Lyncliff Hotel Windsor Street, New Town - Knight Frank

Page created by Ivan Allen
Lyncliff Hotel Windsor Street, New Town - Knight Frank
Lyncliff Hotel
Windsor Street, New Town
Lyncliff Hotel Windsor Street, New Town - Knight Frank
An attractive Georgian,
mid terrace, hotel with
potential to convert to

The Lyncliff Hotel is a boutique, family run hotel, situated within
an attractive A Listed, Georgian townhouse, arranged over
raised ground floor, lower ground and garden level and
                                                                      10   4   2
accessed via a main door entrance at raised ground floor level
as well as front access at each level.

The building is currently used as a hotel on the raised ground
floor and part lower ground and garden floors, with the
remainder of the property used as a residential dwelling.
Retaining many of its original features, including intricate
cornicing, decorative ceiling roses and sash windows, the
building has been partitioned at raised ground floor to create
multiple rooms, in line with its use as a hotel. The property is
arranged to provide 7 hotel bedrooms on the raised ground
floor, a kitchen, dining room and lounge at the lower ground
floor and 3 bedrooms in the basement.
Lyncliff Hotel Windsor Street, New Town - Knight Frank
To the rear is a sizeable, private, triangular garden that is
accessed from the basement level and can be accessed
directly onto Montgomery Street Lane. To the front, the
courtyard also benefits from lined cellars which are supplied
with electricity.

The hotel has been operated for many years by the current
owners and has lots of potential to be further operated
commercially or could be developed into residential with the
relevant local planning consents.

Windsor Street forms part of the eastern New Town and is
situated within the New Town Conservation Area. The New Town
has some of the first and least spoilt Georgian architecture in
Britain and continues to be one of the most popular residential
areas in Edinburgh. The property is within walking distance of
the new St James Quarter, Edinburgh Playhouse, Harvey Nichols
and Multrees Walk. Nearby, Broughton Street has a plethora of
wonderful, independent restaurants, bars and bistros. Tram
stops linking Edinburgh to Edinburgh’s International Airport can
also be found a short distance away. By 2023 new tram
networks will connect Leith and Newhaven to the current end of
the Edinburgh tram line at York Place with eight new stops.
Within less than a mile is Waverley Train Station and St Andrew
Square bus station. Furthermore, the property is conveniently
placed for Edinburgh’s central business district and the Scottish
Parliament and University buildings are within easy reach.

Rateable Value
The rateable Value of the property is £9,800 (

Council Tax
Band E

Energy Performance Certificate
The property has an EPC rating (commercial) of G.

Vacant Possession
Vacant possession will be provided upon settlement.

The property is not elected for VAT.
Lyncliff Hotel Windsor Street, New Town - Knight Frank
LBTT                                                             Local Planning Authority
The property is currently in commercial use, so we               City of Edinburgh Council                                       has sufficient funds to complete the purchase. In addition,
understand that Non Residential LBTT rates will apply to                                            the purchaser must supply certified copies of his/her
the purchase, this should be reviewed by a purchasing            0131 529 3550                                                   passport and confirmation of residence in terms
conveyance solicitor.                                                                                                            acceptable under anti money laundering (AML) legislation.
                                                                 Financial Guarantee/                                            These documents will be required for all individuals who will
Planning                                                         Anti Money Laundering
                                                                                                                                 appear on the title once the transaction is complete.
The property, which is currently run as a Class 7 Hotel, has     All offers to purchase the property (regardless of whether
the potential to be converted to a number of uses, including     the offer is on a cash basis or subject to loan funding) must
a single residential dwelling or a number of flats, subject to   be accompanied with evidence of Source of Funds. This
obtaining all necessary consents.                                can be in the form of a bank statement showing the
                                                                 purchase price, a financial reference from a bank/funding
We understand that the property is A Listed and is situated      source, or confirmation from a solicitor that the purchaser
within the New Town Conservation Area.
Lyncliff Hotel Windsor Street, New Town - Knight Frank

                                                                                                                                  Ensuite                                                                  Kitchen                                                                        WC

                                                                                                  3.28 x 1.35m
                                                                                                   10'9'' x 4'5''
                                                                                                                                  Shower                                                                13'4'' x 10'3''                                            Double

                                                                                Bedroom 9                                   WC     Room
                                                                                                                                                  Bedroom 10                        Bathroom            4.06 x 3.12m                                             Bedroom 5
                                                                                12'5'' x 6'6''                                                                                                                                                                  12'9'' x 11'1''
                                                                               3.78 x 1.98m                                                       14'3'' x 12'9''                                                                                                                                       Bedroom 6
                                                                                                                                                  4.34 x 3.89m                                                                                                  3.89 x 3.38m                            17'3'' x 6'5''     Bedroom 7

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       5.26 x 1.96m        22'1'' x 6'5''
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          6.73 x 1.96m

                                                                                                                                      Linen                                                               18'3'' x 13'4''
                                                                                                                                     6'3'' x 6'                                                           5.56 x 4.06m
                                                                                                                                  1.90 x 1.83m

                                                                                          Store                                                                                                                                                        15'9'' x 5'
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     4.80 x 1.52m

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Bedroom 1
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          25'2'' x 6'10''
                                                                                                                                               Double                                                        Lounge                         Bedroom 4           Bedroom 3                               Bedroom 2         7.67 x 2.08m
                                                                                                                                             Bedroom 8                                                     17'8'' x 14'                    17'10'' x 8'3''     17'10'' x 7'3''                         17'10'' x 6'10''
                                                                                                                                            17'6'' x 13'6''                                               5.38 x 4.27m                     5.44 x 2.51m        5.44 x 2.21m                            5.44 x 2.08m
                                                                                                                                            5.33 x 4.11m                                                                                                                          Vestibule


               Approximate Gross Internal Floor Area
                        4171 Sq Ft - 387.49 Sq M                                                                                                                                                                                        Ground Floor
            Lined Cellars & Store: 120 Sq Ft - 11.15 Sq M                                                                        Sub Lower Ground Floor                                          24'2'' x 10'
                                                                                                                                                                                                7.37 x 3.05m
         Sub Lower Ground Floor: 1311 Sq Ft - 121.79 Sq M                                                                                                                                      (approximate)
           Lower Ground Floor: 1127 Sq Ft - 104.70 Sq M
               Ground Floor: 1733 Sq Ft - 161.00 Sq M
                                                                                                                                                                                                  Lined               Lined
    This plan is for guidance only and must not be relied upon as a                                                                                                                               Cellar              Cellar
                                                                                                                                                                                                7'6'' x 6'6''       7'6'' x 6'6''
     statement of fact. Attention is drawn to the Important Notice                                                                                                                             2.29 x 1.98m        2.29 x 1.98m
             on the last page of the text of the Particulars.                                                                                                       Lower Ground Floor

Knight Frank Edinburgh                                                          I would be delighted to tell you more.
80 Queen Street
Edinburgh                                                                       Neil Scott
EH2 4NF                                                                         0131 222 9600                                                     
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Connecting people & property, perfectly.
Fixtures and fittings: A list of the fitted carpets, curtains, light fittings and other items fixed to the property which are included in the sale (or may be available by separate negotiation) will be provided by the Seller’s Solicitors.
Important Notice: 1. Particulars: These particulars are not an offer or contract, nor part of one. You should not rely on statements by Knight Frank LLP in the particulars or by word of mouth or in writing (“information”) as being factually accurate about the property, its condition or its value. Neither Knight Frank
LLP nor any joint agent has any authority to make any representations about the property, and accordingly any information given is entirely without responsibility on the part of the agents, seller(s) or lessor(s). 2. Photos, Videos etc: The photographs, property videos and virtual viewings etc. show only certain
parts of the property as they appeared at the time they were taken. Areas, measurements and distances given are approximate only. 3. Regulations etc: Any reference to alterations to, or use of, any part of the property does not mean that any necessary planning, building regulations or other consent has
been obtained. A buyer or lessee must find out by inspection or in other ways that these matters have been properly dealt with and that all information is correct. 4. VAT: The VAT position relating to the property may change without notice. 5. To find out how we process Personal Data, please refer to our
Group Privacy Statement and other notices at Particulars dated May 2021. Photographs dated April 2021. Knight Frank is the trading name of Knight Frank LLP. Knight Frank LLP is a limited liability partnership registered in England and Wales with
registered number OC305934. Our registered office is at 55 Baker Street, London W1U 8AN where you may look at a list of members’ names. If we use the term ‘partner’ when referring to one of our representatives, that person will either be a member, employee, worker or consultant of Knight Frank LLP and
not a partner in a partnership. If you do not want us to contact you further about our services then please contact us by either calling 020 3544 0692, email to or post to our UK Residential Marketing Manager at our registered office (above) providing your name and address.
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Lyncliff Hotel Windsor Street, New Town - Knight Frank Lyncliff Hotel Windsor Street, New Town - Knight Frank Lyncliff Hotel Windsor Street, New Town - Knight Frank Lyncliff Hotel Windsor Street, New Town - Knight Frank Lyncliff Hotel Windsor Street, New Town - Knight Frank
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