2011-2012 Scholar Registration Packet

Page created by Juanita Hunt
2011-2012 Scholar Registration Packet
P.O. Box 3022
                                                                 Mount Vernon, New York 10553
                                                                             ph: (914) 610-4900
                                                                            fax: (914) 798-2575

            2011-2012 Scholar Registration Packet
Congratulations on your successful acceptance into the Amani Public Charter School!

                   To ensure your child’s successful registration,
       please review and complete the enclosed forms by the listed deadline.

                        You may return completed forms to:

                           Amani Public Charter School
                                 P.O. Box 3022
                            Mount Vernon, NY 10553

     If you have any questions, please contact our Office Manager, Ms. Parker,
                  at aparker@amanicharter.org or (914) 610-4900.

              Thank you in advance, and welcome to our community!

                  DOCUMENT                                            DUE DATE
  1. Contact and Emergency Information Form
  2. School-Scholar-Family Accountability Covenant
  3. Release of Information Form
  4. Media Release and Scholar Displays
  5. General Field Trip Permission Form                         Saturday, June 25, 2011
  6. Scholar and Family Information Survey
  7. Residency Questionnaire (McKinney-Vento)
  8. Home Language Survey
  9. Free and Reduced Price Lunch Questionnaire
  10. Medical Requirements:
      • Physician’s Health Certificate
      • Immunization Record
      • MVCSD Annual Health and Emergency
         Information Form
      • Parent and Presriber’s Authorization for               Monday, August 15, 2011
         Administration of Medication in School Form
      • Self-Medication Release From
      • BMI Information Release Form

      To educate and inspire; to uplift and transform. Every scholar. Every year.
P.O. Box 3022
                                                                             Mount Vernon, New York 10553
                                                                                         ph: (914) 610-4900
                                                                                        fax: (914) 798-2575
                          Contact & Emergency Information
______________________________________________________                          ___________________
Scholar Last Name                         First                 MI              Grade 2011-2012

___________________________________                     _____________________________________
Name of Parent/Guardian 1                               Name of Parent/Guardian 2

___________________________________                     _____________________________________
Parent/Guardian 1 relationship to child                 Parent/Guardian 2 relationship to child

___________________________________                     _____________________________________
Parent/Guardian 1 home phone number                     Parent/Guardian 2 home phone number

___________________________________                     _____________________________________
Parent/Guardian 1 work phone number                     Parent/Guardian 2 work phone number

___________________________________                     _____________________________________
Parent/Guardian 1 mobile phone number                   Parent/Guardian 2 mobile phone number

___________________________________                     _____________________________________
Parent/Guardian 1 e-mail address                        Parent/Guardian 2 e-mail address

Child’s Primary Residence:                              Other Parent/Guardian Residence:

___________________________________                     _____________________________________
Street Address                                          Street Address

___________________________________                     _____________________________________
City, State Zip                                         City, State Zip

Other Emergency Contacts

___________________________________                     _____________________________________
Name & Relationship to Child                            Name & Relationship to Child

___________________________________                     _____________________________________
Above person’s contact number(s)                        Above person’s contact number(s)

Please list below the people who have permission to pick up your child from school. If a person
who is not listed will be picking up your child, you must notify the school office.

___________________________________                     _____________________________________
Name & Relationship to Child                            Name & Relationship to Child

___________________________________                     _____________________________________
Name & Relationship to Child                            Name & Relationship to Child

                  To educate and inspire; to uplift and transform. Every scholar. Every year.
P.O. Box 3022
                                                                                         Mount Vernon, New York 10553
                                                                                                     ph: (914) 610-4900
                                                                                                    fax: (914) 798-2575

       Amani Public Charter School—Scholar—Family Accountability Covenant
When you joined the Amani Public Charter School community, you joined a team. The goal of this team is getting our
scholars/children the education they deserve. To achieve our goal, we must work together. We all need to have a full and clear
understanding of the responsibilities of the members of this team. This contract spells out many of the most important

School Commitment

   1. We will work tirelessly to ensure that our scholars get the excellent education they deserve. We will neither make nor
       accept excuses.
   2. We will work longer school day, longer school year, offer scholars extra help and support, and always offer our
       scholars the best we have.
   3. We will encourage and respect every scholar. We will listen to scholars and their needs. We will not tolerate scholars
       disrespecting each other.
   4. We will teach and enforce Character Counts values consistently and fairly. We will communicate with families when
       scholars fail to meet expectations just as when they exceed expectations. Decisions, including consequences, will be
       made in the best interest of our scholars.
   5. We will give scholars recognition, incentives and privileges if they do well and give consequences and remove
       privileges if they do not.
   6. We will communicate regularly with families about their child’s progress and make ourselves available in person and
       on the phone.
   7. We will return parent phone calls as soon as possible, usually within 24 hours.
   8. We will assign quality homework every night to reinforce and support skills and concepts learned in class.
   9. We will support scholars with excellent teaching and additional help during the school day and after/before school as
   10. We will always work to provide a safe learning environment. We will always work to protect the safety, dignity and
       rights of all individuals.

Parent/Guardian Commitment

   1. I will ensure that my child comes to school every day at 7:30am if they eat breakfast or 7:45am to be able to begin the
      day’s activities.
   2. I will not schedule family vacations during school time. I will do my best to schedule important appointments for out
      of school time.
   3. I will make alternative transportation plans if my child is required to stay at school until 5:15 (Monday-Thursday) for
      tutoring or homework club.
   4. After school commitments are mandatory. My child will only be excused in case of an emergency, a maximum of one
      time per quarter.
   5. I understand that my child will be automatically retained if he/she fails 2 or more core academic classes, or is absent
      for more than 10 days of the school year. If my child fails 1 class, he/she must successfully complete our summer
      program and pass the exam in order to be promoted.
   6. I will provide a quiet place to study and see that my scholar completes around 2 hours of homework or more and 20
      minutes reading nightly.

                    To educate and inspire; to uplift and transform. Every scholar. Every year.
P.O. Box 3022
                                                                                          Mount Vernon, New York 10553
                                                                                                      ph: (914) 610-4900
                                                                                                     fax: (914) 798-2575
    7. I will check my child’s planner and homework every night. If, and only if, APCS standards have been met, I will sign
       my child’s planner.
   8. I will help my child study for tests and quizzes and give them support when they need help and praise when they do
   9. I will arrange for my scholar to be at Saturday Academy if assigned by my scholar’s teacher or teachers.
   10. I understand that my child will serve Administrative Consequences on Monday 4:00pm – 5:00pm if his/her weekly
       Paycheck is below $30. I further understand that my scholar will receive Homework Club for three missing homework
       assignments in any one-week.
   11. I understand that my child will be In-Class Suspended or Out-of-School Suspended if they violate the code of
   12. If scholar behavior requires it, I will come to school immediately. If Out-of School Suspended, I will remove my child
       from the building.
   13. I understand that my child may be recommended for an expulsion hearing if they earn more than 3 suspensions.
   14. I will send my child in proper dress code everyday. If my child arrives out of uniform, I’ll arrange for a family member
       to bring proper attire.
   15. I agree to work to as part of a team for the academic success and behavioral growth of my child. I will return phone
       calls, review and sign documentation sent home including progress reports and Paycheck Reports. I will attend parent-
       teacher conferences and meetings about my child.

Scholar Commitment

   1. I understand that my education is paramount. Being a scholar is my job. I will always work, think and behave in the
       best way I know how.
   2. I will do whatever it takes for my fellow scholars and me to learn. I will do all homework. I will work to exceed the
       school’s expectations.
   3. If I need help, I will ask for it. If I can give help, I will give it. I won’t criticize other scholars.
   4. I will come to school and ready to learn by 7:45am in order to complete my morning responsibilities.
   5. If I need to miss class or school, I will ask for and make up all assignments. I will stay after school if/ when I am
       required to do so.
   6. I will wear the proper uniform everyday and remain in uniform throughout the day.
   7. I will listen to directions. I will read and re-read directions before asking for help. If I cannot solve the problem
       myself, I will raise my hand and ask for help. I will help my classmates if they need help. I will not make excuses. I will
       be honest with my teachers and myself.
   8. If I make a mistake, I will tell the truth and accept responsibility for my actions. I will do the right thing, even when no
       one is watching.
   9. I will respect my teachers, my peers and myself. I will refrain from all disrespectful behavior including smacking teeth,
       rolling eyes, etc.
   10. I understand our Paycheck expectations. I will follow the school rules to protect they safety and rights of all
       individuals and not detract from the educational opportunities of others. I’ll accept the consequences if I don’t meet
       our Paycheck expectations.

Scholar Signature                                                 Date

Parent Signature                                                  Date

                    To educate and inspire; to uplift and transform. Every scholar. Every year.
P.O. Box 3022
                                                                             Mount Vernon, New York 10553
                                                                                         ph: (914) 610-4900
                                                                                        fax: (914) 798-2575
                                      Release of Information
                 Scholar Last Name                      First                   MI

I hereby authorize the Amani Public Charter School to share and/or request any and all records, data or

information determined to be relevant to the education of my child, the above-named scholar, within the

Mount Vernon City School District, the New York State Education Department, any other schools and

school systems in which my child has previously been enrolled, and any governmental departments, health

or social service providers or other offices whose activities bear directly on the programs or services with

which my child is provided at the Amani Public Charter School. I understand that all such information

will be kept strictly confidential.

Parent/Guardian Name: ___________________________________________________________

Parent/Guardian Signature: ___________________________________                  Date: ______________

                  To educate and inspire; to uplift and transform. Every scholar. Every year.
P.O. Box 3022
                                                                           Mount Vernon, New York 10553
                                                                                       ph: (914) 610-4900
                                                                                      fax: (914) 798-2575
                       Media Release and Scholar Displays

I give permission for the Amani Public Charter School to record, film, photograph, interview and/or

publicly exhibit, display, distribute or publish my child’s name, appearance and spoken words during the

2011-2012 school year, whether undertaken by school staff, scholars or anyone outside the school,

including the media. I agree that the school may use, or allow others to use, those works without

limitation or compensation. I release the Amani Public Charter School staff from any claims arising out of

my child’s appearance or participation in these works.

Scholar’s Name

Name of Parent/Guardian (please print)

______________________________________________                _________________________
Signature of Parent/Guardian                                  Date

                To educate and inspire; to uplift and transform. Every scholar. Every year.
P.O. Box 3022
                                                                              Mount Vernon, New York 10553
                                                                                          ph: (914) 610-4900
                                                                                         fax: (914) 798-2575
                        General Field Trip Permission Form
Please complete the form below to give your child permission to participate in school-sponsored field

trips during the 2011-2012 academic year. You will be notified of each field trip off school-grounds in

advance, and will be asked to sign additional permission slips for specific trips. This form is required in

order for your child to participate in physical education classes, which will take place at a site adjacent to

the school grounds.

I give my child, ______________________________________________, permission to attend field

trips as a component of the Amani Public Charter School program during the 2011-2012 academic year. I

understand that all field trips will be planned and chaperoned by Amani Public Charter School staff, with

additional parent chaperones as need to ensure proper supervision of all attending scholars. I understand

that my child may travel during field trips on public transportation, by chartered bus, or with my

permission in a chaperone’s private vehicle. I will communicate with my child’s teacher regarding any

questions or concerns about field trips that are planned for my child.

Name of Parent/Guardian

________________________________________________                         _____________________
Signature of Parent/Guardian                                             Date

                 To educate and inspire; to uplift and transform. Every scholar. Every year.
P.O. Box 3022
                                                                                       Mount Vernon, New York 10553
                                                                                                   ph: (914) 610-4900
                                                                                                  fax: (914) 798-2575
                        Scholar and Family Information Survey
At Amani Public Charter School, we are committed to creating a safe academic environment where all
children will succeed in meeting the school’s high standards. We understand that in order to best assist all
scholars, communication lines between the school and families must always remain open. To start that
dialogue, we request your candid responses to the following questions. Your answers will help us create
learning environments that will most accurately match the needs of your child and his/her classmates. We
know that middle school children rapidly mature academically, physically and emotionally. Therefore, the
more we know about your child’s past and present experiences, the more we can help your child
successfully start off the new year.

Scholar Personal Background
Please check the general racial category that most clearly reflects the scholar’s recognition of his/her
community or with which the scholar most identifies:
_____   American Indian or Alaskan Native – A person having origins in any of the original peoples of North America, and
        who maintains cultural identification through tribal affiliation or community attachment.
_____   Asian or Pacific Islander – A person having origins in any of the original peoples of the Far East, Southeast Asia,
        the Indian subcontinent or the Pacific Islands. This area includes, for example, China, India, Japan, Korea, the
        Philippine Islands, and Samoa.
_____   Black – A person having origins in any of the black racial groups of Africa.
_____   White – A person having origins in any of the original peoples of Europe, North Africa, or the Middle East.
_____   Hispanic – A person of Mexican, Puerto Rican, Cuban, Central, South American or other Spanish culture or origin,
        regardless of race.

    What is the primary language spoken at home? (Check one)
    _____ English     _____ Spanish    _____English and Spanish equally      _____ Other (specify)_________

    Scholar Services
                                                                                             Yes       No        Not

Is your child currently eligible for free or reduced-priced lunch at school?

Is your child currently enrolled in a bilingual program?

Has your child been screened for Special Education?

Has your child ever received Special Education services?

Does your child currently have an Individualized Education Plan (IEP)?

Does your child currently receive special services in school?

                    To educate and inspire; to uplift and transform. Every scholar. Every year.
P.O. Box 3022
                                                                                         Mount Vernon, New York 10553
                                                                                                     ph: (914) 610-4900
                                                                                                    fax: (914) 798-2575
If your child receives special services, please explain what they are:
Does your child have any medical, learning, physical or other special needs of which we should be
Is there any other information you think would be helpful for us to have about your child?
  Parent/Guardian Educational Background
What is the highest level of education the scholar’s mother/female guardian has obtained?
(Check One)
                        ___Did not complete high school             ___Attended some four-year college

                        ___Graduated from High School/GED           ___Graduated from four-year college

                        ___Attended some two-year college           ___Attended some advanced-degree program

                        ___Graduated from two-year college          ___Graduated from advanced-degree program

What is the highest level of education the scholar’s father/male guardian has obtained?
(Check One)
                        ___Did not complete high school             ___Attended some four-year college

                        ___Graduated from High School/GED           ___Graduated from four-year college

                        ___Attended some two-year college           ___Attended some advanced-degree program

                        ___Graduated from two-year college          ___Graduated from advanced-degree program

    Parent/Guardian Statement
I certify that the information above is true and understand that false statements may be grounds for
dismissal of my child from the Amani Public Charter School. I will inform Amani Public Charter School
administrators of changes to the information listed above.

_____________________________________         _____________________________________         ___________________

   Parent/Guardian Name                         Parent/Guardian Signature                        Date

                      To educate and inspire; to uplift and transform. Every scholar. Every year.
P.O. Box 3022
                                                                 Mount Vernon, New York 10553
                                                                             ph: (914) 610-4900
                                                                            fax: (914) 798-2575


      To educate and inspire; to uplift and transform. Every scholar. Every year.
P.O. Box 3022
                                                                                             Mount Vernon, New York 10553
                                                                                                         ph: (914) 610-4900
                                                                                                        fax: (914) 798-2575!
                              Home Language Survey
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                                                                 Mount Vernon, New York 10553
                                                                             ph: (914) 610-4900 !
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P.O. Box 3022
                                                                                                           Mount Vernon, New York 10553
                                                                                                                       ph: (914) 610-4900
                                                                                                                      fax: (914) 798-2575
                                               Home Language Survey
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                                                                             Mount Vernon, New York 10553
                                                                                             ph: (914) 610-4900
                                                                                            fax: (914) 798-2575
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P.O. Box 3022
                                                           Mount Vernon, New York 10553
                                                                       ph: (914) 610-4900
                                                                      fax: (914) 798-2575
 Free and Reduced Price Meal Information

To educate and inspire; to uplift and transform. Every scholar. Every year.
P.O. Box 3022
                                                           Mount Vernon, New York 10553
                                                                       ph: (914) 610-4900
                                                                      fax: (914) 798-2575

To educate and inspire; to uplift and transform. Every scholar. Every year.
P.O. Box 3022
                                                           Mount Vernon, New York 10553
                                                                       ph: (914) 610-4900
                                                                      fax: (914) 798-2575

To educate and inspire; to uplift and transform. Every scholar. Every year.
P.O. Box 3022
                                                           Mount Vernon, New York 10553
                                                                       ph: (914) 610-4900
                                                                      fax: (914) 798-2575

To educate and inspire; to uplift and transform. Every scholar. Every year.
P.O. Box 3022
                                                           Mount Vernon, New York 10553
                                                                       ph: (914) 610-4900
                                                                      fax: (914) 798-2575

To educate and inspire; to uplift and transform. Every scholar. Every year.
P.O. Box 3022
                                                                               Mount Vernon, New York 10553
                                                                                           ph: (914) 610-4900
                                                                                          fax: (914) 798-2575
                           Medical Requirements Checklist
In order to keep your scholar’s health records up to date and to provide proper health services, your
scholar will need a Physical Examination by your family physician. Use the following checklist to ensure
you have completed all the required medical documents.

Have your physician conduct a Physical Examination of your scholar. Please be sure your physician

________       1) Annual Health and Emergency Information Form

________       2) Fully Completed Physician’s Health Certificate (attached)

________       3) Complete Immunization Record, with doctor’s stamp (see required immunizations)

________       4) Parent and Prescriber’s Authorization for Administration of Medication in School
                  Form. Your physician will need to sign this form.

________       5) Self-Medication Release Form (if applicable). Your physician will need to sign this form.

________       6) Body Mass Index Reporting Exclusion (optional)

                To educate and inspire; to uplift and transform. Every scholar. Every year.
P.O. Box 3022
                                                           Mount Vernon, New York 10553
                                                                       ph: (914) 610-4900
                                                                      fax: (914) 798-2575

To educate and inspire; to uplift and transform. Every scholar. Every year.
P.O. Box 3022
                                                           Mount Vernon, New York 10553
                                                                       ph: (914) 610-4900
                                                                      fax: (914) 798-2575

To educate and inspire; to uplift and transform. Every scholar. Every year.
P.O. Box 3022
                                                           Mount Vernon, New York 10553
                                                                       ph: (914) 610-4900
                                                                      fax: (914) 798-2575

             Immunization Requirements

To educate and inspire; to uplift and transform. Every scholar. Every year.
P.O. Box 3022
                                                                            Mount Vernon, New York 10553
                                                                                        ph: (914) 610-4900
                                                                                       fax: (914) 798-2575

                    Parent and Prescriber’s Authorization for
                    Administration of Medication in School
A. To be completed by the parent or guardian:

I request that my child, _________________________________ grade _______ receive the medication
as prescribed below by our licensed health care provider. The medication is to be furnished by me in the
properly labeled original container from the pharmacy. I understand that the school nurse or other
assigned person will administer the medication.

Parent/Guardian Name (print): ______________________________________________________

Parent/Guardian Signature: _____________________________________ Date: ______________

Home Telephone: ________________________               Work Telephone: _______________________

B. To be completed by the licensed health care provider:

I request that my patient, as listed below, receive the following medication.

Name of scholar: ________________________________________                       DOB: ______________

Diagnosis: ______________________________________________________________________

Name of Medication: ______________________________________________________________

Prescribed Dosage, Frequency and Route of Administration:


Time to be taken during school hours: _________________________________________________

Duration of treatment: _____________________________________________________________

Possible Side Effects and Adverse Reaction (if any): ______________________________________


Other Recommendations: __________________________________________________________

Name of Licensed Prescriber and Title (print): ___________________________________________

Prescriber’s Signature _______________________________________                  Date: ______________

Address: ____________________________________                  Phone: _________________________
                 To educate and inspire; to uplift and transform. Every scholar. Every year.
P.O. Box 3022
                                                                           Mount Vernon, New York 10553
                                                                                       ph: (914) 610-4900
                                                                                      fax: (914) 798-2575

                            Self-Medication Release Form

Date __________________________________

(Child’s Name) ____________________________________________________________________
has been instructed in the proper use of the following medication procedures:





We (physician’s signature) ____________________________________________________________

and (parent’s signature) ______________________________________________________________

request that (child’s name) ____________________________________________________________

be permitted to carry the medication on his/her person or to keep same in his her personal belongings as

we consider him/her responsible. He/she has been instructed and understands the purpose and

appropriate method and frequency of use.

Note: This form must be completed in addition to routine district medication form for those students

who request permission to carry their own medication on campus or keep this medication in a school

storage unit.

                To educate and inspire; to uplift and transform. Every scholar. Every year.
P.O. Box 3022
                                                           Mount Vernon, New York 10553
                                                                       ph: (914) 610-4900
                                                                      fax: (914) 798-2575
                 Body Mass Index
           Reporting Exclusion (Optional)

To educate and inspire; to uplift and transform. Every scholar. Every year.
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