Keep in mind that the information that prevails is the one that can be found in the Call Document. EIT Urban Mobility Call Info Session - Factory ...

Page created by Rick Peters
Keep in mind that the information that prevails is the one that can be found in the Call Document. EIT Urban Mobility Call Info Session - Factory ...
Keep in mind that the information
that prevails is the one that can be
found in the Call Document.

EIT Urban Mobility Call Info Session

    Factory #ChallengeMyCity Madrid
    Call for proposals for Business Plan

    06 May 2022
Keep in mind that the information that prevails is the one that can be found in the Call Document. EIT Urban Mobility Call Info Session - Factory ...
Agenda of the Call Info Session
          #ChallengeMyCity Madrid - Factory
                       Friday 06 May2022 – 11:00-12:00                                Speakers
                       General information                                            Lluis Puerto, EIT UM Factory Director
                       • Aim and objectives of the call                               Lola Ortiz, Madrid City
            11:30                                                                     Council Mobility Planning Director
                       • Local challenges
                       General procedures
                       • Call Calendar
            11:30      • Evaluation process                                           Anne-Laure Aslanian, EIT UM
            11:45      • Partner registration process                                 Programme Officer
                       • Financial aspects and cost eligibility
                       • Project implementation
            11:45      Questions & Answers

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Keep in mind that the information that prevails is the one that can be found in the Call Document. EIT Urban Mobility Call Info Session - Factory ...
Scope and
Keep in mind that the information that prevails is the one that can be found in the Call Document. EIT Urban Mobility Call Info Session - Factory ...
Aims and objectives of the Call
• The #ChallengeMyCity call provides innovative mobility solutions with the opportunity to perform a
  pilot in a city’s urban environment in real conditions. EIT Urban Mobility is partnering with the city of
  Madrid (Spain).
• EIT Urban Mobility and the city have worked together over the past months to define the priority
  mobility challenges considering the urban mobility strategy and future investment plans.
• Once defined the challenges, they will be addressed by innovative solutions in specific pilot locations
  and funded for a period of 5 months in 2022.
• The pilot implementation will be funded by EIT Urban Mobility and administratively supported by the
• The impact of the pilots will be evaluated at the end of the pilots' period to assess the potential
  benefits of a long-term implementation of the tested solutions.
Keep in mind that the information that prevails is the one that can be found in the Call Document. EIT Urban Mobility Call Info Session - Factory ...
Challenges of the Call

• The main objective is to promote the use of greener and more sustainable last-mile delivery methods
  and a better understanding of the use of the new active mobility areas within the city center. In the
  context of specific locations, the innovative solutions will be implemented and tested, and eventually
  impact-assessed to validate a potential replication in other areas of the city.

• List of the city challenges:
    • Challenge A: Logistic hub for green last mile delivery
    • Challenge B: Safety for bicycle paths & monitoring of cyclist flows
    • Challenge C: Monitoring active mobility flows in new urban spaces
• Each proposal submitted is expected to address one single challenge
Keep in mind that the information that prevails is the one that can be found in the Call Document. EIT Urban Mobility Call Info Session - Factory ...
Requirements: general

• All types of applicants (EIT Urban Mobility and non-EIT Urban Mobility partners) are welcome
  to participate in this call for proposals for subgrantees. Applicants are expected to be a SME located in
  a Member State of the European Union or from Third Country associated to Horizon Europe.

• The proposal shall be in line with the Vision and Mission of the EIT Urban Mobility Strategic Agenda

• The solutions/product should bring novelty and being results-focused

• The solution should propose a financial sustainability mechanism to the EIT UM

• The solution shall be at least TRL-7 and present a letter of recommendation from a previous pilot
Requirements: proposal description

• In the specific case of this call, the proposal submitted should specify the following:
      • A description of the proposed solution proving the quality and efficiency of the solution
        implementation, including a high-level execution and management plan of the pilot, timelines,
        budget breakdown and milestones. This includes a description for the main role taken up by the
      • A description of different performance metrics to be used to objectively evaluate the climate,
        social and economic impact of the pilot. These metrics should allow EIT UM to quantify those
        impacts at the end of the project. Measures on exploiting the obtained data metrics should be
        described, including how this can be used for the solution’s marketing and sales plan.
      • A marketing and end-user engagement plan that targets specific audiences during the pilot, and
        a dissemination and communication plan on the pilot activities, impact and outcomes.
Requirements: key performance indicators

Proposals will have to explicitly indicate their contribution to the EIT Urban Mobility KPIs:
Mandatory KPI (challenges A, B, C)
      • KSN01 Innovation Pilot Scaling: (target value: 1)
      • EITHE 2.1 Marketed Innovations: (target value: 1)

Non-mandatory KPI (challenges B, C)
         • KSN03         Public        Realm          Improvements          (Minimum            target:   1)
Requirements: Financial Sustainability Mechanism (FSM)

Each selected project is expected to generate a return to EIT Urban Mobility’s financial sustainability.
Proposals submitted to this call include the commitment to EIT UM's financial sustainability. Specifically,
the selected applicants will be requested to negotiate one of the following alternatives:

• Preferentially, equity in exchange for the funding provided
• Exceptionally, a subscription to the EIT Urban Mobility Growth Lab Programme where start-ups and
scale-ups get dedicated support services.
Benefits for awarded solutions

The successful applicant will benefit from a wide range of support provided by EIT Urban Mobility and the
participating city:

      • Support from EIT Urban Mobility factory officer throughout the pilot implementation.
      • Support from the involved city officials throughout the pilot.
      • Inclusion and promotion of the solution in the Mobility Innovation Marketplace, managed by
        EIT Urban Mobility.
      • The opportunity to receive further support in scaling the piloted solution beyond this call (either
        as equity portfolio start-up or as Growth Lab beneficiary)

  Challenges              Deliverable title                    Deadline
  A, B and C              Technical                            Week 1 of the start of the project
                          installation requirements
                          report (including H&S plan)
  A, B and C              Report on metrics                    First month from the start of the project
                          definition collection.
  A, B and C              Datasets collected during            Final month of the start of the project
                          the test regarding the
                          agreed metrics.
  A, B and C              Final Report                         End of project

Challenge A: Logistic hub for green last mile delivery in Madrid
Challenge B: Safety equipment for bicycle paths & monitoring of cyclist
flows in Madrid
Challenge C: Monitoring active mobility flows in new urban spaces in Madrid

         Challenge                             Max. EIT Funding allocation per project

         A – Logistic hub for green 60,000 EUR
         last mile delivery
         B – Safety for bicycle     50,000 EUR
         paths & monitoring of
         cyclist flows
         C – Monitoring active      50,000 EUR
         mobility flows in new
         urban spaces

         Co-funding: no specific co-funding is required in this call, although it can be positively evaluated
         if two solutions receive the same evaluation scoring.
Challenge A: Logistic hub for green last mile delivery

• Manage and operate the space that collects goods from large distribution industry and
deliver them to the final client by means of green and zero emission vehicles (cargo
bikes, electric vehicles, etc.)
• The applicant can be SME /Start-up on their own or a consortium of companies.
• Innovation can be demonstrated by proposing an innovative last-mile service for the
city, and also by proposing new ways of delivery (e.g. using innovative e-bikes, cargo
bikes, Avs, delivery optimisation software, etc.)
• The successful applicant will be responsible for the installation, operation and
maintenance of the solution implemented throughout the pilot period.

Preliminary location: Moncloa mobility hub
Moncloa Mobility Hub
Challenge B: Safety for bicycle paths & monitoring of
cyclists’ flows
• Test innovative solutions that can provide increased safety through the use of smart
signalling devices, new lightning techniques, etc.
• Said systems can enable enhanced safety by monitoring cyclist flows of users through the
implementation of sensors, or similar smart solutions.
• The devices should be easy to install/uninstall.
• They will be implemented between Plaza Castilla and Chamartín
• The objective is to upgrade the safety and/or quality of the current cycling infrastructure, to
guarantee the safety of all cyclists and monitor its use to incentivize the uptake of bicycles in
the city mobility system.

Location for fixed innovations: between Plaza Castilla and Chamartín
Other innovations may be free-floating
Between Plaza de Castilla
and Chamartín
Challenge C: Monitoring active mobility flows in new urban
• A pedestrian-active mobility zone in Puerta del Sol has recently been developed by
Madrid City Council.
• The objective is to understand the impact of such areas in the city center, from a socio-
economic and environmental point of view.
• The proposed technology solution should be able to collect data autonomously, analyse
it, categorise types of users, and enable the City Council to get an in-depth understanding
of mobility flows and interactions in such area.
• The solution provider must be able to implement an unintrusive technology to collect
users’ flow data. And create a dashboard or reports of comprehensive analyses with
recommendations for the city.

Location: Puerta del Sol
Puerta del Sol
Call Calendar ChallengeMyCity - Madrid
                     Call period
                     Call opens: 20 April 2022
                     Call closes: 20 June 2022 at 17:00 CEST

                                                               Admissibility &
                                                               Eligibility check
                                                               End of June 2022
                     July 2022

                                                               Communication &
                                                               Conditions clearing
                                                               July 2022

                     Final selection
                     End of July - Beginning of August 2022

                     More information on the Call here
Evaluation process: Main features

  Admissibility and     Quality     Pitch & Portfolio   Communication
   eligibility check   evaluation       selection         of results
Evaluation process: Main features

  Admissibility and           Quality              Pitch & Portfolio     Communication
   eligibility check         evaluation                selection           of results

                       Phase 1
                       3 External Expert Evaluators
                       2 Internal evaluation experts
                       1 Rapporteur

                       • Team capability, impact, excellence and implementation of the proposals: Individual
                         Evaluation Report for each proposal
                       • Consensus Meeting: Summary Evaluation Report for each proposal
Evaluation process: Main features

  Admissibility and           Quality             Pitch & Portfolio       Communication
   eligibility check         evaluation               selection             of results

                                                        Phase 2

                                         Proposals equal or above 40% in Phase 1
                • Pitch: 15 min project presentation to the Selection Committee and city representative
               • Ranking list of final pre-selected proposals by the SC considering score Phase 1 & Phase
            • Portfolio selection with conditions and recommendations
Evaluation process: Main features

  Admissibility and     Quality     Pitch & Portfolio         Communication
   eligibility check   evaluation       selection               of results

                                                        • Summary Evaluation Report
                                                        • Conditions and Recommendations
                                                        (incl. Financial Sustainability Agreement or
                                                        a letter of intent with EIT Urban Mobility)
Main Steps of the Partner Registration Process

     1. Obtain your PIC                        2. Register in PLAZA                        3. Complete your PIF
Register your organization in the Funding   Register your organization in PLAZA. This   Once your registration is approved by EIT
and Tender Opportunities Portal–            step needs a EIT Urban Mobility             Urban Mobility, you can complete your
European Commission to obtain your PIC      approval. It will take a maximum of 2       Partner Information Form (PIF).
(Participant Identification Code) number.   working days, so register ASAP!             Remember: the PIF must be completed in
Remember: to have a PIC number is           Registrations are already open and will     all its parts for the partner to be eligible!
mandatory for the access to funds and it    close 2 days before the deadline.
takes you only 10 minutes!

       1                                        2                                        3

                                                  Guidelines for Applicants
Cost eligibility and Financial aspects
•   EIT Urban Mobility cost eligibility follows the same rules as Horizon Europe
    Annotated Model Grant Agreement

•   Costs are organised in:
       • Direct Costs are costs that are directly linked to the implementation of the specific action: personnel,
         subcontracting, travel, equipment, other goods and services
       • Indirect Costs are costs that are not directly linked to the implementation of the specific action: 25% of
         personnel and purchase costs (travel, equipment, other goods and services)

Indicative payment schedule :
• 50% of EIT funding after the signature of the subgrant agreement with EIT Urban Mobility
• 40% of EIT funding after the interim report
• 10% of EIT funding after the final report

                              Eligibility of expenditure document
Reporting timeline

                             Deliverables and KPIs

                                                                  Final report incl. costs

          Month     1   2             3              4   5

                            Interim report incl. costs

         KAVA                                                KAVA
         Kick off                                            Finish
Useful links and contact details

                Funding and Tender Opportunities                                            EIT Urban Mobility PLAZA online
        EU      Portal                                                                      platform
                European Commission users
                                                       EIT Urban Mobility Service Desk
                External users

                                                     Call information package
                                              docs    Content of the call

                                                      General procedures
Questions and Answers

For more information, please contact:

          @ @EITUrbanMob
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