LOOKING FORWARD FROM FEBRUARY - A month after Christmas, which brought - The Shire House

Page created by Tracy Robinson
LOOKING FORWARD FROM FEBRUARY - A month after Christmas, which brought - The Shire House
 mail: newsletter@lostwithiel.org.uk

                                                                                     R E E

                                                       Tel: 01208 873 630
                               FEBRUARY  . . .

A   month after Christmas, which brought
    Covid to so many families, here we
are going into February, looking forward
                                                prioritise seeing people and doing things
                                                which make us happy. Though it’s still cold
                                                and wintry, the birds are beginning to pair
to 2022 and wondering what this year will       up, the first flowers are beginning to show,
          PUBLISHED BY THE LOSTWITHIEL          and by the end BUSINESS      GROUP
                                                                   of the month    it will be
We have endured almost two years of Spring.
having our family life, friendships, activities
and events curtailed by the constraints of So let’s go ahead, take advantage of all
the evolving Covid pandemic, so many of that Lostwithiel has to offer – which is
us are resolved to make 2022 a year we a great deal for such a small town – and
can enjoy. We are resolved to go out into enjoy being part of our community through
the world more – albeit cautiously – and 2022. What sort of year will it be?

  Credit: Rebecca Molyneux, LoveLostwithiel
LOSTWITHIEL LOCAL PRODUCE MARKET – Lostwithiel Scout Hut, 4th SATURDAY of                          Kernow Pilates with Michelle 10.30-11.30am & 11.40am -12.40
  each month from 10am -1pm + Zero Waste Mobile Shop. Next market: FEBRUARY 26th 2022              Drama 5.15-6pm
  Contact: Lostwithiel Farmer’s Market Facebook Page or Helen coppergon@hotmail.co.uk              Kundalini Subtle Yoga with Wendy 6.30-7.30pm
LOSTWITHIEL ANTIQUES & COLLECTABLES MARKET First Saturday of each                                  THURSDAYS
  month, in the Scout Hut 10am-1pm FEBRUARY 5th, MARCH 5th Contact: Jill 01503 240768 or Ann       Giggles & Dribbles - 9.30-11.40
  01503 240297.                                                                                    Strickly 1-2pm
SUNDAY 13th FEBRUARY: ANTIQUES FAIR Main Hall Community Centre from 10am                           Ashiita-Kai Karate Cubs 3.30-4pm, Juniors 4-5.30pm
                                                                                                   Short Mat Bowls 7-8pm
EVENTS                (subject to Covid restrictions in place on the day)                          YOGA STUDIO
Tue 8th FEBRUARY: Garden Soc ‘PRIMULAS’ talk by Caroline Stone Church Rms 7.30pm                   Step Aerobics 9.15am
Tue 15th FEBRUARY: Lostwithiel Labour MEETING venue tbc 5.30pm                                     Somatic Movement Therapy 10.30am
Sat 19th FEBRUARY: KARAOKE NIGHT at the Royal Oak 8pm                                              Tai Chi 11.30am-12.30
Tue 22nd FEBRUARY: Old Cwll Soc ‘DAYS OF CLAY REVISITED’ FILM/TALK Church Rms 7.30                 Hello Body! Dance with Sam 6.30-7.30pm
Wed 23rd FEBRUARY: Floral Art Group MEETING & DEMO Lanhydrock Hall 2.30pm                          POST OFFICE 10am-1pm
Fri 4th MARCH: FHHS ‘A HISTORY OF CORNISH GIGS’ Fowey Church 2.30pm                                Woodturners 6-9 pm Oasis downstairs 9th December
Wed 16th MARCH: JOHNNY COWLING SINGS GOSPEL St Bart’s Church 7.30pm                                FRIDAYS
                                                                                                   Keep Fit (all ages - for the unfit!) 11am-12noon
                                                                                                   Children’s Ballet: 4.15-6.45pm various ages/classes
Cafe open Monday – Friday until 3.30pm, Sat until 3pm – Homemade Cakes, Breakfast Baps
See Community Centre Facebook Page or www.lostwithielcommunitycentre.org.uk                        Adults Ballet 6.45-7.45pm
for latest updates on events and activities                                                        Bootcamp 5.15- 6.15pm
                                                                                                   YOGA STUDIO
MONDAYS                                                                                            Somatic Movement Therapy 9am
Baby Ballet – various classes 9.15-11.10am                                                         Yoga for Wellbeing 10am & 11.30am
Pilates with Jess 9.30-10.30am
Lostwithiel Book Group meet 10.30am (second Monday each month) Dec 13th
                                                                                                   Kixx Football 9-11am various age groups from 2-6yrs
Town Band practise 5-7pm
Oasis Youth Club 7-9pm in the Cafe - to start later in February                                    SUNDAYS
Adults Boxercise 5.15-6.15pm & 6.30-7.30pm                                                         Short Mat Bowls 7-9pm Main Hall
Boxfit 7-8pm                                                                                       SCOUT HUT (MAIN CAR PARK) :
POST OFFICE 2.30-5.30pm                                                                            Antique & Collectors’ Market: Ist Saturday of the month 10am-1pm
                                                                                                   Produce Market: 4th Saturday of month (see above). 10am-1pm
Step Aerobics 9.15-10.15am
                                                                                                   Wholistic Yoga with Ariadne Fern Mondays 10.45-12.15 addy@theferns.info
Yoga for Wellbeing 10.30-11.30am
                                                                                                   Rainbows, Brownies, Cubs etc – check national websites for info
Pre-School Playgroup 9am-12 term time                                                              DRILL HALL (next to Co-op): Lostwithiel Army Cadets Tuesdays 6 -8.30pm
Lostwithiel Ruggers & Hookers 10am-12                                                              CHURCH HALL, CHURCH LANE:
Kixx Football (4-5yrs) 4-5pm (6-8yrs) 5-6pm indoors                                                Enquiries John Gilbert -01208 873 673 mobile 07437 013 173 or st.bartshall@gmail.com
Kids Boxercise 5 -5.30pm & 5.40 – 6.20pm                                                           Table Tennis: Mondays 6pm, Thursdays 1.30pm
Town Council Meeting 7pm (Main Hall first Tuesday each month) Dec 7th                              Lostwithiel WI; Next Meeting - Monday February 14th 2.15pm
YOGA STUDIO                                                                                        Lostwithiel Old Cornwall Society: Every 4th Tuesday – February 22nd 7.30pm
Chair Yoga & Somatics 9.15am
                                                                                                   Mid-Cwll Photographic Club: 1st & 3rd Wednesdays 6.30 to 8.30pm
Somatic Movement Therapy 10-11am/11.15-12.15
Osteopath-led Pilates: 2pm in the Yoga Studio with Adam.                                           Lost in Song Community Choir : Thursdays 7 pm
Zumba 6.30-7.30pm                                                                                  Lostwithiel Bingo Fundraisers: Friday evenings 6.30 for 7.30pm
Kernow Pilates with Michelle 5.45-6.45pm & 7-8pm                                                   Gateway Church: 5pm Sundays
WEDNESDAYS                                                                                         Community Cafe: Every Friday 10am-2pm
FLexcercise with Katy 10.30-11.30am                                                                LOSTWITHIEL SOCIAL CLUB, FORE STREET: Hoping to re-open soon
Tapacise 1.30-2.30pm
Pounding Excercise Kids 5-6pm Adults 6-7pm                                                         Lostwithiel Town Band: Ian Tregonning 01726 817 100 /Jane Richards 01208 871 278
Legs, Bums & Core Workout 6.15-7.15pm                                                              Lostwithiel Bowling Club: Now closed until April 2022For info ring 01208 871 784
Boogie Bounce 6.30-7.30 with Stacey
                                                                                                   Health Visitor Under 5s Clinic: For info ring Penrice 01726 74969
Lost Hope(!) Netball 7.45-8.45pm £4 session - just turn up!
YOGA STUDIO                                                                                        Lostwithiel Badminton Club – ring Eddie Sugar 01208 871 111 for info
Step Aerobics 9.15-10.15am
                                                                                                   Lostwithiel Memory Cafe: for info email martinausten@gmail.com or ring 01208 872 490

                                               The next Lostwithiel Newsletter is out on FRIDAY 4th MARCH 2022
                 Advertisements, Listings and Community News items can be handed in at Palace Printers, Quay Street, Lostwithiel, or emailed to:

              newsletter@lostwithiel.org.uk by 20th FEBRUARY 2022
                                                      Advertisements to be prepaid: cheques payable to Lostwithiel Business Group.
           Advert Payments may be handed in at Palace Printers as above, or posted to: Lostwithiel Newsletter c/o South Wing, Summers Street, Lostwithiel PL22 0BT.
                                                 All enquiries preferably by email, as above, or ring 01208 873 630
                      If you would like to receive Lostwithiel Newsletter monthly via email, please contact me at the above email address.
         If you have an event or regular group happening in Lostwithiel and the surrounding area, please do contact me to include it in Page 2 listings.
  DISCLAIMER: Lostwithiel Newsletter is an independent non-profit publication by and for the people of Lostwithiel and surrounding areas. It is published ‘under the
  umbrella’ of Lostwithiel Business Group but views and opinions expressed in the Newsletter do not necessarily reflect those of Lostwithiel Business Group. The editor
  reserves the right to refuse material for any reason whatsoever, and cannot be held responsible for any errors or omissions which may occur in this publication.

                                                                                                                                                         Debenie Morse - Editor
FROM THE MAYOR                                                   COMMUNITY CENTRE NEWS
                                                                                              Contact us on: 01208 872 207
                      In my first Column for 2022 I’d like to start                          or reception@lostwithielcommunitycentre.org.uk
                      by wishing everyone a belated Happy New                                            or find us on Facebook.
                      Year.                                                                      www.lostwithielcommunitycentre.org.uk
                     Sadly, in recent weeks we have lost two                   February is here already, and firstly I’d like to thank everyone who
                     gentlemen who both made outstanding                       was involved in making the Polar Express such a huge success! Over
contributions to the Town Council and our lovely town. Both                    500 children came to see Santa, which blew my mind - never in my
Honoured Burgess George Stuchberry and David Robson served                     wildest dreams did I ever think we could have achieved this !!!
as Mayors, and our thoughts are with their respective families at              HUGE HUGE THANK YOU to Jack Bristow, who designed and made the
this difficult time.                                                           Train and Sleigh, and played the Conductor. I have told him he
The Town Council has been working hard setting the budget                      can’t leave now I’ve found him, he’s in it with me now for good and
                                                                               has become a wonderful friend for life !! Thank you also to Jack’s
for the next financial year, 2022-2023; a copy is available on the
                                                                               wife Sally, who also helped - and let him spend so much time at
Council’s website.                                                             the Centre.
We currently have two Councillor vacancies, following the                      Another Huge Thank You goes to clever Sal Freeman and Jude Lang
resignation of Councillor Lindley and Councillor Micklethwaite,                from the Centre, who designed the Carriages and became Santa’s
both of whom I would like to thank personally for their time                   Elves. Thank You also to Rich Freeman, the Station Porter, and all
and commitment to the Council.                                                 the other Elves: Lucy, Lewis, Kate, Emma, Anthony, Jack H, and
                                                                               Nikki. More Big Thank Yous to the Reception helpers: Wendy, Sally,
As some of you may be aware, I was planning to hold a ‘Mayor’s
                                                                               Gillian and Gerald, and those who wrapped presents and helped
Hoe-Down’ in February to raise funds for my chosen charity,                    out in other ways: Jill, Pauline, Roo and Graham.
Cornwall Search Dogs. However, due to current high Covid 19
                                                                               Lastly, a HUGE THANK YOU to Santa Claus aka Martin! My thanks
levels, I have had to make the difficult decision to postpone the
                                                                               to everyone who was part of this project, and to Feast for their
event until later in the year, to ensure we keep our community                 help with a grant and Arnold Clark, Cornish Tea for their generous
safe.                                                                          donation .
Finally – and sorry to finish on a moan - can I once again ask                 And YES, I’m already thinking about 2022’s Grotto !!!
all dog owners to pick up after their dogs at all times. I have
                                                                               Nigel and Anna from the Antiques Fair send their apologies for
unfortunately received several complaints regarding dog mess                   having to cancel January's Antiques Fair - they are looking forward
around the town, and even more upsetting, received reports                     to seeing everyone at the next one on Sunday February 13th .
of other dogs picking up mess, becoming very poorly and
                                                                               NEW CLASSES AT THE CENTRE – Check our website for any updates
subsequently requiring treatment at the Vets.
                                                                               Lost Hope Netball: Wednesdays 7.45 - 8.45pm (after Boogie Bounce)
PLEASE, PLEASE PICK UP!                                                        Its fast, great fun, hilarious, tactical ,physical and it makes you
Cllr Karen Ross, Mayor of Lostwithiel.                                         sweat !!! ,
                                                                               Boogie Bounce: Wednesdays 6.30 -7.30pm with Stacey - book on line

                                                                               at www.gymcatch.com Click on Liskeard Boogie Bounce, find the
                                                                               date and go from there .
                                                                               Dance Class: Thursdays 6-7pm and 7.15-8.15pm with Sam Lawrance

    Window Repairs
                                                                               Osteopath-led Pilates: Tuesdays 2pm in the Yoga Studio with Adam.
                                                                               Massage /Reflexology /Meditation: Therapy Room with Rachel 07971
                                                                               007 331 for further information and appointments .
                                                                               Kundalini Subtle Yoga: This is a subtle class focusing on a slow
   Affordable quality window repairs!
                                                             NESS              mindful practice Kundalini yoga. It can help to regulate the
   We offer a fully comprehensive repair and             BUSI UAL              nervous system,reduce stress levels, reduce pain ,improve mental
   replacement service for the following services:-       AS U                 health,mobility,flexibility and help you feel empowered. These
                                                                               classes are suitable for everyone. Every Wednesday 6.30pm in the
      Glass Unit Replacement: We replace all glass from greenhouse to          Yoga Studio . For enquiries contact Wendy ..07855 267 915
            top of the range A-rated energy efficient units.                   Boxercise: with Lee in Oasis Studio 1- book or just turn up.
      Handles & Hinges: A vast range of sizes and colours.                     Mondays Adults Boxercise 5.15-6.15pm & 6.30-7.30pm
      Door & Window locks: We can repair or replace 99% of door and            Tuesdays Kids Boxercise 5 -5.30pm & 5.40 – 6.20pm
           window locks.                                                       Wednesdays Legs, Bums & Core Workout 6.15-7.15pm
      New Window or Door: We are Certass registered and supply a               Fridays Bootcamp 5.15- 6.15pm
          long guarantee on all new doors and windows.                         To book go to www.bookwhen.com/bsffitnessbootcamp
      Full Window & Door refurbishment: We offer a full refurb                 or email coleridge905@gmail.com or phone 07367 797 677
            service on doors and windows to make them great again.
                                                                               Pilates Kernow Pilates with Michelle: pre book only.
      Conservatory clean: We will clean your conservatory inside and out
           to make like new.                                                   Email or phone, michelle@kernowpilates.co.uk or 07967 100 691
      Drafty or Leaking Windows: We can cure this problem for you              Tuesdays 5.45-6.45pm and 7-8pm
            nice and easy.                                                     Wednesdays 10.30-11.30am and 11.40am-12.40
      OAP Discount: A nice 10% discount every time.

                FREE no obligation quote!                                                 CATHOLIC CHURCHES
              Call: 07711 350 226                                                             St. Mary and St. Petroc, Bodmin 72833
                 E-mail: kernowwindowrepairs@yahoo.com                                   St. Augustine and St. Monica, St. Austell 73838
                     www.kernowwindowrepairs.com                                    For Lostwithiel enquiries and Cornish/Catholic information
                                                                                               phone Fr. Robbie Low 01208 871517
LOSTWITHIEL – DON’T FORGET                                                   COVID 19
OMICRON’S STILL OUT THERE!                                                   INFORMATION & CONTACTS
Well! Christmas and New Year 2021/22 seems to have brought                   LOSTWITHIEL MEDICAL PRACTICE – NORTH STREET
Covid home to almost every family; fortunately most infections               SURGERY 01208 872 589 8am– 6.30pm
have been with the Omicron variant of the virus, which in most               COVID-19 BOOSTER JABS: Everyone aged 16 and over who
cases (though not all) causes less serious illness in previously             had a second dose of the COVID-19 vaccine at least 3 months ago
vaccinated people – but it is incredibly infectious! A Booster jab           can get a Booster dose. Some children aged 5 to 11 are eligible
                                                                             for a booster dose if they:-
has been shown to give very good protection against falling ill.
                                                                             Live with someone who has a weakened immune system (such as
Even with less severe illness, unpleasant symptoms can continue              someone who has HIV, has had a transplant or is having certain
for months after a Covid infection, so it’s worth avoiding.                  treatments for cancer, lupus or rheumatoid arthritis) or - Have a
                                                                             condition that means they're at high risk of getting seriously ill
A high level of Covid infections continues – you can catch Covid
                                                                             from Covid-19 www.nhs.uk/covid-vaccination .
more than once - and our overstretched ambulances, hospitals, GPs
and care services are still struggling to cope with high demand, so it       COVID-19 VACCINATION PROGRAMME: Ages 16 and over
                                                                             can book first or second Covid vaccinations online. Children
is sensible to continue with basic Covid precautions like facemasks
                                                                             aged 12 -15 can now be vaccinated. Visit www.nhs.uk/covid-
indoors in shops and at events, good ventilation, avoiding                   vaccination .
crowding, and hand sanitising. This is important to protect those
                                                                             Check our surgery website below for a wealth of useful up to
who through age or for other health reasons are more vulnerable              date information, including everything you need to know about
to serious infection. Outdoors is much less risky than indoors.              Covid, useful contacts, latest developments and treatment
Most now hospitalised with severe Covid are those who have not
been fully vaccinated, so get jabbed now if you haven’t already!             www.lostwithielmedicalpractice.nhs
Check the arrangements for Vaccinations or Boosters online                   Appointments:Please telephone to request an appointment. A
at www.nhs.uk/coronavirus or ring 119. There is lots of useful               GP or nurse will ring back to advise, and arrange a face to face
information online at www.cornwall.gov.uk/covid .                            appointment if necessary. For routine tests and appointments,
                                                                             please wait for the Surgery to contact you. Please wear a
There are still high levels of Covid infection in schools, so check          facemask when entering the surgery and use hand sanitiser. If
with your children’s school what their current rules are on wearing          unable to tolerate a facemask, please say so as you arrive. In wet
face masks.                                                                  weather bring an umbrella, as safe distancing may sometimes
                                                                             mean a wait outside. The NHS 111 Covid-19 website is regularly
Omicron Covid infections typically first show with cold or                   updated and we are encouraging everyone to look there for the
flu like symptoms – HEADACHE, SORE THROAT, RUNNY                             most up-to-date news: www.111.nhs.uk
NOSE – rather than the original well known symptoms of                       MOUNTCHASE PHARMACY, FORE ST, LOSTWITHIEL Ring
TEMPERATURE, COUGH, LOSS OF SENSE OF SMELL. Other                            01208 872 368            November: You can still pick up your
reported symptoms are EXHAUSTION, a FAST PULSE RATE,                         FREE Covid Lateral Flow Tests here, but you will now need to
and in some cases digestive syptoms like diarrhoea.                          get a Collect Code to show us first, either online from www.
                                                                             gov.uk or by calling 119 (free) from 7am-11pm. They will
FREE lateral flow Covid tests are still available from Mountchase            send a code by email or text. You will need a new code for
Pharmacy or can be ordered online, but you now have to get a                 each collection of up to 2 packs of 7 Rapid Lateral Flow Tests.
Collect Code FIRST, either online at www.gov.uk or by phoning 119.           Free delivery of prescriptions, call and collect service on other
Government advice is to self-test for Covid frequently, especially
before visiting anyone who may be at increased risk from infection,          LOSTWITHIEL COVID-19 SUPPORT GROUP :
like the elderly or those receiving cancer treatment, or with other          You can still catch Covid and infect others even if double jabbed,
ongoing health conditions.                                                   though your illness is unlikely to be life-threatening. You will
                                                                             still need to self-isolate if you test positive. Our local group
If you test positive on a lateral flow test you no longer need to            supporting those in self- isolation or in need is still here for you
confirm this with a PCR test (unless you need to claim Test & Trace          – for more details ring: Anthony 07597 935 037 - Emma
Support Payment). However you must still self-isolate.                       07731 837 107 - Kirsty 01208 872 207 or contact us on
You can leave self-isolation after 7 days IF YOU TEST NEGATIVE on a          HEALTH & MENTAL WELLBEING SUPPORT: abichanning@
lateral flow test on both day 6 and day 7 of self- isolation.                nhs.net
                                                                             Contact Abi Channing (3 Harbours Surgeries) on the email
                                                                             above for advice and link to specialist services (eg bereavement
                                                                             counselling, mental health support, volunteer befrienders) if
                                                                             you feel in need of some help locally.
                                                                             OUTLOOK SOUTH WEST www.outlooksw.co.uk have flagged
                                                                             CORNWALL NHS 24/7 Mental Health Support Line on 0800
                                                                             038 5300 which is there for everyone.
                                                                             CARRIAGE WORKS DENTAL PRACTICE             Ring 01208
                                                                             873290 or email enquiries@lostwithieldental.co.uk  for

                                                                             current situation re appointments and treatment www.
                                                                             PELYN VETS Ring 01208 872 254 to check, see FB page for
                                                                             any updates.
           Bringing Tenants and Landlords Together
                                                                             VOLUNTEER CORNWALL 01872 265 305 . Can put you in
                        Visit our website                                    touch with volunteer befrienders.
                                                                             SILVERLINE - for older people Ring 0800 4708 090
                    or give Debbie a ring on
                                                                             CORNWALL COUNCIL - Ring 0300 1234 100
                  01208 872171                                               WASTE/RECYCLING CENTRES: Numberplate system still
                                                                             in place – odd numbers on odd dates (eg 9th, 13th, 25th), even
                                                                             numbers on even dates (eg 4th, 10th, 28th)
FROM THE EDITOR                                                                ST BART’S NEWS
                                                                                 Winter is here, but the fluctuating temperatures keep us on our
  After a very long, grey January we can finally start                           toes as far as clothing goes. Birds seem to be having the same
  looking ahead to the New Year. Two years ago we were                           problems too; the blackbirds around the bird feeders are backwards
  just becoming aware of a new virus called Covid19 –                            and forwards almost as they do in breeding season. Though
  now, with the super-infectious Omicron variant, it                             gardens seems drab and dreary, we can now find bits of colour with
  seems to have affected almost every family, including                          snowdrops, camellias and spring bulbs starting to show, especially
  mine, but the vaccination and booster programme have                           after our hard work during lockdown. It is difficult to write about
  reduced its terrors for most of us. Although the virus is                      future Covid problems, but we have to be optimistic that boosters
  still very widespread, we hope the picture will improve                        are now helping us return to ‘normal’.
  through 2022, and that activities and events can safely                        This year is the Platinum Anniversary of the Queen’s reign, so we
  return.                                                                        are hoping to have some displays around the Church to celebrate –
  A sad goodbye to David Jackson, longstanding                                   more about this in future Newsletters.
  Newsletter volunteer, who died shortly before                                  February’s first Sunday is Rev’d Sheila’s Family Eucharist – what
  Christmas. Always immaculately turned out, David’s                             will her theme be? The second and fourth Sundays are Eucharist
  good humour, courtesy, and lively well-informed                                services, with the third being Morning Prayer. All these services are
  conversation will be much missed. Our condolences to                           at 11am. When there’s a fifth Sunday in a month, we have a United
  Sylvia – who also volunteers - and their family.                               Benefice service, with the six churches in the Benefice taking turns
                                                                                 to invite all the other churches to join their worship.
  Dave Robson, who died in January, will also be missed
  as someone who took a keen interest in Lostwithiel                             During 2022 we are questioning and consulting the ‘On The Way’
  life and made many contributions on current issues,                            process, designed to change the way Churches are governed and
  including to the Newsletter over the years.                                    run. I hope a lot of the Lostwithiel community, whether church-
                                                                                 going or not, have filled in the St. Bart’s Survey, so we can assess
  As editor, I can only hope that many others will follow                        how you want your Church to carry on in the future. Don’t be
  his example and send in thoughts, news, ideas and                              afraid to ask any of the PCC if you wish to know how far we have
  reminiscences to the Newsletter on anything that                               come in the process. There is a display board about ‘On the Way’ in
  involves and interests the Town. It is your Newsletter,                        St Barts – call in and find out more.
  and depends on you getting in touch each month – we                            The Friday Lunch Club/Community Cafe in the Church Rooms is
  love to hear from you, whether for ‘My Lostwithiel’,                           very successful, and with the proceeds we are able to organise trips
  ‘Suggestion Box’ or news on what you’ve been involved                          to local venues suggested by patrons. We encourage anyone who
  with in town.                                                                  lives alone and would like some convivial company and good food
                                                                                 to come along to enjoy lunch and a chat each Friday. For parents
  I seem to be having more success with my New Year’s                            and children, we are hoping to get Messy Church up and running
  resolutions by keeping them informal. Let’s just say that                      soon, so you can come along and join in the fun after school.
  friends, family and enjoyment are top priority for 2022
  despite the dire state of . . . almost anything you care to                    The Church is very mindful of the safety of our visitors, so we
  mention at the moment!                            Debenie                      continue to wear masks, keep our distance and hand sanitise. We
                                                                                 would ask everyone to follow these rules for the present.

Lost in Song, Lostwithiel’s popular Community Choir, is returning
to regular practice sessions this month with a change of leadership.
After almost a decade, founder and choir leader Emma Mansfield is
moving on to pursue other projects, and the choir will now be led
by Emily Foulkes and Jane Staffieri of Music for Good.
Lost in Song meets every Thursday evening at 7pm in the Church
                                                                                                 Come and visit Cornwall’s first
Rooms, starting on Thursday February 3rd. All are welcome – just                            ‘plough to bottle’ Gin & Vodka Distillery
come along if you are interested in joining.

     Thinking of selling?
     There’s a new name                                                                                         We offer:

     right here, in town.
                                                                                           Distillery Tours | Tutored Tastings | Gin Schools
                                                                                             Gin Masterclasses | Shop with free samples

    Our Fowey-based property sales professional has all the tools at
                                                                                                   Find us near Lostwithiel, Cornwall
   his fingertips to sell your property, efficiently and cost-effectively.
    To book a FREE valuation, just call or email Peter Robinson:                                     Bring a Friend For Free!
    07714 032757 / peter.robinson@oceanandcountry.co.uk                                    Book a ‘Guided Distillery Tour for Two’ online and
                                                                                           use code BAF50 at checkout to get a 50% discount!
                                                                                            Crewell Moor, Pelyn Cross. Lanlivery. Cornwall. PL22 0JG
         You can also visit our Looe office: 2a Barbican Parade,                              www.colwithfarmdistillery.co.uk | 01208 873967
    Barbican Road, Looe, Cornwall PL13 1EZ ● Tel: 01503 266980
Lostwithiel                                 LOOKING AHEAD: This time last year we had no idea when the
We're already a month into 2022 and many interest groups have               Museum would be allowed to reopen. It was a strange time but
started the year, with the positive expectation that activities will        the enforced closure was also a bonus. It provided a valuable
take place as much as our new ‘normal’ will allow. The prevalence           opportunity to make some major changes to how our exhibits are
of the Omicron covid variant caused the first open meeting of the           displayed, and the ways their stories are told. We believe these
year to be postponed; however the committee hope that as many               improvements have had a massive impact on how the Museum
as possible of the remaining planned.                                       is now perceived by both visitors and volunteers. Improving the
                                                                            visitor experience has continued to be a major focus during the
Open Meetings will take place - if not face-to-face then on                 current winter closure, in readiness for the new season which is
Zoom.                                                                       due to start on 4th April, when we look forward to welcoming you
Please check our website for the most up-to-date information about          to the ‘Biggest Little Museum in Cornwall.’
the different interest groups.                                              VOLUNTEERS: Our small independent Museum is totally reliant on
We hope to have made appropriate arrangements to be able to                 volunteers. From experience we know you can never have too
go ahead with our Open Meeting (Members Only) on Monday 7th                 many volunteers, and that we owe our success to these very special
March at 2pm in the Church Room.                                            people who generously give their time and skills to support their
                                                                            local Museum. We are currently contacting all our volunteers to
The Fire and Rescue Service will talk about their work,                     check on their availability for the forthcoming season. We are also
focussing on fire safety in the home, and road safety. It's salutary        looking for additional volunteers; to ‘meet and greet’ visitors and
to realise that over 80% of all casualties occur as a result of fires       help them get to know more about Lostwithiel; to help care for the
in the home, the majority of which are accidental and could have            exhibits; to contribute to Museum Matters, our magazine; to help
been prevented.                                                             with fundraising and social events; to be involved in individual
To ensure the Church Rooms are as Covid-19 safe as possible,                projects and one-off events, plus behind the scenes DIY projects.
current plans are:                                                          Please contact Maggie Lancaster on 01208 873 093 or Christine
                                                                            Walton on 01208 871 456 for more information on volunteering.
Talks will be open to members only Chairs will be set one metre
apart, so numbers may be restricted.                                        DIARY DATES FOR MUSEUM VOLUNTEERS: Please reserve Wednesday
                                                                            23rd March from 6 – 8pm, for a social get-together for all Museum
The committee requests that, unless exempt, members wear a face             volunteers (venue tbc and Covid permitting). We are also planning
mask until seated, and when they move.                                      to hold a series of workshops for Stewards during March. Final
Refreshments will not be served                                             dates and programmes will be circulated shortly. We know how
                                                                            important it is for volunteers to have opportunities to socialise
The above arrangements are subject to change according to current           and do regret that due to the pandemic previous attempts to get-
Covid guidance at the time                                                  together had to be cancelled.
U3A Contacts: Chair – Chris Dimond 01208 871 784                            MEMBERSHIP OF LOSTWITHIEL MUSEUM ASSOCIATION: A reminder
Membership – Sue Sargent 01208 368 935                                      that if you haven’t paid your £7 per household membership fee,
                                                                            your renewal for 2022 is well overdue. The renewal form was
www.lostwithielu3a.org.uk                                                   in Issue 11 of Museum Matters magazine distributed during
                                                                            September 2021. If you’ve mislaid the Renewal Form, or you’re not
NEW OASIS YOUTH CLUB AT                                                     sure whether you’ve renewed your membership, please contact
                                                                            the Membership Secretary via the Museum in Fore Street or the
LOSTWITHIEL COMMUNITY CENTRE                                                Museum website www.lostwithielmuseum.org Thank you to all
A new Youth Club is starting in the Community Centre after too              who renewed promptly, especially to those who added a donation
many years with no youth club in the town.                                  or completed the Gift Aid form. Gift Aid is important as it enables
                                                                            the Museum, as a charity, to claim an additional 25p for every £1
The Oasis Youth Club will be held on Mondays from 7-9 pm in the
Cafe at Lostwithiel Community Centre, and hopes to open during
February 2022, as soon as all of the necessary paperwork and                INFORMATION FOR PROSPECTIVE MEMBERS: If you are interested
formailities have been completed.                                           in local history and want to be involved in supporting your local
                                                                            Museum, then joining Lostwithiel Museum Association is the way
Please contact Richard Brown on 07546804 439 for more
                                                                            forward. Membership for the entire household remains at £7 per
                                                                            annum. This modest fee entitles you to receive two complimentary
                                                                            copies of Museum Matters magazine, plus an invitation to an annual
                                                                            social event and talk (Covid permitting). Gift Aid provides valuable
                                                                            additional financial support. To join please contact the Membership
                                                                            Secretary via the museum website: www.lostwithielmuseum.org or
                                                                            phone Christine Walton (Chair) for more information.
                                                                            MUSEUM WEBSITE: If you haven’t yet had an opportunity to look at
                                                                            our improved Museum, check our website to see the new 3D Tour
                                                                            of the Museum for a virtual walk-around : www.lostwithielmuseum.
                                                                            org. With many thanks for your interest and valued support,
                                                                            Christine Walton (Chair). Follow us on Facebook, Instagram, or
                                                                            twitter : httpps//twitter.com/lostmus

                                                                               Quality hardwood logs, locally sourced, split to
                                                                                            your requirements
                                                                                   Prices from £165 for a Land Rover load
                                                                                Please ring 01208 851804 to discuss delivery

                                                                              I appealed some time ago for help in erecting a memorial to one of
                                                                              our great local characters, Rachel John, who died in 2013. Rachel
                                                                              wrote the book of the Cornish Saints and helped her father write
                                                                              the Penguin Dictionary of Saints inter alia. She was a fluent Cornish
                                                                              speaker and a Bard. Her door at St Anthony’s (now the Solicitor’s)
                                                                              was ever open to all.
                                                                              My thanks to those who responded; a granite memorial has now
                                                                              been placed on Rachel’s grave, designed by nationally known
                                                                              stonemason Philip Chatfield, who knew Rachel. It reads simply,
                                                                              beneath her name and dates ‘Catholic Historian, Cornish Bard,
                                                                              Servant of God’. The stone is headed by a carving of the ‘Agnus’ –
                                                                              The Lamb of God, sign of the Church in times of persecution, and a
                                                                              reference to the heart of the Mass and the Presence of Christ.
                                                                              The memorial, in Lostwithiel Cemetery, Castle Hill, was blessed on
                                                                              February 2nd in a short service. Fr. Robbie Low

                                                                              OUR PLASTIC-FREE CHURCHYARD!
                                                                              At St Bartholomew’s we have our own Creation Care Champion,
                                                                              Katie Rollings. She is trying to make our churchyard the first, (we
                                                                              think) plastic-free one in the Benefice. To this end, she asks that
                                                                              anyone leaving flowers on their loved one’s gravestone takes the
                                                                              flowers out of their plastic wrapping, before placing them. The
                                                                              flowers can be composted once dead, but not the plastic.
                                                                              We would also ask that no plastic flowers are brought in, as they
                                                                              need to be moved when the grass is cut, and that vases of any sort
VOLUNTEERS NEEDED                                                             are not put on the gravestones. There have been a few instances
Citizens Advice has been helping people find solutions to their               when the strimmer has caught a vase and shattered it, which can
problems for 83 years, evolving over time as people’s needs have              be very dangerous, and means that we have to find and pick up all
changed. Originally a network of local organisations helping people           the sharp pieces. In the next few weeks the plan to ban plastic and
through the maze of wartime regulations, the emphasis shifted                 grave goods will be brought in, as we look forward to an eco-friendly
with the introduction of the welfare state in the 1940s and 50s. Our          churchyard in line with present directives from the Diocese.
nearest branch to Lostwithiel is in Bodmin.
Today, Citizens Advice Cornwall provides a vital lifeline to many
                                                                              2021 POPPY APPEAL
people having problems with benefits, debt, employment, housing,              After another year of uncertainty due to Covid-19, I am so pleased
relationship breakdown, discrimination and consumer issues. The               to see that the people and visitors of Lostwithiel dug deep once
coronavirus outbreak has added another new challenge for many                 again for this great cause. Huge thanks must go to Karin for helping
people, and over the last year, we helped 9,000 people from across            with the distribution of the collection boxes, Kath Townsend for
the county.                                                                   standing outside the Co-op in not-so-great weather, and Rene Sweet
                                                                              for helping with the counting of the monies collected. A very special
Our advice is free, independent and confidential – and we’re
                                                                              thanks goes to a great supporter of the RBL and one of the most
non-political and non-religious. Our service is open to everyone
                                                                              willing of volunteers, who will be greatly missed - Dave Robson RIP.
regardless of race, class, income or background.
                                                                              I am please to announce that this year’s Poppy Appeal raised a
As a local charity we’re embedded in the local community and
                                                                              fantastic £3430.46. On behalf of the RBL I thank each and every one
rely on volunteers across Cornwall as the backbone of our service.
                                                                              of you who kindly donated.
Volunteers come from all sectors of society, and can help out by
becoming frontline advisers, joining our fundraising team, working            Lostwithiel Poppy Appeal Organiser - John Henderson
as admin assistants, becoming a trustee or working for our research
and campaigns section.No previous experience is necessary for our                  LERRYN MEMORIAL HALL COMMITTEE
volunteer roles because full and thorough training is provided.
Volunteers say “ What I enjoy most is the rewarding feeling that                                        This is a
comes from helping someone find a way forward and knowing
we’ve helped make a difference, no matter how big or small.” “For                           ‘WANTED’
some people, Citizens Advice is the last port of call, so . . . as well
as knowing you’ve helped someone, you’ll also make great new
friends.”                                                                           At our AGM in March, we shall, very sadly, be losing the
                                                                                 services of Hilary Blakeborough, our very excellent treasurer,
As well as the main advice service, Citizens Advice also runs projects         and we need a replacement - as a charity, we can’t continue to
in Cornwall to help tackle some of the root causes of problems.                                         exist without one.
These include advice programmes aimed specifically at people with
                                                                                It’s a lovely building and a lovely committee to work with, and
mental health issues, victims of crime and domestic abuse and
those at risk of homelessness or victims of loan sharks. We also run              our monthly meetings don’t usually last more than about an
a specialist advice service for people with a cancer diagnosis with                                            hour.
the Macmillan cancer charity.                                                     Please do get in touch if you feel you could give us a hand.
                                                                                              Ann Henderson, Chair 01208 873 428
We also have successful education schemes to improve people’s
financial health and awareness and improve their prospects in life,                                   ann.lerryn@gmail.com
including courses to help young, unemployed people understand
budgeting and saving; helping vulnerable people with their
energy costs and helping new tenants understand their rights and
responsibilities when renting a home for the first time.
                                                                                             BOCONNOC CHURCH
If you’d like to help others in your community as a volunteer,                             1st, 2nd, and 4th Sundays -
we’d love to hear from you. You can find further information
on the available roles and training by visiting our website at                     Matins at 11am, led by a local worship leader.
www.citizensadvicvecornwall.org.uk or emailing volunteer@
citizensadvicecornwall.org.uk                                                  3rd Sunday each month at 9.30am - sung Eucharist,
If you need help or advice yourself, please contact our team by                                  led by the Rector
texting the word ADVICE to 78866 and we’ll call you back within
48 hours (excluding weekends) or you can call us on 0800-144-8848
Monday-Fri day 10am-4pm.
                                                                                       BOOK OF COMMON PRAYER
                      LIBRARY NEWS                                           Like so many fundraisers, last year was difficult for us with the
                                                                             first half of the year closed down because of Covid. As Easter was
                                                                             approaching, I decided to do a Raffle on our Facebook page, which
                TAPRELL HOUSE, NORTH STREET                                  was so well supportedthat we raised £500 for Cornwall Blood Bikes,
                                                                             which they gratefully appreciated.
BORROWING. The Click and Collect service will still be available             Then in August came the news we were all waiting for; yes we could
                                                                             start Bingo again. Within no time we raised £200, which was given
during the same hours for those who do not wish to spend time
                                                                             to the Community Centre towards their renovation of the changing
inside the building. Library users are requested to continue wearing         rooms.
face masks indoors, using hand sanitiser and observing social
                                                                             In September came another setback. I was out of action after having
distancing.                                                                  an op, but thanks to Paul, Janet, Tina and everyone who helped
From the Agenda of the Town Council’s Staffing Committee meeting             out in one way or another the Bingo was able to carry on, until in
of December 8th 2021, we understand that the Town Council are                another setback we had to stop for two weeks as Paul was unwell.
considering the employment of a Library Coordinator, presumably              Happily by October things were back to normal, and we can't thank
to work with Library volunteers. The outcome of the discussion is            you all enough
not yet recorded on the Town Council website.                                for supporting us through these difficult times.This support was
CLICK & COLLECT YOUR BOOKS                                                   shown over the next couple of months and in the exceptional
You can order books on Cornwall Council’s Library webpages and               attendance at our Christmas Bingos.
then collect them from us when they are ready.                               In just this short time we raised £4,800, giving our four Charities
www.cornwall.gov.uk/leisure-and-culture/libraries/your-local-library/        - Mount Edgecumbe Hospice, Children's Hospice SW, Cornwall Air
                                                                             Ambulance and the Cornwall Blood Bikes - £1,200 each.
                                                                             A truly amazing total! Our thanks to all the people who kindly
DOG FOULING AROUND LOSTWITHIEL                                               donated prizes towards the Christmas Raffle. Paul and I would like
                                                                             to take this opportunity to thank you all for your continued support
There seems to have been an increasing amount of dog fouling                 and help on these Friday Evenings.
around town over the past few months, with particular problems               Looking forward to seeing you all when we start again for 2022 on
along Brunel Quays and in Coulson Park. I wasn’t happy myself                Friday February 4th at the Church Rooms, starting at 7.30pm.
when I opened my front gate to be confronted with a large, steaming          Joyce and Paul.
stinky pile directly outside. The postman wasn’t too impressed
With an increasing number of dog owners, and the tendency for
                                                                             LOSTWITHIEL SOCIAL CLUB
more households to own two or more dogs, it doesn’t take much to             Would like to wish all Members a Very Happy 2022
create a really unpleasant situation around our streets, verges and          We hoped to reopen during January; unfortunately this has been
public spaces, particularly for those with small children.                   delayed due to illness. We will be reopening as soon as possible.
Brunel Quays residents have been in touch with Cornwall Council’s            We are now accepting new Members – Membership Nomination
Dog Welfare & Enforcement Officer, who is making a patrol to                 Forms are available from ‘Alice in Scandiland’ next door.
Lostwithiel to assess the situation and improve signage reminding            Alternatively call or email as below:
dog owners that fouling is a criminal offence. Residents suffering are
                                                                             07508 386 999 or 01208 872 335
advised to take photos as evidence and collect names and addresses
where known. Let’s hope the situation improves!                              lostwithielsc@gmail.com

                                                                                                                                 d Servicing
                                                                                                     ia gn os tic s • Repairs an         nged
                                                                                     Duel System
                                                                                                  D                       T testing arra
                                                                                              k an d  R es praying • MO
     3 North Street, Lostwithiel PL22 0EG                                            Bodywor

                                                                                                         f a Spring
              Tel: 01208 872 501
                                                                                   Car in need o                  t o f lo ckdown?
                                                                                   service          co m in g o u
   The freshest food, finest local ales
  and a warm welcome await you at
             The Globe Inn

                                                                                     The local one stop shop for all your motoring needs,
   Come in and treat yourself to a meal creatively
     focused on the freshest local ingredients
                                                                                     keeping you on the road.
                                                                                      For all enquiries or for further details, call us on

                    Booking advisable                                                01208 873 851
LOSTWITHIEL METHODIST CHURCH                                                    TRESORYS KERNOW
         Taprell House, North Street (next to the Library)                        Tresorys Kernow is a pilot project intended to breathe new life into
                 www.lostwithielmethodist.co.uk                                   towns and villages, using culture and heritage. Lostwithiel is one
                                                                                  of the ten Tresorys Kernow towns. Bodmin and St Austell have also
Our Church is open again, and we welcome everyone. We are part of                 been selected for the project.
St Austell Methodist Circuit - our Minister is Rev Paul Parker 01726
850 504                                                                           A drop-in information day was held on Friday 28th January at
Note on Covid measures: We invite those attending to wear a mask                  Lostwithiel Community Centre to give people more information
and to wrap up warmly as the doors are open for ventilation.                      about the project, the opportunities to get involved, and to have
                                                                                  a say about how the funding should be spent. The project wants
Services for February:Worship commences at 11am.
                                                                                  to hear from everyone including residents, local business owners,
  Sunday 6th Feb        Rev Paul Parker, Church Anniversary                       artists, and community groups, and will produce ‘a rich treasure
  Sunday 13th Feb       Cafe Church*                                              trove of activities’ from January to June 2022.
  Sunday 20th Feb       Mr Peter Santo Warner                                     Visit www.cornwallmuseumspartnership.org.uk to find out more,
  Sunday 27th Feb       Cafe Church*                                              or in Lostwithiel, contact Emma Mansfield lovelypublications@
Come and Share Wednesdays 10.30 to 11.30am – new members
Coffee Morning Thursday 24th February. Coffee is free - donations
                                                                                  PHOTOGRAPHS WANTED!
to Children’s Hospice SouthWest.                                                  St Bartholomew’s Church and Lostwithiel Museum are going to
                                                                                  present an exhibition of memorabilia for the Platinum Jubilee
*Cafe Church: Very informal worship, including songs/hymns,
prayers, readings, sketches and videos plus a chance to talk and                  of Queen Elizabeth ll later this year. It is being organised by Gill
laugh together. No sermon. Families, children and young people are                Parsons, and although she has a lot of artifacts, she would like to try
very welcome.                                                                     and fill in many gaps with your photographs.
‘Sew What’ Group: 1st and 3rd Thursday afternoons from 2 till                     We don’t want to keep them, and will copy them before returning
4pm.                                                                              them to you. If you have any snaps from Coronation Day – 2nd June
‘Knitters and Natters’ - Tuesday afternoons from 2-till 4pm.                      1953 – for any of the events on that day, possibly the Street Party;
Our rooms are available for a donation.                                           then the Flower Festival, Pageant and Street Party for the Silver
                                                                                  Jubilee in June 1977; or the Golden Jubilee on 3rd June 2002 with
                                                                                  the Street Party.
                                                                                  Pictures from any of these events would be very welcome. We are
                                                             26 Fore Street
                                                                                  hoping for many memories to be passed on to our younger viewers
                                                               Lostwithiel        and some fond memories from the older Lostwithiel residents. You
                                                                                  can call Gill on 01208 872 236 for more details.
                                                       Cornwall PL22 0BL
                                                Telephone 01208 872728            LITTLE HARBOUR FUNDRAISING - THANKS
                                                                                  Linda Trevethan would like to thank all who sponsored and took
   ESTATE AGENTS • LETTING AGENTS                                                 part in the walk from Roughtor to Lostwithiel last year, it has
                                                                                  raised a total of £3,781. The Raffle at Lost in Song choir raised
            • VALUERS •                                                           an additional£160. All the money raised goes to Little Harbour
                                                                                  Children’s Hospice. Thank you everyone. Linda
  Contact Ritchie Bartlett for professional and unbiased property advice.
                 Free valuations on a no obligation basis.                                  Sally Kington
          Evening and weekend appointments always available.                                         PGDip MCFHP MAFHP

         Telephone 01208 872728
           Email     lostwithiel.prop@btconnect.com
                                                                                    FOOT HEALTH PRACTITIONER
                                                                                                           Toe Nail Cutting
                                                                                                   Reduction of Corns and callus
                                                                                                         Ingrowing Toe Nails

                                                                                                      General Foot Care Advice
                                                                                                               Please call:

  YOUR MOST EXPERIENCED                                                                           07768 613894
                                                                                                          To arrange a home visit
    LOCAL ESTATE AGENT                                                                                email: sal-stafford@hotmail.co.uk

                                                                                                                                          ESTABLISHED 1979
     THINKING OF SELLING OR LETTING YOUR HOME                                      Mark Gilbert
  TALK TO US NOW IT COULD BE YOUR BEST MOVE YET.                                   CARPENTER & BUILDER
                                                                                   2 Trevance Park, Tywardreath
                 5 Fore Street, Lostwithiel                                        Cornwall PL24 2PY
                      01208 872245
                                                                                   01726 983432 07813 850978
            e-mail : lostwithiel@jefferys.uk.com                                   mgilbert815@googlemail.com
Belated Happy New Year from all members;

                                            The Lostwithiel & District Branch needs
                                                                                                                                           hopefully a less stressful year than the
                                                                                                                                           previous two have been!
                                                                                                                                           We began our December meeting with a
                                                                                                                                           soup and mince pie lunch, followed by
                                                                                                                                           the business side of the meeting. We then
                                              YOUR HELP                                                                                    enjoyed festive games, Secret Santa and
                                                                                                                  exchanged Christmas cards.
 To ensure that our Branch continues to operate, we need new                                                      At our January meeting, Jen Scott spoke to us about Chair Yoga. She
  members to join our committee and take up some key roles,                                                       had us all joining in with the various moves, which was enjoyable
                                                                                                                  and made us feel
           including Treasurer and Minute Secretary.                                                              much more energetic. Jen was thanked for a fun afternoon and for
     For an informal chat about the committee, its fundraising                                                    making us feel so much better after our exercises.
                                                                                                                  Our February meeting will be on the 14th, speaker to be confirmed
                programme and the roles available.                                                                at the time of writing, but it is hoped will appertain to gardens and/
                                                                                                                  or gardening.
           please contact Annie Singer on 01208 871272
                                                                                                                  We welcome visitors and new members. We meet in the Church
                  or at annie.singer@talk21.com                                                                   Hall at 2.15pm on the 2nd Monday of every month except August.
                                                                                                                  For further information please contact Val Strout on 01208 872 359.
               We look forward to hearing from you.
                                                                                                                                                     Gateway Church – Lostwithiel
         MONDAY – FRIDAY 9.15 – 9.45pm
                                                                                                                                                     Meeting at 5 p.m. on Sundays
          in St Bartholomew’s Church                                                                                             Church Rooms, Church Lane.
          È1 donation per household                                                                                    Informal worship, relevant Biblical message and fellowship.
                                                                                                                                    Light refreshments after service.
                      Please observe social distancing
                                                                                                                                          All are very welcome.
Lostwithiel Food Share is not a Food Bank, but an initiative to reduce the amount
of perfectly good food of all kinds which is usually thrown away by supermarkets
and manufacturers without benefitting anyone, and adds to landfill problems.
Local businesses – especially Lostwithiel Co-op – pass on surplus food items
which would otherwise be thrown away, and each weekday evening at St Barts,
                                                                                                                    PRIVATE HIRE
these are available for anyone and everyone to collect at the cost of £1 per
                                                                                                                     Friendly Helpful
household. All sorts of items are available, including fruit and veg and bakery
goods – well worth checking out, and great value for just £1. Come along and                                            Taxi Service
Deliveries available on certain days for those unable to come due to health or                                     Tel: 01208 873324
                                                                                                                   Mob: 07976372066
Contact Antonia Eden or Anna Ingleby-Oddy via Facebook for further info..

        Duke Street                                                          01208                                                                   LAMA
        Lostwithiel                                                         872 552                                                   Serving the local community

  LUNCHTIME: exciting new sandwiches and mains, sharing platters and stone baked pizzas.                              LAMA welcomes eligible
    EVENING: hearty winter favourites like cottage pie and bangers & mash. We continue our                          residents of Lerryn & District
  excellent Steak deal: 2 Rump or Sirloin steaks with all the trimmings and a bottle of wine for just £40.           to use our minibus service.
  UPDATED Vegetarian/Vegan options and an all-new Gluten-Free Menu. FOR SWEET LOVERS: a                               Services are detailed in a
          new Desserts Menu with some fabulous sharers including the ultimate candy sharer!                          monthly newsletter sent to
                                                                                                                     our registered passengers.
                                    VALENTINE’S DAY
    Make Valentine’s special this year on Monday Feb 14th : a romantic evening in our restaurant, with
                                                                                                                      Booking Essential!
      Valentine’s décor and musical accompaniment from Charlie Clough to set the scene. A glass of
   Prosecco on arrival, followed by 3 course meal and finishing with a coffee for £50 per couple. Menus
   available to view on our website or at the Oak. Service from 5-9pm: may be offered in 2 sittings, so
               get yourselves booked in and treat your partner to a truly romantic evening!
                                               SPORT                                                                      LAMA typically runs weekly shopping trips to Bodmin &
      Time for Six Nations Rugby, which we’re showing every February weekend and into March.                             monthly to St Austell & Truro together with several special
  Commences Feb 5th with Ireland v Wales at 2.15pm followed by Scotland v England at 4.45pm. Food                        interest & leisure trips during the year. These are available
   and drink offers throughout each match for viewers - eg: Burger & a Pint at £7.50. We’re running a                               for all registered users of our service.
                      winner-takes-all First Try Sweepstake for all England matches.
                                     ENTERTAINMENT                                                                         For registration details or for further information about our
  On Saturday Feb 19th Bache returns to host another KARAOKE night. After January’s cracker of a night,                       services please contact either David 01208 873792
  our first ever Karaoke, don’t miss this one – fantastic entertainment and a great atmosphere! Join us                                     or Richard 07765 804748
     from 8pm, following on from the Six Nations Rugby England match, It really is a night not to be
                                                  missed!                                                                           We also hire to not-for-proÞt organisations.

  Euchre players meet in the Public Bar every Thursday from 5pm. They’re looking for more players, so                     Lerryn Area Minibus Association Limited operates under a Section 19
    come along if you’re interested in this traditional Cornish card game and see what it’s all about!                     permit of the transport Act 1985 & is a “not-for-proÞt” organisation

We wish all our supporters
                                         a very Happy New Year and
                                         hope that we will be able
                                         to hold some of our regular
                                         events again this year!
                                         Our     Christmas     Coffee
                                         Morning was very well
supported and with your help we raised £640.65. It is always
amazing how this wonderful community supports us, especially in
these troubling times and we are truly grateful.
At the Coffee Morning we were also presented with a cheque for
£2,000 from the Carlyon Lodge of the Freemasons. This was an
enormous boost to our fundraising, particularly as with most
charities, we have found it difficult to hold many events during the
We are in the process of planning our future events for 2022 so look
out for posters around town and information in the Newsletter.

Lostwithiel Garden Society

                                                                                           Johnny Cowling
Following Trevor Wiltshire's wonderfully illustrated talk on Cycla-
mens at our January meeting, Lostwithiel Garden Society will wel-
come another expert at our February meeting. Caroline Stone has

                                                                                             Sings Gospel
the National Primula collection at her garden near Launceston; over
ten years she has collected between 80 and 90 varieties and is still
actively searching for rare specimens.
Non-members are welcome to join us at 7.30pm on Tuesday Febru-
ary 8th , to hear Caroline speak about these heart-warming little

                                                                                           Wednesday 16th March 7.30pm
plants which appear to have won her heart.
Forthcoming speakers are Liam Shoesmith, on encouraging wildlife

                                                                                           St Bartholomew’s Church, Lostwithiel
in our gardens, and Mike Stephens on succulents and cactus.
For further information about Lostwithiel Garden Society please
contact Val Strout on 01208 872 359 or vstrout@btinternet.com .
                                                                                                       Tickets £10 - Ann’s Gallery
                      FOODBANK                                                                  In aid of Rotary International Charities
  Many people are feeling the financial as well as social and emotional effects
  of the coronavirus pandemic. Lostwithiel is served by St Austell Food Bank,
  organised by volunteers, which is currently open from 1-3pm each Tuesday
  and Thursday. If you ring or email the Food Bank, they will talk you through
      your situation and put you in touch with a local agency for referral.
               Tel: 01726 65313                                                                           Rtn David Dunkley 01208 872905
       Email: info@staustell.foodbank.org.uk
  To donate food or toiletries and other necessities to the Food Bank, people          THANKS!
                                                                                       Lostwithiel School Association would like to thank all the local
  in Lostwithiel can leave their donated items at the back of St Barts church.
                                                                                       businesses that supported our Christmas Raffle by donating fabulous
      The Food Bank also welcomes financial donations, either regular or               prizes.
  occasional, which help them to plan supplies needed and fill any gaps. See           The monies raised at our Christmas Fayre will go towards supporting
                        their website above for details.                               the school throughout the current year with library, ICT and
                                                                                       playground equipment.

     For a quality, reliable and local service, with over 15 years experience
       in both traditional and modern methods. Call: 07976 095352
      for your FREE consultation and estimate. Any size job considered.
                 01726 815085 jpwooldridge72@outlook.com

LOSTWITHIEL RAINBOWS - for Girls aged 5-7yrs
We have returned to Rainbows and we’ve now finished our
Girlguiding Christmas Traditions Challenge. We had fun doing this
at home over Christmas; making and eating cakes, wearing our
festive clothes, decorating the tree and much more. We are now
looking forward to receiving our badge.
On 22nd February it is Girlguiding’s Annual Thinking Day, where          Lostwithiel Old Cornwall Society
we think about other Rainbows, Brownies, Guides and Leaders              Cornwall has a tremendously wide range of subjects of interest for
around the world by completing different activities.                     those of us who enjoy finding out about our county, and Lostwithiel
We are looking forward to welcoming new Rainbows this term.              Old Cornwall Society’s programme for 2022 covers a correspondingly
If you would like your daughter to join us please use the contact        varied range of topics.
details below.                                                           Last November Richard Cockram gave a comprehensive talk on a
                                                                         deceptively shabby shed at Newlyn which houses the National Tidal
For more information on joining our Rainbow group please phone           Observatory, while in January the subject of Garry Tregidga's talk
0800 169 5901 or visit www.girlguiding.org.uk                            was ‘Chapel Voices: Cornwall's Methodist Heritage’.
                                                                         On Tuesday February 22nd Malcolm Gould will give a talk and
                                                                         film presentation ‘Days of Clay Revisited’. Malcolm is a volunteer
                                                                         at Wheal Martyn Museum, and his grandfather, William Gould,
                                                                         worked in the China Clay industry.
                                                                         Further into the year there will be the following talks:
                                                                         ‘Hayle’ - ‘Richard, Earl of Cornwall’
                                                                         ‘John Smeaton’ and ‘Exploring Cornwall's Historical
                                                                         One and All are welcome to come along to any of our meetings – the
                                                                         next is ‘Days of Clay Revisited’, 7.30pm on Tuesday February 22nd
                                                                         in the Church Hall.
                                                                         For further information about the society please contact Val Strout
                                                                         on 01208 872359 or vstrout@btinternet.com.

                                                                         Update on ‘THE NIGHT JOURNEY’ by Fr Robbie Low
                                                                         ‘The Night Journey’, a children’s adventure into the heart of the
                                                                         Christmas story, was published on All Saints Day (1st November) 2021.
                                                                         Two months later, it has already raised £4,000 for children’s charities.
                                                                         My thanks to all who bought it, and special thanks to Watts Trading and
                                                                         The Romantic Englishwoman for selling it locally.
                                                                         The story begins and ends in the Fowey River valley and Jan Burrell’s
                                                                         illustration are stunning. Our previous collaboration ‘Mama Mia and the
                                                                         Pizza Pie Party’ has now raised over £5,000 for children’s charities in
                                                                         its first year of publication. Copies of both are available from the shops
                                                                         listed above.

‘ON THE WAY’                                                                           LOSTWITHIEL LABOUR
                                                                                       I wish you all a Happy, Healthy and Peaceful 2022!
        - UPDATE FROM ST BARTS                                                         As I write, the Government is in chaos, with the
The ‘On the Way’ process has now started in our Parish. You                            Prime Minister wasting valuable time defending
may already be aware how this may affect St. Bart’s, and                               the indefensible instead of governing the country,
                                                                      or helping those experiencing a range of difficulties, such as
the other parishes in the Benefice. Basically the Church of
                                                                      rocketing fuel prices and homelessness.
England, nationally, has been struggling with its finances,
resulting in the loss of clergy and closure of churches. As a         February sees the launch of Labour’s ‘ First Homes, not Second
result, the Diocese of Truro is considering various options           Homes’ campaign - look out for a poster/leaflet arriving through
                                                                      your letterbox this month. Many thanks to Lostwithiel Town
- including realigning Benefices (clusters) of Parishes to            Council which, alongside other Cornish towns, has voted in favour
be absorbed into larger entities overseen by a member                 of Cornwall Labour Councillor Jayne Kirkham’s motion on Housing
of the clergy. Local control and finances would be lost to            in Cornwall.
the Deanery, in this area Bodmin & Trigg Minor, based at              This motion sets out clear policies for tackling Cornwall’s housing
Bodmin and covering 34 Parishes.                                      emergency. It is vital that Conservative-controlled Cornwall
HOW CAN YOU HELP? Our St Bart’s Survey is not just for                Council listens, and acts now, to stem the flood of second homes
                                                                      and Airbnbs which has forced Cornwall Council to buy up caravan
‘churchy’ people - many have fond memories of events and              parks to house local families and left key workers unable to find
concerts hosted in St. Bart’s together with of course, special        affordable rented housing.
life events, both sad and joyful. The church is right at the
                                                                      It has been good see so much interest from people wanting to
centre of our town.
                                                                      join Lostwithiel Social Club (where we held our meetings prior to
THE SURVEY IS LIVE NOW and we are asking as many                      the pandemic) - application forms are still available from Alice in
as possible to complete it - young or old, as a family or             Scandiland and 28 Fore Street. We look forward to the reopening of
                                                                      the Social Club before too long.
as an individual. It’s easy to look back at what we have
done and achieved, but we have to be aware of what we                 Our next meeting will be at 5.30pm on Tuesday February 15th –
need to do in future to support as many as possible in the            venue tbc.
community. Change is inevitable, but the Survey gives you             I look forward to welcoming all to our friendly, informal group.
the opportunity to voice your views for the future.                   Sally Sweeney (Chair, Lostwithiel Labour) 01208 873 525
THE SURVEY is available both in print and digital versions.
Paper copies are available in St. Bart’s, The Church Hall, and
                                                                      LOSTWITHIEL BROWNIES - age 7-10 yrs
                                                                      Fun with Friends, Games, Crafts, Cooking, Day Trips, Sleepovers ,
a variety of shops in town and can be returned either to the
                                                                      Parades, Fundraising . . . just a few of the great activities we do at
Church or to Revd Sheila at 8 Church Lane. If you’d like to           Brownies.
know more, or would like to complete the Survey online,
                                                                      If your daughter is aged 7+ and would like to be part of a great
please get in touch with us at OTW.Lostwithiel@gmail.com              group, we welcome you at Lostwithiel Brownies .
IT’S UP TO YOU NOW - THANK YOU!                                       Phone 0800 169 5001         or visit   www.girlguiding.org/joinus to

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