similar experience.
                                       For more information about a
    We have two trained nurses on      support group local to your area,
    hand to answer your questions      go to
    and offer advice and support,      uk/support-and-information/
    whether it be through emailing     support-for-you/find-a-support- or      group/
    over the phone on 08088 010 444.
                                       Buddy Support
    Patient Information Booklets
                                       We offer one-to-one phone
    We have a number of patient        support with volunteers who have
    information booklets like          had blood cancer themselves
    this available to anyone who       or been affected by it in some

way. You can speak to someone        Website
who knows what you are going
                                     You can access up-to-date
through. For more information
                                     information on our website,
on how to get a buddy call
08088 010 444 or email         Campaigning and Advocacy
Online Forum                         Leukaemia Care is involved in
                                     campaigning for patient well-
Our online forum,
                                     being, NHS funding and drug
                                     and treatment availability. If you
leukaemia-care, is a place
                                     would like an update on any of
for people to ask questions
                                     the work we are currently doing or
anonymously or to join in the
                                     want to know how to get involved,
discussion with other people in a
                                     email advocacy@leukaemiacare.
similar situation.
Patient and carer conferences
                                     Patient magazine
Our nationwide conferences
                                     Our magazine includes
provide an opportunity to
                                     inspirational patient and carer
ask questions and listen to
                                     stories as well as informative
patient speakers and medical
                                     articles by medical professionals:
professionals who can provide
valuable information and support.

                                    Helpline freephone 08088 010 444      5
What is ATRA and ATO

    ATRA and ATO therapy is a             ATRA blocks the effect of the
    combination treatment of all-         PML-RARA gene that prevents
    trans retinoic acid (ATRA) and        the promyelocyte cells maturing
    arsenic trioxide (ATO) which is       into normal white blood cells.
    now recognised as the first-line      Until recently, ATRA, which is an
    treatment for acute promyelocytic     active by-product of vitamin A,
    leukaemia (APL). A first-line         was given with chemotherapy
    treatment is accepted as the best     drugs called anthracyclines. It
    initial treatment for a given type    was given in combination with an
    and stage of a disease.               anthracycline to prevent any drug
                                          resistance to ATRA. Anthracycline
    APL is a rare sub-type of acute
                                          drugs, such as daunorubicin or
    myeloid leukaemia (AML) in which
                                          idarubicin, interfere with the DNA
    there is an increased production
                                          and reproduction of white blood
    of immature, abnormal white
                                          cells, including the leukaemia
    blood cells called promyelocytes
    in the bone marrow. It is a
    special type of AML in that it is     In 2018, NICE approved ATO for
    nearly always associated with         the first-line treatment of APL in
    a specific gene called the PML-       previously untreated patients,
    RARA (ProMyelocytic Leukaemia-        with low-to-intermediate risk
    Retinoic Acid Receptor Alpha)         disease, and patients with APL
    gene. When treated with ATRA and      that was refractory (did not
    ATO, it has an excellent prognosis;   respond to chemotherapy) or
    better than other sub-types of        patients who had relapsed (APL
    AML.                                  returned after chemotherapy).

    The PML-RARA gene is the result       ATRA and ATO are not
    of the swapping of the PML gene       chemotherapy drugs, but drugs
    on chromosome 15 and the RARA         called differentiating agents. They
    gene on chromosome 17 which           encourage the promyelocytic cells
    fuse to become the PML-RARA           to differentiate (mature) into
    gene.                                 normal white blood cells. They

also have complementary actions
in that ATRA breaks down the PML-     For further details on
RARA gene and ATO encourages          the causes, symptoms,
the abnormal APL cells to self-       diagnosis and clinical
destruct.                             features of APL, you
                                      can read our booklet
                                      on our website at www.
                                      Alternatively, you can
                                      order a copy by calling
                                      our helpline on 08088
                                      010 444.

                                Helpline freephone 08088 010 444   7
Who receives ATRA and ATO

    Patients suspected of having        • Patients with high-risk APL can
    APL should start ATRA treatment      be given either of the following
    immediately, even before the         regimens because studies have
    diagnosis is fully confirmed,        shown that neither was superior
    because they can quickly develop     to the other:
    potentially life-threatening
    bleeding or blood clotting              • ATRA plus ATO
                                              with cytoreductive
    symptoms. A confirmed diagnosis
                                              chemotherapy such as
    of APL using genetic testing can
                                              cytarabine (cytoreductive
    be performed later, and treatment
                                              means that the
    can be discontinued if APL is not
                                              chemotherapy reduces
                                              the number of cells, which
    Based on recent studies                   in the case of APL are
    comparing ATRA plus ATO with              abnormal promyelocytes)
    ATRA plus chemotherapy, the
    European Medicines Agency               • ATRA plus an anthracycline
    (EMA) have approved ATO for the     However, using ATO for high-risk
    treatment of newly diagnosed        patients may be difficult because
    patients with low-to-intermediate   the EMA has only approved ATO for
    risk APL who are defined as         low-to-intermediate risk APL, but
    patients with a white blood         not for high-risk APL as of yet.
    cell (WBC) count of 10000 cells
    per microlitre of blood or less.
    Patients with APL and a WBC
    count higher than this are
    considered to be high-risk.

    To achieve remission (induction
    therapy) and re-enforce remission
    (consolidation therapy):

    • Patients with low-to-
     intermediate risk APL can be
     given ATRA plus ATO

Helpline freephone 08088 010 444   9
How is ATRA and ATO therapy

     ATRA and ATO therapy should be          bone marrow is collected from
     started as soon as possible and         the chest or hip bone, generally
     monitored under the supervision         under local anaesthetic,
     of a doctor experienced in the          using a bone marrow surgical
     use of chemotherapeutic agents          instrument. The sample is then
     who will explain the use of this        examined for abnormal cells.
     combination therapy to you.
                                            You will then need to read and
     Before starting treatment with         sign a consent form summarising
     ATRA and ATO, the following            the receipt of verbal and written
     clinical assessments will be           information about your disease,
     carried out:                           treatment and potential side
     • Measurement of your weight
       and height.                          All patients will start induction
                                            treatment as an inpatient but very
     • Full blood count, liver function     few will remain inpatients all the
       tests, and urea/electrolyte levels
                                            way through the eight weeks it
       as a measure of kidney function.
                                            takes to deliver ATO induction. The
       These tests will be performed
                                            latter part of these weeks will be
       before each treatment cycle.
                                            given to you as an outpatient once
     • A pregnancy test will be carried     you are completely stable and
       out on all female patients           responding well to treatment.
       of child-bearing age before
                                            Depending on the Haematology
       starting treatment.
                                            Unit in your hospital, you
     • Electrocardiogram (ECG) to           will probably be able to have
       check that your heart is working     consolidation treatment on an
       normally.                            outpatient basis. As this is a
                                            combination treatment, your
     • Bone marrow biopsy to check          consultant will decide the best
       how many cancer cells there are      combination regimen in terms
       in your bone marrow. In a bone       of the doses and the frequency
       marrow biopsy, a sample of           of administration for you. As an

outpatient, you may be told to
monitor your temperature as this
can be a sign of infection. If your
temperature is above 37.5°C, then
please contact your doctor or

In addition to induction
treatment, patients with APL
require supportive care such as
blood product transfusions to
maintain the platelet count and
the blood clotting indicators
as normal as possible. Blood
chemical levels (particularly
potassium and magnesium
which are important for electrical
conduction in the heart) will be
monitored closely. Sometimes
it is necessary to also give
potassium and/or magnesium

For consolidation treatment,
patients will be given seven
courses of ATRA (with a two-week
break between courses) and four
consolidation courses of ATO
(with a four-week break between
courses) are recommended by the
latest guidelines.

                                      Helpline freephone 08088 010 444   11
What are the side effects of
     ATRA and ATO therapy?

     Everyone will experience different    • Weight gain
     side effects with ATRA and ATO
     therapy. However, because they        Pseudotumour cerebri
     have a high white blood cell count,   This non-serious increase in
     high-risk patients are more likely    pressure in the skull is seen with
     to experience side effects. It is     both ATRA and ATO, and is more
     important to report side effects      common when both drugs are
     to your doctor or nurse so that       given together. It can be treated
     they can be managed and treated       with steroids and by decreasing
     differently. The most common          the dose of ATRA. Symptoms
     side effects when ATRA and ATO        include:
     are given together are shown
     below.                                • Headaches and dizziness
     Side effects in patients with         • Eye problems, including
                                             swelling of the optic disk and/or
     APL treated with ATRA or ATO are
                                             double vision
     similar and include:

     Differentiation syndrome              • Confusion
     This occurs during the first          Heart rhythm disturbance
     weeks of treatment when the           (prolongation of the QT interval)
     differentiating agents ATRA           which can be seen on the ECG
     and ATO start allowing the            Treatment may cause heart
     promyelocyte cells to mature. It      problems, especially for patients
     is usually associated with a rise     with existing heart disease. ECG
     in the white blood cell count.        monitoring before and twice a
     Differentiation syndrome can          week throughout treatment is
     usually be treated with steroids.     recommended. Patients with this
     Symptoms include:                     condition should have treatment
     • Fever, cough, fluid in the lungs    stopped and then restarted when
                                           the heart rhythm disturbances
       and difficulty breathing
     • Fluid in the tissues and kidney

Other side effects include:              of the pancreas/abdominal pain,
                                         inflammation of the lips, hair loss,
• Harmful liver effects.                 increased sweating and chills.
• Changes to mood: Confusion,            Fertility, pregnancy and
  anxiety and depression.
• Fatigue: Normally mild, you can        There are no animal or human
  feel you have a lack of energy.        studies into the effect of ATO or
  Also, you may feel tiredness and       ATRA on fertility.
                                         There are no studies into the use
• Nausea and vomiting: This can          of ATO or ATRA in pregnant women.
  be easily managed with anti-           However, ATRA is a retinoid, and
  sickness medication.                   other retinoid drugs are known
• Diarrhoea and/or constipation.         to cause abnormalities to the
                                         baby when exposed to the drugs
• Changes to skin: problems with         during pregnancy. ATO has been
  your skin can include rashes,          shown to cause abnormalities
  dry skin, itching and your skin        for the baby in animal studies.
  tone appearing flushed.                Women receiving ATO or ATRA
                                         are therefore advised to avoid
• Bone and muscle pain.                  pregnancy by using effective
• Numbness and tingling in               contraception during and for at
  fingers and toes.                      least one month after finishing
                                         treatment with ATO or ATRA.
ATO is also linked to excess of
glucose and changes in mineral           Women who are taking ATO
levels in the blood. From ATO            or ATRA are advised not to
therapy, you may also experience         breastfeed.
swelling of the hands and feet,
due to a build-up of fluid.

ATRA is also linked to a loss of
appetite, difficultly sleeping, dry
mouth and nose, inflammation

                                      Helpline freephone 08088 010 444       13
What happens if ATRA and ATO
     therapy doesn’t work?

     For patients with APL who have       have relapsed after achieving
     had an early diagnosis and been      remission, your consultant is the
     treated without delay, excellent     best person to discuss what other
     cure rates of over 90% for low-to-   treatments are available, and
     intermediate risk patients and       help you decide the next course of
     85% for high-risk patients have      action. Knowledge of your genetic
     been reported.                       results, your physical condition
                                          and any new treatments which
     If following your treatment with
                                          may help you will guide your
     ATRA and ATO, your APL has
                                          consultant’s recommendations.
     not gone into remission or you

      Leukaemia Care offers nationwide support groups for
      people affected by a diagnosis of a blood or lymphatic
      cancer. Visit, or call
      08088 010 444, to find out more and to find a group
      near you.


    Acute Myeloid Leukaemia (AML)           Bone Marrow Biopsy
    A rapid and aggressive cancer           A collection of a sample of bone
    of the myeloid cells in the bone        marrow from the hip bone,
    marrow.                                 generally under local anaesthetic.
                                            A bone marrow surgical
    Amino Acids                             instrument with a cylindrical
    Organic molecules which are             blade, called a trephine, is used to
    the building blocks for making          remove a one to two-centimetre
    proteins.                               core of bone marrow in one piece.

    Anthracyclines                          Bone Marrow Failure
    An antibiotic derived from the          The term used when the bone
    bacteria Streptomyces peucetius         marrow is unable to keep up with
    and found to be an effective            the body’s need for white and red
    anticancer drug.                        blood cells and platelets.

    Autologous Stem Cell                    Chemotherapy
    Transplant                              Drugs that work in different ways
    A transplant of stem cells derived      to stop the growth of cancer cells,
    from part of the same individual.       either by killing the cells or by
                                            stopping them from dividing.
    Bone Marrow
    The soft blood-forming tissue           Chromosomes
    that fills the cavities of bones        Thread-like structures which carry
    and contains fat, immature and          the genes, and are located in the
    mature blood cells, including           nuclei of every cell in the body.
    white blood cells, red blood cells      There are 46 chromosomes (23
    and platelets.                          pairs) in humans.

                                         Helpline freephone 08088 010 444       15
Glossary (cont.)

     Complete Remission                     that help conduct electrical
                                            impulses in the body. They include
     Complete remission has occurred
                                            sodium, potassium, chloride and
                                            bicarbonate among others.
     • Blood cell counts have returned      First-line Treatment
       to normal
                                            The first treatment given for
     • Less than 5% of abnormal,            a disease. It is generally the
       leukaemia cells are still present    treatment accepted by the
       in the bone marrow                   medical profession as the best
     Consolidation Treatment                initial treatment for a given type
                                            and stage of cancer.
     Treatment following remission
     intended to kill any cancer cells      Genes
     that may be left in the body.          Genes are made up of DNA which
     DNA (Deoxyribonucleic Acid)            stores the genetic information
                                            required to make human proteins.
     A thread-like chain of amino acids
     found in the nucleus of each cell      Induction Treatment
     in the body which carries genetic      The first treatment after diagnosis
     instructions used in the growth,       intended to kill the majority of
     development and functioning of         the leukaemia cells and stimulate
     the individual’s cells.                remission.
     Electrocardiogram (ECG)                Leukaemia
     The test that records the electrical   A group of cancers that usually
     signals in your heart to detect any    begin in the bone marrow
     heart problems and monitor the         and result in high numbers of
     heart’s status.                        abnormal blood cells. These cells
     Electrolytes                           are not fully developed and are
                                            called blasts or leukaemia cells.
     Salts and minerals in the blood

Depending on the type of blood          Relapse Condition
cell involved, there are different
                                        Relapse occurs when a patient
types of leukaemia with varying
                                        initially responds to treatment,
characteristics, such as being
                                        but after six months or more,
acute (develops quickly) or
                                        the response stops. This is also
chronic (develop slowly).
                                        sometimes called a recurrence.
                                        Stem Cell
The treatment given to prevent
                                        The most basic cell in the body
cancer from coming back after it
                                        that has the ability to develop
has disappeared following first-
                                        into any of the body’s specialised
line treatment.
                                        cell types, from muscle cells to
Myeloid                                 brain cells. However, what make
                                        these stem cells reproduce
Relates to the bone marrow.
                                        uncontrollably, as in cancer,
Platelets                               is thought to be linked to
                                        chromosome abnormalities.
One of the types of blood cells
which help to stop bleeding.            Stem Cell Transplantation
Red Blood Cells                         The transplant of stem cells
                                        derived from part of the same
The small blood cells that contain
                                        individual or a donor.
haemoglobin and carry oxygen
and other substances to all             Urea
tissues of the body.
                                        The breakdown product of
Refractory Condition                    proteins in the body which is
                                        excreted in the urine.
A condition for which treatment
does not result in a remission.         White Blood Cells
However, the condition may be
                                        White blood cells are one of the
                                        types of cells found in the blood

                                     Helpline freephone 08088 010 444        17
Glossary (cont.)

     and bone marrow, along with
     red blood cells and platelets.      For more definitions
     White blood cells create an         of terms that you may
     immune response against both        come across during
     infectious disease and foreign      your blood cancer
     invaders. Granulocyte white blood   journey, you can
     cells include the neutrophils       download our booklet
     (protect against parasites and      A to Z of Leukaemia
     allergens) and basophils (create    from our website at
     the inflammatory reactions          www.leukaemiacare.
     during an immune response).
     Other white blood cells include
     the lymphocytes (recognise
     bacteria, viruses and toxins, to
     which they produce antibodies)
     and monocytes (clear infection
     products from the body).

Useful contacts
and further support

There are a number of helpful          Blood Cancer UK
sources to support you during          Blood Cancer UK is the leading
your diagnosis, treatment and          charity into the research of blood
beyond, including:                     cancers. They offer support to
• Your haematologist and               patients, their family and friends
  healthcare team                      through patient services.
• Your family and friends              0808 169 5155
• Your psychologist (ask your
  haematologist or CNS for a
                                       Cancer Research UK
                                       Cancer Research UK is a leading
• Reliable online sources,             charity dedicated to cancer
  such as Leukaemia Care
• Charitable organisations             0808 800 4040
There are a number of        
organisations, including
ourselves, who provide expert          Macmillan
advice and information.                Macmillan provides free practical,
                                       medical and financial support for
Leukaemia Care
                                       people facing cancer.
We are a charity dedicated to
                                       0808 808 0000
supporting anyone affected by
the diagnosis of any blood cancer.
We provide emotional support           Maggie’s Centres
through a range of support             Maggie’s offers free practical,
services including a helpline,         emotional and social support
patient and carer conferences,         to people with cancer and their
support group, informative             families and friends.
website, one-to-one buddy
service and high-quality patient       0300 123 1801
information. We also have a nurse
on our help line for any medical       Citizens Advice Bureau (CAB)
queries relating to your diagnosis.
                                       Offers advice on benefits and
Helpline: 08088 010 444                financial assistance.           08444 111 444

                                      Helpline freephone 08088 010 444      19
Leukaemia Care is a national charity dedicated
to providing information, advice and support to
anyone affected by a blood cancer.

Around 34,000 new cases of blood cancer are
diagnosed in the UK each year. We are here to
support you, whether you’re a patient, carer or
family member.

Want to talk?
Helpline: 08088 010 444
(free from landlines and all major mobile networks)
Office Line: 01905 755977

Leukaemia Care,
One Birch Court,
Blackpole East,

Leukaemia Care is registered as a charity in England and Wales (no.1183890) and Scotland (no. SCO49802).
Company number: 11911752 (England and Wales).
Registered office address: One Birch Court, Blackpole East, Worcester, WR3 8SG
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