Let the Good Times Roll ! - More pictures beginning on page 34 - Volume57,No.2 Circulation4,000 Garland,Texas March2021 - Hella Shrine Temple

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Let the Good Times Roll ! - More pictures beginning on page 34 - Volume57,No.2 Circulation4,000 Garland,Texas March2021 - Hella Shrine Temple
Volume 57, No. 2   Circulation 4,000   Garland, Texas   March 2021

     Let the Good Times Roll !

           More pictures beginning on page 34
Let the Good Times Roll ! - More pictures beginning on page 34 - Volume57,No.2 Circulation4,000 Garland,Texas March2021 - Hella Shrine Temple
Camel’s Calf                                                             www.hellashrine.org   editor@hellashrine.org
                   HELLA TEMPLE
                 Official Publication of
                                                                                                    SHRINE CLUBS
                                                                                                                   Greater Southwest
         2121 Rowlett Road, Garland, TX 75043                                                                          Don “Typo” Camp
               Telephone 972.240.6624                                             Bowie / Cass                           214.403.5870
                                                                                                                                                      North Texas
                 www.hellashrine.org                                                 Michael Lusk                   don.camp56@yahoo.com                 Jasen Davis
                Created May 31, 1887                                                 903-832-8056                                                       903.357.0769
               Chartered June 22, 1888                                          legalaggie@yahoo.com               Hillbilly Clan #123            japdavis0720@gmail.com
                   at Dallas, Texas                                                                                  Steve “Tiny” Whitehead
                    Elective Divan
                                                                            Frisco / Collin County                 stevew@finelinemetal.com                Plano
             Mike Hall, Illustrious Potentate                                         Robert Bell                                                        Bob Walton
Nick “Scuba” Fehrenbach                    Chief Rabban                            972.2952.8805                 North Collin County                   469.261.1603
Nate Fuller                            Assistant Rabban                        robertdbell@gmail.com                   Steve Brazeal               bwalton3@verizon.net
Steve Lang                         High Priest & Prophet                                                               214.448.3341
Casey Bostain                             Oriental Guide                                                             smbrazeal@aol.com
                                                                                      Garland                                                        Top of Dallas
Steve “Ace” Eason                              Treasurer
                                                                                      Butch Johns                   North East Texas                    Wayne Walker
Wayne Osborne, PP                               Recorder
                                                                                     214.384.8677                     Rhett McCullough                  214-724-3666
                  Appointive Divan                                          bernard.johns2010@yahoo.com                 903.767.2488
Bernard “Butch” Johns       First Ceremonial Master
Lance “Krash” Goff       Second Ceremonial Master                                                              UNIT HEADS
Ken Dillingham                              Director
Everett Warner                              Marshal                             Director of Units                        Greeters                  Nobles of Note
Warren Allen                   Captain of the Guard                                 Ken Dillingham                       Brian Cook                  Herman Campbell
Douglas Bankston                       Outer Guard                                   214.802.2930                       214-264-7879                  972.809.8316
Steve Leverett                             Chaplain                              kjdilling@gmail.com              rbriancook74@gmail.com          herman@cedarealty.com
Jim Heisz                           Temple Attorney
                                                                                101 Association                            Guards                 Novice Committee
         Representatives to Imperial Council
                                                                                     Steve Conley                          Terry Pryor                   Patrick Lee
Mike Hall                       Illustrious Potentate
                                                                                     214.558.3852                         214.538.8709                  214.762.1730
Nick Fehrenbach                         Chief Rabban
                                                                                 stebev2@frontier.com               terry.pryor@yahoo.com            pat@bormann.com
Nate Fuller                        Assistant Rabban
Steve Lang                    High Priest & Prophet
Larry Winkle, PP                 Treasurer Emeritus                                A-La-Karts                      Gun & Rod Club                   Oriental Band
                                                                                      David Sims                            Paul Witt                  Warren Allen
Don (Typo) Camp                                Editor                               972.273.9853                         972.742.5374                 214.801.1419
Deborah Gonzalez                     Assistant Editor                        david.sims1964@gmail.com                   pwia@aol.com               wtallen2019@att.net
Andrew James                    Advertising Manager
Darrell Hefley                          Press Corps                                Arab Patrol                         Hella Hams                Parade Committee
Jeff Haven                    Assistant Press Corps                                 Grady Smith                         Bill Caldwell                  Steve Leverett
John Rodriguez, PP                  Public Relations                                214.878.2032                        214.500.3472                   214.695.3016
Chance “Ocho” Noble                 Public Relations                           grady_j_smith@aol.com                bblazer1@verizon.net        Steve_Leverett@hotmail.com
Vivian Lopez                              Accountant
Andrew James            Sales and Catering Manager
                                                                                     Barstools                   Hella VA Mixed Brew                Peace Officers
Rickey Hall         Kitchen & Dining Room Manager
                                                                                    John Whaley                           Kevin Finnell                 Joe Sudderath
Matt Cast                     Membership Chairman
                                                                                    972.571.5820                          214.914.6770                  972.345.1951
                                                                                 Jhwhaley@swbell.net               richard.finnell@verizon.net      bigjoetx1@gmail.com
Executive Aide:    David Sims
Potentate’s Aides: Louis Tolliver Charlie Prock
                   Kevin Finnell  Warren Allen                                 Black Horse Patrol                 Hospital Committee                  Press Corps
		                                                                                    Lee Ragsdale                      Freddy Cooper                   Darrell Hefley
             Hospital Board of Governors                                              903.456.0819                      903.268.5246                    817.846.9224
Ken Flournoy                      Houston Emeritus                             lee.ragsdale@gmail.com             fcooper1161@yahoo.com              darrellhef@att.net
Jeff Haven                                     Texas
Jim Heisz                                      Texas                                  Clowns                   Hospital Transportation             Provost Guard
Bob Moore                                      Texas                            Kevin “Scooter” Finnell                John Rodriguez                  Larry Gammill
John Rodriguez, PP               Galveston Emeritus                                  214.914.6770                       972.948.3460                   972.841.2085
James W. Hendrix                   Trustee Emeritus                           richard.finnell@verizon.net           john@jbrodriguez.com         slabdancer43@reagan.com

                      HELLA TEMPLE                                          Concert / German Band                  Knights of Mecca                  Rollin’ Nobles
                     2121 Rowlett Road                                                Alton Polk                         C. D. Kelton                  Forest Murley
                    Garland, Texas 75043                                             214.607.0633                       469.831.0985                   972.898.2727
                                                                                  alpolk@yahoo.com                candowindows@hotmail.com         fmurley@sbcglobal.net
            Stated Sessions: Third Thursday
             Except June, July and August
                                                                                 Directors Staff                    Legion of Honor                  Sons of Hella
        The Camel’s Calf (UPS 080590, ISSN 0164-8594) is                             Ken Dillingham                     Charlie Daniels                  Don Young
published monthly except June and July by Hella Temple.                               214.802.2930                        469.562.2629                  214.502.4046
Periodicals Postage is paid at Garland, Texas, and at all                         kjdilling@gmail.com                 tc.iaid@yahoo.com                dryone@wt.net
additional mailing offices. Please send address changes to Hella
Temple, 2121 Rowlett Road, Garland, Tx, 75043.
    Subscription Rate - $.50 Per Year
   Fifty cents of the Annual Membership Dues are paid as a year’s
                                                                              Drum & Bugle Corp                         Mini Patrol              Temple Fundraising
subscription to the Camel’s Calf. The purpose of this publication is                   Billy Cryer                      Alan Robertson                  Charles Lee
to report the programs and official activities of Hella Shrine Temple,                469.569.8993                        903.821.4241                 972-768-5017
Shriner’s Hospitals for Children, Shrine Associations, Masonic                billy.cryer1947@gmail.com            arobertson@broncomfg.net          ccjcle@gmail.com
Bodies, and other items of particular interest to Shriners.
  Articles for the Camel’s Calf are typeset by the editor by the 25th
of the month preceding the month of publication. To ensure that                   Flying Fezzes                        Motor Patrol
your article is included, please have your article into the Temple
editor no later than the 20th of the month. Contributions of
                                                                                      Jerry Reddy                         Guido Costa
photographs and news items of interest to the Nobility are                           214-683-9053                         214.773.7931
solicited, and will be returned only upon request.                                 jwr_jr@swbell.net                 costagb85@gmail.com

Page 2                                                                   The Camel’s Calf : Publication of Hella Shrine, Dallas, Texas
Let the Good Times Roll ! - More pictures beginning on page 34 - Volume57,No.2 Circulation4,000 Garland,Texas March2021 - Hella Shrine Temple
Just a little note from your Potentate....

                                 I hope everyone is safe and warm after this winter storm we went
                           through. I know I have heard of some with busted pipes and damaged
                           water heaters. We have not seen weather like this in my life time. So
                           far we have been lucky not to have any damage. Of course the electric-
                           ity going off for 35 minutes after being on for an hour did not help. We
                           were better off than a lot of people that did not have any electricity. The
                           main thing is that everyone is OK.
                                 I want to once again thank the Hella Shrine Decorating Commit-
tee for the spectacular job they did for the Potentate’s Ball. This Committee, headed up by Ben and Diane Wilson, went
way beyond First Lady Dianne and my expectations. They did all of this and was still under budget by $500.00. The 18
wheelers were magnificent. I had told my Dianne that I would not be surprised if Ben had figured out how to get a Peter-
bilt truck inside the terrace room. Instead of one he had 4. Then the Ball Room was exactly what our First Lady wanted.
         We did have approximately 150 people brave the cold weather to come to the Ball. It was great seeing our friends
from Hella and from the other Temples. We started with a happy hour in the Terrace room then moved to the Ball room
to enjoy a great meal prepared by Hella’s own Rickey Hall and his crew. Everyone was talking about how good the meal
was. Then dancing with music from the Blandells.
         I do want to say a special thank you and Semper Fi to Noble Bill Borne. He did a great job with the music when
we were introduced. Then the musician that was supposed to play background music for our happy hour and during din-
ner had to cancel. I asked Noble Bill if he could help out. Not only did he agree but he did a great job. Thank you Noble
Bill Borne.
         Don’t forget, in April we go on our Annual Paragon Casino Trip. It will be the 25th and 26th. Look for the Flyer
in this month’s Camels Calf.

Mike Hall
Hella Potentate 2021

March Greetings from First Lady Dianne!
         2021 has gotten off to a blast…an artic blast, that is! This has been a week to go in the books
what with the low temps, snow and ice, and windchills in the minus degrees. I have never experi-
enced a week like it. I’m ready for a “normal” Texas winter where the temps don’t get below freezing
at night (very often) and in the 60’s or higher during the day. Being a Native Texan, I was NOT cut out
to be a Northern girl! Mike and I were very fortunate that we did not have any broken pipes, did not
have to go without water, and only had to go without electricity (in an all-electric house) for a short
time. Thank goodness we had a wood burning fireplace and lots of wood to keep us warm. The only
ones in the Hall household that seem to enjoy the weather were our two big dogs…Dice and Jewels.
         The Potentate’s Ball, considering COVID-19 and the cold, icy weather, was a HUGE success. For those of you that
were not able to come, you missed the most spectacular decorations ever! Diane and Ben Wilson did a fantastic job of heading
up Hella’s Decorating Committee. I have always said that Hella has the best Decorating Committee ever and they did not let me
down this year at all. I still get teary eyed just thinking about it. The Ballroom was spectacular, but the Terrace Room…WOW!
The four (4) eighteen-wheelers were a sight to behold. Ben, and his son Eddie, did a fantastic job making the trucks that served
as the lines for the food. A big shout out and thank you goes to everyone on the Decorating Committee for their efforts, hard
work and long hours. I cannot begin to thank you enough for “A Night to Remember”.
         Now on to the rest of the year. We have lots of things planned and hope everyone can join us. However, safety is our
number one concern so only come and join us if you feel safe. In the words of Imperial Potentate, Jim Smith, let’s
                                                           “Have Fun in ’21”!

                                      The Camel’s Calf : Publication of Hella Shrine, Dallas, Texas                       Page 3
Let the Good Times Roll ! - More pictures beginning on page 34 - Volume57,No.2 Circulation4,000 Garland,Texas March2021 - Hella Shrine Temple
Chief Rabban
                            Wow, what a month February was. We had a record-breaking snow storm that caused massive power
                            outages in the State, which resulted in numerous people having frozen water pipes. I hope that each
                            of you came through the storm with your health in tact and no major damage to your home. It is dur-
                            ing times like this that we need to reach out to each other and make sure our fellow Nobles are safe
                            and in good health. As bad as the storm was, it is comforting to know that as a Noble of the Mystic
                            Shrine we did not have to go through this alone. If you know of a Noble who is having a hard time
                            recovering from the winter storm, lets work together to try and help them out.

As we put winter weather behind us, it is time for many of our Units to have their Mid-Winter meetings and competitions. If you
are traveling to a Mid-Winter meeting, be careful on road. If you are competing, represent Hella proudly. But most importantly
enjoy your time with Nobles from around the State because fun and fellowship is the founding principle of the Shrine.

Nick Fehrenbach
Chief Rabban

                                                          High Priest and Prophet
                           Greeting Nobles,

                       Well.....we all survived the Ice Age of 2021! Some better than others when it comes to frozen pipes and
                       all, but we did all come through! We have a great time ahead of us! The Fundraising Committee met this
                       past Monday and we have several events that we are putting together to raise money for both Hella and
                       our great philanthropy, our Shriner Hospitals for Children. WE NEED YOUR HELP! We will have op-
                       portunities for folks to help secure raffle prizes, to get individuals or companies to sponsor an event in
                       some way, to help at the event in the concession stand or some other way the day of the event. I’ve put on
                       2 cornhole tournaments and both times I have gotten so many compliments on the way we did things and
                       the fact that nobles and their ladies showed up to help and to just BE THERE for the event. That makes
me proud and makes me feel so good to do what we do as Shriners!

We have cornhole tournaments, a BBQ cook-off, a Sportsman’s Banquet, and some other events as well. Please think about what
you can do, what you LIKE to do, and how you can help in any way. If you are a social media wizard I REALLY need to talk to
you about publicizing and advertising our events. That would help in SO MANY ways !! We can hold all the events we want, but if
we don’t let people know about them then we did all the work for nothing. We need to be more socially visable and make sure that
folks know about Hella and what we do to help the children! Look for the calendar of events and see which ones you may like to
help with and please look me up at the Stated Meeting and let me know what you think you could do to help our fundraising cause.
We would love to have you!

Keep in mind that we have the Potentate’s Golf Tournament coming up April 24th. Get your foursome together and let’s have a great
time! Lance Goff does an AWESOME job putting this together and is appreciated more than he knows! Come out to Woodbridge
Golf Club in Wylie, shoot that low score and claim a trophy! We had a great time last year and look to make it even better this year !

Let’s all have a great March and look ahead to the summer months and the chance to do a few more things! We have TSA and
Imperial coming up if we have no other setbacks. Hopefully we can have a great turnout in Houston for Imperial! We just need to
be diligent in our continued efforts to help slow down the spread of the virus. We certainly want to keep all our nobles safe and do
the right thing when it comes to doing our part for the greater good. I’m excited to get back to normal and to get to be around my
brothers again!


Steve Lang
High Priest and Prophet

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Let the Good Times Roll ! - More pictures beginning on page 34 - Volume57,No.2 Circulation4,000 Garland,Texas March2021 - Hella Shrine Temple
Oriental Guide
                            Greetings Nobles!
                                   The last thirty days have been like drinking from a fire-hose, but its been a blast! I really appreciate
                            everyone going out of their way to introduce themselves and lend me a helping hand. I’ve sat in a hand-
                            ful of meetings and listened to the leadership of this Shrine discuss back and forth our personal values,
                            fraternal principles, and what measures we can take to make sure this lasts forever. The collective “grey
                            matter” of this Shrine is only matched by the hearts of those who dedicate their time here. I really feel
                            like we are a family!
                                   I pray that everyone came out of the great 2021 Winter Storm safe, sound, and with a new apprecia-
                            tion for God’s gift of electricity, gas, and clear roads! Our beloved building sustained minimal damage
and is being repaired as I write this. Yes, we had to take an entire week off and move our activities to the following week, but it
shows the willingness of each person to put the work in and get things done.
        As God’s imperfect children, we can suffer from a natural negative-bias until we really know how good we have it. What
separates you from the pack is your positive attitude and your willingness to “make things happen,” Hella Shrine has back bone.
We have might, we have grit, we have endurance, we have experience, and we have a drive for what we do here. How can we all
work together as Nobles of this cherished Shrine? What would you like to see change? How can we accomplish that as partners?
Teamwork makes the dream work, and we are in a very exciting time. What is your vision for Hella?
        If this all comes across like I’m a cheerleader....good! I am. We have a lot of wins to celebrate together, and some planning
to make wins happen in the future. It is an honor and privilege for me to be a Noble of this Shrine, lets rock it!

From the world’s oldest fraternity sprang the world’s greatest philanthropy: Shriners!

Casey Bostain
Hella Shrine Oriental Guide

                                                         Chaplin’s Corner
                                                 Spring is Just Around the Corner
                            Song of Solomon 2:11-12
                                 11 For lo, the winter is past, The rain is over and gone.
                                 12 The flowers appear on the earth; The time of singing has come,
                                 And the voice of the turtledove Is heard in our land. (NKJV)

                                    As I sit here at my laptop writing this I look outside, the ground is white with snow. I ask myself
                             is spring really just around the corner? Meteorologists and climatologists break the seasons down into
                             groupings of three months based on the annual temperature cycle as well as our calendar; spring includes
March, April, and May. According to the weatherman it’s already Spring. Astronomically the vernal or spring equinox is on or
around March 21. In that case Spring is still about three weeks away.
         In verse 11 above I thought about substituting snow for rain. However my brother, a retired Army Chaplin, reminded me
“no substitutions in the inspired text.” After a little research I found out what King Solomon was referring to when he said “The
rain is over.” Israel had two rainy seasons with the last one ending in February or March. Verse 12 reminds us that we will soon see
flowers blooming, trees budding out, and hear songbird’s voices in the air. Yes Spring is just around the corner.
         Spring is a time to open up the house and let the sun shine in, do some spring cleaning, get the garden planted, check out the
lawn mower to make sure it’s ready for the new season, as well as other tasks you do at the arrival of Spring. Try this year to spring
clean you mind as well, get rid of some of the junk in your head. Forgive those who have wronged you, quit holding that grudge
you may have, put last year behind you and look forward to this new season.
         Spring is also a time of renewal. This Spring I encourage everyone to renew your commitment to Hella Shrine, your Blue
Lodge, your family, your job, but most of all your commitment to God. After all it is God, the Grand Architect of the Universe, who
gives us the seasons. God told Noah after the flood: “While the earth remains, Seedtime and harvest, Cold and heat, Winter and
summer, And day and night Shall not cease.” Genesis 8:22 (NKJV)
Please inform the Hella office if you or anyone you know becomes ill or injured. God bless you, your family, and loved ones.
Steven Leverett
                                         The Camel’s Calf : Publication of Hella Shrine, Dallas, Texas                               Page 5
Let the Good Times Roll ! - More pictures beginning on page 34 - Volume57,No.2 Circulation4,000 Garland,Texas March2021 - Hella Shrine Temple
Assistant Rabban
                        Greeting Nobles, wishing you all the utmost safety and good health. The Membership com-
                        mittee meeting will continue, the meeting interval has changed, now on the 4th Wednesday,
                        at 6:30 pm. Dinner WILL be served at each meeting.

                        As we all know, the Covid Vaccine is being distributed. Hopefully some level of normalcy
                        will prevail as a result during this year, and allow Hella to get back to the business at hand. I
                        hope to see you at the meeting!

It’s with great honor and humility that I accepted and was installed in January to represent Hella as Assistant Rabban.
I’ll perform the duties of my office to the best of my ability. Please step forward when asked to participate in our ef-
forts of encouraging new members, and welcoming them and their families to their new Hella Shrine family!

We continue to encourage each of you to be safe and adhere to social distancing when possible. If you are in a high-
risk category, I strongly urge you to wear the protection during any meetings at the Temple and remain safe.

If you don’t feel comfortable within a group of 10+, certainly stay home and stay safe.

Upcoming Meetings and Events:

         Membership Meeting will March 24, 2021; watch the Camels Calf for updates on Membership activity.
         We have a Spring Ceremonial planned for May 15, 2021

We currently have 4 petitions, and at last 3 more in the works.

My plan is to visit as many lodges as possible, encouraging Master Masons to become Nobles of the Shrine, by en-
lightening them of our Activities, Fun and Fellowship that awaits them and their families!

There are 130 Masonic Lodges within our jurisdiction and 66 within a 40-mile radius of the Temple. These 66 will be
my primary focus this year, though all 130 Lodge Secretaries will receive a letter to be read at their Stated Meetings
about Hella and encouraging all who are interested to contact me. I will need assistance! I’ll speak to the overall plan
during our Membership meeting… please come and participate!!

All Nobles must continue to exhibit an Ambassador role when communicating our purpose and activities to all Master
Masons within the appendant bodies that we attend. This is VERY important!

We are HELLA, and we serve the greatest purpose in support of our Shriners Children’s Hospital and your Temple.

Please stand up and be counted when called upon to lead or participate.

Be safe, diligent and stay healthy!

Nate Fuller
Assistant Rabban

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Let the Good Times Roll ! - More pictures beginning on page 34 - Volume57,No.2 Circulation4,000 Garland,Texas March2021 - Hella Shrine Temple
Suggested Blue Lodge Program
Shriners International, also commonly known as The Shriners or formerly known as the Ancient Arabic Order of the Nobles of the
Mystic Shrine, (AAONMS) is a Masonic society established in 1870 and is headquartered in Tampa, Florida. Shriners International
describes itself as a fraternity based on fun, fellowship, and the Masonic principles of brotherly love, relief, and truth.

         In The Beginning… In 1870 a group of Masons gathered frequently for lunch in New York City. Among the regulars were
Walter M. Fleming, M.D. and William J. “Billy” Florence, an actor. The group frequently talked about starting a new fraternity for
Masons – one centered on fun and fellowship, more than ritual. Fleming and Florence took this idea seriously enough to do some-
thing about it.
         Billy Florence had been on tour in France, and had been invited to a party given by an Arabian diplomat. The exotic style,
flavors and music of the Arabian-themed party inspired him to suggest this as a theme for the new fraternity. Walter Fleming, a de-
voted fraternity brother, built on Florence’s ideas and used his knowledge of fraternal ritual to transform the Arabian theme into the
Ancient Arabic Order of the Nobles of the Mystic Shrine (A.A.O.N.M.S.).
         By June 1922 the cornerstone had been laid for the first Shriners Hospitals for Children® in Shreveport, La. The first patient
to be admitted in 1922 was a little girl with a clubfoot, who had learned to walk on the top of her foot rather than the sole.
         In 1926 the Hella Shrine Hospital for Crippled Children in Dallas, Texas, became the Scottish Rite Children’s Hospital and
the oversight and support was assumed by the Scottish Rite Bodies.
         Never does a Shriner stand so tall as when he stoops to help a child. Through the remarkable foresight, commitment and
fundraising skills of the Shriners International (Headquarters in Tampa) nearly one million children have been treated at one of the
21 Shriners Hospitals for Children across the United States, and in Canada and Mexico.
         There are 196 Temples worldwide and approximately 350k members. Shriners International is a fraternity based on fun,
fellowship and the Masonic principles of brotherly love, relief and truth. We strive to continue support and provide care for our
Hospitals for Children with a worldwide network, no matter the families ability to pay.
         Shriners International is among the greatest Philanthropy’s on the planet! Shriners Hospitals for Children has 21 health
systems within the United States!

Hella Hospital Fund Raisers include (not limited to):
•        IHOP Day - members staff the restaurants within our jurisdiction and take donations for the purpose of supporting our kids,
while IHOP offers all free pancakes on this one-day event.
•        Bucket Drive - Annual Collection Brigades, staff designated street locations to collect money for our hospitals (Fez on the
corner, branding at its best!) Usually a two-day event. Shifts are available, any time increments from 30 min to 8 hours.
•        Hella Classic Dirt Track Race - Usually taking place at the Greenville Super Bowl Speedway. This event usually raises 20-
30k dollars for our kids. Toys and Bicycles are drawn by tickets obtained at the box office and handed out by Nobles of the Shrine.
It’s always a great family activity!
•        Clubs and Units around the jurisdiction of Hella will conduct annual fund raisers as well, and contribute to the Hospitals,
Hospital Transportation, etc.
•        We raised more than 75k dollars in 2020 through these events!

Fun and Fellowship activities include (not limited to):
•      Potentates Ball - Formal party, well decorated with live music, dancing, dinner and open bar!
•      New Year’s Party - Decorated Ball Room, live music, dancing, and dinner, Champagne and Black-Eyed peas at mid night!
•      Super Bowl Party!
•      Jalapeno Cook-Off!
•      Easter Egg Hunt!
•      Hella Golf Tournament!
•      Sanctioned BBQ Contest!
•      Corn Hole Tournaments!
•      Halloween Party
•      Christmas Party!
•      City Parade participation, at least 3 times per year (every night of the State Fair of Texas)

There are many Hella Units available to entertain your special interest:
Clown Unit			                    Directors Staff
Brew Club			                     Greeters
101’s 				                       Oriental Band
Just to name a few, there are many others… come and explore the options!

Hella Shrine is in NO WAY trying to attract your attention away from your Blue Lodge commitment, but instead offer additional
fraternal options that include your family. You’ll meet many new friends, and be involved in as much or as little as you wish. There
is NO required participation.
         Stated Meeting is on the third Thursday of each month, except June-August (DARK)

                                        The Camel’s Calf : Publication of Hella Shrine, Dallas, Texas                            Page 7
Let the Good Times Roll ! - More pictures beginning on page 34 - Volume57,No.2 Circulation4,000 Garland,Texas March2021 - Hella Shrine Temple
Hella Membership Committee
       So far this year we had to contend with the 19 and the cold weather. Now this month we need to
look at Hella Shrine membership.      Membership
                                         Spring is here andCommittee
                                                                  we need petitions. Our petitions come from the
Blue Lodges. Please be active in your Blue Lodge by teaching, doing the floor work, and being on the
    The Membership Committee meets the first Wednesday of the month and we hope we will have our next
degree    teams. By doing these things you will become a close friend and brother to the newly raised
    meeting on August 5, 2020. We are always looking for motivated Nobles and their Ladies to promote Hella
Master    Masons
    Shrine.        in your of
              The purpose    lodge
                                the and other members.
                                     Membership     Committee is to promote the Shrine and there are many
       We    need  everyone’s    help in our  membership
    opportunities to help. We need Ambassadors to promote       drive.
                                                                   the Remember,     the membership
                                                                       Shrine in the Blue Lodges. We alsomeeting   is the
                                                                                                           are trying
4th to
     Wednesday    of aeach
       put together    phone month  at 6:30topm.
                                committee        Please
                                              reach        come
                                                      out to       andto
                                                               Nobles  help  in growing
                                                                         invite           Helladown
                                                                                them to come    Shrine   Temple
                                                                                                       and        mem-
                                                                                                           enjoy the
    fun and fellowship that is the Shrine. We also need people to help with some of the membership events
           youcoming  up. Ifquestions,
                have any     you have an idea on
                                       please  callhow
                                                     andwe/orcan promote
                                                               email       the Shrine,
                                                                      me. Take         we would
                                                                                 care and  let us love to hear them.
    So come on down to the Shrine and join us on the Membership Committee. We will not have a light meal
    at 6:30 as in the past, the meeting starts at 7:00 pm on the first Wednesday of each month.
Matt M. Cast
CellNick Fehrenbach
   Assistant Rabban
Membership Chairman

    Masonry takes good men and makes them better

                                                                  Shriners take
                                                                  Masons and
                                                                    make the
                                                                  world better
Page 8                              The Camel’s Calf : Publication of Hella Shrine, Dallas, Texas
Let the Good Times Roll ! - More pictures beginning on page 34 - Volume57,No.2 Circulation4,000 Garland,Texas March2021 - Hella Shrine Temple
Become a Shriner!!
      Hella Spring Ceremonial
                  May 15, 2021
                   Hella Temple
Honoring Ill. Sir Morgan Robne�
     Registra�on begins at 8:00 AM at Hella Shrine Temple
                 2121 Rowle� Road, Garland, TX
 Preregistra�on cost for the Spring 2020 Ceremonial is $290, this
  includes a Fez, Ini�a�on Fee and dues for 2020. This does NOT
    include Per Capita or Hospital Assessment which totals $35.
      Any ques�ons call the Shrine office (972) 240-6624 or
   Lance Goff at 214.577.8462 or email: lance.goff@phly.com
                 The Camel’s Calf : Publication of Hella Shrine, Dallas, Texas   Page 9
Let the Good Times Roll ! - More pictures beginning on page 34 - Volume57,No.2 Circulation4,000 Garland,Texas March2021 - Hella Shrine Temple

           To the Potentate, Officers and Nobles of Hella Shrine, situated in the Oasis of Garland Texas,

                                                 Desert of Dallas County;

                 I, the undersigned, hereby declare that I am a Master Mason in good standing in

                  _______________________ Lodge # _____ Located at ___________________

     Which is a Lodge recognized by or in amity with the Conference of Grand Masters of North America,

           Furthermore, I have resided at my current address for not less than 6 months, as required by

          the Bylaws of the Imperial Council, I respectfully pray that I may be made a Noble of the Mystic

                                  Shrine, and become a member of your temple.

               If I am found worthy, and my request granted, I promise to conform to the Articles of

            Incorporation, Bylaws of the Imperial Council and the Bylaws/Ceremonies of your Temple.

          Birthplace _________________________________________Date of Birth__________________

               Were you ever a DeMolay________ If so, what was the Chapter name and location?


          Profession or occupation _________________________________________________________

          Have you previously applied for admission to any temple of the Order? ____________________

          If so, what temple____________________________________ When? ____________________

          Residence Address ____________________________________City_______________________

          County: _____________________ State__________ Zip ________________________________

          Home phone: ____________________________________Cell ___________________________

          Business Address ____________________________________ City ________________________

          County: _____________________ State __________ Zip ________________________________

          Business Phone: ___________________________E-Mail _______________________________

          Wife’s Name: _________________Cell No: ________________Email:______________________

          Date: ________________ Signature_________________________________________________

          PRINT FULL NAME _______________________________________________________________
                                   First                            Middle                          Last

                                Recommended and Vouched for on the Honor of:

          Noble ___________________________________ Membership No._______________________

          Noble ___________________________________ Membership No. _______________________

          Fez size____________________ Method of payment ___________________________________

                                 Created _________________________________
Page 10                             The Camel’s Calf : Publication of Hella Shrine, Dallas, Texas
From the Treasurer’s Chest
                       It is now March 2021 and Hella’s Nobility has approved the budget for 2021. The
                       task now is for the Divan to continue developing and implementing the 5-year plan
                       to the benefit of Hella. That report is ongoing with Assistant Rabban Nate Fuller
                       leading the way.

                      More so than ever, the budget is at its barest as to expenses. Each year we try to
                      pay for the normal budgetary items without necessitating the withdrawal of mon-
ies from our Reserve Operating Account. Although this account is created for the purpose of paying for
items when the cash flow is not available, it is not to be used on a regular basis. As with the prior year,
I will endeavor to keep the Nobility informed of Hella’s financial situation by posting on the outside
of the ballroom our previous month so all can see at our Stated Meetings. It will remain there until I
replace it with the following month’s report.

This year we are no longer in the catering business. Instead, we are focusing on rental of the building
for income. This works to cut out any expenses that we do not recoup when we cater. It will help us to
better determine our cash flow on a month-to-month basis.

I appreciate all of the Nobility who have timely paid their dues and to those who have brought them-
selves current. At this time of the year, the funds raised from the dues support the Temple more than the
rentals. We are a year out from the initial lockdowns caused by COVID and we still have issues that
keep us at operating 100% for rentals.

    REMINDER, you must be current in your 2021 dues in order to participate in any Mid-Winter or
TSA functions you attend.

      ANOTHER - REMINDER, all Units and Clubs are to prepare their annual reports and turn them
in to the Recorder ASAP. The reports are to be completed with supporting documentation (bank state-
ments, check register, etc.) These are required for Hella to maintain our non-profit status. With the
change of administration in January 2021, it is more important than ever to not get in the IRS crosshairs.

     ANOTHER - ANOTHER - REMINDER, let’s have fun in 2021!!

Until we meet again, stay healthy, stay safe, stay Shriner Strong!!

                          Mission Statement of Hella Shrine Temple
 Shriners are men committed to family, engaged in ongoing personal growth, and dedicated to providing
 superior healthcare improving the quality of life for children and families in need regardless of their ability to
 pay, and providing quality programs and services for its members, their families and friends in a spirit of fun,
 fellowship, and social camaraderie.

                           Vision Statement of Hella Shrine Temple
                 Implement programs and activities to drive a new era for stability and growth.
                                  The Camel’s Calf : Publication of Hella Shrine, Dallas, Texas               Page 11
You are cordially invited to attend the
                       Open Installation of Officers
                          Shalman Temple No. 90
                           Daughters of the Nile

                        Sunday, the Twenty-First of March
                         Two Thousand and Twenty-One
                              At Two O’Clock p.m.

                                    Hella Shrine Center
                                    2121 Rowlett Road
                                    Dallas, TX 75043

                           When Princess Misty Cooper
                            Will be crowned Queen

          DeAnna Lang                                                                    Joey Minahan , PQ
          Queen                                                                           Princess Recorder
Page 12                  The Camel’s Calf : Publication of Hella Shrine, Dallas, Texas
March Stated Meeting Menu

                                                    Hors D’oeuvres

                                            Iced Tea, Coffee & Water

                                                         Daughters of the Nile
                                         Greetings from Shalman Temple No. 90, Daughters of the Nile.

                        As my year as the Queen of Shalman Temple comes to an end, I look back on a year that was
                        by no means what was planned or expected. It was a year of immense trials and unprecedented
                        world events. We have spent a year distancing ourselves from friends and family and much-
                        loved events and past times have been cancelled. But we made it through! I am hopeful for a
                        better year in 2021 and wish everyone nothing but the best.

Coming up at Shalman, we have our regular monthly session on March 3rd. This will be our elections session so I hope
to see lots in attendance. Session starts at 7:30 p.m. 2021 temple dues are now due - please pay Pr. Recorder as soon as
possible. Unit dues are also coming due, check with your specific units for how much and who to pay.

Stay safe, stay well, keep your head up and a smile on your face – this too shall pass.

DeAnna Lang, Queen
Shalman Temple No. 90
Daughters of the Nile

    Attention All Nobles, Shrine
       Clubs and Unit Heads!
          The Camel’s Calf is a monthly maga-                                                       Hella VA Mixed
   zine with articles written by, and for, the No-
                                                                                                      Brew Club
   bles of Hella Temple. However, if the Nobles,
   Units or Clubs do not submit any articles,                                                 We are planning to at-
   the magazine becomes irrelevant and can not                                            tend our Mid-Winter in
   meet its intended purpose to inform the No-                      Waco this April. We also have our entries ready for
   bility of the events and activities that might                   TSA this summer. If you are interested in learning
   be of interest to the Nobility and their family.                 about brewing beer or ale, winemaking or home-
          Posting your pictures and informa-                        made soda then come join us!
   tion on social media outlets is not the same as                        Hella Home Brew will meet on the fourth
   sending them to the editor!                                      Sunday of each month at 1:30 pm at the Shrine.
          Utilizing the Camel’s Calf to advertise
   your Blue Lodge’s activities is a great way to                   Fraternally,
   get exposure at no cost!                 - typo                 John Garret - Brewmaster
                                                                    Hella Va Mixed Brew Club
                                    The Camel’s Calf : Publication of Hella Shrine, Dallas, Texas                 Page 13
                               WELCOME TO 2021!!
         I am ALL ABOUT Fundraising this year! We’re going to do our absolute best to collect all we can for the Hospitals and
for Hella! And, before I go too far….WE NEED YOU ON THE FUNDRAISING COMMITTEE!! We will meet the last Monday
of each month. We are looking into possibly holding some Zoom meetings, or making it so some folks can Zoom into an in-person
meeting. We want to do whatever we can to help accommodate those that would like to attend but may have scheduling issues, or
may be a 45 minute or hour drive into Hella. If you want to be part of the committee we will do all we can to accommodate you!
         In our meetings, we’ll go over all the different fundraising events we will work and support from the Bucket Drive to IHOP
day to the events we’ll hold for the benefit of Hella. We are looking into other ideas for us to be able to raise some more money for
the hospitals as well. We just need to think outside the box and become creative in what we do to raise the money! Illustrious Sir
Bob Moore talked about Temples, Shrine Clubs, Units and all the other groups coming down to present checks to the hospital board.
I want Hella to wear out a path from Garland to Galveston to present checks to the board! I want our folks on first name basis with
the board.
         I know we are all still waiting to see what is going to happen as far as shutdowns or restrictions go, but we also need to just
get back to as much normality as we can. Get back to coming to the events at Hella, to helping like we all did in 2019. Let’s just get
back to doing what we do…because we do that better than anyone else! I want Hella back in it’s rightful place at the top of the lists
for donations, for awards, and for the other accolades that show NOT how great WE are…but how PROUD we are for the things we
do for the kids of our hospitals! That is ALL that matters!
         The Fundraising Committee will be getting out some emails to the Nobility as well as talking to you personally. We need
YOU to help us accomplish the goals we have set out for our committee. We need YOU to be a part of the team. As I said at the
Stated Meeting….We’ll get with you, we hope you’ll get with us!

Thank you and have a great month!!

Steve Lang
High Priest and Prophet

Here is a list of upcoming fundraising events for March and April:
        March 20th - Hella Cornhole Tournament
        March 29th - Fundraising Committee Meeting 6:30, Terrace room
        April 24th - Potentate’s Golf Tournament - Woodbridge Golf Club
        April 26th - Fundraising Committee Meeting - 6:30, Terrace Room

   Parades are the Backbone of Our Fraternity, and a window of Opportunity to gain support!
At this time these are the Parades scheduled for Hella Shrine:
         3/13 — Greenville St. Patrick’s Day Parade - CANCELED
         5/29 — Ennis Polka Fest Parade
         5/31 — Denison Memorial Day Parade
         6/05 — T.S.A. Parade - San Antonio
         7/06 — Imperial Parade - Houston
         9/06 — Garland Labor Day Parade
         9/24 — Texas State Fair Opening Day Parade
         11/11 — Veteran’s Day Parade
         12/01 — Sachse Holiday Parade
         12/04 — Rockwall Holiday Parade
         12/04 — Paris Night Parade - Paris, Texas
         12/11 — Terrell Holiday Parade
         12/11 — Quinlan Holiday Parade

All Parades are subject to cancelation. As always, watch this space!                                      — Everett Warner Marshall
Page 14                                 The Camel’s Calf : Publication of Hella Shrine, Dallas, Texas
Hella Spring

   Saturday, April 17, 2021
     11:00am to 5:00pm

Hamburgers, hotdogs & drinks
     will be furnished.

Bring your favorite side dish
and/or dessert to share with

     Director’s Staff Band
will provide the entertainment.

 Come out and enjoy! Hope to
       see you there!

      The Camel’s Calf : Publication of Hella Shrine, Dallas, Texas   Page 15
Page 16   The Camel’s Calf : Publication of Hella Shrine, Dallas, Texas
Dear Fellow Nobles,
        Being a Shriner has been one of the most rewarding experiences of my life. I love our Fraternity and all
the opportunities it affords me: To be part of a selfless, compassionate brotherhood; to improve the world and
our home communities; and to make incredible differences in the lives of children. And through it all, to have
        Sharing these experiences with other good men is why we work so hard to increase our membership
        So I’m especially pleased to let you know that the all-new, revamped BeAShrinerNow.com website has
launched, making it easier than ever for all of us to bring new members into our fraternity.
Our Shriners International marketing and membership teams have worked hard to make this tool attractive, ef-
fective and very easy to use. In addition, we’ve aimed to train at least one Noble from each Temple on the ins
and outs of the new website, so if you have questions, there should be someone in your Temple who can help.
        Together as brothers, we improve lives and communities, and we enjoy having fun together all the while.
I can’t wait to start using this amazing new website to help us spread the word and bring even more men of good
character into our Fraternity.

Yours in the faith,

James R. “Jim” Smith
Imperial Potentate

                                 The Camel’s Calf : Publication of Hella Shrine, Dallas, Texas            Page 17
                                A Life Changing Experience !
          Helping the YOUNG MEN of Today … Become the LEADERS of Tomorrow !

   DeMolay is a premier leadership organization for boys from ages 12 to 21 that was founded in 1919.
   As a Masonic sponsored youth group with Chapters throughout America, it focuses on the following.

   Leadership                                                                                                     Confidence

   Patriotism                                                                                                        Character

   Loyalty                                                                                                            Chivalry

   Integrity                                                                                                             Fun

   Respect                                                                                                          Teamwork

   Brotherhood                                                                                                     Friendship

   Responsibility                                                                                                Commitment

   Accountability                                                                                         Positive Social Skills

   Positive Mentoring                                                                                 Strong Adult Role Models

                                       Community Awareness and Involvement
   Well known DeMolays Include: Tom Leppert (recent Dallas mayor), Walt Disney (creator of Disney World), John Wayne
   (film star), Frank Borman & Edgar Mitchell (astronauts), Mel Blanc (voice of Bugs Bunny and others), Terry Bradshaw &
   Fran Tarkenton (athletes), plus many governors, legislators, journalists, businessmen, authors, attorneys, doctors & more.

   Annual Events: Toys for Tots Dance, Frank Marshall Competition, Masonic Youth Camp, ‘Law Makers’ for a weekend in
   the seats at the Texas State Capitol, and the Texas DeMolay State Conclave, with competitions, presentations & games.

     Please share this with the parents and young men you know. More information is available at the following web sites.
                                  www.demolay.org                 www.texasdemolay.com
Page 18                               The Camel’s Calf : Publication of Hella Shrine, Dallas, Texas
Hella Flying Fezzes
                                   Hella Flying Fezzes
       The Flying Fezzes are having to cool their jets here in the first part of 2021. The St. Patrick’s Day Green-
ville Ave. in Dallas has been cancelled. As of the date of this writing, the Ennis Polka Festival and the Denison
Memorial Day Parades in May are still a go!! With Past Commander Jerry Reddy, Jr. in charge of the Unit,
we’re looking forward to assisting Hella and Illustrious Sir Mike Hall in any way we can and Having Fun in
       The Flying Fezzes were originally formed in 1976 to assist in transporting burned children and those
with orthopedic needs to the Shrine Hospitals. Today, we assist in raising money for the transportation fund
and help bring awareness for the hospitals through active participation in parades. However, we still look to
the skies as a unit as we continue to fly our own aircraft. Comprised of pilots, and those interested in flying or
aviation, an open invitation is extended to who wish to join us to complete our mission.
Annual dues are $25.00. The next unit meeting is scheduled for March 20. All Nobles and their lovely Ladies
are invited. Come “fly with us.” Contact Steve Eason, the Unit’s Agitated Adjutant at 469-667-4274 or email
him at season60@hotmail.com.

                  Top O’ Dallas                                         Greater Southwest Shrine Club
         A Shrine Club’s purpose is served when all mem-
bers come together for fellowship and carry that forward             Nobles - If You Live In The Oak Cliff, Cedar Hill,
into the community to reflect what it means to be a Shriner.         Lancaster, Duncanville and DeSoto Areas, Come
This includes fund raising for the Shriner Hospitals as well         Join Us For Food, Fun, Fellowship and Parades!!!!!!
as showing everyone that we are darn good people to be
around. These days that darn COVID gets in our way of                To all Nobles and their Ladies, the GREATER
meeting our mission. The Club did not meet in February               SOUTHWEST SHRINE CLUB President, Don Camp,
because of continuing COVID concerns. Plus, the Hella                welcomes you to join us for fun, fellowship, and also
Stated Meeting got moved to what was our meeting night               participate with us in the parades. By actively partici-
because of the snow storm.                                           pating in local community parades and activities, we
         As to March 2021, Past (and the current President)          bring the message of Shriners to the people. Attending
Wayne Walker extends an arms wide open invitation to all             our meetings is a great opportunity to keep up with the
Nobles and their wonderful Ladies to join us at the Café             activities and business at Hella.
de France, 7370 Preston Road, #505, Dallas, ph. 972-733-
3400 [Preston Rd. North of Campbell Rd.] The aptly named             Our next meeting, with the current rules, will be
S.K. Choudhury social time begins at 6:15 pm and dinner
starts at 7:00 pm. Wondermous LIVE ENTERTAINMENT                     March 14th, at John C. Pelt Lodge, 406
TO FOLLOW. We meet the 4th Thursday of the Month.                    N. Main, Duncanville, Texas, at 2:00
This month it will be March 25th.
         The three-course dinner [4 selections of entrees            pm.
with side items and tea] is $20 per person which includes            At this meeting we will discuss the upcoming activi-
gratuity. Finished off with live entertainment which will            ties and whatever happens to come off the top of our
“Top” off our evening, the cost is definitely worth the tick-        heads! You just never know what someone might come
et. Stay for the Pot O’ Gold raffle drawing at the end. Cash         up with!
bar is available. Come join us for a Lot O’ Fun and get
up to speed with the activities and business at Hella. For           Look for us at HellaShrine.org and click on our club
more information about the Top O’ Dallas, contact Presi-             link. Come join us for a good ole’ Hella of a good
dent Wayne Walker at 214-724-3666. COME JOIN US!!!                   time!!!!
                                     The Camel’s Calf : Publication of Hella Shrine, Dallas, Texas                     Page 19
The merger of Houston and Galveston Hospitals is complete. On January 18th, 2021, the hospital doors opened as
 Shriners Children’s Texas.

 Ortho patient service began in Jan with the first ortho surgery scheduled. The sports medicine clinic is opening, and the
 plan is to grow this program in conjunction with the Motion Analysis Center. The first Cleft Lip and Palate patients will
 be seen by Dr. Blackwell in Galveston during February. A Medical Director for Inpatient Rehabilitation has been hired
 who will begin this summer and develop the Inpatient Rehabilitation program.

 Dr. Bill Phillips will be the hospital Chief of Staff for Orthopedics. He comes to the hospital from Texas Children’s in
 Houston. Dr. Wolf and Dr. Phillips are very excited to work together across service lines where appropriate. Burn
 Patients will be able to utilize the motion analysis lab. A search is in progress for a Director of Research in conjunction
 with UTMB.

 This merger has taken a lot of time and effort going thru the process with the staffs of Houston and Galveston, the Joint
 BOG Members, Home Office Leadership and Joint Board of Directors and Trustees all smoothly working together as a
 tremendous team.

 Over 100 employees of the Houston facility have made the transition to move to Galveston. One of the reasons for this
 success was the cross-training of employees from both facilities over the past several months. The leadership group
 promoted unity for the merged facilities under the banner of TOGETHER FOR ONE MISSION. The hospital leadership
 formed an in-house transitional team coined the phrase TEAM TEXAS. This team developed new identification badges
 which are designed to be similar to the Texas flag. This move allows for more effective and efficient care.

 The new renovations for the hospital will provide a bright facelift to the aging facility. You will not recognize how bright
 and cheery the new finishes look. The hospital cannot wait to show off the new facility later this year after the COVID
 pandemic gets better under control. A new roof along with all new modernized elevators are in the works.

 Construction is currently underway in the operational facility and should wrap up this summer. A temporary certificate
 of occupancy for floors 2, 4 and all of the 6th floor is in place. The State-of-the-Art Motion Analysis Lab should be
 operational in the next couple of months after setting up and testing has been completed.

 Galveston Island had several large water main breaks during the winter storm so Wednesday Feb 17, only critical patient
 care and support areas reported to hospital due to limited water. Arrangements have been made so that water will be
 delivered as needed. The hospital was affected and went into Emergency Mode. The hospital has generators so when
 they lose power, generators kick in and take over. All hospital staff did an outstanding job for the patients. Clinics
 appointments were cancelled for Thursday and Friday. Registration will be calling patients to reschedule if they were
 cancelled. All appointments will resume on Monday Feb 22, 2021.

 This update is from the Hospital Board of Governors, Shriners Children’s Texas. Board Members are Jim Heisz, Bob
 Moore, PP and Jeff Haven.

Page 20                               The Camel’s Calf : Publication of Hella Shrine, Dallas, Texas

  Salutations and felicitations from
Hella Shrine’s Unit of first impressions!
All Nobles with their Ladies are invited
 to join the Greeters Unit and become
the first Nobles that visitors see before
          Hella Shrine functions.
                                                                             The “Silent Messenger”
Donning blazers and white gloves, the                                       statue that stands at the
 Greeters put forth a friendly hand and                                     front of Hella Center was
                                                                                the inspiration of
wholeheartedly welcome all Nobles and                                       Greeter Elmer Ackerman.
 Ladies to Hella’s Stated and Special
                                                                                  Find your inspiration
               Meetings.                                                           with the Greeters!
    Assisting in any and all tasks the
                                                                              For more information,
Illustrious Potentate asks of us, being a                                     contact Brian Cook at
Greeter is a great way to meet everyone                                           214-264-7879
    and stay involved at Hella Shrine!                                                 or

                  The Camel’s Calf : Publication of Hella Shrine, Dallas, Texas                           Page 21
Havin’ Fun in ‘21
                                                                          at Imperial Session in Houston
                                                                                 The 147th Imperial Session of Shriners International is
                                                                        planned for July 4 – 8, 2021 in “Space City” – Houston, Texas.
                                                                        The session committee is looking forward to presenting a safe
                                                                        and exciting time of fun and fellowship for nobles and their fam-
         Alec Presents is a new digital show, hosted by Alec,           ilies, particularly since we missed out on last year’s traditional
national Shriners Hospitals for Children spokes-patient. Alec           gathering.
loves getting to know others, so to help raise awareness about          In collaboration with the City of Houston, we are putting togeth-
our health care system, he has been video chatting with some            er a thorough safety plan. In addition, the George R. Brown Con-
famous friends and playing a few virtual games to learn more            vention Center has made significant enhancements to its facility
about them. The guest list so far has included actors Scott East-       including installing a biodefense filtration technology proven to
wood and Terry Crews, actress Cobie Smulders and rapper/actor           eliminate SARS-CoV-2 and other airborne contaminants.
Ludacris.                                                               With more than 10,000 restaurants, parks and green spaces for
         Go to https://myshc.tv/all-episodes/ for a library of          outdoor activities, museums and attractions, and tours for all
all the Alec Presents videos to date including the video shown          interests, there is something for each of you to experience in
above “Two Truths and a Lie” with actor (and son of Clint East-         Houston.
wood), Scott Eastwood.                                                           Imperial Session is all about Nobles gathering together
                                                                        for fun and fellowship, and we have a variety of social activi-
                                                                        ties planned for all to enjoy. Imperial Sir Jim Smith is excited
                                                                        to be hosting a special cornhole tournament at Session and has
                                                                        challenged every temple to field a team to compete. Organizers
                                                                        are also planning a bus trip to Galveston to tour our facility that
                                                                        recently merged with the Houston location to create Shriners
                                                                        Children’s Texas.
          For Shriners by Shriners                                               We look forward to “Havin’ Fun in ’21” with you in
                                                                        Houston this summer.
Jamestown Shrine Club and El Zagal Shriners are raising aware-
ness for the fraternity in a unique way. They have installed a
giant metal fez in their community of Jamestown, North Dakota.
The fez is 7 feet, 6 inches tall by 8 feet, 6 inches wide, weighs
1,050 pounds, and also has a “tassel” made of 1-inch nylon rope.
The fez was made by Wrigley Mechanical, a company owned
by Blake Wrigley, Past Potentate of El Zagal. The group has ap-
plied to the Guinness World Records for the world’s largest fez
The oversized fez even gained the attention of the local media.
Click the image above to read the full story.
Does your temple or club have an off-the-wall way of attracting
attention in your area? We would love to hear about it! Email
marketing@shrinenet.org and let us know.

Page 22                                 The Camel’s Calf : Publication of Hella Shrine, Dallas, Texas
Membership & Marketing                                                   Digital One-Sheet Library
           Virtual Events                                                              for Shriners
         The SIEF Noble Academy Membership and Marketing                Shriners Village is your resource for a digital library of down-
Virtual Event #2 was a huge success with hundreds of nobles             loadable fraternal and hospital one-sheets. One-sheets are sin-
and members of Masonic and ladies’ organizations from around            gle-page documents designed for use by members and groups
the world viewing the live event.                                       of Shriners International and affiliated Masonic organizations
         The first presenter, Christian D. Moore, Executive Di-         to communicate important information about the fraternity and
rector of DeMolay International, spoke about the processes              health care system.
and tools for planning a memorable event. The second seminar            The site has nearly 40 one-sheets available for download on
featured Illustrious Sir David Krogh of Abu Bekr Shriners and           various topics including Patient Ambassadors, hospital service
Tammy Robbins, Regional Marketing Director at Shriners Hos-             lines, disability awareness, membership initiatives, donor infor-
pitals. Tammy and David presented “10 Easy Steps for Telling            mation, events and leadership bios.
Your Temple’s Story.” Click the image above to watch an excerpt         Some suggested uses for one-sheets are:
from that presentation. The virtual event ended with a “fireside        •        Include them in temple, club or unit publications
chat” with the presenters and Imperial Sir Matt Sturlaugson.            •        Print them as handouts to distribute at temple, club or
         To watch the full video of Virtual Event #2, go to             unit meetings
https://www.bigmarker.com/series/2021-webinar-series-                   •        Print them and hang as flyers in your temple
membersh1/series_details and enroll in the Apprentice Certifi-          •        Post one-sheet file on your website
cate program. Registration also entitles you to watch the video         Login at https://www.shrinersvillage.com/login/login.aspx?u
of Virtual Event #1 and to attend the next two live virtual events      rl=%252fResources%252fMarketing%252fOneSheets to ac-
scheduled for February 25 and June 3. *The deadline to receive          cess the one-sheet library.
the certificate for this program has passed.
                                                        East-West Shrine Bowl Player Journey Panels
                                                                In conjunction with the NFL, the East-West Shrine Bowl hosted two
                                                       virtual Player Journey Panels that were attended by 2021 Shrine Bowl players.
                                                       Despite the game being cancelled due to the pandemic, game organizers still
                                                       made player selections in order to honor outstanding senior seasons.
                                                                The panelists included East-West Shrine Bowl alumni and NFL greats
                                                       Shaq Barrett, Nick Mullens, Nate Burleson, Cris Carter, Laurent Duvernay-
                                                       Tardif and Justin Simmons. The panelists discussed important topics including
                                                       career and journey expectations, and current player experience. They also con-
                                                       ducted a question and answer session with players participating in the virtual
                                                                Nate Burleson, football commentator and former NFL wide receiver,
                                                       served as the moderator for the first event. Burleson said of the East-West Shrine
                                                       Bowl, “This game helped set the tone for what was an 11 year career for me.”
                                                                Go to https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cRb1BZN--Ik&feature
                                                       =youtu.be to watch excerpts from the panel of East-West Shrine Bowl alumni
                                                       discussing their journeys.

                                        The Camel’s Calf : Publication of Hella Shrine, Dallas, Texas                             Page 23
March 20—Bags fly at NOON
                                                 HOSPITAL PHILANTHROPY
                       Hella Shrine —2121 Rowlett Rd., Garland TX 75043

                $80/TEAM—$40 Singles Only
                                                                                   •   Multi-Prize Raffle
           Registration / Open Boards: 11:00 AM
           Doubles—12:00 pm / Singles—2:00 pm
                                                                                   •   Money Shot Contest
                       “A” Players must team with                                  •   Food and soft drinks
                             “D” or “E” Players                                        available for purchase
                        “B” Players can team with                                  •   Preregister and pay before March 10th and
                                                                                       save $10.00 per team. For credit card
                             “C” or “D” Players
                                                                                       payments contact Deborah at Hella Shrine:
                        2/3 winners—1 game losers
                           Top 4 places paid out

                      Contact: Steve Lang — (214) 929-2181 or longhornsteve17@gmail.com

          * Proceeds from this event are for the benefit of Hella Shrine and are not tax deductible as a charitable contribution.

Page 24                                  The Camel’s Calf : Publication of Hella Shrine, Dallas, Texas
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