The Guardian - Unifor Local 200

Page created by Bobby Marquez
The Guardian - Unifor Local 200
The Guardian
        APRIL 2019 – Volume 76 – Issue 1 – Windsor - Essex

     A Tribute to . . . Joh n T o t h
     The Unifor Guardian                           Board of Directors of
Board and its members                              Workplace Windsor-Essex
were saddened to hear the                          from 2011 to 2017. He al-
news that John had passed                          ways maintained his ties
away. For most of John’s                           to Unifor Local 195 by tak-
working life, he was dedi-                         ing on a role as a driver for
cated to immediate family,                         Veteran’s Cab Company
Union family, and the com-                         from 2009 to 2014. John
munity.                                            was elected as the 1st
   John began his career at                        Vice-President of Unifor
Fabco in 1986 and re-                              Local 195 and then became
mained there until it                              President in 2017.
closed in 2010. John always                           John was a colleague, a
had a desire to help the                           friend, and a mentor to
community and to advo-                             many representatives and
cate for his fellow work-                          others throughout the
ers. He was always a                               community. To his wife
strong believer in the         JOHN TOTH           and soulmate, Shelley, and
value and strength of the
Union movement and in
                               October 9th, 1962   to his children Tiffany
                                       -           Anne, Cheryl, Tracey and
2001 he became involved                            Maxwell, his brothers and
in his local, CAW Local 195,    April 4th 2019
                                                   sisters and many grand-
in various positions. John                         children. We offer our sin-
was also a firm believer in                        cere condolences and
the United Way, and dur-                           friendship. God bless, and
ing the economic down-                             farewell to our friend and
turn, John took on the role                        colleague.
of Chairperson of the                                 Sincerely,
Local 195 Labour Adjust-                                 John D’Agnolo,
ment Program from 2006                                   President,
until 2012.                                              The Guardian Board
   He also served on the                                 and its members.
The Guardian - Unifor Local 200
Unifor Responds
                                               Jan 17th, rolling blockage after       bring work back to the United States.
                                           GM unit meeting, lost production.               Elections are coming, will their
                         By                   Jan 23rd, GM headquarters is shut       platform have policies in place to
                   JOHN D’AgNOlO,          down by a blockade until Jan 25th.         protect jobs from leaving Canada.
                       President,          Press conference in T.O announcing         Unifor has over 300,000 members,
                    Unifor Local 200       the Mexican built boycott.                 and we can make a difference collec-
                                               Feb 8th, Lear walks out.               tively.
                                               Feb 14th, Sting puts on a concert          Windsor and Essex County know
      GENERAL MOTORS signed                in support of the workers in Oshawa.       all too well the impact of facilities
an agreement that kept the Oshawa              Feb16th, hundreds of members           closing in our community, and we
plant open until 2020, and they            protesting the Auto Show and it con-       don't want to see any community go
chose to break it. Unifor took imme-       tinued onto the following Sat.             through what we have endured. We
diate action against GM letting the                                                   stand by the workers of Oshawa and
                                               Let's not forget the commercials!
Corporate World know when you                                                         the parts facilities throughout On-
                                              In closing, this is a true definition   tario, and we will continue to fight
agree to a contract, shake hands
                                           of CORPORATE GREED; the com-               Corporate Greed and challenge all
across the table you will live by it, if
                                           pany is making BILLIONS a year,            levels of governments to keep good
not we will do what it takes to make
                                           yet they continue to go to Mexico re-      paying jobs in Canada.
sure you uphold your end of the bar-
                                           gardless of the quality and produc-
gain. Here's a summary of what Uni-
                                           tivity awards the Oshawa plant
for workers in Oshawa and parts
                                           received.                                       FCA announcement of the loss
                                                                                      FCA Announcement
facilities have done with the support
                                               Our governments have to step up,       of the third shift recently was devas-
of unions throughout Ontario since
                                           policies and trade agreements give         tating. The leadership of Local 444
the ananouncement of the Oshawa
                                           the corporate world free rein exploit      led by Dave Cassidy will do what
Plant closing.
                                           the lowest paid labour communities         they can to secure work and keep as
     Nov 26th announcement of plant                                                   there members working. On behalf
                                           in the world. The United States
closure, plant sit down and plant                                                     of Local 200 we will do what we can
                                           elected a President who has no busi-
walked out at 9:00 am the company                                                     to support the brothers and sisters at
                                           ness being in that position except for
lost 14hrs in production.                                                             FCA.
                                           the fact he told Americans he would                             . . . cont’d on next page
   Nov 27the stop the work practices
and rotating sit-downs in plants cost-
ing them 4 hrs. of production. Pick-
ets at Oshawa Centre, Costco, and
401 Bridges.
     Dec 20th meeting in Detroit, no
commitment but will get back to us
on Jan 7th. Unifor asked for a re-
sponse on the 7th; GM delayed to the
8th to let us know there is no change.
    Jan 8th, plant sat down on after-
noon shift after the press conference,
loss of 8 hrs of production.
   Jan 11th, Windsor holds a protest,
buses come down from Oshawa,
members to shift off to attend. Broth-
ers and sisters throughout Ontario
come to support the Oshawa work-
ers.                                         Unifor Guardian Presidents, Dave Cassidy, John D’Agnolo and Tullio
                                             DiPonti were pleased to donate $20,000.00 on behalf of the Guardian
     Jan 16th, Inteva walk out.                     Board membership to this year’s Easter Seals Telethon.
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The Guardian - Unifor Local 200
departments continuing for a short      two weeks following the summer
                                         time after to complete some service     shutdown. The line is also scheduled
                                         orders.                                 to be down for the first two weeks of
 John D’Agnolo
                         . . . cont’d                                            September. The downtime is due to
                                                                                 the work being done on the line for
                                             We currently have 720 members
                                                                                 the 2021 upgrade for the 5 litre en-
                                         Ford Essex Engine Plant

                                         including TPT's in production. Now,
                                         our volumes on the engine line are at
                                                                                      The Crank Dept. is going to be
                                         5712 a week. We have three down-
     Presently at Ford, we have 432                                              down for the three weeks before
Ford Skilled Trades
                                         shifts a week Monday midnight
on the role of which 15 are Electrical                                           summer shutdown and the first week
                                         shift, Friday the afternoon and day
Apprentices, and six are Trade                                                   coming out of summer shutdown.
Helpers. This week we are inter-                                                 This is all do to the 2021 upgrades
                                            The Engine line will be down the
viewing IMM apprentices for our                                                  also.               . . . cont’d on next page
tentative May 1, 2019 starting date.
We have finished our Oakville can-
vass to see how many have taken up
employment at Ford Oakville will
return home. We had two electricians
out of a possible seven and seven
IMM out of 17 who were eligible to
return to Ford Windsor. With the age
of our workforce and the number of
retirements, we will be looking to
hire some Electricians and IMM's.

    The plant currently has 320 em-
Ford Annex

ployees and has been busy through
2017 and 2018 with the tear out of
the old equipment that used to pro-
duce the 5.4 and 6.8 engines.
    In 2016 we bargained the 7.3 L        Local 200 members Debbie Shaw and Heather MacDonald are seen an-
V 8 engine, the majority of install of           swering the phones for donations towards Easter Seals.
the machines is complete, and we are
running a limited amount of engines
down the line. The engines will sup-
ply the Ohio Assembly and Ken-
tucky Truck.
    The Annex also machines 5.0 L
Heads and Rods for Essex Engine
Plant. Machine 2L and 3.0L Cylinder
Heads for Lima Assembly Plant and
the 6.8L Heads for Windsor Engine

     Ford WEP has 265 members
Ford Windsor Engine Plant

building the 2 valve and 3 valve 6.8
engine. Volumes continue to run at
2288 per week based on a 4-day
schedule. The engine is slated to
cease in the middle of November           Members from Local 200 take time for a photo-op in Oshawa as they
2019 with some of the machining            participated in a protest outside the company’s GM Headquarters.
                                                                                                             The Guardian – 3
The Guardian - Unifor Local 200
The plant produces roughly 6              This unit has 34 members, ser-
                                          Diageo Unit                                 Leadec Unit

                                          million cases of Crown Royal per           vicing the Windsor Engine Plant,
 John D’Agnolo
                          . . . cont’d    year we have five lines that run all       Annex and Essex Engine Plant. The
                                          sizes from 750ml, 1.75, 1 litre, and       Annex investment is keeping us very
                                          3.75 ml. At our plant, we run Crown        busy and will be adding two crib
   The new cam carrier dep’t for the      Royal regular, apple, vanilla, black
                                                                                     jobs in the 4th Quarter.
2021 upgrade is being installed           and now, and then we get other
which is going to consist of 17 new       flavours, but this is our core flavours.
jobs. There will be three in machin-            With the new investment the             We have 135 members at present.
                                                                                     STM Unit

ing and 4 in production per shift. As     warehouse project or as we call pro-       STM builds the headliners for the
of now, it looks like assembly will       ject castle, it expands our Amherst-
                                                                                     Pacifica and Caravan and at present
consist of two shifts and machining       burg footprint by cutting out a lot of
                                                                                     running a three-shift operation build-
will be three-shift operation.            our third-party warehouse storage
                                          and shipping. The warehouse will be        ing 1,426 at day. With the announce-
                                          beneficial to our members as we will       ment at WAP, there is a lot of
     Nemak has 231 members, - this        be getting back the work that has          uncertainty on the floor.
Nemak Unit

includes 128 productions, 55 trades,      been done outside of our plant.
17 TPT's, 29 SST's and two appren-
tices. We had a slow down at the end                                                     Between the McDougall location
                                                                                     Goodwill Industries Unit

of 2018 but is picking up again. We           This unit has 42 full-time mem-        and drop off centers we have approx-
                                          Penske Unit

are looking to replenish the TPT          bers and approximately 3TPT's. We          imately 70 members. In the last cou-
pool back up to 25 - 30 members.          recently went through some changes         ple of weeks Goodwill EKL serving
    The base plant is running at 50%      with the benefits in regards to S&A        Sarnia, Windsor, Chatham, and
capacity right now which includes         that will see our members receive          Goodwill Ontario Great Lakes
the Base Plant and Cast Line D. Base      SUB payments to top up the disabil-
                                                                                     merged. Goodwill Store donated
Plant production is roughly about         ity payments as well as receiving a
                                                                                     sleeping bags to Street Help, and the
1400 pieces per day over a three-         SUB payment for the wait time.
                                               The company, along with Ford          workers did a collection raising
shift operation. That is composed of
2.0 and 2.5 LGE blocks which sup-         Motor Company were looking for             $1000 for Droulliard Place.
ply GM China, Shanghai, and GM            the elimination of jobs but we were             Please think of Goodwill loca-
North America. The LGE product            successful in preserving the jobs and      tions when you're looking to donate
has a potential end date of late 2019     preventing layoffs.                        items.
with no replacement product as of
     Cast Line D is aligned with the
ramp curve and ahead of the produc-
tion schedule for the inline 6 Diesel
Block being produced in CLD,
which supplies Flint. We've come a
long way since the PPAP testing in
July of 2018. A second shift for
cleaning cells was introduced at the
beginning of April and possibly a
second shift for casting will be added
at the beginning of May. Right now
we have a daily target of 500parts
per day.
       We will be expecting a two
month shutdown at the end of 2019         Seen is President John D‘Agnolo addressing the media and his displeasure
or the 1st quarter of 2020 for the line   over the closure of the Oshawa GM plant along with area MPs Tracey Ram-
conversion of our future Thelma and       sey, Brian Masse and Cheryl Hardcastle, and Local 1973 Retiree Chairper-
Louise product.                           son Tony Sisti.
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The Guardian - Unifor Local 200
                       . . . cont’d on next page                                                                        By
                                                                                                                   DAN CASSADY
  Politics at its worst!                                                                                               Treasurer
                                                                                                                    Unifor Local 200

         n the political front provin-             their best (which means our worst) is
         cially, the Ford Conserva-                yet to come I fear.The new provin-             We have solid MPs in the Wind-
O        tives are well on their way
on what I call their CUT AND GUT
                                                   cial budget, which has not been re-
                                                   leased at the time I am writing this
                                                                                              sor area, it is important for all of us
                                                                                              to pitch in and help them get re-
agenda. Some examples include;                     article, will reveal much of what is
                                                                                              elected. Tracey Ramsey, Brian
rollbacks from previously estab-                   yet to come.
lished ESA Standards and minimum                        My only question is this. Why         Masse and Cheryl Hardcastle have
wages, changes to Ontario College                  would anyone be surprised? They            all gone above and beyond repre-
of Trades (watering it down), re-                  ran on a platform of cutting waste         senting working people in their re-
duced funding for special needs stu-               out of the system, now we are find-        spective ridings. They are constantly
dents, 350 million in funding for                  ing out what they consider waste!          in the news, dealing with whatever
                                                       I am very concerned with what is       the issues of the day are.
mental health initiatives cancelled,
                                                   going on at the Federal level. Federal
OSAP funding cuts, changes in On-                                                                 In my experience they have al-
                                                   elections are fast approaching, the
tario class sizes (more students per               Liberal party is in a state of disarray,   ways been ready to listen to our con-
class) which will result in teacher                unable to move on from the SNC             cerns and explain/discuss/debate
layoffs and more importantly reduce                Lavalin scandal.                           their positions on issues. I cannot
quality of education for our children.               If many of the “swing” voters who        stress how important it is to all of us
   We have already seen protests and               voted Liberal in the last Federal          to have their access, in order to have
walkouts by Ontario students; there                Election jump ship and vote Conser-        open and honest dialog. That is truly
was also a mass demonstration in                   vative this time around, we could          the way to resolve issues.
Toronto in early April, attended by                quite conceivably end up with the
                                                                                                  Please make sure you can plan
well over 25,000 teachers and edu-                 Conservatives at the helm provin-
                                                                                              some time in the coming months to
cators over the education changes                  cially in Ontario as well as federally.
                                                   Prime Minister Andrew Sheer wins           help these candidates out. Our fu-
the government is making.
   I could go on and on, but the scary             by default? We just cannot let that        ture, now more than ever, depends
part is they are just getting started, –           happen!                                    on it!

       Thank you from your Guardian Board Easter Seals for those who made a donation.
                                                                                                                      The Guardian – 5
The Guardian - Unifor Local 200
                                                                                                    Unifor Local 444

    “We will get through this”                                                                         President
                                                                                                     Skilled Trades

March 28, 2019                          .... and at each and every moment,     political agenda, but I worry that
                                        we have risen to meet these chal-      Mayor Dilkens’ plan is to diversify
         ne of the worst days of my     lenges!                                away from good paying union
         life! When the company              We should never forget that our   jobs, and I wanted to make sure he
O        told James and I, in per-
son, that they were cutting the 3rd
                                        workers are still more productive
                                        than any on Earth! We are the best
                                                                               was doing everything HE could to
                                                                               be sure WAP, our suppliers and
shift at WAP, it felt like somebody     at what we do! We know and they        Caesars Windsor continued to be a
had stabbed me right in the heart.      know, if you want to build it right,   part of our future! Instead of men-
I was upset and angry all at the        you build it Windsor! We are still     tally planning for them to be gone,
same time. Hearing it sucks!            the Local that has overcome great      let’s look at how we can keep
Being the guy to tell people also       fears and improbable odds. This        those jobs here well into the fu-
sucks. I immediately told the of-       3rd shift, as far as I am concerned,   ture. So in early JANUARY I
ficers, called in the committee         is not a done deal. Our fight has      reached out to him in the name of
from WAP and told them, an-             just begun and know that we are        10,000 plus workers and their
nounced it at the union meeting,        going to fight like hell.              families and he simply ignored my
then had the infamous press con-
                                                                               requests. So when the media asked
ference .... more on that later.
                                                                               me about Drew and his stink’n
Signs were unfortunately there;               Shortly after the announce-      “diversification,” I responded how
                                        F*ck Drew
slowing the line, lay-off weeks and     ment of the GM Oshawa plant            I felt.
the media always seeming too            closing, Windsor Mayor Drew                Much like during the Casino
eager to print the sales numbers.       Dilkens ran to the media to tell       strike when I called Drew out for
We knew the company would not           them HIS plans for “economic di-       not getting more involved, he ran
short-shift forever. Not good,          versification.”                        to the media and you could not
none of it. The effect on our mem-            Obviously, I understand his
bership, our city and towns will be
                                                                                                 . . . cont’d on next page

felt. I have heard or know of
members across the seniority spec-
trum. Those new hires who are
just married, bought a new home,
have a baby on the way or all the
above. Those that suddenly find
themselves having a hard look at
retirement. The office continues
to be inundated with calls about
the seniority list, those eligible to
retire and buyout numbers.
    I know these are difficult times.
I know folks are worried. But I
also know we can get through this!
We as a membership have faced
plant closures, bankruptcies,           Unifor Local 444 President Dave Cassidy emotionally addresses the media
strikes, being sold, and the pro-       after a membership meeting on the news that FCA notified the Union of its
posed elimination of the third shift                intention to eliminate the third shift in September.
The Guardian – 6
The Guardian - Unifor Local 200
EV’s which would otherwise not             and damn Dougie Ford will not
                                        qualify for the capital cost al-           even return a simple phone call.
                                        lowance :) Again I do not care                I do not care who you are or
                                        who you are or what party you are          what party you are from but we
                      . . . cont’d
                                        from but we need to be all on-             ALL need to be on-board here.
find a newspaper, a local radio sta-    board here.                                   Maybe he could use a call from
tion or social media page where                                                    you?
Drew wasn’t on there now talking                                                   Doug Ford Phone: 416-325-1941
                                             I met with the Mayor. I met
                                        Dougie Ford
about the strike. Similarly here,       with Federal ministers, all within         Doug Ford Email:
after the presser, he could not wait    24 hours of receiving news of the
to sit down with me and then he         third shift. The only office I have
ran to the media to tell them all the                                              Doug Ford Mailing address:
                                        not heard from is our provincial           Premier of Ontario
wonderful things he was going to        office of Premier Ford. Nothing.           Legislative Building
do to help.                             So I called, texted, emailed, left         Queen's Park
    Let me be clear. I do not care      messages ..... nothing! This from          Toronto ON M7A 1A1
who you are or what party you           the man who said he is working                Folks, I urge all of you to stick
work for. If you think you can          for the people? Who wants to               together and lift each other up.
help keep the third shift, I am all     change the provincial slogan to            There is a lot of anxiety every-
for it! I will be more than happy       “open for business.” Potential of          where and we really do need to
to give credit where credit is due      thousands of families affected and         stand up for one another, stand in
and I will shout it from the moun-      not even a phone call? Municipal           solidarity and trust in your union.
tain tops! Let’s all just get on-       and Federal in-person within 24
board and do what we can to keep                                                           In Solidarity
                                        hours offering whatever they can                                   Dave
these jobs.

Liberals see

    Unbelievably, the Federal Lib-
the Light

eral government came out with an
incentive package for buying hy-
brid vehicles and excluded our
Pacifica! I thought it was a typo.
CANADIAN MADE hybrid vehi-
cle did not qualify for the Cana-
dian rebate....what?                    Local 444 Unifor Executives were pleased to meet with the Honourable Navdeep
       So we planned a rally on         Bains, Minister of Innovation, Science and Economic Development and the Hon-
March 22nd at the plant with local      ourable Patricia A. Hajdu, Minister of Employment, Workforce Development and
                                        Labour and Marco Mendicino, MP for Eglinton-Lawrence to get the commitment to
NDP politicians that clearly got        work with all stakeholders in convincing FCA to look at a longer term in preserving
their attention. Once word got to       the 3rd shift at the Windsor Assembly Plant. Local 444 was also pleased to have the
them about the 3rd shift and how        Federal Government recognize the FCA Pacifica Hybrid in the $5000 rebate.
they looked, I had two Liberal
ministers in my office the next
day. Liberals seeing the light have
extended the federal rebate to bet-
ter encourage the purchase of a
Pacifica. We are also pushing for
a higher rebate than $5,000 (pos-
sibly up to $10,000) for large pas-
senger vehicles, ie: 7 passenger
minivan as well as extend the in-
centive for non-profits to purchase
                                                                                                            The Guardian – 7
The Guardian - Unifor Local 200
                        . . . cont’d on next page                                                                    JAMES
     3rd Shift . . .                                                                                                Sec.Treasurer
                                                                                                                   Unifor local 444
          our Priority                                                                                 

             ith the announcement of                goods. Am I saying that the loss of       at their sales and marketing of those
             the potential loss of the              a shift at FCA is going to bankrupt       vehicles to get things moving again.
W            third shift at Chrysler/
FCA, it leaves us wondering about
                                                    the city? No, I am absolutely not
                                                    saying that, but the jobs lost have a
                                                                                              This is not a worker issue, this is a
                                                                                              corporate issue!
the future of Windsor and what this                 ripple effect across this city and will       We are living in a Social Media
potential loss could mean for this re-              be far-reaching, not just tied to the     world now, the past few years espe-
gion.                                               auto sector.                              cially have taught us a few things
  Economically speaking, Windsor                         FCA workers in Windsor have          about how fast messaging, whether
has a good tax base with decent pub-                done everything that this company         right or wrong, can move from one
lic services with thanks to the taxes               has asked them to do, from building       place to another. A message put on
paid by individual property owners                  a top quality vehicle making Wind-        Facebook at 9 a.m. in Brampton can
as well as corporations operating                   sor a household name when it comes        easily be redistributed in Windsor a
within the city. FCA would be one                   to the Chrysler minivan or Pacifica       moment later and taken as some-
of the, if not the most significant                 to implementing and buying into           thing happening here instead of
contributor to the tax base in the                  their WCM manufacturing process           there.
Windsor economy. Auto means a lot                   that they said on numerous occasions          When FCA delivered us this no-
to this region, we have suffered dev-               would help us solidify our future.        tice, we actually had to sit in a room
astating losses over the years with                       The fact remains that the mini-     and figure out, how do we beat so-
the loss of shifts and plants at not just           van and Pacifica are tops in quality      cial media and make sure all our
Chrysler but also Ford and General                  and consumer reports in their cate-       members get the message right away
Motors. The once vibrant auto in-                   gory, so the company needs to look
dustry is but a shell of its formal self.
                                                                                                                 . . . cont’d on next page

      With this devastation to the tax
base comes some genuine anguish.
Those workers and their families that
could be affected by the potential
loss of the third shift at the Windsor
Assembly Plant can’t even be de-
fined. The loss of 1500 direct jobs
at the assembly plant will translate
into thousands of jobs in the commu-
nity. We have feeder plants that
would suffer the same fate if this an-
nouncement stays true. This does
not mention the hundreds of jobs
being filled currently at various other
establishments around the city that
are in place because these folks all
have jobs.
     Imagine the Tim Hortons work-
ers, fast food servers and small                    In a partnership with Keegan Henry and his family, Unifor Local 444 officers
‘mom and pop’ shops that rely on                    were pleased to make a final donation on behalf of the membership towards
auto workers incomes to buy their                   purchasing a new handicap-accessible Windsor-made FCA minivan.
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                        . . . cont’d

and at the same time? We knew that
it was the company’s job to do so,
but we wanted to make sure our
members knew that we were work-
ing on this, that this is our top prior-
ity and that we wouldn’t just sit back
and let the company release some
press statement that was cold and
    We know the impact on our mem-         Local 444 Secretary-Treasurer James Stewart addresses the elimination
bers, we see what this potentially           of the third shift and other concerns at the most recent 444 Retirees
means to the lives of those affected,                                   monthly meeting.
this is something that needed to be
done right. We took the opportunity
to talk to our members at the mem-
bership meeting the day this oc-
curred. The chairs of the plant
headed back immediately afterwards
to inform the on-shift representatives
of the announcement, and we called
a press conference of our own to
make sure our members heard it
from us at the same time.
      The biggest issue I think we are
going to have over the next few
months is the rumour mill. To be
honest, Social Media can be our
friend or our foe in situations like          Local 444 1st Vice-Pres. Manny Cardoso and 3rd Vice-Pres. Darryl
this. It is inevitable that rumours will     Desjarlais are seen participating in this year’s Easter Seals Telethon.
start, . . . they’re probably already
out there.
     Our commitment will be to make
sure we get the most accurate infor-
mation out as soon as we have it. We
can’t control the rumours but we can
commit to getting the correct infor-
mation out.
     The bottom line is, our approach
has to be, it is business as usual. We
continue to go to work every day and
build the best damn vehicle we know
     We will be pushing FCA on many
fronts from marketing and sales            Local Officers, Representatives and Members from Local 444 are seen
strategies to new product allotment            in Oshawa as they participated in a protest supporting Unifor
. . . and every option in between!          members from Local 222 outside the company’s GM Headquarters.
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 Another Great Loss!
                                                                                                         1st Vice-President,
                                                                                                          Unifor Local 195

     t is with a heavy heart that I write   that we must keep burning in his hon-
     this article as our Local has suf-     our. Rest in Peace John.
I    fered yet another great loss. John
Toth, our President, passed away                                                    provements to harassment, health and
                                                                                    safety, job postings and new domestic
peacefully in his home surrounded by
                                             Agreement Updates
his loving family on April 4, 2019.                                                 violence leave. They now have
John was a remarkable man and truly         Automotive Windsor                      classifications, they bargained 1.50
a great leader. He was an inspiration, a        We ratified an agreement on April   wage increase starting day one for all
mentor, a fighter, a humble man, and a      2, 2019, and the committee knew what    members and a $0.75 cent increase for
true gentleman. He believed in the          their members wanted as they worked     the pickers, $1.25 for the drivers
union and its membership wholeheart-        long hours and fought hard to achieve   throughout the life of the agreement.
edly and in this community as he spent      a great agreement, and our members            Improvements to bereavement,
many years involved at different levels     were very pleased with 81% in favour    PEL, Health and Welfare Safety shoes,
of our union and several non-profit or-     of this collective agreement.           and many other improvements along
ganizations, particularly the United            The highlights included numerous    with a signing bonus.
Way, as he always put his best foot for-    language changes which include im-           Congratulations and thank you to
ward.                                                                               Mike Borovic Chairperson, Dave
    In the short time, he was our Pres-                                             Chapman Vice Chairperson, Linda
ident, he gave our Local a new shining                                              Poho Committeeperson, Rob Kennedy
light and always continued to set a                                                 Committeeperson, Theresa Farao, Na-
                                                                                    tional Representative, John Toth, Pres-
goal to engage our members and to
                                                                                    ident, Local 195, Tammy Pomerleau,
achieve that goal. His positive outlook                                             Vice-President, Local 195.
and his commitments to our Union and
the community inspired many far and                                                 Ventra Plastics
wide. He had a gift for speaking that                                                    On February 16, 2019, we ratified
was very influential and full of energy.                                            an agreement, as the committee had a
Truly, John’s passion and spirit were                                               tough time but squeezed the company
so contagious as he made us all better                                              to the end. They held their ground and
than we were before.                                                                got an agreement that ratified by 66%.
         This amazing man, OUR                                                      All employees received $0.80 over the
BROTHER, meant the world to us as                                                   life of the agreement along with a spe-
                                                                                    cial increase to the maintenance group
he will be in our hearts forever, never      Seen are Syncreon members re-
                                                                                    of $0.80. An increase in vacation for
to be forgotten. His legacy will live on    viewing the highlights of their new
                                                                                    25 years or more, along with percent-
and has taught us well and lit the fire           collective agreement.
                                                                                    age increases.
                                                                                        Language improvements such as
                                                                        A big
                                                                                    new Domestic and Sexual Violence
                                                                                    Leave, Military Leave, and Leave
                                                                    up” from the
                                                                     Bargaining     days, overtime. Increases to health and
                                                                     Committee      welfare and pension and a signing
                                                                      who suc-
                                                                                    bonus. Congratulations to Randy
                                                                                    Stroesser, Chairperson, April Carr,
                                                                    bargained a
                                                                    new collec-     Committeeperson, Karrie Awram,
                                                                     tive agree-    Benefits Rep, Greg Meunier, Skilled
                                                                       ment at
                                                                                    Trades rep, Mike Lovric, National Rep
                                                                                    and Tammy Pomerleau, Vice Presi-
                                                                       for their
                                                                     members.       dent, Local 195.
                                                                                                        . . . cont’d on next page
The Guardian – 10
creases of $1.80 over the life of the                       Our Canada Day
                                            agreement, increases to pension, eye-                             This celebration is underway, set
                                            glasses, safety shoes to $200.00 per                        for Sunday, June 29, 2019. Dream
   Tammy Pommerleau
     Local 195 Report                       year.                                                       Catcher is booked and will have you
                       . . . cont’d                                                                     up dancing in no time. Ashley, Al and
                                                 Congratulations on a fine job to
                                                                                                        the rest of the band offer outstanding
                                            Duayne Wagner Chairperson. Theresa
Gates Windsor                               Farao, National Representative, John
                                                                                                        entertainment and you will find more
                                                                                                        details on our website very soon.
     October 27, 2018, an agreement         Toth, President Local 195, Sarkis Gas-
was ratified with Gates Windsor.            par, Secretary-Treasurer, Local 195.                             So don’t forget to check out this
Highlights include a number of                                                                          great event.
language changes, increases in Health       Flex n Gate                                                      We will be planting two trees on
                                                                                                        this day just prior to the celebration in
and Welfare, Bereavement, Shift Pre-           As of this writing, we are currently,
                                                                                                        honour of John Toth and Don White.
mium, wage increases of $1.50 over          in bargaining at Flex n Gate Canada                         Forever our Brothers, as they may go
the life of the agreement for all classi-   and Catalent. We wish them well.                            but are never forgotten.
   Also, a signing bonus was obtained
and a commitment letter The commit-
tee went to deadline bargaining to
                                                                                 Established 1952

achieve the new agreement.
    Congratulations to Lloyd Tierney,
                                                       The Guardian
previous Chairperson, Rose Foster,
Vice Chairperson, Bryan Adam, Com-
                                                                INC. OF WINDSOR, ON
                                                 The Directors are:
                                               Local 195–Sarkis Gaspar, Sec.-Treas.
mitteeperson, Theresa Farao, National          Local 200–John D’Agnolo, Dan Cassady

Representative, John Toth, President,
                                               Local 240–Jodi Nesbitt, Stacey Ferguson
                                               Local 444–Dave Cassidy, James Stewart,
Local 195, Emile Nabbout, Vice Pres-
                                                                                                                   FINE TOUCH                 COMMERCIAL
                                               Local 1498–Steve Morash, Allison St. Pierre                          GRAPHICS                  PRINT-CRAFT

ident Local 195.
                                               Local 1941–Bob Ashton, Dean Mitchell

                                               Local 1959–Bill Wark, Matt Kelly
                                               Local 2027–Steve Taylor, Steve Moon                                      GORD GRAY, Editor

Romeo Machine Shop                             Local 2458–Tullio DiPonti, Ken Durocher

   On December 12, 2018, we ratified                                  The Guardian, 1855 Turner Road, Windsor, Ontario, N8W 3K2

an agreement with substantial wage in-
                                                   Telephone (519) 258-6400, Fax 258-0424. Address changes should be directed to your Local Union Office

                                Area Unifor Retirees Executives
                support Oshawa Workers in their fight to keep their plant from closing!
                                                                                                                                          The Guardian – 11
  Together We Can Continue                                                                Sarkis Gaspar
                                                                                            Sec. Treasurer
  to Build and Maintain the                                                                Unifor Local 195
                                                                                           Email: finance@
  Momentum . . .                                                                

     t is an extraordinary honour to        workplaces, families and in the broad-        on the financial aspect of the local in
     write to you as the newly ac-          ercommunity in general here in the            the capacity of Trustee Chair or Secre-
I    claimed Financial Secretary Trea-
surer of Unifor Local 195. I have a
                                            Windsor EssexArea as well as
                                            throughout Canada.
                                                                                          tary Treasurer
                                                                                                Late November of 2018, we sud-
long history with Local 195 and came                                                      denly lost our brother Don White (Sec-
out of the Kautex Textron Operation in                                                    retary Treasurer), Don was a long
Windsor serving the membership there             Since officially taking office in        serving Union Rep. who throughout
                                            Unexpected Changes
for the last 26 uninterrupted years as      early February, the Local has been in-        his long career showed strong will and
their Chairperson.                          credibly busy in several rounds of bar-       courage.Don White was the type of
     I am so thankful for the support I     gaining, some of which are ongoing as         leader who believes that leadership is
have received throughout those years        I draft this report . . . (I will update in   not about being in charge, but it is
by the Membership at Kautex, and at         subsequent writings) . . . and has un-        about taking care of those in charge.
the Local 195 level as well. I do not       dergone some incredibly unexpected            Don will be missed.
have the words to express my deep ap-       changes on many other fronts to say               How much we can take as a Local?
preciation to you all.                      the least.                                    We have had to deal with some very
                                                                                          significant leadership changes and cir-
    I bring to this Secretary Treasurer                                                   cumstances.
position a background in accounting             I guess it is our fate at Local 195 to          My condolences goes out to John
                                            . . . Another leader falls . . .
and bookkeeping, as well as my expe-        lose one leader after another. Late No-       Toth’s entire family, his wife Shelley
rience and previous role as the Chair-      vember was Don White; Now is John             and his children and also to Don
person of the Trustees of Local 195. I      Toth.                                         White’s family as well.
will work hard on your behalf and               April 4th was the date of our Pres-           It is my sincere hope that under the
keep the finances of the Local on the       ident John Toth met with his fate. John       Local 195 Leadership of Tammy
right track and this will be without        was the type of leader who always saw         Pomerleau (Acting President), Emile
compromising the representation of          opportunities in every difficulty pre-        Nabbout (Acting 1st VP) and the Sup-
the membership, nor Local 195’s pres-       sented, rather than the difficulty in
ence in the community.                                                                    port Staff of Shelly and Tim that we
                                            every opportunity. His leadership was         can continue to work together to
                                            groundbreaking and took stride in             achieve what John Toth and Don
      I hope that I am able to live up to   everything he did. It was his dream to
the faith that you have placed in me.                                                     White had envisioned for us and set
                                            be the voice of those wo had no voice         out to do and that was put Unifor Local
Moreover, I am looking forward to           and continued working tirelessly to de-
working together for the betterment of                                                    195 and its Membership front and cen-
                                            liver on this and to do them proud in         tre in the Community once again and
our Membership and the Local in gen-
                                            the process.                                  that we can continue to be the catalyst
eral. I will be here to represent you, I
                                                 Mr. Toth stayed active in the local      for positive change and continue to ad-
will be here to defend you, I will be
                                            union movement until the last hours of        vocate for those who are under
here to stand up for you, and I will be
here to learn from you, and as the Sec-     his life. Two weeks prior to his death,       worked, under paid and feel marginal-
retary-Treasurer, I will welcome your       John asked the local full time officers       ized and for those that are of the opin-
opinions, your thoughts and your            and the support staff to come over to         ion that they do not have a voice in
input.                                      his residence. John asked every single        “Our Union”.
    I strongly believe that, together we    representative about their assignments             This, we believe is what John Toth
can continue to build and maintain the      and encouraged them to keep working           and Don White wanted for their Mem-
momentum our Local has achieved             to the betterment of the Local and the        bership and it is our hope we can work
over the last couple of years. We can       Membership.                                   tirelessly to deliver on this and to do
remain in the forefront for the kind of          I feel privileged that I was part of     them proud in the process.
positive change we want to see for our      his team, and worked closely with him
                                                                                                               . . . cont’d on next page
The Guardian – 12
   . . . Sarkis Gaspar
                                           John and Don will be forever
                                         remembered but never forgotten!
       Our 38th Annual Al Carriere
Our Golf Tournament
Memorial Golf Tournament will be in
support of the Canadian Cancer Soci-
ety this year. The tournament will be
held on Saturday, June 1st, 2019 at
Sutton Creek Golf & Country Club.
     With the continued support of our
members and friends, we look forward
to making this year’s event a great
     Hope to see you there…

                                                                  The Guardian – 13
LOCAL 2458
                                                                                                          Tullio DiPonti
   Bill 74 threatens                                                                                          President
                                                                                                           Unifor Local 2458

   Public Health Care                                                                                      Ken Durocher

        ighty jobs eliminated at our      deadly infections, like C-diff.
        hospital. That was the an-
                                              Often, these jobs are the first to    Minister Elliott insists that we will
E       nouncement from Windsor
Regional Hospital on Friday, April
                                          go. We’ve seen a steady decline
                                          over the last couple of decades. But
                                                                                    still have public health care, but
                                                                                    that’s clearly absent in the text.
                                          as hospital acquired infections in-          Bill 74 creates a health care super-
     We don’t know the details yet.       creased, smart hospitals made a con-      agency, Ontario Health, whose 16
In fact most of what we know, we          scious decision to clean up their act.    member board has already been ap-
heard from the media. Our meeting         In fact, Windsor Regional actually        pointed. Their compensation is se-
is scheduled with CEO David               increased housekeeping two years          cret. Based on the trajectory of this
Musyjs for next week. It won’t be         ago to keep patients safe.                legislation, many mergers, takeovers
pleasant. We will do what we can to
                                              Make no mistake. This decision        and “integrations” would result in
mitigate the affects on our current
                                          will put patients at risk.                the concentration of health care ser-
members, but these jobs will be lost
                                               Sadly, this is just a piece of the   vices being controlled by a small
for future generations.
                                          big picture in Ontario. With almost       number of large health care con-
    The message from the hospital is                                                glomerates.
                                          no consultation (30 were selected to
consistent. The jobs lost are consid-
                                          present to committee of the more                But here is the kicker. Bill 74
ered “non-clinical”, like housekeep-
                                          than 1600 that applied), Bill 74 is       does not include a stated commit-
ing and dietary. But let’s be clear.
                                          likely to pass with Premier Ford’s        ment to the provision of health ser-
Dietary workers ensure proper meals                                                 vices by not-for-profit organizations,
                                          clapping caucus doing as they are
reaching hundreds of patients. An                                                   nor does it include a commitment to
error could result in an allergic reac-                                             the principles of the Canada Health
tion or choking. Housekeepers don’t            Ironically titled “The People’s
                                                                                    Act, like the principle of publicly-ad-
just clean rooms. They prevent the        Health Care Act” Bill 74 threatens
                                                                                    ministered care.
spread of infections, – sometimes         public health care as we know it.
                                                                                                       . . . cont’d on next page

                      HEALTH CARE RALLY
                              Chartwell Oak Park Terrace

The Guardian – 14
severe and have lasting conse-             We don’t need buck-a-beer
                                          quences. April 30th we will do the     or new slogans on our license
                                          same for health care. And if you       plates. We need public services.
 . . . cont’d from previous page
 Tullio DiPonti
                                          can’t make it, you can still make a
                                          difference. Call you MPP. Call or
                                                                                 We need good jobs, especially
                                          text the Premier. His cell number is   for our kids. We need to fight
     Imagine a public hospital oper-                                             back!
ated by a for-profit corporation. This
Bill does nothing to prevent that sce-
   We already know the private sec-
tor does not do health care better.
For-profit nursing homes deliver a
lower standard of care. Tests in for-
profit labs cost more than when done
in public hospitals. Both expand
their profit margins on the backs of
the front-line workers.
      The motions are being put in
place for private clinics to charge for
services. The Ford government is
floating ideas of what they can delist
from OHIP. Two-tier health care is
right around the corner if we don’t
stand up.
     As I write this, thousands have
                                            Local 2458 Vice-President Shelley Smith speaks to other Health Care
taken to the lawn of Queen’s Park to         Unifor members at the Round Table Consultation recently held in
protest cuts to education that will be      Windsor which is one of many series of the Ontario Health Coalition.

                             Easter Seals 2019

                                                                                                    The Guardian – 15

    The SWORC Council meets monthly to discuss the recreational activities
for our respective Locals and Unifor sponsored tournaments. We encourage
all Unifor members and their families to get involved and take advantage of
these and other events we coordinate throughout the year. There is no other
union that gives back to its members in terms of entertainment and recreational
events. Visit our website for more information or join
our group “UNIFOR SWORC” on Facebook.

     On January 27th, the Annual              The annual SWORC Moonlight          • NATIONAl “BUD
SWORC Regional 10-Pin Bowling            Bowling tournament was held on             JIMMERFIElD FISHINg
Tournament went very well with 36        February 24th 2019 at Rosebowl              TOURNAMENT
teams participating. There was a lot     Lanes. This event continues to be an
                                                                                    Sunday, May 19, 2019
of positive feedback from the            extremely popular event with our
                                                                                    AMA Sportsmen Club
bowlers thanking us for continuing                                                  Amherstburg
                                         members and retirees with over 100
to host this event. Thanks to the team                                            • SWORC REgIONAl
                                         couples participating. A fun night
of volunteers from Unifor Locals                                                    gOlF TOURNAMENT
across the region for helping run this   every year with food, refreshments,
                                         trick shots and prizes. Congratula-
                                                                                    Sunday, May 26, 2019
event.                                                                              Roseland golf Course
     Here are the results with handi-    tions to the committee for another         Windsor
cap:                                     fantastic year hosting and thank you
Men’s Team                      Score    to all that participated.                      Check our Website at

                                              Top placers in this fun tourna-
John Thivierge. Loc. 200         3371                                                   and/or join our group
Jean Barrette, Loc. 444          3350    ment were Barb Yott and Steve Hoy                “UNIFOR SWORC”
Women’s Team                             with 1332, Chris Lee and John Bat-         on Facebook for applications,
Tina Silverio, Loc. 341-0        3113    son 1302, Jessica Cowie and Jim            future tournaments and past

Patty Napier, Loc. 195           3085    Fowler 1165.
                                                                                         tournament results.

Men’s Singles
Gary Dunn, Loc. 1973               737
Jamie Charles, Loc. 195            736
Women’s Singles
Jessica Batson, Loc.195           753
Patty Napier, Loc. 195            726

      In March, our retirees got to-

gether for a social and competed in
their Annual “Bill Percy” Euchre
Tournament. The only prerequisite is
that you have to be a retiree. Our re-
tirees got together for a fun-filled
day of cards and food. Thanks to Jim
Closs and Linda Closs for once again
hosting this event.                           Unifor members seen at Jack Battersby Memorial Crib and
                                                               Euchre Tournament
The Guardian – 16
       President’s Report                                                                                              NESBITT
                                                                                                                     Unifor local 240

                                                                     to benefits, received an additional holiday and increased hours
    Last year was an exciting year for our Secretary-Treasurer,      for their full time. The tone at the table with the employer this
Welcome Back to Stacey

Stacey Ferguson. She and her husband Rick became proud par-          round was quite different. Elizabeth Espesito, Executive Di-
ents again as they adopted two more children. Stacey took            rector worked collaboratively to reach a fair and respectful deal.
parental leave to be home with them for the transition and I am      Thank you to Jack Robinson for his assistance in achieving this
incredibly proud of both their love and dedication for these         great agreement!
beautiful children. Their brothers, Dylan and Lucas have been
gracious to share their parents with their new brother and sister.
                                                                           Since the writing of my last report, we were successful in
                                                                     Caboto Club
We are all very happy for their family. We missed her im-
                                                                     negotiating a new collective agreement on behalf of over 100
mensely in the office while she was off, and I am thrilled to
                                                                     members at Caboto Club. We were able to do this because of
have her back. She is doing a great job on behalf of our mem-
                                                                     the strong support and the strike mandate that the members gave
bership and helps everything run smoothly.
                                                                     the union committee. This was despite the many attempts at
                                                                     scare tactics from those not in support of the strike mandate nor
      I want to congratulate Tim Fitzgerald, Chairperson and         our union. I applaud these workers for their confidence and the
Local 195 Office Staff

Shelly Gouin, Committeeperson for negotiating a new three-           respect that they gave to the bargaining committee. This ab-
year collective agreement. They were successful in reaching a        solutely changed the direction of bargaining.
deal that brought increases to their benefits and wages along            The bargaining committee was so diligent and prepared and
with many language improvements. Thank you to Jack Robin-            that is why we were able to achieve a great first collective
son, our National Staff Representative, for his expertise and as-    agreement. I want to personally commend the committee:
sistance in achieving this great deal.                               Marybeth Punzalan, Alyssa Angelini and Giorgio DiNatale,
                                                                     who all went above and beyond to complete this difficult round
                                                                     of bargaining. They were faced with much adversity for their
     A great agreement was reached with H.I.A. because of the        assumed roles they had in organizing the workplace, even
Harmony In Action

hard work and dedication of the bargaining committee, Sara           though many workers supported and signed cards to belong to
Chenier, Chairperson and Renee Martin, Committeeperson.              Unifor. I am extremely proud of their passion and commitment.
They were faced with some difficult decisions, they thought it           This committee is a great example of leaders who are fierce,
through and negotiated the best agreement on behalf of the en-       determined and fearless. Because of that, we were able to
tire membership. In addition to wage increases for each mem-         achieve wage increases, health and safety language, scheduling
ber, they were able to fix the wage gaps between classifications     language, holiday pay in accordance with the ESA, an addi-
where requirements were no longer required. They made gains          tional holiday for full time, benefits for full time, among so
                                                                     many other improvements.
                                                                            The club has been under great scrutiny for not allowing
                                                                     women on their executive board. They have been boycotted by
                                                                     many in our community, which has had an impact on their job
                                                                     security. Despite this, they did not back away from joining Uni-
                                                                     for and they continued to take on the injustice’s workers had
                                                                     faced without the union.
                                                                           Thank you to our national staff representative, Mina Sara-
                                                                     jcic, for her strong support and tenacity, which ensured we re-
                                                                     ceived an agreement that was respectful and fair.
                                                                          The committee is working tirelessly to implement the new
      From Left to right: Renee Martin, Jodi Nesbitt,                agreement. We thought that the negotiations were going to be
             Sara Chenier, Jack Robinson                                                                           . . . cont’d on next page
                                                                                                                     The Guardian – 17
agreement that worked for both sides. Thank you to Danielle for
                                                                   her willingness to work together to reach a fair deal.
                                                                      The part time members who didn’t have much stability or fore-
  Jodi Nesbitt                          . . . cont’d
                                                                   cast to their work schedules, now have a better and more struc-
                                                                   tured schedule that allows them to plan their life. It also benefited
                                                                   the company by making scheduling more consistent and easier to
                                                                   plan for the business
                                                                        I want to thank Jolayne Janisse, Chairperson, along with her
                                                                   committee Trish Bruner and Ashley Meloche for their collabora-
                                                                   tion and hard work that they put into getting this excellent agree-
                                                                   ment. They truly put their heart into every discussion and that
                                                                   was proven by the final agreement.
                                                                       Thank you to our national staff representative, Mina Sarajcic,
                                                                   for all the excellent work that she put into bringing this together.
Caboto Club Bargaining Committee: From Left to right in
front: Mina Sarajcic, National Staff Representative, Mary-
       beth Punzalan, Jodi Nesbitt, Alyssa Angelini.
              Back row: Giorgio DiNatale.                                At the time of this writing, we are currently in negotiations
                                                                   Beach Grove Golf & Country Club

                                                                   with BGGCC. I am hoping by the time this is published we will
the most difficult part, however, we couldn’t have been more
                                                                   be able to reach a deal. This has been difficult round, as the com-
wrong with that assumption. We have had the language dis-
                                                                   pany came to the table with 6 pages of concessions. This is a
puted by the employer, which has, in turn, created a large
                                                                   membership who hasn’t had a wage increase in over 9 years. Even
amount of grievances. We are hopeful that we will be able to
                                                                   after the employer locked them out and rolled back their wages
avoid arbitration and come to a resolve with the company.
                                                                   when they left SEIU and came to CAW, now Unifor, they still did-
                                                                   n’t demand raises to bring them back to their original wages from
     I am happy to report that we reached an agreement with        10 years ago. They are still not at the wages they were 10 years
Motor City Community Credit Union

the employer and ratified on March 8, 2019. The committee          ago. They have sacrificed many monetary gains to help the em-
worked very hard in making gains for their membership. They        ployer afford renovations to attract new members. It is time that
were able to make wage increases, gains to their vision/mas-       the employer respects and acknowledges these significant sacri-
sage and other monetary improvements. Many of our difficult        fices. These are the workers that provide the members at Beach
conversations were surrounded around language and the inter-       Grove the exceptional food and service they’ve come to expect.
pretation of it. We were not successful over the last two agree-   They will not be able to retain workers at the level that they are
ments to make any movement on those issues with the previous       currently paying. This is their livelihood! We will not tolerate
CEO. This round of bargaining, the tone was entirely different     concessions or stagnant wages. It seems that in each round of ne-
and much more productive. The company had their VP of              gotiations, we are faced with a new club manager, who doesn’t
Human Resources, Danielle Bombardier, to lead negotiations         have the history, knowledge or respect for the union. This is very
on behalf of the company. She brought management with her          troublesome.
who understood the work so that decisions could be made.                I am hoping my next report will have a positive outcome for
This made conversations and decisions much easier to get an        all involved.

                                                                   Welcome to our Young Worker

                                                                       I am excited to introduce our newest board member, Michelle
                                                                   Executive Board Member

                                                                   Boots who is our Young Workers’ Executive Board member.
                                                                   Michelle has been a fantastic addition to our board, bringing a
                                                                   fresh perspective and enthusiasm that will motivate young work-
                                                                   ers to be involved in our union. Michelle attended the Youth Con-
                                                                   ference held in Toronto in December.
                                                                        She accepted the position and within a few short months or-
 From Left to Right: Ashley Meloche, Jodi Nesbitt, Tricia          ganized a terrific evening at House of Pong for young workers
      Bruner, Mina Sarajcic and Jolayne Janisse.                                                                    . . . cont’d on next page
The Guardian – 18
our local and to our executive board. She will be attending the
                                                                 Aboriginal and Workers of Colour conference in June. We
                                                                 know that this is the beginning of great things to come. Our
  Jodi Nesbitt                         . . . cont’d
                                                                 union and our local require diversity in order to ensure we are
                                                                 fully representing all our members. There is no doubt that
                                                                 Marybeth will give 100% to this role.

                                                                      It has been a painful six months since my last report. We
                                                                 In Honour for Local 195 Brothers

                                                                 have lost two very important brothers from our union who were
                                                                 leaders of Local 195.
                                                                    First Don White, Secretary-Treasurer in December and then
                                                                 John Toth, President of Local 195 in April. We are deeply sad-
                                                                 dened for the membership of Local 195 and our Local 240
                                                                 members who work in the office at 195, Shelly and Tim for the
                                                                 losses they have endured. We too, as a labour movement, have
                                                                 lost incredibly strong brothers who were truly committed to
                                                                 workers and our union. They will be at the forefront of my
                                                                 mind whenever I am defending workers rights. That is how
to meet up. Participants came together and enjoyed a ping pong   we will remember them and keep their memory alive.
tournament, ate pizza, and shared in comradery. I want to per-       Our deepest condolences to their family and friends. Rest
sonally thank Michelle for going above and beyond. I’m so        easy Don and John!
excited to watch this committee flourish under her leadership.
    On behalf of our executive board, we thank Allen Bistany
for being our Youth Chairperson prior to Michelle. Allen was
an asset and a great support to our local. Thanks, Allen. All
the best to you, Allen.

   I am proud to introduce our Worker of Colour Chairperson,
Worker of Colour Chairperson

Marybeth Punzalan, who is the chairperson of the Caboto Club.
I am truly excited for the perspective Marybeth will bring to

                                                                 Local 240 members wearing red on April 9 to highlight
                                                                 the gender wage gap that continues in our country.
                                                                 Wearing red symbolizes the gap that continues to leave
                                                                 women in the red by April 9. We will not stop raising
                                                                 awareness of the inequality until our government cre-
                                                                 ates concrete laws to ensure the gap is closed. Under
                                                                 Doug Ford’s leadership, the Pay Transparency Act is
                                                                 being stalled.

  Unifor Local 240 delivered draw string back packs
   filled with toiletries and a Valentine’s Day treat.
                                                                                                               The Guardian – 19
  Federal Election 2019                                                                             Secretary Treasurer
                                                                                                     Unifor Local 240

                                                              SWORC meets every second Wednesday of the month.
Volunteering for

    With a federal election on the horizon, it is important
Tracey Ramsey

that we volunteer for a government that cares about the
core principles of Canadians. We know based on what
is happening in Ontario, the Conservatives don’t meet
these core principles and that is why we must get out
there to share the real information with voters. All of
our local NDP MPs represent our area well, and we
know that the riding of Essex will be under attack in this
upcoming election. We must do everything we can to
ensure Windsor Essex is represented by the current MP’s
    Tracey Ramsey, MP of Essex has been a strong voice
in Ottawa for all Canadians and she requires a strong
volunteer base to ensure she can continue the good fight.
     There are many different types of volunteering that
                                                              Valentine’s Day at W.E. Trans
                                                              Supporting Our Community

can be done like dropping off flyers or participating in           W.E. Transgender and Allied Support is a local or-
phone banks if you are comfortable doing so. Please           ganization whose mission is to enhance and sustain the
consider taking some time over the next several months        health and well being of transgender, gender queer, two
to help with this very important campaign.                    spirit, gender non-binary, sexual diverse and gender and
     You can contact any of their offices for more infor-     sexual questioning communities and their families.
mation on how you can help and make a difference in                W.E. Trans does this through many activities, pro-
such a pivotal election.                                      grams and services that create community and empow-
Tracey Ramsey – Essex – 519-776-4700                          erment, as well as advocate for civil and human rights.
Cheryl Hardcastle – Windsor-Tecumseh, 519-979-2707                Visit their website for more information: https://we-
Brian Masse- Windsor West – 519-255-1631            
Eric Mailloux - Local 240 Health & Safety

  The Executive Board of Local 240 would like to con-             On January 23, 2019 Local 240 members travelled
                                                              GM Oshawa Rally

gratulate Eric on his new role as Local 240 Health &          to Oshawa to participate in the Save Oshawa GM Cam-
Safety Representative. Eric is a member of the Joint          paign at GM Headquarters. This rally sent a strong mes-
Health & Safety Committee at Green Shield Canada and          sage of the utter disappointment in the announcement
we know he will be a great person to assist our local with    GM made in November 2018.
providing support to our workplaces. Welcome, Eric!
SWORC – South Western Ontario

    Looking to meet other Unifor members while partic-
Recreational Committee

ipating in fun events and activities?
    Think about getting involved with SWORC.
    SWORC offers many different activities like bowl-
ing, cards and volleyball so please check your union
board and you can visit our website
for upcoming events.                                                                                 . . . cont’d on next page
The Guardian – 20
volumes about their genuine concern for their commu-
           Stacey Ferguson                                   nity and we were happy to be there in support of these
                       . . . cont’d                          workers as well as to donate to such a worthy cause.

    The “restructuring” decision by GM was made not in
a time of financial crisis for the Company but rather in a
time when GM was performing well in the market.
Local 222 members at GM Oshawa have been building
outstanding products for many, many years that have re-
ceived quality awards and these workers have been there
for GM. It is a shame for GM to abandon and disregard
these workers in the middle of a collective agreement.
This loss of good jobs in Ontario is concerning and the
message it sends to big business is a dangerous one for
all Canadians.
     Campaigns like these are so very important for all
workers, and when big business believes that bailing out
on a negotiated Collective Agreement is okay and our              At the time of writing, ONA members continue to
sisters and brothers are struggling with emotion and fear    strike after voting against ratifying a tentative agreement
over their uncertain futures, we must all stand together     and they continue to need our support. Please stop by
and fight for these jobs. Together we are strong.            and see them.

                                                                On March 20, 2019 Local 240 stood in solidarity with
                                                             Student Walk Out

                                                             students from University of Windsor in protest of Doug
                                                             Ford’s cuts to post-secondary education and the attack
                                                             on independent student unions. These attacks are a con-
                                                             cern for education workers too as they will likely result
                                                             in job loss.

     Local 240 members supporting GM Oshawa
       workers at a rally in downtown Windsor
                on January 11,2019.

     On March 15, 2019 Local 240 participated in a rally
Strike Support for ONA

supporting striking ONA members from The Windsor
Health Unit. During this rally workers held a diaper
drive with the donation going to The Downtown Mis-
sion. They have continued to support this community by
sponsoring a blood drive for Canadian Blood Services,
volunteering at the Street Help Homeless Centre and also          This government has proven to be relentless since
challenging their colleagues at Windsor Regional Hos-        coming into power and we must stand against all of the
pital to bring personal care products to the picket line     attacks that affect students and education workers.
with these donations going to New Beginnings and The              Keep your eyes open for further actions in the near
Bridge Youth Resource Centre. All of these things are        future.
being done while they themselves are facing difficult            With spring finally here, I hope everyone is enjoying
times and an employer who has been unwilling to nego-        the nicer weather and is looking forward to a great sum-
tiate a respectable agreement. This action speaks            mer with family and friends.

                                                                                                       The Guardian –21
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