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Knighton Countryside Management Established for 30 years, with a highly experienced and qualified team of 50 and extensive plant and machinery. From projects large or small, we are happy to supply a no obligation quote. All forms of Ecological Mitigation Tree Surgery & Planting Hydro-seeding Fencing & Hedging Estate Landscaping Conservation & Restoration Waterscape Creation Woodland Management Habitat Enhancement Land Clearance Unit 37 Enterprise Business Park Piddlehinton, Dorchester Dorset DT2 7UA Phone: 01305 848 881 2
40746_LIVESTOCK_Schedule_17_v4_DorsetLIVESTOCK 17 09/05/2017 12:02 Page 4 THE DORSET SHOWS CHAMPIONSHIP Kindly sponsored by THE DORSET SHOWS CHAMPIONSHIP Kindly sponsored by LEGAL EXPERTISE, LOCAL TO YOU LEGAL EXPERTISE, LOCAL TO YOU Three separate championships for Cattle, Sheep and Goats Three separate Championships for Cattle, Sheep and Goats Entry is automatic Entry forfor is automatic exhibitors that exhibitors exhibit that exhibitatatallthe three Dorset three agricultural Dorset agriculturalshows: shows: Points to be accumulated as follows and will be awarded in single animal classes only Points to be accumulated as follows and will be awarded in single animal breed classes only Wool onon Wool thethe Hoof hoofand andYoung YoungHandler Handler classes arenot classes are noteligible eligible BEEF BEEF CATTLE CATTLE DAIRY DAIRY CATTLE CATTLE SHEEP SHEEP GOATS GOATS 1st. Prize – 10 points 1st. Prize – 10 points 1st. Prize – 10 points 1st. Prize – 10 points 1st Prize – 10 points 1st Prize – 10 points 1st Prize – 10 points 1st Prize – 10 points 22nd nd . Prize – 8 points Prize – 8 points 22nd nd . Prize – 8 points Prize – 8 points 2nd. Prize – 8 points 22nd nd . Prize – 8 points Prize – 8 points 2nd Prize – 8 points 33rd rd . Prize Prize –– 66 points points 33rd rd . Prize Prize –– 66 points points 33rd rd . Prize Prize –– 66 points points 33rd rd . Prize Prize – – 66 points points 44th th . Prize Prize –– 44 points points 44th th . Prize Prize – – 44 points points PRIZES Edwards & Keeping Gillingham & Gillingham & Melplash Agricultural Perpetual Challenge Shaftesbury Agric. PRIZESShaftesbury Agric. Society Perpetual EdwardsCup& Keeping Society Perpetual Gillingham & Society Perpetual Gillingham & Challenge Melplash Cup Agricultural Champion Perpetual £150 Challenge Challenge Cup Shaftesbury Agric. Challenge Cup Shaftesbury Agric. Champion Society £75 Perpetual ReserveCup Champion Champion Society £150 Perpetual Champion Society £100 Perpetual Reserve Champion Challenge Cup£50 £125 £150 Champion Reserve Champion Challenge Cup Reserve Champion Challenge Cup£75 Champion £75 Runner up £25 Reserve Runner Champion up £100 £125 £150 Champion Champion £100 Runner up £50 Reserve Champion £50 £125 RunnerChampion Reserve up £100 Reserve Champion £75 Runner up £25 Runner up £100 £125 Runner up £50 4 Runner up £100
Land Rover Specialist Service, repair, mot testing & advanced diagnostics carried out on all Land Rovers & Range Rovers, 4x4s, cars & light vans. Authorised Alive Tuning Agent & Superpro suspension Agent. OPENING HOURS: Monday - Friday: 8:00 a.m - 5:00 p.m Saturday: 8:00 a.m - 12:30 p.m Redbridge Road Crossways Dorchester, Dorset DT2 8BG ☎ 01305 854567 ✉ 5
Show Office Agriculture House, Acland Road, Dorchester, DT1 1EF Tel 01305 264249 Email LIVESTOCK SCHEDULE 2019 INDEX PROVISIONAL TIMETABLE....................7 Any Other Cross Breed............................ 27 NOTES TO STOCKMEN .........................8 Pork Pigs.................................................. 27 CATTLE..................................................9 Championship.......................................... 28 Any Other Dairy Breed............................ 10 Young Pig of the Year............................. 28 Holstein & British Friesian....................... 10 Junior Handler......................................... 28 Dairy Young Handlers Workshop........... 10 SHEEP.................................................29 Any Pure British Beef Breeds.................. 11 Charollais ................................................ 29 Belted Galloway...................................... 11 Dorset Down............................................ 30 British Blue............................................... 11 Dorset Horn & Poll Dorset - Local........... 30 British Continental Pure Beef Breeds..... 12 Dorset Horn & Poll Dorset...................... 30 Commercial Beef .................................... 12 Greyface Dartmoor................................. 31 Devon....................................................... 12 Hampshire Down .................................... 31 Dexter ..................................................... 13 Jacob........................................................ 31 Hereford.................................................. 14 Lleyn......................................................... 32 Lowline.................................................... 14 Portland................................................... 32 South Devon............................................ 14 Primitive................................................... 32 Rare & Minority Breeds........................... 15 Coloured Ryeland.................................... 33 Beef Cattle............................................... 15 Ryeland.................................................... 33 Young Handler........................................ 16 Shetland .................................................. 33 GOATS................................................17 Suffolk...................................................... 34 Female Goats........................................... 18 Texel ........................................................ 34 Goatlings.................................................. 19 Valais Blacknose...................................... 34 Female Kids.............................................. 19 Any Other Native Pure Breed................. 34 Milking Competition............................... 19 Any Other Continental Breed................. 35 Sunday Classes......................................... 19 Any Other Rare Breed............................. 35 PIGS....................................................20 Any Cross Breed....................................... 35 Modern Breeds........................................ 21 Junior Classes........................................... 36 Any Other Traditional Breed.................. 21 Group of Three Championship............... 36 Gloucester Old Spot................................ 21 Inter Breed Groups & Pairs..................... 37 Oxford Sandy & Black............................. 21 Championship.......................................... 37 Berkshire.................................................. 22 Fleece Competition................................. 38 Large Black.............................................. 22 Wool on the Hoof................................... 38 Large White............................................. 22 Children’s Novelty................................... 39 Middle White........................................... 22 Commercial Lamb.................................... 39 Tamworth................................................ 27 SHEEP SHEARING...............................40 Saddleback............................................... 27 FARM PRODUCE.................................40 Kunekune................................................ 27 RULES & REGULATIONS.....................42 Honorary Secretaries Honey & Bee – Mr Richard Norman, Dorset Beekeepers Association, 01305 786585 Rabbits – Mrs Pauline Griffiths, 7 Balmoral Close, Gosport, PO13 0JX. Tel 07905 821746 6
PROVISIONAL JUDGING TIMETABLE 2019 Please note the Society reserve the right to amend timing of any event SATURDAY 7th SEPTEMBER CATTLE RINGS 09.00 Commercial Beef, British Continental Pure Beef Breeds 09.30 Holstein & British Friesian, Any Other Dairy Breed, British Blue, Any Pure Native Beef Breed, Devon 10.00 Hereford, Dexter, Lowline 10.30 South Devon, Belted Galloway 11.00 Dairy Young Handlers Workshop 12.00 Dairy Champion followed by Beef Champion SHEEP RINGS 08.30 Young Handler 09.20 Charollais, Dorset Horn & Poll Dorset, Greyface Dartmoor, Hampshire Down, Any Other Pure Breed, Primitive, Shetland, Ryeland, Suffolk 10.30 Any Cross Breed, Local Dorset Horn & Poll Dorset 11.20 Lleyn, Any Other Continental, Any Other Rare Breed, Dorset Down, Texel, Coloured Ryeland, Portland, Jacob, Valais Blacknose 13.30 Group of Three Championship GOAT RING 06.30 Full Udder Inspection 07.30 Milking Competition - to be completed by 08.00 10.00 Inspection classes - all goats 18.00 Milking competition - to be completed by 18.30 Times may vary at the discretion of the judge PIG RINGS 10.00 All Pigs SUNDAY 8th SEPTEMBER CATTLE RINGS 09.00 Young Handler - Beef & Dairy 09.30 Rare & Minority Breeds 10.00 Beef Pairs SHEEP RINGS 08.30 Wool on the Hoof 09.30 Lowland Groups & Pairs, Hill, Heath & Upland Groups & Pairs 11.30 Championships 12.00 Children’s Novelty Classes GOAT RING 10.30 Pairs, Junior Handler & Fancy Dress PIG RINGS 10.30 Pairs, Junior Handler & Overall Champion 7
NOTES TO NOTES TO STOCKMEN STOCKMEN LIVESTOCK ARRIVAL – Livestock may arrive on the Showground between 12noon and 8pm on Friday 1st ARRIVAL LIVESTOCK September and between 6am and 9am on Saturday 2nd September. The Holding Number for arrive Livestock may the Showground is 11/126/8000. on the Showground between 12noon and 8pm on Friday 6th September and between 6am and 9am on Saturday 7th September. The Holding Number for the Showground is 11/126/8000. FACILTIES – Hot showers and loos are available from Friday 6pm. A camping area will be available FACILTIES at the front of the Livestock parking area. Hot showers and loos are available from Friday 6pm. STOCKMAN’S BREAKFAST – A cooked breakfast will be available from the Country Kitchen on Saturday and Sunday morning run by Kenniford Farm Kitchen. Each exhibitor will be sent two STOCKMAN’S BREAKFAST – A cooked breakfast will be available from the Country Kitchen on Saturday and Sunday complimentary tickets for the Stockman's Breakfast. Additional tickets can be ordered at £5.50. morning run by Kenniford Farm Kitchen. Each exhibitor will be sent two complimentary tickets for the Stockman’s No tickets will be available on Show Day. Breakfast. Additional tickets can be ordered at £5.50 or purchased on the day. STOCKMAN’S SUPPER – A subsidised three course hot meal will be served in the Members’ STOCKMAN’S SUPPER – A subsidised two course hot meal will be served in the Members’ Pavilion on Saturday Pavilion on Saturday evening, any drinks must be purchased. Tickets for Stockmen are £12.00 evening, any drinks must be purchased. Tickets for Stockmen are £12.00 and must be purchased in advance. in advance only, £15.00 on the night. DEFRA REGULATIONS DEFRA – Please reportTONGUE REGULATIONS/BLUE immediately to your report – Please Section immediately Steward’s Officetowith yourtheSection relevant Steward’s movement licences and passports for your animals. Vehicles visibly contaminated with animal faeces Office with the relevant movement licences and passports for your animals. Vehicles visibly will not be permitted to enter the Showground. contaminated with animal faeces will not be permitted to enter the Showground. ADMISSIONS TO THE ADMISSIONS TOSHOWGROUND THE SHOWGROUND – All persons–wishing to gainwishing All persons access to the Showground to gain access ontoSaturday and Sunday the Showground of the on Show must Saturday andproduce Sunday a valid of theentryShow ticket.must Complimentary produce tickets a validwill be sent entry out prior ticket. to the Show at the Complimentary rate tickets shown will beonsent the entry out form. prior Extra to thetickets Showcan be at ordered on shown the rate the entryon formthe or online entryatform. Extra tickets can be ordered on the entry form or online atEarly Bird Advance On the Day (until 31st July) (until Midnight 31st August) Adult Before 31st £14July Advance £15 On the Day£18 Adult £12 £14 £17 Child (under 16 years) Child (under 16 years) FREE FREE FREE FREE FREE FREE CAR PARKING CAR PARKING: Disabled Parking Disabled - There- will Parking Therebe awill designated area for Disabled be a designated areaparking at the front for Disabled of the at parking Public theCar Park,of front please the show your Public CarDisabled Parking show Park, please Badge to yourthe Disabled car parkingParking attendant. Badge to the car parking attendant. Livestock Parking Livestock Parking - Livestock - Livestock exhibitors exhibitors will be issuedwill withbevehicle issued with passes vehicle relevant passes to the numberrelevant to they of animals the number of animals bring. Livestock Parking they will bebring. accessed Livestock through Gate Parking will 1. Vehicle be do passes accessed not admitthrough the driverGate or any1.passengers. Vehicle passes do not admit the driver. Public CarCar Public Parking - Public- car Parking parking Public carisparking available is free of of charge. available ** ONLINE ENTRIES ** Why not enter online? • No need for a stamp. • Ensure your entry gets to the Show Office in time. • Simple and easy to use. Go to today! 8 6
CATTLE Chairman: Mr Anthony Cox Vice Chairs: Mr Toby Wonnacott & Miss Hilary Hansford ALL CATTLE MUST STAY ON SITE FOR THE WHOLE WEEKEND Kindly sponsored by: 2019 PRIZE MONEY (Except where stated) Three Shows Champion Dairy & Beef £150, Reserve Champion Dairy & Beef £125 & Runner Up Dairy & Beef £100 Overall Dairy Champion £50, Reserve Dairy Champion £25 Overall Beef Champion £100, Reserve Beef Champion £50 Beef Pairs First Prize £50, Second Prize £40, Third Prize £30 & Fourth Prize £20 Beef Group of Three First Prize £90, Second Prize £60, Third Prize £30 First Prize £35, Second Prize £25, Third Prize £15, Fourth Prize £10 Cattle Appearance Money £20/unit to a maximum of £100/exhibitor. Ask your Vet if they are offering FREE PRE-SHOW TB TESTING - several are offering this service in support of shows. The Showground holding number is 11/126/8000. Passports will be required to be seen by any Show Steward or Show Official. BCMS barcode labels will be issued for your cattle passports and given out with your cattle numbers at the Cattle Steward’s Office on Show day. Free covered accommodation for all cattle is available from Friday afternoon, no divisions will be available. Please indicate on the entry form how many cattle you are bringing. Cattle must arrive between noon - 8.00pm on Friday or 6.00am and 9.00am on Saturday and will not be permitted to leave until after the Grand Parade on Sunday. SUPREME CHAMPIONSHIP Beef Championship to be judged on a points basis by the Beef Breed Judges Dairy Championship Judges: Mr M Davis, Tiverton & Mr D Smith, Exeter C1 The BIBBY Perpetual Challenge Cup for the Exhibitor gaining the most points in the Cattle Section C2 The CHALCLYFFE Perpetual Challenge Cup, Champion Sash and £50 for the Supreme Dairy Champion RESERVE CHAMPION ROSETTE and £25 for the Supreme Dairy Reserve Champion C3 The B.O.C.M. PAULS LTD Perpetual Challenge Cup, Champion Sash and prize of £100 for the Supreme Beef Champion kindly sponsored by J HOSKIN & SONS. RESERVE CHAMPION ROSETTE and £50 for the Supreme Beef Reserve Champion kindly sponsored by J HOSKIN & SONS CLASSES SUPREME DAIRY CHAMPION, entry is automatic for Dairy Breed Champions only SUPREME BEEF CHAMPION, entry is automatic for Beef Breed Champions only 9
ANY OTHER DAIRY BREED (Excluding Holstein and British Friesian) Pedigree or Non-Pedigree Judge: Mr Mark Davis, Tiverton Entry Fee: Members £12 inc VAT/entry Non Members £15 inc VAT/entry The DORCHESTER AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY award a Rosette and Sash to the Champion CLASSES 600 ANY OTHER DAIRY BREED HEIFER, under 12 months on the day of the Show 601 ANY OTHER DAIRY BREED HEIFER, over 12 months but under 24 months on the day of the Show 602 ANY OTHER DAIRY BREED COW OR HEIFER IN MILK 603 ANY OTHER DAIRY BREED PAIR OF FEMALES 604 ANY OTHER DAIRY BREED GROUP OF THREE FEMALES HOLSTEIN AND BRITISH FRIESIAN Pedigree or Non-Pedigree Judge: Mr D Smith, Exeter Entry Fee: Members £12 inc VAT/entry Non Members £15 inc VAT/entry The DORCHESTER AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY award a Rosette and Sash to the Champion C14 The DORCHESTER AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY Perpetual Challenge Bowl will be awarded to the Champion C15 The SOUTHFIELD VETERINARY CENTRE Perpetual Challenge Cup presented for the Best Cow Residing in Dorset C16 The DORCHESTER AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY Perpetual Challenge Cup presented for the Best Cow or Heifer in Milk C17 The DALGETY CROSSFIELDS Perpetual Challenge Cup presented for the Best Pair CLASSES 605 HOLSTEIN OR BRITISH FRIESIAN HEIFER, up to 12 months on the day of the Show 606 HOLSTEIN OR BRITISH FRIESIAN HEIFER, over 12 months but under 24 months on the day of the Show 607 HOLSTEIN OR BRITISH FRIESIAN HEIFER OR COW IN MILK 608 HOLSTEIN OR BRITISH FRIESIAN PAIR OF FEMALES 609 HOLSTEIN OR BRITISH FRIESIAN GROUP OF THREE FEMALES DAIRY YOUNG HANDLERS WORKSHOP Open to all those who enter the Sunday Dairy Young Handler classes. Come along and pick up some tips from showing experts, led by Miss R Cox. This will take place in the Dairy Ring following the Dairy classes. 10
ANY PURE BEEF BREED INDIGENOUS TO BRITAIN (excluding breeds with individual breed classes on Saturday) Judge: Mrs V A Smith, Crediton Entry Fee: Members £12 inc VAT/entry Non Members £15 inc VAT/entry The DORCHESTER AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY award a Rosette and Sash to the Champion CLASSES 610 ANY PURE BEEF INDIGENOUS TO BRITAIN BULL, any age 611 ANY PURE BEEF INDIGENOUS TO BRITAIN COW, any age, in calf or with a calf at foot 612 ANY PURE BEEF INDIGENOUS TO BRITAIN HEIFER, in calf or with a calf at foot, to be under three years of age at date of calving 613 ANY PURE BEEF INDIGENOUS TO BRITAIN MAIDEN HEIFER, born on or after 1st January 2018 614 ANY PURE BEEF INDIGENOUS TO BRITAIN PAIR, bred and owned by the exhibitor BELTED GALLOWAY All exhibits must be registered with the Belted Galloway Cattle Society. If there are less than 3 exhibitors entered these classes will be amalgamated into the Any Pure Beef Breed Indigenous to Britain section Judge: Miss E Wilkinson, Carlisle Entry Fee: Members £12 inc VAT/entry Non Members £15 inc VAT/entry The DORCHESTER AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY award a Rosette and Sash to the Overall Champion CLASSES 615 BELTED GALLOWAY BULL, any age 616 BELTED GALLOWAY COW, in milk or in calf 617 BELTED GALLOWAY HEIFER, in milk or in calf 618 BELTED GALLOWAY MAIDEN HEIFER, not in calf 619 BELTED GALLOWAY PAIR, bred and owned by the exhibitor BRITISH BLUE All cattle must be registered with the British Blue Cattle Society. If there are less than 3 exhibitors entered these classes will be amalgamated into the British Continental Pure Beef Breeds section. Judge: Mr Danny Wyllie, Lichfield Entry Fee: Members £12 inc VAT/entry Non Members £15 inc VAT/entry The DORCHESTER AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY award a Rosette and Sash to the Overall Champion CLASSES 620 BRITISH BLUE BULL, any age 621 BRITISH BLUE COW, any age in calf or with calf at foot 622 BRITISH BLUE HEIFER, in calf or with a calf at foot, to be under three years of age at date of calving 623 BRITISH BLUE MAIDEN HEIFER, born on or after 1st January 2018 624 BRITISH BLUE PAIR, bred and owned by the exhibitor 11
BRITISH CONTINENTAL PURE BEEF BREEDS Kindly sponsored by: Judge: Mr John Barker, Wellington Entry Fee: Members £12 inc VAT/entry Non Members £15 inc VAT/entry The DORCHESTER AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY award a Rosette and Sash to the Overall Champion C8 The BALLACOOLLEY Perpetual Challenge Trophy will be awarded to the Champion Simmental. The BRITISH SIMMENTAL CATTLE SOCIETY award a Champion and Reserve Champion Rosette C9 The RAWLSBURY Perpetual Challenge Trophy will be awarded to the Champion Limousin. The BRITISH LIMOUSIN CATTLE SOCIETY award a Champion and Reserve Champion Rosette C10 The HARMAN Perpetual Challenge Trophy will be awarded to the Champion Charolais. The BRITISH CHAROLAIS SOCIETY award a Champion Rosette CLASSES 625 BRITISH CONTINENTAL PURE BEEF BULL, any age 626 BRITISH CONTINENTAL PURE BEEF COW, any age, in calf or with a calf at foot 627 BRITISH CONTINENTAL PURE BEEF HEIFER, under three years old, in calf or with a calf at foot 628 BRITISH CONTINENTAL PURE BEEF MAIDEN HEIFER, born on or after 1st January 2018 629 BRITISH CONTINENTAL PURE BEEF PAIR, bred and owned by the Exhibitor COMMERCIAL BEEF Judge: Mr R J Wright, Somerton Entry Fee: Members £12 inc VAT/entry Non Members £15 inc VAT/entry The DORCHESTER AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY award a Rosette and Sash to the Overall Champion C11 The SILCOCK LTD Perpetual Challenge Cup for the Best Steer C12 The NITROVIT Perpetual Challenge Cup for the Best Heifer C13 The CENTRAL LIVESTOCK MARKETING Perpetual Challenge Cup for the Best Steer or Heifer, any breed or cross, judged as a potential butcher’s animal CLASSES 630 COMMERCIAL BEEF STEER of ANY BREED or CROSS, showing not more than two broad teeth. Judged as a potential butcher’s animal and not to be entered in any other class 631 COMMERCIAL BEEF HEIFER of ANY BREED or CROSS, showing not more than two broad teeth. Judged as a potential butcher’s animal and not to be entered in any other class DEVON All cattle must be registered with the Devon Herd Book Society. If there are less than 3 exhibitors entered these classes will be amalgamated into the Any Pure Beef Breed Indigenous to Britain section Judge: Mr D Martin, Beaworthy Entry Fee: Members £12 inc VAT/entry Non Members £15 inc VAT/entry 12
C6 The UPPINGTON Perpetual Challenge Trophy for the Champion Devon. The DEVON CATTLE BREEDERS SOCIETY also award a Championship Sash and Rosette C7 The T G YEANDLE Perpetual Challenge Trophy for the Best Pair of Devons C37 The SYNERGY FARM HEALTH Perpetual Challenge Trophy for the Champion Male Devon C38 The SYNERGY FARM HEALTH Perpetual Challenge Trophy for the Champion Female Devon C39 The PROVISO Perpetual Challenge Cup for the Champion Junior Devon This is a Qualifying Show for Points towards the following DEVON CATTLE BREEDERS’ SOCIETY TROPHIES: (a) Breeder of the Year (presented by the late Sir Henry Moore CBE) Points are awarded to the breeder as follows. Champion male and female 2 points, Reserve Champion male and female 1 point, 1st prize 3 points, 2nd prize 2 points, 3rd prize 1 point. (b) Bull of the Year (presented by Senor Ribiro and Dr Osorio of Brazil) (c) Female of the Year (presented by Messrs W T Baker and Son) (d) Young Bull of the Year (Australian Bicentennial Trophy) Young Female of the Year (presented by the Hurd family - Whitefield) Points awarded for (b), (c), (d) and (e) above are :- Champion 15 points, Reserve Champion 10 points, 1st prize10 points, 2nd prize 5 points. The DEVON CATTLE BREEDERS SOCIETY offer a travel grant to those exhibitors who are not resident in the county of the Show CLASSES 632 DEVON BULL, born before 1st January 2018 633 DEVON BULL, born on or between 1st January and 31st March 2018 634 DEVON BULL, born on or between 1st April and 31st December 2018 635 DEVON COW OR HEIFER, born before 1st January 2017 636 DEVON HEIFER, born in 2017 637 DEVON HEIFER, born on or between 1st January and 31st March 2018 638 DEVON HEIFER, born on or between 1st April and 31st December 2018 639 DEVON PAIR, bred and owned by the exhibitor DEXTER Every animal must be entered in the Dexter Cattle Society Herd Book. Judge: Ms F Thomson, Bracknell Entry Fee: Members £12 inc VAT/entry Non Members £15 inc VAT/entry C20 The ANDREW SHEPPY Perpetual Challenge Trophy and the DEXTER Cattle Society Special Rosette for the Champion Dexter C21 The ALBERT & HILDA REED MEMORIAL TROPHY will be presented to the best animal of the opposite sex to the Champion kindly donated by Mr & Mrs A Reed The DORCHESTER AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY award a Rosette and Sash to the Overall Champion CLASSES 640 DEXTER HEIFER, under fifteen months on the day of the Show 641 DEXTER HEIFER, in calf, with first calf 642 DEXTER COW or HEIFER, in milk 643 DEXTER COW or HEIFER, having had a calf, dry 644 DEXTER BULL, any age 645 DEXTER GROUP OF THREE, the property of the Exhibitor and exhibited in the classes above 13
HEREFORD All cattle must be registered with the Hereford Herd Book Society. If there are less than 3 exhibitors entered these classes will be amalgamated into the Any Pure Beef Breed Indigenous to Britain section Kindly sponsored by: Judge: Mr M Lury, Chard Entry Fee: Members £12 inc VAT/entry Non Members £15 inc VAT/entry C4 The TROTT Perpetual Challenge Trophy for the Champion Hereford. The SOUTH WESTERN HEREFORD Association also award a Rosette & Herdsman’s Certificate to the Champion. C5 The KIDDLES Perpetual Cup for the Best Hereford, the property of an exhibitor residing in Dorset The DORCHESTER AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY award a Rosette and Sash to the Overall Champion CLASSES 646 HEREFORD BULL, born before 1st January 2018 647 HEREFORD BULL, born on or after 1st January 2018 648 HEREFORD COW or HEIFER, born before 1st January 2018 649 HEREFORD HEIFER, born on or after 1st January 2018 650 A PAIR OF HEREFORDS, bred and owned by the Exhibitor LOWLINE If there are less than 3 exhibitors entered these classes will be amalgamated into the Any Pure Beef Breed Indigenous to Britain section Judge: Mr D Bull, Tadley Entry Fee: Members £12 inc VAT/entry Non Members £15 inc VAT/entry C18 The WESSEX LOWLINES Perpetual Challenge Trophy is awarded to the Champion Lowline The DORCHESTER AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY award a Rosette and Sash to the Overall Champion CLASSES 651 BULL, any age 652 COW, any age, in calf or with calf at foot 653 CALF, born on or after 1st January 2019 654 HEIFER, in calf or with calf at foot, to be under three years of age at date of calving 655 MAIDEN HEIFER, born on or after 1st January 2018 656 PAIR, bred and owned by the exhibitor SOUTH DEVON All cattle must be registered with the South Devon Herd Book Society. If there are less than 3 exhibitors entered these classes will be amalgamated into the Any Pure Beef Breed Indigenous to Britain classes Judge: Mrs G Sell, Basildon Entry Fee: Members £12 inc VAT/entry Non Members £15 inc VAT/entry The SOUTH DEVON HERD BOOK SOCIETY offer a Sash to the Champion South Devon C40 The GLEBE Perpetual Challenge Cup for the Champion South Devon 14
CLASSES 657 SOUTH DEVON BULL, any age 658 SOUTH DEVON COW, any age, in calf or with a calf at foot 659 SOUTH DEVON HEIFER, in calf or with a calf at foot, to be under three years of age at date of calving 660 SOUTH DEVON MAIDEN HEIFER, born on or after 1st January 2018 661 SOUTH DEVON PAIR, bred and owned by the exhibitor RARE AND MINORITY BREEDS All animals drawn from: Gloucester, Irish Moiled, Shetland, Vaynol, White Park, Traditional Dairy Shorthorn, Whitebred Shorthorn, Native Aberdeen Angus, Traditional Red Lincoln, Traditional Hereford, Northern Dairy Shorthorn, Red Poll, Beef Shorthorn, Riggit Galloway, British White Excluding any breed which has its own breed classes Judge: Mr R Bowler, Chelmsford Entry Fee: Members £12 inc VAT/entry Non Members £15 inc VAT/entry C35 The MILLS Perpetual Challenge Rose Bowl for the Overall Champion Rare Breed Exhibit. The DORCHESTER AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY award a Rosette and Sash to the Overall Champion CLASSES 662 RARE BREED OR MINORITY COW, three years and over 663 RARE BREED OR MINORITY CALF, under six months on the day of the Show 664 RARE BREED OR MINORITY HEIFER, under two years of age on the day of the Show 665 RARE BREED OR MINORITY HEIFER, in calf or in milk over two years of age 666 RARE BREED OR MINORITY BULL, any age 667 PAIR OF RARE OR MINORITY CATTLE, either or same sex SUNDAY BEEF CATTLE CLASSES Open to all breeds, Pedigree, Commercial, Rare and Minority ~ Native or Continental Judge: Mr Andrew Hughes, Halifax FREE ENTRY C36 The TIVINGTON Perpetual Challenge Trophy, Sash and £60 for the Champion Pair and a Reserve Prize of £40, Sash and Rosette CLASSES 668 A COMMERCIAL PAIR, same or either sex 669 PAIR OF NATIVE HEIFERS, under three years of age on the day of the Show 670 PAIR OF CONTINENTAL HEIFERS, under three years of age on the day of the Show 671 PAIR OF NATIVE BEEF CATTLE BULLS 672 PAIR OF CONTINENTAL BEEF CATTLE BULLS 673 PAIR OF NATIVE BEEF CATTLE COWS or HEIFERS, over three years old 674 PAIR OF CONTINENTAL BEEF CATTLE COWS or HEIFERS, over three years old 675 BEEF CATTLE NATIVE PROGENY PAIR, same Sire or Dam 676 BEEF CATTLE CONTINENTAL PROGENY PAIR, same Sire or Dam 15
BEEF INTERBREED GROUP OF THREE Judge: Mr Andrew Hughes, Halifax FREE ENTRY. Class to be entered on the day. Prize Money: £90; £60; £30 677 BEEF INTERBREED GROUP OF THREE, open to one group of three from each breed. Groups can be made up with animals from up to three exhibitors, either selected by the exhibitors themselves or by the Judge from Saturday’s breed classes. YOUNG HANDLER - DAIRY Judge: Mrs Nicky Lockyer, Honiton Prize Money (class 678): 1st £15; 2nd £10; £5 for all others up to 10 entries Prize Money (classes 679 and 680): £30; 2nd £20; 3rd £12; 4th £6 Entry Fee: Members £5 inc VAT/entry Non Members £7 inc VAT/entry C27 The CATTISTOCK HUNT Perpetual Challenge Cup is awarded to the Best Dairy Heifer led by an exhibitor under 11 years C28 The BARTLETT Perpetual Challenge Cup is awarded to the Best Dairy Heifer led by an exhbitor under 17 years C42 The POPE Perpetual Challenge Cup is awarded to the Best Dairy Type Calf led by an exhibitor under 26 years CHAMPION DAIRY YOUNG HANDLER, open to 1st & 2nd placed exhibitors from Dairy Young Handler classes CLASSES 678 DAIRY HEIFER CALF, under 6 months old on 31/08/19. To be shown and led by an exhibitor under 11 years of age on 31/08/19 679 DAIRY HEIFER, any age. To be shown and led by an exhibitor under 17 years of age on 31/08/19 680 DAIRY HEIFER, any age. To be shown and led by an exhibitor over 17 years but under 26 years of age on 31/08/19 YOUNG HANDLER - BEEF Judge: Miss Jess Maynard, Crediton Prize Money (classes 681 and 682): 1st £15; 2nd £10; £5 for all others up to 10 entries Prize Money (classes 683 and 684): £30; 2nd £20; 3rd £12; 4th £6 Entry Fee: Members £5 inc VAT/entry Non Members £7 inc VAT/entry C25 The DORCHESTER AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY Perpetual Challenge Cup is awarded to the Best Beef Type Calf led by an exhibitor under 11 years C26 The DORCHESTER AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY Perpetual Challenge Cup is awarded to the Best Beef Type Calf led by an exhibitor under 17 years C41 The POPE Perpetual Challenge Cup is awarded to the Best Beef Type Calf led by an exhibitor under 26 years CHAMPION BEEF YOUNG HANDLER, open to 1st and 2nd placed exhibitors from Beef Young Handler classes CLASSES 681 BEEF TYPE CALF, male or female, under 6 months on 31/08/19. To be shown and led by an exhibitor under 11 years of age on 31/08/19 682 BEEF TYPE ANIMAL, male or female, over 6 months old on 31/08/19. To be shown and led by a exhibitor under 11 years of age on 31/08/19 683 BEEF TYPE ANIMAL, male or female, any age. To be shown and led by an exhibitor over 11 years but under 17 years of age on 31/08/19 684 BEEF TYPE ANIMAL, male or female, any age. To be shown and led by an exhibitor over 17 years but under 26 years of age on 31/08/19 16
DAIRY GOATS Chairman: Mrs Anne Barnes Vice Chairman & Chief Steward: Mr Ben Young Exhibitors may enter the Showground after 12.00pm Friday 6th September, goats must be on the Showground by 5.30pm on the Friday evening. Goatlings and kids must be on the Showground by 8.30am on the Saturday morning. The goat classes and milking competition are held under the Rules, Regulations and Recognition of the British Goat Society. All exhibits must be registered with the BGS as in the ownership and in the name of the exhibitor, the registered name and number and identification mark being quoted on the entry form (also the kidding date for goats in milk). All goats in milk must be kidded or aborted a minimum of 30 days previous to the date of the Show. The Showground holding number is 11/126/8000. PRIZE MONEY Except where stated First £12 Second £10 Third £8 Fourth £7 SPECIAL NOTES: 1. No pregnant goats may be admitted to the Showground 2. In the event of unforeseen kidding or abortion, the goat must be immediately isolated from other goats. Full details of goat, exhibitor and action must be reported in writing to the Chairman (Mrs Anne Barnes) and the BGS Secretary, immediately after the Show 3. No goats/goatlings shall be fed with milk, milk product, or milk substitute whilst at the Show 4. A C.A.E. negative certificate, current for the days of the Show, issued during the previous twelve months must accompany your entry form or if entering online must be sent to the Show Office at least 1 week before the Show. 5. All judging will take place on Saturday 7th September, exhibitors are encouraged to stay and display their goats on Sunday for the public to see but this will be optional. There will be some fun classes that exhibitors may wish to compete in. 6. Stripping out will take place at 6.30pm Friday 6th September and the milk for the next 24 hours will be taken for the milking trials. All milk must be weighed. Judging of milkers is on Saturday 7th September at 10.00am. Full udders at 6.30am or at the discretion of the judge. 7. Exhibitors may leave the showground on Saturday 7th September but must do so after 6.30pm. 8. The Committee reserve the right to amalgamate any classes. 9. Milk Buckets - in readiness for morning milking empty buckets may be brought to the table provided before retiring for the night or should be in place at least 15 minutes before first morning inspection. Likewise, buckets for evening milking should be on the table provided at least 15 minutes before milking commences. CUPS, TROPHIES AND ROSETTES Exhibitors in these classes are eligible for the DORSET SHOWS CHAMPIONSHIP. G1 The DORCHESTER AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY Perpetual Challenge Trophy for the Champion Goat. The BRITISH GOAT SOCIETY offers a rosette for the Best Goat in Show G2 The SHIELDS Perpetual Trophy for the Reserve Champion Goat The BRITISH GOAT SOCIETY offers a Challenge Certificate for the Best Goat that has borne a kid The BRITISH GOAT SOCIETY offers a Breed Challenge Certificate for the Best Goat that has borne a kid of each of the following breeds: Anglo Nubian, Saanen, Toggenburg, British-Alpine, British-Guernsey, British-Saanen, British-Toggenburg and Golden Guernsey The BRITISH GOAT SOCIETY offers a certificate of merit for the Best British Milker that has borne a kid The BRITISH GOAT SOCIETY offer the STUD GOAT CHALLENGE CUP for the Stud Goat the sire of the best progeny exhibited at certain Shows, not exceeding nine in number, in any one calendar year. 17
G3 The DORSET GOAT CLUB Perpetual Challenge Trophy for the Best Goatling and The DORCHESTER AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY award a special rosette for the Best Goatling The BRITISH GOAT SOCIETY offer a Challenge Certificate for the Best Inspection/ Production Goat G5 The GLANVILLES Perpetual Challenge Trophy for the Best Kid and the DORCHESTER AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY award a special rosette for the Best Kid G6 The HANFORD FARMS LTD Perpetual Challenge Cup for the highest placed Toggenburg in the inspection/production line up G7 The BROOMDOWN Perpetual Challenge Trophy for the highest placed first kidder in the inspection/production line up G8 The WATTS Perpetual Trophy for the highest placed British Saanen in the Inspection/ Production line up G9 The MELCOT Perpetual Plate for the Goat giving the highest milk yield at the Show G10 The DEEPWATER Perpetual Shield for the highest placed British Toggenberg in the Inspection/Production line up G11 The MELPLASH AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY Perpetual Challenge Cup for the winner of the Dorset Shows Championship Goat Section G12 The SILVEROSE Perpetual Tankard for the highest placed Anglo Nubian in the inspection/production line up G13 The SILVEROSE Perpetual Tankard for the highest placed Saanen in the inspection/ production line up G14 The SILVEROSE Perpetual Tankard for the highest placed Golden Guernsey in the inspection/production line up G15 The SILVEROSE Perpetual Tankard for the highest placed British Alpine in the inspection/production line up G16 The SILVEROSE Perpetual Tankard for the highest placed Any Other Variety in the inspection/production line up FEMALE GOATS Judge: Ms J Ruth, Tunbridge Wells Entry Fee: Members £6 inc VAT/entry Non members £8 inc VAT/entry 961 SAANEN that has borne a kid, any age, in milk 962 BRITISH SAANEN that has borne a kid, any age, in milk 963 TOGGENBURG that has borne a kid, any age, in milk 964 BRITISH TOGGENBURG that has borne a kid, any age, in milk 965 BRITISH ALPINE that has borne a kid, any age, in milk 966 ANGLO NUBIAN that has borne a kid, any age, in milk 967 GOLDEN OR BRITISH GOLDEN GUERNSEY that has borne a kid, any age, in milk 968 ANY OTHER VARIETY OF GOAT that has borne a kid, any age, in milk 18
GOATLINGS Judge: Ms J Ruth, Tunbridge Wells Entry Fee: Members £6 inc VAT/entry Non members £8 inc VAT/entry 969 SAANEN that has not borne a kid, over one but not exceeding two years 970 BRITISH SAANEN that has not borne a kid, over one but not exceeding two years 971 TOGGENBURG, that has not born a kid, over one but not exceeding two years 972 BRITISH TOGGENBURG, that has not born a kid, over one but not exceeding two years 973 BRITISH ALPINE that has not borne a kid, over one but not exceeding two years 974 ANGLO NUBIAN that has not borne a kid, over one but not exceeding two years 975 GOLDEN OR BRITISH GOLDEN GUERNSEY, that has not borne a kid, over one but not exceeding two years 976 ANY OTHER VARIETY OF GOATLING that has not borne a kid, over one but not exceeding two years FEMALE KIDS Judge: Ms J Ruth, Tunbridge Wells Entry Fee: Members £6 inc VAT/entry Non members £8 inc VAT/entry 977 SAANEN, over two months but not exceeding one year 978 BRITISH SAANEN over two months but not exceeding one year 979 TOGGENBURG over two months but not exceeding one year 980 BRITISH TOGGENBURG over two months but not exceeding one year 981 BRITISH ALPINE over two months but not exceeding one year 982 ANGLO NUBIAN over two months but not exceeding one year 983 GOLDEN OR BRITISH GOLDEN GUERNSEY over two months but not exceeding one year 984 ANY OTHER VARIETY OF FEMALE KID over two months but not exceeding one year MILKING COMPETITION Entry Fee: Members £6 inc VAT/entry Non members £8 inc VAT/entry A SPECIAL ROSETTE will be awarded to the Best Milker from the Milking classes 985 FIRST KIDDERS 986 SECOND AND SUBSEQUENT KIDDERS SUNDAY CLASSES Fun classes open to all breeds of goat. These classes are to be entered on the day. No entry fee. Rosettes will be given 1st to 3rd place. Judge: TBC Classes: MOTHER AND DAUGHTER, to be shown as a pair CHILD HANDLER, handler to be aged under 17 years on 31/08/19 FANCY DRESS GOAT, handler fancy dress optional BEST PAIR OF GOATS, of the same breed 19
PIGS Pig Chairman: Mr Bryan Card Vice Chairman: Mr Chris Britton This section is kindly sponsored by: All pigs to be moved under Show and Exhibitors Licence. No pigs permitted entry to Showground without production of Licence. All pigs must be identifiable by ear notch or ear tatoo and be correctly tagged. The classes will be run under the rules of the British Pig Association. Please ensure that all pigs are mange and lice free. All pigs must stay for both days and are not permitted to leave until after 4pm on Sunday. Competitors will be expected to parade their pigs in the Sunday Parade at 1.30pm in the Pig Rings. The Showground holding number is 11/126/8000. Entries on the day will NOT be permitted for the Saturday classes. ACCOMODATION Covered accommodation for all pigs is available from Friday afternoon at a cost of £3/pen. Please indicate on the entry form how many pigs you are bringing and how many pens you require including kit pens. Pigs must arrive between 12.00pm - 8.00pm on Friday, 6.00am and 8.30am on Saturday. Dogs are not allowed within the Pig Marquee. PRIZE MONEY Except where stated First £20 Second £15 Third £10 Fourth £5 CUPS, TROPHIES & AWARDS P1 The NATIONAL FARMERS UNION Perpetual Challenge Cup for the Overall Champion. The DORCHESTER AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY also offer a Championship Prize of £50 and a Reserve Championship Prize of £25 The BERKSHIRE PIG BREEDERS CLUB offer a Best of Breed Rosette The GLOUCESTER OLD SPOT PIG BREEDERS CLUB offer a Best of Breed Rosette. This Show is a Southern Championship Qualifier for the GOSPBC Competition, the final held at The Royal Berkshire Show in late September (club members only), the highest placed GOS and reserve will qualify. The LARGE BLACK PIG BREEDERS CLUB offer a Best of Breed Rosette The BRITISH LOP PIG SOCIETY offer a Best of Breed Rosette P3 The FRANCIS Perpetual Challenge Cup for the Champion Oxford Sandy & Black. The OXFORD SANDY & BLACK PIG SOCIETY offer a Best of Breed Rosette to the best Oxford Sandy & Black pig belonging to a OSB Society member. The highest placed OSBP exhibited by a member of the Oxford Sandy and Black Pig Society to qualify for the Champion of Champions competition to be held at Royal Berkshire Show on Sunday 22nd September 2019 at Newbury Showground. If already qualified then the second placed pig to qualify in their place. The BRITISH SADDLEBACK BREEDERS PIG BREEDERS CLUB offer a Best of Breed Rosette. The highest placed Saddleback born in 2019 of either sex will be eligible to enter for the final of the Junior Saddleback Championship at Malvern Autumn Show, September 2019. The Champion Saddleback will be eligible for the Champion of Champions competition also to be held at the Malvern Autumn Show. Qualification is open to Club members only. The BRITISH KUNEKUNE PIG SOCIETY Champion Rosette for the Champion Kunekune P5 The NICK HUNKIN MEMORIAL TROPHY for the Champion Tamworth The TAMWORTH BREEDERS’ CLUB offers a Best of Breed Rosette and the Champion Tamworth is eligible for the Tamworth Champion of Champion’s competition, held on the Sunday. 20
SATURDAY CLASSES If there are less than 3 exhibitors of any breed the classes may be amalgamated at the discretion of the Steward Judging will commence at 10.00am Entry Fee: Members £6 inc VAT/entry Non Members £9 inc VAT/entry MODERN BREEDS If there are more than 3 exhibitors of any breed the class may be split Judge: Mr A Rose, Chard The DORCHESTER AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY award a £20 prize for the Champion and £10 for the Reserve Champion, as well as a BPA Rosette 901 MODERN BOAR, born after 1st Jan 2019 902 MODERN SOW, which must have produced and reared a litter within six months prior to the date of the Show 903 MODERN GILT, born after 1st July 2018 904 MODERN GILT, born after 1st Jan 2019 ANY OTHER TRADITIONAL BREED Judge: Mr B Upchurch, Herts The DORCHESTER AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY award a £20 prize for the Champion and £10 for the Reserve Champion, as well as a BPA Rosette 905 ANY OTHER TRADITIONAL BREED BOAR, born after 1st Jan 2019 906 ANY OTHER TRADITIONAL BREED SOW, must have produced and reared a litter within 6 months prior to the date of the Show 907 ANY OTHER TRADITIONAL BREED GILT, born after 1st July 2018 908 ANY OTHER TRADITIONAL BREED GILT, born after 1st Jan 2019 GLOUCESTER OLD SPOT Judge: Mr B Upchurch, Herts The DORCHESTER AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY award a £20 prize for the Champion and £10 for the Reserve Champion, as well as a BPA Rosette 909 GLOUCESTER OLD SPOT BOAR, born after 1st Jan 2019 910 GLOUCESTER OLD SPOT SOW, must have produced and reared a litter within 6 months prior to the date of the Show 911 GLOUCESTER OLD SPOT GILT, born after 1st July 2018 912 GLOUCESTER OLD SPOT GILT, born after 1st Jan 2019 OXFORD SANDY & BLACK Judge: Mr B Upchurch, Herts The DORCHESTER AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY award a £20 prize for the Champion and £10 for the Reserve Champion, as well as a BPA Rosette 21
913 OXFORD SANDY & BLACK BOAR, born after 1st Jan 2019 914 OXFORD SANDY & BLACK SOW, which must have produced and reared a litter within 6 months prior to the Show 915 OXFORD SANDY & BLACK GILT, born after 1st July 2018 916 OXFORD SANDY & BLACK GILT, born after 1st Jan 2019 BERKSHIRE Judge: Mr B Upchurch, Herts The DORCHESTER AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY award a £20 prize for the Champion and £10 for the Reserve Champion, as well as a BPA Rosette 917 BERKSHIRE BOAR, born after 1st Jan 2019 918 BERKSHIRE SOW, which must have produced and reared a litter within 6 months prior to the Show 919 BERKSHIRE GILT, born after 1st July 2018 920 BERKSHIRE GILT, born after 1st Jan 2019 LARGE BLACK Judge: Mr B Upchurch, Herts The DORCHESTER AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY award a £20 prize for the Champion and £10 for the Reserve Champion, as well as a BPA Rosette 921 LARGE BLACK BOAR, born after 1st Jan 2019 922 LARGE BLACK SOW, must have produced and reared a litter within six months to the date of the Show 923 LARGE BLACK GILT, born after 1st July 2018 924 LARGE BLACK GILT, born after 1st Jan 2019 LARGE WHITE Judge: Mr B Upchurch, Herts The DORCHESTER AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY award a £20 prize for the Champion and £10 for the Reserve Champion, as well as a BPA Rosette 925 LARGE WHITE BOAR, born after 1st Jan 2019 926 LARGE WHITE SOW, must have produced and reared a litter within six months to the date of the Show 927 LARGE WHITE GILT, born after 1st July 2018 928 LARGE WHITE GILT, born after 1st Jan 2019 MIDDLE WHITE Judge: Mr B Upchurch, Herts The DORCHESTER AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY award a £20 prize for the Champion and £10 for the Reserve Champion, as well as a BPA Rosette 929 MIDDLE WHITE BOAR, born after 1st Jan 2019 930 MIDDLE WHITE SOW, must have produced and reared a litter within six months of the date of the Show 931 MIDDLE WHITE GILT, born after 1st July 2018 932 MIDDLE WHITE GILT, born after 1st Jan 2019 22
Extra Exhibitors Passes - Adults @ £14 Adult £14 – children under 16yrs FREE *Member £40, Joint Members £75, Stockman’s Supper Tickets @ £12 Vice President £50, Joint Vice President £85 (available in advance only) Entry Passes – Scale of Free Issue No. Animals Entered 1-2 3-4 5+ Catalogue Voucher @ £3.50 (£4.00 if purchased on the day) Vehicle Passes (valid both days not inc. driver) 1 1 2 Cattle/Pigs Sheep/Pig/Goat Pens @ £3/pen Exhibitor Wristbands (valid for both days) 2 3 4 Vehicle Passes (valid both days not inc. driver) 1 2 2 Sheep/Goats Exhibitor Wristbands (valid for both days) 1 2 4 Vehicle Passes (valid both days not inc. driver) 1 1 1 Live Lambs Exhibitor Wristbands (valid for both days) 1 2 2 Cheques payable to Dorchester Agricultural Society. Please send entries to Show Office, address overleaf. All Entries & Subscriptions include VAT HEALTH STATUS Please Tick BOOKING FOR PENS & STALLS MV Accredited All Undercover Sheep Non MV No. required Sheep/Pig/Goat - Pens 5’ x 5’ £3/pen Scrapie Monitored (Dorset Horn Only) C A E Reg’d Goats Cattle - 4’ x 8’ stalls Scrapie Monitored I certify that each and all of the particulars overleaf are correct to the best of my knowledge and belief; that these animals are either my property, or I am authorised to sign for them; and that they are duly qualified, according to the Society’s Regulations and Conditions, to compete for the Prize or Prizes for which they are entered. I declare that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the animals entered overleaf are free from any clinical signs of disease at the time of entry. I further declare that all necessary precautions will be taken to prevent the said animals from being exposed to infectious or contagious diseases from the time of this entry to their arrival on the Showground. I agree to conform, as an Exhibitor, to all Regulations, Conditions and Orders of the above Show; to hold the Society harmless in the event of any illness, loss or damage occurring through or to any animal or exhibit at the Show, or of mis-delivery of the same; and to indemnify the Society against any legal proceedings arising from any such illness, loss, damage or mis-delivery. I confirm that I have adequate Public Liability Insurance cover. I understand that information from entry forms will be stored on computer and that information about results may also be published and/or provided to the Press and Breed Societies for publication and that entry details will be published in the Show Catalogue. I understand that information may also be passed to any regulatory authority such as Trading Standards or DEFRA, as well as the Society’s Veterinary Officers. I understand that the making of an entry is irrevocable consent for the storage and disclosure of information in this way. Signed ________________________ Print Name ___________________________ Date ________________________ 22 23
Why not enter online ne at 7 & 8 Sept 2019 Entries Close Wednesday 24th July 2019 calving/lambing/ Date of last farrowing kidding/ 24 25
TAMWORTH Judge: Mr B Upchurch, Herts The DORCHESTER AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY award a £20 prize for the Champion and £10 for the Reserve Champion, as well as a BPA Rosette 933 TAMWORTH BOAR, born after 1st Jan 2019 934 TAMWORTH SOW, must have produced and reared a litter within 6 months prior to the Show 935 TAMWORTH GILT, born after 1st July 2018 936 TAMWORTH GILT, born after 1st Jan 2019 SADDLEBACK Judge: Mr B Upchurch, Herts The DORCHESTER AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY award a £20 prize for the Champion and £10 for the Reserve Champion, as well as a BPA Rosette 937 SADDLEBACK BOAR, born after 1st Jan 2019 938 SADDLEBACK SOW, must have produced and reared a litter within 6 month prior to the Show 939 SADDLEBACK GILT, born after 1st July 2018 940 SADDLEBACK GILT, born after 1st Jan 2019 KUNEKUNE To be run under the rules of the British Kunekune Pig Society, the Champion will not be eligible for the Interbreed Championship Judge: Mr A Rose, Chard The DORCHESTER AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY award a £20 prize for the Champion and £10 for the Reserve Champion, as well as a BPA Rosette 941 KUNEKUNE BOAR, born after 1st Jan 2019 942 KUNEKUNE SOW, must have produced and reared a litter within 6 months prior to the Show 943 KUNEKUNE GILT, born after 1st July 2018 944 KUNEKUNE GILT, born after 1st Jan 2019 ANY OTHER CROSS BREED Judge: Mr A Rose, Chard 945 ANY BREED OR CROSS BREED SOW, with suckling litter, Sows from previous classes are eligible PORK PIGS Judge: Mr A Rose, Chard 946 A PAIR OF PORK PIGS, minimum finishing weight 50kg each, to be judged in their pens SUNDAY CLASSES Should any one breed have four pairs entered in any one Class, there will be a separate Breed Class held for them. All pigs will be expected to Parade in the Pig Ring on Sunday afternoon. These classes are to be entered on the day. Judging will commence at 10.00am 27
Judge: Mr S Richardson, Cheshire Entry Fee: Members £6 inc VAT/entry Non members £9 inc VAT/entry No Entry Fee for the Championship class 947 PAIR OF MODERN PIGS, both pigs to be owned by exhibitor at the date of entry and to have been shown in the Saturday classes 948 PAIR OF TRADITONAL PIGS, both pigs to be owned by exhibitor at the date of the entry and to have been shown in the Saturday classes 949 OVERALL CHAMPION PIG, drawn from the winners of the Saturday classes TAMWORTH CHAMPION OF CHAMPIONS Judge: Mr S Richardson, Cheshire The STONEYMOOR SHIELD for the Champion of Champions Tamworth. 950 TAMWORTH CHAMPION OF CHAMPIONS, all qualifying pigs from qualifying rounds are eligible including the Champion at Dorset County Show 2019 YOUNG PIG OF THE YEAR Judge: Mr S Richardson, Cheshire No Entry Fee These classes are open to pigs selected by the Judges of each of the Saturday breed classes. For full details see the BPA website. This show is a qualifier for the BPA YOUNG PIG OF THE YEAR COMPETITION 2019. The YPOY final will be held at Royal Three Counties Showground as part of the Malvern Autumn Show on 28th & 29th September 2019. A condition of entering the competition is that prize winners at preliminary rounds must intend to exhibit at the Final. To be eligible a pig must be born on or after 1st January of the year of the Show. A pig judged Best Young Male or Best Young Female in a qualifying round cannot compete in any subsequent round. If a pig having qualified at an earlier show again qualifies at a later show the judge for that breed shall select an alternative pig of the same breed and sex from any class covering the required age group. Where there are multi-breed classes the judge must nominate the best male and best female of the qualifying age of each breed represented (regardless of class prizes). At each qualifying round the judge will select the Best Young Male and Best Young Female. Prizes for preliminary rounds will be a glass trophy for the best young pig of each sex. Rosettes only will be presented at each preliminary round. Glass trophies for preliminary rounds will be presented at the Final 951 BEST YOUNG MALE 952 BEST YOUNG FEMALE JUNIOR CLASSES Classes in this Section to be judged on preparation, manner and ability with which the animal is shown. These classes are to be entered on the day. Prize Money: 1st £5; 2nd £4; 3rd £3; 4th £2 Judge: Mr S Richardson, Cheshire NO ENTRY FEE ~ ROSETTES WILL BE GIVEN TO ALL EXHIBITORS P2 The NATIONAL FARMERS UNION Perpetual Challenge Trophy for the Junior Champion. The DORCHESTER AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY also offer a Championship Prize of £20 953 JUNIOR HANDLER, under the age of 16 on 31/08/19 954 JUNIOR HANDLER, under the age of 12 on 31/08/19 28
SHEEP Kindly sponsored by Synergy Farm Health Chairman: Mr William Britton Vice Chairman: Miss Emily Gascoigne Exhibitors in this section are eligible for the Dorset Shows Championship. SHEEP ARE TO BE SHOWN IN ONE CLASS PER DAY ONLY (EXCEPT FOR THE GROUP CLASSES, WOOL ON THE HOOF AND THE YOUNG HANDLER CLASSES) AND MUST REMAIN ON THE SHOWGROUND UNTIL 4.30PM ON SUNDAY PENS ARE ALL UNDERCOVER AT £3/PEN INCLUDING STRAW SHEEP MUST ARRIVE BETWEEN 2PM - 8PM ON FRIDAY 6TH SEPTEMBER OR BETWEEN 6AM - 8.30AM ON SATURDAY 7TH SEPTEMBER IMPORTANT MV & MV Scrapie Monitored or Non-MV status must be stated on the entry forms. Sheep are penned separately depending on their health status. Only Dorset Horn/Polls are accepted as Scrapie Monitored, there is an exception for this County Breed of sheep at its local Show. A valid MV Health Status Report will be required to be collected from MV exhibitors. For your Movement Book the Society’s Holding Number is 11/126/8000. Exhibitor numbers will be sent out with your tickets and vehicle passes in late August. Pens will be labelled with exhibitor’s name. If there are less than 3 exhibitors in any section the Sheep Committee reserve the right to amalgamate the section. GRAND PARADE Champions and Reserve Champions in all sections WILL be required to participate in the Grand Parade on both days or they will forfeit their Prize Money ENTRY FEE Members £6.00 inc VAT/entry Non Members £8.00 inc VAT/entry - except where stated PRIZE MONEY Except where stated First £20 Second £15 Third £10 Fourth £6 (for classes with eight entries or above forward on the day) Fifth £4 (for classes with ten entries or above forward on the day) SATURDAY CHAROLLAIS M.V. Accredited All sheep must be eligible to be, or registered with, the British Charollais Sheep Society Judge: Miss Amy Pedrick, Buckfastleigh S8 The CROCKER Perpetual Challenge Cup and BRITISH CHAROLLAIS SHEEP SOCIETY Champion Rosette is awarded for the Champion Charollais Sheep. 701 ONE RAM, shearling or over 702 ONE RAM LAMB 703 ONE EWE, four tooth or over 704 ONE SHEARLING EWE 705 ONE EWE LAMB 706 GROUP OF THREE, to be drawn from the existing pens, both sexes to be shown 29
You can also read