General Election manifestos 2019 - The Traveller Movement

Page created by Joseph Marshall
General Election manifestos 2019 - The Traveller Movement

                General Election manifestos 2019
What the main political parties say in relation to Gypsies, Roma and Travellers

Conservative                                Labour                                     Liberal Democrats
   Tackle unauthorised Traveller               Deliver a new social housebuilding        Build at least 100,000 homes for
     camps. Propose giving the police            programme of more than a million            social rent each year and ensure
     new powers to arrest and seize              homes over a decade;                        that total housebuilding increases
     the property and vehicles of               Propose to establish a new duty             to 300,000 each year;
     trespassers who set up                      on councils to plan and build these       Allow local authorities to increase
     unauthorised encampments, in                homes in their area, and fund               council tax by up to 500 per cent
     order to protect communities;               them to do so, with backing from            where homes are being bought as
   Make intentional trespass a                  national government;                        second homes;
     criminal offence, and will also give       Scrap the current bogus definition        Improve protections against rogue
     councils greater powers within the          of ‘affordable’ and replace with a          landlords through mandatory
     planning system;                            definition linked to local incomes;         licensing;
   Reform shared ownership, making             Make available 8,000 additional           Introduce a ‘somewhere safe to
     it fairer and more transparent;             homes for people with a history of          stay’ legal duty to ensure that
   Extend the Help to Buy scheme                rough sleeping;                             everyone who is at risk of sleeping
     from 2021 to 2023;                         Repeal the Vagrancy Act and                 rough is provided with emergency
   Maintain a commitment to a Right             amend antisocial behaviour                  accommodation and an
     to Buy for all council tenants.             legislation;                                assessment of their needs;
     Increase number of homes being             End rough sleeping within five            Increase Local Housing Allowance
     built.                                      years, with a national plan driven          in line with average rents in an
                                                 by a prime minister-led taskforce.          area.

Conservative                                Labour                                     Liberal Democrats

      Get Brexit Done.                           Draft a new EU exit deal and put          Stop Brexit.
                                                   to a People’s Vote.

                                         Democracy and voter rights
Conservative                            Labour                                 Liberal Democrats
   Get rid of the Fixed Term               Repeal the Fixed-term Parliaments     Introduce proportional
     Parliaments Act;                        Act 2011;                               representation through the Single
   Introduce identification to vote at     Scrap voter identification bill;        Transferable Vote for electing
     polling stations;                      Reduce the voting age to 16;            MPs, and local councillors in
   Introduce measures to prevent any       Address misconduct and the              England;
     foreign interference in elections;      unresolved failures of corporate       Scrap voter identification bill;
   Repeal section 40 of the Crime           governance raised by the second       Give 16- and 17-year olds the right
     and Courts Act 2014, which seeks        stage of the Leveson Inquiry;           to vote in elections and
     to coerce the press;                   Consider an inquiry into ‘fake          referendums;
   Do not proceed with the second           news’;                                 Establish a legal duty on local
     stage of the Leveson Inquiry.          Strengthen Ofcom’s powers;              authorities to inform citizens of
                                            Repeal the Lobbying Act 2014 and        how to register to vote;
                                             overhaul the rules that govern        Bring into force Section 106 of the
                                             corporate lobbying.                     Equality Act 2010, requiring
                                                                                     political parties to publish
                                                                                     candidate diversity data;
                                                                                   Introduce a Leveson-compliant
                                                                                     regulator to be given oversight of
                                                                                     both privacy and quality, diversity
                                                                                     and choice in both print and online
                                                                                   Proceed with Part Two of the
                                                                                     Leveson Inquiry.

                                                    Domestic Abuse
Conservative                               Labour                                     Liberal Democrats
   Pass the Domestic Abuse Bill;              Reintroduce a Domestic Abuse              Legislate for a statutory definition
   Increase support for refuges and            Bill;                                       of domestic abuse that includes its
     community support for victims of          Ratify both the Istanbul                    effects on children;
     rape and sexual abuse;                     Convention on preventing                  Ratify and bring into law the
   Pass and implement a Victims’               domestic abuse and the ILO                  Istanbul Convention;
     Law that guarantees victims’ rights        Convention on Violence and                Expand the number of refuges and
     and support;                               Harassment at work;                         rape crisis centres to meet
   Pilot integrated domestic abuse            Appoint a Commissioner for                  demand;
     courts that address criminal and           Violence against Women and                Ensure sustainable grant-funding
     family matters in parallel.                Girls;                                      for specialist independent support
                                               Establish a National Refuge Fund;           services;
                                               Improve the safety of the family          Give local authorities the duty and
                                                court system for domestic violence          funding to provide accommodation
                                                victims and prohibit their cross-           and support for survivors of abuse;
                                                examination by their abuser;              Establish a national rape crisis
                                               Introduce 10 days of paid leave for         helpline;
                                                survivors of domestic abuse;              Ensure access to special
                                               Ensure women’s refuges receive              measures for survivors in all courts
                                                the long-term sustainable funding           and preventing direct cross-
                                                they need;                                  examination of survivors by their
                                               Misogyny and violence against               abusers.
                                                women and girls will become hate

                                                Education & childcare
Conservative                               Labour                                     Liberal Democrats
   30+ hours free childcare;                  30+ hours free childcare;                 35 hours free childcare;
                                               Invest an additional £4.5 billion         Invest £1 billion a year in
                                                pounds to all 2-4 year-olds;                Children’s Centres;

      A new £1 billion fund to help                Reintroduce Sure Start Centres;           Scrap mandatory SATs;
       create more high quality,                    create a National Education               Reverse cuts to school funding,
       affordable childcare;                         Service;                                   employing an extra 20,000
      Raise teachers’ starting salaries to         Introduce free school meals for all        schoolteachers;
       £30,000;                                      primary age children;                     Replace Ofsted with a new HM
      Expand ‘alternative provision’               Scrap Key Stage 1 and 2 SATs;              Inspector of Schools;
       schools;                                     Scrap and replace Ofsted;                 Reinstate maintenance grants for
      Back heads and teachers on                   Scrap Third level tuition fees and         the poorest students;
       discipline;                                   reinstate the grant.                      Establish a review of higher
      Back heads to use exclusions;                                                            education finance.
       help teachers tackle bullying;
      £400 million for 16-19 education.

                                                 Health and mental health
Conservative                                  Labour                                       Liberal Democrats
   50,000 more nurses in 5 years;                Increase expenditure across the             £7 billion a year ring-fenced
   Students nurses will receive a                 health sector by an average 4.3%              funding for the NHS and social
     £5,000-£8,000 annual                          a year;                                       care;
     maintenance grant every year;                Introduce a training bursary for            Transform mental health by
   Increase the NHS surcharge paid                nurses, midwives and allied health            treating it with the same urgency
     by those from overseas;                       professionals;                                as physical health;
   Wll treat mental health with the              Provide an additional £1.6 billion a        Publish a National Wellbeing
     same urgency as physical health;              year to ensure new standards for              Strategy.
   Legislate so that patients suffering           mental health are enshrined in the
     from mental health conditions                 NHS constitution;
     have greater control over their              Implement in full the
     treatment.                                    recommendations set out in the
                                                   independent review of the Mental
                                                   Health Act;

                                              Double the annual spend on
                                               children and adolescent mental
                                               health services;
                                              Free annual NHS dental check-
                                              Guarantee universal healthcare to

                              Human Rights, Discrimination and Equality
Conservative                            Labour                                        Liberal Democrats
   Update the Human Rights Act and         Develop a comprehensive Gypsy,               Maintain freedom of movement for
     administrative law and set up a         Roma and Traveller community                   EU nationals;
     Constitution, Democracy & Rights        equality strategy to tackle                  Maintain the Human Rights Act
     Commission that will examine            persistent inequalities, in particular         and the European Convention on
     these and other issues in depth;        within housing, education and                  Human Rights;
   Review EU legislation and                criminal justice;                            Scrap the Hostile Environment;
     regulations;                           End racism and discrimination                End indefinite detention and take
   End the role of the European             against Gypsy, Roma and                        powers away from the Home
     Court of Justice;                       Traveller communities;                         Office;
   End Freedom of Movement for EU          Create a new Department for                  Make hate crimes aggravated
     nationals.                              Women and Equalities;                          offences.
                                            Equality audit all policies before,
                                             during and after implementation;
                                            Enhance the powers and functions
                                             of the Equality and Human Rights
                                            Keep the Human Rights Act and
                                             Convention on Human Rights;
                                            End the Hostile Environment;

                                                 Grant EU nationals the automatic
                                                  right to continue living and working
                                                  in the UK.
                                         Prisons, Probations and Justice
Conservative                              Labour                                   Liberal Democrats
   Add 10,000 more prison places,            Tackle the disproportionate levels      Reduce the overrepresentation of
     with £2.75 billion already                of BAME children in custody;              people from BAME backgrounds
     committed to refurbishing and            Review the youth custody estate,          throughout the criminal justice
     creating modern prisons;                  strengthen youth courts and build         system;
   Toughen community sentences;               on the Lammy Review;                    Invest £500 million to restore
   Conduct a root-and-branch review          Restore all early legal aid advice,       Legal Aid;
     of the parole system;                     including for housing, social           Adopt a public health approach to
   Introduce tougher sentencing for           security, family and immigration          serious violence, including youth
     the worst offenders;                      cases;                                    violence:
   Maintain the ban on prisoners             Review the Prevent programme;           Invest £1 billion to restore
     voting from jail;                        Set new standards for community           community policing, enough for
   Invest £500 million in youth               sentences and introduce a                 two new police officers in every
     services for young people;                presumption against prison                ward.
   Make it easier for police officers to      sentences of six months or less for     Provide a £500m ring-fenced
     stop and search those convicted of        non-violent and non-sexual                youth services;
     knife crime.                              offences;                               End the disproportionate use of
                                              Invest in proven alternatives to          Stop and Search;
                                               custody, including women’s              Introduce a presumption against
                                               centres, expand problem-solving           short prison sentences;
                                               courts and plug the funding gap in      Increase the use of tough
                                               the female offender strategy;             community sentences and
                                              Legal aid for inquests into deaths        restorative justice where
                                               in state custody;                         appropriate;
                                              Recruit hundreds of new                 Establish a Women’s Justice
                                               community lawyers;                        Board and provide specialist
                                                                                         training for all staff in contact with

                                                 Build an expanded network of law          women in the criminal justice
                                                  centres;                                  system.
                                                 Create and fund a National Youth

                                                   Small businesses
Conservative                               Labour                                    Liberal Democrats
   Cut the burden of tax on business          Tackle late payments that leave          Replace Business Rates in
     by reducing business rates;                small businesses waiting months            England with a Commercial
   Further reduce taxes for small              to be paid, including banning late         Landowner Levy;
     retail businesses and for local            payers from public procurement;          Create a new ‘start-up allowance’
     music venues, pubs and cinemas;           Reverse cuts to corporation tax            to help those starting a new
   New £3 billion National Skills              while keeping rates lower than in          business with their living costs in
     Fund; support start-ups and small          2010;                                      the crucial first weeks of their
     businesses via government                 Ensure no quarterly reporting for          business;
     procurement;                               businesses below the VAT                 Prioritise small and medium-sized
   Launch a review to explore how              threshold;                                 businesses in the rollout of hyper-
     we can better support the self-           Self-employed people will benefit          fast broadband;
     employed.                                  from a broad range of policies,          Expand the rights and benefits
                                                from free childcare and full-fibre         available to those in insecure
                                                broadband to face-to-face lending          forms of employment, such as
                                                and business support through               offering parental leave and pay to
                                                Labour’s Post Bank                         the self-employed.

                                                       Social care
Conservative                               Labour                                 Liberal Democrats
   £1 billion extra of funding every          Build a National Care Service;        Reform the Health and Social
     year for more social care staff and       Repeal the Health and Social Care       Care Act as recommended by the
     better infrastructure, technology          Act;                                    NHS;
     and facilities.

                                               Launch a wholesale review of the            Additional funding for social care
                                                care system;                                 through taxation;
                                               Rebuild early intervention services         Establish a cross-party health and
                                               Replace the Troubled Families                social care convention.
                                                programme with a Stronger
                                                Families programme, refocused on
                                                long-term support to reduce the
                                                risk of children going into care;
                                               Protect and build on Staying Put
                                                for over-18s in care and the
                                                Adoption Support Fund.

                                         Taxes, contracts and wages
Conservative                             Labour                                       Liberal Democrats
   Will not raise the rates of income       Freeze National Insurance and               1p rise on the basic, higher and
     tax, National Insurance or VAT;          income tax rates for everyone                 additional rates of Income Tax;
   Increase in the National Living           earning under £80,000 p.a;                  Restore Corporation Tax to 20 per
     Wage to two thirds of average           Reverse cuts to corporation tax;              cent;
     earnings, currently forecast at         Establish a Ministry for                    Consult on how to set a genuine
     £10.50 an hour;                          Employment Rights;                            Living Wage across all sectors;
   Increase the Employment                  Introduce Real Living Wage of at            Establish a powerful new Worker
     Allowance for small businesses.          least £10 per hour for all workers;           Protection Enforcement Authority;
                                             End zero-hours contracts and                Setting a 20 per cent higher
                                              strengthen trade union rights;                minimum wage for people on zero-
                                             No increases in VAT;                          hour contracts;
                                             Greater protections for the self-

                                                                                          Giving a right to request a fixed-
                                                                                           hours contract after 12 months for
                                                                                           ‘zero hours’;
                                                                                          Strengthen the ability of unions to
                                                                                           represent workers effectively.

                                         Welfare and Universal credit
Conservative                             Labour                                     Liberal Democrats
   Continue the roll-out of Universal       Scrap Universal Credit;                   Reform Universal Credit to be
     Credit;                                 Scrap the benefit cap and the two           more supportive of the self-
   End the benefit freeze;                   child limit;                                employed;
   Publish a National Strategy for          Introduce a right to food;                Establish a legal right to food;
     Disabled People before the end of       Implement an emergency package            Introduce a principle of universal
     2020.                                    of reforms to mitigate some of the          access to basic services;
                                              worst features of UC while                Invest £6 billion per year to make
                                              developing a replacement system;            the benefits system work for
                                             Pay childcare costs up front so             people who need it;
                                              that parents aren’t forced to turn        Reduce the wait for the first
                                              down work or get into debt to pay           benefits payment from five weeks
                                              for childcare;                              to five days.
                                             Protect women in abusive
                                              relationships by splitting payments
                                              and paying the child element to
                                              the primary carer;
                                             End the digital barrier and offer
                                              telephone, face-to-face and
                                              outreach support.
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