Keep your cool when the weather gets hot - Sherwood ...

Page created by Kelly Mason
Keep your cool when the weather gets hot - Sherwood ...
J ULY 2021

Keep your cool when the weather gets hot
                                       Both cause you to lose water as
                                       it increases the number of trips
                                       to the bathroom.
                                       Don’t wait until you feel thirsty.
                                       People over 60 already face a
                                       higher risk of dehydration in
                                       general, and the hot weather can
                                       make it even worse. Drink more
                        Summer         water than you think you need.
                    wasn’t kidding     Then drink some more.
around once it arrived to the          Air conditioning (AC) is your
northwest     this     year.    We     summer friend. Sherwood’s
experienced record breaking high       hallways have AC. Keep your
temperatures, and there are still      apartment door open allowing
many more weeks of summer              the cool air to circulate. Don’t
ahead.                                 open your window as that will
  For older adults, it is important    bring in the hot air from
to stay cool on excessively hot        outside, rather than the cool air
days. Physiologically, seniors’        from the hall. You may also
bodies do not adjust as well to        want to scope out the public
sudden changes in temperature.         areas like the library, front
This can be further affected by        reception,      or   near     the
medical        conditions       and    Friendship Room for places
prescription medication.               where there’s an extra blast of
  No matter what your age, there       cool air to enjoy.
are things you can do to help beat     Whenever you can, wear loose,
the heat during these hot days.        light colored clothes. When          Sheila Cope (front) and daughter
   Drink plenty of cool water,         going outside, complete your
                                                                            Penelope Cope find a nice patch of
   clear juices and other liquids      outfit with a lightweight, broad-
   that don’t contain caffeine or      brimmed hat         and apply        shade which provides much
   alcohol throughout the day.         sunscreen.                           appreciated relief from the sun.

                               Sam the Eagle will be hiding around Sherwood. If you find him, bring him
                                  to Activities or the Nurse’s Station for a Sherwood Buck. Individual
                                residents can find Sam once per day. He will head back out for another
                                    round of “Hide and Seek.” Whoever finds Sam the most will get
                                                     a sweet treat from Dairy Queen.

July 2021                                                                            The Sherwood Like to Know   1
Keep your cool when the weather gets hot - Sherwood ...
(Above) Gil Oldenkamp, caregiver Mae Harris, and Mary
                           Patton enjoy an afternoon playing in the sand “at the
                           beach.” (Left) Janie Fairchild spends her time as a beach
                                                                                         Dine-in /
                           comber looking at the driftwood and shells.                   Take-out
                                                                                        Friday, July 9
                                                                                         At 12 p.m.
                           (Below) Our continued thanks to the Sequim Wheelers for        In the Activity
                           making bicycle rides available! Each week, the riders
                           enjoy an invigorating ride along the Dungeness Trail to         Enjoy a delicious
                                                                                         lunch from a Sequim
                           Railroad Bridge Park.                                         favorite right here at

                                                                                        This month’s featured

                                                                                          Oak Table
 Joe Borgerhoff loves to                                                                 Activities has menus
 get outside and soak up                                                                 for you to peruse and
 the Vitamin D.                                                                         make your selections.
                                                                                          The activities team
                                                                                          will bring your meal
                                                                                        back to Sherwood, and
                                                                                         we’ll dine together in
                                              Wednesdays                                   the Activity Room.
                                              at 2:30 p.m.                                (Individual menu
                           In the Regent Dining Room                                    selections are charged
                                                                                          to resident’s petty
                   July 7 — Buck Ellard (country western)                               cash account or added
                                                                                           to monthly room
            July 14 — Accordion Extraordinaire Kip Tulin                                       charges.)
            July 21 — Burke & Buhler (swing jazz/variety)                                 Space is Limited.
                 July 28 — Dennis Blair (folk/variety)                                     RSVP by Wed.,

July 2021                                                                              The Sherwood Like to Know   2
Keep your cool when the weather gets hot - Sherwood ...
Scenic Rides — Thursday, July 8 and 22 at 3:30              Spiritual Programs — in the Activity Room.
p.m. The Olympic Peninsula is full of wonderous sce-        Dungeness Valley Lutheran Church — Tuesday, July
nic vistas just waiting for us to explore. Get on the       6 at 3:30 p.m. with Pastor Gene Bradbury
bus and come see what nature has on display. Sign up
at the nurse’s station or with Activities.                  First Baptist Church — Sunday, July 11 at 2 p.m.
                                                            with Ed and Jo Dorstad.
Sunny Day Lemonade in the Courtyard OR Rainy
                                                            The Chosen — Sunday, July 25. Season 2, episode 7.
Day Coffee & Conversation — Thursdays at 3:30
                                                            A television presentation about Jesus through the eyes
p.m. Rain or shine, we’ll get together to enjoy good
                                                            of those who knew Him.
company and a delicious beverage. Get out to enjoy a
chat with your neighbors.                                   Movie Matinee — Saturdays at 2 p.m. Now play-
Men’s Group — Monday, July 12 at 2:15 p.m.                  ing — current hits and Hollywood classics.
Time for the guys to enjoy good conversation and            July 3 — Black Beauty (2020 PG — Drama/Family)
whatever else they discover along the way.                  July 10 — Pride & Prejudice (2020 PG — Drama/
Women’s Group — Monday, July 26 at 2:15 p.m.                Romance)
This group is open to the gals to get together to chit      July 17 — Blue Miracle (2021 — PG Biography/
chat, and have a great time together.                       Drama)
Second Chance Store — Friday, July 9 and 23 at              July 31 — West Side Story (1961 — Drama/Musical)
3:30 p.m. Purchases can be made only with 2021
Sherwood Bucks.                                             Documentary Presentation — Wednesday, July 7,
Dramatic Reading — Wednesdays at 10:45 a.m.                 14, 21 and 28 at 3:30 p.m.. Monday, July 12,19, and
Christine reads from the entertaining novel The Origi-      26 at 3:30 p.m.. Secrets of the Whales, and Antarcti-
nal Adventures of Hank the Cow Dog, by John R. Er-          ca: Continent 7.
ickson.                                                                         Arts & Crafts
Odie the Dog’s Walkabout — Monday, July 12, 19                                                     Sea Glass and
and 26 at 10:45 a.m.. Goldendoodle Odie makes his                                                  Shells — Tues-
way around Sherwood to share his fuzzy cuteness and                                                day, July 20 at
love of life. Let the Activity Team know if you would                                              3:30 p.m. Let
like Odie to come visit you.                                                                       your creativity
Brenda’s Birds — Monday, July 19 at 2:15 p.m.                                                      and the sun
Senegal parrot Buster and lovebird Ocean fly in with                                               shine     through
their person Brenda to tickle your feathered fancy.                                                this beach in-
We’ll meet in the Activity Room, but don’t be sur-                                                 spired art.
prised if you also see the trio out and about to say hel-   Relaxing with Colors — Tuesday, July 13 and 27
lo through the afternoon.                                   at 3:30 p.m. Coloring pages with a grown up twist.
                                                            Adding colors to these beautiful and inspiring pic-
“Thor’s-day” — Thursdays or Fridays in July,
                                                            tures is therapeutic, stress relieving, and works your
10—11 a.m. Thor is a Great Pyrenees who loves to
                                                            fine motor skills.
walk with his mom Susan and say hello to everyone.
Check the daily boards posted around Sherwood to                                  Game Time
see if it’s “Thor’s-day” or “Fur-day!”                      Phase 10 — Tuesdays at 10:45 a.m.
North Olympic Library Outreach Program and                  Bingo — Tuesdays at 2 p.m. Friday, July 2, 16, 23,
WTBBL — The North Olympic Library (NOLS) and                and 30 at 2 p.m. Bonus Bingo, Friday, July 9 at 2:30
the Washington Talking Book and Braille Library             p.m.
have books, audio books, movies, and more available         Farkle (Dice) — Thursdays at 10:45 a.m.
for you to borrow and are delivered right to your
door . Let the activities team know you would like to       Sherwood Downs Horseracing — Monday, July 5 at
participate in these free programs. If you are already a    2:15 p.m.
patron of NOLS, the activity team will pick up and          Poker — Thursday, July 1, 15, and 29 at 2 p.m.
return your items to the Sequim Library.                    Uno — Friday, July 2 at 10:45 a.m. Sunday, July 18
                                                            at 2 p.m.

July 2021                                                                                The Sherwood Like to Know   3
Keep your cool when the weather gets hot - Sherwood ...
Sunday                 Monday                Tuesday              Wednesday                  Thursday                Friday              Saturday
                                                                                              1 9:30 Walky Talky    2 10:00 Body &        3 10:00 Full Body
                                                                                              10:00 Full Body       Brain                 Fitness
                                                                                              Fitness               10:45 Uno             2:00 Movie Matinee:
                                                                                              10:45 Farkle          2:00 Bingo            Black Beauty (2020
                                                                                              2:00 Poker            3:30 Afternoon        PG — Drama/Family
                                                                                                      3:30          Stroll                1h 50m)
                                                                                                  Sunny Day —
                                                                                                Lemonade in the
                                                                                                Regent Courtyard
                                                                                               Rainy Day — Coffee
                                                                                                 & Conversation
4 10:00 Full Body      5 10:00 Body &        6 9:30 Walky Talky      7 9:30 Walky Talky       8 9:30 Walky Talky    9 9:30 Walky Talky    10 10:00 Exercise
Fitness                Brain                 10:00 Full Body         10:00 Exercise           10:00 Full Body       10:00 Body & Brain    Balloon
2:00 4th of July Ice   1:45 Sequim           Fitness                 Balloon                  Fitness                12:00 Lunch in the   2:00 Movie Matinee:
Cream Sundae with      Wheelers              10:45 Phase 10          10:45 Dramatic           10:45 Farkle              Activity Room     Pride & Prejudice
movie feature          2:15 Sherwood         2:00 Bingo              Reading — Hank the       2:00 Scenic Drive            Dine-in        (2005 PG — Drama/
Hamilton (PG-13        Downs Horse Racing    3:30 Dungeness          Cowdog                           3:30                Take Out        Romance 2h 9m)
2020 Musical/                                Valley Lutheran            2:30 Buck Ellard          Sunny Day —            Oak Table
Drama 2h 40m)                                Church with Pastor            (country)            Lemonade in the        (By RSVP only!)
3:00 Hallway 4th of                          Gene Bradbury           3:45 Documentary           Regent Courtyard    2:30 Bonus Bingo
July Sundae                                                          Secrets of the            Rainy Day — Coffee   3:30 Second Chance
Celebration                                                          Whales — Orcas              & Conversation     Store

11 10:00 Full Body     12 9:30 Walky Talky   13 9:30 Walky Talky     14 9:30 Walky Talky      15 9:30 Walky Talky 16 10:00 Body &         17 10:00 Exercise
Fitness                10:00 Body & Brain    10:00 Full Body         10:00 Exercise           10:00 Full Body     Brain                   Balloon
2:00 First Baptist     10:45 Odie’s          Fitness                 Balloon                  Fitness             2:00 Bingo              2:00 Movie Matinee:
Church with Ed and     Walkabout             10:45 Phase 10          10:45 Dramatic           10:45 Farkle                                Blue Miracle
Jo Dorstad             1:45 Sequim           2:00 Bingo              Reading — Hank the       2:00 Poker                                  (2021 PG —
                       Wheelers              3:30 Relaxing with      Cowdog                           3:30                                Adventure,
                       2:15 Men’s Group      Colors                     2:30 Accordion            Sunny Day —                             Biography, Drama
                       3:30 Documentary                                Extraordinaire Kip       Lemonade in the                           1h 35m)
                       Secrets of the                                        Tulin              Regent Courtyard
                       Whales —                                      3:45 Documentary          Rainy Day — Coffee
                       Humpback                                      Secrets of the              & Conversation
                                                                     Whales — Beluga
18 10:00 Full Body     19 9:30 Walky Talky   20 9:30 Walky Talky     21 9:30 Walky Talky      22 9:30 Walky Talky   23 9:30 Walky Talky   24
Fitness                10:00 Body & Brain    10:00 Full Body         10:00 Exercise           10:00 Full Body       10:00 Body & Brain    10:00 Exercise
2:00 Uno               10:45 Odie’s          Fitness                 Balloon                  Fitness               10:45 Sherwood        Balloon
                       Walkabout             10:45 Phase 10          10:45 Dramatic           10:45 Farkle          Lanes Bowling         3:30 Worship
                       1:45 Sequim           2:00 Bingo              Reading — Hank the       2:00 Scenic Drive     2:00 Bingo            Service with Seventh
                       Wheelers              3:30 Arts & Crafts      Cowdog                           3:30          3:30 Second Chance    Day Adventist
                       2:15 Brenda’s Birds         Sea Glass         2:30 Burke & Buhler          Sunny Day —       Store                 Church
                       3:30 Documentary           and Shells         in the Regent Dining       Lemonade in the
                       Secrets of the                                        Room               Regent Courtyard
                       Whales — Ocean                                (swing jazz / variety)    Rainy Day — Coffee
                       Giants                                        3:45 Documentary            & Conversation
                                                                     Continent 7 —
                                                                     Storming Antarctica
25                     26 9:30 Walky Talky   27 9:30 Walky Talky     28 9:30 Walky Talky      29 9:30 Walky Talky 30                      31 10:00 Exercise
9:30 Walky Talky       10:00 Body & Brain    10:00 Full Body         10:00 Exercise           10:00 Full Body     10:00 Body & Brain      Balloon
10:00 Full Body        10:45 Odie’s          Fitness                 Balloon                  Fitness             2:00 Bingo              2:00 Movie Matinee:
Fitness                Walkabout             10:45 Phase 10          10:45 Dramatic           10:45 Farkle                                West Side Story
10:45 Uno              1:45 Sequim           2:00 Bingo              Reading — Hank the       2:00 Poker                                  (1961 — Drama/
2:00 The Chosen —      Wheelers              3:30 Relaxing with      Cowdog                           3:30                                Musical 2h 33m)
Season 2, episode 7    2:15 Women’s          Colors (Arts & Crafts     2:30 Dennis Blair          Sunny Day —
                       Group                 catch-up)                  (folk / variety)        Lemonade in the
                       3:30 Documentary                              3:45 Documentary           Regent Courtyard
                       Continent 7 — Not                             Continent 7 —             Rainy Day — Coffee
                       Fit for Human Life                            Antarctic Aftermath         & Conversation
    July 2021                                                                                                           The Sherwood Like to Know        4
Keep your cool when the weather gets hot - Sherwood ... Keep your cool when the weather gets hot - Sherwood ... Keep your cool when the weather gets hot - Sherwood ... Keep your cool when the weather gets hot - Sherwood ... Keep your cool when the weather gets hot - Sherwood ... Keep your cool when the weather gets hot - Sherwood ...
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