LGBTQ+ history month A GUIDE TO EVENTS IN LAMBETH - Lambeth Council

Page created by Ronnie Gregory
LGBTQ+ history month A GUIDE TO EVENTS IN LAMBETH - Lambeth Council
                             February 2021

                             history month
                             A celebration of history,
                             arts, literature and film

                             A GUIDE TO EVENTS IN LAMBETH
101816 (1.21)
LGBTQ+ history month A GUIDE TO EVENTS IN LAMBETH - Lambeth Council

                                                                I am delighted to invite you to this year’s LGBTQ+
                                             history month. The theme for February 2021 is Body, Mind, Spirit.
                                             Lambeth Libraries will host a series of events including Q&As
                                             with authors, history talks and reading sessions for all ages that
                                             explore the contribution LGBTQ+ people have made to all our lives.

                                             Lambeth Libraries have co-ordinated this programme to give
                                             an insight into LGBTQ+ history, giving us all the opportunity to
                                             understand and challenge discrimination and promote equality,
                                             diversity and inclusion. The vibrancy of Lambeth is very well
                                             reflected in the diversity of our communities and our commitment
                                             to equality. I hope you will join us.
Twitter @Lambeth_Libraries #LGBTQHM21
                                             Cllr Sonia Winifred
Produced in partnership with Lambeth staff
LGBTQ+ Forum and Lambeth Public Health.      Cabinet Member for Equalities and Culture
LGBTQ+ history month A GUIDE TO EVENTS IN LAMBETH - Lambeth Council
PROGRAMME EVENTS                                                                                LGBTQ+ HISTORY MONTH 2021 / PAGE 3

                  Book28 Library Workshop                the 1980s and aims to look at the      the books we enjoy. There will be
                  Tuesday 2 February, 7pm                way it has had lasting impact on       plenty of time for discussion
                                                         library services for LGBTQ+ people     and book recommendations.
                  Book28 Library Workshop                today. A key part of the project       For more information on Book28
                                                         is encouraging good LGBTQ+   
                  A talk and interactive workshop        collections in libraries everywhere.
                  from the Book28 Library on
                  LGBTQ+ literature and libraries.       The group will talk about how
                  Book28 is a small LGBTQ+ library       the project came about, how the
                  held at the Outside Project (a         pandemic has affected their work
                  LGBTQ+ homeless shelter in             and will lead discussions with
                  Clerkenwell). It’s named in part       event attendees about their own
                  after the Section 28 punitive law of   routes into LGBTQ+ literature and

                  Pride & Prejudice in Poland:           become part of a wider wave of         UK-based poets and translators
   Cezary Rucki

                  Writers Fighting LGBT                  demonstrations under the umbrella      Maria Jastrzębska and Anna
                  Free Zones                             of the Women’s Black Protests,         Blasiak. Chaired by Dr Roch
                  Thursday 4 February, 7pm               which has shaken Poland since          Dunin-Wąsowicz
                                                         the attempt at making the abortion     from the UCL
                  Pride & Prejudice in Poland            law even more restrictive. At the      and LSE.
                                                         same time more and more local
                  The situation of LGBTQ+ people         authorities across Poland are
                  in Poland – never very good – has      choosing to proclaim themselves
                  been deteriorating fast under          as “LGBT-free” zones. How
                  the current right-wing, populist       does this whole upheaval impact
                  government. There are attacks          literature and writers? What is
                  on non-heteronormative people,         writers’ involvement and response,
                  constant attempts at curbing           if any?
                  their rights. There are protests,
                  marches and people are being           With Jacek Dehnel, acclaimed
                  arrested. Recently the fight for the   poet and novelist from Poland,
                  rights of LGBTQ+ people has also       now based in Berlin, as well as
LGBTQ+ history month A GUIDE TO EVENTS IN LAMBETH - Lambeth Council
PROGRAMME EVENTS                                                                                 LGBTQ+ HISTORY MONTH 2021 / PAGE 4

                    Lambeth Links Launch                  Our vision is for Lambeth Links        same time highlight the many
                    Saturday 6 February, 2pm              to be a central point of rallying,     issues that still adversely affect our
                                                          communication and advocacy on          communities. Join us online as we
                    Lambeth Links                         behalf of the LGBTQ+ Community         officially launch and hear about our
                                                          who live, work and socialise in our    plans for the future and how you
                    Lambeth Links is the new LGBTQ+       borough. We aim to strengthen          can help us raise our voice to the
                    community forum for Lambeth.          the links between us, yet at the       service providers in the borough.

                    Heroes from the Archives              Archivists from Sheffield with Jon
                    Monday 8 February                     Newman from Lambeth Archives
                    Online Podcast: Listen on             delve into their collections to tell
                    Apple, Spotify, and other             the stories of LGBTQ+ heroes
                    podcast platforms, or at              from both Sheffield and Lambeth.
                    We’ll also discuss ongoing archive
                    libraries                             collection building.

                    Box Hill with Adam Mars-              under a tree and that’s where

                    Jones                                 it all starts. This transgressive,
                    Tuesday 9 February, 7pm               darkly affecting love story
                                                          between men, winner of the 2019
                    Box Hill with Adam Mars-Jones         Fitzcarraldo Editions Novel Prize,
                                                          is a stunning novel of desire and
                    Join Adam Mars-Jones to discuss       domination by one of Britain’s
                    Box Hill. On the Sunday of his        most accomplished writers. Event
                    eighteenth birthday, in 1975, Colin   organised by The Friends of
                    takes a walk on Box Hill, a biker     Carnegie Library.
                    hang-out. There he accidentally
                    trips over Ray, a biker napping
LGBTQ+ history month A GUIDE TO EVENTS IN LAMBETH - Lambeth Council
PROGRAMME EVENTS                                                                                     LGBTQ+ HISTORY MONTH 2021 / PAGE 5

                     The Mark of Lilith film               depiction of women in art, meets          history, fictionalising LGBTQ life in
                     showing and Director Q&A              Lilla, a white, undead wraith,            Lambeth during this time. The film
                     Wednesday 10 February, 7pm            through a film come true. Playing         is courtesy of Cinenova and held as
                                                           off the lesbian vampire film motif of     part of their collections of feminist
                     The Mark of Lilith                    the 1970s, the film deconstructs the      film and video made from the 1910s
                                                           traditional image of the vampire and      to the early 2000s. http://www.
                     Mark of Lilith (1986, 32 mins, Dirs   the horror genre itself by exploring Join us to watch the
                     Polly Gladwin, Zachary Mack-Nataf,    the politics of race and relationships.   film followed by conversation with
                     Bruna Fionda), an independant         With scenes filmed at Brixton’s Ritzy     the filmmakers. Event organised
                     horror film in which black lesbian    Cinema in the 1980s, the film is an       with Friends of Tate South Lambeth
                     filmmaker Zena, interested in the     important part of its black queer         Library.

                     Lesbian Rom-Coms with                 of all things Rom-Com. Ciara is           lesbian and thinks, ‘I’ve opted out
        Idil Sukan
                     Ciara Smyth and Kate Davies           the author of The Falling in Love         of the patriarchy! Now I’ll have a
                     Thursday 11 February, 7pm             Montage, where seventeen-year-            truly equal relationship and lots of
                                                           old Saoirse, finished with exams          feminist sex!’
                     Lesbian Rom-Coms with Ciara           and facing a long hot summer
                     Smyth and Kate Davies                 before uni, plans to party, get
                                                           drunk, watch horror movies
                     If you’re looking for a romantic      and forget all her troubles by
                     comedy involving a lesbian            kissing girls. Kate won the 2020
                     storyline, we have you covered.       Polari Prize for In at the Deep
                     Join Ciara Smyth and Polari Prize     End, about a twenty-something
                     winner Kate Davies for a night        Londoner who realises she’s a

                     Berlin’s Third Sex – Radical          classified ads, campy nicknames,          cabaret, all-night parties and
                     Readers discussion                    passing, outing, hustlers, beats          erotic license at every level of
                     Friday 12 February, 7pm               and cruising at the YMCA – all            society. Hirschfeld’s writing is a
                                                           accompanied by a wave of gay              foundational text of modern gay
                     Lambeth Radical Readers               and lesbian activism. This was            identity, queer history captured
                                                           Germany’s imperial capital at the         by an insider: as it happened.
                     Join the Radical Readers reading      dawn of the 20th century. Magnus
                     group to discuss Berlin’s Third       Hirschfeld’s Berlin’s Third Sex           For a copy of the book and to join
                     Sex by Magnus Hirschfeld.             reveals an astonishingly diverse          the discussion please contact the
                     Rough trade, drag kings, tea          gay subculture years ahead of the         library on 020 7926 1056.
                     dances, sporty dykes, coded           Weimar era, with cross-dressing
LGBTQ+ history month A GUIDE TO EVENTS IN LAMBETH - Lambeth Council
PROGRAMME EVENTS                                                                           LGBTQ+ HISTORY MONTH 2021 / PAGE 6

          Lambeth Links: Health and                services in Lambeth for our             We will discuss services that
          Wellbeing                                community. We’ll be joined by           existed then and now and talk
          Saturday 13 February, 2pm                special guests from Healthwatch         about the ways in which we
                                                   Lambeth, the independent                can make sure the needs and
          Lambeth Links                            champion for people who use             expectations of our community are
                                                   health and social care services.        taken into account when it comes
          Join us to take a look at the            How much has changed and how            to planning for services. Looking
          evolution of the provision of            much has remained the same?             to the past to inform our future.

          The Glamour Boys by Chris                World War. Having witnessed the         time when even the suggestion of
          Bryant                                   Nazis’ brutality first-hand, these      homosexuality could land you in
          Monday 15 February, 7pm                  men were some of the first to warn      prison, the bravery these men were
                                                   Britain about Hitler. Prime Minister    forced to show in their personal
          The Glamour Boys                         Neville Chamberlain hated them,         lives gave them extraordinary
                                                   branding them ‘the glamour boys’        courage in public. Join author Chris
          In the early 1930s, a group of           to insinuate something untoward         Bryant to discuss his latest best-
          young, queer British MPs visited         about them, he had their phones         selling book The Glamour Boys.
          Berlin on a series of trips that would   tapped and threatened them with         Organised with The Friends of
          change the course of the Second          deselection and exposure. At a          Durning Library.

          Big Queer Lit Quiz                       Do you know your Maupins from           of history!) this February. Just log
          Wednesday 17 February,                   your Hollinghursts? Your And            on with your pen and paper for 5
          6.30pm                                   Tango Makes Three from your             rounds of questions and we’ll find
                                                   Heather has two Mummies?                our quiz winner! We’ll be joining
          Queer Literary Quiz                      We’ll be bringing you a quiz all on     up with Sheffield Libraries’ readers
                                                   LGBTQ+ literature (and a little bit     too, so get studying!

          Good to Know with AgeUK                  Each week our ‘Good to Know’
          Lambeth                                  session offers you a chance
          Thursday 18 February,                    to discover interesting new
          3.30pm to 4.30pm                         information and skills, possibilities
          Online event: Booking                    and abilities. This week’s expert
                 will share their knowledge
          digitalcalendar/                         of LGBTQ+ history and their
                                                   experiences in Lambeth.
LGBTQ+ history month A GUIDE TO EVENTS IN LAMBETH - Lambeth Council
PROGRAMME EVENTS                                                                               LGBTQ+ HISTORY MONTH 2021 / PAGE 7

                  Eradicating Homophobic                 who is a key influencer in changing
                  Legislation in the Caribbean           homophobic legislation in the
                  Friday 19 February, 6pm                Caribbean. In today’s event,
                  Online event: Booking                  Maurice will share his stories and
                       what he has learned. To make
                  digitalcalendar/                       sure you don’t miss out you must
                                                         sign up by midnight on Thursday
                  Join MYsocial host Dirg and            18 February. Once you have
                  special guest Maurice Tomlinson,       signed up you will be sent the log
                  attorney from the HIV Legal            in link and meeting details on the
                  Network and LGBTQ+ activist,           morning of the event.

                  The MYsocial Virtual Pub               music and picture rounds, and         History Month programme of
                  quiz - LGBT history                    the chance to learn some new          events. It is open to the general
                  Saturday 20 February, 12pm             facts about LGBTQ+ history…           public as well as MYsocial
                  6.30pm                                 plus a fabulously cheesy prize for    members. To make sure you don’t
                  Online event: Booking                  the winner! We ask that everyone      miss out you must sign up by
                       plays solo, unless you are playing    midnight on Friday 19 February.
                  digitalcalendar/                       with the kids. All you’ll need is a   Once you have signed up you will
                                                         pen and paper and your thinking       be sent the log in link and meeting
                  Join MYsocial’s Digital Event          cap. We are trusting you not          details on the morning of the
                  Coordinator, Alex, online for a fun,   to Google!! This event is part        event.
                  interactive event with questions,      of Lambeth Libraries LGBTQ+

                  Lambeth Links - LGBT Army              of LGBT rights in the British Army.   as we reflect on the past and
   Adrian Snood

                  History                                We’ll be joined by senior personnel   look forward to the future of our
                  Saturday 20 February, 2pm              (past and present), including from    community in the armed forces.
                                                         253 (London) Provost Company          Looking to the past to inform
                  Lambeth Links                          Royal Military Police (Reserves)      our future.
                                                         who are based in Lambeth. We’ll
                  It is now 21 years since the ban       hear candid stories of personal
                  on homosexuality in the military       histories and experiences, with
                  was lifted. Join Lambeth Links for     on opportunity to pose questions
                  a panel discussion on the history      to our guests. Please join us
LGBTQ+ history month A GUIDE TO EVENTS IN LAMBETH - Lambeth Council
PROGRAMME EVENTS                                                                         LGBTQ+ HISTORY MONTH 2021 / PAGE 8

          Bestselling Crime                      Russ is the author of crime-thriller    his stagnating career. He also
          Writer, Russ Thomas in                 Firewatching and his new book           happens to be gay, a rare
          Conversation                           Nighthawking is published in            occurrence in bestselling crime-
          Monday 22 February                     February 2021.                          fiction.
          Online Podcast: Listen on
          Apple, Spotify, and other              Protagonist, Detective Sergeant
          podcast platforms, or at https://      Adam Tyler is a maverick new
          detective desperate to kickstart

          It Takes Blood and Guts with           around trail blazer – Skin is a         has always been vocal about
          Skin and Lucy O’Brien                  global icon, and she has been           social and cultural issues and was
          Tuesday 23 February, 7pm               smashing stereotypes for over           championing LGBTQ+ rights at a
                                                 twenty-five years. Her journey          time when few artists were out and
          It Takes Blood and Guts with           from Brixton to one of the most         gay. Join Skin to discuss her new
          Skin                                   influential women in British rock       biography and life from Brixton to
                                                 is nothing short of extraordinary.      Glastonbury and beyond. Book
          Lead singer of multi-million-selling   Her success has been ground-            early for what will be a highlight of
          rock band Skunk Anansie, solo          breaking in every way, which has        this year’s festival.
          artist, LGBTQ+ activist and all-       come at a personal cost. She

          Queer disabilities during the          and chosen families have been           drag cabaret night at RVT and Two
          pandemic                               essential for support. The panel will   Brewers and will restart in 2021.
          Thursday 25 February, 7pm              be discussing their experiences in      Sop is a London based non-binary
                                                 the past year and their thoughts        artist and musician making film,
          Queer disabilities during the          on the way forward for a LGBTQ+         performance, sound, writing, and
          pandemic                               community that fosters accessibility    workshops. Their work centres
                                                 and care. We’ll be joined by Wayne,     on modes of sociality rather than
          The Covid-19 pandemic has meant        Sop and Michaela who will talk          dominant notions of productivity and
          numerous things for disabled           a little about their experiences of     wellness. Exhibition, The Den, is
          LGBTQ+ people. LGBTQ+                  being queer, disabled and how the       now on at the Wellcome Collection
          spaces and venues have become          pandemic has impacted them with         until April 2021. Michaela works at
          inaccessible for all, with social      time to share all our experiences.      Ignition Brewery in Sydenham which
          lives being moved online, by           Wayne Allingham performs as             employs and trains people with
          telephone and in online spaces.        Sugar Cube. He has hosted his           learning disabilities to brew great
          For those shielding, queer kinship     LGBTQ+ Disabled Queer and Hear          beer.
LGBTQ+ history month A GUIDE TO EVENTS IN LAMBETH - Lambeth Council
PROGRAMME EVENTS                                                                      LGBTQ+ HISTORY MONTH 2021 / PAGE 9

          In the Dream House: LGBTQ+         chapter views the relationship           For a copy of the book you
          book club                          through a different narrative lens,      can reserve it to be picked
          Friday 26 February, 7pm            as Machado holds events up to            up at your local library on
                                             the light and examines them from         our online catalogue http://
          In the Dream House: LGBTQ+         distinct angles. She casts a critical or by
          book club                          eye over legal proceedings, fairy        contacting your library. Copies
                                             tales, Star Trek and Disney villains,    can also be picked up at South
          In the Dream House is Carmen       as well as iconic works of film          Lambeth Library by contacting
          Maria Machado’s engrossing         and fiction, infusing all with her       southlambethlibrary@lambeth.
          and wildly innovative account of   characteristic wit, playfulness and or by phone
          a relationship gone bad. Each      openness to enquiry.                     0207 926 0710.

          Lambeth Links – Housing            Tonic are focused on creating            what our current and future needs
          Saturday 27 February, 2pm          vibrant and inclusive urban              are, and we’ll talk about the
                                             LGBTQ+ affirming retirement              exceedingly high rates of LGBTQ+
          Lambeth Links                      communities where people can             youth homelessness. Looking to
                                             share common experiences, find           the past to inform
          Join us as we talk about the       mutual support and enjoy their           our future.
          history of LGBTQ+ housing in       later life. In this talk we’ll look at
          Lambeth with special guests and    some of the history of Lambeth
          also friends from Tonic Living.    housing for LGBTQ+ residents,
LGBTQ+ history month A GUIDE TO EVENTS IN LAMBETH - Lambeth Council
EVENTS FOR CHILDREN AND TEENS                                                             LGBTQ+ HISTORY MONTH 2021 / PAGE 10

           Lambeth Libraries Wriggle              understanding during our under          Facebook live everyday
           & Rhyme for under 5s                   5 sessions. Join our librarians for     @ Facebook/Lambeth Libraries:
           February                               songs, stories and rhymes for the       Wriggle and Rhyme Online.
                                                  under 5s.                     
           Throughout the month of                                                        groups/LambethLibraries
           February, we’ll be featuring           Monday to Friday (excluding             WriggleAndRhyme
           stories of equality, diversity and     Bank Holidays) 10.30am to 11am

           Making Our Own Queer                   A workshop to show you how              On a Queer Theme:
           History                                to put your hopes, worries,             A Queer Writing Competition for
           Monday 1 February, 6pm                 and dreams into words, and to           Young People aged 13 to 18.
           Online event booking:                  celebrate your own queer stories        We’re looking for short stories
           https://www.sheffieldlibraries.        in any way you choose. Nik will         of 500 to 1000 words, on a
                        show you how to shape your              queer theme. It’s that simple.
                                                  brilliant ideas, and channel your       Just submit your entry to
           Free writing workshops in              own unique perspectives on the
           partnership with Sheffield Libraries   world, into exciting and arresting      before midnight 31 March 2021.
           Writer-in-Residence, author Nik        pieces of writing. Poets, prose         Entrants must be aged 13 to 18
           Perring.                               writers, and those brand new to         when the competition closes.
                                                  writing are all welcome. There’ll       The winner will be selected by
           1 February, 6pm (13 to 15 yrs)         also be an opportunity for your         a LGBTQ writer. Prize –
           1 March, 6pm (16 to 18 yrs)            work to be entered into the Writing     £50 of book
           Come and make your voices heard.       Competition.                            tokens.

           Me, My Dad and the End of              Things aren’t going great for           problem? The answer might just
           the Rainbow                            Archie Albright. His dad’s acting       lie at the end of the rainbow, an
           Friday 5 February                      weird, his mum too, and all he          adventure away. Together with his
           Online Schools event. To book          wants is for everything to go back      best friends, Bell and Seb, Archie
           your Primary School email              to normal, to three months before       sets off on a heart-warming and
           Sandra at sdavidson@lambeth.           when his parents were happy and         unforgettable journey to try and
                                  still lived together. When Archie       fix his family, even if he has to
                                                  sees a colourful, crumpled flyer fall   break a few rules to do it...
                                                  out of Dad’s pocket, he thinks he       Join author Benjamin Dean to
                                                  may have found the answer. Only         discuss his fantastic new book.
EVENTS FOR CHILDREN AND TEENS                                                                 LGBTQ+ HISTORY MONTH 2021 / PAGE 11

           LGBTQ Kids do go to                      Wednesday 10 February, 2pm                she came up with the idea of
           Magic School: How I built                Online event booking:                     Strange Worlds, about world-
           queer-inclusive magical                  https://www.sheffieldlibraries.           building in writing, and how she
           worlds with LD Lapinski,                                 plans to make her novels inclusive
           author of The Strange                                                              and representative.
           Worlds Travel Agency                     For schools and children at home,
                                                    aged 9+. LD will talk about how

           LGBTQ+ interest books for                Carnegie Kate Greenaway judges
           Children and Young People                Liz Chapman and Lambeth’s Zoey
           Monday 15 February                       Dixon chat about the best LGBTQ+
           Online Podcast: Listen on                interest books aimed at children
           Apple, Spotify, and other                and young people. there’s fun to
           podcast platforms, or at https://        be had for all ages. It’s a standard
             storytime, with a bit of extra glitter.

           Drag Queen Storytime                     by real Queens. This event will           allows children to imagine the
           Tuesday 16 February, 2pm                 capture the imagination and fun of        world in which people can present
           Online: Lambeth Libraries                the gender fluidity of childhood.         as they wish. Where dress up is
           Facebooks                                                                          real. With songs and storytime
                                                    By providing spaces in which kids         there’s fun to be had for all ages.
           Drag Queen Story Time is where           are able to see people who defy           It’s a standard storytime, with a bit
           fairy tales come to life. Presented      rigid gender restrictions, DQST           of extra glitter.

           Queer Writing for Teens
           Monday 22 February, 7pm

           Queer Writing for Teens

           The last few years has seen an
           increase in LGBTQ+ representation
           in YA books. Join authors AJ Sass,
           Alecia Dow, Bethany Rutter and
           Sasha Laurens in conversation
           as they talk about teen queer writing.
EVENTS FOR CHILDREN AND TEENS                                                           LGBTQ+ HISTORY MONTH 2021 / PAGE 12

           Trust the Word – Gender              Mosaic LGBTQ+ Young Persons’  
           Roles: Young People’s                Trust is excited to announce the        uk/trust-the-word
           writing                              winners of our first literary contest
                                                held last October. Have a read
                                                of some of the fantastic work by
                                                Lambeth young people.

           Danny BOY – Schools Film             finds herself in community service      she receives at work and her
           showing                              with a group of young LGBTQ+            personal life.
                                                offenders. Danny’s life is turned
           Danny BOY is a film based on 5       upside down once more when              Book a showing at your school
           LGBTQ+ young people living life      she falls for Lola and whilst Danny     and Q&A with Creator Rosh Payne
           in London dealing with different     is trying to get her life back on       and Director Veronica Fearon.
           dilemma in their everyday life.      track, she has a battle on her          Email
           Danny who after one bad decision     hands with the homophobic abuse

           LGBT+ Youth groups                   Inside Out                              Mosaic Youth Forum
                                                Are you 16-25 years old? Are you        More details visit:
           Star                                 a person of colour and LGBTQ+?
           Are you 13-19 years old?             Come and join us at our monthly         Contact:
           LGBTQ+? Come and join us at          group Inside Out! We provide a
           our weekly Friday group Star! We     cosy welcoming space where you          Tel: 07550 124393
           provide a cosy welcoming space       can feel comfortable, respected         @mosaiclgbtyouth
           where you can feel comfortable       & seen, connect with others, gain
           and respected, connect with          support from our experienced
           others, gain support from our        QTIPOC youth workers, and take
           experienced LGBTQ+ youth             part in as many of our youth-led
           workers, and take part in as         activities and outings as you wish!
           many of our youth-led activities     To register, just send an email to
           and outings as you wish!   
           To register, just send an email to   and mention ‘Inside Out group’.
           uk and mention ‘Star group’.
OT H E R E V E N T S                                                                          LGBTQ+ HISTORY MONTH 2021 / PAGE 13

                   LGBTQ+ at the library
                   All Lambeth Libraries

                   Lambeth Libraries hold special
                   collections of the best LGBTQ+
                   literature and non-fiction. During
                   February all our libraries will be
                   promoting some of the latest
                   and classic LGBTQ+ books.
                   Membership is free and there’s
                   a world to read… check out the
                   Library catalogue at

                   Queer Writing Listchallenges            Writing challenge   conversation by letting us know
                                                           LGBTQ-kids-YA or our LGBTQ+        which LGBTQ+ books you are
                   Why not check out one of our            Children’s and Young Adult         reading.
                   Queer Writing listchallenges this       recommendations
                   LGBTQ+ History Month? See how           LGBTQ-new-writing.                 Challenge in partnership with
                   many you’ve read or find some                                              Sheffield Libraries
                   new titles or authors to inspire you!   On Twitter? Follow @Lamlibs
                   Choose from our New LGBTQ+              #LGBTQHM21 and join the
OT H E R E V E N T S                                                                          LGBTQ+ HISTORY MONTH 2021 / PAGE 14

                   Ready, Steady, Census!               services are planned and funded       to build a better picture of society,
                                                        in your local area. This could mean   to combat inequality, and to show
                   The decennial census is almost       things like doctors’ surgeries,       where services are needed. If you
                   upon us. Households across           housing or new bus routes.            do not feel comfortable answering
                   Lambeth will soon be asked to        Census day is March 21.               on the same form as the rest of
                   take part in the nationwide survey                                         your household, you can request
                   of housing and the population.       This census there will be three       an individual census questionnaire
                   It has been carried out every        new questions, one on previous        and answer separately. For more
                   decade since 1801, with the          service in the UK Armed Forces,       information on the census and why
                   exception of 1941.                   and voluntary questions on            it is important to take part, please
                                                        sexuality and gender identity.        visit
                   Information from the digital-first   These have been included in order
                   census will help decide how
LAMBETH LIBRARIES                                                                         LGBTQ+ HISTORY MONTH 2021 / PAGE 15

Brixton Library          Streatham Library
Brixton Oval             63 Streatham High Road
SW2 1JQ                  SW16 1PN
Tel: 020 7926 1058       Tel: 020 7926 6768

Carnegie Library         Tate South Lambeth Library
192 Herne Hill Road      180 South Lambeth Road
SE24 0AG                 SW8 1QP
Tel: 020 7926 6050       Tel: 020 7926 0705

Clapham Library          Upper Norwood Library
Mary Seacole Centre      39-41 Westow Hill
91 Clapham High Street   SE19 1TJ
SW4 7DB                  Tel: 020 7926 1063
Tel: 020 7926 0717
                         Waterloo Library
Durning Library          The Oasis Centre
167 Kennington Lane      1 Kennington Road
SE11 4HF                 SE1 7QP
Tel: 020 7926 8682       Tel: 0207 926 8751

Minet Library            West Norwood Library         This information was believed to be correct at the time it was
52 Knatchbull Road       1-5 Norwood High Street      published, but may be subject to changes and circumstances outside
SE5 9QY                  SE27 9JX                     the control of the organisers. For more events and information visit
Tel: 0207 926 6073       Tel: 020 7926 8092 

                                                      Booking: Unless otherwise stated please book by phoning the local
                                                      library or emailing

                                                              We are proud that Gays the Word are our official bookseller
                                                              for the month.
H E A LT H A N D W E L L B E I N G                                                                               LGBTQ+ HISTORY MONTH 2021 / PAGE 16

                                                                                                                 St Thomas (Burrell Street and
                                                                                                                 Streatham Hill) and Camberwell
                                                                                                                 Sexual Health Centre. Visit
Lambeth Council offers care and       CliniQ is a holistic sexual health,   FindOut developed by our local       their websites to contact any
support services for adults, carers   mental health and wellbeing           partner organisation LGBT Hero       of the local clinics for a phone
and information about public          service for trans people delivered    this mapping tool details hundreds   appointment to discuss PrEP.
health. We can signpost you to the    from and in partnership with the      of organisations and services that
right places for answers on sexual    Caldecot Centre in Camberwell         will allow LGBTQ+ Londoners
health and HIV, mental wellbeing,     and is currently running limited      to easily access local services
diet and lifestyle advice to stay     face to face services while           tailored to them such as sexual
well, health checks, and choosing     amplifying its service with online    health, mental health, and other
NHS services.                         counselling. Appointments             advice and assistance services.
                                      are available for people with
You can access the resource           symptoms, cervical smears,
online at:                            hormone injections and hormone                                             Love, Sex, Life: Love, Sex, Life              blood tests.                                                               is a new sexual health promotion
health                                                                           service, a partnership consisting
                                                                                                                 of NAZ Project London (focusing
                                                                            DASH Lambeth, a drugs, alcohol       on outreach), Stephen Lawrence
                                                                            and sexual health integrated         Charitable Trust (SLCT) (focusing
                                                                            service. The service supports        on community engagement)
                                                                            young people under 21 and is         and Shape History (focusing
                                      Do It London, The London HIV
Stonewall, an LGBTQ+ rights                                                 delivered in a range of community    on communications strategy).
                                      Prevention Programme deliver a
charity and lobbying organisation,                                          venues across the borough.           The partnership provides
                                      sexual health promotion service
which provides key resources                                                Tel: 07741 077932                    access and support for BME
                                      called Do It London for gay and bi-
for LGBTQ+ people, and families                                             Email:          communities, and champions of
                                      sexual men across the capital. Our
of LGBTQ+ people: information                                                                                    social change. They also deliver
                                      experienced outreach team offer
on employment rights, hate                                                                                       sexual health awareness training
                                      confidential sexual health advice,
crime, coming out, asylum rights,                                                                                to professionals and community
                                      HIV testing and free condoms &
free research papers, and an                                                                                     champions working with the BME
                                      lube in venues most nights of the
interactive LGBTQ+ directory.                                                                                    community in LSL.
                                      week. Follow @doitldn on Twitter
Tel: 020 7593 1850                                                                                     
                                      where the team tweet out every
Email:          session’s venue and opening           PrEP stands for pre-exposure                  hours. For more information           prophylaxis and is a pill you can
                                      on how you can protect yourself       take to protect you from HIV. PrEP   For more information on
                                      from HIV, visit                       is now available from local sexual   groups in Lambeth, pop into
                                         health clinics at Guy’s and          your local library.
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