Student/Parent Handbook 2019-20 - Our Mission: Sansome School promotes learning within a challenging, safe and supportive environment.

Page created by Adam Marshall
Student/Parent Handbook 2019-20 - Our Mission: Sansome School promotes learning within a challenging, safe and supportive environment.
Student/Parent Handbook

               Our Mission:
 Sansome School promotes learning within a
challenging, safe and supportive environment.

Sansome School Student/Parent Handbook 2019-2020

                                                                 related to your child. This also applies to the emergency
8:45             Outside supervision begins                      contact person who is listed on your registration form.
8:55             Student entry/Attendance
9:05             Announcements                                   APPOINTMENTS
10:25-10:40      Recess
11:55            Dismissal for Lunch                             Parents are encouraged to schedule doctor and dentist
12:55            Outside supervision begins                      appointments outside of school hours whenever possible,
1:00             Student entry/Attendance                        or to arrange these appointments on inservice or
2:25 – 2:40      Recess                                          administrative days. In cases where this is not possible
3:55             Dismissal                                       and early dismissal is required, parents are asked to
*on early dismissal days, dismissal is at 3:18 PM                notify their child’s classroom teacher and sign their child
                                                                 out from the school office.
                                                                 HEALTH CONCERNS
Promptness is an important life skill. Student entry is at
8:55 am and 1:00 pm. Please encourage respect for
classmates and teachers by being on time.                        Parents are reminded to notify the school of any
                                                                 health/medical concerns related to their children.
                                                                 This information should be communicated to the school
Patrols are selected and trained from Grade 4 and 5 to           at any point during the school year.
ensure the safety of all students. Street patrols are
stationed at crosswalks and busy intersections to assist         Where it is necessary that medication needs to be
students when crossing the streets.                              administered at school, parents must complete the
                                                                 necessary forms as per division policy.
Patrol stations are at Bedson /Sansome and
Sansome/ Raquette, during the following times on days            CO-CURRICULAR PROGRAMS
with student dismissal at the regular time.
                                                                 Sansome offers students a wide variety of activities that
          8:45 am -- 8:55 am                                     occur before school, at lunch and after school that include
         11:55 am – 12:05 pm                                     sport, music and more. Information will be shared in
         12:50 pm – 1:00 pm                                      announcements, on our website and our weekly email
          3:55 pm – 4:05 pm                                      newsletter.

STUDENT ABSENCES                                                 SNACKS & LUNCH
Students are required by law to attend school every day as
scheduled unless prevented from doing so because of              Sansome School strives to maintain a safe environment.
illness, medical reasons or family priorities.                   Some students have severe allergies to nut products. With
                                                                 this in mind, we respectfully request that all parents
Notification from a parent/guardian indicating the absence       refrain from sending peanut butter, or other items
is required using the Safe Arrival system. There is a            containing nuts to school.
School Messenger app available or visit the website at                                   Although we cannot guarantee that products containing
                                                                 nuts will not enter our school, we are committed to
If no notification has been provided we will be contacting       minimizing the risk to our students as much as possible.
parents and/or emergency contacts as required.                   Students are encouraged to bring nutritional recess snacks
                                                                 and water bottles to school.
PHONE NUMBER                                                     Supervision is provided for students at lunch. Please note
                                                                 microwave oven service is not available.
In the event of address or phone number changes (work
and/or home) during the year, new information must be            Lunch Room Expectations:
submitted to the school office immediately. It is
imperative that we are able to contact you or a                      ü   Follow the directions given by all lunch
designated individual in case of illness or emergency                     supervisors.
                                                                     ü   Remain seated while eating and be polite while
eating.                                                    EMERGENCY BUS CANCELLATION
    ü   Speak at a reasonable volume.
    ü   Play safely and respectfully on the school                 In the event of severely inclement weather, buses may be
         playground.                                                cancelled. In extreme weather conditions, please ensure
                                                                    that you check local radio stations (example: CJOB 680
Consequences                                                        AM), or the division website at to
                                                                    determine the status of school bus service.
    ü   Lunch supervisors will address minor incidents
         with the support of administration.                        LOST AND FOUND
    ü   Inappropriate behaviour may result in a
         suspension of lunch privileges.                            Labels on items of clothing, including footwear, are
                                                                    encouraged. Smaller, more valuable items are turned
In the event of a lunch suspension, parents are responsible         into the office. Unclaimed articles are donated to a
for making alternate arrangements for the supervision of            charity at the conclusion of each school term.
their child over the affected lunch hour.
                                                                    Bike racks inside a fenced bicycle cage are available
In the interest of sustainable practices, a paper newsletter        Students are advised to have locks on their bikes as
will not be sent home. Parents/Guardians are encouraged             this cage is left open over the lunch hour. The school
to access our frequently updated website and school                 assumes no responsibility for damage or loss.
calendar that you can subscribe to at                                STUDENT ASSEMBLIES

As well, a weekly email will be sent your way entitled              The purpose of student assemblies is to bring the total
“Notes from the Office” to keep you informed of                     student body together for special announcements, short
upcoming events and handouts. If you are not receiving              programs and to foster a positive sense of community.
these messages please contact the office to revise your             Parents are welcome to attend all assemblies and
email address.                                                      performances as they happen. Notice will be provided.

VISITORS                                                            FIRE /LOCKDOWN DRILL/TORNADO DRILLS

All visitors are required to report to the office, where they
                                                                    10 Fire Drills, 2 Lockdown Drills and 1 Tornado Drill are
will be asked to sign in and issued a visitor pass to wear
                                                                    held throughout the year to familiarize students with these
as they move within the building. Without a visitor pass,
staff will ask you to report to the office.
                                                                    INSERVICE/ADMINISTRATION DAYS
                                                                    Certain days of the school year are assigned for
According to Board Policy, school bus service is provided
                                                                    professional development and administrative tasks.
to those eligible. Students will be supervised by staff
                                                                    During these days teachers are involved with
while getting on and off the bus at school. Students are
                                                                    parent/teacher conferences, curriculum meetings and
expected to cooperate with these supervisors and are
                                                                    workshops in support of student learning.
required to follow the rules of bus ridership, which
                                                                    STUDENT ASSESSMENT

    ü   Remain seated unless instructed otherwise by the
                                                                    Students are assessed on a continuous basis throughout
                                                                    the school year. This assessment includes:
    ü   Do NOT touch or open windows unless directed.
    ü   Refrain from making excessive noise i.e. no                    ü   daily assignments and performance tasks
         shouting, screaming, etc.                                      ü   cumulative tests and quizzes
    ü   Be courteous to fellow passengers.
                                                                        ü   conversations and interviews with students
    ü   Do NOT throw objects on the bus
    ü   Do NOT eat or drink on the bus
                                                                        ü   Observations and anecdotal records of student
If students do not display appropriate behaviour on the
bus, their service may be suspended.
                                                                    Other forms of assessment may also be used. Report
                                                                    Cards are issued at the conclusion of each term.

STUDENT-LED CONFERENCES                                              programs for Kindergarten to Grade 5 students with
                                                                     learning challenges. Staff members and/or parents can
A “Celebration of Learning” is held twice a year to allow            make referrals to resource. Through cooperative
parents to share in their child’s progress. Parents are              teamwork, students are assessed, and programs are
encouraged to connect with teachers at any time during               developed, implemented and evaluated. Programming
the year as the need arises. Please call the school or email         will occur in the most enabling environment which may
your child’s teacher directly to make an appointment.                be the classroom and/or another location in the school.
Teachers also may request conferences with a student or
parent as the needed.
                                                                     EDUCATIONAL SUPPORT SERVICES

PARENT COUNCIL                                                       Educational Support Services provides the following
                                                                     clinical services:
Sansome School maintains an active Parent Council
which works cooperatively with the school in the best                    ü   Educational Psychologist
interests of the education of the children. The Council                  ü   Speech and Language Clinician
organizes general meetings of interest, sponsors                         ü   Social Worker
fundraising events, and co-hosts special activities with
the school. Parents are encouraged to participate on the             Students are referred to ESS by teachers, principals,
Council and support their ongoing events.                            parents, physicians or other community service agencies.
                                                                     ESS staff members consult and collaborate on services for
PARENT VOLUNTEERS                                                    students and work closely with teachers, administration
                                                                     and parents. The referral requires a parental signature.
Sansome School welcomes and appreciates volunteers
and the assistance they provide for staff and students.              PARKING LOT
Volunteers assist with a wide range of activities
including library, reading, coaching, and classroom                  At morning and afternoon dismissal/entry times, parents
assistance. Please note that completed Child Abuse and               are reminded to park their vehicles in the main parking lot
Criminal Records checks are required. Please contact                 at the front (East Side) of the school, then walk to the
the office at 204-889-6000 for further information.                  door area to meet their children. Parents may also choose
                                                                     to arrange pick up spots with their child on streets
SPECIAL PROGRAMS                                                     adjacent to the school to help alleviate parking lot traffic.
                                                                     Two spots have been designated for our visitors with
                                                                     special mobility needs. No students should be picked up
Programs such as Reading Recovery and Math                           in the staff parking lot area.
Enhancement are offered throughout the year. In order to
enhance their learning potential, students experiencing
difficulties in these areas are referred by their teacher.
                                                                     Sansome Healthy Living Policy

GUIDANCE                                                             At Sansome School, we believe that balanced nutrition
                                                                     and physical activity contribute to a “healthy mind and
The counseling program facilitates the emotional and                 body” and have a positive impact on learning.
social development of students. It is preventative in                Following are the Sansome School Guidelines for
nature and includes individual, small group and whole                promoting a healthy active lifestyle:
classroom intervention. Topics such as study skills, peer
pressure, personal safety and responsibility are important               §   Sansome School will continue to encourage
topics for discussion, as well as issues related to a specific                students to live an “active” lifestyle, promoting
concern.                                                                      physical fitness and activity.
                                                                         §   Sansome School will strive to provide students
STAFF MEETINGS/EARLY DISMISSAL                                                with opportunities to be engaged in a wide
                                                                              variety of physical and social activities.
                                                                         §   Sansome School encourages families to send
Staff meetings are held on the first and third Tuesday                        lunches with packaging that is recyclable to
of each month. Students will be dismissed early (3:18                         promote sustainable development.
pm) on these days. Please refer to the school day                        §   Sansome School will strive to communicate
calendar for exact dates.                                                     healthy food choices to our students to
                                                                              encourage healthy lunches and snacks.
RESOURCE                                                                 §   Sansome School will work to ensure that all staff
                                                                              members are made aware of food allergies and
Sansome School utilizes the Diagnostic-Collaborative                          guidelines to support these students.
Resource Delivery Model. This model is designed to
assist school staff in the assessment and planning of

St. James Assiniboia School Division Code of Behaviour and Conduct


     •     Social,	
     •     Harassment/discrimination	
     •     Under	
     •     Threats	
     •     Gang	
     •     Possession	
     •     Possession	
     •     Inappropriate	


     •     Click	
     •     Click	
     •     Click	

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