Kaunihera | Council - Matamata-Piako District Council
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Kaunihera | Council Mēneti Wātea | Open Minutes Minutes of a meeting of Matamata-Piako District Council held in the Council Chambers, 35 Kenrick Street, TE AROHA on Wednesday 5 May 2021 at 9.00am. Ngā Mema | Membership Koromatua | Mayor Ash Tanner, JP (Chair) Koromatua Tautoko | Deputy Mayor Neil Goodger Kaunihera ā-Rohe | District Councillors Donna Arnold Caitlin Casey Teena Cornes Bruce Dewhurst James Sainsbury Russell Smith Kevin Tappin James Thomas Sue Whiting Adrienne Wilcock
Kaunihera | Council 5 May 2021 Ngā whakapāha | Apologies Kaimahi i reira | Staff Present Name Title Item No. Don McLeod Chief Executive Officer Stephanie Hutchins Committee Secretary and Corporate Administration Officer Ellie Mackintosh Legal Advisor 7.3 Dennis Bellamy Group Manager Community 7.4 Development Niall Baker Corporate Strategy Team Leader C1 Jenni Cochrane Communications Manager 7.1 Rachael Singh Events and Promotions Co-ordinator 7.1 Ally van Kuijk District Planner 7.1 I reira | In Attendance Time In Time Out Chloe Blommerde – Stuff Reporter, Waikato Times 9.00am 10.01am Shirley Gillard – Te Aroha Citizens Advice Bureau 9.00am 9.15am Representative Sheila Dobson – Te Aroha Citizens Advice Bureau 9.00am 9.15am Representative Russell Alexander – Chief Executive Officer, Hobbiton 9.00am 9.35am Movie Set Lily Craig – Marketing Manager, Hobbiton Movie Set 9.00am 9.35am Bevan Goldsmith 9.05am 10.01am Minutes Page 2
Kaunihera | Council 5 May 2021 1 Take i puta mai | Public Forum Shirley Gillard & Sheila Dobson in attendance at 9.00am to discuss works undertaken by Citizens Advice Bureau Te Aroha. 2 Whakatūwheratanga o te hui | Meeting Opening Mayor Ash Tanner welcomed members, attending staff and public to the meeting and declared it open at 9.13am. 3 Ngā whakapāha/Tono whakawātea | Apologies/Leave of Absence There were no apologies. 4 Pānui i Ngā Take Ohorere Anō | Notification of Urgent Additional Business Section 46A(7) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 (as amended) states: “An item that is not on the agenda for a meeting may be dealt with at that meeting if- (a) The local authority by resolution so decides; and (b) The presiding member explains at the meeting, at a time when it is open to the public,- (i) The reason why the item is not on the agenda; and (ii) The reason why the discussion of the item cannot be delayed until a subsequent meeting.” Section 46A(7A) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 (as amended) states: “Where an item is not on the agenda for a meeting,- (a) That item may be discussed at that meeting if- (i) That item is a minor matter relating to the general business of the local authority; and (ii) the presiding member explains at the beginning of the meeting, at a time when it is open to the public, that the item will be discussed at the meeting; but (iii) no resolution, decision or recommendation may be made in respect of that item except to refer that item to a subsequent meeting of the local authority for further discussion.” 5 Whākī pānga | Declaration of interest There were no declarations of interest. 6 Whakaaetanga mēneti | Confirmation of minutes WHAKATUANGA A TE KAUNIHERA | COUNCIL RESOLUTION Minutes Page 3
Kaunihera | Council 5 May 2021 That the minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of Matamata-Piako District Council held on Wednesday, 14 April 2021, be confirmed as a true and correct record of the meeting. Moved by: Cr C Casey Seconded by: Cr R Smith KUA MANA | CARRIED WHAKATUANGA A TE KAUNIHERA | COUNCIL RESOLUTION That the minutes of the Extraordinary Meeting of Matamata-Piako District Council held on Wednesday, 28 April 2021, be confirmed as a true and correct record of the meeting subject to an amendment of “Deputy Mayor N Goodger abstained from the vote” be made to item C1. Moved by: Cr R Smith Seconded by: Cr C Casey KUA MANA | CARRIED 7 Pūrongo me whakatau | Decision Reports 7.1 Hobbiton Tours Presentation 5 7.2 Enviroschools Six Month Report 1 July - 31 December 2020 6 7.3 Documents Executed Under Council Seal 8 7.4 Dog Registration Fees 2021/22 9 7.5 Mayoral Diary for April 2021 14 8 Take Matatapu | Public Excluded C1 Audit and Risk Committee Chairperson 14 Minutes Page 4
Kaunihera | Council 5 May 2021 7 Pūrongo me whakatau | Decision Reports Hobbiton Tours Presentation CM No.: 2428534 Rāpopotonga Matua | Executive Summary Representatives of Hobbiton Tours in attendance to present on a proposed significant event within the Matamata-Piako District. WHAKATUANGA A TE KAUNIHERA | COUNCIL RESOLUTION That: 1. The information be received. Moved by: Cr A Wilcock Seconded by: Cr K Tappin KUA MANA | CARRIED Ngā Tāpiritanga | Attachments There are no attachments for this report. Ngā waitohu | Signatories Author(s) Tamara Kingi Committee Secretary and Corporate Administration Officer Approved by Sandra Harris Corporate Strategy Team Leader Don McLeod Chief Executive Officer Councillor Dewhurst exited the meeting at 09:27. Councillor Dewhurst returned to the meeting at 09:30 . Hobbiton Tours Presentation Page 5
Kaunihera | Council 5 May 2021 Enviroschools Six Month Report 1 July - 31 December 2020 CM No.: 2394205 Rāpopotonga Matua | Executive Summary Pursuant to a Memorandum of Understanding between Enviroshools and Matamata-Piako District Council, Enviroschools is to provide a written six-month report to Council. Accordingly, the report for the period 1 July 2020 – 31 December 2020 is attached to the agenda. WHAKATUANGA A TE KAUNIHERA | COUNCIL RESOLUTION That: 1. The information be received. Moved by: Cr D Arnold Seconded by: Cr C Casey KUA MANA | CARRIED Horopaki | Background Enviroschools is an environmental action based programme to empower young people to design and lead sustainability projects in their schools, neighbourhoods and country. Enviroschools have been awarded a funding grant from the Long Term Plan 2018-28. There is a reporting requirement as part of the Memorandum of Understanding between Enviroschools and Matamata-Piako District Council. Enviroschools must provide a written report every six months. Ngā take ā-ture, ā-Kaupapahere hoki | Legal and policy considerations As part of the Long Term Plan 2018-28 funding grant, Enviroschools is required to present to Council. Te Tākoha ki ngā Hua mō te Hapori me to here ki te whakakitenga o te Kaunihera | Contribution to Community Outcomes and consistency with Council Vision Theme: We support environmentally friendly practices and technologies. We engage with our regional and national partners to ensure positive environmental outcome for our community. Community Outcome: Environmental Sustainability Pānga ki te pūtea, me to puna pūtea | Financial Cost and Funding Source As part of the Long Term Plan 2018-28, Enviroschools was awarded a grant which funds this work. Page 6 Enviroschools Six Month Report 1 July - 31 December 2020
Kaunihera | Council 5 May 2021 Ngā Tāpiritanga | Attachments A. Enviroschools six month report for the period July - December 2020 Ngā waitohu | Signatories Author(s) Tamara Kingi Committee Secretary and Corporate Administration Officer Approved by Sandra Harris Corporate Strategy Team Leader Don McLeod Chief Executive Officer Enviroschools Six Month Report 1 July - 31 December 2020 Page 7
Kaunihera | Council 5 May 2021 Documents Executed Under Council Seal CM No.: 2430638 Rāpopotonga Matua | Executive Summary The schedule of documents for January to March 2021 executed under Council Seal is attached to the agenda. WHAKATUANGA A TE KAUNIHERA | COUNCIL RESOLUTION That: 1. The report of the ‘Documents Executed Under Council Seal’ be deferred to the Corporate and Operations Committee meeting on 26 May 2021. Moved by: Cr T Cornes Seconded by: Cr D Arnold KUA MANA | CARRIED Horopaki | Background This document contains a list of all the Council documents that have the official Council Seal applied to them from January to March 2021. There is one document from December 2020 that was initially missed in the adoption of the October to December council seal documents. This is used mainly for legal or planning processes, it allows Council to keep track of what documents use the official Council seal for auditing purposes, Council is legally required to view and adopted documents executed under council seal. Ngā Tāpiritanga | Attachments There are no attachments for this report. Ngā waitohu | Signatories Author(s) Ellie Mackintosh Legal Advisor Approved by Don McLeod Chief Executive Officer Page 8 Documents Executed Under Council Seal
Kaunihera | Council 5 May 2021 Dog Registration Fees 2021/22 CM No.: 2426214 Rāpopotonga Matua | Executive Summary The Matamata-Piako District Council Dog Control Policy requires the dog registration fees to be set each year. It also requires that the fees reflect the actual cost associated with the control of dogs within the District and be set in accordance with Council’s financial policy. The fees for the 2021/22 registration year now need to be set to allow advertising and any programme modifications to be completed prior to notices being issued in June. This report recommends that there be no change in the base registration fee for 2021/22 and that the rebates remain at the same level as set in 2020/21. Dog Registration Fees 2021/22 Page 9
Kaunihera | Council 5 May 2021 WHAKATUANGA A TE KAUNIHERA | COUNCIL RESOLUTION That: 1. The dog registration fee for the 2021/22 registration year be $118 and that: 2. A rebate of $15 per dog be given if the owner has obtained a ‘Responsible Owners Licence’. 3. A rebate of $30.00 be given for: A de-sexed dog, or A working dog as defined in the Dog Control Act, or A breeding dog owner currently registered with Dogs New Zealand, and that this rebate only be claimed for one of these categories. 4. A bonus of $35.00 per dog be given where: There are no complaints or infringements registered against any dog held by the owner in the 2020/21 or current registration years. No dog held by the owner was impounded in the 2020/21 or current registration years. 5. A penalty fee of 50% of the fee that would have been payable had the dog been registered on the first day of the registration year be charged for payments received after 31 July 20201. 6. The dog impounding fees be: (in the same registration year) 1st impounding $50.00 2nd impounding $80.00 3rd and subsequent impoundings $125.00 Daily sustenance $12.50 7. The stock call out fees be: During office hours $125.00 After-hours (per call out inclusive of mileage) $175.00 Impounding fee (per head) $50.00 Dailey sustenance (per head) $6.00 Plus all associated costs (i.e. transport, advertising) 8. All the above fees are inclusive of 15% Goods and Services Tax. Moved by: Cr J Thomas Seconded by: Cr R Smith KUA MANA | CARRIED Page 10 Dog Registration Fees 2021/22
Kaunihera | Council 5 May 2021 Horopaki | Background The rebate system that this Council uses was recommended to Council a number of years ago by a working group set up by Council. The working group included dog owners, federated farmers representatives, councillors and staff. The system uses rebates to reward responsible dog owners and those that have little or no contact with an Animal Control Officer. These rebates are not available to owners whose dogs have been the subject of verified complaints or whose dogs have been impounded. The fee was increased in the 2019/20 year by $2.00 to make a base registration fee of $118.00 (GST Inc) which was then subject to rebates and bonuses for the following categories: $15.00 if the dog owner has obtained a ‘Responsible Owner Licence’. $30.00 if the dog has been de-sexed, classified as a working dog or is registered with Dogs New Zealand as a breeding dog. $35.00 if the owner has not had any justified complaints about his/her dogs or none of his/her dogs have been impounded during the previous or current registration year and all registration fees in the current registration year were paid by the due date. This resulted in a registration fee of $38.00 for those owners that could claim all the rebates. Ngā Take/Kōrerorero | Issues/Discussion Council’s Dog Control Policy and Financial Strategy Section 3.8.1 of the Dog Control Policy requires the fees to be determined in relation to the estimated budget for the dog control operation, excluding other animal control issues. Council’s Financial Strategy states that 80% of the dog control costs should be meet by ‘user pays’. The operating costs for animal control, exclusive of GST, have been proposed for the 2021/22 Draft Annual Plan which is still subject to public consultation. The cost, inclusive of overheads and depreciation is $445,575. Approximately 10% of this budget would be required for the control of other animals such as stock and various bylaw inspections leaving approximately $401,020 as the budget requirement for the dog control operation. The 2021/22 budgeted income for registration is $290,000 and impounding and infringement fees $26,000 giving a budgeted income of $316,000 which equates to 79% of the fees being returned through ‘user pays’. The 2020/21 forecasts are indicating an expected return of around $302,000 ($280,000 registrations) against a reduced operating cost of $362,000 (after 10%) which is likely to equate to approximately 83% from ‘user pays’ for the 2020/21 financial year. Mōrearea | Risk The risk is that with a forecast return from registrations for the 2020/21 year of $280,000 and dog numbers remaining static for the 2021/22 year, the budget of $290,000 may not be achieved. Ngā Whiringa | Options 1. To retain the registration fee and all other costs at the same level as the 2020/21 financial year (This fee last changed in 2019/20) – The 2021/22 Annual Plan budget meets the financial strategy’s requirement of user pays meeting 80% of the Dog Registration Fees 2021/22 Page 11
Kaunihera | Council 5 May 2021 costs and while that budgeted income may not be achieved, the 2020/21 forecasts indicate that the actual income vs operating costs will likely be 80% user pays. 2. To increase the registration fee by $2.00 (GST incl) – The expected return from registrations for the 2020/21 is $280,000, if dog numbers remain static then the budgeted income for 2021/22 of $290,000 may not be achieved. An increase of $2.00 is likely to increase the income from registration by $9,500 (GST ex) and result in a fee of $40.00 (5% increase) for those owners that are eligible for all the rebates. The 2021/22 annual plan budget meets the financial strategy of 80% of the operating costs being met by user pays, however the 2020/21 forecast for income indicates that the budgeted income of $290,000 may not be achieved. However it is recommended that option 1, no change in fees, be adopted as any shortfall in income may be able to be offset by reducing operating costs to achieve the requirements of the financial strategy Ngā take ā-ture, ā-Kaupapahere hoki | Legal and policy considerations Section 37 of the Dog Control Act 1996 gives Council the power to set dog control fees within its District. The requirements under this section are: A resolution of Council. Council having regard to the relative costs of the registration and control of dogs. The new fees being notified in a newspaper circulating within the District during June 2021. The current Dog Control Policy and Bylaw was reviewed in 2016/17 in conjunction with that Draft Annual Plan. The policy states: Dog registration fees are to be set annually to reflect actual costs and Council’s Financial Strategy. Fines and infringement fees for dog control offences will be credited to the dog control account. A ‘Responsible Owner Licence’ scheme will be implemented to reward and encourage responsible dog ownership. Owners are automatically eligible for reduced dog registration fees if: - they have not been the subject of justified complaints, - their dog has not been impounded, and - registration fees have been paid by the due date. Dog registration fees paid by owners of dangerous dogs will be 50% above the normal rate. Ngā Pāpāhonga me ngā Wātaka | Communications and timeframes The adopted fees are required to be advertised in a newspaper circulating within the District during June 2021. Page 12 Dog Registration Fees 2021/22
Kaunihera | Council 5 May 2021 Ngā take ā-Ihinga | Consent issues There are no consent issues for this decision. Pānga ki te pūtea, me te puna pūtea | Financial Cost and Funding Source The income and expenditure is included in the 2021/22 Draft Annual Plan. Ngā Tāpiritanga | Attachments There are no attachments for this report. Ngā waitohu | Signatories Author(s) Dennis Bellamy Group Manager Community Development Approved by Dennis Bellamy Group Manager Community Development Dog Registration Fees 2021/22 Page 13
Kaunihera | Council 5 May 2021 Mayoral Diary for April 2021 CM No.: 2426075 Rāpopotonga Matua | Executive Summary The Mayoral Diary for the period 1 April – 27 April 2021 is attached to the agenda. WHAKATUANGA A TE KAUNIHERA | COUNCIL RESOLUTION That: 1. The information be received. Moved by: Cr T Cornes Seconded by: Cr J Sainsbury KUA MANA | CARRIED Ngā Tāpiritanga | Attachments A. Mayoral Diary for April 2021 Ngā waitohu | Signatories Author(s) Tamara Kingi Committee Secretary and Corporate Administration Officer Approved by Sandra Harris Corporate Strategy Team Leader Don McLeod Chief Executive Officer Councillor Dewhurst exited the meeting at 09:53 .Councillor Dewhurst returned to the meeting at 09:55 . Page 14 Mayoral Diary for April 2021
Kaunihera | Council 5 May 2021 8 Take Matatapu | Public Excluded C1 Appointment - Audit & Risk Committee Chairperson 10.01am The public were excluded. Resolutions in relation to the confidential items are recorded in the confidential section of these minutes and are not public available. 9 Mōtini hei aukati i te iwi whānui | Procedural motion to exclude the public WHAKATUANGA A TE KAUNIHERA | COUNCIL RESOLUTION That the public be excluded from the following part(s) of the proceedings of this meeting. The general subject of each matter to be considered while the public is excluded, the reason for passing this resolution in relation to each matter, and the specific grounds under section 48(1) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 for the passing of this resolution follows. This resolution is made in reliance on section 48(1)(a) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 and the particular interest or interests protected by section 6 or section 7 of that Act which would be prejudiced by the holding of the whole or relevant part of the proceedings of the meeting in public, as follows: C1 Appointment - Audit & Risk Committee Chairperson Reason for passing this resolution Particular interest(s) protected Ground(s) under section 48(1) for in relation to each matter (where applicable) the passing of this resolution The public conduct of the part of s7(2)(a) - The withholding of the s48(1)(a) the meeting would be likely to information is necessary to The public conduct of the part of result in the disclosure of protect the privacy of natural the meeting would be likely to information for which good reason persons, including that of a result in the disclosure of for withholding exists under deceased person. information for which good reason section 7. . for withholding exists under section 7. s7(2)(i) - The withholding of the information is necessary to enable the local authority to carry on, without prejudice or disadvantage, negotiations (including commercial and industrial negotiations). . The text of these resolutions is made available to the public who are present at the meeting and form part of the minutes of the meeting. Moved by: Cr A Wilcock Seconded by: Cr J Sainsbury KUA MANA | CARRIED Mayoral Diary for April 2021 Page 15
Kaunihera | Council 5 May 2021 Councillor Casey exited the meeting at 10:03. Councillor Casey returned to the meeting at 10:09 . 10 Public Included 10.08am The public were included Moved by: Cr K Tappin Seconded by: Cr T Cornes KUA MANA | CARRIED 10.08am The Chairperson thanked Members for their attendance and attention to business and declared the meeting closed. Page 16 Mayoral Diary for April 2021
Kaunihera | Council 5 May 2021 CONFIRMED AS A TRUE AND CORRECT RECORD OF THE MEETING OF KAUNIHERA | COUNCIL HELD ON 5 MAY 2021. KO TE RĀ | DATE: ...................................................... TIAMANA | CHAIRPERSON: ...................................... Mayor Ash Tanner, JP Mayoral Diary for April 2021 Page 17
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