THE FUTURE IS COMING Recruiters consider the changing workplace Points-based immigration Talent and Brexit UK Summit announcements - The Global ...

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THE FUTURE IS COMING Recruiters consider the changing workplace Points-based immigration Talent and Brexit UK Summit announcements - The Global ...
The voice for the global staffing industry | Issue 209 | January 2020

Recruiters consider the changing workplace

Points-based immigration
Talent and Brexit
UK Summit announcements
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THE FUTURE IS COMING Recruiters consider the changing workplace Points-based immigration Talent and Brexit UK Summit announcements - The Global ...
CONT ENTS                                  3


                               SIMON KENT
     When is a review not a review? The start of the year has seen the new Conservative
     government seek to make good on its promise to look again at IR35, lining up a series
     of round table discussions on the subject. And yet the idea of actually changing
     the legislation is not on the table. Instead, Jesse Norman, Financial Secretary to
     the Treasury has said: “The purpose of this consultation is to make sure that the
     implementation of these changes in April is as smooth as possible.”
     To call this disappointing is an understatement. For years the recruitment industry
     and voices from across the wider world of employment have spoken out against
     these changes, advising how they will damage the flexible workforce and the ability of
     employers to get the talent they need, when they need it. We have already seen how the
     changes have damaged the public sector and yet again it seems that the government
     seems determined not to listen and press ahead regardless.
     It’s a sobering start to a challenging but hugely promising new year. If nothing else there

18   are signs that the employment market is responding to the certainty provided by the
     new government and whatever the outcome of IR35, Brexit and more, the recruitment
     industry will continue to demonstrate its resilience and value to the economy of this
     country and internationally.

     05 NEWS                                                        29 LEGAL: ON POINT FOR
        NOW                                                         33 SUPPLY SIDE: PREPARING
                                                                       FOR CHANGE
        WOMEN                                                       34 TALENT POOL: RETURN TO
        FOR GOOD                                                    37 REGIONAL FOCUS: DUBLIN’S
        PERSONNEL                                                   38 SECTOR WATCH: IT IN BRAZIL
     20 COVER STORY: THE SHAPE                                      40 FRONTLINE: FAKING IT
        OF WORK
                                                                    42 VIEWPOINT: TALENT IN THE
     24 ADVERTORIAL: EFFICIENT                                         BREXIT ERA

40   Subscribe online:
     Publisher: Gary King E
     Editorial: Simon Kent T +44 (0)1923 723990 E E
     Advertising: Trevor Dorrell T +44 (0)1923 723990 E E
     Digital Communications: Leigh Abbott T +44 (0)1923 723990 E
     Design & Production: Julie Harris T +44 (0)1923 723990 E
     Twitter News @globaleditor Events @GlblRecruiter
     The Global Recruiter is published 12 times a year by Westrade Group Ltd I 112-114 High Street I Rickmansworth I WD3 1AQ I UK

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     ISSN 2049-3401
THE FUTURE IS COMING Recruiters consider the changing workplace Points-based immigration Talent and Brexit UK Summit announcements - The Global ...
NEWS               5

KEYNOTE SPEAKER                                                                                            Digitalisation & Talent

On March 4th 2020 The Global           impact of automation in business        coming world of work.                exhibition from the industry’s
Recruiter’s UK Summit in London        organisation and culture,               The Summit has also secured          most innovative and valuable
will be addressed by George            Zarkadakis has over 25 years’           a presentation from APSCo            suppliers, The Global Recruiter’s
Zarkadakis, Digital Lead at Willis     experience in management                featuring ground breaking            UK Summit is the place where
Towers Watson. Drawing on his          consulting, communications and          research into the current and        recruitment leaders can discuss,
company’s recent report HR             digital strategy. He holds a PhD        potential state of tech use within   design and start to implement
4.0: Shaping People Strategies,        in Artificial Intelligence and is the   the industry. Alongside this         their strategy to ensure future
Zarkadakis will give the keynote       author of ‘In Our Own Image: will       there will be highly informative     success, this year and across
speech to the Summit, providing        Artificial Intelligence Save Us or      interactive panels featuring         the decade to come.
recruiters with a privileged insight   Destroy Us?’ His presence at the        leading experts
into the coming world of work, the     Summit will give attendees the          and practitioners from recruitment   Recruiters can register to attend
possibilities and challenges, and      perfect chance to understand            companies, technology suppliers      for free at:
where the recruitment function         what the world of work could be         and employer HR functions. 
and recruiters will fit into this.     like and therefore to recognise         Hosted by The Recruitment
Responsible for innovation             what they need to do not just to        Network’s Chairman James
and advisory services on the           be relevant but to thrive in the        Osborne and including an

For the latest industry news log on to or sign up for our regular news by email

AWARD                                  industry. Unlike other Awards
                                       they are open to any and every

YOURSELF                               recruitment industry business,
                                       and entries can be made
                                       without pre-qualification and
In a world of challenges,              without a fee. This is because
uncertainty, high demand for           we understand that in the
talent and stiff competition, The      current recruitment sector new
Global Recruiter UK Industry           businesses have a right to be
Awards offers you the chance to        considered alongside the more
stand out.                             established ones. We know that
At the start of the roaring            great new recruitment talent,
20s, your entry to The Global          entrepreneurs and innovations
Recruiter UK Industry Awards           can come from anywhere.                 to succeed and thrive in the         and indicated areas of future
will enable you to promote             And we know that the industry           industry, the people who know        growth and development. In
your business, services,               frequently surges ahead when            quality and dedication when          other words, simply by being a
ideals, and vision for the             someone – either from within            they see it.                         part of the Awards, your business
recruitment industry at one of         the industry or with some               Past companies and individuals       can benefits for the months and
the most important times in            knowledge of its potential, has         recognised by these Awards           years ahead.
the history of the workplace.          the foresight to disrupt the            have benefitted from the             The Global Recruiter UK Industry
Brexit, international talent, the      status quo and introduce a step         profile and attention it has         Awards aren’t just for this year
candidate driven market, the gig       change to the industry.                 brought them, together with          – the recognition they bring could
economy, and technology are all        Unsurprisingly for such                 the assurance of quality and         power your business through
having a huge impact, and this         prestigious Awards all entries          excellence afforded by the           to your most successful and
is your chance to demonstrate          are judged by recruitment               process. Not only that, but many     exciting decade.
how your business is ready and         industry experts. They are              entrants have reported that the
willing to deliver.                    given the task of considering           action of preparing their entry      Visit the website to find out more
Headline sponsored again this          every entry according to the            – assessing and realising all they   and register your entry
year by Centralus, these Awards        stated criteria and these are the       have achieved – has clarified the
truly belong to the recruitment        people who know what it takes           current position of their company

THE FUTURE IS COMING Recruiters consider the changing workplace Points-based immigration Talent and Brexit UK Summit announcements - The Global ...
6        N E WS                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     NEWS                  7

                                      figures, as over a quarter of
                                      women (27 per cent) say they                                                                                              SINGAPORE OPENING
                                      are dissatisfied in their current
Research by Tiger Recruitment         role, compared to just one in five
found 54 per cent of respondents      men (20 per cent).
plan to stay in their current         Job hopping is also more likely
role for fewer than 12 months.        amongst younger employees,
Furthermore, a quarter of             with 56 per cent of those between
employees (25 per cent) say           the ages of 16 and 34 saying
that they are dissatisfied or very    they plan to stay in their current
dissatisfied in their current role.   role for less than a year. This
The survey of over 2,000              compares to just 52 per cent of
employees suggests that, as           those over the age of 35.
staff return to work after the        “January is typically a time for
Christmas and New Year break,         taking stock and evaluating what
many will also begin their search     we want from our work and lives,
for a new position. January is        and for many employees that                                                                                               Executive search firm Berwick           greater coverage and value for         Singapore and Asia Pacific              comments Richard Love. “I am
a popular time for job hunters,       means starting their hunt for                                                                                             Partners has opened new offices         our clients, candidates and our        operation is Tim Klimcke, who           looking forward to working with
as employees reevaluate their         a new challenge,” says David                                                                                              in Singapore as well as Dallas          consultants,” he says.                 will drive building the team that       Brian and Tim.
objectives and what they want         Morel, CEO of Tiger Recruitment.                                                                                          as the company continues its            “The Asia Pacific market is one        will work with multi-national           “The Singapore and Asia
from their careers. The most          “With unemployment at its lowest                                                                                          strategic expansion plans. Already      we have long been targeting; it’s      organisations across all industries     Pacific office brings particular
common reasons for moving on,         level since the 1970s and skills                                                                                          operating from key locations            a key region and a foothold is vital   and markets in the region.              opportunities,” he continues. “With
according to the survey, are a        shortages affecting numerous                                                                                              across the UK in Birmingham,            for Berwick Partners to be a truly     Meanwhile, Brian Watson will            Tim’s ambitions and vision for
lack of career progression            sectors, good candidates are in                                                                                           London, Manchester, Leeds, and          global business. Singapore is an       be partner and head of the              growth in the AP region, Berwick
(25 per cent) and a desire for a      high demand. As our findings                                                                                              Glasgow, the company also has           ideal base for the new office in       Dallas office. He is the firm’s first   Partners can also explore the
higher salary (17 per cent).          show, opportunities for career                                                                                            an international presence with          the AP region.                         partner-level hire in the US and        particular operations for project,
The study found that women            progression and pay rises are                                                                                             offices in Amsterdam and Dubai.         He adds: “A strong US presence         will also lead the HR practice          volume solutions through our
are slightly more likely to be job    among the biggest drivers,                                                                                                Richard Love, the managing              is equally important to the firm’s     across North America.                   division Berwick Talent Solutions,
hunting in 2020, with 55 per cent     so organisations must ensure                                                                                              director of Berwick Partners says       plans, and the new Dallas office       “We are thrilled to have such           a specialist in delivering project
saying they want to move roles        they’re proactively offering both                                                                                         the Asia and US expansion:              is a sign of both our intent and       highly respected and experienced        and volume recruitment, market
within 12 months, compared to         to existing staff to avoid seeing                                                                                         “We have a clear plan to further        market opportunities across            recruiters to lead the two new          mapping and talent pipelining,
47 per cent of men. This trend        their top performers jump ship in                                                                                         internationalise the business over      the US.”                               offices and establish and grow          as greater numbers of Western
is also reflected in satisfaction     the new year.”                                                                                                            the next three years, to provide        Appointed to head the new              the business in these locations,”       clients expand across AP.”

‘REVIEW’                               what may. We have also learned
                                       today that the review will focus on
                                                                                  selecting an independent chair,”
                                                                                  he says. “Such a limited review
                                                                                                                           the Association of Professional
                                                                                                                           Staffing Companies expressed         NEW                                     stand to lose around £200 million
                                                                                                                                                                                                        in January alone.
                                       the implementation of the reforms          would leave the freelance sector         APSCo’s disappointment that                                                  The survey also revealed
MAY NOT                                rather than the reforms themselves         floundering. Right now, across the       there was no intention of delaying   ROLES FOR                               that employers seem to be
                                       which is not what was suggested            sector, contractors and freelancers      incoming changes. “APSCo has                                                 underestimating the issue, with
CHANGE                                 and is not what is needed.”
                                       Andy Chamberlain, deputy director
                                                                                  are panicking at the prospect of
                                                                                  these disastrous changes.
                                                                                                                           called for implementation to at
                                                                                                                           least be delayed pending a further
                                                                                                                                                                CUSTOMER                                70 per cent of workplaces not
                                                                                                                                                                                                        believing that staff are more likely
ANYTHING                               of Policy at IPSE (the Association
                                       of Independent Professionals and
                                                                                  “Major businesses, including most
                                                                                  of the large banks, have already
                                                                                                                           impact review and completion of
                                                                                                                           an assessment on employment
                                                                                                                                                                SERVICE                                 to change jobs in January than
                                                                                                                                                                                                        in other months. Fortunately,
There has been an                      the Self-Employed) was equally             announced they will no longer            status,” she said. “There is a       A survey, by quality assurance          according to the research there
overwhelmingly negative reaction       scathing of the review calling             engage contractors out of fear           clear need for a proper review,      improvement platform, EvaluAgent        are a number of engagement
to the government’s review of the      it “disappointingly hasty and              they will fall foul of the notoriously   with adequate time to publish the    says that nearly two fifths of          strategies that would successfully
Off-Payroll legislation from the       inadequate.”                               complex legislation. Even before         outcome and recommendations          employees in customer service           prevent customer service               were almost as popular, with            Jaime Scott, co-founder and
recruitment and staffing industry.     “Not only has the government not           the new rules take effect, they are      of the review, and then roll out     roles are likely to look for a new      employees from starting their          44 per cent of employees saying         CEO of EvaluAgent. “Our research
As the government proposals are        said it will pause the changes, it has     precipitating a crisis among the         changes with certainty on final      job in January, due to a seasonal       January job hunt.                      these would prevent them from           clearly shows there is a direct link
limited to round tables in London      also allocated far too little time for a   self-employed.”                          legislation. This timeline just      slump in engagement and                 Interestingly, financial incentives    looking for a new job at the start      between employee engagement
and will not include any changes       full review and said nothing about         Tania Bowers, Legal Counsel at           doesn’t work.                        motivation. Overall the survey          such as salary increases and           of the year, while more than a          and turnover, suggesting that
to the legislation itself many are                                                                                         “We, of course, support HMRC’s       found that 40 per cent of customer      bonuses alone are an ineffective       third (36 per cent) said employee       businesses need to be making
questioning the point of this                                                                                              intention to ‘ensure smooth          service staff are less happy in         solution, with 47 per cent of those    benefits such as healthcare and         far more effort to engage their
exercise. Julia Kermode, FCSA’s                                                                                            implementation of the reforms’,”     January than any other month,           surveyed saying that money             flexitime would encourage them          workforce at this time of year if they
chief executive describes the                                                                                              she added, “We also welcome          leading to 39 per cent actively         wouldn’t affect their decision as      to stay.                                are to prevent the annual surge in
review as “meaningless” coming                                                                                             further internal analysis of the     searching for a new role.               to whether to stay or leave their      Goal-based objectives can be            departures.
from a government “who seems                                                                                               CEST tool. However, the reality      The financial impact of this            company in January.                    an effective way of improving           “We know that in order to do so,
intent on bulldozing ahead with                                                                                            is that this review – at this time   employee churn is considerable.         This was especially true for           motivation, by increasing the           they need to ensure they are
its plans”.                                                                                                                – is likely to create even more      Based on the average customer           younger workers, with 59 per cent      sense of purpose and pride in a         utilising a full range of tools, as
Among other criticism she notes                                                                                            confusion.                           service worker’s annual salary of       of 18-24 year olds saying that         person’s work. Nearly a quarter         no one strategy will be effective
the timetable of the review: “They                                                                                         “Essentially, with just weeks        £21,000, each departure costs           money isn’t an effective motivation.   of employees (24 per cent) said         enough on its own,” he added.
are expecting the review to be                                                                                             to go until the changes are          businesses at least £6,300 due          Instead, the research showed that      that this would be enough to make       “With a variety of both financial and
completed by mid-February                                                                                                  implemented, we are now at a         to recruitment expenses and             businesses should be utilising         them reconsider looking for a           non-financial incentives in place,
which is simply not long enough                                                                                            point where we don’t have any        reduced productivity. The report        a full spectrum of tools to boost      new role.                               businesses should not only see
to consider the deeply complex                                                                                             certainty around final legislation   estimates that around five per cent     employee engagement, including         “High employee turnover in              the number of employees leaving
range of issues that the                                                                                                   or any firm guidance from HMRC.      of customer service workers will        regular and timely feedback,           January is a real problem for           in January go down, but should
Off-Payroll legislation is throwing                                                                                        New rules apply from March for       actually leave their jobs in January,   which was deemed as effective          many businesses, and can cause          also see employee performance
up. HMRC has stated that they will                                                                                         firms running monthly payrolls       so with 640,500 people currently in     as a cash bonus by 54 per cent of      significant problems when it comes      and therefore customer satisfaction
be continuing its preparations to                                                                                          – this eleventh-hour review is       customer service roles across the       employees.                             to productivity and customer            improve, making it a win-win for
roll out the reforms in April come                                                                                         simply too late.”                    UK, this could mean businesses          Non-financial reward schemes           satisfaction levels,” observes          all involved.”

THE FUTURE IS COMING Recruiters consider the changing workplace Points-based immigration Talent and Brexit UK Summit announcements - The Global ...
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DALLAS                               As of this month, LVI Associates
                                     now has a physical team on
                                                                            strengthen our local capability
                                                                            in the South,” said Elliott
                                                                                                                  connecting candidates with
                                                                                                                  career opportunities at industry

CALLING                              the ground in Dallas to provide
                                     more immediate support to their
                                                                            Milton, Phaidon International’s
                                                                            executive director for Dallas and
                                                                                                                  -leading organisations.
                                                                                                                  “The Texas infrastructure market
                                     clients and candidates in the          Fort Worth. “LVI Associates is        is booming; and having created
LVI Associates, the engineering      region, and to immerse their           our fastest-growing brand in the      a significant client network
and infrastructure brand in the      services in the local market. The      group, and I am excited to be         across the state, it only made
Phaidon International group,         LVI Associates team will initially     able to service the market locally    sense that we launched the
has announced the expansion          focus on securing top talent for       and solidify our place as one of      brand into our Dallas office,”
of its existing Dallas, Texas        clients across building services,      the leading recruitment firms in      says LVI associates director,
office. Since the brand’s launch     construction, forensics,               the Dallas market.”                   Dan Brook. “Not only will this
in 2016, LVI Associates has          power, renewable energy,               Given the continued growth            allow us to be closer to our
experienced significant growth       transportation, and                    of the engineering and                candidates, but also decrease
supporting clients in the Texas      water & environmental.                 infrastructure industries across      the time it takes for us to solve
and wider Southern regions           “I am extremely proud to               the South, LVI Associates will        our client’s biggest business
from their office hubs in London     launch LVI Associates in our           continue to support their clients     problem, finding talent.”
and Boston.                          Dallas office and to further           in meeting talent needs and

MEANING                              ‘very meaningful’ work spend an
                                     additional hour a week working
                                                                            talent, and improve productivity,
                                                                            meaning can no longer be a minor
                                                                                                                  and the success of our business
                                                                                                                  depends upon and revolves

MOTIVATION                           – equivalent to a 2.5 per cent
                                     increase in productivity. They
                                                                            consideration – it needs to be a
                                                                            business imperative. Younger
                                                                                                                  around the welfare and motivation
                                                                                                                  of our people,” says Charlotte
                                     also take, on average, two fewer       generations are far more driven       Woodward, people service director
Research from Guidant Global         days paid leave each year              by being part of something ‘bigger    at Guidant Global. “We know from
has suggested that meaning           – boosting productivity by a further   than themselves’ and ultimately       the Taylor Report – a review of
in work increases motivation,        one per cent.                          working in roles that provide         working practices in the modern
drives productivity and enhances     This comes at a time when Harvard      meaning to their lives.               economy – that pay alone does not
employee engagement. However,        Business Review’s report reveals       Guidant Global explains that this     motivate people – underscoring the
contrary to popular belief, pay      that across all age and salary         can be achieved by emphasising        importance of ‘good work for all.”
is not the principal driver behind   groups, people are willing to pay a    to employees why their role           With productivity in the UK below
meaningful work.                     significant amount to find meaning     is important to the business;         average for the rest of the G7
In the talent management             – with 23 per cent of US workers       connecting individual jobs to a       advanced economies Woodward
specialist’s new whitepaper,         stating they would forego their        bigger purpose; and understanding     believes employers have a real
‘The human connection: Why           entire future lifetime earnings in     the impact a person’s remit has for   opportunity to drive improvement
meaning is so important to           order to have a job that was always    customers.                            by providing their workforce with
work’, the company report how        meaningful.                            “At Guidant Global, our business      a sense of inclusion, purpose,
employees who say they have          For businesses to attract and retain   strategy is ‘People Lead Growth’      fulfilment and meaning.

MOVES                                leading results.
                                     On joining Talent, Phil Orsborn
                                                                            50 per cent year-on-year over
                                                                            the same timeline.
                                                                                                                  advantage,” said Zak Marar.
                                                                                                                  “This region offers unmatched
                                     said: “I am very excited at            Pedersen & Partners have              opportunities for development,
Global technology recruitment        the prospect of growing and            announced the promotion of client     and I’m thrilled to take on this
company Talent has announced         developing the team in Bristol.        partner Zak Marar to country          new role as we continue to
the appointment of former            We have a fantastic platform and       manager for UAE and head of           reinforce our presence here.
People Source consulting senior      I fully expect the Bristol office to   MENA. Michael Al-Nassir, partner      “Our Dubai office has a collegial
director Phil Orsborn as regional    become a real force in the South       and the head of Middle East,          and entrepreneurial spirit, and
manager. Orsborn will spearhead      West market over the next few          Africa, Central & South Asia          applies an energetic, solutions
the company’s ambitious growth       months and years.”                     who has led the Dubai office          -oriented approach to leadership
plans across the UK.                 This appointment is part of            since its establishment in 2008,      challenges that sets our
With over twenty years’              Talent’s ambitious growth plans        will continue to build the firm’s     team apart in this competitive
experience in the technology and     in the UK. The company currently       presence regionally.                  environment,” he adds. “This
digital recruitment sector, Phil     operates 16 offices across the         “Pedersen & Partners’ growth          new role will allow me to further
Orsborn has spent the last eight     UK, Europe, North America and          strategy in the region has ensured    develop our customer-centric
years with Experis/People Source     Asia Pacific. Following significant    that our organisation stays ahead     vision and provide a clear
in Bristol as a regional manager     investment in its UK operations,       of the competition with game-         mandate to support our clients
and senior director, building and    Talent has exceeded 65 per cent        changing leadership advisory          with innovative, value-added, and
leading high-performing teams        year-on-year revenue growth in         services in addition to executive     high-quality solutions for the
of both permanent and contract       the UK over the past three years       search, enabling us to harness        most impactful results.” n
consultants to achieve industry-     and NFI growth has exceeded            market forces to our clients’
THE FUTURE IS COMING Recruiters consider the changing workplace Points-based immigration Talent and Brexit UK Summit announcements - The Global ...
10 FIN AN CE                                                                                                                                                                                                                        V I E W FROM WEC 11

Denis Pennel, managing director, World Employment Confederation
on how to activate the labour market.

One of the many challenges facing the world of work today is the     In many ways this same challenge faces workers too.                   and transitions, we need activation policies that focus on those    Meeting the challenge
prospect of increasingly tight labour markets. A range of factors    Technological advances, automation and the rise of AI mean            people who are already in employment and take a life-long
including ageing demographics in many parts of the world, the        that we are all having to embrace lifelong learning and the need      approach that supports them throughout their working lives.         The temporary agency work sector offers an effective route to
development of more flexible and diverse forms of work and the       to acquire new skills throughout our working lives in order to        Activation policies need to shift from being reactive to become     work for many people – including those more vulnerable groups
increased pace of job creation and destruction, have resulted        maintain our lifelong employability. We need to take control of our   proactive and consider how we can best support people at every      such as young people, migrants and those who were previously
in higher labour market participation rates and a shortage of        careers, recognise where growth areas are emerging and identify       stage of their employment journey: from first-time labour market    inactive. The sector has also expanded its service offering to
candidates and skills in many areas.                                 how we can get the training we will need in order to access them.     entrants; to people navigating the coexistence of diverse forms     include more tailored products that support both organisations
Simply put, finding and securing talent has become a full-time       One way to address the lack of talent is to bring people back into    of work and looking to identify which best meets their situation    and individuals in securing talent and jobs. Recruitment
job in itself and a growing focus for employers. We see this         the labour market. Indeed, maintaining people in employment is        and needs; to accompanying workers in taking career breaks;         Process Outsourcing (RPO) – where companies outsource their
across the whole labour ecosystem – not only in corporations         in everyone’s interests as research confirms that long periods of     and finally to supporting older workers in gradually withdrawing    recruitment and HR needs to a specialist supplier – grew 15 per
but also in the public sector, municipalities and NGOs.              unemployment have a significant detrimental impact on people’s        from the labour market.                                             cent globally in 2017, and 33 per cent in Europe, the Middle East
Organisations are having to anticipate their labour needs more       economic wellbeing and on their future employability. Economies       If we are to meet UN Sustainable Development Goal 8 of              and Africa. Career Management services are also diversifying,
carefully. They must consider not just their current requirements,   need effective activation policies that give more people access to    ‘promoting sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic            supporting organisations in upskilling internal talent to fill skills
but what competencies they will be likely to need in five years’     the labour force and train them to do the work that is available.     growth, full and productive employment and decent work for          shortages and offering outplacement support to transition laid-
time so that they can plan for the future and seek out the talent                                                                          all’, then we need better planning and cooperation among the        off employees to new opportunities.
they need.                                                           Activate people                                                       different labour market actors. Public private partnerships         As the jobs landscape continues to evolve in line with
                                                                                                                                           present an interesting opportunity but do not work optimally        societal, technological, demographic and economic shifts,
                                                                     However, for activation policies to play a really effective role in   in most countries. As intermediaries, specialised in matching       so intermediaries such as private employment services will
                                                                     transforming labour markets, the focus needs to shift away from       supply with demand in the labour market, the private                be vital in supporting both organisations and workers thereby
                                                                     jobseekers and displaced workers and the traditional, ‘curative’      employment services sector has a strong track record of             reducing labour market friction and maintaining high levels
We need activation policies that focus on                            activation policies. Instead, in order to better anticipate change    bringing people into work. In 2017 the global industry found jobs   of participation. n
those people who are already in employment                                                                                                 for 53 million people worldwide and it is well placed to support
and take a life-long approach that supports                                                                                                both organisations and workers in smoothing transitions.
them throughout their working lives

THE FUTURE IS COMING Recruiters consider the changing workplace Points-based immigration Talent and Brexit UK Summit announcements - The Global ...
                                                                                                          Digitalisation & Talent
Recruitment 4.0 is a revolution in the way recruitment is carried out. It                                                                                 ETC. VENUES
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place globally and must therefore deliver the talent organisations need
                                                                                                                                                          4 March 2020
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systems and solutions which will power you and your business to greater success in the                                                                    charge to attend. Limited
years to come.                                                                                            Conference Partners:

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                                George Zarkadakis, Digital Lead, Willis Towers Watson
                                Drawing on the recent Willis Towers Watson report, Zarkadakis
                                gives an insight into what the world of work could look like and how

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                                                                                                               THE RECRUITMENT
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14 FIN AN CE                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           D IVER
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                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              SIT Y

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Companies can no longer afford to have
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  a laissez-faire approach to attracting,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  engaging and developing female talent
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  if they want to remain competitive

YOU,                                                                                                                                                         Over the past 30 years, organisations have changed recruiting tactics,
                                                                                                                                                             created development and mentoring programs, conducted gender
                                                                                                                                                             sensitivity training and launched affinity programs. A lot of time and money
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               of male versus female colleagues in the workplace. Frequently,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               women’s behaviours are referred to with negative phrasing whereas
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               men’s are referred to with positive phrasing. So the ‘assertive’ man

                                                                                                                                                             has been spent, but these efforts just haven’t produced stellar results.          becomes the ‘aggressive' woman. The man who is referred to as a good
                                                                                                                                                             Program success has been lackluster because the programs are a                    ‘networker’ becomes the woman who is referred to as 'gossipy’. This
                                                                                                                                                             generic and linear solution for a complicated issue. While recruiting tactics     needs to change.
                                                                                                                                                             have brought women into the workforce, development and mentoring                  We need to make sure that we focus on having the right discussion
                                                                                                                                                             programs aren’t keeping them in. When women do stay, they largely                 every time we make an individual human capital decision, particularly
                                                                                                                                                             stay in ‘pink ghetto’ roles, i.e., staff roles instead of P&L roles, minimising   for executive management, P&L jobs, and board seats. We must take
                                                                                                                                                             their chances of moving up. Women need experience and exposure to                 a systematic look at the impact of our decisions. For example, if we
                                                                                                                                                             advance, and today experience in business transformation and digitisation         have made thirty individual decisions and justified all of them, but these
                                                                                                                                                             is particularly valuable.                                                         decisions still result in an underrepresentation of women, then it’s clear

Mara Swan, executive vice president,                                                                                                                         Staying in staff roles is not in itself a bad thing, as long as we can ensure
                                                                                                                                                             that it is an individual choice, but more often than not this isn’t the case.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               a new approach is needed. As CHROs, we’re often too focused on
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               ensuring that each individual decision is correctly made and legally
global strategy and talent at                                                                                                                                We need to make sure women aren’t making this choice because they                 defensible, rather than putting our energy into ensuring that our long-

ManpowerGroup on getting more                                                                                                                                don’t feel encouraged to consider line roles, haven’t thought of line roles
                                                                                                                                                             as options, or the cultural or job role conditions are not amicable to their
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               term organisational objectives and interests are achieved through each
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               individual decision.
women into leadership positions.                                                                                                                             needs. For example, 65 per cent of women say flexible work options are            In short, we need to help leaders do a better job at creating a culture that
                                                                                                                                                             important to them, yet only 28 per cent of employers offer them. Often            allows for gender parity across every line of the business. This can be
                                                                                                                                                             needs like this can be met with a little creativity and flexibility.              done by focusing diversity efforts on better data analytics and equipping
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               the CEO and their leadership team with metrics to evaluate and achieve
                                                                                                                                                             The role of CHROs                                                                 measurable results. This macro analysis provides a wider view into the
Today there is more focus on gender equality and women at work than           occupy 52 per cent of all management and professional occupations in                                                                                             micro causes of our talent problems. We can then use the analysis to
ever yet we are still caught in a circular conversation about why we do not   business, but hold just 21 per cent of board seats. A little over a quarter    Instead of programs, CHROs need to examine how decisions are made                 target specific tactics to address parity issues particular to each of our
have enough women in leadership positions. Are they pushed out by male        of women hold executive officer positions, but only 11 per cent are top        about women in their organisations and how the potential of these women           cultures. By looking at the macro data, we take emotion out of gender in
centric cultures and the competitive squeeze to the top? Are they pulled      earners and a just five per cent are CEOs. Although we’ve increased the        can be cultivated. We need to change our cultures to be more welcoming            the workplace.
out by better offers by our competitors? Why do so many venture out on        number of women in the workplace, we haven’t succeeded in getting              to women. Our top leadership has to walk the talk from representation of          While this solution sounds simple, it’s much harder to actualise. While
their own to start their own business? And, while things have improved        them into the key P&L, executive, and board positions that are imperative      women in executive management up through the board of directors. The              there’s no one-size-fits-all for something as complex as fixing the leaky
– 2019 saw women hold 29 per cent of senior management roles                  for developing core strategy and business results.                             critical tipping point: top leadership commitment. But our research shows         talent pipeline, there are ways to change your culture to leverage the
globally, the highest number on record – we still have a long way to go to    Women face a further hurdle. Technological disruption in the form of AI,       that 32 per cent of male leaders say that the responsibility is HRs – not         human capital women: (1) run analytics (2) determine outcomes (3) take
achieve parity for women in leadership. Something has to change about         digitalisation and robotics will disproportionately impact female workers.     theirs.                                                                           action and (4) share progress.
the way organisations assess, develop and leverage female talent. We          This is because the roles most threatened by automation tend to have           Often we forget the ways in which we can be implicitly biased about               To me the end game is simple. Attract and develop more women and lose
need to act with the conscious intent of including women in leadership.       higher proportions of women. We also expect to see growth in tech,             women’s behaviours. Unconscious bias, though not intentional, can have            less. Let’s stop talking and take action to ensure women have equal
                                                                              digital and STEM-related jobs, including data analysts, machine learning       disastrous results. During my interactions with hiring and promotional            access, representation and skills to capture the opportunities in the future
Women: the world’s largest untapped resource                                  specialists and engineers – all roles where women are underrepresented.        decisions over the years I noticed the words used to explain the behaviour        world of work. n
                                                                              If we focus on helping women develop technical skills at speed and at
Today’s labour market is tight and most developed countries are close         scale, while at the same time hiring people with learnability – the desire
to full employment. Yet, global talent shortages are at a record high.        and ability to learn new skills – we can make a real difference in shaping a
This year, 54 per cent of companies globally say they cannot find             future in which everyone can be ready for high-growth roles.
the skills they need – almost double what it was a decade ago. In a
knowledge-based economy, talent is a key determining factor of the            Barriers to getting women in leadership
competitive success of organisations. Many companies report that the
most significant barrier to growth is their ability to attract and retain a   Organisational structure, a male dominated culture, and old-fashioned
skilled workforce.                                                            views of ways of working, especially surrounding workplace flexibility,
Women continue to be an underutilised source of talent, despite attaining     are keeping us from retaining top talent and progressing women into
higher levels of education than their male peers in OECD countries.           leadership positions. The issue is not whether women are able to adapt
Companies can no longer afford to have a laissez-faire approach to            to fit your organisation’s culture, but whether your organisation can adapt
attracting, engaging and developing female talent if they want to remain      to women’s needs. Women with higher education levels are prepared to
competitive. At the same time, it is getting more difficult to attract and    compete in a knowledge economy, and while we’ve successfully enabled
retain skilled women since they have more choice now than ever.               women to enter the labour force, it’s time for us to take responsibility to
In the US women make up nearly half (47 per cent) of the labour force,        ensure they make it to the top.

THE FUTURE IS COMING Recruiters consider the changing workplace Points-based immigration Talent and Brexit UK Summit announcements - The Global ...

How a brand initiative aims to bring quality and
coherence to the recruitment technology market.

At the start of 2020 a new name entered the world of recruitment           many people did not even have a computer on their desk. Today’s         groups prefer different ways of contact and of managing issues        Location wise, Ikiru People has changed and expanded, again to
technology. A new name for a group of well-established high value          version, FileFinder Anywhere, is a cloud-based executive search         and conversations. But by bringing support for all our products       better support each brand while delivering coherence across the
solutions used across the global staffing industry. Ikiru People is the    software solution recognised as “Best Executive Recruiting              together, there is the chance for best practice from one product      group. The business used to have a training office in London,
name for a group which unites FileFinder, GatedTalent, ISV.Online          Software” in an independent review by global analyst’s BND.             to be considered and implemented for the good of those using          but this has been superseded as the resource can be delivered
and Voyager.                                                               This is a solution that has truly developed over the years              another product.                                                      more efficiently and cost effectively from other locations. In an
Paul Thompson, Sales and Marketing Director for Ikiru People               alongside recruiter requirements. It now offers real-time                                                                                     international and fast-moving recruitment industry the office was
explains that the move brings more clarity to the group’s offering while   functionality and access across multiple devices while, naturally,      Free training Fridays                                                 no longer the best way to meet customer demands – certainly
retaining the quality and legacy of the brands and products it covers.     complying to regulations including GDPR. But importantly it’s                                                                                 now the business has five offices around the world and a growing
“As a group of companies we had always traded largely                      a solution built on many years’ experience and understanding            Voyager, the group’s all-in-one easy to use recruitment software      international roster of users in locations from New York to
independently of each other,” he says, “and that had some                  of the way recruitment and recruiters work. Not only that but it        has been offering its users free training on a Friday and this idea   Australia, Romania to India. In this context there needs to be a
advantages. It is clear that some customers invested only in               comes with a strong support structure which means users can             is being planned for the other products. As Thompson points           greater flexibility and willingness to deliver where the users are.
FileFinder, some in ISV.Online and so on, so we were able to deal          address issues and have queries answered promptly and with the          out this isn’t just a case of applying every option to every brand,
with those customers in a dedicated way. Being separate historically       minimum of interruption to their work.                                  the point is to enable the product lines to learn from each other     The bright future
made sense because a lot of our teams grew up within these brands                                                                                  and therefore identify the best way of providing support and
and hence were specialised to certain products.”                           Stability and trust                                                     information to users and to the wider market.                         By making clear the relationship between each of the products, users
However, while this brought some clarity to the markets we                                                                                                                                                               of one solution will now be in no doubt where to go if they’re looking
serve, it also meant there was scope for confusion in terms of the         “We’ve recognised the future is different, and we have needed to        Better business                                                       for a solution in another area designed, created and supported with the
relationships between the solutions. Furthermore, it means that our        bring different ideas and attitudes to our products over time,” says                                                                          care and dedication which they appreciate. The creation of Ikiru People
continuous improvement was less efficient than it could be. What           Thompson. “But alongside that ability to change we have been able       Bringing the brands together will also mean efficiencies within the   will mean the recruitment market will have more awareness of what
we learned from one part of the business took time to roll out to the      to offer – and continue to offer – stability and trust for users.”      business itself. A more unified finance structure, simplified brand   else is on offer within this suite of solutions.
other brands and different business processes. As a result of this         This stability and trust should not be underestimated. In a fast-       and marketing structures means Ikiru People can deliver greater       Ikiru People makes clear the intention and purpose of the business.
month’s step change in the identity of the business, Ikiru People will     moving industry where new and shiny technology can frequently           resources to what really matters: developing the solutions to         Thompson explains that the name Ikiru means ‘to live’ and it is this
enter the next decade reaping the rewards of the past 12 months            grab the headlines and the attention of users, what businesses          their best level and ensuring the resources are available to enable   concept that lies behind all their work. The idea is that everything the
of hard work internally to create a unified approach to the products       truly need is a solution which works, and which will offer a secure     users to get the best out of them.                                    business does, through its solutions and through the work of those
and services we offer. The benefits of one united team working,            platform on which that recruitment function can operate and flourish.   The move has also meant the business can concentrate on               using its solutions is to get people into work, enable them to do what
continually learning and improving centrally for the ultimate benefit      Elsewhere in the group candidate testing platform ISV.Online            securing the talent it needs internally to create the best in         they want to do, fulfil their potential and therefore to live their best lives.
of all our customers, both new and old. Whether it’s a better way of       currently has some 50,000+ users a month around the globe. The          recruitment solutions and provide the support users need. There       As for the future, Ikiru People is more than ready to meet the challenge.
building a product, delivering a service or running our back office,       solution provides the recruitment function with the ability to test     are some long-standing employees within the business and they         “We know how to deliver good technology,” says Thompson, “and
now we can move with a greater velocity than ever before, whilst           crucial candidate skills including abilities and personality wherever   have offered the business and each solution the consistency of        2020 and beyond is all about the customer.”
preserving and leveraging the wealth of internal knowledge around          that candidate may be. Like FileFinder, this is a truly international   approach users value as well as a deep understanding of where         Ikiru People is more than ready to move recruitment technology to the
our products, our customers and our marketplace.                           product, used by more than 450 companies in 39 countries.               the technology has come from and how it has developed. Now            next level for its users. In doing so, its team will bring a trusted and
                                                                           What is interesting, however, is that under the previous company        the business is adding to these skills, bringing in new talent        comprehensive approach to the market coupled with the new energy,
Leading edge solutions                                                     structure there was little cross-pollination among clients or in        and carefully considering where that talent needs to be. In this      commitment and focus of a brand-new group.
                                                                           terms of the support offered for users. User support for FileFinder     way, every product will remain at the cutting edge of recruitment     E:
Taking FileFinder as an example, Thompson notes this particular            was handled differently to that of ISV.Online and as Thompson           technology and always in touch with the challenges and demands        W: n
product was launched in the early-mid 1980s, at a time when                points out this wasn’t necessarily a bad thing. Different user          of the industry.
THE FUTURE IS COMING Recruiters consider the changing workplace Points-based immigration Talent and Brexit UK Summit announcements - The Global ...
18 FIN AN CE                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                UP C LOSE 19

Dennis Tennial, managing director of
Tennial Personnel explains how he started
his own recruitment business.

Dennis Tennial admits his leap of faith in starting his own recruitment      Taking the plunge                                                           commit and put the hard work in. That goes for the whole team. I’m very    Ipswich, is a supporter of the local St Nicholas Hospice and also
business was the scariest thing he has ever done in his career. It                                                                                       fortunate to have surrounded myself with talented, driven people who       supports Futurestars UK, a local charity which offers qualified sports
has also been his most rewarding. Now, as he celebrates five years’          Even though the rewards a potentially much bigger, the perceived            have all made reaching this five year milestone possible.”                 coaching to children in Ghana and Togo, Africa. Another highlight
trading this month, he says his only regret is that he did not start his     risks often torpedo any grand entrepreneurial ambitions recruiters may      He also says that having The Recruit Venture Group as a backer has         was Tennial Personnel winning Recruitment Agency of the Year at
business, Tennial Personnel, ten years earlier.                              have. But for Dennis, it was a conversation with The Recruit Venture        meant he has been able to focus 100 per cent on growing his business.      The Recruit Venture Group Awards in 2017.
“It is without doubt the best thing that's happened to me after my wife      Group, which supports experienced recruiters to launch their own            With no unreasonable banks and lenders to deal with, and with back         “When you build something from zero, when your business creates
and kids,” said Dennis. “My business is a life changer. It was a big         start-ups, which provided the additional spur he needed. The Recruit        office processes like accounts, payroll, credit control, IT, HR and        jobs, when it delivers satisfied customers and clients, when you put
decision to give up a good salary and high profile job, but the rewards,     Venture Group’s joint venture model provides all of the finance needed      marketing taken care of, Dennis says it has allowed him to concentrate     back into the community in which you live and when you pick up
both financial and in terms of career satisfaction, have been more than      for launch, as well as a ready-made back office function. Having the        on steering Tennial Personnel to survive and thrive.                       the odd award now and again, the sense of satisfaction is unlike
worth it.”                                                                   backing of an experienced recruitment investor in his corner, Dennis        “I could have chosen to do this alone, but there would have been a         anything I ever experienced as an employee,” he says. “I think
Dennis, who employs five people including his wife Jade, is now              made the decision to go for it.                                             lot more financial risk, a lot more red tape to deal with, and generally   business leadership does change you. In my younger days I was a
planning to expand the Tennial Personnel brand nationwide and his            “I remember that first morning of trading; it was just me, an office and    a lot more stress and distraction,” he explains. “The Recruit Venture      work hard, play harder kind of person, but now I’m more interested
next step will be a second office, potentially in Colchester.                a phone. It felt like I was starting from scratch again, and although I     Group has offered me that freedom to grow a business in my image,          in working with my team, listening to their ideas and helping them to
Despite feeling a responsibility to offer stability for his wife and three   was well known around Ipswich and Suffolk, I had to knuckle down            but is also there when you come across those inevitable obstacles          grow in their roles.”
children, it was actually his family which encouraged him to launch his      and build up the business.”                                                 along the way. I knew how to recruit, I knew how to make money, but        As he looks to the future, what would he say to other experienced
Ipswich-based agency.                                                        Success did indeed quickly follow and Dennis was able to expand his         I wasn’t an expert on taxes and cashflow and I didn’t know what the        recruiters who are thinking about launching their own business?
“I had felt underappreciated and undervalued at work and I was               own workforce and move into new recruitment sectors. Today Tennial          best software and IT systems were. Removing those uncertainties is         “They should go for it, 110 per cent,” said Dennis. “I can only speak
coming home feeling depressed and moody,” said Dennis. “I think my           Personnel serves the industrial, engineering, commercial and hospitality    a huge burden lifted.”                                                     for myself, but I started at the bottom in recruitment – I wasn’t even
family knew I needed a change.”                                              sectors with both temporary and permanent positions.                                                                                                   allowed to speak to a client or candidate in my first job – but I knew if
The possibility of starting a business is something which goes               But there have been no shortcuts to growth. Although Dennis is known        Community minded                                                           I trusted in my talent I could make it, and I did.
through the heads of most experienced recruiters at some point in            for an infectious charm and upbeat personality, he said building a good                                                                                “I think the same goes for starting a business,” he adds. “You can
their careers. Very few actually do it. The reasons why Dennis had           reputation in recruitment is hard-earned and can be lost in an instant.     Dennis has lived in the Ipswich area for 35 years and has been in          complicate your thinking, but fundamentally if you are talented and
previously put off making the jump were probably familiar to most.           “Work ethic is key,” he says. “I believe in staying humble, never getting   recruitment for 26 of those years. His business has allowed him to         driven and have the right backing behind you, I think anyone has a
Giving up a good salary and commission, putting personal savings             too comfortable and offering a recruitment service that really does         put back into the community in which he has spent most of his life.        great chance of building something phenomenal.
and assets on the line, and the anticipation of additional stress, longer    deliver for clients and candidates. You can’t offer that if you don’t       Tennial Personnel sponsors two local youth football teams around           “Not one day have I ever looked back.” n
hours and more to deal with.

20 FIN AN CE                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  COV E R FEAT UR E 21

Simon Kent looks to the future of work and finds recruitment’s place.

The start of this year and indeed decade may signal the start of            This professionalism extends beyond simply reacting to demand       Attraction and retention                                               Brooks echos another of Hadley’s comments, that in this time of
a new chapter for the recruitment industry. Faced with multiple             for talent. Hadley argues recruiters can be proactive in their                                                                             change and new regulations, recruiters can place themselves as
changes and challenges, Tom Hadley, director of policy and                  work. This could mean going out into the market to identify and     The tight market is playing on other recruiters' minds for the years   experts in navigating the world of work. “After the UK leaves the
campaigns at the REC argues now could also be the time when                 encourage good talent to move to better opportunities. It could     ahead. David Morel, founder and CEO, Tiger Recruitment makes           EU, all 3.8 million EU nationals currently living in the UK, and EU
recruitment businesses face new demands from clients and                    mean encouraging and delivering a more diverse workforce            clear that attracting high-quality talent means using a 360-degree     nationals wanting to enter the UK, will need to register for and
candidates and consequently make a step up to bring their                   based on a less traditional candidate shortlist. In each instance   approach to attraction and retention. “Gone are the days where         receive ‘settled status’, which all those working in Britain must
expertise, opinions and skills to the good of the workplace.                recruiters have the opportunity to demonstrate their industry and   the salary package is the main influence on jobseekers choosing        have by July 2021,” he says. “Settled status will require British
The biggest influence over the recruitment sector is likely to              market knowledge.                                                   a new role,” he says. “According to our 2020 Salary and Benefits       businesses to adopt a longer-term talent attraction strategy. The
be the continuing tight candidate-driven nature of the market.              Chris Parke, CEO of Talking Talent agrees recruiters and            Review, 44 per cent of jobseekers consider benefits to be more         C-Suite, HR departments and their recruitment agencies must
Employers are already experiencing difficulty in finding the talent         employers must rise to the challenge if they want to create a       attractive than any other factor, with flexible working playing a      begin either heavily targeting existing UK-based talent pools
they need and regulatory changes and Brexit are likely to make              truly diverse and equitable workforce – especially in terms of      leading role.”                                                         or accommodate the required time and resources to bring EU
the situation more challenging. Moreover, employers are seeking             gender balance. “Take female pay gap figures,” he says. “There      Danny Brooks, CEO of VHR’s global technical recruitment                nationals to work in the UK for the first time.” >
a more diverse workforce, indeed they will need to be open to               are examples almost every week showing how systemic issues          consultancy believes Brexit presents both a challenge and
non-traditional sources for their talent if they are to truly thrive. All   embedded over the last few decades are heavily biased towards       opportunity for recruiters. “Skills shortages and initial trading
this indicates the need to rely on recruitment professionals with           the majority and ideals of male leadership.                         negotiations will force recruitment agencies to innovate fast,            Employers are already experiencing
the knowledge and skills to deliver.                                        “Progress has been incredibly slow,” he adds, “and unless           with the potential to deliver better services and more unique
“‘It’s an opportunity for forward thinking recruiters to look at how        boards can show that they’re actively closing the gender pay        solutions than ever before,” he says. “To rapidly respond to new          difficulty in finding the talent they
they can change things in the market,” says Hadley. “The more               gap, making a difference and increasing women in senior             UK legislation and new international trading rules, recruiters will       need and regulatory changes and
difficult it becomes the more necessary it will be for employers to         leadership roles, it’s going to really backfire on them.”           need to ensure every step of the recruitment process, as well as
get experts to help them.”                                                                                                                      third part supplier activities, are compliant with every individual
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Brexit are likely to make the situation
                                                                                                                                                country they recruit into.”                                               more challenging

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