SEND POLICY - St Andrew's CE Primary School
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ST ANDREW’S CE PRIMARY SCHOOL SEND POLICY DATE OF ISSUE: December 2010 (See Notes) Reference No: SP/SEN/006-2 Issue: 6 REVIEW: February 2020 No of pages: 11 Author: Mr T Woollatt (SENCO) and Mrs L Fox (Pupil Support Manager) Link Governor: Mrs L Lo Page 1 of 11
Issue No. Notes Author Authoriser Issues dated Title: Signed: from 2010 but policies existed before this date. For ease of new record system. 1 November Mrs A Cross Chair of JAMES 2010 Governors NASH 2 September 2011 Mrs A Cross Chair of JAMES NASH Governors 3 September Mrs A Cross Chair of JAMES NASH 2014, December Governors 2014 - REFORMS 4 Appointed Miss B Chair of JAMES SENDCO Sept Callander Governors NASH 2015. Policy reviewed Dec 2015 5 Appointed Mrs L Buck Chair of SENDCO Jan Governors 2017. 6-1 Updated and Mrs L Buck & Chair of STEVE added new Mrs L Fox Governors INGHAM sections. February 2018 6-2 Change of SENCO REVIEW HISTORY Review Date: February 2018 / Jan 2019 Reviewer: Mrs L Fox SENCO (MrT Woollatt) and Pupil Support Manager (Mrs L Fox) Notes: Reviewed Doc SENPolicy 004/1 – Dec 2015. January 2019: Change of SENCO to Mr Changes made as in Notes opposite. Tom Woollatt Added reference to Single Equalities Policy December 2017: June 2016 : Ref now SP/SEN003/2 Updated and added new sections. Reviewed Doc SP/SEN005/1] Roles and Responsibilities: Updated staff names. Next Review Date: Every two years, unless necessary to amend earlier – February 2020 Jan 2017: Altered name of SENDCo and Safeguarding Officer. Added Mission Statement Font enlarged Objective 2 : Added Educational Health Care Plan Objective 9: Updated Code of Practice to January 2015 Managing Pupils’ Needs on the SEN Register: wording changed throughout the Page 2 of 11
section to reflect implementation of My Journey and IEPs in place of Support Plans. Added references to Medical and Asthma Policies. Roles and Responsibilities: Meetings with Governor: removed “termly”. Designated Safeguarding officer – changed to Mr Joe Dryland (Assistant Headteacher). LAC changed to CLA. Added “The policy is reviewed every two years, or earlier if necessary.” 23/6/16 Added reference to Single Equalities Policy. Signed: Headteacher Authorised: Chair of Governors Page 3 of 11
St Andrew’s CE Primary School Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) Policy Mission statement We are a Christian school, a family, committed to: Learning for Life Aiming for excellence and guided by God’s love. POLICY STATEMENT: This SEND policy is a key document to support the finest inclusive practice in our school. As a Church Aided Primary School it is our intention to provide for each child in our care, a stable, happy and well-disciplined environment in which to learn. We seek to educate the whole child - body, mind and spirit. In teaching we endeavour to instil in our pupils a sense of God’s love for each of us and the knowledge that we are all special to Him. Our aim at St Andrews is that each child will develop fully in an atmosphere of loving care, and that governors, parents, staff and children alike may feel that they are accepted and valued, and that each belongs here. Every teacher is a teacher of every child or young person including those with SEN. This policy was developed by the Headteacher, Governors and SENDCO, under guidance of the SEN Code of Practice, 0-25, and shared with parents and families. This Policy links closely with the Single Equalities Policy. It outlines our statutory responsibilities and approaches to ensure that all pupils including those with SEND can achieve their best possible learning outcomes and engage successfully in all aspects of the wider school community It complies with current statutory requirements and guidance set out in relevant legislation and documents. It links with the School offer on the link below: Page 4 of 11
DEFINITION OF SPECIAL EDUCATIONAL NEEDS SEND Code of Practice 2015 A child or young person has SEN if they have a learning difficulty or disability which calls for special educational provision to be made for him or her. A child of compulsory school age has a learning difficulty or disability if he or she has: A significantly greater difficulty in learning than the majority of other pupils of the same age or A disability which prevents or hinders him or her from making use of facilities of a kind generally provided for others of the same age in mainstream schools or post 16 institutions. Equality Act 2010 A disability is a physical or mental impairment which has a long term and substantial adverse effect on their ability to carry out normal day to day activities. This definition includes: Sensory impairments such as those affecting sight and hearing Long term health issues such as asthma, epilepsy and cancer AIM We aim, within the limits of school resources, to recognise and provide for any pupils who are identified as having a special educational need. We aim to provide a positive school atmosphere in which all children, irrespective of their difficulties, gender, culture or abilities, are valued by all. OBJECTIVES 1. Wherever possible the school aims to provide the necessary resources to satisfy special educational needs. As long as there is a continuum of need we will strive for a continuum of provision. 2. To strive to address the needs of all pupils in the school both with and without an Educational Health Care Plan. 3. To actively seek to remove the barriers to learning and participation that can hinder or exclude pupils with special educational needs. 4. To aim to achieve, where practicable, early identification of a special educational need together with appropriate intervention. 5. To provide access to a broad and balanced curriculum to all pupils. 6. To provide opportunities for parental and pupil involvement, recognising the value of their knowledge and experience. 7. To acknowledge that all members of staff are responsible for pupils with special needs. 8. To carefully assess pupils and, as far as practicable, match provision to their individual requirements. Page 5 of 11
9. To work closely, and in co-operation, with all agencies concerned with the provision of services for special educational needs. 10. To recognise and have due regard to, the Special Educational Needs Code of Practice (January 2015) on the identification and assessment of special educational needs. ADMISSION ARRANGEMENTS FOR PUPILS WITH SEN The school’s admission arrangements are set out in the school website and make it clear that the school will not discriminate or disadvantage pupils with a disability or SEN. The Code of Practice requires a school to admit all pupils who have an Education Health and Care Plan or a Statement of Special Needs where it has been requested by parents as their school preference and named by the Local Authority (LA). The LA SEN department must comply with this request and name the school in the EHC plan/Statement unless: It would be unsuitable for the age, ability, aptitude or SEN of the child Or The attendance of the inclusion of the child would be incompatible with the efficient education of others at the school or the efficient use of resources. IDENTIFYING SPECIAL EDUCATIONAL NEEDS The school uses the definition of SEN and disability as set out in the SEND code of practice and Equality Act 2010 (Appendix 1). We refer to the section in the Code of Practice which describes the four broad categories of need. These categories give an overview of the range of needs that are planned for at our school. (The Graduated Response : Assess- Plan-Do-Review). The purpose of the identification is to work out what action the school needs to take, not to fit a pupil into a category. At St Andrews, we identify the needs of pupils by considering the needs of the whole child which include not just the special educational needs of the child or young person. The Code of Practice suggests that pupils are only identified as SEN if they do not make adequate progress once they have had all the intervention/adjustments and good quality, personalised teaching. GRADUATED APPROACH TO SEN SUPPORT Class teachers are responsible and accountable for the progress and development of the pupils in their class, including where pupils access support from teaching practitioners or specialist staff. High quality teaching differentiated for individual pupils is the first step in responding to pupils who have or may have SEN. Page 6 of 11
The Headteacher and the Senior Leadership Team regularly and carefully review the quality of teaching for all pupils including those at risk of underachievement. This includes reviewing and, where necessary, improving teachers’ understanding of strategies to identify and support vulnerable pupils and their knowledge of the SEN most frequently encountered. Special educational provision involves the teacher and SENDCO considering all the information gathered from within the school about the pupil’s progress, alongside national data and expectations of progress. This will include high quality and accurate formative assessment using effective tools and early assessment materials. For higher levels of need, the school SENDCO will draw on more specialised assessments from external agencies and professionals. The decision to place pupils on the Register follows the ‘Assess-Plan-Do-Review’ cycle. Parents, families and children are involved in the Assess-Plan-Do-Review cycle from the outset. MANAGING PUPILS’ NEEDS ON THE SEN REGISTER Parents and pupils are involved from the outset. At St Andrews we assess, plan, deliver, review and record provisions using SEN ‘One Page Pupil Profiles,’ “Individual Education Plans (IEPs), and Provision Maps which tell us what needs have been identified, the clear outcomes to be achieved within an agreed timeframe, and who is responsible for maintaining and updating the documents. The class teachers hold responsibility for evidencing progress according to the outcomes described in the documents. Reviews will take place each term with parents and pupil. The school’s SEN Information Report shows how the level of provision is decided. (The SEN Information Report is available on the school website). The SENDCO will liaise with and monitor the additional support provided by specialist services. CRITERIA FOR EXITING THE SEN REGISTER/RECORD When a child has made adequate progress following intervention/adjustments and high quality, personalised teaching, the child will continue to be monitored by the class teacher in partnership with the parents and the child. TRANSITION ARRANGEMENTS For some children a more specialist setting may be more appropriate to meet their needs. If a child is joining St Andrews or moving to another primary school, a specialist setting or onto secondary school and has significant additional needs, an individualised programme will be developed taking into account the most successful way to meet the child’s needs upon transition. Staff will have a meeting usually involving parents/carers and staff from their new school. The child may also be involved in this meeting. A plan will be created and implemented; this could include extra visits to their new school, visual images of their new school before transferring and staff from their new school visiting the child while they are still at St Andrews. Staff at St Andrews will discuss the needs of children with SEND with their named secondary school during the summer term. Page 7 of 11
When moving to another year group, staff will have a transition meeting in the second half of the summer term to discuss each child’s needs. All SEND paperwork will be passed on. A meeting involving the current teacher, parents/carers and next year’s teacher may be arranged if appropriate. Some children may require more than one visit to their new classroom or to meet their new teacher alongside other strategies such as those mentioned in the previous paragraph in order for them to make the transition as successful as possible. SUPPORTING PUPILS AT SCHOOL WITH MEDICAL CONDITIONS The school recognises that pupils at school with medical conditions should be supported and have full access to education, including school trips and physical education. The school complies with its duties under the Equality Act 2010 for children who are disabled with medical conditions. For children who have special educational needs (SEN) and may have an Education Health Care (EHC) plan, the SEND Code of Practice (2015) is followed. Arrangements to support pupils with medical conditions can be found in the school’s policies - Supporting Pupils with Medical Conditions, and the Asthma Policy for Emergency Salbutamol Use. MONITORING AND EVALUATION OF SEND The Headteacher, Governors and all teaching staff regularly and carefully monitor and evaluate the quality of provision we offer all pupils. The evaluation and monitoring arrangements promote an active process of continual review and improvement of provision for all pupils. Monitoring and evaluation includes: regular audits, sampling of parents, pupils and staff views, planning files and book scrutinises, lesson observations by the Headteacher. FUNDING, TRAINING AND RESOURCES The school receives additional funding from the Local Authority each year to facilitate the needs of pupils requiring additional SEN support. The value of this funding is based on a range of indicators. It is a finite sum and is not adjusted through the year to take into account any changes in the cohort of pupils with SEN. In order to maintain and develop the quality of teaching and provision to respond to the strengths and needs of all pupils, all staff are encouraged to undertake training and development. We have teaching practitioners with more specialist skills to support and deliver interventions for pupils with more complex needs. The school’s SENDCO and Pupil Support Manager regularly attend the Local Authority SENDCO network meetings in order to keep up to date with local and national updates in SEND. Page 8 of 11
ROLES AND RESPONSIBILTITES The class teacher is responsible for: adapting and refining the curriculum to respond to the strengths and needs of all pupils; monitoring the progress of each child. Identifying, planning and delivering any additional support required to aid progress; devising individual educational plans (IEPs) in order to prioritise and focus the next steps required for each child to improve in their learning and make progress, and communicating with the team in supporting a child to ensure all staff are aware of the child’s needs. The SENDCO – The Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator is Lucy Buck and is responsible for: the operation of the Special Educational Needs Policy and the co-ordination of specific provision to support individual children with SEND; liaising with staff to monitor pupil progress and to plan further interventions where progress is slower than expected; making regular contact with a wide range of external agencies that are able to give more specialised advice, and ensuring there is a whole school awareness of SEND children. Our SEND Governor is Lisa Lo and she is responsible for: maintaining an awareness of special needs provision in the school on behalf of the governing body. Mrs Lo meets the SENDCO to gain information about the provision made for pupils with special educational needs and to monitor the implementation of the SEN policy. Other key members of staff who are actively involved in supporting and coordinating SEN provision and part of our wider inclusion team include: The Pupil Support Manager, Mrs Louise Fox. The Designated Teacher with specific Safeguarding responsibility is Mr Scott Martland (Headteacher) Mr Martland is responsible for managing PPG/CLA funding. Mr Martland is responsible for meeting the medical needs of pupils. Mr Martland is the Designated Teacher for Looked After Children. Mrs Wendy Beaty and Mrs Denise Taylor deliver specialist interventions for children with SEND. MONITORING AND EVALUATING SEND PROVISION The school undergoes an active process of continual review and improvement of provision for all pupils, including pupils with SEND. Page 9 of 11
In evaluating the quality of the SEND provision the school will take into account a range of evidence including looking at the level of achievement of pupils with SEND compared to standards achieved by this group nationally, case studies for groups and individual pupils, monitoring of interventions and views and feedback of parents and pupils. Pupil progress is shared with the Governing body. STORING AND MANAGING INFORMATION A data protection policy is available on the school website and is also available on request from the school office. DEALING WITH COMPLAINTS Parents/carers are encouraged to share any concerns they have at the earliest possible opportunity. In the first instance parents/carers should speak to the class teacher with further discussions with the SENDCO/Pupil Support Manager as required. Details regarding the schools complaints procedure can be found on the school’s website or on request from the school office. ANTI-BULLYING We recognise that pupils with SEN are vulnerable to bullying and the impact that bullying can have on emotional health and wellbeing. All pupils, including those with SEND are encouraged to share any concerns with a trusted adult. The schools anti-bullying policy outlines the steps that are taken to ensure and mitigate the risk of bullying of vulnerable learners. This is available on the school website and on request from the school office. Through careful monitoring of the bullying incidents and regular view of anti-bullying policies and practices with the school community we ensure our effectiveness in reducing and responding to bullying. DISABILITY ACCESS ARRANGEMENTS In compliance with the duties set out in the Equalities Act 2010 the school has an accessibility plan which outlines the actions we will take overtime to increase the accessibility for pupils with disabilities. This includes action to: o increase participation in the curriculum; o make improvements in the environment to enable pupils with disabilities to benefit from all school facilities and extra-curricular opportunities, and o improve access to a range of information. Our accessibility plan forms part of the Single Equalities Policy which can be found on the school website. Page 10 of 11
_________________________________________________________________________ Appendix 1: Compliance with Statutory Duties This policy meets requirements set out in the Children and Families Act 2014. It is written with reference to the following legislation and documents: Special Educational Needs and Disability Code of Practice 0-25 Equalities Act 2010 School Admissions Code of Practice Supporting Pupils at School with Medical Conditions (June 2014) Best Practice Advice for School Complaints Procedures 2016 The National Curriculum Teachers Standards 2012 Working Together to Safeguard Children (2017) Lancashire County Council’s Local Offer for SEN disabilities.aspx Page 11 of 11
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