Local Public Health Teams Meeting COVID-19 Response 3-31-2021

Page created by Harvey Elliott
Local Public Health Teams Meeting COVID-19 Response 3-31-2021
Local Public Health Teams Meeting
                   COVID-19 Response

1. Welcome
   Juanita Estrada – Welcome and overview of the agenda

2. Equity Partnerships
   Deputy Commission Aaron (see PowerPoint)
      • Equity Partnerships are a community-driven effort to ensure COVID vaccines reach
           communities of color and vulnerable populations
      • Grant funding for local health departments (LHDs) and community organizations:
               o Funding is non-competitive and LHDs that submit qualifying applications and
                  have formed partnerships with at least 1 provider and 1 community group are
                  guaranteed to receive funding to support their equity partnerships.
               o The goal is to quickly get this money to local communities to support their equity
               o LHDs have the discretion to use funding within their LHD or with community
                  partners. Eligible expenses include local project managers, micro-grants to non-
                  profits, and paid media including social and event expenditures.
      • Campaign & Outreach
               o Door-to-door campaigns, modeled on get-out-the-vote efforts-directly going to
                  high SVI communities with lower uptake of vaccine or access barriers
               o Outbound calling to residents – direct access to appointment scheduling (or in-
                  home vaccine for homebound residents)
               o Mobile clinics - A fleet of mobile units that can directly offer vaccination, support
                  pre-registration as well as walk-up appointments. The FEMA Mobile Clinic launch
                  was Monday, March 29th
               o Our state contractors will work with LHDs in high SVI areas to coordinate these
                  outreach activities with other partnership activities.
      • Help and Support
               o Peer-to-peer learning - Equity Partnership coordinators (either hired with grant
                  funding, designated from existing staff of LHDs, or performed by an equity
                  partner) will be in a cohort to exchange lessons learned, best practices through
                  facilitated monthly meetings
               o Access to campaign and public health experts drawn from a range of partners
                  across Connecticut
               o Data and analytics support- Support to track progress and measure results
               o Other support as needed
        • Upcoming information session is on Monday April 5th at 1pm.
LHD Teams Meeting 3/31/2021

                 o   Please email Agnes.Nabasirye@ct.gov and Millicent.Cripe@ct.gov who will be
                     compiling FAQs
                 o   There will also be time for live Q&A
                 o   We encourage you to start reaching out to your community groups and
                     providers to begin forming your equity partnerships

3. Epidemiology
   Lynn Sosa – Epi Update
       • No updates
       • Vaccine breakthrough provider correspondence and form
               o https://portal.ct.gov/-/media/DPH/HAI/COVID19-Vaccine-Breakthrough-
               o https://portal.ct.gov/-/media/DPH/HAI/Vaccine-Breakthrough-
       • The GISAID Initiative promotes the rapid sharing of data from all influenza viruses and
          the coronavirus causing COVID-19. This includes genetic sequence and related clinical
          and epidemiological data associated with human viruses, and geographical as well as
          species-specific data associated with avian and other animal viruses, to help researchers
          understand how viruses evolve and spread during epidemics and pandemics.

    Kristin Gerard – Contact Tracing
        • DPH is fully staffing contact tracers over the holiday weekend; Sunday’s hours are from 8
             AM – 5 PM
        • DPH’s contracted resources are supporting both ContaCT and the VAAL over the holiday
        • With the increase of cases as well as vaccine opening to the general population statewide
             on April 1st, we are expecting an increase in calls. We will still be attempting to contact
             your residents; however, it may not be a call every day for three days.

4. Immunizations
   Benjamin Bechtolsheim
      • April 1st is the day for general availability of vaccine in the State of Connecticut for people
          16 years of age and older.
      • LHDs should open their schedules through May 2nd for 1st dose appointments and make
          sure your schedules are set up before the April 1st start date.
      • Please only schedule against your baseline allocation
      • 16- and 17-year old will need to find their way to Pfizer clinics, so we are working on
          improving the functionality of the COVID vaccine finder to show where the Pfizer sites
          are open to them.
      • Later in the month, we are looking to do onsite clinics in partnership with LHDs as well as
          with some of our school-based health centers in our high schools.

LHD Teams Meeting 3/31/2021

5. Practitioner Licensing
   Chris Andresen, PLIS
       • A reminder about the Commissioner’s order that was issued to expand the professions
            who can become authorized to administer vaccines. https://portal.ct.gov/-
       • individuals who are licensed, are not authorized to vaccinate until they've taken the
            training that is approved by the Commissioner of DPH,
       • All the trainings are available on our website. There is al so an in person practical training
            to take to authorize them to vaccinate.
       • Please note: It is important to make sure that these licensed individuals have completed
            the training prior to allowing them to vaccinate at your site. You can verify this on our
            staffing website, https://portal.ct.gov/DPH/Public-Health-Preparedness/DPH-COVID-19-

6. Public Health Preparedness and Local Health Admin
   Ellen Blaschinski
       • Commissioner Gifford and Deputy Commissioner Aaron’s memo regarding Equity
            Partnerships was sent out via Everbridge at 12:15 PM today.
       • An outlook invitation for Monday, April 5th’s informational session will go out after this
       • We are getting ready to make the ELC 2nd payments in May. If you need your funding
            sooner, please let us know so that we can expedite that process.

    Mike Mozzer
       • There has been a decline in the incoming emails related to COVID-19, so we've decided
          to scale back our operations and deactivate the communication centers.
       • The Covid19.dph@ct.gov email address will still be in use and will be staffed seven days a
       • DPH has asked its programs that are still involved with the communication centers to
          provide a program specific email to streamline operations.
       • Since March of 2020, we've triaged over 32,000 emails and tried to respond to all
       • DPH still wants you to continue to send emails to the covid19.dph@ct.gov email address
          and also to direct others to do the same.

    Krista Veneziano
        • This week we started our automated emails out for homebound intake form.

7. Environmental Health and Drinking Water/Re-Open CT
   Lori Mathieu
        • A circular letter went out concerning sector rule changes as of March 19th. If you have
           any questions regarding these changes you can go to the DECD’s webpage,

LHD Teams Meeting 3/31/2021

            •   We will be standing up an email inbox for questions and concerns regarding the DPH
                Reopen CT.
            •   Documents of interest for LHDs. Finish STRONG is a DPH/CSDE document re: everyone
                having a role in ensuring a strong end to the school year, https://portal.ct.gov/-

        Tom St. Louis
            •   In regard to the current sports guidance, DECD has indicated that DPH
                recommendations are the sector rules, and so they can and should be enforced.
                Out-of-state travel requirements included on pp. 5-6.

        Tracey Weeks
            • The rules for masks, social distancing, cleaning, and disinfecting are still in place.
            • These changes have raised some questions about reopening certain aspects of food
               establishments, especially with respect to buffets. Buffets are allowed to be open and
               have to follow the rules – social distancing, disinfecting high touch areas, etc.

    8. Questions

My staff noticed recently that the CDC guidance had removed the 90-day guidelines for fully vaccinated
individuals. After vaccination, is protection now indefinite? Is there a limit on what they're seeing as far
as, vaccine effectiveness after vaccination?
         CDC removed the 90-day guideline for vaccinated individuals in February. The point is that they
         are confident in the ability of the vaccines to protect against the disease. There are still
         unknowns like how long immunity lasts and if we will need a booster shot. The 90 days still
         applies to those with natural immunity from COVID infection.

Our schools are starting to see a lot of allergy related symptoms, things that may mimic symptoms of
COVID. So, following their protocol, they’re sending these kids home. One of the testing protocols within
addendum five is that they need to get a PCR test. Is that the hard and fast rule?
       The most recent version of addendum five does address antigen testing. So, this is scenario 1,
       no known COVID exposure. A student who has known allergies could get a note from their
       doctor. The doctor could decide whether or not to do testing. If the symptoms are persistent
       and tests are negative, the student should get a note stating that.

Early on there was a push for testing within schools. Is that program still available if schools want to bring
in testing into their facilities?
          DPH just received grant funding, a cooperative agreement, for school testing this week. More
          information will be forthcoming.

I would like clarity COVID vaccinations for school aged children. Recently I heard to not hold age specific
or subgroup specific vaccination clinics, but I see this happening. There was some mention by the
Governor yesterday saying that we are going to be having focused clinics for college students and high
school students, sometime after the 19th. Can you please advise?

LHD Teams Meeting 3/31/2021

       The Immunization Program will provide guidance and clarification.

A CDC study was recently released regarding the protective effect of vaccines against asymptomatic
infection. How do you see that impacting the guidance that we provide our residents moving forward?
        It will have an impact. We are waiting for CDC to take that information from the MMWR
        article and make changes to their guidance.

As you know, a fully vaccinated individual can still contract, COVID-19. Is DPH going to investigate? Can
you help us to identify patterns among these cases, such as a variant of the novel Coronavirus which may
have caused infection?
        DPH is collecting and reviewing these data. A memo was sent in February to providers to
        report breakthrough cases to DPH.


We just completed a PPE survey for the region. We submitted it last week and was wondering when the
PPE will be distributed to the regions?
         It will be delivered next week.

If we were to host student-based clinics, can schools send out parental permission slips ahead of time?
And would that be sufficient for us to vaccinate under 18 years of age? Or is there a requirement for
parents or guardians to be on site for the actual vaccine appointment?
       See CoVP Provider Bulletin, Week of March 29, 2021 CoVP Communications (ct.gov)
       Parents or guardians of minors must consent to vaccination following your usual legal process—
       successful scheduling of an appointment does not serve as a proxy for consent.

Can the authorized COVID-19 vaccinators (pharmacists, podiatrists, veterinarians, etc.) administer vaccine
to individuals who are under 18 years of age?

To be clear, these expanded practitioners must still work under the supervision of a licensed practitioner
such as RN, APRN, PA or Physician, correct? Additionally, I believe there is a Train-the-trainer which needs
to be completed for those personnel that are going to sign off on these individuals to vax in local clinics.
        Yes, they can only vaccinate at a site under the supervision of one of those professions. There is
        a train-the-trainer program for people that want to evaluate skills.

Does the sports guidance/rules apply to athletes who travel for sports-purposes only or to athletes who
travel for any reason (i.e. family vacations, etc.)?
         Just if the travel involves competing in sports while away (i.e. when someone goes to FL for a

COVID-19 Vaccine Roll-out

      COVID Vaccine: Equity strategy
      Equity Partnership Overview

A community-driven effort to
Equity         ensure COVID vaccines reach
partnerships   communities of color and
               vulnerable populations

$   Funding
                   Rapid grant funding for Local Health Departments and
                   community organizations

                   Campaign & outreach support
Equity             Canvassing, calling and mobile vaccine clinics
                   Help & support
                   Support for local execution, data and analytics
                   support, peer-to-peer learning, and expert advice

$    Funding: Rapid grant funding for Local Health Departments and
           community equity partners

Funding will be                           Local Health Departments that submit qualifying
                       funding is         applications and have formed partnerships with at least 1
made available to                         provider and 1 community group are guaranteed to
all Local Health                          receive funding to support their Equity Partnerships
                                          The goal is to quickly get money out the door and to local
                       funding is         communities to support their Equity Partnerships
                       Rapid              DPH info letter    Info session      Application due
                                          March 31           April 5           April 15             $    April 23-
                                                                                                         end of April

                                          LHDs have discretion to use funding within the LHD or
                       funding is         with community partners. Eligible expenses include:
                       Locally-directed   Local project     Micro-grants to   Paid media,
                                                                                                 Event expenditures
                                          managers          non-profits       including social

Campaign & outreach support: Supporting local partnerships
              with canvassing, calling and mobile clinics

About:                        Offerings
Connecticut is directly       Outreach and canvassing support: Door-to-door campaigns,
contracting for services      modeled on get-out-the-vote efforts – directly going to high SVI
that Equity Partnerships      communities with lower uptake or access barriers
will be able to request for
                              Calling support: Outbound calling to residents – direct access to
                              appointment scheduling (or in-home vaccine for homebound
                              Mobile clinics: A fleet of mobile units that can directly offer
                              vaccination – can support pre-registration as well a walk-up
                              appointments. FEMA mobile clinic launch: Monday, March 29
                              Our state contractors will work with Local Health in high SVI areas
                              to coordinate these outreach activities with other partnership
Help & support: Peer-to-peer learning, expert advice, data and
             analytics, and support for local execution

The process:               What’s included:
All Equity Partnerships    Peer-to-peer learning: Equity Partnership coordinators (either
and coordinators will      hired with grant funding, designated from existing staff of Local
receive tailored support   Health, or performed by an equity partner) will be in a cohort to
from DPH and other         exchange lessons, best practices – facilitated monthly meetings
                           Expert advice: Access to campaign and public health experts –
                           drawn from a range of partners across Connecticut
                           Data and analytics support: Support to track progress and
                           measure results
                           Other support as needed

Example Equity Partnership
          LHD partners with at least 1 provider and 1 community group to target high SVI zip codes

Align mobile unit and pop-                                                           Coordinate with churches, local
up clinic schedules with                                                             leaders, and other stakeholders
                                            Providers                   Community
other providers and LHDs                                                             to help determine optimal
to ensure coverage of all                                                            locations for additional clinics
high SVI zip codes                                                                   and to spread awareness in the
                                                        Local equity                 community of additional access
                                                        partnerships                 options

                                                         Local Health
Set up the partnership to apply for state                Departments
funding and coordinate partnership
activities; these formal partnerships
can become platforms to apply for
additional federal equity funding
Upcoming info session

• Date: April 5th at 1pm
• Questions?
   • Please email Agnes.Nabasirye@ct.gov and
     Millicent.Cripe@ct.gov who will be compiling FAQs
   • There will also be time for live Q&A
• We encourage you to start reaching out to your
  community groups and providers to begin forming your
  equity partnerships

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