Louisiana-Mississippi-West Tennessee District News - Improving the world one child and one community at a time.
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October 2021 Louisiana-Mississippi-West Tennessee District News Improving the world one child and one community at a time.
LOUISIANA-MISSISSIPPI-WEST TENNESSEE DISTRICT OF KIWANIS 10 IN THIS ISSUE CONTINUED ON PAGE 3 DISTRICT NEWS 4 A Message from the Governor 5 Keeping the Faith, Immediate Past Governor 6-7 Another Grand Kiwanis Moment, Governor-Elect 8 2021 LaMissTenn Kiwanis Annual Convention 9 DCON Honors and Awards 10 Snap Shots of DCON Fun!!! 18 11 More DCON Fun!!! 11 Installation of Lieutenant Governors at DCON 12 Showalter Awarded Layperson of the Year 2019-2020 13 Green Awarded Firefighter of the Year 2019-2020 14 Deputy Jones Awarded Lawman of the Year 2019-2020 15 Denson Awarded Teacher of the Year 2019-2020 THE FOUNDATION 16 Thank you! Thank You! Thank You! 26 17-18 Foundation Awards Disaster Relief Grants to Cortana 19 Friends of the Foundation COMMITTEE REPORTS 20 Club Crime Insurance: An Essential in Today’s Society 21 Farewell but Not Goodbye 22 Aspire to Inspire: To All Who Love and Care for Children 23 All Aboard! Key Leader South Express & Key Leader North Express CLUB NEWS 24 Baton Rouge: Hiking with Cub Scouts 25 Baton Rouge Appreciates Healthcare Workers 25 Millington Goat Days is Back! 26 Big Easy Celebrates 30 Years with Love of Literacy ON THE COVER: 27-28 Cortana: Together We Can Go the Distance St. Gabriel Kiwanis Club member Angela Martin Banks hands out a backpack full of supplies to Calleigh Francis on August 7th at the 28 St. Martinville Provides Disaster Relief Too Hallelujah Gang Ministries’ “Back to School Giveaway.” 29 Dawn Busters Give Back to the Community See more on Page 31. 2 WWW.LAMISSTENN.ORG
LOUISIANA-MISSISSIPPI-WEST TENNESSEE DISTRICT OF KIWANIS CLUB NEWS CONTINUED . . . 34 30 Ponchatoula Shares the Love 31 St. Gabriel Helps with Backpack Giveaway 31 Natchitoches Donates Supplies & Uniforms WHAT’S HAPPENING ON FACEBOOK 32 Amory Takes Care of Football Players 32 A Special Delivery from Ascension 33 Baton Rouge: Doing Great Things 33 East St. Mary Takes Care of Linemen 34 Broussard-Youngsville in Action! 35-36 Cortana Cares 37 Dawn Busters Spread the Love 38 Greenfield Sends Love to Students 38 Gulfport Honors First Responders & Hospital Heroes 37 39 Lucedale Hosts Character Pancake Breakfast 39 Lake Charles Treats Elementary School Staff 39 Kenner-North Cosponsors Blood Drive 40 Opelousas Pet Fest is a Hit! 40 New Iberia Gives Smiles to Kids 41 St. Bernard-Arabi: Doing Great Things! 41 Picayune Provides for the Children 41 South Lake Charles Spruces up School 42 St. Gabriel Distributes Masks to Schools 42 Stone County Organizes School Supply Drive Thru 43 Thibodaux: Making an Impact 43 Southwest Lafayette: Disaster Relief 40 44 Twin Cities: Fun and Banana Pudding for the Kids 44 Union City Gives Back 44 Vancleave Provides Water for Band BACK COVER 45 Share Your Club’s News! 45 Article Submission Deadlines 45 District Board of Directors & District Trustees 45 District Office Information OCTOBER 2021 3
LOUISIANA-MISSISSIPPI-WEST TENNESSEE DISTRICT OF KIWANIS By Rick Latiolais, Governor Get Vaccinated or Stay Home Key Club and CKI Yesterday I went to get a haircut. It Homecoming is the week of Sep- is a shame that I have to pay for one. tember 13-17. Reach out and support My hair stylist snips and combs, but we your clubs. There are materials and both know that this is just an act of supplies available to help them prosper futility. It makes me think that I’m get- even during this time of the pandemic. ting something of value and the hair- With a little perseverance we as Kiwan- stylist thinks she is doing a wonderful ians can help them to build more clubs job. We both know that it is like mow- with more members and do more ser- ing grass in the desert, no matter how vice for their communities. you do it, it always comes out the Key Leader South same. the good of the majority. We are re- Linda Ramesy and Kiwanians from We do get into interesting conversa- stricted to drive the speed limit, to the Northern districts have done a tions during the fifteen minutes I am in wear a seat belt, to act in a moral fash- marvelous job of establishing and run- the chair. Our conversation this past ion, and to produce products governed ning the Key Leader North program. session developed into a slightly heated by safety regulations. As far as what is Rebecca Huff has vowed to get Key discussion about people electing to in the vaccine, well it is FDA ap- Leader South established and operat- take the vaccination and those electing proved. Think about it, we take over ing. She has recently signed a contract not to. the counter drugs and when is the last for Camp Istrouma and reserved the She said it should not be any of my time you looked to see what is in weekend (March 11-13) for the retreat. concern whether they got vaccinated them? My doctor prescribes medica- Now it is time for the Clubs in the or not. She said people should not be tions that I can’t even pronounce Southern districts to allocate funds, forced to vaccinate, that it was their much less investigate the chemical and find students available to fill up right not to get vaccinated, and the makeup of it. the Camp. Like me, I know you’d like government should not get involved in to see this program flourish. Rebecca telling them what to do. She added that So enough of this rant – Get Vac- can be contacted at (318) 465-5447. If she did not really know what medica- cinated – and “Suck it up Buttercup”. you’d like to see this in action you can tions they are putting in your system. IDA volunteer to be a chaperone. My reply was that it was very much my Like Laura, this will be a service Next week I am off to Dallas to concern. I want to be able to go to a res- project we will be involved in for a receive more training from Kiwanis taurant, to see a movie, to enjoy a festi- long period of time. Thanks for your International. Sadly, I will miss going val, or to shop in public without wor- monetary donations, thanks for the to help build the club in Louisville, MS. rying if the person next to me is spew- supplies you have provided, thanks for I am confident that our highly compe- ing out deadly Covid germs. I would your time, energy and skills. It is amaz- tent team (led by Governor Patrice and like to be able to go to a hospital ing for me to see how we wrap our Trustee Rogena) will produce another should I need to and not have to wait arms around our neighbors in their vibrant group of Kiwanians to provide for a vacancy. As far as the govern- time of need (Together We Can Do more service to our district. ment enforcing it, they have always Anything). Au revoir tout le monde (Good bye maintained restrictions when it is for all)! 4 WWW.LAMISSTENN.ORG
LOUISIANA-MISSISSIPPI-WEST TENNESSEE DISTRICT OF KIWANIS By Patrice Cusimano, Immediate Past Governor I have fought the good fight, I have finished service. the race, I have kept the faith… To the clubs that have kept running 2 Timothy 4:7-8 the race despite hurricanes, COVID, locusts, etc., I applaud you! We need Although I have far to go before the you to continue to attract new mem- Lord may deem to bestow on me the bers and to reach out in your commu- crown of righteousness, this past year nity with exciting service projects. has truly been a fight. Just before my Continue to fundraise – despite what year as governor began, Sal and I trav- you may think, people are willing to eled to Lake Charles on Labor Day fund Kiwanis community projects be- weekend with the Cortana Club to feed cause they see the good works that we the folks impacted by Hurricane Laura. Aside from the disasters, this last do. Remember to wear your Kiwanis To end my year as Governor, we once quarter has been filled with other activ- apparel often, even if it’s just a trip to again met up with the Cortana, Ham- ities. We had a most outstanding Dis- the grocery store. My club pinned eight mond and Ponchatoula clubs to feed trict Convention in Biloxi. Based on new members last night! Each and eve- folks impacted by Hurricane Ida. On the majority of reviews, everyone had ry person stated that one of our mem- Labor Day, we traveled with Alabama an enjoyable time, especially dancing bers asked them to join! ASK! Use District Governor, Mark Kellerman, the night away to the ‘70’s sounds pro- your social media platforms to adver- and another member of his club, vided by the best DJ of all time, Bob tise, brag, boast and celebrate your Charles McCardle, to deliver supplies Blanchard. We take the critiques seri- club’s projects and successes. to Houma. On Saturday, September ously, as we are always trying to make I will close my last note to you as 18, several members of my club, Corta- the District Convention a fun and Governor by thanking each of you for na, Third District and Dawn Busters worthwhile experience for our mem- opening your hearts, and often your will travel to Golden Meadow to feed bers. I’m already looking forward to pocketbooks, to help the children of folks a hot meal and deliver much Baton Rouge in 2022. Louisiana, Mississippi and W. Tennes- needed supplies. Now that Hurricane Shortly before District Convention, see. Your service to this District will Nicholas has drenched all of the dam- we opened a new club in Gautier/ never cease to amaze me. I am proud aged areas, our relief efforts will no Ocean Springs, MS. The club is already to have been Governor of this great doubt continue. off and running making an impact in and historic district and will continue Although the main purpose of Ki- the community. Next week, we will be to serve wherever and whenever need- wanis is not to be a substitute for the opening a new club in Louisville, MS, ed. We need more leaders to step for- Red Cross and other relief groups, we and helping to boost the Columbus ward to serve at the district level. I en- feel compelled to help these communi- club. Boosting is a great tool for clubs courage you to consider serving as a lt. ties that are filled with children in need that may be having difficulties growing, governor and beyond. This has been of our help. The Kiwanis servant heart mostly due to COVID. We have spe- one of the hardest jobs that I have had, always beats the loudest when people cialists on both the district and interna- but it is beyond measure the most re- are in need. As these communities tional level who can help teach clubs warding. On September 30, I will fin- begin to rebuild, their needs will how to seek new members, re-invent ish the race. I will always keep the change and Kiwanis will be instrumen- fundraising projects, and re-energize faith! tal in getting the children back into the current membership. Please reach God bless America and school by supplying backpacks, uni- out to me if you are interested in this God bless each of you! forms, books, and other supplies. OCTOBER 2021 5
LOUISIANA-MISSISSIPPI-WEST TENNESSEE DISTRICT OF KIWANIS By R. Bruce Hammatt, Governor-Elect My wife, Joy, and I have been ex- We lifted the large pot and placed tremely busy working on a project for it into the rolling burner stand built over three months - daybreak to sun- specifically for that pot. Paul told me set, seven days per week. The end the new pot and stand were recently was finally in sight, at least our part. I purchased by their Cortana Kiwanis could finish it if I could just get to my Club. The pot cooked enough jamba- computer and complete some paper- laya to feed 450 large meals of some work that should take about a day. of the finest jambalaya I have ever Tomorrow was Saturday and there eaten. There was also another incon- was nothing stopping me from com- spicuous pot that was going to pre- pleting my designated task. Joy knew pare the remaining 50 plates for the that. minute. They had fully loaded all the noon meal. I made a quick decision On Friday evening, I had just sat vehicles and trailer with all the sup- that I was going to work with Paul down to rest and feast on whatever plies necessary. Their entire group and the “big pot” instead of with the Joy had prepared for supper. Right was going to meet up and caravan “little bitty” pot being amply handled on cue Joy asked “What do you have down to the location nearly two by Marc Pater. planned for Sunday.” I thought for a hours away at 5:30 on Sunday morn- (If you already know how to cook minute just how I was going to an- ing. However, since I was not totally jambalaya you can skip to the next swer that “loaded” question. Instead sure I would not have to do some last paragraph.) We first dumped in a of answering, I asked “Why, what did minute item to complete my project, whole lot of cut-up sausage that Paul you think we ought to do besides go I told them that Joy and I would just had cut and repackaged the day be- to mass?” And that is how, after over meet them at the site in Houma on fore. I know we put a whole lot be- 48 years of marriage, decisions are Sunday morning. And that we did. cause it was my job to turn the sau- made at our house. We pulled into the parking lot of sage over repeatedly until Paul finally I called my Lieutenant Governor our cooking location just after the said I was cooking the skin off them. designate for Division 8W, MiLisa caravan had arrived. It was easy to We then started adding loads of York, and texted Lieutenant Gover- see the enclosed trailer labeled for the chicken and then water. About the nor for Division 8E, Donna Leggett, Cortana Kiwanis Club. After all the time my arm was ready to fall off to see if they could use some help on “hellos” and “nods” were exchanged, from the mixing/stirring with the Sunday. In a matter of minutes, with all of the Covid-19 numbers still large stainless steel paddle, Paul said things were set in motion for us to being high in Louisiana, we got down we needed to cut off the burner and assist in a coordinated effort by the to business. I was obviously “the new put the top on the pot and let it sim- Cortana and St. Gabriel Kiwanis kid on the block” when it comes to mer. Oh yea, I forgot to say that Clubs to feed 500 meals at a site in cooking jambalaya. I did not really sometime during this process, just a East Houma that was devastated after know what to do, but I knew if I fol- little while earlier, we added a bunch Hurricane Ida passed through the lowed master cook, Paul Savant, I of Cortana’s special mix of rice and area one month earlier. would soon be on the way to helping spices, they package up and sell as a As I expected, these two leaders out. Club fundraiser, to make all this ef- had everything planned down to the Con nued on Page 7 . . . 6 WWW.LAMISSTENN.ORG
LOUISIANA-MISSISSIPPI-WEST TENNESSEE DISTRICT OF KIWANIS Another Grand Kiwanis Moment Continued . . . fort “morph” into a truly great meal If you followed my story the way it for 450 people! Once we removed happened, I think you would see the cover off the pot, I saw a fully there was indeed a common theme. prepared jambalaya ready to serve. Yes, there were many other unnamed While us “cooks” were toiling over Kiwanians at this event that did their our pots, there were a slew of other part to make it successful. However, volunteers doing something adjacent all of the leaders, from when Joy told to us on other tables. I was really not me what I was going to do on that sure exactly what they were doing date to all those that organized the while I was working, but obviously event and made it happen the days without their help we would have and weeks before, were all women. been in trouble. When I was finally I think back to the first meeting I able to stand up straight, all I saw was attended at my now home Kiwanis the line of vehicles that had formed Club. At that time, there were no fe- in the parking lot and down the males in the club. It was not until street. Those Kiwanians and students 1987 when women were invited to that came with the caravan had obvi- join Kiwanis. I was thinking about ously been preparing all the rest of the event, and all those women that the fixings, cookies, water bottles, made it happen, as Joy was driving us Governor‐Elect Bruce prepares the meat. and other cleaning and baby supplies back to our Baton Rouge home. Yep, so desperately needed by the locals. as the President of our District Foun- just another of my many Kiwanis As soon as Paul announced the jam- dation who provided the funds for moments that I enjoy so much. balaya was ready, we were handed the event via a disaster recovery large spoons and empty styrofoam grant. clam-shell hinged containers that we In addition, Tiffany Domingue was filled with a hearty meal as fast as we responsible for bringing a number of could handle. Within a very short young ladies, including her daughter, time, our large pot of food had been down from St. Michael the Archangel reduced to a few grains of dirty rice. High School in Baton Rouge to help The large pot was emptied first and out in distributing the food and sup- then the smaller pot was emptied. plies to the citizens of Houma. The Those “other” folks that were local community was notified about helping us were really the bosses and the event by a pair of local identical organizers around this fantastic twins, that I believe could be elected event. Without knowing exactly, I co-mayors in that part of Houma. assume Donna Leggett was probably They were apparently very good or- St. Michael the Archangel High School the lead guru with primary support ganizers and knew most of the citi- students from Baton Rouge Morgan from MiLisa York and Lieutenant zens that stopped by their first Domingue, Anna Medine, Ashlynn Governor designate Jennifer Kelly names. McVea and Riley Williams prepare White (Division 4B) who also serves snacks for the meals. OCTOBER 2021 7
LOUISIANA-MISSISSIPPI-WEST TENNESSEE DISTRICT OF KIWANIS 2021 LaMissTenn Kiwanis Annual Convention The 103rd Annual Louisiana-Mississippi-West Tennessee District of Kiwanis International Convention was held in Biloxi, Mississippi from August 6th-8th, 2021. More than 250 Kiwanians and guests attended from all over the district and beyond. Special guests included International President Art Riley & Vickie Riley and Kiwanis International Membership Services Manager Bryce Kinder. Participants had a plethora of workshops to choose ranging from starting and growing clubs to fund- raising and service leadership programs and everything in between. Many Kiwanians were recognized for their leadership and past Kiwanians were remembered. All who attended Governor Patrice Cusimano’s celebration of the year 2020-2021 seven- ties style had a groovy time! LaMissTenn Execu ve Director Charlie Ford Interna onal Trustee Gary Graham installs Pictured (le to right): Sal & Governor presents Interna onal President Art Riley Rick La olais & Margaret Coady as 2021‐ Patrice Cusimano, and Vickie & Inter‐ and Vickie Riley with a gi of apprecia on. 2022 Governor & First Lady. na onal President Art Riley. Pictured (le to right): 2021‐2022 Gover‐ nor‐Elect Bruce Hamma , Joy Hamma , 2021‐2022 First Lady Margaret Coady and 2021‐2022 Governor Rick La olais. Division 1A Lieutenant Governor Cathy Fry and Region I Trustee John Fry present Gov‐ ernor Patrice Cusimano with a Tablet of Honor. 8 WWW.LAMISSTENN.ORG
LOUISIANA-MISSISSIPPI-WEST TENNESSEE DISTRICT OF KIWANIS DCON Honors and Awards Founda on President Jennifer Kelly‐White Past Gov. Bruce Hamma presents the Division 15 Lt. Gov. Tom Osburn receives presents a Tablet of Honor to Deborah Dis nguished Secretary Award to Aca‐ a John T. Roberts award from Founda on Kurts of the Long Beach Kiwanis Club. Pre‐ diana‐Lafaye e Kiwanis Club Secretary & President Jennifer Kelly‐White. sent is fellow Kiwanian Howard Lock. Region VI Trustee Kim Champagne. Division 4B Lt. Gov. Marcel Lashover District Founda on Secretary Cathy Simmons presents Circle of Honor Awards to the accepts the Kiwanis Interna onal Signa‐ clubs that led the District in per capita for Annual Club Giving. In pictures from le to ture Project Award from Gov. Patrice right, Div. 8E Lt. Gov. Donna Legge accepts the 2nd place award for the Walker Kiwa‐ Cusimano on behalf of the Dawn Buster nis Club and New Orleans Kiwanis Club Pres. Steve Beale accepts the 1st place award. Kiwanis Club’s Turkey Fry Fundraiser. District Founda on Secretary Cathy Simmons presents Circle of Honor Awards to the Lieutenant Governors represen ng the divi‐ sions with 100% par cipa on from clubs in the Annual Club Giving Campaign. In pictures from le to right are Div. 4A Lt. Gov. Renee Picheloup, Div. 10C Lt. Gov. Jim Lytle, and Div. 15 Lt. Gov. Tom Osburn. Not pictured is Div. 10C Lt. Gov. Dr. Murrell Godfrey. OCTOBER 2021 9
LOUISIANA-MISSISSIPPI-WEST TENNESSEE DISTRICT OF KIWANIS Snap Shots of DCON Fun!!! Han Solo (Region I Trustee John Fry) and Princess Leia (Div. 1A Lt. Disco Queen Gov. Patrice Cusimano Gov. Cathy Fry) and First Mate Sal Cusimano LaMissTenn Execu ve Director Charlie Ford, Northshore Mande‐ 2021‐2022 Gov.‐Elect Bruce Hamma , Cortana Member Tiffany ville Secretary Lori Pausina, Sharon Ford and Northshore Mande‐ Domingue and Cortana Club President Rick Haddad ville Member Tatum Ruiz Div. 8E Lt. Gov. Donna Legge and Incoming Gov. Rick La olais. Members of the Cortana Kiwanis Club from Baton Rouge, La. 10 WWW.LAMISSTENN.ORG
LOUISIANA-MISSISSIPPI-WEST TENNESSEE DISTRICT OF KIWANIS More DCON Fun!!! Fun with New friends: Steve Lavender, Pres. of Columbus Kiwanis, Rogena Woods‐Mitchell, Region III Trustee, & Arnie Williams, Pres. Lake Charles Kiwanis Members Libby Fernandez & Steven Ek of Stone County Kiwanis ← Dawn Busters Kiwanis St. Gabriel Kiwanis mem‐ members Lorilei Bozeman ber MiLisa York & hus‐ & George Rojas band Dennis → Installation of Lieutenant Governors at DCON International Trustee Gary Graham installed the 2021-2022 LaMissTenn Lieutenant Governors during the Prayer Break- fast at the District Convention in Biloxi, Miss. on August 8, 2021. Pictured from le to right are: Debbie Stevens, Division 17; Bridge e Hardy, Division 8E; Edward Gau er, Division 13; Joel Davidson, Division 12; Court Crow, Division 9; MiLisa York, Division 8W; Thomas Long, Division 7; Jennifer Kelly‐White, Division 4B; Renee Picheloup, Division 4A; Leighton Miller, Division 3; and Fred Hancock, Division 1A. Not pictured are: Oscar Brown, Division 1C; Albert White, Division 10B; Ralph Carter, III, Division 10C; Darren Green, Division 11; Jennifer Robertson, Division 14S; and Jaki Robinson, Division 15. OCTOBER 2021 11
LOUISIANA-MISSISSIPPI-WEST TENNESSEE DISTRICT OF KIWANIS Dan Johnson, Human and Spiritual DYO’s initial Board of Director’s Values District Chairman, was pleased Chairman from 2017-2019. DYO’s to recognize Robert (Robby) Showalter mission is to establish and enhance at the District Convention prayer moral and character values for adoles- breakfast on Sunday, August 8th in cences through the establishment of Biloxi, Miss. Robert was proudly nomi- school clubs to serve the youth of the nated by the Kiwanis Club of St. Ber- community. To fulfill this mission, 5 nard-Arabi for this prestigious award. school clubs were established in St. Robby has passionately served as a Bernard Parish to provide a structure member of the St. Bernard-Arabi Ki- means for weekly meetings, known as wanis Club for 28 years. During his Drive Clubs. At these weekly meetings, years of service, Robby has held nu- character, moral and value messages merous leadership positions including are promoted and shared with the stu- 2001 President and 2004 LaMissTenn From le to right: Robbie Showalter ac‐ dents. Approximately 150 students at- District Division 4A Lieutenant Gover- cepts the Layperson of the Year award tend weekly meetings. With an annual nor. He currently serves as Treasurer, from Dan Johnson . budget of $40,000, plans are to expand Membership Chairman, and Chairman this youth mentoring program to in- of Spiritual Aims (a Chairmanship he stances affecting their quality of life. clude a two-day leadership seminar. has held for the last 15 years). This also includes the families of our Robby’s spiritual creed lies within his As the Chairman for Spiritual Aims, membership. awareness that faith must be practiced Robby not only leads the opening pray- Robby also serves and volunteers on daily in one’s prayerful life. Under- er for his Kiwanis Club meetings, but a number of civic, religious, and com- standing and living this commitment, he also offers inspiring faithful words munity organizations and projects. He Robby participates in a nondenomina- of mediation. As the Chair of Spiritual is an active parishioner of Our Lady of tional Bible study group that meets Aims, he also coordinates the club’s Prompt Succor (OLPS) Catholic weekly. He is currently hosting the Bi- Annual Memorial Prayer Celebration. Church in Chalmette, La. and is a ble study meetings at his home where In this capacity he invites families of member of the Knights of Columbus, approximately 10 men attend. In 2020, the club’s deceased Kiwanis member- Rummel Council, 5747 where he was Robby was instrumental in organizing ship to attend the memorial event. Cur- honored as the Knight of the Year in and developing a Men’s Spiritual Con- rently the club has 25 deceased mem- 2021. Currently he is serves on the ference that was held in New Orleans. bers who are also honored and remem- OLPS Finance Committee. Robby gen- Serving as a captain to promote this bered by having their names inscribed erously supports, as well as fundraises initial spiritual event, Robby’s leader- on the club’s Kiwanis Memorial Monu- for, the New Orleans’ Archdiocese ship role involved recruiting and en- ment, which is located on the neutral Archbishop Hannan Community Ap- couraging men to attend the confer- ground on a major state highway in peal. Funds for this appeal provide ence from within his OLPS church Arabi, La. Robby is dedicated to ensur- hope, help and loving care for the most parish, along with encouraging family ing that all deceased member’s names vulnerable and needy throughout the members and friends to attend. Over are immediately added to the Memorial Greater New Orleans Metropolitan 1,000 men were in attendance for this Monument. Robby is also diligent in communities. inaugural event. informing the club’s membership of Understanding the need to mentor Thank you Robby for being a dedi- approximately 80 members of the re- adolescences in the community, in cated Kiwanian that is true to the mis- quest to pray for members who are 2017, Robby was a cofounder of Driv- sion of improving the world one child experiencing challenging health condi- en Youth Organization LLC (DYO), a and one community at a time. tions and or any other difficult circum- not for profit. Robby served as the 12 WWW.LAMISSTENN.ORG
LOUISIANA-MISSISSIPPI-WEST TENNESSEE DISTRICT OF KIWANIS By Linda Ramsey & Anna Clark, Martin Kiwanis Club Kory Green, who was nominated and providing for the safety of others teer coach for soccer, baseball, and by the Kiwanis Club of Martin, in the worst hit area in our county. softball. He has done that for several Tennessee and won the LaMissTenn Kory was recently surprised when he years now. It was truly an honor for Kiwanis District Fireman of the Year was presented with the Weakley the Kiwanis Club of Martin, Tennes- Award, actually lives in Dresden, County Medal of Valor! see to nominate Kory Green for the Tennessee. He has worked for the LaMissTenn District Kiwanis Fire- In his personal life, Kory serves as a City of Dresden as a Public Safety man of the Year. Thanks so much to Deacon at Central Baptist Church in Director and the City of Dresden, the LaMissTenn District for this well- Martin and he also volunteers for the TN Fire Department since 2000. The deserved recognition. park system in Dresden as a volun- City of Dresden has a Volunteer Fire Department. He has worked for the City of Martin Fire Department in Martin, TN since 2005. Kory received his Bachelor of Science Degree in Fire Science and Business from the University of Tennessee at Martin in 2016. He has risen through the ranks to Captain and Deputy Chief in both Departments. He currently holds many certifica- tions and is an instructor and trainer for both departments. He has been involved in all aspects of work at both fire departments. He is an active fireman and responds to all fires and emergencies when on duty. Jamie Summers, the current Fire Chief from the Martin Fire Depart- John Mayros (le ), incoming president of the Mar n Kiwanis Club, presents a plaque ment, provided a letter for his nomi- and check to Kory Green, the 2021 winner of the LaMissTenn Kiwanis District Firefight‐ nation packet that indicated that er of the Year award. Firefighter Green works for both the Mar n and Dresden, Ten‐ Kory was going to receive the Weak- nessee, fire departments and is much respected for his work both locally and statewide. Others in the picture are firefighter Josh Wilson (third from le ), the 2020 ley County Medal of Valor for his winner of the Kiwanis local and district Firefighter of the Year awards (West Tennes‐ courage and bravery when the torna- see has received back‐to‐back awards!), and Linda Ramsey, Mar n Kiwanis member do came through Weakley County who nominated both firefighters and is a past Kiwanis Governor. Kory Green will pre‐ this year on May 4, 2021. Kory was sent his $250 award to the Na onal Fallen Firefighter’s Associa on. In 2020, Josh Wil‐ the first one on the scene, took con- son presented his award to the Anna Kate Wenz FIGHT Founda on, named for Mike trol of the situation, and was respon- and Jennifer Wenz’s three‐year‐old daughter who died in March 2016 a er a coura‐ sible for preventing the loss of lives geous ba le against cancer. OCTOBER 2021 13
LOUISIANA-MISSISSIPPI-WEST TENNESSEE DISTRICT OF KIWANIS Stone County Sheriff, Mike Farmer, tique automobiles. He is committed to stated that Deputy Jones is a dedicated being a righteous, law abiding deputy member of the department and dedi- as his job description states he should cated to the citizens of Stone County. be. He is not biased. He is undoubtedly His work performance and leadership fair. He is courageous no matter what have proven to coincide with the duties situation he may face doing his job to of a law enforcement officer. protect and serve. He is family oriented and loves to interact with his sons. He Fellow deputy, Kevin Hinds, offered believes our sons should know the val- these words regarding Deputy Jones: ue of hard work and having great be- “Chaviss Jones is not only one of the havior. He is easily talked into doing best law enforcement officers I know, science experiments with our oldest but he is also one of my most trusted children. The younger kids are just as friends. He cares and provides for his entertained by just having him home family and friends, as any good man with us at night. Regardless of what should. He does the same for the peo- type of people my husband meets, he is ple who despise and hate him for no Deputy Chaviss Jones of the Stone always encouraging success or right- reason at all. Men like Chaviss Jones County Sheriff’s Department, who was eousness.” are few and far between, and go unrec- nominated by the Kiwanis Club of ognized nearly every day of their lives, The Stone County Kiwanis Club Stone County, won the LaMissTenn with absolutely no complaint of being believes Deputy Jones daily lives out Kiwanis District 2020-2021 “Lawman overlooked and underappreciated.” the objects of the Kiwanis to give pri- of the Year” Award. macy to the human and spiritual rather Deputy Jones’ wife, Nicole, speaks On March 13, 2021, Deputy Jones than to the material value of life and these kind words of her husband: went above and beyond the call of duty encourages the daily living of the Gold- “Chavis Jones is a loving husband, de- to rescue four children from a burning en Rule in all human relationships. voted father, and dedicated deputy. My vehicle that had been involved in a sin- husband has a love for restoring an- gle-car crash on US Hwy 49. Thanks to his efforts, others on the scene, and the grace of our Good Lord, three of those children are alive and well. The chil- dren’s oldest sibling passed away on impact of the crash. During an interview by the local news station WLOX regarding Deputy Jones’ heroic efforts, he remarked “I don’t feel like a hero. I mean, to me, I was doing my job, I would do it again for anybody.” Deputy Jones began his career with the Stone County Sheriff’s Department on October 26, 2015. He began as a reserve deputy and worked his way up to the part-time night shift roster. 14 WWW.LAMISSTENN.ORG
LOUISIANA-MISSISSIPPI-WEST TENNESSEE DISTRICT OF KIWANIS Kim DiVincenti Denson, who was nominated by the Kiwanis Club of Baton Rouge, Louisiana, won the LaMissTenn Kiwanis District 2020- 2021 “Teacher of the Year” Award. Kim graduated from Broadmoor High School in Baton Rouge in 1988. She graduated from Louisiana State University in 1995 with a degree in Sec- ondary Education, with a major in So- cial Sciences. She taught at Tara High School in Baton Rouge from August 1998 - May Baton Rouge Kiwanis members Joy & Bruce Hamma present the Teacher of the Year 2013. She has taught at Baton Rouge Award to Kim Denson at the Red S ck Kiwanis Installa on. Pictured to the le of Kim is her father Phil DiVincen , BRMHS Key Club Kiwanis Advisor from Red S ck Kiwanis. Magnet High School (BRMHS) from August 2013 until the present where Baton Rouge newspaper, “The Advo- cleaning up. During the pandemic this she teaches World Geography. She is cate,” on April 15, 2015. The article last year, they helped put labels on “to the Key Club faculty advisor at Baton was titled “BRMHS Project Immerses Stu- go” boxes and filled syrup cups for the Rouge Magnet High. dents In Another Country’s Culture.” The club to serve pancakes to the Baton Kim has been recognized as an out- article and pictures can be found at this Rouge General Hospital staff of over standing teacher and has received the link: https://www.theadvocate.com/ 1,400. They most recently helped the following awards: baton_rouge/news/article_cdb0cdcf- club clean up the Sweet Olive Ceme- East Baton Rouge Parish Outstanding 2236-5a7d-b796-67df5ee6a8e9.html tery for a Kiwanis One Day Project. First Year Teacher 1996-1997 Even though Ms. Denson works at a Sweet Olive is the oldest black ceme- Tara High School Teacher of the Year school that the Baton Rouge Kiwanis tery in Baton Rouge and is spread over 2001-2002 club doesn’t sponsor, she is always will- 5 acres. The property is kept up Tara High School Teacher of the Year ing to have her Key Club students help through a few volunteers. Ms. Denson 2009-2010 with any service projects that the Baton was very happy to organize her Key East Baton Rouge Parish Teacher of the Rouge Kiwanis Club sponsors. The Club members participation in such a Year 2009-2010 BRMHS Key Clubbers have assisted at worthwhile project. Louisiana Regional Teacher of the Year the club’s annual Pancake Day Celebra- Kim DiVincenti Denson is always 2009-2010 tion, helping set up the day before and there for the children at Baton Rouge Baton Rouge Magnet High School working all day for the event including High Magnet School. For the annual Teacher of the Year 2015-2016 Geo-Journey contest, members of the East Baton Rouge Parish Teacher of the Baton Rouge Kiwanis Club have rou- Year 2015-2016 tinely been asked to judge the competi- Key Club Lawrence C. Catha Advisor tion. Although the contest was not al- of the Year Award 2016-2017 lowed last year because of the pandem- The diversity and cultural experienc- ic, we are certain the students will be es that Ms. Denson provides her stu- excited to “travel the world” next year dents was captured in an article in the Kim with BRMHS Key Clubbers with Ms. Denson. OCTOBER 2021 15
LOUISIANA-MISSISSIPPI-WEST TENNESSEE DISTRICT OF KIWANIS Thank you! Thank You! Thank You! By Cathy Simmons, Foundation Grants Chair The District Foundation raised $5,410 at the District Convention in Biloxi, Miss. from Au- gust 6-8, 2021 raffling gift baskets - the most ever raised in the 15+ years of gift baskets!!! For- ty-four clubs participated by donating 55 gift baskets. One hundred percent of funds raised goes back into the Foundation for grants and scholarships. Thank you to all of the participat- ing clubs!!! 16 WWW.LAMISSTENN.ORG
LOUISIANA-MISSISSIPPI-WEST TENNESSEE DISTRICT OF KIWANIS Foundation Awards Disaster Relief Grants to Cortana By Cathy Simmons, Foundation Grants Chair A huge shout out to the Kiwanis Club of Cortana for hitting the ground running to reach out and help their surrounding communities in the after- math of Hurricane Ida. Early September had them cooking jambalaya and giving out relief supplies in Ponchatoula. Upon realizing the need was great- er than anticipated, they reached out to the LaMissTenn District Founda- tion and applied for a Disaster Relief Grant of $1500, so they could assist the communities in Cut Off and Houma. Other Kiwanis Clubs (Third Dis- trict and Dawn Busters) assisted with Disaster Relief Grants, for a bigger impact. No sooner did they complete their report to the Foundation and send in receipts, they applied and received another Disaster Relief Grant to serve their jambalaya and bring relief supplies into the community of La- Place the following weekend! If your club would like to apply for a disaster Relief Grant (up to $1500) to bring immediate/essential relief into a community affected by a natural Division 8E Lieutenant Governor Donna Legge , disaster, go to: www.lamisstenn.org/disasterrelief and click above the pic- Cortana Kiwanis, adver ses in LaPlace. Donna ture for the application. For more information or to donate to the Disaster coordinated relief efforts in Ponchatoula, Cut Relief, go to: www.lamisstenn.org/disasterrelief Off, Houma and LaPlace. The Cut Off volunteer team The Houma volunteer team Con nued on Page 18 . . . OCTOBER 2021 17
LOUISIANA-MISSISSIPPI-WEST TENNESSEE DISTRICT OF KIWANIS Foundation Awards Disaster Relief Grants Continued . . . The LaPlace volunteer team from Cortana Kiwanis. The jambalaya cooks in Cut Off were Cortana members: Glenn Kidder, Daryle Gauthier, Tommy Mackey and Robert Cheramie. Joining Cortana Kiwanis in Cut Off are (le to right): Div. 4B Lt. Gov. Marcel Lashover (Dawn Busters), LaMissTenn Founda on President Jennifer Kelly‐White (Thibodaux), Div. 4A Lt. Gov. Renee Picheloup (Dawn Busters), Gov. Patrice Cusimano (St. Bernard‐Arabi), and Gov. ‐Elect Rick La olais (Acadiana‐Lafaye e). 2021‐2022 Governor‐Elect Bruce Hamma of Baton Rouge Kiwanis, s rs the pot in Houma with Cortana Kiwanis volun‐ teers Marc Pater, Richard Legge , and Paul Salvant. Division 4A Lieutenant Governor Renee Picheloup, Dawn Busters Kiwanians and volunteers gather together for prayer before Kiwanis, organizes supplies to give away in Cut Off. serving the LaPlace community. 18 WWW.LAMISSTENN.ORG
LOUISIANA-MISSISSIPPI-WEST TENNESSEE DISTRICT OF KIWANIS By James H. “Chuck” Morgan, III, District Risk Manager · Email: chuckmorgan47@aol.com · Ph: (225) 921-2295 As all of you know, Kiwanis Interna- jects. They clear as much as several thou- tional provides a General Liability insur- sand dollars over a weekend. During one ance policy including directors and officers afternoon a riot breaks out in the area, and liability coverage for every club. This is several rioters/vandals enter the store de- great coverage to protect our clubs, mem- stroying and stealing the merchandise, as bers, and volunteers from “civil liability” well as the cash on hand. They then torch for injury or damage to others caused by the store building resulting in a total de- Kiwanis fault or liability. However, it does struction of the location and contents. The NOT provide coverage for any losses by club loss is due to the vandals’ criminal the club from “criminal’ activity resulting acts, and thus no coverage under the Gen- in a loss to the club. Such “Crime Insur- eral Liability policy. The club projects can- ance Coverage” is available at a very rea- not be funded. sonable cost through the “Optional” insur- These examples tell the sad story of club ance program offered by Kiwanis Interna- drink sales as much as $3,000 per day over loss due to the lawlessness of our society. tional. An “Optional Insurance Resource a two or three day weekend. On the way to These losses could possibly have been Guide” describing this coverage is sent to the bank each evening to night deposit the avoided, or perhaps minimized, with the each club in early August each year. Given day’s receipts (as much as $5,000 gross) the club “Crime Insurance” offered by Kiwa- the severe increase in crime in our country, club treasurer is accosted by two armed nis International. Please note that this op- this is coverage each club should have to gunmen who demand the bank bag. Lucki- tional coverage is only available for pur- protect the club’s financial assets from ly the treasurer is uninjured, but the $5,000 chase by Kiwanis Clubs if the Club Crime criminal acts. in club funds are stolen. There is NO Coverage Application is submitted with the The crime policy contains a broad defi- COVERAGE for that loss under the Gen- applicable premium amount BY NO nition of theft and includes coverage for eral Liability policy which excludes losses LATER THAN OCTOBER 31, 2021. It falsified receipts, petty cash theft, phony resulting from criminal acts. This loss re- must be received by the Kiwanis under- invoicing, and armed robbery of club sults in the club being unable to operate writer shown on the application by Octo- funds. It also includes coverage for com- the concession over the next two days. ber 31 each year. Please discuss this im- puter theft, safe burglary, and embezzle- The impact of this theft is a substantial portant coverage with your Board, and ment of funds. It protects the club from reduction in club projects which depended timely submit the application and premium dishonest acts resulting in financial loss upon the club making a profit from this to protect your club from such losses. committed by volunteers, members, offic- concession. As your District Risk Manager, I will be ers, and employees. The cost of this excel- A dishonest Treasurer of the club had happy to assist your club in filling out the lent coverage is VERY reasonable: a pre- check-signing responsibility as well as ac- application for this coverage, and helping mium of $145 per year, per club with cess to the checking account. He set up a you submit it timely. This MUST be done $10,000 coverage subject to a $250 deduct- fictitious vendor who allegedly provided and paid for by Oct. 31, 2021, for you to ible. Higher coverage limits are available services to the club. He wrote checks to have the coverage for 2021-2022. A new for very little extra cost with a bit higher the vendor and took the money supposed- application must be submitted with the deductible. ly paid to this vendor resulting in a loss to premium each year. So, even if you had Some examples of the type of losses the club over several years totaling more this Crime Insurance in 2020-2021, you that have been experienced illustrate the than $50,000. He was caught, prosecuted, MUST submit a new application for this need for clubs to protect themselves with and imprisoned, but had no money to pay coming year. If I can help, please contact this Crime Insurance: restitution. The club just lost that money me, as follows: Phone: (225) 921-2295 or The club has for many years operated a by virtue of his dishonest, criminal acts. Email: chuckmorgan47@aol.com. very successful concession stand at a local A club operates a thrift store where they festival where it clears from food and sell donated items to raise money for pro- 20 WWW.LAMISSTENN.ORG
LOUISIANA-MISSISSIPPI-WEST TENNESSEE DISTRICT OF KIWANIS By International Trustee Gary S. Graham, Membership & Engagement Chair children is unparalleled. We will not let bilities will permit. As a Past Governor Mother Nature discourage us. We’re and District Membership Chair I have much stronger than we realize, and we been afforded the wonderful oppor- will continue to work to grow our Dis- tunity to meet so many great Kiwani- trict. ans in our District and see the great However, I will not be taking the love and enthusiasm in our members lead in this year. As many of you may for helping children. I know that we know, I was elected as an International will continue to carry on in this new As I write this, we do not have the Trustee at the Salt Lake City Educa- century the traditions and service of final counts for the 2020-2021 Kiwanis tional Conference in June. I am hon- this Great and Historical District of year membership numbers. It has been ored to serve at the next level of Kiwa- Kiwanis International as we have for a year full of challenges with Covid and nis and look forward to making Kiwa- over the past one hundred years. now the Delta variant as well as hurri- nis better globally as well as locally. As the old saying says it’s not how canes for the second year in a row. We However, the District Membership many times you get knocked down, it’s lost some clubs and some members, Chair is an international level position, how many times you get back up that but we added both as well. Governor and I cannot hold two positions simul- matters. We’ll get through this period Patrice worked hard to encourage our taneously. and be better than ever. District and many clubs strengthened I have had to give up the district in response. Now we wait. We have chair but there is a very capable young done well over the past few years in woman who is stepping up to take adding new clubs and growing mem- over. Dorothy Kemp is a Past Presi- bership and we stopped the severe dent of the Kiwanis Club of Baton bleeding. Rouge and a Past Governor of CKI in Our membership declined but only LaMIssTenn. She currently serves as slightly and one year we grew. We’re the faculty advisor of the LSU CKI and on the right path to make Kiwanis in has presented sessions at convention LaMissTenn bigger and better than on the generational differences that ever despite the setbacks beyond our Kiwanis must address to attract young- control. We will know soon how we er members to service. fared this year, but I am optimistic we She is well positioned to continued Gary Graham and Dorothy Kemp clean will come through this period better to lead our efforts to grow our mem- Sweet Olive Cemetery on Kiwanis One Day 2020. This year Kemp, Baton Rouge for it. The spirit of our District is bership. I will continue to work with Kiwanis member, will follow in Gary’s strong and the desire for service for her and her team as my new responsi- footsteps as District Membership Chair. OCTOBER 2021 21
LOUISIANA-MISSISSIPPI-WEST TENNESSEE DISTRICT OF KIWANIS Aspire to Inspire: To All Who Love and Care for Children By James A. “Jeems” White, III, Past Governor This column in the first issue of the 5. An eye witness account from New new Kiwanis year is dedicated to "All York City, on a cold day in December, Who Love and Care for Children." It is a some years ago: A little boy, about 10- reprint of the winning entries of a con- years-old, was standing before a shoe test to find the most caring child. The store on the roadway, barefooted, peer- five stories speak for themselves. As Ki- ing through the window, and shivering wanians there is no doubt we have seen With cold. many similar children and it is these A lady approached the young boy and "Kiwanis Moments" which motivate us said, 'My, but you're in such deep to "improve the world one child at a thought staring in that window!' time." 'I was asking God to give me a pair of Author and lecturer Leo Buscaglia shoes,' was the boy's reply. once talked about a contest he was asked 3. On my way home one day, I stopped The lady took him by the hand, went to judge. The purpose of the contest was to watch a Little League baseball game into the store, and asked the clerk to get to find the most caring child. that was being played in a park near my half a dozen pairs of socks for the boy. home. As I sat down behind the bench She then asked if he could give her a The winners were: on the first-base line, I asked one of the basin of water and a towel. He quickly boys what the score was ‘We're behind brought them to her. She took the little 1. A four-year-old child, whose next 14 to nothing,' he answered with a smile. fellow to the back part of the store and, door neighbor was an elderly gentleman, 'Really,' I said. 'I have to say you don't removing her gloves, knelt down, washed who had recently lost his wife. Upon look very discouraged.' 'Discouraged?', his little feet, and dried them with the seeing the man cry, the little boy went the boy asked with a Puzzled look on his towel. into the old gentleman’s yard, climbed face… 'Why should we be discouraged? By this time, the clerk had returned onto his lap, and just sat there. We haven't been up to bat yet.' with the socks. Placing a pair upon the When his mother asked him what he boy's feet, she purchased him a pair of had said to the neighbor, the little boy 4. Whenever I'm disappointed with my shoes. She tied up the remaining pairs of just said, 'Nothing, I just helped him cry.' spot in life, I stop and think about little socks and gave them to him. She patted Jamie Scott. Jamie was trying out for a him on the head and said, 'No doubt, 2. Teacher Debbie Moon's first graders part in the school play. His mother told you will be more comfortable now.' were discussing a picture of a family. me that he'd set his heart on being in it, As she turned to go, the astonished One little boy in the picture had a differ- though she feared he would not be cho- kid caught her by the hand, and looking ent hair color than the other members. sen. up into her face, with tears in his eyes, One of her students suggested that he On the day the parts were awarded, I asked her: 'Are you God's wife?' was adopted. A little girl said, 'I know all went with her to collect him after school. about adoption, I was adopted.' What Jamie rushed up to her, eyes shining with SHARE WITH ALL WHO LOVE does it mean to be adopted?', asked an- pride and excitement.. 'Guess what, AND CARE FOR CHILDREN. other child. 'It means', said the girl, 'that Mom,' he shouted and then said those Hope this put a smile on your you grew in your mommy's heart instead words that will remain a lesson to me . . . face and maybe a tear in your eye. It Sure of her tummy!' 'I've been chosen to clap and cheer.' did mine! 22 WWW.LAMISSTENN.ORG
LOUISIANA-MISSISSIPPI-WEST TENNESSEE DISTRICT OF KIWANIS By Rebecca Huff, Key Leader District Chair of the South & Linda Ramsey, Key Leader District Chair of the North D : March 11‐13, 2022 D : April 29 ‐ May 1, 2022 L : Camp Istrouma, Greenwell Springs, La. L : Camp Lakeshore, Eva, Tenn. C : Rebecca Huff, rebecca720is@aol.com C : Linda Ramsey, mramsey2@utm.edu K L S K L N R : $250 for regular par cipant/$150 student facilitator Registration will open in January This year, school principals will be Next spring the cost will be the 2022 and information will be provided notified that the student facilitators same, $250 for regular participants, in the January issue of the LaMissTenn have been selected and permission will $150 for the student facilitators, and District News. If anyone needs infor- be asked for them to leave school early the adult chaperones are free for devot- mation for parents, teachers, students, as he/she needs to arrive for special ing their time and energy to help super- Kiwanians, or sponsors, you can find training prior to the event. One of the vise the students. information at the Kiwanis Internation- forms that the students bring with Sponsors will be found for anyone al website, www.key-leader.org. them to Key Leader, Community Val- that needs one, and the District Foun- All chaperones at each event must ues, has been updated and also includes dation will provide some scholar- take some Youth Protection training. a photo release. ships. If you have any questions, please Visit www.kiwanis.org/clubs/member- Both Key Leader programs will don’t hesitate to contact Key Leader resources/training/risk-management/ abide by the camp’s requirements de- District Chair of the South, Rebecca youth-protection/up-training-resources pending upon the current COVID situ- Huff (rebecca720is@aol.com) or Key for training. Chaperones need to take 1, ation. Last spring, the Key Leader pro- Leader District Chair of the North, 5, and 8. grams ran without a hitch. Health pre- Linda Ramsey (mramsey2@utm.edu). The Kiwanis Key Leader Website screenings were performed and temper- has been updated, and there are new ature checks were held every morning resources including a personality test, and every night. Masks were required and chaperones check-list. Chaperones for all group activities and social dis- should be identified 5-6 weeks prior to tancing was practiced. A cabin was des- the event. Normally visitors are al- ignated for isolation if needed. No one lowed, but this year visitors are not had any health issues during the week- allowed during the events. It’s im- end. Also, parents or teachers were portant for student facilitators to arrive asked to bring the students to camp early. rather than providing group transporta- tion. Key Leader is a weekend leadership program for high school and gradua ng 8th Grade students. Its mission is to inspire young people to achieve their personal best through service leadership. OCTOBER 2021 23
LOUISIANA-MISSISSIPPI-WEST TENNESSEE DISTRICT OF KIWANIS By Governor-Elect Bruce Hammatt, Baton Rouge Kiwanis Club How many of you would wince if I ment and my poor eyesight I decided told you there was a “natural resource to stay out of the cooling stream, but I jewel” located north of St. Francisville assure you I got as wet as any of the just over the Louisiana state border children who were playing in the water- near our State prison at Angola? Well, falls or climbing on the large mud there is. It is commonly known as “The boulders. Waterfalls of Tunica Hills.” However, We visited a few of the waterfalls the jewel is officially known as the and ate lunch while the scouts were Clark Creek Natural Area. It is a 700 building dams in the stream. We were acre area and home to nearly 50 water- able to make it out of the Natural Area falls up to near 30 feet in height. No, it before the afternoon rains were expect- is not a Niagara Falls, but you also world, the three major deposits of loess ing to start. When I made it back to the don’t need to go traveling to our Cana- soils similar to the Tunica Hills occur entrance I was quite grateful that I was dian border to find them! only in two other areas; on the eastern coming out while others were walking The Tunica Hills, which is a narrow shore of the Missouri River opposite down the trail to the waterfalls. It could strip of land along the eastern side of Omaha, Nebraska, and in China. only be hotter and get very slippery the Mississippi River is a very unusual There is another characteristic to when the showers were to hit. habitat. It was formed many years ago this loess soils that cause large boulders I first visited the waterfalls with my primarily of loess soils that were depos- to be found along the streams and older brother 50 years ago. It has ited during the old, geologically speak- eroded landscapes. These “boulders” changed a lot since then, but much of ing, dust bowl days. If you can, imagine are not rock, even though they may be what excited me at that time is still the dust blowing across our midwest “rock hard” during droughts. These there. The scenery is phenomenal. areas after the glaciers, and heading to boulders are really made up of local Many plant and animals that live in the the east. Now imagine what would clays that are remaining after the soils area are found no where else in the happen if that dust blew over the Mis- are leached by the heavy rainfall events region. The straight up and down soil sissippi River flood plain, picked up that frequent this part of Louisiana and structure of these hills are quite stun- moisture, and settled on the natural Mississippi. ning to see. If you have never visited banks on the east side of the River. On July 31st, I headed up to the the area, consider going. Please take a Over the years, this thick wind-blown Clark Creek Natural Area with about a child and have their eyes opened to this soil became home to many unusual dozen cub scouts and their parents. beautiful area and remember, Kids plants and wildlife. Although wind These youngsters were members, and Need Kiwanis! blown soils can be found all over the future members, of Cub Scout Pack 428 that our Kiwanis Club of Baton Rouge has been sponsoring for almost 30 years from the Baton Rouge For- eign Language Immersion Magnet (BRFLAIM) school. Assistant Pack leader Michael Strain and I lead the group since Gary Graham had to stay back in Baton Rouge to tend to his new duties as Kiwanis International Trustee. Michael was in the lead car and I was in the trailing car. I will say here that I mostly “trailed” the group all day long, even on the hikes! The temperature was in the mid- nighties with the heat index reportedly around 110. To me, it definitely felt that hot. With my new knee replace- 24 WWW.LAMISSTENN.ORG
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