Local Traditions To Honor Veterans - Connection Newspapers

Page created by Aaron Salinas
Local Traditions To Honor Veterans - Connection Newspapers
The casket flag of
                                                Lynda V. Buckley,
                                                U.S. Army, is raised
                                                by veteran Dave
                                                Twigg, left, and
                                                Tom Finan.
Entertainment, Page 9 v Classifieds, Page 10

                                                                Traditions                   Scouts Collect 70,000
                                                                                               Pounds of Food
Photo by Mercia Hobson/The Connection

                                                                To Honor                               News, Page 3

                                                                       News, Pages 4 and 5
                                                                                                Private School
                                                                                                      Oh My, Page 2

                                                                                             Planet Fitness Opens
                                                                                                      Again, Page 12

                                               November 17-23, 2021                             online at www.connectionnewspapers.com
Local Traditions To Honor Veterans - Connection Newspapers
Culture Shock of Private
                                                               School Competition
                                                               Those unaccustomed to hyper-competitive education
                                                               feel intimidated by the admissions process.
                                                                       By Marilyn Campbell
                                                                               The Connection

                                                                        chool tours, applications,
                                                                        teacher       recommenda-
                                                                        tions, test prep tutors and
                                                                        on campus visits. These
                                                               are some of the topics of conver-
                                                               sation in families who are in the
                                                               midst of the independent school
                                                               admissions process. For Sandy
                                                               Adams, it conjures up memories
                                                               of the time when her children
                                                               had to adjust to a new academic
                                                               environment. She and her family
                                                               moved three times in six years,
                                                               each time experiencing the shock
                                                               of adapting to a new private A private school graduation from before the pandemic.
                                                               school admissions process.
                                                                  “During my children’s elementary, middle, and high making in your children,” he said. “Yes, the path to
                                                               school, I moved my three children into three private admission into such exclusive schools is tougher, but it
                                                               international schools in Europe and Asia,” said the Po- is worth it in the long haul. Staying the course always
                                                               tomac mother of three adult children. “My top advice pays dividends. Study after study shows that students
                                                               for parents is: Be open minded and flexible.”            coming out of private schools get admitted into more
                                                                  Those who are new to the Washington region can prestigious universities and ultimately are earning
                                                               be caught off guard by the hyper-competitive inde- higher salaries.”
                                                               pendent school admissions process here. Families who       Self-acceptance is necessary when navigating an
                                                               were accustomed to a laid-back environment where unfamiliar and daunting process. “You have to be
                                                               school choices are plentiful and acceptance rates are comfortable with your child going to school where
                                                               high can experience culture shock. There are strate- other students may be wealthier, more socially con-
                                                               gies for navigating the process and snagging a seat in nected, or have celebrity parents,” said Great Falls
                                                               the private school of your choice, say local education education consultant Chris Perry. “If you are not com-
                                                               consultants.                                             fortable, your child won’t be comfortable. If you are
                                                                  Perseverance and expec-                                                        intimidated, your child will
                                                               tation management are the                                                         be intimidated. If you feel
                                                               top coping mechanisms that
                                                               education consultant Alex
                                                                                               “Yes, the path to                                 inferior, your child will feel
                                                               Ross believes will make the
                                                               process less intimidating.
                                                                                               admission into such                                  Taking time to attend open
                                                                                                                                                 house events or take a tour of
                                                                  “For parents unaccus-
                                                               tomed to the rigors and ul-
                                                                                               exclusive schools is                              a school can put families at
                                                                                                                                                 ease, continued Perry. “Put-
                                                               tra-competitive environment
                                                               of certain private schools,
                                                                                               tougher, but it is worth                          ting a positive spin on a big
                                                                                                                                                 change can set your family
                                                               their knee jerk reaction when
                                                               they’re being thrown into
                                                                                               it in the long haul.                              up for success by making it
                                                                                                                                                 an adventure, rather than
                                                               such an environment is to
                                                               shut down,” said Ross, an
                                                                                               Staying the course al-                            just a stressful, arduous
                                                                                                                                                 move across the country or to
                                                               education consultant who        ways pays dividends.”                             a hyper-competitive school,”
                                                               serves clients in Alexandria
                                                                                                                               — Alex Ross he said.
                                                               and Arlington. “They see                                                             For those who experience
                                                               nothing but the obstacles and                                                     financial roadblocks, Ross
                                                               throw up their hands, thinking their children will just says, “Don’t be shortsighted. Even though many peo-
                                                               have to settle for public school.”                       ple will tell you that you’re too late to the game to
                                                                  To be truthful, though, the toughest school to get get in, there are always side doors. You never know
                                                               into in the region is a public school, Thomas Jefferson. where a well-timed donation, political favor, or act of
                                                               And the social environment and whiff of celebrity in volunteering might catapult your son or daughter into
                                                               other public schools in Fairfax County, Arlington and the admissions line.”
                                                               Montgomery County can match many private schools.          When selecting a school, the most important factors
                                                               The list of super talented and now famous people who are finding an environment that is a good fit socially
                                                               graduated from the public schools in those areas, or and academically, says Perry.
                                                               the Alexandria City High School, is daunting.              “The thing to ask yourself is, are you in love with
                                                                  Still Ross believes that dedication and determina- the education your child will get at this school? If you
                                                               tion can increase the chances of being accepted to the are not, then you shouldn’t go,” And if you are truly in
                                                               school of your choice. “My best advice would be to stay love with it, then nothing else, not money, not social
                                                               the course and acknowledge the investment you’re status, not celebrity, should matter.”
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Local Traditions To Honor Veterans - Connection Newspapers

                                                                                                                                       From left, Chantilly seniors Luis Martin
Paul Ehrhardt and son Leo, a Westfield            Unloading a truck are (from left) Dave Weisz of Centre Ridge and Boy Scout           Yap and Conor Keane carry a heavy box
High senior, with some donated cereal.            Ricky Manzolina.                                                                     of canned goods to a pallet.

‘We Thank Each and Every Family Who Donated’
             n Saturday, Nov. 13, Sully                                                                                                Photos By Bonnie Hobbs/The Connection
             District Boy Scouts collected
             67,093 pounds of food – val-
             ued at $120,096 – for Western
Fairfax Christian Ministries’ food pantry in
Chantilly. “We thank each and every family
who chose to donate to WFCM through the
food drive,” said WFCM Executive Director
Harmonie Taddeo. “The food and toiletries
collected will be distributed directly to fami-
lies in need in our community.”
   “We appreciate the Scouts and key orga-
nizer, Michael Adere, as well as all the vol-
unteers who worked at the sorting site and/                                                                                            Lending a hand are (from left) sisters
or in WFCM’s warehouse and pantry, sort-                                                                                               Aiko Conaway, Centreville High soph-
ing and stocking the donations. It’s through                                                                                           omore, and Mai Conaway, Union Mill
events like this, when we come together as                                                                                             Elementary sixth-grader; their mom,
a community, that we have the biggest im-                                                                                              Noemy Conaway, and Chantilly junior
pact.”                                                                                                                                 Tara Sankner.
   In addition, the Scouts collected nearly
3,000 pounds of food for the St. Vincent
de Paul food pantry at St. Timothy Catholic
Church in Chantilly – for a grand total of al-
most 70,000 pounds.

                                                  From left, Chantilly High students Alanis and Enya Tiea, Micaela Bravo and Alexis
                                                  Huff hold some of the donated items.

                                                                                                  Photo Courtesy of Harmonie Taddeo
                                                  Volunteers from Centreville Presbyterian   WFCM staff in their warehouse; (from
Unloading soup cans from a shopping               Church, (from left) Janet Merritt, Jean    left) are Tom Needham, Harmonie Tad-           Photo Courtesy of Harmonie Taddeo
cart are (from left) Chantilly students Sai       Hartman and Nancy Anthony, unload a        deo, Pamela Montesinos, Debbie Culbert-   Michael Adere inside a truck full of food
Shriya Seenuthoju and Sameera Pasham.             box full of pasta together.                son and Kristine Hurt.                    for WFCM.
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Local Traditions To Honor Veterans - Connection Newspapers

                                                                                                                                              Photo by Mercia Hobson/Connection Newspapers
                                                                                                    Sgt. Wayne M. Kidwell, U.S. Army, of Herndon, was the 19-year-old for whom Post
                                                                            Photo contributed       184 was renamed. Veterans from Post 184 gather at his gravesite to honor and
As dusk approaches, Mayor Sheila Olem of the Town of Herndon joins others in fold-                  remember him. Kidwell was an American Gold Star casualty who died on March 8,
ing the coffin flags into triangles and storing them in their clear plastic cases until             1968, due to hostile action and small weapons fire in South Vietnam’s Thua Thien           Curtiss
Memorial Day 2022, when the Avenue of Flags will be raised once more.                               province while serving in the Vietnam War.                                                 a ret

Veterans Day Ceremonies of Honor and Remembrance                                                                                                                                               the Me
  The Wayne M. Kidwell American Legion Post 184 of Herndon-Reston hosts two activities for Veterans Day, the first being the Avenue of Flags,                                                  that w
consisting of sixty-six coffin flags that fly from dawn to dark. It is a patriotic symbol used to remember and honor interred veterans. In collabo-                                            veteran
ration with the Town of Herndon, the Post hosts a Veterans Day Observance at 11 a.m.                                                                                                           gratitu
                       By Mercia Hobson             Fairfax County is home to almost 80,000         speaker Major General George Francis Close                                                 ed Sta
                            The Connection        veterans and their families. There are over       Jr. of McLean. Andy Wilson, president of the                                               dear, f
                                                  700,000 living veterans in Virginia, or 8         foundation, introduced Close, a retired se-                                                of spee

             n Veterans Day 2021, Thursday,       percent of the population, while the United       nior U.S. Army officer currently acting as a                                               of the
             Nov. 11, communities across          States has about 19 million living veterans,      senior corporate executive.                                                                that ou
             Fairfax County, like the Town        or 6 percent of the population.                      In his remarks, Close said that veterans                                                on the
             of Herndon and the village of          The Friends of the Great Falls Freedom          were “in the midst of it,” whether in peace-                                               protect
Great Falls, held ceremonies, as did commu-       Memorial Foundation presented the Veter-          time or war. He spoke of veterans’ various                                                    But
nities across the United States.                  ans Day ceremony with featured keynote            roles in the country, their professionalism,                             Photo contributederans D
                                                                                                    and how they were selected for promotions,        A name stake marks a casket flag.        ed, th
                                                                                                    schooling, and assignments based on their                                                  impres
                                                                                                    performance and potential, a true meritoc-        184 of Herndon-Reston and the Town ofcolors,
                                                                                                    racy.                                             Herndon, David Womack, post commander,ing the
                                                                                                       A similar event co-occurred five miles         welcomed guest speaker Harvey “Barney”choral
                                                                                                    away in the Town of Herndon. Held by The                                                   anthem
                                                                                                    Wayne M. Kidwell American Legion Post                           See Veterans Day, Page 5Speake
                                                                                                                                                                                               has ov
                                                                                                                                                                                               or forw
                                                                                                                                                                                               the ef
                                                                                                                                                                                               war on
                                                                                                                                                                                               to our
                                                                                                                                                                                               on to
                                                                                                                                                                                               of Ame
  Mercia Hobson/Connection Newspapers               Mercia Hobson/Connection Newspapers                                                                                                           Whil
The casket flag of Lynda V. Buckley, U.S.         After raising one of the 66 casket flags                                                                                                     tion, th
Army, is raised by veteran Dave Twigg,            that will fly on Veterans Day 2021, Ben                                                                                                      one-da
left, and Tom Finan.                              Durham, 15, of Herndon, and a student                                                                                                        the vet
   “We are here to pay tribute to the vet-        at Virginia Academy, pauses as his father,                                                                                                   includi
erans who have hung up their uniforms in          Scott Durham, salutes.                                                                                                                       to our
one way or another.”                                 “These veterans sacrificed their lives and                                                                                                what th
  — Dave Twigg, member of The Wayne M.            deserve to be honored and have their flags
                                                                                 Mercia Hobson/Connection Newspapers                                                         Photo contributedsion, a
   Kidwell American Legion Post 184 of            flown.”                      Shortly after daybreak, one side of the                                A stream of cars drives through the Ave- others
                      Herndon-Reston         — Scott Durham, U.S. Army veteran Avenue of Flags nears completion.                                      nue of Flags.                               Acco
4 v Oak Hill/Herndon / Reston / Chantilly Connection / Centre View v November 17-23, 2021                                                                   www.ConnectionNewspapers.com
Local Traditions To Honor Veterans - Connection Newspapers
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                                                                                                                  ACROSS FROM RESTON TOWN CTR
                                 Photo contributed                                        Photo contributed
(First row, fifth from left) Former Herndon Town        Cadets in the Herndon High School Navy Junior
Councilmember and veteran Richard Downer of             Reserve Officers Training Corp program present
Herndon waits for the ceremony to begin.                the colors.

Veterans Day Ceremonies
s                                                                                                                           Compton Road Shared-Use Path
From Page 4                                                                                                                        Fairfax County
Curtiss Barnum Jr.,                                                                                                             Virtual Public Information Meeting
a retired United
States Marine Corps                                                                                                          Thursday, December 9, 2021, 7 p.m.
officer who received
the Medal of Honor
during the Vietnam
War. Barnum said                                                                                                  Find out about plans to construct a ten-foot-wide shared-use path along
that we owe our                                                                                                   northbound Compton Road (Route 658) from the Bull Run Special Events
veterans a “debt of                                                                                               Center Access Road to just south of the I-66 bridge, and from just north of
gratitude” for the                                                                                                the I-66 bridge to a connection with the existing Cub Run Trail. The project
freedoms the Unit-                                                                                                also includes widening the Compton Road bridge over Cub Run to
ed States holds so                                                                                                accommodate the new shared-use path. The portion of the shared-use
dear, from freedom                                                                                                path under the I-66 bridge is being constructed separately as part of the
of speech to freedom                                                                        Photo contributed     Transform 66 Outside the Beltway Project.
of the press. He said David Womack, post commander of Wayne M. Kidwell American Legion Post 184
that our veterans are of Herndon-Reston speaks, with members of The Reston Chorale to his right.                  The meeting will be held as a virtual/online meeting. Information for
on the front lines,                                                                                               accessing and participating in the virtual meeting is available at
protecting us.                                                                                                    https://www.virginiadot.org/ComptonRoad. The project team will make
   But no matter which of the Vet-                                                                                a short presentation beginning at 7 p.m. and answer questions for about
erans Day ceremonies one attend-                                                                                  an hour after the presentation.
ed, there were similarities: the
                                                                                                                  Review project information and meeting details on the webpage above or
impressive postings of the nation’s
                                                                                                                  during business hours at VDOT’s Northern Virginia District Office,
colors, veterans and guests recit-
                                                                                                                  4975 Alliance Drive, Fairfax, VA 22030. Please call ahead at
ing the pledge of allegiance, and
                                                                                                                  703-259-2907 or TTY/TDD 711 to make an appointment with appropriate
choral groups singing the national
anthem and other patriotic songs.
Speakers acknowledged the vet-
                                                                                                                  In compliance with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) and 23
erans who stood between us and
                                                                                                                  CFR 771, a Programmatic Categorical Exclusion (PCE) is being prepared
ever-present danger.
                                                                                                                  under an agreement with the Federal Highway Administration. Pursuant to
   According to Close, the Army                                                              Photo contributed
                                                                                                                  the National Historic Preservation Act, Section 106 and 36 CFR 800,
has over 100,000 troops deployed                                             A World War I helmet rests
                                                                                                                  information concerning the potential effects of the proposed improvements
or forward stationed in approxi-                                            against the Veterans Memorial
                                                                                                                  on properties listed in or eligible for listing in the National Register of
mately 80 nations. “The scope of                                            in the Town of Herndon at 11
                                                                                                                  Historic Places will be included in the PCE.
the effort to support the global                                            a.m., Nov. 11, 2021. It reminds
war on terrorism, provides support                     Photo contributed people that the Allied powers            Give your comments during the meeting, or by December 20, 2021 via
to our allies, and keeps our other        Keynote speaker, Colonel Har- signed a ceasefire agreement              the comment form on the project website, by mail to Ms. Hong Ha, P.E.,
enemies contained as part of our vey Curtiss Barnum Jr., retired with Germany at Compiégne,                       Virginia Department of Transportation, 4975 Alliance Drive, Fairfax, VA
country’s engagement strategy is United States Marine Corps officer France, bringing the war to a                 22030 or by email to meetingcomments@VDOT.virginia.gov. Please
tremendous,” he said. Close went who received the Medal of Honor close on the 11th hour of the
                                                                                                                  reference “Compton Road Shared-Use Path” in the subject line.
on to say that without veterans, during the Vietnam War.                    11th day of the 11th month in
“there would be no United States                                            the year 1918.                        VDOT ensures nondiscrimination and equal employment in all programs and
of America.”                                                                                                      activities in accordance with Title VI and Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.
   While the local ceremonies of honor and recogni- opment Authority, representatives from 66 companies           If you need more information or special assistance for persons with disabilities or
tion, the kind words of thanks by residents, and the interviewed job-seekers one week before Veterans Day         limited English proficiency, contact VDOT Civil Rights at 703-259-1775.
one-day freebie at local restaurants are appreciated by at the Veteran and Military Career Fair at Fort Belvoir
the veterans, they are not enough. Questions remain, on Nov. 4, 2021.                                                          State Project: 0658-029-461, B652, C501, P101, R201
including how the county is helping to repay the “debt      “We believe that Fairfax County can be a proving                                       UPC: 115604
to our veterans,” about what veterans say is needed, ground for how we get our nation’s veterans working                                     Federal: CMAQ-5B01 (106)
what the Virginia legislature might do in the next ses- in the private sector,” said Jeffrey C. McKay, chairman
sion, and how veterans want to be remembered by of the Fairfax County Board of Supervisors.                               In case an alternate date is needed, the meeting will be held
others after their casket flag is handed to a loved one.                                                                          Monday, January 10, 2022 at the same time.
   According to the Fairfax County Economic Devel-                             More Veterans Day, Page 7
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Local Traditions To Honor Veterans - Connection Newspapers
Children’s & Teens’ Connection 2021


                                                                                                                                                                   An independent, locally owned weekly
                                                                                                                                                                            newspaper delivered

Please send all submissions via email by                                                                    mal or food or toy? Describe a good friend. De-
                                                                                                            scribe one of the best gifts you’ve ever given or
                                                                                                                                                                         to homes and businesses.
                                                                                                                                                                              Published by

Friday, Dec. 3. This edition publishes Dec 15.                                                              received. Discuss a hobby or sport that you are          Local Media Connection LLC
                                                                                                            involved in. Your opinion about any topic.                    1606 King Street
                                                                                                               Poetry or other creative writing.

                                                                                                                                                                     Alexandria, Virginia 22314
            uring December of each year, this         can be sent through email. Writing should be             To be published, we must have the full first
            newspaper devotes its pages to the        submitted in .docx format or in google doc. If        and last name of the student artist or writer.            Free digital edition delivered to
            creativity of local students and chil-    you are sharing a google doc with us, please             Identify each piece of writing or art, includ-              your email box. Go to
            dren. The results are always remark-      turn on link sharing so that anyone with the          ing the student’s full name, age, grade and town
able. It is a keepsake edition for many families.     link can edit the document and share with             of residence, plus the name of the school, name
  We welcome contributions from public and            kimm.mary@gmail.com. Artwork should be                of teacher and town of school location.                     NEWS DEPARTMENT:
private schools, art classes, families, individuals   photographed or scanned and provided in jpeg             Home schoolers’ contributions are welcomed.        reston@connectionnewspapers.com
and homeschoolers. We publish every kind of           format.                                                  Please send all submissions via email by Fri-
artwork that can be submitted to us as a jpeg,           Some suggestions, but different ideas are          day, Dec. 3, 2021. The Children’s & Teens’ edi-              Kemal Kurspahic
                                                                                                                                                                        Editor ❖ 703-778-9414
poetry, essays, creative writing, opinion pieces,     welcome:                                              tions will publish on Dec. 15, 2021.                   kemal@connectionnewspapers.com
short stories, photography, photos of sculpture          Drawings or paintings or photographs of your          You can see the 2019 editions (pre-pandem-
or gardens or other creative efforts.                 family, friends, pets or some favorite activity.      ic) by visiting www.connectionnewspapers.                     Mercia Hobson
  Pandemic planning has made for a short              These should be photographed or scanned and           com/PDFs/ and scrolling down to Children’s                   Community Reporter
deadline, and, like everything else, the 2021         submitted in jpeg format. Photos of sculpture         Edition. You may also see the 2020 editions at        mhobson@connectionnewspapers.com
Children’s Connections will be different than in      or larger art projects are also welcome. Holiday      the bottom of this email.
                                                                                                                                                                           Bonnie Hobbs
the past.                                             themes are also encouraged.                              Email submissions for the Children’s Editions
                                                                                                                                                                  Community Reporter, 703-778-9415
  For 2021, please send a curated collection of          Short answers, 100-200 words on: If you            to kimm.mary@gmail.com.                               bhobbs@connectionnewspapers.com
art from your class. We will do our best, but we      could give your parents, family or friends any           For advertising, please email Debbie Funk at
are unlikely to be able to print every item sub-      gift that didn’t cost money what would that gift      debfunk@connectionnewspapers.com.                                Ken Moore
mitted. Please include the first and last name of     be? What are you most looking forward to in                                                                         Contributing Writer
the student with each submission.                     the upcoming year? What do you want to be                                                    Mary Kimm       kmoore@connectionnewspapers.com
  We ask that all submissions be digital so they      when you grow up? What is your favorite ani-                                         Editor and Publish

Reform Not Revenge
                                                                                                                                                                       For advertising information

                                                                                                                                                                            Debbie Funk
                                                                                                                                                                   Display Advertising/National Sales
It appears that in the House of Delegates the                                                  Commonwealth there         years. Hopefully the new governor                  703-778-9444
                                                                                               have been many fits        and the new House leadership will
Republicans will have a 53 to 47 majority.                                                     and starts that delay      not throw out all that work and                   David Griffin
                                                                                               needed legislative ac-     start over. We can build on those                Marketing Assistant
                                                                                 tion.                                    things for which there are areas of                703-778-9431
 By Del. Kenneth R.                                   With the change in            Of course, the winning party          agreement.                              dgriffin@connectionnewspapers.com
         “Ken” Plum                                 partisan control of the      always wants to assert its power.           I will be pleading with the new
                                                                                                                                                                      Classified & Employment
                                                    House of Delegates,          I understand that “to the victors        administration that we view the                    Advertising

            hen the final                           members will find them-      go the spoils.” But much of what         next several months as time to look                703-778-9431
            recount    of                           selves having different      the legislature does should not be       at reforms in the process on which
            votes in the                            roles. The Democratic        partisan. Virginians showed again        we can agree. We need not spend
two districts that were                             Speaker of the House         in this election cycle that they are     time on seeking revenge on those             Editor & Publisher
                                                                                                                                                                           Mary Kimm
within a percentage                                 and the first woman          not clearly blue or red. No Demo-        who have been in office in the past.    mkimm@connectionnewspapers.com
point difference be-                                and first Jewish person      crat celebrated more than I did the      The winners in such an approach                  @MaryKimm
tween the candidates                                to be speaker will lose      transformative actions taken by          will be the people of Virginia and
are finally certified, it                           her position to a new        the legislature over the past two        not a single political party.               Executive Vice President
appears that in the House of Del-       speaker elected by the majority                                                                                                      Jerry Vernon
egates the Republicans will have a      Republican caucus. At the time of
53 to 47 majority. Such a shift in      writing this column the rumor is
partisan control is often referred      that Delegate Todd Gilbert who
                                                                                                      Let Us Know Your View                                               Managing Editor
                                                                                            Connection Newspapers welcomes views on any public issue.
to as “flipping the House” or “turn-    represents a part of the Shenando-                                                                                                  Kemal Kurspahic
                                                                                   Letters must be signed. Include home address and home and business numbers;
ing the House from blue to red.”        ah Valley will be the new speaker.                                                                                                   Art/Design:
                                                                                                    we will only print your name and town name.                       Laurence Foong, John Heinly,
Democrats who took control of           The Speaker of the House has total                      Letters are routinely edited for length, libel, grammar,                      Ali Khaligh
the House in 2019 were not able         control over appointing members                                  good taste, civility and factual errors.                       Production Manager:
to withstand the shifting winds as      to committees. Too often including                                            Send letters                                           Geovani Flores
the string of Democratic governors      in the recent past the practice has                   Online www.connectionnewspapers.com/contact/letter/
was broken when former Governor         been to take members of the mi-                             By email: editors@connectionnewspapers.com
Terry McAuliffe who had been out        nority party off the key committees                                                                                                  CIRCULATION
of office for a term as required by     on which they may have had the                          By mail to: Letters to the Editor The Connection                  circulation@connectionnewspapers.com

the State Constitution was not able     most influence. The shuffling of
                                                                                                      1606 King St., Alexandria VA 22314
to win a second term. Some have         members on committees has been                   You can comment on our Facebook page or find us on Twitter
observed that the Virginia gover-       a way for the majority to solidify                         www.facebook.com/connectionnewspapers
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year after the presidential election       The way in which the transition                           https://twitter.com/mtvernongazette
is most often won by the candidate      of power has been handled in the                               https://twitter.com/followfairfax
of the party opposite that of the       past by both parties has led to many
president. The Youngkin win to be       inefficiencies in the legislative pro-
governor after the Biden win fol-       cess. Rather than a continuous pro-
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Local Traditions To Honor Veterans - Connection Newspapers
Centreville Man Killed in
Motorcycle Crash
   A 21-year-old Centreville man         at the scene. The Enclave driver sus-
was killed Friday, Nov. 5, when the      tained minor injuries, but the juve-
motorcycle he was driving crashed        nile was uninjured. After crashing,
into a car in Fairfax Station. Fairfax   the motorcycle became engulfed in
County police say Andrew Paulucci        flames, but arriving fire and rescue
was pronounced dead at the scene.        personnel extinguished the fire.
   The crash occurred around 7:07           Police say “speed may have been
p.m. According to police, a 2020         a factor for the motorcycle,” and de-
Buick Enclave was traveling north-       tectives from the Crash Reconstruc-
bound on Ox Road when its driver         tion Unit are continuing to investi-
tried to turn left onto westbound        gate. Details of their findings will be
Henderson Road on a flashing yel-        presented to the Commonwealth’s
low signal.                              Attorney’s Office for review.
   At the same time, Paulucci was           Meanwhile, anyone with infor-
traveling southbound on Ox Road on       mation about this crash is asked to
a 2021 Kawasaki motorcycle. Police       contact the Crash Reconstruction
say he “proceeded through the inter-     Unit at 703-280-0543. Tips may
section on a green signal and struck     also be submitted anonymously
the Enclave.” The impact caused him      through Crime Solvers by calling
to be thrown from the motorcycle.        1-866-411-TIPS (866-411-8477).
   The driver of the Enclave, along
with a juvenile passenger, remained                       — Bonnie Hobbs

             Viewpoint                       Photos by Mercia Hobson/
                                               Connection Newspapers

   Remembering                Deceased Veterans
    The veterans of The Wayne M. Kidwell Post 184 Herndon-Reston
   raised 66 casket flags that families of interred veterans donated for the
   Avenue of Flags erected on Memorial Day and Veterans Day each year.
   Seeing the veterans and volunteers working in teams of two to erect each
   casket flag, and after they raised it skyward, giving it a long salute to
   remember the service member and say thank you.

     Q: Veterans of Post 184 Herndon-Reston were asked: How do
   you want to be remembered as a veteran [when your casket flag is
   raised and flies as part of the Avenue of Flags]?

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      “I want my son [Ben] to re-           “I want others to know that
   member when he puts my casket         I appreciate my country. I was
   flag up to fly that I was an honor-   young when I enlisted and [later
   able man, and I showed it every       stationed] inside communist East
   day in my actions. My other son,      Germany, in West Berlin, I got
   Alex, is serving in the U.S. Army,    to see what Communism was
   101st Airborne Division.”             about. I came home and realized
                    — Scott Durham,      freedom is sacred.”
                   U.S. Army veteran                       — Chris Cutler,
                                                        U.S. Army veteran

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   the hill there, with my wife and      with what I had.
   my mother-in-law.                                     – Thomas Finan,
         – David Lacombe, veteran             U.S. Airforce, C.M.S., (ret)                  Visit our website: www.twopoorteachers.com
www.ConnectionNewspapers.com                                                      Oak Hill/Herndon / Reston / Chantilly Connection / Centre View v November 17-23, 2021 v 7
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                                                                                                                                             Photos by Mercia Hobson/Connection Newspapers

During her solo exhibition, “Good Juju,” Julia Tova Malakoff takes a few of her works               Julia Tova Malakoff, a mixed media artist, creates works to spread ‘good juju’ as she
outside onto the walkway in front of the Lake Anne Gallery & Studio.                                struggles with COVID-19 smell and taste loss.

Artist Reimagines Smell and Taste Lost to COVID
“Good Juju,” a sense-sational exhibition.
                       By Mercia Hobson           COVID who lost sense of smell recover smell
                            The Connection        function within six months.
                                                     Malakoff is one of the 20 percent whose

          eston Art Gallery and Studios fea-      impaired senses have yet to return.
          tured the solo exhibition “Good            Malakoff said that before COVID, she re-
          Juju” by local artist Julia Malakoff.   lied on her five senses to interpret obser-
          Juju is the energy, the positive or     vations, which she translated into artwork.
negative vibe, which surrounds us. Held           Now, forced to deal with the practical and
in October 2021, Malakoff is one of many          psychological effects of losing her sense of
people infected with COVID-19 who expe-           smell and taste, Malakoff took her frustra-
rienced the loss of her senses of smell and       tions into the art studio.
taste as a result.                                   “I imagine what food tastes like as I play
   Olfactory and gustatory dysfunctions, as       with my paints, mixing up a variety of colors     Julie Tova Malakoff assists with the installation of one of her works for the exhibition
this symptom can be called, is a key symp-        to whet my visual appetite. I want to dive        “Good Juju.”
tom of the infection.                             into a delicious paint palette and paint sweet
   A study published in Mayo Clinic Pro-          flavors to distract myself from my own de-        smell and taste is invisible, a hidden disabili-       In an interview at the art studio last
ceedings looked at data from over 8,000           bilitated, dysfunctional palate,” she wrote in    ty. It breaks people’s links to places and emo-    month, Malakoff said that the mixed-media
people with a confirmed case of COVID-19          her artist statement.                             tional experiences, leaving them without the       works for “Good Juju” began from a positive
and found about 41 percent lost their sense          The loss of one or more of our senses can      memories smells evoke. People may also             place. She took a Crayola crayon after gesso-
of smell. Losing the sense of smell impacts       have an impact on how we interact with the        lose interest in cooking or socializing while      ing her wood panels. Malakoff said, “I write
taste. About 38 percent reported loss of          world and engage in the environment. Their        eating out. Taste disturbance or loss can also     HOME SWEET HOME in large capital letters
taste. A second study, published on Sept. 21,     loss can have a negative impact on mental         have a negative impact on nutrition. Final-        because I want to make sure that my art
2021, by the Virginia Commonwealth Uni-           health and quality of life, resulting in feel-    ly, there is the loss of a hazard perspective,     is coming from a positive place.” Malakoff
versity School of Medicine, discovered that       ings of loneliness, fear, and depression. Un-     such as the smell of gas, smoke and foods          added that she takes the graphics and paints
roughly 80 percent of people infected with        like the loss of sight and hearing, the loss of   that have gone bad.                                them in to make a palette, which she uses to
                                                                                                                                                       fill the background of her wooden panels. “I
                                                                                                                                                       then begin working on my collage.”
   Hannah Barco appointed Associate Curator & Festival Director                                                                                            Malakoff’s mixed media collages are flow-
                                                                                                                                                       ers, evocative of healing gardens. They are

   of Tephra Institute of Contemporary Art          to be moving to the
                                                    DC metropolitan area
                                                                                                                                                       textured, with layers of hand-painted papers
                                                                                                                                                       mixed in with markers and crayons. Stems
      Tephra Institute of Contemporary Art        artists in manifesting their vision, and I                          and will be bringing             and leaves are cut into whimsical shapes in-
   (Tephra ICA) announced the appointment         am thrilled to be joining Tephra ICA, an                            with me this incredi-            spired by Matisse cutouts, her own photog-
   of Hannah Barco as the Institute’s new         institution that so clearly takes great care                        ble network of creative          raphy, and inorganic objects.
   Associate Curator & Festival Director. The     in supporting artists and creating oppor-                           practitioners and my                 Malakoff hopes that by reflecting on the
   appointment comes at an important time         tunities for audiences to meaningfully en-                          commitment to social             magic around us and creating “good juju,”
   in the institution’s nearly five decades,      gage with contemporary art.”                   Hannah Barco         justice and equity in            she will be able to heal herself, at least in
   almost one year into rebranding from its          Barco received a BFA from the School of                          the arts.”                       spirit, as well as other people who are deal-
   former name, Greater Reston Arts Center,       the Museum of Fine Arts at Boston and Tufts        Barco will lead creative direction in             ing with their adversities.
   as it continues to shape its identity as a     University and an MFA from the School of the planning and implementation of the In-                      For an appointment to view the works,
   prominent contemporary arts institution        Art Institute of Chicago. She is the former Di- stitute’s largest fundraiser, the Tephra             email juliatova@gmail.com, or contact the
   in the DC metropolitan region.                 rector of Exhibitions and Associate Curator at Fine Arts Festival, formerly the Northern             gallery by visiting RestonArtGallery.com.
      “Artists are vital to our society because   the School of Art Institute of Chicago.          Virginia Fine Arts Festival.                        Reston Art Gallery and Studios is a privately
   of their capacity to engage and absorb            “I have learned so much from the extraor-       Tephra ICA is a non-profit, non-col-              owned cooperative gallery located at 11400
   the world, in all of its complexities, and     dinary artists and colleagues I have worked lecting institution committed to promot-                 Washington Plaza West at Lake Anne Village
   through their creative practices make          with in Chicago over the last ten years, espe- ing innovative contemporary art. Tephra               Center near the lake’s fountain. All artwork
   things that can provoke and inspire art-       cially in addressing the exclusionary history ICA is supported in part by ArtsFairfax,               displayed is marked for sale by the individ-
   works that can change how others see           of the white box gallery and creating wel- Reston Community Center, Virginia Com-                    ual artist. The gallery advertises November’s
   the world,” says Barco.” I’ve always been      coming experiences for diverse audiences mission for the Arts, and the National En-                  artist as Marthe McGrath, Title: “Abstract.” It
   passionate about the work of supporting        to come together around art. I am excited dowment for the Arts.                                      is open from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Saturdays
                                                                                                                                                       and noon to 5 p.m. on Sundays.
8 v Oak Hill/Herndon / Reston / Chantilly Connection / Centre View v November 17-23, 2021                                                                     www.ConnectionNewspapers.com
Local Traditions To Honor Veterans - Connection Newspapers
          NOW THRU NOV. 21                                                                                                                                                                                                                  NOV. 19-20
          ”Fully Committed.” At NextStop                                 within the Northern Virginia and                                                                                                                                   JAM Christmas Show. 8-10 p.m. At
             Theatre, 269 Sunset Park Drive,                             Greater Washington, DC area.                                                                                                                                          Fredgren Studio Theatre at Ballet
             Herndon. This funny show follows                            NPAA is primarily a plein air group                                                                                                                                   Nova, 3443 Carlin Springs Road,
             a day in the life of Samantha, an                           but members also engage in paint-                                                                                                                                     Falls Church. Created by cho-
             out-of-work actress who works the                           ing other subjects including still                                                                                                                                    reographer Jeremy A. McShan,
             red-hot reservation line at Man-                            life, genre, and portraiture.                                                                                                                                         JAM 12 Days of Christmas, is a
             hattan’s number-one restaurant.                                                                                                                                                                                                   crowd-thrilling Christmas musical
             Coercion, threats, bribes, histri-                     NOW THRU JAN. 2, 2022                                                                                                                                                      spectacular that mixes favorite
             onics—a cast of desperate callers                      LuminoCity Festival. 6-9 p.m. At Roer’s                                                                                                                                    Christmas carols along with favor-
             will stop at nothing in their zeal                        Zoofari, 1228 Hunter Mill Road,                                                                                                                                         ite pop songs of all time. These
             to land a prime reservation or the                        Vienna. The LuminoCity Festival,                                                                                                                                        dance-floor favorites are sure to
             right table.                                              a one-of-a-kind, immersive light                                                                                                                                        leave audiences dancing in their
                                                                       display experience, will be a festive                                                                                                                                   seats as we count down the days
          NOW THRU NOV. 28                                             experience for guests of all ages.                                                                                                                                      ‘til the arrival of good ole St. Nick.
          Artworks by David Alexander. At                              Be ready to enter a world straight                                                                                                                                      Cost is $25. Visit the website:
             the Jo Ann Rose Gallery, 1609-A                           out of your wildest imaginations as                                                                                                                                     https://jam12days.bpt.me/
             Washington Plaza N, Reston. “In                           you step into an unforgettably spec-
             Between: Phantom Algorithms                               tacular night of lights. The festival                                                                                                                                SATURDAY/NOV. 20
             Joining Worlds” artworks by David                         includes African, Asian, Arid, and                                                                                                                                   The Dancing Light. 8 p.m. At Reston
             Alexander use the totem motif to                          Ancient-themed exhibits of spectac-                        The women of the March Family: Meg (Kirsten Knight), Beth (Keira                                             Community Theater’s CenterStage.
             bridge the digital, physical and                          ularly lit art displays set up in the                                                                                                                                   Celebrating the Warmth of Winter;
             spiritual worlds. Nov. 1 through                          zoo’s walk-through area. Visit the                         Murphy), Amy (Franny Hemsley), Jo ((Kylee Majkowski), and Marmee                                             Akua Allrich and The Tribe. Come
             28 2021. Call 703-476-4500. Visit                         website: www.roerszoofari.com.                             (Kirsten Tierney), at McLean High School Nov. 18-20, Nov. 20-21.                                             share an evening filled with music
             https://enoarts.com/press                                                                                                                                                                                                         from around the world celebrating
                                                                    NOV. 18-DEC. 12                                               NOV. 18-20, NOV. 20-21                                             $15 for general admission and are         the wonder of the season and joy
          NOW THRU NOV. 30                                          ”Secret Things.” Thursdays at 7:30                            ”Little Women, the Broadway Mu-                                    available at SterlingPlaymakers.org       of living. Cost is $15 Reston/$20
          ”The Artist’s Palette.” At Great Falls                       p.m., Fridays at 8 p.m., Saturdays                             sical.” Nov. 18, 19, 20 at 7 p.m.;                             or can be purchased at the door.          Non-Reston. Visit www.restoncom-
             Studios Gallery, 756 Walker Road,                         at 2 p.m. and 8 p.m., and Sundays                              Nov. 20, 21 at 2 p.m. At McLean                                                                          munitycenter.com.
             Great Falls. “The Artist’s Palette”                       at 2 p.m. At 1st Stage, 1524                                   High School, 1633 Davidson Road,                            FRIDAY/NOV. 19
             features the work of members of                           Spring Hill Road in Tysons. “Secret                            McLean. Tickets: www.Theatre-                               Holiday Tree Lighting Ceremony. 6-8       SATURDAY/NOV. 20
             NOVA Plein Air Artists. Founded                           Things,” a deep and heartfelt story                            McLean.org or https://tinyurl.                                 p.m. At Tysons Corner Center,          Vendor Fair and Marketplace. 9 a.m.
             in 2016, NOVA Plein Air Artists                           of truth, discovery, and romance                               com/7cxa8jjn                                                   McLean, in the Plaza. Tysons Cor-         to 1 p.m. At Christ Church, 7600
             (NPAA) was initiated due to a                             imbued both with gorgeous mag-                                                                                                ner Center will kick off the 2021         Ox Road, Fairfax Station. The
             shared desire to explore the idea                         ical realism and fascinating true                          NOV. 19-21                                                         Holiday Season with its annual tree       Clifton Community Women’s Club
             of painting outdoors. Since then,                         history of Sephardic Judaism in                            ”Catch Me If You Can.” Nov. 19-20                                  lighting ceremony. The ceremony           will be hosting a Vendor Fair and
             NPAA has evolved into a creative,                         the American Southwest. General                               at 7:30 p.m.; Nov. 21 at 2 p.m.                                 will include a special appearance         Marketplace. The fair will feature
             educational and social network of                         admission tickets are $50. Senior                             At Seneca Ridge Middle School                                   from Santa, community perfor-             20 local vendors including the
             local artists committed to painting                       (65+) tickets are $47. Student,                               Theatre, 98 Seneca Ridge Drive,                                 mances, live music complimentary          Fairfax Station Railway which will
             weekly at organized “paint-outs.”                         educator, and military tickets are                            Sterling. Based on the hit film and                             s’mores, hot chocolate station, kids      be selling trains. Additional ven-
             Plein air locations are chosen for                        $15. Tickets can be purchased                                 the true story, “Catch Me If You                                crafts, outdoor specialty pop-up          dors will feature products related
             their diversity, varying from state                       online at www.1ststage.org or by                              Can” is the high-flying musical                                 market featuring mall retailers,          to beauty, fashion, toys, antiques,
             and county parks to rustic farms,                         calling the 1st Stage box office at                           comedy about chasing your dreams                                holiday sips from Barrel + Bushel,
             vineyards, and urban settings                             703-854-1856.                                                 and not getting caught. Tickets are                             giveaways, and more.                              See Calendar, Page 11

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          www.ConnectionNewspapers.com                                                                                                Oak Hill/Herndon / Reston / Chantilly Connection / Centre View v November 17-23, 2021 v 9
Local Traditions To Honor Veterans - Connection Newspapers
                                                                              To Advertise in This Paper, Call by Monday 11:00 am 703-778-9411                                                                colle
                                                                              Obituary                                      Obituary                                   Employment                             supp
                                                                                    William “Bill” Russell Lawson, of Reston, Virginia, passed                                                                don
                                                                                    away at Fairfax Hospital On Thursday, October 14, 2021 with his        Transaction Network Services, Inc.has
                                                                                                                                                           openings in Reston, VA for the following           othe
                                                                                    family by his side.
                                                                                                                                                           positions: Applications Development
                                                                                    Bill was born in 1943 in Washington, D.C., the youngest of three       Engineer II (REQ #R166). Implement/ SUNDA
                                                                                    children, to LaMont Harris Lawson Sr. and Charlotte Hughes Law-        improve deployment automation tools/ Traditio
                                                                                    son.                                                                   processes. Req’s BS/foreign equiv in     At T
                                                                                                                                                           CS/rltd & 2 yrs exp. Software Engineer   Roa
                                                                                   In the 1960’s Bill was on the Reston Zoning and Planning Com-           (REQ #R202). Design/develop software     and
                                                                                   mission. He worked closely with Reston’s Founder, Robert E.                                                      vacc
                                                                                                                                                           systems. Req’s MS in CS/CE/rltd. Oth-
                                                                                   Simon, and was integral in the design and the continued develop-                                                 serie
                                                                ment of Reston’s garden city planning concept.                                             er req’s apply. May work remotely. Mail
                                                                                                                                                           CV/CL to TNS Inc, S Carver, 10740        or a
                                                                                                                                                           Parkridge Blvd, Ste 100, Reston, VA      ets m
                                                                Bill was preceded in death by his Father LaMont Harris Sr., his Mother Charlotte, his
                                                                                                                                                           20191. Must reference title/Req #.       oldb
                                                                Sister Brenda Lawson Brown, his Brother LaMont Harris Jr., and his beloved Wife
                                                                Carol Kay.
                                                                                                                                                                       Employment                          Holiday
                                                                He is survived by his two children, Son Derrick Mark Lawson and Daughter Leslye
                                                                Michelle Lawson, his Daughter-In-Law Karen Beth Tatters Lawson, his Grand-Niece-                                                              830
                                                                In-Law Reiley Skye Tatters, and his faithful black labrador retriever Murdock.                                                                Join
                                                                                                                                                           GNRSystems, Inc. in Herndon, VA                    and
                                                                Brother-In-Law of Louise “Tweedle” Lawrence, Uncle of Dawn Bailey, Great-Uncle of          is seek’g 1) Business Consultants                  favo
                                                                Storm Crook (LaMont Harris Jr.); Uncle of Courtney and Leigh Brown (Brenda Lawson);                                                           be p
                                                                                                                                                           to Drive process optimizat’n for all
                                                                Brother-In-Law of David H. Cloud Jr., Uncle of Jeff and David Cloud III (Carol Kay).                                                       https://
                                                                                                                                                           IT dvlpmnt projs. 2) Software En-
                                                                                                                                                           gineers (VM/Windows Administra-                    raise
                                                                Funeral Services will be held at the Money & King Funeral Home in Vienna, Virginia,
                                                                on Saturday, November 20th at 10AM, with a viewing at the funeral home on Friday,          tor) to rsrch, dsgn/ dvlp & test OP
                                                                November 19th from 6-8PM. In lieu of flowers, plants may be sent to Money & King           sys-lvl SW, compilers & ntwrk dist SUNDA
                                                                Funeral Home or memorial gift donations may be made to the ASPCA.                                                               Winter
                                                                                                                                                           sftwr. 3) Oracle Application Data-      Cap
                                                                For the guest book and obituary please go to www.moneyandking.com.                         base Administrators to adminis-         ingt
                                                                                                                                                           ter, test & implmnt comp DB’s. No       them
                                                                              Obituary                                      Obituary                       trvl; No Telecomm. Job duties are       inclu
                                                                                                                                                           proj-based & performed on long-         suite
                                                                                                                                                           term asgmnts @ various unantic-         Nutc
                                                                                   Geraldine (“Gerry”) Mazziotta died peacefully on October 25 at                                                  “Rus
                                                                                   Tall Oaks Assisted Living facility in Reston, VA. Born in January of    ipated sites w/in the U.S. which
                                                                                   1928 in Pittsburgh, PA, Gerry was 93 years old.                         may req relo @ the end of each          Elin
                                                                                   Gerry grew up in Allison Park, PA, a suburb of Pittsburgh and grad-     proj. Applicants email resume           www
                                                                                   uated from Hampton High School after which she enrolled at the          to gnrhumanresources@gnrsys-
                                                                                   University of Pittsburgh. It was during her college years that she      tems.com & ref. specific job.        NOV. 1
                                                                                   met and then married the love of her life, the late Natale (“Nat”)
                                                                                                                                                                                                  Ice & Li
                                                                                   Mazziotta. She “tied the knot” with Nat in Pittsburgh on May 28,
                                                                                   1949; they were married for 65 years.                                               Employment                     400
                                                                                     Immediately after their honeymoon, Gerry moved with Nat to his                                                   27,
                                                                                     hometown of Nutley, NJ where she spent the majority of her life.      Amazon Web Services Inc. seeks             Sun
                                                                After raising her two sons, Gerry began a lifelong career as a grammar school teacher      candidates for the following (multiple     Feat
                                                                commencing in the early 1960s. Among a number of Catholic schools in which she             positions available) in Herndon, VA:       ligh
                                                                taught, was Holy Family in Nutley, her home parish. Over the course of her career it is
                                                                estimated that “Mrs. Mazz”, as she was affectionately known, passed on her kindness,
                                                                grace and “no such word as can’t” attitude to over 1,000 students.
                                                                                                                                                           Professional Services II (Job Code         $9 f
                                                                                                                                                           150.6662.11). Collaborate with ex-         villa
                                                                Gerry is survived by her sons, Peter and Paul, of Reston, VA and New Windsor, NY           ternal customers and partners on key
                                                                respectively, and their wives Jamie and Patti. Gerry had four grandchildren and two        engagements to develop and deliver
                                                                great grandchildren.                                                                       proof-of-concept projects, technical
                                                                                                                                                           workshops, and support implementa-
                                                                Grandchildren include Jamie (“Christina”) Mazziotta, daughter of Peter and Jamie;
                                                                                                                                                           tion projects that focus on customer
                                                                Nicholas, son of Paul and Patti, and his wife Christine Mazziotta; Jenna Jonza, daugh-
                                                                                                                                                           solutions, such as Machine Learning,
                                                                ter of Paul and Patti, and her husband Ted; and Stephen Mazziotta, son of Paul. Great
                                                                                                                                                           Data and Analytics, and HPC that sup-
                                                                grandchildren include Aidan and Nathan, sons of Stephen Mazziotta, and Nicholas and
                                                                                                                                                           port and enhance data processing ca-
                                                                Christine Mazziotta respectively. Gerry’s extended family consists of many nephews
                                                                                                                                                           pabilities to allow customers and part-
                                                                and nieces and their families residing both within and outside the United States.
                                                                                                                                                           ners leverage data to develop business
                                                                Funeral and burial arrangements are in progress. In lieu of flowers, donations may be      insights. Domestic travel required 50%
                                                                made in her memory to the VITAS Community Connection. Checks should be made                of the time to Amazon offices and client
                                                                out to VCC at the following address:                                                       sites. Telecommuting benefits available.
                                                                VITAS Health Care
                                                                3251 Old Lee Highway                                                                       Mail CV to: Amazon, PO Box 81226,
                                                                Suite # 200                                                                                Seattle, Washington 98108, referencing
                                                                Fairfax, VA 22030                                                                          job code.
                                                                Attention: Jennifer Lindsay
                                                                Through their understanding, compassion and guidance, the VITAS of Virginia organi-
                                                                zation was instrumental in helping our mom and our family get through the final weeks
                                                                of her life.
                                                                                                                                                                       ABC LICENSE
                                                                                                                                                           SE Catering LLC trading as Simply Elegant,
                                                                                                                                                            11600 Sunrise Valley Dr Reston, VA 20191
                                                                                                                                                           The above establishment is applying to the
                                                                                                                                                            VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF ALCOHOLIC
                                                                                                                                                               BEVERAGE CONTROL (ABC) for a On
                                                                                                                                                             Premise Caterer, Mixed Beverage license
                                                                                                                                                           to sell or manufacture alcoholic beverages.
                                                                                                                                                              David Barrett, Owner. NOTE: Objections
                                                                                                                                                               to the issuance of this license must be
                                                                                                                                                              submitted to ABC no later than 30 days
                                                                                                                                                            from the publishing date of the first of two
                                                                                                                                                             required newspaper legal notices. Objec-
                                                                                                                                                              tions should be registered at www.abc.
                                                                                                                                                                    virginia.gov or 800-552-3200.

                                                                                                                                                           An expert is someone who knows
                                                                                                                                                            some of the worst mistakes that
                                                                                                                                                             can be made in his subject and
                                                                                                                                                                  how to avoid them.
                                                                                                                                                                  -Werner Heisenberg

10 v Oak Hill/Herndon / Reston / Chantilly Connection / Centre View v November 17-23, 2021                                                               www.ConnectionNewspapers.com
Calendar                                                                                                                                            “One-Hundred
         From Page 9
            collectibles, food stuff, health, wellness,
                                                                  uary 8, $14 for ice skating; free ages 2 and
                                                                  under. Visit novaparks.com/events/ice-lights
                                                                                                                        Business                                       Seventy-Three
            travel and finance. The Clifton Community
            Women’s Club is a service organization that
            supports a multitude of community needs and
            the Charitable Trust distributions support four
                                                               SUNDAY/NOV. 21
                                                               Children’s Holiday Shop. 8:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. At
                                                                  Temple Rodef Shalom, 2100 Westmoreland
                                                                                                                       Directory                                      By KENNETH B. LOURIE
                                                                                                                                                                          That’s exactly how long the pre-recorded,
            local scholarships to colleges and universities,      Street, Falls Church. Children ages 2-13 shop        WWW.CONNECTIONNEWSPAPERS.COM                   artificially-computerized voice said I would have
            donations to local food pantries, and various         for holiday gifts, Sundays, November 21, 8:30                                                       to wait on the phone if I wanted to speak with
lowing      other charities.                                      a.m. to 2 p.m. Visit the website: http://tem-             Call 703-549-0004                         an actual person. For those of you arithmetically
 pment                                                            plerodefshalom.org                                     for advertising information                  challenged, 173 minutes is almost three hours.
ement/ SUNDAY/NOV. 21                                                                                                                                                 Seeing no point in holding that long, I hung up
  tools/ Traditional Celtic Music. 4:30 p.m. and 6:30 p.m.     NOV. 27 TO DEC. 19.                                                                                    the phone.. EZ-Pass of Maryland is not as easy as
quiv in     At The Old Brogue Irish Pub, 760-C Walker          Holiday Lights on the Farm. Fridays thru Sundays                                                       I had hoped. Sure the transponder on my car has
            Road, Great Falls. Featuring Charlie Zahm             5:30 to 8 p.m. At Frying Pan Farm Park, 2739           ELECTRICAL               ELECTRICAL          changed the way I toll around. I only wish I had
 ftware     and Tad Marks. All patrons must present a             West Ox Road, Herndon. What is “Holiday                                                             been earlier to the party. But I waited until the
d. Oth-     vaccination certificate with at least the first       Lights on the Farm”? It’s where you tour Fry-                                                       monthly fees were eliminated before I joined.
 y. Mail    series completed for a minimum of 2 weeks,            ing Pan Farm Park in the safety and warmth                                                          Had I been more on the ball, I would have been
 10740      or a negative covid test within 48 hours. Tick-       of your car and see an amazing display of                                                           sailing through toll plazas up-and-down the east
on, VA      ets must be purchased in advance at www.              holiday decorations lighting up the 135-acre                                                        coast years ago. Nevertheless, I’m in the game
#.          oldbrogue.com - $20 general admission.                park. The cost is $20 per private vehicle. Or                                                       now (last few years) and enjoying modern tech-
                                                                  you can take the tour on a tractor-drawn wag-                                                       nology as it simplifies and eases the occasionally
         SUNDAY/NOV. 21                                           on ride with up to 20 of your family or friends                                                     arduous task of driving through tolls - yours truly
         Holiday Cooking Tips. 5-6:30 p.m. Virtual. At            for $150 per group. Last year this event sold                                                       now being for whom the bell now calculates.
            8300 Greensboro Drive, Ste. L1, McLean.               out, so get your tickets early at https://bit.ly/                                                       However, I needed to contact the EZ-Pass of-
            Join Seasons 52 Executive Chef for some tips          FPLights.                                                                                           fices to question a $25 “replenishment”/charge/
on, VA      and tricks on how to improve some of your                                                                   LANDSCAPING              LANDSCAPING          debit to my EZ-Pass account. My car/transponder
 ltants     favorite holiday dishes. Cost $35. Tickets can     SATURDAY/NOV. 27                                                                                       had been sitting in my driveway for most of the
  for all   be purchased here.                                 Irish Dance Streaming. 11 a.m. Via Zoom. Enjoy                                                         last week, undriven by anyone anywhere near
 e En-   https://members.jlnv.org/?nd=ticket_list&fund-            your Thanksgiving leftovers while watching a                                                       a toll. Yet there it was in my email: a courtesy
nistra-     raiser_id=52                                           “Best of Foley Academy of Irish Dance 2021”                                                        email advising of the $25 charge/debit to my
                                                                   compilation video via Zoom. It features
 st OP                                                             performances from the Reston Founder’s Day
                                                                                                                                                                      account. I was curious; having been told recently
  k dist SUNDAY/NOV. 21                                            event, the Foley
                                                                                                                                                                      by my wife, Dina, of an EZ-Pass audit which
          Winter Dreams. 3 p.m. At Capital One Hall, 7750                                                                                                             showed phantom-charges (charges for roads not
 Data-       Capital One Tower Rd., Tysons. The Wash-          Academy Spring Recital, Ballyshaner’s Irish                                                            driven). As a result, I thought I would pursue the
 ’s. No
             ington Balalaika Society Orchestra concert’s          Festival in Old Town Alexandria and the
                                                                   Reston Multicultural Festival. Register at:
                                                                                                                                             Summer Cleanup...        questionable debit to my account with a real
             theme is “Winter Dreams.” The program will                                                                                                               person. I googled the EZ-Pass phone number and
es are       include three pieces from Georgy Sviridov’s           https://librarycalendar.fairfaxcounty.gov/
                                                                                                                                                                      naively called it thinking I might get some satis-
  long-      suite “The Snowstorm,” excerpts from “The             event/8506729
                                                                                                                                                                      faction/resolution. Neither of which I did, but I
 antic-      Nutcracker”, and a perennial WBS favorite,                                                                                                               did get a subject for this week’s column.
which        “Russian Winter.” The soloists will be Peter      SUNDAY/NOV. 28                                                                                             To be fair-ish, the message does refer the
             Omelchenko, domra, and special guest artist,      Celtic Music. 4:30 p.m. and 6:30 p.m. At The
   each      Elina Karokhina, balalaika. Visit https://           Old Brogue Irish Pub, 760-C Walker Road,
                                                                                                                                                                      caller to the EZ-Pass website, but that requires
 sume        www.capitalonehall.com/                              Great Falls. Featuring IONA. Tickets must be
                                                                                                                                                                      the caller to know their account number and
nrsys-                                                            purchased in advance at www.oldbrogue.com
                                                                                                                                                                      password, which of course, I don’t. As the mes-
.                                                                 - $20 general admission.                                                                            sage continued however, it spoke to this very cir-
          NOV. 19 TO JAN. 2                                                                                                                                           cumstance and advised that if one didn’t know
        Ice & Lights: The Winter Village at Cameron Run,
                                                                                                                                                                      their account number/password, press #2 I think
            4001 Eisenhower Ave., Alexandria. Open             SUNDAY/NOV. 28                                                                                         it was, and then hang on to speak with someone.
            nightly 5 to 10 p.m.; January 8 to February        ”The Elf on the Shelf.” 3 p.m. and 7 p.m. At
                                                                                                                                                                      That’s when I heard the 173-minute warning
            27, 2022 (ice skating only), open Saturdays,          Capital One Hall, 7740 Capital One Tower
            Sundays and holidays, 11 a.m. to 5 p.m.               Road, Tysons. This touring stage production                                                         shot fired across my brow. That’s when whatever
                                                                                                                        Landscape Drainage       Landscape Drainage   hope I had of a reasonable reconciliation ended.
ultiple     Featuring an ice rink, multiple new holiday           is a thrilling spectacle of music and dance
A:          light displays perfect for Instagramming, a           that transports audiences to the North Pole                                                         I couldn’t justify/tolerate the time it would take
            retail area, food, music and more. Admission:         to glimpse the magical lives of Santa’s Scout                                                       to possibly reconcile/credit my account the $25.
Code        $9 for general admission to Village; $22 for          Elves. Tickets start at $32.95 with VIP packag-                                                     I figured my time was more valuable than that
h ex-       village admission and skating; beginning Jan-         es available for $87.95 at CapitalOneHall.com.                                                      so I hung up. Alas, poor Yurik. It was not to be
on key                                                                                                                                                                or be at all. I can’t think of a more efficient way
deliver                                                                                                                                                               to solve a dispute in your favor: making callers
chnical            Holiday Calendar                                                                                                                                   wait three hours on hold just to talk to a person
stomer                                                                                                                                                                who might credit back an unnecessary debit into
         NOV. 27 TO DEC. 19.                                      hot chocolate station, kids crafts, outdoor spe-                                                    their account. Hardly a guarantee. More likely a
 t sup- Holiday Lights on the Farm. Fridays thru Sundays          cialty pop-up market featuring mall retailers,                                                      definite maybe.
ng ca-     5:30 to 8 p.m. At Frying Pan Farm Park, 2739           holiday sips, giveaways, and more.                                                                      In effect: there’s no dispute. There’s no discus-
d part-    West Ox Road, Herndon. What is “Holiday                                                                                                                    sion and there’s no reconciliation. The money’s
 siness    Lights on the Farm”? It’s where you tour Frying     SATURDAY/NOV. 20                                                                                       gone and I have absolutely no way/recourse
d 50%      Pan Farm Park in the safety and warmth of           City of Alexandria Tree Lighting. 6 to 7 p.m. At                                                       to “replenish” my bank account. Sure, I could
  client   your car and see an amazing display of holiday          Market Square, 301 King St., Alexandria. Join                                                      call back when the message advises due “to
ailable.   decorations lighting up the 135-acre park. The          Mayor Justin Wilson and a host of friends for                                                      extremely high call volume,” but when would
            cost is $20 per private vehicle. Or you can take       the lighting of the city’s 40-foot Holiday Tree                                                    that be? Midnight probably, on a weekend. But
81226,      the tour on a tractor-drawn wagon ride with            at City Hall. Santa arrives at Market Square
encing                                                                                                                                                                guess what? There’s nobody home at that time.
            up to 20 of your family or friends for $150 per        via the King Street Trolley to help light the
            group. Last year this event sold out, so get                                                                                                              Apparently, the only time to get through to
                                                                   tree, then will circle the block, waving at visi-                                                  someone is when there’s nobody around to be
            your tickets early at https://bit.ly/FPLights.         tors as he passes on his way back to the North
                                                                                                                                                                      gotten through to. Granted, it’s only $25, but I’m
                                                                   Pole. Enjoy a welcome from the Town Crier
                                                                                                                                                                      entitled/deserving of an explanation. If I thought
         NOV. 19 TO JAN. 2                                         and a bit of live music to set the festive mood.
                                                                                                                                                                      of it, I could certainly get paranoid about com-
         Ice & Lights: The Winter Village at Cameron Run,          Visit alexandriava.gov
             4001 Eisenhower Ave., Alexandria. Open                                                                                                                   puters having access to my bank account and/
             nightly 5 to 10 p.m.; January 8 to February                                                                                                              or credit card information. I realize it’s the way
 legant,                                                       SATURDAY/NOV. 20                                                                                       of the world to provide this information to total
 20191       27, 2022 (ice skating only), open Saturdays,      “Snow Globe Series” Concert. 8 p.m. At Carlyle
g to the                                                                                                                                                              strangers/computer programmers, but if I have
             Sundays and holidays, 11 a.m. to 5 p.m.              House, 121 N. Fairfax St., Alexandria. The
a On         Featuring an ice rink, multiple new holiday          Alexandria Choral Society announces its re-
                                                                                                                                                                      no real way to settle a dispute of a charge/debit,
 cense       light displays perfect for Instagramming, a          turn to live performances with a series of free,                                                    it makes me rather nervous. Dollars could very
erages.      retail area, food, music and more. Admission:        outdoor holiday pop-up concerts throughout                                                          well disappear in the interests of whomever has
ctions       $9 for general admission to Village; $22 for                                                                                                             access to the account. If I can’t talk to a human
st be                                                             the city of Alexandria, beginning with a kick-
 days        village admission and skating; beginning Jan-        off outdoor performance. Accompanied by pi-                                                         being - in less than three hours, then in point
 of two      uary 8, $14 for ice skating; free ages 2 and         anist Wei-Han Wu, ACS will perform a flurry                                                         of fact, I have no recourse. And no recourse is
Objec-       under. Visit novaparks.com/events/ice-lights         of seasonal favorites from around the world,                                                        hardly the stuff from which dreams are made. It’s
                                                                  like ‘Daa Naa Se (Oh, Give Thanks)’, ‘S’Vivon’,                                                     the complete opposite, actually. It’s a nightmare,
         FRIDAY/NOV. 19                                           ‘Silent Night’, ‘Ose Shalom’, ‘Riu, riu, chiu,’                                                     and one from which we might never wake up.
         Holiday Tree Lighting Ceremony. 6-8 p.m. At              and ‘Christus Natus Est.’ Additional pop-up
 nows       Tysons Corner Center, McLean, in the Plaza.           performances will take place on November
s that      Tysons Corner Center will kick off the 2021           23 at John Carlyle Square Park, November 30
 and        Holiday Season with its annual tree lighting          at Casa Chirilagua/Four Mile Run Plaza and
            ceremony. The ceremony will include a spe-            December 7 at Lee-Fendall House Museum                                                                 Kenny Lourie is an Advertising Representative for
            cial appearance from Santa, community per-            & Garden. All concerts begin at 8 p.m. Visit                                                        The Potomac Almanac & The Connection Newspapers.
            formances, live music complimentary s’mores,          alexandriachoralsociety.org
         www.ConnectionNewspapers.com                                                              Oak Hill/Herndon / Reston / Chantilly Connection / Centre View v November 17-23, 2021 v 11
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