Leaf Letter - Spokane County

Page created by Sidney Mejia
Leaf Letter - Spokane County
Leaf Letter
                       The Newsletter of Spokane County’s
                       Master Composters/Recyclers

                         Winter Edition                                                 February 2022
In this issue:
                       2022 Class Begins March 29
2022 MC/R Class   1
                          The 2022 Spokane County Master Composter/Recycler class will be virtual
                       again this year. Starting March 29, weekly meetings will be held Tues. evenings
                       from 5:30 to 7 p.m. A small group “learning lab” will be scheduled the first
                       weekend of the course in the compost demo area at either WSU Extension or the
Children’s book on 2   new Spokane Conservation District facility off 8th. The lab will give students the
                       opportunity to meet in person and build a compost pile that will be monitored
                       throughout the class.
                          MC/R graduates are welcome to attend the virtual classes and can find the
E-Cycle           2    schedule of topics along with the meeting link on the Google shared calendar.
Washington                Help will also be needed on April 2 with the learning lab. Please consider
                       volunteering to help students build the pile and answer questions about your own
When Waste        3    composting systems and what it is like being an MC/R. Materials will also be
Becomes Fashion        needed to build the pile that day. If you have any brown or green material you can
                       donate to the activity, please let Kris know and she will follow up with details
                       closer to the date.
Calendar of Events 4

Check MC/Rs out
  on Facebook

                          Design courtesy of AmeriCorps volunteer Emily Schirmacher.
Leaf Letter - Spokane County
Page 2                                                                                           Leaf Letter

                            E-Cycle Washington
                               E-Cycle Washington is a free program that makes it easy for Washington residents
                            to recycle their broken, obsolete or worn-out electronics. A service fee is assessed
                            to these products when purchased and the money is used to fund take-back and
                            recycling programs.
                               What is included in this program? Televisions, computers, laptops, monitors,
                            tablets, e-readers, and portable DVD players are all on the list.. Most electronic
                            products contain valuable materials that can be recycled and toxic chemicals that
                            should be kept out of the landfill or incinerator.
                               In January 2022, the E-Cycle Washington program collected 872,967 thousand
 Green Cart                 pounds of TVs, computers and monitors for recycling. This is 66.34% of the 1.25
   Service                  million pounds collected
  Resumes                   over the same period in
                            2021. Over the
                            program’s lifetime the
  If you subscribe to a     total volume collected is
 green yard waste cart,
weekly pickup resumes
                            441.6 million pounds.
    this week. Don’t           The Washington
forget that all food and    Materials Management &
  uncoated food-soiled      Financing Authority
   paper can go in the      (WMMFA) has provided
 cart along with weeds
   and small branches.      a detailed county-by-
 Green carts are great      county breakdown of
for the things that can’t   the collection data
   go in your backyard      which can be found on
compost pile and if you
 don’t think you can fill
                            the E-Cycle Washington
 one by yourself every      website.
week, consider sharing
      the cost with a
neighbor. There is too
 much organic material      New Children’s Book is now Available
    still going into the
   waste stream and a
   yard waste cart can          Exploring Spokane: Turning Waste to Energy is a new children's book that
     help reduce that!      explains how Spokane disposes of its trash in the only waste to energy facility
                            in the state. Follow Jules, Oliver, and a curious marmot as they take readers
                            on a journey through the solid waste system. More importantly, they learn why
                                                                                    making less trash to
                                                                                    begin with is the best
                                                                                    thing to do.
                                                                                    The book is availa-
                                                                                    ble free of charge.
                                                                                    Please fill out an online
                                                                                    form to request your
                                                                                    own copy or one can be
                                                                                    picked up in person at
                                                                                    the Administration
                                                                                    Building of the Waste to
                                                                                    Energy Facility at 2900
                                                                                    S. Geiger Blvd., M-F
                                                                                    between 8 a.m.-5 p.m.
Leaf Letter - Spokane County
Winter Edition                                                                                    Page 3

When Waste Becomes Fashion

   If interested in “trashion” design, 350 Spokane is seeking artists for its upcoming
fundraiser, Catalyst for Cool in May. Check out their call for artists below.

                                                                                             Barr-Tech, the
                                                                                         compost facility that
                                                                                         takes all of Spokane
                                                                                            County’s organic
                                                                                           waste collected in
                                                                                            its Clean Green
                                                                                             program has an
                                                                                             offer you can’t
                                                                                         refuse. Through the
                                                                                           end of June, green
                                                                                         cart subscribers can
                                                                                          get 1/2 yard of free
                                                                                             compost from
                                                                                         vendors. This is for
                                                                                           current as well as
                                                                                            new subscribers.
                                                                                                Check out
                                                                                                for details.
Leaf Letter - Spokane County
Spokane Master Composters/Recyclers
                                                                                                              Page 4

                                       Calendar of Events
                                          In-person events are back. As many organizations return to holding in-person
                                       conferences, workshops and events, the MC/Rs have been asked to attend and share
                                       waste reduction knowledge and resources. This provides a better opportunity to
                                       have face-to-face conversations with people and address questions more thoroughly
                                       than we could ever do over the phone or by email.
                                          Please consider volunteering to staff these events and share your knowledge. You
                2900 S. Geiger Blvd.
                                       can sign up for open shifts on the Google Shared Calendar. Once you are on the list,
                Spokane, WA 99224      more details follow.

             Phone: 509-625-6580
                      Recycling        Home & Garden Show
     Information: 509-477-6800
                                       March 11-13, Spokane Convention Center
                      E-mail:          Various shifts are available that weekend
                                       Staff information table on composting and recycling
                                       Free admission and parking (within easy walking
     We are on the web!
                                       Pile Building and Mentoring
                                       Saturday, April 2, 9 a.m. to noon
                                       Location TBD
                                       Help the 2022 class build a demonstration compost pile

    The Leaf Letter is a
                                       Pile Building
    publication of the
Spokane County Regional
                                       Tuesday, April 26
   Solid Waste System                  1 p.m. at Finch Arboretum
 (SCRSWS) with partial                 Build a demonstration pile for the spring compost fair
  funding provided by a
     grant from the
    Washington State                   Spring Compost Fair
 Department of Ecology.                Saturday. April 30 at Finch Arboretum
                                       Set up at 10 a.m. and tear down complete by 3 p.m.
   Editor: Kris Major                  Help as long as you can

                                       Bloomsday Corporate Cup
                                       Sunday, May 1
                                       Downtown Spokane
                                       9 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
                                       Staff recycling sort stations in Corporate Cup area

                                       Inland Empire Garden Expo
                                       Saturday, May 14
                                       Spokane Community College
    When printed, it is on recycled/
          recyclable paper.            8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
                                       Staff information table on composting resources
Leaf Letter - Spokane County Leaf Letter - Spokane County Leaf Letter - Spokane County Leaf Letter - Spokane County Leaf Letter - Spokane County Leaf Letter - Spokane County
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