On the ball Can't decipher Trump-speak? Meet Margaret, the computer bot. P4-5 - Gulf Times

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On the ball Can't decipher Trump-speak? Meet Margaret, the computer bot. P4-5 - Gulf Times
Monday, May 11, 2020
                                                                                      Ramadan 18, 1441 AH

                                                                                      Doha today 280 - 370

                                    On the ball
                                     Can’t decipher Trump-speak? Meet
                                     Margaret, the computer bot. P4-5

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Jacqueline says lockdown                       Flying Truth –a story that
made her realise life is short.                redefines the value of friendship.
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On the ball Can't decipher Trump-speak? Meet Margaret, the computer bot. P4-5 - Gulf Times
2     GULF TIMES Monday, May 11, 2020

             COMMUNITY                                                                                                                    ROUND & ABOUT
                                                           SERIES TO BINGE WATCH ON AMAZON PRIME

Fajr                                          3.25am
Shorooq (sunrise)                             4.52am
Zuhr (noon)                                  11.30am
Asr (afternoon)                               2.58pm
Maghreb (sunset)                             6.09pm
Isha (night)                                  7.39pm


Emergency                                       999
Worldwide Emergency Number                        112
Kahramaa – Electricity and Water                 991         The Expanse                                                   be from Mars (MCRN Federation). As news of the attack
Local Directory                                  180         DIRECTION: Mark Fergus, Hawk Ostby                            spreads throughout the system, the incident’s flow-on
International Calls Enquires                     150         CAST: Steven Strait, Cas Anvar, Dominique Tipper              threatens to destabilise already tenuous relations between
Hamad International Airport               40106666           SYNOPSIS: Two hundred years in the future, in a fully         Earth, Mars and The Belt. Far away from the struggles
Labor Department                 44508111, 44406537        colonised solar system, police detective Josephus Miller        in deep space, on Earth, Chrisjen Avasarala (Shohreh
Mowasalat Taxi                             44588888        (Thomas Jane), who was born in the asteroid belt, is given      Aghdashloo), a powerful United Nations executive and
Qatar Airways                             44496000         the assignment to find a missing young woman; Julie             diplomat, works to prevent war between Earth and Mars
Hamad Medical Corporation        44392222, 44393333        Mao (Florence Faivre). Meanwhile, James Holden (Steven          by any means. Soon, the 3 find out the missing woman and
Qatar General Electricity and                              Strait), the first officer of an ice freighter, is witness to   the ice freighter’s fate are part of a vast covert conspiracy
Water Corporation                44845555, 44845464        an unprovoked attack upon the ship, by craft believed to        which threatens all humanity.
Primary Health Care Corporation             44593333
Qatar Assistive Technology
Centre                                     44594050
Qatar News Agency                          44450205
Q-Post – General Postal
Corporation                               44464444

Humanitarian Services Office
(Single window facility for the repatriation of bodies)
Ministry of Interior                40253371, 40253372,
Ministry of Health                  40253370, 40253364
Hamad Medical Corporation           40253368, 40253365
Qatar Airways                                   40253374

             uote Unquote
         “It does not matter how
          slowly you go as long as
             you do not stop.”
              — Confucius

            Community Editor
                                                             Goliath                                                       represent her in a wrongful death case. After reluctantly
              Kamran Rehmat                                  DIRECTION: David E. Kelley, Jonathan Shapiro                  accepting to take on the case, a series of strange events
    e-mail: community@gulf-times.com                         CAST: Billy Bob Thornton, Tania Raymonde, Nina Arianda        befall Billy. Through death threats, harassment, and
         Telephone: 44466405                                 SYNOPSIS: Billy Mcbride is going through a rough              trumped up arrests, Billy embarks on obtaining justice, and
              Fax: 44350474                                patch. He has been fired from the law firm he helped            it is one hell of a ride. Additional unique cases eventually
                                                           build, his wife has left him, and he’s now a down on his        come Billy and Patty’s way, making the ride even more
                                                           luck ambulance chaser. A lady (Patty) approaches him to         entertaining.
On the ball Can't decipher Trump-speak? Meet Margaret, the computer bot. P4-5 - Gulf Times
Monday, May 11, 2020   GULF TIMES                       3

 BODY & MIND                                                                                                                    COMMUNITY
 Effects of Covid-19 on caregivers
                    During the Covid-19 pandemic, it can be even more difficult to be a
                  caregiver, especially when your loved one has difficulty understanding
                some of the necessary changes required to keep her/him, your family safe
                                                                                                                                                                 up with options for maintaining a
                                                                                                                                                                 sense of normalcy. That could be
                                                                                                                                                                 helping her set up weekly phone
                                                                                                                                                                 calls, or a Skype session with other
                                                                                                                                                                 grandchildren or friends.
                                                                                                                                                                    For those who have a greater
                                                                                                                                                                 level of cognitive impairment, their
                                                                                                                                                                 behaviour may change as routines
                                                                                                                                                                 change. Depending on the level of
                                                                                                                                                                 dementia or neurologic issues, these
                                                                                                                                                                 patients sometimes can become
                                                                                                                                                                 confused, or become anxious or
                                                                                                                                                                 agitated with any change in the home
                                                                                                                                                                    As you try to develop a new
                                                                                                                                                                 routine, it’s important to keep
                                                                                                                                                                 the environment calm and have
                                                                                                                                                                 strategies to help alleviate tension.
                                                                                                                                                                 This will help you, as well, since
                                                                                                                                                                 patients with chronic neurologic
                                                                                                                                                                 conditions, such as migraines,
                                                                                                                                                                 epilepsy and seizures, are especially
                                                                                                                                                                 susceptible to the effects of stress.
                                                                                                                                                                    First, make sure you have all
                                                                                                                                                                 necessary medication on hand both
                                                                                                                                                                 what you need for daily use and any
                                                                                                                                                                 rescue medication for migraines or
                                                                                                                                                                 seizures. Take an inventory of your
                                                                                                                                                                 medication, and if you see you are
                                                                                                                                                                 low, consider asking for a three-
                                                                                                                                                                 month prescription refill so that you
                                                                                                                                                                 don’t have to call anyone for urgent
AVOID THE DISCUSSION: For a loved one who has significant dementia or more severe issues, such as Alzheimer’s disease, and may not be able to process               Second, create an emergency
information, it’s best to avoid discussions about Covid-19.                                                                                                      action plan. I suggest that you talk to
                                                                                                                                                                 your neurologist or other health care

                                                                                                                                                                 provider about a plan. When should
               uestion: My mother,                                                                                                                               you call 911 if your medications do
               who has dementia, lives                                                                                                                           not work? The same is true for your
               with my husband and                                                                                                                               mother. Talk with your family and
               me, as well as our two                                                                                                                            also contact her health care provider
               children. As Covid-19                                                                                                                             to develop a plan regarding extra
                has continued, I am                                                                                                                              support or when to call 911 if she
now working at home and juggling                                                                                                                                 becomes too difficult to manage.
her care, as well as schooling my                                                                                                                                   Identify opportunities to de-
children. I’m overwhelmed and                                                                                                                                    stress, which will help you reduce
getting migraines more than usual.                                                                                                                               your risk for migraines. Consider
My mom seems more angry than                                                                                                                                     these tips:
usual and expresses resentment                                                                                                                                      1. Limit news to twice daily and
about us not allowing her to visit                                                                                                                               rely on credible sources such as the
with her other grandchildren. Any                                                                                                                                Centers for Disease Control and
advice to help her and also to reduce                                                                                                                            Prevention and Mayo Clinic.
my stress level?                                                                                                                                                    2. Make self-care part of your
   Answer: Having caregiving                                                                                                                                     daily routine. This includes eating
responsibilities for a loved one with                                                                                                                            a healthy diet, staying hydrated and
a neurologic issue like Alzheimer’s                                                                                                                              getting plenty of sleep.
disease, dementia or mild cognitive                                                                                                                                 3. Exercise. Take a walk outside or
impairment can be challenging on                                                                                                                                 do a more formal routine.
any given day. During the Covid-19                                                                                                                                  4. Meditate, stretch or practice
pandemic, it can be even more                                                                                                                                    deep breathing.
difficult to be a caregiver, especially                                                                                                                             5. Focus on the positive. Find at
when your loved one has difficulty                                                                                                                               least one thing per day that makes
understanding some of the necessary                                                                                                                              you smile.
changes required to keep her and          CHALLENGING: Social distancing guidelines can be challenging, especially for an older person who is accustomed to         Because it’s unclear how long
your family safe.                         visiting regularly with family and friends.                                                                            the disruption and uncertainty of
   What to say and how to manage                                                                                                                                 Covid-19 will last, you may also
during these uncertain times              in the world, there’s no problem       significant dementia or more severe     changes. Social distancing guidelines   want to consider reaching out to
depends on the severity of your loved     with having a general discussion       issues, such as Alzheimer’s disease,    can be challenging, especially for      your health care provider or other
one’s condition.                          about Covid-19 and reminding her       and may not be able to process          an older person who is accustomed       organisations about additional
   If your loved one is processing        about what she needs to do, such as    information, it’s best to avoid         to visiting regularly with family and   resources to help manage your
relatively well, that is she has a mild   washing her hands and everything       discussions about Covid-19.             friends. It’s important to recognise    caregiving responsibilities and daily
cognitive impairment but is able to       that comes with good infection            Change is hard on everyone, so       and validate your mother’s feelings,    life. – Mayo Clinic News Network/
have good conversations and partake       control. For a loved one who has       try to put a positive spin on routine   and then involve her in coming          TNS
On the ball Can't decipher Trump-speak? Meet Margaret, the computer bot. P4-5 - Gulf Times
4       GULF TIMES Monday, May 11, 2020

              COMMUNITY                                                                                                                                    COVER STORY

          Bot that reads Trump
                 Today, Margaret better understands Trump’s speech patterns, and more
                 importantly, better understands Trump — his tics, his tells, his tendencies
                 and habits — than perhaps many Americans do, writes Noah Bierman

AT WORK: Bill Frischling, CEO of FactSquared, runs the numbers and counts all of President Donald Trump’s Twitter misspellings.

                                                                                                       ill Frischling’s moment of inspiration    and teach it to decipher Trump-speak instead.
                                                                                                       came three years ago, when Margaret,         Today, Margaret better understands Trump’s
                                                                                                       his artificial intelligence bot, tried    speech patterns, and more importantly, better
                                                                                                       to transcribe a 127-word section of a     understands Trump — his tics, his tells, his
                                                                                                       speech by President Donald Trump.         tendencies and habits — than perhaps many
                 Margaret can assess                                                          The passage, ostensibly commemorating a            Americans do.
                                                                                                                                                    Margaret — named for a character on the
                                                                                            World War II battle, careened wildly. Trump
                 when Trump is stressed,                                                    shifted verb tenses and subjects without             TV series The West Wing who can forge the
                 measure his calm and                                                       warning. Syntax was tortured and conjunctions
                                                                                            collided. He added sub-clause to sub-clause,
                                                                                                                                                 president’s signature — doesn’t cheer, jeer or
                                                                                                                                                 change the channel. It simply analyses every
                 even mimic what he                                                         parenthetical to parenthetical, preposition to
                                                                                                                                                 word Trump says, and how he says them,
                                                                                                                                                 deploying algorithms to glean insight into the
                 might say in public                                                          By the time Trump mentioned winning for the        president’s erratic nature from a database that
                                                                                            fourth time, Margaret crashed.                       stretches back more than four decades.
                 before he does                                                               “It was still trying to punctuate it like it was      Among Margaret’s discoveries: Trump’s ability
                                                                                            English, versus trying to punctuate it like it was   to fast-talk through an obvious falsehood is a
                                                                                            Trump,” Frischling recalled.                         sign that he is unbothered.
                 — Bill Frischling, coder                                                     So Frischling rebooted. He hired a computer
                                                                                            expert with a Ph.D in machine punctuation to
                                                                                                                                                    “Most people, when they’re not telling the
                                                                                                                                                 truth, are not more comfortable. They’re less
                                                                                            unteach Margaret normal grammar and syntax —         comfortable,” said Frischling, 48, a self-taught
On the ball Can't decipher Trump-speak? Meet Margaret, the computer bot. P4-5 - Gulf Times
Monday, May 11, 2020   GULF TIMES                     5

 COVER STORY                                                                                                                   COMMUNITY
coder who is working from home                                                                                                                                  ad-libbing asides for emphasis, as
in Great Falls, Virginia, during                                                                                                                                if seeing the material for the first
the pandemic. “He is more                                                                                                                                       time.
comfortable.”                                                                                                                                                      And when Trump is really angry?
   Margaret can assess when Trump                                                                                                                               He tends to speak tersely and his
is stressed, measure his calm and                                                                                                                               oft-waving arms grow still.
even mimic what Trump might say                                                                                                                                    “When he stops making gestures,
in public before he does, Frischling                                                                                                                            that’s the — watch out,” Frischling
said. Margaret also has a pretty                                                                                                                                said. “Whatever’s about to happen,
good sense of when Trump is really                                                                                                                              hang on to your tush.”
angry versus when he’s just putting                                                                                                                                To illustrate, Frischling runs a
on a show, he added.                                                                                                                                            report from Margaret with fever
   To form those conclusions,                                                                                                                                   lines depicting Trump’s stress
Margaret keeps track of Trump’s                                                                                                                                 levels during his coronavirus
pauses, hand gestures, rate of                                                                                                                                  briefing at the White House
speech, the types of adjectives he                                                                                                                              on April 23, the day Trump
uses, deviations from his usual                                                                                                                                 suggested doctors should consider
vocabulary and the tone in his                                                                                                                                  injecting patients with household
voice, among other factors.                                                                                                                                     disinfectant to kill the virus.
   “Every word he says makes                                                                                                                                       The stress lines fluctuate, but
Margaret smarter and allows her                                                                                                                                 the average remains steady until
to make more subtle distinctions,”                                                                                                                              there’s a sudden spike, just shy of
Frischling said.                                                                                                                                                52 minutes into the briefing. That’s
   Analysing a president’s language                                                                                                                             when Washington Post reporter
for meaning and consequence                                                                                                                                     Philip Rucker asked Trump if he
obviously is not new. Abraham                                                                                                                                   was irresponsibly hyping unproven
Lincoln spoke only 272 words in                                                                                                                                 science about the impact of heat
his Gettysburg Address, but they                                                                                                                                and sun on the coronavirus.
spawned a library shelf full of                                                                                                                                    “I’m the president, and you’re
books.                                                                                                                                                          fake news!” Trump shot back.
   Artificial intelligence, or AI, ups                                                                                                                             There is little ambiguity,
the means and the metric. Margaret                                                                                                                              according to Margaret. Trump was
has so far digested more than 11         A GOOD HANDLE: Margaret also has a pretty good sense of when Donald Trump is really angry versus when he’s             genuinely angry.
million words of Trump’s speeches,       just putting on a show.                                                                                                   But often when making similar
tweets, books, rallies, video, and                                                                                                                              attacks on the “fake news,” Trump
radio and TV clips dating back to        artificial intelligence and robotics      More time — and better data         to say something false, Trump            is hardly shaken at all.
1976, when Trump wrote his first         lab at the University of Colorado,     — would make a stronger bot for        speeds up, using filler phrases to          “There’s nothing in the voice,
published letter to The New York         says almost anyone with a large        analysing Trump.                       get himself going — “First of all,”      there’s nothing in the speaking
Times.                                   data set can use AI bots to draw          “If you had access to everybody     “They’re talking” — as he races          patters, there’s nothing in the rate
   The database is a go-to resource      meaningful conclusions — or to         who was talking to him on a given      toward cruising velocity, which          of speech … that indicates he’s
for journalists, scholars and            twist them.                            day, you’d probably be able to build   Frischling calls his “salesman           saying anything different from
political operatives. Amazon                As a graduate student at MIT in     a much more high-fidelity model of     mode.”                                   ‘How’s the weather?’” Frischling
taps Margaret for answers about          2016, Hayes built a parody Twitter     what he’s going to be talking about       “Think of it as steps in drive        said.
Trump’s schedule and Twitter             bot called @DeepDrumpf that            and what his positions are going to    and overdrive,” Frischling said.            To highlight that point,
habits on millions of voice-             imitated Trump’s social media          be,” said Hayes.                       He does not like to label Trump’s        Frischling called up a video clip and
activated Alexa devices. Frischling      persona through word jumbles:             At some level, Margaret finds       statements true or false, so he relies   report from Margaret from a news
also analyses other politicians’         “We have to make the United            Trump predictable. He almost           on independent fact-checkers to          conference one day after the 2018
rhetoric as well as corporate            States. They can’t do it. Because      always speaks faster, about 220        cross-check his data.                    midterm election, which produced
earnings calls for private clients.      I’m going to pay for the country.”     words per minute, when he is off          Trump slows to 111 words a            heavy losses for Republicans.
   AI thus joins linguists, cognitive       The Twitter account gained a        script, far faster than the national   minute when he is forced to read         Trump had a memorable
specialists, armchair psychologists,     measure of fame in its brief life,     average of about 110 to 150 words      from a teleprompter, an act Trump        confrontation with CNN reporter
political scientists and others who      but Hayes had to block a tweet that    per minute.                            once said should be illegal for          Jim Acosta, a favourite foil.
scrutinise Trump’s unorthodox            included a threat to unleash violent      And unlike most people, who         people who run for president. He            Trump flashed anger early in the
speaking style, the core of his          terrorists against former president    slow down and stammer or get           usually delivers such prepared           exchange. “That’s enough,” he told
political brand. Weeks of nightly        Barack Obama.                          uncomfortable when they are about      remarks in a wooden monotone,            Acosta as the reporter pressed him
briefings in the coronavirus crisis                                                                                                                             over immigration.
offered an unadulterated dose, as                                                                                                                                  But when Trump dramatically
he relentlessly claimed success and      Margaret has so far digested more than 11 million words of                                                             walked off the podium and crossed
brushed off concerns about the
government’s flawed response.
                                         Trump’s speeches, tweets, books, rallies, video, and radio                                                             his arms, his stress dropped to
                                                                                                                                                                an even level, suggesting he was
   Computer scientists say AI can        and TV clips dating back to 1976, when Trump wrote his                                                                 enjoying the clash. The sign of real
                                                                                                                                                                anger would be rising stress levels.
detect patterns in troves of data too
complex for the human mind.              first published letter to The New York Times                                                                              Frischling would like to teach
   Intelligence experts suspect                                                                                                                                 Margaret to analyse changes in
foreign spy services are combining                                                                                                                              Trump’s skin tone, but the quality
AI analyses with personality                                                                                                                                    of most of his video is not good
profiles and traditional human-                                                                                                                                 enough.
based methods to profile Trump                                                                                                                                     If Trump’s rhetoric is often
and other world leaders.                                                                                                                                        predictable, his decisions
   “At first, I think people were                                                                                                                               sometimes appear purely random.
totally perplexed” by Trump, said                                                                                                                                  Frischling has studied members
John Sipher, a former CIA agent                                                                                                                                 of Congress for some of his private
for decades who was deployed in                                                                                                                                 clients and believes they tend to
Russia and other countries. “I think                                                                                                                            forecast when they are about to
now they have a better sense of how                                                                                                                             make a policy shift, focusing more
to play him.”                                                                                                                                                   of their public comments on a given
   But the technology is hardly                                                                                                                                 topic and altering their language.
foolproof, and the patterns found                                                                                                                                  Trump talks about so many
through machine learning “are                                                                                                                                   topics, and changes his opinion
often not what we think they                                                                                                                                    so often, that there is hardly a
are,” warned Aleksander Madry,                                                                                                                                  relationship.
a professor at MIT’s Center for                                                                                                                                    “He can say, ‘I think this is the
Deployable Machine Learning.                                                                                                                                    worst’” about a policy proposal,
   Some programmers have used                                                                                                                                   Frischling said, “and then quite
bots to produce fake Trump                                                                                                                                      literally sign an executive order 10
speeches, raising red flags about the                                                                                                                           hours later that approves it.”
ability to create “deep fakes” that                                                                                                                                Margaret is still working on
could disrupt American politics.                                                                                                                                understanding that.
   Bradley Hayes, who runs the                                                                                                                                              — Los Angeles Times/TNS
On the ball Can't decipher Trump-speak? Meet Margaret, the computer bot. P4-5 - Gulf Times
6       GULF TIMES Monday, May 11, 2020

 24 Aalmi Frogh-e-Urdu Adab Award

 from Pakistan goes to Hasan Manzar
                                                                           Pardesh, British India. He got
                                                                           his education till Grade-X from
                                                                           Hewett Muslim High School/
                                                                           Inter College, Moradabad, but
                                                                           after partition and migration
                                                                           to Pakistan in November, 1947,
                                                                           he passed his matriculation
                                                                           examination from Iqbal High
                                                                           School, Lahore in 1948. He passed
                                                                           his Intermediate from Foreman
                                                                           Christian College, Lahore in
                                                                           1950 and did his first year of B.Sc
                                                                           from Islamia College Lahore
                                                                           before pursuing MBBS from King
                                                                           Edward Medical College Lahore.
                                                                           He completed his medicine in
                                                                           1958 and moved to Karachi taking
                                                                           a job in Central Excise and Land
                                                                           Customs Hospital, Mauripur.
                                                                           Subsequently, he worked as a
                                                                           Surgeon on a Dutch Merchant
                                                                           Ship. Then, he moved to Saudi
                                                                           Arabia as a Junior Obstetrician
                                                                           and Gynaecologist. Later, to Bush,
                                                                           Africa for a few years and then,
                                                                           he went to Scotland, earning two
                                                                           separate postgraduate (DPM)
                                                                           degrees in Psychiatry from
                                                                           University of Edinburgh and
                                                                           Royal College of Physicians and
                                                                           Surgeons, Glasgow. From there,
                                                                           he went to Malaysia and taught in
                                                                           the Department of Psychological
                                                                           Medicine and also carried on
                                                                           his medical research work, in
                                                                           Kuala Lumpur. Thereafter, he
                                                                           returned to Pakistan and settled in
                                                                              Dr Manzar has been writing all
                                                                           along and had a good number of
                                                                           stories, half finished, because of
                                                                           the demands of his profession,
                                                                           which often left him little or no
                                                                           time. He credits his mother for his
                                                                           thirst of books. His father, Syed
                                                                           Mazhar Hussain, did the same           RECOGNITION: Manzar recently received Best Book Award for Ay Falak Na
                                                                           only on a larger scale. His wife, Dr   insaaf at Oxford Literature Festival.
                                                                           Tahira Manzar, is also very fond
                                                                           of reading good literature. Manzar     (1991 ), Soi Bhook (1997), Ek aur
                                                                           casts his stories in the realistic     Aadmi (1999), Khaak ka Rutba
                                                                           mode, almost never deviating           (2007), Mangal Sootr– Munshi
DEPICTING REALITY: Dr Syed Manzar Hasan casts his stories in the           from the traditional geometry of       Prem Chand’s last incomplete
realistic mode, almost never deviating from the traditional geometry of    plot and structure. Even deep and      novel, translated from Hindi
plot and structure.                                                        knotty psychological problems          (1991), and Prem Chand Ghar mein
                                                                           have to be made evident on the         – Shiv Rani Devi, translated from

                                                                           surface, not to be guessed. In         Hindi (1998), Jhijak, a collection
             r Syed Manzar Hasan,      along with Noorul Husnain, who      an interview aired by the Voice        of short stories; Samunder mein
             (Pen name – Hasan         declared winner of 24th Aalmi       of America in 1995, Dr Manzar          Jang (2001), and Jaan ke Dushman
             Manzar), one of           Frogh-e-Urdu Adab Award from        remarked, “My stories are              (2004), children’s books; Al-
             the eminent fiction       India on 14th March by the Indian   inspired by ordinary men and           Asifa (2006), Dhani Bakhsh ke
             writers, has been         jury, headed by Professor Dr Gopi   women affected by some sorrow,         Bete (2008), Waba (2009 ), Maa
declared the winner of 24th Aalmi      Chand Narang.                       happiness or longing. They are         Beti (2010), Ber Sheeba ki Ladhki
Frogh-e-Urdu Adab Award from              The Award function, followed     not imagined beings. I mean I’m        (2010), Waka – translation of
Pakistan. This was announced           by a grand Mushaira, will be held   as far away as anyone can get          stories from Hindi (2010), Insaan
by Mohamed Atiq, Chairman of           in Doha before the year end.        from any kind of romanticism.          ay insaan (2013), Manzar ke
Majlis-e-Frogh-e-Urdu Adab.            The award carries a cash prize      Subjects, unless they are firmly       khutoot Kamal Azhar ke naam
  Manzar was recently                  of Rs150,000 and a gold medal       grounded in objective reality,         (2011), Habs, Ay Falak Na –
unanimously selected by an             for each winner. The award is       leave me cold and I almost never       Insaaf, and Sadar e Mumlakat ka
independent jury in a meeting          given every year since 1996, to     feel motivated to probe them in        Khudrau Phool, novels; A Requiem
held in Lahore, Pakistan. The          two literary scholars, one from     my fiction. It is the real flesh-      For The Earth: OUP, Karachi (1998
jury, included Dr Khurshid Rizvi,      Pakistan and the other from         and-blood people, victims of           ), and The End of Human History:
Chairman; Professor Fateh              India, for their contribution to    oppression and violence, scarred       Katha, Delhi (1999), books in
Mohamed Malik, Professor Dr            the promotion of Urdu language      by pain and injustice that touch       English.                             Dr Khurshid Rizvi, Chairman of
Mazhar Mahmood Shairani and            and literature, as a life-time      me. And it does not matter where          In recognition of his literary    Pakistan Award Jury.
Professor Dr Zahid Munir Amer.         achievement award.                  they come from’’.                      achievements, Manzar has been
Daud Ahmed Malik was the co-              Manzar was born on 4th              Manzar has authored a number        honoured with Academy of             Shaikh Ayaz Award and Best
ordinator.                             March, 1934 in Hapur, a town        of books, including Rehai (1981),      Letters Award (twice), United        Book Award for novel – Ay Falak
  Manzar will receive the honour       in the district of Meerut, Uttar    Nadeedi ( 1983 ), Insaan ka Desh       Bank Award, Sindh Government         Na- insaaf in Oxford Literature
On the ball Can't decipher Trump-speak? Meet Margaret, the computer bot. P4-5 - Gulf Times
Monday, May 11, 2020   GULF TIMES                       7

  GU-Q student represents QF at Clinton Global
  Initiative University Meeting on Covid-19
                                                                                                    during the global Covid-19 pandemic. Kartikeya, an international student from New Delhi,
                                                                                                    was one of a select group of undergraduate and graduate students from around the globe
                                                                                                    who were chosen by CGI U to develop ‘Commitments to Action’ — social impact projects that
                                                                                                    address pressing challenges on campus or in local and global communities. The programme
                                                                                                    offers leadership development, mentorship, skills training, and partnership building to bring
                                                                                                    the idea into action.
                                                                                                    In response to the ongoing pandemic, Kartikeya modified his original project focused
                                                                                                    on assisting local governments in rural India to govern more effectively, to become a
                                                                                                    digital platform that provides a 5-week needs assessment and training program aimed at
                                                                                                    strengthening local political units and encouraging political participation among youth in India.
                                                                                                    “The crisis meant that launching the project on the ground wasn’t going to be possible. But
                                                                                                    the pandemic presented another opportunity to make a difference,” said Kartikeya, referring
                                                                                                    to the need to support village-level crisis response efforts. “Due to lack of experience or formal
                                                                                                    training, many people on the local level don’t have access to resources that are essential to
                                                                                                    deal with this unprecedented crisis. It is my hope that the online version of my action plan can
                                                                                                    have an impact by connecting local efforts to available resources, in order to improve health
                                                                                                    and economic outcomes at the local level.” He hopes to launch the digital programme as soon
                                                                                                    as technical issues are finalised.
                                                                                                    The former president opened the event by encouraging young leaders to keep asking
                                                                                                    themselves questions about what they want to learn and how they can help. At the virtual
                                                                                                    meeting, participating students also heard from key government and health leaders, including
                                                                                                    US state governors, members of congress, UN special envoys, and scholars and experts in the
                                                                                                    medical field.
                                                                                                    Virtual breakout sessions over the following days allowed Kartikeya to meet with other CGI U
                                                                                                    members working to create impact in South Asia. “It was very helpful to share ideas, to share
  Kartikeya Uniyal, a student at QF partner Georgetown University in Qatar (GU-Q) and a             best practices, and to seek out areas of collaboration,” he said.
  member of the 2020 Clinton Global Initiative University (CGI U), recently took part in the        The CGI U meeting at the University of Edinburgh was originally slated to take place in April
  virtual convening of the programme, an online event that featured former president of US,         2020 but was postponed to spring 2021. Kartikeya, along with the entire 2020 cohort of the
  Bill Clinton and Chelsea Clinton and focused on ways college students can make a difference       programme, will have the opportunity to attend next year’s meeting.

Division B Toastmasters holds Annual Conference virtually

Division B, District 116 of Toastmasters International recently conducted Toastmasters            positions, respectively. In Evaluations Contest, Abhishek Chattopadhyay got first position,
Annual Conference (TAC) ‘Eloquence 2020’ virtually. Over 200 members, including                   which was followed by Tariro Dorcas Matibiri and Sahitya Reddy, with second and third
International Director, Regional Advisors, District 116 leaders and other leaders from all over   positions, respectively. The winners in Humorous Contest category, included Sheik Abdul
the world participated in the conference.                                                         Kader Malik, first position; Pradnya Umrani, second; and Sushma Harish, third. The first and
Toastmasters Annual Conference (TAC) of Division B is conducted to select the best                second place winners from each of the contests will represent Division B at District 116
speakers of Division B to reach the next level, which is the District 116, Toastmasters Annual    Annual Conference.
Conference. The contestants had to compete at club level first and then at Area level, to         The highlight of Day 1 was keynote speech titled ‘Extraordinary times calls for Extraordinary
compete against each other in Eloquence 2020.                                                     Leaders’ by Aletta Rochat, Toastmasters International Director. She joined Eloquence 2020
Riana Pinto, Eloquence Shair, in her opening message applauded Toastmasters for having            from South Africa and praised the leaders of Division B for emerging as extraordinary
accepted the challenges posed by Covid 19 and taking advantage of technology to conquer           leaders to lead from the front in these extraordinary times.
these challenges. Ravishankar J, Division B Director, declared the conference open.               The highlight of Day 2 was the Banner Parade hosted by Bindu Singh, who walked the
Annual contests were conducted in four categories. The winners in Table Topics contest,           audience through the uniqueness of each of the 23 clubs under the 6 Areas in Division B.
included Vijaylata Valluri, first position; Christopher Keith Almeida, second; and Asham          Raghavan Menon, District 116 Trio – Director, along with Thayalan, Programme Quality
al-Masri, third. Antonio Victor Fumo bagged first position in International Speech Contest        Director; Manzoor Moideen, Club Growth Director; Ali Shabbas, Region 11 Advisor; and
category, which was followed by Mallika Nair and Sahitya Reddy with second and third              Rajeshwar Sundaresan, former director of District 116, addressed the gathering.
On the ball Can't decipher Trump-speak? Meet Margaret, the computer bot. P4-5 - Gulf Times
8       GULF TIMES Monday, May 11, 2020

              COMMUNITY                                                                                                                                                THE A

    Theatre is therapeutic: what writ
                        Lucy Prebble, Vinay Patel, Rachel De-lahay and Jack Thorne have
                         all had major success on TV. But what do they particularly love
                                about writing for theatre, asks Miriam Gillinson

           ucy Prebble:                                                                                                                      was real delight in that.
           ‘Theatre is genuinely                                                                                                                I never have to feel self-
           therapeutic’                                                                                                                      conscious writing for the theatre.
              A play in its                                                                                                                  When I did An Adventure at the
           conception is, for me,                                                                                                            Bush in 2018, the play spanned 60
uniquely intimate and private.                                                                                                               years and three continents. There’s
Eventually it grows to be the                                                                                                                no way I’d get that on telly. What’s
opposite of that and blossoms                                                                                                                great about theatre is that you can
outwards, but there’s something                                                                                                              start with ambitious storytelling
about building it that initially feels                                                                                                       right from the off. Theatre is a
delicate, fragile and personal. I                                                                                                            little space where you can dream a
think that might have something to                                                                                                           little bigger.
do with my childhood; listening to                                                                                                              Telly is led by the audience in a
conversations and writing things                                                                                                             way that theatre isn’t necessarily.
down, and that being the start of                                                                                                            Murdered By My Father was a
me thinking about plays.                                                                                                                     BBC Three commission. I knew
   TV feels a lot less private and                                                                                                           the audience would be relatively
there’s a part of me that’s very in                                                                                                          young, so I had to write a story
control and adult and managerial                                                                                                             I could place in front of them.
with it. I won’t do any TV unless                                                                                                            Doctor Who was a similar
I’m exec producing as well, like                                                                                                             experience. That’s meant to be
I was in Succession. That means                                                                                                              a family show, which obviously
you’re involved in all the major                                                                                                             affects the type of stories you can
decisions: casting, locations and                                                                                                            tell. You have to try to find the
lots of practical things, which                                                                                                              family-friendly way to explore the
I’d never be that interested in                                                                                                              partition of India while still being
when writing for theatre. If I go                                                                                                            truthful.
to a television meeting I’m more                                                                                                                When you go to watch a play, you
armoured. In theatre I feel much                                                                                                             tend to be someone who is vaguely
more of a pure artist.                                                                                                                       interested in theatre – whereas
   The creative processes are                                                                                                                people can quite casually catch
very different, practically and                                                                                                              things on TV. With Murdered By
psychologically. In theatre, a                                                                                                               My Father, an imam from Bradford
bunch of people come together,                                                                                                               talked about how he used it to talk
discuss a play, then rehearse and                                                                                                            to his congregation, and a sixty
perform it in real time. That’s a                                                                                                            something woman from Cornwall
very sane thing to do. Filming TV        SHOW MAKERS: Clockwise from top left, Rachel De-lahay, Jack Thorne, Vinay Patel and Lucy Prebble.   sent me a letter saying the show
is actually quite insane. It’s very                                                                                                          reminded her of her dad. That kind
easy to see how you can get lost                                                                                                             of reach is amazing but it’s also
and confused in a world where                                                                                                                scary, and inherently more intense.
everything is fake, and you repeat                                                                                                           The responsibility feels much
the same thing over and over                                                                                                                 higher when you’re writing for TV.
again. Whereas I think theatre is                                                                                                               Theatre is so much about
quite a healthy process. You have a                                                                                                          potential. It’s most fulfilling when
narrative that you explore, which                                                                                                            it’s really playful. I love the sort
you then go through every night.                                                                                                             of theatre that makes me smile
It’s genuinely therapeutic.                                                                                                                  without realising it: the shows
   My favourite moment in theatre                                                                                                            that are silly and reach beyond
is the tech. I find it very romantic.                                                                                                        themselves, just because they
You’ve got all these people sitting                                                                                                          know they can.
in the dark, for 10- or 14-hour
days, trying to build this thing.                                                                                                               Rachel De-lahay: ‘It feels
Nobody is at the centre of things.                                                                                                           more like your baby’
Everything is egoless. There’s                                                                                                                  Theatre is a dark room, with
you, the director and the designer,                                                                                                          a spotlight, that you get to tell a
sitting in the middle of an empty                                                                                                            story in. That feels really easy and
theatre and staring at the stage.                                                                                                            tangible. Telly stuff feels more
At that point, all possibilities are                                                                                                         formulaic. It’s really fun when you
available.                                                                                                                                   nail it, but definitely a different
   Vinay Patel: ‘You can make                                                                                                                   The difference between them
almost anything happen’                                                                                                                      isn’t really about the dialogue. It’s
   I came to theatre quite late.                                                                                                             about the rhythm of the text, and
I did a master’s in writing and                                                                                                              what those scenes are supposed
had massive arguments with my                                                                                                                to do to an audience. So if I need
coursemates; I just didn’t see                                                                                                               you to feel engaged with someone
the point in theatre. But then I                                                                                                             – and I need you to hear what’s
wrote my first play to try to push                                                                                                           going on in their head – that could
myself. The way that it made my                                                                                                              potentially come out in a chunky
brain work – the fact I could make                                                                                                           piece of dialogue in the theatre.
almost anything happen – there           Enron by Lucy Prebble at the Noël Coward theatre, London, in 2010.                                  You go on a journey with the actor
On the ball Can't decipher Trump-speak? Meet Margaret, the computer bot. P4-5 - Gulf Times
Monday, May 11, 2020   GULF TIMES                    9

ARTS                                                                                                                                      COMMUNITY
ters prefer about stage to screen

                                                                                                                         Fiston Barek and Calvin Demba in Routes by Rachel De-lahay at the Royal Court theatre,
Anjana Vasan and Martins Imhangbe in An Adventure by Vinay Patel at the Bush theatre, London, in 2018.                   London, in 2013.

Martin Quinn and Rebecca Benson in Let the Right One In at the Royal Court theatre, London, in 2013.

and you watch them on stage kind of          everyone’s pulling each other up.             into a play when I’m enjoying        That’s not how telly works, but you      you’re thinking about the bar chat
cracking through the thought. In telly          You do go on set when you’re a             it. The first play I did with John   throw down the gauntlet and say:         afterwards, but it’s also much more
a lot of that can be done with facial        writer for TV but I’m don’t sit with the      Tiffany and Steven Hoggett was       let’s see what you can do to sustain     about an unspoken communication
expressions.                                 director day in, day out, like I would be     Let the Right One In. I started it   this. With His Dark Materials, I         with the audience. It’s about
   In both theatre and television you        in a theatre rehearsal. In theatre, it just   with someone running through         kept saying to myself: remember,         getting rid of the rustle and it’s
want to work with people who can             feels more like your baby. Although           a forest, being strung up by their   you’ve got to take a nine-year-old       about people sitting forward.
help tell the best story with you. I’ve      when I was working on Kiri, I got             ankles and having their throat       with you. If this show works, the        Everyone knows when a play is
just worked on Noughts and Crosses,          to watch Sarah Lancashire deliver a           cut open. I wrote that knowing it    most exciting thing will be when         really hitting because the audience
and I was 100% pushing theatre               monologue I’d just written – that felt        wouldn’t be possible to replicate    the telly is switched off and a family   suddenly becomes very quiet, stops
people forward and suggesting names.         magic.                                        but that Steven and John would do    talk about what happened. That’s         eating their sweets (except maybe
You’ve seen actors who telly people                                                        something very interesting with      the thing I try to keep in my head all   on Broadway), and suddenly there’s
might not have heard of play lead roles        Jack Thorne: ‘When a play                   that stage direction. Telly can      the time: what am I setting up that      a real sort of hush. You’re always
in small theatres and shine. It feels like   hits, there’s a real hush’                    be like that, too. With National     sofa conversation to be?                 striving for that lean-forward
you’re part of a community because             I tend to write the impossible              Treasure, I wrote a 16-page scene.      Theatre’s a bit similar in that       moment in theatre. – The Guardian
On the ball Can't decipher Trump-speak? Meet Margaret, the computer bot. P4-5 - Gulf Times
10 GULF TIMES Monday, May 11, 2020

        COMMUNITY                                                 INFOGRAPHIC

                                     Try This

                                                Ask your helper to turn on
                                           1    a burner and let it get very

  The                                      2
                                                Watch what happens
                                                when your helper
  color of                                      sprinkles a few
                                                grains of salt on the

  sodium                                        burner

  Sunlight and light from
  an electric lamp are
  made up of many
  colors, but some light is
  “monochromatic” and
  made up of only one

   You’ll need
   • Salt
   • Gas stove
   • Adult helper

 What happened?
 Salt makes small yellow                         Look outdoors at night for lights
 flashes as it burns                             that make the same color light
 That is the color you                           as the burning salt
 see when the
 element sodium                                                         Those are
 takes in energy (heat                                                  sodium
 from the burner),                                                      lights; the
 then releases the                                                      sodium in
 energy as light                                                        them takes
 Table salt, or                                                         in energy
 sodium chloride, is                                                    from
 made up of the                                                         electricity
 elements sodium                                                        and gives it
 and chlorine                                                           off as light

Source: Peter Macinnis’ Science
Graphic: Helen Lee
McComas, Paul Trap                                                                TNS
Monday, May 11, 2020   GULF TIMES                          11

 LIFESTYLE/HOROSCOPE                                                                                                                                 COMMUNITY
                   Drinking green tea may
                   help treat food allergies
      f you are a tea lover, there           administration of FP strongly
      is good news as researchers            suppresses the Th2 immune
      have revealed that                     response to food allergies in vivo.
      consuming green tea can                   The food we eat effects the
      help combat food allergies.            complex cocktail of different
A food allergy occurs when your              strains of bacteria in the gut, they
immune system over reacts to a               said.
food or a substance in a food. The              Drinking green tea increases the
study, published in the journal              abundance of FP (Flavonifractor
Frontiers in Immunology, found               plautii) which suppresses the Th2
that drinking green tea increases            immune response. FP is a strain of
the abundance of gut bacteria that           the Clostridia family of bacteria,
helps suppress allergic immune               which is known to have effects
responses.                                   on the immune system, notably
   For the findings, the research            inhibiting inflammation.
team at the Shinshu University                  According to the study, some
in Japan looked at green tea and             clostridia strains show promise of
the abundance of Flavonifractor              lowering blood pressure and some
plautii (FP) bacteria found in the           are known to be abundant in lean
gut. FP has been reported to be a            people and not in heavier people,
part of the catechin metabolism              leading researchers to believe they
in the intestines. Catechin is an            can be used to regulate weight.
antioxidant found in a variety               However, the researchers noted
of foods, including green tea,               that more studies are needed to
of which 30 to 42 per cent of                look into the safety of FP before it
its dry weight is catechin. The              can be used as a probiotic to treat
researchers found that oral                  allergies. — IANS

             March 21 — April 19
                                                                                          April 20 — May 20
                                                                                                                                                                      May 21 — June 20

If you have children, Aries, you could be feeling a bit overworked and       Feeling grumpy lately, Taurus? Don’t fret, because your bad mood            How hard you have to work to achieve your purposes, Gemini!
overwhelmed. If you don’t have children, perhaps the constraints             won’t last. This attitude is unlike you. Co-workers notice your change      It’s as though you carry around an overstuffed sandbag and each
and demands of your professional life are weighing heavily on your           in personality but still treat you with consideration and respect. You’re   step requires a huge effort! This would be a good day to identify
mind. Don’t worry – these feelings shall pass. Expect an opportunity         fortunate to be able to draw upon a considerable wealth of kindness         the source of the trouble. Ask if you aren’t sabotaging yourself and
to get free of the ties that bind. Even though it will only be a             and good karma that you have built up over the years. Your friends and      letting your subconscious resist the goals you have so deliberately
temporary respite, take advantage of it!                                     loved ones treat your mood as an aberration, which is exactly what it is.   set. You have a deep inner mystery to solve.

             June 21 — July 22
                                                                                          July 23 — August 22
                                                                                                                                                                      August 23 — September 22

You could have an urge to invent new things, Cancer. You feel                Generally, you come up with the perfect, witty answer one day too           You think of yourself as fairly modern in your thinking, don’t you,
compelled to create something in the artistic, technical, or philosophical   late. Impulse and intuition take a back seat to your excellent self-        Virgo? But have you really been able to reject tradition entirely?
field. If only you’d give yourself enough time to pursue these ideas!        control. The day ahead presents one opportunity to let go of the            Have you rid yourself of all the outmoded conventions that confined
Today, realise that concentration is the key to accomplishment. Put          inhibition that sometimes stymies you. Yield to your instincts a little     earlier generations? If not, today you’ll be inspired to revamp your
away periodicals, computers, phones, and other such distractions and         and see what happens. A little more socialising wouldn’t hurt, either.      role models and lighten your workload. Equality in the home is just
you might well be surprised by the wealth of inspiration.                    You’re certainly entitled to some fun now and then!                         as important as equality in the workplace.

             September 23 — October 22
                                                                                          October 23 — November 21
                                                                                                                                                                      November 22 — December 21

Your stroll through the universe of lovely possibilities has come to an      For a few weeks now you’ve understood that each day brings its              This is a day to think about your private life, Sagittarius. Expect to
end, Libra. Now you must come back to Earth and join the rest of us.         share of constraints, Scorpio. For example, today you could feel            be particularly sensitive to all kinds of demands from those close
You have more hope than most people, like the good Libra that you are.       doubts about your physical appearance. Are you questioning your             to you. You have the power to create greater harmony at home,
You understand that we need your imagination and courage regarding           attractiveness or your ability to make an impression on someone             specifically in your relationship. Take stock of everyone’s desires and
the future, especially during these dark times! Today you may have to        special? A decision you make at the end of the day will relieve these       consider any limitations in fulfilling them. Even if the answers aren’t
make an important professional decision.                                     anxieties.                                                                  found today, it will be useful to simply ask the questions.

             December 22 — January 19
                                                                                          January 20 — February 18
                                                                                                                                                                      February 19 — March 20

Today can be a relaxing day, provided you make the necessary effort          There is a lot on your mind today, Aquarius. Over the last three weeks      After a few days that were a bit serious, Pisces, today you awake with
to deal with material constraints, Capricorn. You would like nothing         you’ve analysed your relationships on a deep and profound level.            a light heart and boundless energy! Your capacity for seduction will
better than to spend much of the day planning fun activities for the         New people with attractive qualities could be tempting you to make a        be at its peak, so why not use it to your advantage? The men and
future. But, alas, demands from your family, friends, or boss force          change. But is this a good time in your life to start up friendships? Are   women at work, in particular, will yield to your wishes today. Your
you to concentrate on the here and now instead. Still, don’t abandon         you willing to accept the upheaval such changes would create? These         influence extends to all levels of the organisation. If you’ve been
your wonderfully pleasing ambitions altogether.                              are worthwhile questions to ask.                                            thinking about asking your boss for a raise, do it today!
12 GULF TIMES Monday, May 11, 2020

                                     COMMUNITY                                                   CARTOONS/PUZZLES
                   Wordsearch                                                 Adam

                                                                              Pooch Cafe

SOAK                                   SONATA                       SOJOURN
SOCKET                                 SOARING                      SOUL
SOLID                                  SOFA                         SOCCER
SOAPBOX                                SOPRANO                      SOLACE
SODA                                   SOBBING                      SOYA
SOMBRERO                               SOIREE                       SOCIAL
SOAPSUDS                               SORROW                       SOLDER
SODIUM                                 SOBER

Every letter of the alphabet is used at least once.
Squares with the same number in have the same letter
in. Work out which number represents which letter.
Puzzles courtesy: Puzzlechoice.com



                                                                              Bound And Gagged

                                     Sudoku is a puzzle based
                                     on a 9x9 grid. The grid is
                                     also divided into nine (3x3)
                                     boxes. You are given a
                                     selection of values and to
                                     complete the puzzle, you
                                     must fill the grid so that
                                     every column, every anone
                                     is repeated.
Monday, May 11, 2020   GULF TIMES   13

 PUZZLES                                                                                   COMMUNITY
 Super Cryptic Clues                                                          Colouring

Across                                 Down
1 Old transformer St Michael           2 Clean round in Arundel (7)
transformed (9)                        3 Lean part of the foot (4)
8 Insulting language from              4 Phone city in Alabama (6)
American imprisoned by Lincoln         5 Saint has restless desire, rolling
(5)                                    in the aisles in these? (8)
9 Group of soldiers ordered to         6 Infant oddly seen in brambles
store kit (7)                          (4)
10 Current account ideally             7 Big city training more pilots
included (4)                           (10)
11 Everyone understood air raid        8 Heroic task: cooking
warden’s signal (3,5)                  vegetables (10)
13 Making better copper band (6)       12 Animal making insect run
14 Leave bit of audio kit after last   away (8)
month (6)                              15 Those with a boring interest in
17 Rehabilitated con tried paying      clothing? (7)
later (2,6)                            16 Mum ordered tinsel (6)
19 Lie about endless money (4)         18 Garment initially covering
21 Be unable to contain one’s          primate (4)
rage - trudge in river (7)             20 Part of a royal seaport in
22 People from Basra? (5)              Portugal (4)
23 Flat on top? He puts one out


                                                                              Wordsearch       Codeword
14 GULF TIMES Monday, May 11, 2020

             COMMUNITY                                                                                                                                       BOLLYWOOD

                                                                    Jacqueline says
                                                                  lockdown made her
                                                                   realise life is short
 THANKFUL: Taapsee believes school plays an important
 part in shaping up your personality.                           By Sugandha Rawal
 Taapsee on importance of

 teachers in one’s life                                                   acqueline Fernandez has
                                                                          stumbled upon life-altering
    Actress Taapsee Pannu feels her teachers played an                    realisations amid the
 important role in shaping her personality.                               ongoing lockdown due to the
    The actress recently took to Instagram and penned a                   coronavirus pandemic. The
 note expressing gratitude to her teachers.                     actress says she has realised that life is
    “I was visiting Jaipur for an event and I remembered        too short, and it is important to make
 that my school (ex)vice principal is now Principal in a        the most of the time we have in our
 school of Jaipur. Couldn’t miss this opportunity to meet       hands.
 her. What was unexpected was that her entire school came          “Honestly, the biggest lesson has
 to meet and kids were really sweet and inquisitive about a     been that when it comes to humankind
 lot of things.                                                 we are pretty irrelevant, which means
    “School does play an important part in shaping up your      that we are extremely blessed to be on
 personality and your teachers are the ‘karigars’ moulding      this planet because the planet would
 the raw stones we all are. I don’t know if it’s because I’ve   go on with us or without us. So, we
 been a nerdy kid or coz I’m grateful to my teachers for        have to be grateful and give back.
 letting me shape up all aspects of my personality equally,     That’s the realisation – we take Earth
 that I keep going back to my childhood time n again,”          for granted,” Jacqueline said, while
 Taapsee wrote.                                                 reflecting upon how the lockdown has
    On the film front, Taapsee will be seen in Haseen           been a learning period for her.
 Dillruba, Rashmi Rocket and Shabaash Mithu in the                 “(Another lesson is that) life is
 coming months. – IANS                                          short. We need to be doing things that
                                                                we enjoy doing and love. We should           THOUGHTFUL: Jacqueline Fernandez says that for her the biggest lesson has
                                                                be spending time with the people we          been that when it comes to humankind, we are pretty irrelevant.
                                                                love because you are here one day and
                                                                gone the next. We really have to make        like the serial killer, to prove that her     industry with 2009 film Aladin opposite
                                                                the most out of life. It is such a lesson.   husband is innocent.                          actor Riteish Deshmukh. The film
                                                                These are the two main things I have            The film hinges on the question –          turned out to be a dud at the box office,
                                                                realised during this period,” added the      how far would you go for love.                but Jacqueline got noticed and went on
                                                                actress, who is spending her lockdown           Asked how far she would go for the         to do films like Housefull 2, Murder 2,
                                                                with superstar Salman Khan and               people she loves, Jacqueline said: “I         Kick, Brothers, Dishoom and Judwaa 2.
                                                                others at his farmhouse in Panvel.           always think that when it comes to               Mrs. Serial Killer also stars Manoj
                                                                   Amid the shutdown, she is making          people you love, you kind of throw            Bajpayee and Mohit Raina.
                                                                the most of her time by enjoying             logic out of the window. But I am                Recalling the experience of working
                                                                moments like horse-riding, basking in        someone who is all about making sure          on the thriller, Jacqueline said: “It was
                                                                the sun and reading a book – evident         that you are doing the right thing.           great. They were so patient, kind and
                                                                in her recent Instagram posts.                  “It has to be the right thing. I always    very supportive. There was a beautiful
                                                                   On the work front, she was recently       try to put that into perspective. If I feel   sense of unity and teamwork, and
                                                                seen in Mrs. Serial Killer, which            a right thing is being done, then I will      you learn so much from working with
  CONTEST: Shah Rukh Khan wants people to make scary            released on Netflix on May 1. Mrs.           probably go to whatever extent I need         such amazing actors. It was really a
  indoor films. Three winners will get a chance to do a video   Serial Killer is directed by Shirish         to. I would never harm anyone though          beautiful experience.”
  call with him.                                                Kunder and produced by his filmmaker         for love. I would do anything for love           Now, she is looking forward to the
                                                                wife Farah Khan. The thriller is about a     except harm anyone,” said the actress,        release of the song Tere bina with
 SRK wants people to spook him!                                 wife, whose husband has been framed          who won Miss Sri Lanka beauty                 Salman, which they have shot amid
                                                                and imprisoned for serial murders.           pageant in 2006.                              the lockdown in the farm premises
   Ahead of the launch of his upcoming web production,          She needs to perform a murder exactly           She made her debut in the Indian film      itself. – IANS
 the horror show Betaal, Shah Rukh Khan recently
 announced an interesting task for people amid lockdown.
 He wants people to make “scary” indoor films. Three            Kolkata has been a                     and continuity to the past. I
 winners will get a chance to do a video call with the          balm for my grieving                   believe nostalgia is a powerful
 superstar.                                                     heart: Celina                          stimulant to feel optimistic
   Sharing the details about the initiative, SRK took to                                               about the future,” Celina said.
 social media and wrote: “Since we’ve all got a bit of time        Actress Celina Jaitly, who             She added: “Evenings with my
 on our hands in quarantine, thought I can get us all to        spent a significant part of her life   parents at Fort William Army
 work a bit... in a fun, creative and spooky way.”              in Kolkata, went back to the City      Club, shopping adventures
   “How about channel the inner filmmaking ghost in us to       of Joy to shoot her comeback           with my mom, the deja vu-
 make a scary indoor film with an element of horror in it.”     film Seasons Greetings: A Tribute      inflicting iconic architecture,
   People can mail their work to teamdigital@redchillies.       To Rituporno Ghosh. Self-              the Ambassador taxis, the rich
 com latest by May 18. The entries will be judged by Betaal     confessedly a Bengali by heart,        culture, food with friends and,
 co-director Patrick Graham, cast members Viineet Kumar         she says Kolkata will always hold      of course, shooting Season’s
 and Aahana Kumra, and Gaurav Verma of Red Chillies             a special place in her heart.          Greetings: A Tribute To
 Entertainment, producers of the show.                             “For a Bengali by heart who         Rituporno Ghosh with (director)
   “Ghosts are welcome to send their entries too,” SRK          stays away from her beloved            Ram Kamal Mukherjee... the list
 quipped.                                                       Kolkata, the complexities of           is never-ending.”
   The project is collaboration between SRK’s Red Chillies      life and the monotony of daily            Season’s Greetings: A Tribute
 entertainment, Netflix, SK Global, and Blumhouse               routine never take away the            To Rituporno Ghosh features
 Productions, the banner that is known for its Hollywood        resplendence of nostalgia.             Shree Ghatak, Lillette Dubey and
 horror productions as Paranormal Activity and                  Kolkata has been a balm for            Azhar Khan along with Celia, in
 “Insidious”. – IANS                                            my grieving heart adding               primary roles. It is streaming on      NOSTALGIC: Celina believes nostalgia is a powerful
                                                                meaningfulness, connectedness          ZEE5. – IANS                           stimulant to feel optimistic about the future.
Monday, May 11, 2020   GULF TIMES                     15
 HOLLYWOOD                                                                                                                COMMUNITY
  Gyllenhaal shifts focus to                          39-year-old star, known for starring in movies
  personal life from work                             like Donnie Darko, Brokeback Mountain,
                                                      Nightcrawler and Spider-Man: Far From Home.
    Actor Jake Gyllenhaal says he has become             Gyllenhaal, who has been romantically
  less interested in work and more interested in      linked to French model Jeanne Cadieu in the
  personal life, adding that he hopes to have kids    past few years, shared that he “definitely” sees
  in the future.                                      kids in his future.
    In an interview with British Vogue, the actor,       “Yes, of course I do. I definitely do,” he said,
  who has been part of showbiz since the last         adding: “You get to the end of the show and
  two decades, shared that he is now ready to         that’s what it’s about. Children. Children and
  focus on his personal life, reports etonline.com    art.”
    “I’m interested in my life, even more so than        He continued: “I’m not someone who has
  my work. I’ve reached a point in my career          ever existed in a space where I’ve really known
  where I feel hungry in a different way,” said       what’s coming next. But you do have to be
  Gyllenhaal, adding: “I’ve seen how much             open to it. And there has been no other time in
  of my life I’ve neglected as a result of being      my life that I can safely say…. My mother and
  committed to that work and that idea.”              my sister are some of the most extraordinary
    “(I’ve) lightened up. Seeing life as something    people I know.
  that is, you know, fleeting, and the world being       “Our vulnerability with each other, our
  as it is now. I’ve turned to my family, I’ve        ability to communicate about how tough times
  turned to my friends and I’ve turned to love.       can be is what I’m most proud of in my family.
  I’m a little less interested in the work, I would   For everything I hope to pass on, that’s the           HUNGRY: Jake Gyllenhaal says: “I’ve reached a point in my career where I feel
  say, and more interested in that,” said the         most important.” – IANS                                hungry in a different way.”

 Documentary shows how Netflix
   took on the world – and won
                                                                                                                   schools, says Keating, who is 56.          “Blockbuster came at it from an
                                                                           By Daniel Neman                            After the book came out, she         MBA point of view – a traditional
                                                                                                                   had a vague idea to make it into a      business point of view: Give the

                                                                                                                   movie – though she had never done       consumers an exceptional value,
                                                                                       lockbuster was Goliath.     anything like that before, she says.    and that will always win the day. It
                                                                                       Netflix was David.          But she got lucky when Netflix          was a typical war – you go in there,
                                                                                          Now, Netflix is          co-founder Marc Randolph called         you copy the other guy, spy on them
                                                                                       Goliath, or maybe Zeus.     her when they were both in Austin,      and then offer everything at a lower
                                                                                       Blockbuster is a little-    Texas.                                  price,” she says.
                                                                           remembered punchline.                      She had talked to the little-           “The Netflix people, that team
                                                                              How this exceptional reversal        known Randolph while writing            was very creative. They were really
                                                                           came to be is the subject of a          the book and had mentioned her          consumer-focused. The company
                                                                           new documentary, Netflix vs. the        plan to make a film. He said he was     was almost a thought problem to
                                                                           World, made by Gina Keating and         available for an interview on film,     them. While they were competitive,
                                                                           directed by Shawn Cauthen. It is        if she wanted to have one. The          they wanted to make something
                                                                           now available for streaming on          whole documentary grew from that        that the customers loved,” she says.
                                                                           Amazon Prime Video and soon will        interview.                                 “The two different cultures were
                                                                           be available on a number of other          “I was very worried that the         completely opposite.”
                                                                           digital platforms.                      Blockbuster guys wouldn’t talk             Keating decided to write the book
                                                                              Keating chronicled the rivalry       to me because it was considered         after the last economic downturn,
                                                                           between Netflix and Blockbuster         so disgraceful what happened to         which she called a depressing time
                                                                           as a Los Angeles-based reporter         them,” Keating says.                    to be working at a business-related
                                                                           for Reuters covering the business          But it turned out that several       news service. That was why she
                                                                           side of the entertainment industry.     former Blockbuster executives,          wanted to tell the Netflix story.
                                                                           It was 2004 when she started, and       including former CEO John                  “The company has done
                                                                           the reporter who previously had         Antioco, wanted to tell their side of   something really amazing. They
                                                                           the beat told her about a small         the story. As the film makes clear,     put customers at the centre of
                                                                           company that she hadn’t even            Blockbuster – despite being new to      their business model, and they
                                                                           heard of: Netflix.                      the online world – had Netflix on       succeeded.
                                                                              The company was renting movies       the ropes in the all-important race        “Every time there is a national
                                                                           by mail, the other reporter said, and   for online customers.                   downturn, they are very successful.
                                                                           he found the concept fascinating.          But then, corporate raider Carl      They were able to garner quite
                                                                              Keating learned what she could       Icahn took over Blockbuster and         an emotional attachment to that
                                                                           about the company because, unlike       engineered Antioco’s resignation.       brand.”
                                                                           almost every other corporation          In his place, he hired a former            After the 9/11 attacks, the Great
                                                                           she covered, its executives actually    CEO of 7-Eleven, James W. Keyes,        Recession and now the current
                                                                           wanted to talk to reporters and         who had no relevant experience          coronavirus pandemic, Americans
                                                                           make their story known, she says.       in movies, entertainment or,            have turned to Netflix, Keating says.
                                                                              Keating was there when Netflix       significantly, anything digital.        And the company has responded
                                                                           and Blockbuster went toe-to-toe,           Blockbuster’s fate was sealed.       nimbly, moving the technology
                                                                           vying for customers to order their         “I wanted to show that these         quickly forward to respond to the
                                                                           movies online. When the smoke           guys at Blockbuster did not have        increased demand.
                                                                           had cleared and Blockbuster filed       any of the same skills that the guys       Now, she says, the company
                                                                           for bankruptcy in 2010, Keating         in Silicon Valley (where Netflix is     “is globally dominating the
                                                                           turned the story into a book,           headquartered) had, and yet they        entertainment industry. … Netflix
                                                                           Netflixed: The Epic Battle for          almost won the war,” Keating says.      has completely remade everything
                                                                           America’s Eyeballs.                        Keating says the conflict came       about how we make and consume
NIMBLE: Netflix has completely remade everything about how we make and        The book, which came out in          down to a difference in personalities   entertainment.” – St. Louis Post-
consume entertainment.                                                     2012, is used in some business          and styles.                             Dispatch/TNS
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