Looking Forward Business sentiment and planning Growth strategies People and performance - Franchise Council of Australia

Looking Forward Business sentiment and planning Growth strategies People and performance - Franchise Council of Australia

Business sentiment
and planning

Growth strategies

People and

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                   ISSN 2652-1237

Looking Forward Business sentiment and planning Growth strategies People and performance - Franchise Council of Australia
The future of payroll compliance
                                                                        2       A message from the CEO

          has arrived.                                                  4       Australian franchised businesses positive about 2022

                                                                        6	Franchise Pulse Check Survey finds worker attraction and
                                                                           retention a growing concern

                                                                        9	National Franchise Convention 2021-22

                                                                        10      NFC21-22 Keynote Speakers

                                     11                                 11	Will Australia move forward after the impact of COVID-19?

                                                                        12	Culture is a collective

                                                                        13      NFC21-22 Sponsors & Partners

                                                                        17      Putting franchisees first for sustainable growth

                                                                        20	It takes a village:
                                                                            Navigating franchise businesses through the pandemic

                                                                        24      Strategic Network Planning for post-COVID-19 growth

       www.wagesafe.com.au                                              29	Cultural diversity helps build business success
                                     4                                  32      Fast forward: The top 10 key QSR trends to watch in 2022

                                                                        34      Community purpose key to customer connection

                                                                        36	Maintaining brand consistency & controlling printing costs
                                                                            in a franchise operation

                                                                        38	Innovating for growth

                                                                        40 Achieving respect at work for all staff

                                                                        44 Super-secrets to winning the contest for talent

                                     25                                 47      Pandemic triggers transformation for Clark Rubber

                                   PUBLISHER                            EDITORIAL CONTENT ENQUIRIES                          DISCLAIMER
                                   The Franchise Council of Australia   Editor, Franchise Council of Australia               The views expressed in this journal do not necessarily
                                   ABN 17 002 789 988                   T 1300 669 030                                       reflect the views or policies of the FCA. Publication
                                   Level 19, 567 Collins St             E editor@franchise.org.au                            of advertisements for products or services does not
                                                                                                                             indicate endorsement by the FCA. The responsibility
                                   Melbourne VIC 3000
                                                                        ADVERTISING ENQUIRIES                                for accuracy of information is that of the individual
                                   T 1300 669 030
                                                                                                                             contributors, and neither the publisher or editors can
                                   F + 61 (0) 3 9508 0899               Peter White, Franchise Council of Australia
                                                                                                                             accept responsibility for the accuracy of information
                                   E info@franchise.org.au              T 1300 669 030                                       that is supplied by others. Readers should make their
                                   W www.franchise.org.au               E peter.white@franchise.org.au                       own inquiries in making any decisions, and, where
                                                                                                                             necessary, seek professional advice.
                                   DESIGN AND LAYOUT                    GENERAL INFORMATION
                                   Chronic Shankers                     All material is published at the discretion of the   COPYRIGHT
                                   95 Brunel St, Malvern East 3145      FCA. Editorial contributions, advertising bookings   © 2022 Franchise Council of Australia. All rights
                                   T 0403 046 399                       and artwork deadline information is available by     reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without
                                   E mattcallancs@gmail.com             contacting the FCA on 1300 669 030.                  written permission is strictly prohibited.

                                                                                                                                                          thefranchisereview | 1
Looking Forward Business sentiment and planning Growth strategies People and performance - Franchise Council of Australia

A message
from the CEO
Mary Aldred,
CEO, Franchise Council of Australia

    The first quarter of 2022 showed         less efficient.                            calendar. The NFC is the first in a series
much more optimism in business than              In terms of Australia, our country     of national events the FCA has planned
2021 and I attended the IFA Annual           is seen as one of most challenging         this year that will provide a deep dive
Convention in San Diego, California in       economic markets to deal with because      into core topics for franchises as they
March to hear from leading international     of the cost of labour, red tape and        look to consolidate and grow.
business experts and entrepreneurs re        commercial leasing arrangements. The          Building on the success of the
the post-COVID business landscape.           US perception is if you can succeed        national webinar program in 2020-21, a
    The International Franchise              as a brand in Australia, you have good     series of informative webinars is planned
Association’s IFA Convention is always       chance of making it in the US.             to compliment resumption of face-to-
one of franchising’s biggest yearly              Feedback to me was to promote that     face events in 2022.
events, bringing together the true           there will be an Australian management        The FCA’s focus on informing and          “As Franchise Council of Australia
heavyweights of the international            team when launching in the US because      educating franchise professionals
franchising community and providing a        Australia is so highly regulated it        has also recently been expanded
                                                                                                                                      members look ahead throughout
range of global perspectives on the year     gives US stakeholders assurance of         with the launch of the FCA Academy.           2022, the FCA remains committed
ahead.                                       compliance.                                The academy provides member                   to delivering value through
    Taking place over the course of              Based on the information I gathered    organisations with online access to           advocacy, education and support
five days, the IFA convention featured       and the input from attendees at the        learning and development content
countless meetings, seminars, and            conference, I am considering forming       specifically tailored for franchise
                                                                                                                                      activities and initiatives.”
educational sessions and, along with         an international working group for FCA     networks, with courses on topics such as
20 other Australian delegates, I tried to    members. I will keep you informed and      employee compliance, sales and general
attend as many as possible with topics       look forward to hearing from those         business skills.
relevant to franchising in Australia.        interested in this idea.                      I look forward to working with you all
    As well as robust education content          As Franchise Council of Australia      throughout 2022. n
and the opportunity to engage face-to-       members look ahead throughout 2022,
face with the franchising community,         the FCA remains committed to delivering
the atmosphere at the convention was         value through advocacy, education and
extremely optimistic and attendees were      support activities and initiatives.
buzzing with ideas about maximizing              Engagement across our membership
business development in 2022.                continues to inform the FCA’s policy
    A key theme was the use of               approach, with committees including the
technology to drive productivity,            FCA Franchisee Advisory Committee,
especially in retailing. The main            CEO Policy Advisory Committee and
technological challenge in retail post       State Chapter Committees providing
pandemic is to build loyalty and better      opportunities for members to engage in
databases, mapping purchasing                dialogue on key issues and topics facing
behaviour, introducing efficiencies          franchising and small business.
without diminishing customer experience          With a Federal Election imminent,
and better use of digital messaging.         the FCA will continue to engage with
    On workforce capacity, a shared view     politicians and policy makers to ensure
was that retailing cannot continue to rely   the valuable economic, employment and
on unskilled labour that may not see a       community contribution of franchising is
future career in retail. Unemployment        understood by decision makers.
is at its lowest rate in history in the US       We are excited to bring you the
and the minimum wage is lower than           National Franchise Convention 2021-22,
Australia (e.g. $20.50 per hour at an        the most comprehensive professional
in-and-out burger store) but workers are     development event on the FCA’s annual

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Looking Forward Business sentiment and planning Growth strategies People and performance - Franchise Council of Australia
Financial performance expectations                Areas where franchisors are                                                     Greatest challenges expected
                                           for the next twelve months                        providing a high level of support                                               over the next 12 months
                                                                                                                                                                             Financial performance
                                                                                             Dealing with landlords                                                          of my business

                                                                                                                                                                             Complexity of awards
                                                                                             Vendor relationships
                                                              Better                         and management
                                                               38%                                                                                                           Landlord issues
                                                                                             Payroll and HR
                                                                                             compliance issues                                                               Finding staff

                                                                                                                                                                             Availability of
                                                About                                        Marketing and                                                                   goods and materials
                                               the same                Much better           advertising
                                                 36%                      11%                                                                                                Well-being of staff
                                                                                             Assistance with accessing
                                                              Worse                          government support programs                                                     Customer loyalty
                                                               12%                                                                                                           and satisfaction

                                                                                Much worse                                                                                   Risk of further
                                                                                             Technology and systems                                                          government lockdowns
                                                                                             Percentage                    0   10   20   30   40   50   60   70   80   90    Percentage               0      10   20   30    40     50    60

                                               The Australian Franchisee Survey              by “Finding Staff” (56%) and “The                Snapshot of Australian                            all respondents (48%) indicated their
                                           conducted by FRANdata for the                     Financial Performance of my Business”            Franchisee Survey                                 business employed 2-10 people with a
                                           Franchise Council of Australia confirms           (53%).                                                                                             further 34% reporting their franchised
                                                                                                                                              participating businesses

                                           that a growing number of franchised                   More than 70% of respondents                                                                   businesses employed more than 10
                                           businesses saw an income turnaround in            indicated they hoped to increase                     Responses from 1,007 franchisees              people.
                                           the closing months of 2021 and further            employment numbers over the coming               representing 83 Australian franchise                  The majority of franchised businesses
                                           improvement is expected over the next             twelve months. Thirty percent of these           systems.                                          (76%) were based in capital cities.

                                           six months.                                       businesses hoped to employ an additional             The survey sample indicated that 69%          Franchised businesses also have a
                                               Almost half (49%) of respondents              2-4 people, 21% an additional 5- 25 people       of Australian franchised businesses were          significant regional footprint with 24% of
                                           expected better trading performance               and 3% more than 25 people.                      operated by men and 29% by women.                 respondents indicating their businesses
                                           in 2022. The most optimistic industries               Eighty (80%) per cent of respondents             Whilst the majority of respondents            were based outside of state and territory

                                           included convenience stores, retail food          found their franchisors supportive over          (57%) were born in Australia, more than           capitals.
                                           outlets, retail stores, pet services and          the past twelve months.                          40% were born overseas with India the                 There is a significant variance in
                                           home services. Thirty six percent (36%)               “The fact that a majority of survey          second most common place of birth at 15%,         average weekly sales across franchise
                                           anticipated conditions to remain “about           respondents indicated they felt being            followed by China 7% and the UK at 3%.            units, attributable to the type of industry,

about 2022
                                           the same”.                                        part of a franchise system provided                  A high level of education across              business structure and the scale of the
                                               The “Risk of Further Government               an advantage over operating an                   franchise owners was evident with                 individual business.
                                           Lockdowns” was identified as the                  independent business shows that the              18% holding a tertiary degree and a                   Higher turnover levels were evidenced
                                           greatest challenge for the next twelve            franchising model provides a strong              further 27% holding a Post Graduate               from respondents working in food-based
                                           months at 57%. This was closely followed          framework for small businesses,” said FCA        Qualification. 52% of respondents                 businesses, which accounted for 80% of
                                                                                             CEO Mary Aldred.                                 indicated High School (22%) or Diploma/           the businesses reporting turnover of more
                                                                                                 “Since 2018, the FCA has worked              Certificate (30%) as their highest level of       than $10,000 per week.
Business is looking up in 2022 according                                                     consistently with all stakeholders,              education.                                            For franchises with sales of less than
to many of the more than 1000                                                                including franchisors and government,                The vast majority (73%) of franchise          $10,000 per week, 91% were involved in
                                                                                                                                              units were owned by single operators. A
individual businesses representing 83                                                        to improve support for franchisees,
                                                                                             including small business advisory and            further 20% of respondents indicated the
                                                                                                                                                                                                non-food businesses which in many cases
                                                                                                                                                                                                were operated by mobile businesses
franchise systems in the first national                                                      education services and tighter regulatory        operation of 2-3 units and 7% indicated           without rental and wages overheads. n
                                                                                                                                              the operation of 4 or more units for their
survey of Australian franchisees.                                                            compliance across systems.”
                                                                                                                                              franchise system.
                                                                                                 “The fact that being part of a                                                                 Overall view of support
                                                                                                                                                  The survey reflected that 33% of
                                                                                             franchise network has helped many small                                                            provided by franchisor over
                                                                                                                                              respondents had commenced their
                                                                                             businesses make it through the pandemic
                                                                                                                                              business in the last five years (2017-2021).
                                                                                                                                                                                                the last twelve months
                                                                                             impacts and restrictions is a strong
                                                                                             indicator that franchising is achieving          A further 30% commenced their business
                                                                                             success in Australia,” said Mary Aldred.         between 2012 and 2016 and 37% had now
                                                                                                 80% of survey respondents indicated          been operating their business for more
                                                                                             they were receiving high levels of               than ten years.                                                             Very
                                                                                                                                                  Responses indicate that franchises are                               supportive
                                                                                             marketing support from their franchisor
                                                                                                                                              typically operated by mature age owners                                     43%
                                                                                             and 67% said they were receiving high
                                                                                             levels of technology and systems support.        with 76% of respondents aged 40 years                  Somewhat
                                           “Since 2018, the FCA has                                                                          or older.
                                                                                                 Between 30-40% of the sample                                                                          37%
                                             worked consistently with                        indicated they were receiving high                   Franchised businesses are a
                                             all stakeholders, including                     levels of franchisor assistance in the           significant employer in the Australian                                   Not
                                                                                                                                              economy. The employment of more
                                             franchisors and government,                     areas of dealing with landlords, vendor
                                                                                                                                              than 2 people was indicated by 81% of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       at all
                                                                                             relationships, payroll and HR issues                                                                                      20%
                                             to improve support for                          and accessing government support                 respondents. Single operators accounted
                                             franchisees...”                                 programs.                                        for 19% of respondents. Almost half of

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Looking Forward Business sentiment and planning Growth strategies People and performance - Franchise Council of Australia
Franchise Pulse
Check Survey finds                                                                                                                          TODAY’S MILK
worker attraction
and retention a
                                                                                                                                            IS NOT NUTTY
growing concern
There has been increase
                                                                                                                                            IT’S ALMOND.
                                               Key challenges being faced by
in small business                              Australian Franchise Systems
concerns about
attracting and retaining                       Landlord issues

workers, according to                          Risk of further government lockdowns
the latest Australian                          Supply chain issues due to COVID
Franchise Business                             impacts on workforce availability

‘Pulse Check’ survey.                          Engagement and satisfaction of franchisees

    The December quarter 2021 survey
                                               Financial performance of franchisor
included responses from 51 Australian
franchise brands covering 11,875 individual
                                               Financial performance of franchisees
business outlets (10,594 franchised and
1,281 company operated) and employing
                                               Wellness of franchisees and support staff
63,220 Australians.
    The greatest concern or challenge          Updating of Disclosure Document
reported was the availability of suitable      due to code changes
employees (73%), jumping significantly
from 55% in each of the two previous           Other (or general) compliance matters
    Supply chain Issues (55%) were also        Access to finance
materially higher than the 47% and 44% in
the previous two quarters.                     Franchisee recruitment
    The wellness of franchisees and support
staff (42%), franchisee recruitment (36%)      Technology
and the availability of suitable support
                                               Availability of suitable people for
office staff (36%) were also in the top five   employment by franchisees
key concerns and challenges.
                                               Availability of suitable people for
    The most significant fall in business      employment by support office
concerns was regarding the risk of further

                                                                                                                                                  WANT TO
                                               Employment Relations (workforce
government lockdowns (25%) which               management, compliance, complexity, cost)
dropped from 61% in the previous quarter.
    The percentage of businesses feeling       Percentage of Respondents                    0   10     20   30   40     50   60   70   80

                                                                                                                                                  GET A SAMPLE?
optimistic about business conditions in the
next six months remains solid at 73%. Only                                                      High        Very high
8% of respondents were pessimistic.
    Respondents anticipated opening 484
new franchised outlets in 2022 across                                                                                                             Head to altdairyco.com
their respective networks and were most        FRANdata, has undertaken this ‘Pulse Check’ survey for the Franchise Council
likely to expand business in NSW (51%),        of Australia (FCA) to provide insights on the status and experiences of the
followed by VIC (23%), QLD (14%) and           Australian franchise sector during the December 2021 quarter.
WA (9%). n

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Looking Forward Business sentiment and planning Growth strategies People and performance - Franchise Council of Australia
The Hospitality Franchise
  Would you like to manage ordering, delivery, POS, loyalty, and
           kitchen production on a single platform?

                                                                   A NEW
                                                                   A NEW

                                                                   National Franchise
                                                                   Convention 2021-22
                                                                   An unmissable event for franchises
                                                                   looking obtain vital knowledge and
                                                                   strategies for consolidation, revitalisation,
                                                                   innovation and growth in a vastly
                                                                   changed business environment.

                                                                   Be inspired and enlightened by NFC21-22’s
                                                                   keynote speakers
      www.redcat.com.au                                            Attend star studded panel sessions featuring franchise
                                                                   professionals and industry experts sharing their practical
                                                                   advice on business-critical topics.
QSR                                                                Network with your franchising peers and SME colleagues
FAST CASUAL                                                        at the jam packed social program and NFC exhibition.
                                                                   Find out more at nationalfranchiseconvention.org.au
Looking Forward Business sentiment and planning Growth strategies People and performance - Franchise Council of Australia
                          Bernard Salt AM
                          Bernard Salt is widely regarded as one of Australia’s leading social commentators by
                          business, the media and the broader community.                                                  demographer and
                          Bernard heads The Demographics Group which provides advice on demographic,                      futurist Bernard
                          consumer and social trends for business.
                                                                                                                          Salt believes that
                          Prior to that Bernard founded KPMG Demographics.
                          He writes two weekly columns for The Australian newspaper and is an adjunct
                                                                                                                          optimism and
                          professor at Curtin University Business School.                                                 entrepreneurship
                          In conjunction with KPMG Australia he hosts a top-rated podcast called “What                    will characterise
                          Happens Next” which discusses rising trends and important business issues.
                                                                                                                          post-COVID society
                          Simon Griffiths                                                                                 in Australia.
                          Simon is an engineer and economist turned social entrepreneur.

                                                                                                                          Will Australia
                          Driven by a passion to use business to give back, in 2010, Simon had the idea to start a
                          toilet paper company that builds toilets in the developing world. In 2012, he launched Who
                          Gives A Crap with a crowdfunding campaign, agreeing to sit on a toilet on a live webfeed

                                                                                                                          move forward
                          until he had pre-sold the first $50,000 of toilet rolls. The multi-award-winning launch
                          attracted global media attention and generated over $1 million of PR value.
                          Since launching, Who Gives A Crap has tripled in size year-on-year, primarily relying on
                          word-of-mouth to fuel its growth. In five years, Who Gives A Crap donated more than $1

                                                                                                                          after the impact
                          million, reaching a milestone in 2020 of $8.3 million.
                          Simon is one of Australia’s most prominent social entrepreneurs. His work has been
                          covered by countless media outlets around the world, including The Huffington Post, MTV
                          and The Stanford Social Innovation Review.

                                                                                                                          of COVID-19?
                          Rachael Robertson
                          Rachael Robertson (CSP, MBA) is an Antarctic expedition leader, Chief Ranger and leader
                          with 20 years of ‘extreme’ leadership experience. She is a best-selling author and leadership
                          guru whose talents are in great demand from leading organisations around the globe.
                          As only the second female to lead a team to Davis Station in Antarctica she managed a
                                                                                                                              Bernard’s theme setting presentation       shift to if you’re a business migrant.       triple and that by the 2030s the cities we
                          diverse group of up to 120 people, through total isolation, months of darkness, with no
                                                                                                                          at NFC21-22 will outline how the world            Net migration plunged in 2020 and         know today will be compartmentalised
                          way in and no way out. It was a leadership laboratory in the most extreme and hostile
                                                                                                                          and the way we live has changed and            2021 but is likely to rebound by the start   into fully-serviced mini cities and regional
                          environment on Earth, where most of the theory doesn’t apply.
                                                                                                                          what that means for Australia to 2030,         of 2023.                                     hubs, precipitating a shift in property
                          In Antarctica she built a resilient and highly successful team based on the foundation that     including opportunities for inventive and         Similarly, Bernard says Australia’s       values.
                          ‘respect trumps harmony’. Prior to leading the expedition Rachael had 16 years’ experience      motivated businesses.                          changing internal demographics,                  His final prediction?
                          in a variety of senior operational roles in complex and challenging environments.                   His forecast, based on history, is that    including the escape from cities and             Sea change and tree change 2.0 could
                                                                                                                          highly disruptive global events such as        regionalisation and families moving to an    mark one of the big social shifts of the
                          Mark Carter                                                                                     wars and pandemics are followed within         area where they can buy a bigger house,      2020s. n
                          Mark Carter is a director, international keynote speaker, trainer and author.                   a matter of years by a “celebration of life”   will increase demand for goods and
                                                                                                                          and innovation.                                services.
                          He has 24 years’ experience as a global learning and development professional
                                                                                                                              Naturally, there will be winners and          Lockdown has shown workers,                 Bernard Salt AM is one of Australia’s
                          including dynamic environments like Contiki and TRAVCorp. He also spent over two
                                                                                                                          losers, but Bernard says the pandemic          workplaces and bosses that many people         leading social commentators and
                          years leading primarily virtual and hybrid solutions across APAC: relevant experience
                                                                                                                          has created “game changing” events that        can be just as effective working from          business analysts. He draws upon
                          for current times.
                                                                                                                          will have a lasting impact on the way we       home and this will have a profound             vast datasets to interpret the
                          Mark is a regular mainstream media contributor including prestigious publications               live and do business.                          impact on the shape of our cities, the         overall trajectory of social change
                          like Harvard Business Review. His specialisation in people and behavior, translates into            As a result of our relatively low          demand for services and the value              in the past and into the future. His
                          bespoke programs including themes like change, culture, leadership, operations and              coronavirus death rate, Australia is           of property. Plus, it’s underpinned by         presentation at NFC21-22 will be a
                          client facing skills for the experience economy.                                                perceived as a safe haven, a place of          generational shift.                            keynote event that business decision
                          His TEDx talk, ‘Paws and Effect: how teddy bears increase value perception’ was the             good governance, a good place to invest,          Bernard forecasts that the number of        makers can’t afford to miss.
                          movie trailer for his latest book published globally by Wiley: Add Value.                       to migrate to, to study in, to visit and to    people working from home will double or

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Looking Forward Business sentiment and planning Growth strategies People and performance - Franchise Council of Australia
Culture is
                                                                                                     Mark Carter is an international
                                                                                                     keynote speaker, trainer and coach.
                                                                                                     He has over 20 years’ experience as

a collective                                                                                                                                                                    NFC21-22
                                                                                                     a global learning and development
                                                                                                     professional. His TEDxCasey talk
                                                                                                     ‘Paws and Effect: how teddy bears
                                                                                                     increase value perception’ was the

                                                                                                                                                                                Thank you
                                                                                                     movie trailer for his latest book
                                                                                                     Add Value. You can contact Mark at
By Mark Carter                                                                                       markcarter.com.au or his book site
Peak performance, productivity and leadership authority                                              addvalue.markcarter.com.au

For a culture to thrive,                            • Authority – competitiveness where            impact of the organisation they work for
                                                 people strive to gain personal advantage          as they do their own pay packet.
regardless of remote or                             When a business puts greater focus                 • Caring – work environments are                                        Thank you to our Sponsors
physical presence, there                         on behaviours, the results and numbers            truly collaborative, warm and built on
                                                                                                                                                          The FCA gratefully acknowledges the support of the NFC21-22 sponsors
                                                 (the lagging indicators of performance)           relationships of solid mutual trust
are four evolutionary                            tend to follow. Be mindful not to confuse             • Purpose – exemplified by idealism,                                 who have made this event possible.
pillars requiring constant                       strong, directional leadership in creating        altruism and trending themes like social
                                                 a strong performance culture with ‘micro          causes and sustainability
attention. The task of                           management’ or ‘win at all costs’: both of            I’ll be expanding on these themes
leaders is to gel and bond                       which are beyond out of fashion!                  and more: such as that magical single
                                                                                                   ingredient you want to tap!
individuals (tapping into a                      Learning &                                            In the son et lumière, experiential
single magical ingredient)                       Knowledge Sharing                                 signature style ‘CULTURE’ keynote for
                                                                                                                                                                                                   P L AT I N U M
                                                     If you rewind a decade or two,                FCA 2022, I’ll be sharing content and tools
to keep moving them                              generally HR or L&D were knowledge                within my ‘Add Value’ model, (published            GOLD
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   S O C I A L N E T WO R K I N G
along the culture                                holders for upskilling and growth. These          globally by Wiley) and ‘5C MODEL’ of
                                                                                                                                                    SPONSOR                                                                            NIGHT SPONSOR

evolution pathway.                               days it’s accepted that great knowledge
                                                 lives across the entire tribe. The role of
                                                                                                   which culture is a part.
                                                                                                       Culture, the fifth and culminating ‘C’, is
                                                 HR and L&D (as much as it may include             a canvass that business leaders may follow
Evolution of                                     scheduling and owning components                  – using a variety of mechanisms and tools,
fundamental pillars                              of continual learning) is also one of             encouraging their whole team participate
   If your business were an ancient temple       knowledge organisers to ensure best               colouring in the canvass and driving             L A N YA R D          E S P R E SS O C A F É                    K E Y N OT E               K E Y N OT E
these four pillars serve like solid Corinthian   practice and upskilling loads are shared,         the vision and purpose. n                        SPONSOR                    SPONSOR                              SPONSOR                    SPONSOR
columns keeping the culture roof sound           more easily accessed, curated and spread.
overhead.                                            • Learning – exploration, expansiveness,
   Now’s a great time to look at which of        open-mindedness, curiosity and creativity
your pillars require a little maintenance.       are all embraced
                                                     • Enjoyment – workplaces are fun,
                                                                                                                                                                              Thank you to our Partners
Administration                                                                                                                                       The work of the Franchise Council of Australia, including the National Franchise
                                                 stimulating and playful (NB. which also
   In an ideal world you’ll have clarity
around a playbook of processes. One that’s
                                                 translates into learning environments both                                                          Convention, would not be possible without the annual support of our Partners.
                                                 virtual and live)
clear enough for all to follow, fair enough          It’s a curious fact that often when
so everyone is playing by the same rules         people are feeling busy, or severely
yet not so complex or convoluted that it         challenged or stressed, learning is one of
unnecessarily slows you down.                    the first calendar activities to be sacrificed.
   • Order – methodical environments             A learning culture means recognising
where people play by the rules                   continued personal growth is as important
   • Safety – creating environments that         as many other aspects and tasks towards
are predictable, risk conscious and people       your overall culture and achievement.
feel safe, including psychologically
   With more people working                      Unique
remotely, are you clear with what your               As much as we’re in a digital age,
administration and process playbook              we’re also still firmly rooted in
looks like? Do people understand what            the experience economy.
compliance is from the confines of their         Customers and employees
own homes?                                       alike will align and
                                                 support brands and
                                                 organisations that
    When more individuals have clarity           make them go ‘wow’
around their goals, are self-accountable         and make them feel
and supported by leaders to help achieve         good. Additionally
them, performance tends to take care of          we’re seeing a
itself.                                          generation care as
    • Results – specifically characterised by    much about the
achievement and winning

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Looking Forward Business sentiment and planning Growth strategies People and performance - Franchise Council of Australia
It’s                                                             Putting
Brand                                                            franchisees
Magic.                                                           first for
                                                                 Putting franchisees first in a sustainable growth
                                                                 strategy has proved to be a winning formula for
                                                                 Rapid Tune, with the automotive aftermarket repair
                                                                 franchise named as the Australian Established
         Get your franchisees                                    Franchisor of the Year for 2021.
         to do more marketing.                                       It’s award success that’s been nearly
                                                                 two decades in the making, starting
                                                                 from humble beginnings in a small
         Sesimi is the foolproof, cloud-based brand              office of the first store in Ferntree Gully,
                                                                 Victoria, in 2003 where Rapid Tune
         management platform that protects and grows your        CEO, Mark Rippon (right), developed his
         franchise brand. Using Sesimi, franchisees can          franchising vision for the future.
         tailor their own 100% compliant content, at scale for       Since then, Rapid Tune has steadily
                                                                 grown its brand, franchise footprint,
         any media channel in a matter of seconds.               customer and franchisee satisfaction
                                                                 scores and revenue. There has been
         ‘Sesimi provides a vast number of asset                 a deliberate choice to expand the
         templates for our franchisees to access                 network sustainably, with the brand now
         instantly wherever they are to build content            operating in 32 locations (30 franchises
                                                                 and 2 company owned stores) across
         within brand guidelines.”                               Victoria and Queensland, with 22 of
                                                                 these launched within the last five years.
           - Jeff Baars, Chief Marketing and Digital Officer,
             Quest Apartment and Hotels

         Discover the magic now.


                                                                                                                      thefranchisereview | 17
service philosophy and range of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  products, it promotes the values and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  professionalism of our people who deliver
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  those services every day.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      “The connectivity, TVC campaigns
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  and social media presence have all had
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  a knock-on effect to our online reviews,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  resulting in high levels of customer
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  satisfaction reflected in our Google
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Being named the Australian
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Established Franchisor of the Year at
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  the FCA’s 2021 Excellence in Franchising
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Awards provides still more recognition for
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  the network.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      “Winning the FCA Australian Established
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Franchisor of the Year award is a great
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  honour and testament to the amazing
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  culture we have built together and are
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  renowned for at Rapid Tune,” said Mark.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      “Australian small business owners
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  have demonstrated their ability to adjust
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  and adapt during one of the most
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  economically disruptive periods in history.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      “It’s a surreal feeling to be put up on
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  a pedestal alongside some of Australia’s
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  top franchisors including [2021 Australian
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Established Franchisor of the Year Award
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  finalists] Chicken Treat, Couriers Please,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Pirtek, and RAMS. I thank the FCA and
A unique culture                                 This has resulted in strong and              “Once we are satisfied the prospective    underlined by the implementation of the      practices. Group-wide communication is       commend all award finalists and winners
                                             sustained relationships between              franchisee has conducted due diligence        Rapid Rune finance product.                  facilitated through cloud-based software     on their outstanding efforts and well-
    Having been a franchisee himself
                                             franchisees and the Rapid Tune brand,        and the cooling off period has lapsed, we        “We realised that aspiring franchisees    and mobile apps, which are also used         deserved recognition in 2021.
with other brands, Mark had personally
                                             high levels of trust in the Rapid Tune       continue to engage with the franchisee        with great potential didn’t always have      to help capture customer feedback                “I am proud to be a part of a
witnessed the systems and processes of
                                             business system and the ability to attract   before approval is granted. At the next       access to the capital required to attain     and deliver training for employees and       community that has shown so much
other franchise networks and intimately
                                             and retain the highest quality franchisees   series of meetings, we address any            business ownership. This not only            business owners.                             bravery, tenacity and resilience and
understood the needs of franchisees. He
                                             to represent the Rapid Tune brand and        concerns and answer any questions that        restricted individuals from achieving the        “Our cloud-based RMS system also         proven that no challenge is too great to
set out to create a franchise brand with
                                             further enhance its strong culture and       have arisen from the incoming franchisee      personal goals and career advancement,       enables the head office to undertake         overcome.” n
a unique culture and high franchisee
                                             reputation.                                  research and ensure they are fully aware      but also robbed the Rapid Tune network       real-time analysis and provide immediate
                                                                                          of the financial and legal obligations        of highly skilled and experienced business   support as needed for all of our
    “Business performance is often
                                             Recruiting for success                       required of them when purchasing a            operators. This led us to create Rapid       franchisees. The sophisticated software
measured within spreadsheets, business
                                                 As with any successful franchise         Rapid Tune franchise business.”               Tune’s financing arm to make business        delivers valuable data analytics that
systems and KPIs, but what’s often
                                             brand, Rapid Tune’s expansion has been           According to Mark, this approval          ownership more accessible to the right       enable us to pair customers’ most
overlooked are the personal needs of the
                                             built on a strong and structured franchise   process ensures:                              people,” said Mark.                          needed services with opportunities for
business owner,” Mark said.
                                             recruitment process.                             1. The prospective franchisee’s              “Through our vendor’s finance             franchisees to generate profit and repeat
    “Fears and anxieties about business
                                                 “90-95% of franchisee candidates         personal and professional profile has been    product, we have opened doors to             business,” said Mark.
performance often stem from what’s
happening in our personal lives.             come from within the Rapid Tune              assessed to ensure the correct cultural fit   deserving franchisees to achieve                 COVID-19 too demanded innovation,
I’ve learned that you can’t focus on         network with the remainder attracted         for the Rapid Tune network                    their dreams of becoming business            with contact free vehicle servicing and
performance without taking into account      word of mouth. Candidates are attracted          2. The franchisee’s skills and            owners. This has also supported the          sanitization practices implemented to
the personal and emotional needs of the      by our reputation for extensive franchisee   experience have been assessed to              wider Group’s successful growth and          enable customers to have their vehicles
business owner. That was especially the      support, culture and personal touch,”        produce an initial tailored training          expansion objectives by retaining            picked up and delivered back home
case throughout the pandemic when we         explained Mark.                              and support program that will most            highly accomplished and dedicated            in a contact-free manner amongst the
really needed to provide both professional       “We will never succumb to expanding      effectively benefit the income franchisee:    professionals within our network.”           initiatives implemented by the franchise.
and personal reassurance for our people.”    for expansions sake, selecting the right     “When it comes to training and support
    Mark outlined the key elements of        franchisees for the network always comes     one size does not fit all,” said Mark.        Innovation and identifying                   Building the brand
building Rapid Tune’s unique culture as:     first.                                           3. An alignment of expectations has       opportunities                                   To build brand awareness and
    • A wholly inclusive and supportive          “We have a structured step-by-           been conducted to ensure the Rapid                As part of the rapidly evolving          accelerate the expansion of the growing
franchise network with open door access      step franchisee recruitment process          Tune business system has the potential        automotive industry, Rapid Tune is           network, in 2019 Rapid Tune launched
to the franchisor                            and are very particular when selecting       to satisfy the incoming franchisees           constantly undertaking research and          an ambitious television campaign and an
    • Getting to know franchisees at a       franchisees. We carefully screen             perception toward work / life balance,        assessing the market to determine which      expanded social media presence.
personal and professional level in order     candidates to assess suitability and         financial expectations, and personal goals.   products and services to launch to ensure       “We see marketing as a vital tool to
to provide support and solutions to help     alignment with our business model and            4. An understanding of the legal          ongoing business success across the          building brand recognition and consumer
them achieve their goals and to alleviate    culture. This is achieved via detailed       and financial obligations involved with       network.                                     trust. In 2019, we saw an opportunity in
any fears or anxieties that may come with    information gathering in the application     acquiring of Rapid Tune franchise.                And at Rapid Tune, the process           the market to create brand differentiation
business ownership                           phase followed by one-to-one meetings            The importance Rapid Tune places          of identifying new opportunities is a        from Rapid Tune to other organisations in
    • Focused training and professional      with our GM and CEO. In-store work           on providing opportunities for the right      collaborative one, with franchisees          the car servicing industry,” said Mark.
development addressing the individual’s      trials are provided where necessary to       franchisees, and to in turn support the       encouraged to share their ideas on              “Our ‘We keep you moving campaign’
needs                                        ascertain suitability for both parties.      sustainable growth of the network, is         new products, opportunities and best         not only represents our strong customer
18 | thefranchisereview                                                                                                                                                                                                                                thefranchisereview | 19
It takes
Almost two years into
the global pandemic,

                                                a village:
uncertainty felt by
businesses is higher
than ever. However, the

distinct advantage that
businesses in franchising
have over other

businesses, is that more
than half of franchisees
feel that being part of a

franchise group provided
more of an advantage
than if they were

                                                through the
operating their business

By Sarah Eltakchi
Partner, Accounting and
Business Advisory, Findex

    COVID-19 has brought numerous               Maximising the value of                             A poor structure can not only put          benefit analysis and price escalation         Ineffective Systems                            franchisor to achieve the best strategic
obstacles for many businesses, from             your franchise group and                        your entire group at risk, but can             clauses are only some of the things that                                                     and operating outcomes by ensuring that
supply chain and staffing issues to                                                             limit the ease and effectiveness of                                                              In the franchise model, standardised
                                                minimising risk                                                                                we have assisted our clients with as we
                                                                                                                                                                                             systems, accurate information and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            they have effective systems in place.
lockdowns, closures and many more.                                                              implementing business plans. Worse             realign the focus on ensuring the business                                                      Recent changes and increased
                                                     With so many variables and unknowns        still, the wrong structure can reduce the                                                    benchmarking are very important to
    This is a crucial time in the franchisee/                                                                                                  is profitable and not just hitting sales                                                     regulation in the franchise industry
                                                for businesses in this current environment,     value of your business. Too often you                                                        running a successful franchise group. Your
franchisor relationship. Now more than                                                                                                         growth.                                                                                      have seen a lot more reporting and
                                                it’s important to identify business             see a business undervalued because                                                           group needs a “one best way” of doing
ever, franchisees need the right support                                                                                                                                                                                                    disclosure required to be prepared by
                                                opportunities for your franchise group and                                                                                                   things from a financial compliance and
to help them through the turbulence and
                                                minimise risk to assist you to drive your
                                                                                                the assets are not structured correctly        Ineffective Management                                                                       the franchisor, but whilst it’s a lot of work,
franchisors need to be proactive about                                                          and that can be detrimental to capital                                                       reporting process, as well as operational.
                                                franchise business, add value and grow                                                             There are so many dimensions that                                                        the transparency between the franchisor
giving their franchise group the right                                                          raises and business sales.                                                                   This ensures that you have reliable data for
                                                your returns.                                                                                  need to be managed in a franchise                                                            and franchisee will inevitably improve the
support. For both parties to navigate                                                                                                                                                        decision making, and highlights areas that
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            overall relationship if carried out properly.
this period, it’s critical the franchisee            Poor business structure, lack of cost      Lack of Cost Control                           business, and ineffective management          may need particular attention or things
                                                control, ineffective management and                                                            can be disastrous to the entire group. It     that are working really well.
understands the guidance provided by
                                                inefficient systems can all be catalysts for
                                                                                                   We often place a great deal of
                                                                                                                                               is essential to ensure that not only the                                                     Setting franchisees up
the franchisor and the two are working                                                          emphasis on the businesses top line,                                                             Working as the preferred supplier of
                                                a franchisor to fall into financial hardship.                                                  franchisor is managed effectively but that    Accounting, Bookkeeping and Advisory
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            for success
together to ensure the success of the                                                           setting targets and success based largely
                                                Don’t let your business be one of them.                                                        the franchisees are too. At Findex we often   services for franchise groups, Findex              In this environment, franchise models
franchise system.                                                                               on sales.
                                                                                                                                               work with our franchise groups where the      provides:                                      are proving to be more appealing.
    Findex has worked with hundreds of                                                             In an environment where the cost of
franchise businesses - some from the
                                                Business Structure                              doing business is increasing rapidly, a lack
                                                                                                                                               best performing franchisee is rewarded            • Accounting software setup and            People are willing to pay more money
very beginning of their franchise journey           Your business structure quite often                                                        with complimentary strategy sessions.         training                                       for a franchise business than they
                                                                                                of cost control and management of your
and others later along in the journey.          tells a story of your business journey.         bottom line may see you hitting those          However the ones who need it the most             • Tailored training delivered through      would a no-name brand. They are
Our Accounting and Business Advisory            If set up correctly, it shows the clear         sales budgets…but not making any money.        are the struggling or underperforming         webinar customised to the franchise            willing to pay a premium for a business
team are experts at helping franchise           direction that your franchise group has            Excessive price matching, COVID             franchisees, and a great management           group’s needs                                  model that has been tried and tested
businesses navigate franchising’s unique        taken, whist providing the business with        franchise fee relief, inadequate or outdated   team acknowledges that. We are                    • Back office systems and processes to     and proven to be successful, for the
model, working with their finance, legal        flexibility, protection and segregation of      supplier and sales contracts and the           currently working with groups to provide      support a ‘one best way’ approach across       operational and marketing support and
and operations team to create the best          business operations.                            increase in cost of labour are only a few      training, compliance and mentoring to         the franchise group.                           the stability, reputation and brand of the
approach for the franchisor and franchisees.        It’s never too late to ensure that          factors that need to be closely monitored      the underperforming franchisees to help           • Greater visibility over franchisee       franchise group.
    There is no cookie cutter response. It’s    you have the right structure for your           as we navigate this “new normal” with          them understand the right way of doing        performance with benchmarking and                  When recruiting franchisees, it’s
based on the current and future needs of        franchise group. Expanding operations           COVID.                                         business. Understanding the concerns          insights.                                      important to remember and communicate
the business. But there are a few things        interstate or overseas, capital raises,            Whether this is the new normal or           of the franchisor and the franchisee and          • Cashflow forecasting.                    that purchasing a franchise business
we’ve learnt along the way that can help        vertical or horizontal diversification          simply the current normal, franchise           working together to manage the process            • Business advisory support to drive       doesn’t give you overnight success. Not
ensure the franchise group is protected         plans, business acquisitions and sales          businesses need to do things differently,      and establish a solution. It doesn’t happen   growth and profitability.                      only does the franchisee need training
and gives franchisees the very best chance      and succession planning can all be              as the exposure and risk that poor cost        overnight but managed properly, the               • Funding applications.                    on the operations and process of the
at making their business a success from         achieved successfully and safely with the       control can cause your business is huge.       outcome is much more successful than              • Lender negotiations.                     business, they need to know how to run a
the beginning.                                  right structure.                                Review of supply agreements, cost vs           burying your head in the sand.                    We assist both the franchisee and          successful business. Don’t just show them
20 | thefranchisereview                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             thefranchisereview | 21
how to make your perfect burger or run                     Navigating the impacts of                                    Conclusion
the perfect cycle class. Show them how to                  COVID-19                                                         As a franchisor or franchisee, take

                                                                                                                                                                                  Customised energy offers
manage their cashflow, how to understand
                                                               Over the past two years most franchise                   the time to reflect and ask yourself how
their numbers and what the numbers say
                                                           businesses have had to deal with a                           to give your business its best chance for
about their business.
                                                           constantly evolving environment which                        success. What tools and advisers do you
     When franchisees start out on their
                                                                                                                        need to help ensure that your group can

                                                                                                                                                                                  for FCA members
                                                           has required immense agility. Whether it
franchise journey, it’s important to get
                                                           was navigating working from home, limits                     navigate these uncharted waters?
it right from the beginning. Buying any
                                                           on dining and venue capacity or contract                         There are so many variables for
business is a big decision that comes
                                                           changes to accommodate fluctuating                           businesses at present. Emotions are
with serious personal and financial
                                                           prices, franchise groups as a whole have                     high and it’s difficult to see the light
commitments, but quite often, so much
                                                           needed to work together to ensure                            at the end of the tunnel. An impartial
time is spent on the legal side of the
                                                           they had the right information to make                       accounting partner, who is there to
franchise transaction that the accounting
and business planning side is overlooked
                                                           decisions efficiently and effectively.                       provide independent advice on the                         At EnergyAustralia we know how busy life is when you’re
                                                                                                                        issues that the franchisor and franchisee
by the franchisee.
     It is critical to have a business
                                                               For many franchise businesses, this
                                                           has highlighted a deficit in their ability to                are trying to overcome, can help                          running your franchise. It’s hard to find that balance!
                                                           obtain information across the franchise                      your franchise business understand
accountant who specialises in franchising
                                                           group accurately and use it in a standard                    the needs of both sides and provide
to help guide the franchisee through this
first stage of assessing and buying their
                                                           way to analyse and benchmark what the
                                                           business needs.
                                                                                                                        strategic advice and recommendations
                                                                                                                        on what can be done by both parties to
                                                                                                                                                                                  Get some balance back today
new franchise and then to guide them on
                                                               Now is the time to fix these things.                     navigate the situation.
an ongoing base to help implement their
                                                                                                                            Getting the right advice can be hard.
                                                                                                                                                                                  Our Business Balance* plan, with a guaranteed energy discount for 12 months,
                                                           Franchisors with group-wide, standardised
business plan.
     Financial due diligence, pre-purchase
                                                           back office procedures that are set up so                    The team at Findex understand how                         can help bring some balance back.
                                                           they can obtain data in a seamless and                       to bring franchisors and franchisees
review, business and structure setup,
                                                           periodically manner, find it easier to access                together. With over 30 years’ experience                  Plus you get great service from our dedicated team of Australia-based business
assistance with business plans, cashflow
                                                           the information they need to adapt and                       in the industry, we understand
forecasting, funding applications, lender                                                                                                                                         energy specialists the moment you get in touch.
                                                           change.                                                      franchising. Our expertise in finance,
negotiations, accounting software setup
                                                               COVID 19 stimulus packages and rental                    accounting and tax are a trademark of
and training are just some of the things
                                                           assistance have been a challenging road                      our business and provide a solid base
that need to be dealt with by the new
franchisee, and often with no experience.
                                                           to navigate and many franchisors have
                                                           been left to carry the burden of the rental
                                                                                                                        from which franchisors and franchisees
                                                                                                                        can strengthen their relationship. Find
                                                                                                                                                                                  Contact us
Appointing a preferred supplier for
                                                           stimulus packages.                                           out more at findex.com.au/fca n
accounting, tax advisory and bookkeeping
                                                               It’s common practice in a franchise
                                                                                                                                                                                  Call 1800 102 558 for our most competitive quote, customised for your business
can help franchisors to establish a better
onboarding training process that helps
                                                           group for the franchisor to hold the                                                                                   (have your current energy bills handy). Or scan the QR code below to view energy
                                                           head lease with the landlord and grant                          About Findex
ensure new franchisees know how to
                                                           a sub-lease to the franchisee. But the
                                                                                                                                                                                  plans online. We’re looking forward to helping with your business energy needs.
prepare accurate information, assist                                                                                       As one of Australasia’s leading
                                                           rental assistance that has been offered                         integrated advisory firms, Findex
them with business planning, funding
                                                           by the various states in many instances,                        provide uniquely tailored, integrated
and cashflow and give them the best
                                                           has meant that franchisors were required                        solutions for people, businesses,
opportunity and tools to succeed.
                                                           to pass on the rental assistance to the                         government organisations and
     Franchisees that have no prior trading
                                                           franchisee, but were not eligible to receive                    institutions that transform and
history to show when applying for funding
                                                           any assistance themselves.                                      grow as their needs do. We
or asset finance, can often end up with
                                                               As a result, some groups are shifting                       pride ourselves on a high touch,
much higher interest rates and repayment
                                                           away from the traditional rent deal. Instead                    personalised approach to help
terms for their finance. This puts significant
                                                           of charging franchisees rent, they are                          our clients achieve their financial,
strain on the franchise business. But,
                                                           charging a higher rate on goods supplied.                       professional and life goals. With over
without understanding if they’ll be able to
                                                           This has proved to be successful for both                       100 offices throughout Australia and
meet these repayments, franchisees agree
                                                           parties as it reduces the pressure of fixed                     New Zealand, our vast geographical
to these terms because they don’t know
                                                           costs during these uncertain times.                             footprint provides you direct access
they have any other choice. No funding
                                                               The COVID 19 stimulus packages                              to our expert advisers, the ability to
means no equipment. No equipment
                                                           were implemented to help businesses                             respond to international and national
means no business.
                                                           get through to the other side of the                            issues, access to competitive
     An accounting partner can help to
                                                           pandemic. The deferral of rent, bank and                        solutions in your location, while
improve this by working with franchisors
                                                           ATO payments has resulted in an increase                        understanding and supporting local
to establish consistent reporting across
                                                           in debt for many businesses - businesses                        communities.                                           I’m very happy with EnergyAustralia’s plan and service because it met my
the group, which provides them with the
                                                           that were successfully trading prior to the                     For more information on Findex
ability to benchmark and provide guidance                                                                                                                                         expectations. When I moved to EnergyAustralia from a previous energy
                                                           COVID. It will take planning, management                        and the Family Office approach to
to franchisees, especially in the early
                                                           and understanding by all parties for both                       small business finance, visit
                                                                                                                                                                                  provider I got an estimated quote. I was very happy to see the prices and
stages and through tough times such as
                                                           the franchisor and franchisee to get                            www.findex.com.au                                      this made up my mind to switch my energy over, I was impressed!
                                                           through this successfully.
                                                                                                                                                                                  Raj Singh (KX Pilates, multiple studios Australia wide)
The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author/s and do not necessarily reflect the thought or position of Findex (Aust) Pty Ltd, ABN 84 006 466 351.
                                                                                                             24 February 2022 © Findex Group Limited 2022. All rights reserved.

                                                                                                                                                                                  *Offer only for eligible NSW, VIC, SA, ACT, QLD business customers. Not available in all areas or for all tariff types. Guaranteed discount is off our market energy charges
                                                                                                                                                                                  and applies for the 12-month benefit period. Your energy charges will be variable including your solar feed-in tariffs & GreenPower but we will let you know before a
                                                                                                                                                                                  rate change occurs. We may change or end this offer at any time. A Basic Plan Information Document (BPID) or an Energy Fact Sheet (EFS) with the key details of this
                                                                                                                                                                                  plan is available on request.

22 | thefranchisereview
By Peter Buckingham CFE                                  Some of the effects have been:               Growth forecasting
                                                         • Greater demand to move out of
Managing Director, Spectrum Analysis Australia       the big cities to places offering different
                                                                                                          There are a couple of ways to look at
                                                                                                      forecast growth, such as extrapolating
                                                                                                      between two past points in time, and
There is little doubt that Australia has changed         • Decimation of many CBDs and CBD
                                                                                                      take the change and move it forwards.
                                                     related support businesses (cafes and
considerably in the past two years as we have come   restaurants) as people work far less from
                                                                                                      However our friends at the ABS do it far
                                                                                                      better than that.
to live with COVID-19, and made many lifestyle       the Head Office / CBD environments.
                                                                                                          In October 2019, the ABS released
                                                         • Less demand for retail in major
changes accordingly. Whether we work from home,      shopping centres.
                                                                                                      their forecasts for 2017 – 2032 for
                                                                                                      population projections by gender and by
or have taken bigger decisions and moved to a new        • Property prices escalating overall,
                                                                                                      five year age groups for the Department
                                                     and especially in areas seen to be offering
location, these changes have a great impact on the   improved lifestyle opportunities.
                                                                                                      of Health. This data is the gold level
                                                                                                      data for consistently looking at future
purchases we make and the services we require in         As franchisors, this can be a frightening
                                                                                                      population growth. These data sets
                                                     outlook. However the national changes
our daily living.                                    can offer some new opportunities and
                                                                                                      represent contributions from States,
                                                                                                      Councils and Federal policy settings         impact (in the media) on the balance of      areas like the Gold Coast, Sunshine
                                                     maybe some levels of rationalisation in
                                                                                                      to come up with the best available           that town than the increase warrants.        Coast, Newcastle, Central Coast,
                                                     areas that have been most affected.
                                                                                                      projections at that time. Having inquired        For example if a town is 5,000           Wollongong and Geelong already
                                                         Australia has a wealth of information
                                                                                                      recently, the ABS at this time is not        persons, and an additional 500 people        have large infrastructures and are
                                                     to help you make the correct decisions.
                                                                                                      planning to amend these forecasts due to     move into that town over a 12 month          expanding well above their pre COVID-19
                                                     We recently had the 2021 Census, which
                                                                                                      COVID-19.                                    period, there will be a push on housing,     expectations.
                                                     enables the Australian Bureau of Statistics
                                                                                                          In our capital cities, the identified    pressure on all vacant rental real estate,      Part of their attraction is that you
                                                     (ABS) to provide excellent information
                                                                                                      growth areas will continue, and many are a   increased sales for blocks of land on        can live in these areas, work from home,
                                                     you can rely on.
                                                                                                      20 – 30 year project, and while there may    the outskirts, a few more new builds of      but still be close enough to go into the
                                                         The Census tells us how Australia is as
   About the author                                                                                   be a few hurdles on the way (COVID-19),      houses. The effects at the supermarket,      CBD if required. Much easier going from
                                                     of a certain date – think of it like a balance
   Peter Buckingham is the Managing                                                                   the major directions will not change.        banks, post office etc. will probably be     the Central Coast or Wollongong into
                                                     sheet. On August 10th, 2021 – we had a
   Director of Spectrum Analysis                                                                          While COVID-19 has had some effect       minimal, and in most cases will not be       Sydney once or twice a week rather than
                                                     population of X, average income of Y and
   Australia Pty Ltd, the leading                                                                     on this, growth areas will continue to       felt, as tourism has been down for most      every single day!
                                                     Z% of us were born overseas. This data
   demographic, mapping and sales                                                                     grow, and there are some regional areas      areas due to lockdowns.                         Many others are finding working
                                                     comes out at very small area levels, the
   prediction modelling company in                                                                    that will exceed original expectations for       On the other hand 500 people (or         remotely has become the way of the
                                                     major one being Statistical Area 1 (SA1) of
   Australia. Spectrum is the 2021                                                                    the next few years.                          even 50,000 people) leaving Melbourne        future, and can move to wherever they
                                                     which there is 57,523 covering the whole
   FCA Supplier of the Year.                                                                              We are all hearing circumstantial        or Sydney will have little effect on the     wish. One of our staff now lives in Casino
                                                     of Australia. The 2021 Census is being
   Peter is contactable by email at                                                                   evidence of migration into regional areas,   operations of that city.                     (NSW) and is working happily from her
                                                     released in stages, and they expect the
   peterb@spectrumanalysis.com.au,                                                                    but I often think that the effects of an         There is little doubt that towns and     new office (in the back of the cow shed
                                                     major data release at small area levels to
   or visit spectrumanalysis.com.au                                                                   additional 10% increase in population in     cities across regional Australia are         I believe) and I am still very happy with
                                                     be in June 2022.
                                                                                                      a smaller town or city has a much larger     experiencing a population boom. The          the work she produces.

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