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BEFORE AND/OR AFTER SCHOOL LICENSED CARE (ages 5-12) Serving Ashwaubenon, East De Pere, West De Pere, Green Bay, and Howard Suamico school districts. LEARN SOMETHING NEW 2021-22 SCHOOL YEAR REGISTRATION information is enclosed. Register at the West Side YMCA. SCHOOL-AGE CHILD CARE Greater Green Bay YMCA 601 Cardinal Lane Green Bay WI 54313-6730 E& BEFOR HOOL TER SC AF ST RATION REGI MATION INFOR OSED! ENCL
SCHOOL-AGE CHILD CARE (SACC) Ages 5-12 (5 year olds must be in 5k) Operates every regular school day (see locations for specific times) Led by qualified, caring staff, the Green Bay Y’s licensed Before and After School Program aligns with the school day and is designed to help children with homework, keep them active with indoor and outdoor games, and encourage their creativity with arts and crafts. Healthy snacks are provided each afternoon and our Nutrition/Fitness Curriculum teaches kids all about making healthy eating choices and staying active. We provide a quality, safe place for children to go so that parents have peace of mind and freedom to work or study, knowing that their children’s needs are being addressed. ACTIVITIES YMCA MEMBERS (Your child must have a current monthly membership) May include any or all of the following: Both Before and Enrichment Programs Interest Areas Before School After School After School Character Development Gym/Group Games 5 days $42.60 $55.80 $79.30 Daily Snack (afternoon only) Outdoor Activities 4 days $36.80 $48.60 $71.00 Community Outreach Special Events 3 days $32.25 $42.00 $63.30 Homework Time (afternoon only) Arts & Crafts Nutrition, Fitness Curriculum GENERAL PUBLIC SCHEDULE Both Before and Operates every regular school day Before School After School After School Coordinates with scheduled early dismissals 5 days $48.60 $61.80 $85.30 (conferences, inservices, etc.) for the majority 4 days $42.80 $54.60 $77.00 of schools. 3 days $36.75 $46.00 $67.30 Early Dismissal - $7.50 When schools are cancelled for weather-related There is a $3 discount for a 2nd or 3rd child. events, YMCA School-Age programs are also Your child(ren) may attend one or two days per week, CANCELLED. No refunds are given. but you must pay the minimum of three days per week. Kid’s Day Out program is available on scheduled Parents with varied schedules may choose the number no-school days. A registration form will be sent of days your child(ren) will attend each week, but your to those registered for the 2021-22 Before/After payment will remain constant. For example: a child School Programs (registration in September on a first-come, first- attending three days one week and four days the next served basis). week will always pay a four day rate. QUALIFIED STAFF The staff/child ratio is 1 staff to 14 or fewer. Each staff member possesses an enthusiastic attitude and is First Aid & CPR Certified.
BEFORE SCHOOL AFTER SCHOOL Before School Care is available for children in 5k through After School Care is available for children in 5k through grade 6 (ages 5-12) & operates on every regular school grade 6 (ages 5-12) and operates on every regular school day. See program hours & details below. day until 6pm. See details below. SITES HOURS SCHOOLS SERVED BUS SITES SCHOOLS SERVED BUS GREEN BAY GREEN BAY Aldo Leopold 6:30-8:00am Aldo Leopold n/a Aldo Leopold School Aldo Leopold n/a School Calvary Lutheran Jackson, Beaumont, Kennedy, Lamers Baird School 7:00-9:00am Baird n/a King, MacArthur, Providence Calvary Lutheran 6:30-8:40am Jackson, Kennedy, King, Lamers Chappell School Chappell n/a MacArthur Langlade School Langlade n/a Chappell School 7:00-8:45am Chappell n/a Martin School Martin n/a Langlade School 7:00-9:00am Langlade n/a Red Smith School Red Smith n/a Martin School 7:00-9:00am Martin n/a Wilder School Wilder n/a WEST DE PERE, ASHWAUBENON, HOWARD-SUAMICO EAST & WEST DE PERE Hemlock Creek 7:00-8:30am Hemlock Creek n/a Dickinson School Dickinson n/a School Foxview Intermediate Foxview n/a Westwood School 7:00-8:30am Westwood n/a Hemlock Creek School Hemlock Creek n/a Valley View 7:00-8:15am Valley View, Pioneer, Lamers Heritage School Heritage n/a School Cormier Susie C Altmayer School Susie C Altmayer n/a West Side YMCA 6:30-8:40am Forest Glen, Howard, Lamers Lineville, Meadowbrook, Westwood School Westwood, WDP Intermediate n/a Suamico, St. John the ASHWAUBENON, HOWARD-SUAMICO Baptist Pioneer School Pioneer, Cormier Lamers Valley View School Valley View, Cormier Lamers BEFORE SCHOOL TRANSPORTATION Children attending FOREST GLEN, KENNEDY, KING , MACARTHUR, West Side YMCA Forest Glen, Howard, Lineville, Lamers Meadowbrook, Suamico, SUAMICO and ST. JOHN THE BAPTIST: St. John the Baptist Cooperative bussing is provided by Lamers for the Before School Program through existing bus routes. Seats are on a space AFTER SCHOOL TRANSPORTATION available basis and at reasonable rates. Call Lamers to make your arrangements. Children attending HOWARD, MEADOWBROOK and LINEVILLE must call Lamers to receive a “Special Request for Transportation” form. Children attending HOWARD, MEADOWBROOK and LINEVILLE must There is no additional transportation fee for this service if you live call Lamers to receive a “Special Request for Transportation” form. within the district. There is no additional transportation fee for this service if you live within the district. Children attending CORMIER will be transported to Valley View or Pioneer programs. This transportation has already been arranged Children attending CORMIER and PIONEER will ride a Lamers bus, and there is no additional transportation fee for this service if you arranged by the Green Bay YMCA. There is no additional live within the district. transportation fee for this service if you live within the district. Children attending BEAUMONT, FOREST GLEN, KENNEDY, KING, MAC ARTHUR, PROVIDENCE, ST. JOHN the BAPTIST, SUAMICO: Cooperative bussing is provided by Lamers for the After School TO MAKE YOUR ARRANGEMENTS WITH LAMERS CALL: Program through existing bus routes. Seats are on a space Allouez and East De Pere residents .................. 920.336.5264 available basis and at reasonable rates. Call Lamers to make your West Green Bay residents ............................................. 920.496.3600 arrangements. Howard-Suamico residents ......................................... 920.434.5100 www.greenbayymca.org/beforeafter-school | 920.436.9675
REGISTRATION KICK-OFF DATES FOR 2021-2022 BEFORE AND/OR AFTER SCHOOL PROGRAM Register at West Side Y ONLY Register now to secure your child’s spot for the 2021-22 school year. (Space is limited at each site and may fill quickly.) Please note: Past participants are not automatically enrolled in the program – you will need to register. Wait lists exist for current school year only. Registrations will be taken at the West Side YMCA. Registration forms can be dropped off at the West Side Y SACC office as well as mailed (601 Cardinal Ln), faxed (436-9515), or emailed (sacc@greenbayymca.org). All registration dates will be held in a lottery fashion and conducted by YMCA staff within the school-age office. There will be NO IN-PERSON registration process or lottery conducted as in years past. All registration forms must be received in the SACC office prior to the actual registration date for which you qualify (see registration dates below). If your form is not received prior to the date, it will be looked at on the following day received. Tuesday, April 13 Y members (prior to 3/18/21) who are current (2020-21) before/after school participants. Sunday, April 18 Y members (prior to 3/18/21) who are NOT current (2020-21) before/after school participants; General Public who are current (2020-21) before/after school participants Tuesday, April 20 General Public Confirmation of your registration will be mailed to you. More detailed program information will be mailed prior to start of program. » CANCELLATION INFO 1. If you wish to cancel before the program start date, a written, two-week notice must be received by the School-Age Child Care (SACC) office to relieve you of further payment. 2. If you wish to cancel after the program start date, a written notice must be on file in the SACC office two weeks in advance. Parents are responsible for all program fees during this 2-week period, whether or not the child participates in the program. NO SCHOOL? NO PROBLEM! KID’S DAY OUT 2 LOCATIONS Children ages 5-12 Full day program (6:30am-6:00pm) held on scheduled no school days Accommodates most school schedules KID’S DAY OUT provides quality, licensed care for children of working parents on scheduled no-school days. Daily activities may include swimming, gym games, arts & crafts, field trips and more. Fully qualified staff provide strong leadership and a caring environment. The staff-child ratio is one to 14 children or less. Find out more at www.greenbayymca.org/kids-day-out For more information on these programs check our website at www.greenbayymca.org/beforeafter-school or call the School-Age Child Care office at 920.436.9675 Greater Green Bay YMCA | www.greenbayymca.org | 920.436.9622
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