Joan O'Keeffe 100 years old - Glanmire Area News

Page created by Emma Norris
Joan O'Keeffe 100 years old - Glanmire Area News
Joan O'Keeffe 100 years old
                                      Joan was overwhelmed by the
                                      number of phone calls, birthday
                                      cards, gifts and flowers she
                                      received from all quarters to mark
                                      her birthday and she would like
                                      to say míle buíochas to everyone
                                      for their thoughtfulness and
                                      generosity, so much appreciated.

A great day was had recently at
the Douglas nursing home when
Joan O’Keeffe of Glanmire Village
celebrated her 100th birthday,
receiving her congratulatory letter
from president Michael D Higgins
and the customary “presidential                                             Quality Used Cars
cheque” to mark the occasion.                                                021-4824263
                                                                           Prop: Bryan O’Halloran
Joan O'Keeffe 100 years old - Glanmire Area News

Building Capacity                 exceeds the capacity of
Kaizen       Physiotherapy        the tissues, that is more
Health Centre is now open         likely to result in soreness
in Glanmire adjacent to           or even damaged tissues.
the new Garda station. The
centre provides a complete        What is the solution?
healthcare approach for           One option could be to
clients under the one roof,       temporarily lower the
with a primary goal based         demands placed on the
around building capacity.         body (maybe not possible
So, what does this mean?          all the time) and then
                                  build capacity up in the
Demands versus Capacity           body tissues. If you build
Every time you do an              capacity, you can then
activity, whether it is getting   gradually increase the
up from a chair or running        demands placed on the
a marathon, you are placing       body and get back to
a demand on your body. If         doing what you want to
your body does not have           do.
enough capacity to manage
and carry out this demand         Now, there are many             FOR ALL YOUR LEGAL &
you are more likely to get        factors that contribute
injured. For example, if you      to capacity that can’t         MEDIATION REQUIREMENTS
don’t have enough strength        be changed (e.g., age,
and endurance built up in         past medical history,
your leg muscles, trying          genetics), but changeable
to run long distances may         factors include strength,
result in injuries or soreness    endurance,           power,
in your legs. Or if your thigh    flexibility, diet, and life
muscles are a little tired,       stressors. Targeting these
weak or inactive, getting up      factors can make a huge

from sitting throughout the       difference to the capacity
day might place too much          of the tissues and go a
demand on your knees              long way to redressing

                                                                  & CO
                                  any       imbalances     in
                                  demands versus capacity
                                  in our activities of daily

and may result in pain or
                                  Kaizen       Physiotherapy
                                  Health Centre is now open
                                  and operating out of Unit
injury to your knee joint. I
like to think of the Demand       5a in Sallybrook industrial
versus Capacity issue like a      estate. The centre has            ESTABLISHED IN
balancing scale.                  experts in the areas of
When you have a good              physiotherapy, exercise        GLANMIRE 24 YEARS AGO
balance       between       the   rehabilitation,   strength
demands you are placing           and conditioning, nutrition
on the tissues and the            and health and sports
                                  psychology- all areas to                TEL:
tissues capacity to cope
with these demands then
you are more likely to have
                                  help build capacity.                021 4510064
nice healthy tissues and
less likely to get injured.       Contact Details:
                                  Name: Alan Keane                       EMAIL:
                                  Phone: 0214824648     
However,  when     the
demands on the tissues
Joan O'Keeffe 100 years old - Glanmire Area News

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Joan O'Keeffe 100 years old - Glanmire Area News

                                                                                         and dedication during this difficult
    DOLPHIN SWIMMING CLUB                                                                time. Coincidentally, the last swimming
                                                                                         competition to take place in Munster
Dolphin Swimming Club (DSC) is one of        The swimming programme is led by            before COVID19 was the annual Dolphin
Ireland’s oldest swimming clubs and is       Head Coach, Mick McCormack, who is          Open in Mayfield way back in March
the oldest swimming club in Munster.         a Swim Ireland Level 3 Coach, as well       where the home club emerged overall
This year, the club will celebrate           as a PE & English teacher, while the        victors. The Irish Winter Nationals which
its 120th anniversary. Founded in            management of the committee is led          took place in Dublin in December was
1901 by a group of young men in the          by club Chairman, Dr Giuseppe Whelan.       the first taste of competitive action               Lee Swim 2019
Ballintemple area of Cork, the club          Mick is highly active at Munster Regional   for any swimmers in Ireland since
branched out in 1902 to establish            level, currently serving as the Munster     March with Dolphin's Hannah O'Shea
Dolphin Rugby Football Club as a means       Performance Pathway Chair, and is a         competing as part of the Irish National
to keep fit during the winter months         member of the National Performance          Squad. Everyone is hoping that they
and a relationship between the clubs         Advisory Group in Swim Ireland. He has      won’t have to wait very long before they
continues to this day. Historically,         also represented Munster as coach at        experience those great days again!
the club has always been strong in           international competitions in Scotland
swimming, with water polo and diving         and Slovenia in recent years.               #GoTEAMDolphin
a pivotal part of the programme in its                                                                                               Liam Doyle, Adam and Ryan 2020
early years and it remained a men’s-         As a team, Dolphin SC has been going
only club until 1934 when the first          from strength to strength and this was
women were allowed to join.                  clearly evident at last season’s Irish
                                             Summer Nationals in Dublin where
Later years saw the introduction of          the club racked up an individual medal
lifesaving and teaching of swimming to       haul of 15 Gold, 8 Silver & 6 Bronze,
children. Dolphin have been active in all    as well as a silver medal in the girls
the major Cork pools down through the        4 x 100 medley relay, to finish the
years, initially at Eglinton Street indoor   meet as the 2nd highest ranked club
baths and the Lee baths, the famous          in the entire country, just behind Ards                                                         Minnows 2020
riverside 50m outdoor facility where         Swimming Club from Belfast, but it
the club was active until 1976 and 1985,     was also the most successful meet in                  Captains and Coach 2020
respectively. With the provision of new      the club’s illustrious history to date.
indoor facilities in Cork in the 1970s at    Dolphin’s Hannah O’Shea emerged as
Churchfield, Douglas and Mayfield, the       the 'best overall athlete' at that meet
club relocated its activities to those       while Neddie Irwin & Jack Cassin came
pools and now calls Mayfield Sports          away as 1st and 2nd placed males,
Complex home, with LeisureWorld              respectively. Away from the pool and
Churchfield & Bishopstown, Coral             out on the open water, more success                                                          Munster Squad 2020
Leisure in Cobh, and Brookfield Leisure      followed with Neddie Irwin winning
pools also in weekly use - true signs of     the annual Lee Swim, followed by club                    Hannah in action
growth and progression in recent times.      captain at the time, Niklas Leahy in
                                             2nd place.
Today, the club is active for over 46
hours per week in the water and up to        With the uncertainty surrounding
10 hours per week in the gym. There are      any upcoming competitions at this
16 squads in the club, 14 of which train     point, the swimmers have been back
to compete. Dolphin runs a successful        in the water training since the start
learn to swim programme that                 of June - first, on the river Lee and at
conducts three classes each weekend          sea but subsequently in the pool since
from September to June and, in most          the end of June. Zoom workouts have
cases, feeds the participants into the       become pivotal to all the squads while
competitive squads.                          we have been out of the water and the
                                             swimmers have shown great resilience              Hannah O'Shea & Giuseppe 2020             Neddie Lee Swim 2019
Joan O'Keeffe 100 years old - Glanmire Area News

Joan O'Keeffe 100 years old - Glanmire Area News

                                       "NÍL AON GLEANNTÁN MAR DO GLEANNTÁN FÉIN" GLOUNTHAUNE NEWS
                                                 BY “THE FOREIGN CORRESPONDENT”
YOUR CHOICE: “SHANKS’ MARE” OR “ON YER BIKE”                                                                                    told her that they were ecstatic
                                                                                                                                about “Just Dance” and “Poker
A new shared one decimal two                “CADDIES TODAY – GOLF STARS                                                         Face” and that they were fascinated
km pedestrian and cycleway path             TOMORROW” This was the header                                                       with her North American “Fame
which links Dunkettle Roundabout            of an article published on the April                                                Ball Tour”. They said that they
with the Glanmire – Richmond road           3rd.1951 edition of the “Evening                                                    particularly liked one of her on-
and continues past the Gaelscoil            Echo”. QUOTE: Lessons finished at                                                   tour innovative dresses which
and onwards to Burys Bridge                 Little Island National School and                                                   was made entirely of bubbles,
was opened on November 16th.                there is a wild rush, not to get home                                               and remarked that it “was so very
This was delivered by Transport             but to the eighteen hole course of                                                  eye-catching”! But they were really
Infrastructure Ireland (TII), Cork City     Cork Golf Club. Perhaps the pupils                                                  getting that little bit over-familiar
Council and Cork County Council             wish to reduce that handicap before                                                 and she also sternly reminded
as part of advance works to the             tea? No, what they wish to reduce are                                               them that she prefers to be called
Dunkettle Interchange Upgrade               their monetary difficulties! At least                                               “Lady Gaga” because “those that
Scheme. It will link-up with the            forty of them can earn good money                                                   call me by my real name only
Burys Bridge to Carrigtwohill path          by spare time caddying for the one                                                  pretend to know me”. However the
when constructed, and it will also be       hundred and sixty members of that                                                   tippling buddies were having none
part of a more long term pedestrian         club.                                                                               of this and were calling her “Stef”
and cycleway plan to extend as far          Their busiest periods are at week-                                                  before the end of the evening and
as Midleton and possibly beyond             ends and during competitions                      Lady Gaga at “The Rising Tide”
                                                                                                                                she was loving it!
to Youghal. The path will in the            such as; “The Open”, “The Captain’s        A SHORT ROLL DOWN MEMORY                 The chat continued and as news
main run on the northern side of            Prize” and inter-club contests. One        LANE:                                    of her visit spread the place got
the present L3004 carriageway, the          youngster told me he earned two            Well, almost twelve years have           busier and busier. How many were
former N25, and there are many              pounds and ten shillings last week-        passed by since Stefani Joanne           present? It was akin to the All
“pinch points” along the route most         end and others say they averaged           Angelina Germanotta visited              Blacks game at Thomond Park in
notably at; “The Island Gate”, the          between one pound and that figure          Glounthaune. Who? She is the then        ’78; anybody asked the following
vicinity of the church, “Fitzpatrick’s      for the same period. Their calling         twenty three year old American           day said that they were there but
Shop” and “The Elm Tree”.                   is actually an incentive to study          singer, songwriter, record producer,     because Lady Gaga at her “Live
Part eight planning permission was          because an unwritten law, rigidly          actress and businesswoman who is         at the Marquee” performance
granted by the elected members of           enforced, says that no truant or           better known by her stage name           referenced those she met at “The
Cork County Council in March 2020           pupil neglecting schoolwork will be        “Lady Gaga” which she took from          Rising Tide” as “old guys”; it was
and the delivery of the scheme is           allowed to caddy. In fact a few years      the 1984 “Queen” single “Radio Ga        very difficult to meet anybody who
dependent on funding from the               ago Little Island National School          Ga”.                                     was present! She then availed of a
National Transport Authority (NTA).         secured the Blue Riband of national        A visit to Cork is not complete          little bit of welcome fresh air and
This body has in the past allocated         education; “The Carlisle Premium”.         without a visit to Glounthaune so        following a roll on the grass bank
an annual grant to Cork County              The youngsters themselves are real         Lady Gaga hit our direction and          she returned to her newfound
Council for the implementation of           golf enthusiasts and some of them          the girl who attended the Roman          fans to bid them farewell. This
its Regional Cities Smarter Travel          speak with pride of when they              Catholic all girls’ school; the Sacred   presented a poignant moment for
Programme whereby individual                caddied for Jimmy Bruen, Dr. Billy O’      Heart Convent Manhattan which            her doting tippling buddies and
sections of schemes are progressed          Sullivan, Redmond Simcox, George           was made famous by the Kennedy           a few euphoric sniffles broke the
each year. From a funding,                  Crosbie and other distinguished            family, set foot on our unique           eerie silence.
procurement and construction point          players. A twelve year old told me         village on June 30th. 2009. One          The wag in the corner, having
of view; it is not feasible to deliver      almost reverently of the day Dr. Billy     small step for Lady Gaga, one giant      meantime go/ogled her, compared
the entirety of a scheme such as            holed out in one and John Devane           leap for “The Rising Tide” and on        the VIP visit to that of the 1967 one
this. Much work has been done since         was proud to say he caddied for the        entering she yelled; “Great that         of the then sitting Taoiseach, local
the grant of planning permission;           Muskerry Club “ace” Nick Power.            Sars bridged the fifty one year gap”.    boy Jack Lynch, when following his
surveying,       enabling        works,     They play golf too on their own            The wag in the corner, and               address to the large crowd which
procurement and detailed designs            fifteen hole course and they hold          incidentally, under the notion that      had assembled in the village he
along the route.                            competitions with the prizes being         she was a new neighbour in Cois          visited the very same premises,
Funding was approved for the                cups and saucers, hair cream and           Cuain, was not a bit impressed           then Donnellys’. However the
detailed design as well as the              similar articles. Occasionally the         and retorted; “thanks to the             wag was very quick to point out
construction of the section                 proprietors’ of a local tuck shop          meandering border”. Not nice.            that the traditional Marietta and
westwards from “The Elm Tree” as far        donate a trophy, usually a decorative      The wag’s tippling buddies, who          Square Meal biscuits served back
as the “Harpurs Creek” housing estate       glass bowel filled with raspberry          had recognised her straight away,        then were replaced by Calamari
and this work is presently in progress.     cordial. They are fluent Irish speakers    were getting a little bit uneasy and     Duck Spring Rolls and Tiger Prawns
The developers’ of “Harpurs Creek” is,      so in a few years’ time they should        changing subject enquired if her         on this occasion, but that the
as per one of the planning conditions,      be eligible to join “An Chumann            dad Joseph and mom Cynthia were          “aperitifs” were similar!
obliged to construct the element from       Gaelach”, the “Gaelic Golfing              keeping well. The chat continued         Lady Gaga’s visit had a profound
the Estate to the Train Station and it is   Society”. At present their cheerful        and the usual topics of discussion;      effect and this was borne out from
interesting to note that this was to be     faces and enthusiasm must be an            the weather, the matches, the            an overheard conversation right
actioned prior to first occupancy! The      encouragement to members of Cork           priest, the neighbours or perhaps        afterwards; one of the “old guys”
NTA has also approved funding for           Golf Club, especially when they are        preoccupation with the crossword         asked another if he was heading
the detailed design of the remaining        trying to get out of a difficult bunker.   were brushed aside and now the           to Thurles for the Cork – Galway
elements of the scheme and these            The caddies include; Thomas Barry,         conversation in totality was about       qualifier, “ah no, not at all” was the
are due to commence during the              Patrick Twomey, Matty Murphy,              her debut album “The Fame”               immediate response, “I am off to
first quarter of this year. Subject to      Patrick Murphy, Stephen Devane,            which was released in August the         Killarney that week-end to see the
funding allocations; a decision will        Michael Mc Cormack, William Waters         previous year.                           Pussycat Dolls”! Cool.
then be made on which sections              and Gerald Dunlea. UNQUOTE. That           Lady Gaga explained that it was
should proceed to construction.             article was penned seventy years           all about how anybody can feel           SLĀN ANOIS ©
Would suggest westwards from                ago and it highlights the fact that a      famous and this was so fitting in
Glounthaune Station and maybe an            book on Cork Golf Club from a caddies’     the prevailing environment and
input from GCA would be valuable in         perspective, and there are many in         naturally the cool tippling buddies
this regard?                                our midst, would be very interesting!      could relate to this very easily. They
Joan O'Keeffe 100 years old - Glanmire Area News

                    Wishing a
                 happy and healthy
                New Year to everyone
                                     SPEND AND ENJOY YOUR
                                      GLANMIRE CHAMBER

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                       GLANMIRE HAIR STUDIO                                                         GLANMIRE TURKISH BARBERS
                       RYANS SUPERVALU                                                              MAC HAIR DESIGN
                       GRANDONS MACE GLANMIRE                                                       GRANDONS TOYOTA
                       GRANDONS CENTRA SALLYBROOK                                                   DMOS
                       MCCARTHY SPORTS WORLD                                                        BALANCE
                       ALANTRICITY                                                                  LUCIANO’S
                       LOVE LIFE FASHION FIX                                                        VIBRANCE
                       DISTRICT                                                                     SABRINA RYAN THERAPIES
                       THE VIENNA WOODS HOTEL                                                       GLANMIRE OPTICIANS
                       CAFE BEVA                                                                    UPARTY

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Joan O'Keeffe 100 years old - Glanmire Area News

                                                                                                                                          We provide a wide
                                                                                                                 Charlie Wilkins          range of Services
A WINTER WONDER                           but on a distinctly higher plane. excellent variety is now showing at
                                                                                                                                          • Grass Cutting & Hedge
Many gardeners know and Whichever variety you choose, do a garden near you, so regular is its                                               cutting
appreciate the easily-sourced and not be afraid to prune as suggested early winter arrival.                                               • Shrubs & Trees Supplied &
popular winter-flowering shrub otherwise they will get long and HYACINTH PROBLEMS                                                           Planted
known as Mahonia, but how leggy in a short span of time.                                        At times, hyacinths fail to set           • Maintenance & Clean-ups
many are aware that it is named                                                                 flowers even though the foliage           • Power Washing Gutters &
after Bernard McMahon, an Irish Is there any limit to their value? looks healthy and strong. The worst                                      Drain Cleaning
emigrant who settled with his wife        Well,   not  if you   value   their   yellow
                                                                                                pest of these is the larvae of the        • Lawns Laid
in Philadelphia during the late winter blooms, prickly holly-like garden swift moth which eats the                                        • Fencing (Timber & Concrete)
1790’s? They ran a small nursery          leaves,    and     in   many      varieties,
                                                                                                basal plate and roots of hyacinths-       • Patio & Decking
and seed shop, and some of the a delicious perfume. These can damage that is often blamed on                                              Free Quotations
most noted gardeners of the time          be   as  dramatic      as  fireworks      and
                                                                                                slugs. For some reason, the larvae        Contact Declan
were customers. Sadly, they could dominate the scene for weeks on seem to be especially fond of ‘City
only have known the American              end   from  late  autumn.                                                                       M: 087-2079978
                                                                                                              of Haarlem’ and ‘Pink       P: 021-4866572
varieties, which are nothing                                                                                  Pearl’ but all varieties
compared to the splendid                                                                                      and colours are at
Asian kinds discovered long                                                                                   risk. Although hyacinths
after their day.                                                                                              are ideal for planting in
In a winter garden a mature                                                                                   containers, they often          3 Tonne
specimen of any mahonia                                                                                       fail in window boxes
will be found best at making                                                                                  or small pots where,          Dumpers and
an architectural statement.
With lustrous foliage rimed
                                                                                                              in winter, they can          Diggers for hire
                                                                                                              easily be frozen solid.
with frost or glistening in                                                                                   Although all hyacinths
the damp, the sprays of                                                                                       are totally hardy, if
flower will look like strings                                                                                 frost penetrates deeply
of topaz, mocking it would                                                                                    enough to reach the
seem the lifeless greyness of                                                                                 root tips (something
winter. It continues to give                                                                                  that is unlikely to
the garden scene a strong                                                                                     happen in the open
theme when otherwise                                                                                          garden) they die, and
there would be little, but                                                                                    rot spreads up the
which variety is best?           Bright yellow blooms  throughout  winter, distinctive holly-like foliage
                                  and a perfume akin to Lily-of-the-Valley are the hallmarks of most plant. This gives rise to
The best forms smell of Lily-of-                           Mahonia varieties                               the presumption that all is
the-Valley, and their berries,                                                                             fine when in fact the bulbs
unlike those of the holly, can                                                                  are    slowly   being killed. All this
be made into jam. 'Charity' is an The variety with the finest foliage however may smack of dark-day
excellent variety, distinguished          are   found     on  M.    lomariifolia     an                                                   Contact 0862440276
                                                                                                pessimism! With global warming
by its size and perfect sprays of aristocrat of the family which (and all the rain of late) perhaps
golden-yellow flowers. It will            boasts   sprays     of  up   to  two     feet,                                                    or 0214513686
                                                                                                any frosts we get this year will be
grow to six feet and more in pinnate like a killer shark and mostly benign.
good conditions, but it is easily         equally   as sharp!   The  most   common
controlled by pruning immediately form sold, Mahonia japonica, is WINTER SCENT                                                               ­­­­Pat Geaney
after the winter blooms fade. This probably best for scent. This If you need to be further encouraged                                     Lawn Mower Sales &
exercise is important and one third indestructible shrub will grow by winter scent, source and plant                                           Service
of the growths (of all varieties) anywhere producing arching, the likes of Viburnum farreri, and                                             OPEN 6 DAYS
should be cut to a few inches each then spreading, racemes of acid- Bodnantense ‘Dawn’. These like
year. New shoots will arise from yellow fragrant yellow flowers                                                                                Mon. – Thurs.
the stumps and these are the ones from November to early spring, to be planted in ground that                                               9.00a.m. – 8.00p.m.
which bloom best in subsequent followed in turn by attractive blue- contains ample humus yet drains                                             Fri. & Sat.
                                          black berries.                                        easily. At the same time, do not            9.00a.m. – 6.00p.m.
In small gardens, 'Winter Sun'                                                                  change drastically its ability to         Your Lawn Mower Man
will be found very tidy or for that This variety is also first to bloom hold moisture during summer. It                                    52 weeks of the year
matter 'Lionel Fortesque' a well- and I recommend it (and Charity) may be wet just now, but by next                             
behaved shrub which holds its to those who want something summer, things could be totally                                                    021-4822465
blooms like outstretched arms to admire during January. This different!
                                              added. Plant deeply, eight inches             cap lily) is a good second choice             Glanmire, Co.Cork
                                              being perfect. Make lilium Regale             for it is excellent for naturalising
 If you see healthy lily bulbs                                                              in rough grass and among
 offered for sale, bulbs of a good            your first choice. Use pots if you
                                              wish. Lilies do remarkably well               deciduous trees. Plant this variety
 size with fat scales tightly held                                                          four inches deep. If any lily seems
 together, then buy sooner rather             in these and those known as
                                              'rose’ pots will be found most                to be drying out, becoming soft
 than later. Plant when conditions                                                          and falling apart, revive it in
 are suitable in rich, free-draining          advantageous.                                 buckets of damp compost for a
 soil which has had organic matter            Purple Lilium martagon (Turk's                couple of days.
Joan O'Keeffe 100 years old - Glanmire Area News

                                           GLANMIRE LADIES FOOTBALL CLUB

                                           Media team 2020 Kevin Walsh, Ioannis
                                           O'Connell, Dave Marah and Dave Carey
                                           (Due to no spectators at most games
                                           in 2020 Glanmire Live streamed games
                                           allowing fans far and near to watch      u16/Junior B Team (winners of the u16 east cork and finalist of the Junior B 2020
Abbie O'Mahony, Cork senior panel 2020     games)                                                           (Which has yet to be played)

                                                                                             Halloween Fun

      U6 Team celebrate the 2019 season in Vienna wood hotel January 2020

                                                                                                                           Chulainn long Watching "his girls" training
                                                                                  Lord Mayor and Lady Mayoress with                      summer 2020
                                                                                        Glanmire player Aisling
                                                                                      5 u9 girls who made and sold
                                                                                   perfume during the summer, and
                                                                                     then each bought vouchers for
                                                                                  Barnardos Kids Appeal at Christmas
                                                                                   time we are so proud to call them
                   Glanmire intermediate team (county finalist)                                 our players

                                                 Garreth Fitzgerald
                          CRASH REPAIRS
 • Panel Beating • Spray Painting                                                                         Unit 2, Pat Dwyer's Ind. Estate,
 • All Bodywork • Low Bake Oven                                                                                 Glanmire, Co. Cork
     • Insurance Claims Handled                                                                             Contact Garreth Fitzgerald
         • Chassis Alignment                                                                                       086 3787758
               Sponsoring this page on behalf of the Glanmire Ladies Football Club
Joan O'Keeffe 100 years old - Glanmire Area News

 Canon Sheehan of Doneraile, 1852-1913 Cuid 1                                                      Micheál Ó Súilleabháin
Scríbhneoir a raibh cáil dhomhanda air           na matamaitice agus na heolaíochte               san oideachas. Theastaigh uaidh deis a
breis is céad bliain ó shin ba ea Canon          aige nuair a bhí sé ar scoil agus chuir          thabhairt do dhaoine óga, a bhí éirithe
Sheehan nó Patrick Augustine Sheehan.            sé spéis sa réalteolaíocht, chomh maith.         as an scoil, chun iad féin a fhorbairt.
Sagart cáiliúil ba ea, chomh maith, dar          Fuair a thuismitheoirí bás nuair a bhí           Chuige sin, bhunaigh sé an Literary
ndóigh. Saolaíodh é i Mala, Contae               Pádraig thart ar aon bhliain déag. Ní            Society sa pharóiste. Cuireadh léachtaí
Chorcaí ach is coitianta go                      raibh ach bliain eatarthu. Ceapadh an            agus díospóireachtaí ar siúl go rialta
n-athnaítear é mar Canon Sheehan                 tAthair John Mc Carthy mar chaomhnóir            a thabharfadh deis do dhaoine óga a
of Doneraile mar chaith sé an chuid              ar Phádraig, ar a dheartháir agus ar a           bheith ina saoránaigh mhaithe.
dheireanach dá shaol ann agus is ann             bheirt dheirfiúracha. D’fhreastail Pádraig
a bhain sé cáil amach mar phearsa                ar Choláiste Cholmáin, Mainistir Fhear
liteartha. Úrscéalaí, file, diagaire a scríobh   Maighe, cliarscoil shóisearach an deoise.
d’irisí in Éirinn agus i Meiriceá ba ea          Nuair a tharla Éirí Amach na bhFíníní
é. Ba é a ghairm mar shagart an ní ba            in 1867, chuala na scoláirí i gColáiste
thábhachtaí dó agus bhí an-chion agus            Cholmáin faoi cheann de na heachtraí
meas ag an bpobal air. Le linn a chuid           a tharla go háitiúil, marú Peter O’ Neill
ama i nDún ar Aill, bhí an-bhaint aige le        Crowley i gCoill Chill Chluanaigh agus
Ceist na Talún. Aistríodh a chuid leabhar        bhíodar ag faire ar an tsochraid nuair a
go Gearmáinis, Fraincis, Iodáilis, Spáinnis,     d’iompair slua ollmhór an chónra thar
Ollainnis, Ungáiris, Slavóinis agus Rúisis.      an droichead i Mainistir Fhear Maighe.
Is léiriú é seo ar an éifeacht a bhí ag a        Ina dhiaidh sin, scríobh Canon Sheehan
chuid scríbhinní. Bhí cáil ar a shaothar i       úrscéal faoin Éirí Amach. Bhí duine dá
Meiriceá, chomh maith. Idir 1895 agus            chomhscoláirí, James O’ Brien, páirteach
1910, d’fhoilsigh sé 15 leabhar. I ndiaidh a     ann. Daoradh chun báis é ach níor
bháis, foilsíodh úrscéal eile a bhain le hÉirí   cuireadh an breithiúnas i bhfeidhm. Ina
Amach 1867, ‘The Graves of Kilmorna.’            dhiaidh sin, toghadh é mar Theachta                  Plaic ar an teach in ar saolaíodh Canon Sheehan
                                                 I ndiaidh na meánscoile, chuaigh Patrick         In 1881, aistríodh an tAthair Sheehan
                                                 le sagartóireacht. In 1869, d’imigh sé go        go Queenstown mar a thugtaí ar Chóbh
                                                 Coláiste Mhaigh Nuad. Ba é seo an bhliain        an uair úd. Fad a bhí sé ann, chuir sé
                                                 in ar chaill an Coláiste an Deontas Bliantúil    an-bhéim ar an obair chaiticeasmach
                                                 a bhí á fháil ó Rialtas na Breataine ó bhliain   sna scoileanna. Theastaigh uaidh go
                                                 a bhunaithe. Tharla sé seo de dheasca            bhfaigheadh daoine óga eolas cruinn ar
                                                 Dhíbhunú Eaglais na hÉireann. Rinne              an gcreideamh. Bhí roinnt altanna faoi
                                                 Patrick mórán léitheoireachta le linn a          dhiagacht agus cúrsaí creidimh scríofa
                                                 chuid ama sa Choláiste. Chomh maith le           aige cheana féin. Mar shampla, bhí alt
                                                 staidéar ar Aithreacha na hEaglaise, bhí         aige san Irish Ecclesiastical Record i Meán
                                                 sé in ann údair mhóra na linne a léamh           Fómhair 1881 ‘Religious Instruction in
                                                 ar nós Carlyle, Browning, Shelley, Keats.        Irish Schools’. Mhol sé córas traenála i
                                                 Bhíodh breoiteacht air go minic agus             gcúrsaí reiligiúin a bheadh oiriúnach
                                                 bhí air bliain iomlán a thógaint saor ón         don am sin. Chonaic sé go raibh an
                                                 gColáiste chun teacht chuige féin. Ina           t-oideachas tuata ag teacht chun cinn
                                                 ainneoin sin, oirníodh ina shagart é in          ina raibh smaointe díobhálacha agus nár
                                                 1875.                                            mhór do dhaoine óga a bheith eolach
                                                                                                  ar an gcreideamh ionas go bhféadfaidís
                                                 Dá chéad cheapachán, cuireadh é go               seasamh in aghaidh ábharachas na
                                                 Sasana. I dtús báire, d’oibrigh sé in            sochaí.
                                                 Ardeaglais Plymouth agus bhí air
                                                 seanmóirí a thabhairt ar an Domhnach
                                                 ann. Mhúscail a chuid cainteanna                 Gluais:
                                                 freagairtí éagsúla ón bpobal a bhí i
                                                 láthair. Bhí daoine tógtha lena chuid            úrscéalaí = novelist
                 Canon Sheehan                   focal nó, uaireanta, bhí a mhalairt fíor.
                                                 Cúpla lá i ndiaidh dó seanmóir a thabhairt       diagaire = theologian
Léiríonn a chuid leabhar na buanna ar            ar dhuáilcí Calvin agus Luther, dúirt an         buanna = talents, abilities
leith a bhain leis mar smaointeoir agus          biocáire ginearálta leis na nótaí a d’úsáid
mar scríbhneoir. Tugann siad léargas ar          sé ag ullmhú na seanmóna a dhó. Tar éis          mar thréadaí = as a pastor
ar an gcineál duine a bhí ann, ar a chuid        cúpla mí, aistríodh é go Exeter. Ceann de        caomhnóir = guardian
aidhmeanna, a chuid idéal mar shagart            na cúraimí a bhí air ba freastal ar Phríosún
agus mar thréadaí. Déanann a chuid               Dartmoor a raibh cuma dhúranta air.              cliarscoil shóisearach = junior
úrscéal cur síos ar nithe a tharla dó go         Déanann an tAthair Sheehan cur síos ar a         seminary
pearsanta. Ba é an modh oibre a lean sé          chéad chuairt ann chun an tAifreann a rá.
ná taistealaí ag déanamh cur síos ar a           Chonaic sé na príosúnaigh ina gcultacha          deontas bliantúil = annual grant
chuid eachtraí do dhaoine óga. Tá ceacht         príosúin agus slabhraí ar a gcosa. D’aithin      seanmóirí = sermons
le foghlaim sna heachtraí a ndéanann sé          sé duine díobh. Michael Davitt, a bhí
cur síos orthu. Baineann a chuid carachtar       ann a bhí i bpríosún de dheasca páirt            freagairtí éagsúla - various
leis an saol a bhí mórthimpeall air, ach         a bheith aige sna Fíníní. Cúpla bliain
rinne sé athruithe orthu sa tslí go raibh sé     ina dhiaidh sin, bhunaigh sé Conradh             responses
dodhéanta ar an bpobal carachtar ar bith         na Talún. Theastaigh ón Athair Sheehan           duáilcí = vices
a aithint go cinnte.                             labhairt leis ach. Cuireadh in iúl dó nach
                                                 raibh cead aige labhairt le príosúnach ar        an-phointiúil = very punctual
Ina óige chuir Patrick aithne ar phearsana       bith.                                            obair chaiticeasmach =
tábhachtacha a bhaile dhúchais.                  In 1877, chuir Easpag Chluana fios air.
Saolaíodh daoine ann mar Sir Edward              Ceapadh é ina shagart cúnta ina bhaile           catechetical work
Sullivan, Tiarna Seansailéir na hÉireann,        dúchais, Mala. Is cosúil go bhfaca               oideachas tuata = secular
An tArdeaspag Purcell a bhain cliarlathas        sé difríocht mhór idir an taithí a bhí
na hEaglaise Caitlicí i Meiriceá amach,          aige i Sasana agus i Mala. Bhí daoine            education
Sir Richard Quain, údarás leighis mór            an-phointiúil i Sasana, iad i gcónaí in          saoránaigh = citizens
le rá agus Tomás Dáibhís, tírghrátheoir,         am d’ócáidí mar shochraidí. A mhalairt
file, scríbhneoir. Bhí tionchar acu go léir      a bhí fíor in Éirinn agus i Mala. Ach le         ábharachas na sochaí = the
air i mbealaí éagsúla. Bhí an Síochánach         himeacht aimsire, chuaigh sé i dtaithí
óg séimh agus cúthaileach. Bhí bua               ar na nósanna abhus. Bhí an-suim aige            materialism of society

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HAPPY NEW YEAR                                                                            Two issues that need
2020 has been a year                                                                      immediate attention in
like no other, things that                                                                early 2021:
we took for granted,                                                                      1 The Glashaboy flood
events have had to be                                                                     project (Now in in its 9th
cancelled, or put on the                                                                  year waiting)
long finger. All these                                                                    2 School places for
cancellations          and                                                                children.
postponements         have                                                                On a positive note there
had a major effect on                                                                     have been some great
fundraising       on   the                                                                new businesses who
various       Community,                                                                  have come to our area;
Voluntary, and Sporting                                                                   there are now a choice of
organisations in our                                                                      coffee shops, including
Community            which                                                                the recent addition of
are so important for                                                                      the ‘River Cafe’ at the
the synergy of our                                                                        foot of the Rocky Road.
Community young and          The     Barleycorn    site    would not be considered        New food offerings with
old. Many Business also      is currently zoned for        for an amenity by Cork         the refurb of the Barn
found it very tough going    mixed-use       purposes      County Council Glanmire        to a bar & gastro pub
so i​t vitally important     which the City Council        is the fastest growing         and longevity of the
to support them in any       would not be interested       town in Munster with a         wonderful ‘Brook Inn’
possible by supporting       in purchasing without         population of over 20          and ‘District 11’., and
local enterprises.           a clear development           thousand people, with          even a little fashion for
                             proposal.                     over ninety per cent of        ladies with ‘Love Life’.
One major casualties of      Clearly the City Council      the population that have
2020 was our AGM which       is only interested in         come to reside here in the
had to be cancelled          purchasing property of        past thirty years, from all
due to Covid restrictions    this kind for housing.        over Ireland and further
which we hope to hold at     amenity or housing, with      afield, unfortunately the
the earliest opportunity     a priority for housing.       facilities remain much
and when Government          The mixed use zoning          the same as they were
rules permit.                does not satisfy that and     in the 1970s. Any new
In the meantime it was       the City does not have        facilities have been led
business as usual for the    the money to purchase         by enlarge by voluntary,
Directors, keeping the       solely for an amenity         Community, and sporting
Community Centre open,       Park.                         organisations          and
Completing the GACA          The executive of Cork         administrators Glanmire
fields   and      Carpark,   City Council wanted to        provide hundreds of            Local businesses have
Liaising     with     City   emphasise to the              voluntary personnel, and       done their utmost to meet
Council, applying for any    Community in Glanmire         sporting coaches which         government guidelines
available grants for         that the site was             undoubtedly enhances           and it is beyond difficult
maintenance of the           assessed by the Property      the Community at no            when businesses such
Community Centre and         Department, and our           cost to the state.             as our local hotel, the
the Children’s Play Park,    proposal      was     not                                    Vienna Woods, invested
and the wider Community      dismissed         without     In a new Community like        so much in enhancing
etc.                         investigation.                Glanmire an amenity            their property for guests
                                                           l​ike the Barleycorn site      and weddings but yet
There is a lot happening                                   is vital for the mental        cannot host either.
and we would urge as                                       health,       integration,
many as possible to get                                    exercise for young and         We enter 2021 with the
involved and let your                                      old along with all the other   hope of a successful
voice be heard, know                                       proposals that we have         vaccine yet continued
what is happening, be                                      mentioned in previous          restrictions to try and
part of shaping the future                                 correspondence. This is        beat this pandemic but
Barleycorn Site; Further                                   a once off opportunity.        by continuing to stand
to our Correspondence to                                   Perhaps the Council            together, keep united
Oliver Moran Chair of the                                  might reconsider.              and focused on our
climate change group of      Cllr Moran points out                                        community we work
Cork City Council to buy     that it is likely that city   The current Government         towards a brighter future
the Barleycorn site. He      Council will not be           has set aside one Billon       in 2021 & brighter times
brought our request to       purchasing the property       euro for projects like         and days ahead.
the local area Committee     as an amenity.                this and are spending a
meeting of Cork City         While we acknowledge          million a day on Green         Wishing you all a VERY
Council.                     the efforts of Cllr Moran,    projects, one would hope       HAPPY     NEW     YEAR
This      request     was    and Cllr Ger Keohane          that some of this could        with peace, health and
addressed       by     the   for their endeavours it       filter its way into the        happiness in the days
Property Department I        is deeply disappointing       Glanmire Community             ahead.
the Council.                 that a facility like this

                                                              Looking back at 2020

                                                                                                                                                                                  The 2 Eddie’s - Sheehan's Butchers

                                                                                Leahy Christmas tree voucher Tomas O Se presenting Una Daly with her winning
Kevin Humphreys and Daughters Abbie and Aisling at the launch of the Glanmire
                      Ladies Football Club fundraiser

                                                      Halloween Sprits in Glanmire                                                                       Lynch Family - On their annual task walking the Xmas Tree home

                                                                                                                 Upper Glanmire Community Association St Patrick’s Day Festival

                                                                                               We in White's Cross          the hands of Brian Dillons
                                                                                               GAA extend a BIG             (following a great win
                                                                                               míle buíochas to all         over Whitechurch), there
                                                                                               those businesses who         is plenty to work with to
                                                                                               continue to support what     push on and compete for
                                                                                               we do so generously. We      trophies. There are some
                                                                                               ask our members and          good young hurlers
                                                                                               friends to support our       coming through from
                                                                                               sponsors when you do         underage to complement
                                                                                               get the opportunity.         our current panel. If
                                                                                                                            there is anybody within
                                                                                               We also hope that            our catchment area (or
                                                                                               our members and the          outside it) that would like
                                                                                               community at large will      to get back playing adult
                                                                                               continue to generously       hurling, we would love to
                                                                                               support our draw as they     hear from you. Please
                                                                                               have done over the last      contact our social media
                                                                                               number of years. This        pages and we will call
                                                                                               draw remains our main        you back privately.
                                                                                               fundraiser each year and
                                                                                               helps to cover our day to    The     junior    Football
                                                                                               day expenses in running      team went back training
                                                                                               the club.                    a few weeks before
                                                                                                                            Christmas in pods of 15
                                                                                               New Junior A Hurling         to do some pre-season
                                                                                               Coach                        physical work. Diarmuid
                                                                                               White's Cross GAA are        McDonnell      is    once
Eoin Murnane receiving the John Hickey Perpetual Cup from Kathleen Hickey, widow of the        delighted to announce        again the coach with
late John (RIP) for winning the annual White's Cross GAA St' Stephen's Day Puc Fada in 2014.   that Padraic Kelleher will   Michael Coleman and
This event unfortunately had to be cancelled this year. We look forward to holding the event
                                       in 2021 again.                                          take up the role as coach    Glenn Arrigan staying
Christmas Draw                                  for this type of draw                          of our junior A hurling      on-board as selectors.
Our annual Christmas                            There are 60 prizes with                       team in 2020. Padraic        Commencement           of
draw, normally held in                          14 of these valued at                          has strong credentials       training in the new
the week leading up                             €100 or more, and that                         and brings a lot of          year will depend on
to Christmas day, is                            many again valued at                           experience to the role.      government and GAA
currently scheduled to                          €50 euro. Remember                                                          guidelines.
take place on Saturday                          that first prize is €600                       He is a native of
the 9th of January.                             which is very generously                       Rathcooney and is a          Happy New Year
Due to the developing                           sponsored by Michael                           former Sarsfields senior     The greeting Happy New
public health situation                         Hennessy of the Stirrup                        hurler. He has extensive     Year possibly carries
the venue/time will be                          Bar.                                           coaching       experience    more significance than
advertised on social                                                                           with his most recent role    usual this time as most
media in the days prior                         Despite a tumultuous                           being coach of the Tallow    are probably genuinely
to the draw. As gathering                       year for businesses                            senior hurling team in       happy that it is a new
indoors as well as large                        everywhere,        those                       Waterford.      His close    year and glad the annus
gatherings         outdoors                     supporting        White's                      ties to the White's Cross    horribilis that was 2020
currently prohibited then                       Cross GAA have come                            club. He lives locally and   is now at an end. We at
it is likely that that some                     up trumps again. The                           his sons are members         White’s Cross hope that,
arrangements to live                            fact that a number of                          of our underage club.        for everybody, it will be a
stream the draw will be                         our local businesses                           His experience and local     peaceful and prosperous
made.                                           have spent more of the                         knowledge make him an        new year!
                                                time closed in 2020 than                       ideal fit for the position
The      draw    tickets                        they have trading has not                      as he/we seek to build
themselves           are                        hindered their generous                        on the progress we have
currently in circulation                        supporting of the White's                      made.
and available from all                          Cross GAA Christmas
members. Once again,                            Draw and for that we are                       Though    the   season
they remain great value                         hugely grateful.                               ended disappointingly at

       Coláiste an Phiarsaigh, Gleann Maghair, Co. Chorcaí              @colanphiarsaigh

                      Scoth Scoláire Bl.6 2020                                             Duaiseanna Ardteiste 2020

Thuas an Príomhoide in éineacht le Tomás Ó Lonergáin ag glacadh le bonn
óir agus corn do Scoth Scoláire Bl.6 2020. Comhghairdeas a Thomáis.

Thuas; Michael Olden a thug caint uaidh faoi shláinte in�nne le daltaí Bl.4

                   Seachtain Eolaíochta 2020

                                                                                     Thuas: Comhghairdeas le: Aoife Ní Mhainnín, Teangeolaí
                                                                                     Sinsearach na Bliana fara Iníon Ní Bhreathnach. Kaela Ní
                                                                                     Leannacháin Ní Bhrádaigh, Ealaíontóir Sinsearach na
                                                                                     Bliana fara Iníon Nic Suibhne. Síomha Ní Mhearáin,
                                                                                     Ceoltóir Sinsearach na Bliana fara Iníon Ní Riordáin agus
Daltaí I mbun turgnaimh I rith Seachtain Eolaíochta 2020 a bhí eagraithe ag          Natalia Ní Shochrú fara An Máis�r Ó Laighin, L.P.O ag
múinteoirí eolaíochta na scoile faoi bhráíd na ndaltaí.                              glacadh le Teastas Comhairle na Cathrach [6 bliana
                                                                                     scolaíochta gan aon lá scoile caillte]


                         #20X20 #ShowYourStripes
                         New members always

                                                                                            “Christmas 2020 is one like we have          my Christmas. My daughter is 5 and we
                                       Sarsfields Camogie Notes                             never had before! This is Riley's            gave up on Santa every year because
                                                                                            favourite time of the year, and his love     she is so terrified of him, hysterical at
                                                                                            for Christmas is still as strong as ever.    the sound of his voice even. However
                                                                                            So when our local GAA club, Sarsfields       at Sars she was so mesmerised by the
                                                                                            Hurling Club organised a drive thru          elves who couldn’t have been kinder
                                                                                            Santa for the kids, we were so delighted     to her, she got out of the car and sat
                                                                                            to be able to book in.                       and chatted to Santa. Myself and my
                                                                                                                                         husband are still in shock. Absolutely
                                                                                                                                         incredible work was put into this
                                                                                                                                         experience and it was so personal and
                                                                                                                                         comfortable, no one rushing you away
                                                                                                                                         or hurrying you on, so accommodating!!
                                                                                                                                         A huge thank you to the lovely Santa &
                                                                                                                                         Mrs Claus who have finally ignited the
                                                                                                                                         magic of Christmas for my daughter, ye
What a magical few weeks we                    willingly give up their time in the run up                                                have made our year” (Donna Duggan &
had in Sarsfields Hurling Club,                to Christmas, to fulfil the various roles.                                                Family)
Glanmire!                                      We had many volunteers from stewards,
                                               kitchen staff, photographers, elves, Mrs
The highlight of any year for children         Claus, Santa, along with handymen,
is the annual trip to see Santa. It was        electrician, present packers etc.. Every
noted by one of our members that there         single person from the entry to the exit
were very few Santa events happening           point gave 100%, the Christmas spirit
this year due to Covid 19 restrictions.        was truly palpable.
With this in mind, we got a group
together and decided to run a Drive            I think it is fair to say that it was a
                                                                                                         Riley and Willow
Thru Santa event. We are extremely             resounding success from start to finish.     Tonight was the night for our visit, and                       Aoife
fortunate as a club, to have the space         But don’t take our word for it!!! Have a     they have just made sure this guy had
to enable us to do this in a safe manner       read of the amazing reviews below.           the most magical experience of all time.
during these challenging times.                                                             From the very first person we met on
                                                                                            the gate, to Mrs Claus, the Elves, and of
Of course, the reality is in order to have a                                                course Santa, Riley was mesmerised.
WOW event for the kids it needed to be                                                      While the experience was set up to be
a magical production, which in turn led                                                     covid friendly (which it 100 percent
to high costs. In an effort to keep prices                                                  was) it was also the most amazing
down for families, we reached out to                                                        autism friendly experience.
some local businesses to get involved.                                                      Each person took the time to speak to
The businesses in our vicinity are always                                                   Riley, and him not being able to answer                        Zach
a great supporter of our club, many of                                                      back was never an issue. Willow was
which have been hit hard this year, with                                                    welcomed with open arms, and was
closures etc. but this didn’t stop them                                                     right by Riley's side to make sure he was
getting involved and helping out.                                                           calm. The lights and the decorations
                                                                                            had him from the get go! Santa and his
A massive thanks to our two main                                                            elves were absolutely amazing. And it
sponsors, Eric from Axis Marquees                                                           was all done at his own pace!
& James White from EZ Living                                                                Tonight in our house it finally feels like
Interiors. Also special mention to                             Mrs Claus                    Christmas, and one little boy has gone
O’ Flynn Construction, Woodland                “14 years going to see Santa - Blarney,      to bed counting down the sleeps until                      Delaney Family
Print, MCK Electrical, DISC, OK Tool           Fota, Waterford, all the farms etc you       Santa comes!
Hire, Phelans Chemist, Crowley &               name it we have been there..... but i        Thank you to everyone in Sars!” (Nicole,
Co, Vision Construction, Greenstar,            have never felt the magic like I did in      Riley & Willow the dog)
Calnan Containers, IPL, Fota Resort,           Sars while ago. Granted knowing all the
Castlemartyr Resort & our local Credit         superstars of tonight deffo helps but to     “Conor really enjoyed his visit to Santa
Union. Without the generosity of these         see the look on my sons face when they       this evening! I really can’t get over how
businesses this event would not have           threw in personal info about his beloved     well done it was from the moment we
been the success it turned out to be.          Barca, his training etc honestly brought     drove in…all the way through. So
                                               a tear to my eye. He was mesmerised.         Christmassy & magical. Everybody
Our juvenile club also launched a              And this is why ‘shopping local’ in an       involved was just so lovely. Thank you                     Edwards Family
fantastic new café at the Club, “the           amazing community is so fantastic you        so much to all of the helpers, the elves,    We had the pleasure of witnessing many
scoreboard café”, supplying our guests         just can’t beat it!                          Mrs Claus & Santa Claus. Excellent!!         children, parents, grannies & grandads
with delicious hot chocolate, teas,            Thank you so much to everyone                Can’t wait to see the photos” (Niamh O’      leave the grounds, with a glint in their
speciality coffees and yummy treats.           involved - see ye next year” (Eimear O’      Mahony & family)                             eye and a smile on their face. This
This facility will be invaluable to our        Connell & Family)                                                                         could not have been achieved without
club going forward, run by our parents                                                      “Would just like to say thank you to all     the help of the wider community. As
for our parents and kids….who doesn’t          “Went to Santa in Sars tonight with          involved. Everyone from the minute we        a wise man once said “Teamwork is the
love a hot drink whilst watching our           my husband and youngest son. After           entered the gate of Sars were fantastic.     lynchpin in our long term success.”
future GAA stars training and playing          the year we have all had I didn’t think      We thoroughly enjoyed it and have
matches!!!                                     it possible to achieve a real Santa          been talking about it since. I was afraid    Sarsfields Hurling Club is extremely
                                               experience or to even get to see Santa       this year that we would miss out but if      fortunate to be at the heart of a
From the outset our aim was to bring           this year. I want to say a huge thank        anything it was more memorable than          very special Community.
a little cheer to our local community          you to everyone involved in giving us        any other visit to Santa. Many thanks
given the difficult year it has been for       an amazing time. From start to finish it     again. (Anthea O’ Brien & Family)
all. It was heart-warming to see so            was just outstanding. Thank you” (Ann-
many members of our Hurling and                Marie O Sullivan & Family)                   “We are not long home from Sars Drive
Camogie Club, both young and old,                                                           Thru Santa, it has well and truly made

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 In Memoriam                                                    All proceeds go to the charity
 If you want to place an anniversary memorial,
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 Nora (Nonie) Allen
 Fourth Anniversary
 3rd Jan 2017
 Always in our thoughts
 Jerry, Breda, Grandchildren,
 Great-Grandchildren and Great-

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 Glanmire Library is currently closed until further notice. In the meantime why not use our online
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 all free with your library card. Those with an interest in history can browse Cork Past and Present, our
 Interactive Timeline 1918 to 1923, or browse our online exhibitions. If you are not a library member
                                                              already, you can now join the library online. This will
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Book Review                 with Máire                        your library account online. All links are available from
                                                              our homepage at
Jog On: How Running Saved my Life
Bella Mackie                                                  Local History                     with Michael

Bella Mackie is a freelance journalist from London.           Cycling In Cork in the 1890s
By the time she reached her thirties she was divorced         These 1898 Cork advertisements illustrate that the bicycle had evolved
and struggling with a crippling anxiety which left her        from the humble bone shaker to a very efficient means of transport. Early
clung to the couch.                                           cycling machines such as the penny farthing acquired their name
She surprised herself by one day going out for a run. It      because the larger front wheel resembled one penny and the smaller rear
didn't last long but it made her feel good enough to go       wheel was similar to that of a farthing coin of the period. These simple
again and again.                                              straight forward engineered bikes had no brakes and the cyclist had to
Gradually she began to set herself goals; get to 5k, get to   pedal backwards to stop. The large front wheel with pedals attached was
5k within a certain time.                                     designed for speed on level ground. This worked in reverse when cycling
Mackie is very honest about her struggles with her            uphill as the front wheel was far too cumbersome to pedal under
worries and unease and how jogging helped reduce her          pressure. Another problem when cycling from this height was the danger
feelings of anxiety.                                          of falling which became known “as taking a header.” By 1884 The Irish
It's a witty and moving read.                                 Cycling Association (ICA) was established as cycling was now becoming
If you can't get a hard copy, Jog On is also available to     a very popular sport. Dunlop pneumatic tyres revolutionised cycling
download on BorrowBox.                                        although they had been first patented by William Thompson. John Boyd
                                                              Dunlop’s reinvention of the pumped wheel, the diamond frame and the
                                                              standard chain drive were some of the many advances which created the
                                                              bicycle boom of the 1890s.

Book Title Dingbats                                           As seen from these Cork bicycle advertisements a vast amount of
                                                              publicising occurred in Cork city. R. B. Baker was advertising Sparkbrook
                                                              cycles at a then considerable discount and Humber bicycles with the
                                                              latest Dunlop tyres were also on offer. J.T. Mulligan of King Street
                                                              announced that he was the only cycle agent providing free lessons. J.S.
                                                              Harley was the sole agent for the legendary Raleigh bicycle whilst the
                                                              Victoria Cycle & Motoring Co stocked American bicycles. Easy payment
                                                              schemes and bicycle hire ensured that a large outlay of money was no
                                                              longer required in order to obtain one. Radical advances in engineering
                                                              had now brought a newer, safer method of transport to the masses.

                                                                                                                             Michael Lenihan is
                                                                                                                             the author of 3
                                                                                                                             books; Cork
                                                                                                                             Burning, Timeless
                                                                                                                             Cork and Pure Cork

                                                                Dingbat Answers

                                                                1.Ring of Brightwater           11.Heidi
                                                                2. Howard's End.                12. The Tiger that came to Tea
                                                                3. Bring up the Bodies.         13. Middlemarch
                                                                4. Brighton Rock.               14. Northanger Abbey
                                                                5. To Kill a Mockingbird        15.War and Peace
                                                                6. Room on the Broom            16. Kidnapped
                                                                7. Ivanhoe.                     17.The Big Sleep
                                                                8. Far from the Madding Crowd   18. A Man for all Seasons
                                                                9. 50 Shades of Grey
                                                                10. 1984

     021 238 9795 

Caroline Bailey Editorial- Slimming World Consultant
Hi! My name is Caroline and
I began my Slimming World            In my first week of joining, I lost
journey on the 15th of January       5.5 pounds. I couldn’t believe
2020.                                how much delicious food I could
                                     eat and still lose weight. Theres
My total weight loss to date is      so many recipes and meals you
5 stone 1.5lbs. I have always        can make ‘Guilt Free’ and still
battled with my weight before I      manage to bring the scales down
joined Simming World. I had no       in numbers. Two of our favourite
confidence and I was constantly      family meals are Chicken Curry
putting myself down. I couldn’t      and Spaghetti Bolognese which
even look at myself in the mirror    are completely on plan meals.
without feeling horrible.            A normal week for me before
                                     Slimming World, would have
                                     consisted       of    takeaways,
                                     sweets,     fatty   foods      and
                                     regular trips to the deli buying
                                     the unhealthiest option possible.

                                     The new me, now plans all my
                                     meals in advance, sticks to
                                     my ‘Free’ and ‘Speed’ foods
                                     religiously while doing my food
                                     shopping and I then use my ‘Syns’
                                     for the evening time as that is my
                                     trigger time for something sweet.

                                     I    was    so    nervous     and
                                     insecure about walking in to my
                                     first group meeting but I couldn’t
                                     have felt more welcomed and
                                     supported by everybody there.
                                     Staying in group was the key for
                                     me. The amount of support I
                                     received every week was crucial
                                     to my relationship with food
                                     and my goals. My consultant
                                     was always only a call away
                                                                            Virtual Classes
                                     if I ever needed her outside of       only due to COVID
                                     group times. I knew not even a
I am the lead singer of the band     pandemic would stop me from              restrictions
Sparkle, which requires a lot        reaching where I wanted to be
of energy and jumping around,        this year.
but by the end of 2019 I would                                                GLANMIRE
stand ridged on stage as moving      Since losing weight the benefits
around caused me to become too       are endless. It has been the          Vienna Woods Hotel
breathless to breath. Even going     best choice I ever made. My
up the stairs at home was a          confidence has sky rocketed                Wednesday
challenge.                           watching the number on the
                                     scales reduce weekly, being able       afternoon/evening
I had a routine check-up with
my GP early January 2020 and
                                     to buy smaller sized clothes is
                                     amazing, my overall health is so       Call Caroline on
she said that if I didn’t control
my weight I would be at high
                                     much better and my fitness is at
                                     the best it's ever been.
                                                                             0858 527722
risk for diabetes. The moment I                                            New consultant from
heard this I knew I had to make      Slimming World has honestly
a serious lifestyle change for not   changed my life for good and I           6th January
only myself but to keep up with      can't wait to help other people
my 8-year daughter Ellie.            achieve their dreams like I have.
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