LIVE THE LIFE Honoring Marc Goldin - The 2021 Congregation B'nai Israel Annual Gala - Congregation B'nai Israel

Page created by Laurie Howell
LIVE THE LIFE Honoring Marc Goldin - The 2021 Congregation B'nai Israel Annual Gala - Congregation B'nai Israel
       The 2021
Congregation B’nai Israel
     Annual Gala
  Honoring Marc Goldin
LIVE THE LIFE Honoring Marc Goldin - The 2021 Congregation B'nai Israel Annual Gala - Congregation B'nai Israel
Thank You to Our Gala Sponsors                          Thank you for joining us at CBI’s 2021 Virtual Gala!

                                                                           Welcome to the CBI Annual Gala! Tonight we honor Marc Goldin, our es-
                     Platinum Sponsor                              teemed immediate past president. In his honor, we come together to raise vital
                   Brigitte & Craig Frankel                        funds for our cherished synagogue. Marc’s favorite band, Coldplay, inspired this
                    Cindy & Michael Furst                          year’s theme “Viva la Vida - Live the Life”. Living life to its fullest is perfectly
                                                                   apropos as we turn from a difficult period to renewal and a better future.
                        Gold Sponsor
                                                                          We had hoped to come together for an amazing in-person celebration,
                                                                   schmoozing and enjoying the company of our friends. Instead tonight, we bring
                    Deborah & Ed Heyman                            you a similar spirit with a different experience. While we celebrate online to-
                       Lilya & Joel Reiss                          gether and enjoy our delicious dinner and signature cocktail, “The Goldin Vac-
                      Sue & Ralph Stern                            cine”, we encourage you to bid on our extensive silent auction and contribute
                                                                   to our “Fund A Shul” campaign. Be sure to tune in for the full hour and you will
                     Karen & Ruben Vogel
                                                                   be treated to Leeav Sofer’s lively band and entertained by our MC extraordinaire,
                      Silver Sponsor                               David Krebs.  
       Barbara Baim               Daveen & Mark Meyers                    This night is not only our biggest event of the year, but it is a reminder
   Alyssa & Marc Goldin          Ellen & Howard Mirowitz           of who we are as a congregation. CBI is a caring community dedicated to good
   Leane & Henry Kahrs           Sharon & Mike Schneider           deeds and engaged each and every day. The most outstanding people in our re-
                                                                   gion comprise our congregation and the gala committee exemplifies this.
   Heather & Stuart Katz            Marsha & Bob Sklar
  Krebs/Snavely Families        Sheila & Moshe Stopnitzky                  Thank you to all of the gala committee members, each of whom went
Mindy Lauerlevin & Ed Levin        Ofra & David Willner            above and beyond to make this night memorable and a huge success. None of
                                                                   this would have been possible without the tireless efforts of Beth Adler, Shawna
                                                                   Schwartz, Marla Nathan, Helene Coulter, Earl Stein, Beth Elster, Miriam Ninyo,
                        Bronze Sponsor                             Katherine Coster, Daveen Meyers, Becky Bridger, Karen Vogel, Sandy Klein, Les-
     Beth & Michael Adler            Pamela Kauss & Jim Pasino     lie Kaufman, Esther Dosick, Sheila Stopnitzky, Michelle Ginsburg, Carol Serber,
 Neila & Andrew Bernstein               Sandy & Robert Klein       Rabbi Spitz, Phyllis Abrams, BexBloomz, Andrew Katz, Joeli Schwartz, and David
                                                                   Krebs, as well as the numerous volunteers who solicited and donated auction
    Becky & Perry Bridger           Lydia Levin & Joel Kuperberg   items and helped deliver meals and flowers.
Elizabeth & Thomas Conway               Noreen & Mark Lerner
      Sara & Cliff Cornell           Marcia & Marshall Margolis          We express our gratitude to our entertainers, our AV coordinator, Tony
                                                                   Medeiros, our on-site support staff, and the wonderful Goldin family for sharing
      Beth & Andy Elster              Nancy & Steven Neudorf       Marc with our shul.
      Roberta Feuerstein                 Jan & Harris Shultz
   Christine & Carl Groner              Michele & Pat Szekel               We are moved by your generosity, your friendship and unwavering sup-
    Rhonda & Hal Hurwitz              Natalie & Michael Vishny     port of Congregation B’nai Israel.
    Pepita & Norman Katz                Sheila & Jay Witzling      Live the life!
    Leslie & Matt Kaufman
                        Copper Sponsor                             Warmest Regards,
                    Vida & Kourosh Kohanteb                        Christine Groner & Heather Katz
                     Nancy & Arnold Raymon
                                                                   2021 Gala Co-Chairs
                           Gila Willner
LIVE THE LIFE Honoring Marc Goldin - The 2021 Congregation B'nai Israel Annual Gala - Congregation B'nai Israel
President’s Message                                   Rabbi’s Message

                                                    Dear Marc,
    Welcome to our Gala in celebration of Marc
                                                        Thank you for leading our community these
Goldin. As the new President of Congregation
                                                    past two years. Your leadership style combined
B’nai Israel, I have been fortunate to work
                                                    a desire to listen with determination to act.
closely with Marc for the past two years. His
                                                    You had many unprecedented decisions amidst
commitment to CBI is evident in everything
                                                    our unfolding COVID-quarantine and you did
he has done. Our congregation has flourished
                                                    so thoughtfully. CBI has continued to remain
under his direction even when Covid-19
                                                    creative, vibrant, and united due to your
presented an unprecedented challenge.
                                                    partnership with our staff and Board.
     When we were shut down due to the virus,
                                                        Your Hebrew name - Yehiel Mordechai
Marc mobilized the Board to call all of our
                                                    Shamaya - combines on either end praise for
congregants before Pesach, and worked closely
                                                    God with Mordechai (hence Marc) in the middle.
with Rabbi Spitz and the vision of Ba’alat
                                                    Mordechai stepped forward when needed,
Tefillah Amy Katz to ensure we held High Holy
                                                    leading to overcoming danger and rejoicing:
Days Services that were second to none. His
                                                    “And the Jewish people experienced light,
leadership during difficult times has left CBI in
                                                    gladness, joy and honor” (Esther 8:16).
great shape for the future.
                                                        May you enjoy your honoring and know
    Congratulations, Marc, on a job well done!
                                                    that this evening is another gift on your part to
    Warmest regards,                                our community.

    Phyllis Abrams                                      With gratitude and fondness,
LIVE THE LIFE Honoring Marc Goldin - The 2021 Congregation B'nai Israel Annual Gala - Congregation B'nai Israel
Congregation B’nai Israel Thanks                                      in an apartment near the university during his second year of law
    Outgoing President Marc Goldin                                       school when three undergraduates moved in across the hall. One of
                                                                         them was the outgoing and charming Alyssa Zimmelman, daughter
Making weekly announcements at Shabbat                                   of Rabbi Sidney Zimelman of Schenectady, New York. Marc and
services is one of the routine duties of a                               Alyssa were married in 1988 and moved to New York City. Marc was
synagogue president. While Marc Goldin                                   working for Deloitte on the 101st floor of Tower 1 of the World Trade
hasn’t done that in person since last March,                             Center, and Alyssa was teaching at a co-op nursery when they took
his poise and leadership at Congregation B’nai                           a vacation to Southern California. Liking it so much, Marc enrolled
Israel have been palpably evident. When                                  in University of San Diego’s Masters of Law in Taxation program
the pandemic hit, Marc prioritized ensuring                              and they both got jobs in San Diego, moving west within a year.
member safety by creating a Covid-19                                     As a JD/LLM/CPA, Marc next started working at an Irvine law firm
advisory task force and increasing the board’s                           regarding tax and legal matters for John Crean, founder of Fleetwood
outreach to ensure members’ well-being. He                               Motor Homes. Marc later left the firm to manage the family office for
also took steps to support the pre-school during the shutdown and        John and Donna Crean and their charitable foundation dedicated to
supported Rabbi Spitz, Amy Robinson Katz and Carl Cedar as they          supporting education, health and social services for children. Today,
shifted to inspiring web-based services and learning opportunities.      Marc serves as the Chief Financial Officer of The Crean Foundation
With Marc at the helm during these unusual circumstances, CBI has        and is an in-house attorney handling real estate, tax and corporate
continued to be a source of comfort and strength to the community.       law for Glidewell Dental Labs in Irvine.

Marc’s contributions have been ongoing for years. The Goldins joined     Marc and Alyssa have three daughters: Heather, 26, a graduate
CBI in 2008 and Marc was soon recruited for the finance committee.       of Boston University, is a Communications Associate for American
The Goldins had been looking for a Conservative synagogue, had           Honda Motor Company and just celebrated her first anniversary
friends at CBI and felt at home. Marc has been on the synagogue          married to Josh Epstein, having met in USY; Lauren, 22, is finishing
board for over 10 years and has been active with CBI’s Men’s Club        the nursing program at Penn State; and Jamie, 18, is a senior at Sage
and serves on the Jewish Community Foundation of Orange County’s         Hill School and applying to colleges to likely study political science.
investment committee. He follows his family’s tradition of involvement                                   Each member of the Goldin family
as his grandfather had been president of his synagogue and both his                                      has been a delightful contributor to
grandmother and mother were involved in Hadassah.                                                        CBI.

A Staten Island, New York native, Marc worked on weekends at                                             With calm diligence and warmth,
the family’s bowling alley when he was in high school. His paternal                                      Marc has continuously contributed
grandfather had started the business and Marc’s father inherited                                         to the community showing that
it and transitioned to running it after being an Industrial Arts                                         he wants the best for everyone.
teacher. His maternal grandfather was an attorney and influenced                                         In appreciation for Marc’s steady
Marc to follow that path: Marc obtained both a Bachelor’s degree in                                      leadership and years of guidance, we
Accounting and a Law degree at Ohio State University. He was living                                      toast “Viva la Vida – Live the Life”.
LIVE THE LIFE Honoring Marc Goldin - The 2021 Congregation B'nai Israel Annual Gala - Congregation B'nai Israel
Mazel Tov and Yasher Koach to
         YOU, Marc!

 You have worked so hard for
  so long to contribute to our
synagogue’s well-being. Thank
  you so much for being that
    incredible member who
        cares so deeply.

Sending our wholehearted love
      and appreciation,

  Cindy & Michael Furst
       and Family
LIVE THE LIFE Honoring Marc Goldin - The 2021 Congregation B'nai Israel Annual Gala - Congregation B'nai Israel
Congrats on going from
La Vida Loca to Viva La Vida!

   Thank you Marc for
     navigating these
    crazy times with a
      steady hand.

   L’Chaim from Chaim,
  Craig, Brigitte, and the
      Frankel Family
LIVE THE LIFE Honoring Marc Goldin - The 2021 Congregation B'nai Israel Annual Gala - Congregation B'nai Israel


LIVE THE LIFE Honoring Marc Goldin - The 2021 Congregation B'nai Israel Annual Gala - Congregation B'nai Israel
Thank you Marc,

You have been a
wonderful leader!

 Dvora and Neil
LIVE THE LIFE Honoring Marc Goldin - The 2021 Congregation B'nai Israel Annual Gala - Congregation B'nai Israel

Mazel Tov on being honored
 by CBI at this year’s Gala!

Thank you for your leadership
  over the last two years, but
   especially this past year
    during the pandemic.

   Karen and Ruben Vogel
LIVE THE LIFE Honoring Marc Goldin - The 2021 Congregation B'nai Israel Annual Gala - Congregation B'nai Israel

We honor you for your
  time and effort in
leading CBI through a
   challenging time.

   The Reiss Family
   Marc Goldin
We salute your leadership and
commitment to Jewish life. As
CBI President thank you for
making a difference to our

   Sue and Ralph Stern
Mazal Tov, Marc!
We thank you for your vision and
 your leadership ~ Kol HaK’vod!
    Celebrating with you all
      Your Achievements ~
     The Kravitz and Stein
Marc,                   Marc Goldin

                         THANK YOU FOR YOUR LEADER-
                       SHIP AND ALL YOU HAVE DONE FOR
                          THE OC JEWISH COMMUNITY.

well done in leading
                          A hearty Yasher Koach!
     B’nai Israel      May you continue to go from
                          strength to strength!

                                Mindy, Ed,
   Barbara Baim         Courtney, Justin and Mariah
Congratulations Marc for a job well done!
                                 Under your leadership and during
     Mazel tov Marc:                         Covid-19
                              CBI is still open, services and holidays
  With appreciation and                    are observed,
gratitude we thank you for     and we have a variety of wonderful
 your dedication and hard           opportunities for learning.
          work!                    Congratulations on your new
                               title....”Immediate Past President”!
  The Krebs and Snavely
         Families                    With much appreciation,
                                         Bob and Marsha

 Thank you for your
 contributions to the
congregation and the

You are an inspiration
      to us all.
                               Mazel Tov,
  Daveen and Mark                Marc!
                         Your leadership and devotion to CBI
      Meyers                 is an inspiration to all of us.
                               With Love and Respect,
                                  Heather & Stuart
 We want to wish you a heartfelt mazel tov on your
  achievements as CBI President. We could not be         Congratulations, Marc
 prouder of your diligence, perseverance, poise, and
  leadership that have helped our CBI community            on a job well done!
over the past two years, including the difficult times
 during COVID-19. You did this all with a sense of
           respect, calm, and compassion.                   May you go from
Thank you from the bottom of our hearts. You have         strength to strength!
    done a great mitzvah! Tikun Olam means
               to repair the world.
                                                            Yashar Koach,
We believe that you have helped make our synagogue
become a better place during these uncertain times.
              You are a true mensch.                       Ellen and Howard
              With much love always,                            Mirowitz
  Your loving and supportive wife Alyssa, and your
amazing children: Heather (Josh), Lauren and Jamie
Congratulations Marc on
   a job well done!

  Thank you for your
  commitment to CBI!

  Sharon and Michael
Yashar Koach Marc!
                   Thank you for your exceptional
                    leadership as president of CBI
 Mazal tov on         over the past two years.

tonight’s honor!    May you continue to go from
                      strength to strength.

  Leane and                With gratitude,
 Henry Kahrs            Beth and Andy Elster

 Many thanks for your
commitment and service
       to CBI!

     Mazel tov!
   Neila and Andy
    Mazel Tov, Marc!
                               In honor of and with appreciation of
    Thank you for your        your dedicated service and outstanding
  leadership and service      leadership. We are all grateful for your
   to CBI during these         devotion, commitment and hard work
                                         on behalf of CBI.
    challenging times.
                                           Mazel Tov!
Joel Kuperberg, Lydia Levin
        and Family
                                     Mark and Noreen Lerner
                            Thank you for your
 Thank you for all you
                          time and commitment to
  do for the synagogue,
                           making CBI our home.
  especially during the
        past year.
                           May you continue to
      Mazel tov,           go from strength to
Nancy and Steve Neudorf
                          The Stopnitzky Family
mensch                                         Yasher Koach

 1.     - a person of integrity and 		        To Marc Goldin
        - Marc Goldin
                                         For your leadership of CBI
 Mazel Tov, our mensch, on your          during a very difficult time
   well- deserved honor. We
 appreciate your hard work and
dedication to our CBI community.         Thanks for your dedication
           With gratitude -                    and all you do.
      Michael and Natalie Vishny
                                           Sheila and Jay Witzling
                                   Mazal Tov Marc
   Thank you for your
                             Thank you for your leadership
  guidance and strength
 navigating CBI through       and your dedication to CBI
 an unprecedented time.       and the Jewish Community.

Marcia & Marshall Margolis      Michele and Pat Szekel
Yasher Koach Marc                From fortifying our physical space to
    for all your hard work           reimaging our spiritual and educational
    and dedication to CBI.            space, you have certainly lived the life
                                               these past two years.

 Thank you also to the Board,
                                      Thank you for all you have done for
Rabbi, Amy, Hal, Carl and the
                                     CBI during these extraordinary times.
office staff for all their support
       over the past year.
                                                 Yascher Koach!

                                           Pam Kauss and Jim Pasino
     Sara and Cliff Cornell
“The pessimist complains
                                          about the wind. The optimist
                                            expects it to change. The
                                           leader adjusts the sails.”
                                                               John C. Maxwell
                                                              Leadership Author

                                            Thank you, Marc,
                                            for leading our
                                             through some
                Marc,                         heavy winds!
 Thank you for leading us through this
 challenging time. Our synagoue was            - Leslie & Matt
fortunate to have you as our leader and            Kaufman
 your efforts were greatly appreciated.

 Beth, Michael, Jacob, & Samuel Adler
Marc,                    Marc,

Toda Raba for a job      Thank you for your
well done in leading    dedication to the Shul.

                            Kol Hakavod!
     B’nai Israel!

Christine and Carl     Rhonda and Hal Hurwitz
Groner and Family
Mazel Tov Marc!               Marc,

It was a pleasure working     thank you for all
         with you!              you have done
                                   for CBI.
Enjoy being Past President!
 Sandy and Robert Klein
                                       FOR ALL YOUR GREAT WORK

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                                                                                 ALL DAY
        Marc:                                                                   E V E RY DAY

You were outstanding in
 leading CBI through a
       pandemic!          ACADEMICS ARE IMPORTANT.                                    CHARACTER IS PARAMOUNT.

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                                    Fo u n d e d i n Lov i n g M e m o r y o f N a o m i G e l m a n We i s s
          Quarter Page - Default 18 pt.                                            Marc,
                                                                        Quarter Page - Default 18 pt.
             3.625” H x 6.0” Wide                                          3.625” H x 6.0” Wide
 Thank you for all of your hard work on
                                                                  Mazal tov on a well-deserved
Tobehalf ofthis
   Replace  CBI!Text
                  You- have accomplished
                       hold down Ctrl+Shift                      To Replace this Text - hold down Ctrl+Shift
                great things! (Mac OS) as
(Windows) or Command+Shift                                                        honor! (Mac OS) as
                                                                 (Windows) or Command+Shift
 you click the text frame on the document                         you click the text frame on the document
page. Then click in the frame using the Type                     page. Then click in the frame using the Type
        Vida  & Kourosh Kohanteb
           tool and begin typing.                                  Chuck & Alison Goldenberg
                                                                            tool and begin typing.

                                                                        Quarter Page - Default 18 pt.
                                                                           3.625” H x 6.0” Wide
        It has been a pleasure to work with you on the
              CBI board and finance committee.
                                                                 To Replace this Text - hold down Ctrl+Shift
 Thank you for all the time, care and dedication that you have
                                                                 (Windows) or Command+Shift (Mac OS) as
   invested to guide our shul through this challenging time.
                                                                  you click the text frame on the document
                                                                 page. Then click in the frame using the Type
             Congratulations on a job well done!
                                                                            tool and begin typing.
                       Gila Willner
As family, we are proud to congratulate you Marc on your stellar

      Yasher     Koach
       Quarter Page - DefaultMarc
                             18 pt.
                                                    leadership as President of Congregation B’nai Israel. Your wisdom,
                                                    patience, thoughtfulness and consecrated sacrifice of time, energy
            3.625” H x 6.0” Wide                        and substance have inspired your membership with vision,
                                                                             pride and success.
May you go from strength to strength                                          We love you,
To Replace this Text - hold down Ctrl+Shift                       Vivian and Rabbi Sidney Zimelman
We           or Command+Shift
   are so lucky                    (Mac OS)
                 to have you and Alyssa      as
                                         as part
                                                                 Robin Zimelman and Larry Eisenstein
 you click the text   frame
                  of our     on the document
                                                                            Shari Zimelman
page. Then click in the frame using the Type
            tool andTory
              Love,    begin typing.
                           and Bob                              Beth Zimelman and Michael Moskowitz
                                                                             Elana Paddock

                                                         Mazel Tov Marc! We are so very proud of your
        Quarter Page - Default 18 pt.                       Quarter
                                                          being       Page
                                                                honored      - Default
                                                                        but certainly     18 pt.
                                                                                      not surprised.
           3.625” H x 6.0” Wide                                     3.625” H x 6.0” Wide
                                                                         All our love,
                                                               Aunt Mary Ann & Uncle Frank Grawi
To Replace this Text - hold down Ctrl+Shift        To Replace this Text - hold down Ctrl+Shift
(Windows) or Command+Shift (Mac OS) as             (Windows) or Command+Shift
                                                                        Cousins       (Mac OS) as
 you click the text frame on the document                            Carolyn
                                                    you click the text  frameGrawi
                                                                                on the document
page. Then click in the frame using the Type       page. Then clickSamantha  Brandt
                                                                     in the frame   using the Type
                                                                     Justin Brandt
           tool and begin typing.                             tool Liz
                                                                   and   beginKaner
                                                                       & David  typing.
                                                                           Leah McGough
Business Page - Default
                                                                                              14 pt.
       Quarter Page - Default 18 pt.
                 Marc,                          In appreciation of Marc Goldin        3.625” H x 2.875 Wide
          3.625” H x 6.0” Wide                           and the Board
                                                                                           Mazel Tov
 You did a fabulous job leading                                                            To Replace
                                                                                                 and   this
                                               Rabbi Spitz, Rabbi Foonberg and           Text - hold down
us  through
To Replace this unchartered
                Text - hold down waters!
                                                      Amy Robinson Katz
                                                                                       Todah Rabah,
                                                                                      Ctrl+Shift      Marc! or
(Windows) orTodah
                      rabah! (Mac OS) as                                               Command+Shift
                                                                                     Love,               (Mac
                                                                                           the Schwartz Family
 you click the text frame on the document                                             OS) as you click the text
                                                                                      frame on the document
page. Then click in the frame using the Type   Robin and Rabbi Stephen Einstein
    Nancy  tooland
                and Arnold     Raymon
                     begin typing.
                                                                                       page. Then click in the
                                                                                     frame using the Type tool
                                                                                         and begin typing.

                                                       TO MARC GOLDIN
                                                                                      Business Page - Default
                                                                                              14 pt.
       Quarter Page - Default 18 pt.            We are so proud to express our
                                                     joy in being honored             3.625” H x 2.875 Wide
          3.625” H x 6.0” Wide                      by your Congregation.
                                                 Your inspiration, dedication &
                                                leadership as President of your
                                                Congregation have served your
                                                    community with pride.
                                                                                           To Replace this
                                                                                         Text - hold down
To Replace this Text - hold down Ctrl+Shift     May you, Alyssa, Lauren, Jamie,       Ctrl+Shift (Windows) or
(Windows) or Command+Shift (Mac OS) as          Heather & Josh be blessed with
                                               good health and may you continue        Command+Shift (Mac
 you click the text frame on the document      your leadership role for the Jewish
                                                                                      OS) as you click the text
                                                                                      frame on the document
page. Then click in the frame using the Type                                           page. Then click in the
           tool and begin typing.                   Uncle Sol and Aunt June          frame using the Type tool
                                                                                         and begin typing.
Congratulations on a job well done, particularly during        Marc, You did a ‘Goldin’ job - Marla & Scott Nathan
 such challenging times! You’ve handled many issues
                                                                    The Kroms wish Mazel Tov to Marc Goldin and CBI
            so thoughtfully and thoroughly!
       With love and appreciation, the Kelleys                      Mazel Tov with love from OH-IO - Cheryl Agranof

Mazel Tov Marc on your hard work & commitment to CBI!                       Mazel Tov from Daphne Poltorak
             Gary & Donna Sugarman
                                                             Mazel tov, Marc Goldin, on this well-deserved honor - Wendy & Charlie Lupul
Congratulations Marc! We appreciate your
  stellar job! -Ellen and Alan Cortez                                Wishing happiness to my CBI family. Mimi Goldstein
 Thank you Marc for your leadership and commitment                    Marc, Mazel Tov! Love, Mom, Rachel & Sara
        Ernie, Nancy, Zack and Ariana Weiss                        Mazel Tov Marc...Deborah & Harris Goodman
         Thank you for all of your hard work for
        the past two years! Fredda & Edward Sussman
                                                              Kol HaKavod Marc! With Gratitude, Rabbi Robin Foonberg
                                                                          Kol Ha-kavod! Phyllis & Alfred Steinberg
 Kol Ha-Kavod for a job well done!
           Batia Swed                                        Todah Rabah for your work and your new found freedom - Bruce and Diane Gale
                                                              Mazal Tov Marc, for this honor in recognition for all that you do.. Yossi and Linda
                 Congratulations Marc
                 Edythe and Bob Messe                            Toda Raba for a wonderful and unusual year. Ingrid and Joel Gallin
                                                             A well-deserved honor for your years of service and commitment - Mazel Tov Marc, the Kleins
  Congrats and thank you for your dedication and hard work
                 Francine & Ron Morrison                                 Mazel tov, Marc! Robin & Barry Steinmetz
                                                                        Mazel tov, Marc! Francine & Colin Wenhardt
  Todah to the lovely Goldin family and our CBI family -
                  Michelle & Paul Madick
CBI Thanks the Following Businesses for Their                          CBI Thanks our Annual Benefactors
         Donations to Our Auctions                                             Golden Chai Honors Circle
            (at time of printing)                                                Deborah & Ed Heyman
                                                                                    Lilya & Joel Reiss
                                                                                   Sue & Ralph Stern
 Andrei’s Conscious Cuisine       L’Hirondelle French Cuisine                     Karen & Ruben Vogel
   Aquarium of the Pacific                   LA Rams                                   Anonymous
            Athleta               Lazy Dog Restaurant & Bar
      Bagels and Brew                      Merage JCC                          Silver Chai Honors Circle
      Bayview Marriott          Miracle Springs Resort and Spa                        Barbara Baim
          Bexbloomz                 Nice Guys 100% Vegan                       Mindy Lauerlevin & Ed Levin
        Blueberry Hill         OC Kosher Market & Nosh House
      Botox and Beauty                 OC Language Door                        Bronze Chai Honors Circle
       Bowers Museum                      On The Wall                            Neila & Andrew Bernstein
    Bradford Portraiture            Orange County Archery                         Becky & Perry Bridger
       Chemers Gallery                 Pacific Symphony                             Beth & Andy Elster
Classics Flowers Bakery Café             Partake Foods                            Cindy & Michael Furst
      Covenant Winery                 Pinot’s Palette, RSM                              Erline Krebs
          CSP Online                   PJ Noah Pet Salon                       Lydia Levin & Joel Kuperberg
 Dancin Vineyards, Oregon                 Roma d’Italia
                                                                                  Noreen & Mark Lerner
        Davida Aprons                  Rowley Portraiture
      Disneyland Resort                 Santa Anita Park
                                                                                 Nancy & Steven Neudorf
      Dry Dock Fish Co.                 The House Salon                            Michele & Pat Szekel
    Elan Suites, Oregon                 The Little Market                        Natalie & Michael Vishny
           Gelsons               The Ranch at Laguna Beach
                                                                                 Double Chai Honors Circle
        Golden Dreidle             The Swiss Watch Gallery
       Gorjana Jewelry              Tijeras Creek Golf Club       Sharon & Mark Berman          Julia Lupton & Ken Reinhard
     Hanna’s Restaurant                    Trader Joe’s           Judy & Howard Brostoff              Diane & Fred Reiss
        Heritage Pointe                 True Leaf Market           Sarah & Brian Chisick        Debi & Dr. Adrian Shandling
  Historic Mission San Juan    ZO (Zein Obagi) Skin Care Center     Enid & Steve Cohen          Francine & Colin Wenhardt
          Capistrano                          Zov’s               Samantha & Jason Feld              Ofra & David Willner
     Irvine Park Railroad                                         Brigitte & Craig Frankel          Sheila & Jay Witzling
                                                                   Rhonda & Hal Hurwitz             Rena & John Wolfson
                                                                  Kathryn & David Krebs          Beverly & Alan Zembrosky
                                                                  Miriam & Hayim Ninyo
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