Learning with affective computing - Impact Objectives

Page created by Helen Jenkins
Learning with affective computing - Impact Objectives
Impact Objectives
    • Delve into cognitive science and psychology to explore the role that
      emotion plays in the learning process

    • Simulate and understand what happens when human students learn
      collaboratively with robot students

Learning with
affective computing
    Dr Hao-Chiang Koong Lin has a keen interest in advancing digital learning technology and is making
    headway in his investigations on affective computing that could assist teaching and learning

                         What led to your          and the teaching environment. In the            environment, teachers encounter two
                         involvement in            post-COVID-19 era particularly, adaptive        kinds of students. One lags behind and
                         learning technology?      and personalised learning has real teaching     feels anxious. The other is ahead of
                                                   value for both students and teachers.           schedule and gets bored. Usually, teachers
                         I studied Computer                                                        will give up these two kinds of students,
                         Science in the            Can you provide an insight on your current      and instead focus on helping most of
                         Artificial Intelligence   research?                                       the average students. We designed a
(AI) lab at National Tsing Hua University,                                                         personalised learning system to analyse the
Taiwan. The topic of my PhD thesis was             In the future, humans will live together        learning status of each student through an
about Natural Language Processing in AI.           with robots, forming a future sociology.        emotional computing mechanism, so as to
I am interested in writing, painting and           We wanted to simulate and understand            achieve the purpose of adaptive learning
multimedia and want to improve the results         what happens when human students learn          and autonomous learning.
of learning technology, which led me to start      collaboratively with robot students. Our
relevant research in my current department         research findings tell us that when humans      Have you encountered any challenges
at the Department of Digital Learning              learn collaboratively with robots, students     during the development of the system?
Technology, National Tainan University.            can improve their problem solving, reflective
                                                   and critical thinking skills, among many        Old students graduate and new students
Can you tell us more about the research            more skills. This is a very interesting study   join every year, so the inheritance and
underway in the iLT Department of NUTN?            pathway.                                        handover of the system is very important.
                                                                                                   As the technologies and programming
We have gathered a group of teachers               What tools and methods do you use in this       languages used to build the system are
interested in digital learning technology and      work?                                           constantly changing, and the tools used
our department ranks among the best in                                                             are constantly being updated, we must do
related departments in Taiwan. Our research        We mainly deal with several kinds of human      a good job in software engineering design
foci include AI in education, extended             emotional cues, which are words, facial         and handover management to keep our
reality (XR) in learning, game-based               expressions and physiological signals           research going, which is quite difficult.
learning, cognitive science, digital content,      (including brain waves and skin electricity).
multimedia design and mobile learning.             We need relevant information technology         Finally, what are you planning next?
                                                   to build our system, and use some tools
Why is your research in DDLab important?           such as Affectiva, Clmtrackr and Dialogflow.    Affective computing in learning is the
                                                   In addition, we have devised a number           main direction we will continue to focus
Our research has delved into cognitive             of algorithms to design how emotional           on. In the future, we will combine XR tools
science and psychology to explore the              responses correspond to adaptive learning.      to design more adaptive self-learning
role that emotion plays in the learning                                                            applications. We want to learn more about
process. We have found that emotion and            From your perspective, how will you work to     the different learning states of students, and
the corresponding affective computing              support teaching in a classroom?                further extend this learning environment
technology can actually have different                                                             into the virtual world to explore more
applications, which can improve learning           In the traditional classroom teaching           learning strategies in the metaverse. l

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Learning with affective computing - Impact Objectives
Enhancing learning
with emotion
    In work that bridges art and engineering, researchers based in the Department of Information and
    Learning Technology at National University of Tainan are seeking to further learning by applying AI and
    affective computing

Teaching involves applying different,          learning process. Through his research,         ‘Somatosensory refers to sensations that
ever-evolving approaches to maximise its       he is seeking to improve the effectiveness      can occur anywhere in the body, while maker
effectiveness. Just as there are different     of learning technology and, in interrelated     education prioritises agency and student
teaching styles, so too are there different    studies, he and his team are exploring topics   engagement in the learning process,’
learning styles, including visual, auditory,   including AI chatbot-based affective tutoring   describes Lin. ‘We have been seeking a
kinesthetic and reading/writing, and it is     systems and incorporating alternative reality   meaningful combination and application
important that teachers understand and         into learning.                                  between artistic creation, digital technology
acknowledge different ways of learning to                                                      and learning outcomes. Somatosensory
ensure that students are able to progress.     Alongside affective computing, emotion
                                               recognition in learning and AI in education,
Learning has been able to harness              other aspects of importance to Lin and
technological advancements and so-called       the team are extended reality (XR), digital
learning technologies enhance learning,        arts, individualised study and autonomous
providing new ways for students to interact    learning. The researchers collaborate with
with content and make resources more           artists and engineers in their work and a key
accessible. Affective computing is a type of   collaborator is Professor Yu-Chuang Tseng.
AI that uses emotion, thereby enhancing
interactions between humans and computers.     ART AND EMOTION IN LEARNING
This can be applied to education to harness    Lin’s background is in information
emotional awareness so students are            engineering and he is also passionate about
encouraged to improve their learning. This     writing poetry and painting. Holding these
is a research area that Dr Hao-Chiang Koong    expressive elements close to his heart, he
Lin has a deep interest in exploring.          seeks to integrate them into the learning
                                               process, recognising the importance of
Lin is Head of the Department of Information   emotion in learning and seeking to honour
and Learning Technology at the National        this. Indeed, in one line of investigation,
University of Tainan in Taiwan. He is          Lin and the team sought to integrate
interested in affective computing technology   somatosensory interactive visual music
and the important role of emotion in the       creation with maker teaching strategy.          DDLab’s fully handcrafted emotional robot

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Learning with affective computing - Impact Objectives
Dr Lin instructs professors from various
universities on how to conduct research design

is a fairly intuitive interaction mechanism,       based on an AI chatbot and will centre             integrating new technologies into education
so we have been trying to assist artistic          around maker and STEAM 6E education. By            could improve the learning process and
creation through digital technology from the       applying affective computing techniques, they      environment for students, as well as
perspective of somatosensory for a long time,      will seek to better understand the emotional       benefiting teachers. l
so that the works can present a state that can     responses of learners and will create modules
be continuously interpreted,’ he says.             based on varying levels of difficulty in science

This particular project consisted of three
                                                   and art. ‘This robot imitates human actions,
                                                   and its behaviour touches the ‘Darwin
                                                                                                         Project Insights
parts: the design of a STEAM-6E curriculum         button’ deep in human hearts, so that                 FUNDING
(combining science, technology, engineering,       humans like this robot from the bottom of             MOST 109-2511-H-024 -005 -MY3 and
the arts and maths, and the 6E model, which        their hearts. This is the emotional exchange          111-2410-H-024-001-MY2
represents engage, explore, explain, engineer,     we seek,’ outlines Lin.
enrich and evaluate), the creation of two                                                                TEAM MEMBERS
                                                   The aims of this project are threefold:               PhD students of DDLab (2008-2022):
interactive artworks and the integration of the
                                                                                                         Min-Chai Hsieh, Cheng-Hung Wang,
human skeleton and emotional agent into            to construct a set of technology and art
                                                                                                         Sheng-Hsiung Su, Ching-Ju Chao, Shang-
                                                                                                         Chin Tsai, Wen-Chun Hsu, Yu Chun Ma,
                                                                                                         Meng-Chun Tsai, Yu-Hsuan Lin, Ching
     We have been seeking a meaningful combination and                                                   Chang, Chia-Chun Chang, Yi -Cheng Liao,
                                                                                                         Yu-Chen Liang, Li-Wen Lu, Jau-Ting Pan,
     application between artistic creation, digital technology                                           Hsin-Lan Liu, Pei-Ju Lin, Chia-Hui Feng

     and learning outcomes                                                                               CONTACT DETAILS
                                                                                                         Hao-Chiang Koong Lin

the system. The researchers designed the 6E        emotion-based adaptive learning systems               T: +886 928 860994
curriculum by using the interactive design         combining text and expression cues; use AI to         E: koonglin@gmail.com
and digital art course as an example and           explore the impact of chatbots and students’          W: https://sites.google.com/site/
analysing different aspects to see whether the     cooperative learning; and design a set of             nutnddlab/koong
STEAM-6E teaching method helps students            courses that combine chatbots and maker
to learn more quickly. They confirmed that         with STEAM 6E. The ultimate goal is to utilise
                                                                                                         Dr Hao-Chiang Koong Lin is the
STEAM cultivates problem solving, critical,        these methods to heighten motivation and              Department Head of the Department of
thinking and creativity skills.                    creativity for learners.                              Information and Learning Technology,
                                                                                                         National University of Tainan. He has an
The creation of the interactive artworks           In a further study, the researchers are               extensive career in information technology
involved the use of leapmotion and                 exploring the use of AR in education. This            and held a number of important roles.
                                                   will focus on health and local education              Lin has a keen interest in arts as well
kinect sensors and they explored visitor’s
                                                                                                         as technology, and is the Executive
interactions with the artworks, as well as         due to their important foundations. Lin and
                                                                                                         Director of the Digital Content Society of
their satisfaction. ‘We found that the artworks    the team will develop AR teaching methods             Taiwan, as well as Director of the Visual
created with kinect were the most popular          and explore their use. Key factors they will          Arts Association and of the Information
and the addition of the human skeleton             be exploring are the impact of AR methods             Management Society.
and emotional agent to the interactive             on learning anxiety, learning participation
design resulted in enhanced playfulness and        and control beliefs. They hope to ultimately
positive emotions while leaning,’ highlights       deliver AR modules that can be incorporated
Lin. ‘Audiences are naturally and intuitively      into curriculums and benefit students and
accustomed to using our somatosensory              teachers alike.
mode to interact with artworks, and
constantly recreate different artworks. When a     With Lin’s chatbot project anticipated
work of art can give the right of interpretation   to conclude in 2024 and his AR project
to the audience, and constantly re-interpret it,   scheduled for completion in 2023, his focus
we call it ‘endless aesthetics’,’ he explains.     will continue to be on affective computing
                                                   for the foreseeable future but, later down the
AI AND ALTERNATE                                   line, he has plans to expand understanding
REALITY IN EDUCATION                               of students’ learning states and use XR and
In another project, the team is working to         other virtual tools to enhance learning. The
design an interdisciplinary creative course        studies to better understand learning and
combining technology and art. This will            recognise and honour the role of emotion in
involve creating an emotional learning system      the learning process, as well as successfully

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Learning with affective computing - Impact Objectives Learning with affective computing - Impact Objectives Learning with affective computing - Impact Objectives Learning with affective computing - Impact Objectives Learning with affective computing - Impact Objectives Learning with affective computing - Impact Objectives
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