LONDON 2021 - Cartwright Pickard

Page created by Melvin Marshall
LONDON 2021 - Cartwright Pickard

LONDON 2021 - Cartwright Pickard
LONDON 2021 - Cartwright Pickard
Friday                               04
Walking tour map
Building information

Saturday                             24
Walking tour map
Building information

Hotel                                44
Rooming list

Restaurant                           45

Nightlife                            46

Scan the QR code using your
mobile phone to access the digital
hub for the study trip, with the
walking tour maps and more.

Or, keep it old school and turn to
pages 10 and 30 when the time

Emergency contacts
James - 07930 406797
Peter - 07802 949886
Leo - 07551 477190
Dawn - 07515 713214
Toby - 07801 924618
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LONDON 2021 - Cartwright Pickard
LONDON 2021 - Cartwright Pickard
Trains arrive
          King’s Cross (10.31 am)
          Euston (10.19 am)​

10.30am Meet at hotel​
        The Standard, Kings Cross

10.45am Tube to Brixton​(Victoria line)

 11.15am Tour of Lambeth Civic
         Quarter (meet at Town Hall
         reception – face covering

    1pm Tube to Elephant & Castle
        (Northern line)

 1.30pm Elephant Park walk-around
        followed by lunch at Mercato
        Elephant & Castle

 2.30pm Tube to Bank​(Northern line)

   3pm Meet at Bloomberg for Bank
       – Old Street walking tour​

 4.30pm Tube to Kings Cross St Pancras
        (Northern line)

4.45pm Hotel check-in
       The Standard, Kings Cross

   6pm Tube to Spitalfields
       (Circle/Metropolitan line to
       Liverpool Street)

6.30pm Drinks and dinner
LONDON 2021 - Cartwright Pickard
lambeth civic quarter
2018, Cartwright Pickard

Our masterplan for Lambeth
Civic Quarter is centred
around the refurbishment and
expansion of the 1908 Grade-
II listed Lambeth Town Hall in
Brixton and the construction of
an 11,000sqm BREEAM Excellent
Civic Centre.

The development also includes
Somerset Place, a 94 home new
build, and Ivor House, an Art Deco
former department store which has
been refurbished to create 26 new

The final part of the scheme, Olive
Morris House, will provide a further
74 new homes once completed.
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LONDON 2021 - Cartwright Pickard
elephant park
2018-2025, Make Architects + others

Elephant Park will breathe new        Make Architects are aiming to re-
life into a special part of Central   establish Elephant and Castle as a
London, building on Elephant &        flourishing urban quarter for both
Castle’s heritage and delivering      new and existing residents, and
high quality new homes, jobs,         bring lasting regeneration to this
businesses & green space for          important part of London.
                                      The framework for the site builds
The masterplan for Elephant and       on its strengths as an extremely
Castle encompasses 2,500 new          diverse and well-connected area,
homes, office, community and          which the former Heygate Estate
leisure space, more than 50 new       challenged. The scheme will further
shops, restaurants, cafés and bars    improve connectivity by introducing
and significant improvements to       direct pedestrian and cycle
the area’s roads, public transport,   routes across the former estate,
and pedestrian and cycle routes.      and deliver a range of publicly
                                      accessible green spaces, including
                                      central London’s largest new park in
                                      70 years.
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LONDON 2021 - Cartwright Pickard
09               10




                     04         05

     03         02



bank - old street walking

  01     Bloomberg HQ            01   Bank
         Foster + Partners            Northern Line

 02      77 Coleman Street       02   Mansion House
         Buckley Gray Yeoman          Circle Line

 03      245 Hammersmith Road    03   Monument
         Sheppard Robson              Northern & Circle Lines

 04      London Wall Place       04   Moorgate
         Make Architects              Northern Line

 05      1 Finsbury Avenue       05   Liverpool Street
         AHMM                         Circle & Metropolitan Lines

 06      Principal Tower         06   Old Street
         Foster + Partners            Northern Line

 07      White Collar Factory

 08      160 Old Street
         Orms                         To the hotel...

 09      The Bower                    Kings Cross St Pancras
         AHMM                         Northern Line
                                      Circle Line
  10     Verse Building               Hammersmith & City Line
         Buckley Gray Yeoman          Metropolitan Line

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Bloomberg                                                              01
2017, Foster + Partners
The £1bn Foster + Partners             The most impressive space is what
Bloomberg HQ won the 2018              has been named ‘The Pantry’, a
Stirling Prize and achieved            vast atrium/breakout/refreshment
a 98.5% BREEAM score, the              space that looks up to a huge
highest ever for an office             skylight. Underneath this, a twisting
building.                              trefoil staircase ascends ramp-like
                                       through the centre of the building.
While the initial plan involved
simply flooding the site with a        The project also involved returning
block of 10 floors, the decision was   the Roman Temple of Mithras to
subsequently taken to reinstate the    its original location on the site, it
original path of the Roman Watling     having been moved down the road
Street as Bloomberg Arcade,            to Temple Court after its discovery
splitting the site into the much       in 1954. Its returned remains,
larger primary building and a more     accompanied by thousands of
slender secondary one, connected       artefacts, can now be viewed by the
via walkways.                          public.
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77 Coleman                                                           02
2020, Buckley Gray Yeoman

Acknowledging the patina
of ancient alleys and
passageways across the City,
this redevelopment reimagines
and extends a large 1980s
building and reconnects it back
into the urban grain as well as
dramatically changing its two
public faces.

This mixed-use retrofit project
spans two roads – Moorgate and
Coleman Street – creating two very
different street-facing facades. The
front facing Moorgate is gridded and   Two storeys have been added to
wrapped in a Portuguese Moleanos       the existing 1980s-built structure,
limestone, while the other is          which is topped with a colonnaded
divided into horizontal bands of       walkway offering views out over the
limestone and dark brick.              city.
245 Hammersmith Road                                           03
2019, Sheppard Robson
                                 Sheppard Robson’s new £115m
                                 building at 245 Hammersmith
                                 Road creates a prominent
                                 architectural addition and
                                 a sequence of new public
                                 spaces in the area’s Business
                                 Improvement District.

                                 The scheme provides 22,500sqm
                                 of flexible office space and
                                 970sqm of retail space. Rather than
                                 being a single structure like the
                                 former Bechtel House on the site,
                                 Sheppard Robson’s design reduces
                                 the mass of the development by
                                 forming the building from two
                                 parallel wings that are connected
                                 by a central core, which houses
                                 circulation space and services.

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London Wall Place                                                   04
2018, Make Architects

Make Architects’ RIBA Award            The two buildings share the same
winning London Wall Place              striking appearance, and are clad
sets the standard for new              in elegant bands of concrete and
commercial developments                iridescent dark blue ceramic,
where public realm is central to       inspired by the Kentish ragstone
the scheme design.                     found in the Roman wall.

The 2-acre commercial campus,
which features two buildings with
over 500,000sqft of premium
workspace, 35,000sqft of roof
terraces, and two retail premises,
has an acre of new public gardens
at its heart.

A series of pocket parks form the
new terraced gardens, which are
set among the restored remains of
the Roman city wall and medieval
St Alphage church tower. The
‘highwalks’ of the 1960s, meanwhile,
have been reimagined as 350m
of gently curving Corten bridges
through and beyond the site.
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1 Finsbury Avenue                                                     05
2019, Allford Hall Monaghan Morris

1 Finsbury Avenue is a Grade          The project re-establishes the
II listed building constructed        public route through 1 Finsbury
in the early 1980s by Arup            Avenue, an important element in
Associates. It was refurbished        activating the ground floor and
and reconfigured by AHMM as           connecting this building with
part of the ongoing renovation of     Finsbury Avenue Square and the
the Broadgate estate.                 Broadgate Campus.

The refurbishment makes a             In the centre of the lower atrium
number of interventions, including    is an installation, designed in
roof terraces and a permeable         collaboration with artist Morag
ground floor. Shifting the emphasis   Myerscough. The artwork provides
from single tenancy to mixed-use      the centrepiece of a new ‘garden
retail, leisure and flexible co-      square’ in the London tradition. The
working office space targeting tech   result is an exciting destination for
occupiers reinforce British Land’s    the diverse and changing users of
vision for a vibrant masterplan and   the area.
public realm.
Principal Tower                       06
2020, Foster + Partners
The 50-storey Principal Tower
is Foster + Partners’ first
residential skyscraper in London.
It sits alongside a 15-storey
headquarters for Amazon
to complete the mixed-use
Principal Place development.

The tower, the original plans for
which were launched in September
2014, is formed of three slim
volumes: with a lower face towards
the more residential side of
Shoreditch, a taller element facing
west reflecting the higher-rise
nature of the City, and a central
volume rising up between.

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White Collar Factory                                                  07
2017, Allford Hall Monaghan Morris

White Collar Factory at Old            Featuring long spans, flexible floor
Street Yard is the culmination         plates, operable windows, generous
of a five-year research project        volumes and robust construction,
between AHMM and Derwent               the tower represents a new type
London.                                of office building that takes its
                                       cue from the multi-level factory
A 16-storey tower is placed at the     typology.
epicentre of London’s Tech City. A
series of new alleys and passages      White Collar Factory is also home
connect a new public realm and         to a new studio for AHMM, providing
the tower to two retained buildings    space for 110 members of staff. A
and three new ones, all between        mezzanine level has been created
four to five storeys. Together, they   around the perimeter of the below
offer a mix of living and incubator    ground office, connected via a
working spaces to make a new           suspended bridge across the space.
place in the city.
160 Old Street                                                08
2018, Orms
                                 The former Royal Mail
                                 building at 160 Old Street
                                 has been transformed into a
                                 contemporary office building.

                                 Two additional top storeys were
                                 added in the redesign and four new
                                 retail units along the Old Street
                                 frontage have created new retail
                                 and restaurant accommodation to
                                 enliven the street frontage.

                                 The external architecture responds
                                 to three different urban scales.
                                 Subtle detailing of the white and
                                 dark brickwork panels creates a
                                 fusion of vertical and horizontal
                                 elements. This unites the three
                                 separate buildings into a coherent

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The Bower                                                               09
2019, Allford Hall Monaghan Morris

The Bower reinvents a collection
of underperforming buildings,
which were constructed in
the 1960s and incongruously
overclad in the 1980s, into a
coherent mix of workspace,
ground floor retail/restaurants
and a new public realm.

Addressing the 60s slab
architecture, the tallest building
is stripped back, extended and
given a new façade. The two large
volumes that are added to its           On the ground floor, a generously-
sides not only rescale the building     sized portion of the largest building
in relation to the city, they provide   is cut out to create a pedestrian
double-height zones to augment          link from Old Street through to
the office floor plates.                Baldwin Street.
Verse                                                            10
2020, Buckley Gray Yeoman
                                 Sitting adjacent to its Victorian
                                 period neighbour, the Verse
                                 building offers 8 storeys of
                                 contemporary and flexible
                                 working space.

                                 Commissioned to replace Napier
                                 House, BGY proposed a taller, new
                                 building with elegant proportions.

                                 The materials chosen celebrate
                                 the difference between the two
                                 buildings, with its height mediated
                                 by adding thick horizontal banding
                                 to the façade.

                                 The narrow width of the site
                                 enabled column-free internal floor
                                 spaces, placing the columns at the
                                 perimeter and at strategic locations
                                 within the core.

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8-10am Breakfast
       Double Standard (Ground

  10am Tube to Wembley Park
       (Metropolitan line)

10.30am Tour of Wembley Park

   11am Tour of The Hive and Beton
        (meet outside The Hive -
        face covering required)
        Wembley Park

  12pm Lunch at Boxpark
       Wembley Park

   1pm Tube to Kings Cross St Pancras
       (Metropolitan line)

1.30pm Kings Cross walking tour
       The Standard, Kings Cross

        Trains home
        Leeds (3.35pm from Kings
        Manchester (3.37pm from
wembley park
2016-2024, Quintain + others

Since 2004, Quintain has been         6,044 homes for rent will be
working on one of London’s            available at Wembley Park and will
largest development schemes,          be delivered in phases over the
Wembley Park, transforming            next seven years. All Build to Rent
long-neglected space around           homes will be managed by Quintain
the National Stadium into a           Living.
vibrant new district of London.
                                      Placemaking will provide a cultural
The latest masterplan, approved       overlay to accelerate the sense of
by Brent Council in 2016, marks the   place at Wembley Park.
next phase of transformation of the
land around the national stadium      New outdoor spaces will transform
from world class events destination   the way people enjoy Wembley Park
to thriving London neighbourhood,     with a major upgrade to Olympic
with an exciting combination of       Way and a new seven acre public
new homes, iconic venues, great       park, equivalent in size to four
shops and workspaces.                 Wembley Stadium football pitches.
Brent Civic Centre
 2013, Hopkins Architects

                                 Canada Gardens
                                       2021, PRP

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the hive
2019, Cartwright Pickard

Quintain appointed us to
design two neighbouring ‘sister’
buildings within the Wembley
Park masterplan – Beton and
The Hive – that share a common
language but celebrate their
different uses. The two buildings
are clad in a distinctive
glazed brick, have identically
proportioned elevations and
share the same approach to
materials and detailing.

The Hive is the first office
building completed as part of the
masterplan and offers 115,000 sqft
of flexible office space and 10,000
sqft of retail.
2020, Cartwright Pickard
Beton has created 150 new
studio, one and two-bedroom
homes for rent at the heart of
the masterplan with views over
Wembley Stadium and its iconic

Our decision to expose the raw
materiality of the concrete columns
and soffits has given the building its
unique character and name (‘Beton’
is French for concrete).

Raw concrete ceilings in living
spaces create a striking and honest
aesthetic, enhancing floor-to-ceiling
heights and maximising value.

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               08                    04

     11   09

 10                       02


                04             07

07                                   06
King cross walking tour

  01     22 Handyside Street        01   Kings Cross St Pancras
         Coffey Architects               All Lines

 02      R7                         02   Euston
         Duggan Morris Architects        Northern & Victoria Lines

 03      Coal Drops Yard            03   Euston Square
         Heatherwick Studio              Metropolitan & Circle Lines

 04      4 Pancras Square           04   Warren Street
         Eric Parry Architects           Northern & Victoria Lines

 05      York House                 05   Goodge Street
         de Metz Forbes Knight           Northern Line

 06      UCL Student Centre         06   Russell Square
         Nicholas Hare Architects        Piccadilly Line

  07     The Bartlett               07   Great Portland Street
         Hawkins\Brown                   Hammersmith & City Line

 08      Mardale                    08   Mornington Crescent
         Matthew Lloyd Architects        Northern Line

 09      Lindale
         Matthew Lloyd Architects        To the hotel...

  10     Kirkfell                        Kings Cross St Pancras
         Mae                             Northern Line
                                         Circle Line
   11    Caudale                         Hammersmith & City Line
         Mae                             Metropolitan Line
                                         Piccadilly Line
                                         Victoria Line

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22 Handyside Street                                             01
2021, Coffey Architects

The latest building completed
at the King’s Cross estate, 22
Handyside Street is a 36,000
sqft office building.

The building’s form is determined
by three factors: the position of
the sun, the site perimeter and the
site’s structural grid.

22 Handyside Street sits above
underground railway tunnels,
meaning it needed to be super
lightweight. Coffey Architects
shifted the building diagonally.
This helped balance the weight of
                                         1 Clear Glazed Panel
the building whilst improving the
                                         2 Solid Panel
orientation for heat gain, directional   3 Translucent Panel
flow and outward views.
R7                                                             02
2018, Morris + Company
                                 R7 is an 11-storey building in the
                                 fast-developing area of King’s
                                 Cross. It’s a civic-minded, pink-
                                 enveloped office building, with a
                                 public lobby, cinema, restaurant
                                 and cocktail bar.

                                 With this rounded mix of uses, the
                                 architects have challenged the
                                 norm for offices and the ground
                                 floor experience is growing into a
                                 welcoming public foyer where one
                                 wants to spend time.

                                 The two sides of the building rise
                                 to different heights, determined
                                 by the levels of the adjacent
                                 university building. Breaking down
                                 this massing through a series of
                                 setbacks and recesses creates
                                 south-facing terraces or gardens
                                 on each level, which benefit from
                                 views across the city.

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Coal Drops Yard                                                     03
2018, Heatherwick Studio

Within the wider redevelopment         Rather than making a box element
of King’s Cross, Heatherwick           colliding with the geometry of
Studio has restored and                the existing roofs, the gabled
transformed a pair of long             roof of each building rises up
Victorian warehouses to create a       and stretches towards the other,
new retail destination.                meeting to form a new upper
                                       storey that gives the project a
Built in 1850 to receive coal for      central focus.
London as it arrived by rail, the
two-storey brick and cast iron         This glazed space provides an
structures were later adapted for      unexpected elevated viewpoint
light industry, storage and night      over London, while the sheltered
clubs until they fell into disuse in   double-height space underneath
the 1990s.                             creates a heart to the development
                                       that can also host concerts and
The studio’s design opens up the       performances.
area to the public, linking the long
viaducts and the yard between
them to create a new public space.
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4 Pancras Square                                                       04
2018, Eric Parry Architects
The building consists of ten          In a contemporary updating of
storeys of office above ground,       Victorian engineering, a key feature
office reception and retail at        of the steelwork is a Vierendeel
ground and lower ground floor,        truss encircling the first floor of the
with two levels of basement.          building which has created a huge,
                                      uninterrupted space at ground
The old industrial heritage of        level facing into Pancras Square.
the site, which used to house         The grittiness of the past industrial
gasometers and adjoins the railway,   architecture is expressed, adding
has been evoked in the choice of      significantly to the interest of the
exposed weathering steel for its      detailing at low level.
structural exo-skeleton, providing
a convincing narrative for the        The commercial floor plates
muscularity of the predominant        are easily subdivided, and an
material which exudes character       enjoyable range of relaxed office
and imbues the new square with a      environments and meeting places
robust anchor.                        have been created within.
York House                             05
2019, de Metz Forbes Knight

For their 7th and largest
project to date for The Office
Group, dMFK transformed
an anonymous, foreboding
1980s office building into a
contemporary, bright, co-
working space, achieving
BREEAM Excellent.

They designed the front extension
building as a structurally self
supporting perforated brick lattice,
set on a 45 degree angle to give it
stiffness. The lattice will give the
building a lacy, perforated skin,
behind which sits a simple cross
laminated timber structure and
openable windows.

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UCL Student Centre                                                   06
2019, Nicholas Hare Architects

The Student Centre, on UCL’s          The courtyard elevation is sober
main Bloomsbury campus, is a          and rational, sitting comfortably
simple idea exceptionally well        within its formidable conservation
executed. Conceived as a giant        setting. Its ground- and top-floor
wraparound stair with inhabited       loggias made of reconstituted
landings, it provides a terraced      stone emphasize the horizontality
through-route at ground level         of the buff brick middle band and
and a hard-working double             deep-set rhythm of windows.
                                      The Gordon Street elevation is
Completing the fourth wall of the     entirely different. Modulated framed
Japanese garden courtyard, it links   window bays create depth and
generously and seamlessly through     interest that holds up firmly next to
to Gordon Street to help the flow     the adjacent the Georgian terraces
of pedestrians. Its restrained,       on Gordon Square.
elegant material palette inside and
out generates a calm and inviting
atmosphere that belies the volume
of student traffic within.
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Bartlett School of                                                    07
2016, Hawkins\Brown

Wates House, home to UCL’s
world renowned Bartlett
School of Architecture, has
undergone an expansion and
full refurbishment, to create an
inspiring new home for staff and

Key drivers were the creation of a
building that reflects the quality of
the school’s teaching and research,
whilst also making a positive
contribution to the surrounding
conservation area. The design           The design also includes an
doubles the amount of teaching          extension to provide enhanced
and research space available to the     foyer and café space, exhibition
school’s students and staff, while      space, state of the art workshop
retaining the building’s existing       facilities, and full internal
structure.                              remodelling.
Mardale & Lindale                      08/09
2018, Matthew Lloyd Architects
Matthew Lloyd Architects have
completed a scheme of five
council housing sites on the
Regent’s Park Estate.

Mardale and Lindale, two sites on
Hampstead Road, which forms
the eastern boundary of the
estate, are treated as a pair with
dynamic principal elevations of 7
and 11 storeys, and act as gateway
buildings to the estate. These
provide 24 and 32 units respectively
in a mix of 1, 2, 3 and 4 bedrooms,
plus a commercial unit on each
ground floor, with balconies or
winter gardens on all four corners.

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Kirkfell                                   10
2018, Mae
            Mae have been working with
            residents who are due to
            lose their current homes as a
            result of the HS2 development.
            Commissioned by the London
            Borough of Camden, they have
            created high quality new homes
            on the Regent’s Park Estate for

            Kirkfell on Robert Street comprises
            13 dwellings, a new community
            centre, a new public square and
            community garden.

            The strong horizontal banding of
            the building responds to the 1950s
            building opposite. The continuous
            balconies that dominate the front
            generously extend the space of the
            living rooms to the outdoors.
Caudale                                                             11
2018, Mae

Caudale is also part of the        Three ‘rooms’ of equal proportion,
redeveloped Regent’s Park          the kitchen-dining room, the living
Estate and comprises 8             room and the balcony, are aligned
dwellings alongside a new public   and connect, though separated by
garden.                            glass screens. Balconies are inset to
                                   create the feel of an outdoor room.
The bookend form of the
building responds to the rhythm
of gables along the street and
the exaggerated chequerboard
composition of double height
balconies is informed by the
elevations on the surrounding
late modern housing designed by
Frederick Gibberd.

The homes are generous in size,
responding to the needs of their
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The Standard                                      10 Argyle Street, WC1H 8EG

                                         Steve Durn         Ian Wright
                                         Jon Beadle         Jacob Nicol
                                         Lois Sykes         Ariel Chesley
                                         Aleks Szwedo       Arneta Hoxha
                                         Ross Ogilvie       Rob Phillips
                                         Jessica Spencer Corina Thomas
Housed in the former Camden              Luke Petty         James Butler
Town Hall Annexe, a 1974 Brutalist       Omer Osman         Peter Sienkowski
structure overlooking King’s Cross,
the 266-room hotel opened in             William Inglis     Richard Griffiths
2020. The refurbishment was led          Philipp Lammers Charles Dymond
by Orms and won a RIBA National
                                         Cecilia Zecca      Geraldine Ho
Award earlier this year.
                                         Leo Arnold         Toby Cope
The concrete frame and
                                         Dawn Barbour
loadbearing concrete façade of
the original building were retained,     Emma Bramley
beating the RIBA Challenge’s carbon      Nitaya Trisilp
emissions benchmark by 60% and
resulting in substantial capital cost    Kay Byers
savings. As well as restoring the        Peter Cartwright
existing facades and fenestration,
the architects designed a three-         James Pickard
storey vertical extension to
accommodate more bedrooms.              Extras
The Standard’s retention and            Any additional expenses such as
renewal strategy, combined with         the minibar or drinks from the hotel
the inclusion of an extensive range     bar must be paid for individually.
of sustainable technologies such
as greywater recycling, waste-water
heat recovery, and energy-efficient
specification, dispel the myth that
hotels are always energy-hungry.
Crispin                         Pavilion on The Corner, White’s Row, E1 7NF

A sharing menu of broadly European inspired dishes, using locally sourced
ingredients, independent growers, small-scale farms and producers.

         Dusty Knuckle bread, brown butter (v)
     Monkfish crudo, citrus, dill, Le Coste olive oil
    Beef carpaccio, wild mushrooms, horseradish
               Burrata, tardivo, walnuts (v)
      Hand-dived scallop, cauliflower, purslane
     Squash ravioli, black cabbage, stichelton (v)
    Mallard, celeriac, autumnal greens, elderberries
             Seasonal potatoes or greens (v)
       Pannacotta, seasonal fruit, black pepper
                                                         *may change due to
         Pistachio & Apricot tart, crème fraîche
                                                         availability of produce

For cocktails and craft beers

The Alchemist (01)                      The Crown and Shuttle (02)
Theatrical bar serving cocktails with   Hip bar with exposed brick and
a magical chemistry-themed twist.       junkyard decor, craft beers and a
                                        large garden with food truck.

To play while you drink

Flight Club (03)                        Bounce (04)
Darts bar with automatic score-         Music, drinks, and hi-tech ping pong
keeping system, plus sharing            tables.
boards, cocktails and shots menu.
to dance the night away

Blues Kitchen (05)                      Floripa (06)
Eclectic, industrial space offers       Floripa is a melting pot of Brazilian
areas for live blues music and          beach bar and London bloc party
dancing.                                club.

Getting home                               01       04           05
All tube lines run normally until
around midnight. If you need a way
to get back to the hotel later in the
night, buses run from Old Street or
Liverpool Street all night.

Liverpool Street                                 03              02
N205 bus towards Paddington

Old Street (stop E)
N205 bus towards Paddington
214 bus towards Highgate

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