Page created by Ross Robertson

FAC TS A N D FI G U R ES                                                                                                  EL E C T R I C I T Y G EN ER AT I O N 2020 l 2021


T    he global population of 7.7 billion people is increasing by 90 million
     people per year. Electricity consumption will grow faster, average 2000
to 2018: 66 %, than any other form of energy consumption due to an increas-

                                                                                    n Electricity demand worldwide and in Europe                                    2  – 3
ing demand and population growth − one quarter of the global population
does not yet has access to electricity. Additionally, digitisation, electromobil-   n Renewables (RES) in the EU                                                        4
ity and sector-coupling will increase electricity demand.                           n Hydro power, wind energy, biomass                                             5–7
The IEA estimates in all of its scenarios that in all fields and regions the an-    n Distributed power, storage technologies                                       8–9
nual electricity demand will increase from 26,607 billion kWh to a range of
38,713 to 42,824 billion kWh; an yearly average increase of about 2.1 %.            n Flexible generation                                                         10 – 11
The three scenarios are based on different targets for efficiency and emission      n Framework for conventional power plants                                     12 – 13
reduction. Further scenarios e.g. by BP, ExxonMobil and the U.S. Energy
                                                                                    n Nuclear power worldwide                                                     14 – 15
Administration (EIA) and are available. According to all forecasts the world-
wide electricity demand will increase by 2040 in a range of 34,000 to               n Small modular reactors | Decommissioning                                    16 – 17
43,000 billion kWh. In the EU, the expected increase in electricity demand          n New power generation capacities needed                                      18 – 19
is lower at about an average of +0.7 %.
                                                                                    n Global climate policy needed                                                20 – 21
Generation capacities worldwide are increasing with +2.0 % p.a., a significant
increase.                                                                           n VGB: Activities and members                                                 22 – 23
The impact of the 2020 corona crisis is estimated to be low in both the             n Imprint                                                                          24
medium and long term. In China, for example, electricity demand in mid-
2020 is expected to rise again compared to the previous year.

                                                                                    EU includes the United Kingdom with respect to the data bases (before 2020).
Expected growth in electricity generation in billion (109) kWh worldwide                                                                               Expected growth in electricity generation in billion (109) kWh in the EU

45,000                                                                                                                         IEA scenarios (2019)    4,500
                                                                                                                                  +45 to +61 %                                                                                       IEA scenarios (2019)
                                                                                                                              +2.0 to 2.3 % per year

                                             Current Policies
40,000                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     +9 to 22 %
                                                                                                                                                       4,000                                                                         +0.5 to 1.1 % per year


                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Current Policies
                                                                                      EIA - Reference Scenario
                                   Stated Policies                                                                                                     3,000

                                                                BP - Energy Outlook
                     Sustainable Development

                                                                                                                                                                                                Sustainable Development

                                                                                                                                                                                                         Stated Policies
                                                                                                                                 biomass, solar                                                                                           Wind,
20,000                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    biomass, solar
                                                                                                                                 Hydro                 2,000
                                                                                                                                                       1,500                                                                              Nuclear
10,000                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Fossil

     0                                                                                                                                                                                                   IEA
         2018                                                      2040                                                                                    0
                  Year                                                                                                                                                     2018                    2040

                                                                                                                                                                    Sources: IEA, BP, U.S. EIA, ExxonMobil, EU Commission, VGB (own calculations)

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FAC TS A N D FI G U R ES                                                                                                           EL E C T R I C I T Y G EN ER AT I O N 2020 l 2021


T    he EU and their member states have set binding, ambitious targets to
     promote the expansion of renewable energy sources. For the elec­tricity
sector, the EU expects renewables to account for 34 % by 2020.
                                                                                                                                                                       38 Target reached
                                                                                                                                                                      40 Target reached
                                                                                                                                                                                                49 Target

                                                                                   Denmark            36.1                                                   30 Target reached
Since the implementation of the EU Directive for climate protection and               Austria         33.4                                                 34
                                                                                    Portugal          30.3                                            31
energy ‒ often referred to as the “20-20-20 package” ‒ adopted in Decem-              Estonia         30.0                                           25 Target reached
ber 2008, the share of renewables in gross final energy consumption has              Croatia
                                                                                                                                                    20 Target reached
                                                                                                                                             23 Target reached
increased steadily. In 2018 the share reached 18,0 %, almost twice as high         Romania            22.0                                   24 Target reached
as in 2004 (8.5 %). This represents an increase of 0.5 percentage points            Bulgaria
                                                                                                                                    16 Target reached
                                                                                                                                                            EU-targets for RES till 2020:
over the previous year 2017.                                                         Greece           18.0                        18 Target reached         20 % share of renewable
                                                                                          Italy       17.9                       17 Target reached               energy in gross final energy
At 54.6 %, Sweden‘s share of renewables was by far the highest in 2018,                 Spain         17.5                         20                            consumption
followed by Finland (41.2 %), Latvia (40.3 %), Denmark (36.1 %) and                   France          16.6                              23                  10 % share of energy
                                                                                   Germany            16.5                      18                               from renewable sources
Austria (33.4 %). The lowest shares of renewable energy were registered in       Czech Rep.           15.2                 13 Target reached                     in transport
the Netherlands (7.4 %), Malta (8.0 %) and Luxembourg (9.1 %). In total,            Hungary
twelve of the 28 EU member states have met their 2020 targets: Bulgaria,            Slovakia          11.9             14                                 2018: 18.0 %           2020: 20 %
Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Greece, Italy, Latvia,            Poland
Lithuania, Romania and Sweden.                                                  United King.          11.0                 15
                                                                                    Belgium            9.4            13                       2018
Energy from renewables will play a key role in the years after 2020. For this   Luxembourg             9.1       11                            Target in 2020
reason, the member states have agreed on a new EU target of at least 32 %               Malta
by 2030.                                                                               EU-28          18.0                         20
                                                                                                  0          10              20                 30             40                  50               60
                                                                                                             Share of renewables of gross final energy consumption in %

                                                                                                                                                       Source: Eurostat 2020 (data base: 2018)

H     ydro power is not only a reliable renewable energy source, but also the
      frontrunner in Europe in the generation of electricity from renewable
energy sources. With a production of more than 379 TWh – around 35.0 %          Target for RES-electricity                    Status 2018 – Total: 1,079 TWh
of the electricity generated from renewable energy sources – hydro power                in EU-28                                Target in 2020: 1,196 TWh
makes a significant contribution to achieving the EU target of 34 % of elec-    2018               2020                                      83 target; current targets achieved
                                                                                                                    In brackets (...): Individual
tricity generation from renewable energy sources by 2020.                       32.9 %             34.0 %                                                 304
In addition to the predictable and constant generation of run of river pow-
er plants for base load coverage, the provision of reserve power and peak
                                                                                      Wind energy
load to ensure security of supply and, in particular, control power to main-                                                                            Hydro power
tain grid stability in an increasingly flexible energy market is becoming                               377
more and more important. In Europe, these requirements are primarily met                             (495; 76 %)                        379
by high-efficiency pumped storage and storage hydro power plants with a                                                             (355; 107 %)
total installed bottleneck capacity of more than 48,524 MW.
Hydro power is therefore not only an extremely efficient, reliable and stor-                       (232; 81 %)
able form of energy, but also an indispensable renewable source of energy                                         7     (103; 124 %)
which has to be conserved and further developed within the framework of                                      (11; 61 %)
the energy transition.                                                             Biomass

                                                                                                             Geothermal    Solar energy

                                                                                                                                    Source: Eurostat 2020 (data base: 2018)

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I  n order to meet the European Union’s targets for the energy and climate
   package by 2020, it is also imperative to further expand the use of wind
energy. In Germany at the end of 2019, around 30,950 wind turbines with
                                                                                   Wind power:
                                                                                   Capacities in Europe
                                                                                   end of 2019 in MW
a total capacity of 61,357 MW were in operation. At that time, the installed
capacity of wind turbines in Europe was 204,814 MW and worldwide                           Total Europe*:
650,557 MW.                                                                                204,814 MW
                                                                                                                        NO              2,284
                                                                                                                       1,444 SE
A retrospective analysis of the wind turbine market reveals continuous fur-                                                 8,985
ther development of system technology, accompanied by increasing rated                                                               ES 320
power, rotor diameter and hub height. From the first small plants with an                      IR
                                                                                                                                       LV 66
                                                                                                                                    LT 548
average output of around 30 kW and rotor diameters of less than 15 m in                                UK
the mid-1980s, offshore wind turbines with a rated power of 14 MW and                                       BE       DE           PL      BY 3
                                                                                                                   61,357        5,917
more as well as rotor diameters of 222 m have been developed. Wind tur-                                    3,879
                                                                                                              LU           CZ                     UA
bines have already paid for themselves in terms of energy after three to                                 FR 136            337
                                                                                                                                 SK 3
seven months of operation. This means that after this time the turbine has                             16,646 CH 75
                                                                                                                        3,159 HU        RO
produced as much energy as is required for its production, operation and            PT
                                                                                                                          SI HR
                                                                                             ES                      IT      652
disposal. In addition to the consistent further development of system tech-        5,437
                                                                                           25,808                  10,512                BG
nology, the optimization of maintenance strategies in particular will play a                                                             691
decisive role in the future in order to increase technical availability and thus                                                     GR
                                                                                                                                    3,576           8,056
economic efficiency. Especially reliability, weight, costs and efficiency play
a key role in this respect.                                                                                                                         CY 158

                                                                                                                                * Including not listed countries. Source: WindEurope

E   nergy production from biomass is a decisive component of the energy
    transition. Currently, 188 TWh of electricity is produced from biomass
in Europe, which means that biomass accounts for 17.5 % of renewable                         Biomass: Development of electricity generation in the EU
electricity generation. In Europe, Finland, Italy, the United Kingdom and                                                              Finland      Italy    United Kingdom   Germany           EU-28
Germany were the countries with the highest electricity production from                                                         250
biomass in 2018.
Biomass is used as a fuel in thermal power plants or is fermented to produce

                                                                                  Electricity generation in billion (109) kWh
methane in biogas plants. Biomass power plants meet the same require-
ments for the stability of the electricity grid as fossil-fired power plants.
They are suitable for base-load as well as for the supply of balancing and                                                      150
control power. In addition, it is also possible to convert coal-fired power
plants to biomass in order to continue using existing sites. Bio­gas is usually
used in gas engines to generate electricity or can be fed into the natural gas                                                  100
grid. This contributes a considerable storage potential.
Biomass power plants and biogas plants can be used both in centralised and
distributed systems. Biomass, as an all-round renewable energy source, is                                                        50
therefore an indispensable component of future energy supply systems.

                                                                                                                                      2012   2013     2014   2015   2016   2017   2018        2020

                                                                                                                                                                                         Source: Eurostat

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D     istributed generation is an essential part of the energy transition and
      will increase significantly in the coming years. However, the complex
system of distributed energy supply, consisting of “Security of supply – en-
                                                                                   Growth of distributed power production in different regions
vironmental protection – economic efficiency”, must be considered in its                                       North America   Western Europe   Eastern Europe
Combined heat and power plants are mainly based on the classic reciprocat-
ing engine process. In addition, fuel cells can open up new fields of applica-

                                                                                  Capacity in MW
tion for combined heat and power (CHP). They represent important tech-                             80,000
nical innovations, as they enable the use of CHP technology, even in the
very small power range. This applies in particular to applications in the local
heating sector, but also in the commercial and industrial sectors.                                 60,000

In combination with the increase in distributed energy generation, these
systems will increasingly have to offer the necessary network services in the                      40,000
future, including the provision of control power.
To support the necessary measures, smart metering will now also be intro-
duced in Germany. With intelligent information networks, energy produc-
tion and consumption can be efficiently linked and balanced. The central
component of an intelligent metering system is the Smart Meter Gateway                                 0
as a communication unit.                                                                                    2014   2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020          2021 2022 2023

                                                                                                                                                         Source: Navigant Research

E    fficient system integration of variable renewable energies and distrib-
     uted generation requires a high degree of flexibility. This flexibility can
be provided by controllable generation, storage and sector coupling solu-
                                                                                     Specification         High capacity                                                High amount of energy

                                                                                     Storage time                   Seconds                          Minutes                    Hours (days)
Storage systems can be divided into centralised storage power plants, decen-         Application
                                                                                                             Voltage stabilisation           ˝Black start“                Stand-alone networks,
                                                                                                                                                                          electricity trading
tralised small-scale storage facilities, short-term or long-term storage facili-                             Frequency stabilisation         Uninterruptible
                                                                                                                                             power supply                 Peak-load smoothing
                                                                                                             Flicker compensation
ties. Furthermore, there is the possibility to store electrical or thermal energy.                                                           Soft-hybrides
                                                                                                                                                                          Load balacing
                                                                                                                                                                          Batterie-power vehicles
Hydrogen is a central key to achieving climate neutrality. The technologies          Classification   Thermal                                   Local              Decentral           Central storage
                                                                                                                           Short-time storage
for producing climate-neutral hydrogen are already available today. How-             technologies     storage                                   small storage      large batteries     power plants

ever, climate-friendly hydrogen technologies must be developed and                   Storage
                                                                                     concepts         Sensitive storages   Double-layer         Lead-acid          Lead-acid           Pumped-storage
strengthened quickly and international cooperation must be expanded.                                  Latent storages      capacitors           batteries (Pb)     batteries (Pb)      power plants
Since it is currently the only application that can link all sectors (electricity,                    Chemical             Superconducting
                                                                                                                                                Lithium-Ion        Lithium-Ion         Compressed-air
                                                                                                      storages                                  batteries (LIB)    batteries (LIB)     power plants
industry, heating and transport) and at the same time ensure the over-sea-                                                 magnetic
                                                                                                                           energy storage       Nickel-cadmium     Natrium-
sonal storage capacity of energy, power-to-gas (PtG) is taking on the role of                                                                   batteries (NiCd)   sulphur
                                                                                                                                                Nickel-metal-      batteries (NaS)
a key technology for sector coupling.                                                                                      Fly-wheel
                                                                                                                                                hydrid batteries   Redox-flow-
                                                                                                                                                                                       power plants

                                                                                                                                                (NiMH)             batteries (RFB)
Market-driven framework is required for the use of the various storage tech-                          Type of storage
nologies.                                                                                               Virtual storage
                                                                                                        Electrical (electromagnetic or -static field)
The only mature technology currently available is the use of hydropower in                              Electro-chemical (chemical energy)
the form of pumped storage power plants. Large battery systems have al-                                 Mechanical (kinetic or potential energy)
ready demonstrated their technical suitability.

                                                                                                                                                                         Source: Fraunhofer ISI (2012)

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FAC TS A N D FI G U R ES                                                                                          EL E C T R I C I T Y G EN ER AT I O N 2020 l 2021


T     oday, volatile energy resources such as photovoltaics and wind contrib-
      ute about 10 % to global electricity generation – according to IRENA,
their share will grow to about 60 % by 2050. This will also increase the need
                                                                                The increasing share of volatile energy resources requires not only a high
                                                                                degree of flexibility in the energy system, but also special attention to secu-
                                                                                rity of supply. It must be ensured that electricity demand is covered at all
for flexibility in the energy system, which arises from fluctuating residual    times and in all places. Fluctuations in the feed-in of wind and photovolta-
loads. The more flexible an energy system is, the better the integration of     ics must be balanced not only in the short term, but also in the long term.
increasing shares of photovoltaics and wind will succeed. System flexibility    In Europe, for example, there are meteorological situations in which there
is essentially ensured by the four options of controllable generation, energy   is no wind and no sunshine for several days or weeks. During this period,
storage, grids and demand-side management.                                      controllable generation capacities and/or energy storage facilities must
Dispatchable generation technologies currently form the backbone of sys-        guarantee security of supply.
tem flexibility – in Europe, for example, they account for 80 % of available    New and appropriately upgraded thermal power plants can contribute to
flexibility capacities (IEA, World Energy Outlook 2019). Controllable gen-      the integration of renewable energies into a modern power supply system
eration mainly includes thermal power plants and hydropower plants. Their       through their flexible operation. The focus of technical developments is on
flexibility can be characterised by three parameters: Minimum load, load        the exploitation of the existing potential for flexible plant operation.
gradient and start-up and shut-down times. The minimum load represents          Against the backdrop of the expansion targets for renewable energy
the lowest load at which a power plant can be operated under stable condi-      throughout Europe, a broad and flexible thermal power plant portfolio will
tions. The load gradient indicates how quickly a power plant can change its     continue to be indispensable in the future in order to ensure economic ef-
output in a given time. The start-up time indicates the time from the start     ficiency and security of supply at all times.
of power plant operation until the minimum load is reached; the shut-down
time indicates the time until complete shut-down.
Flexibility parameters of controllable generation plants:
                                                                                            High load gradients, low minimum load, short ramp-up times
Flexibility of thermal power plants – State-of-the-art
                                                                                             Plant type                 Hard coal      Lignite          CCGT             Gas           Nuclear
                 1,300                                                                                                                                                 turbine
                                                                                             Lignite (e.g. BoA)                                   Nuclear
                 1,200                                                                       Load gradient
                                                                                                                   2/4/6              2/4/6          4/8/12          8/12/15          2/5/10
                                                                                             in %capacity
                                                                                                  per minute~1,000 MW
Capacity in MW

                                                                                             Max                                                  Max capacity     ~1,300 MW
                                     Nuclear power plants                                    Min capacity       ~420 MW                           Min capacity     ~520 MW
                 1,000                                                                       ... ramp rate
                                                                                             Max                +/-30 MW/min                      Max ramp rate    +/-63 MW/min
                                                                                                                                                         a               a
                                                                                             in the load                40...90       50...90        40 ...90        40 ...90         40...100
                                                                                             range of %
                                                                                             Combined Cycle Power Plant (CCGT)                    Hard coal
                  800                                                                        Minimum load
                                                                                                                                                  Max capacity a
                                                                                             in %capacity
                                                                                                   of         ~2 x 440
                                                                                                                       25/15        60/40/20       50/40/30         50/40/20a
                                                                                                                                                                   ~800 MW
                                                     Lignite fired power plants              Min capacity     ~520*/260** MW                      Min capacity     ~210 MW
                                                                                             nominal    capacity
                                                                                             Max ramp rate    +/-36 MW/min                        Max ramp rate    +/-20 MW/min
                             Combined Cycle                                                  Ramp-up time
                             Power Plants (CCGT)                                            *in two
                                                                                                 hours  (h),operation
                                                                                                    boiler              3/2/1         6/4/2         1.5/1/0.5
FAC TS A N D FI G U R ES                                                                                                      EL E C T R I C I T Y G EN ER AT I O N 2020 l 2021


E   lectricity generation in Europe has changed in recent years. These include
    the development of renewable energies, the reduction of electricity gen-
eration in conventional – thermal – power plants, the different European
                                                                                   The performance-weighted characteristic values of energy availability and en-
                                                                                   ergy utilisation as well as of planned, disposable and not disposable availabil-
                                                                                   ity and especially of unavailability show interesting developments over the 22
energy policies and the development of the electricity market. An efficient tool   years which reflect current trends such as liberalisation and the energy turna-
is needed to help make decisions and to assess the various influences.             round.
With the objective of evaluating, comparing and optimising the operation of        The unplanned unavailability reflects the short-term technical failures of the
power plants and the plants (systems & components) themselves, VGB has             power plants. While for coal-fired power plants this has been increasing stead-
been collecting data on e.g. the availability and utilisation of different power   ily over all these years, for gas turbines it has only increased sharply in the last
plants since 1970 according to uniform definitions and procedures, using the       3 years, with the same fluctuations in maintenance measures over the last 10
Power Plant Information System (KISSY – Kraftwerksinformationssystem).             years.
The following trend diagrams show the comparison between European coal-
fired power plants (276 plants) and gas turbines (151 plants) over the period
1998 to 2019. The number of power plants shown per year vary because               Sources
typical behaviours such as decommissioning, new plants, power plant modi-          Technical and Commercial Key Indicators for Power Plants,
                                                                                   VGB-S-002-03-2016-08-EN, VGB PowerTech, ISBN 978-3-86875-934-1 (eBook, free of charge)
fications, transfer to grid and capacity reserve or safety readiness have to be    VGB-Standard Annex to VGB-S-002 Series,
considered.                                                                        VGB-S-002-33-2016-08-EN, VGB PowerTech, ISBN 978-3-86875-933-4 (eBook, free of charge)
                                                                                   Availability of Power Plants 2010 – 2019, VGB-TW 103Ve,
                                                                                   Issue 2020, VGB PowerTech, ISBN: 978-3-96284-215-4
                                                                                   Analysis of Unavailability of Thermal Power Plants 2010 – 2019, VGB-TW 103Ae,
                                                                                   Issue 2020, VGB PowerTech, ISBN: 978-3-96284-219-2
Energy availabilty of European power plants                                                                       Unavailability (UA) of European power plants
                           Energy availabilty, coal                   Energy availabilty, gas                                                UA planned, coal              UA postponable, coal              UA not postponable, coal
                           Energy utilisation, coal                   Energy utilisation, gas                                                UA planned, nat. gas          UA postponable, nat. gas          UA not postponable, nat. gas.

           100                                                                                                                      12

Energy availabiltyin %

                                                                                                                   Unavailability in %




                         0                                                                                                                0
                         1998   2000    2002     2004   2006   2008    2010     2012    2014    2016   2018 2019                         1998    2000    2002       2004    2006    2008    2010      2012      2014    2016    2018 2019
                                                                        Year                                                                                                                Year

                                                                                                                                                        Source: VGB data base KISSY (Power plant information system, data: 2019)

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FAC TS A N D FI G U R ES                                                                                                 EL E C T R I C I T Y G EN ER AT I O N 2020 l 2021


I  n 2019, electricity generation from nuclear power plants was around
   2,587 billion kWh, slightly higher than in 2018, due to excellent operat-
ing results of the plants as a whole, the first commissioning of new units
                                                                                 Electricity generation from nuclear power worldwide
                                                                                 100                                                                                    3,000
                                                                                              Electricity generation from nuclear power plants in billion (109) kWh
mainly in Asia and the recommissioning of 8 units in Japan in recent years.
The share of nuclear energy in the total global electricity generation was                    Availability in %
10.5 % in 2019. In Western Europe, electricity generation from nuclear
energy remained almost constant compared to 2018 at around 750 billion
kWh. After North America, Western Europe is the second strongest eco-                                                                                      Others       2,000
nomic region with nuclear power generation.
Since the first commercial nuclear power plants were commissioned in             50                                                                                     1,500
Calder Hall, England, in 1956, a cumulative total of about 83,900 bil-                                                                                      USA
lion kWh of electricity has been produced. This corresponds to about three                                                                                              1,000
times today’s worldwide annual electricity demand.
The greatest increase in nuclear power generation was in the 1980s, when
the large nuclear power plant projects with unit capacities above 1,000 MW,                                                                                  EU
which were started in the 1970s, went into operation.
                                                                                  0                                                                                      0
After the events in Japan in 2011, the availability of work increased slightly    1956 1960         1970          1980         1990           2000       2010         2019
to a global average to the high value of almost 80 %.                                                                                  Year

                                                                                                                            Source: atw – Int. Journal for Nuclear Power 5/2020

            USA                                                                              97 + 2   4 +1 +1     Finland
                                                                                                                                 W       orldwide, 444 nuclear power plants with a
                                                                                                                                         total capacity of 419,797 MW were oper-
                                                                                                                                 ated in 31 countries (status: December 2019). 52
          France                                               58 - 2 + 1                                 4+2     Hungary
                                                                                                                                 nuclear power plant units are currently under
           Japan                             34 + 2                          48 + 11 + 30                         China
                                                                                                                                 construction and the trend of new projects in the
 United Kingdom               15 + 2 + 10                                                                 3 +1    Argentina
                                                                                                                                 countries of Asia as well as in newcomer coun-
          Russia                             34 + 4     + 16                                           2 +1 + 4   Brazil
                                                                                                                                 tries, also in Africa, the Middle East and South
        Canada                    19 + 7                                                                  2+2     Mexico         America – with substantial participation of the
       Germany            6 -6                                                                        5 +2+2      Pakistan       supplier countries – is increasing.
    South Korea                    24 + 5 + 10                                                            2+4     South Africa
                                                                                                                                 In the years 2018 and 2019, for example, a total
           India                  22 + 7 + 7           Nuclear power plants worldwide                  1-1+1      Armenia
                                                          in operation 2019: 444
                                                                                                                                 of 9 new nuclear power plant units started com-
         Ukraine              15 + 2                                                                          1   Netherlands    mercial operation for the first time in China,
         Sweden           7                                                                               2+2     Romania        among them Taishan 1 and 2, the first European
           Spain          7                                                                               1+1     Slovenia       pressurised water reactors (EPR). With a gross
         Belgium          7                                                                               1+1     Iran           capacity of 1,750 MW each these are currently
  Taiwan, China        3 +2                                                                              +4 + 2   UAE            the most powerful nuclear power plant units
                                                                                                            +4    Poland
        Bulgaria     2 +2                                                                                                        worldwide.
                                                                                                            +1    Lithuania
        Slovakia      4 +2+2
                                                                 New build: 52                            +4      Vietnam        Thus, 15,600 MW of nuclear power plant capac-
     Switzerland      4
                                                         Planned shut-downs: 9                          +1+3      Turkey         ity have been added worldwide, but also 9 older
 Czech Republic       6+4
                                       Projects: 200 (including projects in further 16 countries)         +2      Belarus        power plant units, mostly with lower capacity,
                                                                                                          +2      Bangladesh     have been permanently shut-down.
Sources: IAEA, atw – Int. Journal for Nuclear Power, status: 12/2019

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A      part from the further development of the reliable light water reactor
       technology, innovative modularly designed reactors of small and medi-
um capacity up to approx. 600 MW are developed. These “Small Modular
Reactors” (SMR) and other concepts belong to the so-called Generation IV
reactors. The USA and Canada in particular are involved in this, but projects
are also starting in Great Britain, China and Finland.
These concepts are characterised above by the following properties:
ll Highest safety standards through passive systems or physically inherent
   safety features.
ll Modular design. i.e. a step-by-step investment-optimised construction
   of the units according to requirements is possible.
ll “Modular principle”, i.e. production in the manufacturer’s factory with
   all advantages of series production is aimed for.
ll Long maintenance intervals and operating times for the nuclear fuel
   loading over several years lead to lower operating costs.
ll Partial erection of the modules in underground caverns and thus also
   close to the consumers. This enables not only the generation of
   electricity, but also the supply with district or process heat.
ll Self-supply of remote areas in island operation.
                                                                                SMR project in the UK and Russian nuclear power plant on a floating bar.

A    ssuming an average lifetime of 60 years for a nuclear power plant,
     approx. 300 plants will be shut down worldwide by 2030.
Since the decision for the phase-out of nuclear energy in 2011, the German
plant operators and the nuclear industry, which has also prepared itself for
the dismantling, have gained extensive knowledge on planning, organisation
and implementation of the dismantling. Of the 30 prototype, pilot and
power reactors decommissioned to date, three have been completely disman-
tled to the “greenfield site”. The dismantling work at other plants has started
well and is well advanced according to the shutdown date.
Apart from Germany, nuclear power plants are also decommissioned and
dismantled in other European countries such as Belgium, France, Sweden,
Lithuania but also outside Europe.
The increased international interest leads to the fact that international or-
ganisations like WANO, WNA, OECD/NEA are increasingly dealing with
the decommissioning and dismantling of nuclear power plants.
Within the framework of the EU project Horizon2020 SHARE (Stakehold-
er-based Analysis of Research for Decommissioning), the EU, in coopera-
tion with relevant stakeholders, is also identifying a Strategic Research
Agenda for the decommissioning and dismantling of nuclear installations.
                                                                                  Removal of a steam generator and underwater loading of casks during dismantling.

                                                                                                                                                  PAG E 16 – 17
FAC TS A N D FI G U R ES                                                                                                                   EL E C T R I C I T Y G EN ER AT I O N 2020 l 2021


F   or more than two decades, European electricity generation has been in-
    vesting predominantly in renewable energy sources and gas-fired power
plants, whereas in the 1970s and 1980s, investments focused on conven-
                                                                                    The future of today´s electricity generating capacities in operation
tional coal-fired and nuclear power plants. This structural change is above all
the result of various financial support systems for renewables in the indi-
vidual European countries.                                                                                                                                          Geothermal

                                                                                      Capacity in operation in GW*
Conventional power plants in Europe, mainly coal-fired and nuclear power
plants, have therefore now reached a technical age at which future decom-
missioning is foreseeable. The typical technical lifetimes of coal-fired power                                        600
plants are about 40 years, those of nuclear power plants about 60 to 80
years, and those of hydroelectric power plants about 100 years. In addition,                                                                                        Biomass
it is also foreseeable that in the coming years, renewables capacities will                                           400                                           Wind, offshore
increasingly reach the end of their technical operating life; the service life of                                                                                   Wind, onshore
wind power and photovoltaic systems is considered to be 20 to 30 years.                                                                                             Nuclear
Based on typical service life data and individual political decisions (e.g.
phasing out nuclear power in Germany by 2022), it can be estimated that                                                                                             Lignite
by the year 2030 around 30 % of the electricity generation capacities cur-                                              0                                           Hard coal
rently in operation in Europe will be decommissioned. By 2050, this figure                                                   2015   2025   2035      2045 2050
will be around 80 %.                                                                 * ˝Mortality“, Base: Capacities in operation end of 2014
This estimate makes it clear that with today‘s time horizons for planning,
construction and commissioning of power generation plants of 10 years and
more, suitable replacement capacities for a secure electricity supply will                                        Source: Investment Requirements in the EU electricity sector up to 2050
have to be prepared in good time – now.                                                   Chalmers University of Technology, Department of Energy and Environment, Energy Technology

T     he need to replace existing power generation capacities in Europe has
      led many companies to plan new construction projects. Despite the
massive expansion of energy from renewables, coal, natural gas and nuclear
                                                                                    Projected and announced power plant capacities in Europe

energy continue to be the most important primary energy sources for reliable            Share of energy source 2020                Gas (28,403 MW, 29.4 %)
available power generation. Highly efficient new plants are replacing less
                                                                                                                                   Oil (0 MW, 0 %)
efficient power plants. In addition to a significant reduction in CO2 emis-
sions, new power plants will also reduce further emissions and their increased                                                     Hard coal (12,200 MW, 12.7 %)
flexibility will contribute to a secure electricity supply and the integration of
renewable energy into the supply system. However, due to a lack of long-                                                           Lignite and peat (1,160 MW, 1.2 %)
term political framework conditions across Europe, investment in new ca-                                                           Nuclear (11,800 MW, 12.2 %)
pacities is stalled.
                                                                                                                                   Hydro (9,013 MW, 9.3 %)
According to the updated VGB PowerTech new construction statistics, the
technology of gas-fired power plants accounts for the largest share of the                                                         Wind (33,279 MW, 34.5 %)

available capacity of disposable conventional plants at around 30 %. With                                                              Biomass
a share of approx. 14 % these are followed by hard coal and lignite power                                                              (300 MW, 0.3 %)
plant projects, particularly in Eastern European countries. The low-emis-                                                              Residues and waste
                                                                                                                                       (120 MW, 0.1 %)
sion sources nuclear and hydropower account for 12.3 % and 9.2 %. Pro-
                                                                                                                                       Other renewables
jects based on non-schedulable generation technologies continue to focus                   Total*: 96,575 MW                           (300 MW, 0.3 %)
on wind power plants with a capacity share of approx. 34.5 %.
Within a decade, the projected and announced new build capacities gath-
ered have declined considerably, from 277,884 MW in 2010 to 96,563 MW                                                 * without photovoltaic, oil: no projects., incl. averages
in 2020.                                                                                                                               Source: Data base VGB, state: 2020

                                                                                                                                                      SEI T E 18 – 19
FAC TS A N D FI G U R ES                                                                                                  EL E C T R I C I T Y G EN ER AT I O N 2020 l 2021


B    etween 1990 and 2018, the total greenhouse gas emissions (GHGE) in
     the European Union (EU-28) decreased by 23.2 % (World Bank, EU,
state: 2018). Targets for climate and energy policy were revised by the EU
                                                                                                             Current Policies        Stated Policies      Sustainable
                                                                                                                          in billion (10 6 ) t CO 2
Commission in November 2018. The objective is to reduce EU emissions by
at least 40 % below 1990 levels by 2030.




For the stabilisation and actual reduction of GHGE emissions, action, based
on the principle of effectiveness and cost efficiency, has to be taken world-                             CO 2 emissions worldwide, total, energy sector
wide. Cost-efficient measures such as insulation of buildings, fossil-fired
                                                                                Total*          33,243           41,302                  35,589             15,796
power plants with higher efficiencies, the application of CCU (Carbon Cap-
ture and Utilisation), expanded use of renewables or further use of technolo-   Coal            14,664           16,609                  13,891               3,424
gies with low GHGE like nuclear energy must be applied with priority and        Oil             11,446           14,053                  12,001               6,433
without prejudice in order to mitigate the globally increasing amount of        Natural gas      7,134           10,639                   9,697               6,032
                                                                                                           thereof electricity generation
The International Energy Agency (IEA) has developed a stabilisation con-
cept, “Sustainable Development”, which, compared with the reference sce-        Coal            10,066           11,813                   9,641               1,552
narios “Current Policies” – unchanged energy policy – and “Stated Policies”     Oil                 692             497                      418                200
– taking into account announced measures for a more sustainable energy          Natural gas      3,060            4,284                   3,775               2,123
policy – aims to stabilise energy consumption and the CO2 concentration in
                                                                                                             thereof other final energy consumption
the atmosphere through a bundle of instruments.
                                                                                Total           17,809           22,561                  19,895             11,037

                                                                                IEA scenarios for the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. Share of energy sources.
                                                                                * incl. upstream and downstream sector              Source: IEA, World Energy Outlook 2019
CO2 emissions total and per capita from fossil fuel combustion                                                CO2 emissions from different power plants
    for selected regions for 2018 and changes from 1990 to 2018                                                   in g CO2 equivalent per kWh,
                                                                                                                  calculated for the life cycle of the power plant
                                           t CO2 per capita         billion (109) t CO2 per year
                                                                                                                                                                                     BoA technology
                                           0        1          2    3          4           5        6        20
                                                                                                                        Lignite                                                                950 to 1,230

                                   EU-28                                                           6.1
 Region | Change 1990 to 2018

                                  - 18 %                           3,518                                                                                                             790 to 1,080
                                                                                                                     Hard coal
                                   India                1.96
                                + 313 %                    2,650                                                            Oil                                                  890

                                   USA                                                               16.56
                                  +1 %                                             5,410                           Natural gas                                     640

                                                                    143                                                  Gas
                                   China                                                         7.05                combined                410 to 430                         Electricity generation with CCU
                                + 347 %                                                        10,060                   cycle
                                                                   127                                             Photovoltaik              35 to 160
                                 World                                      4.14
                                + 61 %                                                                   33,114
                                                                                                                       Nuclear     16 to 23

                                           0        1          2    3          4           5        6        30                    8 to 16                           Result range due to different
                                                                                                                                                                     methods of calculation
                                                                                                                  Hydro power      4 to 13                           and different site implications.

Sources: U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) Environmental System Science Data Infrastructure for a                            Sources: PSI Paul Scherrer Institut/Switzerland, ESU-services, VGB (own calculations)
         Virtual Ecosystem (ESS-DIVE) 2020, and IEA: CO2 emissions from fuel combustion

                                                                                                                                                                                           PAG E 20 – 21
FAC TS A N D FI G U R ES                                                                                       EL E C T R I C I T Y G EN ER AT I O N 2020 l 2021


VGB PowerTech e.V. is the international technical association for generation   Structure of the VGB membership:
and storage of power and heat with head office located in Essen (Germany).
Currently VGB has 436 members, comprising operators, manufacturers, and        Fossil-fired power plants			            227,500                   MW
institutions connected with energy engineering.                                Nuclear power plants			                  32,500                   MW
Our members come from 34 countries and represent an installed power plant      Hydro power plants and other renewables  43,000                   MW
capacity of 303,000 MW located in Europe.                                      Total					303,000                                                 MW
The activities of VGB PowerTech comprise:                                      EU: 410 members in 20 countries
ll Provision of an international platform for the accumulation, exchange,      Austria, Belgium, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark,
   and transfer of technical know-how.                                         Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Latvia,
ll Acting as “gate-keeper” and provider of technical know-how for the          Luxembourg, The Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania,
   member companies and other associations of our industry.                    Slovenia, Spain, Sweden
ll Harmonisation of technical and operational standards.
ll Identification and organisation of joint R&D activities.                    Other Europe: 14 members in 4 countries
ll Exclusive member access to qualified expert knowledge.                      Russia, Switzerland, Turkey, United Kingdom
ll Representation of members´ interests.
                                                                               Outside Europe: 12 members in 10 countries
VGB is performing these tasks in close cooperation with Eurelectric on
                                                                               Argentina, Canada, China, Israel, Japan, Malaysia,
European-level and further national and international associations.
                                                                               Mongolia, Morocco, Saudi Arabia, South Africa

                                                                               Total:    436 members in 34 countries
                                                                                                General Assembly
VGB PowerTech e. V. supports its members with all technical
issues of generation and storage of electricity and heat in                                           Board               Technical Advisory
order to further optimise                                         Scientific Advisory Board                                     Board
                                                                                                   of Directors
ll Safety
ll Efficiency                                                                                     Management
ll Environmental friendliness
ll Economic efficiency and                                        Competence Areas for the Generation and Storage of Power and Heat
ll Occupational safety and health protection
The competence areas “Nuclear Power Plants”, “Power Plant            Nuclear                     Renewables      Environmental
                                                                                 Power Plant                      Technology,      Technical
Technologies”, “Renewables and Distributed Generation”,               Power                     and Distributed Chemistry, Safe-
                                                                                 Technologies     Generation                        Services
                                                                      Plants                                     ty and Health
and “Environmental Technology, Chemistry, Safety and
Health” are dealing with all aspects of nuclear, conventional
and renewable generation. They are cooperating closely to
fully exploit the synergies.
The engineering services of the “Technical Services” with engi-
neering consulting, materials and oil laboratory and water
chemistry, the VGB Research Foundation, data bases, and pub-
lications. e.g. the technical journal VGB POWERTECH per-
fectly round off the portfolio of expertise of VGB PowerTech.                                   VGB Committees

                                                                                                                                      PAG E 22 – 23
VGB PowerTech e.V.        Editorial: Oliver Then (responsible),
Deilbachtal 173           Mario Bachhiesl, Ludger Mohrbach, Stefan Prost
45257 Essen | Germany     and Christopher Weßelmann
                          September 2020
Phone: +49 201 8128 – 0   www.vgb.org | info@vgb.org
Fax: +49 201 8128 – 302   Photo credits: Offshore wind famr, EnBW,
                                         battery storage, innogy, Andre Laaks,
                                         SMR: Rolls-Royce, Rosatom, Decommissioning: GNS
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