Trophy Net Lease Investment LA Fitness at The Mix - 8400 Balboa Blvd | Northridge, CA 91329

Page created by Megan Singh
Trophy Net Lease Investment LA Fitness at The Mix - 8400 Balboa Blvd | Northridge, CA 91329

                            Trophy Net Lease Investment
                               LA Fitness at The Mix

Actual Property Image
                        8400 Balboa Blvd | Northridge, CA 91329
Trophy Net Lease Investment LA Fitness at The Mix - 8400 Balboa Blvd | Northridge, CA 91329
EXCLUSIVELY MARKETED BY:                                                                                                                                        2

                                                                                                              ADAM SCHERR
                                                                                                              Lic. # 01925644
           2701 Ocean Park Blvd, Suite 140
              Santa Monica, CA 90405
                                                                                                        310.853.1266 | DIRECT

© 2018 Sands Investment Group (SIG). The information contained in this ‘Offering Memorandum,’ has been obtained from sources believed to be reliable. Sands
Investment Group does not doubt its accuracy, however, Sands Investment Group makes no guarantee, representation or warranty about the accuracy contained herein. It
is the responsibility of each individual to conduct thorough due diligence on any and all information that is passed on about the property to determine it’s accuracy and
completeness. Any and all projections, market assumptions and cash flow analysis are used to help determine a potential overview on the property, however there is no
guarantee or assurance these projections, market assumptions and cash flow analysis are subject to change with property and market conditions. Sands Investment Group
encourages all potential interested buyers to seek advice from your tax, financial and legal advisors before making any real estate purchase and transaction.
Trophy Net Lease Investment LA Fitness at The Mix - 8400 Balboa Blvd | Northridge, CA 91329
TABLE OF CONTENTS                                                              3

LA Fitness | 8400 Balboa Blvd | Northridge, CA 91329

                                                       Investment Overview
                                                       Investment Summary
                                                       Investment Highlights

                                                       Area Overview
                                                       City Overview

                                                       Property Overview
                                                       Location Map
                                                       Retail Maps

                                                       Tenant Summary
                                                       Tenant Profile

                                                       Lease Abstract
                                                       Lease Summary
                                                       Rent Roll
Trophy Net Lease Investment LA Fitness at The Mix - 8400 Balboa Blvd | Northridge, CA 91329
Trophy Net Lease Investment LA Fitness at The Mix - 8400 Balboa Blvd | Northridge, CA 91329
INVESTMENT SUMMARY                                                                                                       5

Sands Investment Group is pleased to present for sale the LA Fitness located at 8400 Balboa Blvd in Northridge,
California, in the heart of the San Fernando Valley. The asset is brand new construction with planned completion in Q2
of 2018. The building will be approximately 37,000 SF.

                                                                            OFFERING SUMMARY
                                                                            PRICE                            $21,460,000
                                                                            CAP                                    5.00%
                                                                            NOI                               $1,073,000
                                                                            PRICE PER SF                            $580
                                                                            YEARS REMAINING                      15 Years
                                                                            LEASE GUARANTY                     Corporate

                                                                            PROPERTY SUMMARY
                                                                            ADDRESS                      8400 Balboa Blvd
                                                                                                     Northridge, CA 91329
                                                                            COUNTY                            Los Angeles
                                                                            BUILDING AREA                       37,000 SF
                                                                            LAND AREA                              4.1 AC
                                                                            BUILT                                   2018
Trophy Net Lease Investment LA Fitness at The Mix - 8400 Balboa Blvd | Northridge, CA 91329
HIGHLIGHTS                                                          RARE GENERATIONAL OPPORTUNITY


                                                                        The property is anchored by some of the top high-tech companies in the
                                                                        country including: Harman (subsidiary of Samsung) and other household
 NEWLY – CONSTRUCTED OUTPARCEL ANCHORED BY                              name high-tech companies
                                                                    •   Adjacent to existing creative office/industrial campus that will include
 •   Long-term credit net lease – Brand new 15 year lease with          over 3,500 daytime employees on site once complete, as well as a full
     minimal Landlord responsibilities                                  compliment of restaurants


 •   Market leading increases at 12% every 5 years during the
     initial term and throughout the options                        NATIONAL COMPANY – LEADING INDUSTRY EXPERIENCE

                                                                    •   Nation’s largest health club brand – LA Fitness is recognized as one of
                                                                        the leading fitness clubs throughout the country with over 800 locations
                                                                        in the United States and Canada
 •   With embedded rent increases throughout the lease term,        •   LA Fitness has the highest revenues ($1.9212 billion) of any health club
     the NOI is projected to grow more than $285,000 (21%)              in America and has a long term track record of international expansion
     over the life of the lease


 •   Health club industry revenue has doubled in the last 10        AFFLUENT DENSE LOS ANGELES MSA DEMOGRAPHICS
                                                                    •   3-Mile radius: 292,586 people with an average HH income of $74,490

 DELIVERED FREE & CLEAR                                             •   5-Mile radius: 709,337 people with an average HH income of $81,845

 •   The property will be delivered with no debt, allowing seller   •   10-Mile radius: 1,563,629 people with an average HH income of
     to accommodate 1031 trade buyers in need of a quicker              $92,985
     closing to meet tight exchange timeframes
Trophy Net Lease Investment LA Fitness at The Mix - 8400 Balboa Blvd | Northridge, CA 91329
Trophy Net Lease Investment LA Fitness at The Mix - 8400 Balboa Blvd | Northridge, CA 91329
CITY OVERVIEW                                                                                                                                          8

       Northridge, California | Los Angeles MSA

               Northridge, CA                                              Economy                                      San Fernando Valley, CA
Once called North Los Angeles, the neighborhood ranks Northridge among the best            Nestled in San Fernando Valley and circled by the
known as Northridge is a jewel of the San Fernando     neighborhoods in Los Angeles County, where               gorgeous mountains of the Tranverse Ranges,
Valley, a neighborhood within Los Angeles. Home to     Northridge receives an A or A+ grade in Housing,         Northridge is a dynamic and bustling neighborhood
California State University, Northridge is a part of   Weather, and Amenities, and has a total Livability       located in the heart of the Valley, convenient to
Greater Los Angeles, the second-largest urban region   score of 80, putting it 8% above the national average.   Calabasas, Simi Valley and Porter Ranch. With its
in the United States with an estimated population of   Alongside some of the best public and private schools    brightly-lit bistros, mixed-use lofts, boutique hotels
18.7 million. Bordered on almost all four sides by     in the region, Northridge is also home to                and world-class dining, San Fernando Valley is home
freeways, Northridge is a short drive away from        the Northridge Fashion Center, the largest shopping      to entertainment industry giants such as Disney,
downtown Los Angeles and the Hollywood Hills. It is    mall in the area, and one of only two hospitals in the   Warner Brothers, NBC Universal, Sony, Nickelodeon,
home to Van Nuys Airport, a part of Los Angeles        San Fernando Valley certified for treating life-         Telemundo, ESPN and CBS among others, spawning a
World Airports.                                        threatening injuries.                                    dynamic creative enclave that continues to buzz with
Trophy Net Lease Investment LA Fitness at The Mix - 8400 Balboa Blvd | Northridge, CA 91329
NORTHRIDGE AERIAL MAP                                  9

LA Fitness | 8400 Balboa Blvd | Northridge, CA 91329
Trophy Net Lease Investment LA Fitness at The Mix - 8400 Balboa Blvd | Northridge, CA 91329
DEMOGRAPHICS                                           10

  LA Fitness | 8400 Balboa Blvd | Northridge, CA 91329


3-MILE       5-MILE      10-MILE
292,586      709,337     1,563,629

          Average Household Income

3-MILE       5-MILE      10-MILE
$74,490      $81,845     $92,985

            Estimated Employees

3-MILE       5-MILE      10-MILE
97,121       251,012     590,673

LA Fitness | 8400 Balboa Blvd | Northridge, CA 91329

  Balboa     Balboa Ranch   Northridge Pointe   Balboa Village   Village Point
Apartments    Apartments      Apartments         Apartments      Apartments
PROPERTY OVERVIEW                                                                                                   14

Amenities at The Mix at Harman Campus include a food truck pavilion, Town Square Park, outdoor meeting spaces,
outdoor dining, bocce ball and a barbeque.

                                                                              THE MIX AT HARMAN CAMPUS
                                                                                   BY THE NUMBERS

                                                                              Building Area: 791,000 Square Feet

                                                                                     Land Area: 44 Acres

                                                                                   Parking Spaces: +/-2,400

                                                                             Average Employees on Site: +/-3,500

                                                                                      Office Tenants: 17

                                                                                    Restaurant Tenants: 8

                                                                             Traffic Counts: 155,628 Cars Per Day
                                                                                  (Balboa Blvd & Roscoe Blvd)
PROPERTY OVERVIEW                                                                                                           15

     The Mix at Harman Campus | Northridge, CA

                  About The Mix
LA Fitness is a part of The Mix at Harman Campus (The Mix) a
reimagined 44 acre corporate campus with over 3,500
employees on the property. Located in Northridge the property
sits in the geographical center of the San Fernando Valley. Its
former assembly plants and industrial buildings have been
transformed as an innovative consortium of creative office and
retail suites where employees can work, play and thrive. Wood
beams and brick-enclosed open air seating will be perfect for
enjoying the easy California breeze while noshing culinary
creations from onsite restaurants. Campus activities like bocce
ball and walking the trail will keep employees relaxed and
energized. 8500 Balboa has been reinvigorated as creative office
space featuring a striking red brick, wood and metal entry
façade that will impress clients and make employees proud and
excited to come to work every day.
                                                                   There are 1,563,629 people with an average household income of
                                                                   $92,985 within a 10 mile radius of The Mix. Included in these areas are
                                                                   the executive housing areas of Porter Ranch, Encino, Sherman Oaks,
                                                                   Tarzana, Woodland Hills, Calabasas, Burbank, Studio City, Bel Air,
                                                                   Hollywood Hills, West Los Angeles and Santa Monica. Additionally, the
                                                                   project is located at the center of one of the most prolific and educated
                                                                   labor sources in the country, with 590,673 employees also located within
                                                                   the 10 mile radius of the campus. The campus is located within minutes
                                                                   from California State University, Northridge, and is a fertile recruiting
                                                                   ground from such educational institutions as USC, UCLA, Pepperdine
                                                                   University, California State LA and LA Pierce College. Numerous technical
                                                                   colleges and schools are also located within the immediate area including
                                                                   DeVry University, Phillips College, ITT Technical Institute, Columbia
                                                                   College of Hollywood, New York Film Academy, UEI, Kaplan College,
                                                                   Concorde Career College, Platt College and West Coast University.
TENANT PROFILE                                                                                                    17

                  Founded in Southern California in 1984, LA Fitness is a privately owned chain of health clubs
                  in the United States and Canada. LA Fitness is one of the fastest growing sports club chains
                  in the U.S that has acquired many other fitness clubs including Pure Fitness Arizona, Bally
                  Total Fitness and Lifestyle Fitness, expanding to over 800 clubs in 32 states and Canada.

                  LA Fitness offers state-of-the-art health clubs with highly trained staff that specialize in
                  providing effective workout options for all members. LA Fitness remains a privately owned
                  company, with major ownership interests help by private equity firm Seidler Equity Partners,
                  CIVC Partners and Madison Dearborn Partners.

 COMPANY TYPE   FOUNDED            # OF LOCATIONS             HEADQUARTERS                    WEBSITE
    Private       1984                   800+                    Irvine, CA       
LEASE ABSTRACT                                                                    18

TENANT                  LA Fitness
GUARANTOR               Fitness International, LLC
PREMISES                A building of approximately 37,000 SF
RENT COMMENCEMENT       EST. August 1, 2018
LEASE EXPIRATION        EST. July 31, 2033
LEASE TERM              15 Years
RENEWAL OPTIONS         3 x 5 Year Options
RENT INCREASES          12% Every 5 Years
LEASE TYPE              Double Net (NN) Lease
PERMITTED USE           Tenant may use the premises for use of fitness club

CAM                     Tenant reimburses. Declarant will only bill the CAM
                        amount per LA Fitness lease - Landlord will make no
                        additional CAM payments as long as LA Fitness lease
                        remains in place

INSURANCE               Tenant reimburses
REAL ESTATE TAXES       Tenant reimburses
REPAIRS & MAINTENANCE   Tenant will at its sole cost and expense maintain the
                        interior, non-structural and non-capital portion of the
                        building in good and tenantable conditions and make
                        all needed repairs thereto

LANDLORD OBLIGATIONS    Landlord is responsible for roof structure (including
                        membrane) and building structure, and capital repairs
                        or improvements to the premises and common area
RENT ROLL                                                                                                          19

             SIZE                 ANNUAL RENT                                       LEASE TERM

TENANT         SQUARE      % OF    ANNUAL        RENT     INCREASE        RENTAL      EST. LEASE   EST. LEASE
 NAME         FOOTAGE     TOTAL   BASE RENT     PER SF      DATES        INCREASE       BEGIN         END

LA Fitness    37,000 SF   100%     $1,073,000   $29.00   Every 5 Years     12%       05/01/2018    07/31/2033   3 x 5 Years
CONFIDENTIALITY AGREEMENT                                                                                                                 20

The information contained in the following Offering Memorandum is proprietary and strictly confidential. It is intended to be reviewed only
by the party receiving it from Sands Investment Group and should not be made available to any other person or entity without the written
consent of Sands Investment Group.

This Offering Memorandum has been prepared to provide summary, unverified information to prospective purchasers, and to establish only a
preliminary level of interest in the subject property.

The information contained herein is not a substitute for a thorough due diligence investigation, and makes no warranty or representation,
with respect to the income or expenses for the subject property, the future projected financial performance of the property, the size and
square footage of the property and improvements, the presence or absence of contaminating substances, PCB’s or asbestos, the compliance
with State and Federal regulations, the physical condition of the improvements thereon, or the financial condition or business prospects of
any tenant, or any tenant’s plans or intentions to continue its occupancy of the subject property.

The information contained in this Offering Memorandum has been obtained from sources we believe to be reliable; however, Sands
Investment Group has not verified, and will not verify, any of the information contained herein, nor has Sands Investment Group conducted
any investigation regarding these matters and makes no warranty or representation whatsoever regarding the accuracy or completeness of
the information provided. All potential buyers must take appropriate measures to verify all of the information set forth herein.

By receipt of this Memorandum, you agree that this Memorandum and its contents are of confidential nature, that you will hold and treat it in
the strictest confidence and that you will not disclose its contents in any manner detrimental to the interest of the Owner. You also agree
that by accepting this Memorandum you agree to release Sands Investment Group and hold it harmless from any kind of claim, cost, expense,
or liability arising out of your investigation and/or purchase of this property.
LA Fitness | 8400 Balboa Blvd | Northridge, CA 91329

                                                                                    Representative Image

                                                       EXCLUSIVELY MARKETED BY:
                                                               ADAM SCHERR
         2701 Ocean Park Blvd, Suite 140                       Lic. # 01925644
            Santa Monica, CA 90405
                                                            310.853.1266 | DIRECT
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