CALL For the 2020 Democratic National Convention - Issued by the Democratic Party of the United States -

Page created by Denise Matthews
For the 2020 Democratic National Convention

  Issued by the Democratic Party of the United States

                        Tom Perez, Chair

   Adopted by the Democratic National Committee on August 25, 2018
I.            Distribution of Delegate Votes ......................................................................1

II.           Qualifications of State Delegations...............................................................3

III.          Delegate Selection Deadline ..........................................................................4

IV.           Certification Requirements ............................................................................4

V.            Management of the 2020 Democratic National Convention
              Operations ........................................................................................................6

VI.           Presidential Candidates .................................................................................7

VII.          Standing Committees on Platform, Rules and Credentials of the
              2020 Democratic National Convention ........................................................8

VIII.         Elector Qualifications ...................................................................................13

IX.           Procedural Rules for the
              2020 Democratic National Convention .....................................................13

Appendix A.   Relationship Between the 2020 Rules of Procedure of the
              Credentials Committee and the 2020 Delegate Selection Rules .............22

              Rules of Procedure of the Credentials Committee of the 2020
              Democratic National Convention ...............................................................22

Appendix B.   Delegate/Alternate Allocation ...................................................................31

Appendix C.   Allocation of Convention Pages .................................................................35

Appendix D.   Allocation of Standing Committee Members ..........................................36

Appendix E.   Presidential Candidate Written Affirmation ...........................................37
              For the 2020 Democratic National Convention

                                                 To Whom It May Concern:
By authority of the Democratic National Committee, the National Convention of the Democratic Party is hereby
scheduled to convene on July 13-16, 2020 in TBD at an hour to be announced, to select nominees for the offices of
President and Vice President of the United States of America, to adopt and promulgate a platform and to take such
other actions with respect to such other matters as the Convention may deem advisable.

I.          Distribution of Delegate                                 Fractions of .5 and above are rounded up to
                                                                     the next highest integer.
                                                                 C. 1. For purposes of this paragraph C, the
The distribution of votes, delegates and                               period of time in which the first
alternates to the 2020 Democratic National                             determining stage of the presidential
Convention shall be in accordance with the                             nomination process takes place during
following:                                                             2020 shall be divided into Stages as
A. The number of Convention votes for
   delegates to the Convention shall be as set                           Stage I:   The earliest date specified in
   forth in the compilation included in this                                        Rule 12 of the Delegate
   resolution and determined as provided in                                         Selection Rules through March
   paragraphs B, C, D, E, F, G, and H1.                                             31, 2020, inclusive.
B. A base of 3,200 delegate votes is distributed                         Stage II: April 1 through April 30, 2020,
   among the 50 states and the District of                                         inclusive.
   Columbia according to a formula giving
   equal weight to the sum of the vote for the                           Stage III: May 1 through June 16, 2020,
   Democratic candidates in the three (3) most                                      inclusive.
   recent presidential elections and to
   population by electoral vote. The formula is                      2. A percentage of the base delegate votes
   expressed mathematically as follows:                                 determined pursuant to paragraphs B
                                                                        and E shall be added to the number of
                      A=                                                base pledged delegates otherwise
    1 SDV 2008 + SDV 2012 + SDV 2016 SEV                                determined pursuant to those
     #                              +    0
    2 TDV 2008 + TDV 2012 + TDV 2016 538                                paragraphs, for the purpose of
                                                                        increasing the size of the base pledged
                 A = Allocation Factor                                  delegation, as follows:
              SDV = State Democratic Vote
               SEV = State Electoral Vote                                a. for any state in which the meeting,
              TDV = Total Democratic Vote                                   caucus, convention or primary
                                                                            which constitutes the first
       To determine the base delegation for each                            determining stage in the
       state and the District of Columbia, the                              presidential nomination process in
       allocation factors as determined by the                              that state occurs in 2020 on a date in
       above formula are multiplied by 3,200.                               Stage II, the percentage shall be 10%;
                                                                            and in which the meeting, caucus,

1    See Appendix B for the allocation of delegates and

2020 Call for the Democratic National Convention

                convention or primary which                               at-large and one (1) pledged Party and
                constitutes the first determining                         Elected Official delegate votes. Puerto Rico
                stage in the presidential nomination                      will receive forty-four (44) base delegate
                process in that state occurs in 2020                      votes.
                on a date in Stage III, the percentage
                shall be 20%.                                      F. Automatic2 votes shall be allocated to each
                                                                      delegation to accommodate the members of
           b. for any state in which the meeting,                     the Democratic National Committee from
              caucus, convention or primary                           that state or territory in which they legally
              which constitutes the first                             reside. The size of such a member’s vote
              determining stage in the                                (i.e., whole or fractional) shall be the same
              presidential nomination process in                      size as that which he or she is allowed to
              that state is held in a regional                        cast at meetings of the Democratic National
              cluster, that percentage shall be an                    Committee. Additional automatic delegate
              additional 15 % added onto the base                     votes shall be allocated for other officers
              delegate vote without accounting                        serving in positions created by the
              for any adjustments made pursuant                       Democratic National Committee in
              to Article I.C.2.a. States deemed to                    accordance with Article 3, Section 1.e. of the
              qualify as a regional cluster shall                     Charter of the Democratic Party of the
              have contests that are:                                 United States.

                i.   held in conjunction with at least             G. Automatic votes shall be allocated to
                     two other neighboring states                     provide for the Democratic President, the
                     holding similar contests; and                    Democratic Vice President, and all former
                                                                      Democratic Presidents, all former
                ii. on or after the fourth Tuesday in                 Democratic Vice Presidents, all former
                    March.                                            Democratic Leaders of the United States
                                                                      Senate, all former Democratic Speakers of
D. Fifteen percent (15%) of the base delegate                         the United States House of Representatives
   votes determined pursuant to paragraphs B                          and Democratic Minority Leaders, as
   and E shall be added to the number of votes                        applicable, and all former Chairpersons of
   allocated for the purpose of representing                          the Democratic National Committee.3 Such
   pledged Party and Elected Official                                 delegates shall be seated with the state
   delegates. For purposes of this paragraph,                         delegations from the state in which they
   the number of base delegate votes                                  have their voting residences.
   determined pursuant to paragraph B shall
   be the number determined thereunder after                       H. Additional automatic votes shall be added if
   rounding. Fractions of .5 and above                                needed to provide for the Democratic
   resulting from the multiplication required                         Governor4 (if any) from that state or
   by this paragraph are rounded up to the                            territory and for the Democratic Members of
   next highest integer.                                              the United States House of Representatives
                                                                      and Democratic United States Senators from
E. American Samoa, Guam, the Northern                                 that state or territory (if any).5
   Mariana Islands and the Virgin Islands will
   each receive six (6) at-large delegate votes.                   I.     Each state, the District of Columbia and
   Democrats Abroad will receive twelve (12)                              Puerto Rico may select a number of

2   For the purpose of the Call for the Convention, the term
    “automatic” used in reference to the delegates described in    4    The Mayor of the District of Columbia, if a Democrat, shall
    Delegate Selection Rule 9.A corresponds with the term               be treated as a Democratic Governor.
    “unpledged” as used in Article Two, Section 4(h) of the
    Charter.                                                       5    The District of Columbia’s Statehood Senators, if Democrats,
                                                                        shall be treated as Democratic United States Senators.
3   Former Chairpersons of the Democratic National Committee
    shall include National Chairs and General Chairs.

2020 Call for the Democratic National Convention

      alternates equivalent to one (1) alternate for            Committee. The DNC Rules and Bylaws
      every twelve (12) Convention votes received               Committee shall have the final authority to
      by it pursuant to paragraphs B, C, D, and E,              regulate the delegate selection process,
      provided, however, that each such                         subject to the authority of the Convention
      delegation shall have at least two (2)                    Credentials Committee and the Democratic
      alternates. American Samoa, Democrats                     National Convention. It shall be the duty of
      Abroad, Guam, the Northern Mariana                        the DNC Rules and Bylaws Committee to
      Islands and the Virgin Islands shall each                 administer the delegate selection process
      have one (1) alternate. Fractions of .5 and               and ensure compliance with the rules,
      above are rounded up to the next highest                  including equal division, and report to the
      integer. It is further provided that each                 Secretary of the Democratic National
      state shall have the additional number of at-             Committee those states which are in non-
      large alternates necessary to provide at least            compliance. Only delegates and alternates
      one alternate for each presidential candidate             selected under a delegate selection
      who is entitled to delegates from that state,             procedure approved by the DNC Rules and
      if the DNC Rules and Bylaws Committee                     Bylaws Committee shall be placed on the
      determines that the number of alternates                  Temporary Roll of the 2020 Democratic
      allocated to the state is not sufficient for              National Convention. Only standing
      each presidential candidate to have at least              committee members and convention pages
      one alternate.                                            chosen pursuant to a state delegate selection
                                                                procedure approved by the DNC Rules and
J.    Members of the Democratic National                        Bylaws Committee shall be qualified to
      Committee and delegates selected pursuant                 serve in their respective capacities.
      to paragraphs G and H (“Automatic
      delegates”) may run and be elected as                 B. It is understood that a State Democratic
      Pledged delegates. If an Automatic delegate              Party, in electing and certifying delegates
      is elected and certified as a Pledged                    and alternates to the Democratic National
      delegate, that individual shall not serve as             Convention, thereby undertakes to assure
      an Automatic delegate at the 2020 National               all Democratic voters in the state a full,
      Convention. No delegate may hold more                    timely and equal opportunity to participate
      than one (1) vote. Democratic Governors,                 in the delegate selection process and in all
      Democratic Members of the United States                  Party affairs and to implement affirmative
      House of Representatives and Democratic                  action and outreach and inclusion plans
      United States Senators who are members of                toward that end; that the delegates and
      the Democratic National Committee shall                  alternates to the Convention shall be
      serve as delegates by virtue of their                    selected in accordance with the Delegate
      membership on the National Committee.                    Selection Rules for the 2020 Democratic
                                                               National Convention adopted by the
                                                               Democratic National Committee on August
II.       Qualifications of State                              25, 2018; and that the delegates it certified
          Delegations                                          will not publicly support or campaign for
                                                               any candidate for President or Vice
A. Notice is hereby given that delegates,                      President other than the nominees of the
   alternates and standing committee members                   Democratic National Convention.
   to the Democratic National Convention                       Furthermore, voters in the state will have
   shall be elected in accordance with the                     the opportunity to cast their election ballots
   Charter and Bylaws of the Democratic Party                  for the Presidential and Vice Presidential
   of the United States, the Delegate Selection                nominees selected by said Convention.
   Rules for the 2020 Democratic National
   Convention, the Call for the 2020                        C. It is presumed that the delegates and
   Democratic National Convention, and the                     alternates to the Democratic National
   Regulations of the DNC Rules and Bylaws                     Convention, when certified pursuant to the
                                                               Call, are bona fide Democrats who are
2020 Call for the Democratic National Convention

    faithful to the interests, welfare, and success               and all former Democratic Presidents,
    of the Democratic Party of the United States,                 Vice Presidents, Democratic Leaders of
    who subscribe to the substance, intent, and                   the United States Senate, Speakers and
    principles of the Charter and the Bylaws of                   Democratic Minority Leaders of the
    the Democratic Party of the United States,                    United States House of Representatives,
    and who will participate in the Convention                    and Chairs of the Democratic National
    in good faith and shall not express support                   Committee.
    for any candidate who is opposed to the
    Democratic nominee. Therefore, no                      C. Presidential Preference:
    additional assurances shall be required of
    delegates to the Democratic National                       Ten (10) days after the completion of the
    Convention in the absence of a credentials                 state’s delegate selection process, each
    contest or challenge.                                      state’s Democratic Chair shall certify in
                                                               writing to the Secretary of the Democratic
III.    Delegate Selection Deadline                            National Committee the presidential
                                                               preference (including uncommitted) of the
All state parties are required to take all steps               state’s delegates.
necessary and appropriate to complete the
process of selecting delegates to the 2020                 D. Replacements:
Democratic National Convention no later than
June 20, 2020.                                                 1. Pledged Delegates and Alternates:

IV.     Certification Requirements                                Replacement of a delegate (due to
                                                                  resignation or death) by an alternate
A. Pledged Delegates and Alternates: Each                         and replacement of a vacant alternate
   state’s Democratic Chair shall certify in                      position shall be certified in writing by
   writing to the Secretary of the Democratic                     the State’s Democratic Chair to the
   National Committee the election of their                       Secretary of the Democratic National
   state’s delegates and alternates to the                        Committee (pursuant to Rule 19 of the
   Democratic National Convention ten (10)                        Delegate Selection Rules) within three
   days after their election. For the purposes                    (3) days after the replacement is
   of this Call, the Chair of a committee                         selected. Certification of replacements
   constituted pursuant to Rule 21.C. of the                      will be accepted by the Secretary up to
   Delegate Selection Rules, shall be                             72 hours before the first official session
   recognized to act in place of the state’s                      of the Convention is scheduled to
   Democratic Chair.                                              convene.

B. Automatic Delegates:                                        2. Automatic Delegates:

    1. Pursuant to Rule 9.A. of the Delegate                      a. Members of Congress and
       Selection Rules, official confirmation by                     Democratic Governors shall not be
       the Secretary of the Democratic National                      entitled to name a replacement. In
       Committee to each State Democratic                            the event of any changes or
       Chair shall constitute verification of the                    vacancies in a state’s Democratic
       following automatic delegates: members                        congressional delegation following
       of the Democratic National Committee;                         the official confirmation and prior to
       the Democratic President, Vice                                the commencement of the National
       President and Democratic Governor, if                         Convention, the Secretary shall
       applicable; all Democratic members of                         recognize only such changes as have
       the United States House of                                    been officially recognized by the
       Representatives and all Democratic                            Democratic Caucus of the United
       members of the United States Senate;                          States House of Representatives or
                                                                     the Democratic Conference of the
2020 Call for the Democratic National Convention

                United States Senate. In the event of                     a. Each of the 50 States, the District of
                a change or vacancy in a state’s                             Columbia and Puerto Rico shall
                office of Governor following the                             have a minimum of two (2) pages.
                official confirmation and prior to the
                commencement of the National                              b. One (1) additional page will be
                Convention, the Secretary shall                              allocated to a state for every fifty
                recognize only such changes as have                          (50) additional delegate votes.
                been officially recognized by the                            Fractions of .5 and above are
                Democratic Governors’ Association.                           rounded up to the next highest
         b.     Members of the Democratic
                National Committee shall not be                           c.   American Samoa, Democrats
                entitled to a replacement, nor shall                           Abroad, Guam, the Northern
                the state be entitled to a                                     Mariana Islands, and the Virgin
                replacement, except in the case of                             Islands shall each be allocated one
                death of such delegates. In cases                              (1) page.
                where a state’s DNC membership
                changes following the Secretary’s                     2. The National Chairperson of the
                official confirmation, but prior to the                  Democratic National Committee may
                commencement of the 2020                                 select not more than twenty-five (25)
                Democratic National Convention,                          pages to assist him/her and the
                acknowledgment by the Secretary of                       Democratic National Convention
                the certification of the new DNC                         Committee in carrying out the work of
                member shall constitute verification                     the Convention.
                of the corresponding change of
                automatic delegates.                                  3. The State Chair shall certify the
                                                                         person(s) to serve as the Delegation’s
         c.     Delegates allocated pursuant to                          Convention Page(s), as allocated to the
                Articles I.F., I.G. and I.H. of this Call                delegation by this section. Such
                shall not be entitled to name a                          certification shall be in writing to the
                replacement, nor shall the state be                      Secretary of the Democratic National
                entitled to a replacement.                               Committee and shall be made no later
                                                                         than the time the state certifies its
E. Delegation Chair: Each delegation shall                               standing committee members pursuant
   select one (1) person to serve as Delegation                          to Article VII.B.3. of this Call. The
   Chair. The State Chair shall certify the                              National Chairperson of the Democratic
   Delegation Chair. Such certification shall be                         National Committee shall certify the
   in writing to the Secretary of the Democratic                         person(s) to serve as the Chair’s
   National Committee within three (3) days                              Convention Page(s), as allocated to the
   after the position is filled, which shall be no                       National Chairperson by this section.
   later than the date by which the state                                Such certification shall be in writing to
   certifies its standing committee members.                             the Secretary of the Democratic National
                                                                         Committee and shall be made within
F. Convention Pages:                                                     three (3) days after these positions are
                                                                         filled, but in any event, no later than
      1. A base of 151 Convention Pages shall be                         June 20, 2020.
         allocated among the 57 delegations as
         follows:6                                                G. Certification Requirements: Each
                                                                     certification required herein will include full
                                                                     name, address and other information as

6   See Appendix C for the allocation of Convention Pages.

2020 Call for the Democratic National Convention

     required by the Secretary of the Democratic                  seating, as close to delegate seating as
     National Committee.                                          arrangements will permit. Members of
                                                                  Democratic National Convention
V.      Management of the 2020                                    Standing Committees who are not
                                                                  already delegates or alternates shall be
        Democratic National                                       afforded guest seating for each session
        Convention Operations                                     of the Convention proceedings. Those
                                                                  with disabilities shall be afforded
A. The Democratic National Committee has the                      seating within the delegation, or as close
   authority to plan, arrange, manage and                         to the delegation seating as
   conduct the Democratic National                                arrangements will permit.
                                                               4. Delegates’ and Alternates’ Credentials:
B. In its sole discretion, the Democratic                         The state’s delegate, alternate, and
   National Committee may establish and                           standing committee credentials shall be
   organize a 2020 Democratic National                            distributed to the Chair of the state
   Convention Committee (“DNCC”) to                               delegation from the credentials office.
   exercise the authority on behalf of the
   Democratic National Committee and the                       5. Floor Access: Floor access shall be given
   Democratic National Convention, to enter                       to delegates, alternates replacing
   into contracts relating to business and                        delegates, the highest ranking
   financial matters connected with the                           Democratic official in each state that
   conduct of the 2020 Democratic National                        does not have a Democratic Governor,
   Convention, in compliance with the                             each State Democratic Party’s Executive
   parameters for convention operations set                       Director, such number of
   forth herein.                                                  representatives of the presidential
                                                                  candidates as may be deemed necessary
C. The DNC shall make every effort to exercise                    by the DNC, and such press personnel
   its authority in accordance with the                           and other personnel as may be
   following guidelines, subject to Rule 21.C. of                 determined by the DNC to be necessary
   the Delegate Selection Rules:                                  for the proper functioning of the
                                                                  Convention and which does not
     1. Contractors: The DNC shall as a policy                    compromise security and safety
        seek to engage the services of unionized                  requirements. Additionally, any person
        firms, including those owned by                           who is certified by Convention
        minorities, women, LGBTQ+ persons,                        Operations as necessary to accompany
        and people with disabilities. Contractors                 an individual with Floor access who is
        shall be engaged according to DNC                         in a wheelchair shall receive Floor
        policy.                                                   access.

     2. Housing: The DNC shall design and                      6. Visitor’s Seating: Seats for members-
        implement a fair and equitable system                     elect of the Democratic National
        by which hotel facilities shall be                        Committee as certified by the state’s
        allocated to eligible state delegations                   Democratic Chair, guests and other
        and to presidential candidates.                           observers shall be allocated for and shall
                                                                  be fairly apportioned to the states
     3. Delegate and Alternate Seating in                         according to each state’s relative
        Convention Hall: The DNC shall design                     delegate strength. The Delegation Chair
        and implement a fair and equitable                        and the State Democratic Chair shall
        system by which the location of each                      each be given one half of the credentials
        eligible state delegation’s seating in the                for guest seats apportioned to the state
        Convention Hall shall be determined.                      pursuant to this paragraph. Presidential
        Alternates shall be afforded preferential                 preference shall be taken into account in
2020 Call for the Democratic National Convention

   the distribution of these guest
   credentials.                                           10. Security: Coordination for security
                                                              within the Convention Hall, premises
7. Communications:                                            and surrounding area shall be under the
                                                              authority of the DNC.
   a. Microphones: Each state shall be
      provided one (1) floor microphone                   11. Financial Reports: All financial reports
      which shall be located at the                           relating to convention financing
      position of the Chair of the state                      required by the Federal Election
      delegation. Each delegate shall have                    Campaign Act of 1971, as amended, and
      access to the microphone.                               applicable Federal Elections
                                                              Commission regulations shall be filed
   b. Telephones: Adequate provisions                         by the DNC or its authorized
      shall be made for communication                         committees.
      between the floor and the Chair of
      the Convention so as to advise the              VI.     Presidential Candidates
      Chair of the identity of any delegate
      seeking recognition to speak and the            The term “presidential candidate” herein shall
      purpose for which recognition is                mean any person who, as determined by the
      sought. One (1) such telephone                  National Chairperson of the Democratic
      shall be provided for each state                National Committee, has accrued delegates in
      delegation.                                     the nominating process and plans to seek the
                                                      nomination, has established substantial support
   c.   General: The DNC may, in its                  for their nomination as the Democratic
        discretion, promulgate guidelines or          candidate for the Office of the President of the
        restrictions regarding the use of             United States, is a bona fide Democrat whose
        communications equipment on the               record of public service, accomplishment, public
        floor of the Convention.                      writings and/or public statements affirmatively
                                                      demonstrates that the candidate is faithful to the
8. Facilities for Presidential Candidates:            interests, welfare and success of the Democratic
   The National Chairperson of the                    Party of the United States, and will participate
   Democratic National Committee and                  in the Convention in good faith. At the time a
   representatives of the presidential                presidential candidate announces their
   candidates shall design and implement              candidacy publicly, they must publicly affirm
   a fair and equitable system whereby                that they are a Democrat. Each candidate
   facilities in the Convention Hall and its          pursuing the Democratic nomination shall
   immediate environs shall be fairly                 affirm, in writing, to the National Chairperson
   apportioned to presidential campaigns              of the Democratic National Committee that
   so as not to afford an undue advantage             they:
   to any presidential candidate. The cost
   of such facilities shall be paid by the            A. are a member of the Democratic Party;
   presidential campaigns.
                                                      B. will accept the Democratic nomination; and
9. Facilities for News Media and Press
   Seating: There shall be made available             C. will run and serve as a member of the
   adequate facilities, as close to the                  Democratic Party.
   Convention floor as conditions permit,
   for the print press, radio, on-line, and           This requirement of written affirmation shall
   television, including a limited number             not supplant any necessary qualifications a
   of camera positions commanding a full              candidate must satisfy at the state level, but is in
   view of the proceedings. The cost of               addition to such affirmations required by
   such facilities shall not be borne by the          individual states and territories. The written
   DNC.                                               affirmation shall be done via an approved

2020 Call for the Democratic National Convention

format by the DNC Rules and Bylaws                                            delegates or alternates to the
Committee appended to this Call7.                                             Democratic National Convention.

VII. Standing Committees on                                              4. Qualifications: Members of the
     Platform, Rules and                                                    Convention Standing Committees must
                                                                            be bona fide Democrats who are faithful
     Credentials of the 2020                                                to the interests, welfare and success of
     Democratic National                                                    the Democratic Party of the United
     Convention                                                             States, who subscribe to the substance,
                                                                            intent and principles of the Charter and
The Democratic National Committee, acting                                   the Bylaws of the Democratic Party of
under its authority to issue the Call and                                   the United States, and who will
establish the standing committees of the                                    participate in the Convention in good
National Convention, hereby creates and                                     faith.
organizes the Standing Committees on
Platform, Rules, and Credentials of the 2020                             5. Quorum: A majority of the total votes
Democratic National Convention. The                                         allocated to a standing committee shall
jurisdiction and rules of procedure of each                                 constitute a quorum thereof for the
standing committee are set forth in this Call to                            purpose of transacting business. Such
the 2020 Democratic National Convention.                                    votes shall be present and represented
Each standing committee may, by a majority of                               by the standing committee members.
the members voting, adopt additional rules of                               Upon a point of order of no quorum, the
procedure for the conduct of its business not                               Chair shall ascertain the presence or
inconsistent with this Call. The Democratic                                 absence of a quorum by visual
National Committee shall publish and make                                   estimation and shall not proceed until a
available all relevant requirements and                                     quorum is present, provided, however,
deadlines for submitting proposals for                                      that a roll call shall be had to determine
consideration by the standing committees. Such                              whether a quorum exists if the Chair is
information shall be distributed to the standing                            in doubt or upon demand of any
committee members and made available to the                                 member of the standing committee
public as early as practicable before the                                   supported by:
committees meet.
                                                                              a. twenty percent (20%) of the
A. Membership: Subject to Rule 21.C. of the                                      members of the committee as
   Delegate Selection Rules, each standing                                       evidenced by a petition submitted to
   committee shall be composed of:                                               the Chair indicating support of the
                                                                                 demand by not less than twenty
      1. Base: A base of 162 members, casting                                    percent (20%) of the members
         158.25 votes, allocated to the states and                               present, or
         territories in accordance with the same
         distribution formula used to allocate                                b. by the rising in support of the
         delegates to the Democratic National                                    demand by not less than twenty
         Convention.8                                                            percent (20%) of the members
                                                                                 present, except that a motion to
      2. PLEOs: 25 members, each casting one                                     adjourn or to recess may be offered
         (1) vote who shall be Party Leaders and                                 and voted upon without a quorum
         Elected Officials.                                                      present.

      3. Delegate Status: Members of the                                 6. Proxies: As the standing committees are
         standing committees need not be                                    deliberative bodies of the National

7   See Appendix E for the Presidential candidate written          8   See Appendix D for the allocation of standing committee
    affirmation.                                                       members.

2020 Call for the Democratic National Convention

       Convention, proxy voting by standing                       the Democratic National Committee
       committee members shall not be                             shall certify in writing to the Secretary
       permitted.                                                 of the Democratic National Committee
                                                                  the Party Leader and Elected Official
   7. Subcommittees: Any subcommittee of                          standing committee members within
      the standing committees of the National                     three (3) days after their election.
      Convention shall be composed only of                        Certification of each person will include
      members of standing committees,                             full name, address and other
      except that these subcommittees may be                      information as required by the Secretary
      chaired by persons other than members                       of the Democratic National Committee.
      of the committee.
                                                              4. No substitutions will be permitted in the
B. Election:                                                     case of standing committee members,
                                                                 except in the case of resignation or
   1. The members of the standing                                death. Substitutions must be made in
      committees allocated to the states and                     accordance with the election procedures
      territories shall be elected by each state’s               specified in Article VII.B., C., D. and E.,
      National Convention delegates present                      and must be certified in writing to the
      at a meeting of which adequate notice of                   Secretary of the Democratic National
      time and place shall be given and at                       Committee, in accordance with
      which a quorum of the state’s delegates                    procedures specified in Article VII.B.3.
      shall be present. Such meeting shall be                    Substitutions of standing committee
      held in accordance with procedures                         members are encouraged to be made up
      approved by the DNC Rules and Bylaws                       to forty-eight (48) hours prior to the
      Committee and consistent with this Call.                   time the standing committee meets,
      Such meeting shall take place within 14                    except in the case of death.
      days after the final selection of a state’s
      delegation, but no such meeting shall be                5. Any challenge to the credentials of a
      held after June 27, 2020.                                  standing committee member shall be
                                                                 considered and resolved by the affected
   2. The members of the standing                                standing committee in accordance with
      committees allocated as Party Leaders                      Appendix A of this Call. The DNC
      and Elected Officials shall be elected by                  Rules and Bylaws Committee shall have
      the Executive Committee of the                             jurisdiction over challenges brought
      Democratic National Committee during                       before the 56th day preceding the date
      the calendar year of the National                          of commencement of the Democratic
      Convention upon nomination received                        National Convention.
      from the National Chairperson of the
      Democratic National Committee, after                C. Presidential Preference:
      consultation with the State Chairs from
      those states from which members are                     1. The members of the standing
      contemplated to be nominated. Said                         committees allocated to the states and
      members must be elected at a meeting                       territories shall proportionately
      of the Executive Committee or by mail                      represent the presidential preference of
      ballot no later than 30 days prior to the                  all candidates (including uncommitted
      date of the standing committee meeting.                    status) receiving the threshold
                                                                 percentage used in that state’s
   3. Each state’s Democratic Chair shall                        delegation to calculate the at-large
      certify in writing to the Secretary of the                 apportionment pursuant to Rule 14.E. of
      Democratic National Committee their                        the Delegate Selection Rules, provided,
      state’s standing committee members                         however, that members of the standing
      within three (3) days after their                          committees from primary states shall be
      selection. The National Chairperson of                     allocated to presidential candidates

2020 Call for the Democratic National Convention

       (including uncommitted status) based                     Delegate Selection Rules shall be given
       on the statewide popular vote.                           adequate notice of the meeting of the
                                                                state’s delegation authorized to select
   2. The presidential preference percentage                    standing committee members.
      of each candidate receiving the
      applicable percentage or more within                   2. The delegation shall select the standing
      the delegation shall be multiplied by the                 committee members from among names
      total number of standing committee                        submitted by the presidential
      positions allocated to that state or                      candidates (including uncommitted
      territorial delegation. If the result of                  status), and presidential candidates
      such multiplication does not equal 0.455                  shall not be required to submit the name
      or above, the presidential preference in                  of more than one person for each slot
      question is not entitled to representation                awarded to such candidate for members
      on the standing committee. If the result                  of standing committees. Provided
      of such multiplication is 0.455 but less                  further, that presidential candidates
      than 1.455, the presidential preference in                (including uncommitted status) shall
      question is entitled to one (1) position.                 use their best efforts to ensure that the
      Those preferences securing more than                      name or names of standing committee
      1.455 but less than 2.455 are entitled to                 members submitted help achieve the
      two (2) positions, etc.                                   affirmative action and outreach and
                                                                inclusion goals established by the state’s
   3. Where the application of this formula                     Delegate Selection Plan.
      results in the total allocation exceeding
      the total number of committee positions,           E. Division Between Men and Women:
      the presidential candidate whose
      original figure of representation is                   1. In the case of gender non-binary
      farthest from its eventual rounded-off                    committee members, they shall not be
      total shall be denied that one (1)                        counted as either a male or female, and
      additional position. Where the                            the remainder of the delegation shall be
      application of this formula results in the                equally divided between male gender
      total allocation falling short of the total               (men) and female gender (women).
      number of committee positions, the
      presidential candidate whose original                  2. The membership of each of the standing
      figure of representation is closest to the                committees from a state or territory
      next rounding level shall be allotted an                  shall be as equally divided among men
      additional committee position.                            and women (determined by self-
                                                                identification) as possible under the
   4. Standing committee positions allocated                    state allocation; the variance between
      to a presidential candidate shall be                      men and women in any committee or
      proportionately allocated, to the extent                  among the three committees in
      practicable, to each of the three standing                aggregate shall not exceed one. The
      committees. When such allocation                          DNC Rules and Bylaws Committee shall
      results in an unequal distribution of                     have continuing jurisdiction to ensure
      standing committee positions by                           compliance with this equal division
      candidate preference, a drawing shall be                  requirement. No standing committee
      conducted to distribute the additional                    members from a state shall be officially
      positions.                                                recognized unless the Rules and Bylaws
                                                                Committee has certified to the Secretary
D. Presidential Candidate Right of Approval:                    of the Democratic National Committee
                                                                that such state’s standing committee
   1. Each presidential candidate or that                       delegation complies with this equal
      candidate’s representative authorized                     division rule. It is the duty of the DNC
      pursuant to Rule 13.D.1. of the 2020                      Rules and Bylaws Committee to

2020 Call for the Democratic National Convention

        determine such compliance as soon as                  2. The selection must take place at an open
        practicable following the certification of               well publicized meeting of by the State
        the state’s standing committee                           Party’s governing body, provided it
        members.                                                 meets the qualifications of Delegate
                                                                 Selection Rule 10.B as if it were a state
   3. The Party Leader and Elected Official                      party committee. The procedures for
      membership of the standing committees                      selection must be approved by the DNC
      elected by the Executive Committee of                      Rules and Bylaws Committee as part of
      the Democratic National Committee                          the state’s Delegate Selection Plan.
      shall be divided among men and
      women so that the variance between                      3. Members selected as temporary
      men and women in any committee or                          standing committee members under this
      among the three committees in                              provision serve only in the event that a
      aggregate shall not exceed one.                            standing committee is called to meet
                                                                 prior to completion of the state’s
F. Chairs of Standing Committees:                                delegate selection process. Temporary
                                                                 members selected after the first
   1. The Chair(s) of each Standing
                                                                 determining step has occurred in a state
      Committee shall be elected by the
                                                                 shall reflect the Presidential preferences
      Executive Committee of the Democratic
                                                                 so established. No such temporary
      National Committee upon nomination
                                                                 member may continue to serve after the
      of the National Chairperson of the
                                                                 permanent standing committee
      Democratic National Committee. Co-
                                                                 members are selected unless he or she is
      Chair(s) and Vice Chair(s) may also be                     elected as a permanent member
      elected in this manner.
                                                                 pursuant to the provisions in Section B
                                                                 of this Article.
   2. Individuals who are not otherwise
      members of the standing committees
                                                              4. Substitutions in a state’s list of
      who are elected Chair(s), Co-Chair(s) or
                                                                 temporary standing committee
      Vice Chair(s) thereof shall not have any
                                                                 members may only be made up to 10
      voting privileges on the standing
                                                                 days prior to the time the standing
      committees, except that the Chair(s),
                                                                 committee meets.
      may vote in the case of a tie.

   3.   The Chair(s) of each standing committee           H. Platform Committee:
        shall call and preside over each
                                                              1. The Platform Committee shall be
        committee meeting, prepare an agenda
                                                                 responsible for drafting and
        to provide for orderly conduct of the
                                                                 recommending the Platform of the
        committee’s business, and supervise
                                                                 Democratic Party to the Democratic
        preparation of such research studies and
                                                                 National Convention.
        briefing materials as are required to
        accomplish the committee’s work.
                                                              2. The Chair(s) of the Platform Committee,
                                                                 in consultation with the National
G. Temporary Standing Committee Members:
                                                                 Chairperson of the Democratic National
                                                                 Committee, shall determine the number,
   1.    In the event that a standing committee
                                                                 place and time for conducting hearing(s)
        meeting is held prior to the election of a
                                                                 and/or forum(s) and name the
        state’s standing committee members, a
                                                                 presiding panel, who need not be
        state may select temporary members for
                                                                 members of the Platform Committee, for
        those standing committee member
                                                                 each hearing and/or forum. Any
        positions.                                               person may submit a written statement
                                                                 concerning the Platform to the Platform
                                                                 Committee at any time prior to the

2020 Call for the Democratic National Convention

   Platform Committee meeting, and may                        prepared for distribution to the
   request permission to testify at a public                  Convention delegates and alternates as
   hearing and/or forum.                                      part of the committee’s report. The
                                                              committee staff shall assist in the
3. No later than thirty (30) days before the                  preparation of such report.
   first meeting of the Platform Committee,
   written notice of the date, time, place,                7. The report of the Platform Committee
   and the tentative agenda of such                           and any minority reports shall be
   meeting shall be sent to all members of                    distributed to all delegates and
   the Platform Committee. A special or                       alternates, and to the public as soon as
   emergency meeting of the Platform                          practicable after their adoption.
   Committee may be held upon call of the
   Chair(s) of the Platform Committee with            I.   Rules Committee:
   reasonable notice to the members.
                                                           1. The Rules Committee shall issue a
4. Prior to the first meeting of the Platform                 report to the Democratic National
   Committee, the National Chairperson of                     Convention recommending the
   the Democratic National Committee                          Permanent Rules of the Convention, the
   shall distribute to the members of the                     Convention agenda, the permanent
   Platform Committee a document                              officers of the Democratic National
   outlining the issues to be considered by                   Convention, amendments to the Charter
   the committee.                                             of the Democratic Party of the United
                                                              States, and resolutions providing for the
5. The National Chairperson of the                            consideration of any other matter not
   Democratic National Committee, in                          provided for in the Permanent Rules of
   consultation with the Chair(s) of the                      the Convention and not contained in the
   Platform Committee, shall appoint                          reports of other standing committees.
   fifteen (15) persons to serve on a                         The foregoing notwithstanding, no
   Platform Drafting Subcommittee and                         amendment to the Charter of the
   the National Chairperson of the                            Democratic Party shall be effective
   Democratic National Committee shall                        unless and until it is subsequently
   appoint the Chair(s) thereof. In                           ratified by a vote of the majority of the
   addition, one (1) non-voting member                        entire membership of the Democratic
   may be appointed by each presidential                      National Committee.
   candidate to serve on the Drafting
   Subcommittee. The Platform Drafting                     2. No later than thirty (30) days before the
   Subcommittee is considered a                               first meeting of the Rules Committee,
   subcommittee of the Platform                               written notice of the date, time, place,
   Committee as defined in Article I.A.6                      and the tentative agenda of such
   provided, however, that members of the                     meeting shall be sent to all members of
   Platform Drafting Subcommittee need                        the Rules Committee. A special or
   not be members of the Platform                             emergency meeting of the Rules
   Committee. The Drafting Subcommittee                       Committee may be held upon call of the
   shall be responsible for the drafting of                   Chair(s) of the Rules Committee with
   the report of the Platform Committee                       reasonable notice to the members.
   under the direction and with the
   approval of the full Platform                           3. Upon the request of members
   Committee.                                                 representing twenty-five percent (25%)
                                                              of the total votes of the Rules
6. Upon the request of members                                Committee, a minority report shall be
   representing twenty-five percent (25%)                     prepared for distribution to the
   of the total votes of the Platform                         Convention delegates and alternates as
   Committee, a minority report shall be                      part of the committee’s report. The
2020 Call for the Democratic National Convention

         committee staff shall assist in the                        a proposed minority report relating to a
         preparation of such report.                                credentials challenge to any delegate or
                                                                    alternate from their state. The
     4. The report of the Rules Committee and                       committee staff shall assist in the
        any minority reports shall be distributed                   preparation of such report.
        to all delegates, alternates, and to the
        public as soon as practicable after their               4. The report of the Credentials Committee
        adoption.                                                  and any minority reports shall be
                                                                   distributed to all delegates, alternates,
J.   Credentials Committee and Procedures for                      and the public as soon as practicable
     Challenging Delegates or State Delegations:                   after their adoption.

     1. The Credentials Committee shall                     VIII. Elector Qualifications
        determine and resolve questions
        concerning the seating of delegates and
        alternates to the Convention pursuant to            Each State Democratic Party shall take adequate
        the resolution entitled the “Relationship           steps, as set forth in its Delegate Selection Plan,
        Between the 2020 Rules of Procedure of              to assure that presidential electors will vote for
        the Credentials Committee and the 2020              the election of the Democratic Presidential and
        Delegate Selection Rules,” which                    Vice Presidential nominees including, having
        includes the “Rules of Procedure of the             each candidate for presidential elector sign a
        Credentials Committee of the 2020                   certification to so vote.
        Democratic National Convention”
        hereby approved and adopted by the                  IX.     Procedural Rules of the 2020
        Democratic National Committee, and
        set forth in full in the Appendix to this                   Democratic National
        Call. The committee shall report to the                     Convention
        Convention for final determination and
        resolution of all such questions. This              The following Procedural Rules shall serve as
        committee does not have authority over              the Temporary Rules of Procedure for the 2020
        the allocation and distribution of                  Democratic National Convention and are
        convention credentials, including passes            recommended to the Rules Committee and to
        for delegates, alternates, guests or press.         the Convention as the Permanent Rules of
                                                            Procedure for the conduct of the 2020
     2. Challenges to the seating of any                    Democratic National Convention.
        delegate or alternate shall be in
        accordance with the Rules of Procedure              A. Temporary Chair:
        of the Credentials Committee. Any
        challenge to the seating of a delegate or               1. The National Chairperson of the
        alternate that is not made in conformity                   Democratic National Committee shall
        with these rules shall be deemed                           call the Convention to order and shall
        waived.                                                    preside until the Permanent Chair of the
                                                                   Convention shall be chosen in
     3. Upon the request of members                                accordance with these rules.
        representing twenty-five percent (25%)
        of the total votes of the Credentials                   2. The National Committee Secretary shall
        Committee, a minority report shall be                      serve as Temporary Secretary. The
        prepared for distribution to the                           Chairperson of the Democratic National
        Convention delegates and alternates as                     Committee shall appoint such other
        part of the committee’s report;                            temporary officers as may be required
        provided, however, that no member                          to assist in the conduct of the business
        elected to the committee by a state                        of the Convention. These officers shall
        delegation may join in such request as to                  be divided equally. In the case of gender
2020 Call for the Democratic National Convention

       non-binary temporary officers, they                          committee’s report unless a longer
       shall not be counted as either a male or                     period of time shall be provided in a
       female, and the remainder of the officers                    special order of business agreed
       shall be equally divided.                                    upon by the Convention. The
                                                                    Chair(s) of the committee may
B. Temporary Roll:                                                  present committee amendments,
                                                                    yield part of their time to others and
   1. The Secretary of the Democratic                               may yield for the presentation and
      National Committee shall determine a                          disposition of minority reports
      Temporary Roll of delegates to the                            without losing the right to the floor.
      Convention which shall consist only of
      those persons selected and certified as                 b.    The Temporary Chair shall arrange
      delegates in accordance with the Rules                        for the orderly presentation of
      and pursuant to this Call, unless a                           amendments and of minority
      credentials contest shall have arisen                         reports offered at the direction of
      with respect to any such person(s), in                        the committee. Twenty (20) minutes
      which case the Secretary shall include                        shall be allowed for the presentation
      on the Temporary Roll the name of the                         of each committee amendment or
      credentials contestant recommended for                        minority report unless a longer
      inclusion by the Credentials Committee                        period for any committee
      in its report.                                                amendment or minority report is
                                                                    provided in special orders of
   2. Persons whose names are included on                           business agreed to by the
      the Temporary Roll of delegates shall be                      Convention. Time shall be allotted
      permitted to vote on all matters before                       equally to proponents and
      the Convention until after the adoption                       opponents of each committee
      of the report of the Credentials                              amendment or minority report. The
      Committee; provided that no person                            questions shall be put on each
      shall be permitted to vote on their                           committee amendment or minority
      credentials contest.                                          report immediately following its
                                                                    presentation without intervening
C. Order of Business: The order of business for                     motion.
   the Democratic National Convention shall
   be as provided in these rules and in any                    c.   Upon conclusion of the
   special order of business adopted under                          consideration and disposition of
   Section D. of these rules. The Chair of the                      committee amendments and
   Convention may, at appropriate times,                            minority reports, the Temporary
   interrupt the order of business provided for                     Chair shall put the question on the
   in these rules for introductions,                                adoption of the report of the
   announcements, addresses, presentations,                         Credentials Committee with
   resolutions of tribute and appreciation, or                      amendments previously adopted, if
   remarks appropriate to the business of the                       any, without intervening motion. A
   Convention.                                                      majority vote of the Convention
                                                                    delegates eligible to vote shall
   1. Report of the Committee on Credentials:                       constitute adoption of the report.
      The Report of the Credentials
      Committee shall be acted upon before                    d.    In the event that the committee’s
      the consideration of other business.                          report shall not be adopted when
                                                                    the question is put, the committee
       a. The Temporary Chair shall                                 shall immediately reconvene to
          recognize the Chair(s) of the                             reconsider its report and shall
          Credentials Committee for up to                           present a new report to the
          thirty (30) minutes to present the                        Convention as soon as possible.

2020 Call for the Democratic National Convention

                                                            Secretary in the same manner in which
2. Report of Rules Committee: The                           it elected the Chair. The Co-Chairs shall
   Temporary Chair(s) may then recognize                    be divided equally.
   the Chair(s) of the Rules Committee to
   present the committee’s report for the                5. Committee on Platform: The Permanent
   Rules of the Convention and minority                     Chair shall recognize the Chair(s) of the
   reports, if any, in the same manner as                   Platform Committee to present the
   that provided for the presentation of the                committee’s report and minority
   Report of the Credentials Committee.                     reports, if any, in the same manner as
   However, the Temporary Chair may, in                     that provided for the presentations of
   the interest of conducting an orderly                    the reports of the Credentials and Rules
   proceeding, opt to place before the                      Committees.
   Convention the election of the
   Permanent Chair, the Co-Chairs and the                6. Nomination of the Democratic
   Secretary, prior to the presentation of                  Candidate for President: The Permanent
   the Rules Committee report.                              Chair shall receive nominations from
                                                            the floor for the Democratic candidate
3. Convention Chair: The Convention shall                   for the Office of President of the United
   proceed to elect the Permanent                           States in the following manner:
   Convention Chair in the following
   manner:                                                  a. Requests to nominate a presidential
                                                               candidate shall be in writing and
   a. In accordance with the requirements                      shall have affixed thereto the written
      of the 1984 Democratic National                          approval of the proposed nominee
      Convention Resolution which calls                        and the name of the individuals
      for alternating the Convention Chair                     who shall be recognized to make the
      by gender, the Permanent Chair of                        nominating and seconding speeches
      the 2020 Democratic National                             on behalf of a presidential candidate
      Convention shall be a male.                              and shall be delivered to the
                                                               Convention Secretary at a location
   b. The Chair(s) of the Rules Committee                      as specified by the Secretary no later
      shall be recognized to offer a                           than 6:00 p.m. of the day preceding
      nomination for Convention Chair as                       the day designated for the
      recommended by the Committee on                          commencement of presidential
      Rules. Nominations from the floor                        nominations.
      shall then be received.
                                                            b. Each such request must be
   c.   When there are no further                              accompanied by a petition
        nominations or upon adoption of a                      indicating support for the proposed
        motion to close nominations, the                       nominee signed by delegates
        Temporary Chair of the Convention                      representing not less than 300 or
        shall conduct a vote for Permanent                     more than 600 delegate votes, not
        Convention Chair.                                      more than 50 of which may come
                                                               from one (1) delegation. A delegate
   d. A majority vote of the delegates                         may not sign more than one (1)
      present and voting shall be required                     nominating petition for president
      to elect the Convention Chair.                           and for vice president. Pledged and
      Balloting shall continue until a Chair                   automatic delegates may sign the
      is elected. The Permanent Chair                          petition.
      shall then take the gavel.
                                                            c.   The order for nominating
4. Convention Co-Chairs: The Convention                          presidential candidates shall be
   shall proceed to elect Co-Chairs and a                        determined by the National
2020 Call for the Democratic National Convention

               Chairperson of the Democratic
               National Committee, the Permanent                         c.   In the event that a nominating
               Chair of the Convention and each                               contest moves beyond the first ballot
               presidential candidate, or their                               of the presidential roll call, all
               authorized representative, who                                 pledged and automatic delegates
               qualifies to be nominated pursuant                             will be permitted to vote for a
               to this section.                                               presidential candidate on all
                                                                              subsequent ballots until a nominee
           d. Each presidential candidate shall be                            is chosen.
              allowed a total of twenty (20)
              minutes for the presentation of their                      d. A majority vote of all Convention
              name in nomination by nominating                              delegates eligible to vote on the
              and seconding speeches, the time to                           ballot in question shall be required
              run without interruption from the                             to nominate the presidential
              recognition of the nominator.                                 candidate.

          e.   Delegates and alternates shall                            e. Eligible delegates may vote for the
               maintain order during and                                    candidate of their choice whether or
               following nominations for the Office                         not the name of such candidate was
               of President and demonstrations                              placed in nomination. Any vote cast
               shall not be permitted.                                      other than a vote for a presidential
                                                                            candidate meeting the requirements
      7. Roll Call for Presidential Candidate:                              of Article VI of this Call and Rule
                                                                            13.K. of the 2020 Delegate Selection
           a. After nominations for presidential                            Rules shall be considered a vote for
              candidates have closed, the                                   “Present.”
              Convention shall proceed to a roll
              call vote by states on the selection of                    f.   Balloting will continue until a
              the presidential candidate. The roll                            nominee is selected. Upon selection,
              call voting shall follow the                                    balloting may be temporarily
              alphabetical order of the states with                           suspended, provided that the
              the District of Columbia and Puerto                             balloting shall continue at a time
              Rico and the territories treated as                             certain determined by the
              states for the purpose of the                                   Convention Chair, until all states,
              alphabetical roll call.                                         the District of Columbia, Puerto
                                                                              Rico and the territories shall
           b. On the first ballot of the presidential                         publically deliver their vote prior to
              roll call, only pledged delegates will                          the nominee’s acceptance speech.
              be permitted to vote unless a                                   The nominee shall become the
              presidential candidate has been                                 candidate of the Democratic Party of
              certified by the DNC Secretary to                               the United States for the Office of
              have obtained a number of pledged                               President upon the conclusion of
              delegates equal to a majority of all                            their acceptance speech.
              pledged and automatic delegates to
              the Convention9, at which point                        8. Acceptance Speech by Presidential
              automatic delegates will also be                          Candidate: Immediately after the
              permitted to vote on the first ballot.                    selection of the Democratic nominee for

9   The determination that a presidential candidate has            Secretary shall publicly announce his or her determi-
    secured the requisite number of pledged delegates              nation as soon as practicable after receiving every
    shall be made by the DNC Secretary upon certifi-               delegation’s certification of pledged delegates. Subse-
    cation of pledged delegates at the conclusion of the           quent events after the Secretary’s announcement shall
    delegate selection process (the Secretary’s calculation        not change the determination.
    shall not take into account any alternates). The DNC
2020 Call for the Democratic National Convention

    President, the Permanent Chair shall                       Vice President, the Permanent Chair
    invite the nominee to deliver an                           shall invite the nominee to deliver an
    acceptance speech to the Convention.                       acceptance speech to the Convention.
                                                               The nominee shall become the candidate
9. Nomination for the Democratic                               of the Democratic Party of the United
   Candidate for Vice President: The                           States for the office of Vice President
   selection of a nominee for the Office of                    upon completion of their acceptance
   Vice President of the United States shall                   speech to the Convention.
   be conducted in the same manner as
   that heretofore provided for the                    D. Special Orders of Business: It shall be in
   selection of the nominee for President of              order at any time for the Rules Committee
   the United States except that (i) a                    at the request of the Chair of the
   request to nominate must be delivered                  Convention, or pursuant to its rules, to
   to the Convention Secretary at a location              report a resolution providing a special order
   as specified by the Secretary not later                of business for debate of any resolution,
   than 9:00 a.m. of the day designated for               motion, committee report or minority report
   the commencement of Vice Presidential                  or for the consideration of any matter.
   nominations, and (ii) automatic
   delegates shall be permitted to vote on             E. Powers and Duties of the Chair:
   all ballots for the nomination of the
   Democratic candidate for Vice                           1. It shall be the responsibility of the Chair
   President.                                                 to conduct and expedite the business of
                                                              the Convention and to preserve order
10. Roll Call Ballot for Vice Presidential                    and decorum in its proceedings.
                                                           2. The Chair is authorized to appoint such
  a.    After nominations for Vice                            Convention officers as may be required
        Presidential candidates have closed,                  to assist in the conduct of the business
        the Convention shall proceed to a                     of the Convention, such officers to be
        roll call vote by states on the                       divided equally (In the case of gender
        selection of the Vice Presidential                    non-binary convention officers, they
        candidate. The roll call voting                       shall not be counted as either a male or
        procedure shall be conducted in the                   female, and the remainder of the
        same manner as that heretofore                        delegation shall be equally divided); to
        provided for the selection of the                     appoint any delegate temporarily to
        nominee for President of the United                   perform the duties of the Chair; and to
        States except that automatic                          take such lawful action as may be
        delegates shall be permitted to vote                  necessary and appropriate to preserve
        on all ballots for the nomination of                  order throughout the Convention Hall;
        the Vice President.                                   and to take any other actions consistent
                                                              with the Charter and the Bylaws of the
  b.    A majority vote of the Convention’s                   Democratic Party of the United States
        delegates shall be required to select                 and this Call.
        the Vice Presidential candidate.
        Delegates may vote for the                     F. Voting:
        candidate of their choice whether or
        not the name of such candidate was                 1. Secret Ballot: No secret ballots shall be
        placed in nomination. Balloting will                  permitted at any stage of the
        continue until a nominee is selected.                 Convention or its committee
11. Acceptance Speech by Vice Presidential
    Candidate: Immediately after the
    selection of the Democratic nominee for
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