Page created by Edna Vaughn
                         FEBRUARY 202I



                ME THE
 Ausfilm markets Australia’s Screen Production Incentive Scheme.
 The friendly Ausfilm team can help you navigate federal, state
                                                                          - Post, Digital & VFX (PDV) Offset (Federal Government)
                                                                          - State government Post, Digital & VFX Incentives that can be
 and territory government incentives and grants. The tables                 combined with the federal PDV Offset (specific to each state or
 below and overleaf provide a snapshot of the following                     territory)
 incentives and grants:                                                   - Producer Offset (Federal Government)
 - Location Offset (Federal Government)
 - Location Incentive grant (Federal Government)                          For detailed physical production incentives for states
                                                                          and territories in Australia go to pages 4 - 7.

 *Qualifying Australian Production Expenditure                                                                                                       AUSTRALIAN FEDERAL GOVERNMENT 30% POST, DIGITAL & VFX INCENTIVE

                                                                                           CULTURAL                                                                                                                                             CULTURAL
  INCENTIVE     FEDERAL       STATE         MINIMUM                                                                                                   INCENTIVE     FEDERAL        STATE        MINIMUM                                           TEST,
                                                                  QUALIFIERS                 TEST,                      BENEFITS                                                                                    QUALIFIERS                                         BENEFITS
  OR GRANT      REBATE       REBATE        QAPE SPEND                                                                                                 OR GRANT      REBATE        REBATE       QAPE SPEND                                     SUNSET OR CAP
                                                                                           SUNSET OR
    NAME           %                                                                                                                                    NAME           %
                                           FEATURES         Feature, TV series (incl.     No              You can combine Location Offset                                                                      Feature, TV series (incl.      No expenditure     Tax Rebate is paid to the
                                           AU$15million     documentary, reality,         expenditure     & Location Incentive grant and                                                                       documentary, reality,          cap or sunset      Applicant.
                                                            animation), TV mini-series,   cap or sunset   potentially receive up to a 30% rebate                                                               animation), TV mini-series.
                                           TV               telemovie.                                    on your QAPE*.                                                                                                                      No cultural test   Payment is usually
  LOCATION     16.5%                       minimum                                        No cultural                                                                                                          Web series or film may                            made in four weeks from
  OFFSET                                   QAPE* of AU$1    Cannot be combined            test            Tax Rebate is paid to the Applicant.                                                                 be eligible if the intent is                      lodgement with the
                                           million per      with PDV or Producer                                                                                                                               to be distributed through                         Australian Taxation Office.
                                           hour totalling   Offset.                                       Payment is usually made in four weeks                                Can be                          a curated platform e.g
                          Can be           AU$15 million                                                  from lodgement with the Australian                                   combined                        YouTube Premium. A
                          combined         QAPE* spend                                                    Taxation Office.                           POST,                     with state                      distribution agreement or
                          with state                                                                                                                 DIGITAL &      30%        and territory   AU$500,000^     other documentation will
                          and territory                                                                                                              VFX                       tax                             be required.
                                           As per           1. Must be eligible and       No cultural     You can combine Location Offset            OFFSET                    incentives
                          tax incentives
                                           Location         apply for the Location        test            & Location Incentive grant and                                       and grants.                     Productions do not have to
                          and grants.
                                           Offset           Offset first (above).                         potentially receive up to a 30% rebate                               See pages                       be filmed in Australia.
                          See pages
                                                                                          A merit         on your QAPE*.
                          4 - 7.                                                                                                                                               4 - 7.
                                                            2. To be eligible for         assessed                                                                                                             Cannot be combined with
                                                            the Location Incentive        grant           The Grant is paid to the Applicant.                                                                  Location or Producer
                                                            projects must genuinely                                                                                                                            Offset.
                                                            be ‘footloose’, that is       Fund            100% of the grant is paid on completion
                                                            not already locked in to      available       of the project. In some circumstances an                                                             Can be combined with
                                                            undertaking production in     until 30 June   initial partial payment may be made on                                                               state government
                                                            Australia.                    2027 or until   execution of the grant agreement.
                                                                                                                                                                                                               Incentives. See page 4 - 7.
  LOCATION     Up to                                                                      grant funds
  INCENTIVE    13.5%                                        3. Must have support from     are allocated
  GRANT                                                     one or more State or                                                                                                                                                                                      30%
                                                            Territory Governments.
                                                            4. Must utilise one or more                                                                                                                                                                             DIGITAL
                                                            Australian based providers
                                                            of picture or sound/music
                                                            post-production or VFX.                                      16.5%                       ^AT 1 JULY 2021, CHANGES TO PDV OFFSET                                                                       VFX OFFSET
                                                                                                                      LOCATION                       The PDV Offset minimum qualifying Australian production expenditure spend will be
                                                            5. To be eligible
                                                            projects must commit                                        OFFSET                       increased from AU$500,000 to AU$1 million QAPE.
                                                            to undertaking training                                        +                         These amendments will come into effect for productions that commence post, digital and
                                                                                                                                                     VFX activity on, or after 1 July 2021.
                                                            and skills development

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 AUSFILM       1

                                                                                                                                     INCENTIVE      FEDERAL       MINIMUM                                      CULTURAL
                                                                          CULTURAL                                                                                                     QUALIFIERS                               REBATE PROCESS               ADMINISTERED BY
 INCENTIVE      FEDERAL       MINIMUM                                                                                                  NAME        REBATE %      QAPE SPEND                                   TEST, SUNSET
                                                   QUALIFIERS            TEST, SUNSET        BENEFITS         ADMINISTERED BY
 OR GRANT      REBATE %      QAPE SPEND                                                                                                                                                                         OR CAP
                                                                           OR CAP
                                                                                                                                                                                 Minimum 60 mins for         A Significant      After Screen            Screen Australia
                                             Spend on qualifying        No cultural test   40% REBATE         Screen NSW             PRODUCER                                    a theatrically released     Australian         Australia issues a      Producer Offset &
                                             post/VFX in New South                         When you combine   sue.mccreadie.@        OFFSET        40%           AU$500,000      feature film, 45 mins for   Content Test       Final Certificate,      Co-production Unit
                                             Wales.                                        the NSW 10% PDV    create.nsw.gov.au      FEATURES                                    IMAX.                       required. Review   the Tax Rebate          pocu@screenaustralia.gov.au
                                                                                           Rebate with                                                                                                       Guidelines         is paid to the
                                             Features: (drama/                             Federal 30% PDV                                                                                                                      Applicant via the
                                             documentary)                                  Offset                                                                                TV drama, telemovies,       OR                 Australian Taxation
NSW           10%            AU$500,000      TV: drama/comedy/                                                                                                                   mini-series, documentary,                      Office.
PDV                                          documentary (telemovie,                                                                                             TV -            short form animation        be an Official
REBATE                                       miniseries, series).                                                                                                AU$500,000      and non-feature single      Treaty             Payment is usually
                                                                                                                                     PRODUCER                    for a single    episode programs.           Co-production      made in four weeks
                                             Applicants must register                                                                OFFSET        20%           episode or a                                                   from lodgement
                                             project prior to PDV                                                                    NON-                        minimum of      At least 2 episodes for a   No expenditure     with the Australian
                                             commencement.                                                                           FEATURES                    AU$1 million    TV season, minimum          cap or sunset      Taxation Office.
                                                                                                                                                                 QAPE for        duration half hour for      clause
                                                                                                                                                                 drama           series, hour for
                                             Spend on qualifying VFX    Capped             Between 36-40%     Film Victoria                                      series/season   animation, 1 hr for
                                             in Victoria.               Case by case       REBATE             joe.brinkmann@film.                                                single episode.
              Historically                                              No cultural test   on your VFX VIC    vic.gov.au
              grants range   AU$1 million                                                  QAPE spend when
              from between                                                                 you combine with
              6-10%                                                                        Federal 30% PDV
                                                                                                                                    AT 1 JULY 2021, CHANGES TO PRODUCER OFFSET
                                             Spend on qualifying        Capped             Up to 40% REBATE
VICTORIAN                                                                                                                            INCENTIVE      FEDERAL       MINIMUM                                      CULTURAL                                  PROPOSED CHANGES AS
                                             post-production in         Case by case       on your post-                                                                               QUALIFIERS                               REBATE PROCESS
SCREEN                                                                                                                                 NAME        REBATE %      QAPE SPEND                                   TEST, SUNSET                                   AT 1 JULY 2021
                                             Victoria.                  No cultural test   production VIC
INCENTIVE                                                                                                                                                                                                       OR CAP
              Up to 10%      AU$500,000                                                    QAPE when you
(VSI)                                                                                      combine with
POST-                                                                                                                                                            FEATURES -      Minimum 60 mins for a       A Significant      After Screen            The 20% TV/other eligible
                                                                                           Federal 30% PDV
PRODUCTION                                                                                                                                                       AU$1 million    feature film, 45 mins for   Australian         Australia issues a      content will be increased to
                                                                                                                                                                                 IMAX, at least 2 episodes   Content Test       Final Certificate,      30%. The 40% Producer Offset
                                                                                                                                                                                 for a TV season, hour for   required. Review   the Tax Rebate          for features with a theatrical
                                             Spend on Queensland        No cap             40% REBATE         Screen Queensland                                                  animation, 1 hour for       Guidelines         is paid to the          release remain.
                                             Production Expenditure     No cultural test   combine with       gblack@screenqld.                                                  single episode.                                Applicant via the
                                             (QPE).Note QAPE and                           Federal 30% PDV    gov.au                                                                                         OR                 Australian Taxation     The minimum QAPE
                                             QPE may differ. Check                         Offset on your                                                                                                                       Office.                 threshold will increased to
QLD                                          SQ guidelines.                                Post, VFX QAPE &                                                                                                  be an Official                             $1M for feature length
PDV                                                                                        QLD Qualifying                                                                                                    Treaty             Payment is usually      content.
ATTRACTION    10%            AU$500,000      Features, TV series,                          Production                                                                                                        Co-production      made in four weeks
GRANT                                        telemovies, mini-series,                      Expenditure                                                                                                                          from lodgement          The 65 commercial hour
                                             pilots or series,                                                                                                                                               No expenditure     with the Australian     episode cap for drama
                                             documentary feature,                                                                                                                                            cap or sunset      Taxation Office.        series will be removed.
                                             TV one off or seasons.                                                                                                                                          clause
                                                                                                                                                   30%                                                                                                  The clause that allows
                                                                                                                                                   TV/Non-                                                                                              production costs incurred
                                                                                                                                                   Features                                                                                             in other countries to be
                                             Spend on qualifying        No cap             40% REBATE         South Australian       PRODUCER                                                                                                           claimed (commonly known as
                                             post/VFX in South          No cultural test   on your Post/      Film Corporation       OFFSET                      TV -            TV drama, telemovies,                                                  the ‘Gallipoli Clause’) will be
SA                                           Australia.                                    VFX QAPE when      programs@safilm.                     40%           AU$500,000      mini-series, documentary,                                              removed. The Producer
PDV           10%            AU$250,000                                                    you combine with   com.au                               Features      for a single    short form animation                                                   Offset ‘above the line’
REBATE                                                                                     Federal 30% PDV                                         (theatrical   episode or a    and non-feature single                                                 expenses cap of 20 per cent
                                                                                           Offset                                                  release)      minimum of      episode programs.                                                      will be extended to include
                                                                                                                                                                 AU$1 million                                                                           non-feature documentary
                                                                                                                                                                 QAPE for                                                                               productions. The level of
                                                                                                                                                                 drama                                                                                  Australian held copyright that
                                             Spend on Qualifying        Discretionary      50% REBATE         Screenwest                                         series/season
                                             post/VFX                                      on your post/      gabrielle.cole@                                                                                                                           can be claimed will be capped
                                             Western Australia                             VFX Qualifying     screenwest.com.au                                                                                                                         at 30 per cent of total
              20% on                         Expenditure (QWAE).                           WA Expenditure                                                                                                                                               production expenditure.
              the first                                                                    (QWAE) for the
WA            AU$500,000                                                                   first AU$500K                                                                                                                                                Overheads will no longer
PDV           of WA spend    AU$100,000                                                    when you combine                                                                                                                                             be eligible to be claimed as
REBATE                                                                                     with the Federal                                                                                                                                             QAPE.
              10% on                                                                       30% PDV Offset
              spend over                                                                                                                                                                                                                                These proposed changes
              AU$500,000                                                                   then                                                                                                                                                         will come into effect for
              of WA spend                                                                                                                                                                                                                               productions that commence
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        principal photography on, or
                                              COMBINE                                      40% REBATE
                                                                                           When you combine                                                                                                                                             after 1 July 2021.
                                              30% PDV                                      your post/VFX
                                               OFFSET                                      QWAE for spend                           ADMINISTERED BY SCREEN AUSTRALIA
                                                                                           over AU$500K
                                             WITH STATE                                    and the Federal
                                                                                                                                    Producer Offset & Co-production Unit
                                            GOVERNMENT                                     30% PDV Offset
                                            PDV REBATES
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      AUSFILM      2

                                                     SCREEN AUSTRALIA                                                                                    CONTACT

                                                                                                                                                         MICHELE MCDONALD
                                                                                                                                                         SENIOR MANAGER OF
                                                     Screen Australia administers the Producer Offset and Australia’s                                    PRODUCER OFFSET AND
                                                     Official Co-production program. It is the lead Australian                                           CO-PRODUCTION UNIT
                                                     Government agency charged with supporting Australian screen                                         pocu@screenaustralia.gov.au
                                                                                                                                                         +61 2 8113 1042
                                                     content through development, production and promotion.
                                                                                                                                                         +61 2 8113 5800
                                                     Screen Australia develops Australian voices      SIGNIFICANT AUSTRALIAN CONTENT
                                                     by funding creative teams to progress their      (SAC)
                                                     ideas and scripts. It provides production        Screen Australia determines whether a film
                                                     finance for features films, documentaries,       has SAC based on published guidelines              CREDITS
                                                     TV drama, children’s content and online          which have regard to:
                                                     series.                                          - the subject matter of the film                   Projects which have
                                                                                                      - the place where the film was made                publicly acknowledged the
                                                     Screen Australia can also help stories           - the nationalities and places of residence of     producer offset
                                                     find their audience with marketing and             the people who took part in making it            Peter Rabbit
                                                     promotion support. Additionally, the agency      - the details of production expenditure
                                                     provides authoritative and relevant data           incurred, and                                    Hacksaw Ridge
                                                     and research to both the industry and            - any other matters that Screen                    Mad Max: Fury Road
                                                     government.                                        Australia considers to be relevant,
                                                                                                        including the extent to which Australian
                                                                                                        producers and key creatives have a share         Projects which have
                                                     THE PRODUCER OFFSET                                in the copyright, profit and recoupment          benefitted from Australia’s
                                                     The Producer Offset is a refundable tax            for the film.                                    official co-production
                                                     offset (rebate) for Australian films. To                                                            program
                                                     be regarded as an Australian film, the           OFFICIAL CO-PRODUCTIONS
                                                     project must demonstrate that it contains        Official Co-productions do not need to             Animals
                                                     Significant Australian Content (SAC) or be       meet the SAC test to access the Producer
                                                                                                                                                         Dirt Music
                                                     an Official Co-production.                       Offset.
                                                                                                                                                         The Australian Dream
                                                     The Producer Offset is paid after a project      Australia currently has treaties in force
                                                     is completed and Screen Australia has            with Canada, China, Germany, Korea,
                                                     issued the production company with a             Ireland, Israel, Italy, Singapore, South Africa,
                                                     Final Certificate. Payment is made from the      the United Kingdom and Memoranda
                                                     Australian Taxation Office.                      of Understanding with France and New
                                                     The amount of the Offset is determined as
                                                     a percentage of the Qualifying Australian        These agreements set out the parameters
                                                     Production Expenditure (QAPE). It is:            for how two or more co-producers can
                                                     - 40 per cent of QAPE incurred on                make an eligible co-production, including
                                                       theatrical feature films; and                  the minimum financial and creative
                                                     - 20 per cent of QAPE incurred on other          contributions. These agreements and the
                                                       eligible formats (for example, series or       Screen Australia co-production guidelines
                                                       single episode programs made for TV or         are available on the Screen Australia
                                                       online, documentary series and short-form      website.

                                                     Broadly speaking, QAPE is expenditure            AUSFILM MEMBER SINCE 2009
                                                     incurred on goods and services provided in
                                                     Australia for the making of the film.

                                                     To be eligible for the Producer Offset, a film
                                                     or program must:
                                                     - be completed
                                                     - have ‘Significant Australian Content’
                                                       (SAC) or be an Official Co-production
                                                     - be an eligible format
                                                     - have QAPE that meets or exceeds the
                                                       relevant threshold
                                                     - be made by an applicant company
                                                       which is an Australian company,
                                                       or a foreign company with an Australian
                                                       permanent residency and an Australian
Palm Cove Beach, Cairns, Tropical North Queensland     Business Number (ABN).

                                                                                                                                                             AUSFILM       3
STATE & LOCAL GOVERNMENT AGENCIES                                                                                                 STATE & LOCAL GOVERNMENT AGENCIES

FILM VICTORIA                                                                                   CONTACT

                                                                                                KIRSTEN BADCOCK
                                                                                                                                  SCREEN NSW                                                                                    CONTACT

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                GRAINNE BRUNSDON
                                                                                                HEAD OF MARKETING AND                                                                                                           HEAD, SCREEN NSW
Film Victoria is the Victorian State Government’s screen agency                                 SCREEN PRODUCTION                 Screen NSW operates as part of the New South Wales (NSW)                                      grainne.brunsdon@create.nsw.gov.au
based in Melbourne. Whether you’re on the ground in Victoria                                    ATTRACTION                        State Government’s Sydney-based arts, screen and culture                                      +61 417 492 131
or working with their expert post-production, VFX, animation or                                 kirsten.badcock@film.vic.gov.au   agency, Create NSW. Screen NSW offers incentives to attract
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                MATT CARROLL
games studios, the global screen hub of Melbourne is the best                                   JOE BRINKMANN
                                                                                                                                  footloose production and post-production to NSW and offers                                    SENIOR MANAGER,
place to make your next screen project.                                                         MANAGER – PRODUCTION              location and production liaison services to eligible productions                              PRODUCTION ATTRACTION
                                                                                                ATTRACTION & SUPPORT              considering locating in NSW.                                                                  matt.carroll@create.nsw.gov.au
In addition to competitive incentives,         Projects can apply for a grant based                                                                                                                                             SCREEN.NSW.GOV.AU
Victoria boasts highly skilled talent and      on a percentage of Qualifying Victorian          FILM.VIC.GOV.AU                                                                                                                 + 61 2 8289 6443
                                                                                                +61 3 9660 3255                   Screen NSW offers competitive incentives        The rebate can be combined with Australian
experienced crews. The state’s renowned        Expenditure (QVE).
                                                                                                                                  through the Made in NSW – International         Government incentives.
post-production specialists and VFX,
                                                                                                                                  Footloose Production fund to attract
animation and games studios bring brilliant    The incentive operates as a simple grant                                                                                                                                         CREDITS
                                                                                                                                  international footloose productions to the      ELIGIBILITY
stories to life.                               that is paid in milestones upon completion       CREDITS                           state.                                          A production must spend at least              Children of the Corn
                                               of the project.
Victoria’s diverse locations are the most                                                       Relic                                                                             AU$500,000 on PDV in New South Wales.
                                                                                                                                  Screen NSW provides location and                Eligible formats are:                         Peter Rabbit: The Runaway
accessible in Australia, with beaches,         VSI can be combined with the Australian          Preacher S4                       production liaison services including           - feature films (drama and documentary)       The Invisible Man
deserts, mountains, forests, wineries and      Screen Production Incentive through the
                                                                                                The Cry                           facilitating international inbounds to          - TV drama, comedy and documentary
small towns within an hour’s drive from        Location Offset, Location Incentive, PDV                                                                                                                                         The LEGO® Movie 2:
                                                                                                                                  eligible productions considering NSW as           (telemovies, mini-series and series).
Melbourne’s city centre. Its mix of historic   Offset, Official Co-production and Producer      Spider-Man: Far From Home                                                                                                       The Second Part
                                                                                                                                  their location of choice. Financial support
and modern architecture can service period,    Offset.                                          (VFX)                             for location scouts and inbounds may be         The applicant may be an international         Peter Rabbit
contemporary and futuristic storylines, and
                                                                                                Christopher Robin (VFX)           available through the Location Scouts and       producer or studio, an Australian producer,
Melbourne has the flexibility to double for    ELIGIBILITY
                                                                                                                                  Inbound Program.                                a NSW PDV company or a Special Purpose
almost any city in the world.                  Projects must be fully financed, with
                                                                                                                                                                                  Vehicle. Applicants must register the
                                               genuine marketplace interest for
                                                                                                                                  Local filmmakers and Official Treaty            project with Screen NSW prior to the
Docklands Studios Melbourne is located         commercial release or distribution, and
                                                                                                                                  Co-productions can also apply for early         commencement of PDV work for which the
on the doorstep of downtown Melbourne.         meet the following minimum spends in
                                                                                                                                  development, advanced development of            rebate is sought.
The world-class facility comprises five        Victoria:
                                                                                                                                  production finance support for projects
state-of-the-art, purpose-built sound stages   - AU$3.5 million on production and post-
                                                                                                                                  ready to go into production. Regional           LOCATION SCOUTS AND INBOUND
and large production office and workshop         production
                                                                                                                                  Filming Fund grants support productions         PROGRAM
spaces. A new sixth sound stage is currently   - AU$1 million on animation
                                                                                                                                  that film on location in regional NSW for a     This program offers eligible productions
under construction which, at 3,700 sq          - AU$1 million on digital games production
                                                                                                                                  minimum of five shooting days.                  assistance for location surveys and may
metres, will be one of the largest in the      - AU$1 million on VFX
southern hemisphere.                           - AU$500,000 on post-production.                                                                                                   include covering some of the costs
                                                                                                                                  MADE IN NSW – INTERNATIONAL                     associated with on-ground travel, including
With an unbeatable lifestyle, Melbourne is                                                                                        FOOTLOOSE PRODUCTION                            accommodation, domestic flights, vehicle
                                               REGIONAL LOCATION ASSISTANCE FUND
the go-to screen production destination for                                                                                       Made in NSW is a AU$175 million fund            hire and location manager services.
productions from around the world. It’s time                                                                                      over five years (2020-2025). The level of
                                               The Regional Location Assistance Fund
to make it in Melbourne.                                                                                                          financial assistance offered is determined      In addition to working with Ausfilm to
                                               (RLAF) offers grants to encourage
                                                                                                                                  on a case-by-case basis.                        facilitate international inbounds, direct
                                               Victorian, interstate and international screen
Film Victoria offers competitive financial                                                                                                                                        enquiries are welcome.
                                               productions to locate production activity in
incentives to productions who are seeking                                                                                         This incentive can be combined with
                                               regional Victoria.
an outstanding, film-friendly production                                                                                          the Australian Government’s incentives:         ELIGIBILITY
destination for their screen projects.                                                                                            Location Offset, Location Incentive,            Eligible projects include long-form feature
                                               The incentive operates as a simple grant
                                                                                                                                  PDV Offset and the Producer Offset.             films, telemovies, mini-series, TV series,
                                               that is paid on completion of the project
Film Victoria’s friendly and knowledgeable     and audit of the production expenditure.                                                                                           pilots and reality programs.
team consistently go above and beyond,                                                                                            ELIGIBILITY
providing end-to-end logistical advice and                                                                                        Projects must be footloose. Eligible projects   The program is open to projects prior to
                                               RLAF can be combined with the Victorian
location support. Whatever your vision,                                                                                           include:                                        commencement of pre-production and
                                               Screen Incentive.
their team can introduce you to perfect                                                                                           - feature films, telemovies, animation, mini-   prior to/or during financing.
production partners and crew. Other                                                                                                 series and TV drama series
services can include script breakdowns,                                                                                           - fully internationally financed features
                                               Projects must spend a minimum of
location galleries and local budgets, as       AU$100,000 qualified regional Victorian
                                                                                                                                    and TV projects and features from local       AUSFILM MEMBER SINCE 1999
well as advice on the Australian Federal                                                                                            production companies
                                               spend and accommodate the crew in the
Government incentives and the Australian                                                                                          - international and Australian co-
                                               regional location for at least five nights.
Screen Production Industry’s COVID-Safe                                                                                             productions.
                                                                                                                                  NSW POST DIGITAL AND VISUAL EFFECTS
VICTORIAN SCREEN INCENTIVE                     AUSFILM MEMBER SINCE 1999                                                          (PDV) REBATE
The Victorian Screen Incentive (VSI) offers                                                                                       The NSW Post, Digital and Visual effects
grants to encourage producers to bring                                                                                            (PDV) rebate offers eligible productions a
their screen projects to Victoria, including                                                                                      10 per cent rebate on qualifying NSW PDV
physical production, post-production, VFX,                                                                                        expenditure related to PDV work carried
animation and digital games.                                                                                                      out in NSW on or later than 1 October 2019.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      AUSFILM        4
STATE & LOCAL GOVERNMENT AGENCIES                                                                                           STATE & LOCAL GOVERNMENT AGENCIES

SCREEN QUEENSLAND                                                                               CONTACT

                                                                                                KYLIE MUNNICH
                                                                                                                            CITY OF GOLD COAST                                                                          CONTACT

                                                                                                                                                                                                                        GABRIELLE JONES
                                                                                                CEO                                                                                                                     FILM AND TELEVISION
Queensland is the film-friendly, production paradise of Australia                               kmunnich@screenqld.com.au   The City of Gold Coast is the only local government in Australia                            ADVISER
known for its stunning and diverse natural locations, attractive                                                            to provide a Film Attraction Program that includes financial                                gjones@goldcoast.qld.gov.au
financial incentives, facilities, post-production and VFX studios.                              JO DILLON                   incentives. These incentive grants are based on the value of
                                                                                                CHIEF CREATIVE OFFICER                                                                                                  CITYOFGOLDCOAST.COM.
Queensland is also known for being home to a well-established                                   jdillon@screenqld.com.au    production undertaken on the Gold Coast and are in addition                                 AU/SCREEN
film community with an impressive list of award-winning crew.                                                               to the incentives provided by the Queensland and Australian                                 +61 7 5581 7269
                                                                                                SCREENQLD.COM.AU            Governments
                                                                                                +61 7 3248 0500
The Screen Queensland Studios opened              STATE PAYROLL TAX REBATE                                                                                                                                              CREDITS
in January 2019 and are operated by the           Available for those productions that have                                 The City of Gold Coast specialises in           INCENTIVES SNAPSHOT
                                                                                                                            providing production companies with                                                         Dora and The Lost City
state’s screen agency. The studios are a          paid the 4.75% Queensland Payroll Tax and     CREDITS                     information regarding the capabilities of                                                   of Gold
30-minute drive from diverse locations and        with a spend greater than AU$3.5 million                                                                                  VALUE OF PRODUCTION   ASSISTANCE CAP (AU)
urban settings.                                   QPE.                                          Young Rock S1               the local industry, financial incentives to     UNDERTAKEN ON THE                           Aquaman
                                                                                                                            demonstrate their commitment to your            GOLD COAST (AU)
                                                                                                Joe Exotic S1               production and a one-stop-shop to arrange       $1.5 – 3 million      $30,000               Godzilla vs Kong
Queensland also has one of the largest            POST, DIGITAL AND VISUAL EFFECTS
sound stages in the Southern Hemisphere                                                         Irreverent S1               film permits, road closures and access to                                                   Thor: Ragnarok
                                                  ATTRACTION GRANT                                                                                                          $3 – 5 million        $40,000
and three purpose-built water tanks                                                                                         city locations.
                                                  A 10% grant for PDV work attracted to         Godzilla vs Kong                                                            $5 – 10 million       $50,000               Kong: Skull Island
including the largest in Australia, all located   and completed in Queensland on post-
at the Gold Coast’s Village Roadshow                                                            Love and Monsters           The Gold Coast is famous for its beautiful      $10 – 15 million      $60,000
                                                  production elements.
Studios. The Gold Coast offers a diverse                                                                                    sub-tropical climate and diverse range          $15 – 25 million      $80,000
selection of landscapes with coastal,                                                                                       of accessible locations which allows for
                                                  REGIONAL STATEWIDE INCENTIVE GRANTS                                                                                       Over $25 million      $100,000
mountain, rainforest, rivers and built-up                                                                                   any landscape to be replicated within
                                                  A negotiable grant up to AU$100,000
landscapes all within an easily accessible                                                                                  the region. From emotive city or country
                                                  based on regional spend and employment
half-hour drive from Village Roadshow                                                                                       scenes, beautiful beaches and sub-
Studios. The Gold Coast is serviced by an                                                                                   tropical rainforests, to a unique blend         AUSFILM MEMBER SINCE 2003
international airport.                                                                                                      of architecture, scenic roads and city
                                                  THE REVOLVING FILM FINANCING FUND
                                                                                                                            locations, the Gold Coast offers production
Screen Queensland works with producers to                                                                                   companies easily accessible locations within
                                                  Provides secured loans to cash-flow the
ensure their creative and financial needs are                                                                               a 30-minute radius of the Village Roadshow
                                                  Producer Offset, distribution guarantees
exceeded, offering:                                                                                                         Studios.
                                                  and pre-sales with a 7% loan fee charged
- free advice on state and federal                on RFFF loans making it an extremely
  government incentives and co-production                                                                                   The City of Gold Coast is also the first city
                                                  competitive option.
  ventures                                                                                                                  in Australia to invest in 864-core carrier
- professional script breakdowns                                                                                            grade fibre optic networks with capacity
                                                  DEVELOPMENT AND PRODUCTION                                                to deliver 1Gbps internet service. This is 60
- bespoke location packages                       INVESTMENT GRANT
- liaison with councils and local government                                                                                times faster than the average Australian
                                                  Available where a Queensland producer or                                  internet service. They are rolling out a
  agencies.                                       writer is attached.                                                       digital infrastructure network that will have
SCREEN QUEENSLAND PRODUCTION                                                                                                greater capacity and an efficient, cost
                                                  LOCATION AND SCOUTING ASSISTANCE                                          effective way to move large footage files
ATTRACTION PROGRAM                                Screen Queensland will help producers
Screen Queensland’s Production Attraction                                                                                   overseas during production.
                                                  find the perfect location. Myriad location
and Incentives are open to all domestic and       options are available, including some of
international producers who are looking to                                                                                  FILM ATTRACTION PROGRAM
                                                  Australia’s most enviable white beaches,                                  The incentive is agreed prior to the
bring footloose film and TV projects that         tropical rainforests, deserts, swamps, lush
generally have a minimum AU$3.5 million                                                                                     production being undertaken on the Gold
                                                  green meadows, dry grasslands, sprawling                                  Coast. The incentive is paid on completion
Queensland Production Expenditure (QPE).          cityscapes, sleepy towns and historical                                   of shoot following the delivery of evidence
                                                  architecture.                                                             confirming Gold Coast production
The range of competitive incentives
offered for both film and TV producers can                                                                                  expenditure.
                                                  OFFICIAL TREATY CO-PRODUCTIONS
be combined with either the Australian            Screen Queensland also supports Official
Government’s Location Offset and                                                                                            ELIGIBILITY
                                                  Treaty Co-productions and is ready to                                     - the approximate value of the production
Incentive, Producer Offset and PDV Offset.        talk to you about the benefits of working                                   undertaken on the Gold Coast (minimum
                                                  with Queensland producers including                                         AU$1.5 million)
ELIGIBILITY                                       the advantage of both state and federal
Incentives are determined on the economic,                                                                                  - duration of the production and
                                                  incentives including Screen Australia’s 40%                                 approximate percentage conducted on
cultural, tourism and community benefits          Producer Offset.
a production will bring to Queensland.                                                                                        the Gold Coast
Eligible productions may include feature                                                                                    - approximate number of jobs and
films, feature documentaries, telemovies                                                                                      economic impact created on the Gold
                                                  AUSFILM MEMBER SINCE 1999                                                   Coast during these periods
and TV series (including reality, drama,
animation and mini-series) and similar                                                                                      - applications must be made prior to
digital productions.                                                                                                          commencement of principal photography
                                                                                                                              on the Gold Coast.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                            AUSFILM          5
STATE & LOCAL GOVERNMENT AGENCIES                                                                                               STATE & LOCAL GOVERNMENT AGENCIES

SCREENWEST                                                                                 CONTACT

                                                                                           GABRIELLE COLE
                                                                                                                                SOUTH AUSTRALIAN                                                                                   CONTACT

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   JULIE RYAN
Screenwest is Western Australia’s state screen organisation, providing
funding, incentives and professional support for the production of
                                                                                           PRODUCTION ATTRACTION
                                                                                           & SERVICES MANAGER
                                                                                                                                FILM CORPORATION                                                                                   PRODUCTION EXECUTIVE

film, TV and digital media projects in Western Australia.                                                                                                                                                                          SAFILM.COM.AU
                                                                                           MATTHEW HORROCKS                     The South Australian Film Corporation (SAFC) is Australia’s                                        +61 8 8394 2000

Screenwest can assist producers              WESTERN AUSTRALIAN SCREEN FUND
                                                                                           HEAD OF SCREEN                       longest running screen agency, responsible for the growth and
                                                                                           INVESTMENT AND
interested in filming in Western Australia   (WASF)
                                                                                           STRATEGIC PROJECTS
                                                                                                                                development of the screen industry in South Australia (SA).                                        CREDITS
(WA) with:                                   WASF is managed by Screenwest
- state funding incentives                                                                 matthew.horrocks@screenwest.com.au   The SAFC offers innovative funding incentives and world-class
                                             providing regional scout and community                                                                                                                                                Mortal Kombat
- introductions to WA partners               liaison assistance and production                                                  production studios within easy reach of incredible, and iconic,
                                                                                           SCREENWEST.COM.AU                                                                                                                       I Am Mother
- location scouting support                  funding investment.
                                                                                           +61 8 6169 2100
                                                                                                                                Australian shooting locations. The SAFC is your first point of call
- sourcing skilled local key creatives,      Stage 1: Regional Scouting and                                                                                                                                                        Hotel Mumbai
  crew, post-production and VFX              Community Liaison Assistance
                                                                                                                                for introductions to local co-producing partners, experienced
  services                                                                                                                      local crew and award-winning post-production, digital and VFX                                      Stateless
                                             Up to AU$10,000 to assist with travel
- information on facilities and other        and negotiation of regional outcomes          CREDITS                              facilities.                                                                                        I Am Woman
  services                                   and calculation of regional expenditure.
- advice on filming and working in           Guidelines apply.                             Dirt Music
  Western Australia.                         Stage 2: Production Funding                   Breath
                                                                                                                                The SAFC is a one-stop-shop for producers;         POST-PRODUCTION, DIGITAL AND VISUAL
                                             Up to a maximum of AU$2 million.
                                                                                           Every Family Has a Secret            offering funding for development,                  EFFECTS REBATE (SA PDV REBATE)
SCRIPTED PRODUCTION FUND                     Guidelines apply.
                                                                                                                                production and post-production and                 A non-discretionary rebate equivalent to 10
Supporting distinctive, high-quality and                                                   Mystery Road – The Series
                                                                                                                                offering a Post, Digital and Visual Effects        per cent of expenditure on post-production,
diverse projects with strong Western         ELIGIBILITY
                                                                                           H is for Happiness                   (PDV) rebate. The SAFC also manages the            digital and VFX work undertaken in South
Australian outcomes, the Scripted            Project must meet minimum qualifying
                                                                                                                                Adelaide Studios, with a suite of state-of-        Australia on eligible productions.
Production Fund provides production          spend in WA regions being:
                                                                                                                                the-art production facilities located just
finance for feature films, telemovies        - AU$500,000 for scripted productions
                                                                                                                                minutes from the central business district.        ELIGIBILITY
and scripted series with significant         - AU$100,000 for documentary
marketplace attachments.                                                                                                                                                           A minimum qualifying expenditure on
                                                                                                                                For projects considering South Australia           qualifying tasks of AU$250,000 must be
                                             - Applicants must meet the minimum
                                                                                                                                as a production destination, the SAFC              spent in South Australia on post-production,
Funding Available                              QWAE of AU$1 million.
                                                                                                                                offers in-house locations services and             digital and VFX.
Up to a maximum of AU$600,000.               - Guidelines apply.
                                                                                                                                introductions to locally based location
Guidelines apply.
                                                                                                                                managers.                                          PAYROLL TAX EXEMPTION
                                             See guidelines for applicant eligibilty.
ELIGIBILITY                                                                                                                                                                        The South Australian Government offers
                                                                                                                                South Australia’s capital city, Adelaide,          a payroll tax exemption to producers
Applicants must be either a:                 WESTERN AUSTRALIAN POST, DIGITAL                                                   delivers unmatched convenience and                 shooting feature films in South Australia.
- WA production company                      AND VISUAL EFFECTS REBATE (WA                                                      boasts a wide variety of landscapes                SAFC assists with securing an up-front
- Non-WA production company                  PDV REBATE)                                                                        on its doorstep, including white sandy             exemption from payroll tax which may
- Official Treaty or other acceptable        A discretionary rebate equivalent to:                                              beaches minutes from the city and lush             reduce a project’s total payroll liability by
  co-production relationship                 - 20% of the first AU$500,000 of                                                   bush settings, classical architecture and          approximately 4.95 per cent.
  with a WA production company.                expenditure (up to AU$100,000) and;                                              vineyards in the nearby Adelaide Hills,
                                             - a further 10% rebate for all                                                     Southern Vales and the famous Barossa
FOOTLOOSE PRODUCTION FUND                                                                                                                                                          ELIGIBILITY
                                               expenditure over AU$500,000 on                                                   Valley. Further afield lies pristine salt lakes,
Provides production funding to secure                                                                                                                                              This incentive is available to projects which
                                               post-production, digital and VFX work                                            expansive red deserts, rugged mountain
high-profile, market driven, local,                                                                                                                                                bring economic benefits to South Australia
                                               undertaken in Western Australia on                                               ranges and stunning lunar-like landscapes
national and international footloose,                                                                                                                                              which meet specified criteria.
                                               qualifying tasks of at least AU$100,000                                          made famous by the numerous productions
scripted screen productions to WA.             on an eligible project. Guidelines apply.                                        filmed in South Australia.                         REVOLVING FILM FUND
Funding Available                                                                                                                                                                  The Revolving Film Fund (RFF) is a
                                             ELIGIBILITY                                                                        SCREEN PRODUCTION GRANT                            financing facility providing secured loans to
Up to a maximum of AU$400,000.               An eligible applicant is:                                                          Production funding for scripted and                finance longform stand-alone projects or
Guidelines apply.                            - any producer or co-producer                                                      unscripted content for any screen that             series that film in South Australia.
                                               credited on the project and able to                                              generates significant economic outcomes
ELIGIBILITY                                    demonstrate they own or control                                                  for the South Australian screen industry.          ELIGIBILITY
Applicants must be either a:                   the necessary rights to produce the
- A WA production company                                                                                                                                                          Production companies with a project which
                                               project; and/or                                                                  Funding is based on 10 per cent of the
- A non-WA production company                                                                                                                                                      will undertake a significant amount of
                                             - an eligible applicant under the                                                  spend in South Australia with the final
- An Official Treaty or other acceptable                                                                                                                                           production in South Australia.
                                               Australian Government’s PDV Offset; or                                           amount negotiated in line with the
  co-production relationship with            - any bona fide WA resident company                                                economic benefits to the state.
  a WA production company.                     engaged in providing post-production
                                                                                                                                                                                   AUSFILM MEMBER SINCE 1999
                                               digital and VFX services on the eligible
Screenwest will also accept applications       project.
from credited non-WA producers
who represent a bona fide film or            See guidelines for qualifying tasks.
TV production company with a
demonstrated track record or whose
principals have a strong track record.       AUSFILM MEMBER SINCE 1999

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     AUSFILM        6
STATE & LOCAL GOVERNMENT AGENCIES                                                                  STATE & LOCAL GOVERNMENT AGENCIES

SCREEN TASMANIA                                                 CONTACT

                                                                ALEX SANGSTON
                                                                                                   SCREEN TERRITORY                                                  CONTACT

                                                                                                                                                                     JENNIE HUGHES
                                                                EXECUTIVE MANAGER                                                                                    DIRECTOR
Screen Tasmania provides grants and equity investments for      alex.sangston@screen.tas.gov.au    Screen Territory is the Northern Territory (NT) Government’s      jennie.hughes@nt.gov.au
the development and production of screen projects in Tasmania                                      screen industry agency responsible for supporting and
including webseries, drama, documentaries, feature films, TV    ANDREW MCPHAIL                     developing the film, TV and digital media industries within the   SEBASTIAN ANGBORN
                                                                PRODUCTION & INVESTMENT                                                                              SCREEN INDUSTRY
series and video games.                                         MANAGER
                                                                                                   Territory.                                                        DEVELOPMENT MANAGER
                                                                andrew.mcphail@screen.tas.gov.au                                                                     sebastian.angborn@nt.gov.au

Screen Tasmania offers a range of incentives                    SCREEN.TAS.GOV.AU                  With offices in both Darwin and Alice                             SCREENTERRITORY.NT.GOV.AU
and services to the screen industry, such as:                   +61 3 6165 5070                    Springs, Screen Territory offers a range                          +61 8 8999 6302
                                                                                                   of incentives and services to the screen
- grants and equity investments in the                                                             industry, such as:
  development and production of screen
  projects, including drama, documentaries,                                                        - grant funding and production incentives                         CREDITS
  feature films, short-form and long-form                       The Gloaming                       - location scouting
                                                                                                                                                                     Top End Wedding
  series, and video games                                                                          - liaison and location permit support
                                                                The Nightingale
- professional and industry development                                                            - sourcing crew and facilities                                    Sweet Country
  support for Tasmanian practitioners.                          Rosehaven                          - facilitation of engagement to other
                                                                                                                                                                     High Ground
                                                                                                     NT governmental agencies (including
PRODUCTION INVESTMENT                                                                                tourism)                                                        Pine Gap
Pro-rata equity investment, subject to                                                             - further production incentives available on
application and assessment, and the                                                                  a case-by-case basis, based on economic
availability of funds.                                                                               benefit.

Non-Tasmanian production companies                                                                 PRODUCTION FINANCE
may apply for production investment,                                                               Screen Territory will contribute to
however are encouraged to form a genuine                                                           production finance of screen projects
partnership with a Tasmanian resident                                                              in order to build the capacity of the NT
company, as projects involving Tasmanian                                                           screen industry as well as raise the profile
production companies will be favoured over                                                         of NT and its storytelling. Incentives are
others.                                                                                            determined on the economic and cultural
                                                                                                   benefits a production will bring to the
Screen Tasmania can also assist with                                                               NT including spend, jobs, technical and
referrals to crew, accommodation,                                                                  infrastructure legacies.
equipment, catering and most importantly,
local knowledge.                                                                                   ELIGIBILITY
                                                                                                   Eligibility is considered on a case-by-case
ELIGIBILITY                                                                                        basis, taking into account the engagement
Eligibility is considered on a case-by-case                                                        of resident NT screen practitioners, and/
basis, taking into account the engagement                                                          or the creation of infrastructure and
of resident Tasmanian screen practitioners,                                                        supplementary employment in the NT.
and/or the creation of infrastructure and
supplementary employment. The amount
of funds invested is usually determined                                                            AUSFILM MEMBER SINCE 2019
by the amount of eligible Tasmanian
expenditure within the state. The primary
criteria for assessment is the extent to
which production investment provides
economic benefits, job creation and career
development for Tasmanian cast and crew.


                                                                                                                                                                         AUSFILM        7

Ausfilm supports international filmmakers and studios to find what they need in Australia to bring
their stories to life. Ausfilm connects filmmakers to Australian crew, talent and screen service
businesses like film studios; post production and visual effects; tax, production and legal services;
and travel companies.

Ausfilm markets internationally Australia’s Screen Production Incentive Scheme comprising
the Location Offset and Incentive, PDV (post, digital and visual effects) Offset and Producer
Offset and state government tax incentives and grants.

Ausfilm is a unique partnership between private industry and government. The partnership
comprises Australia’s screen agencies within federal and state governments, five major studio
complexes, production service providers and leading post, visual effects and sound and music
studios. Ausfilm’s head office is based in Sydney and its USA office is in Los Angeles.

Ausfilm is funded through the Office for the Arts in the Department of Infrastructure, Transport,
Regional Development & Communications and Ausfilm corporate membership.

Call the Ausfilm team for help in navigating Australia's screen production incentives or to be
connected with Australian screen service companies and crew.

Disclaimer: All disclosures made or facilitated by Ausfilm are for information purposes only. Whilst Ausfilm endeavours to
keep its information up-to-date and correct, Ausfilm makes no representations or warranties of any kind, express or implied,
about the completeness, accuracy, reliability, suitability or availability with respect to such information. Any reliance you
place on such information is therefore strictly at your own risk.

                          AUSFILM SYDNEY                                 AUSFILM USA
                          info@ausfilm.com.au                  AusfilmUSA@ausfilm.com
                          +61 2 9383 4192                              +1 310 229 2362
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