Lead Innovate Finance Empower - ANNUAL MAGAZINE 2017/2018 - travel with care

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Lead Innovate Finance Empower - ANNUAL MAGAZINE 2017/2018 - travel with care
travel with care
                            travel with care

Lead Innovate Finance Empower - ANNUAL MAGAZINE 2017/2018 - travel with care
The Annual Magazine has been produced by UNWTO, the
                                                                                                                                               travel with care
Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism of the Republic of
Korea, Korea Tourism Organization and the Coordination Desk
as part of their support to the programme and in collaboration
with all programme members and the 10YFP Secretariat.

                    One Planet - Sustainable Tourism Programme
                                Highlights 2017/2018
                      A collaborative platform involving over 150 organizations with one common goal:
                          Decoupling tourism growth from the increased use of natural resources

                         Collective Impact                                                     International Presence
                             Portfolio of Work 2017                                              50 International events organized
                             More than 390 activities by                                         by lead, co-leads and actors
                             over 90 actors                                                      Annual Reports to ECOSOC
                             Overall value over USD 25 million
                                                                          One Planet –           Annual Magazine
                                                                                                                                           World Tourism
                                                                          Sustainable                                                      Organization
                                                                           Tourism                                                         (2018), One Planet -
                         Knowledge                                        Programme                         Research and                   Sustainable Tourism
                         Sharing                                                                                Projects                   Programme Annual
                                                                                                                                           Magazine 2017/2018:
                                                                            151 Members +
                             118 activities by lead, co-leads                4 Officers at         66 SCP projects by lead, co-leads        Lead. Innovate.
                                                                           Coordination Desk                                               Finance. Empower.,
                             and actors (education on SCP + knowledge                             and actors (project duration may vary)
                                                                                                                                           UNWTO, Madrid.
                             resource and technical tool + outreach and                           Baseline Report on the integration
                             communication for SCP + SCP training)
                                                                                                  of SCP into tourism policies
                             Annual Conference 2017
                                                                                                  3 Trust Fund projects
                             2 MAC meetings
                                                                                                  One Plan for One Planet:
                             7 webinars including 2 circular economy
                                                                                                  Strategy 2018-2022
                             related webinars
Lead Innovate Finance Empower - ANNUAL MAGAZINE 2017/2018 - travel with care
Sustainable Tourism for One Planet

The only constant is change, as the old                2018 is a year of change for the whole                         production in the tourism sector. Today,            using GPS technology to track tourist
saying goes. In this third annual edition, we          sustainable consumption and production                         the Programme counts over 150 proactive             movement, and an optimized platform that
embrace the changes that have sharpened                community, whereby we have taken stock                         organizations as its members, working               presents open climate data in interactive
our focus and propelled us to this significant          of the progress of the 10 year framework of                    together to carry out an array of inspiring         visualizations to help policymakers and
chapter of our work as the One Planet -                programmes on sustainable consumption                          and innovative activities on sustainable            stakeholders gain updated insights on
Sustainable Tourism Programme following                and production and launched its new                            tourism.                                            climate change.
the 2017 International Year of Sustainable             strategy 2018-2022 ‘One Plan for One
Tourism for Development.                               Planet’. The One Planet network, which has                     In this issue, we highlight our Members’            At this definitive new chapter, UNWTO as
                                                       formed to implement the 10 year framework                      outstanding actions on the ground,                  a Lead and the governments of France,
With the vision to carry on the legacy of              of programmes on sustainable consumption                       from the snow- capped landscapes of                 Morocco and the Republic of Korea as Co-
the International Year, a resounding call              and production, is an implementation                           Chamonix Valley to the tropical shorelines          Leads together with the 10YFP Secretariat
for unity was adopted during the 2017                  mechanism of SDG 12 and ensures the                            of Saint Lucia; from the South Baltic               at UN Environment reaffirm our commitment
A n n u a l C o n fer e n c e i n B ot swa n a , a s   participation of all sectors of society for                    Sea to Southeast Asia; from Republic                to consolidate the diverse strengths of our
enshrined in the Kasane Call to Action on              the transformative action needed to deliver                    of Korea to Costa Rica. Many initiatives            network in scaling up our work, guided
Sustainable Tourism: “The Tourism We                   SDG 12 and Agenda 2030. Guided by this                         have full y e m br ac e d st ate - of-t he - ar t   by our new long-term vision to ultimately
Want”. This Call distills our mandate into             strategy, the One Planet - Sustainable                         technologies and leading-edge solutions to          realize the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable
four action levers: Lead, Innovate, Finance,           Tourism Programme leads the shift as a                         address the tourism sector’s most critical          Development. In this light, we would like to
Empower (“L.I.F.E.”) - a new creed that                collaborative platform that brings together                    challenges, including catalyzing resource           extend our deepest appreciation to all our
serves as a comprehensive guideline to                 initiatives and partnerships, overcoming                       efficiency, reducing carbon emissions, and           partners for their commitment and tireless
mobilize tourism’s development potential in            c u r r e n t f r ag m e n t at i o n i n s et t i n g t h e   transitioning to the circular economy. These        work thus far, and look forward to expanding
alignment with SDG12 of the 2030 Agenda                agenda, providing tools and solutions, and                     initiatives include, among others, a cutting-       our Programme even further for years to
for Sustainable Development.                           influencing national and international action                   edge online system to facilitate travel for         come.
                                                       to advance sustainable consumption and                         people with disabilities, mobile applications

                                                                                                                                    KINGDOM OF MOROCCO
                                                                                                                             MINISTRY OF TOURISM, AIR TRANSPORT,
                                                                                                                              HANDICRAFTS AND SOCIAL ECONOMY
Lead Innovate Finance Empower - ANNUAL MAGAZINE 2017/2018 - travel with care
One Planet – Sustainable Tourism Programme
Lead. Innovate. Finance. Empower.                                                                                                         travel with care

Table of contents
 1. Catalyzing Change                          2. Achievements on the ground

 What you need to know about the           8   One Planet - Sustainable Tourism                24   Championing private sector engagement in           30
 One Planet - Sustainable Tourism              Programme Portfolio of Work                          energy efficiency - Federation of Tourism
 Programme                                                                                          Companies of Chile (FEDETUR) develops a
                                               Advancing SDG 12 - One Planet -                 26   pilot project, “Reducing Energy Consumption and
 Paving the path forward - One Plan for   10   Sustainable Tourism Programme adopts the             CO2 emissions in the Chilean Tourism Industry”
 One Planet: Strategy 2018-2022                Kasane Call to Action on Sustainable Tourism:
                                               “The Tourism We Want”                                Accelerating the integration of SCP into            31
 One Planet - Sustainable Tourism         12                                                        national tourism policies - UNWTO presents
 Programme Governing Structure                                                                      report, “Baseline on the Integration of Sustainable
                                               LEAD                                                 Consumption and Production Patterns into
 Milestones of 2017/2018                  13                                                        Tourism Policies”
                                               A look back to look ahead: Morocco’s            28
 Calendar of Events 2017                  20   Department of Tourism of the Ministry of
                                               Tourism, Air Transport, Handicrafts and              INNOVATE
 Trust Fund Projects                      22   Social Economy celebrates ten years of
                                               commitment to sustainable tourism                    Supporting tourism’s transition towards a      32
                                                                                                    circular economy - A look at Pomerania
                                                                                                    Development Agency’s CIRTOINNO project and the
                                                                                                    Center for Regional Tourism Research Handbook,
                                                                                                    “Destination: A circular tourism economy”
Lead Innovate Finance Empower - ANNUAL MAGAZINE 2017/2018 - travel with care
One Planet – Sustainable Tourism Programme
Lead. Innovate. Finance. Empower.                                                                                                                     travel with care

Table of contents
 2. Achievements on the ground

 Driving resource-efficient tourism                34   Facilitating accessible tourism through         38    Consolidating climate data to inform                 42
 operations in developing countries -                   innovative online systems - NATIVE Hotels             tourism policy - Vizzuality develops technical
 the Center for Appropriate Technology from             and Accessible Tourism upgrades global                component of online platform Climate Watch
 Austria (GrAT) launches Zero Carbon                    reference platform for accessible tourism
 Resorts for Sustainable Tourism project in the                                                               Finding solutions for destination overcrowding -     43
 Philippines and Thailand                               Reducing plastic waste in hotel operations -    39    The World Travel & Tourism Council (WTTC)
                                                        Travel Without Plastic creates single-use             releases report, “Coping with success:
 Proving the economic business case                36   plastics reduction guide and toolkit for              Managing overcrowding in tourism destinations”
 for sustainability - Chamber of Commerce               accommodation sector
 and Industry of France (CCI France)
 launches interactive web application to                Improving tourism value chains in developing    40    FINANCE
 encourage eco-savings in the hospitality sector        countries and SIDS - UN Environment launches
                                                        Transforming Tourism Value Chains to Accelerate       Financing tourism SMEs - Fundecooperación            44
 Applying circular economy practices               37   More Resource Efficient, Low Carbon Development       para el Desarrollo Sostenible’s Tailor-made
 to optimize environmental performance –                project in four pilot countries                       financing programme for micro and
 A case study of JG Afrika’s Operational                                                                      SMEs in Costa Rica
 Materials Management Plan for Hotel Verde,             Understanding Tourist Behaviour to Inform        41
 South Africa                                           Tourism Policy - The University of Tasmania’s
                                                        Tourism Tracer mobile app leverages cutting-edge
                                                        GPS technology to track tourist movement
Lead Innovate Finance Empower - ANNUAL MAGAZINE 2017/2018 - travel with care
One Planet – Sustainable Tourism Programme
Lead. Innovate. Finance. Empower.                                                                                                                    travel with care

Table of contents
 2. Achievements on the ground                                                                               3. A diverse network

 Investment and financing for sustainable        45   Charting the future course of a more              48   Getting to Know the Programme Members                53
 tourism - OECD publishes Towards                     sustainable tourism sector -
 Investment and Financing for Sustainable             The Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism            World Map of One Planet - Sustainable                58
 Tourism study to support shift towards               of the Republic of Korea                               Tourism Programme Members
 green financing                                      and Korea Tourism Organization organize
                                                       the Sustainable Tourism Forum in Busan,               Join the Programme                                   60
 Financing Solutions for Sustainable             46   Republic of Korea
 Development - UNDP’s online platform
 for financing solutions for sustainable              Community engagement in implementing              49
 development strategies                               mobility solutions in mountain regions -
                                                      Chamonix Valley-Mont-Blanc local
                                                      communities work alongside government to
 EMPOWER                                              revitalize public transportation infrastructure

 Monitoring sustainability performance           47   In a Nutshell                                     50
 of ecotourism destinations - Korea Ecotourism
 Society implements Korea Ecotourism
 Destinations Assessment
Lead Innovate Finance Empower - ANNUAL MAGAZINE 2017/2018 - travel with care
One Planet – Sustainable Tourism Programme
                                                                                             Annual Magazine 2017/2018

Catalyzing change
What you need to know about the One Planet - Sustainable Tourism Programme
Paving the path forward - One Plan for One Planet: Strategy 2018-2022
One Planet - Sustainable Tourism Programme Governing Structure
Milestones of 2017/2018
Calendar of Event 2017
Trust Fund Projects
Lead Innovate Finance Empower - ANNUAL MAGAZINE 2017/2018 - travel with care

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What you need to know about the One                                   1             2             3
                                                                                                                                              Did you know?

Planet - Sustainable Tourism Programme
A collaborative platform                                                                                                 1,323 MILLION            International tourist arrivals (overnight
                                                                                                                                                  visitors) in 2017 grew by 6.8% to reach a
                                                                                                                               TOURIST            total of 1,323 million worldwide, an increase
The 10-Year Framework of Programmes on Sustainable        platform, the One Planet - Sustainable Tourism                   ARRIVALS IN 2017       of 84 million over the previous year.
Consumption and Production Patterns (10YFP) was           Programme (STP), to bring together existing initiatives
adopted at the United Nations Conference on Sustainable   and partnerships and facilitate new projects and activities
Development, Rio+20, in June 2012 with the programmes     to accelerate the shift to sustainable consumption and                 7%               International tourism represents 7% of the
being initiated between 2014 and 2015.                    production (SCP) in tourism.The membership of the One          OF WORLD'S EXPORTS
                                                                                                                                                  world’s exports in goods and services, with
                                                          Planet - Sustainable Tourism Programme has grown to                                     a total value of US$ 1.4 trillion in tourism
Since February 2018, the 10YFP has been rebranded as      involve over 150 proactive organizations working together         US$1.4                exports as of 2016.
the One Planet network. The 10YFP Sustainable Tourism     to implement a variety of activities on sustainable tourism.
Programme continues to operate as a collaborative
                                                                                                                               10%                Tourism is one of the main economic
                                                                                                                           OF WORLD'S GDP
                                                                                                                                                  sectors of the world, accounting for 10% of
Working on the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)                                                 (Direct, indirect and   GDP (direct, indirect and induced).

                                                                           As an implementation mechanism for the
                                                                           Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs),
                                                                           in particular SDG12, with the potential            1 IN 10
                                                                                                                               JOBS               Tourism is one of the driving forces of
                          SDG12 calls specifically to ensure               to advance other SDGs as well (among                                   global economic growth, and currently
                          SCP patterns, the first target of                them SDG8 focusing on decent work and                                  accounts for 1 in 10 jobs worldwide.
                          which is the implementation of the               economic growth, SDG13 addressing
                          10YFP.                                           climate change, and SDG14 and SDG15 on
                                                                           the conservation of marine and terrestrial
    Target 12.1 aims to implement the 10YFP on sustainable                 resources), the One Planet - STP envisions     1.8 BILLION             International tourist arrivals worldwide
                                                                                                                                                  are expected to increase by 3.3% a year
    consumption and production, all countries taking action,               a tourism sector that has globally-adopted       INTERNATIONAL
                                                                                                                               TOURIST            between 2010 and 2030 to reach 1.8 billion
    with developed countries taking the lead, taking into                  SCP resulting in enhanced environmental         ARRIVALS IN 2030       by 2030.
    account the development and capabilities of developing                 and social outcomes and improved economic
    countries.                                                             performance.
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What you need to know about the One Planet - Sustainable Tourism Programme
                                                                     1            2   3

Advancing sustainable consumption                             The One Planet - Sustainable Tourism   Accelerating sustainable consumption
and production in the tourism sector                          Programme focuses on four levers of    and production globally
                                                              actions (“L.I.F.E.”)
                                                                                                     The Sustainable Tourism Programme is one of the six One
  SCP is about fulfilling the needs of all while using                                               Planet network programmes whose full scope involves over
  natural resources responsibly and producing less                                                   600 actors, 130 national government focal points and 22 UN
  waste and pollution. Its implementation helps to                                                   entities within the UN Interagency Coordination Group.
  reduce future economic, environmental and social
  costs by advancing the transition towards a low-
  carbon, green economy.                                                                             The 6 One Planet network programmes:

                                                                                                                  Consumer Information for SCP
SCP is highly relevant to the tourism sector as natural
resources are at the core of the sector’s competitiveness.
Tourism’s robust growth in the past decade comes with                                                             Sustainable Buildings and Construction
the responsibility to decouple from the increasing use of
natural resources, as well as the opportunity to achieve                                                          Sustainable Food Systems
multiplier positive effects using the sector as an agent of
change at all levels of its transversal value chain.
                                                                                                                  Sustainable Lifestyles and Education

                                                                                                                  Sustainable Public Procurement

                                                                                                                  Sustainable Tourism

                                                                                                     For further information, please click here.
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Paving the path forward -                                             1              2             3

One Plan for One Planet: Strategy 2018-2022
One Plan for One Planet: Strategy 2018-2022 defines a         Four objectives                                           effectiveness by the number of countries taking action on
common vision and outlines unified objectives, strategic                                                                SCP, receiving support or using resources or practices
principles and approaches for all members of One Planet                                                                 developed by the network when implementing SCP. This
network in order to advance SDG12.                                                                                      entails synergies and cooperation across all stakeholders
                                                                                                                        and organizations.
The Strategy’s overall mission is to accelerate the shift
towards sustainable consumption and production (SCP) in                                                                 Actions
both developed and developing countries, establishing it                                                                  Support implementation of SDG 12
as a fundamental blueprint for sustainable development. It                                                                Monitor the shift to SCP and identify emerging trends,
envisions the development of resource-efficient societies,                                                                 key challenges and gaps
driven by SCP patterns, advancing along the path towards                                                                  Communic ate SCP as an essential strategy for
socio-economic growth, environmental protection and                                                                        implementing Agenda 2030
human well-being.                                                                                                         Support national policy implementation and insure
                                                                                                                          country-level implementation
The Strategy builds on the progress of the previous five                                                                  Leverage HLPF to disseminate key messages
years and the comprehensive stocktaking at mid-term,                                                                      S t r e n g t h e n t h e 10Y FP Tr u s t Fu n d t h r o u g h U N
looking to achieve the network’s long-term vision and                                                                     coordination and efficiency of fund administration
enable its diverse strengths strategically and at a greater   The Strategy’s four specific objectives are:
                                                                                                                                         2. To catalyze ambitious action by
                                                                               1. To advance SDG12 of the United                            providing tools and solutions that
Armed with this strategy, the One Planet network will
                                                                                  Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable                       support the shift to sustainable
function as the lead mechanism to advance SDG12. As
                                                                                  Development                                               consumption and production
an open partnership, the network invites countries and
organizations to join and actively engage in the Strategy’s
implementation.                                               As an implementation mechanism of SDG12, as affirmed      Transformative action at scale requires knowledge,
                                                              by Target 12.1, the One Planet network will measure its   resources and technical and institutional capacity to

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Paving the path forward - One Plan for One Planet: Strategy 2018-2022  1              2             3

act, which can be enabled through information sharing,           Create and enhance joint vision and key messages                Collect available data or estimations on impacts
experience and expertise.                                        Influence national and international action                      Demonstrate that SCP is an approach to address social
                                                                 Engage financial institution to mainstream SCP in               and environmental challenges
 Actions                                                         strategies                                                      Address strategic cross- cut ting topics across
  Contribute to programme portfolios                             Increase political support by engaging decision makers          programmes
  Foster the application of SCP knowledge and tools              Increase awareness on SCP by developing narratives              Demonstrate SCP as an integrated enabler of Agenda
  Provide technical assistance, training and capacity            and storytelling                                                2030
  development                                                    Increase number of engaged One Planet actors                    Build on science-based evidence to strengthen key
  Identify, promote and scale up successful high impact                                                                          messages and leverage links to high-level commitments
  Partner with businesses to identify transformational                       4. To demonstrate the benefits and impacts         The path forward
  solutions                                                                     of sustainable consumption and
  Joint value creation by developing strategic products that                    production and its role in addressing the      To ensure the Strategy’s effective and coordinated
  deliver change                                                                key environmental and social challenges        implementation, each Programme, region and group of
                                                                                                                               actors will build its pillars in their respective action plans.
                                                               Apar t from advancing SDG12, SCP simultaneously                 The specific objectives, strategic principles and framework
               3. To lead the cohesive implementation          contributes to the achievement of almost all of the SDGs,       for action are designed to enable the One Planet network
                  of sustainable consumption and               directly or indirectly. It also contributes to addressing key   to meet its five-year overall objective, to support the
                  production                                   environmental and social challenges. Resource efficiency,        achievement of the SDGs by 2030, and to deliver its
                                                               for instance, is indispensable in meeting climate change        longer-term vision on resource efficient consumption and
The shift to SCP requires a systemic approach, with            targets, potentially boosting economic activity while           production patterns.
the participation of all sectors of society - governments,     reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 63% by 2050. In
local authorities, businesses, civil society, scientific       many instances, however, fragmented action and gaps             Within this framework, the One Planet - Sustainable
organizations and citizens. Sustainable Development Goal       in information or evidence remain, and decision-makers          Tourism Programme will continue to operate as a global
17 on partnerships also highlights this as a requirement for   require further data and information to understand the          collaborative platform, synergizing existing initiatives and
a successful sustainable development agenda.                   multiple benefits of SCP in order to scale up and take          partnerships and facilitating new projects and activities
                                                               additional actions.                                             to accelerate the shift to sustainable consumption and
 Actions                                                                                                                       production in tourism.
  Be an authoritative voice on current state of SCP             Actions
  knowledge                                                      Contribute to knowledge and understanding of SCP
  Set the agenda in areas of programmes and key topics           impacts

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One Planet - Sustainable Tourism Programme                                           1            2                 3

Governing Structure
                                                                                                      T h e O n e Pl a n et - S u s t ai n a b l e To ur i s m   T h e 10YFP S e c ret ar i at i s ba s e d at t h e
                                                         10YFP                                        Programme is led by the World Tourism                      Economy Division of the UN Environment in
                                                       Trust Fund                                     Organization (UNWTO) with the Governments                  Paris. It is responsible for the overall coordination,
                                                                                                      of France (Ministry for the Ecological and                 administration of the Trust Fund and reporting
  10YFP                                               10YFP Board                                     Inclusive Transition), Morocco (Secretariat of             to the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC)
Secretariat                                              10 countries
                                                                                 ECOSOC               State for Tourism of the Ministry of Tourism, Air          via the 10YFP Board.
                                                                                                      Transport, Handicrafts and Social Economy)
                                                                                                      and the Republic of Korea (Ministry of Culture,            The 10YFP Board is composed of ten country-
                                                      National Focal Points                           Sports and Tourism) and as Co-Leads and in                 representatives, two members per UN regional
                                                            127 countries
                                                                                                      collaboration with the 10YFP Secretariat at UN             group.
   Lead &                                                                                             Environment.
  Co-Leads                                                                                                                                                       National Focal Points play a role to ensure
                                                                                                      A 22-member Multi-Stakeholder Advisory                     contact and coordination with the Board and
                                                       Multi-Stakeholder                              Committee (MAC), consisting of governmental                the Secretariat for 10YFP. National Focal
                                                      Advisory Committee                              agencies, non-governmental organizations,                  Points were identified by countries to support
                                  COORDINATION DESK

                                                             22 members                               private sector businesses, intergovernmental               the 10YFP Secretariat in the implementation
                                                                                                      organizations, national cleaner production                 of SCP at the national level. National Focal
                                                                                                      centers as well as academia and UN agencies,               Points can support Tourism Programme actors
                                                                                                      is supporting the Lead and Co-Leads in their               in identifying countr y specific needs and
                                                             Partners                                 efforts to mainstream sustainable consumption              advancing the implementation of sustainable
                                                            125 members
                                                                                                      and production (SCP) patterns in the tourism               tourism initiatives.
                                                                                                      sector. Currently, 125 organizations have joined
                                                                                                      the programme as Partners.                                 The One Planet - Sustainable Tourism Programme,
                                                      Coordination Desk of
                                                                                                                                                                 together with the five other programmes,
                                                      other Programmes of
                                                       One Planet network                             The Coordination Desk is formed by the staff               serves as an open, inclusive and collaborative
                                                                                                      provided by the Lead and Co-Leads and acts                 platform, and an incubator for ideas, expertise
                                                                                                      as the interface between programme actors                  and resources to deliver SCP.
                                                                                                      and the 10YFP Secretariat.

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Milestones of 2017/2018                                           1          2      3

                                                                                                Release of the second edition of 10YFP Annual
       12 July
                      7 Meeting of the MAC                                                      Magazine
        2017                                                                                    The second edition of the 10YFP STP Annual Magazine, titled
                      Multi-Stakeholder Advisor y Commit tee (MAC)               11 September
                                                                                                “Advancing towards a clear North”, featured a selection of contributions
                      Members discussed overall progress including the               2017
                      preparations of the 2017 International Symposium and                      from various Programme Actors to the 2016 Portfolio of Work through
                      Annual Conference, Green Climate Fund and 10YFP                           a series of interviews, case studies and reports from actions on the
                      Resource Mobilization Strategy.                                           ground to showcase the implementation of sustainable initiatives and
                                                                                                efforts to accelerate the shift towards Sustainable Consumption and
                                                                                                Production (SCP) in the global tourism sector.

                 Sustainable Tourism Webinar 7:
                 “Tourism and sustainable food
                 Speakers: Mr. Nout van der Vaart (Humanist
20 September     Institute for Co-operation with Developing
    2017         Countries), Ms. Wendy Moore (The Travel
                 Foundation), Mr. Terry Brown (The Travel
                 Foundation), Prof. Dagmar Lund-Durlacher
                 (MODUL University Vienna), Mr. Benjamin
                 Lephiliber t (LightBlue Environmental
                 Moderator: Dr. Dirk Glaesser (UNWTO)
                 One Planet – Sustainable Tourism Programme
                 continued organizing series of webinars in
                 partnership with UN Environment and the French

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Milestones of 2017/2018                                     1            2             3                   Sustainable Tourism Webinar 10:
                                                                                                           “What is overtourism in protected
                                                                                                           areas and what can we do about it?”
             Sustainable Tourism Webinar 8:                                                   3 November   Speaker s: Mr. Jon Kohl (PUP Global Heritage
             ‘Sustainability catalysts’ - The                                                    2017      Consortium), Dr. Stephen McCool (University of
11 October   importance of large companies                                                                 Montana)
             to tourism value chains                                                                       Moderators: Dr. Anna Spenceley (IUCN WCPA TAPAS
                                                                                                           Group), Mr. Allan Rhodes Espinoza (Ecoturismo
             Speakers: Ms. Jane Ashton (TUI                                                                Genuino)
             Group PLC), Ms. Marie Balmain
             (Pierre & Vacances Center Parcs),
             Mr. Nicolas Perin (International
             Tourism Partnership)
             Moderator: Ms. Helena Rey (UN

                       Sustainable Tourism Webinar 9: “Financing
        18 October     sustainable development in tourism SMEs”
                       Speakers: Ms. Virginia Robano (OECD), Mr. Salvador Leal (Ministry of
                       Tourism, Mexico), Mr. Vasilis Karakousis (TEMES S.A.)
                       Moderator: Ms. Cecilia Lopez y Royo (UN Environment)

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Milestones of 2017/2018                                                               1              2                3
                                                                                                           2017 International Symposium and Annual Conference of the
                                                                                                           10YFP Sustainable Tourism Programme
    November                                                                                               The 2017 edition of the International Symposium and Annual Conference of the 10YFP
      2017          Sustainable Development                                                                Sustainable Tourism Programme (STP) was held from 7th – 9th December 2017 in Kasane,
  Papeete, French   and Circular Economy -                                                                 Chobe, Botswana under the theme of “Empowering Tourism Destinations’ Sustainability
                   Seminar: Sustainable and                                                                through Innovation”.
                 Responsible Tourism                                                         7-9
                                                                                          December         The event was hosted by the Botswana Tourism Organization and co�organized by the
 The seminar on Sustainable and Responsible Tourism was                                                    10YFP STP, a partnership led by UNWTO with the Governments of France, Morocco and
 hosted by the local government of French Polynesia on 20-                                Kasane, Chobe,
                                                                                                           the Republic of Korea as Co�Leads, with the support of the UN Environment and the 10YFP
 21 November 2017 in Papeete, French Polynesia. It was the                                  Botswana       Secretariat.
 second edition of the three-part series of seminars held under
 the framework of the ‘Sustainable Development and Circular                                                The International Symposium was opened by His Hon. Tshekedi Khama, Minister of
 Economy’ project led by the Pacific Economic Cooperation                                                  Environment, Natural Resources, Conservation and Tourism of Botswana and brought
 Council (PEEC).                                                                                           together sustainable tourism experts and professionals dedicated to advancing sustainable
                                                                                                           tourism. The event focused on applying innovative approaches, tools and techniques to
 This seminar addressed the tourism sector’s high importance                                               accelerate SCP patterns in the tourism sector in both developed and developing countries.
 for country members of PEEC while discussing the need and                                                 Topics such as use of data for tourism planning, circular economy, financing innovation in
 potential of integrating circular economic thinking into tourism to                                       tourism and marketing of sustainability were discussed during the Symposium.
 accelerate the sector’s contribution to environmental protection,
 socio-economic benefits and the fight against climate change.                                               During the Annual Conference, the
                                                                                                           Pr o g r a m m e p r o g r e s s , p r i o r i t i e s
                                                                                                           and needs were discussed. The
                                                                                                           Conference presented opportunities
                                                                                                           for par ticipants to exchange
                                                                                                           experiences and played an active
                                                                                                           role in shaping the priorities of the
                                                                                                           Programme by using their collective
                                                                                                           intelligence to jointly develop the                      Participants discussed on collective work for sustainable consumption
                                                                                                           Kasane Call to Action.                                   and production in tourism during the Annual Conference
  Hon. Édouard Fritch, President of French Polynesia, making opening remarks at the
  Sustainable and Responsible Tourism seminar.

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                                                                                                                                                                     travel with care
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Milestones of 2017/2018                                        1              2             3

              Sustainable Tourism Webinar 11: “Sustainable                                                         Rebranding to One Planet network
              food management”                                                                                     Since Februar y 2018, the 10 -Year Framework of
19 December
                                                                                                                   Pr o gr am mes o n Su st aina b l e C o n sum pt i o n an d
    2017      Speakers: Mr. Christian de Barrin (HOTREC), Mr. Alexis Waravka                     February
                                                                                                                   Production (10YFP) has been rebranded as One Planet
              (HOTREC), Ms. Agnès Weil (Club Méditerranée), Mr. Arnaud                             2018
                                                                                                                   network. The 10YFP Sustainable Tourism Programme
              Herrmann (AccorHotels)
                                                                                                                   continues to operate as a collaborative platform, the
              Moderator: Mr. Bruno                                                                                 One Planet - Sustainable Tourism Programme, to
              Fareniaux (Ministry of                                                                               bring together existing initiatives and partnerships and
              Ecological and Inclusive                                                                             facilitate new projects and activities to accelerate the
              Transition of France)                                                                                shift to SCP in tourism.

                      January            10YFP Strategy Task Force Meeting
                                         The 10YFP Strategy Task Force meeting gathered representatives of the 10YFP National
                        France           Focal Points, 10YFP Programmes, Inter-Agency Coordination Group, UN Environment,
                                         the European Commission, the HLPF Secretariat, and the Chair of the 10YFP Board.

                                         The objectives of this meeting were to: a) Discuss and agree on the proposed objectives
                                         and approaches of the key areas, b) Integrate inputs from the external independent review
                                         in the strategy, c) Define key objectives of the 10YFP over the next 5 years; d) Agree on
                                         next steps for the development of the 10YFP strategy 2018-2022.

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Milestones of 2017/2018                                 1            2       3
                                                                                                             8th Meeting of the MAC
                                                                                            13 April         Multi-Stakeholder Advisory Committee (MAC)
                                                                                             2018            Members were informed about Strategy 2018-2022
                                                                                                             of the One Planet network, and consulted about
               Portfolio Exercise 2015 - 2017                                                                the work plan of the Coordination Desk as well as
                                                                                                             upcoming activities at High-Level Political Forum.
      2018     The 10YFP STP Portfolio Exercise 2015 - 2017
               was linked to the 10YFP Indicators of Success.
               A total of over 90 actors of the 10YFP STP
               linked more than 390 activities to the Portfolio
               for 2015 - 2017, resulting in an overall value of
               over USD 25 million.                                       Submission of 10YFP STP Mid-Term
                                                                          2012-2017 Report to ECOSOC
                                                                          The contribution of the STP based on the results of the Portfolio      2018
                                                                          Exercise 2012-2017 was submitted to the High-Level Political
                                                                          Forum as a part of 10YFP Mid-Term progress report.

               Sustainable Tourism Webinar 12:
               “Sustainable Business Models on
               Circularity in the Built Environment”
   28 March
     2018      S p eaker s: Mr. N i te s h M ag d ani (Royal BA M t h e
               Netherlands), Dr. Ke Wang (VITO Belgium), Dr. Robert
               Wimmer (GrAT - Center for Appropriate Technology)
               Moderator: Mr. Pekka Huovila (Sustainable Building and
               Construction Programme of the One Planet network)

                                                                  1                 2         3
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Milestones of 2017/2018                                           1                 2         3

                                                                                                  Launch of One Plan for One Planet:
                                                                                                  Strategy 2018-2022                                                          30 May
           Launch of the Kasane Call to Action                                                    One Plan for One Planet: Strategy 2018-2022 defines a                        Paris,
                                                                                                  common vision and outlines common objectives, strategic                      France
   April   The Kasane Call to Action was developed and launched as                                principles and approaches for all members of One Planet
   2018    the Programme’s contribution to the legacy of the International                        network aiming at advancing SDG12. The Strategy builds on
           Year of Sustainable Tourism for Development during the                                 the progress of the previous five years and the comprehensive
           2017 International Symposium and Annual Conference of the                              stocktaking at mid-term, to deliver the long-term vision and
           10YFP Sustainable Tourism Programme.                                                   enable strategic use of the diverse strengths of the network, at
                                                                                                  a greater scale.

                 One Planet Network Programme
                 Coordination Desk Meeting                                                   29 May
                 C o o r d i n at i o n D e s k s o f t h e O n e Pl a n e t n e t w o r k   Paris,
                 gathered in Paris to discuss practical steps towards the                    France
                 implementation of the 2018-2022 strategy of the One
                 Planet network, share practices and lessons learnt on
                 programme coordination.

                 Coordination Desk decided to reinforce the cross-
                 programme collaboration by developing a common project
                 on circular economy.                                                                                          One Plan for One Planet: Strategy 2018-2022
                                                                                                                               gives direction to the One Planet network to
                                                                                                                               aim at advancing SDG12.

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Milestones of 2017/2018                                                         1                  2                  3

      30-31 May                                                                                                                  6 June
        2018                                                                                                                      2018
                                                                                                                                          Sustainable Tourism Webinar 13:
                                                                                                                                          “Circular economy: exploring an
                                                                                                                                          innovative approach for the tourism
 One Planet Network Executive Meeting                                                                                                     sector”
 The meeting gathered the 10YFP Board, leading One                                                                                        Speakers: Ms. Anna Tarí, (Circular Economy Club), Dr.
 Planet actors, the Inter-Agency Coordination Group,                                                                                      Jesper Manniche (Center for Regional and Tourism
 invited speakers, and the Secretariat. The objectives                                                                                    Research), Ms. Sally-Anne Käsner (JG AFRIKA)
 of the meeting were to launch the implementation of
                                                                                                                                          Moderator: Dr. Dirk Glaesser (UNWTO)
 the Strategy 2018-2022 ‘One Plan for One Planet’ and
 define priority actions for the strategy implementation.
 The meeting was composed of ten sessions structured
 around the four operational objectives of the strategy.
 T h e S e c ret ar i at or g anize d i nter ac t i ve s e s s i o n s
 on engagement of the private sector par tners to
 reflect with participants on potential synergies for                        One Planet network gathered to launch the
 future collaborations to scale up and speed up the                          implementation of the new Strategy 2018 –
                                                                             2022 and define priority actions for the strategy
 implementation process of the SDG12.                                        implementation.

                           Stay tuned                 @1PlanetTourism
                             for the                  @1PlanetTourism
                           Milestones!                10YFP Sustainable Tourism Programme

                                                                         1                        2                           3
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Calendar of Events 2017                                                  1                        2                           3

                          FEBRUARY                                                        MARCH                                                   APRIL                                                 MAY
                      02          Student Voices
                                  in Sustainable Tourism                          17-19               GSTC Sustainable
                                                                                                      Tourism Training                    01-04            PATA Adventure Travel
                                                                                                                                                           Conference and Mart 2017               11-12          GSTC Sustainable
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Tourism Training
                     Know more    KENYA                                               Know more       Kowloon | Hong Kong                    Know more     Luoyang | china                         Know more     Kowloon | Hong Kong
                   Sustainable Travel & Tourism                                  Global Sustainable Tourism                               Pacific Asia Travel Association                        Global Sustainable Tourism
                   Agenda                  As host / organizer                   Council (GSTC)           As host / organizer             (PATA)                     As host / organizer         Council (GSTC)           As host / organizer

                   Event type:            Relation with IY2017:                  Event type:                Relation with IY2017:          Event type:             Relation with IY2017:         Event type:             Relation with IY2017:
                   Advocacy &                                                                                                             Advocacy &
                                                                                 Capacity                                                 awareness                                              Capacity
                   awareness                                                     building                                                 raising                                                building

                                                                                       20             2e Moroccan Sustainable             06-08            2017 Busan Sustainable
                                                                                                                                                           Tourism Forum
                                                                                                                                                                                                     16          2e Moroccan Sustainable
                   06-07          Senboku-Akita
                                  Sustainable Tourism Forum
                                                                                      Know more
                                                                                                      & Responsible Tourism Day
                                                                                                      Rabat | MOROCC0
                                                                                                                                             Know more     Busan | SOUTH KOREA
                                                                                                                                                                                                   Know more
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 & Responsible Tourism Day
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Rabat | MOROCC0
                     Know more    Akita | JAPAN                                                                                           Ministry of Culture, Sports and
                   Ecotourism Japan                                              State Secretary for Tourism,                             Tourism of Korea          As host / organizer          State Secretary for Tourism,
                                                  As host / organizer
                                                                                 Morocco                   As host / organizer                                                                   Morocco                   As host / organizer
                                                                                                                                          Event type:              Relation with IY2017:
                                                                                 Event type:                Relation with IY2017:         Advocacy &                                             Event type:             Relation with IY2017:
                   Event type:            Relation with IY2017:                                                                           awareness
                                                                                 Advocacy &                                               raising                                                Advocacy &
                   Advocacy &                                                    awareness                                                                                                       awareness
                                                                                                                                           13-16           Thingyan
                                                                                 raising                                                                                                         raising
                                                                                                                                                           (Water Festival)
                                                                                                      UNWTO / CTO Workshop:                                                                                      UNWTO / CTO Workshop:
                   13-15                                                         27-31                                                                                                           18-21
                                  GSTC Sustainable                                                                                           Know more     Yangon | Myanmar
                                                                                                      ST destination management &         NATH, Inc.                                                             ST destination management &
                                  Tourism Training                                                                                                                           As particpant

                     Know more    Bangkok | THAILAND
                                                                                                      marketing                           Event type:              Relation with IY2017:
                                                                                      Know more       SAINT LUCIA                                                                                  Know more     SAINT LUCIA
                   Global Sustainable Tourism                                    UNWTO Themis Foundation
                                                                                                                                          Local festival
                                                                                                                                                                                                 UNWTO Themis Foundation
                   Council (GSTC)           As host / organizer
                                                                                                                    As host / organizer                                                                                         As host / organizer
                   Event type:            Relation with IY2017:                                                                                            Business Support Organisation for
                                                                                 Event type:
                                                                                                            Relation with IY2017:
                                                                                                                                           18-22           sustainability in Georgia's tourism
                                                                                                                                                                                                 Event type:
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Relation with IY2017:

                                                                                                                                             Know more     Tbilisi, Kutaissi, Batumi | Georgia

                   20-23          ST Certification Training for                                                                           Jlag Europe                        As particpant

                     Know more
                                  Control Union Auditors
                                  Bangkok | THAILAND
                                                                                 29-30                Forum on Sustainability
                                                                                                      in Tourism and Hospitality          Event type:
                                                                                                                                          Advocacy &
                                                                                                                                                                   Relation with IY2017:         29-01JUN        Forum on Sustainability
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 in Tourism and Hospitality
                                                                                      Know more       Yangon | Myanmar                    awareness                                                Know more     Yangon | Myanmar
                   Global Sustainable Tourism                                    Global Sustainable Tourism
                                                                                                                                                                                                 Global Sustainable Tourism
                   Council (GSTC)           As host / organizer
                                                                                 Council (GSTC)
                                                                                                                                          24-25            The present and the future of         Council (GSTC)
                                                                                                          As host / organizer                                                                                             As host / organizer
                   Event type:            Relation with IY2017:
                                                                                 Event type:                Relation with IY2017:                          Sustainable & Responsible Tourism     Event type:             Relation with IY2017:
                   Capacity                                                      Advocacy &                                                  Know more     Zagreb | CROATIA                      Advocacy &
                   building                                                      awareness                                                Ministry of Tourism of Croatia                         awareness
                                                                                 raising                                                                                  As host / organizer    raising

                   28-03MAR       ST Certification Training for
                                  Control Union Auditors
                                                                                                                                          Event type:
                                                                                                                                          Advocacy &
                                                                                                                                                                   Relation with IY2017:

                     Know more    Dalfsen | THE NETHERLANDS                                                                               raising
                   Global Sustainable Tourism
                   Council (GSTC)
                   Event type:
                                            As host / organizer

                                          Relation with IY2017:
                                                                                                                                          26-16JUL         Improving customer
                                                                                                                                                           service in tourism industry
                                                                                                                                             Know more     Yangon | Myanmar
                   Capacity                                                                                                               NATH, Inc.                         As particpant
                                                                                                                                          Event type:              Relation with IY2017:

                                                                                                               1                        2                           3
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                                                                                                               1                        2                           3

       JUNE                                                  AUGUST                                                             SEPTEMBER                                                                                                         OCTOBER
                                                                                                               1                        2 Global Sustainable3Tourism
 12-16            Project Management for
                  Sustainable Development              01-11            Snipe Worlds                                   06-09                Conference 2017                     23-26             World
                                                                                                                                                                                                  Routes 2017                                 05
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             5th Summer School:
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Leadership and Governance
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             for Sustainable Tourism
  Know more       Cardiff | WALES, UK                   Know more       A Coruña | SPAIN                                    Know more       Coyhaique | CHILE                     Know more       Barcelona | SPAIN
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Know more       Cosenza | ITALY
Jlag Europe                     As host / organizer   Tesouros de Galicia                                              Global Sustainable Tourism                               The Travel Foundation
                                                                                        As particpant                                                                                                               As particpant          FEST Foundation
Event type:              Relation with IY2017:                                                                         Council (GSTC)           As host / organizer
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               As particpant
                                                      Event type:              Relation with IY2017:
Capacity                                                                                                               Event type:                 Relation with IY2017:        Event type:               Relation with IY2017:            Event type:              Relation with IY2017:
building                                              competition                                                      Knowledge                                                Advocacy &                                                 Capacity
                                                                                                                       creation                                                 awareness                                                  building
                                                                        Red Rocks Cultural Tourism Week                & dissemination                                          raising

    13            Green Tourism
                  Summit 2017                         25-02SEP          and Rwanda’s “Kwita Izina” Baby
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Planet, People, Peace:
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             International Conference
  Know more       Nairobi| KENYA
                                                                        Gorilla Naming Ceremony                                             Capacity Buidling Course
                                                                                                                                                                                25-30             Atelier d'experts
                                                                                                                                                                                                  en tourisme dans les PEID                                  on Sustainable Tourism
                                                        Know more       Musanze | RWANDA                                                    on Sustainable Tourism
Sustainable Travel & Tourism                          Linking Tourism & Conservation
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Know more       San José | Costa Rica
Agenda                  As host / organizer                                                                                                 Strategies for Local                  Know more       Mahé | Seychelles
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           National Chamber of Ecotourism
                                                                                        As particpant                                       Development                         Institut de la Francophonie
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           of Costa Rica & The Costa Rica
Event type:              Relation with IY2017:        Event type:              Relation with IY2017:                        Know more       Guadalajara | MEXICO                pour le DD                As host / organizer
Knowledge                                             Capacity
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Tourism Board            As host / organizer
creation                                              building
                                                                                                                       UNWTO Themis Foundation                                  Event type:               Relation with IY2017:            Event type:              Relation with IY2017:
& dissemination                                                                                                                                           As host / organizer   Capacity                                                   Outreach &
                                                                                                                                                                                building                                                   communication
                                                                                                                       Event type:                 Relation with IY2017:

14-15             Discover
                                                                                                                                                                                    27            Wereld Toerisme Event:                    10-11
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Transforming Tourism Value
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Chain Workshop
  Know more       Geneva| Switzerland                                                                                                                                                             Samen Kansen Pakken                                        - Inception Workshop
Nomad Lodges                    As host / organizer                                                                                         The Ecotourism                        Know more       Utrecht | THE NETHERLANDS                  Know more       Blaclava | MAURITIUS

Event type:
Advocacy &
                         Relation with IY2017:
                                                         02             GSTC Emerging
                                                                        Destination Workshop                           12-15                and Sustainable Tourism
                                                                                                                                            Conference 2017
                                                                                                                                                                                Dutch Association of Travel
                                                                                                                                                                                Agents & Tour Operators (ANVR)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           UN Environment
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Event type:
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           As host / organizer
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Relation with IY2017:
awareness                                               Know more       Yogyakarta | INDONESIA                              Know more       Ansan | SOUTH KOREA                                                  As host / organizer       Capacity
raising                                               Global Sustainable Tourism                                       The International Ecotourism                             Event type:               Relation with IY2017:
                                                      Council (GSTC)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           30-31             Transforming Tourism Value Chain
                                                                               As host / organizer                                                                              Advocacy &
                                                                                                                       Society (TIES)           As host / organizer

14-15             Metro Manila | THE PHILIPPINES
                    Know more
                                                      Event type:
                                                                               Relation with IY2017:
                                                                                                                       Event type:
                                                                                                                                                   Relation with IY2017:
                                                                                                                                                                                raising                                                      Know more
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Workshop - Inception St. Lucia
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Corinth | SAINT LUCIA

27-28                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      UN Environment
                  Puerto Plata | Dominican Republic                                                                                                                                                                                                                        As host / organizer
                                                                        Transforming Tourism Value
                                                                                                                       building                                                                   Challenges & Perspectives
                    Know more                                                                                                                                                                                                              Event type:              Relation with IY2017:
UN Environment                  As host / organizer   09-10             Chain Workshop - From                                                                                                     of Sustainable Development               Capacity

                                                                                                                       14-15                                                                      of tourism in Croatia
                                                                                                                                            Rediscover                                                                                     building
                                                                        Hotspots to Solutions
Event type:              Relation with IY2017:          Know more       Manila | THE PHILIPPINES                                            connections                           Know more       Plitvice Lakes National Park | CROATIA
Capacity                                              UN Environment                  As host / organizer                   Know more       Geneva| Switzerland                 Ministry of Tourism of Croatia
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 As host / organizer
                                                      Event type:              Relation with IY2017:                   Nomad Lodges                       As host / organizer
                                                      Capacity                                                                                                                  Event type:               Relation with IY2017:
                                                      building                                                         Event type:                 Relation with IY2017:
                                                                                                                       Advocacy &                                               Knowledge

                                                                        Conference on Sustainable
                                                                        Tourism in Small Island
                                                                                                                                                                                & dissemination                                               04             2nd International Congress
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             of Astro-Tourism
                                                                        Developing States                                                                                                                                                    Know more       La Serena | CHILE
                                                                                                                                                                                                  World Tourism Day 2017 -
                                                        Know more       SEYCHELLES
                                                      Seychelles Sustainable Tourism                                    13-15               PATA Travel
                                                                                                                                            Mart 2017                           27-29             Prospects of the Black Sea
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Ministry of Economy, Development and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Tourism of Chile (Undersecretary
                                                      Foundation (SSTF)       As host / organizer                           Know more       Macao SAR | CHINA                                                                              for Tourism)            As host / organizer
                                                      Event type:              Relation with IY2017:                                                                              Know more       Odessa | UKRAINE                         Event type:              Relation with IY2017:
                                                                                                                       Pacific Asia Travel Association
                                                      Knowledge                                                                                                                 Odessa State Environmental                                 Outreach &
                                                      creation                                                         (PATA)                    As host / organizer
                                                                                                                                                                                University           As host / organizer                   communication
                                                      & dissemination
                                                                                                                       Event type:                 Relation with IY2017:        Event type:               Relation with IY2017:                              2017 International

                                                                        Transforming Tourism Value
                                                                        Chain Workshop - From
                                                                                                                       Advocacy &
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           07-08             Symposium & Annual
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Conference of 10YFP STP
                                                                        Hotspots to Solutions                                                                                                                                                Know more       Kasane, Chobe | BOTSWANA
                                                        Know more       DOMINICAN REPUBLIC
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           10YFP Sustainable Tourism
                                                      UN Environment                  As host / organizer
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Programme               As host / organizer
                                                      Event type:              Relation with IY2017:                                                                                                                                       Event type:              Relation with IY2017:
                                                      Capacity                                                                                                                                                                             Knowledge
                                                      building                                                                                                                                                                             creation
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           & dissemination

                                                                            1           2              3
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                                                                    Catalyzing change
                                                                            1           2              3

Trust Fund Projects                                                         1           2              3

 PROJECT                                   OBJECTIVE                             PROJECT ACTIVITIES & OUTCOMES

                                                                                            Development of a Sustainability Manage-                             Deployment of the pilot program:
                                           Develop a practical and accessi-                 ment System : 2 sustainability monitoring                           with the participation of 23 hotels
                                           ble sustainability management                    tools & a data collection guide.                                    in the pilot data collection.
                                           toolkit for tourism enterprises in
  SUSTAINABLE TOURISM                      Fiji and Samoa to collect, moni-                 Capacity building of tourism enterprises in 4
                                                                                                                                                                Development of an incentive
  ENTERPRISE PROGRAMME                     tor and report on sustainability                 locations in Fiji and Samoa : (A) Elaboration
                                                                                                                                                                and benefit package: including the
  FOR THE SOUTH PACIFIC                    performance while addressing                     of a resource guide for sustainable resource
                                                                                            management in South Pacific (B) 2-day train-
                                                                                                                                                                creation of a business case, a mem-
  Implementing entity:
                                           critical barriers to SCP                                                                                             bership logo and several Marketing
                                                                                            ing program with participation of 43 actors
  Sustainable Travel International (STI)                                                    representing NGOs, public & private sectors.                        incentives.

                                                                                            Certification readiness assessment and mentorship of 6 destinations in the areas of business development,
                                           Bring key tourism stakeholders to
                                                                                            franchise development and SCP, prior to selection of one destination for certification against GSTC.
                                           research, strengthen and docu-
                                                                                            Facilitation of self-evaluation of community-based enterprises in 6 destinations against the South African
                                           ment the WOWZULU community
                                                                                            and GSTC criteria and mentorship of 8 enterprises in preparation for certification on SCP.
 CREATING A SUSTAINABLE                    tourism initiative as a replicable,
 COMMUNITY TOURISM                         best-practice sustainable tourism                Development & Marketing support of a range                           Documentation of the WOWZULU
 MODEL FOR SOUTH AFRICA                    model that delivers community                    of 6 ‘products of origins’.                                          model as a replicable model for
                                           benefits and accelerates the shift                Operational assistance of 6 WOWZULU Market-                          sustainable tourism and its dissemi-
  Implementing entity:                     towards SCP.                                                                                                          nation nationally and internationally.
                                                                                            places and their positioning as models of SCP.
  Africa!Ignite, South Africa

                                                                                            Fostering the commitment of public and pri-                          Development of a capacity building
                                           Build a Public-Private Partnership               vate actors through institutional strengthening:                     program for the Management Commit-
                                           (PPP) model in the Macro Southern                creation of a Management Committee and Sub                           tee on Sustainable Tourism implemen-
                                                                                            Committees in 2 regions: Puno and Cusco.                             tation in alignment with the FPAP
                                           Region to encourage the adoption
 INCA ALLIANCE FOR SUSTAINABLE             of good practices of sustainable
 TOURISM IN THE MACRO REGION                                                                Compilation of a compendium of Sustainable                           Development of a communication
                                           tourism, including an Eco-labelling              Tourism principles and practices at national and
 SOUTHERN IN PERÚ                                                                                                                                                strategy for the PPP model and main-
                                           system, in historical-cultural and               international levels to serve as reference for the                   streaming Sustainable Tourism prin-
  Implementing entity:                     natural destinations of Peru.                    elaboration of the Framework of Principles and                       ciples in the Macro Southern Region.
  Grupo GEA, Perú                                                                           Agreed Procedures (FPAP).
One Planet – Sustainable Tourism Programme
                                   Annual Magazine 2017/2018

Achievements on the ground
1               2                    3

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                                                                                                                                                                                                      travel with care
                                                                                      Achievements on the ground
                                                                                  1               2                    3

One Planet -
Sustainable Tourism Programme Portfolio of Work
The One Planet - Sustainable Tourism Programme Portfolio of Activities
has been designed as a tool for Programme Actors to include new and
                                                                                                                                           One Planet network
ongoing initiatives and activities under the umbrella of the Programme,
given their potential to contribute to its overall goal and specific objectives.
                                                                                                One Planet – Sustainable Tourism Programme activities by year
The Portfolio aims to aggregate the efforts of network members towards                          Please note that the activities with years in blank(coordination, impact, policy, and monitoring) are because we
a shared goal and to increase their visibility at the international level while                 capture years differently these instead of just one year(e.g.project duration, coordination mechanisms years of
                                                                                                being active, policy adoption year, etc.).
boosting synergies and collective action among the Programme Actors
and advancing the implementation of Programme Work Areas.                                                          Indicator                   2014       2015      2016      2017     (blank)    Grand Total

                                                                                                   Coordination on SCP                                                                      4               4
As the year 2017 coincides with the mid-term of the overall framework
of 10YFP (adopted in 2012 at Rio+20), this year’s Portfolio presented a                            Education on SCP                                          1                    1                         2

cumulative review of progress since the launch of the Sustainable Tourism                          Initiative impact                                                                        5               5
Programme in November 2014.                                                                        Knowledge resource and technical tool                    14        33         24                        71
                                                                                                   Outreach and communication for SCP              1        22        49         58                       130
A total of over 90 actors representing 65% of the total members (from 16
                                                                                                   Policy instrument for SCP                                                               10              10
actors in 2015) have linked over 390 activities implemented in 2015, 2016
and 2017 to the Programme, resulting in a Portfolio value of over USD 25                           SCP changes in practice                                                        6                         6

million.                                                                                           SCP commitments                                                     3          9                        12
                                                                                                   SCP monitoring and reporting                              4         3         10                        17
Notably, in 2017, there were 176 activities reported by 81 actors. As in
                                                                                                   SCP project                                                                             66              66
previous years, in 2017 the main focus of activities reported has been
                                                                                                   Training for SCP                                          5        32         35                        72
outreach and communication (33%), followed by training (20%) and the
production of knowledge and technical tools and the implementation of                              Grand Total                                     1         4       120       144         84             395
projects (14% each). The Programme has also started receiving some
reports related to the outcome level of the Indicators of Success such as
monitoring and reporting instruments (6%) or high-level commitments (5%).
1                 2               3

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                                                                                                                                                                                  travel with care
                                                                                Achievements on the ground
                                                                            1                2               3

                    Aggregating the efforts of network members through the Portfolio exercise
                         in alignment with 10YFP monitoring framework and indicators


                                                                                          72                 71

                                                                                                                            17              12                  6

      Initiative   Coordination on      Policy      SCP project    Outreach and     Training for SCP     Knowledge      SCP monitoring      SCP         SCP changes in   Education on
       impact           SCP        instrument for                 communication                        resource and      and reporting   commitments       practice         SCP
                                        SCP                          for SCP                           technical tool

                                                                                                                                  2015   2016    2017

                         90 ACTORS                                              390 ACTIVITIES
                                                                                                                                    A PORTFOLIO VALUE OF
                    CONTRIBUTED TO THE
                                                                                                                             OVER USD 25 MILLION
                    REPORTING EXERCISE
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                                                                                                                                                             travel with care
                                                      Achievements on the ground
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Advancing SDG 12 -
One Planet - Sustainable Tourism Programme adopts the
Kasane Call to Action on Sustainable Tourism: “The Tourism We Want”
                          Lead. Innovate. Finance. Empower.                                        all tourism stakeholders - encompassing government agencies,
                                                                                                   international organizations, financial institutions and donors, NGOs,
                          These four action levers are the central tenets of the Kasane Call to    civil society and grassroots organizations, the private sector, academic
                          Action on Sustainable Tourism: “The Tourism We Want”, representing       institutions, the media and travellers - to join forces and adopt this
                          the One Planet - Sustainable Tourism Programme’s contribution to         Call as a comprehensive reference guideline to identify priorities,
 Lead                     the legacy of the 2017 International Year of Sustainable Tourism for     build coalitions and take action beyond the 2017 International Year of
                          Development.                                                             Sustainable Tourism for Development.

                          Developed during the 2017 Annual Conference in Botswana, the             Four levers of action: “L.I.F.E.”
                          Kasane Call to Action aims to transform the way tourism is planned and
                          managed by providing guidance on critical issues and opportunities
                          for the sector. Following a participatory approach, the Call is a
        Innovate          consolidated, joint front that seeks to unite all tourism stakeholders
                          with the view to harness the tourism sector’s contribution to Agenda
                          2030 and the SDGs, the Sustainable Consumption Production (SCP)
                          framework and the global climate action agenda.

                          Based on evidence and informed by innovative approaches and                                               LIFE
               Finance    business models, the Call specifically aims to develop, promote,
                          replicate and scale up SCP practices in the tourism sector in order                 EMPOWER                                INNOVATE
                          to boost the sector’s efficient use of natural resources and produce
                          less waste and pollution, thereby addressing the challenges of climate
                          change and biodiversity loss. These efforts are designed to support
                          the successful implementation of Agenda 2030 through the integrated
      Empower             approach of SDG 12.

                          The One Planet - Sustainable Tourism Programme encourages                The Call to Action is shaped around four levers of action (“L.I.F.E.”):
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                                                                                                                                                                                          travel with care
                                                                             Achievements on the ground
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   Such leadership calls for the strong commitment of policymakers       This encourages financial support from the funding and aid
   and business leaders to demonstrate the tourism sector’s potential    communit y to propel SCP in tourism, par ticularly through
   contribution to SCP, as well as the establishment of measurable       transformative actions and green investments. This also calls for
   commitments, coalitions, participatory plans, on the ground policy    mobilizing greater finance mechanisms and resources, as well
   implementation, evaluation and progress reports. This action also     as innovating, developing, promoting and facilitating access to
   encourages active SCP stewardship as Nature, Climate, Water, no       sustainable tourism investment and financial tools that empower
   Waste and Community guardians.                                        destinations and businesses, in particular micro, small and
                                                                         medium-sized tourism enterprises.


   This calls for testing innovations that can boost the sustainable     This entails inspiring travellers, entrepreneurs, host communities
                                                                                                                                                   The Kasane Call to Action aims to transform the way
   development of tourism, including geospatial technologies and big     and governments to disseminate best practices, training and better        tourism is planned and managed by providing guidance
   data to support participatory decision making, as well as state-      information of sustainability principles.                                 on critical issues and opportunities for the sector.

   of-the-art techniques, technological solutions and new tourism
   approaches such as circular economy thinking.

Developing the Call to Action involved consolidating the contributions   across the One Planet network communication channels and social
of the One Planet - Sustainable Tourism Programme actors that            media.
participated in the elaboration of the Call to Action, drafting a
preliminary version with the support of the One Planet - Sustainable     The elaboration and adoption of the Kasane Call to Action counted
Tourism Programme Coordination Desk and UN Environment,                  on the close participation of France’s the Ministry for the Ecological
obtaining feedback and incorporating additional recommendations          and Inclusive Transition, the Republic of Korea’s Ministry of Culture,
from network members during the 2017 Annual Conference, and the          Sports and Tourism, Morocco’s Ministry of Tourism, the Rainforest        For more information:
dissemination of the Kasane Call to Action on Sustainable Tourism        Alliance, UN Environment, UNWTO and the actors of the One Planet -            http://sdt.unwto.org/content/kasanecall-
                                                                         Sustainable Tourism Programme                                                 oneplanet-sustainabletourism
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                                                                                Achievements on the ground
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A look back to look ahead: Morocco’s Department of Tourism of the                                                                                                 Moreover, since 2008 the Department of
Ministry of Tourism, Air Transport, Handicrafts and Social Economy                                                                                                Tourism has organized seven editions of
celebrates ten years of commitment to sustainable tourism                                                                                                         the Moroccan Sustainable Tourism Awards,
                                                                                                                                                                  aiming to recognize best practices of tourism
                                                                                                                                                                  sustainability, build a community of “early
The year 2018 marks a significant milestone       expertise in the public and private sector. This   projects are currently being implemented in                  adopters”, leverage their successes and scale
in Morocco’s Department of Tourism of the         was achieved through several awareness and         Marrakech.                                                   them up across the sector. These awards
Ministry of Tourism, Air Transport, Handicrafts   training programs, tailored to the participating                                                                have recognized 45 tourism actors who have
and Social Economy as it celebrates ten           actors. Furthermore, thematic guidebooks for       Awards and Incentives for sustainability                     demonstrated outstanding achievement
years of commitment to sustainable tourism.       the four main tourism activities in Morocco -      best practices                                               in sust ainable tour ism, with respec t to
The past decade has witnessed Morocco’s           accommodation, travel agencies, tour guiding,                                                                   environment and biodiversity preservation,
evolution to become a beacon for tourism          and tourism transportation - were developed        Incentives are also a powerful mechanism                     culture and tangible and intangible heritage,
sustainability within the Mediterranean region.   to help tourism businesses and small and           to encourage the tourism sector to engage                    equity and social responsibility, sustainable
                                                  medium enterprises (SMEs) implement best           in sustainability. Technical and financial                   events organization, and destination
Sustainability is enshrined in its ten-year       practices of sustainability and corporate          assistance programs are being developed                      sustainable management.
tourism development strategy, “Vision 2020”,      social responsibility in their daily business      for tourism SMEs, in collaboration with the
which integrates the principles of sustainable    operations.                                        Moroccan Tourism Confederation and the                       Strengthening tourism policy
consumption and production in seeking to                                                             Moroccan agency for SMEs, to support several
harness tourism’s potential for sustainable       Several projects have been undertaken to           initiatives including the implementation of                  The past decade has seen the Department
development along its socio - economic,           monitor the impact of tourism activity on          environmental management systems, energy                     of Tourism reinforce its policy framework to
cultural and environmental dimensions.            climate. During the 22nd United Nations            auditing, and certification or labeling schemes.              set minimum sustainability standards for the
Following its vision, the Depar tment of          Climate Change Conference (UNFCCC)
Tourism has spearheaded several ambitious         Conference of the Parties (COP), held in
initiatives from mainstreaming tourism in         Marrakech (7-18 November 2016), the National
national policies, engaging stakeholders at       Appropriate Mitigation Action (NAMA) pilot
multiple levels of the value chain, to building   project was introduced within the frame of
expertise in the public and private sector.       the International Climate Initiative, aiming
                                                  to reduce the greenhouse gas emissions in
Capacity building                                 the tourism sector. Also launched during the
                                                  Conference was the Environmental Labeling
Starting with capacity building, Morocco’s        pilot project that elaborates a methodology
Department of Tourism went straight to the        to assess the environmental performance of
                                                                                                      “Moroccan Sustainable and Responsible Tourism Day”is a high-level platform for public and private sector to discuss and
core of sustainable tourism by strengthening      13 accommodation businesses. These two              share experiences on mainstreaming sustainability across the Moroccan tourism industry.
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