Living the dream Samantha Cutts of Hook Norton Vets shares her passion for breeding and international eventing

Living the dream Samantha Cutts of Hook Norton Vets shares her passion for breeding and international eventing
White Hills Surgery, Sibford Road, Hook
                                                                     Norton, Banbury, Oxfordshire, OX15 5DG

                                                                                          Pets: 01608 730501
                                                                                Equine & Farm: 01608 730085


             Living the dream
 Samantha Cutts of Hook Norton Vets shares her
 passion for breeding and international eventing

The Insights Team were          Cambridge University to                then she went on to be part
                                become a fully qualified vet           of the Team GBR junior event
fortunate enough to             herself.                               team in 2003 and also took
catch up with Vet and                                                  part in Young Rider Trials.
International Event             Sam started riding at the age
Rider Sam Cutts before          of four and quickly became             Sam’s ride Piccola Star – a
                                a member of the Spooners               mare - took her all the way
the start of both the           & West Dartmoor Pony Club              from Pony Club through to
breeding and eventing           where she was part of the              Advanced and CCI5* whilst
seasons and Sam                 Pony Club Area Eventing team           Sam was also training to be
                                with her horse Piccola Star and        a vet. Piccola Star was by the
shared with us her
remarkable career and
how she practices what
she preaches from a
veterinary perspective.
Sam is the senior
Equine Partner at Hook
Norton Vets and is also
the Senior Veterinary
Surgeon at Stratford
Sam had the dream of
becoming at vet at the
age of eight years old after
meeting a charismatic vet
who treated one of her ponies
                                   Sam Cutts with Piccola Diavola as a foal
and eventually trained at

Living the dream Samantha Cutts of Hook Norton Vets shares her passion for breeding and international eventing
White Hills Surgery, Sibford Road, Hook
                                                                            Norton, Banbury, Oxfordshire, OX15 5DG

                                                                                                 Pets: 01608 730501
                                                                                       Equine & Farm: 01608 730085


Irish full Thoroughbred Stallion      U25 Championship class at               Piccola Diavola was successful
I’m A Star who was also the           Bramham with very much the              like her dam and jumped clear
sire of Mary King’s Badminton         support of her Senior Tutor at          round her first B.E. Advanced
and Burghley winning ride Star        Cambridge who was very in               at Little Downham and
Appeal who won Badminton              favour of women competing in            qualified for the 8 and 9 year
in 2000 and Burghley in 1996          the top levels of sport.                old CCI4*-S at Blenheim in the
and was 7th individually at the                                               same year. The pair went on to
2000 Sydney Olympics.                 Its not surprising given Sam’s          take 11th place in the CCI4*-S
                                      success with Piccola Star that          at Barrocca in 2019.
Piccola Star was 75% TB               she eventually decided to
blood and Sam described               breed from her after sustaining         Having bred a successful
her as incredibly brave and           an injury at Luhmuhlen CCI5*            daughter from Piccola Star in
fast cross country. During            - which happened in Sam’s               Piccola Diavola Sam decided
Sam’s time at Vet School she          3rd year at Cambridge. The              to breed from Piccola Diavola;
was also competing in U25             resulting foal was a filly by the       but this time by embryo
classes at the same time. In          event stallion Devils Jump              transfer using the stallion Wish
her second year at vet school         whom she named Piccola                  Upon A Star. Sam was able
Sam and Piccola Star did the          Diavola.                                to use her reproductive skills

 Sam and Piccola Diavola at Blenheim CCI4-S 8-9 year old. Copyright Matt Nuttall

Living the dream Samantha Cutts of Hook Norton Vets shares her passion for breeding and international eventing
White Hills Surgery, Sibford Road, Hook
                                                                         Norton, Banbury, Oxfordshire, OX15 5DG

                                                                                              Pets: 01608 730501
                                                                                    Equine & Farm: 01608 730085


 Sam and Piccola Star at Saumur CCI4-L

on her own behalf for once,          other (Piccola Ivy) is smaller       mature and needed a little
synchronising Piccola Diavola        less quick to mature and has         more time to grow and
with her two recipients before       a more sensitive disposition         strengthen. The plan is to
a highly successful walk in          and looks more Thoroughbred          produce Piccola Ivy for the
flush at Tomlinson Equine (a         in type. Sam is smart in             Nexgen series for young event
partnership that has worked          recognising the differences          horses, but Sam doesn’t feel
well for Sam and her clients)        in the two youngsters and            under pressure to do too much
resulting in three fertilised        intends to produce them both         with her too soon as Piccola
embyros and two fabulous             differently; it is her plan to       Diavola was slow to mature
fillies for Sam, so preserving       produce Stella for four-year         and didn’t do the 5 and 6 year
the fabulous dam line for the        old classes and Ivy is not likely    old classes but still made it to
future.                              to make her first outing until       Blenheim for the 8 & 9 year old
                                     she turns five years old.            CCI4*-S.
Now four years old, the fillies
are very different to each other     Sam took Piccola Stella to           Sam described the two sisters
with one (Piccola Stella) being      the Futurity as a two-year           as both having the same lovely
bigger, confident and faster         old where she won a gold             straightforward trainable
to mature and looks quite            award but didn’t put Piccola         temperaments which was
warmblood in type and the            Ivy forwards as she was less         also one of their dams most

Living the dream Samantha Cutts of Hook Norton Vets shares her passion for breeding and international eventing
White Hills Surgery, Sibford Road, Hook
                                                                           Norton, Banbury, Oxfordshire, OX15 5DG

                                                                                                Pets: 01608 730501
                                                                                      Equine & Farm: 01608 730085


 Sam and Piccola Diavola competing at Barroca d’Alva CCI4-S’ Copyright EquusPix

endearing traits which made           the highest levels. She is            then she understands the
her not only a successful             currently competing at PSG            emotions involved when
event horse but also as a pure        level with Piccola Diavola and        she has to deliver news that
dressage horse. However,              was training at Inter 1 over          neither the rider or the owner
with the commitment of                the winter. Sam feels that            particularly wants to hear
work and the arrival of a baby        competing in pure dressage            but has a compassion and
daughter called Sophia nine           at this level has also helped         understanding being a serious
months ago, Sam decided to            educate her eyes on the               owner/rider herself. She also
sell Piccola Stella to Louise         ground as a performance vet.          joked that she had done more
Bradley.                                                                    than her fair share of riding
                                      On competing at this level            horses after box rest and so
Having secured the bloodline          Sam said: “It also helps to           had an understanding of how
again via Piccola Ivy, Sam            understand her client’s goals         difficult it can sometimes be to
intends to breed again but            and qualification needs               stick to rehabilitation plans!
this time from her dam Piccola        especially when injuries              Sam’s determination as a rider
Diavola when she retires and          happen and plans need                 is clearly evident in other parts
to do this directly rather than       re-adjusting to allow for             of her life. She was back at
via embryo transfer.                  medication and recovery”.             work nine weeks after having
Outside of work Sam still                                                   her daughter Sophia and back
successfully juggles being            Sam said that if a horse              eventing a week after that.
a mother, an event horse              sustains an injury and a
breeder and competing at              desired goal isn’t possible

Living the dream Samantha Cutts of Hook Norton Vets shares her passion for breeding and international eventing
White Hills Surgery, Sibford Road, Hook
                                                                         Norton, Banbury, Oxfordshire, OX15 5DG

                                                                                              Pets: 01608 730501
                                                                                    Equine & Farm: 01608 730085


Why Hook Norton                      performance horse work and           the UK we asked Sam what
                                     so those two areas take up           was so special about Hook
Vets?                                the vast majority of her clinical    Norton? Her first answer was
Sam joined Hook Norton vets          time.                                its independence at a time
in 2012 after doing maternity                                             when there is considerable
cover for Fiona Elliot who           Whilst Sam has been a                consolidation in the UK
owned Jonty Evans rider              beneficiary and leader of Hook       of vet practices creating
Cooley Rourkes Drift; but            Norton’s equine reproduction         an increasingly corporate
then never actually left! She is     services it is not a new field to    environment for customers.
the only equine partner and          them and was in fact set up          Sam believes that Hook
has overall responsibility for       by Simon Richards MRCVS 25           Norton’s independence allows
a department of 10 equine            years ago.                           them to offer a service which is
vets and 5 nurses. Sam also                                               individual to each client.
heads up the breeding team           With there being an increasing
and has a strong interest in         number of vet practices in

 Sam Cutts eventing with her baby daughter Sophia and nanny Simone

Living the dream Samantha Cutts of Hook Norton Vets shares her passion for breeding and international eventing
White Hills Surgery, Sibford Road, Hook
                                                                             Norton, Banbury, Oxfordshire, OX15 5DG

                                                                                                  Pets: 01608 730501
                                                                                        Equine & Farm: 01608 730085


 Sam Cutts with Piccola Stella, taken as a 3 year old

Hook Norton is rare in that             As the practice approaches            sets them apart from other
it is 100% owned and run by             its 40-year anniversary Sam           practices and also allows them
the six directors within Hook           believes that this gives them         to meet the full spectrum of
Norton Vets. The team there             further advantage in the              their client’s needs – after all,
do not have any shareholders            marketplace. This allows them         which horse owners don’t own
to answer to and all of the             to become embedded in the             a dog or a cat!
business decisions are made             local area and are proud to
by their own vets working               offer a brilliant service to their    With a client base including
within the practice. However,           clients – some of whom they           WG Stud who stand
Hook Norton does work                   have worked with over several         Silvester and Carthargo
with other fully independent            generations!                          Chicago, Team Way
practices in a wider group                                                    Eventing, and Hill View
called ‘XL Vets’ which enables          Sam believes the level of             Stud it is no surprise that
them to unleash corporate               specialist care that they are         Hook Norton are one
advantages such as increased            able to offer to a range of           of the most respected
buying power, group training,           animals whether that be               vet practices for equine
and a graduate training                 horses, cats, dogs, farm              reproduction in the
programme.                              animals and domestic pets

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