Dreams and discoveries in Ireland's medieval city - 04-14 August 2022

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04-14 August 2022
Dreams and discoveries in Ireland’s medieval city Dreams and discoveries in Ireland's medieval city - 04-14 August 2022
Welcome to eleven days of artistic adventures in Ireland’s medieval city…                                                                                                          Introduction

                                                                                                                                                                                                                           We’re thrilled to welcome you to an exhilarating set of events and performances in the Marble City. Following two
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           years of adapted festivals, this summer feels both like a rebirth and a continuation of what lies at the heart of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Kilkenny Arts Festival: a desire to bring you artists that invigorate, intrigue and inspire.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                           While artists did all of these things and more in 2020 (KAFX) and 2021, live music was unavoidably rare. So it’s a
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           joy to return to a full programme of music featuring Anne Sofie von Otter, Brooklyn Rider, Irish Chamber Orchestra,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Irish Baroque Orchestra, Chamber Choir Ireland, Akademie für Alte Musik Berlin, Carducci String Quartet, Malcolm
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Proud, Ailish Tynan, Tara Erraught, the Rollercoaster Sessions, the Marble City Sessions with co-curator Martin

                                                                                                                                                                                                         PHOTO PAT MOORE
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Hayes and much more. We’re delighted to bring back the beloved Secret Garden Music series, free each day across
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           special spaces in the city.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                           New commissions come fully into being this year, from Roisín ReImagined with Muireann Nic Amhlaoibh and ICO
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           to Linda Buckley’s new work for Liam Byrne and Crash Ensemble. Deirdre Gribbin’s new song cycle is premiered
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           by Sharon Carty and ICO, while poet in residence Theo Dorgan and Colm Mac Con Iomaire bring their ambitious
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           new bilingual work to the Watergate Theatre and Paula Meehan performs her response to Joyce’s Ulysses in the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           centenary year of its publication.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Our new production of Handel’s Semele with Opera Collective Ireland, directed by Patrick Mason, comes from
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           the same creative team that wowed audiences with The Return of Ulysses in 2018; and Rough Magic bring their
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           special alchemy to the Parklands of Kilkenny Castle for a new production of Shakespeare’s The Tempest directed
Kilkenny (Cill Chainnigh or the Church of Canice) offers the visitor one of Ireland’s most memorable architectural ensembles, as a vibrant                                                                                 by Lynne Parker. Eszter Némethi’s Speak Like No One in Particular will challenge audiences to explore the ways
living city still laid out along its ‘medieval mile’ from the castle to the cathedral. Its history stretches back 1,500 years to the arrival of                                                                            in which we ‘other’ each other, and in Callan we get a peek at the development of The Local, a major new site-
Canice and his fellow monks to found a new monastic settlement on the hill where St Canice’s Cathedral still stands. Few festivals in                                                                                      sensitive play from Asylum Productions, coming in 2023.
the world can boast such atmospheric ancient spaces, echoing their history but ideal for performance and embracing the visitors and
audiences of today.                                                                                                                                                                                                        Following their groundbreaking production of Strauss’ Elektra last summer, Irish National Opera return to
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Kilkenny to premiere a virtual reality opera, Out of the Ordinary, directed by Jo Mangan; and Luke Murphy/Attic
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Projects see the River Nore become the stage for their new work, Slow Tide. Always a hit with Kilkenny audiences,
St Canice’s Cathedral, 13th century                                            Kilkenny Castle, 12th century                                                                                                               thrilling aerialists Loosysmokes bring their new show In Rhythms to an atmospheric warehouse in Callan. With
However special our musicians may be, there’s always an                        This imposing stronghold of the Ormondes and Chief Butlers                                                                                  Butler Gallery we present a set of intriguing retrospective multimedia works from Kevin Atherton, and the Festival
extra shiver down the spine when you hear their music                          of Ireland provides the Festival with a stunning space                                                                                      Gallery hosts an exhibition by the young artist Stephen Doyle whose work explores queer identity.
reverberate in the magnificent acoustics of the second                         for talks and conversation in the lofty Parade Tower. Its
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Masha Gessen – who has written extensively on Russia, autocracy, LGBTQ+ rights, Vladimir Putin and Donald
longest cathedral nave in Ireland with its glorious timbered                   magnificent demesne, the Castle Parklands, is an oasis of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Trump, amongst others – delivers the 2022 Hubert Butler Lecture, and the Hubert Butler Essay Prize is presented
ceiling. St Canice’s has been at the heart of the Festival since               calm for locals and visitors alike in the heart of the medieval
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           mid-festival amidst an exciting line-up of talks and readings at the Parade Tower.
our first edition in 1974.                                                     city, and also the location for many of our free performances
                                                                               for all ages.                                                                                                                               From the castle to the cathedral, Cleere’s Theatre to Callan, the Marble City is the place to be this August.
St Kieran’s College, 19th century                                                                                                                                                                                          See you there!
Established in 1782, St Kieran’s College was the first Catholic                St John’s Priory, 13th century
college in Ireland founded after Grattan’s Parliament had                      To step off busy John Street and into the intimate calm of                                                                                  Olga Barry
relaxed the penal laws. The magnificent neo-Gothic building                    the Priory (called ‘The Lantern of Ireland’ for its famous                                                                                  Festival Director
was completed in 1836 and its quad provides the perfect                        stained glass before Cromwell arrived!) creates the perfect
space for outdoor performances.                                                atmosphere to discover music, whether much loved or never
                                                                               heard before.                                                                                         Festival Team                                                                                                            Patron
The Black Abbey, 13th century                                                                                                                                                        Festival Director                       Acting Festival Administrator/   Box Office Manager       Publicity              Michael D Higgins
                                                                                                                                                                                     Olga Barry                              Friends Manager                  Lilian Burke             O’Doherty              President of Ireland
Founded in the 1220s by a group of Dominican friars, the                       Rothe House, 16th century                                                                                                                     Céline Reilly                                             Communications
Black Abbey takes its name from the black ‘cappa’ that friars                  The last remaining example in Ireland of a renaissance                                                Festival Producer                                                        Development Officer
wore over their white habits in the middle ages. Converted to                  merchant’s townhouse is one of Kilkenny’s ‘must sees’.                                                Marjie Kaley                            Marketing &                      Grace Kearney            Graphic Design         Board of Directors
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Development Manager                                       Íde Deloughry          Emer Foley (Chair), Michael O’Toole,
a courthouse by James I, it was restored and reopened in the                   During the Festival it buzzes with energy, and this year                                              Festival Administrator                                                   Digital Marketing and
                                                                                                                                                  PHOTO JOHN F KELLY PHOTOGRAPHY

                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Pat Carey                                                                        Thomas O’Toole, Brian Fennelly, Lorelei Harris,
                                                                                                                                                                                     (Maternity Leave)                                                        Social Media Executive   Web Design
nineteenth century and has hosted many memorable Festival                      includes performances in its beautiful 17th-century                                                   Valerie Ryan                            Producer                         Cathy O’Connor           Path                   Christine Monk, Mairead Meagher,
performances over the years.                                                   merchant’s garden.                                                                                                                            Lisa O’Brien
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Conor McAndrew, Cathal Smyth
                                                                                                                                                                                     Production Manager                                                       Programme Editor         Official IT Provider
                                                                                                                                                                                     Aidan Wallace                                                            Alistair Daniel          BITS

BACK COVER: IRISH NATIONAL OPERA, OUT OF THE ORDINARY Dreams and discoveries in Ireland's medieval city - 04-14 August 2022
02                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              03

For 49 years our funders and partners have played an invaluable role in helping Kilkenny Arts Festival to flourish.
We greatly appreciate their continuing support!
                                                                                                                                           Check Out Our Friends!

                                                                                                                                            Help make Kilkenny Arts Festival one of Europe’s finest artistic   For more information you can call the Festival Office on
                                                                                                                                            celebrations. As an individual or business, you’ll find a range    056 776 3663, email or sign up
                                                                                                                                            of Friend options and benefits available, from complimentary       at
                                                                                                                                            tickets and discounts to Festival Club membership and special
                                                                                                                                            events. Friends membership starts at just €150.
                                                                                                       Kilkenny County Council
                                                                                                       Comhairle Chontae Chill Chainnigh

HEADLINE EVENT PARTNERS                                                                                                                     PATRON                                       SPECIAL FRIEND                                   FRIEND

                                                                                                                                            Anonymous Donor                              AOK Properties                                   Áine Ní Fhoghlú
                                                                                                                                                                                         Ayrfield Medical Practice                        Aisling Breathnach
                                                                 o’neill foley                                                              Lyndon MacCann & Claire Callanan
                                                                                                                                                                                         Bluett & O’Donoghue Architects                   Ann Murtagh
                                                                                                                                            Reddy Architecture & Urbanism                Butterslip                                       Anna O’Sullivan
                                                                                                                                            Reidy & Foley Solicitors                     Caulfield’s Supervalu Loughboy Kilkenny          Bluebird Care
                                                                                                                                            Silvia & Jay Krehbiel                        Dore’s Nostalgia Café - Michael Dore             Breda Whelan
                                                                                                                                                                                         Ella Dunphy of DNG Ella Dunphy Ltd.              Brian Deering
                                                                                                                                                                                         Gilligan & Co Accountants                        CANICE Architects
                                                                            Kilkenny County Council
                                                                            Comhairle Chontae Chill Chainnigh                               BEST FRIEND                                  Ina & Joe Sweeney                                Catherine Burke
                                                                                                                                                                                         Kathleen & Gerry Moran                           Christine & Noel Fahey
                                                                                                                                            AIB                                          Kilkenny Castle Tea Rooms - Michael Dore         D Brennan & Associates
                                                                                                                                            Ecopower Total Windfarm Solutions            Kilkenny Modern Printers                         Dave Brown & Carmel Dwyer
                                                                                                                                            James Harte & Son Solicitors                 Maire & Maurice Foley                            Dee & Harry Shine
                                                                                                                                            Kieran Boland, Boland Solicitors             Mary & Brian MacEneaney                          Dr Thomas O’Toole
                                                                                                                                            Market Cross Shopping Centre                 Michael & Zureena Hutchinson                     Florence Ryan-Downes
                                                                                                                                            P McDonnell                                  Michael Reilly Consulting Engineer               Helen Costelloe’s The Cutting Vedge
                                                                                                                                            Pat Nolan Irish Origins Research             Moth to a Flame Candles                          Holland Condon Solicitors
                                                                                                                                            Poe Kiely Hogan Lanigan Solicitors           Newpark Pharmacy                                 James Delaney
                                                                                                                                            Prochem Engineering                          O’Brien’s Butchers Market Yard & Loughboy        Jim Ryan
                                                                                                                                            Richard McCullough & Liz Nugent              Ormonde Street Car Park                          John Dalton
SUPPLY PARTNERS                                                                                                                             Rudolf Heltzel Gold & Silversmith            Patricia Tomasulo                                John Knox NT
                                                                                                                                            Sheila O’Donnell & John Tuomey               Property Partners Buggy                          Jones Business Systems
                                                                                                                                                                                         Sherry Fitzgerald McCreery                       Katherine Meenan
                                                                                                                                                                                         SuperValu - Market Cross                         Mahony’s Pharmacy
                                                                                                                                                                                         Terence McCabe                                   Mary Kelly
                                                                                                                                                                                         The Little Green Grocer                          Mr & Mrs John Grogan
                                                                                                                                                                                         White’s Pharmacy                                 Paul Fahy
CULTURAL PARTNERS                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Sarah Phelan & Andy Ryan
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          The Gourmet Store
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Tynan’s Bar Kilkenny

                                                                                                                                            We also acknowledge those Friends who have chosen to remain anonymous. Dreams and discoveries in Ireland's medieval city - 04-14 August 2022
04                              THEATRE                                          a breathless Dream makes for a triumph                                              THEATRE   05

                                                                                 Sunday Independent on A Midsummer Night’s Dream at KAF2018

                                                                                 a hugely enjoyable and timeless treat
                                                                                 Irish Independent on Much Ado About Nothing at KAF2019

                                                                                                                                                         FOR THIS


     ROUGH MAGIC AND KILKENNY ARTS FESTIVAL                                      Following acclaimed productions of A Midsummer Night’s             Creative Team
     IN ASSOCIATION WITH OPW                                                     Dream and Much Ado About Nothing, Rough Magic returns              Director Lynne Parker
                                                                                 to Kilkenny with this fresh new take on Shakespeare’s lyrical      Designer Alan Farquharson

     The Tempest                                                                 revenge fantasy.

                                                                                 Eleanor Methven, one of Ireland’s most celebrated actresses,
                                                                                                                                                    Lighting Designer Sarah Jane Shiels
                                                                                                                                                    Costume Designer Sorcha Ní Fhloinn
                                                                                                                                                    Sound Designer Denis Clohessy
                                                                                 takes on the iconic role of Prospero, the deposed ruler
     By William Shakespeare                                                      turned elemental sorcerer. The storm Prospero conjures
                                                                                 hurls her enemies onto her shores, but it also brings a sad        Cast
                                                                                 young prince, to the delight of her daughter Miranda. Is their     Ariel Martha Breen
                                                                                 attraction a trick of fate, or the spectacle and sorcery of this   Miranda Gillian Buckle
                                                                                 enchanted island?                                                  Caliban John Cronin
                                                                                                                                                    Ferdinand Rowan Finken
                                                                                 Rough Magic brings its trademark verve and invention               Prospero Eleanor Methven
                                                                                 to Shakespeare’s dark comedy, filled with sorcery, music,          Gonzalo Gina Moxley
                                                                                 mischief and romance, and told beneath summer skies in             Stephano Rory Nolan
                                                                                 the equally magical surroundings of the Kilkenny Castle            Alonso Arthur Riordan
                                                                                 Parklands.                                                         Trinculo Ankur Vikal
                                                                                 Duration 2 hrs approx. (including interval)

      WED     THU         FRI    SAT 		     MON    TUE   WED   THU   FRI   SAT

       3 4
      8PM 8PM
                          5 6		 8 9 10 11 12 13
                         8PM     8PM		      8PM    8PM   8PM   8PM   8PM   8PM

                                                                                                                                                                                    PHOTO ROS KAVANAGH

     KILKENNY CASTLE PARKLANDS                                                   Please note: this is an outdoor performance.
     ADMISSION €28, €25, €80 FAMILY, €20 PREVIEW                                 Please dress for the weather. No umbrellas allowed. Dreams and discoveries in Ireland's medieval city - 04-14 August 2022
06   OPERA   think of it as the musical equivalent of being fed by the                                                             OPERA   07
                                           world’s best chefs using just a clutch of the finest ingredients
                                           The Irish Times on The Return of Ulysses

                                           OPERA COLLECTIVE IRELAND & KILKENNY ARTS FESTIVAL

                                           with Akademie für Alte Musik Berlin
                                           in partnership with Sestina

                                           Artistic Team                              Four years ago Monteverdi’s The Return of Ulysses took the Festival by
                                           Director Patrick Mason                     storm and this year we’re thrilled to welcome its creative team back to
                                           Set/LX Designer Paul Keogan                Kilkenny for an unmissable production of Handel’s Semele.
                                           Conductor Christian Curnyn
                                           Costume Designer Catherine Fay             Tony award-winning director Patrick Mason, leading conductor
                                           Head of Music Andrew Griffiths             Christian Curnyn and world-renowned baroque ensemble Akademie für
                                                                                      Alte Musik Berlin join an exciting cast of young Irish singers, and the
                                           Sestina Director Mark Chambers
                                                                                      dynamic choral ensemble Sestina, to present this tale of adultery and
                                                                                      revenge amongst the gods. With its mix of tragedy and comedy, lyrical
                                           Cast                                       arias and dramatic choruses, Semele is one of the richest and most
                                           Semele Kelli-Ann Masterson                 compelling of all Handel’s operas, and this unique staging is one of the
                                           Iris Jade Phoenix                          highlights of this year’s Festival.
                                           Jupiter/Apollo Andrew Gavin
                                           Juno/Ino Dominica Williams                 Duration 2 hrs 35 minutes approx. (including interval)
                                           Athmas Gerben Van der Werf
                                           Somnus/Cadmus Edward Hawkins


                                           THU       FRI   SUN
                                                                  WATERGATE THEATRE
                                           4 5 7
                                           7PM    7PM      3PM
                                                                  ADMISSION €40/€35 (CONCESSION) /
                                                                  €32 (BALCONY) Dreams and discoveries in Ireland's medieval city - 04-14 August 2022
08                                 PERFORMANCE                               far stranger, far more demented, and far                                                                                          PERFORMANCE                                   09
                                                                             more exhilarating than anything you could
                                                                             possibly imagine
                                                                             The Arts Review on Raven Eyed at KAF2017


In Rhythms

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     PHOTO HOPE YOUNGBLOOD
Produced by                                 Loosysmokes – the award-winning
Elaine McCague                              performance company at the forefront of
and Jonah McGreevy                          modern Irish art circus – has created some
                                            unforgettable shows for the Festival over the
Created collaboratively with                years, staged everywhere from the Castle Park
Craig Cox, Imogen Macrae,                   to Kilfane Glen, and this year we’re thrilled to
Conor McCague, Oliver Ryan,                 welcome them back for the first time since                                                         LUKE MURPHY/ATTIC PROJECTS

                                                                                                                                               Slow Tide
Michelle Thoburn, Emily Kilkenny Roddy,     2018 with an astonishing new piece.
Dean Kavanagh, Angelique Ross
and Anja Mahler                             In Rhythms is both an explosive acrobatic
with support from                           spectacle and an expanded cinematic                                                                Performed by
Aoife Courtney and Millie Egan.             dreamscape exploring the human mind,                                                               Hannah Rogerson & Diarmuid Armstrong
                                            where our feral past meets our neon-muddled
Development supported by the                present. Prepare to lose your grip on reality                                                      Alone while surrounded, confined in open air, two castaway figures explore a sea of
Gate Theatre artist-in-residency            and enter a warped time and space where                                                            contradictions in Slow Tide. Stepping away from the controlled world of the theatre, Luke
programme, Circus Factory, Cork,            gravity’s pull is forgotten.                                                                       Murphy invites audiences to step into the open as two performers brave the world around
Uillinn: West Cork Arts Centre                                                                                                                 them on the River Nore at the Abbey Quarter. A meditation on emerging, falling and
and Island Connect.                         Duration 50 mins approx.                                                                           floating, creating an otherworldly physical poem around themes of time, place, isolation
                                                                                                                                               and perseverance.

                                                                                                                                               Originally from Cork City, Luke Murphy is a performer/writer/director and choreographer
                                                                                                                                               working across various media in Europe, the UK and USA. His 2021 work Volcano won four
                                                                                                                                               awards at the Irish Times Theatre Awards for 2020/2021.

                                                                                                                                               Duration 20 mins approx.

  FRI    SAT    SUN    WED    THU     FRI   SAT                                                                                                     TUE      WED     THU      FRI
                                                    THE WAREHOUSE, CALLAN
  5 6 7 10 11 12 13                                                                                                                                  9 10 11 12

                                                                                                                         PHOTO OLGA KUZMENKO
                                                                                                                                                                                      VIEWED FROM
                                                    ADMISSION €20/€18
                                                                                                                                                                                      THE PEACE PARK
                                                                                                                                                   2.30PM 2.30PM 2.30PM 2.30PM        ADMISSION FREE
		      & 9pm		          		          & 9pm & 9pm    ADVANCE WITH VENUE LOCATION DETAILS
                                                                                                                                                   & 4PM   & 4PM & 4PM & 4PM                                           o’neill foley Dreams and discoveries in Ireland's medieval city - 04-14 August 2022
10                            MUSIC                                                                                                                                                                                                                         MUSIC         11
                                                        PERFORMANCE PREMIERE

                                                        IRISH CHAMBER ORCHESTRA &
                                                        MUIREANN NIC AMHLAOIBH
                                                        Róisín ReImagined
With special guests                                     Co-commissioned by KAF and the Irish Chamber Orchestra, Róisín ReImagined
Cormac McCarthy director, piano                         is a stunning new collaboration that breathes new life into the sean nós
Dónal O’Connor solo fiddle & harmonium                  repertoire. Award-winning vocalist Muireann Nic Amhlaoibh, ‘One of today’s
Darragh Murphy uilleann pipes                           great singers’ (Irish Echo), joins forces with the Irish Chamber Orchestra to
Catríona Frost percussion                               perform a range of classic sean nós songs, imaginatively arranged by six
Aisling Ennis harp                                      leading Irish composers: Cormac McCarthy, Paul Campbell, Linda Buckley,
                                                        Sam Perkin, Niamh Varian-Barry and Michael Keeney.
Róisín ReImagined is replete with surprises
                                                        The project made its debut at last year’s Festival in the shape of a film
around every corner … Nic Amhlaoibh and Irish           recorded behind closed doors and streamed online, and an album released
Chamber Orchestra have found the sweetest of            earlier this year garnered rave reviews. Now, at last, Nic Amhlaoibh and the
spots in which to collaborate, always letting the       ICO return to St Canice’s to perform these arrangements for a live audience.        von Otter has honed the art of singing to such a point that she          one of the wonders of
songs dictate the pace and mood, but opening            Featuring fresh interpretations of timeless classics like ‘An Chúilfhoinn’ and
                                                                                                                                            is purely expressive, no matter what she’s singing                       contemporary music
them up to new horizons                                 ‘Róisín Dubh’, Róisín ReImagined offers a thrilling exploration of Ireland’s rich
                                                        musical heritage.                                                                   The Washington Post                                                      NPR on Brooklyn Rider
The Irish Times
                                                        Duration: 1 hour 40 minutes including interval.
                                                                                                                                            Anne Sofie von Otter
                                                                                                                                            & Brooklyn Rider
                                                                                                                                            Songs of Love and Death:
                                                                                                                                            The Music of Franz Schubert and Rufus Wainwright
                                                                                                                                            Mezzo-soprano Anne Sofie von Otter is one of the most acclaimed          PROGRAMME
                                                                                                                                            singers of her generation, a multi-award-winning performer and           Rufus Wainwright
                                                                                                                                            recording artist who over the course of four decades has been a          Trois Valses Anglaises, arr. Rob Moose
                                                                                                                                            luminous presence on the world’s major stages, performing leading        (Irish Premiere)
                                                                                                                                            operatic roles and shining in concert and recital.                       Franz Schubert
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     String Quartet no. 14, Death and the Maiden, D 531
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Franz Schubert
                                                                                                                                            Her repertoire embraces everything from arias to contemporary pop        from Winterreise, D 911, arr. Osvaldo Golijov
                                                                                                                                            songs, and her thirst for collaboration led her to Brooklyn Rider, the   ‘Der Tod und das Mädchen’
                                                                                                                                            adventurous string quartet with whom she has performed songs by          ‘Der Wegweiser’
                                                                                                                                            everyone from Caroline Shaw to Björk.                                    ‘Die Nebensonnen’
                                                                                                                                            Now, we’re thrilled to welcome von Otter and Brooklyn Rider to           Rufus Wainwright
                                                                                                                                            Kilkenny with an unmissable new project. Songs of Love and Death         Three Songs for Lulu, arr. Rob Moose
                                                                                                                                            pairs Schubert with brand-new works by Rufus Wainwright, whose
                                                                                                                                            modern-day operatic torch songs are the perfect complement to                   FRI     ST CANICE’S CATHEDRAL

                                                                                                                                            Schubert’s exquisite lieder of love, death and despair.                                 ADMISSION
                                    WED      ST CANICE’S CATHEDRAL                                                                                                                                                                  ZONE A €35/€33
                                                                                                                                            Duration 80 mins approx. (without interval)
                                    10       ADMISSION                                                                                                                                                                     8PM      ZONE B €30/€28
                                             ZONE A €35/€33
                                   7.30PM    ZONE B €30/€28 Dreams and discoveries in Ireland's medieval city - 04-14 August 2022
12                                 MUSIC                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              MUSIC     13

                                   Irish Chamber Orchestra & Sharon Carty
                                   Shostakovich, Chamber Symphony in C minor, op. 110a                                                                                                                  Irish Chamber Orchestra
                                   Deirdre Gribbin, The Stones of Life PREMIERE                                                                                                                         & Ailish Tynan
                                   We’re delighted to welcome back the Irish Chamber Orchestra for their annual residency. This
                                   series of concerts pairs Shostakovich’s hauntingly powerful Symphony in C minor with a specially
                                                                                                                                                                                                        Opera Gala
                                   commissioned new work by Deirdre Gribbin, one of Ireland’s leading contemporary composers.
                                                                                                                                                                                                        Soprano Ailish Tynan is one of the finest Irish singers of her generation. Since
                                                                                                                                                                                                        winning the Rosenblatt Recital Song Prize at BBC Cardiff Singer of the World in 2003
                                   Composed in the shadow of Soviet oppression, Shostakovich’s symphony was ostensibly inspired
                                                                                                                                                        PROGRAMME HIGHLIGHTS                            she has performed concerts, recitals and operatic roles all over Europe, working with
                                   by a visit to the ruins of Dresden, but in reality it’s a profoundly autobiographical work, rich in
                                                                                                                                                        Giuseppe Verdi                                  countless leading orchestras, opera companies and pianists (including Iain Burnside,
                                   allusions to Shostakovich’s other works, as well as pieces by Wagner and Tchaikovsky. A gripping
                                                                                                                                                        ‘Desdemona’s Willow Song’ from Otello           with whom she performed a selection of Schubert lieder at KAF2017).
                                   portrayal of the brutality of conflict, its jagged, dynamic rhythms contrast with elegiac outer
                                   movements that never fail to move the listener.                                                                      Giacomo Puccini
                                                                                                                                                        ‘Mi chiamano Mimi’ from La bohème               For this eagerly anticipated concert, Tynan joins the Irish Chamber Orchestra,
                                                                                                                                                        Giacomo Puccini:                                conducted by Stephen Barlow, to perform a selection of popular arias, including
                                   Deirdre Gribbin’s The Stones of Life is a song cycle based on the words of her son, Ethan Stein,                     ‘O Mio babbino caro’ from Gianni Schicchi       works by Mozart, Verdi and Puccini.
                                   a young poet with Down Syndrome, whose striking imagery is inspired by the standing stones                           Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
                                   of Lewis and Harris in the Outer Hebrides. Sung by celebrated mezzo-soprano Sharon                                   ‘Una Donna quindici anni’ from Così fan Tutte
     SAT ST CANICE’S CATHEDRAL                                                                                                                                                                          Stephen Barlow is the former resident conductor of English National Opera and has
                                   Carty, The Stones of Life takes listeners on a musical journey into the world of this                                Franz Lehár                                     conducted most of the major UK orchestras. He co-founded Opera 80 and is the
         ADMISSION                 remarkable boy who has, directly and indirectly, inspired much of her work.                       DEALS              ‘Vilja’ from The Merry Widow
         ZONE A €25/€23                                                                                                               FOR THIS
                                                                                                                                                        Tom Lehrer                                      former Artistic Director of the Buxton Festival and Opera Northern Ireland.
     5PM ZONE B €22/€20                                                                                                                EVENT
                                   Duration 60 mins approx. (including interval)                                                  See   ‘Poisoning Pigeons in the Park’
                                                                                                                                                        Pietro Mascagni
                                                                                                                                                        ‘Intermezzo’ from Cavalleria rusticana               THU     ST CANICE’S CATHEDRAL

                                                                                                                                                        Duration 1 hr 40 mins approx.                        11      ADMISSION
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     ZONE A €35/€33

                                                                  Irish Baroque Orchestra
                                                                                                                                                        (including interval)                               7.30PM    ZONE B €30/€28

                                                                  & Tara Erraught
                                                                  The Trials of Tenducci
                                                                  Italian castrato Giusto Tenducci was an operatic superstar who
                                                                  taught Mozart to sing and counted Johann Christian Bach and
                                                                  Thomas Arne among his admirers. A regular performer on the music
                                                                  scene in eighteenth-century Ireland, Tenducci formed close artistic
                                                                  relationships with leading composers and popularized an array of
           an immensely appealing recording - a gripping          wonderful songs, all while conducting a scandalous personal life.
                                                                  The Irish Baroque Orchestra comes to Kilkenny to perform modern-
           story told with plenty of verve and style
                                                                  day premieres of orchestral music, songs and arias associated with
           Gramophone Magazine                                    the legendary singer.

                                                                  Conducted by Peter Whelan and featuring celebrated mezzo-
                                                                  soprano Tara Erraught as Tenducci, and featuring works by JC
                                                                  Bach, Pierre Van Maldere and Tommaso Giordani (the Italian
              SUN   ST CANICE’S CATHEDRAL                         composer who taught John Field), The Trials of Tenducci throws a
                    ZONE A €35/€33
                    ZONE B €30/€28
                                                                  captivating spotlight on the colourful world of the Irish baroque.

                                                                  Duration 1 hr 40 mins approx. (including interval) Dreams and discoveries in Ireland's medieval city - 04-14 August 2022
14                              MUSIC                                                                                                                                                                                             MUSIC: LUNCHTIME MUSIC SERIES                     15

                                                                                LUNCHTIME                                 SPECIAL
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              PROGRAMME I, SATURDAY 6 AUGUST
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              String Quartet no. 1
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              String Quartet no. 2
                                                                                MUSIC                                      DEALS
                                                                                                                         FOR THIS
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Duration 65 mins approx. (without interval)

                                                                                                                                                                                                                              PROGRAMME II, SUNDAY 7 AUGUST
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              String Quartet no. 3
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              String Quartet no. 4
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Duration 65 mins approx. (without interval)
                                                                                Carducci String Quartet                                                                                                                       PROGRAMME III, MONDAY 8 AUGUST
                                                                                Shostakovich                                                                                                                                  String Quartet no. 5
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              String Quartet no. 6
                                                                                String Quartet Cycle                                                                                                                          Duration 60 mins approx. (without interval)

                                                                                Since forming in 1997, the Carducci Quartet has            Composed between 1938 and 1974, Shostakovich’s 15 string quartets                  PROGRAMME IV, TUESDAY 9 AUGUST
                                                                                established itself as one of the world’s most              constitute one of the great cycles in the medium. Forced for much of his           String Quartet no. 7
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              String Quartet no. 8
                                                                                accomplished string quartets, performing an                career to celebrate the glories of the Soviet Union, Shostakovich used string
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              String Quartet no. 9
                                                                                astonishing diverse repertoire, from Haydn to              quartets to explore his most intimate ideas, and they overflow with melody,        Duration 75 mins approx. (without interval)
                                                                                leading contemporary composers, and garnering              passion and boundless creativity.
                                                                                countless awards. In this mouthwatering series                                                                                                PROGRAMME V, WEDNESDAY 10 AUGUST
                                                                                of concerts they perform the complete cycle of             The Carducci Quartet won a Royal Philharmonic Society Award in 2016 for            String Quartet no.10
                                                                                Shostakovich string quartets.                              their performances of the cycle, and we’re excited to welcome them to              String Quartet no. 11
                                                                                                                                           Kilkenny to present these great works in full.                                     String Quartet no.12
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Duration 70 mins approx. (without interval)
                                                                                the Carducci players displayed a deep
                                                                                and almost familial sense of unity in                          SAT    SUN    MON     TUE    WED     THU                                       PROGRAMME VI, THURSDAY 11 AUGUST
                                                                                                                                                                                                ST JOHN’S PRIORY              String Quartet no. 13

Laoise O’Brien
                                                                                everything they played… full of life and
                                                                                vitality...extravagantly beautiful                             6 7 8 9 10 11
                                                                                                                                               1PM    1PM     1PM    1PM     1PM    1PM
                                                                                                                                                                                                ADMISSION €20/€18
                                                                                                                                                                                                FOR EACH CONCERT
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              String Quartet no. 14
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              String Quartet no. 15
                                                                                The Washington Post                                                                                                                           Duration 90 mins approx. (including short interval)
For the Record
Professional recorder player Laoise O’Brien has spent 20 years championing
an instrument often unfairly perceived as an instrument of torture. The
particular sonority of small plastic recorders has left an unfortunate legacy
for an instrument once known as the ‘sweet flute’.
                                                                                                                                           Malcolm Proud                                       PROGRAMME I, FRIDAY 12 AUGUST
                                                                                                                                                                                               The Well-Tempered Clavier, Preludes and Fugues nos 1-12,
                                                                                                                                                                                               BWV 846-857
Join Laoise as she embarks on a journey to tell the story of the recorder and
                                                                                     FOR THIS
                                                                                                                                           JS Bach                                             Duration 60 mins approx. (without interval)
its development through the ages. Part historical account, part personal                                                                   The Well-Tempered Clavier,                          PROGRAMME II, SATURDAY 13 AUGUST
voyage, For the Record introduces the sizes and styles of recorder, the vast
repertoire spanning nine centuries, and explores the many different uses                                                                   Book I                                              The Well-Tempered Clavier, Preludes and Fugues nos 13-24,
                                                                                                                                                                                               BWV 858-869
to which the instrument was put, from dances on the village green to music                                                                                                                     Duration 60 mins approx. (without interval)
composed by kings.
                                                                                                                                                                                               It was an idea only Bach could have conceived: to compose a collection of
This interactive performance includes audio and visual elements, delivered                                                                                                                     preludes and fugues for keyboard, circling through all 24 major and minor keys
in Laoise’s inimitable style and suitable for all ages.                                                                                                                                        in turn. He envisioned the book as a teaching aid ‘for the use and profit of the
                                                                                                                                                                                               musical youth’, but since then it has become one of the most influential works in
Duration 60 mins approx. (without interval)                                                                                                                                                    the history of Western classical music. For this year’s Festival, world-renowned
                                                                                                 something of a musical visionary                                                              organist and Festival stalwart Malcolm Proud performs these masterworks over
                                                                                                                                              FRI      SAT      ST JOHN’S PRIORY
                                                                                                 The Irish Times                                                                               two unmissable concerts in St John’s.
     WED                                                                                                                                     12 13              ADMISSION €20/€18
                                                                                                                                                                FOR EACH CONCERT               Malcolm Proud discusses Bach’s masterpiece in St John’s
     10     PARADE TOWER                                                                                                                      1PM      1PM
                                                                                                                                                                                               on Friday 12 August at 3pm. See page 32 for details.
            ADMISSION €14/€12
     5PM Dreams and discoveries in Ireland's medieval city - 04-14 August 2022
16                                 MUSIC                                                                                                                                                                                                                              MUSIC   17

                                                                                                                                               Chamber Choir Ireland
                                                                                                                                               Conductor: Paul Hillier
Akademie für Alte Musik Berlin                                                                                                                 Tchaikovsky, Liturgy of St John Chrysostom
Director/Leader: Péter Barczi                                                                                        SPECIAL
                                                                                                                                               Conducted by its Artistic Director, Paul Hillier, Chamber Choir Ireland returns to the Festival for a performance of
                                                                                                                    FOR THIS

An Evening with Handel & Friends                                                                                     EVENT
                                                                                                                                               Tchaikovsky’s sublime large-scale work, the Liturgy of St John Chrysostom – so rarely heard in its entirety.

                                                                                                                                               Best known for his romantic symphonies and ballets, Tchaikovsky was not devoutly religious, but he had a
The Akademie für Alte Musik Berlin is one of the world’s leading chamber     PROGRAMME                                                         deep interest in the music of the Russian Orthodox Church and brought all his emotional frankness and talent
orchestras, celebrated for its authentic performances of baroque and         Thomas Arne                                                       for expressiveness to sacred text, producing some of his most personal and moving music in his setting of the
classical music. In 2018 the orchestra’s programme Monteverdi’s Italy:       Overture from The Judgment of Paris                               Liturgy of St John Chrysostom.
the Rise of Instrumental Music was among the highlights of the Festival,     George Frideric Handel
and we’re thrilled to welcome them back this year for An Evening with        Suite from the opera Ariodante, HWV 33                            ‘As you can see, I am still bound to the Church by strong ties,’ he wrote, ‘but on the other hand I have long ceased
Handel and Friends, another unique programme exploring the vibrant           George Frideric Handel                                            to believe in the dogma … this constant inner struggle would be enough to drive me out of my mind were it not
musical scene in 18th-century London.                                        Concerto Grosso in B-flat major, op. 3, no. 2, HWV 313            for music, that great comforter, the most exquisite gift Heaven has bestowed on a mankind living in darkness.’
                                                                             William Hayes
                                                                             Concerto for Strings & Basso continuo
Nowhere else in Europe did concert life flourish in the 18th century as      George Frideric Handel                                            With this work Tchaikovsky led the way in dismantling the Imperial Chapel’s censorship over the creation of
it did in London. Concerti grossi, the latest fashion from Italy, thrilled   Concerto Grosso in G major, op. 3, no. 3, HWV 314                 sacred music in Russia, with far-reaching implications for a generation of composers including Arkhangelsky,
audiences, and while Handel was quick to embrace the new taste,              William Boyce                                                     Chesnokov, Gretchaninov, Ippolitov-Ivanov, and Rachmaninov, who would emulate not just the subject matter but
writing wonderful concerti and bringing Italian opera to the stage,          Symphony in C major, op. 2, no. 3                                 his style and structure too.
his contemporaries like Thomas Arne and William Hayes made equally           Francesco Geminiani
masterful use of the new forms.                                              Concerto Grosso in D minor, no. 12, ‘La Follia’ (after Corelli)   Duration 60 mins approx. (without interval)

This rich programme, filled with virtuoso pieces and exuberant
musical ideas, and led by acclaimed violinist Péter Barczi, captures the
dynamism of Handel’s milieu while performing some of the finest works             SAT      ST CANICE’S CATHEDRAL                                     THU
of the English baroque.
                                                                                           ZONE A €30/€28
                                                                                           ZONE B €25/€22
                                                                                                                                                             THE BLACK ABBEY
                                                                                                                                                             ADMISSION €25/€23
Duration 75 mins approx. (without interval)
18                                  MUSIC/                                                                                                              frighteningly good                                                                                           MUSIC                         19
                                    OPERA                              Irish National Opera                                                             GoldenPlec

                                                                       Out of the Ordinary/As an nGnách
                                                                                            Nalva and her people are fleeing a land ravaged by
                                                                                                                                                        there hasn’t ever been an Irish rock band with such
                                                                                                                                                        a protracted level of style, substance, and smarts as      ROLLERCOASTER
                                                                                            their own short-sighted actions, pursued by Daol, a
                                                                                            restless, unleashed spirit. Their search for sanctuary
                                                                                            takes them through dangerous waters and across new
                                                                                                                                                        Bell X1
                                                                                                                                                        The Irish Times                                            SESSIONS
                                                                                            frontiers. But will they repeat the mistakes of the past?
                                                                                            Out of the Ordinary/As an nGnách is the world’s first
Finola Merivale
                                                                                            Virtual Reality Community Opera, a radical approach
                                                                                            using VR to enable audiences to become Nalva as she
                                                                                                                                                        Bell X1                                                    Keeley Forsyth
Jo Mangan                                                                                   flees her barren homeland. Exploring the climate crisis
                                                                                            and our search for solutions, Out of the Ordinary/As an     and Dowry Strings
Text                                                                                        nGnách challenges our scorch-and-burn approach to
Jody O’Neill                                                                                living in this world.                                       Bell X1 have never been a band to rest on their laurels.
Soprano                                                                                     Out of the Ordinary/As an nGnách is realised by             Since bursting onto the music scene more than two
Daire Halpin                                                                                creative production studio Algorithm with support           decades ago, the band’s appetite for restless invention
                                                                                            from Virtual Reality Ireland.                               has seen them embrace everything from indie rock to
Mezzo-soprano                                                                                                                                           synth pop, new wave and electronica. Now Paul Noonan,
Naomi Louisa                                                                                Duration 45 mins approx.                                    Dave Geraghty and Dominic Philips have joined forces
O’Connell                                                                                   Please note: this is an immersive experience.               with genre-hopping string quartet Dowry Strings to
                                                                                            See website for health guidance.                            reimagine their sound, creating fresh new arrangements

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 PHOTO SOPHIE J STAFFORD
                                                                                                                                                        that set each song against a backdrop of lush, gorgeous
                                                                                             VENUE TO BE ANNOUNCED                                      strings. Mixing new songs with classic tracks from
                                                                                             TUE 9 – SUN 14 AUGUST                                      their back catalogue, this spellbinding collaboration
                                                                                             12PM, 1PM, 3PM, 4PM, 5PM, 6PM                              showcases the lyrical playfulness and melodic brilliance
                                                                                             ADMISSION €7
                                                                                                                                                        that has made Bell X1 one of Ireland’s best-loved bands.

                                                                                                                                                        Duration 80 mins approx.                                   Debris is an astonishing debut, not just for the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   power of the songs, but for the journey they trace
                                                                                                                                                          FRI                                                      Uncut

     Johnny Gandelsman                                                                                                                                    5     ST CANICE’S CATHEDRAL
                                                                                                                                                                ADMISSION €35
     Bach Cello Suites                                                                                                                                   8PM                                                       20 years into a successful acting career, Keeley Forsyth
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   switched focus with astonishing results. Her debut album
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Debris – written in collaboration with pianist and composer
      Bach composed so many wonderful pieces               PROGRAMME                                                                                                                                               Matthew Bourne – revealed a singer-songwriter of startling
      for violin that it’s rare for violinists to tackle   Suite no. 1 in G major, BWV 1007                                                                                                                        originality, unafraid to explore the darker corners of
      works written for other instruments, but             Suite no. 2 in D minor, BWV 1008                                                                                                                        domestic life through tales of freedom and entrapment.
      Johnny Gandelsman is no ordinary violinist.          Suite no. 3 in C major, BWV 1009
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Debris was hailed as ‘one of the most remarkable [albums]
      Whether performing solo or as part of the            Suite no. 4 in E flat major, BWV 1010
                                                           Suite no. 5 in C minor, BWV 1011                                                                                                                        in years’ (The Sunday Times) and Forsyth’s unique voice,
      innovative string quartet Brooklyn Rider (see                                                                                                                                                                devastating and uplifting by turns, invoked comparisons
                                                           Suite no. 6 in D Major, BWV 1012
      p. 11), the Grammy Award-winning violinist                                                                                                                                                                   with everyone from Scott Walker to Beth Gibbons. With
      has a restless appetite for invention, and                                                                                                                                                                   a more expansive (but equally acclaimed) second album,
                                                           Duration 75 mins approx.
      this year he returns to Kilkenny to perform                                                                                                                                                                  Limbs, just released, Forsyth comes to Kilkenny to showcase
      the complete set of Bach’s cello suites.                                                                                                                                                                     her magnetic vocals and haunting brand of folk in the Set.
      These works, supremely challenging to
      play, lie at the heart of the cello repertoire,                                                                                                                                                              Duration 70 mins approx.
      but in Gandelsman’s hands they are utterly               WED
      transformed. Don’t miss this chance to
      experience Bach’s great cello works as you’ve           10
                                                                       THE BLACK ABBEY
                                                                       ADMISSION €25/€23
      never heard them before!                                                                                                                                                                                                 SET THEATRE
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               ADMISSION €20
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               FULLY SEATED
20                                MUSIC: ROLLERCOASTER SESSIONS                                                                                                                                                                                                       MUSIC: ROLLERCOASTER SESSIONS                                        21

                                                                                                                                         PHOTO DAVID CLEARY

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                PHOTO STEVE BRUMMELL
                                                                                                                                                              Seán O’Hagan                                                                                 Howe Gelb
                                                                                                                                                              with special guest                                                                           Howe Gelb has long been saddled with mantles such
                                                                                                                                                              Eileen Gogan                                                                                 as ‘godfather of alt-country’ and ‘elder ambassador of
Myles O’Reilly                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             desert rock’, but in truth he can’t be categorised. For 40
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           years Gelb has carved his own unique path through rock,
One of the unexpected silver linings of the global pandemic is that it inspired Myles                                                                                                                                                                      country, blues, punk, garage, lo-fi, jazz, gospel, avant-
O’Reilly to return to making music. For a decade, the former frontman of Juno Falls                                                                                                                                                                        garde noise and flamenco gypsy music, singing songs
enjoyed a new career in photography and film, making music videos and documentaries                                                                           an earful of earthly delights … compelling,                                                  filled with vivid imagery and dry observations in a warm,
for everyone from Villagers to Janelle Monáe. But the first lockdown inspired a creative                                                                      idiosyncratic and quietly triumphant                                                         infectious drawl. In his early years he was compared
renaissance that has so far encompassed two minimalist ambient LPs and his latest                                                                             The Irish Times on Radum Calls, Radum Calls                                                  to Neil Young, Bob Dylan and Captain Beefheart. These
project, an album of folk songs called Cocooning Heart. Gorgeously melodic, these richly          SUN     CLEERE’S THEATRE                                                                                                                                 days, artists are compared to Howe Gelb. Don’t miss this
intimate songs are sure to weave a spell in Cleere’s Theatre.
                                                                                                          ADMISSION €15
                                                                                                          STANDING                                            30 years may separate Seán O’Hagan’s solo albums, but
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           chance to catch a true original.

Duration 70 mins approx.                                                                                                                                      O’Hagan has never been less than busy. After forming                                         Duration 70 mins
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           approx.                      FRI
                                                                                                                                                              Microdisney with the late Cathal Coughlan in the early 1980s,                                                                     CLEERE’S THEATRE
                                                                                                                                                              the singer, songwriter, muti-instrumentalist and arranger
                                                                                                                                                              founded High Llamas, releasing a string of acclaimed albums
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                ADMISSION €20

     Dave                                                                   Maija Sofia                                                                       while playing keyboards for Stereolab and collaborating with
                                                                                                                                                              other leading musicians like Super Furry Animals and Paul
     Holland                                                                In 2019 Maija Sofia’s debut LP Bath Time announced                                Weller. In 2019 his second solo album Radum Calls, Radum
     Wicked Little                                                          the arrival of a supremely talented songwriter whose                              Calls drew all of O’Hagan’s disparate influences together,
                                                                            deft lyricism and storytelling prowess set her apart.                             conjuring a delightful fantasy world filled with easy West
     Atoms at the                                                                                                                                             Coast sounds, quirky string arrangements and digital bleeps.
                                                                            Infused with an atmosphere of nocturnal intimacy,
     Edge of an Echo                                                        these timeless songs juxtaposed stories of real women                             For this gig in the Set, O’Hagan is joined by singer-songwriter
     PREMIERE                                                               – from Bridget Cleary to Edie Sedgwick – with tales of                            Eileen Gogan, another recent collaborator and ‘one of
                                                                            blossoming romance and sexual violence. Bath Time                                 Ireland’s most underrated artists’ (The Irish Times).
                                                                            garnered widespread praise and a nomination for Album
     by Kilkenny                                                            of the Year at the Choice Music Awards. Sofia’s sound is
                                                                                                                                                              Duration 70 mins approx.
                                                                                                                                                                                              THU     SET THEATRE
     Arts Festival                                                          constantly evolving, invoking comparisons with Cate Le
                                                                                                                                                                                             11       ADMISSION €25                                           a thoughtful guy, who won’t press you into

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        PHOTO OMER KRESO
                                                                            Bon, Shirley Collins and Kate Bush, and this gig, backed                                                                  STANDING WITH LIMITED                                   adoration, even when he deserves it
     Wicked Little Atoms At The Edge Of An Echo is a                        by a full band, is the perfect opportunity to catch a                                                           9.30PM    SEATING UPSTAIRS
     sound installation composed of original tracks by                      singular talent as she breaks new ground.
     local guitarist and vocalist Dave Holland. The music
     is divided into four separate mixes that audiences                     Duration 60 mins approx.
     encounter as they move through the space, creating                                                                                                                                                                                                                         beautifully fractured art-pop
     their own bespoke listening experience. While the                                                                                                        Bas Jan                                                                                                           Mojo
     installation runs throughout the day, in the evenings
     Holland and a special guest will perform together in                                                                                                     Since their first album, Yes I Jan, was released in
     tandem with the installation, blending sound world and                                                                                                   2018, London-based ensemble Bas Jan have been
     live performance.                                                                                                                                        critically acclaimed for their idiosyncratic, playful
                                                                                                                                                              art-pop. Led by vocalist, harpist, bassist, keyboard
     Duration 40 mins per cycle                                                                                                                               player and Jarvis Cocker collaborator Serafina Steer,
                                                                                                                   there is a timeless                        Bas Jan writes deliciously off-kilter songs about
                                                                                                                   quality to Sofia’s                         everything from politics to polygamy, packed with
                           MON    TUE   CLEERE’S THEATRE
                                                                                                                   songwriting style                          wry lyrics and leavened by Steer’s elastic vocals.
                           8 9          INSTALLATION:
                                        5PM-9.30PM, FREE                        THU        CLEERE’S THEATRE
                                                                                                                   that becomes
                                                                                                                   more crucial with
                                                                                                                                                              The band is often compared to post-punk legends
                                                                                                                                                              the Slits and the Raincoats, and Cleere’s Theatre is                                      SAT
                                        INSTALLATION &                                                                                                                                                                                                            CLEERE’S THEATRE
                                        10PM-10.45PM, €10                       8PM
                                                                                           ADMISSION €15
                                                                                                                   each listen
                                                                                                                   The Irish Times
                                                                                                                                                              the perfect venue to catch their unique take on pop.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  ADMISSION €22
                                                                                                                                                              Duration 70 mins approx.
                                MARBLE CITY SESSIONS                                                                                                                                                                                               MUSIC: MARBLE CITY SESSIONS                    23

                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Cormac McCarthy,
                                                  Ye Vagabonds                 Brothers Brían and Diarmuid Mac Gloinn have
                                                                               been a staple of the live music scene in Ireland                                                                                                Nell Ní Chróinín,
                                                                               for a decade, forging a distinctive blend of Irish
                                                                               traditional music, Appalachian singing and the
                                                                               1960s folk revival, all wrapped in rich harmonies.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Aoife Ní Bhriain
                                                                               But it was their second album, The Hare’s Lament,
                                                                               that catapulted them to fame, sweeping the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               & Kate Ellis
                                                                               boards at the RTÉ Radio 1 Folk Awards. Since then                                                                                               Kilkenny audiences have long been wowed by fiddle player Aoife Ní
                                                                               they’ve gone from strength to strength, earning                                                                                                 Bhriain, cellist Kate Ellis and singer Nell Ní Chronín, three musicians
                                                                               rave reviews for their new album, Nine Waves, and                                                                                               who defy categorisation and who seem to grow with every
                                                                               playing sold-out shows all over Europe, and we’re                                                                                               performance. For this eagerly awaited concert they join another
                                                                               delighted to welcome them to Kilkenny for this                                                                                                  musical chameleon – pianist and composer Cormac McCarthy – for
                                                                               much-anticipated gig, backed by an all-star band                                                                                                an evening of music specially composed and arranged for them by
                                                                               featuring Kate Ellis (cello), Caimin Gilmore (double                                                                                            McCarthy himself. At the heart of this concert is Macalla an Amhráin
                                                                               bass) and Alain McFadden (harmonium).                                                                                                           (‘echo of song’), a long-form piece that weaves instrumental music
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               and four sean nós melodies together into a breathtaking new work.
                                                                               Duration 80 mins approx.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Duration 70 mins approx. Macalla an Amhráin was originally
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               commissioned by Islander for Quiet Lights 2021.

                                                                                                                                      PHOTO RICH GILLIGAN
                                                                                           SET THEATRE
                                                                                           ADMISSION €25

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    9       ST CANICE’S CATHEDRAL
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            ADMISSION €20/€18

Maya Youssef                                               a master of her instrument … the music
                                                           is sure to take possession of you                                                                Martin Hayes
Finding Home                                               Songlines
                                                                                                                                                            & the Common Ground Ensemble
What does the idea of ‘home’ mean to a Syrian artist,
displaced by the war? This is the question that drives                                                                                                      Martin Hayes has always delighted in the collision of musical worlds. As
Maya Youssef’s latest album. Since her first appearance                                                                                                     co-curator of the Marble City Sessions, Hayes has spent almost a decade
at the Festival back in 2018, the ‘queen of the qanun’ –                                                                                                    devising unique collaborations with musicians from all over the world,
the delicate, zither-like instrument popular throughout                                                                                                     and his passion for innovation gave him an idea: what artists would he
the Arab world – has embarked on a profound spiritual                                                                                                       choose to work with in an ideal world?
journey into the idea of belonging, and the result is
Finding Home, a rich set of tracks that explores the                                                                                                        The Common Ground Ensemble answers that question, bringing together
sonic textures of the qanun. Accompanied by a full band,                                                                                                    pianist Cormac McCarthy, cellist Kate Ellis, guitarist Kyle Sanna and
Youssef conjures beautiful, life-affirming music that                                                                                                       Brian Donnellan on bouzouki, harmonium and concertina. Together these
offers hope and consolation in troubled times.                                                                                                              extraordinary musicians span every musical genre from contemporary
                                                                                                                                                            classical music to jazz, but they unite around a love of traditional Irish
Duration 70 mins approx.                                                                                                                                    music, their ‘common ground’. ‘I want this to be the most fun I can have
                                                                                                                                                            while I’m on stage,’ Hayes has said of his new project, and this concert -
                                                                                                                                                            graced by special guests from this year’s programme - promises to bring                    SAT     ST CANICE’S CATHEDRAL

             SET THEATRE
                                                                                                                                                            the Marble City Sessions to an exhilarating close.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               ZONE A €35/€33
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               ZONE B €30/€28
                                                                                                                                                            Duration 1 hr 40 mins approx. (including interval)
             ADMISSION €25
     8PM     SEATED
24                               MUSIC                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 MUSIC      25

                                                                                                                                                    A Strange Beauty
                                 venturers in the post-punk slipstream, weaving folk, improv, art pop and contemporary
                                                                                                                                                    The Music of Linda Buckley
                                 classical into new material that is soft on the ear but tough as leather                                           with Crash Ensemble, Liam Byrne & Fiona Kelleher
                                 The Irish Times

                                                                                       Clang Sayne                                                                                                                                         Credits
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           The Hildegard Project
                                                                                       Clang Sayne was founded by Irish composer Laura Hyland
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Linda Buckley electronics, voice & flute
                                                                                       to channel her myriad musical influences. With a line-up
                                                                                       featuring Hyland on guitar and chimes (which she fashioned                                                                                          Fiona Kelleher voice
                                                                                       herself from scrap metal), Caimin Gilmore on double bass,                                                                                           Created by Linda and Irene Buckley
                                                                                       Carolyn Goodwin on clarinets and Matthew Jacobson                                                                                                   with Fiona Kelleher
                                                                                       on drums, Clang Sayne create haunting, atmospheric                                                                                                  Undersong by Linda Buckley
                                                                                       ‘songscapes’, wrapped in gorgeous harmonies.                                                                                                        Liam Byrne viola da gamba
                                                                                       Duration 60 mins approx.                                                                                                                            Crash Ensemble
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Larissa O’Grady violin
                                                                  PHOTO DYLAN MADDEN                                                                                                                                                       Maria Ryan viola
                                                                                                   CLEERE’S THEATRE                                                                                                                        Kate Ellis cello
                                                                                            5      ADMISSION €15
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Caimin Gilmore electric bass

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       PHOTO OLESYA ZDOROVETSKA
                                                                                          9.30PM                                                                                                                                           Brian Bolger electric guitar
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Brian Duncan percussion
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Visuals by Laura Sheeran

     TOUCAN                                                                                                       so much jazz and funk
                                                                                                                  energy you wouldn’t               Buckley’s music traverses a fault line between discomfort and great beauty.
                                                                                                                  believe it. Incredible.           The works on this album are captivating; I couldn’t tear myself away.
     Vocalist, multi-instrumentalist and songwriter
                                                                                                                  Ear to the Ground                 BBC Music Magazine
     Conor Clancy formed TOUCAN in 2018 but it was
     their exhilarating debut Single, ‘We Fell for Miles’,
     that launched the band on the world stage, leading                                                                                             Linda Buckley is ‘one of the leading figures in the thriving Irish new music scene’
     to a sell-out tour, appearances on Other Voices                                                                                                (Tempo). Equally at home writing for orchestras, scoring films or collaborating with
     and a guest spot with Nile Rogers and Chic. Pairing                                                                                            artists, dancers and writers, she melds her classical training with post-punk, folk
     Clancy’s powerful vocals with exuberant slices of                                                                                              and electronica, creating music that’s raw, emotive and bold.
     80s funk and soul, this is music tailor-made for
     summer, and TOUCAN will have you on your feet                                                                                                  Buckley has long been inspired by the points of contact between early and new
     and dancing the August night away in the Set.                                                                                                  music and this concert presents the fruits of that exploration, including the world
                                                                                                                                                    premiere of Undersong, co-commissioned by Crash Ensemble and Kilkenny Arts
     Duration 70 mins approx.                                                                                                                       Festival, alongside reimaginings of the music of iconic medieval composer Hildegard
                                                                                                                                                    von Bingen. Performed in the Set Theatre, A Strange Beauty offers an enthralling
                                                                                                                                                    night exploring the sound world of a great Irish composer.

                                                                                                                                                    Duration 60 mins approx.
       12   ADMISSION €20
       10PM STANDING
                                                                                                                                                    Crash Ensemble have commissioned video artist and filmmaker Jack Phelan                         SUN     SET THEATRE
                                                                                                                                                    to create an installation responding to Barry O’Halpin’s groundbreaking
                                                                                                                                                    composition Wingform. See page 37 for details.                                                 14
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            ADMISSION €22
26                                LITERATURE/SPOKEN WORD/MUSIC                                                                                                                                                                                                             OUTDOOR   27


                                  Ériu and Amergín                                                                                                         Secret Garden Music
                                  Poem Text Theo Dorgan
                                  Composer Colm Mac Con Iomaire
                                  Narrators Aaron Monaghan & Bríd Ní Neachtain                                                                             The ever-popular Secret Music Series has appeared online in
                                                                                                                                                           recent years, adapting to the ongoing pandemic. This year, we’re
                                                                                                                                                           delighted to bring back the original experience, live and in person!
                                                                                                                                                           As always, a stellar (but unannounced) line-up of musicians will
                                                                                                                                                           perform a series of short pop-up concerts in some of the city’s
                                                                                                                                                           most iconic spaces. If you’re out and about during the Festival,
                                                                                                                                                           why not come along and enjoy free performances from leading
                                                                                                                                                           Irish and international musicians?

                                                                                                                                                           Duration 15 mins approx.                                               SAT     TUE         FRI   GAZEBO
                                                                                                                                                           Please note: performances are subject to weather conditions.           6 3PM
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     9 12                   BUTLER HOUSE GARDEN
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            ADMISSION FREE
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  3PM   3PM

In this eagerly anticipated collaboration, specially commissioned by Kilkenny Arts Festival,       Musicians
poet in residence Theo Dorgan joins forces with composer Colm Mac Con Iomaire for a                Colm Mac Con Iomaire violin
thrilling new work that transforms the story of how poetry in Ireland began. Dorgan’s              Catherine Fitzgerald piano/keys
poem, Ériu and Amergín, explores the mythical encounter between Amergín Glúingel, a bard           Alannah Thornborough harp
who took part in the Milesian conquest of Ireland, and Ériu, a Tuatha Dé Danann princess.          Lorcan Byrne drums
Dorgan’s words, written in English and Irish and spoken by actors Aaron Monaghan and               Ian Doyle guitar
Bríd Ní Neachtain, are set to an original score by Colm Mac Con Iomaire, performed live by         Colm Quearney guitar/bouzouki
                                                                                                                                                                  SAT     TUE     FRI                                             SUN     WED         SAT
the composer himself and a six-piece ensemble. Filled with contemporary resonances, Ériu           Fionn Ó hAlmhain uilleann pipes
and Amergín is a lyrical exploration of identity, heritage and migration, and the ambiguous                                                                       6 4PM
                                                                                                                                                                     9 4PM
                                                                                                                                                                        12                KILKENNY CASTLE ROSE GARDEN
                                                                                                                                                                                          ADMISSION FREE                           7 10 13                  BUTLER GALLERY
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            ADMISSION FREE
encounter between the foreign and the native.                                                        THU     FRI                                                 4PM                                                              3PM 3PM 3PM

This project received a commission award from the Arts Council of Ireland.
Duration 60 mins approx.
                                                                                                     11 12
                                                                                                     7PM    7PM
                                                                                                                   WATERGATE THEATRE
                                                                                                                   ADMISSION €25/€22

     Saíocht: a celebration of Ireland’s leading poets
     and Irish traditional musicians                                                                                                                             SUN     WED      SAT                                                   MON     THU         STONE CIRCLE
                                                                                                                                                                  7 10  13                ROTHE HOUSE GARDEN
                                                                                                                                                                                          ADMISSION FREE                                8 3PM
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          11                BUTLER HOUSE GARDEN
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            ADMISSION FREE
                                                                                                                                                                 4PM4PM 4PM                                                             3PM

     Hosted by renowned actor Stephen Rea, and featuring leading poets Emily Cullen and Gabriel
     Rosenstock, together with acclaimed Irish traditional musicians Louise Mulcahy, Michelle
     Mulcahy and Neil Martin, Saíocht explores the fascinating artistic relationship between the
     Irish literary tradition and Irish traditional music. Works by Kilkenny poets Emily Murtagh
                                                                                                              ST JOHN’S PRIORY
                                                                                                              ADMISSION €20

     and Robert McLoughlin will also be performed during the show by Stephen Rea.
     Full proceeds from tickets will go to Kilkenny Civil Defence Ukraine Appeal.                                                                                       MON     THU                                                      SUN                MOUNT JULIET
     Duration 60 mins approx.                                                                                          Kilkenny County Council
                                                                                                                       Comhairle Chontae Chill Chainnigh                8 4PM
                                                                                                                                                                          11              HERITAGE COUNCIL GARDEN
                                                                                                                                                                                          ADMISSION FREE                                 14                 ADMISSION FREE
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            SPECIAL EXTENDED SGM
                                                                                                                                                                        4PM                                                              3PM
28                             SPOKEN WORD/                                                                                                                                                                                                     LITERATURE & TALKS           29


                                                                                                                                          THE HUBERT BUTLER ANNUAL LECTURE

Eszter Némethi                                                                                                                            Masha Gessen
Speak Like No One                                          Speak Like No One in Particular is a lyrical conversation about listening      when Gessen speaks             For many years, Masha Gessen
in Particular                                              and finding a voice.                                                           about autocracy,               has been one of the most
                                                           Tracing the path of her own voice as it travels across Europe, Hungarian       you listen                     respected political analysts in
A project by Eszter Némethi                                theatre-maker Eszter Némethi’s deeply personal work investigates               The New York Times             the US. In 2020 their special ‘in
In conversation with Julia E Dyck, Rui Calvo,              ‘emotional borders’ and the ways in which geographical and social                                             conversation’ event about the
Fleur Khani, Anna Végh, Lili M Rampre, Esther              hierarchies emerge within the spoken voice.                                                                   Trump administration, streamed
Rodriguez Barbero, Jan de Stutter, Nuno Escudeiro                                                                                                                        online at the Festival, was
                                                           Audiences can participate in two different ways: by attending the                                             essential viewing in the build-up
Outside eye Caterina Daniela Mora Jara
                                                           performance at St Kieran’s College – where Eszter will invite audience                                        to the US elections. But Gessen –
Sound design Julia E Dyck
                                                           members to listen, or to lend their own voices by reading her words and                                       a dual US-Russian citizen – is an
Spatial design Eszter Némethi
                                                           joining in the discussion – or by listening to a live radio broadcast of the                                  equally incisive analyst of Putin’s
with the mentorship of Vladimir Miller
                                                           show. However you choose to join in, Speak Like No One in Particular                                          regime and their book, The Future
Technical Manager Chamsedine Madec
                                                           creates a space for urgent conversation about the politics of listening                                       is History: How Totalitarianism
Technical support Antoine Urban, Matthieu Vergez
                                                           and speaking, and explores what it means to belong.                                                           Reclaimed Russia, won a National
Carpentry Investigations Geometriques
Producer Niamh Moroney                                     Duration 60-80 mins approx.                                                                                   Book Award in the US, among
                                                                                                                                                                         many other accolades. For this
                                                                                                                                                                         year’s Hubert Butler Lecture,
      WED   THU   FRI    SAT                                                                                                                                             Gessen considers how Putin came
                                 STUDY HALL @ ST KIERAN’S COLLEGE, VIA NEW ST                                                                                            to wage war in Ukraine, and how
     10 11 12 13
     8PM 8PM 8PM 4PM
                                 ADMISSION €15/€12.50 (IN PERSON)
                                 €4-€10 (IN BROADCAST)
                                                                                                                                                                         much further he might go.
     				        & 8PM           SEE WEBSITE FOR DETAILS
                                                                                                                                                                         Duration 60 mins approx.

      ASYLUM PRODUCTIONS IN ASSOCIATION              There’s 50p on the pool table, Sinead is ripping up the Pope, Feile’s going
      WITH ONCE OFF PRODUCTIONS                                                                                                                SUN                                                              The Hubert Butler Annual Lecture was established by the
                                                     to get messy and Ireland is on the brink of cataclysmic social change…
                                                     Set in August 1992 and co-written by Medb Lambert, Clare Monnelly and
                                                                                                                                                7      ST CANICE’S CATHEDRAL
                                                                                                                                                       ADMISSION €17/€15
                                                                                                                                                                                                                Festival in 2007 to honour the Kilkenny writer, historian and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                broadcaster whose remarkable consistency of vision and clarity
      The Local                                      Emma O’Grady, The Local is an exploration of the pub in Irish culture.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                of mind made him unique among 20th-century essayists.

      By Medb Lambert, Clare Monnelly                Asylum Productions continue to develop their unique style with this
                                                     immersive site-sensitive project, bringing local actors, community groups
      & Emma O’Grady                                 and professional performers and artists together.
                                                                                                                                                                           KILKENNY ARTS FESTIVAL IN ASSOCIATION WITH HEART PRESENTS
                                                     This work-in-progress offers a glimpse of what’s in store for audiences
                                                     when the full production hits an empty pub near you in 2023.                                                          The Hubert Butler Essay Prize 2022
                                                     Duration 50 mins approx.                                                                                              Organised by HEART London, the Hubert Butler Essay Prize
                                                                                                                                                                           encourages the art of essay-writing across Europe. This year,
                                                                                                                                                                           the Festival is delighted to be able to host the prize-giving
                                         FRI    THE STEPPES BAR, CALLAN         SAT  CLEERE’S THEATRE, KILKENNY                                                            ceremony in person for the first time. Join us in the Parade       TUE     PARADE TOWER
                                                FREE BUT TICKETED
                                                                                13   ADMISSION
                                                                                12PM FREE BUT TICKETED
                                                                                                                                                                           Tower to discover the winners of this year’s competition,
                                                                                                                                                                           who responded to the question: ‘In dark times, what can be         9
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      FREE BUT TICKETED
                                                                                                                                                                           done to resist the abuse of political power?’
30                                POETRY                                                                                                                                                                                                                           LITERATURE & TALKS            31

                                                                       one of the great keepers of the Grail of Irish poetry
                                                                       The Irish Times

                                                                                                                                                                                             Critical Voices
                                                                       Theo Dorgan                                                                                                           To mark its seventieth year, the Arts Council has commissioned Critical Voices 2022, a collection
                                                                                                                                                                                             of essays reflecting on the Arts Council’s history, the value of the arts, and the impact of 70
                                                                       Poet in Residence                                                                                                     years of public investment. This special bilingual event, produced in collaboration with Kilkenny
                                                                                                                                                                                             Arts Festival, brings together three of the essayists – visual artist Rita Duffy, poet Ailbhe Ní
                                                                       Introduced by Liz Kelly                                                                                               Ghearbhuigh and artist and activist Sandy Fitzgerald – to read from and discuss their work,
                                                                                                                                                                                             offering their unique perspectives on the role of the arts in Ireland’s past, present and future.

                                                                       Theo Dorgan is one of Ireland’s most accomplished poets. Over                                                         Topics for discussion include the relationship between various governments and the arts since
                                                                       the course of a glittering career he has won numerous awards –                                                        the 1950s; arts and culture as common languages across the world; diversity and the role played
                                                                       including the Listowel Prize, The O’Shaughnessy Award for Irish                                                       by the arts in celebrating contemporary Ireland; creativity as a positive force in the world;
                                                                       Poetry and the Irish Times/Poetry Now Award – and translated                                                          ról agus tiomantas na Comhairle Ealaíon don Ghaeilge a mheasiú agus an ról is féidir leis na
                                                                       the work of other poets, including Federico García Lorca. His                                                         healaíona a imirt chun forbairt na Ghaeilge mar theanga bheo labhartha a chinntiú.
                                                                       Jason and the Argonauts was set to music by Howard Goodall as
                                                                       a commission for the Royal Albert Hall, while Amergín and the                                                         Duration 60 mins approx.
                                                                       Tuath Princess, his latest collaboration with musician Colm Mac                                                                                                          SAT    PARADE TOWER
                                                                       Con Iomaire, has its premiere at this year’s Festival (see page
                                                                       26). Also a novelist, prose writer, documentary screenwriter,                                                                                                            6
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       FREE BUT TICKETED
                                                                       broadcaster, editor and librettist, Dorgan’s list of achievements
                                                                       is impressively diverse, and we’re delighted to welcome him to
                                                                       Kilkenny to read from and reflect on his work.

                                                                       Duration 60 mins approx.
      Poetry Workshop
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Kevin Atherton
      Theo Dorgan leads this workshop for poets. Participation
      is by application. Email for further
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     in conversation
      details. Please note: places are strictly limited.                                                                                                                                                                             with Sonia Shiel
                                                                                         PARADE TOWER
                                                                                         ADMISSION €15/€13
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Performance and new
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     media artist Kevin Atherton
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     joins artist Sonia Shiel to
Kilkenny Poetry Broadsheet                                                                                                                                                                                                           discuss his exhibition, The
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Return, showing throughout
The Poetry Broadsheet gives local writers a platform to showcase their work. Join us at the                                                                 Stephen Doyle                                                            the Festival at the Butler
Parade Tower to celebrate the publication of Kilkenny Arts Office’s Poetry Broadsheet #22,                                                                  in conversation with Anna O’Sullivan                                     Gallery (see pages 34-35).
launched by Theo Dorgan and Kilkenny Poetry Broadsheet Editor Elaine Feeney.                                                                                                                                                         Duration 60 mins approx.
                                                                                                                                                            To mark the opening of his exhibition, Self Identity: An
Elaine Feeney is the author of three poetry collections, award-winning drama WRoNGHEADED                                                                    Exploration (see page 36), artist Stephen Doyle discusses
and the novel As You Were, which featured in many Best of 2020 lists, won numerous awards                                                                   his practice and delves into the themes of his work with
and was nominated for Irish Novel of the Year. She lectures at NUI, Galway, where she is a                                                                  Butler Gallery Director, Anna O’Sullivan.
founding member of the Tuam Oral History Project.
                                                                                                                                                              SUN                                                                       SUN    PARADE TOWER
                                                                                                                                                                     PARADE TOWER
                                                                                                                                       PHOTO JULIA MONARD

     THU                                                                                                                                                             ADMISSION                                                                 ADMISSION

     11    PARADE TOWER                                                                                                                                              FREE BUT TICKETED                                                  3PM    FREE BUT TICKETED
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