KEEP ON TREKKING - New Hampshire ...

Page created by Derek Stewart
KEEP ON TREKKING - New Hampshire ...
FEB 2022
                           CONNECTIONS                                                          VOL. 10 NO. 2

                                                     KEEP ON TREKKING
           Not much has changed with Willem Lange           Videographer Steve Giordani both realized
           over the past 17 seasons of WINDOWS TO           something this season. “You often wonder if you’ve
           THE WILD WITH WILLEM LANGE. Well,                exhausted all the stories, but there always seems to
           perhaps the video cameras have gotten            be another fascinating story right around the bend,”
           smaller, and there are a few more aches          says Vaughn. “And during the pandemic, people have
           and pains to wrestle with, but what you see      been looking to the outdoors as an escape. It’s been
           is what you get with Willem. He loves the        a therapeutic way of life for many.”
           outdoors, chatting with a fellow hiker and
telling a good story, and he relishes a frosty strawberry   With most of the stories and interviews captured,
shake at the end of the trail.                              both Phil and Steve are feverishly working on writing
                                                            scripts, editing shows and finding those perfect
“I love beginning each season. Not only am I going to       shots that capture the beauty of New England. “I’m
get to enjoy some new places and meet new people,           excited about how this season is shaping up,” says
but just seeing Phil and Steve again and gearing up for     Vaughn. “There’s a real diversity of things you can do
the day’s shoot makes it a great job, and I love to get     outdoors. No matter your age, your ability, where you
back to it,” says Lange.                                    live or who you are, the outdoors has something for
                                                            everyone to experience.”
There’s also Willem’s favorite furry companion to
keep him out on the trail – Kiki, an energetic sandy        Looking ahead on the trail, Willem parts with some
terrier who darts between his legs and never leaves         sage advice, “It’s not necessarily true that you either
his side for long. “Outdoors is pretty much where I’ve      use it or lose it. We’re all losing it at various rates,
been since I was about ten years old, and it’s hard to      and eventually, it’s gone. But I think it’s important to
imagine not getting out for at least an hour a day,         forestall the inevitable as long as possible, and doing
even now,” says Lange. “It helps that Kiki loves it too     that, to have as good a time as possible. Beautiful
and pretty much sticks around when we’re out. I don’t       settings, clear air, vigorous exercise, good friends,
scamper or zoom much anymore, but she does plenty           woodsmoke, even some rain, snow or sleet — how
of both as my surrogate.”                                   we’ll miss all those things when we no longer can get
                                                            out there and experience them.”
off its 17th season with five new episodes that will        For the 17th season of WINDOWS TO THE WILD
have you hiking on the Appalachian Trail in Northern        WITH WILLEM LANGE, we’re showing some extra
Maine with a 71-year-old section hiker, kayaking to         love to our members by launching the first five shows
Wood Island off the coast of Kittery, setting sail aboard   February 1st on NHPBS Passport — our video-on-
a schooner from Martha’s Vineyard with some eager           demand service ( That means
young sailors, summiting Pine Mountain in Alton, NH         you can binge-watch all five episodes whenever and
in the name of racial justice and paddleboarding 130        wherever you want! And for those of you who want
miles of the Saco River.                                    to watch the old-fashioned way, the new season kicks
                                                            off on Wednesday, February 2nd at 7:30 pm on NHPBS.
Executive Producer Phil Vaughn and Producer/

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KEEP ON TREKKING - New Hampshire ...

Finding Your Roots                     Beyond the Baton                       Granite State Challenge
Mexican Roots                          FRI Feb 4| 8 PM NHPBS                  SAT Feb 5 | 6 PM NHPBS
TUE Feb 1 | 8 PM NHPBS                 Born to a single mother on             Host Jon Canon kicks off the 40th
Henry Louis Gates, Jr. and guests      welfare, Thomas Wilkins grew up        season of GRANITE STATE
Mario Lopez and Melissa Villaseñor     to become one of the remarkably        CHALLENGE. Sixteenof New
look at the Mexican American           few African American conductors        Hampshire’s top high school
experience as seen through the         leading a major orchestra — the        academic quiz teams demonstrate
lens of two families.                  celebrated Omaha Symphony.             remarkable teamwork and quick
                                                                              thinking to be the first to beat the

American Experience: Riveted           Antiques Roadshow: Bretton Woods       All Creatures Great and Small on
MON Feb 7 | 9 PM NHPBS                 MON Feb 14, 21 & Mar 21 | 8 PM NHPBS   Masterpiece

The History of Jeans is the            The crew from Antiques Roadshow        SUN Feb 20 | 9 PM NHPBS
surprising story of the ultimate       filmed 91 appraisals in one day at     Join us for the finale of ALL
American garment. Worn by              the historic Omni Mount                CREATURES GREAT AND SMALL.
everyone from presidents to            Washington Resort in Bretton           James and Helen question their
supermodels, farmers to rock stars,    Woods. They filmed inside the          future together in the run-up to
they’re more than just a pair of       resort’s beautiful ballrooms and       Christmas Day, while things look
                                       outside on its expansive porch in      grave for one of Darrowby’s most
pants — America’s tangled past is
                                       the shadow of Mount Washington.        beloved animals.
woven deeply into the indigo fabric.

KEEP ON TREKKING - New Hampshire ...
5 CHANNEL SPOTLIGHT                                                WINDOWS
                                                                              TO THE WILD
                            AMEN: MUSIC OF THE BLACK CHURCH
                            FRI Feb 11 | 8 PM NHPBS
                                                                              NHPBS PASSPORT MEMBERS
                            Explore the authentic spiritual experience of
                                                                              STREAM THE FIRST FIVE NEW EPISODES
                            African American gospel music. The unique
                            performances incorporate praise and                    nhpbs.og/watchmore
                            worship with contemporary influences from
                            secular genres to breathe new life into the
                            music that played a major role in helping
                            African Americans overcome adversity.

                            FLOUR POWER
                            SUN FEB 6 |4 PM NHPBS EXPLORE
                                                                              Wood Island
                            This entertaining new series pits cake-baking     WED Feb 2 | 7:30 PM NHPBS
                            colleagues against each other in the
                            ultimate office competition — the battle to
                            be crowned the best baker in the business.
                            Bakers from all walks of life come together
                            to craft their best cookies, scones, cakes and

                            WINE FIRST                                        Summits in Solidarity
                            TUE Feb 1 |7:30 PM NH CREATE                      WED Feb 9 | 7:30 PM NHPBS
                            WINE FIRST takes viewers through some of the
                            most beautiful European wine regions, where
                            sommelier Liora Levi and food enthusiast
                            Yolanda Año search for three wines that reflect
                            the character of each region.

                            THE BLACK CHURCH:                                 Paddling the Saco
                            THIS IS OUR STORY, THIS IS OUR SONG               WED Feb 16 | 7:30 PM NHPBS
                            TUE Feb 1 |3 PM NH WORLD
                            Retrace the 400-year-old story of the Black
                            church in America, with Henry Louis Gates, Jr.
                            exploring its role as the site of African
                            American organizing, resilience, autonomy,
                            freedom and solidarity.

                            ARTHUR                                            Sectional Hiker
                            MON Feb 21 |3 PM NH PBS KIDS                      WED Feb 23 | 7:30 PM NHPBS

                            Your favorite bespectacled aardvark kicks off
                            his 25th year and final season! Join Arthur,
                            Francine, Binky, Muffy, D.W. and his best pal
                            Buster for more adventures in Elwood City.

                                                                              School at Sea
KEEP ON TREKKING - New Hampshire ...

                     6:30 PM           7:00 PM             7:30 PM                 8:00 PM               8:30 PM           9:00 PM            9:30 PM            10:00 PM

                  PBS NewsHour* Greater Boston           Rick Steves'                  Finding Your Roots                     In Their Own Words                 Frontline**
    Tue. 2/1                                               Europe                        Mexican Roots                            Chuck Berry
                  PBS NewsHour* Greater Boston         Windows to the Wild                     Nature                                   Nova                   Greta Thunberg: A
    Wed. 2/2                                               Wood Island            Pumas: Legends of the Ice Mountains
                                                                                                                                  Arctic Sinkholes            Year to Change The
                                                        Lifesaving Station                                                                                          World**
                  PBS NewsHour* Greater Boston           Rick Steves'           Josephine Baker: The Story of An                         American Masters
    Thu. 2/3                                               Europe                         Awakening                                           Althea
                  PBS NewsHour*       Getting Dot        Basic Black           Beyond The Baton: A Conductor's                            Muhammad Ali**
     Fri. 2/4                           Older                                             Journey
                    Wild Travels       Escape to the Chateau DIY                Around The World In 80 Days On          All Creatures Great and Small On      Vienna Blood**
     Sat. 2/5                                                                            Masterpiece                               Masterpiece
                         American Masters*               POV Shorts             Around The World In 80 Days On          All Creatures Great and Small On      Vienna Blood**
    Sun. 2/6                  Althea                                                     Masterpiece                               Masterpiece
                  PBS NewsHour* Greater Boston           Rick Steves'                  Antiques Roadshow                      American Experience              Independent
    Mon. 2/7                                               Europe                                                         Riveted: The History of Jeans           Lens**
                  PBS NewsHour* Greater Boston           Rick Steves'                  Finding Your Roots                                American Masters**
    Tue. 2/8                                               Europe                            Fighters
                  PBS NewsHour* Greater Boston         Windows to the Wild                  Nature                                   Nova                      Greta Thunberg: A
    Wed. 2/9                                           Summits In Solidarity
                                                                                  Penguins: Meet The Family                    Secrets in the Scat            Year to Change The
                  PBS NewsHour* Greater Boston           Rick Steves'                    Groveland Four                                American Experience**
    Thu. 2/10                                              Europe
                  PBS NewsHour*       Getting Dot        Basic Black            Amen! Music of the Black Church                           Muhammad Ali**
    Fri. 2/11                           Older
                    Wild Travels       Escape to the Chateau DIY                Around The World In 80 Days On          All Creatures Great and Small On      Vienna Blood**
    Sat. 2/12                                                                            Masterpiece                               Masterpiece
                                   American Masters*                            Around The World In 80 Days On          All Creatures Great and Small On      Vienna Blood**
    Sun. 2/13                                                                            Masterpiece                               Masterpiece
                  PBS NewsHour* Greater Boston           Rick Steves'                Antiques Roadshow                        Antiques Roadshow                Independent
    Mon. 2/14                                              Europe               Omni Mount Washington Resort                                                      Lens**
                  PBS NewsHour* Greater Boston           Rick Steves'                  Finding Your Roots                    American Experience                 Frontline**
    Tue. 2/15                                              Europe                      Forgotten Journeys                   The American Diplomat
                  PBS NewsHour* Greater Boston         Windows to the Wild                 Nature                                   Nova                       Greta Thunberg: A
    Wed. 2/16                                          Paddling The Saco
                                                                                  The Ocean's Greatest Feast                Great Mammoth Mystery             Year to Change The
                  PBS NewsHour* Greater Boston           Rick Steves'                    Queen of Swing                               American Masters
    Thu. 2/17                                              Europe                                                         Buddy Guy: The Blues Chase The Blues Away
                  PBS NewsHour*       Getting Dot        Basic Black           The Voodoo of Hell's Half-Acre - A                         Muhammad Ali**
    Fri. 2/18                           Older                                        Blues Poetry Opera
                    Wild Travels       Escape to the Chateau DIY                Around The World In 80 Days On          All Creatures Great and Small On      Vienna Blood**
    Sat. 2/19                                                                            Masterpiece                               Masterpiece
                         American Masters*               Beyond The             Around The World In 80 Days On            All Creatures Great and Small On Masterpiece
    Sun. 2/20                                              Canvas                        Masterpiece
                  PBS NewsHour* Greater Boston           Rick Steves'                Antiques Roadshow                        Antiques Roadshow                Independent
    Mon. 2/21                                              Europe               Omni Mount Washington Resort                                                      Lens**
                  PBS NewsHour* Greater Boston           Rick Steves'                  Finding Your Roots               Fannie Lou Hamer's America: An America Reframed
    Tue. 2/22                                              Europe                       Songs of the Past                                   Special
                  PBS NewsHour* Greater Boston         Windows to the Wild                  Nature                                             Nova**
    Wed. 2/23                                            Sectional Hiker
                                                                                        American Horses
                  PBS NewsHour* Greater Boston           Rick Steves'             Searching for Augusta: The                              Independent Lens
    Thu. 2/24                                              Europe                 Forgotten Angel of Bastogne                      9to5: The Story of a Movement
                  PBS NewsHour*       Getting Dot        Basic Black              We Knew What We Had: The                        Miles Davis: American Masters**
    Fri. 2/25                           Older                                    Greatest Jazz Story Never Told
                                                                               Member Favorites                                                               Around The World In
    Sat. 2/26                                                                                                                                                     80 Days On
                                                                                       Member Favorites*
    Sun. 2/27

                  PBS NewsHour* Greater Boston                                                               Member Favorites**
    Mon. 2/28

                Please Note: Programs on NHPBS begin before 6:30 PM when marked *. Programs end at 10:30 PM unless marked **
                  This program schedule is subject to change. Go to for the most up-to-date listing of programs.

                                    Watch online anytime at |
KEEP ON TREKKING - New Hampshire ...

                 6:30 PM               7:00 PM           7:30 PM        8:00 PM           8:30 PM            9:00 PM               9:30 PM            10:00 PM

            America's Test Kitchen           PBS NewsHour            Around The World In 80 Days On      All Creatures Great and Small On          Vienna Blood**
Tue. 2/1    From Cook's Illustrated
                                                                              Masterpiece                           Masterpiece
            America's Test Kitchen           PBS NewsHour                      Father Brown               Bletchley Circle - San Francisco         Seaside Hotel**
Wed. 2/2    From Cook's Illustrated

            America's Test Kitchen           PBS NewsHour                Trouble with Maggie Cole                                 Wallander
Thu. 2/3    From Cook's Illustrated

             Cook's Country                  PBS NewsHour              Washington      The Open Mind     Firing Line with                     Frontline
 Fri. 2/4                                                                Week                            Margaret Hoover
              The Lawrence                In Their Own Words                          American Masters                         Charley Pride: American Masters
 Sat. 2/5      Welk Show*                     Chuck Berry                                  Althea
               Charley Pride:         Through The Banks of the Red                 Nova                                  Nature                     Greta Thunberg: A
Sun. 2/6      American Masters*
                                                 Cedar                       Arctic Sinkholes               Pumas: Legends of the Ice Mountains    Year to Change The
            America's Test Kitchen           PBS NewsHour                   Midsomer Murders                    Masterpiece Mystery!               Fleming: The Man
Mon. 2/7    From Cook's Illustrated                                                                                                               Who Would Be Bond**

            America's Test Kitchen           PBS NewsHour            Around The World In 80 Days On      All Creatures Great and Small On          Vienna Blood**
Tue. 2/8    From Cook's Illustrated
                                                                              Masterpiece                           Masterpiece
            America's Test Kitchen           PBS NewsHour                      Father Brown               Bletchley Circle - San Francisco         Seaside Hotel**
Wed. 2/9    From Cook's Illustrated

            America's Test Kitchen           PBS NewsHour                Trouble with Maggie Cole                                 Wallander
Thu. 2/10   From Cook's Illustrated

             Cook's Country                  PBS NewsHour              Washington      The Open Mind     Firing Line with              Independent Lens**
Fri. 2/11                                                                Week                            Margaret Hoover
              The Lawrence                                American Experience                                    Secrets of the Dead                  American
Sat. 2/12      Welk Show*                             The Blinding of Isaac Woodard                                                                  Experience**
              Sanditon On               Sanditon On Masterpiece          Sanditon On Masterpiece             Sanditon On Masterpiece                Greta Thunberg: A
Sun. 2/13     Masterpiece*                                                                                                                         Year to Change The
            America's Test Kitchen           PBS NewsHour                   Midsomer Murders                Grantchester Season 2 On               Fleming: The Man
Mon. 2/14   From Cook's Illustrated
                                                                                                                  Masterpiece                     Who Would Be Bond**

            America's Test Kitchen           PBS NewsHour            Around The World In 80 Days On      All Creatures Great and Small On          Vienna Blood**
Tue. 2/15   From Cook's Illustrated
                                                                              Masterpiece                           Masterpiece
            America's Test Kitchen           PBS NewsHour                      Father Brown                          Vienna Blood                  Seaside Hotel**
Wed. 2/16   From Cook's Illustrated

            America's Test Kitchen           PBS NewsHour             Victoria & Albert: The Wedding                              Wallander
Thu. 2/17   From Cook's Illustrated

             Cook's Country                  PBS NewsHour              Washington      The Open Mind     Firing Line with                     Frontline
Fri. 2/18                                                                Week                            Margaret Hoover
              The Lawrence                American Experience           John Lewis - Get in the Way       Stand: How One Gesture Shook             Antiques Roadshow**
Sat. 2/19      Welk Show*                The American Diplomat                                                      The World                           Omni Mount
                                                                                                                                                    Washington Resort
               Jesse Owens:            John Lewis - Get in the Way               Nova                                Nature                         Greta Thunberg: A
Sun. 2/20   American Experience*
                                                                         Great Mammoth Mystery              The Ocean's Greatest Feast             Year to Change The
            America's Test Kitchen           PBS NewsHour                   Midsomer Murders                Grantchester Season 2 On               Fleming: The Man
Mon. 2/21   From Cook's Illustrated
                                                                                                                  Masterpiece                     Who Would Be Bond**

            America's Test Kitchen           PBS NewsHour            Around The World In 80 Days On         All Creatures Great and Small On Masterpiece
Tue. 2/22   From Cook's Illustrated
            America's Test Kitchen           PBS NewsHour                      Father Brown                          Vienna Blood                  Seaside Hotel**
Wed. 2/23   From Cook's Illustrated

            America's Test Kitchen           PBS NewsHour             Victoria & Albert: The Wedding                              Wallander
Thu. 2/24   From Cook's Illustrated

             Cook's Country                  PBS NewsHour              Washington      The Open Mind     Firing Line with                     Frontline
Fri. 2/25                                                                Week                            Margaret Hoover
                                                                            Member Favorites**
Sat. 2/26

                                                                            Member Favorites*
Sun. 2/27

            America's Test Kitchen           PBS NewsHour                                              Member Favorites**
Mon. 2/28   From Cook's Illustrated

     Please Note: Programs on NHPBS Explore begin before 6:30 PM when marked *. Programs end at 10:30 PM unless marked **
           This program schedule is subject to change. Go to for the most up-to-date listing of programs.

                          Find up-to-date program information at
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