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Journal of Fruit and Ornamental Plant Research               Vol. 17(1), 2009: 67-77

            TO Phytophthora DISEASES
               M ur yat i , Li z a Oct ri ana, Deni Em i lda ,
             P anca J arot S ant os o and Di ah S unarw at i

      Indonesian Tropical Fruit Research Institute, Jl. Raya Solok-Aripan Km 8
                    PO Box 5 Solok, WEST SUMATRA, 27301
                           e-mail: mooryati@yahoo.com

               (Received February 14, 2009/Accepted April 15, 2009)

                                AB ST R ACT

    This research was aimed on evaluating the effect of organic fertilizers on
susceptibility of durian seedlings to Phytophthora palmivora. The green compost,
chicken manure and rice husk, alone or in a mixture, significantly increased seedling
survival. Therefore, such growing media composition should be taken into account as
one of the elements of integrated Phytophthora control in durian. On the other hand,
goat manure has a ruinous effect on the growth and survival of durian seedlings and
shall be avoided in durian orchards.

Key words: Phytophthora palmivora, durian, organic fertilizers, control

        INTRODUCT ION                       11.086 tons of this fruit at a cost of
                                            11.730.903 US$. This indicates that
    Durian is one of the important          Indonesia is still open for durian
fruit in Indonesia. Its production has      market and for developing durian
risen as much as 42.4% during 4 last        orchards.
years; from 525.064 tons in 2002 to             There are several constraints in
747.848 tons in 2006 (Anonymous,            developing durian orchard in Indo-
2007). However, even though this            nesia. One of the most important is
country is one of the biggest durian        Phytophthora palmivora. This soilborne
producers in the world, it was              pathogen causes many diseases in
reported that Indonesia imported            various tissues of durian, including
Muryati et al.

root rot on root, collar rot/foot rot         toward the infection zone (Drenth
and patch canker on stem, leaf blight         and Guest, 2004; Linderman, 2003;
on leaf, and fruit rot on fruit. (Lee         Ristaino and Johnston, 1999).
and Lum, 2004). When Phytophthora                  Some wild species of durian were
attacks roots, the symptom will apear         reported to be resistant to root rot
on upper parts of the plant such as           (Shamsudin et al., 2000; Kanzaki et
leaf yellowing, particularly at the           al., 1997). Hence, these materials
shoot tips, leaf shed, slowed plant           should be used as durian rootstock.
growth, and possibly limb dieback             Durian varieties with good quality
occurring at early stages of the              are then grafted onto these rootstocks
disease (Hagan, 2008).                        to produce marketable durian trees
    This disease destroyed many               that are resistant to P. palmivora.
durian orchards in Indonesia. This            Meanwhile, biological control can be
can be indicated by very small                applied by using antagonist fungi like
supply of superior durian fruits on           Gliocladium sp., Trichoderma sp.,
the market even though the farmers            P. fluorescens. This measure can also
have planted many superior durian             be incorporated with other control
varieties. According to Drenth and            measures to control P. palmivora
Sendall (2004), this pathogen caused          (Drenth and Guest, 2004; da S. Costa
losses in durian orchards in Indonesia        et al., 2000).
varying from 20-25% with economic                  Phytophthora palmivora can also
value about US$ 780.000.000. The              be controlled by using organic ferti-
pathogen also destroyed up to 30%             lizers such as manure and compost
durian orchards in Penang, Malaysia           because they can stabilize soil pH
(Hasan and Siew, 2000) and up to 54%          and be appropriate for developing
in Australia (Zappala et al., 2002).          antagonistic microorganism (Liu et
    Integrated management of P. pal-          al., 2007; Drenth and Guest, 2004;
mivora could be reached by incor-             Linderman, 2003; Aryantha et al.,
porating several control measures, such       2000). Organic matters can induce
as planting resistant varieties, biological   systemic resistance in plants due to
control, manipulation of the environ-         the presence of microorganisms in
ment by reducing humidity in orchards         composts (Hoitink et al., 2000). It
through pruning, weeding and impro-           has been reported that certain plant
ving soil drainage (Purwantara et al.,        growth promoting microorganisms
2004). Poor aeration of the growth            (PGPM) could enhance defensive
media may promote the growth of               activity and stimulate plant resistance
Phytophthora and increase vulner-             against soil borne pathogens (Kilic-
ability of plant to infection as well. All    Ekici and Yuen, 2003; Zheng et al.,
Phytophthora species grow better under        2005)
water lodging. In this condition the               It is important to choose the
spores germinate and produce sporangia        appropriate organic fertilizer for con-
that release zoospores which are              trolling disease because composition of
moving actively or passively in water         organic matter has important effect on

68                                             J. Fruit Ornam. Plant Res. vol. 17(1) 2009: 67-77
…organic fertilizers on susceptibility…to Phytophthora…

development of plant diseases. Hoitink              10) Soil + compost + goat manure +
et al. (2000) stated that each type of                   rice husk (3 : 1 : 1 : 1).
compost has its own properties that                 11) Soil + compost + chicken manure +
must be considered during its utili-                     rice husk (3 : 1 : 1 : 1).
zation.                                             12) Control (soil without organic
    The aim of the research was to                       matter).
evaluate the effect of organic matter                    The organic matters used in this
composition in the growing media on                 experiment were the materials avail-
the control of P. palmivora infecting               able for farmers and usually used for
durian seedling.                                    fertilizing their orchards.

 MATERIAL AND M ETHODS                              Preparation of P. Palmivora ino-
                                                    culum and plant inoculation
    The research was conducted in the
                                                        P. palmivora used in the experi-
screen house of Indonesian Tropical
                                                    ment was S-20-Sut strain from
Fruit Research Institute from January
                                                    a collection of Indonesian Tropical
to December 2007.
                                                    Fruit Research Institute, isolated
                                                    from durian root infected by
                                                    P. palmivora in North Sumatra. The
    Durian seedlings of five cultivars              postulate Koch had also been tested
were planted in the plastic pots (10 l in           to ensure that the pathogen gave the
volume). The experiment was arranged                same symptom on the tested durian
in a completely randomized design                   seedlings.
consisted of 12 treatments and 10                       The isolate was cultured on PSM
replications. The five unit samples                 (Phytophthora Selective Medium)
were used in each replication. The                  for 7 days. To multiply and sporulate
treatments, various media composi-                  the fungi, 15 Petri dishes (10 cm in
tions for potted durian seedlings,                  diameter) of P. palmivora culture
were as follows:                                    were mixed with 1 litre of papaya
                                                    juice and shaken for 2 days to get
1) Soil + cow manure (1 : 1).
                                                    density of spore suspension 10 7
2) Soil + goat manure (1 : 1).
                                                    spore/cm3 (counted with haemocy-
3) Soil + chicken manure (1 : 1).
                                                    tometer). Two-month-old durian
4) Soil + green compost (1 : 1).
                                                    seedling s were then inoculated
5) Soil + rice husk (1 : 1).
                                                    with 10 ml/pot of such prepared
6) Soil + compost + cow manure (2
                                                    P. palmivora suspension by soil
   : 1 : 1).
7) Soil + compost + goat manure (2
   : 1 : 1).
                                                    Soil sampling and Phytophthora
8) Soil + compost + chicken manure
   (2 : 1 : 1).                                     baiting
9) Soil + compost + cow manure +                       Soil sampling was done every
   rice husk (3 : 1 : 1 : 1).                       month to observe the dynamic of

J. Fruit Ornam. Plant Res. vol. 17(1) 2009: 67-77                                      69
Muryati et al.

Phytophthora and other microbes as        times in a proportion of 1 : 10 to
well in each media. Twenty five           obtain final dilution 10-3, 3) One cm 3
grams of media were taken from            of diluted suspension was put into
each replication and the samples          9 cm Petri dish and 10 cm3 PDA or
taken from the same treatment were        NA media were added. After
bulked. To analyse the dynamic of         incubation at 26oC for 5 days, the
Phytophthora growth in each treat-        morphology of developed cultures
ment, the baiting was done using          was observed under microscope in
apple fruit. The procedures of Phy-       order to determine their affiliation to
tophthora isolation from the soil         systematic groups.
were as follows: 1) The surface of        Observations were done on:
apple fruits was sterilised with 70%
alcohol and then air dried; 2) Three      1. The density of microbial popula-
holes 5 mm in diameter were made             tion. The density of bacteria was
in each apple using cork borer, where        determined based on the number
each hole represented a replication;         of colonies per gram of soil
3) Three grams of soil sample were           sample (Schaad et al., 2001)
put into each hole and covered with          while the density of the fungi
cellulose tape; 4) The apples with           was determined based on the
soil samples inside were then                number of spores per gram soil
incubated at room temperature for            sample (Barnet, 1962).
3 days, 5) After incubation, usually      2. The number of plants showing
rot symptom appeared on the edge of          Phytophthora symptoms (die
the inoculated holes. The edge of the        back, yellowing of the foliage,
rot symptom on the apple was sliced,         leaf shed) and/or dead plants due
inoculated on PSM medium and                 to Phytophthora.
incubated for 3-5 days; eventually the    3. The plant growth rate (number of
cultures were observed to investigate        leaves, diameter of stems, height
the presence of Phytophthora.                of plants). The observations were
    Observations were also made on           made at 2 week intervals.
the presence of other microorganisms
as well. For this purpose, the soil           Statistical analysis. The data were
samples were cultured on the PDA          subjected to analysis of variance and
medium for fungi and on the NA            means were separated by LSD test at
medium for bacteria. The proce-           p ≤0.05. The relationships between
dures were as follows: 1) Ten grams       the parameter observed were
of soil sample were mixed with 90         analyzed by correlation analysis (p ≤
cm 3 of sterile distilled water and the   0.05) followed by analysis of
mixture was gently shaken 2) One          regression (p ≤0.05). The regression
cm 3 of soil/water suspension was         model showing the highest R2 was
taken out and put into test tube          chosen as the fitted model. All
containing 9 ml distilled water. The      calculations were performed using
suspension was then diluted three         the statistical program SPSS 2000.

70                                         J. Fruit Ornam. Plant Res. vol. 17(1) 2009: 67-77
…organic fertilizers on susceptibility…to Phytophthora…

RESULTS AND DISCUSSION                              4). This might be explained by the
                                                    fact that the better growth of plant
                                                    led to the better defence against
     Addition of goat manure to the                 pathogen infection (induced resistance).
growing media resulted in a strong                  Similar results were obtained by Tan et
increase of durian seedling mortality               al. (2008) who reported that the
(Tab. 1). This phenomenon may be                    incorporation of chicken manure into
explained by the lowest microbe                     the potting mix resulted in enhanced
diversity in the media containing                   survival of P. palmivora-infected
goat manure. The regression analysis                papaya plants, stimulation of root
showed that there is a significant                  regeneration, and reduction of P. pal-
positive correlation between the                    mivora to undetectable levels within
number of microbes present in the                   4 weeks. The enhanced survival of
media and the survival rate of the                  infected papaya and durian plants
seedlings (Fig. 1).                                 grown in chicken manure-amended
     The high microbe diversity present             potting mix was attributed to the higher
in the media tended to promote high                 levels of antagonistic microorganisms,
competition among the microbes,                     such as Actinomycetes, which led to the
hence, the ability of Phytophthora to               suppression of the pathogen.
infect plant became lower. This fact                    There are several ways in which
is in accordance with the principle of              organic matters in the soil can in-
biological control of Phytophthora,                 directly control Phytophthora, namely:
that the improvement of the environ-                1) Increasing the activity of the
ment, especially of the rhisosphera,                indigenous microflora, resulting in
is important to support the antago-                 suppression of pathogen population
nistic microorganisms in suppressing                through competition or specific
Phytophthora infecting the plants.                  inhibition (Konam and Guest, 2002;
Adding organic matter to the soil is                Broadbent and Baker, 1974); 2)
the key factor to stimulate antagonistic            Releasing degrading compounds such
activity (Linderman, 2003; Bulluck et               as carbon dioxide, ammonia, nitrites,
al., 2002).                                         saponins or enzymes that are generally
     The use of goat manure mixed                   toxic to Phytophthora (Tsao and
with soil for durian media not only                 Oster, 1981); 3) Acting as a trap, since
caused the highest mortality of durian              Phytophthora will be attracted to and
seedling but also was unfavourable for              encyst on organic matter (Grant et al.,
their growth. The most favourable                   1985); 4) Inducing plant defence
media for durian growth was the soil                mechanisms (Gilpatrick, 1969); and 5)
mixed with green compost, chicken                   Creating an environment that stimulates
manure, and rice husk, since the                    root development by physically
highest of leaves number, stem                      inhibiting Phytophthora (Turner and
diameter and plant height as well as                Menge, 1994).
100% seedling survival were                             Experiments with the soil baiting
observed in these treatments (Fig. 2-               have shown that the organic matters

J. Fruit Ornam. Plant Res. vol. 17(1) 2009: 67-77                                        71
Muryati et al.

T a b l e 1 . Effect of growth media composition on survival of durian seedlings

                                                                                                     Mean percentage of
                                                            Treatment                                   dead plant
  1. Soil + cow manure (1 : 1)                                                                                  2   a*
  2. Soil + goat manure (1 : 1)                                                                                18   b
  3. Soil + chicken manure (1 : 1)                                                                              0   a
  4. Soil + green compost (1 : 1)                                                                               0   a
  5. Soil + rice husk (1 : 1)                                                                                   0   a
  6. Soil + compost + cow manure (2 : 1 : 1)                                                                    4   a
  7. Soil + compost + goat manure (2 : 1 : 1)                                                                   4   a
  8. Soil + compost + chicken manure (2 : 1 : 1)                                                                2   a
  9. Soil + compost + cow manure + rice husk (3 : 1 : 1 : 1)                                                    0   a
 10 Soil + compost + goat manure + rice husk (3 : 1 : 1 : 1)                                                    0   a
 11. Soil + compost + chicken manure + rice husk (3 : 1 : 1 : 1)                                                0   a
 12. Control (soil without organic matter)                                                                      4   a
*Means followed by the same letter are not significantly different by LSD test at p ≤0.05

     The percen tage of dead plant (%)

                                                                        Y = 172.853 – 61.471X + 5.4464X2
                                                                        R = 0.585; P = 0.019


                                         4.0          4.5               5.0           5.5                6.0                6.5

                                               The number of microbes (number of colony/gr soil)

Figure 1. Relationship between the number of microbes in the growing media and the
survival of durian seedlings

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…organic fertilizers on susceptibility…to Phytophthora…

  Th e n u m ber of du rian leaves
                                                              7                                                                7
                                                            00 2007 20 07 2007 2007 2007 2007 20 07 200 2007 2007 007 2007 007
                                                     / 5 /2       5 /     5 /      6 /      6 /     7 /     7 /     8 /   / 9/       /     0/     0/ 2 / 11/        1/ 2
                                                   2            /       /        /        /        /       /      /     4         /9
                                                              15      30      14       26       12      26      10             20      4/ 1 23/ 1      6     2 1 /1
                                                                                                          Observation date
                                                         T reatment 1                                   T reatment 2                                  T reatment 3                                   T reatment 4
                                                         T reatment 5                                   T reatment 6                                  T reatment 7                                   T reatment 8
                                                         T reatment 9                                   T reatment 10                                 T reatment 11                                  T reatment 12

Figure 2. Effect of growth media composition on development of leaves on durian

                The diameter of durian stem (mm)


                                                           07           07           07           07           07           07           07           07          07           07           07            7          07
                                                         20         /2 0         /20          /20         / 20         / 20         /2 0          /2 0         20          /20         / 20            00        /2 0
                                                      /5/        /5           /5          / 6          / 6          / 7          /7            /8          /9/         / 9            0            0/2         1
                                                    2                                                                                                    4                          1           /1            1
                                                              15           30           14           26           12           26           10                       20           4/          23            6/
                                                                                                                            Observation date
                                                           T reatment 1                              T reatment 2                                  T reatment 3                              T reatment 4
                                                           T reatment 5                              T reatment 6                                  T reatment 7                              T reatment 8
                                                           T reatment 9                              T reatment 10                                 T reatment 11                             T reatment 12

Figure 3. Effect of growth media composition on stem diameter of durian seedlings

J. Fruit Ornam. Plant Res. vol. 17(1) 2009: 67-77                                                                                                                                                                         73
Muryati et al.

     Plant height (cm)

                                  7           07           07           07           07           07          07          07            7          07           07          7          07            7
                                00                                                                                                   00                                  00                       00
                            5/ 2        5 /20       5 / 20        6/ 20        6/ 20        7 /2 0      7 /2 0      8 / 20       9/2         9 /20        0 /20      0/2         1/ 20        1/2
                         2 /           /           /            /            /             /           /           /         4 /            /            1         /1          1           /1
                                    15           30           14           26           12           26          10                      20           4/         23          6/         21
                                                                                                      Observation date
                              T reatment 1                                      T reatment 2                                      T reatment 3                                      T reatment 4
                              T reatment 5                                      T reatment 6                                      T reatment 7                                      T reatment 8
                              T reatment 9                                      T reatment 10                                     T reatment 11                                     T reatment 12

Figure 4. Effect o growth media composition on height of durian seedlings
T a b l e 2 . Phytophthora propagules isolated from growth media before and after
artificial inoculation
                                                                                                    Propagule incidence
                                               one month                                                  after inoculation (months)
                                                                                                  1                              2                                3                                4
        1                                           –                                             +                              +                                –                                –
        2                                           –                                             +                              +                                –                                –
        3                                           –                                             +                              +                                –                                –
        4                                           –                                             +                              +                                +                                –
        5                                           –                                             +                              –                                –                                –
        6                                           –                                             +                              +                                –                                –
        7                                           –                                             –                              +                                –                                –
        8                                           –                                             +                              +                                –                                –
        9                                           –                                             +                              +                                –                                –
       10                                           –                                             +                              +                                –                                –
       11                                           –                                             +                              +                                –                                –
       12                                           –                                             +                              +                                –                                –
Note: – = absent; + = present

did not affect the Phytophthora inci-                                                                           increasing diversity of microorga-
dence in the soil (Tab. 2). However,                                                                            nism in the soil, which in turn hinters
the presence of organic matter could                                                                            Phytophthora activity due to com-
generate a favourable condition for                                                                             petition mechanism. In other words,

74                                                                                                                   J. Fruit Ornam. Plant Res. vol. 17(1) 2009: 67-77
…organic fertilizers on susceptibility…to Phytophthora…

in the suitable plant growth media,                 Broadbent P., Baker K.F. 1974. Behavior
Phytophthora does not threaten the                      of Phytophthora cinnamoni in soils
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1. Growing media supplemented with                      synthetic     fertility   amendments
   compost, chicken manure and rice                     influence soil microbial, physical
   husk were the best compositions for                  and chemical properties on organic
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2. Goat manure has a ruinous effect                     MICROBIOL. 31 (4): 239-246.
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   and does not provide protection                      phthora in the tropics. In: Drenth A.,
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thank: Dr. A. Soemargono and Ir. Sri                    114, 238 p.
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Anang Wahyudi and Subhana for their                     D.I. (eds), Diversity and Mana-gement
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        POWODOWANE PRZEZ Phytophthora
                    Muryati , Liza Octriana, Deni Emilda,
                    Panca Jarot Santoso i Diah Sunarwati

                                   ST RE S Z C ZE NI E

    Celem badań był   o określenie wpływu róż  nego organicznego nawoż     enia na
wrażliwośćsiewek duriana na Phytophthora palmivora. Kompost z roś      lin, nawóz
kurzy i ł
        uski ryż
               u, zastosowane osobno lub w ich mieszankach, istotnie podwyższał  y
zdrowotnoś ćsiewek duriana. Tak więc te nawozy organiczne powinny byćwzię       te
pod uwagęjako czynniki integrowanej ochrony siewek duriana przed Phytophthora.

 owa kluczowe: Phytophthora palmivora, durian, nawozy organiczne, ochrona

J. Fruit Ornam. Plant Res. vol. 17(1) 2009: 67-77                                      77
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