La Fontaine Nouvelles - La Fontaine Academy

Page created by Betty Hudson
La Fontaine Nouvelles - La Fontaine Academy
La Fontaine                                                            Academic Year 2021 - 2022
                                                                        Friday 19th November 2021
Dear Parents and Carers,
                 This has been an absolutely lovely week; I’ve had the privilege of
                 showing lots of people around our school, both prospective parents
                 and other teaching professionals. What is always striking to those that
                 come and visit us is the wonderful focus and engagement that the
                 children have with their learning - they genuinely enjoy learning! I’ve
                 also had the opportunity to visit lessons with our curriculum leaders
                 (who are all teachers in our school) so that they can see how subjects
                 are being taught in the different year groups. Over the last week or
                 so, we’ve had a look at reading, phonics, writing, humanities (history,
                 geography and RE) and music. It is so good to see our curriculum in
action and the children really building their knowledge and being able to speak
confidently about what they’re learning. A highlight has to be this afternoon when I
saw Year 2 finding the beat (the pulse) in Beyoncé’s ‘Crazy in Love’!
Today sees the return of ‘popcorn Fridays’, which I am sure will be super popular with
many. I’d like to say a huge thank you to all of our parent volunteers who give up their
time to make this possible. The children love it (even if the parents are less excited
about the queues) and it raises much needed funds for the school!
You may have seen the banners go up around the school for the PTA’s annual
Christmas Tree sale - if you’re in the market for a high quality, but exceptionally
reasonably priced, tree to brighten up your festive season, then look no further! Orders
need to be in by 1st December, and collection will be from school on Saturday 4th
Next Friday, we have our school photos. These will be the individual/sibling photos
(class photos are taken at the end of the year). This weekend is the time to get a trim
and make sure the laundry is done, so you can get the best snap of your little ones.
These will be great Christmas gifts for your family, also fabulous items for mass
embarrassment when they get older.
Whatever you’re doing this weekend, I hope you have a fabulous time and that you
make some lovely memories with your family.
Best wishes,
Mr Tirrell

                                             Our purposeful, knowledge-rich
                                       curriculum delivers academic excellence
                                          and prepares our children to be the
                                         transformational leaders of the future.

La Fontaine Nouvelles - La Fontaine Academy
La Fontaine                                                               Academic Year 2021 - 2022
                                                                           Friday 19th November 2021

Stars de la semaine: Stars of the week
This week, the following children have consistently demonstrated our La Fontaine values
and so are our stars of the week:
           RAF: Dylan & Hannah       RMH: Amelie & Samuel           RND: Zaine & Hugo
              1AS: Bobbi & Josh      1CM: Leo & Jonas         1JW: Ozzy & Akindele
                     2AB: Eeshitha & Aneya        2DW: Isabelle & Caiden
                      2MH: Penny & William            2NP: Marilou & Luca T
                   3EC: George & Maahi        3JG: Francesco & Elizabeth
                          4AH: Elvie & Thomas         4JL: Zac & Brooklyn
                         5AL:Shakai & Christina        5AM: Dexter & Bala
            6AC: Loukas & Isabella     6CC: Sofia & Sara         6CI: Johnny & Bahar

This week’s phrase is:

Puis-je aider? May I help?
Next week’s phrase is:

Est-ce que je peux aider? Can I help?
A full list, plus a handy pronunciation guide, is on
our website here.

                                                Our purposeful, knowledge-rich
                                          curriculum delivers academic excellence
                                             and prepares our children to be the
                                            transformational leaders of the future.

La Fontaine Nouvelles - La Fontaine Academy
La Fontaine                                                          Academic Year 2021 - 2022
                                                                      Friday 19th November 2021

                        Times Tables Rockstars Subscription

As many of you have realised by now, our subscription to Times Tables Rockstars has
expired. We have decided not to renew, but instead allocate the money to buying
resources to support the children’s in-school learning of mathematics. To continue to
support your children recalling times tables facts at home, please direct them
towards Purple Mash. There is a myriad of games and activities on the platform that
your children can do to consolidate their learning of times tables. In addition, the
class teachers can set ‘2Dos’ (tasks) to focus the class’ attention to specific
multiplication facts.

                              WINTER PERFORMANCE
             Below are the dates of the Winter Performances,
             which will be held in The Great Hall — booking will
                    go live next week via ParentMail.

    KS1 Winter Performance:      9am / 2pm                 Tuesday 7th December
    KS2 Winter Performance:      9am / 2pm                 Wednesday 8th December
    EYFS Winter Performance:     9am / 2pm                 Tuesday 14th December

                                           Our purposeful, knowledge-rich
                                     curriculum delivers academic excellence
                                        and prepares our children to be the
                                       transformational leaders of the future.

La Fontaine Nouvelles - La Fontaine Academy
La Fontaine                                                                Academic Year 2021 - 2022
                                                                            Friday 19th November 2021

          Les dates pour votre agenda: Dates for your diary

PE days
Reception - Monday                      Year 1 - Thursday
Year 2 - Thursday                       Year 3 - Wednesday
Year 4 - Wednesday                      Year 5 - Tuesday
Year 6 - Tuesday (plus swimming on Mondays)
On your child’s PE day, please send them to school in their PE kit; they will stay in this all
day to maximise the amount of time they have for their PE lesson.

Key Dates
Sibling School Photos:            from 8am           Fri 26th November
Individual School Photos:         9am-3pm            Fri 26th November
PTA 2nd Hand Uniform Sale:        2.30pm-4pm         Thu 25th November (Invicta entrance)

PTA Christmas Tree Sale:          9am-4pm            Sat 4th December

What happens if there is a positive case of Covid-19 in school?
The child/member of staff will self-isolate, but contacts are no longer required to (there
are no more bubbles) so other children an staff members will not be sent home. Close
contacts may be asked to do a PCR test if contacted by NHS Test and Trace.

What happens if my child has symptoms? (High temperature, continuous cough, loss of
taste / smell)
Please keep your child at home and organise a PCR test. If the result is negative, they are
able to come into school (assuming they are feeling better).
Most recent Government guidance:

                                                 Our purposeful, knowledge-rich
                                           curriculum delivers academic excellence
                                              and prepares our children to be the
                                             transformational leaders of the future.

La Fontaine Nouvelles - La Fontaine Academy
La Fontaine                                                              Academic Year 2021 - 2022
                                                                          Friday 19th November 2021

Today is the end of Anti Bullying Week. At La Fontaine, children participated in whole
school assemblies that aimed to shine a spotlight on bullying and raise awareness of the
steps we can take together to stop it. On Monday, children and teachers came wearing
odd socks to emphasize the importance of diversity. Throughout the week, children
participated in many fun lessons and activities. The Anti Bullying Motto of One Kind Word
was seen in full effect and everyone enjoyed spreading words of kindness.

                                               Our purposeful, knowledge-rich
                                         curriculum delivers academic excellence
                                            and prepares our children to be the
                                           transformational leaders of the future.

La Fontaine Nouvelles - La Fontaine Academy
La Fontaine                                        Academic Year 2021 - 2022
                                                    Friday 22nd October 2021


           Our purposeful, knowledge-rich curriculum delivers
          academic excellence and prepares our children to be
                the transformational leaders of the future.

La Fontaine Nouvelles - La Fontaine Academy
La Fontaine                               Academic Year 2021 - 2022
                                            Friday 22nd October 2021


                Our purposeful, knowledge-rich
          curriculum delivers academic excellence
             and prepares our children to be the
            transformational leaders of the future.

La Fontaine Nouvelles - La Fontaine Academy
La Fontaine                               Academic Year 2021 - 2022
                                            Friday 22nd October 2021



                Our purposeful, knowledge-rich
          curriculum delivers academic excellence
             and prepares our children to be the
            transformational leaders of the future.

La Fontaine Nouvelles - La Fontaine Academy La Fontaine Nouvelles - La Fontaine Academy
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