Nnttereraaktivktiv - Navigating uncharted waters: How we're riding out the pandemic - Divisions

Nnttereraaktivktiv - Navigating uncharted waters: How we're riding out the pandemic - Divisions
         Newsletter of the German Language Division
          of the American Translators Association


              uncharted waters:
             How we’re riding out
                the pandemic

                                     Photo by Simon Clayton from Pexels
Nnttereraaktivktiv - Navigating uncharted waters: How we're riding out the pandemic - Divisions
                                          In this issue...
  Marion Rhodes, San Diego, CA
Copy Editors
  Ivonne Reichard-Novak, Blacksburg, VA
  Annett Kuester, McLean, VA
  annett.kuester@gmail.com                Editorial.......................................................................................................... 3
  Melissa Kostelecky, Portland, OR        Word from the Administrator...................................................................... 4
  Sabine Seiler, Niskayuna, NY            (Translation) Notes from the Homeland.................................................... 5
                                          GLD Conference Primer............................................................................... 7
                                          Feature: Homeoffice, die Corona-Ausgabe............................................. 10
  Kimberly Scherer, Salzburg, Austria
  kimberlyscherer@gmail.com                 – Die Kinderbetreuung hat meine Arbeit auf den Kopf gestellt....... 11
  Ute Kegel, Bradenton, FL
                                            – Efficient Scheduling is Key................................................................... 12
  Jill R. Sommer,                           – Ein schallgedämpftes Büro ist Goldes wert....................................... 14
  Cleveland Heights, OH
                                          A Physician’s Perspective:
  Erin Riddle, Owego, NY                  The Vital Role of Interpreters in Patient Outcomes................................ 17
  erin@erinriddle.com                     Learning in Real Time................................................................................. 19
                                          A Front-Row Seat to the Pandemic, or:
  Stella Waltemade, Munich, Germany
  post@stellawaltemade.de                 How COVID-19 Pushed Me to Return to My Roots as a Virologist...... 21
Review Coordinator                        Thoughts on Surviving and Thriving in Quarantine............................... 23
  Carlie Sitzman, Wilmington, DE          Coronawortschatz....................................................................................... 25
Design & Layout
                                          Translator in Profile: Sabine Seiler............................................................ 27
  Daniela Radivo Harder,                  Dictionary Review
  Norwood, MA                             Dictionary of Metallurgy and Metal Processing...................................... 28
                                          Calendar of Events 2020–21..................................................................... 30
GLD Officers:
  Ruth Boggs, Fairfax, VA
Assistant Administrator
  Sandy Jones, New York, NY

             eraaktiv                                                                                                                             2/2020
Nnttereraaktivktiv - Navigating uncharted waters: How we're riding out the pandemic - Divisions
3                     Editorial
                           Dear Readers,                                Translators and interpreters have played
                                                                        an essential part in conveying infor-
                           2020 has been a year unlike any other.
                                                                        mation to the public and facilitating
                           Our editorial team debated whether
                                                                        communication throughout this pan-
                           we should let COVID-19 take over
                                                                        demic. In The Vital Role of Interpreters
                           this issue of interaktiv like it has taken
                                                                        in Patient Outcomes (page 17), phy-
                           over all other aspects of our lives. In
                                                                        sician Christopher Hale provides a rare
                           the end, we felt that the historic nature
                                                                        glimpse into the life of an emergency
                           of our current situation and its impact
                                                                        room doctor and explains the critical
                           on T&I professionals deserved to be
                                                                        role of medical interpreters during the
                           preserved in writing. Thus, the theme for
                                                                        public health crisis.
Marion Rhodes is an        this newsletter was decided.
ATA-certified English                                                   Of course, we didn’t forget that we have
                           For many of us, the past months have
to German translator,                                                   an ATA Conference coming up. Doubt-
certified copywriter       been challenging. From assignment
                                                                        lessly, this year’s virtual ATA Conference
and multilingual SEO       slumps to blurred boundaries between
                                                                        will be a whole new experience, but
specialist. A native       work and family life, we have had to
                                                                        that didn’t deter the GLD from offering
of Germany, she            adapt and adjust to this “new
immigrated to the                                                                     a great variety of sessions in
                           normal” that is anything but.
United States in 2001                                                                 the German track (Confer-
                           Starting on page 10, GLD
and currently lives                                                                   ence Primer, page 7).
in San Diego. Before
                           members Christine Lorenz,
                                                                                      Unfortunately, we won’t be
starting her translation   Annett Kuester, and Ivonne
                                                                                      able to have an in-person
career, Marion worked      Reichard-Novak tell us how
                                                                                      networking event this year,
as a reporter for the      the pandemic has affected
                                                                                      but Ruth Boggs tells us
Omaha World-Herald         their lives as WAHMs (work
in Nebraska and as a                                                                  how we can still connect
                           at home moms) in Homeof-
freelance writer. She                                                                 with our fellow German
                           fice, die Corona-Ausgabe.
holds a bachelor’s                                                                    speakers during this year’s
degree in journalism
                           Our European Coordinator
                                                                        conference in her Word from the Ad-
and a master’s degree      Ellen Yutzy-Glebe gives us insight into
                                                                        ministrator (page 4).
in integrated marketing    pandemic life on the other side of the
communications. For        Atlantic in her (Translation) Notes from Finally, this issue includes a review of
more information, visit    the Homeland (page 5).                   the Dictionary of Metallurgy and Metal
imctranslations.com.                                                Processing by Heike Holthaus (page
                           But the virus has also brought about new
                                                                    28), and our usual Translator in
                           opportunities. Geoff Chase explains his
                                                                    Profile feature (page 27), where we
                           work on the frontline of the pandemic in
                                                                    introduce you to one of our new copy-
                           How COVID-19 Pushed Me to Return
                                                                    editors, Sabine Seiler.
                           to My Roots as a Virologist (page 21).
                           Our contributor Elani Wales tells us how As usual, we end with a list of T&I-relat-
                           she made the best of the COVID-induced ed happenings around the world. Many
                           dry spell and lockdown in her Thoughts events have moved to an online format,
                           on Surviving and Thriving in Quarantine making them accessible to anyone, so
                           (page 23). Medical translator Pavitra be sure to check it out! And don’t forget
                           Baxi recounts how the novel coronavi- to visit our Google Calendar online and
                           rus spurred her professional growth by link it to your Outlook, iCalendar, or
                           forcing her to engage in Learning in other calendar apps!
                           Real Time (page 19).                     Mit sonnigen Grüßen aus San Diego
                                                                        Marion Rhodes
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Nnttereraaktivktiv - Navigating uncharted waters: How we're riding out the pandemic - Divisions
4                      Word from the Administrator
                            By Ruth Boggs

                            Dear Colleagues,                           continuing education and networking is
                            I hope this finds you well. Since our concerned, is undiminished. Don’t miss
                            spring issue, this polite phrase has taken this chance to catch up and keep up!
                            on a whole new meaning. The pande­ You can register here.
                            mic has thrown everyone for a loop and I’m excited about our GLD Distin-
                            I really do hope that none of you has guished Speaker, who is excellently
                            had to cope with COVID-19.                 suited to address the hot-button issue of
                            Our world has been turned upside MT: Prof. Dr. Dirk Siepmann, an expert
Ruth Boggs joined ATA
                            down. Even those of us who didn’t in DeepL, who will be joining us via
in 1991 and is certified    experience a sharp drop in work and Zoom from Osnabrück. He will present
                            income, and who don’t have                           two sessions and answer your
in German>English
& English>German.           to deal with homeschooling,                          questions. Please consult the
She holds an MA in          travel restrictions, etc., feel a                    online conference program for
Writing from George         heavy emotional load.                                other sessions in the German
Mason University.                                                                track.
Before becoming a full-     Home quarantining, social
time freelance translator   distancing, virtual socializing, strategic Our Networking Session is scheduled
& interpreter in 1995,      shopping—who would’ve thought? I for Sunday, October 18, at 5:30 pm EST,
she was assigned to the
                            never longed to become adept in Zoom and our Annual GLD Meeting will be
German Embassy in
Washington, D.C. Ruth       and Skype and WebEx and Instacart and held on Monday, October 19, at 11 am
has traveled the United     DoorDash, etc., or see the Amazon, EST. I know that these dates and times
States extensively as       UPS, or FedEx delivery people on my are not convenient for some of you, but
a State Department          porch on a regular basis, but that’s the we picked the best from the few time
contract interpreter.       “new normal” and we’re going to have slots ATA made available to us. Details
She lives in Fairfax,
                            to deal with it, like it or not, facemasks as to login, etc. will be announced via
Virginia and can be                                                    our social media as soon as they become
reached at                  and all.
rutheboggs@gmail.com        I’ve heard from colleagues who have
                            weathered this storm relatively un- Finally, this is my last Administrator’s
                            scathed, with little change in their work Column. After four years, it is time for
                            situation, and others who have been fresh horses and a new administrator
                            devastated. Some translators have seen will take over at the Annual Meeting.
                            their workload go to zero, due to the It’s been a pleasure serving you. I ap-
                            synergistic effect of the COVID crisis, preciate your confidence in me, and I
                            machine translation (MT), and various would like to thank my Assistant Admin,
                            industry buyouts. Interpreters had to Sandy Jones, and my Leadership Council
                            adapt to life outside the booth, VRI, and for their continued willingness to serve,
                            new technology. Now more than ever, it wise counsel, and support. The GLD is
                            is important for us to stay connected and in good hands.
                            on top of our game.                        On that note—stay positive, test
                            ATA61 has gone virtual. There will be no negative!
                            trip to Boston or congregating around the Collegially yours,
                            proverbial water cooler this year, but the
                            value of the annual conference, as far as Ruth Boggs

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Nnttereraaktivktiv - Navigating uncharted waters: How we're riding out the pandemic - Divisions
5                      (Translation) Notes from the Homeland
                            By Ellen Yutzy Glebe

                            Whew! What a time we’ve had since the         having my kids fighting—or my husband
                            last issue, which naively summed up our       (a teacher) conducting endless Skype
                            European workshop in February thinking        conferences—in the next room. Not to
                            that the way we left town just ahead of       mention coordinating worksheets and
                            a hurricane was the exciting conclusion       school assignments, trying to explain the
                            of the story, oblivious to the upheavals      use of lowest common denominators,
                            that the next six months would bring.         and finding ways to keep all of us sane,
                            For those of us here in Germany, that         even when it feels as though the “ceiling
                            was just a couple of weeks before the         is falling on our heads”!
A native of western         coronavirus story started trending in the
NC, Ellen Yutzy Glebe                                                     All that aside, for the time being—but
                            news, and by mid-March, things had
was a history and                                                         who knows by the time this column
                            shut down more or less entirely …
German studies major                                                      goes to print?—it seems that things here
at Guilford College         Obviously, the experience of COVID-19         are slowly returning to normal. School
in Greensboro, NC,
                            on this side of the Atlantic has been quite   children are returning to school full-time
and earned a
PhD in European             different from in the USA, but I suppose      with a few restrictions (masks on the bus
history at UC-Berkeley      no matter where you’ve                                       and in hallways, no sing-
before transitioning to a   been riding out the storm,                                   ing in music classes, etc.),
career as a professional    the situation varies a great                                 and most of our family’s
translator (GE>EN) and
                            deal depending on your                                       German acquaintances
editor (EN) of academic
texts. She now lives        individual circumstances.                                    did go somewhere for
in Kassel, Germany,         While many colleagues                                        summer vacation, if not
a town with beautiful       have seen a sudden de-                                       as far-flung or as care-
green spaces and good       crease in inquiries, others                                  freely as they might have
ICE connections. She
                            experienced increased demand for their        otherwise. Infection numbers are under
is a member of ATA,
BDÜ, and a number of        services. Those with school-age children      control but not stagnant, and are rising
historical associations.    suddenly found themselves juggling            again slowly. The coming weeks might
For more details see        parenting and homeschooling in whole          well bring a surge that will require new
www.writinghistory.de.      new dimensions, perhaps even as they          measures.
                            faced unprecedented existential worries.
                                                                          One thing is for certain: the experiences
                            If I had a euro for every time someone        of the past six months and the months to
                            told me over the past six months that         come will change our society in some
                            this situation was “nichts Neues” for         respects forever. Some experts don’t
                            me because I was used to working “im          expect air travel numbers to ever reach
                            Home Office” (as the Germans say!), I         the pre-COVID levels, and the crisis has
                            could go on an extended vacation and          forced even the technophobes among
                            drink cocktails on the beach. Yes, I’m        us to avail ourselves of new technolo-
                            used to working from home, but not to         gies. My daughter now feels entirely

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Nnttereraaktivktiv - Navigating uncharted waters: How we're riding out the pandemic - Divisions
6            comfortable propping up the tablet and     plane or train and meet colleagues in
             playing restaurant with her cousins on     person. Will we ever go back to shaking
             the other side of the Atlantic. My kids    hands? When we do meet again, our
             have played countless rounds of Catan      vocabularies will have changed. Who
             online against friends and family since    among us had thought about com-
             March. Many of us will have already        munity masks or Mund-Nasen-Schutz
             attended our first online conferences or   before March? Or to measure space in
             look forward—with or without trepida-      surfboards or Babyelefanten?
             tion—to the virtual ATA conference.       Speaking of vocabularies: this link to
             In some instances, we will experience a Corona-related glossary in seven
             these changes as enriching. In other cas- languages popped up in my Facebook
             es, we will make a note to be especially feed this week, and I thought it might be
             grateful when things have finally settled useful or interesting to you all! All the
             back to the point that we can get on a best to everyone! Be well!

                                                                                              Photo by Jeff Sanfacon 2019

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Nnttereraaktivktiv - Navigating uncharted waters: How we're riding out the pandemic - Divisions
   GLD Conference Primer

                         ATA61 is going virtual!
          The location has changed, but the experience has not.
The ATA 61st Annual Conference will feature a good variety of sessions of interest to division members.
Below is a list of presentations in the German track to help you map out your virtual conference schedule.
Full descriptions as well as a list of other conference sessions are available here.

                                 German Topics Agenda
                                  Thursday, October 22
(014) Decoding German Buzzwords: ‘Digitalisierung’ and All Things 4.0
Michael Schubert, CT
3:30 p.m. – 4:30 p.m. EDT
German business writing can be an echo chamber of trendy industry buzzwords. Many of these
terms and phrases get carried over too literally into a sort of English that elicits shrugs in the
intended target markets (but doesn’t sell products). The speaker will examine a handful of these
buzzwords, decode them, and talk about solutions for translating them into an intelligent and
intelligible English. The goal is to help our German clients speak to global markets in a language
that resonates! There will be ample time for attendee input and group discussion.
Topics: German, Terminology, Translation
(125) Legal Translation: How Hard Can It Be?
Jacqueline Jugenheimer, CT
5:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m. EDT
Legal translations bring challenges not found elsewhere in the field. Not only is the language
different, but the entire underlying legal framework might differ as well. Consider, for
instance, referring to ‘The Second Amendment’ in a translation for German audiences. It can get
complicated, not just for the obvious traps found in this example, but also for less obvious terms
(e.g., concepts such as ‘relief’ and ‘jurisdiction’). This session will highlight some hurdles for both
human and machine translation, present yellow flags to watch for, and provide tools for getting it
right. English>German examples will be provided.
Topics: German, Legal T&I, Terminology

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Nnttereraaktivktiv - Navigating uncharted waters: How we're riding out the pandemic - Divisions
                                   Friday, October 23
(034) Academic and Popular-Academic Translation (German>English)
Dirk Siepmann (German Language Division Distinguished Speaker)
12:30 p.m. – 1:30 p.m. EDT
The speaker will discuss the difficulties frequently encountered in translating academic texts from
German into English, providing both examples and general advice. Part I (lexis) will show how
to cope with the wide differences in conceptualization between research communities. Adequate
translations of general-language words and terminology often requires explication in the target
language. Part II (syntax) will demonstrate how to render dense German syntax into smoothly
flowing English prose. It will focus on nominal versus verbal constructions as well as the ordering
and redistribution of information in the target language.
Topics: German, Terminology

(044) Who’s Afraid of DeepL? (German>English, French>English)
Dirk Siepmann (German Language Division Distinguished Speaker)
2:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. EDT
Machine translation (MT) tools like DeepL have become a significant concern to the translation
industry. Clients either turn away from professional translators, assuming that DeepL will do the
job just as well, or they submit a machine-translated text for post-editing, blithely unaware that
this may be more time-consuming than translation from scratch. This session will examine the
strengths and weaknesses of DeepL and suggest strategies for post-editing. It will demonstrate
that fully automated high-quality MT is still out of reach. In what ways does the machine either
assist or mislead translators, and when to do without it?
Topics: French, German, Language Technology, Literary Translation, Science & Technology,
Terminology, Translation

(065) Translating for Man and Machine: The Art and Craft of Search Engine
Optimized Translations
Marion Rhodes, CT
5:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m. EDT
With continuous improvements in machine translation, it’s important for translators to adopt
niche specializations and/or offer supplemental services to keep a competitive edge. Search engine
optimization translations—translations that are optimized for search engines—are growing in
demand, and many translators are attracted to this lucrative field. Alas, optimizing language copy
requires more than sprinkling translated keywords across the page. In this session, attendees will
learn the basics of optimization and receive an introduction into web content writing that appeals
to humans and search engines alike. Presented in English with examples in German.
Topics: German, Independent Contractors, T&I Industry, Translation

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Nnttereraaktivktiv - Navigating uncharted waters: How we're riding out the pandemic - Divisions
                                Saturday, October 24
(071) Terminology of the Ears, Nose, and Throat
Jill R. Sommer and Karen Leube
11:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. EDT
Ever wondered what’s the difference between an otolaryngologist, ear, nose, and throat (ENT)
physician, and audiologist? Have you ever seen the inside of an ear? The speakers will introduce
you to the world of ENT and then delve into the highly specialized terminology of otolaryngology
and audiology. They will share examples from German and English to demonstrate the pitfalls of
medical jargon, acronyms, and cognates.
Topics: German, Medical T&I, Terminology

   Displaying the ATA logo is a benefit that some members overlook


                                GLD Networking Session

                                  GLD Annual Meeting

                              We look forward to seeing you there!

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Nnttereraaktivktiv - Navigating uncharted waters: How we're riding out the pandemic - Divisions
10            Feature: Homeoffice, die Corona-Ausgabe
              By Ivonne Reichard-Novak, Christine Lorenz, and Annett Kuester

              Stanford Professor of Economics Nicho-              Als Übersetzer und Dolmetscher sind
              las Bloom veröffentlichte im Jahr 2014              wir daran gewöhnt, zumindest teilwei-
              im Quarterly Journal of Economics das               se von zuhause zu arbeiten. Aber was
              Ergebnis einer zweijährigen Studie1, die            passiert, wenn sich unser Arbeitsumfeld
              aufzeigte, dass die Arbeit im Homeoffi-             plötzlich ändert? Wenn unser ruhiges
              ce die Produktivität von Arbeitnehmern              Homeoffice plötzlich von Kinderge-
              begünstigt. Im Testbetrieb, einem Call              schrei, lauter Musik und nicht wirklich
              Center, konnte eine 13 prozentige                   wichtigen (aber „absolut brennenden“)
              Erhöhung der Arbeitnehmerleistung                   Fragen infiltriert wird?
              festgestellt werden. Dieser oft zitierten           Wir haben drei Übersetzerinnen mit
              Studie folgten unzählige weitere, die               Kindern unterschiedlichen Alters gefragt,
              sowohl eine gesteigerte Produktivität,              wie sie mit der plötzlichen Quarantäne-
              höhere Arbeitszufriedenheit und eine                situation während der Corona-Krise
              verbesserte Work-Life-Balance bei in                umgingen, und welche Ratschläge sie
              Telearbeit beschäftigten Arbeitnehmern              weitergeben möchten. Lesen Sie ihre
              nachweisen konnten.                                 Antworten auf den folgenden Seiten.

               Nicholas Bloom (with James Liang, John Roberts and Zhichun Jenny Ying), Does working from home work?
              Evidence from a Chinese experiment, Quarterly Journal of Economics, November 2014.

   eraaktiv                                                                                              2/2020
11                        Christine Lorenz:
                          Die Kinderbetreuung hat meine Arbeit auf den Kopf gestellt

                          Wie sah deine Routine vor COVID-19       Einen gewissen Ausgleich brachte das
                          aus? Was hat sich geändert?              erhöhte Übersetzungsaufkommen für
                          Vor der Pandemie brachte ich unseren     die EU, zum gleichen Zeitpunkt wurden
                          2-jährigen Sohn kurz vor 8 Uhr zu        europaweit Gesetzesnovellen bezüglich
                          seiner Tagesmutter und arbeitete dann    der Ein- und Ausfuhr von Medikamenten
                          bis ca. 15 Uhr nachmittags, um ihn an-   verabschiedet.
                          schließend wieder bei ihr abzuholen.
                                                                   Was war überraschend oder sogar
Christine Lorenz          Je nach Auftragslage und Lieferterminen
arbeitet als freiberuf-   arbeitete ich noch abends und gelegent-
liche Übersetzerin für    lich auch am Wochenende.                 Positiv war für mich, dass wir die kom-
die Sprachrichtungen                                               plexen Auswirkungen einer Pandemie
Englisch und              Als pandemiebedingt Mitte März alle auf Arbeitsalltag und Familienleben
Tschechisch > Deutsch     Kitas in Berlin geschlossen wurden und nach der Umstellungsphase genießen
in Berlin. Ihre           auch die Tagesmütter ihre Arbeit vorü- konnten – als neu gewonnene gemein-
Leidenschaft für
                          bergehend beenden mussten, verlagerte
lebendige Geschichte                                               same Freiheit und Freizeit.
lebt sie ehrenamtlich     sich meine Arbeitszeit in die Abend-
bei der Transkription     stunden und Wochenenden. Da unser Was würdest du ändern, wenn sich die
alter Kirchenbücher und   Kind noch Mittagsschlaf macht, habe derzeitige Situation auf 1–2 Jahre er-
nicht ehrenamtlich als    ich auch in dieser Zeit einiges schaffen strecken würde?
vom Landgericht Berlin    können, musste aus Zeitgründen aber
allgemein ermächtigte                                              Der Arbeitsschwerpunkt Tourismus wür-
                          auch Aufträge ablehnen.
Übersetzerin für                                                   de weiterhin an Gewicht verlieren und
manchmal sehr alte Per-
                          Wie hat die Quarantäne dein Arbeits- kontinuierlich durch Themengebiete
In ihrer Freizeit er-     leben beeinflusst?                       wie Daten- und Umweltschutz ersetzt
gründet sie gemeinsam     Die Betreuung unseres Sohnes da- werden.
mit Sohnemann und         heim hat meine üblichen Arbeits- und
Ehemann die Geheim-                                                Welche Tipps würdest du Eltern geben,
                          Bürozeiten komplett auf den Kopf ge-
                          stellt. Da ich einen Großteil meiner die erst anfangen, von zuhause zu
nisse des Gartenbaus.

                          Aufträge – von Speisekarten bis zur arbeiten?
                          Online­-Präsentation von Luxushotels – Es ist auf jeden Fall empfehlenswert,
                          aus der Tourismusbranche erhalte, löste schon vor dem „Ernstfall“ eine ver-
                          sich dieses Problem mit dem rapiden trauenswürdige            und    zuverlässige
                          Rückgang des internationalen und na-     Kinderbetreuung    zu  organisieren, die
                          tionalen Reiseverkehrs quasi von selbst. auch kurzfristig einspringen kann.

         eraaktiv                                                                                 2/2020
12                          Annett Kuester: Efficient Scheduling is Key

                            Describe your routine prior to the           remember those first weeks of quaran-
                            COVID-19 crisis. What has changed            tine as a series of indistinguishable days,
                            since then?                                  all flowing into each other, that I mostly
                            With close to six years of homeschool-       spent canceling travel plans and camp
                            ing under my belt, my situation was a bit    registrations, finding alternatives to
                            different from that of many of my fellow     in-person classes, installing two ballet
                            translators. For years, I had relied on a    studios in different corners of our home,
                            tried-and-trusted combination of cur-        and repeatedly upgrading our Wi-Fi
                            ricula and materials from the German         system.
A former business           distance school and an American online
consultant and policy       school. The kids, ranging from mid-ele-      How did the lockdown impact your
analyst, Annett Kuester     mentary grades to almost high school,        professional life?
works as a freelance
translator (DE  ENG,
                            worked largely independently and with        With everyone home all the time,
ITA > ENG/ DE) in the       greater ownership, shifting my role from     boundaries quickly became blurred and
Washington, D.C. area.      teaching to planning and monitoring.         time for professional endeavors was sac-
When not translating,       With every school year that passed, I        rificed for the sake of family peace. For
she homeschools her         had fine-tuned the art of scheduling to
three children. She                                                      the first two months, I put on hold any
                            carve out blocks of time when all kids
views the corona crisis                                                  plans for pursuing opportunities to grow
as an opportunity to
                            would be productively occupied for
                                                                         my practice and only accepted jobs
indulge her obsession       several hours. Between online classes,
                            two half days of in-person classes, and      when I felt comfortable that I would be
with efficient scheduling
and time-saving hacks.      afternoons and evenings taken up by          able to deliver a good product. Interest-
                            sports and arts activities, our lives were   ingly, I did not notice a significant drop
                            busy, but each day, I had blocks long        in inquiries once we had passed the first
                            enough to dedicate to my work. The           few weeks in lockdown. I have, however,
                            promise of summer, with kids in camps        lost my steady flow of work translating
                            and significant time to ramp up my busi-     Italian education certificates and driver’s
                            ness, loomed on the horizon.                 licenses for prospective Italian au-pairs.
                                                                         Those translations might not have been
                            And then, the corona crisis hit. I thought
                            that I would be better placed to weath-      the most interesting, but they were a
                            er this challenge than many parents          source of income that I could rely upon
                            who—involuntarily and practically            without having to do any marketing. This
                            overnight—had been catapulted into the       type of straightforward work had previ-
                            position of quasi-homeschoolers. Not         ously freed up some time to allow me
                            only that, but thanks to being temporari-    to focus on going after more interesting
                            ly furloughed from my job as the family’s    opportunities.
                            designated Uber driver, I expected more
                            time freed up for my translation prac-       What was surprising, or even positive?
                            tice. What I had not appreciated was         I am pleasantly surprised that my family
                            just how crucial those in-person classes     members are indeed able to problem
                            and activities are for creating blocks of    solve and show initiative. I had always
                            undisturbed professional time. I now         suspected that they had potential.

         eraaktiv                                                                                         2/2020
13            Joking aside, this period has forced me     responsibilities. Invest time to ensure
              to reflect on how to work more efficient-   that technology works seamlessly, office
              ly and less reactively. I have become a     and school supplies are restocked, and
              big believer in time blocking and day       Zoom meeting links, etc. are accessible
              theming.                                    to everyone.

              What changes would you make if the          If you have school-age children, build
              current situation continued for another     the family schedule so that all kids are
              one or two years?                           occupied at the same time. Figure out a
                                                          reasonable window of time that will be
              I have been spending the last months
                                                          your professional time. Work backwards
              preparing for exactly that. I have re-
                                                          to allow time for getting everyone ready
              configured our home to give everyone
                                                          and set up for the day, then excuse your-
              a dedicated and reasonably quiet
                                                          self and only allow interruptions for true
              workspace, restocked office and school
              supplies, stress-tested our Wi-Fi capa-
              bilities to ensure that we can all be in    Raise expectations for self-sufficiency
              livestream classes or meetings at the       and initiative among your family mem-
              same time, and generally streamlined        bers, especially if, thanks to working
              our home as much as possible to hit the     from home, you have fallen into the
              ground running. I think of it as advance    role of the go-to person for everyone’s
              troubleshooting that will hopefully pay     problems and requests. This will have
              off in increased professional time.         benefits beyond freeing up your time.
              I have also thought very carefully about    If the kids are not yet in school, trade
              everyone’s schedule and tried to recreate   off parenting time with your partner to
              those blocks of professional time when      create professional time for yourself or
              everyone will be in a class or otherwise    find reliable childcare.
              productively occupied. Regaining that If your children are heavily involved
              uninterrupted time has been my priority.
                                                    in extracurriculars, line up virtual al-
              I am confident with that new schedule,ternatives, if feasible, so that you can
              well-organized workspaces, and clear  pivot easily. Schedule efficiently to cre-
              expectations about respecting my work ate more professional time, but carefully
              time, we will all have a productive year.
                                                    consider the practicalities: virtual music
              What advice would you give to parents and ballet instruction separated only by
              who are just starting to work from a thin wall will not produce a happy
              home?                                 outcome.
              Have clear boundaries regarding             Take it one day at a time! If something
              workspaces, professional time, and          does not work well, reflect, and improve.

   eraaktiv                                                                               2/2020
14                          Ivonne Reichard-Novak:
                            Ein schallgedämpftes Büro ist Goldes wert

                            Wie sah deine Routine vor COVID-19         Wie hat die Quarantäne dein Arbeits-
                            aus? Was hat sich geändert?                leben beeinflusst?
                            Bevor die Welt im Corona-Drama ver-        Bereits am ersten Online-Schultag schli-
                            sank, lief unsere Familie wie eine gut     chen sich Zweifel in mein optimistisches
                            geölte Maschine. Nach langen, teil-        Bild. Das Büro meines Mannes befindet
                            weise chaotischen Jahren waren meine       sich neben meinem und er verbringt
                            Kinder mit 22, 15 und 14 endlich in        täglich den Großteil seiner Arbeitszeit
                            einem Alter, in dem sie weitgehend         in (geräuschvollen) Videokonferenzen.
Ivonne Reichard-Novak       selbstständig arbeiten konnten. Nr. 1      Als ich mich beim Versuch ertappte,
kam als Quereinsteiger-     war im College und wohnte nicht mehr       ein Wort aus der lauten Diskussion im
in zum Übersetzerberuf.                                                Nebenbüro in meine Übersetzung ein-
Ursprünglich als Juristin   zuhause, Nr. 2 besuchte die High School
tätig, übernahm sie         und Nr. 3 die Middle School. Täglich       zubauen, musste ich mir eingestehen,
2005 nach ihrem             von 7:30 Uhr bis 15:30 Uhr gehörte das     dass ich auf ein unerwartetes Problem
Umzug in die USA            Haus mir. Ich arbeitete oft ohne Pause     gestoßen war.
                            von 8:00 Uhr bis 15:30 Uhr, um mein        Die Teens bewältigten ihren Schultag in
für Rechtanwälte,
die sich bald zu            tägliches Pensum zu schaffen, und meist    der Hälfte der Zeit, die sie in der Schule
einem Vollzeitberuf         schob ich auch vor dem Abendessen          dafür gebraucht hätten, und beschlossen,
ausweiteten. Nebenbei       noch eine schnelle Stunde ein. Kurz ge-    die restliche Zeit mit Nahrungszufuhr zu
managt sie einen Fünf-      sagt, ich arbeitete schlichtweg zu viel.   verbringen. Womit ich nicht gerechnet
Personen-Haushalt, mit
drei Kindern und einem
                            Dann kam Corona.                           hatte, war, dass jeder Snack mit einer
zerstreuten Professor.                                                 Frage an den Manager der Familie –
                            Wir erfuhren an einem Freitag im März,
Sie ist erreichbar unter                                               mich – verbunden sein würde. Nr. 3
                            dass unsere Kinder auf unvorhersehbare
ivonne@lexlation.com.                                                  unterbrach mich letztendlich sogar bei
                            Zeit ihren Unterricht online erhalten
                                                                       einem Zoom-Meeting mit einer Frage,
                            würden. Nach einer Umstellungsphase
                                                                       und auf mein gedeutetes „Geh zum
                            von zwei Tagen lief dieser dann rei-
                                                                       Papa!“ flüsterte mein Nachwuchs nur
                            bungslos über Video-Schulstunden,
                                                                       „der ist auch in einer Videokonferenz!“
                            Google Classroom und Zoom-Video-
                                                                       Ich schätze, es ist gefährlicher, den Leu
                            konferenzen weiter. Ich erwartete keine    zu stören, als die Löwin.
                            Änderung meiner Routine, zumal nun
                            auch diverse Nachmittagsaktivitäten,       Bereits nach einer Woche und unzäh-
                            die mich üblicherweise zur Chauffeurin     ligen unterbrochenen Arbeitsphasen
                            machten, wegfielen. Natürlich würden       wurde mir klar, dass es mir unmöglich
                            alle zuhause sein, beide Teens, der        sein würde, weiterhin 7–9 Arbeitsstun-
                            College-Sohn und mein Mann, der sein       den pro Tag zu finden.
                            eigenes Büro unabhängig von meinem         Ich zog mich schweren Herzens aus
                            hat. Ich hoffte auf ein Stündchen mehr     einem arbeitsintensiven Langzeitprojekt
                            Schlaf und problemlos planbare ge-         zurück und nahm nur kleinere Projekte
                            meinsame Essenszeiten.                     bis ca. 5.000 Wörtern an. Ich erkannte,

         eraaktiv                                                                                      2/2020
15                                                   dass mein tägliches Brot – Rechtsüberset-   langfristigen Klienten“). Ich versuche,
                                                     zungen – besonders unter den ständigen      nicht darüber nachzudenken, ob und
                                                     Unterbrechungen litten, denn Sätze mit      wie mein Business, das ich mir in jahre-
                                                     150 bis 200 Wörtern verlangen meist         langer intensiver Arbeit aufgebaut habe,
                                                     einen ungestörten Gedankenprozess.          überleben wird.
                                                     Im gleichen Maße wie ich meine Arbeit       Was war überraschend oder sogar
                                                     reduzierte, wuchsen meine Aufgaben          positiv?
                                                     für die Familie. Der Ausnahmezustand
                                                                                                 Das Leben hat sich verlangsamt. Zum
                                                     brachte neue Probleme: Essensplanung,
                                                                                                 ersten Mal seit Jahren habe ich tatsäch-
                                                     Einkäufe, reduzierte Verfügbarkeit von
                                                                                                 lich Zeit und Muße zum Denken und
                                                     bestimmten Lebensmitteln und einen
                                                                                                 Planen. Seit längerem spiele ich mit dem
                                                     sensiblen Gemütszustand bei meinen
                                                                                                 Gedanken einer eventuellen Richtungs-
                                                     Kindern. Lange, beruhigende Gesprä-
                                                                                                 änderung meiner beruflichen Karriere,
                                                     che und Diskussionen nahmen den
                                                                                                 aber mir fehlte schlichtweg die Zeit,
                                                     Platz von Arbeitsstunden ein. Von Tag zu
                                                                                                 Pläne zu machen oder mir überhaupt
                                                     Tag fiel es mir schwerer, auf die Fragen
                                                                                                 darüber klar zu werden, in welche Rich-
                                                     und Sorgen meiner Kinder einzugehen,
                                                                                                 tung ich mich bewegen möchte. Meine

                                                     während ich gedanklich damit beschäf-
                                                                                                 Familie lacht, wenn ich erwähne „nach
                                                     tigt war, auszurechnen, wie viele Wörter
                                                                                                 diesem Projekt werde ich …“, denn sie
                                                     ich heute noch unterbringen müsste, um
                                                                                                 wissen, nach „diesem Projekt“ stecke
                                                     den nächsten Abgabetermin nicht zu
                                                                                                 ich bereits im nächsten.
                                                     Mein Mann und ich setzten uns erneut        Was würdest du ändern, wenn sich die
                                                     zusammen und diskutierten alle uns zur      derzeitige Situation auf 1–2 Jahre er-
                                                     Verfügung stehenden Möglichkeiten           strecken würde?
                                                     durch, mit dem Resultat, dass ich meine     Ein schallgedämpftes Büro ist Goldes
                                                     Arbeitszeit weiter verringern musste (mit   wert. Strikte Planung und ein zweiter
                                                     Beachtung auf „Aufrechterhaltung von        Kühlschrank auch.

                                          eraaktiv                                                                             2/2020
16            Welche Tipps würdest du Eltern geben,        denn „ihr seid ja zuhause“, während
              die erst anfangen, von zuhause zu            andere „arbeiten müssen“.
              arbeiten?                                  • Disziplin: Das Blumenbeet vor dem
              Das kommt darauf an, wie viele Stunden       Fenster (das vielleicht auch noch
              man täglich für die Arbeit reservieren       schmutzig ist) müsste dringend ge-
              kann oder möchte. Ich kann nur sagen,        jätet werden, und die Schule der
              Vollzeit erfordert eiserne Disziplin, Kin-   Kinder sucht nach Elternhelfern für
              derbetreuung und die Einstellung, dass       den nächsten Ausflug. Nichts davon
              man vollzeit berufstätig ist.                darf euch berühren, denn ihr seid
              • Ein eigenes Büro ist unerlässlich:         berufstätig. Während eurer Arbeits-
                 Wenn ich die Tür zu meinem Büro           zeit geht euch ein vielleicht nicht
                 schließe, bin ich bei der Arbeit.         ganz durchsichtiges Fenster nichts
                 Mein Bürozimmer ist frei von priva-       an.
                ten Ablenkungen, und ich verbringe Oh, und die Vorstellung, gemütlich im
                auch keine Freizeit darin. Es ist aus- Pyjama, Kaffeetasse in der Hand, vor
                schließlich für die Arbeit reserviert.  dem Computer zu sitzen? Ich lese im-
              • Kinderbetreuung:      Wer      Vollzeit mer wieder neidisch von Kollegen, dass
                arbeiten möchte, braucht Kinderbe- es das geben soll. Leider nicht in meiner
                treuung. Das kann ein Kindergarten Welt. In meiner Welt betrete ich mor-
                sein, die Schule, die Großeltern oder gens um 8:00 Uhr nach dem Frühstück
                                                        fertig angezogen mein Bürozimmer und
                welche Art auch immer zur Verfü-
                                                        beginne meinen Arbeitstag, der am frü-
                gung steht. „Nebenbei die Kinder zu
                                                        hen Abend meinen anderen Tätigkeiten
                betreuen“ funktioniert selten.
                                                        – Chauffeurin, Familienmanagerin und
              • Die Umgebung muss mitziehen: Stellt Köchin – weicht. Nun, da ich die Zeit
                klar, dass ihr nicht „zuhause“ seid, habe, über meine Routine nachzuden-
                sondern arbeitet. Andernfalls sitzt ihr ken, gebe ich der Arbeit am Pool jedoch
                regelmäßig an Tagen, an denen die noch eine Chance. Wenn ich einen Weg
                Schule ungeplant geschlossen hat, finde, meine drei Monitore im Garten
                mit fünf Freundes-Kindern im Haus, aufzubauen, hält mich nichts mehr auf!

   eraaktiv                                                                           2/2020
17                          A Physician’s Perspective:
                            The Vital Role of Interpreters in Patient Outcomes
                            By Christopher Hale, M.D.

                            “Seventy-year-old female arriving by         If we can’t communicate with our pa-
                            ambulance, in severe respiratory dis-        tient, we’re working with one hand tied
                            tress. History is limited due to language    behind our back. That’s why we consid-
                            barrier. ETA five minutes.”                  er our medical interpreters among our
                            The nurse relays the message from essential and life-saving colleagues.
                            paramedics, and I head to the resusci- With a quick call on our smartphone or
                            tation bay to prepare. When the patient video screen, we can call on the exper-
                            arrives, she looks terrible. She’s clearly tise of interpreters for literally dozens of
Christopher Hale is an      distressed, but whether it’s from strug- languages.
emergency room doctor       gling to breathe or from pain, I can’t tell. In our ER, we regularly treat patients
practicing in Oregon.       Whatever she’s suffering from, it’s possi- who speak Spanish, Russian, Ukrainian,
After completing his
                            bly life-threatening. But when I begin to Cantonese, and Mandarin. I’ve had
medical degree at
Oregon Health &             ask questions, she clearly                               patients who speak Arabic,
Science University          doesn’t understand English.                              Amharic, Marshallese, Bur-
and his residency at
                            In the ER, anything can                                  mese, Somali, Tagalog, and
Thomas Jefferson Uni-                                                                Chuukese. On rare occa-
versity in Philadelphia,    come through the door,
                            and often does. We need                                  sions, I’ve even had patients
he returned to the
Pacific Northwest in        to quickly figure out if it’s                            who speak a language I’ve
2012. Chris now lives       dangerous. Is the patient                                never even heard of! Some-
in Portland with his
                            having heartburn or a heart                              how, our interpreter services
wife, ATA member and
German>English trans-       attack? Is this abdominal pain from almost always come through with some-
lator Melissa Kostelecky,   constipation or a ruptured appendix? one fluent in that language.
and their two adorably      Is this patient’s shortness of breath from     But it’s not enough to just be fluent in
mischievous toddlers.       asthma … or COVID-19?                          the language. Medical interpreting
                            We live in an age of amazing medical           requires knowledge of very specialized
                            technology. We have a myriad of lab            vocabulary. We try to use layman’s terms
                            tests and imaging studies that can help        whenever possible so our patients can
                            us get to a diagnosis. But the truth is that   understand us. But in medicine, there’s
                            by far the best tool we have to reach          sometimes no escaping the technical
                            a diagnosis is still the conversation we       terminology. Whether it’s figuring out
                            have with our patients. Within a few           a patient’s chronic medical conditions
                            minutes of talking to a patient, we can        or what medications a patient is taking,
                            narrow the patient’s condition down to         or explaining a new diagnosis and the
                            just a handful of possible diagnoses and       treatment they’ll need, medicine re-
                            target our tests to get to the truth as soon   quires precision. Any information lost
                            as possible. In the ER, minutes can make       in translation could delay care at best or
                            the difference between life or death.          could be dangerous at worst.

         eraaktiv                                                                                          2/2020
18            Of course, using a medical interpreter       precautions, and every staff member is
              takes extra time. The entire conversation    in full PPE.
              gets repeated in both the native language    The patient worsens despite the oxygen
              and English. Nurses and doctors might        we’re giving her. The only way to save
              be tempted to try to forgo interpreting.     her will be to put her on a ventilator. But
              A patient may have very limited English      this can be painful, and she might never
              skills, or the patient may request to have   come off it. For some people, this is too
              a family member who speaks English in-       aggressive, and they would never want
              terpret, even though they don’t have the     to be on life support. It’s an incredibly
              formal training of an interpreter. Studies   important discussion about the patient’s
              have shown that using someone other          fundamental values and hopes, about
              than a medical interpreter inevitably        life and death. Without the interpreter,
              leads to information being lost in trans-    we couldn’t have such a frank and dif-
              lation, and that leads to more medical       ficult conversation, and couldn’t know
              errors.                                      and respect this patient’s wishes.
              On this day, I call up our language          After a discussion, the patient decides
              service, and soon have a Ukrainian           to be put on the ventilator. Soon, she’s
              interpreter on the line. With their help,    sedated and breathing comfortably with
              we quickly gather the necessary infor-       the help of a machine, and on her way
              mation. She doesn’t have a history of        to the ICU. She has a long road ahead
              asthma or other lung disease to explain      of her, and the interpreter will help us
              her symptoms. Her cough and fever            repeatedly over the coming days or
              started a week ago, and the shortness        weeks, explaining the patient’s progress
              of breath worsened each day since. She       to worried family members. We’ll also
              hasn’t been reliably wearing a mask          need the interpreter for all patients still
              in the community. With the info we’ve        to come during the pandemic. Their
              gathered through the interpreter, we’ll      work is far from done. Without a doubt,
              have to assume this is COVID-19 until        they’re among our country’s essential
              testing proves otherwise. We take full       workers.

   eraaktiv                                                                                 2/2020
19                           Learning in Real Time
                             By Pavitra Baxi

                             Unprecedented—a word that clearly             Such work often came with tight dead-
                             and completely describes the year 2020.       lines and I wanted to be prepared, if and
                             The past seven months have been unlike        when the onslaught of work began. This
                             anything we’ve experienced; the virus         not only broadened my knowledge base,
                             has brought about changes in the way          but also deepened my understanding of
                             we work, the way we live, even the way        medical translation. Until now, a major
                             we breathe!                                   portion of my CPD for medical trans-
                                                                           lation was focused on human anatomy
                             This year has also seen us come together
                                                                           and clinical trials.
                             even closer as a community. With work
Pavitra Baxi is a free-
lance translator based       drying up for a majority of us, members       As the virus spread across the globe,
in Bengaluru, India. Her     of professional organizations such as         COVID-19 terminology started ex-
working languages are        ATA and ITI have lent a helping hand          panding at a rapid pace. Regional
German and English.          to those hard-pressed for work; ensured       influences on COVID-19 terminology
She provides translation
                             that we’re adequately represented as          became more evident as governments
services for the engi-
neering, medical, and IT     a profession; given us access to free         put in place their own vocabulary for
sectors. A mechanical        webinars and resources to keep up with        public health and safety measures. This
engineer by qualifica-       the rapidly evolving terminology; and         meant I needed to be even more up-to-
tion, she developed          helped us achieve our CPD goals.              date on COVID-19 news, not only in
software solutions for
                                                                           my country, but also in the US and the
the automotive and con-      I got my first COVID-19 translation
                                                                           UK. It helped that dependable sources
struction engineering        project in February 2020: COVID-19
sectors before turning to                                                  such as NewScientist, the Economist,
                             guidelines for hospitals. I remember
full-time translation. Her                                                 Scientific American, and several other
website is
                             having spent more than a few anxious
                                                                           journals made their COVID-19 content
pavitrabaxi.com              hours trying to figure out the contextu-
                                                                           free to non-subscribers.
and you can contact          ally relevant translation of Tröpfchen.
her at pavitra@              Should it be translated as drops, drop-       My other go-to places for terminol-
pavitrabaxi.com.             lets, or aerosol particles? Since this was    ogy research were the subject and
                             the primary mode of virus transmission,       language-specific groups of ATA and
                             getting it right, contextually, was import-   ITI: a treasure-trove of information for
                             ant. Extensive online research led me         translators. A particularly interesting
                             to understand the distinction between         discussion was on the past and present
                             respiratory droplets and aerosol parti-       usage of the words lockdown and social
                             cles, and how the size of the droplets        distancing.
                             and proximity of the infected person to    Another interesting discussion in one
                             others changed this classification.        of the Duden forums was whether the
                             My workload having dropped substan- word virus is masculine, feminine or
                             tially, I was left with considerable spare neutral. A discussion in the French
                             time. I decided to read up on epidemics, language network gave an interesting
                             viruses, and public health. The possi- perspective and the official stand on the
                             bility of translating COVID-19-related virus’s gender.
                             guidelines and memos was quite high.

          eraaktiv                                                                                        2/2020
20            Most of the countries that imposed           uncertainty? It’s still too early to get
              lockdown measures in mid-March had           definitive answers. The disconcerting
              begun to gradually ease their restrictions   feeling of knowing too much is as bad as
              by May. The workforce was returning          knowing too little. For the sake of my san-
              to their offices, and along with this,       ity and any future translation projects, I
              the nature of my work changed, too.          completed a course offered by Coursera
              Several office memos arrived in my           titled Understanding Medical Research.
              inbox for translation: rules on social       It came highly recommended by a fel-
              distancing; work-from-home support for       low medical translator.
              employees; conduct during conferences        Rarely has my professional work influ-
              and meetings. An interesting project in-     enced my day-to-day activities to such
              volved translating laboratory guidelines     an extent. I was fortunate to have access
              for handling infectious material. The        to reliable information because of the
              regulations were more stringent in this      amount of research I had to do for my
              regard.                                      translations. My work as a medical trans-
              The constant barrage of information          lator helped me understand the disease
              related to COVID-19 has left us all          better and the importance of measures
              mentally exhausted. The virus has not        such as social distancing, use of masks,
              only overwhelmed the general public,         and reducing non-essential travel. It also
              but also the scientific community. Will      kept me abreast with the COVID-19
              a COVID-19 vaccine end our misery?           research and development. Learning in
              Is there a magic pill that’ll end this       real time is what I’m doing now.

   eraaktiv                                                                                 2/2020
21                          A Front-Row Seat to the Pandemic or: How COVID-19
                            Pushed Me to Return to My Roots as a Virologist
                            By Geoff Chase

                            In 2006, I began graduate studies in the      in the lab for new COVID-19 projects,
                            field of virology, with visions of jetting    because until two months ago, there
                            across the globe and chasing infectious       had been no such thing as COVID-19.
                            pathogens, somewhat akin to Laurence          So in typical German fashion, a rapid
                            Fishburne in Contagion.                       response to a national emergency first
                            In 2010, I left the field of virology, having meant securing funding, which in turn
                            worked day and night for four years to meant writing a grant proposal. And
Dr. Geoff Chase             secure a PhD and a decent publication with everyone else in the lab busy
completed a PhD in vi-      by the skin of my teeth, and realizing re-tooling for the impending coronavi-
rology at the University    that I was looking at another four years rus onslaught, nobody had the time to
of Freiburg in Germany.
                            of this lifestyle to have any chance of a
After several more years                                                  write 30 pages of English scientific copy
in research, he became      tenure-track position in an oversaturated
                                                                          in four days.
a full-time scientific      field.
translator and writer and
currently collaborates      In 2020, the field of virology decided My concerns about being out of the field
with numerous small- to     it didn’t care about my prior career for so long were assuaged with assur-
mid-size pharmaceutical     choices.                                      ances that the coordinating professors
companies as well as                                                      would provide me with the contents of
academic institutions.      It started with an unexpected phone call
                                                                          the grant, and my only job would be to
He currently resides        from my former PhD advisor in early
in Freiburg.                March of this year. At that point, the convey those ideas in a coherent man-
                            COVID-19 outbreak hadn’t even started ner. That ended the moment I showed up
                            in earnest in Italy yet, and there were only in my former lab for our first meeting. A
                            a few scattered reports of cases here in pre-symptomatic case of COVID-19 had
                            Germany. But a cluster of cases had just slipped through the Freiburg University
                            been discovered in Freiburg, jolting the Hospital’s testing screen. That single pa-
                            local healthcare system’s collective eyes tient had managed to silently infect 30
                            open. Suddenly, there was an all-hands- hospital employees in the course of two
                            on-deck effort to prepare for a potential days. Now nobody had time to discuss
                            wave of COVID-19 patients and extra the grant proposal in detail: everybody
                            manpower was required. My former
                                                                          was involved in helping the hospital
                            lab had been tasked with developing a
                                                                          stem their outbreak and enact measures
                            new type of test for the infection. Could
                                                                          to prevent a new one.
                            I help out?
                            I hadn’t stood in a lab for ten years by And that’s how I went from not having
                            that point, so my honest answer was that thought seriously about virology for
                            I didn’t think I could. But there was one ten years to designing a detailed work
                            thing I was capable of: scientific writing. package of laboratory experiments on
                            As it turned out, there was no funding SARS-CoV-2 within one week.

         eraaktiv                                                                                        2/2020
22            The proposal went through within a            Many of us entered translation mid-ca-
              week. Soon, I was approached by anoth-        reer following an initial specialization in
              er group in the department for the same       another field, and we market ourselves
              task and given a desk in the building.        as technical specialists. Our value
              The irony of working from home for nine       comes from our expertise in our fields
              years only to switch to working in an         that can only be gained by hands-on
              office during a time when everyone else       experience. In spite of some lingering
              was working from home was not lost            indifference to my former field, suddenly
              on me! Thanks to the close-knit nature        being back in my old workplace as a full
              of Germany’s virology network, word           team member, even if only briefly, has
              spread about an English-speaking former       greatly recharged and rejuvenated the
              virologist scientific translator/writer. My   scientist half of the “scientific translator”
              COVID-related workload quickly grew           equation.
              as exponentially as the rise in COVID         It’s obviously not feasible for most of
              cases itself: I was suddenly deluged with     us to simply jump back into a highly
              requests by biotech companies, public         technical job for a few months or on a
              health authorities, scientific publishers,    part-time basis in order to stay current
              and more. After a solid month of work-        in our field of specialization. But having
              ing on COVID-related projects without a       the opportunity to do so has not only
              day off, I wasn’t even sure I had actually    reignited my interest in my subject
              taken a ten-year hiatus from the field!       matter, but also provided a new set of
              As the threat of the virus waned in           professional connections. And while
              Germany, so did my workload. I’m              my contribution to the response to the
              now mostly back to my old routine of          pandemic was certainly a tiny one, my
              white papers and health technology            front-row seat at the most dynamic point
              assessments. But my month and a half of       of the pandemic in Germany was an
              being “back at the old job” did teach me      experience I won’t soon forget.
              another important lesson.

   eraaktiv                                                                                   2/2020
23                           Upside Down and Inside Out:
                             Thoughts on Surviving and Thriving in Quarantine
                             By Elani Wales

                             When COVID-19 hit, I had spent the            just the key to my newfound productiv-
                             last several months living in Mexico.         ity and focus; it’s my favorite part of the
                             Between free diving in cenotes, brush-        day as well.
                             ing up on my Spanish, and devouring
                                                                        I begin by checking my email, since I
                             endless street tacos, it was a good time.
                                                                        have clients in other time zones. After
                             These days, it feels funny to look back
                                                                        that, it’s time to make a cup of tea and
                             and remember that we didn’t know how
                                                                        roll out my yoga mat. (How on Earth
Elani Wales is ATA-cer-      bad it was going to get. As late as March,
                             I was making plans to house-sit in Ger-    would we get through COVID-19
tified in German to
English translation and      many, still thinking the chaos could be    without Yoga with Adriene?) After yoga,
specializes in legal texts   contained.                                 I meditate. I round out my self-care by
and business commu-                                                     washing my face and glasses, and then
nication. She firmly         Reality finally hit when the global Level I’m truly focused and ready for the rest
believes that everything     4 travel advisory was issued. It was too of my day.
can be made better with
                             severe of a sign to be ignored, and my
a good book. Elani’s
writing can be found at      husband and I decided to come home Having the structure and support of a
elaniwales.com/blog.         to the Pacific Northwest while we still morning routine helped me to find other
                             could. We dropped everything, from solutions, too. One of my quarantine
                             several weeks of pre-paid rent to our projects has been helping my husband
                             upcoming travel plans, and flew back learn German. He’s a brilliant martial
                             the very next day.                         artist, kiteboarder, and engineer, but the
                                                                        language-learning tricks that I use for
                             The shock was numbing, and the worst
                                                                        myself, like writing by hand to lock in
                             part was that my workflow suffered as
                                                                        new words kinetically, don’t really work
                             well. At exactly the time I had the least
                             creative energy to market myself and for him. It was time for a new solution,
                             keep my business evolving, I was expe- and it took the mental space my morning
                             riencing the worst dry spell of my career. routine gave me to find it.
                             At first, I was too shocked to enjoy the      Writing wasn’t the solution, but a kinet-
                             gift of time that I had been given, but       ic approach was. I began holding our
                             thanks to getting the right advice at the     German lessons while going on walks. If
                             right time, things gradually started to get   you think it’s difficult to teach your sec-
                             better.                                       ond language to a beginner while also
                             Said advice came from Laurie San-             walking, you’re correct. However, the
                             tos, Yale professor and presenter of          results were immediate and impressive.
                             The Science­ of Well-Being. I took her        Lessons were much more fun for both of
                             Coursera course on a recommendation           us, and his recall was excellent. I never
                             from a friend, and it was exactly what I      would have guessed that something that
                             needed. Thanks to the course, I started       could be seen as a distraction would be
                             to develop a morning routine. It’s not        so effective.

          eraaktiv                                                                                          2/2020
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