Little Danby Hall Danby Wiske, Northallerton, North Yorkshire DL7 0LU - Rightmove

Page created by Edith Schwartz
Little Danby Hall Danby Wiske, Northallerton, North Yorkshire DL7 0LU - Rightmove
Little Danby Hall
Danby Wiske, Northallerton, North Yorkshire DL7 0LU
Little Danby Hall Danby Wiske, Northallerton, North Yorkshire DL7 0LU - Rightmove
Little Danby Hall Danby Wiske, Northallerton, North Yorkshire DL7 0LU - Rightmove
Little Danby Hall
Danby Wiske, Northallerton, North Yorkshire DL7 0LU
A Most Desirable Small Country Estate set in 36.7 Acres Enjoying a Stunning Parkland Setting

•   Grade II Listed 17/18th Century 6 Bedroom Main               •   Courtyard with 8 Stables and Tack Room                         • Substantial Parking and Garaging
    Residence with 5 Flats                                       •   All Requiring Varying Degrees of Refurbishment                 • Range of Traditional Farm Buildings
•   Traditional Detached 2 Bedroom Bungalow                      •   Magnificent Gardens & Grounds                                 • Guide Price: £1.5M – £1.75M
                                                                                                                                   • BulletF9
INTRODUCTION                                    The property stands extremely well                 It is complemented by beautifully• landscaped
                                                                                                                                      BulletF9     FLAT 4 (SHADED PURPLE)
We are favoured with instructions from the      overlooking parkland in a fine south facing        and immaculately maintained gardens    with
                                                                                                                                   • BulletF9
                                                                                                                                               a   This comprises a ground and first floor 2
Laws Family to place Little Danby Hall on the   position. The whole property is shown edged        “ha ha” and including a fish pond, topiary        bedroomed flat (linked to the main house). It
market. It was purchased by their late father   red on the plan.                                   area, secret garden and summer house.             is double glazed with the exception of one
in 1946. It represents a rare opportunity to                                                                                        •                window. It has oil fired central heating. It
purchase a stunning small rural estate. It is   DESCRIPTION                                        The integral flat (5) is occupied by
                                                                                                                                     • Mr & Mrs      has recently been vacated.
one of the jewels in the crown, in this         Little Danby Hall is a delightful small country    Ian Laws.
particularly attractive part of North           estate set in 36 acres approximately. It                                                             FLAT 6 (SHADED BLUE)
Yorkshire just north west of the county         comprises the principal 6-bedroom residence        THE FLATS          AT    LITTLE      DANBY        This comprises a first and second floor three
town of Northallerton.                          with integral flat (Flat 5). There are 5           HALL                                              bedroom apartment within Little Danby Hall.
                                                additional flats, garaging, stabling and a                                                           It is complemented by a private walled
SITUATION                                       detached bungalow.                                 FLAT 1 (SHADED YELLOW)                            garden with summer house. This is occupied
Danby Wiske 1 mile, Yafforth 1 mile,                                                               This comprises a first floor one bedroomed        by Mr and Mrs G Laws.
Northallerton 4 miles, A1 Motorway              The floor layout        plan   sets   out   the    double glazed flat with oil central heating.
Interchange at Leeming Bar Junction (51) 9      accommodation.                                                                                       There is a third summer house in the rear
miles, Bedale 10 miles, Darlington 15 miles.                                                       This is let on an Assured Shorthold Tenancy       garden – currently for use of the residents of
Leeds Bradford and Newcastle Airports are       The whole property is very tidy, although it       at £350 per month. It is understood that this     the flats.
both within about an hour’s travelling          would benefit from varying degrees of              flat needs re-wiring.
distance.                                       refurbishment, updating and modernisation.                                                           GARAGING           AND        RANGE        OF
East Coast Main Line Railway Stations are                                                          FLAT 2 (SHADED PALE BROWN)                        TRADITIONAL FARM BUILDINGS,
nearby at Northallerton and also Darlington     THE        PRINCIPAL            RESIDENCE          This comprises a first floor one bedroomed        STABLES & STORES (SHADED
where there is a regular fast service to        (SHADED GREEN)                                     double glazed flat with oil central heating. It   GREY)
London Kings Cross.                             The principal residence with integral flat (Flat   has recently been vacated.                        In the courtyard there are eight former
                                                5) is a most charming Georgian house which                                                           stables and a tack room with a useful loft
Little Danby Hall is beautifully situated       has many original features including a             FLAT 3 (SHADED PINK)                              above the northern range. In the rear yard
midway between the small rural villages of      sweeping staircase, delightful reception and       This comprises a ground floor one                 area there is a 6 car garage, a coal house, log
Yafforth and Danby Wiske and within easy        dining rooms, charming bedrooms, period            bedroomed double glazed flat with oil central     store and workshop.
reach of the popular and thriving market        kitchen with oil fired Aga and a vaulted cellar.   heating. This is let on an Assured Shorthold      There is a boiler house with solid fuel boiler
town of Northallerton.                                                                             Tenancy at £360 per month.                        and a redundant boiler.
Little Danby Hall Danby Wiske, Northallerton, North Yorkshire DL7 0LU - Rightmove
Please do not enter this building due to        THE BUNGALOW, LITTLE DANBY                         Tenure                                              1. The stop tap is marked “ST” on the plan.
the presence of asbestos.                       HALL (SHADED ORANGE)                               The property is freehold. Vacant possession         The water meter at “WM1” on the plan
                                                This attractive detached 2 bedroom                 will be given upon completion with the              serves the field troughs and The Bungalow.
A quotation for the removal of this asbestos    bungalow is pleasantly situated on the             exception of flats 1 and 3 and The Bungalow
from this boiler house has been obtained        northern edge of the Estate, nicely secluded       which are subject to the aforementioned             The water meter marked “WM2” serves the
from BLS Asbestos Limited in the sum of         from the main residence.                           Assured Shorthold Tenancies. The parkland           2.33 acre field on the eastern side of the
£3,980 plus VAT. This quotation can be          It is constructed of brick with a tiled roof. It   is let on a temporary Grazing Licence to Mr         minor road.
forwarded upon request.                         is double glazed and has oil fired central         M D Barley until 31st October 2021.
                                                heating. It requires some refurbishment and                                                            Foul Drainage
6 car garage with large parking area.           rewiring.                                          Method of Sale                                      The main Hall including all the flats are
                                                                                                   The property is being offered for sale, initially   drained to a septic tank situated at point X
Workshop (12.7m x 8.5m) brick with              Externally, it has a detached brick garage and     by Private Treaty. If after viewing the             on the plan.
asbestos roof.                                  is complemented by attractive and well             property you are seriously interested in            The Bungalow is served by a septic tank
Stable (4.7m x 3.7m).                           established gardens and grounds.                   making an offer, then please kindly register        situated in the garden at point Y on the plan.
Former 10 stall byre (10.4m x 5.5m) brick                                                          your interest with Robin Jessop FRICS or
with tiled roof.                                The bungalow is let on an Assured Shorthold        Tim Gower MRICS at an early stage so that           Please note that both these septic tanks do
Former milk house.                              Tenancy at £400 per month.                         we can keep you informed of how we intend           not meet current regulations. Quotations
Open fronted barn (6.4m x 4.5m)                                                                    to conclude the sale.                               for improving/replacing these septic tanks
corrugated iron side clad with asbestos roof.   Viewing                                                                                                have been obtained from R A Dalton, Waste
                                                Viewing is strictly by appointment with Robin      You may consider it prudent to have your            Water Specialists, Burtree Ford, Cowshill,
THE PARKLAND                                    Jessop Ltd. Tel : 01677 425950 or 01969            own surveys carried out prior to submitting         Bishop Auckland, DL13 1DB. Tel : 01388
The whole property is complemented by           622800.                                            an offer.                                           537030.
parkland together with an orchard, in all                                                                                                              These quotations are in the region of
extending to 36.7 acres. The parkland is all    Please note there is a brief video tour of the     Land Registration                                   £45,000 plus VAT.
down to permanent pasture. It is attractively   main hall, gardens and grounds and flat 6.         The property is registered on two Titles.           Copies of these quotations can be forwarded
interspersed with specimen trees including      Please look at this video to decide whether        The    main     property    Title   Number          upon request.
Wellingtonias, Cedar of Lebanon, Horse          or not you wish to make a physical                 NYK474302.
Chestnuts, Oak, Silver Birch and Beech.         inspection. If you then wish to undertake an       The 2.33 acre paddock Title Number                  Heating
These provide a superb setting for this         inspection, please contact us to arrange a         NYK281668.                                          The solid fuel boiler in the boiler house
magnificent country house.                      viewing, subject to our Covid 19 viewing                                                               serves the domestic hot water in the main
                                                protocol.                                          Services                                            house, integral flat 5 and flat 6. These three
On the eastern side of the minor road there                                                                                                            properties also have log burning stoves.
is a grass paddock that extends to 7.97 acres   Offers                                             Electricity
and has a brick store (7.2m x 4.3m) with an     All offers must be confirmed in writing. We        Mains electricity.     There are separate           Flats 1, 2, 3 and 4 have oil fired central
asbestos roof.                                  will not report any verbal offer unless it is      electricity meters serving all the properties.      heating. The Bunglaow has oil fired central
                                                confirmed in writing.                              It is understood that Flat 1 and The                heating.
To the north and opposite the Bungalow is a                                                        Bungalow require rewiring.
small grass paddock that extends to 2.33        When submitting your offer, please kindly                                                              Telephone
acres with a semi-detached brick stable (4m     confirm whether your offer is a cash offer,        Water                                               2 land lines to the main house.
x 2.8m).                                        dependent on a mortgage or survey and/or           Mains water serves all the properties. The          Broadband connection.
                                                subject to selling a property.                     main house and Flats 2, 3, 4, 5 & 6 pay their       Fast 4G Home Broadband and Wireless
                                                                                                   water rates individually to Yorkshire Water.        Broadband Connections available.
                                                                                                   The main house pays the water rates for Flat
Little Danby Hall Danby Wiske, Northallerton, North Yorkshire DL7 0LU - Rightmove
Double Glazing                                    Basic Payment Scheme                             Fixtures & Fittings                                 10. Copies confirming the oil boilers and the
Flats 1, 2, 3 and 4 are double glazed with the    The land is registered for the Basic Payment     The carpets, curtains, light fittings in the main   Aga have been serviced recently.
exception of one window in flat 4. There are      Scheme (BPS). The BPS Entitlements are           hall and Flats 5 and 6 together with the two        11.    Copies of the Electricity Testing
also 5 windows in the main house and Flat 5       included in the sale.      There are 13.91       sandstone troughs, mill stone in the front          Statements.
that are double glazed.                           hectares of Entitlements.                        garden, water feature in the secret garden
                                                                                                   and the three summer houses are included in         Energy       Performance          Certificate
Please note no Listed Building Consent was        The Vendors will retain the 2021 payments in     the sale. All other garden ornaments are            Ratings
obtained when the double glazing was              full and the Purchaser(s) will indemnify the     excluded from the sale.                             The Main Hall & Flat 5 : F35
installed.                                        Vendors against any penalties imposed                                                                Flat 1 : E39
                                                  following completion until the 31st December     Council Tax Bands                                   Flat 2 : F29
Easements & Rights of Way                         2021 resulting from the Purchaser(s) actions.    Little Danby Hall : Band E                          Flat 3 – E39
The property is sold subject to all covenants,                                                     Flats 1, 2 & 3 : Band A                             Flat 4 – E45
easements and rights of way whether               The Vendors will use their reasonable            Flats 4 & 5 : Band B                                Flat 6 – F22
mentioned in these particulars or not. There      endeavours to transfer the Entitlements to       Flat 6 : Band C                                     The Bungalow – E47
is no public right of way across this property.   the Purchaser(s). Robin Jessop Ltd will co-      The Bungalow : Band B
Without prejudice to the foregoing, the           ordinate the transfer and charge the                                                                 Useful Addresses
property is sold subject to:-                     Purchaser(s) a fee of £250 plus VAT.             Information Pack
1. A Northern Powergrid Wayleave in               It will be the responsibility of the             An Information Pack has been compiled for           Vendors’ Solicitors
respect of a line of poles which crosses the      Purchaser(s) to supply Robin Jessop Ltd with     prospective purchasers to inspect. This can         Messrs Freeman Johnson, 11 Victoria Road,
property.                                         their CPH Number.                                be emailed to you upon request.                     Darlington, Co Durham, DL1 5SP.
2.     The owners of Warren Cottage have                                                                                                               Acting Solicitor : Mr Edward Miller
the right to drain into their septic tank         Asbestos                                         It comprises:-                                      Tel : 01325 466221
shown marked Z on the plan.                       The presence of asbestos has been identified     1. Quotations from R A Dalton Waste                 Email :
                                                  in the old boiler house. A quotation of          Water Specialists with regard to improving/
Boundaries                                        £3,980.00 plus VAT has been obtained for         replacing the septic tanks.                         Local Authority
The Vendors will only sell such interest (if      removing this asbestos from BLS Asbestos         2. Quotations for removing the asbestos in          Hambleton District Council, Civic Centre,
any) as they have in the boundary fences,         Limited, Head Office BLS Asbestos Limited,       the old boiler house from BLS Asbestos Ltd.         Stonecross Rotary Way, Northallerton,
hedges, ditches, walls and other boundaries       Unit 7, Valley Road Industrial Estate, Valley    3. A copy of the Grazing & Mowing Licence.          North Yorkshire,
separating this property from other               Road, Liversedge, WF15 6JY. Contact :            4. A copy of the Basic Payment Scheme               DL6 2UU.
properties not belonging to them.        Mobile : 07855        Application Form.                                   Tel : 01609 779977
                                                  455593.                                          5. A copy of the Listing.
Sporting, Mineral and Timber Rights                                                                6. A copy of the Assured Shorthold Tenancy          Important Note
The sporting, mineral and timber rights are       With regard to any asbestos on the rest of       Agreements in respect of The Bungalow and           Please note that if you have downloaded
included in the sale in so far as they are        the property, a detailed asbestos survey has     The Flats 1 & 3 Little Danby Hall.                  these particulars from our website, you must
owned.                                            not been carried out. Upon completion of         7.     A copy of the Northern Powergrid             contact our office to register your interest to
                                                  the sale, it will be the responsibility of the   payment in respect of the Wayleave                  make sure you are kept informed with regard
Drainage Rate                                     purchaser(s) to comply with the Control of       Agreement.                                          to the progress of the sale.
Drainage Rate is payable to the Swale and         Asbestos Regulations 2012 and to seek            8.    A copy of the Swale & Ure Drainage
Ure Drainage Board. The 2021 Drainage             professional advice as to the future             Board payments.
Rate is:-                                         management of this material. Prospective         9.     A copy of the Energy Performance
Little Danby Hall £22.35.                         purchasers may consider it prudent to have       Certificates.
The 2.33 acre field is £8.27                      their own asbestos survey undertaken.
Little Danby Hall Danby Wiske, Northallerton, North Yorkshire DL7 0LU - Rightmove
Little Danby Hall Danby Wiske, Northallerton, North Yorkshire DL7 0LU - Rightmove
Little Danby Hall Danby Wiske, Northallerton, North Yorkshire DL7 0LU - Rightmove
Little Danby Hall Danby Wiske, Northallerton, North Yorkshire DL7 0LU - Rightmove
Little Danby Hall Danby Wiske, Northallerton, North Yorkshire DL7 0LU - Rightmove
Important Notice: Robin Jessop Ltd, their clients and any Joint Agents give notice that: They are not authorized to make or give any representations of warranties in relation to the property either here or elsewhere, on their own behalf or on behalf of their client or otherwise. They assume no responsibility for any statement that may be made in these
particulars. These particulars do not form part of any offer or contract and must not be relied upon as statements or representations of fact. Any areas, measurements or distances are approximate. The text, photographs and plans are for guidance only and are not necessarily comprehensive. It should not be assumed that the property has all
necessary planning permission, building regulations or other consents. Where it is stated that there is planning potential, Purchasers must satisfy themselves with the Planning Authority or otherwise. Robin Jessop Ltd has not tested any services, equipment or facilities. Purchasers must satisfy themselves by inspection or otherwise.
4 North End, Bedale, North Yorkshire, DL8 1AB   Marwood House, Railway Street, Leyburn, North Yorkshire, DL8 5AY
Tel: 01677 425950 E      Tel: 01969 622800 E
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