M.O.P. NEWS - MOP Vaishnav College

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M.O.P. NEWS - MOP Vaishnav College
M.O.P.                                                                             NEWS
 October 2020                                                                                                                        Vol 7 Issue 1

                                                                                            A Virtual Teachers’ Day
M.O.P. installs new Student Cabinet

                                                                            Students and faculty members celebrate Teachers’ Day

                                                                            Principal Dr. Lalitha Balakrish-         The teachers enjoyed the cog-
                                                                            nan spoke about the importance of        nitive challenges posed by a
 Mr. M. Sathya Kumar addresses the Student Cabinet
                                                                            teachers and their effective work        few rounds of rebus puzzles
  Jananie Mohan from B.Com              a beacon of innovation and          during the pandemic in her ad-           and other online games, with
  (Honours) was installed as the        said the day’s event was an         dress during the virtual Teachers’       answers corresponding to lo-
  Prime Minister of the Student         instance of such innovation.        Day celebrations held on Sept. 4.        cations on the M.O.P. campus
  Cabinet for the year 2020-21 in            The college’s Student Cab-     The theme for this year’s cele-          and other references familiar to
  the investiture ceremony held         inet replicates the democratic      bration was ‘Pastels and Florals’.       the M.O.P. family. The Student
  on July 20, which also saw the        form of leadership with a student   The teachers from undergraduate          Cabinet followed up the online
  installation of deputy ministers      prime minister at the helm, ably    departments, post graduate de-           meeting with a ‘Certificate of
  Yashvi C. Bhansali from B.Com         assisted by two deputy prime        partments, language and sports           Appreciation’ expressing grati-
  (A & F) Shift I and Jananis-          ministers and a cabinet of eight    departments and other college            tude and respect dispatched to
  ri S. from B.A Economics.             ministries, 18 ministers and dep-   faculty attended the virtual event.      the faculty members on Sept. 5.
      In her welcome address, the       uty ministers holding various
  principal, Dr. Lalitha Balakrish-     portfolios like home, health and
  nan, noted that sound leader-         hygiene, sports, entrepreneur-                   Freshers break ice online
  ship at all levels is the need of     ship, youth affairs, environment,
  the hour and will help the world      innovation and communication.
  tide over these testing times.            The principal administered
    The chief guest Mr. M. Sathya       the oath of office to the newly
  Kumar – Chartered Accoun-             elected leaders. The event came
  tant, Chief Mentor at Tycoon          to an end with a vote of thanks
  CA Academy and founder of             proposed by the newly induct-
  Swami Vivekananda School              ed student Prime Minister.
  of Public Policy – brought out        The Student Cabinet will plan
  eight impeccable leadership           and roll out several literary,        First-year students on Freshers’ Day
  principles from the life and          cultural and social events for      On Sept. 5, Sruthi S. from B.Sc              The traditional carnival atmo-
  teachings of Swami Vivekanan-         the student community. These        Computer Science bagged the              sphere of M.O.P. Freshers’ Day
  da and their relevance in the         will be presented in the form       first prize on Freshers’ Day.            was recaptured with the first-
  current scenario. He congrat-         of a proposal at the first par-     The second and third prizes              year students’ talent competition.
  ulated the college for being          liamentary session of the year.     were won by Varsha R. from               Pre-recorded videos exhibiting
                                                                            B. Com A&F Shift II, Srin-               a special talent were shortlist-
   Sudha Raghunathan speaks about power of music                            ithi Ashok from B. Sc Visual             ed by a jury, and the winners
                                                                            Communication and Shweta                 were later announced by Prin-
                                                                            Kochar from B. Com Market-               cipal Dr. Lalitha Balakrishnan.
                                                                            ing Management respectively.                    Ice-breaking games facil-
                                                                                   The theme for this year           itated open interaction among
                                                                            was ‘Sparkle and Shine’. The             the students. A three-round quiz
                                                                            Ministers and the Deputy Min-            was followed by the party game
       From L to R: Ms. Sudha Raghunathan, Mr. M. Murali                    isters of the 17 departments             ‘Two truths and a lie,’ which
                                                                            conducted the event separate-            required participants to state
       Isaiyan Shakthi: Ms. Sudha Raghunathan speaks about the              ly for their first years. Along          three sentences, of which class-
       healing nature of music at an online seminar organised               with the cabinet members, a              mates had to identify the lie.
       by the Tamil Club of the college, in association with Sri            faculty from every department            By the end of the evening, the
       Krishna Sweets, on June 24. Mr. M. Murali of Sri Krish-              accompanied the students.                ice was well and truly broken.
       na Sweets also addressed the audience on the occasion.
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                                                                               Virtual friendships deepen ties among
               From the Principal’s desk
                                                                                           M.O.P. freshers
This unprecedented collective experience that the world is living
through has enforced a paradigm shift in leadership thinking. From
a single-minded goal-oriented strategy, what has now emerged is a
nuanced approach that combines balance with empathy.
       Balance, more than anything else, has been uppermost in the
minds of all leaders. On the one hand, of course, is the infection rate
and measures to contain it. On the other hand, for Heads of State,
has been the need to bolster the economy. For corporate houses, it
has been the necessity to maintain business and the bottomline. For
us, on the other pan of the scale has been our long-standing mission
to deliver quality, holistic education to our thousands of keen, mo-
tivated students.
     As soon as the country went into lockdown, while we watched
for guidelines from the University Grants Commission and the Ed-
ucation Departments of the Centre and State, we also plunged into
some furious preparation. When it became clear that online plat-
forms would be the way of the near-future, we zeroed in on a suit-
able online platform for the conduct of classes.
    After a smooth transition of all classes onto the virtual mode,
                                                                              From L to R: Bhavana W.R., Yogavigneshwari M.
we have managed to give the incoming batch of freshers a vintage
M.O.P. welcome with a virtual freshers’ party. Other notable days
on the M.O.P. calendar – Student Cabinet investiture, Teachers’ day,               The 2020 batch of first-         about each other’s likes, dis-
Ganesh Vandan and Nand Mahotsav – all made a seamless move                    year students define virtual          likes, and personalities, and we
to the online mode so that none of the M.O.P. flavour and fervour             college in interesting ways.          share memes, too,” she says.
have been lost. We have also successfully conducted end-semester                 “It seems very futuristic, like     Virtual friendships form at a slow-
examinations in the online mode for the outgoing batch of students            a misplaced puzzle piece in the       er pace, and cast a narrower net.
as mandated by the UGC, and even announced the results in record              puzzle of college experience,”        “The circle [of friends] would
time.                                                                         says Sushma G. from B.Sc              have been wider if it had been
    On campus, operating with a skeletal staff for maintenance of in-         Food Science Management.              physical. We would have gelled
frastructure and administrative affairs, we have implemented safety             Bhavna from B.Com (Honours)         with people from other depart-
measures in the form of mandatory temperature checks at the gate,             equates virtual college to watch-     ments and our seniors, too,” says
and touch-free, automated sanitiser dispensers on every floor.                ing “a movie to which we have         Yogavigneshwari M. from B.A
                                                                              to pay a lot of attention as the      Sociologyaboutaphysicalfriendship.
While we all yearn for human companionship, and ardently wish                 movie will only be played once.”          The sharing of objects makes
for the day to quickly arrive when it will be safe to admit students             Virtual college has changed        all the difference for Sushma.
into classrooms, for the present, it is a blessing to be able to meet         definitions of friendships, too.      “In a physical class, we could
students in virtual classrooms and see                                        “Friendships formed through           share notes, thoughts, food,
them as engaged and keen to learn as ever.                                    virtual classes would be more         opinions and even advice. We
M.O.P. is proud to say that we are                                            formal than the ones formed           wouldn’t have worried about
on-target, online.                                                            in a physical classroom,” said        internet speed and the en-
                                                                              Dwiti Mehta from BBA Shift 1.         tire focus would have been on
Sarve jana sukhino bhavantu.                                                       For Bhavna, her friendships      the conversation,” she said.
                                                                              are similar to those formed over           The need for physicality is
                                                                              social media platforms. “We           strong in virtual friendships.
NSS volunteers take COVID - 19 pledge                                         think we know each other to             Dwiti phrases it as “the sense
                                                                              some extent but we can nev-           of being together and work-
                                                                              er be sure. Many are different        ing on assignments and proj-
                                                                              when you actually meet them.          ects together rather than
                                                                              They may not be who you               over a [Google] Meet call.”
                                                                              thought they were,” she said.         Bhavna misses the solidity of
                                                                                   Besides this, virtual-only       physical surroundings, “the noise,
                                                                              friendships, given the fact that      distractions and most important-
                                                                              they do not have a foundation         ly the presence of other people.”
                                                                              in real-life interactions, are con-    This need for physicality trumps
                                                                              toured differently from those         whatever discomfort they may
                                                                              formed in physical classrooms.        feel on returning, and virtual
    NSS students pledge personal responsibility                                   Their “lifelines” become un-      friendships, in fact, strengthen
                                                                              official WhatsApp groups, Zoom        their desire to know each other.
On Oct. 7, the college’s vol-            sponsibility to remain vigilant      calls and online gaming sessions.         “Our first plan is to meet
unteers from National Service            against further spreading of the     Dwiti fixes the heart of her in-      each other physically and
Scheme (NSS) took the COVID              virus. It listed the key appropri-   teractions with classmates at         talk freely. This is our fore-
– 19 pledge. The core purpose            ate behaviours to practise when      one of these groups. “We have         most plan,” said Bhavna.
of the exercise was to reiter-           ensuring the same. This includ-      an unofficial WhatsApp group           “When we do meet up, we are go-
ate the crucial role individuals         ed wearing a mask, maintain-         where we discuss class assign-        ing to have a blast. It doesn’t mat-
play in preventing infection.            ing the prescribed distance of       ments and try to know more            ter what we do,” said Sushma G.
 The pledge stressed on one’s re-        six feet, and washing hands.
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         NSS Day 2020 focuses on                                             Madras Day quiz explores Chennai
          spirit of volunteerism                                                      and Madras

                                                                            Ms. Lakshmi Menon and Mr. Unnikrishnan quiz students
 NSS students attend the leadership webinar
                                                                            A quiz titled ‘Fundastic Madras’      prize with Mr. Krishnan A.S. from
Mr. Moses Selvakumar – the             Madras School of Social Work,        was held on Aug. 15 and 16 to         Fokal AI and Mr. Moheet Kumar
chief guest for NSS Day cel-           and a trained NSS program co-        commemorate Madras Day. The           from D.A.V. Public School finish-
ebrations held on Sept. 24             ordinator – talked on the topic      event was organised by the col-       ing second and third respectively.
– talked about the role and            ‘Invoking the Power and Spirit       lege with The New Indian Express        The quiz included a round in
scope of NSS, the leadership           of Volunteerism in youth’.           and X Quiz It. Six finalists were     which celebrities around the city
qualities and the responsi-               The National Service Scheme       picked from 250 participants.         posed questions through video
bilities of a volunteer, and           (NSS) members celebrated the          Mr. Jayakanthan from Tata Con-       messages. The questions explored
                                                                            sultancy Services won the first       aspects of Chennai and Madras.
the training programs that             NSS Day along with the orien-
NSS provides for volunteers.           tation session for the new batch
Mr. Selvakumar – assistant pro-        of volunteers for 2020-2021.           M.O.P. alumna to play in Women’s
fessor for the PG department
of Development Management,
                                       The session concluded with a
                                       small quiz on India and the NSS.
                                                                                        T20 Challenge
Ganesh Vandan Nand Mahotsav celebrated with
           music and dance events

                                                                              Hemalatha Dayalan selected to play T20 Challenger Trophy

                                                                               Hemalatha Dayalan, an alum-           In 2016 and 2017, she played
Virtuality no obstacle to virtuosity
                                                                              na of the college, was selected     matches for the Challenger
                                                                              for the Trailblazers team to        Trophy as part of the India
Ganesh Vandhan - Nand Ma-              es in the light music event.
                                                                              take part in the Women’s T20        A team. In September 2018,
hotsav – the annual celebration           Varsha R. from B.Com A&F
                                                                              Challenge. The tournament           she became India’s 125th
organised by M.O.P. to mark            Shift II, Pragnya (B.A Econom-
                                                                              is set to be conducted from         ODI player. In November,
festivals in honour of Lord            ics) and R. Bhavani from B.Com         Nov. 4 to 9 in UAE alongside        she made her T20 debut play-
Ganesha and Lord Krishna               (Honours), and Vishnulakshmi           Indian Premier League play-         ing against New Zealand.
was held this year on Sept. 4.         from B.Sc Electronic Media won         offs. Hemalatha made her                 Now, her entry into the T20
Sudarsana from B.Com A&F               the first, second and third prizes     cricket debut in 2011 playing       Challenge is her latest achieve-
Shift I, Sanjana Harikumar             in the folk dance event, with the      for Tamil Nadu and entered the      ment. The final round for the T20
from B.Com A&F Shift II and            second prize being won joint-          senior South Zone team in 2013.     Challenge will be held on Nov. 9.
Arushi Ramesh from B.Com               ly by Pragnya and R. Bhavani.
(Corporate Secretaryship) won             The events were judged by Ms.
the first, second and third priz-      Kamalaja and Ms. Vasudha Ravi.
                                                                                  Virtual birthday messages for M.O.P.
                                                                             On July 13, marking the 28th an-     a competition for the students on
                                                                            niversary of the college, Swathi      the theme ‘Virtual Birthday wish-
     Music Doyenne’s anniversary marked with                                Viswanath from B.B.A Shift 1,         es to my M.O.P on her birthday’.
             talk by Visakha Hari                                           Anjana C. from B.Sc. Viscom              The students were asked to send
    The Tamil Club hosted an online seminar along with                      and Smriti Mishra from B.A            in their wishes in the form of vers-
                                                                            Journalism were awarded prizes        es, rhymes, slogans or phrases. The
    the Academy of Life Skills Based Education (ALBE)
                                                                            for their messages congratulat-       best three entries from three lan-
    on Sept. 16. Ms. Visakha Hari, an expert in Hari-                                                             guages – English, Tamil and Hin-
                                                                            ing the college for her birthday
    katha, was the special guest. She spoke on the topic of                 in English, Tamil and Hindi re-       di – were chosen and were posted
    ‘Self-discovery’ on the occasion of legendary classi-                   spectively. The college hosted        on the college’s Facebook page.
    cal musician on M.S. Subbulakshmi’s 105th birthday.
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    DEPARTMENT OF COMPUTER SCIENCE                                                   DEPARTMENT OF BBA (SHIFT I)

A webinar titled ‘Impact of             titled ‘Big Data Engineering for    The Department of BBA, on June 10, organised a webinar titled
COVID-19 on IT Industry’ was            Analytics’ was organized            ‘Capacity Building for Effective Student Mentoring’ by
held on May 12. Inaugurated by          on May 26. Resource per-            Ms. Mina Dilip – psychologist, trainer and writer. It revolved
Principal Dr. Lalitha Balakrish-        son      Mr.     Surya    Priya     around issues of mentoring students during these difficult times.
nan, the webinar included, as           Aasaithambi – Member &
resource persons, Mr. Gane-             Principal Lecturer, Institute                 DEPARTMENT OF ENGLISH
san Sriraman – Director-Prod-           of System Sciences, National
uct, Temenos India Pvt Ltd and          University of Singapore -
                                                                            The Department of English                 Through a series of interac-
Mr.     Guru Prasanna – Di-             discussed the role of big data      conducted a webinar for teach-         tive exercises and discussions,
rector,     eSolve     Technolo-        in engineering analytical ap-       ers on the topic ‘Web Tools            the webinar presented insights
gies. The webinar highlight-            plications. The Department          for English Language Teach-            about a variety of web tools,
ed thacceleration of digitali           organized national online           ing’ on June 30. The resource          the process of learning and
zation during the pandemic.             quizzes in May and June on          person for the webinar was             language acquisition, and the
On May 23, a webinar                    technical computing topics.         Dr. Sujatha Priyadarshini – Asso-      need to utilize digital tools to
titled ‘Data Warehousing using          The quiz ‘Code Fights - Pro-        ciate Professor, Anna University.      make online classes engaging.
Azure Platform’ was conducted.          gram Debugging Challenge’
The resource person, Mr.                was organized to test the de-
Karthick - Lead Architect               bugging skills of 482 students           DEPARTMENT OF B.COM (A&F) SHIFT 1
from Tectura Infotech - spoke           during May. The quiz ‘Agile
about     the     implementation        Software Engineering Prac-            M.O.P. Vaishnav College in           for Consumer Studies, Indian
of Data Warehousing Tech-               tices’ was aimed to assess the        collaboration with B.L. Am-          Institute of Public Administra-
nology in Azure platform.               software engineering skills of        lani College of Commerce             tion (IIPA); Ms. Mamta Pathani
An      international    webinar        285 students in June.                 and Economics conducted a            – Co Project Director, National
                                                                              webinar on the topic ‘Role           Consumer Helpline, Centre for
                                                                              of Consumer for Sustainable          Consumer studies, IIPA, and Mr.
        DEPARTMENT OF PSYCHOLOGY                                              Development’ on May 31.              Vijayathilagam – Assistant Com-
                                                                              The speakers included Mr.            missioner, Department of Civil
                                                                              Suresh Mishra – Chairper-            Supplies & Consumer Protec-
                                                                              son & Coordinator, Centre            tion, Government of Tamil Nadu.

                                                                                           DEPARTMENT OF BCA
                                                                            On May 14, the undergradu-             san – Director, Business Solu-
                                                                            ate Department of Computer             tions, Qapitol QA,UK and Mr.
                                                                            Application organized a webinar        T.M. Sivakumar – Founder,
                                                                            on the topic ‘Cloud Services –         Pivotrics Technologies LLP,
                                                                            Sales force CRM & Applications         Bangalore. They spoke about
                                                                            Setup’ by Mr. Ravi Kiran Varma         cases of digital transformation
Students of the Department of Psychology attend the webinar
                                                                            – Project Manager-Sales force          use and product engineering. An
                                                                            CARE IT Services Inc, U.S.A.           online quiz competition for stu-
A   webinar on ‘Cyberspace and          may Club organised various             On May 20, a webinar on the         dents on the computer language
Humans – An Introduction to             inter - and intra-departmental      topic ‘Artificial Intelligence’ was    Java was conducted on June 8.
Online Behaviour and its effects’       events in the spirit of spreading   conducted by Mr. Ramsri Gau-           A guest lecture for BCA stu-
was conducted by the Depart-            awareness. The event also in-       tam – Lead Data Scientist from         dents was conducted on July
ment of Psychology on June 15,          volved a speech by Ms. Keerthi      Right Hand Security, Singapore.        29 using the Cisco Webex plat-
revolving around safety measures        Pai – consultant clinical psy-           A faculty development pro-        form by Cognizant on the top-
when using online forums and            chologist, Apollo Hospitals and     gramme was conducted on the            ic ‘User Design Interface(User
social media. It was facilitated        co-founder and partner, Element     topic ‘Digital Transformation’         experience)’ by resource per-
by Dr. N. Kala Baskar – Former          Psychological Support Services.     on May 27. The resource per-           son Mr. Savio Kiran George,
Director in-charge, Centre for               On the occasion of World       sons were Mr. Aravind Gane-            Manager, CDBI-Design, UX.
Cyber Forensics and Information         Mental Health Day on Oct.10,
Security, University of Madras.         the Chinmay Club conducted
     The Department also organ-         online intercollegiate events                DEPARTMENT OF MATHEMATICS
ised a webinar on ‘Psychology           with active participation from
of Pandemics and Dealing with           23 colleges across Chennai. In      MATHEMATICS EMBEDDED IN TAMIL CULTURE & LITERATURE
Uncertainty’ on June 17, about          addition to this, a week-long
the cognitive flexibility to deal       campaign was initiated by cir-        The π-β Club, Department             Council for Higher Education.
with adversity. Dr. Sowmya Put-         culating posters. An awareness      of    Mathematics,     organized       The webinar focused on the rel-
taraju, psychotherapist and mind        program was organised where-        a webinar titled ‘Mathemat-            evance and synchronization of
coach facilitated the session.          in, students from the department    ics Embedded in Tamil Cul-             mathematical concepts in Tamil
    In commemoration of World           portrayed their thoughts through    ture & Literature’ on June 7 by        culture. An online quiz ‘Math-
Suicide Prevention Day on Sept.         various mediums and their work        Ms. A. Uma Maheswari, re-            quest’ was conducted to enhance
10, the Department’s Chin-              was showcased online.               search officer, Tamil Nadu State       the arithmetic ability of students.
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                    DEPARTMENT OF MBA                                                        DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE
                                                                              On May 9, the Department of            tapped, she noted. Effective con-
                                                                              Commerce organized an online           trol measures over cash outflow
                                                                              faculty development program            were discussed – such as paying
                                                                              titled ‘Impact of COVID-19             credit card dues on due date to
                                                                              and Management of Personal             avoid interest payment, and re-
                                                                              Finances’ that explored mea-           view of auto debits to cut unnec-
                                                                              sures to handle finances during        essary expenditure. Finally, the
                                                                              the pandemic with Chartered            speaker discussed relief measures
                                                                              Accountants Mr. Abhishek Mu-           provided by the government
                                                                              rali and Ms. Divya Abhishek.           and the Reserve Bank of India.
                                                                                     Mr. Murali emphasised on            As the institution is gearing up
 Ms. Preethi Sankkari and Mr. Glen Roger address the MBA department           appropriate levels of cash in-         for the 4th Cycle of NAAC Re-Ac-
                                                                              flows and cash outflows, reduc-        creditation, the IQAC conduct-
  The students of the Post Grad-         USA, a seasoned research-            ing credit sales and increasing        ed a NAAC Awareness e-Quiz
  uate Department of Business            er, presided over the event.         cash sales to improve profitabil-      for the faculty of the college on
  Administration      participated               On May 7, an exclusive       ity. To manage working capital         the NAAC Assessment and Ac-
  in the business quiz ‘Athena           workshop on capital markets          deficits, he also spoke about the      creditation process on June 12.
  Great Mind Challenge’ hosted           by Mr. Glen Roger Carr of            ‘Just in Time’ inventory model               On May 23, the Department
  by XQuizIt and Madras Man-             Finmark Trainers India Pri-          that focuses on ordering inven-        of Economics and the Depart-
  agement Association. The quiz          vate Limited was conducted.          tory only when it is required.         ment of Commerce organized a
  highlighted various business                 On May 29, a webinar on        Another point of emphasis was          virtual panel discussion on the
  cases and scenarios, and was           ‘Enhancing          Employability    the creation of innovative pricing     topic ‘Post COVID -19 Econo-
  conducted as a series through          through Reskilling and Upscal-       strategies to attract customers.       my - From Survival to Revival’
  the entire month of May.               ing’ was conducted by Mr. E Ba-           Finally, Mr. Murali discussed     that explored the best methods
        A workshop on ‘Research          laji – President, People services,   the pandemic’s impact on the           to reshape the post pandemic
  Methodology Practices’ was             TVS Supply Chain Solutions.          education sector and on stu-           economy. The panellists includ-
  conducted in collaboration             The session was organized            dents. Increased online class-         ed Ms. Gowri Ramachandran –
  with the Madras Management             along with the HRM depart-           es, recorded videos, innovative        Chief Financial Advisor School
  Association on May 6 to guide          ment. A sequel to this workshop      online certificate courses, and        of Excellence, Chartered Wealth
  the MBA students on choosing           was conducted on June 1 by           devising      placement     strate-    Manager and Economic Analyst;
  their research topics, the statis-     Ms. Preethi Sankkari, a busi-        gies were some suggestions.            Mr. Sathya Kumar – Economic
  tical techniques that could be         ness development strategist at             Talking about the per-           & Public Policy expert, Direc-
  applied to the available data          the School of Excellence. The        sonal dimension of financ-             tor, Swami Vivekananda School
  and on the interpretation of           workshops were intended to help      es in present circumstances,           of Public Policy & Founder, Ty-
  the data. Mr. Vasudevan – Di-          the students adapt to the pace       Ms. Divya Abhishek discussed           coon Academy; and Mr. Mohan
  rector, Institute of Analytics,        of learning in the new world.        revenue maximization and con-          Kumaramangalam – Director,
                                                                              trol over cash outflow. To maxi-       Ainon Investment Services. The
                                                                              mize revenue, alternative sources      panel discussion was moderated
                HINDI CLUB - MANJARI                                          of revenue should be explored          by Ms. Kiran Varma, the head of
                                                                              and government incentives              the Department of Economics.

                                                                                      DEPARTMENT OF FOOD SCIENCE

Ms. Sunitha Shanoo judges the poetry competition online

  On Oct. 3, The Hindi club              Dr. Sudha Trivedi, followed
  ‘Manjari’ organised its first          by poetry writing which was               Mr. N. Ramasubramanian speaks on pandemic effects on food sector
  event ‘Rangayatan’ – an inter-         judged by Ms. Sunita Shanoo
  departmental and intercolle-           and the essay writing com-           The School of Food Science             manufacturing sector, consumer
  giate event. Three events were         petition, which was judged           organized a webinar on ‘Post           behavior post COVID-19, chal-
  organized - gnanyatan (quiz),          by Ms. Monika Sharma.                COVID-19: Challenges and               lenges faced by the food industry
  kavyaytan (poetry writing)                Interdepartmental poetry writ-    Opportunities for the Indi-            and potential opportunities for
                                                                              an Food Industry’ on May               overcoming the challenges. The
  and vicharaytan (essay writ-           ing was judged by Ms. Prathima
                                                                              25. The webinar provided in-           guest speaker was Mr. N. Rama-
  ing). Rangayatan started with          Sharma and the essay writing
                                                                              sights on the pandemic’s im-           subramanian – Director, VR Food
  the quiz, which was judged by          was judged by Ms. Vasundhara.
                                                                              pact on the food industry and          Tech Private Limited, Mumbai.
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                STUDENT CABINET                                            DEPARTMENT OF ELECTRONIC MEDIA

Ms. Usha Ramky addresses the Student Cabinet

On Aug. 5 and 6, Ms. Usha Ram-        enable one to love their work.
ky conducted a workshop for the             The workshop included           Janani Sridhar (II B.Sc Vis          Department of Electronic Me-
members of the Student Cabinet        braintorming sessions on cur-         Com), Priyadahrshini (II B.Sc        dia in July on the theme ‘Life
(2020 – 2021) with the agenda of      rent issues and the media,            EM) and Preethy S. ( I B.Sc          during Lockdown’. The con-
equipping them with leadership        seeking inspiration from oth-         EM) won the online short             test was judged by direc-
qualities. Taking the pandem-         ers’ work, positivity, insightful     film contest organized by the
                                      hypothetical tasks that stressed                                           tor Mr. Pandiaraj, a director.
ic’s difficulties as an example,
the sessions taught leadership        on constructive communi-
by teaching optimism. The five        cation instead of accusatory                     DEPARTMENT OF SANSKRIT
qualities of a leader were stressed   communication, and intro-
- gratitude, positivity, account-     spective group discussions.          A webinar on ‘Day-to-day Illness-      Ayurveda has the potential to
ability, humility and resilience.          Other significant pointers      es and Ayurveda’ was conducted by      cure mild and moderately severe
   Over two days, Ms. Ramky           were the importance of fun and       the Department of Sanskrit with the    cases of COVID-19, he said .
discussed the importance of           growth in life, balancing good       Department        Cub       Saras-        He noted simple yet power-
improving self-esteem, appre-         mental and physical health, the      vata Samiti on July 10.                ful day-to-day practices like
ciating others for their contri-      importance of praising publicly           The resource person for           waking up before sunrise,
butions and developing a sense        and criticising privately, and the   the day was Mr. S. Bharath             washing your eyes with cold
of dignity of labour that would       need to take criticism positively.   Narendra, Associate        Profes-     water to avoid any irritation,
                                                                           sor and Head of Department             massaging the body with
      DEPARTMENT OF JOURNALISM                                             of Roga Nidana, Sri Jayendra           necessary oils and stretching and
                                                                           Saraswathi Ayurvedic College &         exercising to maintain a fit body.
The Department of Journalism          the dynamics of the profession.                                             Mr. Narendra also provid-
                                                                           Hospital (SJSACH), Nazarathpet.
hosted three events between the       On Sept. 30, the investiture cere-                                          ed guidelines to manage
                                                                           He is also the Chief Consulting
months of July and September.         mony for the Present Tense Club                                             neck pain, back pain, diabe-
                                                                           Doctor in Bharath Clinic, Chennai.
The events included a webinar         was held virtually. The head                                                tes, PCOD, skin problems,
                                                                                 In Mr. Narendra’s words,
on ‘The Growing Importance of         of the journalism department,                                               ligament/tendon injuries, in-
                                                                           “Ayurveda is a science that helps
Data Journalism’, the investiture     Dr.      Sandhya      Rajasekhar,                                           fertility, anaemia, asthma, etc.
                                                                           maintain a long and healthy life.”
ceremony for the Present Tense        installed    the    new     mem-
Club followed by an interactive       bers of the department club.
session on ‘Journalism during             It was followed by an inter-     – 2020) batch completed a Se-         national level paper painting
the COVID-19 Pandemic’.               active session with Ms. Sho-         mester Abroad Program from            competition (Bio Efest Com-
During the first event held           nali Muthalaly, the editor of
                                                                           the Juniata College of Liber-         petition 2k20) conducted on
on July 3, Mr. Vignesh Rad-           the Hindu MetroPlus on the
                                                                           al Arts, Pennsylvania - USA           June 19 by Cauvery College
hakrishnan, a data journalist         topic ‘Journalism during the
from The Hindu, explained to          COVID-19 Pandemic’. Ms.                                                    for Women (Autonomous),
students the growing impor-           Muthalaly provided insights on       *Supraja Ashok of B.Com (Mar-         Trichy. She also received the
tance of data journalism and          navigating this challenging career   keting Management) (2017              first prize in a National level
how it has helped in expanding        during this time of uncertainty.     – 2020) was featured on the           art contest organized by ‘Al-
                                                                           cover story of The Week mag-          liance for Cause’ on July 18.
       STUDENT ACHIEVEMENTS                                                azine (September 2020 issue).
                                                                             The cover story featured new        *Poorani E. of II M.Sc FTM
*Sruthii S. from I B.Sc Computer        Rs. 1 lakh in ‘Reality Sing-       graduates who ventured into off-      worked on a project titled
Science won the title ‘Ms. Fresh-     er’ competition hosted by            beat jobs during the pandemic.        ‘Feedback Analysis on Breakfast
er’s 2020-21’ in the Freshers’        Shankara Super Singer from           Supraja is currently placed as a      Cereals on E-commerce Plat-
Day celebrations held on Sept. 5.     Sri Sankara TV in August.            digital marketer at Social Beat.      forms’ with Nestlé India Ltd un-
                                                                                                                 der the Nesternship Programme
*Samanvitha Sasidaran, III            *Sowparnika J. of B.Com (Mar-        *Sanjanaa Madhan of III B.Sc          between Aug. 4 to 31 and received
B.Sc. EM won a cash award of          keting Management) (2017             FSM won the first prize in a          Rs. 5000 as stipend for the same.

          Faculty Advisor: Vidya Padmanabhan;                   Editing: Godhashri S;          Design: Sowbhaghya V
    Published by the Department of Journalism for M.O.P. Vaishnav College for Women (Autonomous), Chennai-34
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