Pathways to Property Review 2017 - Henley Business School

Page created by Bradley Guzman
Pathways to Property Review 2017 - Henley Business School
Pathways to Property
    Review 2017
Pathways to Property Review 2017 - Henley Business School
Pathways to Property

Project                                       Now in its fifth year,
                                              Pathways to Property
background                                    saw the first of its Summer
Launched in 2012, Pathways to Property        School students graduate
aims to widen access to the real estate
                                              in July 2017. Of the three
profession by raising awareness
of, and aspirations about, the vast           students from the 2013
range of careers available within the         Summer School who
property and real estate sector.
                                              graduated from the real
Pathways to Property is led
by the Reading Real Estate Foundation
                                              estate and planning degree
at Henley Business School, University         from Henley Business
of Reading, and was established               School, all three have taken
as a response to the recognised
lack of diversity in the industry.            on graduate roles within
Its successes are due to the very             the property industry.
strong industry support which it enjoys.
Amongst many schools, there is a lack
of awareness and understanding                Since the launch of the
of the industry and the vast and varied
                                              project in 2012, Pathways
career opportunities available within
real estate and the wider property
                                              to Property has:
sector. The project seeks to expose
able students from less advantaged

and non-traditional families to these
                                              with over                students
opportunities. By engaging with sixth
form students, their teachers and
careers advisers, Pathways to Property
works to introduce the idea of real estate    engaged
                                              with over
as a subject of study and to provide
a way for young people to find out about                  2,200        teachers
                                                                       and careers
careers within the property sector.                                    advisers       The project
                                                                                      has run five
The aims of the project are:                                                          Summer Schools:
• To increase the diversity of applications   attended
                                              over                     events
  for Real Estate and Planning degrees
  at Henley Business School by promoting
  the attractions of a career in the
  property industry to students from
                                                                                       410     students have attended
                                                                                               the residential Pathways
  state schools, focussing on an annual                                                        to Property Summer
  Summer School. Priority at the Summer

  School will be given to academically                                 work                        of attendees had
  able students from disadvantaged
                                                                                             81%   no family experience
  and non‑traditional backgrounds.                                     placements                  of higher education
                                                                       have been
• To encourage interest in a property
  career amongst talented students
                                                             at                              48%   of attendees
  from all backgrounds by increasing                                                               were female
  the effectiveness of communications                             31      different
  between the industry and students.

Pathways to Property Review 2017 - Henley Business School
Annual Review 2017

Pathways to Property Summer School student destinations:*
From the first four Summer Schools, of those attendees whose progress
we are able to follow, 164 went on to study at university.

                                          A further

    82           Summer School
                 participants have gone       91           Summer School
                                                           participants have gone
                                                                                        *	We do not know the destinations
                                                                                           of all students. The data we have
                 on to study or work in                    on to study at university,      is from 201 (out of 319) students
                 property                                  including:                      who have provided feedback
                                                                                           about what they are now doing.
                     have gone
            73       on to university,                31       studying accounting,        The student destination data
                                                               finance, business           covers the 2013, 2014, 2015 and
                     with 25 studying
                                                               or economics                2016 Summer Schools.
                     at Henley Business
                     School, University                                                 	Of those students we have been
                     of Reading                       8        studying geography         able to track (201), 41% have gone
                                                               or human geography         on to study or work in property.
             9       are completing
Pathways to Property Review 2017 - Henley Business School
Pathways to Property

Pathways to Property Review 2017 - Henley Business School
Annual Review 2017

Thank you
It is only thanks to the support of firms, donors             In 2016–17, over 85
and volunteers with their provision of funding, expertise,    individuals and firms
time and contacts that Pathways to Property is able           volunteered their time
to achieve its aims and objectives.                           and support by:
                                                              • Inspiring students through talks
Thank you to the following firms for their                      in schools
financial support for Pathways to Property:                   • Visiting the Summer School
                                                                in July 2017 and engaging with
Gold Level                            Silver Level              the participants

British Land                          CBRE                    • Providing work experience placements
                                                                for Summer School students
Landsec                               Cushman & Wakefield
                                                              • Hosting site visits for the
SEGRO                                 Gerald Eve
                                                                Summer School
UPP Foundation                        Hammerson

                                      Redevco                 Thank you to the following
                                                              firms who hosted 46 work
                                                              experience placements
                                      The Crown Estate
                                                              for Pathways to Property
Bronze Level
                                                              Summer School students
                                                              in October 2017:
Allsop                                Holtby Turner
                                                              • Allsop
Aubrey Orchard-Lisle Charitable       GM Real Estate
Trust                                                         • BNP Paribas Real Estate
                                      intu Properties
BNP Paribas Real Estate                                       • British Land
Capital and Counties Properties                               • Broadgate Estates
                                      Knight Frank
                                                              • Capital and Counties Properties
                                      Oxford Properties
Carter Jonas                                                    (Capco)
Colliers International                                        • Carter Jonas
                                      Strutt & Parker
Exemplar                                                      • CBRE
                                      The Ellis Campbell
Frogmore                                                      • Cushman & Wakefield
                                      Charitable Foundation
GCW                                                           • Gerald Eve

                                                              • Hammerson
Other Supporters
                                                              • intu Properties
Battersea Power Station Development   Kontor Space
                                                              • JLL
Christopher Rowbotham                 The Fineman Trust
Charitable Trust                                              • Knight Frank
                                      The Sutton Trust
Investment Property Forum                                     • Oxford Properties

                                                              • Savills

                                                              • SEGRO

                                                              • The Crown Estate
Pathways to Property Review 2017 - Henley Business School
Pathways to Property

The Pathways to Property                                                          Reading
Project Board                                                                     Real Estate
The Board provides strategic guidance, support and expertise                      Foundation
for the project and to the Pathways team. Members of the                          RREF is a unique and forward-thinking
                                                                                  educational charity, established
Board are key individuals in industry and education and include                   to support real estate and planning
representatives from firms, alumni, and academics from the                        education at Henley Business
                                                                                  School, University of Reading. As well
Department of Real Estate and Planning at Henley Business
                                                                                  as supporting Pathways to Property,
School, University of Reading.                                                    RREF engages with and supports
                                                                                  students to help them achieve their full
Industry Board Members                  Academic and RREF Board Members           potential and become the best in the
Alan Froggatt Principal, Touchstone     Emily Archer Programme Delivery           industry. This is done through financial
Advisors (Chair)                        Manager— Pathways to Property,            support, a mentoring programme,
                                        Henley Business School                    an annual careers fair and an evening
Paddy Allen Partner, Cushman                                                      lecture series. RREF continues to
& Wakefield                             Susannah Campbell Development             engage and connect with students
Luke Appleby Co-founder, Kontor
                                        Manager, Henley Business School           as they become alumni, through
                                        Jean-Pierre Choulet Executive Director    fundraising and networking events that
Emma Cariaga Head of Operations,                                                  help to support the aims of the charity.
                                        RREF, Henley Business School
Canada Water, British Land
                                        Joe Doak Associate Professor
Paul Clark Director of Investment                                                 In 2016–17, RREF:
                                        & Undergraduate Admissions Tutor,
and Asset Management, The Crown
                                        Department of Real Estate and Planning,   • Awarded £172,500 to 51 students
                                        Henley Business School                      through bursaries, scholarships,
Holly Franklin Management Consultant,                                               hardship grants, PhD studentships,
                                        Kerry Johnston Head of Product
Nine Feet Tall                                                                      prizes and awards.
                                        Design and Programme Delivery,
Fiona Freeman Managing Director,        Henley Business School                    • 262 UK & International mentors
FTI Consulting                                                                      participated in the RREF Mentoring
                                        Edward Shepherd Lecturer, Department
Jane Hollinshead Director,                                                          Programme, 55 of these worked
                                        of Real Estate and Planning, Henley
IJD Consulting Limited                                                              with two or more mentees.
                                        Business School
Bryan Laxton RREF Trustee                                                         • Had representatives from 34 firms
                                        Emma Street Associate Professor
                                                                                    at the annual careers fair with over
Claire Maton Programme Manager,         & Director of Undergraduate Programmes,
                                                                                    300 students attending.
The Sutton Trust                        Department of Real Estate and Planning,
                                        Henley Business School

                                        Chris Stylianou, Programme Delivery
                                        Assistant— Pathways to Property,
                                        Henley Business School (Secretary)

                                        Paola Tinti Head of Fundraising,
                                        Henley Business School

Pathways to Property Review 2017 - Henley Business School
Annual Review 2017

‘For me, the Summer
School was the first
step into a career in the
property industry and
a lot can be achieved
with the help of RREF
and the Pathways
to Property initiative.’
Bradley, Summer School 2013,
graduate surveyor

Pathways to Property Review 2017 - Henley Business School
Pathways to Property

Pathways to Property 2016–2017
The project’s key objectives for 2016–2017 included:

Increasing the number                      Increasing bursary levels                      Extending outreach beyond
of students moving from                    to support the most                            the Summer School
the Summer School                          disadvantaged                                  The Summer School is a hugely
to relevant courses                        Financial concerns can be a significant        successful aspect of the Pathways
                                           barrier to students from non‑traditional       to Property programme but
We were delighted to see the
                                           backgrounds in accessing higher                the project recognises that there
highest number of students to date
                                           education, and Pathways to Property            are young people who, for whatever
enrol on Real Estate and Planning
                                           continues to provide a £1000 welcome           reason, are unable to attend the
courses at Henley Business School,
                                           bursary to all Summer School attendees         Summer School. The Project Board
University of Reading, in September
                                           who enrol on a Real Estate and Planning        has been exploring innovative and
2017. In total, of the Summer School
                                           course at Henley Business School.              creative ways in which to further
2016 students we have been able
                                           In addition to this, the Reading Real Estate   the engagement of the project with
to track, 43% began work or study
                                           Foundation and the Pathways to Property        a greater number of young people,
in the property industry in 2017, with
                                           project offer a number of bursaries worth      and in spring 2018 the Pathways
a number of others deferring or taking
                                           £5000 a year for three years to students       to Property OOC (open online
a gap year and planning to enter
                                           in need of financial support. With             course) will launch. This will be
the industry at a later date. Increasing
                                           increasing numbers of students moving          a free, interactive, online short
the number of students moving from
                                           from the Summer School to study on Real        course, and is aimed at 14–18 year
the Summer School to a relevant
                                           Estate and Planning courses at Henley          olds to inspire and excite them about
course is an ongoing aim of the project,
                                           Business School, this financial support        the opportunities available within
and we will continue to work towards
                                           is a vital element of the project both         the property industry.
this, both through exploring new ways
of engaging with students and utilising    now and moving forward.
existing tools such as the e-mentoring
and work placements elements
of the programme.

Pathways to Property Review 2017 - Henley Business School
Annual Review 2017

Sharing our experience                          During 2016–2017, Pathways to Property:
and knowledge
Pathways to Property continues
to work closely and in collaboration
with a number of other projects
and organisations. Most notably,
the project is an active member
of Property Needs You, and                                                                   Reached over 3350
                                                      Attended 13 school talks                   students
attends a number of large-scale
and very popular careers events
under this collaborative banner
each year. We also work with
other initiatives and organisations
across the industry to provide
a collective voice to encourage                      Attended 31 careers events            And almost 820 teachers
and engage young people                                                                     and careers advisers
with the exciting and varied
opportunities available across
the industry.

                                                        Ran 1 summer school

                                                              59 individuals volunteered
                                                                       their time

                                   1610 hours of time           294 hours of individual     16 hours of time donated
                                 donated by firms in work        volunteer time given       by firms for off-site visits
                                experience placements for                                    for the Summer School
                                 Summer School students

Pathways to Property Review 2017 - Henley Business School
Pathways to Property

  ‘It was one of the
  best experiences
  as I learnt about
  a whole new side to the
  property world and met
  some amazing people
  along the way.’
  Anees, Summer School 2017

  ‘The summer school
  was an insightful
  experience of the
  world of property
  which I was oblivious
  about, it really allowed
  me to learn more about
  a potential career.’
  Nali, Summer School 2017

Pathways to Property Summer School 2017
The fifth highly successful Pathways      discussions around current themes in         We are incredibly grateful for the support
to Property Summer School took place      property, whilst also raising awareness      given by so many to enable the Summer
at Henley Business School, University     of the many and varied roles and career      School to be the success it is. Thanks
of Reading from 24–27 July 2017.          opportunities within the sector. As          must be given for the extensive support
Coming from schools and colleges          always, one of the highlights for the        provided by the industry and by the
across the UK, the 91 Year 12 attendees   students was working on their group          academics from the Department
were keen to learn more about property    project; a stakeholder debate about          of Real Estate and Planning at Henley
and to experience university life.        a proposed development on the edge           Business School. This support was
                                          of Reading, which saw the students           multi-faceted and included delivering
With a busy programme running across
                                          presenting to a group of invited             lectures and academic sessions,
the four day residential summer school,
                                          guests on the final day. The passion         supporting the students as they worked
the students enjoyed academic and
                                          and enthusiasm of the students               on their group projects, hosting site
social activities, site visits, staying
                                          during the ensuing debate was clear          visits for the students, and attending
in university halls of residence, and
                                          for all to see, as was the extent to which   the presentations and talking with
making new friends. The programme
                                          their knowledge had increased.               the students on the final day.
used different media to facilitate

Annual Review 2017

                                                      Summer School 2017:

                                                          91           attendees

                                                                93%      of attendees had
                                                                         no family experience
                                                                         of higher education

                                                                42%      of attendees were
                                                                         female, 58% male

                                                                96%      of attendees felt
                                                                         informed about
                                                                         careers in property
                                                                         after attending the
                                                                         Summer School

                                                                43%      of attendees
                                                                         are definitely
                                                                         considering studying
                                                                         a property-related
                                                                         degree after
                                                                         attending the
                                                                         Summer School.

Thank you to the following for allowing their staff   And to the following
to volunteer their time and support the students      for hosting site visits:
with their group work:
Berkeley Group               Kontor                   Berkeley Group

British Land                 Lendlease                Mapletree UK Management Limited

CBRE                         Oxford Properties        Network Rail

Gerald Eve                   Shaftesbury              Thames Tower Reading

GL Hearn                     Strutt & Parker


Pathways to Property

Annual Review 2017

Pathways to Property 2017–2018
The project’s key objectives for 2017–18 include:

Engage with a wider                         Celebrate five years
number of young people                      of Pathways to Property
With the launch of the Pathways             The fifth Summer School took
to Property OOC in 2018, the project        place in July 2017, and Pathways
is seeking to expand its reach to engage    to Property is celebrating the successes
with a larger number of young people.       of its first five years whilst also looking
Designed specifically for 14–18 year        forward to the future. The programme
olds, this innovative online course         is reviewed each year to ensure
will provide a way for a greater            it remains relevant, and the project
number of young people to explore,          will continue to explore ways in which
and be excited by, the built environment.   to engage and interest young people
Once the OOC has been completed,            in property.
Pathways to Property will signpost
further opportunities for young
people to continue to find out more
about the property industry.

                                                 ‘I was amazed at the
Support students moving
into the industry                                incredible opportunities
The graduation from university                   and industry experts
of the first cohort of Summer                    that I was able to gain
School participants in the summer
of 2017 has meant that the project
                                                 an insight from.’
is in the process of expanding                   Dwarak, Summer School 2017
its activity to ensure that it continues
to provide support to these students
as they begin their first jobs within the        ‘It was extremely useful
industry. The project will continue to
                                                 for me to rotate with
explore ways in which to effectively
and successfully support these                   the different teams
students as they embark upon their
                                                 as I was unsure of
                                                 what they did, but by
Create an alumni                                 the end of the week,
network of Pathways
                                                 I had expanded my
to Property students
All young people who complete the                knowledge and have
Summer School are recognised as                  begun to think about
alumni of both Pathways to Property
and Henley Business School. To date,             what part of real estate
the project has 410 alumni from five             interests me.’
cohorts of Summer School students,
and the project is continually seeking           Shanti, Work Experience
ways to remain engaged with these                October 2017
young people.

Pathways to Property

What more can you
or your organisation do?
We are always looking to engage with more individuals and firms
to support this innovative project through both financial and non‑financial
support. For Pathways to Property to have an effect on actual numbers
of graduates entering the industry, we need to not only maintain the
current momentum, but to keep seeking ways for the project to grow
and the level of activity to increase. We can only do this with your
support and the support of the industry.

Financial support                            Work placements                              Volunteering
The financial support of our partners        During every October                         We are always looking for volunteers
ensures that the project can                 half‑term, we offer students who             across England and Wales to help
continue to work towards its aim             attended the Summer School the               deliver the project. This could
of widening access to the real estate        chance to apply for a week-long work         be by volunteering to support the
profession and raising the aspirations       experience placement. The placements         students at the Summer School or by
of many young people.                        provide an incredibly valuable insight       giving talks in state schools and colleges.
                                             into the sector for the students as well     The aim of the talks is to raise the profile
Corporates and individuals can support
                                             as giving them experience working            of the property industry to Year 12
Pathways to Property at different levels.
                                             in a corporate environment.                  students (16–17 year olds), teachers,
A commitment to the project over
                                                                                          careers advisers and parents as well as
a number of years guarantees the             We are always looking
                                                                                          promoting the Pathways to Property
sustainability of the programme, and         for firms across the UK who would
                                                                                          Summer School.
we recognise this important contribution     be willing to host a student for the week.
as Bronze, Silver or Gold level donations,   Pathways to Property offers all students     Talks often take place during assemblies,
with a minimum commitment of £5,000          taking part in a work experience             but could also be in a lesson such
a year for three years. Individual donors    placement a £250 bursary to cover            as geography, economics or business
can also support the project by setting      transport and other costs. Firms are         studies. We suggest volunteers talk
up regular payments. A gift of £1,000        not asked to contribute towards this.        about their experiences and why they
a year towards the project means you                                                      enjoy working in the sector in order
will be recognised as a RREF Pioneer,                                                     to inspire students and promote real
a gift of £3,000 a year towards the                                                       estate as a career.
project, and you will be recognised
as a RREF Ambassador. With a gift
of £5,000 a year you will be recognised
as a RREF Major Donor.
If you or your firm already support
Pathways to Property you may consider
increasing your gift or extending
your commitment.

Annual Review 2017

‘The work experience was        Contact details
very useful ... it has helped
                                Financial support                    Work placement and volunteering
to develop my career
                                If you or your firm are interested   If you would like to offer a work
plans and consolidated          in supporting the project            experience placement for students
my interest in studying         or in increasing your support,       who have attended the Summer
                                please contact: Paola Tinti,         School or would like to volunteer
Real Estate and Planning        Head of Fundraising,                 for talks, please contact: Emily Archer,
in university to become         Henley Business School at            Programme Delivery Manager
a Chartered Surveyor’        (Pathways to Property) at
                                or call +44 (0)118 378 4096
Deborah, Work Experience                                             or call +44 (0)118 378 4196
October 2017

‘I just wanted to say a massive thank you         ‘SEGRO is proud of its long term support
  for everything, from the summer school            of Pathways to Property, being one of
  to the work experience. I can’t explain           the original donors when the programme
  how indecisive I was feeling for months           launched in 2012. We fully support, and
  prior to this work experience and now             believe in, increasing diversity within our
  I have made a commitment to the career            sector by opening it up to those who have
  I would like to go into with so many plans        no connections within the industry and
  and objectives set for myself. Being              would otherwise have no knowledge of the
  introduced to the property industry was           great careers on offer. SEGRO is a Gold
  great but being exposed to it fully in the        Level sponsor of Pathways and each year
  element was truly the best experience             invites students from the programme to
  I have ever had. Everyone … was so nice,          take part in work experience with us so
  welcoming and encouraging. I would                that they can explore what Real Estate
  definitely love to come back here after           has to offer. We recognise that increasing
  my degree and do my APC. I have big plans         diversity within our sector is a long term
  for myself now and that is all thanks to this     aim and we are therefore committed
  charitable programme which has changed            to supporting Pathways as one of the
  all my ambitions for the better.’                 initiatives which will make a difference.’
  Christine, Work Experience October 2017           David Sleath, CEO SEGRO

    For more information, please contact:

Emily Archer
Programme Delivery Manager (Pathways to Property)
Henley Business School
University of Reading
Reading. RG6 6UD
Tel +44 (0)118 378 4196

    /PathwaysToProperty        @PathsToProperty

B20565 01.18
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