UJ Council Chair Mike Teke shares his insights on the role of Alumni

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UJ Council Chair Mike Teke shares his insights on the role of Alumni
ISSUE #3    July 2019                                                   OFFICIAL UJ ALUMNI MAGAZINE

           UJ Launches
           Certificates                         UJ Council Chair Mike Teke
                                                       shares his insights
                                                     on the role of Alumni

            World rugby           UJ Alumnus becomes       Nobel prize winner
            breakthrough player   Vice-Chancellor of the   received honorary
            of the year           University of Venda      doctorate
UJ Council Chair Mike Teke shares his insights on the role of Alumni
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UJ Council Chair Mike Teke shares his insights on the role of Alumni
CONTENTS                                                                                                   3
                                                                                                                  UJ Council Chair
                                                                                                                  Mike Teke shares
                                                                                                                  his insights on the
                                                                                                                  role of Alumni

         6     UJ tackles fraud by pioneering Digital Certificates and a virtual qualification
               verification system within Africa.

       8    Angelo Kehayas, CEO of Profweb
       10 Lesiba Mosehla, public health administrator, educator and politician
       11 Melina Mutambaie Katende, Emerging Scholar Award
       12 Dr Colinda Linde, Clinical Psychologist and Chairperson of SADAG                                        The Vice-Chancellor,
                                                                                                                  Prof Marwala
       14 UJ Alumnus, Dr Bernard Nthambeleni, becomes Vice-Chancellor
               of the University of Venda                                                                         emphasizes on
                                                                                                                  the importance
         15    Nomndeni Mdakhi,entrepreneur and woman empowerment coach
                                                                                                                  of social sciences
         17    Karl Muller, international tax specialist at Unilever                                              in the Fourth
         18    Limpopo born alumni are rocking the mining industry                                                Industrial

         20    UJ’s influential alumni cocktail dinner
         23    Applied informations systems first alumni breakfast
         24    Soweto Science Centre, engaging high school students within the community
         25    Close to 8000 high school learners visit the Art Centre
         26    UJ Choir making moves within industry                                                              World rugby
                                                                                                                  player of the year,
         29    Prof Saurabh Sinha, digital research and innovation institutes future of education                 Aphiwe Dyanti
         30    Prof Thaddeus Metz, man vs machine, the ontology of machine rationality
         36    Prof Reinout Meijboom, serendipity and opportunities in chemistry

         37    Robert Michael “Bobby” Godsell, together let us build this beloved South Africa

         38    Andrew Jackson Young Jr, civil rights activist
         40    An honorary doctorate in recognition of technological innovation, President Xi Jinping
         41    Katherine Johnson, NASA pioneer and African-American icon
         42    Prof Ben Feringa, Chemistry Nobel Prize winner
                                                                                                                  Prof Mercy
                                                                                                                  digital technologies

Editorial Team                                                                                                    and customer

In this edition, you will find some of UJ’s recent success stories, that is why the
magazine is called ALUMNI IMPUMELELO, which means success in IsiZulu. Through
this publication we take time to celebrate some Illustrious Alumni, Events, Research

and Honorary Doctorates. We invite you to follow us on social media and update
your contact details on the UJ website. This will allow us to re-connect with you and
for you to share in UJ’s journey. This journey includes positioning UJ as a leader in
the Fourth Industrial Revolution.

                                                                                                                  Prof Sarah Gravett,
                                                                                                                  preparing children for
                                                                                                                  the Fourth Industrial

From left: Dr Tinus van Zyl, Prof Kinta Burger, Mr Lubuto Kalenga, Mr Nell Ledwaba
                                                                                                        ALUMNI IMPUMELELO   1
UJ Council Chair Mike Teke shares his insights on the role of Alumni
UJ Council Chair Mike Teke shares his insights on the role of Alumni
UJ Council Chair
                                                                              “Skills that are shared by the
                                                                              alumni with students, whether
                                                                              in time management, financial

           Mike Teke
                                                                              management, development of
                                                                              self-discipline and character, or in
                                                                              career management can be more
                                                                              easily trusted as direction and
                                                                              motivation by students”,
                                                                              explained Teke.

           shares his insights
                                                                              Rivalry in penetrating the
                                                                              workforce is becoming more

         on the role of Alumni
                                                                              intense as a result of a higher
                                                                              number of graduates in relation
                                                                              to a limited number of job
                                                                              openings. In the final year of their
                                                                              studies, alumni can aid students
                                                                              by mentoring them on available
ALUMNI HAVE AN                         communities and among the              career possibilities in the industry.
                                       youth of today. He wants all
IMPORTANT ROLE TO PLAY                 graduates, both privileged and         Teke emphasised that alumni
                                       those from an underprivileged          further have a big role to play in
IN UJ’S DEVELOPMENT.                   background, to understand the          assisting students to undergo work
                                       importance of being an alumnus.        experience in the organisations in
ALUMNI ARE MORE THAN                   To look back and be proud of their     which the alumni work.
JUST A DESCRIPTION. NOT                association with the institution
                                                                              Expertise and networking
                                       where they graduated.
ONLY IS IT A PART OF UJ’S                                                     Alumni can further contribute by
                                       A lifetime relationship with
AND YOUR PAST BUT ALSO                 the university
                                                                              rendering their expertise in their
                                                                              occupation as a guest lecturer,
A PART OF WHO YOU                      A graduate’s partnership with an       advisor in committees, and
                                       institution does not terminate with    collaborating partners in projects
ARE TODAY.                             their graduation day. Yes, it is a     with the university.
We spoke to the University of          breakthrough event, but ultima-
                                                                              “In the field of industry research”,
Johannesburg’s (UJ) Council            tely it is really a transformation
                                                                              said Teke, “alumni can open doors
Chairperson, Mr Mike Teke, about       into a lifetime relationship with
                                                                              for a university to enter into
                                       a university.
the important role an institution’s                                           industry networks in the spirit of
alumni play in university              “I read somewhere that it begins       collaborative working. This opens
development.                           with interest and responsibility, it   possibilities for the university to
                                       continues with relationships that      advance in a particular industry
A historical disadvantage
                                       are worthwhile, and it ends with       by applying the theories that
One of the challenges faced by         benefit for all”, he said.             have been examined with other
South African universities is that     That begs the question, what           industry specialists”.
many people have a preconceived        role do alumni have to play in         Don’t miss out! Be a part of
idea that being an alumnus is          university development? Every
reserved for the rich and famous.                                             UJ’s future, today
                                       alumnus has undergone the
Historically, it was perceived as      journey from being a student to        “UJ Alumni are part of a truly
a boys’ club of sorts where your       becoming a graduate, therefore         special family”, said Teke. “The
societal status informed               there is potential for alumni          Council values your continued
your membership.                       to contribute to a university in       interest in the existence and
                                       various ways and scale.                development of your University”.
“Being part of such reunion groups
has never been essential to African    Role models and motivation             He stressed that it is not about
traditions”, said Teke. “And that is                                          giving money, but about giving
possibly why so many of today’s        Alumni are powerful role models        your time. It is about giving back
youth do not truly understand          and are usually readily received
                                                                              to the institution that played a role
what it means to be an alumnus.”       by students. Alumni bring with
                                                                              in your development.
                                       them trustworthiness and
For this reason, Teke believes         approval as part of a prosperous       Contact the UJ Alumni office
that institutions are responsible      university, having been there and      and let us know what you can do
for ensuring that the traditions of    struggling with similar challenges     to play a role in the University’s
creating alumni are spread into        encountered by the students.           development.

                                                                                              ALUMNI IMPUMELELO       3
UJ Council Chair Mike Teke shares his insights on the role of Alumni
The Vice
                         The human touch is as important          “So, although many jobs will
                         as ever in the technological age,        be replaced by AI, it can never
                         says Vice-Chancellor and Principal,      replace those that require the

Chancellor,              Professor Tshilidzi Marwala

                         The University of Johannesburg is
                                                                  human touch. Thus, the social
                                                                  sciences remain an important
                                                                  component in technology-oriented

Prof Marwala
                         keenly embracing the opportunity         courses”, he said, adding: “When
                         to create courses that prepare new       I studied medical engineering, I
                         generations for future jobs that         also needed to incorporate human

emphasizes               have yet to be invented, driven by
                         the Fourth Industrial Revolution,
                         says UJ’s Vice-Chancellor (VC),
                                                                  resource sciences into the degree.
                                                                  Social sciences are important for
                                                                  engineers serving in a public

the importance           Prof Tshilidzi Marwala.
                         Advancements in technology
                                                                  role especially.”
                                                                  The VC’s reading club

of social                “Just 28 years ago, there was no
                         Internet, no cellphone. Consider
                                                                  Prof Marwala is spearheading
                                                                  several important programmes
                         how dramatically the world has
sciences in the          changed since that time, and how
                         quickly it is changing now. UJ, as
                                                                  at UJ this year, including the
                                                                  VC’s reading club in which
                                                                  students are invited to read books

                         an international university, must        recommended, including
                         adapt to this change, and prepare        AI Super-Powers China, Silicon
                         our graduates not only to survive,       Valley, and the New World Order

                         but to thrive”, said Prof Marwala in     by Kai-Fu Lee; 21 Lessons for the
                         an interview with Alumni.                21st Century by Yuval Noah Harari;
                                                                  Thinking Fast and Slow by Daniel

                         Fortunately, thanks to advanced
                         technology today, these adaptive         Kahneman; The Fourth Industrial
                         changes at UJ are well within            Revolution by Klaus Schwab;
                         reach financially, assured Prof          Eichmann in Jerusalem by
                         Marwala. “It is much easier to write     Hannah Arendt.
                         a piece of software than create          “The Fourth Industrial Revolution
                         a manufacturing firm. The initial        requires us to be continual learners,
                         capital outlay was much higher for       and that means constant reading
                         the first, second and third industrial   and learning. The only thing that
                         revolutions”, he said.                   comes without effort is sleep”,
                         Addressing the position of Africa        he said.
                         in the technological age, Prof           Another important project is UJ’s
                         Marwala gave the example of              Africa Biography Programme, the
                         M-Pesa, a mobile phone-based             writing of 10 books over five years
                         money transfer, financing and            that will feature South African
                         microfinancing service invented in       luminaries such as Helen Suzman
                         Kenya. “Kenya was the first country      and Miriam Makeba.
                         in the world to invent digital
                         money. It is a good example of           An international approach
                         the innovation that can and does
                                                                  In maintaining UJ’s track record
                         happen on our continent”, he said.
                                                                  as a top university, Prof Marwala
                         The importance of the                    said the heads of departments
                         human touch                              were all looking to improve
                                                                  student success, at the same time
                         The questions facing universities,       the University was focusing on
                         meanwhile, are: How many jobs            furthering its international profile
                         are going to change and what             by attracting more students from
                         are they? What jobs will be              all over the world. “The general
                         eliminated, and how many new             idea is to bring students here from
                         jobs will be created in future? “A       countries as far as China, while
                         doctor today is not the same as          continually improving our online
                         a doctor 30 years ago. Today,            courses, which are available across
                         artificial intelligence (AI) can read    all the faculties”, he said.
                         and interpret medical images,
                         and a doctor needs to understand          “The aim is to have 20% of staff to
                         this technology. More than this, a       be international by the year 2025,
                         doctor needs empathy to deal with        and 15% of UJ’s students to be
                         patients, something AI                   international by the year 2020”,
                         cannot replicate.”                       he said.

UJ Council Chair Mike Teke shares his insights on the role of Alumni
Equip yourself with the latest insights to make an impact in
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This masterclass is the definitive introduction to blockchain for a non-developer audience - whether you are
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Making better decisions under pressure
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                                                                                                      ALUMNI IMPUMELELO   5
UJ Council Chair Mike Teke shares his insights on the role of Alumni
UJ tackles fraud by pioneering Digital
Certificates and a virtual qualification
verification system within Africa.

UJ tackles fraud by pioneering        qualification verification system        parties or prospective employers,
digital certificates and a virtual    that will enable its graduates to        at no cost to both parties.”
qualification verification system     access their qualifications digitally.
                                                                               The online system has been
within Africa
                                      Says the Senior Director of              introduced further to increase
A first for South Africa              Central Academic Administration,         security features related to the
                                      Dr Tinus van Zyl: “Not only              certification processes in order to
The University of Johannesburg        does this online system offer            prevent fraud, curb counterfeiting
is once again shifting frontiers      graduates access to their awarded        and to avoid fraudulent
by introducing more innovative        certification credentials securely       representation of awarded
virtual capabilities in real-time.    and electronically, but it also gives    qualifications.
In a first for a South African        the graduates access to share
university, UJ has now introduced     their qualification credentials for      “The digital certificate system
digital certification and a virtual   verification purposes with third         gives our alumni access to their

UJ Council Chair Mike Teke shares his insights on the role of Alumni
qualifications and put them in         The Registrar of UJ, Prof Kinta
control of who can verify their        Burger, pointed out that UJ’s
qualifications.” Key features          new digital certificate system
incorporated into the new system       further protects the University’s
are designed around international      certificates from fraud and
security standards and are
                                       preserve the reputation of the
compliant with legislation in terms
                                       University and the integrity
of the protection to personal
                                       of qualifications.
                                       Prof Burger concludes: “UJ is
“Once a third party or a
prospective employer requests to       committed to applying new
verify an awarded qualification, the   technologies either in the form
certificate holder must authorise      of artificial intelligence, machine
the access. UJ is constantly           learning or automation. This
reviewing and implementing             natural evolution brings about
security technologies to bring our     accessibility to technology and
clients the latest, cutting-edge       is only a small step as we are
systems and certification security     embracing the Fourth Industrial
features”, says Dr Van Zyl.            Revolution. We are pleased to
Included in the key features           offer this service to our alumni
which the new digital certificate      and at the same time protect UJ’s
system offers, is the ordering of      qualifications and reputation”.
lost or damaged certificates; the
                                       The introduction of digital
requesting of academic records or
transcript supplements; a secure       certificates follows the launch
online payment portal; an optional     of several online learning
delivery by courier (nationally or     programmes aimed at creating
internationally) and the validation    a generation of informed and
of awarded qualifications.             connected global citizens.


                                                       ALUMNI IMPUMELELO     7
UJ Council Chair Mike Teke shares his insights on the role of Alumni

                        Angelo Kehayas is the CEO of        Seasoned professional
                        ProfWeb, a consulting, coaching,
                                                            As such, he has served as external
                        and training company that he
                        founded in 1995. He has extensive   faculty lecturer for numerous
                        management, IT, consulting          business schools and universities.
                        and programme management            “My passion lies in developing
                        experience in large organisations   people, using change leadership,
                        the world over.                     training, coaching and mentoring
                                                            approaches. I am able to grasp

Angelo Kehayas
                                                            and deal with complexity and
                                                            diversity, and to devise and
                                                            implement strategies using a
                                                            systemic and holistic approach”,
                                                            says Angelo, who has presented
                                                            and spoken at numerous local

CEO of Profweb
                                                            and international events, and
                                                            has designed, coordinated and
                                                            delivered numerous conferences,
                                                            including two international
                                                            ICMCI events.

                                                            Angelo is a Bachelor of Science
                                                            graduate with two diplomas
                                                            in business management (one
                                                            postgraduate) and an MBA. He
                                                            matriculated at Roosevelt High,
                                                            Johannesburg, in 1972, and in
                                                            1977 graduated from UJ (then
                                                            Rand Afrikaans University) with
                                                            BSc Maths and Theoretical
                                                            Physics, which he accomplished
                                                            with distinction. To get formal
                                                            training in computer science, he
                                                            completed nine modules of a
                                                            diploma in Datametrics at the
                                                            University of South Africa, then
                                                            10 years later did a one-year
                                                            Diploma in Business Management
                                                            from Damelin College, where he
                                                            was voted top Damelin student of
                                                            1989. Angelo completed his MBA
                                                            at Henley University, London in
                                                            Studies at UJ

                                                            “It was at UJ where I started to
                                                            believe in myself. The Socratic
                                                            teaching style there was conducive
                                                            to academics and students
                                                            working together, and I always
                                                            felt I was treated with respect
                                                            and dignity”, Angelo recalls,
                                                            adding that although his home
                                                            language is Greek, he became
                                                            fluent in Afrikaans, “to the extent
                                                            that my lecturers couldn’t tell the
                                                            difference between myself and a
                                                            native Afrikaans speaker”.

After his two years of army training     knowledge really exploded”,               which is the holistic training
in the SA Defence Force, Angelo          he says.                                  of people in various corporate
worked for Olivetti as an analyst/                                                 management capacities to
programmer and operating system          In the early 90s, Angelo was senior       reach their full potential”, he
                                         IT manager at Spoornet and SA             says. Angelo has since brought
specialist. In 1985, he started Archon
                                         Rail Commuter Corporation, but            his expertise to a broad range
Computer Products, importers and
                                         was soon headhunted by IBM to             of industries, including mining,
distributors of home computers,
                                         head up its consulting services.          services, telecommunications,
as well as Progressive Products,
                                         Then in 1995, he founded BAI              financial services, manufacturing,
consultants on networks and
                                         Consulting Group, a professional          group procurement, parastatals,
business systems.                        management consulting operation.          transportation, distribution,
Career development                       Besides BAI, Angelo established           and others.
                                         numerous IT companies in the
In 1989, he joined Deloitte (at the      Cinergi Group, including a                He now spends much of his time
time Deloitte and Touche) as a           call centre and e-commerce                delivering keynotes, coaching
senior consultant in its performance     ventures including ProfWeb                executives and entrepreneurs
improvement unit.                        and FreelanceHR. “I found my              and developing new
“It was at Deloitte that my business     true calling around this time,            training material.

                                                                                   King William’s Town in 2011, said it
                                                                                   was “a massive opportunity” and
                                                                                   that he was fully focused on
                                                                                   making the most of it.
                                                                                   Studies at UJ

                                                                                   After being deemed too small for
                                                                                   school rugby, he decided to play
                                                                                   soccer when he started studying
                                                                                   a BCom in Marketing at the
                                                                                   University of Johannesburg (UJ)
                                                                                   in 2012. He focused on his studies
                                                                                   and only became involved in rugby
                                                                                   again when his residence mates
                                                                                   persuaded him to help in the

                                                                                   varsity’s koshuis league. “I did play
                                                                                   a few times, but it was purely for
                                                                                   fun”, recalled Dyantyi.
PLAYER OF THE YEAR                                                                 University rugby

Aphiwe Dyanti
                                                                                   “But the next thing, UJ asked me if
                                                                                   I didn’t want to focus more on the
                                                                                   game and to try out for the U19s.
                                                                                   The management at UJ was very
                                                                                   good, but it still took me a while
                                                                                   to warm to the idea. Eventually,
In November 2018, Aphiwe Dyantyi         to be a nominee and to be a part
                                                                                   I was offered a sports bursary and
was named the World Rugby                of this. I’ve always watched people
                                                                                   as I was looking at the time for an
Breakthrough Player of the Year at       get these accolades, and I never          academic bursary, I thought this
the World Rugby Awards that took         really thought or imagined I’d be         was a win-win situation. So,
place at the Salle des Etoiles in        the one sitting here right now. For       I decided it could do no harm
Monte Carlo, Monaco.                     any youngster, sports as a platform       and gave it a go”.
                                         allows them to express themselves.
A first for South Africa                 For me that’s a great platform, it        Professional rugby
                                         puts a smile on my face. When I’m
This award comes after a season                                                    The rest, as they say, is history,
                                         on the field, it’s playtime, fun time”,
that saw him score six tries in                                                    and Dyantyi has steadily moved
                                         said Dyantyi, after receiving his
thirteen appearances for the South                                                 through the ranks, graduating
                                         award at the glamorous ceremony.
Africa national team. He is the                                                    from the Varsity Cup to become
fourth winner of this award and the      School rugby                              a key player for the Lions Super
first South African.                                                               Rugby franchise last year and
                                         Born in the small Eastern Cape town       ultimately being crowned the
“I’m still shaking from disbelief, but   of Ngcobo, the 24-year old, who           Breakthrough Player of the Year
above everything, I feel honoured        matriculated at Dale College in           in November 2018.

                                                                                                   ALUMNI IMPUMELELO      9
Lesiba Mosehla, 51, is the manager       performing duties”,                    to train as a teacher, sponsored by
of intersectoral collaboration and       says Lesiba.                           his sister who had just entered the
policy at the Department of Health                                              nursing profession. He became a
                                         Humble beginings
(DOH) in Limpopo, a position he                                                 teacher in 1992, and also enrolled
has held for 15 years since leaving      Lesiba was born in Tshwane             as a distance learner in a Further
Olifantsdrift Primary School             and raised by his maternal             Diploma in Education (FDE)
(now Ditloung Primary School)            grandparents in Mapela Village,        Management with UJ (then Rand
as its principal.                        in the Waterberg district in the       Afrikaans University). Afterwards,
                                         Limpopo province. He attended          he did a Bachelor of Education
“I see myself as a person who has        Mapela Primary School, then            degree, specialising in curriculum
the ability to make a difference in      Mantutule High School where he         development, also as a
people at the lowest level, despite      matriculated in 1988. “At school,      distance learner.
being at a higher level. I have          I wanted to go to the army, then
remained an educator of note,                                                   Studies at UJ
                                         I wanted to be a pilot. In Grade
with community members and               11 we were abruptly switched to        “I had a passionate curriculum
former learners appreciating my          humanities due to strikes that led     lecturer who introduced me to
contribution in their lives”, he says.   to our maths and science teachers      the sabre-toothed curriculum, an
                                         running away from the school.          ageless existentialist curriculum
In his provincial government
                                         I started writing letters to the       paradigm. UJ has a highly
seat, which he took in 2002, he
                                         then president of Black Lawyers        organised, well-resourced library,
coordinates planning within the
                                         Association, Ntate Petje, as I         and on Fridays, I would leave the
DOH in line with national and
                                         aspired to be a lawyer”, he recalls.   library around 11 pm without even
provincial priorities and provides
technical support for policy                                                    noticing it was late … I miss UJ,
                                         Lesiba repeated his matric to get a
development. “I am ethical, and                                                 the campus and its ambiance”,
                                         university exemption to study law,
would go to extra lengths to ensure                                             says Lesiba.
                                         but because of a lack of funding,
that ethical conduct is upheld in        he enrolled at Mokopane College        Lesiba went on to do four
                                                                                modules of an LLB at Unisa,
                                                                                before enrolling in 2011 for his

Lesiba Mosehla:
                                                                                Master of Public Administration
                                                                                at the University of Limpopo,
                                                                                again as a distance learner.

Public health administrator,
                                                                                In 2000, he became one of the first
                                                                                councillors of the Mogalakwena
                                                                                Municipality in Limpopo, following

educator and politician.
                                                                                the phasing out of the Transitional
                                                                                Local Councils (TLCs) where he
                                                                                was serving as the deputy chair
                                                                                of the Lephalale TLC. His political
                                                                                activism and participation in the
                                                                                life of the Lephalale community
                                                                                earned him a street named after
                                                                                him there, Lesiba Mosehla Street.
                                                                                A leader in transformation

                                                                                Lesiba takes pride in leading
                                                                                South Africa’s transformation
                                                                                agenda in his different capacities
                                                                                and platforms, and lives by two
                                                                                dictums: ‘Remain higher than
                                                                                hope’ – Fatimah Meyer; and
                                                                                ‘Tumeloke Thebe’…meaning your
                                                                                faith is your strength. He still plans
                                                                                to establish his own law firm
                                                                                one day.

                                                                                He likes working with the elderly
                                                                                and disabled, he says. “It makes
                                                                                me appreciate the life cycle
                                                                                of humans and humanity in its
                                                                                diversity”, he says, adding, “I
                                                                                believe that humans can only
                                                                                survive along with plants and
                                                                                locusts/fauna/fish … as long as
                                                                                there is soil and water”.

Applied information systems Alumna,
Melina Mutambaie Katende
receives Emerging scholar award.
Melina Mutambaie Katende, a
former University of Johannesburg
student, has been selected as
a recipient of the Technology,
Knowledge and Society Research
Network Emerging Scholar Award
along with four other recipients
from the United States of America,
the Republic of India, and the
Republic of Cyprus.
Melina’s paper was accepted to be
presented at the 15th International
Conference on Technology,
Knowledge and Society, which
was held at ELISAVA Barcelona
School of Design and Engineering
in Barcelona, Spain in March
Studies at UJ
Melina started her studies at
UJ in 2008. She completed her
undergraduate degree, a BCom
in IT Management followed
by an Honours in Informatics.
She completed her master’s
dissertation in 2018 under the
supervision of Dr Shopee Dube
at UJ’s Department of Applied
Information Systems.
While furthering her studies,
Melina worked as an IT Business
Analyst and is well-versed in the
                                      a shared interest in the complex     Autonomous Organisations’
electronic payment and collections
                                      and subtle relationships between     was well rated and selected
space. Her experience ranges from
                                      technology, knowledge,               for presentation at the Third
African remittance systems, Know
                                      and society.                         International Conference on
Your Customer (KYC), financial
                                                                           the Internet, Cyber Security and
technology solutions (also            Representing UJ, Melina was also     Information Systems (ICICIS),
known as Fintech), payments to        appointed as chairperson in the      at the University of Botswana
customs clearing, and enterprise      themed panel sessions. This year,    Conference Centre in Gaborone.
resource planning.                    the conference themes focused
                                      on the Social Impact of Artificial   “The award and associated
The Conference
                                      Intelligence (AI): Policies and      conference provide strong
Awardees are invited to attend the    New Governance Models for            professional development
conference to present their work      Social Change.                       opportunities for budding career
and play a critical organisational                                         academics”, said Melina. “The
role in the conference by leading     Melina was also shortlisted to       ability to meet and interact with
discussions, chairing parallel        present at the International         experts in the field and socialising
sessions, and helping in session      Business Conference in Mauritius.    with colleagues from other parts of
rooms. Founded in 2005, the           Melina’s research paper on ‘IT       the world create lasting networks
conference is brought together by     Governance in Decentralised          and connections”.

                                                                                          ALUMNI IMPUMELELO   11
Dr Colinda Linde
     a clinical psychologist and chairperson of SADAG.

Dr Colinda Linde is a                    of 11, she had read about clinical      see a range of what can go wrong
Johannesburg-based clinical              psychology and was certain that         in a brain/psyche close up”.
psychologist specialising in             this was what she wanted to do.
Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT),                                               She graduated in 1993, at only 24,
with 26 years of experience. She         After matriculating in 1986, she        and started work as a resident
is also chairperson and a director       enrolled for a psychology degree        psychologist at a place of safety in
of the SA Depression and Anxiety         (including genetics) at Wits            Pretoria, and then in Durban, with
Group (SADAG), and created               University, relying on a student        a part-time practice on a weekend.
“TheCBTgroup”, a group of mental         loan for undergraduate studies.         She opened a full practice in
health care professionals focusing       Afterward, she enrolled at UJ (then     1995, and in 1997, returned to
on CBT for various ages                  RAU) for her Honours in Psychology      Johannesburg to continue her
and disorders.                           and Master’s in Clinical Psychology.    practice, still working from a CBT
                                                                                 framework. She became involved
A first for South Africa                 “The head of department at that
                                                                                 with SADAG, as patient education
                                         time had been trained in CBT in
In 2013, Colinda launched the                                                    and advocacy is a strong driver
                                         the US and it resonated strongly
first CBT self-help website in                                                   for her, and was elected to their
                                         with me. I received CBT training
SA, www.thoughtsfirst.com, and                                                   board, becoming its chairperson
                                         from him, and in addition to the
over the past two years she has                                                  eight years ago. She has trained
                                         formal course work, I did my
teamed up with author and high-                                                  several SADAG psychologists in
                                         master’s dissertation using CBT. I
performance executive coach, Neil                                                CBT, which she says is the most
                                         was fortunate to be selected for a
Bierbaum, to co-found and co-                                                    effective therapeutic intervention
                                         master’s at age 22, and there was
author the Practical Mindfulness                                                 for anxiety and depression.
                                         a degree of challenge being the
programme, online course and
                                         ‘baby’ in the group age-wise, but       Colinda has attended several
book (www.practicalmindfulness.
                                         I was delighted to have no gaps         international congresses and
co.za). Currently, she is creating
                                         or pauses in my studies”,               received training in the US as well
practical online self-help courses
                                         recalls Colinda.                        as locally, mostly in CBT and more
for assertion, sleep disorders, stress
management, panic, generalised           UJ lecturers showed flexibility         recently in mindfulness enhanced
anxiety, panic disorder, social                                                  CBT. “This has been a winning
                                         UJ was a smaller and more               combination of working with
anxiety, among others.
                                         contained campus than Wits, and         the mind at multiple levels, and
Born and raised in Johannesburg,         being the 80s, quieter, she recalls.    achieving lasting change”, she says.
Colinda was a serious student            “I really enjoyed the flexibility
who loved school and became              lecturers showed, for example,          When her twins were born 16 years
an avid reader, with a special           teaching many of the courses            ago, she had to learn about work-
interest in biology and astronomy,       in English, even though it was          life balance and ended up putting
and later, physics based sci-fi          RAU, as many classes had up to          this into a book, Get the balance
and neuroscience. Her ambition           80% English speakers in them.           right − coping tips for working
as a child was to join NASA and          The lecturers were also really          mothers (2005, Metz Press).
become an astronaut, but she had         progressive, and many had trained
                                                                                 When Colinda is stressed she uses
                                                      and worked abroad, so
                                                                                 her own techniques, including daily
                                                      the experiences they
                                                                                 meditation. “I also remind myself
                                                      shared were invaluable
                                                                                 of one of my favourite meditations,
                                                      for younger students
                                                                                 ‘the clouds are not the sky’ which
                                                      like me who had not
                                                                                 is all about impermanence and
                                                      really travelled or been
                                                                                 surfing various emotions and
                                                      exposed to the rest of
                                                                                 circumstances rather than avoiding
                                         the world”, she says.
less than perfect vision, which is                                               or trying to escape from the
                                         Colinda did her internship at           uncomfortable ones. I will be a
required, and turned her attention
                                         Sterkfontein Hospital, where she        student all my life, and never tire of
to exploring the brain, the mind         volunteered to work in the closed       evolving myself and passing it on
and human behaviour. By the age          (psychosis) female ward. “I got to      to others”, she says.

                                                                                                 ALUMNI IMPUMELELO   13
UJ Alumnus becomes Vice-Chancellor
of the University of Venda,
Dr Bernard Nthambeleni
                                                                           Dr Nthambeleni was born
                                                                           and raised at a village called
                                                                           Madombidzha at Ha-Sinthumule,
                                                                           which is located about 70 km from
                                                                           the University in Thohoyandou, in
                                                                           the Limpopo province.
                                                                           Dr Nthambeleni completed his
                                                                           PhD in Sociology at UJ in 2008
                                                                           after graduating with a master’s
                                                                           degree in the same field in 1999.
                                                                           Prior to that, he completed an
                                                                           Honours degree in Industrial
                                                                           Sociology and a Bachelor of Arts
                                                                           in Sociology, in 1994 and 1993,
                                                                           respectively, at the University of
                                                                           Durban. He spent several years
                                                                           working at the National Research
                                                                           Foundation (NRF) in Pretoria,
                                                                           which gave him the opportunity to
                                                                           acquire managerial experience.
                                                                           New challenges lie ahead
                                                                           He considers his appointment
                                                                           as the Vice-Chancellor of one of
                                                                           South Africa’s growing universities
                                                                           as a defining moment in his
                                                                           career. Yet, he is cognizant of the
                                                                           challenges that lie ahead. Univen
                                                                           faces challenges of underfunding,
                                                                           inadequate infrastructure
                                                                           development, and other service
                                                                           delivery issues.
                                                                           “I am familiar with difficulties
                                                                           in these areas, which are quite
                                                                           similar in nature. A lot of change
                                                                           has taken place in the area and a
On 15 March 2019 University          “This is a special occasion for me,   new set of challenges has arisen,
                                     my family, and my community”,         which is different from the type of
of Johannesburg (UJ) alumnus,
                                     he said. “I am humbled by the trust   challenges experienced 20 years
Dr Bernard Nthambeleni, was
                                                                           ago”, said Dr Nthambeleni.
                                     that the university has bestowed on
inaugurated as the Vice-Chancellor
                                     me to lead this great institution”.   “I have been affiliated with the
and Principal of the University of
                                                                           university due to my role as a
Venda (Univen), making him the       Early career
                                                                           member of Council appointed by
fifth Vice-Chancellor of Univen      It is a historic occasion for the     the NRF, and I have been aware of
since it was established in 1982.    local community because               the achievements by the university.

I am glad that I did not come        its excellence in teaching and         30 NRF-rated researchers at the
here as a stranger to the issues     learning. We also have to prepare      University”, he said. “And these are
that the university is facing”.      our students to compete and            not the academics that we have
                                     benefit from the digital revolution    hired who were already rated”.
A vision for excellence
                                     that is brought by the Fourth          The state of education in SA
Dr Nthambeleni’s vision is to        Industrial Revolution”.
improve Univen’s academic and                                               “My biggest concern about the
research rankings and position       He believes that Univen has            state of our education system in
it among the top universities in     already made strides in becoming       the country is that we do not have
the country and on the continent.    one of the universities of choice in   a plan and good pipeline to ensure
“My vision is to position the        the country. “The only difference      that there is synergy between
University of Venda for impact.      between us and other universities      basic and higher education”.
The university has a big role        is that we have not been funded
                                     optimally in the past as compared      Fond memories of UJ
in providing to the needs of
the country by producing             to other institutions. Over the        Although he is now focused on
graduates that will meet the         former ten years, the University       growing Univen’s stature, Dr
human resources demands of           of Venda has made good                 Nthambeleni has fond memories
the country. The University of       advancement in terms of our            of UJ as “a great university” that
Venda should be known for            research output. To date, we boost     contributed to shaping his career.

Nomndeni Mdakhi is an                “I love creating brands and
entrepreneur with the                seeing ideas come to life,”
advancement of women at heart.       she says.
She has been instrumental in
founding a number of initiatives,    In 2016, Mdakhi established
                                     EDITS TALKS, a platform for
including Fuse Acadamy, a
                                     budding female entrepreneurs
deejaying school for girls
                                     to share their knowledge and
established in 2009 to help
                                     experiences, and learn from
more women to break into the
                                     successful role models in order
entertainment industry, and
                                     to improve their business
EDITS TALKS, which exposes
                                     acumen and grow.
female entrepreneurs to
business opportunities.              “We all know that starting
                                     a business can be a tricky
In 2011 Mdakhi established
                                     and lonely endeavour. For
                                     that reason, many look for a
a marketing agency helping
                                     mentor to support and guide
entertainers position their brands
                                     them during their new business
and leverage collaborative
                                     startup,” says Mdakhi.
opportunites with corporates.
This agency now specializes in       EDITS TALKS has been
creating insights-driven strategy    able to attract an excellent
for brands whose primary target      calibre of speakers, from all
audience are black females.          over the world, in the media,

                                                                                            ALUMNI IMPUMELELO    15
tech, finance, entertainment and        study costs, as I was raised by my   AGENDA WOMEN. “AGENDA
marketing sectors, to share their       mother’s side of the family and      WOMEN” is my life’s work. I am
knowledge. Mdakhi herself is            they had always taken care of me,”   excited to be embarking on this
often invited to speak about the        says Mdakhi.                         new journey. This is a global
opportunities available to black        Entering entrepreneurship            business that will not only touch
women in Africa.                                                             the lives of South African women
                                        Years later, Mdakhi had her first    but women around the world,”
“I realized from my own personal        child, now 13 years old. “I worked   she says.
experiences as a entrepreneur that      for Multichoice and Discovery in
there was a need to create spaces       a space of 2-3 years, but quickly    The importance of perseverance
where aspiring and established          realised it was not for me. So I
female entrepreneurs can feel safe                                           Perseverance is critical to success
                                        started my first business in 2009,
to share their stories and also learn                                        in business, she says. “It has
                                        the deejaying school for girls,”
from others,” she says.                 she says.                            certainly been key to my success.
                                                                             I never give up, and with maturity
Mdakhi was born and raised in           “The deejaying school was my         I have also learnt to allow the
the small town of Newcastle in          partner’s idea (DJ Oskido). For      universe to guide me to the next
Kwazulu-Natal. “When I was              me, it was the opportunity to get    thing. But I cannot imagine never
young I wanted to be a teacher.         started as an entrepreneur. We       getting up when defeated and
Then, from watching Generations,        didn’t know much about business      trying one more time,” she says.
I decided to be a marketer.             but we figured it out and the
They had an agency called New           school is still running eight        Africa, she says, is her other
Horizons on that soapie and I was       years later.”                        passion. “I would love to see
always fascinated by what they                                               Africans embrace the beauty of
                                        From this experience, she saw
did,” she recalls.                                                           our continent, wake up to the
                                        the need for an agency that
                                        understands corporate challenges     opportunities that exist and deeply
In 2001, Mdakhi moved to                                                     understand just how badass we are
                                        and needs as well as talent
Johannesburg to begin her studies                                            as Africans,” she smiles.
                                        potential and challenges. Thus
at UJ. “I never put any thought
                                        “Edits Communications”
to what it would cost. I just knew                                           Although Mdakhi did not graduate,
                                        was born.
that university was what was                                                 she has plans to study further in
expected of me. My grandmother          Recently, Mdakhi launched another    the near future. “I am keen to get
volunteered to take over my             empowerment platform called          an MBA,” she says.

Karl Muller (58) is a chartered           full time allowed me to pay my
accountant specialising in                own way through university”,
taxation, and is the International        says Karl.
Tax Director at Unilever Industry
                                          After completing his BCompt
and Trading Company based
                                          degree and BCompt (Hons)/CTA,
in Istanbul, Turkey, which
                                          he wrote and passed the PAAB
manufactures food products.
                                          Board exam in 1985, about the
Highly experienced and qualified          same time completing his articles.
                                          “I began immediately practising as
His focus at Unilever is on
                                          a chartered accountant. I really
corporate income tax, indirect
                                          enjoyed Income Tax, probably
taxes and transfer pricing. “I have
                                          because I like law more than
been in the fast moving consumer          accounting”, he says. In 1990,
goods industry since 2005, and            he obtained his MCom Taxation
have been fortunate enough to             degree cum laude, coming first in
spend time in both Singapore and          the class of 20.
Turkey in my current role as tax
director”, says Karl.                     In 2000 he enrolled for the HDip
                                          International Tax Law programme
Born in Pretoria, Karl grew up in         at the University of Johannesburg,
Centurion and attended Lyttleton          completing it cum laude in the
Primary School, then Grey College         same year. “I was exposed to an
where he matriculated in 1977. “I         excellent group of lecturers who
was a boarder at Grey College and         really contributed to my passing
it was there that I really learned to
become independent, and many
of the values I have were instilled

                                            KARL MULLER
there”, says Karl.

An average scholar who enjoyed
sport more than academics, Karl
nevertheless worked hard enough
to get university entrance. “Our

                                            international tax specialist at Unilever
headmaster always used to say,
‘all work and no play makes Jack a
dull boy’, but I probably overdid the
play part”, he laughs.

Karl aspired to becoming a pilot
after his first flight in a small         with distinction. It was very sad to    that are beyond my control.
private plane at the age of 10.           hear of the passing of Prof Lynette     And I don’t dwell on failures
“Unfortunately I failed my medical        Olivier, who was an inspiration”,       but see them as learning
in the selection process to join the      says Karl.                              opportunities”, he says.
South African Air Force and that
meant I had to consider other             Karl sees one of his strengths as       The future
options.” An aptitude test pointed        the ability to work on his own. “I’ve
                                                                                  Karl will be returning to South
him in the direction of economics,        always been a self-starter. UNISA
                                          is seen as tough because you’re         Africa in July to take on a different
so while doing his compulsory                                                     dimension of work for Unilever.
military training, he enrolled in         studying on your own, but doing
                                          it this way gave me much greater        “The tax world is changing and so
economics and private law at                                                      must multinationals, to deal with
                                          analytical and thinking skills, and
UNISA, paying for his studies with                                                not only the challenges of the
                                          enabled me to deal
his meagre military wages.                                                        fast changing tax environment,
                                          with complex issues without
Discovering his passion                   feeling overwhelmed. In the             but also the rapid changes in the
                                          business arena, this has helped         world of business”, he says.
“I learn better if I can resolve issues
                                          me to explain complex issues in a
myself, so I decided to continue                                                  Once he retires, Karl plans to get
                                          simple manner”, he says.
studying through UNISA, but I                                                     involved in programmes such as
had to find a job, so I worked as a       Karl says he always tries to find       those run by the Organization
cashier at Van Schaik’s bookstore         the positive in any situation, or at    for Economic Co-operation and
and then joined a small auditing          least a lesson he can learn from        Development and the African Tax
firm owned by the son of our              it. “Being an introvert I sometimes     Administration Forum that help
neighbours. I had never done any          withdraw to find space and time         develop tax authorities. He also
accountancy, but I found I loved          to think through the difficulty. I      wants to pursue his hobbies, art
working with numbers, and working         also do not try and change things       and photography.

                                                                                                 ALUMNI IMPUMELELO   17
Limpopo-born alumni are rocking
the mining industry

From left: Matete Phasha, Mpho Kgadima, Tebele Letswalo, Andronica Mathobela, Andronica Makhura

Five Limpopo-born and -bred           Excellence in academia                 (all disciplines) for women at the
alumni – all graduates of the                                                University of Johannesburg in
                                      Matete Phasha, having achieved
BTech mining degree in 2012 –                                                2012. Phasha says she is involved
                                      her BTech Mining degree cum
are today making significant                                                 in a number of mining forays, also
                                      laude, is now area manager
contributions to the mining                                                  in her home province.
                                      for Sandvik Mining & Rock
sector at major mining com-
                                      Technology, which develops             “In Musina, Venetia mine (De
panies around the country.
                                      engineering solutions for mining       Beers) is sinking a shaft, and
Andronica Mathobela, Matete           and rock excavation. The top           sinking shaft operations in
Phasha, Andronica Makhura,            performing student in her faculty      Ivanplats in Mokopane is also
|Mpho Kgadima and Tebele              in 2012, Phasha received the           under way. Anglo American
Letswalo are all graduates of         Faculty of Engineering and the         Platinum has also acquired
the BTech Mining degree at UJ’s       Built Environment (FEBE) Deans’        Glencore’s Mototolo mine and
Doornfontein campus (DFC),            Honour Roll award for exceptional      they are in the exploration phase
where, where they met, and since      achievement, and was the               to mine Der Brocken ore body
then, have remained good friends.     Association of Mine Managers of        to expand the life of the mine.
                                      South Africa’s prize winner for the    Another surface mine soon to
Mathobela is a business
                                      best Mining Engineering Student        go underground is Mecklenburg
improvement specialist at New
                                      in 2012. She was also awarded a        (Tjibeng), where Murray and
Denmark Colliery in Standerton,
                                      certificate for Highest Academic       Roberts will be doing shaft sinking
Mpumalanga, owned by Seriti.
                                      Achievement in BTech Engineering       operations”, she says.
Seriti is a major South African
mining company responsible for
supplying approximately 24Mtpa
of thermal coal to Eskom’s
Lethabo, Tutuka and Kriel power
stations, which collectively
generate about 23% of the
country’s electricity.

Mpho Kgadima, also a BTech               Ntabiso Ndiweni, Peter Knottenbelt        The platinum in the Burgersfort
  Mining graduate in 2012, is Section      and Ivan Wermuth”, she says.              area is also proving to outlive
  Manager: Drilling, Blasting and                                                    most”, says Mathobela.
                                           Mathobela recalls UJ DFC as
  Technical at Kolomela Mine near
                                           a close knit family. “Almost              Kgadima agrees: “Limpopo is
  Postmasburg in the Northern Cape,
                                           everyone knew one another, even           a province rich with the most
  owned by Anglo American’s Kumba
                                           across departments. My biggest            valuable minerals in the world
  Iron Ore, which supplies high-
                                           highlight was the mining tour,
  quality iron ore to the global steel                                               such as iron ore, platinum and
                                           under the HOD at the time (Peter
  industry. Of her time at UJ DFC,                                                   diamonds. My personal feeling is
                                           Knottenbelt). It was well worth the
  Mpho says “it’s true when they say,                                                we need to reimagine Limpopo
                                           experience”, she says. She predicts
  it’s the people that make the place                                                back to the treasure that it is and
                                           that she, along with at least one
  … DFC is where I met my lifetime                                                   empower our communities to
                                           or two of the class of 2012, might
  friends, my mentors, and my                                                        educate themselves.”
                                           reunite one day in Limpopo,
  community away from home”.
                                           Africa’s “mining Eden”.
                                                                                     Tebele Letswalo is shift supervisor
  “The structure of the programme
                                           The treasure in Limpopo                   in Rustenburg at Sibanye Gold,
  also allowed us a glimpse of
                                                                                     South Africa’s largest gold
  the industry, which was an eye           “The mining sector in Limpopo
                                                                                     producer, while Andronica Makhura
  opener for me. I am a proud              is one of the biggest pillars of
  miner from UJ, a quality miner. I        the economy after farming, with           is a shift boss at Harmony Gold
  always say nothing prepares you          a lot of projects on small scale          Mine (Bambanani Operations) in
  for the mining industry, but UJ.         mining on the go. The coal in the         Welkom, Free
  Even today, I am still dependent         Lephalale region (Grootegeluk             State. Harmony Gold is the third
  on lecturers who are committed           Coal Mine) is stretching to a mining      largest gold mining company in
  to shaping my future, including          life of close to 30 years.                South Africa.

To us, “The Future Reimagined”, is not a mere line under our logo. It’s a daily challenge. It’s what
motivates us to integrate the 4th Industrial Revolution into everything that steers Africa to a place
of intellectual leadership. Creating Tomorrow is active not passive. It’s a collection of minds coming
together to make change happen, and we’re leading the way.

So, when you think of the University of Johannesburg, think of it as more than a just a world class,
higher education facility. Think of it as the place where tomorrow is being created.

UJ’s influential alumni
Influential alumni of the University   The ambience                           whole. “The median age of people
of Johannesburg gathered for                                                  in Africa is 18. This places a huge
                                       The evening began with a lavish        burden on us. How are we going to
a cocktail dinner event on the
                                       spread of colourful cocktails and      educate our people?”, he asked.
Kingsway Campus Library on 1           sushi platters, then moved into
March 2018, to enjoy an evening        the Chinua Achebe Auditorium for       He described the Fourth Industrial
of insights, entertainment, and        dinner, speeches and a live music      Revolution as a “confluence of
opportunities to network.              performance by the UJ Choir.           technologies in the digital space”,
                                       The evening was themed on the          which had huge implications for
In attendance was the Vice-            Fourth Industrial Revolution, which    the world of work in the future.
Chancellor, Prof Tshilidzi Marwala,    is at the forefront of UJ’s planning   “We need to produce graduates
as well as some of UJ’s most           strategy as a leading university on    who will not just survive, but thrive
esteemed academics and staff,          the African continent.                 in these environments, irrespective
including Deputy VC, Prof Angina                                              of how complex they are, and our
                                       The keynote                            curriculums will adapt accordingly”,
Parekh, Prof Sehaam Kahn,
                                       Prof Tshilidzi Marwala, Vice-          said Prof Marwala, adding that as
recently appointed Executive
                                                                              the BA in PPE (politics, philosophy
Dean of the Faculty of Health          Chancellor and Principal, delivered
                                                                              and economics) created great
Sciences, UJ’s Chief Operating         the keynote speech. “My vision is to
                                                                              leaders in the past, so a BA in
                                       position UJ in the Fourth Industrial
Officer, Professor Andre Swart,                                               PET (politics, economics and
                                       Revolution within the context of
UJ Registrar, Prof Kinta Burger,                                              technology) would create leaders
                                       changes happening in the African
Prof Saurabh Sinha, Deputy VC:                                                of the future.
                                       continent”, he said, adding that
Research and Internationalisation,     South Africa’s fate was inextricably   New courses will be introduced
Dr Nolitha Vukuza, Senior Executive    intertwined with that of the rest of   at UJ this year, he said, “to create
Director in the VC’s Office, and       Africa, and as such, UJ’s thinking     leaders in a world moving rapidly
CFO, Nolwazi Mamorare.                 had to embrace the continent as a      into automation”.

Applied information
systems first alumni
breakfast for industry
               In October last year the
               Department of Applied
               Information Systems (AIS) hosted
               their first alumni breakfast with
               industry. It enabled academics
               and UJ alumni to connect,
               network, and re-imagine the
               future of AIS in the context of the
               Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR),
               and to forge collaborations and
               form industry partnerships.

                             ALUMNI IMPUMELELO   23
             Science Centre
                         The Soweto Science Centre (SSC),      industries (Eskom, Mintek) and
                         located on UJ’s Soweto Campus         donors who contribute through
                         is the flagship learner enrichment    the Johannesburg Institute for
                         programme of the Faculty of           Advanced Study (JIAS). The SSC
                         Science. SSC provides additional      hosted the Minquiz (funded by
                         tutelage to high school learners      Mintek), which is South Africa’s
                         and currently hosts 428 registered    Premier National Science
                         Grade 10 to 12 learners from          Competition on 16 May 2019.
                         126 schools in Soweto, Eldorado       Both the Eskom Expo for Young
                         Park and surrounding areas.           Scientists (20 July 2019) and the
                         Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry       National Science Week (29 July to
                         and Life Sciences classes are         3 August 2019) will also be hosted
                         presented on Saturdays from           by the SSC in the Imbizo Hall on
                         08:00 until 15:00 and during          the Soweto Campus. The theme
                         school holidays.                      for the National Science Week is
                                                               “Facing Harsh Realities of
                         In addition to the enrichment         Climate Change”.
                         and intervention programme for
                                                               As a single example of the many
                         learners, the SSC also provides a
                                                               success stories of the SSC, we
                         Teacher Development Programme
                                                               introduce Mr Vutivi Vukeya, an
                         during school holidays to improve
                                                               Actuarial Consultant and proud
                         the quality of mathematics and
                                                               alumnus of the SSC, who enrolled
                         science teaching in high schools
                                                               for the Learner Enrichment
                         in South Africa. The Teacher
                                                               Programme in 2014. According
                         Development Programme this year
                                                               to Vutivi, “it was a step in the
                         took place from 18 to 21 June 2019.   right direction as many youths
                         Partnerships and donors               really want to succeed but don’t
                                                               have the right platform and
                         The SSC relies on vibrant             guidance”. Mr Vukeya credits the
                         partnerships with the South           SSC with contributing to the seven
                         African Agency for Science and        distinctions he obtained in his
                         Technology (SAASTA), relevant         Grade 12 final examination.

Learners attending the National Science Week at the Soweto Science Centre

Close to 8000
high school learners visit the
Art Centre                                                                  One of the greatest writers of all
                                                                            time, William Shakespeare, was
                                                                            immortalised at our University,
                                                                            when performances of two of his
                                                                            famous plays were staged at our
                                                                            Arts Centre. Shakespeare’s Hamlet
                                                                            and Othello remain two invaluable
                                                                            teaching tools offering dynamic
                                                                            performances, both educational
                                                                            and entertainment, as the timeless
                                                                            classics remain powerfully relevant
                                                                            to present-day audiences. Over
                                                                            a two week period thousands
                                                                            of school learners gain a better
                                                                            understanding of the plays’
                                                                            varied themes of racism, love,
                                                                            jealousy and betrayal. We also
                                                                            used the opportunity to engage
                                                                            with prospective students on the
                                                                            various UJ study offerings, and
                                                                            many were excited about
                                                                            the prospect of studying at
                                                                            our University.

                                                                                          ALUMNI IMPUMELELO   25
University of Johannesburg                                                     Choir
             making moves within industry
After the phenomenal                  chaperoned by UJ and UP for
achievements of 2018 (winning         several days prior to KUESTA. This
two gold medals at the World          initiative is part of an exchange
Choir Games and being crowned         by the American Choral Director’s
Champions of the World in the         Association (ACDA) and the
category Folk Music A Cappella),      three South African universities
UJ Choir is on a roll. One of         mentioned above.
the choir’s highlights, this year,
will be a concert with the Afro       Events
Jazz diva of South Africa, Gloria
                                      For the first time in many years,
Bosman, on 13 September. This
                                      UJC will join the Wits Choir on
unusual fusion of art forms and
                                      stage on 16 August. Performances
music styles will be a first of its
kind – with composed work and         with Barnsley Youth Choir from
new musical arrangements. The         England (21 August), Songs of
concert will also feature a young     Praise with Richard Cock in
and upcoming vocal group that         Nelspruit (25 August), PUK Choir
birthed from the UJ Choir called      at Etienne Rossouw Theatre in
Breathe, all to add extra spice to    Sasolburg (13 October), annual
the sound palette.                    Celebration Concert (25 October)
                                      and Dean’s Concert (2 November)
The University Choir Festival,        will conclude a very exciting year.
KUESTA, takes place in
Potchefstroom from 20 to 22           The choir’s latest CD Peace is
September this year hosted by         undeniably one of their best. It is
NWU. The festival occurs on           proof of their ability to perform
rotation every second year and        both African and Western music
although it is not a competition,     with stylistic insight – indeed a
choirs put forward their best         rare quality (Price: R150, available
foot to prove that the standard       from the choir office or at choir@
of choral music is alive and well     uj.ac.za and on all major digital
at our academic institutions and      platforms).
can measure up to the best in the
international arena. In reaching      Preparations for their participation
global recognition, five young        at the World Choir Games in
conductors from the United States     Flanders in 2020 where they will
of America will experience this       have to defend their title are in full
first hand after they have been       swing. Watch this space!

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