Lexis Juniors 2022 Australia - www.lexisjuniors.com

Page created by Cory Chambers
Lexis Juniors 2022 Australia - www.lexisjuniors.com
www. lexi s jun i ors.com


Lexis Juniors

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Lexis Juniors 2022 Australia - www.lexisjuniors.com

                                                       Table of Contents
                                                       1. TAP (Teen Activity Programs)                              3
                                                         Noosa | Sydney TAP Schedule 2022

                                                          1. Your First Day                                         4
                                                         2. Sample Timetable
                                                              - TAP General July / August                           5-6
                                                              - TAP General Dec / Jan 22                            7

                                                              Noosa | Sydney
                                                              - TAP Surfing June - Sep                              8

                                                              - TAP General July / August                           9-10

                                                       2. Parental Consent Form                                     11

                                                       3. Permission Form
                                                              3-1 Unsupervised Excursion                             12

Welcome to                                                    3-2 Unsupervised Surfing

                                                       4. Homestay Guideline and Use of Photo


Lexis                                                  5. Optional Tour July / August                               15

Juniors.                                                  *Forms 2, 3-1 and 3-2 are NOT required for students who have
                                                          daily transfer arrangement

Lexis English Juniors can be assured of a high
quality academic experience, within an industry-
leading group of language schools located at Byron
Bay, Noosa, Perth, Sydney and the Sunshine Coast.

At Lexis English we welcome over 1000 junior
students each year and with a cutting-edge
curriculum, the security and comfort of full
government accreditation and carefully selected
homestay families; we can ensure a level of care and
support that our junior students require, along with
a genuine life-changing experience.

LEXI S J U N I O R S 2 0 2 2

L ex i s Syd n ey | No o s a C a mpus —

TAP Schedule 2022
/ Program: TAP
 Campus | Program          Sydney | TAP General                           Sydney | TAP Surfing

 Dates                      4 July – 12 August 22                          13 June – 2 September 22

 Duration                     1 Week – 6 Weeks                                1 Week - 12 Weeks

 Program Start Date                                     Every Monday

 Pre Test                                               Not- Required

 Lessons & Activities     AM: 3 Hour English Lesson                     AM: 3 Hour English Lesson
 (Mon-Fri)                PM: Various Activities                        PM: Surfing

 Items to bring            Swimwear / Sports Shoes
                                                                          *Wet suits and surfboard provided

 Accommodation                               Homestay (Single or Double Placement)

 Age Range                                                   13-17

 Campus | Program           Noosa - TAP General                           Noosa - TAP Surfing

                            4 July – 26 August 22
 Dates                                                                     13 June – 2 September 22
                            19 Dec 22 – 6 January 23

 Duration                     1 Week – 8 Weeks                                1 Week – 12 Weeks

 Program Start Date                                     Every Monday

 Pre Test                                               Not- Required

 Lessons & Activities     AM: 3 Hours English Lesson                    AM: 3 Hour English Lesson
 (Mon-Fri)                PM: Various Activities                        PM: Surfing

 Items to bring            Swimwear / Sports Shoes
                                                                          *Wet suits and surfboard provided

 Accommodation                               Homestay (Single or Double Placement)

 Age Range                                                   13-17


 Noosa & Syd n ey C a mpus —

 TAP General / TAP Surfing
   / Your First Day….
   Your host families will bring you to reception. Please bring your PASSPORT and a copy of flight Ticket Itinerary (E-ticket) with you.

               When you come to reception you will be asked for
               your passport and to complete your address details
               on your student form. You will be to ask to wait at our
               student common area.
                                                                              Orientation & Assessment
(8:15 for Sydney)                                                             The Director, or Activity Co-ordinator will talk to you about:

                                                                                 The School                         Activities and excursions
                                                                                 The Academic Program               Beach Safety
                                                                                 Living in a Homestay               Rules and Regulations
                                                                                 Local Area

                                                                              You will be given a Welcome Pack and your passport will be
                                                                              returned. You will be required to sign a contract asking that
                                                                              whilst you are in the school, you will SPEAK ENGLISH ONLY.
               Assessment                                                     This is very important and will help you to quickly become a
                                                                              GREAT English speaker.
               Don’t worry! This is an assessment test to help us find
               the best class for you. You will be asked to:
                                                                                                                                               (8:30 for Sydney)
                 1. Answer 40 grammar questions
                 2. Do a short piece of writing

(9:00 for Sydney)
                                                                              Morning Break
                                                                              You will have a short break when you can meet the other
                                                                              students in the college. You can get a free cup of tea or coffee
               Interview                                                      from our kitchen area.

               The Director or Senior teacher will interview you. You                                                                          (10:00 for Sydney)
               will talk about your homestay family, your English
               level and the best class for you. You will be given your
               timetable and your books. You will be able to ask any
               questions that worry you. After your interview you can
               check your emails in our computer room or anywhere
               on campus on your laptop as our school has wireless

(10:15 for Sydney)

                                                                              Lunch Break
                                                                              Your homestay will provide you with a packed lunch which you
                                                                              can eat in the student lounge or on the balconies.
               Afternoon Activity
               You will join a fun afternoon activity. It may be on                                                                            (11:45 for Sydney)
               the beach so it is a good idea to always bring your
               swimming clothes to school. After the activity, the
               computer room is open or you can watch a movie or
               play table tennis until 5pm.

(12:30 for Sydney)


L exis No os a C a mp us —

TAP General July & August
Sample Schedule 2022
                 Date               Time                                    Activity

                                    08:30   Host families bring their students to Lexis campus (first day only)
  Day           Week 1    Week 5
                                    09:00   English Lesson

                                    10:30   Morning Break
  Mon            4 Jul     1 Aug
                                    10:50   English Lesson

                                    12:20   Lunch
  Tue            5 Jul     2 Aug

                                            Mon: Noosa Local Tour
                                            Tue: Hastings Street Quiz and Ice cream
  Wed            6 Jul     3 Aug
                                    13:15   Wed: Mountain Biking (Sports Shoes)
                                            Thu: Tennis (Sports Shoes)
                                            Fri:   Shopping at Sunshine Plaza (Spending money optional)
  Thu            7 Jul     4 Aug

                                    16:00   Return to the college
   Fri           8 Jul     5 Aug
                                    17:00   School closes. Return to homestay

                                    08:30   Host families bring their students to Lexis campus (first day only)
  Day          Week 2     Week 6
                                    09:00   English Lesson

                                    10:30   Morning Break
  Mon            11 Jul    8 Aug
                                    10:50   English Lesson

                                    12:20   Lunch
  Tue            12 Jul    9 Aug

                                            Mon: Noosa National Park (Walking Shoes, Hat and Sunscreen required) (11 Jul)
                                                   Boomerang Painting (8 Aug)
  Wed            13 Jul    10 Aug           Tue: Surf Life Saving Presentation and Activities (Swim-wear, Towel, Hat and
                                    13:15          Sunscreen required)
                                            Wed: Reptile Show
                                            Thu: Team Building Activity(Sports Shoes, Towel)

  Thu                                       Fri:   Riverside BBQ + Games - Start at 2pm and finish school at 6:00pm
                 14 Jul    11 Aug

                                    16:00   Return to the college
   Fri           15 Jul    12 Aug
                                    17:00   School closes. Return to homestay (18:00 on Friday 15 July & 12 Aug)

LEXI S J U N I O R S 2 0 2 2

                                                                     08:30              Host families bring their students to Lexis campus (first day only)
     Day               Week 3               Week 7
                                                                    09:00               English Lesson

                                                                     10:30              Morning Break
     Mon                 18 Jul              15 Aug
                                                                    10:50               English Lesson

                                                                     12:20              Lunch
     Tue                 19 Jul              16 Aug
                                                                                       Mon: Mount Coolum Hike (Sports Shoes, Water)

                                                                                       Tue: Didgeridoo Lesson

     Wed                                                                               Wed: Yoga / Beach Games (20 Jul)
                         20 Jul              17 Aug
                                                                    13:15                      Eumandi Market and Sunshine Plaza (9am-4pm) (17 Aug)

                                                                                       Thu: Sand Castle Competition(Hat and Sunscreen required)

                                                                                       Fri:    Mocktail Competition and Pizza night (22 Jul) - Finish school at 6:00pm
     Thu                 21 Jul              18 Aug
                                                                                               Movie and Pizza night (19 Aug) - Finish school at 6:00pm

                                                                     16:00              Return to the college
     Fri                 22 Jul              19 Aug
                                                                    17:00               School closes. Return to homestay (18:00 on Friday 16 Jul & 13 Aug)

                                                                     08:30              Host families bring their students to Lexis campus (first day only)
     Day               Week 4               Week 8
                                                                    09:00               English Lesson

                                                                     10:30              Morning Break
     Mon                 25 Jul              22 Aug
                                                                    10:50               English Lesson

                                                                     12:20              Lunch
     Tue                 26 Jul              23 Aug

                                                                                        Mon: Underwater World (Spending money optional)

     Wed                                                                                Tue: Pontoon Boating (Swim-wear, Towel, Hat and Sunscreen required)
                         27 Jul              24 Aug
                                                                    13:15               Wed: Surfing Lesson (Swim-wear, Towel, Hat and Sunscreen required)

                                                                                        Thu: Boxercise (Sports Shoes, Towel)

                                                                                        Fri:    Scavenger Photo Hunt (Camera)
     Thu                 28 Jul              25 Aug

                                                                     16:00              Return to the college
     Fri                 29 Jul              26 Aug
                                                                    17:00               School closes. Return to homestay

*NB: Activities are subject to change
*Host Family pick up time from school is not allowed to be changed by students
*You will spend time with host families on the weekend (Students who have daily transfers arranged)
*Students over the age of 15yo without daily transfers, host families bring & collect their students at campus on their first day only


L exis No os a C a mp us —

TAP General December &
January Sample Schedule 2022– 23
                 Date                                   Time                                                                          Activity
                                                        08:30                    Host families bring their students to Lexis campus (first day only)
     Day                    Week 1
                                                        09:00                    English Lesson

                                                        10:30                    Morning Break
     Mon                     19 Dec
                                                        10:50                    English Lesson

                                                        12:20                    Lunch
     Tue                     20 Dec
                                                                                 Mon: Noosa Local Tour
                                                                                 Tue: Hasting Street Quiz and Ice cream
     Wed                     21 Dec
                                                        13:15                    Wed: Surfing Lesson (*Bring swim-wear, towel and sunscreen)
                                                                                 Thu: Scavenger Photo Hunt
     Thu                     22 Dec                                              Fri: Australia Zoo (*Bring hat and sunscreen)

                                                        16:00                    Return to the college
      Fri                    23 Dec
                                                        17:00                    School closes. Return to homestay

                                                        08:30                    Host families bring their students to Lexis campus (first day only)
     Day                   Week 2
                                                        09:00                    English Lesson

                                                        10:30                    Morning Break
                             26 Dec
     Mon                 (NO SCHOOL)                    10:50                    English Lesson

                                                        12:20                    Lunch
     Tue                     27 Dec
                                                                                 Mon: NO SCHOOL
                                                                                 Tue: Under Water World
     Wed                     28 Dec
                                                        13:15                    Wed: Surfing Lesson (*Bring swim-wear, towel and sunscreen)
                                                                                 Thu: Sunshine Plaza Shopping (*Spending money optional)
     Thu                     29 Dec                                              Fri: Movie

                                                        16:00                    Return to the college
      Fri                    30 Jan
                                                        17:00                    School closes. Return to homestay

                                                        08:30                    Host families bring their students to Lexis campus (first day only)
     Day                   Week 3
                                                        09:00                    English Lesson

                                                        10:30                    Morning Break
                              2 Jan
     Mon                 (NO SCHOOL)
                                                        10:50                    English Lesson

                                                        12:20                    Lunch
     Tue                     3 Jan
                                                                                 Mon: NO SCHOOL
                                                                                 Tue: Didgeridoo Lesson
     Wed                     4 Jan
                                                        13:15                    Wed: Surfing Lesson (*Bring swim-wear, towel and sunscreen)
                                                                                 Thu: Beach Games (*Bring hat and sunscreen)
     Thu                     5 Jan                                               Fri: Hasting Street Quiz and Ice cream (*Spending money optional)

                                                        16:00                    Return to the college
      Fri                    6 Jan
                                                        17:00                    School closes. Return to homestay
*NB: Activities are subject to change   *Host Family pick up time from school is not allowed to be changed by students *You will spend time with host families on the weekend (Students who have daily transfers
arranged) *Students over the age of 15yo without daily transfers, host families bring & collect their students at campus on their first day only

LEXI S J U N I O R S 2 0 2 2

Lexi s Noos a & Sydn ey C a mpus —

TAP Surfing June - September
Schedule 2022
/ TAP Surfing
                Date                             Time                                                              Activity
                                                 08:30                Host families bring their students to Lexis Campus (first day only)

                                                 09:00                English Lesson
     13 June               Mon                   10:30                Morning Break

                                                 10:50                English Lesson

     |                     |                     12:20                Lunch

                                                 13:15                Transfer to Beach

     2 Sep                 Fri                   13:30                Surfing Lesson (swim-wear, towel, sunscreen, drinking water)

                                                 16:00                Transfer to the college

                                                 17:00                School closes. Return to homestay

*Sydney Campus timetable runs 30 mins earlier for Lessons and Activity (Lesson start time is 08:30 etc)
*Host Family pick up time from school is not allowed to be changed by students
*You will spend time with host families on the weekend (Students who have daily transfers arranged)
*Students over the age of 15yo without daily transfers, host families bring & collect their students at campus on their first day only
*Daily transfers between homestay and school is not provided at Byron Bay and Sydney Campuses

LEXI S J U N I O R S 2 0 2 2

L exis Syd n ey C a mp us —

TAP General July & August
Sample Schedule 2022
           Date                Time                                 Activity

                               08:00   Students arrive at Lexis campus
  Day      Week 1    Week 5
                               08:30   English Lesson

                               10:00   Morning Break
  Mon       4 Jul     1 Aug
                               10:15   English Lesson

                               11:45   Lunch
  Tue       5 Jul     2 Aug

                                       Mon: Walking Tour of Manly
                                       Tue: Manly Ferry to Circular Quay, City Walk
  Wed       6 Jul     3 Aug
                               12:45   Wed: Surfing
                                       Thu: Warringah Mall
                                       Fri:   Beach Volleyball
  Thu       7 Jul     4 Aug

                               15:30   Return to the college
  Fri       8 Jul     5 Aug
                               17:00   School closes. Return to homestay

                               08:00   Students arrive at Lexis campus
  Day     Week 2     Week 6
                               08:30   English Lesson

                               10:00   Morning Break
  Mon      11 Jul     8 Aug
                               10:15   English Lesson

                               11:45   Lunch
  Tue      12 Jul     9 Aug

                                       Mon: Decorate your boomerang
                                       Tue: Sea Kayaking / SUP
  Wed      13 Jul     10 Aug
                               12:45   Wed: Museum of Contemporary Art / The Rocks
                                       Thu: Beach Sports
                                       Fri:   Bowling and Pizza- Start at 2pm and finish school at 6:00pm
  Thu       14 Jul    11 Aug

                               15:30   Return to the college
  Fri       15 Jul    12 Aug
                               17:00   School closes. Return to homestay. (18:00 on Friday 15 July & 12 Aug)


                                        08:00   Students arrive at Lexis campus
    Day               Week 3
                                        08:30   English Lesson

                                        10:00   Morning Break
    Mon                  18 Jul
                                        10:15   English Lesson

                                        11:45   Lunch
    Tue                  19 Jul

                                                Mon: Sydney Attractions – City visit (SeaLife, WildLife and Madame Tussauds)

    Wed                                         Tue: Trivia Afternoon
                         20 Jul
                                        12:45   Wed: Fairlight Walk
                                                Thu: Aussie Food Tasting and Aussie Slang Workshop
                                                Fri:   Beach Sports and BBQ- Start at 2pm and finish school at 6:00pm
    Thu                 21 Jul

                                        15:30   Return to the college
     Fri                22 Jul
                                        17:00   School closes. Return to homestay. (18:00 on Friday 22 Jul)

                                        08:00   Students arrive at Lexis campus
    Day               Week 4
                                        08:30   English Lesson

                                        10:00   Morning Break
    Mon                  25 Jul
                                        10:15   English Lesson

                                        11:45   Lunch
    Tue                  26 Jul

                                                Mon: Visit Palm Beach

    Wed                                         Tue: Sydney Attractions – City visit (Sydney Tower + Pitt St Mall)
                         27 Jul
                                        12:45   Wed: Beach Sports
                                                Thu: Taronga Zoo
                                                Fri:   Scavenger Photo Hunt
    Thu                  28 Jul

                                        15:30   Return to the college
     Fri                 29 Jul
                                        17:00   School closes. Return to homestay

*NB: Activities are subject to change

LEXI S J U N I O R S 2 0 2 2

Lexis Noos a & Per t h C a mp us                       (For students over the age of 15 without daily transfers)
By ro n B ay & Syd n ey C a mp us

Parental Consent Form for
Lexis Skills & TAP (Under 18)
In order to ensure our students’ safety at all times, we thank you in advance for emailing a signed and dated version of this form to:

Lexis English has specific rules for the care of students under the age of 18 during their stay in Australia.

/ Australian Law                                                        / College Rules
    “NO” Consumption of alcohol (Australian Law)                           Curfew times (Students are to be home by 8pm Sun to Thu and
                                                                           by 10pm on Fri and Sat)
    “NO” Smoking including illegal substances (Australian Law)
                                                                           The host families always needs to be informed about absences
    “NO” Entering licensed premises (Bars or and night clubs)              during free time, or if the students is late for dinner
    (Australian Law)
                                                                           The students are responsible for potential damages caused at
                                                                           the accommodation

                                                                           A Surfing Permission Form needs to be signed by a parent if
                                                                           students wish to go surfing unsupervised with friends

                                                                           Students are not allowed to go for unsupervised surfing alone

Any violation of Australian Laws or College Rules, students may be sent home at their parents’ expense before the completion of their

Lexis English will not be held liable in the event of any harm coming to the student(s) while outside of the provided supervision.
Furthermore, Lexis English will not be held liable for any damage or monetary liability caused due to misconduct on behalf of the
student(s) while enrolled at Lexis English.

By signing this form I authorise my son/daughter to attend supervised activities which may include: surfing, kayaking, mountain biking,
excursions, barbeques and other activities as organised by Lexis English staff.

I hereby agree that my son/daughter has acknowledged and accepted the rules with Lexis English.


Student Name:

Parent/Guardian Name:

Parent/Guardian Ph(Home):                                          Ph(Cell):                          Email:

Parent/Guardian Signature:                                         Date:


L exi s Noos a & Per t h C a mp us                     (For students over the age of 15 without daily transfers)
Byro n B ay & Sydn ey C a mpus

Excursion Permission
It is the student’s responsibility to inform their host families of their whereabouts and remain contactable at all times.

/ Day Trips      (Please complete upon enrolment)

If you wish to allow your child to go on unsupervised excursions outside of the Local Area (within the time constraints of the curfews),
please give your permission by signing the form below:


Student Name:

Parent/Guardian Name:

Parent/Guardian Ph(Home):                                         Ph(Cell):                         Email:

Parent/Guardian Signature:                                        Date:

/ Overnight Trips         (This will require parental permission on a case by case basis)

Student must show their proposed itinerary to the college and Lexis will send the form below together with the itinerary to parents (via
agent) to obtain parental permission.

The below will be filled out at the Campus by the student and given to the Lexis Staff. Lexis English will email the details to the Agents/
Parents for their signature. Please note that 48hours processing time will be required.

Date from:                       Date to:                    Details of Excursion:

Destination:                             Purpose:                                 Transfer arrangement:

If you wish to allow your child to go on this unsupervised overnight excursion, please read the above details and sign below:


Student Name:

Parent/Guardian Name:

Parent/Guardian Ph(Home):                                         Ph(Cell):                         Email:

Parent/Guardian Signature:                                        Date:

LEXI S J U N I O R S 2 0 2 2

Lexis Noos a & Per t h C a mp us                      (For students over the age of 15 without daily transfers)
By ro n B ay & Syd n ey C a mp us

Surfing Permission
If you wish to allow your child to go unsupervised surfing with a friend, please provide the dates (can be whole duration of stay)
below and sign:

Date from:                      Date to:

*This needs to be submitted either before or after arrival at each Campus. 48hours processing time will be required.

*Even with the permission students are prohibited to surf at Alexander Bay and Granite Bay in Noosa, anywhere except Manly Beach in

*Even with the permission students are prohibited to surf at Alexander Bay, Granite Bay in Noosa, anywhere except Manly Beach in
Sydney, Tarross and Broken Head in Byron Bay, Scarborough Beach or Trigg Beach Perth.

Lexis English will not be held liable in the event of any harm coming to the student(s) while outside of the provided supervision.
Furthermore, Lexis English will not be held liable for any damage or monetary liability caused due to misconduct on behalf of the
student(s) while enrolled at Lexis English, during the student’s enrolment.

I hereby agree that my son/daughter has my permission to go on the above excursion or unsupervised surfing except these prohibited
surfing points.


Student Name:

Parent/Guardian Name:

Parent/Guardian Ph(Home):                                        Ph(Cell):                         Email:

Parent/Guardian Signature:                                       Date:


L exi s En gl i sh —

Homestay Guideline &
Use of Photos and Videos
/ Homestay in Australia
Please read all of Homestay information carefully, this information will help you make the most of your stay with our great families.
We understand sometimes it is difficult and confusing when you first arrive and our families understand this to, but they will always
help and advise you, so please do not be afraid to ask!

1. RELIGION                                                         6. TOILETRIES
Australians are primarily Christians; however people can            The host family will provide Soap only in the bathrooms,
practise their religions freely.                                    all other toiletries for example, toothbrush, toothpaste,
                                                                    shampoo and deodorants must be provided by yourself.

In Australia women and men are equal, you speak to a                7. BATHROOMS
woman with the same respect as you would to a man. In               Please do not be too long in the shower, one 5 minute
Australia men and women do the same tasks, cleaning                 shower a day is acceptable as Australia is a water conscious
of the house, washing of dishes, clothes etc... are shared          country.
among the members of the family including a little help
from yourself maybe!
                                                                    8. TELEPHONE
3. RESPECT                                                          If you wish to use the Homestay telephone you must ask
                                                                    permission from your host family first. Make sure you
Australians can be humorous, friendly, easy going people
                                                                    do not spend too long on each call. If you wish to make
and believe in respect for each other, it is considered
                                                                    international calls from the home telephone you should
polite to say “PLEASE” and “THANK YOU” when asking
                                                                    purchase an international telephone card – see Reception
for or receiving anything. Please remember to greet your
                                                                    upon arrival for more information.
Homestay hosts eg: Good morning, good day, hello and
                                                                    9. PART OF THE FAMILY
4. MEALS                                                            A Homestay can be an interesting and rewarding
You will receive 3 meals a day from your host, breakfast, a         experience for you and the family. It offers you an
packed lunch and evening dinner with the family.                    opportunity to better understand Australian culture, whilst
                                                                    also offering a secure and safe environment to live in. Try
                                                                    to fit into your host family and enjoy living as part of their
5. LAUNDRY                                                          family unit.
Your host family will wash all your dirty laundry for you, just
ask where you must put your laundry to be washed.

Talking is the best way to solve any problems, smile and interact with the family; your visit to Australia will then become a happy and
memorable experience that you will never forget. Please talk to Lexis staff if you have any problems!

/ Use of Photos and Video
The photos and videos taken during the program may be used for Lexis English blogs, web page or other marketing related
materials. Please check our blog for update news. If you have concerns of the use of photos or videos, please contact Lexis staff or
your agent. www.lexisjuniors.com

LEXI S J U N I O R S 2 0 2 2

Lexis En gl i sh —

Optional Weekend
Activities 2022
It is the student’s responsibility to inform their host families of their whereabouts and remain contactable at all times.

/ Noosa & Sunshine Coast Campus
       9 July   Fraser Island Day Trip                 $220

      23 July   Movie World (Gold Coast)               $170

    6 August    Australia Zoo (Sunshine Coast)         $90

   13 August    Dream World (Gold Coast)               $170

/ Sydney Campus
      16 July   Blue Mountains Day Trip                $170

    6 August    Port Stephens + Dolphin                $200

*Lexis English staff will accompany the students on these excursions. The excursions may be cancelled if there is not a minimum of 8
students. Please book these excursions with Lexis staff after your arrival.

*Activities are subject to change

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