Lighting Frankston Plan 2021

Page created by Ida Luna
Lighting Frankston Plan 2021
Frankston Plan
Lighting Frankston Plan 2021
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     of Country
     Frankston City Council acknowledges the Bunurong
     people of the Kulin Nation as the Traditional
     Custodians of the lands and waters in and around
     Frankston City, and value and recognise local
     Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures, heritage
     and connection to land as a proud part of a shared
     identity for Frankston City.
     Council pays respect to Elders past and present and
     recognises their importance in maintaining knowledge,
     traditions and culture in our community.
     Council also respectfully acknowledges the Bunurong
     Land Council as the Registered Aboriginal Party
     responsible for managing the Aboriginal cultural
     heritage of the land and waters where Frankston City
     Council is situated.

     The Lighting Frankston Plan was prepared in
     collaboration with:
     - Pollen Landscape Architecture
     - HR Consulting Engineers
     - Conversation Caravan
     Contributions made by the Frankston City Council
     Urban Design Team are acknowledged and greatly

     The Lighting Frankston Plan was adopted by
     Council in September 2021.
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Why a plan for lighting?                  2       Lighting the way Forward                       18
Why is lighting important?                4    Priorities for Future Lighting                    18
Current trends in lighting                4       Active Spirit                                  20
Current state of lighting in public spaces 5      Foreshore Experience                           24
Changing community expectations           5       Navigation and Local Identity                  29
around lighting in public spaces                  Luminous City                                  34
Artificial light and the Environment      6       Creative City                                  38
Our Vision for lighting                   6       Safety on the Streets                          42
Guiding Lighting Principles               6       Night in Nature                                47
1. Functional                             7    General Lighting Requirements                     51
2. Experience                             8    When are we going to do it?                       52
3. Sustainable                            9    Priority Action Plan                              52
Who is the plan for?                     10    How will we implement?                            61
Message from the Mayor                    11   How will we know that it’s been                   62
Strategic Context                         12   successful?
   Our Community Vision                   12   Where can I find out more?                        62
   How we Prepared the Plan               13   General Definitions for Lighting                  63
   What we heard from our community      14
   What lighting we saw in our City       15
   Lighting Standards                    16
   Our Approach for Future Planning       17
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     Why a plan for

     Lighting is essential to our ability to navigate through    make Frankston City a vibrant evening and after-dark
     our world as day turns to night. It helps us to             destination. It also celebrates the value of darkness,
     understand where we are and allows us to orientate          recognising the vital role it plays for the wellbeing of
     ourselves so that we can get to where we want to go.        the community and the environment.
     Public lighting helps us to do many things at night         The Plan focuses on lighting within public spaces. It
     that we would otherwise only be able to do during the       includes lighting of our City Centre and activity areas,
     day like playing sport, shopping or walking down the        the foreshore, public art, open spaces like parks and
     street. It can make public spaces feel safe for us to use   reserves, walking routes and local shopping strips. It
     after dark and gives us confidence that we know where       doesn’t include standard infrastructure lighting such
     we are going and what is around us.                         as streetlights.
     In addition to helping us see better, we use lighting       Good lighting is not always noticeable, but bad lighting
     to create ambience and to add colour and vibrancy           can be overwhelming, harmful to plants and animals,
     to our cities and public spaces. It is often used to        and can stop people from using public spaces at night.
     showcase buildings, sculptures and even trees that          Effective planning helps us to make sure that our
     speak to the history and character of a place.              public lighting is functional, sustainable, considerate
     This Plan provides a framework to help Council              of environmental impacts and achieves an appropriate
     develop strategies for public lighting that seeks to        balance of light and dark within the public realm.
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Some of the key community
benefits that good lighting
provides are outlined below:

Business and Tourism                    Healthier Community                       Environmental
• Allows for social and economic       •C
                                          reates opportunities for outdoor       Stewardship
  activities to exist after dark.        activities such as fitness and
                                                                                  • Mitigates the adverse impacts of
• Provides favourable night-time       sporting groups, outdoor dining
                                                                                    artificial lighting on plants and
  experiences that encourage             and walking the dog after work.
                                                                                    animals (terrestrial and aquatic),
  economic activity and contribute      • S upports access to arts and             protecting important ecological
  to the identity of the City as a        cultural activities that encourage        processes and behaviours.
  desirable night-time destination.       participation, social interaction
                                                                                  • Preserves the natural darkness of
• Increases the amount of time that     and connection.
                                                                                    the night sky so that we can see
  people can spend on economic          • E ncourages active lifestyles by         and experience the beauty of the
  activities such as entertainment        supporting our ability to use             stars.
  and meals away from home at             public spaces for passive, active
                                                                                  • Reduces light pollution by
  night which contributes to a            and recreational activities.
                                                                                    ensuring lighting is appropriately
  stronger economy.
                                                                                    targeted and shielded, not
• Supports the day to night                                                        unnecessarily bright, and only
  experiences of Frankston City.                                                    provided where and when
                                                                                  • Helps to foster the community’s
                                                                                    appreciation and value of the
                                                                                    environment by providing
                                        Liveability                                 appropriate and considerate
                                        • E xtends the number of light hours      access to open spaces and
                                          in a day so that we can spend             natural areas.
                                          more time in public spaces and          • Reduces our contribution to
Safe Community                            complete daily tasks.                     greenhouse gas emissions
                                        • S upports the activation of public       through use of energy-efficient
• Allows us to understand our                                                      and sustainable lighting
  surroundings and helps us to            spaces so that we can engage in a
                                          variety of night-time activities like     technologies that are long-lasting
  safely navigate through spaces                                                    and robust.
  without natural light.                  exercise, shopping and recreation.
• Improve the public’s feelings of    •C
                                          ontributes to a vibrant and
  safety and security which can          cultural experience and an
  increase the use of public spaces.     enhanced sense of place.
  It also supports those commuting      • S upports public spaces as
  via bike or foot after dark.            accessible destinations for all
• Can deter potential offenders          ages and abilities.
  by increasing the risk that they      •C
                                          elebrates our local heritage
  will be seen or recognised             values and historical, cultural and
  when committing crimes. It can         environmental markers.
  also increase activity in public
  spaces at night which can further
  improve surveillance and deter
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     Why is lighting                                             Current trends in
     important?                                                  lighting
     Light is fundamental to our ability to see. It helps us
     to understand and navigate the world around us so
     that we can move to where we want to go and avoid
     obstacles along the way.
     The amount of light around us affects how well we can
     see. Too much light can be uncomfortable for us, even       Artificial lighting contributes significantly to global
     painful, and we will often squint or shield our eyes in     greenhouse gas emissions. Around 5% of carbon
     response to bright or glary conditions. Not enough          emissions produced worldwide comes from artificial
     light however, and it can be difficult for us to make out   lighting. In Australia, street lighting alone is the
     details in our surroundings, like people’s faces, words     single largest source of carbon emissions from local
     on signs, or things we might trip over. In both cases,      government, typically accounting for 30 - 60% of
     the amount of light – too much or too little – makes it     their total emissions. Because of this, there is a strong
     hard for us to see properly, and in both cases, it can      push towards the use of more energy efficient lighting
     be the difference between a good and bad experience         technologies (like LED lights) in public spaces which
     when using public spaces after dark.                        are long-lasting as well as cost effective, and which
                                                                 also achieve the right lighting outcomes.

                                                                                     Dark Sky Movement

                                                                 The Dark Sky Movement is a campaign that seeks ‘to
                                                                 protect the night from light pollution’. It recognises
                                                                 the environmental consequences that inappropriate
                                                                 or excessive use of artificial light can have for humans,
                                                                 wildlife, and our climate. The Internation Dark Sky
                                                                 Association provides leadership, tools, and resources
                                                                 for individuals, policymakers, and industries to help
                                                                 them reduce light pollution and promote responsible
                                                                 outdoor lighting.

                                                                                     Smart Lighting
                                                                 Smart lighting uses digital technologies to perform
                                                                 multiple lighting and public service functions.
                                                                 Instead of lights that just switch on and off, they
                                                                 can be dimmed, change colour, and turn on only
                                                                 when someone is nearby. They can include security
                                                                 cameras, offer a spot to charge electric vehicles and
                                                                 can also help Councils collect important data about
                                                                 weather conditions, air quality, noise levels and
                                                                 pedestrian and vehicle movements.
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Current state of                                           Changing community
lighting in public                                         expectations around
spaces                                                     lighting in public
Council has a diverse range of lighting types and
approaches. Most lighting within the municipality has
been provided for functional purposes, allowing us
to use and move through public spaces safely and           The ways in which we use our public spaces is
confidently after dark.                                    changing. Higher density living combined with a rise
Lighting around activity centres, such as the Frankston    in flexible and remote working means there are now
City area and Seaford Village, seeks to support            more people moving through our cities and urban
night-time experiences and cultural activities such as     areas than ever before. We are no longer a strictly 9 to
shopping, outdoor dining, and even festivals. It has       5 society and there is a growing need and expectation
also been used to reinforce place-making projects like     for our public spaces to be accessible outside of
Station Street Mall, and to build on the identity of the   daylight hours to support physical, recreational and
City and local area by highlighting key landmarks such     economic uses.
as Frankston Arts Centre and Frankston Pier. Public art    The COVID-19 pandemic and resulting lockdown
has also been a consistent focus for lighting projects     restrictions have further highlighted the need for
throughout Frankston City Council.                         accessible evening and night-time public spaces
Also evident is the progressive change in lighting         close to home for greater community health and
technologies and techniques used by Council over the       wellbeing. The benefits of a well-connected, walkable
years and their considerations of the broader impacts      neighbourhood are well known, and more people are
of lighting on the environment, energy consumption,        choosing to walk and cycle for pleasure and as their
life-cycle costs and the human experience.                 main form of commuting. Providing users with a safe
                                                           and comfortable experience is key to encouraging
                                                           more people to use active forms of transport, and
                                                           good lighting is one of the most important ways we
                                                           can achieve this.
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     Artificial light and
     the Environment                                                 Our Vision for
     It is widely acknowledged that artificial lighting can
     have harmful and damaging impacts on plants and                 ‘Lighting in our public spaces will
     animals (both terrestrial and aquatic), including               create safe, functional and vibrant
     humans. The role of Council is to ensure that
     decisions made consider the impacts of lighting on              places. Our public lighting is
     the environment in balance with the needs of our                energy, sky glow and
     community.                                                      environmentally considerate.’
     Research has found that artificial light can alter our
     circadian rhythm - our internal ‘body clock’ - which
     regulates biological processes and behaviour. Plants
     and animals depend on the earth’s daily cycle of night
     and day to regulate their circadian rhythm and govern
     life-sustaining behaviours like eating, sleeping and        Guiding Lighting
     mating. In humans, night-time exposure to artificial
     light can disrupt our natural sleep-wake cycle,             Principles
     affecting our energy levels, mood and overall physical
     health and wellbeing.                                       This Plan provides a vision for public lighting
                                                                 and lighting experiences to enhance our City. It
     Artificial light can be disorienting, particularly for      determines what is required to achieve that vision and
     nocturnal and crepuscular animals whose eyes,               to meet the public lighting needs of our community
     bodies and behaviours are best suited to low light          over the next 10-15 years.
     conditions. For some species, it can make it harder
     to hide from predators or hunt prey, or even affect         To achieve this, the future of lighting in our public
     their ability to find a mate. It can cause migrating        spaces will need to align with the fundamental
     animals to veer off course, or prompt them to migrate       principles of lighting: that it is functional, sustainable
     too early or too late and miss the best conditions for      and provides us with experience. Each of these three
     nesting and feeding. Artificial light that changes an       principles has a set of design guidelines to help
     animal’s foraging habits can even interfere with the        guide and deliver appropriate and successful lighting
     pollination of plants, with long term implications for      projects.
     the sustainability of habitat and food sources.             The three overarching Lighting Principles and their
     The cumulative impacts of artificial lighting can           Design Guidelines:
     ultimately interrupt the delicate balance of an
     ecosystem, causing population booms in some
     species, and a rapid decline in others. Careful
     consideration of the impacts of new public
     lighting on our environment is therefore crucial to      1. Functional                                3. Sustainable
     the preservation of our natural assets for future        • Legibility / Orientation                   • Social
     generations.                                             • Security / Safety                          • Economic
                                                              • Accessibility                              • Environment
                                                                                     2. Experience
                                                                                     • Character / Identity
                                                                                     • Heritage
                                                                                     • Nature
                                                                                     • Foreshore
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1. Functional                                               Functional lighting provides visibility and
                                                            definition of objects and spaces when there
                                                            is not enough natural light. This allows us to
                                                            understand what we see, where we are going
                                                            and provides us with confidence to move
                                                            through to where we need to be after dark.

Design                                                      Security and Safety
                                                            Lighting for Safety and Security in public spaces
Guidelines                                                  should:
                                                            • Contribute to improved perceptions of safety and
                                                              provide confidence in public space.
Legibility and Orientation
                                                            • Mitigate anti-social behaviour and unwanted activity.
Lighting for Legibility and Orientation in public
spaces should:                                              • Provide clear expectations of lighting in car parks,
                                                              roads and open space.
• Allow for clearer night-time visibility and access.
                                                            • Propose opportunities for dimming controls to match
• Prioritise pedestrians.
                                                              peak and off-peak lighting needs.
• Contribute to our ability to understand and navigate
  public space and to orientate ourselves from day to
  night through recognisable elements, landmarks and        Accessibility
                                                            Lighting for Accessibility in public spaces should:
• Provide a legible environment between spaces,
  connections and key destinations.                         • Provide equitable access in the night for all ages and
• Provide lighting that helps to visually define spaces,
  surfaces and boundaries.                                  • Contribute to improved legibility of the public realm
                                                              with considerate use of reflective surfaces and
• Propose light quality, quantity and consistency that       contrast.
  contributes to lighting amenity.
                                                            • Balance the contrast from day to night.
• Provide accuracy of colour rendering - the accuracy
  of colours we see with artificial light sources - to      • Propose colour and outputs of light that are
  allow people to depict and understand what they are         appropriate for those who may have sensory
  looking at.                                                 processing needs (ie. no strobe/dynamic lights on
                                                              key pathways).
• Contribute to understanding the hierarchy of public
  space.                                                    • Provide amenity lighting along accessible paths for
                                                              night-time navigation.
                                                            • Propose an appropriate amount of light to mitigate
                                                              glare impacts for those with visual impairment.
                                                            • Offer uniformity of lighting to provide visual
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     2. Experience                                               Lighting contributes substantially to our
                                                                 experience of public spaces before sunrise, in
                                                                 the evening and at night. It should allow us to
                                                                 participate, enjoy, observe and gain a sense
                                                                 of character and memorable value of what it

     Design                                                      Nature
                                                                 Lighting for Nature in public spaces should:
     Guidelines                                                  • Contribute to appropriate access, understanding
                                                                   and value of natural environments, ecologies and
     Character and Identity
                                                                 • Promote a sensitive ambient lighting approach that
     Lighting for Character and Identity in public spaces
                                                                   balances access and protection of natural values.
                                                                 • Balance introduced lighting with natural moonlight.
     • Promote a sense of ‘place’, developed in consultation
       with relevant stakeholders and the broader                • Retain the value of darkness in public space to
       community.                                                  protect local ecologies from artificial light in
                                                                   alignment with the ‘Dark Sky’ movement.
     • Contribute to the representation and highlighting of a
       local area’s character and identity.
     • Contribute to a vibrant and creative City.
                                                                 Lighting for the Foreshore’s public spaces should:
                                                                 • Contribute to access and enjoyment of the foreshore
     Lighting for Heritage in public spaces should:                environment.
     • Contribute to the local area’s cultural heritage and     • Balance artificial lighting with natural moonlight and
       historical significance.                                    darkness.
     • Develop complementary lighting responses that            • Retain the value of darkness in public spaces to
       enhance and acknowledge cultural heritage values.           protect the foreshore’s ecology from artificial light in
     • Promote indigenous cultural values developed               alignment with the ‘Dark Sky’ movement.
       in meaningful consultation with local indigenous
       Traditional Owners.
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3. Sustainable                                                Lighting is part of a sustainable City and is used
                                                              to build upon its social fabric, identity, financial
                                                              viability (as a place to live, work and visit) and
                                                              its commitment to protecting its environment.

Design                                                        Environment
                                                              Lighting for Environmental purposes in public
Guidelines                                                    spaces should:
                                                              • Retain the value of darkness in public spaces
                                                                to protect local ecologies from artificial light in
Social                                                          alignment with the ‘Dark Sky’ movement.
Lighting for Social purposes in public spaces
                                                              • Propose sustainable lighting technologies for greater
                                                                efficiency, longevity and low maintenance.
• Facilitate and encourage social interactions after
                                                              • Seek opportunities for reducing environmental
  dark that contribute to vibrant, active and connected
                                                                impacts, such as carbon emissions and light
                                                                pollution, by lowering light levels or switching off
• Facilitates social interactions that involve the             during off-peak times.
  appreciation of natural light and darkness.
                                                              • Encourage use of high-quality luminaires that allow
• Provide lighting to activate spaces.                         control of light levels and outputs, orientation (to
• Provide lighting to allow recreational activities in the     surfaces, not up to the sky) to reduce negative light
  community.                                                    pollution impacts and obtrusive lighting.
• Consider health and well-being effects of artificial       • Provide incentives for private building owners
  lighting on circadian rhythms (for humans, wildlife           to make the switch to more sustainable lighting
  and invertebrates).                                           technologies and to complement public spaces.
                                                              • Be vandalism-proof and robust.
Lighting for Economic purposes in public spaces
• Provide after dark ambience to support activity areas
  and the night-time economy
• Support retail and hospitality precincts and public
  open space which allow outdoor dining and footpath
• Encourages activities that support the local economy
  to thrive.
• Be cost effective and achieve balance between
  quality, capital cost and ongoing maintenance.
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  Who is the plan for?
  Community snapshot Frankston City is situated on
  the eastern shores of Port Phillip Bay, about 40 km
  south-east of Melbourne. Frankston City is one of
  nine designated Metropolitan Activity centres in
  metropolitan Melbourne, identified as a place that
  can perform a capital city role for the Mornington                                         Skye
  Peninsula and south-east bayside municipalities.
  The municipality covers an area of about 131 square
  kilometres and is bounded by the City of Kingston and                   Frankston
  Greater Dandenong in the north, the City of Casey in                    North
  the east, and Mornington Peninsula Shire in the south.
  Port Phillip Bay which forms the City’s west boundary
  provides nearly 11 kilometres of uninterrupted
  coastline.                                                                           Langwarrin
  The municipal context is predominantly suburban and
  peri-urban, with a larger commercial zone in Frankston
  central and industrial zones in Frankston, Seaford and
  Carrum Downs. The natural environment is coastal
  (bay foreshore) to the west with pockets of open
  space, bushland reserve and waterways throughout. A                                   Langwarrin
  north-south rail and freeway corridor dissects the city.                              South
  The municipality is made up of 9 key suburb
  precincts: Seaford, Carrum Downs, Sandhurst,
  Frankston North, Skye, Frankston, Langwarrin,
  Frankston South and Langwarrin South. These are
  used for planning purposes in the Lighting Frankston
  Plan which focuses on lighting in our public open
  spaces and places.
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Message from the Mayor

Cr Kris Bolam
Mayor, Frankston City

Frankston City has many vibrant spaces, diverse urban   We are Building for the Future by developing outdoor
areas, coastal scenes and bushland settings that help   dining and urban spaces, investing in our natural
boost our liveability and visitor experiences.          assets and attractive design of the built form to help
The COVID-19 pandemic and resulting lockdowns           connect people. With this comes careful consideration
highlight the need for more accessible evening and      of social, environmental and economic impacts.
night-time public spaces that are safe and close        The future of lighting within Frankston City will be
to home for the benefit of community health and         adaptive, responsive and conscious of its effects on
wellbeing.                                              people, place and the environment. This is all part of
The ways in which we use our public spaces is           our plan to build a better Frankston for the future for
changing. Higher density living, combined with a rise   all locals and visitors to enjoy.
in flexible and remote working means there are now      This Plan provides a vision for public lighting and
more people moving through our cities and urban         lighting experiences to enhance our City. It determines
areas than ever before.                                 what is required to achieve that vision and to meet the
There is a growing need for our public spaces to        public lighting needs of our community over the next
be accessible outside of daylight hours to support      10-15 years.
physical, recreational and economic uses. More
people are choosing to walk and cycle for pleasure
and as their main form of commuting. Providing
good lighting is one of the most important ways to
encourage people to feel safe and comfortable and be
connected within their neighbourhood.
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   Our Community                                               A summary of Council’s role in delivering lighting
                                                               improvements identified in the Community Vision
                                                               2040 is outlined below:
   Vision                                                      “Create a clear identity for Frankston City that gives
                                                               people a reason to visit and spend locally, including
   ‘Frankston City 2040 is the place on                        building on outdoor dining, shopping precincts that
                                                               connect people, investing in our natural assets and
   the bay to learn, live, work and play in                    attractive design of the built form.”
   a vibrant, safe and culturally inclusive                    “Council will also work in partnership to provide
   community. Our City is clean, green and                     urban design solutions and place-making initiatives
   environmentally responsible.’                               that enhance the accessibility and vitality of our
                                                               public spaces, improving the overall liveability of the
   The Community Vision 2040 was developed by the
   Frankston City community in 2020-21 to articulate
   their long-term vision and aspirations for the future       “Strengthen pedestrian connections between
   of our City. The Community Vision 2040 provides an          Frankston’s city centre, university precinct, beach and
   aspirational description of what our community wants        hospital.”
   for the future of our municipality, in terms of its look,
   feel and liveability.
   The Community Vision 2040 forms part of Council’s
   strategic planning and reporting framework, to ensure
   that the community’s vision for the future of Frankston
   City is considered in all of Council’s planning and
   decision-making, including this Lighting Frankston

   Outcomes Framework
   The Lighting Frankston Plan strategically aligns with the following Policy Domains:

    Healthy                               Stronger                      Sustainable                            Skilled
   Community                              Families                      Environment                          Community
                           Safe                           Community                        Sustainable
                        Community                          Strength                         Economy
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How we prepared the plan
The Lighting Frankston Plan has been developed across 4 key phases, involving Council, the
community and external consultants. The process is outlined below:

                                   Phase 1 -
                          Background Analysis and
                              Precedent Study
                Review and consideration of relevant Council plans, policies
               and strategies and data including the Community Vision 2040.
                This plan is part of Council’s commitment to make Frankston
               a liveable city and responds to many of the recommendations
                            identified in the following documents:
                                  • Frankston Council Plan 2021
                    • Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation Plan 2011
                           • Towards Zero Emissions Plan 2019-2023
                          • Frankston Coastal Management Plan 2016
                                    • FMAC Structure Plan 2015
                            • Draft Frankston Revitalisation Plan 2021
                         • Frankston Open Space Strategy 2016-2036
                           • Frankston Economic Strategy 2016-2022
                           • Greening Our Future Strategy 2014-2024
                           • Draft Biodiversity Action Plan 2021-2036

                      Phase 3 -                                               Phase 2 -
               Draft Lighting Plan and                             Lighting Site Assessments
                                                                     An assessment of existing lighting from
              Community Consultation                                 across the municipality was undertaken
              The draft Lighting Plan was prepared and                 from daylight through to darkness.
          publicly exhibited in February – April 2021 for the          The approach was determined and
             community to review and provide feedback.                  conducted with a group of lighting
          During this period Council received 18 responses.                 professionals and Council
           In July – August 2021 Council also conducted a                  officers to survey the extent,
            public lighting survey online and face to face,               variety and quality of existing
            receiving 191 responses from the community.                           public lighting.
                 All feedback received during these
              consultation periods has been considered
                  and used to inform the final Plan.       Phase 4 -
                                                         Final Lighting Plan
                                                                The final Plan will be
                                                                presented to Council
                                                                  for adoption and
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   What we heard from our community
   Community engagement focused on current public                       There is also a recognition within the community that
   space users, allowing also for broad engagement by                   lighting projects should consider the impact of artificial
   interested community members. An online survey was                   lighting on local ecosystems and its contribution to
   promoted through Council’s engagement platform,                      light pollution.
   social media and corporate website. Intercept surveys                When prioritising new lighting projects, there is
   targeted a variety of stakeholders including residents,              consistent community support for:
   visitors and local workers.
                                                                        • Lighting the foreshore and boardwalk area.
   The methodology was designed to speak with the wider
   community about their experience and needs of public                 • Creating safe pedestrian connections between night-
   lighting. Engagement activities reached a statistically                time venues.
   representative section of the Frankston community by                 • Lighting walking areas through parks and spaces
   age with the exception of people aged under 17.                        adjacent to sporting grounds.
   The results of the consultation indicate that
   the community largely supports lighting across
   Frankston City:
                                                                                                Respondents were
   • For improved safety.                                                                       more likely to prioritise
   • To support walking and active lifestyles.                                                 functional lighting (for
                                                                                                safety, visibility and access
   • To make our public spaces more attractive.                                                needs) ahead of attractive
                                                                                                and creative lighting.
       Most respondents                     63%        of respondents
       were aged between                    would visit the Frankston
       35 – 49                              Waterfront and Foreshore
                                            area more in the evening                                       “You need a safe, secure
       years of age.                        if better lighting was                                         feeling and lighting gives
                                            provided.                                                      you that.”
                                                                                                               “To the beach at night
                           Women were        57% of             62% of                                         to watch stars and
                                                                                                               see the city lights.”
                           more likely       respondents        respondents told
 47%                       to say they
                           don’t come
                                             told us that key   us that more                               “I wouldn’t go down a
                                                                                                           shared walking path in
                                             city streets and   lighting would help
 of respondents            out after dark    laneways would     them feel safer                            the dark.”
 would like to see         for reasons of    benefit from       on footpaths that
 creative feature                                                                                              “Put lighting in one
                           safety.           better lighting.   connect night-                                 good sized park in
 lighting used                                                  time venues and
 for landscape                                                                                                 every suburb.”
                                                                car parks.
 features such as                                                                                          “Don’t interfere with
 significant trees and                                                                                     wildlife.”
                                                                                                               “If it was safer more
                                                                                                               people would use it.”
                                                                                                           “Light up some of the
                                                                                                           murals - particularly
                                                                                                           ones that face streets
                                                                                                           that you see while
                                                                                                           walking at night.”
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What lighting we saw in our City
The following key observations were made during            • The need for lighting that prioritises the pedestrian
the site assessment phases of the project:                   experience in spaces that are near, or adjacent to
• The need to reinforce street connections within           roads.
  Frankston’s City area with appropriate and               • The need to provide lighting that is suitable for
  considered lighting for navigation.                        advanced levels of sport.
• The need to replace old lighting technologies with      • The need to reduce the reliance on streetlights for
  more sustainable, energy efficient and cost-effective      lighting of important aspects in public spaces and
  lighting.                                                  streetscapes.
• The need for improved lighting within shopping strips   • The need for inclusive lighting that creates accessible
  to reduce glare, light spill and visual clutter caused     public spaces for all ages and abilities.
  by competing layers of lighting.                         • The need to replace light poles and fixtures
• The need to better distinguish between environments       that direct light up towards the sky with new
  for people and vehicles.                                   infrastructure that directs light toward the ground,
• The need to provide lighting at appropriate heights       reducing light pollution.
  so that they are not uncomfortable or disorienting to    • The need to ensure public spaces, like sports
  look at.                                                   precincts, are not over or unnecessarily lit when not
• The need to provide lighting that celebrates the          in use.
  area’s historical and cultural values and character.     • The need to consider lighting in adjacent spaces
• The need to replace old, outdated and inappropriate       when planning new projects and how it will
  lighting technologies with lighting that is more           contribute to the user experience.
  robust, suitable and fit-for-purpose for its context.
| 16     Lighting Frankston Plan 2021

   Lighting Standards
   The quality, quantity and colour of light affects our
   visual perception and experiences. To meet the
                                                              Lighting Technology
   benchmark expectations and performance of lighting,        Lighting within Frankston’s public open spaces and
   it is important this plan considers the parameters         places must meet the following lighting technology
   and guidelines for minimal lighting to be achieved         criteria:
   that are set by the governing standards and industry       • Energy efficiency.
                                                              • Industry standard or better LED
   All lighting of Frankston’s public open spaces and
   places should meet or exceed the following:                • Price competitive or cost effective.
   • AS/NZS 1158 series (all parts) – Lighting for Roads &   • Real whole-of-life cost: purchase price, installation
     Public Spaces                                              cost, operation and maintenance cost implications.
   • AS/NZS 4282-1997 -Control of Obtrusive Effects of       • Robustness: to be suitable for purpose and context
     Outdoor Lighting                                           to mitigate issues such as, but not limited to, galvanic
                                                                corrosion and substrate corrosion.
   • AS/NZS 2560 series (all parts) – Sports Lighting
                                                              • Longevity and quality.
   • National Light Pollution Guidelines for Wildlife
                                                              • Low maintenance and easy to replace and repair if
   • International Commission on Illumination (CIE)            needed.
   • International Dark-Sky Association (IDA) guidelines     • Products that are readily available.
   • The Australasian Dark Sky Alliance (ADSA) guidelines    • Products that are easy to upgrade as technology
   • VicRoads - TCG 006: Guidelines to Street Lighting         improves.
   • Parks Victoria Guidelines
Lighting Frankston Plan 2021   | 17

Our Approach for Future Planning
We have developed 7 lighting approaches to assist           The following approaches provide a guideline for
future planning for lighting in Frankston’s public open     the planning, design and implementation of public
spaces and places. These include a range of lighting        realm lighting within Frankston City:
types and development standards.
The application of lighting in the right context will       Active Spirit
contribute to ideas of place, liveability, resilience and   Celebrates an active community, encouraging people
community. Good lighting is not always noticeable,          of all ages and abilities to be outdoors within their
bad lighting is often overwhelming.                         community.
Having a palette of seven lighting approaches enables       Foreshore Experience
Council to provide our community with lighting that
is responsive to site, context and the user experience.     Supports the protection, enhancement, and
Each lighting type considers the balance of artificial      future-proofing of the foreshore environment to
light, moonlight and dark skies in relation to              be a destination for the community and visitors to
community need.                                             Frankston City.

                                                            Navigation & Local Identity
                                                            Celebrates first impressions of the City after dark, and
                                                            the ability to appreciate and understand destinations
                                                            and identifiable landmarks in the night-time public
                                                            realm and streetscape network.

                                                            Luminous City
                                                            Supports lighting design to be a creative and
                                                            innovative part of the public realm experience within
                                                            Frankston’s City Centre.

                                                            Creative Lighting
                                                            Embraces the celebration and delights of our City.

                                                            Night in Nature
                                                            Supports the natural environment after dark in a
                                                            responsible and considerate way.

                                                            Safety on the Streets
                                                            Supports the functional principle of lighting for
                                                            legibility, safety and access.
| 18     Lighting Frankston Plan 2021

   Lighting the way

   Priorities for Future
   Looking forward and into the future towards creative,
   inclusive and resilient night-time experiences.
   The future of lighting within Frankston City will be
   adaptive, responsive and conscious of its effects on
   people, place and the environment. The Lighting
   Frankston Plan provides guidance to deliver lighting
   outcomes that draw on experiences and presence
   within public spaces, with an appreciation of darkness
   in the night.
   The Plan considers future thinking, human-centric
   experiences of the individual, the community, and
   the impact on natural and nocturnal environments.
   It seeks to be useful for Council officers, design
   consultants, place-makers, private developers and
   businesses to consider the approach, design and
   delivery of adaptive, thoughtful and sustainable
   lighting projects.
Lighting Frankston Plan 2021   | 19

The following breakdown summarises the priorities
for lighting projects into the future:
                                                              Safe and inclusive design
                                                              Lighting responses should:
Positive, enhanced and creative                               • Provide support for better design of public spaces
                                                                that considers public safety, visual blocks and CPTED
public realm                                                    principles with the supplement of appropriate levels
Lighting responses should:                                      of lighting, to contribute to safety, comfort and
                                                                confidence in the public domain.
• Be creative, combining art and culture to build a
  sense of place and highlight the attractive city.           • Enhance and define spaces after dark.
• Be integrated as part of various measures to enhance       • Coordinate movement with legible edges, boundaries
  and enable life after dark.                                   and surfaces that guide pedestrians, cyclists and
• Continue to support local public art in the landscape
  and lighting to facilitate wayfinding and landmark          • Provide lighting for active spaces after dark.
  creations.                                                  • Focus on pedestrian experience and scale.
• Illuminate vertical and horizontal planes for a distinct   • Reinforce wayfinding, legible streetscapes and
  and visual environment.                                       destinations for better orientation.
• Use lighting for aesthetic effect.                         • Encourage people to use a space, rather than be
• Celebrate the valuable assets and spaces of the City.        excluded.
• Create vibrant spaces that enhance uniqueness and          • Use an appropriate level, colour and distribution of
  build place-making.                                           lighting to distinguish objects, appropriate colour
                                                                rendering and contrast.
• Highlight the value of natural landscape and cultural
• Activate the city and promote a night-time economy.
                                                              Sustainability & Resilience
                                                              Lighting responses should:
• Illuminate laneways and public art for a visible and
  visual City.                                                • Minimise light pollution.
• Support and highlight innovation in vertical greening      • Use products that reduce energy consumption and
  and living walls.                                             greenhouse gas emissions.
                                                              • Consider asset management and ongoing
                                                              • Make low energy consumption a high priority when
                                                                choosing a product.
                                                              • Reduce lighting costs and maintenance through the
                                                                use of LED luminaires.
                                                              • Consider lighting specifications concerning lighting
                                                                colour temperature use of white light and typically
                                                                3000K (range of 2700K and 4000K).
                                                              • Consider the direction and distribution of lighting.
                                                              • Be resilient to vandalism and other sources of
                                                              • Consider smart lighting technologies allowing for
                                                                flexible functions and use including colour, dimming,
                                                                timer settings, CCTV, weather monitoring and more.
| 20    Lighting Frankston Plan 2021

  Active                                                      Active Spirit celebrates an active community,
                                                              encouraging people of all ages and abilities to
                                                              be outdoors within their community.

  Lighting our Parks and                                      be found which need to be protected from adverse
                                                              impacts of artificial lighting. The Active Spirit approach

  Open Spaces                                                 maps out areas suitable for additional lighting within
                                                              parks and reserves that are not considered important
                                                              flora and fauna habitat. Monitoring will be conducted
  This lighting approach allows activation of public parks    before any lighting installation and will continue to
  and open spaces for after-hour activities, supporting       assess the impacts beyond project completion. It is
  healthy and active lifestyles.                              important to note ‘bush’ tracks and natural reserves
  Members of the community use parks and open                 are to remain unlit, and lighting of valuable biodiverse
  spaces for a variety of activities and leisure. Parks for   areas is to be avoided where possible to minimise
  all ages, sporting facilities and reserves all encourage    any disturbances to local wildlife. Consultation with
  outdoor exploration and exercise. The benefits include      experts will allow Council to determine which sources
  a stronger, healthy community and environment. The          of light are most applicable to the area and avoid over-
  future of the park lies within its offering of access       lighting of spaces and minimising light pollution.
  to open space from day to night for community               A healthy balance between introduced light and
  wellbeing, connection and health.                           natural moonlight will be implemented to improve
                                                              visibility and accessibility and make outdoor areas
  In some of our parks and open spaces, habitats for          more welcoming and safer.
  a range of different species and ecosystems can
Lighting Frankston Plan 2021   | 21

What spaces would we consider                              What do we need to consider
lighting?                                                  when lighting these types of
• Larger recreational and sporting parks and open         spaces?
  spaces (Regional, District and Community levels)
                                                           • Ensuring we do not over-light some spaces like
  such as Beauty Park or Ballam Park.
                                                             sporting facilities when they are not in use.
• Shared walking and cycling paths.
                                                           • Light that trespasses into areas where it is not
Lighting of smaller public open spaces is generally          intended or needed, like residential areas or nearby
discouraged as the amount of time spent in these             nature reserves.
spaces is shorter, passive surveillance is poorer and      • Reducing skyglow cast by artificial lighting.
lighting is more likely to impact nearby residences.
                                                           • Impacts on local flora and fauna.
However, lighting may be considered in some
circumstances where there is a need to address             • Lighting that is responsive to peak and off-peak use.
safety or security concerns or to facilitate specific      • Ensuring light levels are appropriate for the use and
community uses.                                              function of a space

How can lighting improve these                             Active Spirit Lighting Outcome
spaces?                                                    Lighting our Parks and Open Spaces will promote
                                                           community interaction, safety and active lifestyles.
• Provides effective sports and staged lighting for all   New lighting in these areas will be energy efficient,
  playing levels.                                          consistent in design and seek to reduce light pollution.
• Using lighting levels that respond to peak and off-
  peak usage.                                              Active Spirit Lighting Priorities
• Supports night-time activities, place-making and        • Provide quality and quantity of light and measures
  activation of spaces.                                      for implementation appropriate to open space
• Defines paths of travel and points of entry. Circuit      classification and responsive to context.
  path lighting offers a safer experience for existing     • Promote sustainable lighting initiatives which allow
  users before sunrise and after sunset.                     for peak and off-peak lighting.
• Uses lighting technologies which minimise impacts       • Considers existing street lighting.
  and disturbance on the natural environment.
                                                           • Provide selective lighting to primary circulation,
• Establishes consistent lighting types which               access paths, entry spaces and temporary activation
  differentiate between site uses and hierarchy.             spaces only. Lighting is limited and at a level that
                                                             provides visibility to the surrounds, light contrast and
                                                             definition of elements in the vicinity of the path to
                                                             increase perception of visibility.
| 22     Lighting Frankston Plan 2021

                    Active Spirit Lighting                                        Active Spirit
                    Technology and                                                Light Fittings
   Major Open Spaces                                             Major Open Spaces
   • Timed operation, day-light sensing lighting controls       • Public park settings - lighting can be considered as
     and dimming controls to general pathway areas.                a feature, visible visual element or receding element
                                                                   for amenity.
   • After hours occupancy sensor control for security.
                                                                 • The design of the lighting product finish and colour
   • Solar powered integration could be provided for low-         can assist to make this prominent or recede as
     level lighting and areas where little or no electrical        desired.
     infrastructure exists. Review integrated solar
     collectors or alternative central vertical arrays with      • Maintain set distances between lighting that provides
     sub-electrical reticulation.                                  rhythm within the space, responds to circulation
                                                                   requirements and expressed desire lines. Minimalist
   • High usage area lighting installations to be ‘grid’          design and high quality finish can assist to minimise
     connected.                                                    their visual impact.
   • “Smart Pole” installations to integrate lighting, power,   • Passive open spaces and play areas - lighting can be
     communications & CCTV.                                        low-level with less visual impact.
   • Localised and orientation lighting to minimise visual      • Pedestrian footpaths pole mounted fittings typically
     impact.                                                       between 4 to 6m mounting heights.
   • Adaptive ‘Smart’ lighting controls with dimming,           • Minimum off-sets for pole lighting installations in
     occupancy sensing, timed operation / day light                accordance with standards recommendations – AS/
     sensing                                                       NZS 1158, (nominal 1m from edge of pathways).

                                                                                  Active Spirit Light
                                                                                  Quality and Level

                                                                 Major Open Spaces
                                                                 • Lighting in accordance with regulatory
                                                                   recommendations as a minimum standard – AS/NZS
                                                                   1158 – Part 3.1 – Pedestrian Area (Category P).
                                                                 • Consider Pedestrian/Cycle Activity and Fear of Crime
                                                                   to determine applicable lighting category PP1 (High)
                                                                   – PP5 (Low).
                                                                 • Warm colour temperature of 3000K
Lighting Frankston Plan 2021                                                   | 23

   Map of example                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        SANDHURST

   sites for future                                                                                                                                                                           Carrum Downs
                                                                                                                                                                                              Recreation Reserve
   lighting initiatives
                                                                                                                                                                                                           WEDGE ROAD                                                                          WEDGE ROAD

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Mc CORMICKS ROAD

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           WESTERN PORT HIGHWAY

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Mc CORMICKS ROAD



                                                                                                                                          DOWNS                                           CARRUM DOWNS

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        HALL ROAD

                                                                                                                                           LATHAMS ROAD

                                                                                                                                                                                                       HALL ROAD

                                                                                                      LATHAMS ROAD            RN SU                                                                           Sandfield
                                  N HIGH

                                                                                                                                IN LA                                                                         Reserve

                                                                                                                                  GT FR
                                                                                                                                    ON EE

                                                              North                                                                                                                                           Rotary

                                                              Reserve                                                                                                                                         Park



                                                                                                           SEAFORD ROAD                                        BALLARTO ROAD                           BALLARTO ROAD                                                                               BALLARTO ROAD

                                                                                                                                               Pat Rollo

                                                                                                                                               Reserve                   MO









                                                                                  KLAVER STREET




                                                                                                        Eric Bell


                                                                                 KANANOOK                                        Monterey
                                                                                                                                                                                          EEW  FR

                                                                                                                                                                                           Reserve                                            QU
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                ARR                                                                                          AD
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   YR                                                                                      RO
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        D                                                                     ON
                                           NEPEAN HIGHWAY


                                                                                                                                      Wingham                                                                                                                                                               AN
                                                                                          N FREEWA

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  DANDENONG HASTINGS ROAD
                                                                                                         FRANKSTON                                                                                                                                                                         Park


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             CENTRE ROAD
                                       Waterfront &                                                           URNE

                                       Foreshore                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            South
                                           HAS                                   Monash                                                                                         Ballam                                                                                                                      Gateway
                                                                                                                                                                                            nk T

                                                               GS R
                                                                   OAD           Link                                                                                           Park

                                  Frankston                                                                                      Jubilee

                                  Park    Beauty                                                                                 Park
                                          Park                                                         LEAWARRA                                                                                                                                                          LANGWARRIN
                                                                                                       STATION         Bax
                                                                                          FRA DERS

                                               George                                                                     ter                                                                                      NOR
                                                                                              NKS ROA

                                               Pentland                                                                       Tra                                                                                     TH
                                               Gardens                                                                           il                                                                                            D
                                                                                                 TON D

                   Olivers Hill


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         WARRANDYTE ROAD
           N HIG



                                                             FRANKSTON SOUTH










Example sites for future Active Spirit lighting initiatives:
             Major open space                                                                                              ‘Active Spirit’ Lighting Projects
             Waterfront & Foreshore
             Shared Use Path                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              N
| 24    Lighting Frankston Plan 2021

  Foreshore                                                   The Foreshore Experience supports the
                                                              protection, enhancement, and future-proofing
                                                              of our coastal environment to be a destination
  Experience                                                  for the community and visitors to
                                                              Frankston City.

  Lighting our waterfront                                     coastal flora and fauna, many of which are sensitive
                                                              to the presence of humans and artificial lighting.

  and foreshore                                               The Foreshore Experience will balance the use of
                                                              lighting for functional access and safe movement
                                                              with lighting that contributes to place-making. It will
  environment                                                 deliver a legible, amplified experience of the coastline
                                                              and foreshore for people to move through, explore and
  This lighting approach considers our Waterfront             appreciate.
  promenade, foreshore walkways and boardwalks and            Lighting within this setting will consider and respect
  our Piers.                                                  the natural coastal environment. It will recognise and
  The foreshore is a defining edge of Frankston City          celebrate the role that natural darkness and moonlight
  and supports the lifestyle of the community as well         play in supporting coastal and marine life, and use
  as contributing to its economic value as a tourism          materials and technologies suitable for coastal
  destination. It is home to a rich diversity of marine and   conditions.
Lighting Frankston Plan 2021    | 25

What spaces would we consider                              What do we need to consider
lighting?                                                  when lighting these types of
• The Waterfront Promenade area                           spaces?
• Oliver’s Hill Lookout                                   • Adverse impacts of artificial lighting on coastal flora
• Boardwalks and walkways                                   and fauna, both terrestrial and aquatic.
• Frankston Yacht Club                                    • Minimising skyglow cast by artificial lighting.
• Frankston Pier Infrastructure                           • Minimising visual clutter caused by lighting that is
                                                             overly bright, confusing or excessive.
With the exception of public infrastructure like           • Using robust lighting materials and technologies that
buildings, car parks, activity areas, walkways and           can withstand the harsh coastal environment and
piers, lighting of the beach, dunes and bay is generally     weather conditions.
discouraged. This is to limit the adverse impacts
of artificial light on coastal and marine flora and
fauna which require natural darkness and access            Foreshore Experience
to moonlight to support and regulate important             Lighting Outcome
ecological processes and behaviours. It is also
recognised that surveillance of these areas is generally   Low-level lighting will improve safety and access to
poor and lighting may inadvertently attract anti-social    our foreshore’s shared paths, boardwalks and areas of
behaviour.                                                 activation. New lighting in these spaces will be energy
                                                           efficient, consistent in design and seek to reduce light
                                                           pollution and environmental impacts.
How can lighting help to improve                           Foreshore Experience Lighting Priorities
these spaces?                                              • Provide continuous and consistent lighting for
• Creates an inclusive foreshore experience by              continuity and legible pedestrian movement and to
  providing accessible pathways and access points            highlight linear foreshore character.
• Contributes to access and enjoyment of the              • Provide edge lighting to identify limits of pedestrian
  foreshore environment.                                     space and safe areas of movement and visibility to
• Contributes to the active, colourful, and creative        surrounds.
  features of the City.                                    • Facilitate foreshore connections to local shops,
• Supports night-time experiences, place-making, and        residential areas and car parks that provide access,
  building on the identity of the City.                      visual links and extension of experience.
• Supports recreational uses of the foreshore like        • Facilitate inclusive foreshore experiences by
  swimming, fishing and walking.                             providing lighting along accessible pathways and
                                                             access points.
                                                           • Demonstrate a response that mitigates lighting
                                                             impact on coastal and marine fauna and flora in
                                                             consultation with ecologists, other relevant experts
                                                             and stakeholders, and in line with recommendations
                                                             from the catchment management authority.
                                                           • Provide continuous and consistent lighting to pier
                                                             walkways, structures and pole top lighting that
                                                             supports visibility for fishing, boats and scenic
                                                             walking experiences whilst being considerate of the
                                                             water environment.
| 26    Lighting Frankston Plan 2021

                     Foreshore Experience                       Frankston Pier Infrastructure

                     Lighting Technologies                      • Vertical lighting to frame space.
                                                                • Linear strip lighting for continuous light integrated
                     and Customisation                            within walkways or handrails.
  Waterfront Promenade                                          • Technology suitable for extreme weather conditions
  • Integrated furniture lighting to consolidate elements        and coastal environments, including full submersible
    within the public realm.                                      fixtures, suitable for corrosive application. LED light
                                                                  sources/fittings – corrosive environment – highest IP
  • Linear strip lighting for continuous light integrated        rating.
    within walkways or handrails.
                                                                • High quality fixtures required for coastal
  • LED light sources/fittings – Coastal Environment –           environments.
    High IP Rating.
                                                                • General illuminance to pier boardwalks to enhance
  • Central vertical arrays or roof mounted collectors on        pier structures with feature lighting / colour.
    amenities buildings could be utilised to power low-
    level lighting.                                             • Customised LED fixtures could compliment visual
                                                                  appearance during daylight hours.
  • Localised and orientation lighting for sensitive
    coastal environments and walking tracks.                    • Secondary ‘feature’ lighting to accentuate pier
                                                                  structure with opportunity for ‘colour’ mix.
  • Customised LED fixtures could compliment visual
    appearance during daylight hours                            • Adaptive ‘Smart’ lighting controls with dimming,
                                                                  occupancy sensing, timed operation / day-light
  • Adaptive ‘Smart’ lighting controls with dimming,             sensing.
    occupancy sensing, timed operation / day-light
  • ‘Smart Pole’ installations to integrate lighting, power,
    communications & CCTV.
  • Secondary ‘feature’ lighting to accentuate landscape
    and other elements that have special public

  Foreshore Walkways and Boardwalks
  • Linear strip lighting for continuous sensor light
    integrated within walkways or handrails. Limit to low-
    level boardwalk integrated lighting for areas within
    natural dune landscapes.
  • Low-level - LED light sources/fittings – coastal
    environment – High IP Rating.
  • Solar powered localised and orientation lighting
    could be considered along coastal walking tracks.
  • Central vertical arrays or roof mounted collectors on
    amenities buildings could be utilised to power low-
    level lighting.
  • Localised and orientation lighting for sensitive
    coastal environments and walking tracks.
  • Adaptive ‘Smart’ lighting controls with dimming,
    occupancy sensing, timed operation / day-light
Lighting Frankston Plan 2021   | 27

                 Foreshore Experience                                      Foreshore Experience
                 Light Fittings                                            Light Quality and Level

Waterfront Promenade                                       Waterfront Promenade
• Integrate fixtures to conceal fittings within           • Lighting in accordance with regulatory
  infrastructure and furniture.                              recommendations as a minimum standard AS/NZS
• Pole top lighting to be part of the public open space     1158 – Part 3.1 – Pedestrian Area (Category P).
  furniture and contribute to the rhythm along the         • Warm to Natural Colour Temperature – 3000 to
  promenade.                                                 4000K.
• Nominal mounting at handrail height approximately
  1m above ground level.                                   Foreshore Walkways and Boardwalks
• Low-level boardwalk orientation lighting within         • Base orientation lighting in accordance with
  upstand at approximately 150mm to 200mm above              regulatory recommendations as a minimum standard
  ground level.                                              AS/NZS 1158 – Part 3.1 – Pedestrian Area (Category
                                                             P). PE2 Non- Subway & PE3 Low Use Pathways
Foreshore Walkways and Boardwalks                          • Compliance with National Light Pollution Guidelines.
• Foreshore tracks and walkways to integrate fixtures     • Warm colour temperature of 3000K
  to conceal fittings.
                                                           Frankston Pier Infrastructure
• Nominal mounting at handrail height approximately
  1m above ground level.                                   • Walkway Lighting in accordance with regulatory
• Pole top lighting to be part of the public open           recommendations as a minimum standard AS/NZS
  space furniture and contribute to the rhythm along         1158 – Part 3.1 – Pedestrian Area (Category P).
  boardwalks.                                              • Warm to Natural Colour Temperature – 3000 to
• Low-level boardwalk orientation lighting within           4000K.
  upstand at approximately 150mm to 200mm above
  ground level.

Frankston Pier Infrastructure
• Pole top lighting to add to the rhythm of the
  foreshore and procession along the pier.
• Pier structure and bridges to integrate fixtures to
  conceal fittings.
• Nominal mounting at handrail height approximately
  1m above ground level.
• Low-level boardwalk orientation lighting within
  upstand at approximately 150mm to 200mm above
  ground level.
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