Estimating dispersibility of Acer, Fraxinus and Tilia in fragmented landscapes from patterns of seedling establishment

Page created by Danny Stanley
Landscape Ecology vol. 1 no. 3 pp 175-187 (1988)
                                                                               SPB Academic Publishing, The Hague

Estimating dispersibility of Acer, Fraxinus and Tilia in fragmented
landscapes from patterns of seedling establishment

W. Carter Johnson
Department of Biology, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, Virginia 24061

Keywords: dispersal, seeds, wind, samara, Wisconsin, succession, habitat patch


Relative dispersibility of Tilia americana L., Acer saccharum Marsh. and Fraxinuspennsylvanica Marsh. was
inferred from the ratio among species-specific regression coefficients ( P ) computed from seedling density-
distance plots. Density counts were made in spatially-uniform old fields adjacent to single seed sources or
monotypic fencerows. Resultant seedling shadow curves approximate the negative exponential form expected
for many seeds (log y = a-OX). This basic curve shape fit species of differing dispersibility, dispersal under
a range of wind directions and one-year-old or all-aged cohorts. The ratios of (?were 1:2.6:3.2 for Tilia, Acer
and Fraxinus, respectively, in order of increasing dispersibility. Vegetation patches isolated from seed sources
by several hundred meters or more should have extremely low input of seeds, especially Tilia and Acer.
   The finding that Fraxinus disperses farther than Acer was unexpected, since the samaras of the former have
faster terminal velocities. The relationship can be explained by better performance of Fraxinus samaras in
the stronger winds experienced by trees in open landscapes, poorer formation of the samara abscission layer,
and release of samaras following leaf abscission and during the winter when winds are the strongest. Both
the samara plan and dispersal phenology need to be considered in estimating relative dispersibility among

Introduction                                               1956; Risser et al. 1984) and to evaluate how well
                                                           island biogeographic theory may apply to land-
Emergence of the fields of island biogeography and         scapes (e.g., Middleton and Merriam 1983).
landscape ecology has intensified the traditional in-         As a means of estimating seed dispersal by wind,
terest of ecologists in seed dispersal (MacArthur          a common analytical practice has been to graphical-
and Wilson 1967; Burgess and Sharpe 1981; For-             ly represent measured seed density along an axis of
man and Godron 1986). Both emphasize that plant            distance from a known point or area seed source. A
vagility (dispersibility) can affect the species rich-     variety of curve shapes results. Under experimental
ness and dynamics of habitat patches isolated by an        conditions when seeds are released en mame from
inhospitable intervening matrix of water, strongly         a uniform height under stable winds the curve shape
dissimilar vegetation or human land uses. Estimates        is typically right-skewed (Isaac 1930; Augspurger
of seed dispersal are needed to assess the future con-     and Franson 1987). In numerous other studies,
sequences of anthropogenic fragmentation (Curtis           density-distance curves have been constructed to

evaluate the re-seeding potential of clear-cuts and      (1982). Dispersal curves and slope parameters can
strip-cuts (Ronco and Noble 1971; Franklin and           be estimated from such an environmentally-based
Smith 1974; Randall 1974; Noble and Ronco 1978).         model.
Seed density curves in strip-cuts often approach an         An alternative to extensive, long-term seed trap-
inverse j-shape; density initially decreases exponen-    ping experiments and to more experimental and
tially away from the leeward edge but then increases     modeling approaches in obtaining estimates of the
toward the inward side. A common curve for               slope parameter is to sample established seedlings
diverse groups of plants under natural conditions is     and construct seedling density-distance curves
the negative exponential form, i.e., seed density        analogous to those for seeds. The slope parameter
decreases as a constant percent over equal units of      of density-distance curves based on samples of
distance (Werner 1975; Stergios 1976; Harper 1977;       seedling populations integrates dispersal since the
Dirzo and Dominguez 1986; McClanahan 1986).              year of initial seedling establishment. The relation-
   For a given population of plants, both the height     ship between seed dispersal and establishment is
and slope of the dispersal curve may exhibit con-        complex and variable, but the slope parameter of
siderable annual variation. Curve height increases       seed and seedling density-curves should be similar
with increasing seed production and may or may           if the micro-environmental conditions for germina-
not be accompanied by a significant change in            tion and survival and the spatial distribution of seed
slope. Noble and Ronco (1978) showed increasing          predators are both reasonably uniform along the
slope with increasing seed crop for Picea engel-         distance axis. This requires careful selection of field
manii in clear-cuts, but Stergios (1976) showed little   sites.
significant change in slope for Hieracium in differ-        This research had two major objectives: (1) to ex-
ent seed years. Annual differences in the frequen-       amine the correspondence between dispersal curves
cies of wind speeds have perhaps the greatest single     based on seedling-sapling numbers and the negative
effect on the slope parameter; slope percent gener-      exponential model expected for the seeds of many
ally increases with decreasing wind speed. Over a        plants, and (2) to use the above sampling approach
number of years, a population would exhibit a fa-        to estimate relative dispersibility of heavy-seeded,
mily of annual dispersal curves with regression          wind-dispersed species (Acer,Fraxinus, Tilia) in the
coefficients exhibiting some measure of central ten-     highly-fragmented forests of southeastern Wiscon-
dency characteristic for the species. Thus, the slope    sin. Dispersibility coefficients could be ultimately
parameter can be used to define the relative disper-     utilized as one basis for predicting regional co-
sibility of species and their colonization potential     existence and altered successional trajectories
(Levins and Culver 1971; Levin 1977).                    potentially caused by anthropogenic patterning.
   The obvious difficulty in obtaining good esti-        Knowledge of dispersibility of species, along with
mates of seed dispersal in nature for many species       competitive ability and local extinction probability
under varied environmental conditions has prompt-        (Christiansen and Fenchel 1977) is fundamental to
ed use of experimental and modeling approaches.          predicting regional co-existence.
Seed fall velocity in calm air is easily measured and
has been used as an index of relative dispersibility
among species (Isaac 1930; Siggins 1933; McCutch-        Methods
en 1977). It is assumed that seeds with slow fall ve-
locities would be carried by winds farther than          Abandoned agricultural fields with adjacent iso-
those with fast fall rates, all other factors being      lated seed trees or a single, monotypic fencerow of
equal. Additional parameters such as the stability       trees provided the best field conditions from which
of seeds in strong winds have also been considered       to construct recruitment curves. The two field sites
(Green 1980, 1983). Fall velocity was integrated         selected were generally level with spatially-uniform
with climate in a detailed mathematical simulation       land use. The Acer field site was a 2 ha pasture
model of seed dispersal by Sharpe and Fields             abandoned in 1971 and located near the North

Kettle Moraine State Forest in Ozaukee County,          while the Acer tree was somewhat taller (18.3 m).
Wisconsin. The seed source was an isolated Acer           Standard linear regression programs (Statistical
saccharurn Marsh.tree (7 dm dbh) located on a           Analysis System) were used on the IBM 3032 Com-
north-south fenceline which formed the western          puter at Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State
border of the abandoned field. No mowing or graz-       University. Contour maps of seedling density were
ing had occurred since abandonment. Field sam-          produced using SYMAP (Harvard University).
pling occurred in October 1978.
   Five transects were laid out along NE, ENE, E,
ESE and SE compass directions emanating from            Results
near the canopy drip-line. Transects were all ex-
tended to the end of the field, but because of the      Acer site
radial pattern and shape of the field, transects were
of variable length (45-120 m). Within each 10 m         The site was well colonized by Acer saccharurn
stratum on NE, E and SE transects, a 5 m long sam-      reproduction, however, density near the seed
ple plot was randomly located. On ENE and ESE           source was unlikely so great as to cause dispropor-
transects, 20 m strata were used. Sample plot width     tionately greater seedling mortality from intraspeci-
was 3 m in most cases, but when fewer than about        fic competition. A total of 1139 seedlings occurred
 1 seedling/m* occurred, the width was increased to     in the 37 sample plots. Quadrat density ranged
5 m. Thus, sample plots were 15 mz and 25 m2 in         from 0-19 seedlings/m2 with an average of 2/mZ.
area. A total of 37 quadrats was sampled. All Acer      Densities were highest near the seed source and
saccharuin reproduction within sample quadrats          generally decreased monotonically towards the dis-
was counted and aged from terminal bud scars.           tal ends of the transects. Densities were roughly
    The Fraxinus field site was on the grounds of the   equivalent for corresponding strata on NE, E, ESE
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee Field Station         and SE transects; density was relatively high in stra-
near Saukville. Fraxinus pennsylvunicu Marsh.           tum I on the E transect and low in the ENE transect.
trees formed an east-west fencerow on the north            The mapped patterns of seedling density were
border of a 6 ha corn field abandoned in 1964. Be-      similar for both one-year-old (Fig. la) and all-aged
cause the trees constituted a line seed source rather   (Fig. lb) seedlings. This correspondence is in part
than a point source as was the case for Acer,           due to the large proportion of one-year-old seed-
parallel transects were arranged perpendicular to       lings in the total population; one-year-old seedlings
the fencerow in a S compass direction. Six transects    comprised about half of the total density. Classes
each 130 m long were laid out at 20 m intervals.        of density around the seed source are generally con-
Quadrats 1 m x 5 m were randomly placed within          centric except where interrupted by the lower densi-
each 10 m stratum. Sampling was conducted in Oc-        ties on the ENE transect. This low density trough
tober 1978.                                             does not appear to be due to relatively low wind
    Tilia arnericana L. dispersal was measured from     speeds blowing towards the ENE; mean (1965-
a single large tree occurring in the mostly Fraxinus     1974) wind speed of SW winds during October-
 fencerow at the Field Station. Transects were laid     November at Milwaukee was only slightly less than
out in S and SE compass directions. Seedlings were      NW winds (4.7 vs. 4.9 m/sec, respectively - NOAA
sampled in contiguous 2 m x 2 m quadrats until           1978). Moreover, the NW and SW winds exhibited
 density declined to near 1 seedling/m*; the width of   highly similar frequencies in the standard wind
 subsequent quadrats was enlarged to 4 m. Sampling      speed classes. Depressed seedling densities were
 occurred in late September 1979.                       more likely due to the spatially non-uniform com-
    No reproductive individuals were observed in any    petitive influence of Poa prutensis sod which ap-
 of the above fields. All individuals were < 3 cm       peared especially dense and unbroken along the
 dbh. Tree height was similar for Fruxinus and Tilia    ENE transect. Data from this transect were ex-
 [13.7 m (average of six trees) vs. 15.2 m, resp.],     cluded from further analysis.


               0                                                                                                                     t
                                                                                                                                     I   I



                                                                                                                                   --.   +
                                                                                    1.11       2.25
                                  u.0'4   0.04
                                          0.11      0.11
                                                                          1.11      2.25       4.53      ::%

Fig. 1. One-year-old (a) and all-aged (b) seedling distribution pattern around an isolated seed source (large black dot) of Acersaccharurn.
Seedling density is nurnber/m'. Field length is 115 rn.

   Both one-year-old and all-aged seedling density                       and x (distance from the seed source). Six of the
curves approximated the negative exponential                             eight regressions exhibited values of r greater than
form, i.e., by inspection the untransformed data                         0.90. The fit was almost perfect in two transects
clearly approximated a straight line when graphed                        (r = 0.99). Poorest fit was for the E transect due to
in logarithmic series (Figs. 2-3). Moreover, the                         greater variability in seedling density near the mid-
linear regression models exhibited high correlation                      range of distances. Curves for seedlings 2 2 years
coefficients (0.79-0.99) indicating a highly intense                     old (i.e., excluding one-year-old data) had a similar
relationship between the log of y (seedling density)                     form but correspondingly lower correlation coeffi-

    1                                                                                , , . , I .   , , . , , I , .

                                                                                     ..,,,. * ,,,*,,,
                                                                                     ,.,.,I        I , . ,

    f                                                                                ......
                                                                                     .,..,,        ,#,,*,,*

                                                                                     ...... .,,,.,,,.,,,,.,

    2                                                                                ......
                                                                                     ...... ,,,,, .
                                                                                                         #,   ***       I

                                                                                              ,., .,.
                                                                                            , ,, ,

    1                                                                                                *        * *.
                                                                                     ,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,
                                                                                     ...... ........
                                                                                     ,,,.I, ,                 *

    i                                                                                . I . . , .   ,I.,*,..
                                                                                     . I , . * ,
                                                                                     . , . I , ,   , I , , . , . .

    I                                                                                                                       1
    I                                                                                                                       1
    I                                                                                                                       1
    f                                                                                                                       I
    1                                                                                                                       1
    t                                                                                                                       1
    5                                                                                                                       5
    I                                                                                                                       1
              a                                                                                                             I
    1                                                                                                                       1
    t                                                                                                                       t
    I                                                                                                                       I
    1                                                                                                                       I
              4                                                                                                             7


    I                                                                                                                       1
    9             LEVEL
                  S Y M B O L.s

              ;i;p;               0.0

Fig. Ib

cients (0.91,0.85,0.65,0.76, resp. NE to SE) except           /3 for the one-year-old regressions (-0.0314) was
for transect E where the correlation coefficient was          smaller than for the all-aged regressions (-0.0253);
slightly higher than in the one-year-old data. Over-          however, /3 pooled values (CSxy/CSxx) were highly
all, there was a highly consistent curve form and             similar (-0.0256 and -0.0233, resp.). The largest
correlation level ranging across compass direction            difference in average /3 occurred between one-year-
and seedling age class.                                       old and 2 two-year-old regressions (-0.0314 and
   Regression coefficients (/3) ranged from -0.0175           -0.0178). Larger /3 values (more gentle slope)
to -0.0477 for one-year-old seedlings and from                would be expected for curves based on multiple dis-
 -0.0199 to -0.0329 for all-aged seedlings. Average           persal seasons (e.g., all-aged data) compared to a

                                 NE                                      E                                      ESE                                  SE
                      log y = I 3365 - 0 0 3 5 8 6 ~        lop Y = 0 63902 - 0 0 1 7 5 2 ~         log y = I 02932 - 0 0 2 4 2 9 1 ~       log y = I 5352 - 0 0 4 7 7 2 ~
                      r.0-91     p C 0 0051                 1.079      p c o 01                     r=-O 99    pt00099                      r = 0 99 p

                        NE                                          E                              ESE                                  SE
                log Y = 1 4 0 9 1 4 - 0 0 2 7 1 4 3 ~        log y = 103758- 0 02103x        log y = 0 98371 - 0 0 1 9 9 1 ~ log y = I 32123 - 0 0 3 2 9 0 x
                r = o 97 p < o 0001                          r = O 8 8 p

                                                                               log y  0.98413- 0.01015~
                                                                               r = -0.80 p < 0.0001



                       I .o -
                 t            -

                         0/       I                                               I     1   -   1   I   - I
                                      10   20   30 40 50 60         70 80 90 100 120 140 150 160

                                                   Distance from Fencerow (m)
Fig. 4. Density-distance distribution of Fruxinus seedlings away from a fencerow. Pooled data are from three south-running parallel

and therefore greater dispersibility for Fraxinus.                   increased to slightly less than l / m Z along the por-
The regression coefficient based o n pooled data                     tion of the transect occurring within the plantation.
from the three middle transects was extremely simi-                  The upsurge in density was likely due to the de-
lar t o the regression coefficient from pooled data                  crease in wind speed associated with the plantation
for all six transects (-0.0102 vs. -0.0107).                         canopy and subsequent aggregation of seeds and
                                                                     seedlings at the leeward edge of the plantation. The
                                                                     S transect showed no interference because tree den-
Tilia site                                                           sity in the plantation was far below that of the SE
                                                                     transect. Therefore data from the S transect were
Data from the SE transect indicated interference                     used to represent Tilia dispersibility.
from a young Pinus plantation located at the distal                     Density of Tilia seedlings ranged from 0- 10/m2
end of the transect. At 1 m distance, seedling densi-                with a mean near l / m 2 . No seedlings were recorded
ty was 9/mZdropping to near zero at 25 m, but then                   in quadrats beyond 21 m, although adjacent t o the




                                   0         I      1      1       I      I      1      I      I      I      4
                                                    5             10            15           20             25

                                         Distance from Seed Source (m)
Fig. 5. Density-distance distribution of Tiliu seedlings from a single seed source in a predominantly Fraxinus fencerow. Transect fol-
lowed a SE compass direction.

transect a few seedlings occurred up to 26 m from                      Relative dispersibility
the seed source. As was the case for Acer and Fraxi-
nus, the Tilia data clearly approximated a straight                    The regression lines (Figs. 2-5) reflect relative dis-
line in logarithmic series (Fig. 5 ) . The regression                  persibility when plotted together using the same in-
coefficient was small compared to those shown                          tercept (Fig. 6). Curves for Tilia and Fraxinus
earlier indicating highly restricted dispersal. Again,                 represent dispersal by northerly winds. The most
there existed a strongly negative correlation with                     southerly transect available for Acer was SE (all-
the log of y and x (r = -0.95, p < 0.0001).                            aged); the exact field conditions for south transects


                                                                                                       - I- *- .-
   '      1.0
                                                                                                       ----- Froxinus
  E      0.1

        0.0 I              I    1   I    1   I     I    1    '    I    1   I     I   i     .   .   L     1   l   L   _   L   I i   i   L I    -
                  20       40       60       80        100       120       140           160           180       200         220        240       260   280

                                                 Distance from Seed Source (m)
Fig. 6. Relative dispersibility of Tilia, Acer and Fruxinus. Linear regression equations for Fruxinus and Tiliu are in Fig. 4 and Fig, 5,
resp. Acer regression line is based on equation for SE compass direction (Fig. 3d). Regression lines to compare dispersibility are based
on the same line intercept (10.0).

could not be found in the region. Mean wind speed                              m for Tilia, 31 m for Acer and 99 m for Fraxinus.
of N and NW winds during the month of October                                  Patches of vegetation farther than several hundred
1977 (NOAA 1977) were nearly identical (5.2 vs. 5.1                            meters from sources of these relatively heavy, wind-
m/sec, resp.).                                                                 dispersed seeds would have extremely low input of
   The series of curves indicated the following rela-                          seeds.
tive order of dispersibility, from least to most:
Tilia, Acer, Fraxinus. Quantitatively, /3 values indi-
cated dispersibility ratios of 1:2.6:3.2, i.e., Acerex-                        Discussion
hibited a 2-3 fold greater dispersibility than Tilia,
and Fraxinus exhibited about a three fold greater                              The 0 values reported represent near minima (i.e.,
dispersibility than Acer. The ratio between Acer                               maximum dispersibility) for each species under
and Tilia may be a slight overestimate and between                             these field conditions. Slopes from relatively iso-
Acer and Fruxinus a slight underestimate because                               lated seed sources should be flatter compared to
of the higher presumed release height for Acer. The                            forest interiors where wind speeds are reduced.
dispersibility ratio between Tilia and Fraxinus was                            Also, the 0 values were computed from seedling
1 :8.3. The distance at which an order-of-magnitude                            densities dispersed by northerly winds which exhibit
decrease in density is reached would therefore be 12                           the greatest average (1965- 1974) wind speeds

(NOAA 1978). The ratios of dispersibility should           sures of dispersibility based on seed morphology
remain relatively constant around the wind rose.           are of obvious value, they should be integrated with
   An important finding was the greater apparent           knowledge of the differences among species in dis-
dispersibility of Fraxinus than Acer (3.2: 1). The         persal phenology and in the meteorologic environ-
opposite would be predicted from fall rate; Acer           ment during the period of seed release.
has a lower terminal velocity (102 cm/sec) than               Estimation of dispersibility using seedling sha-
Fraxinus (162 cm/sec) (Green 1980). McCutchen              dows is time-efficient compared to seed trap
(1977) noted, however, that while the seeds of Acer        studies. The approach also obviates the need to de-
should disperse farther in the low wind-speeds of          termine the amount of empty seed and germinabili-
forests, they are decidedly less stable in gusty, high-    ty; the former can vary with dispersal distance
speed winds. Acer seeds descend like an autogiro,          (Stergios 1976 found greater dispersal of lighter,
while Fraxinus seeds rotate about their long axis          empty seeds of Senecio). It remains difficult in
while also spinning around as they descend. Greater        either approach to estimate dispersibility of very
seed stability should produce greater dispersal of         light wind-dispersed seeds (e.g., Populus) or disper-
Fraxinus than Acer from isolated or fencerow trees         sal of a small portion of the seed crop especially
exposed to the strongest winds in fragmented land-         long distances under unusual meteorologic condi-
scapes.                                                    tions. Measurement of dispersibility of ani-
   Differences between the species in dispersal phe-       mal-dispersed seeds requires special methods (Smith
nology, not just in the samara plan, also help to ex-       1975, McDonnell and Stiles 1983; Johnson and Ad-
plain the flatter seedling shadow for Fraxinus. To         kisson 1985; Holthuijzen 1985).
illustrate, the bulk of the Acer seed crop was dis-           A drawback of the seedling shadow method to es-
persed in southern Wisconsin in late September             timate plant vagility is that it requires finding seed
through October before leaf abscission was com-            trees next to spatially uniform sites which contain
plete. In northern Michigan, one-half of the seed          at least several cohorts of reproduction. In heavily-
crop had been dispersed by the end of September            agriculturalized landscapes such as southeastern
(Benzie 1959). Fraxinus seed, however, disperses           Wisconsin, however, few such sites untended by
after leaf abscission in November and continues            humans occurred. Replicate sites could not be
through the winter months (Schopmeyer 1974).               found. The approach needs to be tried in land-
Average wind speed during Acer dispersal (Sept. -          scapes where replicate, regenerating forests are
Oct.) was 7.0 m/sec and 8.1 m/sec during Fraxinus          more common. It is also difficult to determine the
dispersal (Nov.-March) (NOAA 1978). The                    extent to which small, unapparent asymmetries in
stronger winds during the dispersal of Fraxinus            the environment or differences between line and
coupled with the greater average wind speed in the         single seed sources may have affected seedling
canopy due to the loss of foliage could have signifi-      shadows. Uniformity in seedling environment
cantly increased dispersal relative to Acer. More-         could be checked by sowing known number and
over, the apparently poorly-formed abscission lay-         quality of tree seeds in plots leading away from seed
er of Fraxinus samaras should have allowed release         trees and monitoring predation, recruitment and
only during stronger winds, with the result that a         seedling survival.
larger portion of the seed crop was dispersed                 The ratios of dispersibility reported here can be
 farther.                                                  used as coefficients in mathematical models of spe-
    The results suggest that the relative dispersibility   cies’ persistence in landscapes (e.g., DeAngelis et
of species with different samara plans can shift sub-      al. 1979; Johnson et al. 1981). Future use and
 stantially between forest conditions, where seed fall     refinement of these models in combination with im-
rate may be a good predictor, to the windier, more-        proved parameter estimates from field experiments
turbulent conditions in highly-fragmented land-            should improve our understanding of extinction
 scapes, where samara stability may be a more criti-       potential in fragmented landscapes where propa-
 cal measure. While experimentally-derived mea-            gule exchange among forest remnants has become

limited by the land use patterns imposed by hu-                      slope tree species 11. Dispersal of a mountain hemlock seed
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tests. D. Greene, D. Sharpe, N. Fetcher, T. Sharik                 Johnson, W.C., Sharpe, D.M., DeAngelis, D.L., Fields, D.E.
and two reviewers provided critical reviews of the                    and Olson, R.J. 1981. Modeling seed dispersal and forest is-
manuscript. Research was supported in part by                         land dynamics. In: Forest Island Dynamics in Man-
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                                                                   Levin, S.A. 1977. Population dynamic models in heterogeneous
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