Page created by Joseph Long
                                          (10-01-2022 Using 2010 Data)
            Zone 1                              Zone 2                               Zone 3                                Zone 4
       5,000,000 plus                  2,500,000 to 4,999,999               1,000,000 to 2,499,999                  500,000 to 999,999
 Chicago, IL-IN-WI                  Atlanta, GA                          Austin, TX                            Akron, OH
 Dallas, TX                         Boston, MA-NH                        Baltimore, MD-PA                      Albany, NY
  (incl. Fort Worth)                 (incl. Brockton,                    Buffalo, NY-CAN                        (incl. Schenectady,
 Los Angeles, CA                     Haverhill,                           (incl. St. Catharines-                and Troy)
  (incl. Lancaster)                  Lawrence, Salem                      Niagara Falls, CAN)                  Albuquerque, NM
 Miami, FL                           and Lowell, MA                      Charlotte, NC-SC                      Allentown, PA-NJ
  (incl. Ft. Lauderdale              and Nashua, NH)                      (incl. Gastonia and                   (incl. Bethlehem, PA)
   and West Palm Beach)             Detroit, MI-CAN                       Kannapolis, NC and                   Bakersfield, CA
 New York, NY-NJ-CT                  (incl. Ann Arbor, MI                 Rockhill, SC)                        Baton Rouge, LA
  (incl. Newark, NJ                  and Windsor, CAN)                   Cincinnati, OH-KY-IN                  Birmingham, AL
  and Danbury, CT)                  Houston, TX                          Cleveland, OH                         Brownsville, TX-MEX
 Philadelphia, PA-NJ-               Minneapolis, MN-WI                   Columbus, OH                           (incl. Matamoros, MEX
   DE-MD                             (incl. St. Paul, MN)                Denver, CO                            and Harlinger, TX)
  (incl. Trenton, NJ;               Phoenix, AZ                          El Paso, TX-NM-MEX                    Calexico, CA-MEX
  Wilmington, DE;                   San Diego, CA-MX                      (incl. Ciudad Juarez,                 (incl. Mexicali, MEX)
  Coatesville, PA)                   (incl. Oceanside, CA; and            MEX)                                 Charleston, SC
 San Francisco, CA                  Tijuana, MEX)                        Hartford, CT                          Colorado Springs, CO
  (incl. Antioch,                   Seattle, WA                           (incl. New Britain)                  Columbia, SC
  Oakland, and San                   (Tacoma)                            Indianapolis, IN                      Dayton, OH
  Jose)                                                                  Jacksonville, FL                      El Paso, TX-NM
 Washington, DC-MD-VA                                                    Kansas City, MO-KS                    Fort Myers, FL
  (incl. Frederick, MD)                                                  Las Vegas, NV                           (incl. Cape Coral)
                                                                         Louisville, KY-IN                     Fresno, CA
                                                                         Memphis, TN-AR-MS                     Grand Rapids, MI
                                                                         Milwaukee, WI                         Greensboro, NC
                                                                          (incl. Racine, IL)                     (incl. High Point)
                                                                         Nashville, TN                         Greenville, SC
                                                                         Norfolk, VA                           Honolulu, HI
                                                                          (incl. Portsmouth,                   Knoxville, TN
                                                                           Va. Beach, and                      Laredo, TX-MEX
                                                                           Chesapeke, VA)                       (incl. Nuevo Laredo, MEX)
                                                                         Oklahoma City, OK                     McAllen, TX
                                                                         Orlando, FL                            (incl. Reynosa, MEX
                                                                         Pittsburgh, PA                         and Edinburg, TX)
                                                                         Portland, OR-WA                       New Haven, CT
                                                                         Providence, RI-MA                     New Orleans, LA
                                                                           (incl. Warwick, RI)                 Newport News, VA
                                                                         Raleigh, NC                            (incl. Hampton)
                                                                         Richmond, VA                          Omaha, NE-IA
                                                                          (incl. Petersburg)                   Oxnard, CA
                                                                         Riverside, CA                          (incl. Thousand Oaks
                                                                          (incl. San Bernardino)                 and Ventura)
                                                                         Sacramento, CA                        Provo, UT
                                                                         Salt Lake City, UT                     (incl. Orem, UT)
                                                                         St. Louis, MO-IL                      Rochester, NY
                                                                         St. Petersburg, FL                     Sarasota, FL
                                                                          (incl. Clearwater)                    (incl. Bradenton)
                                                                         San Antonio, TX                       Springfield, MA
                                                                         Tampa, FL                             Syracuse, NY
                                                                                                               Toledo, OH-MI
                                                                                                               Tucson, AZ
                                                                                                               Tulsa, OK
                                                                                                               Worcester, MA-CT

Cities in two RMA’s are listed with and without their international component. If the site or its facilities have international
customers/tenants, programming, advertising and otherwise are serving the international city use the higher value RMA.
                                          (10-01-2022 Using 2010 Data)
                                          Zone 5                                        Zone 5

                                   300,000 to 499,999                             300,000 to 499,999
                                                                                      -- Continued
                              Anchorage, AK                                  Melbourne, FL
                              Augusta, GA-SC                                  (incl. Cocoa and Palm Bay,
                              Beaumont, TX                                   FL)
                               (incl. Port Arthur, TX)                       Mobile, AL
                              Boise, ID (incl. Nampa, ID)                    Modesto, CA
                              Brownsville, TX                                New London, CT-RI
                              Canton, OH                                      (incl. Norwich, CT)
                              Chattanooga, TN-GA                             Ogden, UT
                              Corpus Christi, TX                             Pensacola, FL
                              Davenport, IA-IL                               Peoria, IL
                               (incl. Moline & Rock                          Reading, PA
                               Island)                                       Reno, NV
                              Daytona Beach, FL                              Rockford, IL-WI
                              Des Moines, IA                                 Saginaw, MI
                              Durham, NC                                      (incl. Bay City and
                                (incl. Chapel Hill)                           Midland)
                              Eugene, OR                                     Salem, OR
                              Fayetteville, NC                               Santa Rosa, CA
                              Flint, MI                                      San Juan, Puerto Rico
                              Fort Wayne, IN                                 Scranton, PA
                              Harrisburg, PA                                  (incl. Wilkes-Barre)
                              Huntsville, AL                                 Shreveport, LA-TX
                              Jackson, MS                                    Spokane, WA-ID
                              Johnson City, TN-VA                            Springfield, MO
                               (incl. Kingsport and                          Stockton, CA
                               Bristol)                                      Wichita, KS
                              Kalamazoo, MI                                  Winston-Salem, NC
                              Killeen, TX                                    Youngstown, OH-PA
                                (incl. Temple, TX)                            (incl. Warren, OH)
                              Lancaster, PA
                              Lansing, MI
                              Lexington, KY
                              Little Rock, AR
                              Madison, WI

Cities in two RMA’s are listed with and without their international component. If the site or its facilities have international
customers/tenants, programming, advertising and otherwise are serving the international city use the higher value RMA.
                                          (10-01-2022 Using 2010 Data)
            Zone 6                                   Zone 6                                   Zone 6                                  Zone 6

      100,000 to 299,999                       100,000 to 299,999                      100,000 to 299,999                        100,000 to 299,999
                                                  -- Continued                             -- Continued                             -- Continued
 Abilene, TX                              Fairfield, CA                            Lake Charles, LA                         Punta Gorda, FL
 Albany, GA                                (incl. Vacaville)                       Lakeland, FL                              (incl. Port Charlette, FL)
 Altoona, PA                              Fall River, MA-RI                        Laredo, TX                               Redding, CA
 Amarillo, TX                             Fargo ND                                 Las Cruces, NM                           Richland, WA
 Anderson, IN                              (incl. Moorehead, MN)                   Lawton, OK                                (incl. Kennewick and
 Anderson, SC                             Fayetville, AR                           Lima, OH                                  Pasco)
 Annapolis, MD                             (incl. Springdale)                      Lincoln, NE                              Roanoke, VA
 Appleton, WI                             Florence, AL                             Logan, UT                                Rochester, MN
 Asheville, NC                            Florence, SC                             Longview, TX                             Salinas, CA
 Athens, GA                               Fort Collins, CO                         Lubbock, TX                              Salisbury, NC
 Atlantic City, NJ                         (incl. Loveland)                        Lynchburg, VA                            San Angelo, TX
 Barnstable, MA                           Fort Pierce, FL                          Macon, GA                                Santa Barbara, CA
 Battlecreek, MI                          Fort Smith, AR-OK                        Manchester, NH                           Santa Cruz, CA
 Bellingham, WA                           Fort Walton Bch, FL                      Mansfield, OH                            Santa Fe, NM
 Billings, MT                             Fredericksburg, VA                       Medford, OR                              Santa Maria, CA
 Biloxi, MS                               Freeport, TX                             Merced, CA                               Sault Ste. Marie, MI-CAN
   (incl. Gulfport)                         (incl. Lake Jackson)                   Middletown, OH                            (incl. Sault Ste. Marie,
 Binghamton, NY-PA                        Gainesville, FL                          Midland, TX                              CAN)
 Bloomington, IL                          Galveston, TX                             (incl.Odessa)                           Savannah, GA
   (incl. Normal)                          (incl. Texas City)                      Monroe, LA                               Sheboygan, WI
 Bloomington, IN                          Glen Falls, NY                           Monterey, CA                             Sioux City, IA-NE-SD
 Boulder, CO                              Goldsboro, NC                             (incl. Seaside and                      Sioux Falls, SD
   (incl. Longmont)                       Grand Junction, CO                          Marina)                               South Bend, IN
 Bremerton, WA                            Greeley, CO                              Montgomery, AL                           Spartanburg, SC
 Bryan, TX                                Green Bay, WI                            Morristown, TN                           Springfield, IL
   (incl. College Station)                Greenville, NC                           Muncie, IN                               Springfield, OH
 Burlington, NC                           Hagerstown, MD-PA-WV                     Murfreesboro, TN                         Springhill, FL
 Burlington, VT                           Hemet, CA                                Muskegon, MI                             St. Cloud, MN
 Carbondale, IL                           Hesperia, CA                             Myrtle Beach, SC-NC                      State College, PA
   (incl. Marion, IL)                      (incl. Apple Valley,                     (incl. Conway)                          Stuart, FL
 Cedar Rapids, IA                           Victorville)                           Naples, FL                               Tallahassee, FL
 Champaign, IL                            Hickory, NC                              Newark, OH                               Terre Haute, IN
   (incl. Urbana)                         Holland, MI                              New Bedford, MA                          Topeka, KS
 Charleston, WV                           Houma, LA                                Newburgh, NY                             Tuscaloosa, AL
 Charlottesville, VA                       (incl. Thivodaux)                       Nogales, AZ-MEX                          Tyler, TX
 Chico, CA                                Huntington, WV-KY-OH                      (incl. Nogales, MEX)                    Utica, NY
 Clarksville, TN-KY                       Idaho Falls, ID                          Ocala, FL                                 (incl. Rome)
 Columbia, MO                             Indio, CA                                Olympia, WA                              Venice, FL
 Columbus, GA-AL                           (incl. Coachella)                       Palm Springs, CA                         Vero Beach, FL
 Corvallis, OR                            Iowa City, IA                             (incl. Cathedral City and               Vineland, NJ
 (incl. Albany)                           Jackson, MI                               Palm Desert)                            Visalia, CA
 Denton, TX                               Jacksonville, NC                         Panama City, FL                          Waco, TX
 Dover, DE                                Johnstown, PA                            Port Huron, MI-CAN)                      Waterbury, CT
 Duluth, MN-WI                            Joplin, MO-KS                            (incl. Sarnia CAN)                       Waterloo, IA
 Eau Claire, WI                           Kenosha, WI                              Portland, ME                             Wheeling, WV-OH
 Elkhart, IN-MI                           Kingston, NY                             Portsmouth, NH-ME                        Wichita Falls, TX
 Erie, PA                                 Kissimmee, FL                             (incl. Dover and                        Williamsport, PA
 Eureka, CA                               La Crosse, WI-MN                          Rochester, NH)                          Wilmington, NC
   (incl. Arcata, CA)                     Lafayette, IN                            Poughkeepsie, NY                         Winter Haven, FL
 Evansville, IN-KY                         (incl. W. Lafayette)                    Pueblo, CO                               Yakima, WA
                                          Lafayette, LA                                                                     York, PA
                                            (incl. New Iberia)                                                              Yuba City, CA
                                                                                                                             (incl. Marysville)
                                                                                                                            Yuma, AZ-CA

Cities in two RMA’s are listed with and without their international component. If the site or its facilities have international
customers/tenants, programming, advertising and otherwise are serving the international city use the higher value RMA.
                                               (10-01-2022 Using 2010 Data)
         Zone 7                                  Zone 7                                   Zone 7                                       Zone 7

    50,000 to 99,999                          50,000 to 99,999                        50,000 to 99,999                         50,000 to 99,999
                                                -- Continued                            -- Continued                             -- Continued
Alexandria, LA                         Fairbanks, AK                            Mankato, MN                              San Luis Obispo. CA
Ames, IA                               Fairmont, WV                             Marion, IN                               Sandusky, OH
Anniston, AL                           Farmington, NM                           Marion, OH                               Sharon, PA-OH
Auburn, AL                             Findley, OH                              Martinsville, VA-NC                      Sherman, TX
 (incl. Opelika)                       Fond du Lac, WI                          Meridian, MS                              (incl. Denison)
Augusta, ME                            Gadsden, AL                              Michigan City, IN                        Steubenville, OH-WV
Bangor, ME                             Grand Forks, ND-MN                       Middletown, NY                            (incl. Weirton, WV)
Beckley, WV                            Great Falls, MT                          Missoula, MT                             Sumter, SC
Benton Harbor, MI                      Greenwood, SC                            Monroe, MI                               Texarkana, TX-AR
  (incl. St. Joseph)                   Hanover, PA                              Morgantown, WV-PA                        Titusville, FL
Bismarck, ND                           Hattiesburg, MS                          Muskogee, OK                             Uniontown, PA
Bowling Green, KY                      Hazleton, PA                             Napa, CA                                 Valdosta, GA
Brunswick, GA                          Hilo, HI                                 New Castle, PA                           Victoria, TX
Brunswick, ME                          Hopkinsville, KY                         Newport, RI                              Walla Walla, WA-OR
  (incl. Bath)                         Hot Springs, AR                          Oshkosh, WI                              Washington, PA
Butler, PA                             Ithaca, NY                               Owensboro, KY                            Watertown, NY
Cape Girardeau, MO                     Jackson, TN                              Paducah, KY-IL                           Waterville, ME
Carlisle, PA                           Jamestown, NY                            Parkersburg, WV-OH                       Watsonville, CA
Casper, WY                             Janesville, WI                           Pascagoula, MS                           Wausau, WI
Cheyenne, WY                           Jefferson City, MO                       Pine Bluff, AR                           Zanesville, OH
Clarksburg, WV                         Jonesboro, AR                            Pittsfield, MA
Cleveland, TN                          Kankakee, IL                             Plattsburgh, NY
Columbus, IN                           Kokomo, IN                               Pocatello, ID
Columbus, MS                           Lancaster, OH                            Port Huron, MI
Concord, NH                            Latrobe, PA                              Porterville, CA
Cumberland, MD-WV                      Laurel, MS                               Portsmouth, OH-KY
Danville, IL                           Lawrence, KS                             Pottstown, PA
Danville, VA-NC                        Lebanon, PA                              Pottsville, PA
Davis, CA                              Lewiston, ID-WA                          Quincy, IL
Decatur, AL                            Lewiston, ME                             Rapid City, SD
Decatur, IL                              (incl. Auburn)                         Richmond, IN-OH
De Kalb, IL                            Lockport, NY                             Rocky Mount, NC
De Land, FL                            Lompoc, CA                               Rome, GA
Dothan, AL                             Longview, WA-OR                          Roswell, NM
Dubuque, IA-WI-IL                      Lufkin, TX                               St. Joseph, MO-KS
Elmira, NY                             Manhattan, KS                            Salisbury, MD-DE
                                       Manitowoc, WI

     Cities in two RMA’s are listed with and without their international component. If the site or its facilities have international
     customers/tenants, programming, advertising and otherwise are serving the international city use the higher value RMA.
                                          (10-01-2022 Using 2010 Data)
                                         Zone 8                                          Zone 9
                                    25,000 to 49,999                                Less than 25,000
                           Alliance, OH                                     Sault Ste. Marie, MI
                           Ashtabula, OH
                           Bartlesville, OK                                 No other RMAs are listed for
                           Burlington, IA                                   cities below 25,000. If the
                           Butte, MT                                        population is not a listed RMA,
                           Calexico, CA                                     utilize the population of the
                           Clinton, IA-IL                                   largest community served from
                           Clovis, NM                                       the most current Rand McNally
                           E. Liverpool, OH-WV                              Road Atlas.
                           Enid, OK
                           Galesburg, IL
                           Grand Island, NE
                           Greenville, MS
                           Hutchinson, KS
                           Leavenworth, KS
                           Marshall, TX
                           Natchez, MS-LA
                           Nogalas, AZ
                           Oil City, PA
                            (incl. Franklin)
                           Salina, KS
                           Torrington, CT
                           Vicksburg, MS-LA

Cities in two RMA’s are listed with and without their international component. If the site or its facilities have international
customers/tenants, programming, advertising and otherwise are serving the international city use the higher value RMA.
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